Senate Chambers: Official Publication of The Florida JCI Senate

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Official Publication of the Florida JCI Senate

Jan 4, 2011 If youre looking for something fun to do this month, think about joining CC and I, along with several other FL Senators, in Nashville, TN on Jan. 2123 for the US JCI Senate Mid-Year Meeting. Well be there to support Co-Chairs Kay Elliott-White and Cindy Brandel as they promote the US JCI Year End National Convention that Florida will be hosting in June 2012 in Altamonte Springs. Also keep the dates of June 1217 open to attend the 2011 US JCI Senate Year End Convention in Naperville, IL. Our very own Steve Sutherland #27073 is running for the position of US JCI Senate President and wouldnt it be great for Steve to look out into the crowd and see many friendly faces from the FL JCI Senate? Volume 41, Issue 3

Larry Ackerman #51468 President HP 941-751-4636 [email protected]

Its hard to believe were now in 2011. When I started writing this letter, there were only a few days left of 2010. I was reflecting back over the past 6 months and the events that were available to us to attend on both a state and national level. And I can personally say that youre missing out if you dont attend as many of these events as you can. We were very pleased to see a familiar Senate face we havent seen in awhile at our 2nd Quarter MeetingDeanna Malinowski #60050. Since we were in her backyard, she decided to stop by and visit on Friday night. It was great to see her and we hope to see her again at our 3rd Quarter Meeting next month. Speaking of our 3rd Quarter Meetingwere hosting this event at the Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort & Convention Center in Kissimmee on February 46, 2011. President Arwen Pritchett and the Florida Jaycees will be hosting their Year End Convention alongside us in Kissimmee. Having these two organizations meeting together is always a good thing! I hear our Administrative VP, Bill Orr #38326, has a football theme planned for our Hospitality Suite to get you revved up for Super Bowl XLV. As always, he will have a fun menu planned and no doubt activities you can participate in.

FL JCI Senate 3rd Quarter Meeting Info: Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort & Convention Center 6375 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, FL 34747 February 46, 2011. Reservations (877) 467-5786 , FL JCI Senate Room Block Cutoff - February 2, 2011 $64.00 per night!

Your Senate Board is doing their best to not only make this a memorable year, but trying to provide opportunities that promote an atmosphere of fellowship and fun!! As youve been receiving emails and phone calls about our Senate family members that have passed away, or even those non-Senate friends and family that have left us or are fighting illnesses, it should make us stop and appreciate our own health and remind us how important it is to spend time with our friends and family. I constantly hear There is always tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow will always come, but will you be there to enjoy it and live it? Dont wait until tomorrow. Start making new memories nowits a New Beginning. I look forward to seeing you at our 3rd Quarter Conference.

the cool nights, we know they are headed our way! Looking forward to this conference and hoping for a great turnout for First Timers. We want Marty Fischer working hard during conference, so encourage those youngsters in your area chapters to participate. Also a thank you to Past President Doyle, I appreciate your help! Take Care and in the words of Anais Nin "I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me."

Kit King-Caruso #64925 Management VP HP 863-465-1877

[email protected]

Bill Willy Orr #38326 Administrative VP HP 941-773-0176 [email protected] Hey Everybody are you ready for some football Super Bowl Sunday is Feb 6th. Kick-off time will be approximately 6:25pm. This means we can hoop and holler Friday and Saturday with all our football gear and football food! I know some of you are saying, I sure will be glad when football is overand so do I! NOT!!!!! We are gonna party Friday and Saturday and cheer on the Florida Gators to win the Super Bowl!! I mean God forbid the Seminoles win the Super Bowl. Or maybe its the Steelers; or Broncos; or the Yankees; or some team..Oh well. We are gonna celebrate no matter who plays. We have pictures, folly tapes and stuff. If you have a football folly tape or blooper tape/CD---BRING IT! Also, I am looking for some fancy dips for chips and wings to be dipped in. If you make a fancy one, please bring it for all to try.

Happy New Year Everyone! As you look forward to plans for the New Year be sure to include the next JCI Senate Conference on your calendar. The conference will be held at the Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort & Convention Center in Celebration (Kissimmee), February 4th - 6th. The cutoff for the $64.00 room block is February 2nd. For reservations call (877) 4675786. As always it will be a weekend filled with hospitality and good friends. Look forward to seeing you all there. The fund raiser Apple Pie continues. As always feel free to email or call with your orders and I will have them at the February conference. Debra Jeanne Gronvold and Bobbi Ewbank swear by the healing powers it has when drunk warm! So.order more for

Wear your favorite team shirt and paraphernalia and lets have some fun! See you Friday night - are you ready for some football? Location: Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort & Convention Center, 6375 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, FL 34747 Dates: February 46, 2011 Reservations: (877) 467-5786 FL JCI Senate Room Block Room Cutoff - February 2, 2011 Cost: $64.00 per night, Parking Fees waived, Resort Fees waived.

