Program Mental Health
Program Mental Health
Program Mental Health
With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to wreak havoc, the emotional well-being of students all over the world became its target.
Students balancing school, chores, family time, and normal day-to-day activities within limited reach cause an overload, and students
reach their psychological limits. Students are losing that boundary of rest and work. Mental health should come first, not just for
students but for every one of us. Improving and coping with mental health can help to achieve healthy overall wellbeing.
For us to secure a healthy environment for students, programs giving awareness and involving their families and the school could do
so much to make school from home a healthy experience for students. Also, it is important to note that mental health activities and
programs save lives.
The program is anchored on the Coping Theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984). This is to promote specific coping strategies
that each student can use to be able to maintain a healthy mental state and overall well-being. As defined by the mentioned authors,
coping is the constant change in every individual’s cognitive and behavioral efforts to be able to manage external and internal demands.
Students are exposed to various internal and external situations and there is always a need to respond and to make efforts to be able to
manage different stressors. The original model was lifted directly as it hugely relates to one of the most relevant objectives of this
program which is to develop and equip strategies to manage stress or emotions.
The framework consists of eight (8) functions used for active coping. These include: self-control, confrontation, social support,
emotional distancing, escape and avoidance, radical acceptance, positive reappraisal, and strategic problem-solving. Furthermore, the
coping strategies of a person may be emotion-based or solution-based.
Function 1: Self-Control
It involves when a person tries to control his/her emotions. Accepting reality is one of the factors to control behaviors or actions towards
stressful situations.
Function 2: Confrontation
It is where we face the pressure and retaliate to change the situation and bring it back to our favor. For example, a person encounters
stressful situations that affect his/her mental and emotional health, then he/she tries to find a solution or way to solve the problem.
Function 3: Social Support
Meaning, we talk and have conversations with other people and look for special connections to help overcome the difficulties. Family,
relatives, friends or someone special are support systems in which a person can share his/her emotional and mental health concerns.
Function 4: Emotional Distancing
It is where we stay indifferent to what is going on around and prevent the distress from controlling our actions. It is a coping mechanism
in which it protects people from being hurt, emotional, stressful, and disturbance.
Function 5: Escape and Avoidance
In this function, denying the existence of stress as a coping mechanism or response. It involves avoiding a certain problem/situation
which can cause mental and emotional breakdown. For example, instead of facing or dealing with stress, he/she was avoiding it to
become less problematic.
Function 6: Radical Acceptance
it is where a person resorts unconditional self-acceptance for adapting to adversity. It’s a great help for those people who are facing
difficult situations to fight against reality. With this function, a person can get away from his/her painful situations and free from stress.
Function 7: Positive Reappraisal
In this function, it is where we seek to find the answer in the struggle and grow from it. It involves realizing that stress and problems
happen for a reason and this will be beneficial in terms of giving life lessons and lessen negativity in life. With this function, instead of
giving up with challenges, a person will find a better meaning from it.
Function 8: Strategic Problem-Solving
It involves implementing specific solution-focused strategies to get through the tough time and redirect actions accordingly. It involves
different strategies to reduce the cause of stress and provides self-management or come up with a solution to solve the problem.
Monitoring System
Monitoring refers to the routine tracking of a plan, whereas evaluation refers to a systematic means of appraisal to assess the
value, worth or effectiveness of the plan. It is necessary to assess whether or not a programme, project or intervention is achieving its
desired results or whether the plan is implemented adequately. In order to understand whether the policy and plan achieved their
intended objectives, it is necessary to:
a. Assess – Assessment helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed.
b. Create an Action Plan – This includes planning the program goals and objectives and the strategy and the type of
interventions for achieving the program. In planning, it is important to identify the specific issues that require answers, and,
based on this, to choose appropriate research methods. Moreover the method of evaluation chosen will often be determined
by the time frames in which the results are needed, the financial resources available and the skills that are accessible in any
given country or situation.
c. Monitor and Evaluate – evaluate the implementation of the plan; and assess whether the objectives of the policy have been
met, or to what extent they have been met. Key to evaluation is ongoing monitoring to ensure that the plan is being
implemented as intended. Where possible, it is useful to measure the health outcomes.
