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Residents irked by incessant

digging of roads for drain work

No fresh excavations after Sept. 20, existing projects will be finished on time: GCC
Special Correspondent

With the onset of the north-

east monsoon expected in a
few weeks, residents in sev-
eral areas have complained
about the fresh digging of
roads for stormwater drain
work. According to resi-
dents, roads in areas such as
Velachery, Choolaimedu, T.
Nagar and Egmore have
been dug up recently.
Velachery resident S.
Kumararaja said the road
connecting Velachery-Tara-
mani Road to Perungudi rail-
way station, Bharani Street,
in ward 178, had been dug up Men at work: Construction of stormwater drain in progress on T.T.K. Road. *
for stormwater drain work
last week. “Residents fear menting their projects. said the work along Powder Ravi Shankar said the resi-
that the work will be de- T. Nagar resident V.S. Jaya- Mills Road and Kannigapu- dents had requested the Cor-
layed. It is a good project, raman said work on develop- ram Main Road had been de- poration to complete the
and the proposal is fine. But ment of a bigger drain on layed. Ward 72 councillor M. work before the onset of the
the project must be complet- Motilal Street was under Saravanan said 90% of the northeast monsoon. “Over
ed ahead of the monsoon. way. work was completed, and 70% of the drains along
Once the diversion of excess “They should link the the rest would be taken up flood-prone parts of Aruna-
water from Kallukuttai to drain with the disposal point only after an EB pillar box chalam Road in Saligramam
Buckingham Canal is com- on Usman Road before the was shifted. “Many electrical have been completed. Only
pleted, flooding in Udayam monsoon,” he said. Roads in cables have been damaged 70% work along VOC Street,
Nagar, Seshadripuram and other flooded parts of T. Na- in the area. Officials have Pammal Nallathambi Street
Park Avenue will be con- gar have been dug up this planned to resume work af- and Arcot Road has been
trolled. Currently, the water week to develop new drains. ter the EB pillar box is shift- completed,” said Mr. Ravi
drains into the Pallikaranai Similarly, roads in areas ed next week,” he said. Shankar.
Marshland,” Mr. Kumararaja such as Thiruvengadapuram In Teynampet zone, ward GCC officials said the civic
said. in ward 109 have been dug 109 councillor E. Suganya body would stop digging up
Residents said most of the up by the Corporation to de- said work on flood-prone new stretches of roads by
interior roads in wards 176, velop new stormwater areas, such as Anna Nedum- September 20. “The GCC has
177 and 178 in Velachery had drains. In Egmore, digging of pathai, would be completed decided to stop digging up
been dug up, with civic agen- roads, such as Rukmani this month. “Digging in Thi- new stretches of roads after
cies, such as the Greater Lakshmipathi Salai and Red ruvenkadapuram has started September 20 to prepare for
Chennai Corporation (GCC) Cross Road, was undertaken this week. The work will be the northeast monsoon. Ex-
and the Tamil Nadu Genera- on Saturday for the develop- completed this month,” Ms. isting work will be complet-
tion and Distribution Corpo- ment of stormwater drains. Suganya said. ed by the end of September,”
ration (Tangedco), imple- In Pulianthope, residents Ward 129 councillor M. an official said.

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