Eastern Health MET Policy

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Medical Emergency Team (MET)

Eastern Health [X] Angliss Hospital [ ] Maroondah Hospital [ ]

PJC/Wantirna Health [ ] Healesville/ Box Hill Hospital [ ]

Yarra Ranges [ ]
Turning Point [ ]

EH Exec Committee [ ] EH Corporate [ ]
Quality & Strategy
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Chief Executive Officer [ ] ED, Quality, Planning & Innovation [ ]

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Information Services Support Services

ED, Continuing Care, Community [ ]

& Mental Health

Date Policy Developed: May 2011

Last Review Date: June 2011

Next Review Date: June 2014

PURPOSE (One sentence/short paragraph)

To facilitate prompt recognition, escalation of care and appropriate intervention when there are
signs of clinical deterioration.
To actively resuscitate and/or implement management strategies for the patient before they
suffer adverse outcomes.

EH MET Policy Final version July 2011

DETAILS (Recommended Headings)
Signs of clinical deterioration often precede cardiac arrest, unplanned admissions to ICU and
unexpected deaths. Early intervention in response to such signs of deterioration may reduce
morbidity and overall hospital mortality. Clinical signs of deterioration have been standardised
and categorised into criteria or clinical markers, which form the basis for activation of the
Medical Emergency Team (MET).

 To provide early identification, recognition and prompt management of the
deteriorating patient to enable the best possible clinical outcomes
 To empower ward nursing and medical staff through education and support, and
provide objective criteria for the escalation of care for the deteriorating patient
 To provide a standardised institutional response to patient deterioration
 Utilise the expertise of ICU medical and nursing staff to optimise patient care
 Ascertain and plan appropriate treatment dose for the deteriorating patient including
end of life issues
 Reduce hospital length of stay
 Reduce unplanned ICU admissions
 Reduce incidence of cardiac arrest
 Reduce mortality of inpatients
 To provide a mechanism for audit to identify patient, disease and system factors
leading to patient deterioration
 To provide a link with clinical governance and quality improvement mechanisms in
order to develop systematic approaches to improve patient outcomes

The EH Policy on MET Response is:
 MET response applies to inpatients only
 Nursing, medical and allied health staff are able to initiate a MET call using the set of
criteria for adult inpatients to gain rapid response by medical staff for patients
deemed to be at risk
 The MET response does NOT apply to the following scenarios. In such cases, a
Code Blue response is called:
o All cardiac and respiratory arrests
o Any collapse involving staff, visitors or outpatients
o Emergencies in Neonatal or Paediatric patients
o Emergencies in Psychiatric patients
 A MET call does not replace the usual communication between nursing and medical
staff in relation to patient care
 Any modification to MET calling criteria for a patient must be documented by medical
staff on the resuscitation plan

EH MET Policy Final version July 2011


 Difficulty breathing
 RR < 8 or > 30 per min
 SpO2 < 90% despite O2 6L via Hudson Mask
 HR < 50 or > 130 per min
 Systolic BP < 90 mmHg 
 Chest pain – new or unrelenting chest pain
 Acute change in conscious level
 Seizure 
 Staff member is worried about patient condition


MET Responders:
 ICU Registrar +/- ICU Consultant
 ICU Liaison Nurse/MET nurse
 Medical Registrar (non admitting)
 Parent unit resident +/- registrar

Additional MET Response Personnel:

 Ward nursing staff – bedside nurse, ANUM, etc.
 Patient Access Manager/ After Hours Nursing Coordinator
 PSA – assist with patient transfer, urgent pathology, etc.

Responsibilities of the MET

 To respond to pager and PA announcement of MET activation within 5 minutes

 Receive a handover from ward staff related to the patients presenting complaint, past
medical history and the issues around the deterioration leading the MET activations

 Assessment and immediate management of the deteriorating patient

 Define a course of action including resuscitation status

 Documentation in the patient’s record

 Communication of the plan with parent team, nursing staff, Nursing co-ordinator,
patient and/or their next of kin.

 If patient stays in the ward, provide a clear follow-up plan, and review the patient if
clinical workload permits.

