Theories of Human Development 2nd Edition
Theories of Human Development 2nd Edition
Theories of Human Development 2nd Edition
Key human development theories that continue to guide research and practice are examined
in this engaging text. Ten key theories are grouped into three families—those that emphasize
biological systems, environmental factors, and those that reflect an interaction between the two.
This organization enhances students’ ability to evaluate, compare, and contrast theories both within
and across families. Each family is introduced with an overview of their unique perspectives and
the rationale for grouping them together. Discussion of each theory includes the cultural/historical
context during the theory’s development, its key concepts and ideas, extensions of the theory in
contemporary work, an example showing a modification of the theory, an application of how the
theory is used to inform practice, and an analysis of how the theory answers six basic questions that
a human development theory should address. Each chapter includes an overview of the strengths
and weaknesses of the theories to facilitate comparisons. Theories that have a clear life-span focus
along with cases and examples that address issues across the life span are included.
Ideal for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate courses in theories of development, life-
span or child development taught in psychology, human development, family studies, education,
and social work.
Philip R. Newman is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, SPSSI, and the
American Orthopsychiatric Association.
Theories of Human Development
Second Edition
Barbara M. Newman
Philip R. Newman
Second edition published 2016
by Psychology Press
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
and by Psychology Press
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© 2016 Taylor & Francis
The right of Barbara M. Newman and Philip R. Newman to be identified as the
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First edition published by Psychology Press 2007
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Newman, Barbara M.
Theories of human development / by Barbara M. Newman and
Philip R. Newman.—Second edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Developmental psychology. I. Newman, Philip R. II. Title.
BF713.N494 2016
155—dc23 2014050034
About the Authors xvii
1. Introduction1
Case Vignette 1
What Is Human Development? 3
What Is a Theory? 4
What Do We Expect from a Theory of Human Development? 6
What Are the Challenges to Understanding Human Development
Across the Life Span? 9
Why So Many Theories? Which One Should I Choose? 11
The Organization of the Book 11
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 13
Key Terms 13
Recommended Resources 14
References 14
2. Evolutionary Theory 19
Case Vignette 20
Historical Context 21
Key Concepts 21
New Directions 26
A Research Example: Attachment 30
An Application: The Free-Rider Problem 35
How Does Evolutionary Theory Answer the Basic Questions That a
Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 37
Critique of Evolutionary Theory 40
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 43
Key Terms 44
Recommended Resources 45
References 46
vi • Contents
3. Psychoanalytic Theory49
Case Vignette 50
Historical Context 51
Key Concepts 53
New Directions 62
A Research Example: The Rediscovery of the Unconscious 66
An Application: Psychoanalytic Theory and Parenting 71
How Does Psychoanalytic Theory Answer the Basic Questions That a
Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 74
Critique of Psychoanalytic Theory 77
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 81
Key Terms 82
Recommended Resources 82
References 83
4. Cognitive Developmental Theory86
Case Vignette 87
Historical Context 88
Key Concepts 89
New Directions 103
A Research Example: Metacognition 111
An Application: Teaching Logico-Mathematical Knowledge 113
How Does Cognitive Developmental Theory Answer the Basic Questions
That a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 115
Critique of Cognitive Developmental Theory 118
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 121
Key Terms 122
Recommended Resources 122
References 123
5. Learning Theories131
Case Vignette 132
Historical Context 133
Key Concepts of Four Theories of Learning 134
New Directions 147
A Research Example: Learned Helplessness and Learned Resourcefulness 150
An Application: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 152
How Do the Learning Theories Answer the Basic Questions That a
Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 154
Critique of the Learning Theories 158
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 161
Key Terms 162
Recommended Resources 163
References 163
Contents • vii
Glossary 352
Author Index 367
Subject Index 369
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Think about the power of ideas. Consider how concepts like freedom, justice, or equality have
inspired action, or how ideas like loyalty, authority, and discipline have influenced family and
military life. Scientific theories are logical, empirically grounded sets of ideas that can have a
profound impact on the way one understands oneself and others. Theories draw you into a world
of ideas, leading you to consider relationships, processes, time, culture, and self in new ways
and suggesting methods for exploring human behavior. The goal of this book is to provide an
engaging introduction to theoretical perspectives about human development. The ten theories
that are presented have guided research, intervention, and practice in numerous fields including
developmental psychology, life-span development, education, medicine and nursing, social work,
human services, counseling, parenting, therapy, and mental health.
One weakness of several current books in this area is that they offer a “shotgun” approach to
theory. Each chapter is typically devoted to a separate theory, but students have no idea why these
theories were selected or how they relate to one another. In contrast, this book is designed to
focus on three major families of theories: those that emphasize biological systems in guiding the
direction of development; those that emphasize environmental factors in guiding the direction of
development; and those that emphasize a dynamic interaction between biological, environmental,
and self-directed forces in guiding the direction of development. Within each family, a small
number of influential theories are presented. These theories were selected because they have had
a major impact on developmental science and continue to evolve because of new insights from
contemporary scholarly work. Our hope is that, in examining the concepts and perspectives of
the ten theories, students will have new resources to think critically about theoretical ideas, begin
to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, and gain a deeper understanding of how
the particular emphasis of a theory guides research, application, policy, and public opinion.
The book highlights the role of theories in building a knowledge base. Theories guide research,
help to interpret behavior, and guide the design of interventions. Students will appreciate how
theories are revised and extended as new issues are brought to light. They will observe, through
examples, how the research process contributes to the evaluation and modification of theories.
They will be able to appreciate how, over time, ideas that may have been introduced in one
theory are revisited in another theoretical framework, and how an emerging societal issue or
new research capability brings back the relevance of a theoretical concept from the past. Students
will also be encouraged to consider the historical and cultural context within which each theory
was developed. This perspective suggests that there are inevitable biases that accompany any
individual’s efforts to explain and predict human behavior, situated as they are in the prevailing
xii • Preface
scientific environment and influenced by the theorist’s particular scholarly training, values, and
The book was written for upper division undergraduates and beginning graduate students
who have already taken one course in human development or developmental psychology. It
is comprised of 12 chapters: an introduction, ten theory chapters divided into three families,
and an epilogue. The introduction (Chapter 1) reviews the role that theories play in guiding
the development of knowledge and the design of interventions. It also highlights some of the
challenges of understanding human development across the life span. The introductory chapter
introduces six guiding questions that a theory of human development is expected to address.
These questions are addressed in each theory chapter, providing a vehicle for students to compare
and contrast the contributions of each theory. Each family of theories is introduced with a brief
interlude that provides some highlights of each theory and its unique perspectives, and an
explanation for why the theories in that section have been grouped together.
The discussion of each theory includes the following sections:
A. Guiding questions: each chapter begins with a small set of guiding questions to help orient the
reader to some big ideas and to introduce issues that will be central to the focus of the theory.
B. An opening case and brief narrative that links the case to themes from the theory.
C. The historical and cultural context in which the theory was developed.
D. An overview of the theory’s key concepts and important ideas.
E. New directions that extend the theory in contemporary scientific work.
F. A research example that shows how the theory has been tested and modified.
G. An application that shows how the theory has guided the design of an intervention or program,
or has been used to inform practice.
H. An analysis of how the theory answers six basic questions that a theory of human development
is expected to address.
I. A critique of the theory, pointing out strengths and weaknesses, and a table which summarizes
these points.
J. A set of critical thinking questions and exercises.
K. Key terms.
L. Recommended resources.
A major objective of this book is to foster critical thinking and an active approach to
learning. The book is written in a clear, comprehensible style without sacrificing the integrity
and complexity of ideas. Concepts are explained so that students can grasp the underlying logic
of the theory and its basic contributions. Each theory chapter follows the same organization to
allow students to do their own comparisons and to learn to anticipate the issues that are likely
to be raised. By emphasizing three families of theories and selecting a few examples within each
family, we hope to help students begin to grasp the essential features of the family of theories and
appreciate how new theories they will encounter fit within one orientation or another. Within
each chapter, the use of case material encourages application of concepts to real-life situations.
By returning to the six questions that a theory of human development is expected to address,
students begin to accumulate a broad and comparative view of the theories, and their relevance
for understanding the complexities of human behavior. After reading the critique of each theory,
highlighting strengths and weaknesses, students can begin to add their own ideas, possibly
combining ideas from several theories to address limitations.
Preface • xiii
The Epilogue, Chapter 12, is new to this edition. The Epilogue describes a single case that is
interpreted using each of the ten theories presented in the text. This approach is intended to
foster complex thinking by illustrating how the variety of theoretical ideas and principles can cast
a unique light on a common situation. The Epilogue also summarizes some of the similarities and
differences among the theories, culminating in a table that compares the theories with regard to
basic processes; conceptualizations about periods of life; the universal versus contextual emphasis
of the theory; and the timescale that the theory features in its approach to development.
Pedagogical Features
The pedagogical features of the text are intended to foster understanding and stimulate
conceptual development. An initial outline provides a roadmap of ideas that will be covered in
the chapter. The guiding questions help students to formulate a basis for their critical analysis
of the theories. As they read several theories, these questions will become increasingly useful to
guide efforts to compare and contrast the theories. The initial case vignette provides a real-life
situation to help illustrate how the theory can be useful in dealing with individual, family, and/
or organizational situations. The narrative that follows the case vignette provides a link from the
case to the concepts of the theory, even before the students have explored the theory in depth.
Each chapter includes a discussion of strengths and weaknesses of the theory, in order to facilitate
comparing theories and evaluating their usefulness for specific educational, counseling, human
service, or policy goals.
The chapters close with a set of critical thinking questions and exercises which are intended
to promote an analytical review of concepts, link the theory to personal life experiences, and
encourage students to return to the opening case with enhanced appreciation for the insights
provided by the theoretical lens. Key terms are boldfaced throughout each chapter, and the
definition of these words and phrases can be found in the glossary as well as in the student
e-resource. These glossary terms will support student assessment and outcomes. Recommended
resources are suggested that extend the ideas of the theory through lectures, videos, websites, and
additional readings. These resources suggest ways that students who are motivated can continue
their exploration of the theory by examining its past as well as its current trends and application.
