DLL-SOCIAL-STRAT 2 (Recovered)

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Jose Panganiban National High

School Grade Level 12


Teacher Jean Kashmere Z. Morales UCSP
LESSON Teaching
Dates Fourth Quarter – Limited Face-
LOG May 26, 2022 Quarter
and Time

Social stratification as the ranking of individuals according to wealth, power and prestige
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Identify one’s role in social groups and institution
Examines the concept, characteristics and forms of stratification system using
sociological perspectives.

C. Learning 1. Define Social Stratification

Competencies/Objec 2. Identify the different systems of stratification.
tives 3. React to the individual and system of stratification in society by
Write the LC code comparing it from past to present system.
for each
4. Examines the concept, characteristics and forms of stratification through a
poster, infographics, essay or a picture collage.

II. CONTENT Social Stratification

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide NA
2. Learner’s Learner Activity Sheet, Quarter 4, Week 1
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Power Point presentation, Video Clips, Audio-Visual, Activity sheets, Pictures and
B. Other Learning
Resources UPLIFTS Module, Graphic Organizer, rubrics.

A. Reviewing previous PRELIMINARIES OBJ. 5 Established safe and
lesson or presenting secure learning
new lesson Hand washing environment…
Thermal Scanning
Greetings OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
Prayer and non-verbal…
Checking of Attendance
Non Verbal
OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
The teacher will remind the learners of the following: environment that promotes
a. Proper health protocols must be observed in
the entire duration of the class. OBJ. 7 Maintained learning
environments that nurture
b. Hand sanitizing will be done after every and inspire learners to
activity or if necessary. participate…
c. Raise your hand if you want to answer and OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge
listen while others are answering. within and across…(AP)
Yugto ng pag -unlad
d. The Teacher will give a sticker with heart
emoticons for every correct answer OBJ. 2 Used Research-based
d. STAR HUNTER will be explained to
learners as part of the participation in the class. OBJ. 5 Established safe and
secure learning
OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
and non-verbal…

In every participation they will be given a STAR with 5 OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
and 10 points and at the end of the session, highest point environment that promotes
will receive a MERIT Certificate and Token. fairness…

Activity 1: (Review of the past lesson) (Individual OBJ. 7 Maintained learning

Activity) environments that nurture
and inspire learners to
The students will arrange the stages of civilization. participate…

OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work

OBJ. 16 Applied a personal

Note: The learners who participated in the activity will be
 Constructivism
given the Merit STAR. After the activity, the OBJ. 9 LSENS
students will be asked to sanitize their hands.

For LSENS: Learners will be given a work sheet where the

diagram is already presented.
For advance learner: they may be asked to work

B. Establishing a Activity 2: Guess Me! OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge

purpose for the within and across… (Intro.to
lesson Philosopy)

OBJ. 2 Used Research-based


OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal

and non-verbal…

OBJ. 6 Maintained learning

environment that promotes
1. What can you infer with the pictures?
2. How can you describe their classification?
OBJ. 7 Maintained learning
The teacher will present the lesson for today along with the
environments that nurture
learning objectives.
and inspire learners to

OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work

OBJ. 16 Applied a personal


 Existentialism
(Localization, ICT)

C. Presenting Activity 3. Arrange it! OBJ. 2 Used Research-based

examples/instances knowledge…
of the lesson The students will recognize the pictures and assign what
group they belong. OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
and non-verbal…

1 OBJ. 6 Maintained learning

environment that promotes
2 fairness…

3 OBJ. 7 Maintained learning

environments that nurture
and inspire learners to

LNHS FACULTY OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work

After the activity, the
students will be a sked to sanitize their hands. OBJ. 16 Applied a personal
For LSENS: Learners will be given a work sheet where the
diagram is already presented.  Realism

For advance learner: they may be asked to work


Processing questions

1. What do you think are the pictures and figure

2. What do you think is the characteristics of each
3. How can you classify your current living based on
the pictures shown?

Note: The learners who participated in the activity will be

given a token.

