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Lecture 2 - Economy of Formwork

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Civil & Construction Engineering Dep.

Formwork Design & Construction Methods

Dr.Alaa Salman
PhD, PMP, P.Eng (Ontario- Canada)

Chapter 2
Economy of formwork

IMU: CIVIL & & Construction ENG. Formwork Design & Construction Methods Chapter 2 DR.ALAA SALMAN
Course Schedule

Chapter 2: Economy of Formwork
2.1 Background
2.2 Impact of Structural Design on Formwork Costs
2.3 Suggestions for Design
2.4 Design Repetition
2.5 Dimensional Standards
2.6 Dimensional Consistency
2.7 Economy of Formwork and Sizes of Con. Columns
2.8 Beam & Column Intersections
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete Beams
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping Forms
2.11 Removal of Forms
2.12 Building Construction and Economy 3
2.1 Background (1)
❑ Formwork is the single largest cost
component of a concrete building's
structural frame.

❑ Placing priority on the formwork

design for a project may reduce the
total frame costs by as much as 25%
(direct and indirect costs).

2.1 Background (2)
❑ Formwork efficiencies:
❑ accelerate the construction schedule,
which can result in:
❑ reduced interest costs during
❑ early occupancy for the structure.

❑ increased jobsite productivity,

❑ improved safety,

❑ and reduced potential for errors.

2.2 Impact of Structural Design on Formwork Costs (1)

❑ In the design of concrete structure

❑ the common approach is to select the
minimum size of structural members and
the least amount of steel to sustain the
design loads:
❑ least amount of permanent materials in the
structure will result in the least cost
❑ However, this approach to design neglects the
impact of the cost of formwork.
❑ the total cost of a structure can actually increase
rather than decrease
2.2 Impact of Structural Design on Formwork Costs (2)
Example: The impact of structural design on the total cost
Cost Item Emphasis on Permanent Emphasis on Emphasis
Material, Constructability on Percent,
Design A Design B Increase
(Sizing members to (Decrease)
lumber dimension)
material, labor, and
$5.25/ft2 51% $3.50/ft2 39% (33)
equipment to make,
erect, and remove forms
Permanent material and
$2.85/ft2 27% $3.00/ft2 33% 5
labor for placing and
finishing concrete
Reinforcing steel
Materials, accessories,
$2.25/ft2 22% $2.50/ft2 28% 11
and labor for installation
of reinforcing steel

Total cost $10.35/ft2 100% $9.00/ft2 100% (13)7

2.3 Suggestions for Design (1)
❑ Economy of concrete structure begins in the
design development stage
❑ Consideration should be given to each of the

following methods of reducing the cost of

1) Prepare the structural and architectural designs
2) Consider the materials and methods that will be
required to make, erect, and remove the forms.
3) Design the structural members to comply with
the standard dimensions of the forms
2.3 Suggestions for Design (2)
4) Use the same size of columns from the foundation
to the roof.
5) Space columns uniformly throughout the building
as much as possible or practicable.
6. Where possible, locate the columns so that the
distances between adjacent faces will be multiples
of 4 ft plus 1 in., to permit the unaltered use of 4-
ft-wide sheets of plywood for slab decking.
7) Specify the same widths for columns and column-
supported girders to reduce or eliminate the
cutting and fitting of girder forms into column
forms. 9
2.3 Suggestions for Design (3)
8) Specify beams of the same depth and spacing on
each floor by choosing a depth that will permit the
use of standard sizes of lumber, without ripping,
for beam sides and bottoms.

2.4 Design Repetition (1)
❑Any type of work is more
efficient if it is performed on a
repetitive basis.

❑ Assembly line work in the automobile

manufacturing industry is a good
example of achieving efficiency and
economy by repetition.

