E – Basketball
Developed by Jim Smith
Year group: KS2 YEAR 3-6 – lessons adapted and differentiated in relation to ability and year group.
Length of study: 6 weeks
Focus: Invasion games - Basketball
Unit 3
Section 1: acquiring and developing skills
Section 2: selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas
Section 3: knowledge/understanding of fitness and health
Section 4: evaluating and improving performance
LESSON Objectives Warm up Main lesson Cool down Learning outcomes Equipment/
Lesson 1 Perform dribbling Tag related Allow chn 2-3 minutes to experiment with Chn to start Children can dribble the Cones, balls,
skills with warm-up game. A the basketball. Have them working in pairs running as ball with accuracy, bibs.
accuracy, modification of in a large area dribbling and passing. This fast as they confidence and control
confidence and “stuck in the mud” will allow a period for the coach to assess can around Look for chn
control where the group is at and understand the island I can stop a ball with with high
where to pitch the lesson. and as basic control (L1) ability to
understand rules teacher demonstrate.
relating to Dribbling the ball (diamond): split chn up counts down I can stop / catch a ball
dribbling – illegal into four even groups and place a team on from 10-1 with control (L2) Look for chn
dribble, double each corner of the grid. The area should they must
dribble be 20x20 with a diamond in the middle. get slower I can control and catch a good ABC’s
Two teams go at once with the first and slower ball with movement (L3)
person dribbling the ball then moving to until they
practise a jump
the right of the diamond. Repeat for are walking
stop and bounce I can control and catch a
other two teams. Repeat for left-handed very slowly.
pass ball & accurately pass
dribbling. Ensure correct technique when Explain
whilst moving (L4)
dribbling – using finger tips and not palm importance
of warm
KS1/2 Scheme of work for P.E – Basketball
Developed by Jim Smith
Lesson 2 perform dribbling Warm-up: Activity 1: Dribbling Head catch Children can dribble and Cones, bibs,
and passing skills passing around Dribbling in different directions – children cool down pass the ball with balls
with accuracy, the circle. Chn in all face same direction, each with a game. accuracy, confidence and
confidence and a circle basketball. Teacher at front directs which control Self-assesment
control. attempting to way they move, e.g. forward, backwards, Free-throw how do the chn
pass multiple balls left, right. Start with verbal directions, shooting. I can stop a ball with think they’ve
around in the but move on to non-verbal (actions or basic control (L1) done?
practise shooting same order. laminated cards) so that children have to
skills be watching the teacher and not their I can stop / catch a ball Peer-
ball. Let a pupil give the directions. with control (L2) assessment can
chn become
Activity 2: Chest Pass I can control and catch a coaches?
Re-cap the bounce pass and when it might ball with movement (L3)
be used.
Teach the chest pass – step with dominant I can control and catch a
leg, both hands, ‘pop’ the ball, aim at chest ball & accurately pass
Practise in pairs whilst moving (L4)
Play ‘Piggy in the Middle’ in 3s. Children
choosing most appropriate pass – chest or I can combine accurate
bounce – to avoid the defender. Discuss passing skills / techniques
faking a pass. Remind children that they in game (L5)
are not allowed to travel with the ball.
KS1/2 Scheme of work for P.E – Basketball
Developed by Jim Smith
Reinforce non-contact.
If appropriate, introduce dribbling +
jockeying to give children decision making
Aim to complete 5 accurate passes, and
then swap the person in the middle.
Lesson 3: perform dribbling, Warm-up: re-cap Activity: Shooting Cool down – Children can dribble, Balls, bibs,
passing and types of pass Split class into two halves, one facing each slow walk pass and shoot the ball cones
shooting skills learnt in previous basket. Children dribble down to basket and jog in with accuracy, Self-assesment
with accuracy, lesson (chest and shoot. Teaching points: bend knees, two lines confidence and control how do the chn
confidence and pass, bounce pass, aim for above the ring into the square and include tip think they’ve
control. overhead pass). it should go in, follow through with arm(s) toe walking I can take part in done?
Use 4 balls and Practise dribble – jump stop – shoot. and dynamic sending and receiving
chn must pass and Challenge children in their two teams – stretching. (L1) Peer-
move around the how many baskets can each team score in I can take part in assessment can
area. two minutes? opposed conditioned chn become
games (L2) coaches?
GAME: if two hoops available play mini 3v3 I can move with a ball
games regular rotation of teams. If only (L3)
one hoop available have one hoop and one I can move with a ball in
end zone and rotate every time a team opposed situations (L4)
scores. Could use just one basket and tell
teams to dribble past half way to re-start
Lesson 4 practise pivoting Foxes and Afl: are you allowed to move with the ball Dynamic Children can dribble, Balls, bibs,
rabbits. in basketball? If so when? Are there stretching pass and shoot the ball cones
perform dribbling, Select two foxes times when you cannot move? head catch with accuracy, Self-assesment
passing and to be on and game. confidence and control how do the chn
shooting skills rabbits each have Introduce the idea of pivoting. Explain I can take part in think they’ve
with accuracy, a bib tucked into that once you have stopped bouncing the sending and receiving done?
confidence and shorts. If tail is ball you are not allowed to bounce it again (L1)
control. grabbed rabbit (double dribble). And you must either pass I can take part in Peer-
becomes a fox. opposed conditioned
KS1/2 Scheme of work for P.E – Basketball
Developed by Jim Smith
Lesson 5 perform dribbling, Pirate ship warm Activity 1: Hot Potatoes Dynamic Children can dribble, Balls, bibs,
passing and up game – Passing game to improve speed and stretches pass and shoot the ball cones
shooting skills adapted for use accuracy. bring pulse with accuracy,
with accuracy, in basketball. 3 teams of approx 10 players, each team rate down confidence and control Self-assess
confidence and Area 20x20 chn with an equal number of balls. how did they
control. must follow Aim is to pass balls from start to end zone I can take part in do in golf?
coaches as fast as possible. Children will need to sending and receiving What was the
instructions when pass accurately and pivot to aim the shot. (L1) best way to
dribbling the ball. Repeat but setting a new ball off after I can take part in strike the ball?
the previous ball reaches a certain point, opposed conditioned What did they
e.g. the 5th person. games (L2) need to
when striking
I can move with a ball the ball?
KS1/2 Scheme of work for P.E – Basketball
Developed by Jim Smith
Lesson 6 perform dribbling, Pulse-raising Mini-tournament Dynamic I can take part in Balls, bibs,
passing and warm up game Split chn into teams and play mini games. stretches sending and receiving cones
shooting skills Ensure teams are evenly split and don’t bring pulse (L1)
with accuracy, allow chn to steal ball yet. Chn can rate down I can take part in Check for
confidence and “jockey” dribbler but cannot snatch ball. opposed conditioned misconceptions.
control in a game Defence can still intercept or block. games (L2) Year 6 and
situation. possibly 5
could run warm
I can move with a ball ups, score or
(L3) officiate
I can move with a ball in
opposed situations (L4)