D. Discussing new Discussion:

concepts and Social Stratification
practicing new skills
#1 Social stratification refers to the ranking of members of a
society in groups on the basis of their status. This
ranking may be on the basis of occupation, power,
economic resources, prestige, caste and education.
It is structured inequality between groups. Social
structure holds certain groups in ranked order and
where it is difficult, if not impossible, to change
that order. Where people rank in stratification
system influences every part of their lives in
profound ways. Race and Etnicity is one of the
consideration in social categories nature, size and
distribution of different racial and ethnic groups in
modern society. Inequality relating the race and
ethnicity in particular, discrimination in education,
employment and on life chances. Role of the mass
media in the formation of stereotypes and the
consequences for ethnic groups.

Types of Social Classes

Upper Class in modern societies, is the social class
composed of people who hold the highest social
status, usually are the wealthiest members of class
Middle Class are the “sandwich” class. These white-collar
workers have more money than those below them
on the “social ladder,” but less than those above
them. They divided into two levels according to
wealth, education, and prestige. The lower middle
class is often made up of less educated people with
lower incomes, such as managers, small business
owners, teachers, and secretaries. The upper
middle class is often made up of highly educated
business and professional people with high
incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers,
and CEOs.
Lower Class is typified by poverty, homeless and
unemployment. People of this class, few of whom
have finished high school, suffer from lack of
medical care, adequate housing and food, decent
clothing, safety, and vocational training.

Systems of Stratification

1. Slavery – the most closed system or the ownership of

people, which has been quite common in human history
(Ennals, 207).
2. Estate Systems – characterized by control of land. In
these systems, two major estates existed: the landed
gentry or nobility and the peasantry or serfs. The
landed gentry owned huge expanses of land on which
serfs toiled. The serfs had more freedom than slaves had
but typically lived in poverty and were subject to
arbitrary control by the nobility (Kerbo, 2009).
3. Caste Systems – in this system, people are born into
unequal groups based on their parents’ status and remain
in these groups for the rest of their lives.
4. Class Systems – in this system of stratification, a person
is born into a social ranking but can move up or down
from it much more easily than in caste systems or slave
societies. It includes three dimensions of stratification:
class (wealth), power, and prestige.
5. Endogamy is the practice of marrying within a specific
social group, caste, or ethnic group, rejecting those from
others as unsuitable for marriage or other close personal
6. Exogamy is the social norm of marrying outside one's
social group. The group defines the scope and extent of
exogamy, and the rules and enforcement mechanisms
that ensure its continuity.
7. Meritocracy is a political system in which economic
goods and/or political power are vested in individual
people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement,
rather than wealth or social class.
8. Social mobility is the movement of individuals,
families, households, or other categories of people
within or between social strata in a society. It is a
change in social status relative to one's current social
location within a given society.

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery Activity 4: Organize Me! By Pair Activity) OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge
(Leads to Formative within and across…
Assessment 3) System of Stratification
OBJ. 2 Used Research-based

Open System Closed System OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal

and non-verbal…

OBJ. 5 Established safe and

secure learning

How are you going to react to the individual and OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
system of stratification in our society by comparing it environment that promotes
from past to present system? fairness…

Note: The learners who participated in the activity will be OBJ. 7 Maintained learning
given the Merit STAR. After the activity, the environments that nurture
students will be asked to sanitize their hands. and inspire learners to

OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work

OBJ. 16 Applied a personal


 pragmatism
Activity 5: (Group Activity) OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge
within and across…
The students will examine the concept,
characteristics and forms of stratification system OBJ. 2 Used Research-based
through a poster, infographics, essay or a picture knowledge…
 Graphic
How can you show/describe the system of organizer/picture
Rubrics OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
and non-verbal…
G. Finding practical
application of OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
concepts and skills environment that promotes
in daily living fairness…

OBJ. 7 Maintained learning

environments that nurture
and inspire learners to

OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work
20 15 10 5 OBJ. 16 Applied a personal
Details on Details on Details on Details on the
the poster the poster the poster poster has
captures the includes the relates to the little or
important important topic but are nothing to do
information information too general with the topic
Coverag about the about the or
e of the topic and topic in order incomplete.
topic increases to catch It needs more
interest of audience’s information
the audience interest to catch

Content is Most of the Most of the Content do

related to Content is content is not relate to
Content the topic related to the related to the the topic
and are topic and are topic
easier to easier to
understand understand

Information Information Information The

is very is very is organized information
organized organized but idea and appears to be
with clear with idea and subheadings disorganized
idea and subheadings are missing
Organiza subheadings or do not
tion help the

All Most of the Some of the Much of the

information information information information
Layout on the on the poster on the poster on the poster
and poster is in is in focus is in focus is unclear and
design focus and and the and the or small
can easily content can content can
be viewed easily be easily be
and viewed and viewed and
identified identified identified

No Almost no A few Many

grammatical grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
Mechani , spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or
cs punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors errors errors

You were You were You were Not able to

able to pass able to pass able to pass pass the
Timeline your output your output your output a output on
ss ahead of on time. day after the time
time. due date.