PHASE 1 - Introduce the - The - Webinar - Before the start - Students - Program - Attendance
program to the students are of the Academic Implement and
Orientation - Parents
students able to year ers participation
manifest the - Administration
- Let the
students - Coordinators
objectives of
recognize the
the program - Program
focus of the
with regards Implementers
to mental and
emotional - Guest Speaker
well-being as
to why it was
Understanding - Define mental - Able to - Webinar - First week of - Academic - Program - Monitoring of
Mental and and emotional explain in the academic coordinators implement attendance and
- A talk with a
Emotional Well- well-being their own year 2022-2023 ers assessment of
Mental Health - Guest speaker
being words what participation
- Increase Counselor - Sponsors
are mental - Students
knowledge about
and - Question and
the prevalence - Program
emotional Answer (winners
of mental health implementers
well-being get prizes)
and why
globally, - Posting a FB
awareness is
nationally, and status about
locally Mental and
- Able to Emotional Well-
- Help students
create a plan being
recognize the on how to
importance of spread
awareness to awareness in
mental and their own
emotional well- ways
Establishment of - Get to know - Able to - “Getting to Know - First week of - Students - Monitoring of
safe and each other describe the Each Other” via the academic attendance and
- Program
interactive qualities of breakout rooms in year 2022-2023 assessment of
- Promote open implementers
online one or more Zoom participation
environment participants
and participation -
of students - Verbalize Recommendatio
willingness in ns about the
- Develop trust
participating getting-to-
on the know- each-
activities of other activities
the program
Self-assessment - Recognize and - Rate their - Writing journal - Every end of a - Students - Monitoring of
describe own mental and reflections semester attendance and
- Program
mental and emotional assessment of
- “How are you?” implementers
emotional health well-being participation
from 1 to 10
- Identify triggers - Evaluation
or stressors - The sheet on
participants satisfaction and
- Create
are able to areas for
strategies to
share a improvement
manage a low
mood and/or
which they
think can
help them in
times of low
mood and/or
Integration of - Encourage full - The Bicol - “Mental and - Annually - Bicol University - Sponsors - Monitoring of
the Program into support from University Emotional Health College of attendance and
the Online Bicol University approves the Day 2022” Nursing faculty assessment of
Learning in the implementati participation
- Virtual Game - Level 4
Modality implementation on of the
Show coordinator - Evaluation
of the program program
sheet for
in BU College of - Virtual Talent - Students
students on
Nursing Show
- Program satisfaction and
- E-sports implementers areas for
- Karaoke
- Evaluation
- Virtual Trivia sheet for the
Screening -Assess properly -The -The concerned -Every after 2 -College -monitoring
Programs and if the student interventions professional weeks Guidance sheets for the
Online Follow- needs to be done to the personnel must be Counselor. students will be
Up Care to the screened and problem hands-on and given.
students further medical experienced informed with the
Psychologists. -Progress in
intervention. by the situation.
status is
students are -University
-If necessary, -support groups gradually met.
channeled or Physician.
encourage the will also be
it shows a
student to talk to created.
sign of
the college’s
improvement -Scheduled one on
, one counselling will
counselor or
be done.
someone he or
she is -Provide activities
comfortable with to allow the
sharing the student to be
problem. active and lessen
his or her
- Continuous
monitoring of
the student.
Individualized -Allow the -Continuous - Interventions will -as needed -Guidance -individualized
Interventions to students to assurance be given to the Counselor evaluation sheet
Support the express what and students based on monitored by
Student’s they are feeling acknowledgin the identified the College
Changes without g the problem. Guidance
judgement and student’s -University Counselor.
bias. strengths will Physician
course of action to -Improved
-provide access be made by the -Peers positive
make himself
for students for Guidance observations by
an individualized Counselor, the people that
counseling and University the student
medical -Students Psychologist or usually hangs
consultation portray a University out with.
much Physician.
-create a support
system for the behavior. -Follow-up and
students by Monitoring will
asking him or also be done.
peers who he
can open up and
share what he
Health -increase student -Students' - Health education -every semester -College - -attendance to
Education on knowledge of behavior has classes or sessions or as the need Guidance sessions which
students better health improved. related to topics arises counselor. address the
regarding the choices and such as perception importance of
-Students -University Clinic
Importance of lifestyles about his or her mental health
that live a
Mental Health wellbeing, -University and overall well
- enroll students healthy
and Well-Being commonly Psychologist being.
in sessions or lifestyle
among students experienced
programs that -evaluation form
-intellectually problems such as
encourage better
aware and stress and time- -Objective
health choices
healthy management. Observation
- support students who
students in can make
initiated by the
sustaining decisions
Health Services
healthy lifestyles about their
offered by the
and practices, health and
college and the
particularly in lifestyle
the area of
mental health -Journal writing or
PHASE 3 - The activities, - Teachers - Activities - After each - Students - Overall, the
sessions, and performance conducted on the activity teachers and
Evaluation - Program
interviews given improved as program were implementers
- At the end of implementers
by the teachers evidence by successful as were able to
the year
were effective evidenced by the - Bicol University successfully
being able to
and gave a participants being College of implement the
lasting able to share a Nursing faculty program as
mental and
impression on coping strategy, evidenced by
the participants. well-being Able to create a - Level 4 the lasting
and the plan on how to coordinators impression of
- To improve the
importance spread awareness the participants,
program, the
of awareness in their own ways, the
in a much and being able to cooperativeness
and teachers
efficient way. explain in their and willingness
should distribute
own words what given on the
a post event - Continued
are mental and program, and
survey questions learning and
emotional well- the knowledge
about the understandin
being and why given to the
program. By g of the
awareness is participants and
doing so, the teachers to
important. how they were
implementers be able to
able to
and teachers will teach in a - The overall
be able to tell much program was very
and verbalize
the strengths effective way successful, it has a
what they have
and weaknesses and have a variety of activities
of the program better that targets the
and potentially mindset and unexplored
improve on disposition. knowledge that the
future programs. participants need
- Teachers
and are able to
experience and
motivated by
learn from. The
giving off
given willingness
energy and
cooperativeness of
the participants
shows that the
to have more
teachers and the
engaged in
techniques are
the program.
effective and
Leosala, Desiree A.
Lunas, Tracy L.
Muyna, Rhea N.