We would like to thank the reviewers who gave us their input on the revision: Davidio Dupree,
University of Pennsylvania, Michele Gregoire Gill, University of Central Florida, Hillary Merk,
University of Portland, Lydia B. Smith, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and one
anonymous reviewer.
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About the Authors
Barbara M. Newman received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University
of Michigan. She is a professor emeritus at the University of Rhode Island in Human
Development and Family Studies where she served for six years as department chair. She has
been on the faculty at Russell Sage College and the Ohio State University, where she served as
department chair in Human Development and Family Science, and as associate provost for
faculty recruitment and development. As associate provost, she provided leadership for the
recruitment of women and underrepresented minorities in the faculty, including innovative
spousal advocacy initiatives. She was one of the founders of the Young Scholars Program as
well as a program to provide access and coordinate resources for single mothers who wanted
to complete an undergraduate degree. Dr. Newman received the outstanding teaching award
from the College of Human Science and Services at the University of Rhode Island. Her
teaching included courses in human development and family theories, life-span development,
adolescence and young adulthood, and the research process. Dr. Newman’s publications include
articles on social and emotional development in adolescence, parent–adolescent relationships,
and adjustment in the transition to high school and the transition to college. She is currently
involved in two major research projects: a study of the sense of purpose and adaptation to
the college environment for students with disabilities; and a multinational study of adolescent
Philip R. Newman received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan. He
is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues (SPSSI), and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. He has taught courses in
introductory psychology, adolescence, social psychology, developmental psychology, counseling,
and family, school and community contexts for development. He served as the director for
research and evaluation for the Young Scholars Program at the Ohio State University, and as the
director of the Human Behavior Curriculum Project for the American Psychological Association.
His research focused on the transition to high school for low-income, minority students, and
the relationship of group identity and alienation to adaptation in early adolescence. His current
projects include a book about how high schools can meet the psychosocial needs of adolescents,
and the development of a protocol for counselors to assess psychosocial maturity and problems
in living based on the developmental framework presented in Development through life: A
psychosocial approach.
xviii • About the Authors
Together, the Newmans have co-authored 13 books in the field of human development as well
as numerous journal articles and book chapters on adolescent development, parenting, and
psychosocial theory. Their life-span developmental text, Development through life: A psychosocial
approach, is in its 12th edition.
Case Vignette 1
What Is Human Development? 3
What Is a Theory? 4
Components of a Theory 5
Requirements of a Good Theory 6
What Do We Expect from a Theory of Human Development? 6
What Are the Challenges to Understanding Human Development Across the Life Span? 9
Why So Many Theories? Which One Should I Choose? 11
The Organization of the Book 11
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 13
Key Terms 13
Recommended Resources 14
Guiding Questions
• What is the role of theory in the study of human development?
• What are some important features of a theory?
• How would you decide which theory is most appropriate for explaining behaviors that
are of interest to you?
Case Vignette
Imagine the following situation. You are babysitting for Clark, who is 2½. You are getting
ready to go to the park, which Clark loves, and you tell Clark that he needs to get his shoes on
2 • Introduction
before you can leave the house. Clark sits down on the floor, pulls his shoes on, and starts to
tie his laces. You see that he is having trouble, so you offer to help. “No!” says Clark, “I do it.”
You wait a while, and then you say, “Let me get that so we can go to the park.” “No!” says Clark
again, and pulls away. “Don’t you want to go to the park?” you ask. Clark takes his shoes off
and throws one at you. He falls on the floor, kicking and crying “no shoes, no help, no park!”
As a student of human development, you might begin to try to understand this situation
by reflecting on what you observed. What did Clark say and do? What did you say and
do? What was the context in which this interaction took place? Once you have taken
careful account of the “what” of the situation, you will probably begin asking yourself some
questions in order to understand the “why” of the situation and how to cope with it. You
may wonder about the meaning of the situation for you and for Clark. You might consider
that since you are an adult and Clark is a young child, the meaning of the situation might
be different for each of you. Why won’t Clark accept your help? Does Clark understand why
he has to wear shoes to the park? Why is Clark so set on tying his own shoelaces? What role
did you play in this situation? Did you say or do something that made Clark reject your
help? How can you intervene so that Clark puts his shoes on and gets to go to the park?
In order to answer these questions, you need to link your observation of your behavior
and Clark’s behavior to ideas that explain them. These ideas are your theory of why things
happened as they did for you, for Clark, and for you and Clark. The theory will lead you to
a decision about what you might do next.
The world of scientific inquiry can be divided into two related components: observation and
theory. Scientific observations describe what happens; scientific theories offer explanations
about “how” and “why” these things happen.
In the study of human development, theories play a powerful role by shaping our ideas about
the meaning of behavior, expanding our understanding of the scope and potential of complex
human functioning, opening the way to new research, and guiding interventions. There is
no single, agreed on theory that all scholars of human development endorse. Yet, many of the
theories have given us a new lens for observing and interpreting behavior.
• Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development led to a new appreciation for the way children
create meaning out of their experiences. His theory has helped parents and teachers appreciate
that as children develop they use different strategies for learning and thinking. This insight has
had broad application in the design of age-appropriate curricula and learning environments.
• Sigmund Freud’s theory of development provided insights into the unconscious, giving us
a way of thinking about the tension between strong motives or desires and the constraints
against expressing those desires. His emphasis on the early and continuing maturation of
sexual drives has influenced parenting practices and approaches to psychotherapy. Current
biopsychosocial theory draws on his work, linking internal sexual motives with patterns of
reproductive behavior and their implications for human evolution.
• Albert Bandura’s theory of social learning led to widespread use of the idea of modeling
to characterize the social conditions under which children learn through observation and
imitation of the behavior of others. His theory stimulated greater awareness of the social nature
Introduction • 3
of learning across many contexts. His ideas about self-efficacy have pointed to the importance
of confidence as a person strives to meet new and challenging standards for performance.
This concept has been applied in many fields including coaching, classroom instruction, and
workplace performance.
• Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory highlighted the concept of identity, a creative synthesis
of a sense of self in society, that emerges in later adolescence and guides the direction of
development over the life span. His theory was one of the first to provide a model of
development that extends over the entire life span. His theory has been applied broadly in
the field of college student development with specific links to student achievement, career
exploration, ethnic identity, and gender role development.
These are a few examples of how theorists have provided frameworks for identifying unobservable
processes and mechanisms that account for behavior. In doing this, they have given us a new
vocabulary for understanding and studying the dynamics of development.
This book is a selective introduction to ten theories that have inspired the study of human
development and produced a rich heritage of research and intervention. Each theory not only has
a distinguished history, but is also important in shaping the current focus of the field and guiding
approaches to both research and practice.
This introductory chapter will address the following questions:
behavior. Often, these personal thoughts and experiences serve to give focus and direction to
the scholar’s work. For example, Erik Erikson grew up in southern Germany with his mother
and stepfather who was a Jewish pediatrician. It was not until he was older that he learned that
his biological father was Danish. The experience of being an ethnically and religiously mixed
child growing up in a tight knit, bourgeois community contributed to his heightened awareness
of identity, self, and society which became key constructs in his theory. Each theory of human
development must be understood as reflecting the education and training, historical context, and
personal experiences, values, and beliefs of the human beings who invented it.
Second, humans enjoy a wonderful capacity for representational or symbolic thought.
Thus, theories of human development must address more than a description of behaviors and
explanations that account for these behaviors. They must also account for the nature of mental
activity such as knowledge acquisition and use, imagination, aspirations and plans, emotions,
problem solving, patterns of change and the direction of change in mental activity. Theories of
development need to offer ideas about the mechanisms that link mental activity and behavior.
Third, humans have a comparatively long life span during which their capacities change
dramatically. In contrast to many other species, humans are born in a dependent state, and
their daily survival depends on the care and nurturance provided by others. This dependent
state continues for quite some time. Humans may live to an advanced age of 100 years or more,
achieving many new levels of complex thought and behavior, participating in a wide range of
social relationships, and adapting to diverse physical and social settings. Theories of human
development must address constancy and change of an organism over a long period of time.
What Is a Theory?
A theory is a logical system of concepts that helps explain observations and contributes to the
development of a body of knowledge. We all have our informal, intuitive theories about why
people behave as they do. For example, the adage “The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree,” is an
informal theory that predicts that children are going to grow up to behave a lot like their parents.
However, a formal scientific theory is different from an informal set of beliefs. In order for a set of
ideas to reach the level of a formal scientific theory, it has to be supported by extensive evidence,
including systematic experimentation and observation (Zimmerman, 2009). A formal scientific
theory is a set of interconnected statements, including assumptions, definitions, and hypotheses,
which explain and interpret observations. The function of this set of interconnected statements is
to describe unobservable structures, mechanisms, or processes and to relate them to one another
in order to explain observable events. For example, in learning, the information or strategies that
have been learned are not observable nor is the process of learning. The information becomes
observable by asking questions, giving a test, or presenting a situation where the information
must be used to solve a problem. However, the process of learning the information is not directly
observable and our understanding of this process relies on theories that attempt to explain how
new information is acquired, remembered, and produced when needed. Components of a theory
and characteristics of a good theory are listed in Table 1.1.
In the field of human development, theory is differentiated from research and from facts. The
research process may be guided by theory; however, the research process is a separate approach to
building a knowledge base. For example, Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory introduced the
idea that through direct interaction with the physical world, infants gradually construct a scheme
for the permanent object, and understanding that objects do not cease to exist when they are out
Introduction • 5
of sight. A growing body of research, stimulated by this theory, has led to a more complex view
of what infants know about objects depending on the nature of the task, the kind of response the
baby is required to make, and the setting where the baby is studied.
Facts are distinct from the theories that might try to explain or account for them. For example,
life expectancy at birth in the United States has increased considerably from 1900 to the present.