Note: The learners who participated in the activity will be

given the POPSPEACON.
H. Making Activity 6: Something to be kept (Individual Activity) OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge
generalizations and within and across…
abstractions about How are you going to summarize the learnings that we
the lesson have discussed? OBJ. 2 Used Research-based
How social stratification affects your daily lives?
OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
and non-verbal…
Note: After the activity, the students will be asked to
sanitize their hands. OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
environment that promotes

OBJ. 7 Maintained learning

environments that nurture
and inspire learners to

OBJ. 8 Applied range of

successful strategies that
maintain learners to work

OBJ. 16 Applied a personal


I. Evaluating learning Activity 7: Let us Learn and play! (individual activity) OBJ. 1 Applied knowledge
within and across…
The students will answer a 10-question quiz through
quizzes application. OBJ. 2 Used Research-based
________________ refers to the ranking of members of a
society in groups on the basis of their status. This ranking OBJ. 5 Established safe and
may be on the basis of occupation, power, economic secure learning
resources, prestige, caste and education.
____________________2. Middle Class is the social class OBJ. 4 Used effective verbal
composed of people who hold the highest social status,
and non-verbal…
usually are the wealthiest members of class societies.
____________________3. Caste Systems – in this system,
OBJ. 6 Maintained learning
people are born into unequal groups based on their parents’
status and remain in these groups for the rest of their lives. environment that promotes
____________________4. Exogamy is the practice of fairness…
marrying within a specific social group, caste, or ethnic
group, rejecting those from others as unsuitable for OBJ. 7 Maintained learning
marriage or other close personal relationship environments that nurture
and inspire learners to
____________________5. Social mobility is the participate…
movement of individuals, families, households, or other
categories of people within or between social strata in a OBJ. 8 Applied range of
society. It is a change in social status relative to one's successful strategies that
current social location within a given society. maintain learners to work
5. What is referred to as a the “sandwich” class?
A. Lower Class C. Middle Class
B. Upper Class D. Upper Middle Class
OBJ. 16 Applied a personal
7. Slavery is the most closed system or the ownership of
people, which has been quite common in human
history while ____________ is a political system in Philosophy…
which economic goods and/or political power are
vested in individual people on the basis of talent,
effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social
A. Caste Systems B. Class Systems
C. Exogamy D. Meritocracy

8. Who are the “white-collar” workers?

A. Lower Class B. Middle Class
C. Upper Class D. Upper Middle Class

__________9. Which among the statement tells about the

Social Stratification?
A. Refers to the ranking of members of a society in
groups on the basis of their status.
B. Refers to the three social classes
C. People of this class, few of whom have finished
high school, suffer from lack of medical care,
adequate housing and food, decent clothing, safety,
and vocational training.
D. The basis of occupation, power, economic
resources, prestige, caste and education.

_________10. How does social stratification affect

individuals in the community?
A. It promotes discrimination
B. It promotes equality
C. It provides fairness
D. It promotes social rights

Note: After the activity, the students will be asked to

sanitize their hands.

1. identify the different social inequalities.

J. Additional activities
2. List down programs that the government worked
for application or
remediation out to address social inequalities.

K. REMARKS  Every part of the

lesson caters
different activity so
that all students can
participate starting
from the easiest up
to the complicated
 The teacher gave
comments and
rewards to sustain
the students interest
to learn and for them
to actively engage in
discussion.Theory of
 This Lesson is a
proof of obedience
and practice of what
is stated is stated in
the Code of Ethics
for Professional
Teacher particularly
in Section I,wherein
a teacher is the
facilitator of the
learning and to
develop the youth,
he shall, ”therefore
render the best
service by providing
an environment
conducive to such
learning growth”.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation and who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II

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