Fast Optimization of The Magnetic Model by Means of Reluctance Network For PMa-SynRM
Fast Optimization of The Magnetic Model by Means of Reluctance Network For PMa-SynRM
Fast Optimization of The Magnetic Model by Means of Reluctance Network For PMa-SynRM
Abstract—This paper proposes a methodology for optimal under investigation, since it is an undesirable effect
design of Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance depending upon the application [8]. There are several design
Motor. The magnetic model is explained because the approaches in order to address this problem, which present a
particularities associated to high magnetic saturation regions suitable number combination of flux barriers and stator slots
this motor has, which lead to difficulties in inductance [4, 9], or designing the flux barriers in such a way that the
calculation. Hence, the finite element analysis is currently used outer edges do not correspond to the position of stator teeth
to design and optimize Permanent Magnet assisted [10]. Nowadays the reluctance networks appear as a strong
Synchronous Reluctance Motor, from the first. This method candidate tool to cope with electromagnetic motor design,
requires a high amount of computational time and resources.
due to its advantages in terms of computation burden [11,
For this reason, the magnetic model explained in this paper is a
good alternative to introduce on optimal design process. The
12] and accuracy.
magnetic model proposed is based on reluctance network and In this framework is necessary a fast and computationally
takes into account the magnet effects and the possibility of efficient tool able to deal with the electromagnetic design of
structural ribs on motor design. this machine taking into account thermal behavior. Its output
is almost the final electromagnetic design, minimizing the
Keywords—design, electric motors, electromagnetic analysis, intensive use of FEA, which is used only for fine tuning of
magnetic analysis, optimal design, permanent magnet
some parameters. By extension this tool can be used for an
synchronous reluctance motors
optimized process design to evaluate different motor
I. INTRODUCTION configuration candidates. In these tasks the use of FEA
would result in a cumbersome task, due to the number of
For automotive electrical traction motors applications, so parameters to vary resulting in a big amount of simulations
far, the considered topologies have been the IM and PMSM. to perform.
The latter have been deeply studied due to its higher torque
density, constant power speed range, and efficiency, i.e. it is The methodology presented not only considers an
spread in all over the car manufactures. But there is a electromagnetic network but a coupled thermal network as
problem, the price of the rare-earth magnets, which although well. By this way the magnetic saturation is evaluated while
in the last years has decreased; it still suffers of high thermal effects and limits on electrical parameters are taken
volatility. In this context arises the concept of the rare-earth- into account, hence increasing the accuracy of the model,
less motors where the used amount of rare-earth based especially in high current situations. These motor studies
magnets have been reduced and rare-earth based magnets allow optimizing the motor on range, i.e. operational
have been replaced by ferrite based magnets. Around the boundaries or behavior maps can be used on the cost
latter concept the ferrite Permanent Magnet assisted function evaluation.
Synchronous Reluctance Machines becomes increasingly
The paper presented is organized as follows. Section II
important since they have the advantage among the
presents the optimization process. Section III discusses the
mentioned types to combine the low production cost of
main motor parameters to be optimized. Section IV presents
induction motors with a performance comparable to PMSM
the magnetic model used on optimization process. Section V
[1]. Besides, the magnetic properties of the ferrites are not so
presents results and discussions. Finally, Section VI
temperature dependent as Neodymium is.
concludes the paper with comments and conclusions.
On the other hand its design is a very complex process
[2, 3] because of its high magnetic saturation, resulting in a II. OPTIMIZATION PROCESS
very dependent on FEA computation [4], since effects of the Optimization is the process where a model is adjusted to
rotor saturation on the machine performance have not been some desired parameters while undesired properties are
properly studied [5] and there is still no analytical method to minimized. Thus general analytical design techniques cannot
accurately predict the performance of the machine due to take into account each particular design case. However, the
non-linearity created by local saturation [6]. Others effects analytical equation can still be used to obtain a pre-design
such as the interaction between the spatial harmonics of that is the first step on optimal process. To start the
electrical loading and the rotor anisotropy, causes torque optimization process the pre-design is needed, so the first
ripple, [7], whose mitigation or suppression is currently approach of the final design is carried out using analytic
Cost function
2. Optimal NO
Optimal Motor design Stop
process criterion?
Optimal motor
design obtained
3. FEA
validation Fig. 2. Optimal process detailed diagram
In fig. 4 a thermal node can be observed, the thermal complex reluctance networks to evaluate tooth tip, tooth-
system is given by the different nodes. yoke connection and slot leakage.
C. Rotor geometry
The rotor geometry consists on the size and the position
of different flux barriers. In addition, the magnets locations
and size of them are optimized in this part. Finally, the best
option to introduce the structural ribs on flux barriers is
Fig. 4. Thermal node found. Fig. 6 shows the parameters of flux barriers.