2.4 Design Repetition (2)
❑ Repeating the same layout from bay to
bay on each floor provides repetition for
the workers.
❑ Repeating the same layout from floor to
floor from the lower floor levels to the
roof provides repetition.
❑ result in savings in form materials and in
efficiency of the labor needed to erect
and remove forms. 12
2.5 Dimensional Standards (1)
❑ Materials used for formwork,
especially lumber and related wood
products such as plywood, are available
in standard sizes and lengths.
❑ Significant cost savings can be achieved
during design.
❑ if the designer selects the dimensions of
concrete members that match the standard
nominal dimensions of the lumber that will be
used to form the concrete.
2.5 Dimensional Standards (2)
❑ Designs that depart from standard lumber
dimensions require costly carpentry time to
saw, cut, and piece the lumber together.
◼ For example, specifying a beam 11.25 in.
wide, instead of 12.0 in. wide, permits the
use of a 2- by 12-in. (actually 11.25 in. wide)
◼ Similarly, specifying a beam 14.5 in. wide,
instead of 14 in. wide, permits the use of two
2- by 8-in. boards, each of which is actually
7.25 in. wide
2.5 Dimensional Standards (3)
❑ Any necessary compensation in
the strength of the beam
resulting from a change in the
dimensions may be made by
modifying the quantity of the
reinforcing steel, or possibly by
modifying the depth of the
2.6 Dimensional Consistency (1)
❑ For concrete structures, consistency and
simplicity yield savings, whereas complexity
increases cost.
❑ Specific examples of opportunities to
simplify include:-
▪ Maintaining constant depth of horizontal
▪ Maintaining constant spacing of beams and joists,
▪ Maintaining constant column dimensions from
floor to floor, and
▪ Maintaining constant story heights.

2.6 Dimensional Consistency (2)

the first priority in designing

for economy is selecting the
structural system that offers
the lowest overall cost while
meeting load requirements.

2.7 Economy of Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Columns (1)
❑ Engineers sometimes follow reduce the
dimensions of columns every two floors
for multistory buildings.
❑ Although this practice permits reduction in the
quantity of concrete required for columns,
❑ it may not reduce the cost of a structure;
actually, it may increase the cost.
❑ Significant savings in labor and form materials
can be achieved by reusing column forms from
lower to upper floors.

2.8 Beam & Column Intersections
❑ When the widths of beams and columns are
the same, maximum cost efficiency is
attained because beam framing can proceed
along a continuous line.
❑ When beams are wider than columns, beam
bottom forms must be notched to fit
around column tops.
❑ Wide columns with narrow beams are the
most expensive intersections to form by far
because beam forms must be widened to
column width at each intersection.
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Beams (1)
❑ Cost savings can be accomplished by
selecting beam widths that are compatible
with the standard sizes of dimension
❑ Consider a concrete beam 18 ft long with a stem
size below the concrete slab that is 16 in. deep
and 14 in. wide
Original Design
16 in.

2 in thick boards
14 in.
(available in market)

Result 7.25 7.25

in. in. 20
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Beams (2)

Original Design

16 in.
2 in thick boards
14 in.
(available in market)

7.25 7.25
in. in.

𝐵𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ: 2 × 7.25 = 14.5 𝑖𝑛 > 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ: 14 𝑖𝑛

It will be necessary to rip

Result one of the boards
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Beams (3)

Modified Design

16 in.
2 in thick boards
14.5 in.
(available in market)

7.25 7.25
in. in.

𝐵𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ: 2 × 7.25 = 14.5 𝑖𝑛 = 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ: 14.5 𝑖𝑛

Additional 0.5 in is required
to increase the beam width
Result and therefore the concrete
volume will increase 22
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Beams (4)

Modified Design

16 in.
2 in thick boards
14.5 in.
(available in market)

Additional concrete = 7.25 7.25

in. in. 3
(16 𝑖𝑛 × 0.5 𝑖𝑛) 3
(1.0 𝑓𝑡 ) 𝟑
× 18 𝑓𝑡 = 1.0 𝑓𝑡 = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝟕 𝒚𝒅
𝑓𝑡 3
144 2 27 3
𝑓𝑡 𝑦𝑑
𝒊𝒇: 𝟏 𝒚𝒅𝟑 = $𝟗𝟓. 𝟎
𝒇𝒕 𝟑
∴ 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒕 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝟕 𝒚𝒅𝟑 × $𝟗𝟓. 𝟎 𝟑 = $𝟑. 𝟓𝟐
2.9 Economy in Formwork and Sizes of Concrete
Beams (5)
❑ Conclusion of the previous case:

❖ The cost for a carpenter to rip a board 18 ft

long will likely be significantly higher than the
additional cost of the concrete.

❖ When the project is finished, and the form

lumber is salvaged, a board having its
original or standard width will probably be
more valuable than one that has been
reduced in width by ripping.

