Coring Techniques & Applications
Coring Techniques & Applications
Coring Techniques & Applications
Section 1
Coring Techniques & Applications
1.1 Introduction
Since the early days of the oil industry, efforts have been made to find improved
methods for obtaining information about subsurface formations penetrated during
drilling operations. Early techniques included examining:
In this section, we will discuss several topics pertaining to the subject of coring
techniques and applications as follows :
The complete core-barrel assembly, made up on the bottom of the drill string,
consists of a cutter head, an outer barrel, a floating inner barrel, and a finger type
“catcher” which retains the core in the barrel when the assembly is retrieved from the
hole. Mud circulates from the drill pipe between the two barrels to the cutter head.
Either drag-type or roller type bits may be used, depending on the character of the
formation. Ordinarily, the conventional barrel will accommodate a 20-ft. core, though
sometimes cores of shorter lengths are cut because of special conditions or
requirements. Weight on the bit, rotary speed, and circulation rate depend on local
situations. To recover a coreDIAMOND CORING
with the conventional barrel, the entire drill string must
be hoisted.
Advantages of this type of coring include:
Conventional &
Diamond Core Barrel
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Diamond core heads are made up of two parts; the crown and the hub. The crown is
made by placing diamonds in a powdered metal, usually a tungsten alloy, in a mold
of desired shape and size. The matrix under heat and pressure forms a solid mass
with diamonds exposed at the surface. Core heads are carefully designed to give
optimum performance in specific types of formation. This covers the basic design and
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shape of the bit, the profile of the diamond set surfaces and the fluid course
configurations in the bit face.
Techniques employed in diamond coring require little weight on the bit, low pump
pressure, and normal to high rotating speeds. The diamonds drill by abrasion, and,
since increased weight on the bit may increase drilling rates slightly, excessive
weights tend to fracture the diamonds. Pump pressures and fluid velocities are
reduced to prevent washing of the core and to minimize erosion of the bit matrix
metal. Since the cutting rate of the diamond should increase with its linear velocity,
high rotating speeds favor diamond coring. In actual practice, however, rotating
speeds are limited by the type of drilling equipment. Experience has also shown that
removal of junk iron from the wellbore before coring is absolutely essential.
Advantages of diamond coring include :
In areas where formations are abrasive and sufficiently hard, coring may
sometimes be more economical than drilling.
Usually longer bit life
Possibility of cutting up to 90 feet of core at one run
High percentage of recovery
Consecutive cores may be cut until the core bit has been dulled, without
pulling the drill pipe from the hole to recover each core.
Coring and drilling may be done intermittently until the bit is dulled, without
making a round trip with the drill pipe.
Lower coring cost.
Disadvantages include :
Soft Formation
Core Bit
Left: Plug Bit Assembly
Right: Fishing Tool Assembly Wireline Core Barrel
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Samples are obtained from any desired depth interval of a previously drilled hole
The method can be a valuable aid in confirming electric-log interpretations
Disadvantages are:
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Samples are usually too small for ordinary laboratory core analysis
Samples have been subjected to considerable flushing action of drilling mud
In ordinary coring it is important to have a circulating fluid in the hole that has
favorable physical characteristics that minimize flushing of the cored section by mud
filtrate. The treatment of water-base mud to filtration-rate-values in the low ranges
and the use of oil-base mud have contributed to increasing the quality of data
obtained from core analysis and have probably resulted in increased core recovery.
Tracers placed in the circulating fluid help determine the extent of mud-filtrate
flushing of cores.
After a core has been removed from the well, it is laid out in the same linear position
as in the core barrel ; by visual examination and measurement, a detailed description
is made of the formation composition, texture, geologic age, dip, fracture, and
probable fluid content. If there are indications that the core contains oil or gas, further
field and laboratory tests are made. Should a core contain oil or gas, visual
examination can usually determine what section may be potentially productive.