This fact is indisputable. There may be several theories about factors that account for changes in
longevity. Each theory might influence the direction of research about longevity. However, these
theories do not change the facts.
Components of a Theory
Theories are like short stories with a situation, main characters, and a plot. The theory identifies
a domain such as cognition, language, learning, motivation, or identity development that will be
the focus of explanation. This is the situation or problem the theory is attempting to address. In
order to understand a theory, one must be clear about which phenomena the theory is trying to
explain. A theory of intellectual development may include hypotheses about the evolution of the
brain, the growth of logical thinking, or the capacity to use symbolism. Such a theory is less likely
to explain fears, motives, or friendship. Understanding the focus of the theory helps to identify its
range of applicability. Although principles from one theory may have relevance to another area
of knowledge, a theory is evaluated in terms of the domain it was originally intended to explain.
In reading about each theory, you will encounter certain assumptions about the scientific
process, human behavior, or development. These assumptions may not be testable; they provide
a platform upon which the theory is built. Assumptions are the guiding premises underlying the
logic of a theory. In order to evaluate a theory, you must first understand what its assumptions
are. Darwin assumed that lower life forms “progress” to higher forms in the process of evolution.
Freud assumed that all behavior is motivated and that the unconscious is a “storehouse” of
motives and wishes. The assumptions of any theory may or may not be correct. Assumptions may
be influenced by the cultural context that dominates the theorist’s period of history, by the sample
of observations from which the theorist has drawn inferences, by the current knowledge base of
the field, and by the intellectual capacities of the theorist.
Each theory is comprised of key constructs that refer to certain unobservable relationships
or processes. You might think of these constructs as the principal characters in the story. We
use constructs such as intelligence, motivation, and goals to explain human behavior, just as we
use constructs such as electricity, gravity, and momentum to explain the physical world. In each
case, the construct is not observable directly, although in the case of the physical world, scientists
often have reached agreement on ways of measuring constructs. Developmental scholars work
to measure explanatory constructs just as physical scientists do, but there is much less agreement
about approaches to measurement.
6 • Introduction
Finally, theories offer if–then links or testable hypotheses. This is the plot. What does the
theory predict? For example, Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning offered the following
testable hypothesis: “When a response is followed by a reward or reinforcement, the probability
of its recurrence will increase.” This means that successful actions (those that are rewarded)
are more likely to be repeated than unsuccessful actions (those that are not rewarded).
From this single hypothesis, one can interpret many observations about human behavior
and predict others.
1. What is the direction of change over the life span? We assume that there is a direction to
development, that it is not random. Development is not the same as changing one’s hair style
or deciding one day to play tennis and the next to play soccer. Theories of development offer
some big ideas about maturity, and shed light on important ways in which thought, self-
understanding, the capacity for social relationships, and/or the capacity for adaptation become
increasingly complex and integrated as life goes along. Theories of development provide a
framework for thinking about optimal development, that is, age-related characteristics of
social, physical, emotional and cognitive competence that can be expected when a person is
highly motivated, physically healthy, and well-integrated into their social group.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth from conception through old age? Do these
mechanisms vary across the life span? Theories of development suggest kinds of processes
or experiences that bring about systematic change. In this book, we will present and explain
the variety of mechanisms theorists offer for how growth and development occur. For
example, Piaget’s theory suggests that change occurs when a person encounters discrepancy
between what is experienced in the world and the mental representations of that experience.
He assumed that there is a natural tendency for people to resolve this discrepancy and seek
equilibrium. Another theorist might offer a different kind of mechanism for explaining how
change occurs. And in some instances, a theory suggests that different kinds of processes are
at work at different periods of life.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? The theories presented in this
book offer different ideas about the significance of early experiences for the psychological and
behavioral organization of later periods of life. Some theories suggest that incidents from infancy
and childhood play a powerful role in guiding the direction of development well into adulthood.
Other theories emphasize the influence of contemporary events in guiding development by
viewing the person as continuously adapting to new demands and opportunities.
Two contrasting concepts inform this question: canalization and plasticity. Canalization
means that responsiveness, whether at a neural or behavioral level, is shaped and narrowed
as a result of repeated experiences (Gottlieb, 1991, 1997). For example, in infancy, babies are
initially able to perceive sounds from a wide range of languages. However, some time between
6 and 10 months, infants are no longer able to differentiate the sounds of non-native languages,
while their sensitivity to native language sounds and combinations becomes increasingly
adept. Repeated exposure to early stressors, such as harsh parenting, has a similar canalizing
impact at the neurological, hormonal, and cognitive levels (Blair & Raver, 2012). Children who
have been repeatedly exposed to harsh, violent environments may develop neurological and
hormonal responses that provide an advantage—a more rapid, sensitive awareness to threat,
and the related ability to withdraw. However, this advantage comes at the cost of physical
health, difficulties in concentrating, and impaired self-regulation.
In contrast to the concept of canalization is the idea of plasticity, the capacity for adaptive
reorganization at the neurological, psychological, and behavioral levels. The impressive ability
of humans to learn from experience reflects this concept. Plasticity can be observed at the
neurological level. For example, after a stroke, rehabilitation efforts allow a person to relearn
many of the functions that were lost due to brain damage. Through repetition and practice,
new neural networks and pathways are established. In some cases, new regions of the brain
take over functions of regions that were damaged.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect individual development? Individuals
develop in contexts, especially physical, cultural, family, school, work, and community contexts.
8 • Introduction
prevent dysfunction, or promote recovery from disruptive experiences? What guidance does
the theory offer about the timing of the intervention; the method of intervention; the duration
of the intervention; or the intensity of the intervention? The practical implications of a theory
are derived from its explanatory processes and mechanisms for change (Walton, 2014). In
deciding to apply the theory in a particular context, one looks to empirical evidence of its
effectiveness to determine if the guidance from that theory has been applied successfully to
similar situations with similar individuals or groups.
1. Change in the person is taking place in the context of a changing environment. We do not
have the luxury of placing a person in a “petri dish” and watching how he or she grows. A
person develops over a long period of time, and as he or she grows, the environment changes.
New siblings are born; parents get older; the society’s norms for social behavior may change;
opportunities for education and employment may change; new technologies and medical
interventions may provide new resources; diseases, disasters, and war may place the person
at risk. A challenge for each theory is to conceptualize the reality of a changing person in a
changing environment (Magnusson & Cairns, 1996; Diehl et al., 2014).
2. Change is both quantitative and qualitative. Human beings grow by inches and pounds; these
are quantitative changes. But they also grow through transitions from lying, to creeping,
crawling, and walking; these are qualitative changes. Some changes, like a person’s vocabulary,
can be thought of as additive. At age 8 months, most infants typically have no real words; by
16 months most babies have about 24 words; and by 30 months most toddlers have about 570
words. In contrast to vocabulary, which grows incrementally, the creation of two-word sentences
(“daddy bye-bye,” “more juice”) is a qualitative change in language use. At age 16 months,
10 • Introduction
few infants make these primitive sentences, but by 30 months almost all children create them
(Fenson et al., 1994). Two-word expressions are an initial grammar through which children are
able to convey their own complex meaning. The words “more” and “juice” each have meaning,
but by putting them together, the child makes a primitive sentence that conveys an idea that is
more complicated than the words alone. Two-word sentences are a qualitatively new language
capacity that is a reorganization of vocabulary and meaning. Theories of human development
face the challenge of accounting for both quantitative and qualitative changes and explaining
how they operate together.
3. Human development is a product of the interaction of three dynamic systems: the biological,
the psychological, and the societal. Each system is complex in its own right, and each has the
potential for influencing the others (Erikson, 1963). The biological system includes all those
processes necessary for the person’s physical functioning, including genetic factors, physical
maturation, vulnerability to disease, nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest cycles, reproductive and
sexual functions. The psychological system includes all those mental processes needed to
make meaning out of experiences, to learn, and to take action. Symbolic abilities, memory,
language, the capacity for problem solving, emotion, coping strategies, and creativity are
examples of components of the psychological system. The societal system includes all those
processes through which a person becomes integrated into society. These include social
roles, family, participation in social institutions such as school, work, and religion, cultural
values and norms, exposure to discrimination or inter-group hostilities, and exposure to
environmental toxins and hazards. Theories of human development may emphasize one or
two of these systems more than the others, but without some recognition of the interaction of
these systems, the analysis of human development is incomplete.
4. Human beings are conscious, reflective and goal-directed. The final challenge we want to raise
in this introductory chapter is the need to recognize that humans are able to reflect upon and
analyze their behavior, evaluating outcomes as successes or failures (Ellis, Carette, Anseel, &
Lievens, 2014). The way people evaluate past experiences influences subsequent decisions. The
capacity for conscious reflection and evaluation allows individuals to make choices that guide
the direction of their own development.
Often, the concepts of nature (a biological plan for development) and nurture (the
environmental contexts of development) are presented as constructs that help account for
the direction of growth. Current scholarly work emphasizes that these two factors interact
with each other, so that we no longer seek a purely environmental or a purely biological
explanation for human behavior. Rather, we look for evidence about how the expression of
certain genetically guided patterns is mediated by environmental conditions. However, in
these analyses, a third dimension, self-directed goal behavior, is often omitted.
The great variability and flexibility of human behavior and development are advantages in
terms of enhanced adaptive potential. However, the organism needs to organize his or her
resource investment by making choices and focusing resources accordingly. Thus, life-span
development theory inherently raises questions of how individuals decide which domains
or goals to select and how they remain focused on the domains or goals they have chosen.
(Heckhausen & Schulz, 1999, p. 70)
The challenge to theories of human development is to offer an explanation for the choices
individuals make that ultimately contribute to the direction of their development.
Introduction • 11
You will want to examine the evidence that addresses the effectiveness of interventions that have
been guided by the theory. But, you may also think of some possible applications of the theory that
have not been considered before. That is one of the most exciting aspects of the study of human
development; it is a dynamic field with many new and emerging directions for intervention.