Doug White #52995 Treasurer HP 863-647-1117

[email protected]

Irene Shanley #65316 Secretary 772-489-3649 [email protected]

Hello Florida Senators! I hope that the holidays were wonderful for you all. I have learned in the last few weeks, that life should be treasured, so vow to yourself and your loved ones to live the healthiest that you can. At November's meeting, several of the Senators and I decided to have a little fun. Unfortunately due to the unforeseen family medical issues that I have been dealing with, our "Which Senator Said..." quotes have been postponed until further notice. Be on the lookout at any Senate gatherings because things you say, can and will be used in fun, against you. Thank you to Dee Stone, Ron Whitmore, Cecil Deal and Caryn CC Ackerman for jobs well done. I look forward to seeing everyone in February!

Fellow Senators, It was great to see each and all of you at the conference in Orlando. We had a great time with the Jaycees including their Outstanding Young Floridians presentation. Several of our members had prior commitments and were unable to attend, so we expect a great turnout at our next meeting in Kissimmee. More information on that meeting is included in our Presidents article. We are still in good financial shape although this will not continue without support of dues paying members. If you are receiving this and have not paid your dues, then please send in your dues to the treasurer at the address below. We want to invite all Florida Senators to enjoy all the benefits of a Senatorship including Mentors, hospitality at conference, camaraderie, and telling tall tales. FREE, FREE, FREE. Now that I have your attention, you may receive a reminder card or call about your dues. Please take this as a reminder and not a hounding as we would love to have you back in the Senate fellowship.

Randy Windham #58263 Chairman of the Board HP 850-871-1554 [email protected]

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year. Well it is that time of year again, as we approach the 3rd Quarter meeting, this is a

reminder to anyone who is interested in serving on the Board, you will need to speak to your advisor or to myself and let us know what your interests are. Also, at the upcoming meeting we will be having our traditional meeting with all of the candidates; the time of this meeting will be announced at our 3rd Quarter meeting. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me at any time. Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing all of you at the 3rd Quarter Meeting.


Florida Senators, I trust you all had a wonderful Holiday Season. January 20-23, 2011 is the date for the US Mid Year board meeting in Nashville, as most of you know Steve Sutherland will be announcing his candidacy for President of the US Senate. I am asking Region IV to make plans now to attend this meeting and show our support. Florida will also be promoting the 2012 National Meeting so you can see this is an important meeting for the Region. And besides we all know what a great time can be had at these meetings, come for the fun of it. Should you need a registration form send me an e-mail and I will get it to you. Doug and I will be attending this meeting then it is on to North Carolina for their Senate meeting before we arrive back in Florida for your Senate meeting in Orlando. Kay White #61747 NVP Region IV

the year is filled with good health and prosperity for us all. We want the members of our Senate Family who are in ill health, or who are fighting the fight against cancer, to feel the positive energy we are sending to you. Please know you are in our thoughts and in our hearts. Remember to take time to look to the Heavenly Stars and as you gaze upon their beauty and light, remember our Senators and loved ones that are now shining bright above us. The brightest Stars of all are those of Soldiers who gave their lives so we may be free. I continue to rely on each of you to keep me posted on our Senate Family members. Please remember to send news of family members who are ill or who have passed. We also like to share good news such as marriages, births, etc. You may send this information to me at [email protected]. Please include their mailing address if you have it. Happy New Year! Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ Dee Stone #59531 Chaplain

Return The Favor...

It is that time of year again...please submit your Return the Favor forms to me by January 3rd. Please email me at [email protected], if you would like to participate in the Return the Favor Program. I will then send you the form. The activity forms should be filled out by you, the Senator, after you help with a project. Then once all forms are filled out, the President of the chapter you

Hello Senators, I hope the New Year brings a year of new memories with your family, friends and Senate family. I also hope

worked the hours for, signs the the Outstanding Senator Nomination form. Please send to me and I will fill out as the RTF Chair from our state showing what the Senator has done and why they should receive the "Big" award. So in a nutshell, the activity form is what gets filled out by you, the nomination form gets filled out by the President, and I will send the National Chairman the winner! Debra Jeanne #52883 Return the Favor Chairman [email protected]

Book Worms...Book Worms. Yes, I still have books for sale. See me at our upcoming meeting in Kissimmee. I am loaded down with the books and I need to move them, so please come by and see me. Remember, the paperback books are only $1 and the hardbacks are $3. What a great buy, so don't forget. Cecil Deal #36627 Foundation Book Sales