2. Coring in Relation to Production Work :
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Coring and core data are often very helpful in production operations and petroleum-
engineering work, and in helping the geologist with various problems. The greatest
use of coring in production work is determining zones that should be formation-or
production-tested and for delineating, if possible, gas-oil and water-oil contacts. Also
at times in production operations, it may be desirable to make an open-hole
completion; that is, one in which the oil-string casing is set above the pay section to
be tested and produced. Coring aids in determining the presence of undesirable
upper sloughing shales and water bearing zones immediately above and below the
pay interval. The casing seat may then be picked at a point that would shut off
undesirable formations and yet allow the entire desired section to be tested.
Information concerning the permeability of the formation in a prospective pay zone
usually aids in picking the most desirable type of completion method. At times,
diamond coring assists in operations in areas where hard and abrasive formations are
encountered, because coring may be more economical than conventional drilling.
Certain petroleum-engineering work is aided by core analysis data. Understanding of
formation characteristics may lead to location of :
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formations results in finding measurement errors which may cause subsequent
completion difficulty.
Section 2
Conventional and Special Core Analysis
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2.1 Introduction
Core analysis is the laboratory measurement of petrophysical properties of core
samples recovered from geologic formations and is the cornerstone on which certain
formation evaluations rest. Other evaluation tools are available, and make important
contributions; however, core analysis is a technique that allows visual examination of
a portion of the formation and direct measurements of several important
characteristics of the rock.
Core data play an important role in exploration programs, well completion and
workover operations, and in well reservoir evaluation.
Basic core data are furnished by conventional core analysis which yields the
following :
Residual fluid saturation
Formation lithology
Storage capacity for reservoir fluids (porosity)
Flow capacity (permeability)
Supplementary test data may include :
Conventional core analysis data, supplementary tests, and their use are summarized
in the following table:
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Routine Data
1 Porosity Define storage capacity
2 Permeability (horizontal) Define flow capacity, permeability distribution
and profile
3 Saturations Define (1) Presence of hydrocarbon (net pay
and contacts)
(2) Type of hydrocarbon (gas or oil)
(3) Connate water if oil-base mud used
Define rock type and characteristics of core
(fractures, vugular, laminated, etc.).
Supplementary Tests
1 Vertical permeability Define coning probability and gravity drainage
2 Core-gamma log Define lost core and depth relation of core with
down-hole logs (requires down-hole gamma-
3 Grain density Define density log calculations
4 Water chloride Define connate water salinity in oil-base and
degree of flushing in water-base cores.
5 Oil gravity Estimate reservoir gravity from correlations
based on retort oil gravity
Interpretation from Core Analysis
1 Prediction of fluid production (gas, condensate, oil or water).
2 Definition of gas-oil, gas-water, oil-water contacts and transition zones
3 Possibility of gas or water coning
4 Completion intervals
Special core analysis is in extension of conventional core analysis, and yields more
detailed rock property data; time required for such analysis is a major factor that
differentiates the two. Conventional data is completed and available for use within
hours after core recovery, whereas, special core tests sometimes take 8 weeks or
longer to complete. Special core analysis furnishes analysis furnishes knowledge in
the following areas :
Initial distribution and quantity of hydrocarbons
Rock properties when gas, oil & water flow concurrently
Quantity of residual hydrocarbons that remain at reservoir abandonment
Electrical and acoustical properties of the rock (yields data that enhances
downhole log interpretation.
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Plug analysis is the most commonly used. It is normally restricted to homogeneous
formations that can be characterized by plug-size samples 1 inch in diameter and 1 ¼
inches long. Samples are taken from the core centre at selected vertical intervals.
Core sampling is a basic and important step, since characterization of the rock is no
better than the samples analyzed. Samples for plug analysis should be representative
of the interval and are normally taken at 1 foot spacing if lithology appears similar.
Laminated formations require sampling on more frequent intervals and any major
change in lithology should be analyzed.