Of course, this division of the theories into three families is an overgeneralization. Each theory
has something to say about biological factors, environmental factors, and person–environment
interactions. However, we expect that this organization will help you recognize some of the
common threads among the theories, compare and contrast them, and work out your own
assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.
The presentation of each family of theories begins with a brief interlude or overview in which
the issues that tie the theories together are introduced. The discussion of each theory includes the
following sections:
As you read each theory, we encourage you to consider its broad impact as well as its scientific
merit. You will be thinking about the contributions these theories have made to research and
application, and their ability to shape the worldviews of people outside the narrow circle of
human development researchers and scholars.
Key Terms
assumptions observation
behavior optimal development
biological system plasticity
canalization protective factors
change psychological system
constancy qualitative change
constructs quantitative change
context range of applicability
culture resilience
development risk factors
domains scientific inquiry
hypotheses societal system
intervention theory
life span worldview
mental activity
14 • Introduction
Recommended Resources
**Haig, B.D. (2009). Methods: Evaluating explanatory theories. Retrieved on April 2, 2014 from
This article describes a qualitative approach, Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE), for
evaluating theories.
**Popper, K.R. (1963). Science as falsification. Taken from Conjectures and Refutations. Retrieved
on April 2, 2014 at
The essay from a distinguished philosopher of science describes his early thinking about how to
evaluate theories based on the principle of falsification.
** Schermer, Michael (2006). “Why people believe weird things.” Ted Talks.
Schermer provides an amusing and insightful presentation about how beliefs can be based on
questionable evidence.
**Sutton, R.I. & Staw, B.M. (1995). What theory is not. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40,
371–384. Stable URL:
Sutton and Staw offer a perspective that critically evaluates many social science papers by
clarifying the elements that are not sufficient to be considered a theory.
**Wilson, T.D. (2011). Redirect: The surprising new science of psychological change. New York:
Little Brown.
A review of interventions that target specific psychological processes, illustrating the power of
theory in helping to guide change.
Blair, C. & Raver, C.C. (2012). Child development in the context of adversity: Experiential canalization of brain and
behavior. American Psychologist, 67, 309–318.
Bordens, K.S. & Abbott, B.B. (2013). Research design and methods: A process approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-
Caspi, A., Hariri, A.R., Holmes, A., Uher, R., & Moffitt, T.E. (2010). Genetic sensitivity to the environment: The
case of the serotonin gene and its implications for studying complex diseases and traits. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 167, 509–527.
Diehl, M., Chui, H., Hay, M.A. et al. (2014). Change in coping and defense mechanisms across adulthood:
Longitudinal findings in a European American sample. Developmental Psychology, 50, 634–648.
Ellis, S., Carette, B., Anseel, F., & Lievens, F. (2014). Systematic reflection: Implications for learning from failures
and successes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 67–72.
Erikson, E.H. (1963). Childhood and society. 2nd ed. New York: Norton. (Original work published 1950)
Ertem, I.O. & Weitzman, C.C. (2011). Child development: Monitoring and supporting early childhood development.
In C. Rudolph, A. Rudolph, G. Lister, L. First, & A. Gershon (Eds.), Rudolph’s pediatrics. 22nd ed. (pp. 34–42).
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Fenson, L., Dale, P.S., Reznick, J.S., Bates, E., Thal, D.J., & Pethick, S.J. (1994). Variability in early communicative
development. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 59 (Serial No. 5).
Gottlieb, G. (1991). Experiential canalization of behavioral development: Theory. Developmental Psychology, 27,
Introduction • 15
Gottlieb, G. (1997). Synthesizing nature-nurture: Prenatal roots of instinctual behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Heckhausen, J. & Schulz, R. (1999). Selectivity in life-span development. In J. Brandtstadter & R.M. Lerner (Eds.),
Action and self-development: Theory and research through the life span (pp. 67–103). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Kagan, J. (1991). Continuity and discontinuity in development. In S.E. Brauth, W.S. Hall, & R.J. Dooling (Eds.),
Plasticity of development (pp. 11–26). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lerner, R.M., Schmid, K.L., Weiner, M.B. et al. (2012). Resilience across the life span. In B. Hayslip, Jr. & G.C. Smith
(Eds.), Emerging perspectives on resilience in adulthood and later life (pp. 275–299). New York: Springer.
Magnusson, D. & Cairns, R.B. (1996). Developmental science: Principles and illustrations. In R.B. Cairns, G.H.
Elder, & E.J. Costello (Eds.), Developmental science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Masten, A.S. (2014). Global perspectives on resilience in children and youth. Child Development, 85, 6–20.
Miller, P.H. (2011). Theories of developmental psychology. 5th ed. New York: Worth.
Rutter, M. (1987). Psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57,
Thomas, R.M. (1999). Human development theories: Windows on culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Walton, G.M. (2014). The new science of wise psychological interventions. Current Directions in Psychological
Science, 23, 73–82.
Zimmerman, M. (2009, Spring). Why evolution is the organizing principle for biology. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 4–7.
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Part I
Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
How do human beings emerge from a fertilized egg into their full-blown stature as an adult? In
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, some scholars believed in the idea of an homonculus, a
fully formed, miniature human believed to be contained in the spermatozoon. This theoretical
construct helped to explain how the human body was guided toward its adult shape, structures,
and functions. A more contemporary term that reflects this idea is epigenesis, the “approximately
stepwise process by which genetic information, as modified by environmental influences, is
translated into the substance and behavior of an organism” (Flexner, 1987, p. 653). You can think
of this view as if humans were like plants. Seeds contain all the information necessary to grow
into daisies, carrots, or marigolds. The role of the environment is to provide the basic, “just good
enough,” resources so that the potential embedded in the seed can reach its full expression. Just
give seeds the correct amount of water, sun, soil, and the right temperature for their growing
season, and the fate of the seeds is predetermined.
The three theories presented in this section are members of a family of theories that have a
strong biological thread. In the literature about development, this is sometimes referred to as
the nature, innate, or nativist camp. Of course, no theory of development claims that the story
of growth is entirely about nature. No human, whatever his or her biological endowments, can
live without environmental supports including air, food, water, and shelter. We are increasingly
aware that humans also require social and cognitive stimulation. However, when we ask how
development occurs, these theories give a strong role to biologically based capacities that guide
the direction and nature of growth.
Evolutionary theory, psychosexual theory, and cognitive developmental theory address the
process of adaptation. Evolutionary theory focuses on the long-term adaptation of the species
over many generations. This theory highlights the importance of the reproductive process
through which adaptive capacities emerge and are transmitted biologically from one generation
to the next. The human beings alive today are a product of a long period of biological evolution,
carrying with them the genes for specific physical structures, cognitive functions, and sensory
capacities that allow them to find a mate, reproduce, and rear their young to reproductive age.
18 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Flexner, S.B. (1987). Random House dictionary of the English language. 2nd ed., unabridged. New York: Random House.
Evolutionary Theory
Case Vignette 20
Historical Context 21
Key Concepts 21
Natural Selection 21
Adaptation 23
Evolution and the Human Species 23
New Directions 26
Ethology 26
Evolutionary Psychology 28
A Research Example: Attachment 30
The Development of Attachment 30
Formation of Attachments with Mother, Father, and Others 31
Patterns of Attachment 32
The Relevance of Attachment to Later Development 33
An Application: The Free-Rider Problem 35
What Strategies Allow the Cooperative Individuals to Flourish in
the Face of Free-Riders? 35
Implications of the Free-Rider Problem for Education 36
How Does Evolutionary Theory Answer the Basic Questions That a Theory
of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 37
Critique of Evolutionary Theory 40
Strengths 41
Weaknesses 42
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 43
Key Terms 44
Recommended Resources 45
References 46
20 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Guiding Questions
• What are the basic concepts of the theory of evolution? How can they be applied to
individual development over the life span?
• How does the relatively long period of infant dependency shape human development
and the nature of families?
• What might be the adaptive benefit of longevity? How might human survival into
advanced later life contribute to species survival?
• What is the relationship between human cognitive capacities and complex social
life? What are some bidirectional influences between cognitive complexity and the
coordination of large social groups?
Case Vignette
Two strangers, Mark and Linda, get into the elevator in the Randolph Towers. They make eye
contact and smile. Then Linda looks away. Mark continues to glance over at Linda; after a
few moments she returns his gaze. Mark thinks that Linda is attractive. She has dark eyes, full
lips, and smooth skin. She looks comfortable in her jacket and slacks, revealing an appealing,
curvy figure. Linda thinks Mark looks very respectable in his suit and tie. His shoes are
polished and he is carrying a smart leather briefcase. They ride to the 23rd floor where they
both get off. Mark smiles again and asks Linda where she is going. She tells him she has an
appointment with an attorney on that floor. She asks him what he is doing there; he says he
is an accountant for a firm that is doing an audit of a company on that floor. Mark asks Linda
if she would like to go for coffee when her meeting is over, and she grins and says, “Sure.”
Evolutionary theory offers insights into how people established close, cooperative bonds long
before language and symbolic systems were created. The case introduces basic ideas about
attraction between strangers. Eye contact is an initial mode of nonverbal communication.
Even very small babies are attuned to facial expressions and features as meaningful stimuli.
The human brain has a specialized area that allows people to assess the mood, sex, age,
direction of gaze, and trustworthiness of another person by scanning their face (Kanwisher,
2006). What might be the adaptive value of this sensitivity to eyes and faces?
A second theme is the nature of attractiveness. Describe the differences in the features
that Mark and Linda notice in one another. What might be some explanations for these
differences? From an evolutionary perspective, men and women have different lenses for
assessing attractiveness because they have different reproductive motives. As you read
further about evolutionary theory, you will be encouraged to think about the link between
contemporary human behavior and its ancient antecedents derived from thousands of
years of biosocial adaptation through the process of natural selection.