EH MET Policy Final version July 2011

Responsibilities of the Parent Unit
 The responsibility of patient care remains with the primary physician or surgeon under
whom the patient has been admitted.

 It is the responsibility of the parent unit to discuss and document each patient’s
resuscitation plan within the first 24 hours following a MET review.

 To document a clear plan for the frequency of vital sign assessment and criteria for
escalation to the parent unit medical staff prior to MET criteria being achieved

 To appreciate that any intervention or treatment administered by the MET prior to

communication with the primary consultant is as a consequence of the critical nature
of the situation at hand.

 To notify the primary team consultant must be advised of the patient’s clinical
deterioration, subsequent intervention and plan of management.

 If the patient remains in the ward, the responsibility for patient care remains with the
parent unit, however the ICU team would be happy to assist in any way.

MET Activation

 Initiation of the MET response must occur once a patient’s physiological parameters
meet any one or more of the MET call criteria.
 Dial the emergency phone number and state:
o MET Call
o Parent Unit
o Ward or area
o Bed number

 Communication Centre will activate the chimes then page “MET call for
Medical/Surgical unit…. Ward… bed number….”. between the hours of 0700 and
2200 only.
 The MET call will be group paged to the MET responders at all times.
 It is not necessary to consult with other nursing staff before placing the MET call. It is
required to communicate with other nursing staff and the nurse in charge of the shift
once the MET call has been made.

MET Procedure
Response for ward nursing staff following MET activation:
1. Notify Ward Team leader
2. Nurse to stay with patient until MET arrives
3. Retrieve resuscitation trolley
4. Ward PSA to be present at bedside for assistance.

MET Documentation: 
Accurate documentation of events and treatment during resuscitation:
 Documentation by ICU team in patient’s progress notes.
 Data collection sheet to be completed and kept with ICU team for entry into MET

Upgrade to Code Blue

A MET call can be upgraded at any time to Code Blue should the event become life
threatening, specialist medical assistance is required e.g. anaesthetic support or should
specific medical equipment be required.

EH MET Policy Final version July 2011
 Basic monitoring of ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation via pulse
oximetry must be available for all patients.
 If patient is conscious, use ECG cable with defibrillator.
 If patient is unconscious or unresponsive use disposable adherent defibrillation pads.
 A cardiac defibrillator, oxygen and suction must be available to transport patient to
other areas of the hospital. 

Resuscitation equipment is available in all clinical areas. This equipment is required to

facilitate appropriate management of the patient and transportation if required. 

 To facilitate a clear understanding of the MET system, all clinical staff will be
educated on the MET response system on commencement of employment and
thereafter annually via mandatory MET training, Basic and Advanced Life Support

 All clinical staff will be given an ID badge sized copy of the MET criteria to wear with
their ID badges.

 MET criteria posters are to be displayed prominently in all clinical areas

 Bristow, PJ. Et al, “Rates of in-house arrests, deaths and intensive care admissions:
the effect of a medical emergency team”. Med Journal of Australia 2000, 173: 236-240
 Buist, M.  et al, “Effects of a Medical Emergency Team on Reduction of Incidence of
and Mortality from unexpected Cardiac Arrests in hospital: Preliminary study.” BMJ Feb
 Jones, D. et al, “Introduction of medical emergency teams in Australia and New
Zealand: a multi-centre study” Critical Care 2008, 12:R46
 John Fawkner Private Hospital “MET Response” policy
 Angliss Hospital, “MET Response” policy
 Maroondah Hospital “MET Response” policy
 Northern Hospital “MET Response” policy

Policy History:
Draft December 2010
Revised May 2011
Revised June 2011

Himangsu Gangopadhyay ICU Consultant
Daryl Jones ICU Consultant
Andrea Doric ICU Liaison Nurse

Dissemination/Education Strategy:

Compliance Measurement Strategy:

Keywords / abbreviations commonly used to search for & locate this document:
 Medical emergency team
 Deterioration
 Escalation

ATTACHMENTS (List attachments below)

EH MET Policy Final version July 2011
EH MET Policy Final version July 2011

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