2012 Convention Bar Needs

Fellow JCI Senators, Congresswomen, Senior Statesmen and Friendship recipients, In June of 2012 we have the honor of celebrating at convention the outgoing of only the second National Senate President from Florida. We will be hosting Steve Sutherlands year at a beautiful hotel in Altamonte Springs (See Kays article elsewhere in this issue for details). As your humble bar chairman, I am once again asking your help in making our hospitality the best as only Florida can offer. In the past, you have donated alcohol and money for bar needs generously. We are known for top shelf liquor and plenty of it, and certainly we want to maintain this tradition. As this is a convention and not a board meeting, we will need both more manpower and drinks to cover 5 days of activities. We have learned from the past several meetings to narrow our selection but have depth. As such, we ask that as you ponder your donations, please keep to the list below. With this much lead time, we ask that you start bringing your donations to the conferences and bash between now and then so we can track where we are and determine our needs well in advance. The list below is in large sizes. Any donation is appreciated however, and if you prefer, you may send a check made out to the Florida JCI Senators Inc. Board Meetings. Any amount is

National Convention 2012

Greetings Fellow Senators, Have you heard the news? We are planning a party.a big party! The week of June 19-23, 2012 and we have invited the US Senate as our guests at the Hilton Altamonte Springs. This is a big effort and will require all of us to pull our resources together. Cindy Brandel and I are Co Chairing the event. Alan Hancock is Treasurer, Emily Hancock is Registration Chairman, Dick Harrow is in charge of Raffle tickets, Larry Ackerman is Hospitality Chairman, Mark Brandel is in charge of the Bar, Debra Gronvold will be building the ditty bags. Ok now heres where you come in. Mark needs booze, Larry needs food, Debra is looking for items for the bags. Items she is looking for are your lanyards, JC or Senate T-shirts, or anything else you can acquire from your community. We will be expecting around 400450 Senators at this event. What I can do to help, you are asking. Bring to the meeting in February; top shelf booze, lanyards, T-shirts. Buy raffle tickets, help sell raffle tickets. I will be at the meeting to provide more details. We will be having a committee meeting; this will be opened to anyone who may be interested. Kay White #61747 Chairman 2012 National Meeting

appreciated, but $25.00 will go a long way if you can. NOTE: Where brand names are not specified, please use good judgment and not ABC brand for example. Reason the folks dont want to drink it. I know, but this is the reality and it winds up being left over. Captain Morgan spice rum 4 Jack Daniels 12 Vodka 7 Gin 2 Scotch 3 Clear Rum (non-spiced) 4 Jose Tequila 2 Other bourbon (Jim Beam, etc) 4 Whiskey (Seagrams, Early Times, etc) 5 Crown Royal 4 Red Wine (gallon) 1 White Wine (gallon) 1 Zinfandel (gallon) 1 Kahluha (qt size?) 3 Baileys (qt size?) 1 Grand Marnier (qt size?) 1 Margarita Mix (large bottles) 4 Malibu Rum (qt size?) 2 Bloody Mary mix (quart size) 4 We will need a lot of help in hospitality in general. The last meeting we had 62 volunteer to help and it really made it much easier on everyone. If you are available even for a four hour shift especially during the day, please contact me so we can begin a preliminary schedule matrix. You may reach me at: [email protected] (preferred) or evenings at 863-763-5933. Checks may be mailed to convention treasurer Alan Hancock #29326 at: 4361 Jeremys Landing South, Jacksonville, FL 32258. Again, please make them out to: FL JCI Senators Inc. Board Meetings and notate bar in the memo area. With everyone pitching in and working together, I know we will have yet another great meeting. If you have any questions regarding

the bar portion of the meeting, please email or call and I look forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming conferences! Mark Brandel #49789

US JCI Senate Mid-Year BOD Nashville, TN Jan 20-23 FL JCI Senate 3rd Qtr Conf Kissimmee, FL Feb 4-6 Region IV Calabash Myrtle Beach, SC Apr 14-17 US JCI Senate Annual Meeting Naperville, IL June 1117

Missing E-Mail Addresses

Below is a list of dues paid members that DO NOT have an E-Mail address in our data base. If you know any of these Senators please have them contact Ron Whitmore, [email protected], with their e-mail address or send it to Ron yourself. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Paul Anderson, Sherri Banyas, Jim Beach III, Robert Becker, Brian Bredfeldt, Art Breedlove, Thomas Close, Laureen Connor, Irv Covington, Bill Daniels, Rodney Deveaux, Jeff Furth, Emidgieo Gil, Dorothy Gramling, Peter Greene, Lee Hardage, Emily Harrow, Mark Harrow, Mark Higgenbotham, Billy Holder, Freddy Houston, Ashley Jeeter, Chico Kierstead, Edward Krause, Ricky Lathrup, Jimmy Law, David Laytart, Santa Lelchuk,