Humans are living beings, linked to all other forms of life through the process of evolution. The
theory of evolution explains how diverse and increasingly complex life forms come to exist.
Evolutionary theory assumes that the natural laws that apply to plant and animal life also apply to
Evolutionary Theory • 21
humans. This theory is important in the study of human development because it integrates human
beings into the vast array of life forms and suggests explanations for a variety of characteristics
that we regard as essentially human. Evolutionary theory emphasizes the importance of
biological forces in directing growth, the gradual modification of species, and the emergence
of new species as a result of adaptation to specific environments. The theory addresses change
over many generations and thousands of years; it is not intended as a theory about how change
and adaptation occur within short periods or even within one lifetime. This chapter focuses on
the key concepts of evolutionary thought and their relationship to an understanding of human
behavior through advances in the fields of ethology and evolutionary psychology.
Historical Context
Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England in 1809. He was from an educated family with
a long-standing tradition of belief in the concepts generated by the theory of evolution. Darwin’s
grandfather Erasmus Darwin was a pioneer in the development of evolutionary theory. His ideas
about the topic were published in a book entitled Zoonomia in 1794–96. In this book, Erasmus
wrote about sexual selection: “The final cause of this contest among males seems to be that
the strongest and most active animal should propagate the species which should thus become
improved.” However, the work was based largely upon theoretical hypotheses and generalizations
rather than upon systematic evidence, and Charles Darwin denied that it had any significant
impact on his own thinking.
As a schoolboy, Darwin rebelled against the classical pattern of learning by rote memorization.
He preferred to spend long periods of time outdoors, exploring nature and puzzling over its
mysteries. Darwin recalls that as a young boy of about 8 or 9, he already had a strong interest in
collecting all sorts of things, including shells, coins, and rocks, and was interested in learning the
names of the plants he found in his wanderings (Barlow, 1958). As a young man, Darwin explored
careers in medicine and theology, but he found those studies uninteresting. He continued to
spend much of his time outdoors, exploring nature.
In 1831, an opportunity arose that allowed Darwin to indulge his passion for the outdoors in
a professionally acceptable way: he became the resident naturalist on H.M.S. Beagle. The crew’s
mission was to sail to South America, to survey the coast and the islands of the Pacific, to map
this region, and to document its plant and animal life. The voyage lasted from 1831 to 1836.
During those years, Darwin demonstrated unbounded energy in his exploration of the natural
phenomena that he encountered.
Returning to England, Darwin settled down to work on the samples he had collected and
to reflect on his observations. With painstaking attention to details, over a period of 20 years
he developed his theory of how species can change and evolve into new plant or animal forms.
However, he postponed writing about his views while he searched for examples that would support
his argument. Not until 1859, when he learned that another naturalist, Alfred Russell Wallace, was
about to introduce a very similar argument, was Darwin compelled to publish The origin of species.
Key Concepts
Natural Selection
Charles Darwin has been credited with the discovery of the basic mechanism that could account
for the transformation of species over long periods and in many different environments. In line
22 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
with Charles Lyell’s (1830/1833) idea of uniformitarianism, Darwin believed that unchanging
laws of nature apply uniformly throughout time. The challenge posed by this assumption was to
discover the basic mechanism that could account for species change from the beginnings of life
to the present. The mechanism that Darwin (1859/1979) discovered is natural selection.
The law of natural selection predicts that behavior is adapted to the environment in which
it occurs. Natural selection operates, via organisms’ reproductive success, from one generation
to the next. Reproductive success, sometimes called fitness, varies among members of a species
(Archer, 1991). Every species produces more offspring than can survive to reproduce because
of limitations of the food supply and natural dangers. Darwin observed that there was quite a
bit of variability among members of the same species in any given location. This variability may
be a result of existing genetic diversity or a product of mutations that introduce new sources
of variation in the species. Mutations are changes in the DNA that result in the substitution,
deletion, insertion, or reordering of some segment of DNA which then modifies subsequent
developmental processes. The term “genetics” was not even coined until 1905, more than 20 years
after Darwin’s death (Hayden, 2009). Thus, his theory about the variability and modification of
species was based on his observations and collected samples.
According to the theory of natural selection, some individuals were better suited than others
to their immediate environment and were more likely to survive, mate, and produce offspring.
These offspring were also more likely to have characteristics appropriate for that location. Over
long periods of time, those members of the species that had the selective advantage would be
more likely to survive and reproduce, thus passing their characteristics on to future generations.
If the environment changed (in climate, for example), only certain variations of organisms
would survive, and again new species would evolve. Forms of life that failed to adapt would
become extinct. Thus, in the context of changing environmental conditions, the variability within
a species ensures the species’ continuation or its development into new forms. Darwin viewed
evolutionary change as taking place slowly and incrementally as individual organisms adapt and
populations with similar adaptive characteristics dominate an environment or ecological niche.
The polar bears or white bears are an example of this evolutionary change. Roughly four or five
million years ago, the white bears evolved from the brown bears. Some of the brown bears living in
the harsh, cold, ice- and snow-capped regions near the Arctic began to show patches of white fur.
Over generations, those bears with more white fur had better success at creeping up on their prey.
Over time, the white bears became the dominant species in the Arctic, and brown bears were no
longer found in these cold, snow-covered Arctic regions (Polar Bears International, 2014).
The concept of fitness has been expanded to consider the idea of inclusive fitness (Hamilton,
1964). This idea suggests that fitness is not only determined by an individual’s reproductive
success, but by promoting the survival and reproductive success of others who share one’s
genetic ancestry. In human groups, behaviors that support one’s family members or that make it
possible for one’s kin to be more attractive in the mating process would be considered examples
of inclusive fitness.
In the process of natural selection, new species may emerge, and existing species may become
extinct. Extinction, just like the appearance of a new species, is a natural process. This may occur
as the result of some catastrophe when many species that had been flourishing are destroyed.
Some catastrophes, such as the collision of the Chicxulub asteroid with earth roughly 66 million
years ago, resulted in enormous heat, tidal waves, and changes in the amount of oxygen in the
atmosphere which led to the extinction of large numbers of existing species across the globe
(Renne et al., 2013). Extinction can also occur when individuals in a specific species are reduced
Evolutionary Theory • 23
to a very small number so that inbreeding occurs. This weakens the genetic strain because
anomalies are transmitted more rapidly from one generation to the next, threatening survival
or reproductive capacity. Changes in environmental conditions such as new diseases, increases
in predators, or changes in climate can result in extinction at the same time as they result in the
formation of new species.
The law of natural selection has been referred to as the principle of survival of the fittest.
Herbert Spencer (1864) first referred to it in this way. This phrase often calls up images of head-
to-head combat between members of a species. This is not what Darwin’s principle says. Darwin
described the process in the following way:
It may metaphorically be said that natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout
the world, the slightest variation; rejecting those that are bad, preserving and adding up all that
are good; silently and insensibly working, whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the
improvement of each organic being in relation to its conditions of life. We see nothing of these
slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the lapse of ages, and then so
imperfect is our view into long-past geological ages, that we see only that the forms of life are
now different from what they formerly were. (Darwin, 1859/1979, p. 77)
In fact, it is reproductive advantage, not survival per se, that results in the continuation of certain
characteristics. For example, if a characteristic resulted in a relatively early death for mothers but
the survival of her offspring, that characteristic might have an adaptive advantage.
Darwin described two aspects of evolution (Mayr, 1991). One is the gradual change within a
species over time from earlier to later forms. For example, even though they are the same species,
modern chimpanzees alive today are not identical to the chimpanzees that lived thousands of
years ago. They have had to adapt to changing environmental conditions, including alterations
in food sources, landscapes, and threats. The second aspect of evolution is the breaking away
from an earlier evolutionary lineage and the establishment of a new branch in the phylogenetic
tree. This is the process of speciation that contributes to biological diversity. For example, some
combination of events led to the separation of the hominids from homo erectus to homo sapiens
about 300,000 to 400,000 years ago.
Adaptation is the process that underlies evolutionary change—the process by which living things
develop structures and problem-solving mechanisms that enable them to thrive in a particular
environment. Adaptation is expressed in specific characteristics that are functional in the face
of specific problems the organism must solve. For example, the need to distinguish edible from
poisonous foods results in the adaptation of specific sensory capacities in taste, smell, and visual
discrimination. The particular sensory abilities that evolve depend on the sources and variety
of foods the organism encounters. Adaptation can operate at the biological level, as a change in
some physical characteristic over generations. Adaptation can also operate at the behavioral level,
as a change in some pattern of behavior.
one billion years. The first mammals appeared on December 26, the first primates on December
29, and the first humans at 10:30 pm on December 31 (Sagan, 1977/2012; Cosmos: A Spacetime
Odyssey, 2014). The evolution of the family of humans began only about 2 million years ago with
the species homo habilis and homo erectus. Homo habilis lived between 1.9 and 1.8 million years
ago, and fossil evidence of this species was found only in Africa. Homo erectus lived between 1.8
million and 300,000 years ago, with fossil remains discovered in Africa and throughout Europe
and Asia. Modern humans are thought to have descended from this species. Modern humans,
homo sapiens, most likely had their origins in Africa. Fossil evidence places them in Ethiopia
roughly 200,000 years ago (O’Neil, 2013). This group of advanced humans then dispersed
throughout the Old World and replaced other human species. With techniques from molecular
biology it is possible to trace characteristics of mitochondrial DNA that show that the modern
humans found in various areas of Europe, Asia, and America are quite similar to one another,
suggesting common genetic ancestry. The DNA would not be so similar if they had evolved
independently from local primitive ancestors (Lewin & Foley, 2004).