2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (1)
❑ The cost of forms includes three items:

❖ materials,
❖ labor, and
❖ the use of equipment required to
fabricate and handle the forms.
✓ Any practice that will reduce the
combined cost of all these items will
save money.
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (2)
❑ Methods of effecting economy in formwork
include the following:
1. Design the forms to provide the required
strength with the smallest amount of materials
and the most number of reuses.

2. Do not specify or require a high-quality finish on

concrete surfaces that will not be exposed to
view by the public.

3. When planning forms, consider the sequence

and methods of stripping them.
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (3)
❑ Methods of effecting economy in formwork
include the following:
4. Use prefabricated panels where it is possible to
do so

5. Use the largest practical prefabricated panels

that can be handled by the workers or
equipment on the job.

6. Prefabricate form members (not limited to

panels) where possible. This will require
planning, drawings, and detailing, but it will save
money. 27
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (4)
❑ Methods of effecting economy in formwork
include the following:
7. Consider using patented form panels and other
patented members, which frequently are less
expensive than forms built entirely on the job.
8. Develop standardized methods of making,
erecting, and stripping forms to the maximum
possible extent. Once carpenters learn these
methods, they can work faster.
9. When prefabricated panels and other members,
such as those for foundations, columns, walls,
and decking, are to be reused several times. 28
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (5)
❑ Methods of effecting economy in formwork
include the following:
10.Use double-headed nails for temporary
connections to facilitate their removal.
11.Clean, oil, and renail form panels, if necessary,
between reuses. Store them carefully to prevent
distortion and damage.
12.Use long lengths of lumber without cutting for
walls, braces, stringers, and other purposes
where their extending beyond the work is not
2.10 Economy in Making, Erecting, and Stripping
Forms (6)
❑ Methods of effecting economy in formwork
include the following:

13.Strip forms as soon as it is safe and possible to do

so if they are to be reused on the structure.

14.Conduct jobsite analyses and studies to evaluate

the fabrication, erection, and removal of

2.11 Removal of Forms (1)
❑ Forms should be removed as soon as
possible to provide the greatest number of uses
but not until the concrete has attained sufficient
strength to ensure structural stability and to carry
both the dead load and any construction loads
that may be imposed on it.

❖ The engineer-architect should specify the

minimum strength required of the concrete before
removal of forms or supports because the strength
required for the removal of forms can vary widely
with job conditions.
2.11 Removal of Forms (2)
❖ Forms for columns, walls, and the sides of beams
often may be removed in 12 hours.

❖ Spans under 10 ft usually require 4 to 7 days,

❖ Spans of 10 to 20 ft require 7 to 14 days,

❖ Spans over 20 ft generally require 14 to 21 days,


❖ Spans under 10 ft usually require 3 to 4 days.

2.12 Building Construction and Economy (1)
❖ Careful planning in scheduling the construction
operations for a building and in providing the
forms can assure the maximum economy in
formwork and also the highest efficiency by labor,
both of which will reduce the cost of formwork.

❖ Consider the six-story building in Figure 2-1, to be

constructed with concrete columns, girders,
beams, and slabs.
❖ The floor area is large enough to justify dividing
the floor into two equal or approximately equal
areas for forms and concreting.
2.12 Building Construction and Economy (2)
❖ there will be 12 units in
the building. One unit
will be completely
constructed each week.

❖ making and erecting the

forms; placing the
reinforcing steel,
electrical conduit,
plumbing items, etc.,
and pouring the
2.12 Building Construction and Economy (3)
❖ The carpenters should complete the
formwork for unit 1 by the end of the third
day, after which time some of them will
begin the formwork for unit 2 while others
install braces on the shores and other
❖ If structural sections such as columns,
girders, beams, and floor panels in odd-
numbered units 1 through 11 are similar, and
those in the even-numbered units 2 through
12 are similar.
2.12 Building Construction and Economy (4)
❖ but those in units 1 through 11 are not similar to
those in units 2 through 12,

❖ it will be necessary to move form sections to

higher floors above given units. For example,
forms for unit 1 cannot be used in unit 2, or those
from unit 3 in unit 4, and so on.

2.12 Building Construction and Economy (5)
❖ Under this condition, it will be necessary to
provide one set of columns and beam and girder
sides for unit 1 and another set for unit 2, which
will be sufficient for the entire building.

❖ It will be necessary to provide a set of forms for

the beam and girder bottoms, slab decking, and
shores for unit 1 and another one for unit 3, and
similarly for units 2 and 4.

2.12 Building Construction and Economy (6)

The End of

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