In order to cope with the challenges of learning lose with consideration of equitable
resources the School Of Mate Elementary School crafted “UBAN KITA SA PAGBANGON:
Eskwelahan nga Lig-On SULONG para sa Edukasyon. This serves as the blue print of
recovery and learning strategies of the School that will compass the schools in
transcending against learning pitfalls and get learners back to learning trajectory.
MALE 8 8 17 10 16 14 18 91
FEMALE 10 11 12 8 14 13 9 77
TOTAL 18 19 29 18 30 27 27 168
170 2019-2020
169 2020-2021
168 2021-2022
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Figure 1 accounts on enrolment data of Mate Elementary School for the past
three school years showed a decreasing population, due to transfer of Residence
and unstable livelihood.
Literacy Level
Post Reading Results from the data in the School Monitoring Evaluation and
Adjustment (SMEA) S.Y 2021-2022 reflected that there are no non-reader) mostly
are in frustration level learners in both English and Filipino. This is because the
School implements the Reading Intervention LAKSI.
Learning Modalities
The Mate Elementary School provide one Modality for the Pandemic time the
Modular Print.
Education Financing
● Limited MOOE Fund is used for printing materials,
health essentials, and wellness
The three dimensions adapted from DepEd-Caraga LRCP and Divisions LRCP
are enlivened by Mate Elementary School’s SULONG.
Considering the first key stage of the recovery plan of the RAPID framework
as the most crucial part to realizing this LRCP, reaching every child and keeping
them in school will be given great emphasis. Establishing this facet of the learning
recovery process is vital in realizing each element of the framework as the
objectives of each pillar will focus on opening the gateways of every school and
delving into actions that will ensure all children are returning to and remaining in
school. Mate Elementary Schools goal of recovering learning loss through
magnifying classroom learning by giving emphasis to bringing foundational
concepts of learners from a curve due to the pandemic into its normal trajectory.
Mate Elementary School LRCP framework shows no boundaries among its
components as it signifies interconnectedness among its thrusts thereby creating
key strategies to realize its goal for the learner of this school year.
Encompassing all the key elements of the framework are the joint
undertakings of stakeholders and education financing, which play a great role in
The three key dimensions of Mate Elementary School LRCP are (1) Learning
Acceleration, Remediation, and Intervention, (2) Health, Well-being, and Resilience,
and (3) Professional Development. The inter-permeability of these key dimensions
has created cross-cutting sub-components like (1) Safe Learning Delivery, (2)
Support and Services for socio-emotional functioning, mental health, and
wellbeing, and (3) Learning and Development on Learning Recovery and Support.
Children learn best when they are healthy, nourished and safe, according to
the World Health Organization (WHO). Focusing on children's health and well-being
not only improves participation and retention but is also key to preparing them for
learning. Providing nutritious food and safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
in schools helps increase attendance and participation, especially for the most
Thus the school provide all the requirements of the Region and Division level in
regards to conducting the Health and Safety Protocols to assure the safety of
learners and teachers.
The well-being of teachers and other school personnel is also essential in the
acceleration and recovery of learning loss due to the pandemic. This can be done
through in-person sessions, and virtual peer groups. It is also imperative that
schools regularly monitor the health profiles of
teachers, staff, and students.
Based on the Division SMEA report for the S.Y 2021-2022all of our
teachers in Mate Elementary School are not trained with content,
pedagogy/instruction, localization/contextualization, assessment, and learning
resource materials. This implies the pressing need for additional training
opportunities for teachers to be equipped with the necessary Knowledge, Skills,
Attitudes, and Values to promote effective learning.
Dimension 1
1. Ensure Monitor the August All Classroom School Monitoring MOOE School
all children reopening of 22 – are open to all Heads and tool MOOE
return to schools and its July learners and Teachers
and stay in continuous 27, compliant to
school operation. 2023 requirements to
the safe opening
Conduct of
activities for
• Conducting
of the
utilization of
The identification of priorities and action steps by the division in the crafting
of the learning recovery plan is vital in ensuring the accuracy, efficiency and
timeliness of the actions or interventions to close the various learning gaps created
by the disruptions of the regular operations and mechanisms in the delivery of
quality education by the DepEd Agusan del Sur division. The in-depth analysis of
the previous and current situation and status of teaching-learning delivery,
participated by key personnel of the department such as the Division & district
personnel, the school heads, teachers, and stakeholders revealed a bigger picture of
both the challenges and best practices, as well as promising solutions and
executable targets for recovering learning losses and learning continuity in the best
4. Ensure The school head and all August schools School Heads
learners’ teachers implement DepEd 2022 – July
complied to the School ALS Coor
safety Order 44 s. 2015 on safety and 2023 directive
friendly environment in public
and private schools, ALS, CLCs
August ____ schools
Require all teachers to comply 2022 – complied to the School Heads
e-School Safety Assessment September requirement And Teachers
Tool (SSAT) 2022
IS School Head
Ensure the implementation of August
the guidelines on the 2022 Reports of
prevention of COVID 19 and School Head
other infectious diseases under
DO 34, s. 2022 dubbed as
School Calendar and Activities
for the School Year 2022- 2023
5. Ensure the Monitor intensified August 2022 – schools School. WinS focal Person
Implement implementation of WAter, July 2023 implemented WinS School Head
ation of Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) District Nurse
school- in schools SEF
based Adopt-a- School
water, School Health Coor
2. Re-orient *Face to Face within the 1st Unified Meals and School Heads,
teachers on Reorientation on the Quarter understandin Snacks, All Teachers
the conduct proper g of teachers Supplies concerned
of administration of the on the Materials
standardize following assessment purpose and
d tools: proper
assessment EGRA administratio
tools such MFAT n of
as EGRA, Phil-IRI standardized
MFAT and DepEd
Phil-IRI assessment
4. Equip *Issuance of a Year round (as Teachers School Funds School ICT
teachers memorandum on the need utilized ICT Coordinators
with the strengthening ICT arises) in the and all
KSAVs on support to teachers classroom. teachers
the effective in the school through
use of the ff.: conduct of List of
technology/ LAC session, teachers with
New challenges demand new approaches, hence, the need to upskill and
reskill our teachers through providing them with a more need-based continuing
professional development tailored fit to the demands of time is a must, rather than
an option.
With the primary goal of bridging or closing the learning loss and gaps caused by
the two-year distance learning brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, all
teachers, together with the school heads and supervisors, must be equipped with
the requisite tools to be able to implement, monitor and support the
implementation of new strategies to be able to successfully provide appropriate
remediation/enrichment/intervention strategies and address the need to “recover”
learning loss or forgotten learning
D. Phases of Implementation
E. Shared Responsibility
b. District Offices
2. Stakeholders’ Engagement
3. Communication Plan
A. Context