Thus the picture of human evolution that is taking shape is one of a common modern ancestor
whose offspring migrated throughout the world and dominated other human species. Fossil
evidence suggests that there were a variety of hominids alive at the same time. The question
that continues to puzzle modern paleoanthropologists is how to account for the significant gap
in capacity between these species of humans and those of modern homo sapiens (Tattersall,
2012). The domination of modern humans was probably subtle, not a case of open warfare or
competition. Some superiority in hunting skills, tool making, and planning could have given the
modern species an evolutionary advantage by enabling them to establish dependable sources of
high-quality food (Simons, 1989). This domination was comparatively rapid, fueled by powerful
mental evolution and the accompanying forms of cultural evolution that brought complex tool
development, advanced techniques for hunting and gathering, the invention of agriculture, and
the eventual growth of tribes, chiefdoms, and political states.
Wilson (1975) described the process through which humans achieved such a rapid and
advanced level of functioning as the autocatalysis model. This term suggests that a capacity that
emerged in the process of adaptation resulted in an acceleration of the change process itself.
Evolutionary Theory • 25
When the earliest hominids became bipedal as part of their terrestrial adaptation, their hands
were freed, the manufacture and handling of artifacts was made easier, and intelligence grew
as part of the improvement of the tool-using habit. With mental capacity and the tendency
to use artifacts increasing through mutual reinforcement, the entire materials-based culture
expanded. Cooperation during hunting was perfected, providing a new impetus for the
evolution of intelligence, which in turn permitted still more sophistication in tool using, and
so on through cycles of causation . . . The autocatalysis model usually includes the proposition
that the shift to big game accelerated the process of mental evolution. (pp. 567–568)
Humans Are Mammals. Humans have characteristics that link them to the larger group of
mammals from which they descended. Humans produce live young. The mothers feed their
young on milk produced by the mammary glands. Their bodies are covered with skin, which is
protected by hair.
Humans Are Primates. Humans also have characteristics that link them to other primates, the
class of mammals that includes humans, apes, monkeys, lemurs, and tarsiers. Primates share ten
major characteristics:
1. Progressive movement of the eyes toward the midline of the head and consequent development
of stereoscopic (three-dimensional) vision.
2. Retention of five-digit extremities and of the major bones of the arms and legs—clavicle,
radius, and fibula.
3. Progressive development of the digits, particularly the thumb and big toe, which allows for
increasing dexterity.
4. Development of flattened nails, instead of claws, and also of sensitive pads on the tips of the
5. Progressive shortening of the snout, reduction in the size of the apparatus for smell, and
consequent reduction in olfactory acuity.
6. Great increase in the size of the brain.
7. Prolongation of prenatal and postnatal development.
8. Decrease in the number of teeth and retention of a simple molar system.
9. Overall increase in body size, progressive development toward upright stature, and increased
dependence on the hind limbs for locomotion.
10. Development of complex social organizations.
Humans Are a Unique Species. Humans also have some features which characterize human nature.
All human beings, regardless of culture, share characteristics that tie them together as a species:
• They share a common body shape and specific organs such as eyes, nose, ears, hands, and feet,
which can be recognized as human despite individual differences.
• They can mate and produce living children who in turn are capable of reproducing.
• Critical among the characteristics of humans is bipedalism as a primary means of
locomotion, which leaves the hands free for tool use, holding, carrying, and gesturing.
• The structure of human hands permits the flexible manipulation of objects as tools.
• Reduced reliance on smell and relatively greater reliance on vision influence the human mode
of exploring the environment.
26 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
New Directions
Have you ever been to a park where a number of dogs are playing together? Have you noticed
how they chase each other, engage in a form of rough and tumble play, and bite at each other’s
legs and neck without actually harming each other? Playfulness is an example of a topic that is of
interest to ethologists. What is the adaptive value of playfulness? Why do animals play? Ethology
is the study of the functional significance of animal behavior in the natural environment from
an evolutionary perspective (LaFreniere, 2000). Its roots lie in Darwin’s ideas about behavioral
adaptation. In addition to the evolution of physical organs and body structures, adaptation has
produced patterns of motor activity, facial expressions, and emotional reactions. Darwin himself
was very interested in the adaptive nature of emotions and wrote extensively about it in The
expression of the emotions in man and animals (1872/2009).
Ethology examines how a particular behavior contributes not just to the future growth and
development of the individual but to the adaptation and continuation of the species. The future
of a species depends on the capacity of its individual members to survive, mate, reproduce, and
rear their young. Some of the factors that contribute to the vigor and continuity of a species are
the health of the individuals when they attain reproductive capacity, the characteristics of the
environment that promote or inhibit procreation, and the capacity of sexually mature partners
to rear their offspring.
From Darwin’s interest in the evolution of species grew the ethologists’ interest in those
behaviors that are central to the species’ survival, including feeding efficiency, competition
among males for breeding females, and cooperation among males in warding off predators and
competing primates. The field of ethology has emerged as the study of evolutionarily significant
behaviors that appear to be innate and specific to a particular species. These behaviors are
commonly associated with eating, mating, and protecting a species from harm.
Behaviors that are successful in coping with specific environmental conditions are supported
by an integration of brain structures, physiological responses, and motivational underpinnings.
Ultimately, those behaviors appear as spontaneous, unlearned actions that provide some type of
adaptive advantage. An example is the infant’s smile. Smiles occur early in the postnatal period.
They function as a powerful signal that evokes a caregiving response. Over time, the infant’s smile
takes on more complex meanings within a social context. Yet, it begins as an unlearned behavior
that has important adaptive value (Fogel, Hsu, Shapiro, Nelson-Goens, & Secrist, 2006).
Evolutionary Theory • 27
Whilst attachment behaviour is at its most obvious in early childhood, it can be observed
throughout the life cycle, especially in emergencies. Since it is seen in virtually all human
beings (though in varying patterns), it is regarded as an integral part of human nature and
one we share (to a varying extent) with members of other species. The biological function
attributed to it is that of protection. To remain within easy access of a familiar individual
known to be ready and willing to come to our aid in an emergency is clearly a good insurance
policy—whatever our age. (Bowlby, 1988, p. 27)
Ethology and Fitness. Focusing on a different behavioral system, William Charlesworth (1988)
studied the importance of social interaction as a mechanism that allows humans to obtain
resources from the environment at any point in the life span. He suggested that the resources
required to resolve the crises of the psychosocial stages vary with the stage. The infant may
require protection, food, or attention; the toddler may require a toy or someone to talk to; the
child of middle school age may need tools and materials for education; and the early adult may
need a mate. Strategies for obtaining resources change with development. Infants learn to signal
their needs by crying or fussing. As they get older, children acquire an increasingly diverse set of
strategies to use in their efforts to get the resources they need. Both aggressive and help-giving
behaviors are strategies designed to elicit needed resources. Language strategies help people
acquire needed resources of many kinds.
Many areas of human behavior which are functionally relevant to the fitness of individuals
and groups are potential targets of study in the field of human ethology (Charlesworth, 1992).
They include:
Evolutionary Psychology
Whereas ethology focuses on analyzing adaptive behavior patterns across species, the goal of
evolutionary psychology is to draw upon principles of evolution to understand the human mind.
“The mind is a set of information-processing machines that were designed by natural selection
to solve adaptive problems faced by our hunter–gatherer ancestors” (Cosmides & Tooby, 1997).
This focus takes us to a time when humans lived in small, nomadic groups traveling from place
to place to find sources of food and trying to protect themselves from the dangers of predatory
animals, weather, illness, and other humans. This way of life existed for over 2 million years, during
which various human species (along with their human minds) emerged. From this perspective,
the human mind is highly adapted to solve problems faced by these human ancestors, but it may
not be well adapted to solve the new problems that have emerged in our recent industrial/post-
industrial way of life.
According to evolutionary psychologists, the human brain is a physical system that is
designed to generate responses that are effective in dealing with the information being
received from specific environmental situations. It is comprised of a large number of complex
mini-machines or subsystems that have evolved in response to the specific problems that
humans faced in the thousands of years during which modern humans emerged from
Evolutionary Theory • 29
their hominid ancestors (Buss, 1995, 2012). Evolutionary psychologists view adaptation as
resulting in the formation of functionally specific capacities as well as structures that can
integrate information from a variety of sources. You might think of each structure as a tool
designed to perform a specific task. The brain has an optic nerve that coordinates visual infor-
mation; an olfactory center that receives and interprets smells; and an auditory system that
receives, integrates, and interprets sound waves. The optic nerve is not designed to receive
sound waves, and the auditory system is not sensitive to light. In this same sense, evolutionary
psychologists seek to discover mental structures that contribute to performing other
information-processing tasks such as recognizing faces, detecting threats, or recognizing and
producing spoken language.
According to evolutionary psychologists, through the process of natural selection, certain
mechanisms developed that are sensitive to specific environmental conditions. When activated
by those conditions, these mechanisms function to produce an adaptive response or set of
responses. The question of interest is “What are the psychological mechanisms that have emerged
in this way?” In general, mechanisms of interest are linked to important adaptive functions (Buss,
1995, 2012).
Adaptive Problems. Evolutionary psychology focuses on how the mind may have become
structured to resolve adaptive problems. Adaptive problems have two essential qualities:
(a) they are likely to have occurred repeatedly in human evolutionary history; and (b) the
solutions to these problems influenced reproductive success (Cosmides & Tooby, 1997). Adaptive
problems include: how to tell if someone is a friend or a threat, how to select a mate, how to select
a good dwelling, or how to collaborate in order to hunt large game.
Buss (1995, 2012) provided a concrete example of how evolutionary psychology might
lead to the formulation of logically deduced hypotheses and testable predictions. He begins
with Trivers’s (1972) theory of parental investment and sexual selection. According to
Trivers’s theory, which is derived from Darwin’s theory of sexual selection, the sex that has the
greater investment in the offspring will be more selective in choosing a mate; the sex that has
less investment will be more competitive with others of the same sex for sexual access.
Beginning with this mid-level theory, the following hypothesis emerges: Where males
contribute resources to the offspring, females select mates, in part, on the ability and willingness
of males to contribute resources.
From this hypothesis, three specific testable predictions emerge:
1. Women have evolved preferences for men who are high in status.
2. Women have evolved preferences for men who show cues indicating a willingness to invest in
them and their offspring.
