Effect of Temperature
Effect of Temperature
Effect of Temperature
Abstract : Soybeans (Glycine max) of Argentinian and Chinese origin were steam-
processed at 102¡C, 118¡C and 136¡C for various durations with the use of a
laboratory-scale steam toaster. Samples of raw and processed soybeans were
analysed for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), trypsin inhibitor activity
(TIA), protein dispersibility index (PDI) and reactive lysine content. Chinese raw
soybeans showed higher levels of CP, TIA and PDI, and a lower level of reactive
lysine than Argentinian raw soybeans (366 vs 357 g kg~1, 20.6 vs 15.2 mg g~1,
87.6 vs 85.6% and 17.4 vs 19.4 g kg~1, respectively). Both the TIA and PDI of
the two soybean samples were decreased following a logarithmic pattern with the
lengthening of the heating time when beans were steam heated at various tem-
peratures. The reduction rates for TIA and PDI, however, were di†erent between
the two origins of soybeans. Chinese soybeans required a longer time or a higher
temperature to reduce their TIA to a safe level in comparison with Argentinian
soybeans. In the case that the beans were heated at 136¡C, the di†erence in PDI
between Chinese and Argentinian soybeans was smaller. It is concluded that the
two soybeans origins need di†erent processing conditions to improve their
protein properties. ( 1998 SCI.
are well described by the curve Ðtting equations (Table longation of heating irrespective of the heating tem-
2). perature. This supported earlier observations in
The variation of the FDNB reactive lysine was not soybean heat processing reported by Collins and Beaty
quite regular at the heating temperatures of 100¡C and (1980), Liener and Thomlinson (1981), Qin et al (1996)
118¡C for both soybean origins. But, it was observed and Monari (1993).
that reactive lysine of these two origins of soybeans The results of the TIA determination in the present
decreased with the prolongation of heating time when study indicate that there are substantial di†erences
soybeans were heated at 136¡C. between Argentinian and Chinese soybeans in responses
A correlation analysis, based on the pooled data of to steam toasting. Heated at a low temperature and/or
the two soybean origins, showed that there was a high for a short time, the Argentinian soybeans were more
signiÐcant correlation between TIA and PDI sensitive to a reduction of TIA, but, with the increase of
(R \ 0.9421, P \ 0.01). FDNB active lysine is also cor- heating temperature and/or heating duration, this sensi-
related to TIA and PDI (R \ 0.3301, P \ 0.10 ; tivity decreased. At the most severe heating condition
R \ 0.3707, P \ 0.10, respectively), but, the correlations (136¡C for 10 min), the TIA level in soybeans of both
were only poorly described. origins decreased below detection limit. The di†erences
The parameters and determination coefficients of the in TIA between the two soybean origins varied with the
curve Ðtting equations for the data of TIA and PDI of treatment conditions. The more severe the heating treat-
the soybeans treated at 100¡C, 118¡C and 136¡C are ment employed, the smaller the di†erence between
presented in Table 2. them.
For an adequate processing, the heating conditions
should not be too severe. Chang et al (1984) and
Monari (1993) suggested that the accepted TIA level of
DISCUSSION an adequately processed soya product should be below
4 mg g~1. Based on this standard, proper heating dura-
The TIA levels in the two soybean origins as deter- tions could be calculated with the Ðtted equations for
mined in present experiment are within the normal di†erent heating temperatures (Table 3). Apparently,
range compared with the literature reviewed by Qin and heating time is 10 and 5 min longer for Chinese soy-
Chen (1995). The TIA level of the raw Argentinian soy- beans than for Argentinian soybeans to inactivate TI to
beans, however, is only 65% of that of the Argentinian the safe level at temperature of 100¡C and 118¡C,
soybeans measured in a previous investigation (Qin et respectively. The soybeans containing a lower level of
al 1996). The di†erences also existed between the soy- TIA need less severe heat processing condition. Fried-
beans treated at similar conditions in the present and man et al (1991) also found that low trypsin inhibitor
previous experiments. The PDI values in raw soybeans soybeans needed shorter time than conventional soy-
and the soybeans treated at 118¡C and 136¡C were beans to reduce their TIA to a safe level when heated at
similar to that in similarly treated soybeans before, but, similar temperatures.
the soybeans treated at 100¡C were not. These inconsis- The PDI in both origins of the soybeans decreased
tencies between present and previous data of Argentin- non-linearly with the prolongation of heating duration
ian soybeans may be caused by the origin di†erence and the increase of heating temperature before its level
between batches. reduced to about 10%, then remained stable. At the
The TIA values, for both Argentinian and Chinese most severe heating condition, the PDI even increased a
soybeans, decreased in a nonlinear pattern with the pro- little. This phenomenon was also observed in a previous
Adequate processing duration (minutes) at di†erent heat temperatures
as calculated from the Ðtted equations based on a residual TIA level
of 4 mg g~1 products
100 Argentine 15 4 40
China 25 4 38
118 Argentine 2 4 23
China 7 4 26
136 Argentine 0.01 4 8
China 0.5 4 14
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