Core Cleaning is done by one of the following methods :
2.2.1 Porosity
Porosity is a measure of reservoir storage capacity. It is reported as a fraction or
percent, and often varies from 10 to 40 percent in sandstone, and from 5 to 25 percent
in limestone and dolomite. Pore spaces vary in size from microscopic in sandstones
and inter-granular limestone, to vugs, caverns, or fractures normally introduced by
secondary processes.
Porosity is defined as the ratio of pore volume to bulk volume. Its’ determination
requires measurement of two of three variables of pore volume (PV), bulk volume
(BV), and grain volume (GV); the latter refers to nonporous solids comprising the
rock matrix, and when combined with pore volume yields the bulk volume.
The measurement technique selected depends on rock type analyzed and time
requirement for availability of the data. A proper technique yields porosity values
within 0.5 porosity percent of true value.
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Total and effective porosity exist as theoretical possibilities but practical experience
has shown differences are normally of little concern. Total pore space is defined as all
pore space, whether it exists as an isolated pore sealed by secondary deposition, or
connected to other pores. Effective pore space is composed of interconnected pores.
Only the latter contributes to production, but certain down-hole logs sense the total
porosity. Laboratory techniques are available to evaluate both types of porosity when
Core volume
whole-core analysis is sometimes
versus 1.0 calculated from dry sample weight A
and knowledge
Reservoir of average grain density. Formations of varying lithology, and,B
hence, grain density, limit applicability of this technique. Boyle’s law may be used
with helium as the
atgas to determine grain volume; the technique is fairly rapid and is
Porosity : Fraction Of Original
2.2.5 Permeability
The capacity of a formation to transmit fluids is termed “permeability” ; its unit is the
darcy. The millidarcy (one thousandth of a darcy) is used in core analysis. One darcy
is defined as that permeability permitting a fluid of 1 centipoise viscosity to flow at a
rate of 1 cubic centimeter per second through a cross-sectional area of square
centimeter when the pressure gradient is 1 atmosphere per centimeter. The following
equation is written in basic units for flow of a non-compressible fluid such as oil :
Measured values using standard equipment range from a low of 0.01 md to as high
as 20,000 md. Data accuracy declines at high and low permeability values and is
within percent of a true value otherwise. Permeability is a constant when :
No reaction between the rock and flowing fluid occurs
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Laminar flow exists
One fluid completely saturates the core
These conditions exist during conventional core analysis measurement which yield
specific (absolute) permeability.
Permeability is related to rock textural properties. Fine-grained sandstones and inter-
crystalline limestones have small pores and low permeability. Coarse-grained
sandstones, fractured limestones, and oolitic limestones have large pore channels and
high permeability. Combinations of low matrix permeability with high fracture
permeability can yield prolific reservoirs.
Determination of permeability requires :
A means of measuring gas flows at the downstream end of a clean, dry core of
known dimensions
Knowledge of upstream and downstream pressures, and
A core holder to prevent gas bypassing of the sample.
Dry gas has been selected as the standard fluid for use in permeability determination
to minimize fluid-rock reaction and for ease of measurement. Equipment is available
to determine air permeability in both horizontal and vertical directions on plug-size
and full-diameter cores.
Klinkenberg (Gas Slippage) Correction:
Gas flow through porous media was investigated by Klinkenberg (1941) who found
permeability varied with the gas used as well as the mean pressure existing in the
core at time of measurement. 1.0
KA KL Sw Net Overburden
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Reservoirs exist at high mean pressure compared to those existing in the core sample
in the laboratory, and Klinkenberg corrected values are more representative of the
reservoir value. The correction factor is a much larger percentage of the laboratory
value in low permeability cores. It is important that the engineer or geologist know if
this correction has been made when data are received from several analytical
laboratories and permeability is the basis for selection of net pay. Typical corrections
found for sandstone are given in the following table:
Air Klinkenberg
Permeability (md) Permeability (md) Ratio of
0.18 0.12 0.66
1.00 0.68 0.68
10.00 7.80 0.78
100.00 8.80 0.88
1,000.00 950.00 0.95
Fluid saturations are reported as a percent of the pore volume, and their magnitude
reflects initial reservoir fluid content as well as various conditions imposed during
core recovery.