3. Women will divorce men who fail to contribute expected resources, or who divert their
resources to other women and their children.
These three predictions can all be evaluated through traditional social science methods. If they
prove correct, the theoretical hypothesis from which they were derived is supported. If the
evidence does not support these predictions, the underlying theoretical assumption is likely to
be rejected. Thus, even though evolutionary psychologists seek explanations for the origins of
mental mechanisms in the long-distant past, they can use evidence from contemporary behavior
to assess whether their explanations have merit.
30 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
From an evolutionary perspective, any behavior can be assessed by asking a few basic questions
(Neese, 2001):
These questions suggest that the person has to recognize the nature of a problem and bring to
bear the best “tool” needed to solve the problem. There are start-up costs to beginning any new
behavior, so the most adaptive responses will contribute to long-term fitness. Once a behavior
has been started, the person has to assess how hard and long to persist at the task. There is risk in
putting too much energy into one problem and ignoring other important tasks. There is also risk
in giving up too soon before an important goal has been reached. Since environmental conditions
fluctuate, the ability to make this assessment has to be flexible. Finally, once a goal has been
achieved, the person has to redirect energy to a new task.
This analysis suggests that the person has a set of goals and has to direct energy to one or more
of them in some priority. Fitness is enhanced when the person is able to meet goals for health and
safety, reproductive success, social allegiances, and care and nurture of the offspring as conditions
require. Thus, while respecting the complexity of the human mind, evolutionary theory offers a
context for focusing on a select group of problems and their adaptive solutions.
Source: From Newwman, B.M. & Newman, P.R. (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach, 12th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage
Learning, p. 154. © 2015 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
sucking, rooting, grasping, smiling, gazing, cuddling, crying, and visual tracking or following,
which serve to maintain closeness with a caregiver or bring the caregiver to the infant. Through
these contacts, babies learn about the unique features of their caregivers. Caregivers, for their part,
use a variety of strategies including eye contact, touching and holding, and vocalizing as means
of establishing and maintaining social engagement with their infants (Akhtar & Gernsbacher,
2008). Caregivers and infants experience repeated interactions which result in the formation of
predictable patterns. Rhythmic patterns of interaction lay the foundation for expectations about
From about 3 to 6 months, an infant’s attachment is expressed through preferential
responsiveness to a few familiar figures. Infants smile more at the familiar person than at a
stranger. They show more excitement at that person’s arrival and appear to be upset when
that person leaves. During this phase, babies initiate more interactions toward the familiar
caregiver. They are able to control the interaction by linking a chain of behaviors into a
more complex sequence. In Stage 1, for example, the baby may look intently at the primary
caregiver. In Stage 2, the baby looks intently, reaches toward the caregiver’s face, and pulls the
caregiver’s hair.
From about 6 to 9 months, babies want to be physically close to the object(s) of attachment.
The ability to crawl and to coordinate reaching and grasping contribute to greater control over
the outcomes of their actions. In this phase, babies experiment with finding an optimal distance
from the caregiver. They may crawl away, look back, and then, depending on the caregiver’s
perceived availability, crawl back to the caregiver or smile and continue exploring. If the caregiver
is preoccupied or out of sight, the baby may cry to bring the caregiver closer or to reestablish
From about 9 to 12 months, babies form mental representations of their caregivers. This
mental picture provides the first robust working model of an attachment relationship. Specific
characteristics of a caregiver and expectations about how the caregiver will respond to the infant’s
actions are organized into a complex attachment scheme that includes expectations about how
the caregiver will respond when the child is frightened, hurt, or distressed.
important for predicting which people will form the infant’s hierarchy or radius of significant
attachment figures (Cassidy, 2008; Howes & Spieker, 2008):
1. The amount of time the infant spends in the care of the person.
2. The quality and responsiveness of the care provided by the person.
3. The person’s emotional investment in the infant.
4. The presence of the person in the infant’s life across time.
Patterns of Attachment
Consistent with an evolutionary perspective, the fact that the capacity to form an attachment is
part of human nature does not mean that the expression of the attachment response will be the
same in all humans. According to attachment theory, if an adult is present to interact with the
infant, an attachment will be formed. However, research has discovered that individual differences
emerge in the quality of attachment, depending on the accumulation of information the infant
gathers over many instances when the infant is seeking reassurance, comfort, or protection from
threat (Weinfield, Sroufe, Egeland, & Carlson, 2008). The adults’ acceptance of the infants and
their ability to respond to the infants’ varying communications contribute to the formation of
secure attachments. The caregivers’ patterns of expressing affection and rejection influence how
well babies can meet their needs for reassurance and comfort.
The Strange Situation. Differences in the quality of attachment have been highlighted by
observations of babies and their caregivers in a standard laboratory procedure called the Strange
Situation (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978; Bretherton, 1990). During an approximately
20-minute period, the child is exposed to a sequence of events that are likely to stimulate the
attachment system. The situation introduces several potentially threatening situations including
the presence of a stranger, the departure of the mother, being left alone with a stranger, and being
left completely alone, all in the context of an unfamiliar laboratory setting. During this situation,
researchers have the opportunity to make systematic observations of the child’s behaviors,
the caregiver’s behaviors, and characteristics of their interactions, as well as to compare these
behaviors across varying segments of the situation.
Four Patterns of Quality of Attachment. Using the Strange Situation methodology, four patterns
of attachment behavior have been distinguished: (a) secure attachment, (b) anxious-avoidant,
(c) anxious-resistant, and (d) disorganized attachment.
Infants who have a secure attachment actively explore their environment and interact with
strangers while their mothers are present. In reunion after a brief separation, the babies actively
greet their mothers or seek interaction. If the babies were distressed during separation, the
mothers’ return reduces their distress and the babies return to exploration of the environment.
Infants who show an anxious-avoidant attachment avoid contact with their mothers upon
reunion after a brief separation or ignore their efforts to interact. They show less distress at being
alone than other babies.
Infants who show an anxious-resistant attachment are very cautious in the presence of the
stranger. Their exploratory behavior is noticeably disrupted by the caregivers’ departure. When
the caregiver returns, the infants appear to want to be close to the caregiver, but they are also
angry, so they are very hard to soothe or comfort.
Evolutionary Theory • 33
In the disorganized attachment, babies’ responses are particularly notable in the reunion
sequence. In the other three attachment patterns, infants appear to use a coherent strategy for
managing the stress of the situation. The disorganized babies have no consistent strategy. They
behave in contradictory, unpredictable ways that seem to convey feelings of extreme fear or utter
confusion (Belsky, Campbell, Cohn, & Moore, 1996).
The attachment behavioral system and the caregiving system have also been studied in the home
environment. When observed at home, babies who have a secure attachment are observed to cry
less than other babies (Tracy & Ainsworth, 1981; Ainsworth, 1985). They greet their mothers more
positively upon reunion after everyday separations, and appear to respond more cooperatively
to their mothers’ requests. Attachment theorists hypothesize that securely attached babies have a
working model of attachment in which they expect their caregiver to be accessible and responsive.
Mothers of babies who are characterized as anxious-avoidant seem to reject their babies. It
is almost as if they were angry at their babies. They spend less time holding and cuddling their
babies than other mothers, and more of their interactions appear to be unpleasant or even hurtful.
At home these babies cry a lot, they are not readily soothed by contact with the caregiver, and yet
they appear to be quite distressed by separations.
Infants who are characterized as anxious-resistant have mothers who are inconsistent in their
responsiveness. Sometimes these mothers ignore clear signals of distress. At other times they
interfere with their infants in order to make contact. Although these mothers appear to be able to
enjoy close physical contact with their babies, they do not necessarily do so in ways appropriate
to the baby’s needs. The result appears to be the formation of an internal representation of
attachment that is highly unpredictable. These babies try to maintain proximity and to avoid
unfamiliar situations that increase uncertainty about accessibility to their caregivers.
Research suggests links between the disorganized attachment and serious mental health
problems among mothers, including abusive tendencies, depression, and other mental illnesses.
Observations of mothers and infants who are described as having a disorganized attach-
ment highlight two different patterns. Some mothers are negative, intrusive, and frighten
their babies in bursts of intense hostility. Other mothers are passive, helpless, and rarely show
positive or comforting behaviors. These mothers appear to be afraid of their babies, perhaps
not trusting their own impulses to respond appropriately (Lyons-Ruth, Lyubchik, Wolfe, &
Bronfman, 2002).
In U.S. samples, about two-thirds of the children tested have been characterized as securely
attached. Of the remainder, more children fall into the anxious-avoidant category than into the
anxious-resistant category (Ainsworth et al., 1978). Only a small percentage of infants show
the disorganized pattern which is associated with very serious mental health problems in later
childhood and beyond (Fonagy, 2003; George & Solomon, 2008).
The significance of attachment styles for the formation of emotional bonds has been the
primary target of research. However, a growing body of research points to the role of attachment
in the child’s ability to manage stress. The synchronous, rhythmic relationship with the caregiver
helps to reduce the infant’s experiences of anxiety, and provides a model for recovery from
distress. At the hormonal and neurological levels, the conditions that support a secure attachment
also protect the child from the deregulating impact of environmental threats (Mikulincer &
Shaver, 2012).
Long-term benefits of a secure attachment have been documented. Secure attachments in
infancy have been associated with positive adaptive capacities when the child is 3 to 5 years
old. Securely attached infants become preschoolers who show greater resilience, self-control,
and curiosity (Schneider, Atkinson, & Tardif, 2001). In contrast, infants who have a disorganized
attachment are very hostile, aggressive preschoolers (Hazan, Campa, & Gur-Yaish, 2006). Results
of numerous studies indicate that, as they get older, children who have a disorganized attachment,
especially boys, are at risk for externalizing problems (Fearon, Bakermans-Kranenburg, van
IJzendoorn, Lapsley, & Roisman, 2010).
