Project Monitoring Report Form

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I


School ID:
Name of School Head:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Name of Project Project Objectives and Target Date of Accomplishments/Status to Issues/Problems/ Recommendations/ Signature of
Monitoring Date Challenges Action Points School
Team (SPT)
and Project

Libre Eskwela, Palista Na (Early To conduct information March to Greater number of enrollees Covid-19 Restrictions Adopting the online
Registration/Enrolment) Dissemination regarding enrolment. August 2021 enrolment scheme to
ensure the safety
among parents and
Bright Heart Project (Sharing is To help less privilege Quarterly 100% retrieval of answer Lack of funds Solicit financial
Caring) students/parents to procure school sheets. assistance from
materials for answering SLMs. benevolent individuals
and organizations.
PROJECT RBE (Responsible To instill good manners and right Quarterly Develop positive outlook in life Limited technological Online Symposium and
Boosters of Equality) conduct among students and despite the pandemic. resources of students Electronic Slogan
promote activities healthy for the Making Contest
mental health during pandemic.
PROJECT PIE (Punctuality in To improve teachers and support Monthly Improved teaching-learning Limited Virtual Kamustahan with
Education) staff punctuality to workplace and strategies Transportation due to teachers.
submission of required school the pandemic
reports and documents. On time and 100% submission Online submission of
of school reports and reports.
Shared Governance To instill cooperation and unity in the Monthly Resistance of some teachers Better working Delegation of task and
organization. to change. atmosphere by assignments by
empowering assigning chairman for
everyone. every department.
Project SDRM (Safe To increase 88% learning Year round Increased learning Covid-19 Restrictions Contacted stakeholders
Distribution and Retrieval of accomplishment through Modular accomplishment through through social media.
Modules) Learning Modality Delivery enriched Modular Learning Modality
with video lessons Delivery with the enrichment of
video lesson
PROJECT “KKK” (Kahandaan To purchase the needed health and Year round Purchased the needed health Covid-19 Restrictions Should have a more
at kaligtasan para sa Kaguruan) safety materials for all the and safety materials for all the organized distribution
stakeholders stakeholders and retrieval system.

Improved the hand washing

A health and sanitation program To construct hand washing facility facility
on purchasing PPE and
disinfection materials Constructed additional hand
washing facility in front of
school gate.
PROJECT DRUM (Do and To strengthen basic Mathematics Year round Pre-test and post-test in Limited technological Use of different Open
Repeat Until Mastered) Skills mathematics resources of students Educational Resources
in the conduct of the

Dropout, Failure and Repetition To improve teaching-learning Year round Reduced failure, dropout and Lack of financial Home Visitation (If
Reduction Program process. repetition rates by 0%. assistance from the possible) and online
government kamustahan with the
PROJECT “PSD” Professional To enhance the teaching skills Year round More equipped teaching Limited technological Conduct of LAC
Skills Development among teachers by attending various personnel. resources among sessions and VINSETs.
webinars. teachers.
“Gandang Likas, Paaralang To improve physical facilities and Year round Developed Botanical Garden Lack of funds for the Solicitation among
Ligtas” removal of hazards. procurement of benevolent donors.
a. landscaping and putting Improved Classrooms without garden materials.
up Botanical garden. hazards
b.Classroom improvement
c. Repainting of school gate.

Project SHARPER To improve reading ability for better Year round Students are considered Time constraint Partnership with the
(StakeHolders Alternative learning. Reader among working Barangay Officials.
Reading Program Empowering parents.
“Gulayan sa Paaralan to To make vegetable garden for the Year round Vegetable Garden Lack of funds for the Solicitation among
maintain the kalusugan” teachers’ benefit procurement of benevolent donors.
garden materials.

“Gulayan sa Tahanan para sa To promote wellness and provide Year round Home Garden Lack of funds and Solicitation among
kalusugan at pangkabuhayan” some seedlings to the selected time constraint benevolent donors.
parents and out up a garden in their among parents
One student, one seedling for To revive the nature through tree Year round Planted trees at home Lack of seedlings Coordinate with the
the tree planting planting Municipal
Environmental and
Natural Resources

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