Where; In addition, the inner and outer rotor diameter, air gap
“θh,i,j ” is the temperature to node “h,i,j” length and magnet size are parameters to optimize in this
“Pi ” is the power (losses or coolant) in the node “i”
“R ij,ih ” is the thermal resistance between nodes “ij,ih” αouter
“Pij ” is the heat flow between nodes “ij” αinner
function of temperature. Om
𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇𝑗 𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇ℎ wm
𝑃𝑖 = + (1) Ob
𝑅𝑖𝑗 𝑅𝑖ℎ Wbot
As noticed, the high number of variables to optimize (𝜙1 + 𝜙2 + 𝜙3 )
increases the possibilities and the required GA time running. 𝐿𝑑 = 2 · 2𝑝𝑁 (2)
Therefore, the range variable allowed must be small. In a 𝐼
practical design, it means, that the pre-design geometry Where;
results has to be well defined. “𝑁” is the number of conductor on one slot
IV. MAGNETIC MODEL “𝑝” is the pole pairs
Magnetic model is based on reluctance network, RN, “𝐼” is the current which represent the peak phase current.
which gives the information necessary to calculate the
inductances and the magnet flux linkage. “𝜙1,2,3 ” the flux that through the coil of phase A
Inductances can be defined as flux-linkage per current On the other hand, the quadrature axis is the axis the
[16]. Applying that definition to an electrical motor the position with less magnetic flux. Fig. 8 shows the RN
inductances are calculated by dividing the magnetic flux necessary to calculate the q-inductance.
through a coil by the current.
In the q-axis position there is the particularity of the
Taking into account the inductance definition, the current magnet flux through the phase A coil, so the total inductance
in steady state previously chosen and the reluctance network; calculation is given by;
the inductance calculation is obtained by the division of total
magnetic flux created by the coil which cross the coil of a 2 · 2𝑝𝑁(𝜙2 + 𝜙3 + 𝜙4 ) − 𝜙𝑚
phase. Symmetries in flux path can help to simplify the 𝐿𝑞 = (3)
model and by extension the number of reluctances and paths
required to obtain inductance. Firstly, the RN can be Where “𝜙𝑚 ” is the linkage flux of magnet. The magnet
simplifying to one magnetic semi-pole. Then, the inductance flux linkage is obtained with zero current, and is given by the
calculated provides of one semi-pole, so the final result have total magnetic flux multiply per total number of turns of one
to be multiply by two to obtain the total pole inductance and phase.
by total number of poles to obtain the final inductance.
There are three parameters on reluctance network, the
The magnet on PMa-SynRM is positioned on negative q- magnetic flux, reluctance and magneto motive force.
axis to compensate the quadrature flux and increase the
motor performances. Hence the effect of magnet appears on A. Reluctance
quadrature inductance. The reluctance is determinate by the permeability and
arrangement of the material in the magnetic circuit. In this
On the one hand, there is the direct axis called d-axis, case reluctance elements are discretized by parallelepiped
which represents the position where there is the maximum elements. For reluctance elements in air, permeability is
magnetic flux. Hence, the d-inductances can be calculated constant. For reluctance elements in magnetic steel,
with the RN used on this axis. Fig. 7 shows the RN for d- permeability is function of the material and flux density.
axis. Therefore, the reluctance is given by;
ℜ= (4)
“𝑙” is the length in flux direction [m]
“𝑆” is the surface normal to flux direction [mm2]
“𝜇” is the absolute permeability: 𝜇 = 𝜇𝑜 𝜇𝑟
“𝜇𝑟 ” is the material relative permeability [-]
“𝜇0 ” is the void permeability [H/m]
Magnetic steels do not have constant permeability,
especially under high density flux situations. This effect is
generally neglected in machines where those magnetic flux
densities are rarely reached both in time and space. In PMa-
SynRM saturation occurs constantly. If saturation is to be
taken into account this must be translated into non-linear
Fig. 7. d-axis reluctance network Fig. 8. q-axis reluctance network reluctances representing iron parts. And therefore a non-
linear reluctance network and equation system is generated.
The total direct axis inductance is given by; Therefore, this paper proposes an iterative system to solve
the reluctance network.
B. Magneto motive force 4- If the magnetic flux found is different to seed values,
The magneto motive force (Fmm) is given by the current return to steep 2 with new magnetic flux as seed value. If
and the magnets. On the one hand, to evaluate the both values are equal, finish.
inductances the steady state condition chosen are; Fig. 9 shows the iterative system to solve the magnetic
𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 model.
𝑖𝑎 = 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 ; 𝑖𝑏 = − ; 𝑖𝑐 = −
2 2 Current
I [A]
Where the equation 5 is satisfied;
𝑖𝑎 + 𝑖𝑏 + 𝑖𝑐 = 0 (5) Equation
system defined
The Fmm is given by equation 6, so it is obtained taking
into account the coil position (go-return slots) and the current Change
values. Hence, the total force is the sum of the all phases. Seed value
𝐹𝑚𝑚 = 𝑁𝐼 (6)
In Fig. 7 and 8 there are the total Fmm on each tooth. As
shown, the Fmm on each tooth are different in q and d axes. Reluctance
φnew = φk
On the other hand, the Fmm given by the magnets are
given by; K=K+1 Solve equation
𝐹𝑚𝑚 = 𝐻𝑐 𝑙𝑚 (7)
Where; |φk - φnew|
“𝐻𝑐 ” is the coercivity force [A/m] NO
“𝑙𝑚 ” is magnet height [m] Inductances
C. Magnetic flux
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magnetic fluxes on dq-axes. The different magnetic fluxes Finish?
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