Methods commonly used for fluid saturation determinations include:
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Vacuum distillation where high vacuum and 450F are used to recover oil and
Distillation extraction where water is distilled and oil extracted by appropriate
solvents; and
The retort method at atmospheric pressure and temperatures up to 1200F.
The most common method is the distillation extraction technique which is normally
called the “Dean Stark” method. The method requires the following:
The total weight loss before and after cleaning the sample.
The measured water volumes determined during distillation.
The solvent used must have a higher boiling point than water, and be less dense than,
and immiscible with, water; toluene is commonly used. Oil saturation is determined
indirectly by difference. The technique requires knowledge of oil gravity so weight
loss can be converted to oil volume. Low permeability whole cores may require
weeks to complete.
Core analysis graph
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In some instances, the core data are summarized to yield average values of
permeability, porosity, residual oil, and total water saturations. These summaries
normally are made of core samples considered to be net pay, and often cores below a
selected porosity, permeability, or residual oil saturation range are excluded from the
Interstitial water is determined during the analysis of cores with oil-base mud (if
above the transition zone), or otherwise it is calculated from the measured rock
properties and total water saturation of cores cut with water-base mud. This
calculated saturation then is used to estimate initial hydrocarbons in place, and
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recovery expected from solution gas drive and water drive. These recovery estimates
are computed as hydrocarbon recovery per acre-foot of reservoir, and can be used
with reservoir total volumes to yield estimated field recoveries. The recovery
estimates represent theoretical maximum values and are optimistic since they assume
operating conditions that are not normally encountered in the field. They are useful
for comparative purposes, but are not intended to replace detailed engineering
studies that incorporate overall reservoir characteristics and economic factors.
The core analysis graph (shown above) shows typical oil saturations corresponding
to condensate, oil, and water production from a sand cored with water-base mud.
Sharp fluid level contacts are observed below depths of 6442.5 and 6456.5 feet. The
upper few samples contain high water saturations. Textural properties of the rock
core are related to the quantity of water that may be present and still not produce.
Low permeability and shaly samples typically have small pore spaces with great
water retentive forces that hold high immobile water saturations. Penetration of the
gas-oil contact is accompanied by increase in oil saturation, and the water-oil contact
illustrates loss of oil saturation and increase in water values. Oil and water
saturations do not total to 100% pore space, even in the water zone-nor should they
since release of gas in solution results in a measurable gas saturation in the core at
surface conditions.
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is introduced.
attained The ratiowater
an irreducible of effective to specific permeability defines relative
saturation values
value and as a function
this water is of saturation. Krg
subsequently increased by natural 60
water influx or introduction of coring
fluids, a different set of relative 40
permeability characteristics prevails;
these latter are called “imbibition”
curves. Such data are required in 20
many reservoir engineering
calculations, and the laboratory tests
that develop them should follow the 0 20 40 60 80 100
same saturation history as that in the 25 Water Saturation: Percent Pore Space
Gas-water relative permeability curves
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0 1.0
100 relating formation factor to porosity yield the cementation exponent
“m”. Tests relatingn =1.7
resistivity index to water saturation in the M=1.7 pore space yields the
saturation exponent “n”.
Rock properties that influence the calculated water saturation are illustrated in the
following equations : 10
Effect of “m” on Formation
Factor and porosity
Effect of “n” on Water Saturation
At RI = 30, Sw Varies From
For = 15%
12% to 21% Pore Space Formation Factor Varies from 25 to 95
For F = 45
Varies From 10% to 21%
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
Water Saturation (Sw) Fraction 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
Porosity () : Fraction
Range of resistivity index vs. water saturation Range of formation factor vs. porosity