Peter Liane, Bruno Loris, Ricky Luke, Robert Lynn, Joe Mazuriewicz, Perry McGriff, Ron McNesby, John Mercurio, Bill Mills, Bill Morris, Al Morton, Diane Neralic, Nicholas Nordone, Ed Olowin, John Parks Jr, Nancy Peacock Neibaur, Jack Philbrick, Bruce Rankin, Lonnie Robinson, Scott Rose, William Serata, Jerry Shumate, Ernie Simmons, Dan Skole, Thomas Smith, Jack Stephenson, Tom Sweeney, David Todd, Dan Traub, Hy Wakstein, Gery Walker, Michelle Warden, Robert White, Robert Wilson and Bill Wynn.

JCI Senators Foundation of Florida Inc.

Hello all, the last quarter was a not a great one for the FL Senate Foundation. There were no new members and no current members increased their level of giving. I know we are in difficult financial times; but, we need to do much better if we want to continue giving scholarships to deserving high school seniors. I know that many of our quarterly donators were not able to make the November meeting in Orlando and didnt make their usual contributions. Hopefully they will make up for this with double their usual donations in February. Ron Whitmore #25946 Foundation President

Foundation Donors
NAME Steve Sutherland Peter Bakos Cecil Deal Charlie Koon Barry Batterman Jay Edmondson Ron Whitmore LEVEL Diamond Silver Gold Silver Gold Gold Platinum

Richard Harrow Kay Elliott Kim Newlin Ken/Sharon Miller Kathy Kampman Paul/Carol Chesler Randy Windham Mike/Marsha Phillips Paul/Katie Carpenella Doug White Aubrey Fossil Covington Higginbotham Co. Brian Stamler Jim/Dauph Poe Alan Hancock Santa Lelchuk FL JCI Senate Doyle Sewell David Mitchell Fred Hoffmeir Donald Crisp Melvin Routt Larry Tomsic Larry Ackerman FL Gator Corps Jacqueline Newmark Mark /Cindy Brandel Dee Dee Batterman Lawrence Lipsey Harvey/Beth Barash Bob/Phyllis Chilcott Romeo Dela Paz Mick Aleno Marcia Jacobs Edwin Olowin Jr Philip Rodgers Don Ebbitt Jim Aldal Bill Mills Doug Conlin Andrew Moos Martin Fischer Alex Morton Ed/Nancy Bulger Bonnie Miller Krone John Whitmore Memorial

Silver Gold Bronze Silver Silver Gold Gold Platinum Bronze Gold Silver Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Gold Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Gold Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver

Willie Douglass Bronze Rob/Marge Saunders Gold Randy Avon Silver Bob Barber Bronze Al Dorset Bronze Hal Williams Bronze Skyla Sutherland Bronze Merek Sutherland Bronze

Date_____Address_____________________ City________________State___Zip________ HPh_______________BPh_______________

Donation Programs
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond (Cumulative Levels) $100.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00

Florida JCI Senate Foundation

A 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization

Enclosed is my payment of $_______ All contributions to the Foundation are deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Please make checks payable to: Florida JCI Senate Foundation Mail to: Treasurer, Florida JCI Senate Foundation 8917 92nd St N, Largo, FL 33777

Gift Submission Form

Name________________________#______ .

RETURN THE FAVOR Outstanding Senator Nomination Form 2010-2011 Senator's Name:______________________________Senate #_____________ State:__________________Is Senator Jaycee age? Yes No On the Outstanding Senator Activity Form, please list the nominated Senator's Return the Favor projects or activities. Use as many forms as necessary. For each

project or activity you must provide: a. An explanation of the Mentoring/Training or project. b. The nominated Senator's role. (What did he/she do?) c. The number of hours the Senator spent training or working on the project. (Do not include travel time) d. An assessment of the positive impact the training, project or activity had on the Jaycees. Why should the nominee be recognized as an Outstanding Senator in the area of Return the Favor?

Submitted by Name:______________________________Senate #__________ Phone Number: Email

Elected Jaycee Officer Name:_______________________________________ Office Held:_____________________Signature: _________________________

Please return form by January 3rd, 2011 to Debra Jeanne Gronvold 908 N. Golf Drive Hollywood, Florida 33021 Or email to [email protected]

2nd Quarter Photos

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