Despite the evidence that the secure attachment style is optimal, some researchers suggest
that the diversity of attachment styles may have adaptive value. For example, those with insecure
attachments are more vigilant, scanning the environment for evidence of threat. They are less
likely to assume that they are safe, or to assume that someone is available to protect them and
meet their needs. In the context of a dangerous environment, those with an insecure attachment
may be quicker to detect a threat and take action to escape or avoid it (Ein-Dor, Mikulincer,
Doron, & Shaver, 2010).
From a life-span perspective, the quality of the attachment formed in infancy influences the
formation of later relationships (Ainsworth, 1989). Children who have formed secure attachments
are likely to find more enjoyment in close peer friendships during their preschool years. In an
analysis of the results of over 60 studies of the relationship of parent–child attachment and peer
relations, the quality of attachment with mother was consistently predictive of the quality of close
peer friendships, well into middle school and early adolescence (Schneider et al., 2001). Children
who have secure attachments are more likely to attribute positive intentions to peers, whereas
children with anxious attachments are more likely to view peers with wariness.
The attachment construct has been useful in helping to explain the nature of adult love
relationships. Romantic relationships can be characterized along many of the same dimensions as
infant attachments, including the desire to maintain physical contact with the loved one, increased
disclosure and responsiveness to the loved one, the effectiveness of the loved one in providing
comfort and reassurance that reduce distress, and an element of exclusiveness or preferential
response to the loved one (Hazan & Shaver, 1987). Fears about loss and abandonment, born
from anxious-avoidant attachments, are likely to result in anxiety about one’s contemporary
relationships. People who are consistently anxious about their relationships tend to be more
coercive and mistrustful, thus pushing their partners away (Feeney, 2008; Tracy, Shaver, Albino,
& Cooper, 2003).
I had a real problem trusting anyone at the start of any relationship. A couple of things
happened to me when I was young, which I had some emotional difficulties getting over. At
the start of our relationship, if P. had been separated from me, I would have been constantly
thinking: ‘What was he doing?’; ‘Was he with another girl?’; ‘Was he cheating on me?’; all that
would have been running through my head. (Feeney, 2008, p. 465)
Evolutionary Theory • 35
What Strategies Allow the Cooperative Individuals to Flourish in the Face of Free-Riders?
First, there must be a mental structure that allows people to recognize and categorize individuals
as free-riders. Second, when free-riders have been identified, the cooperators must exclude the
free-riders from sharing in the collective benefits, punish the free-riders, or create some incentives
that will encourage their cooperation. In other words, in order for groups to survive over time,
36 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
they have to create conditions so that cooperators will benefit from repeated experiences of
collaboration, resulting in a reproductive advantage in comparison to the free-riders. In the life of
a group, cooperators must be protected from the ongoing exploitation of free-riders. At the same
time, there must be a way to differentiate free-riders from people who are basically cooperators
but who, for one reason or another such as illness or competing family demands, are unable to
contribute in a particular effort or for a limited time. These people should not be unduly excluded
or punished.
This evolutionary concern about distinguishing free-riders from those who under-contribute
for other reasons has led to a long history of theory and research in economics, philosophy, social
psychology, and evolutionary psychology (Hardin, 2013). The basic free-rider identification rule
is as follows:
If a member of a collective action intentionally fails to contribute even in the presence of other
contributors, then categorize the member as a free rider. (Delton et al., 2012, p. 1255)
This rule requires the ability to make two important judgments about a person based on his or
her behavior in the context of a collective effort: the person is benefiting from the resource by
withholding from the group, or the person is benefiting by avoiding the costs of producing the
resource. In a variety of experimental situations, participants are clearly able to distinguish free-
riders from those who under-contribute for a variety of other reasons (e.g. lack of competence,
poor health, or misfortune). In laboratory experiments, when participants perceive that a person
is intentionally under-contributing to a collective effort, those free-riders are viewed as less
trustworthy, deserving of more punishment, and being less desirable as potential work partners
(Delton et al., 2012). This ability to detect free-riders is not specifically taught, but appears to
be part of a person’s social intelligence in the context of group efforts. Research has found that
children as young as age 3 will share more with other children who participate equally in a group
effort than they will with a child who does not collaborate (Melis, Altrichteer, & Tomasello, 2013).
group projects, students may view these challenges as an undesired use of their time and effort.
This leads to the problem of the free-riders; students who decide that they do not really need
to contribute to the group project but will still benefit from whatever grade the group project
receives. Students typically have no way to make one another accountable and are reluctant to
complain to the instructor about another student’s lack of contribution.
The presence of free-riders in work groups has a number of negative consequences. Presumably,
the collective effort will not be as great when some members of the group do not contribute. The
realization that some people are not doing their fair share undermines the motivation of others,
thereby lowering the overall efforts of the group. If free-riding has no negative consequences, this
behavior is likely to be repeated in other group contexts. For the students who did contribute to
the project, a sense of an unfair reward structure may prejudice them against engaging in future
group efforts (Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, 2014; Piezon & Donaldson, 2005).
A number of interventions and recommendations have been devised to support both in-class
and distance learning group projects. These approaches help to minimize the likelihood of free-
riding, and support positive group experiences (Kao, 2013). Features of these approaches include:
Designing group projects that really require contributions from each of the members.
Creating groups that are not too large.
Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each member and linking those to the group
Providing opportunities for group members to share their knowledge and experiences with one
Creating a timetable for project milestones so that participants and the instructor can monitor
progress toward the end product. Part of the overall grade can be assigned based on meeting
this timetable.
Using a computer-based format, like Wikipages, to monitor the time each participant gives to the
project and their contributions.
Creating a transparent grading system that is a product of individual contributions, peer
evaluation, and the quality of the group project.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
The human genome includes a plan for the nature and direction of growth. This genetic plan
is a product of thousands of years of evolution that links human beings to other mammals,
especially the primates. The human genome, according to the theory of evolution, is a
product of the mechanism of natural selection. The human beings that exist today, including
their mind/brain, have evolved over time in the face of a repeated set of problems to solve,
including the need to recognize edible from poisonous foods; protection from predators; the
ability to attract a mate; preserving and safeguarding one’s social connections; rearing and
protecting one’s young; and creating durable shelter.
Testable hypotheses that emerge from this theory suggest that the human mind will
approach specific adaptive problems with an eye toward how the solution contributes to their
reproductive success or the success of the larger group of which they are a member. As an
example, evolutionary psychology suggests that men and women have different reproductive
goals. As a result, their preferences for mate selection will differ in order to support their
reproductive goals.
A multidisciplinary science of evolution contributes to the ongoing understanding of
human behavior. Archeological evidence, biological studies, and experimental studies are
providing evidence about the conditions under which humans evolved, the similarities
and differences among humans in various geographic regions, and the ways environmental
conditions may alter the human genome. Each of these fields proceeds through the use of
testable hypotheses.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
The concept of fitness includes the importance of the ability to survive the vulnerable period
of infancy and childhood in order to reach reproductive age. For humans, the social and
cognitive capacities that are established early in life have implications for subsequent ability
to find a mate and rear one’s children to reproductive age. The importance of the human
brain for problem solving points to the significance of early childhood experiences, especially
health, social interactions, and cognitive stimulation, for later survival and reproductive
success. The theory has led to the investigation of attachment as a primary behavioral system
through which parents and children establish a close emotional bond which facilitates the
growth of children through the vulnerable periods of infancy and childhood. The study
of attachment provides an evolutionary basis for conceptualizing how experiences in
childhood may be translated into parenting practices in adulthood that support the safety
and protection of the next generation of offspring. An enormous body of research evidence
points to the contribution of the quality of attachment for later adaptive success, and cross-
generational transmission of fitness.
Evolutionary Theory • 39
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect individual development? What aspects
of the environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
The basic mechanism of evolutionary change is natural selection, which predicts that
behavior is adapted to the environment in which it occurs. Over long periods of time, those
members of a species that have a selective advantage in a particular environment are more
likely to survive, mate, and produce offspring. The field of ethology is focused on the study of
the functional significance of behaviors that appear to be innate and specific to a particular
species which are expressed under particular environmental conditions. Both reflexes and
fixed action patterns require certain environmental cues in order to be expressed. At the
level of the individual, survival continues to reflect the ability to resolve adaptive problems,
including: recognition of threat, the ability to acquire needed resources, the ability to find a
suitable dwelling, the ability to collaborate in order to protect one’s territory, or the ability
to attract a mate. Solutions to these adaptive problems depend on the specific resources and
demands of the specific environment in which one lives.
Infants and families have co-evolved. Because of their relatively long period of dependence,
infants require a context of protection and nurture for their survival. Families have evolved
to serve this function, creating environments that provide food, shelter, social contact, and
protection over a number of years. The nurturing environment of the family is intimately
linked to the child’s adaptive capacities for cognitive functioning, social competence, language
and communication skills, self-regulation, emotional expressiveness, and physical and mental
health. When the family environment is harsh, neglectful, or abusive, the child’s physical and
psychological development is compromised (Biglan, Flay, Embry, & Sandler, 2012).
Families are embedded in cultures which shape developmental pathways. Cultures operate
on human biodiversity by creating restrictions on mating practices and family formation
over generations. Individuals from groups that are geographically close may still differ
noticeably in their genetic features as a result of cultural forces that impact mate selection
(Xing et al., 2009). For example, cultural rules regarding kinship may limit mating among
certain levels of relation (e.g. first cousins can’t marry). Culture may also influence mate
selection by identifying appropriate or inappropriate relationships across tribal, caste, social
class, or racial boundaries. These restrictions could be guided by informal social norms (e.g.
families that urge their children to marry within their religious faith), or laws and sanctions
that address violations of these restrictions.
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the life span?
Evolutionary theory is quite specific about the importance of critical issues that threaten
survival across the life span. Over the life span, fitness is enhanced when the person is able
to meet goals for health and safety, reproductive success, social allegiances, and the care and
nurture of his or her offspring. In infancy, protection from harm is especially important,
thus generating the extensive focus on attachment and the complementary parenting
behavioral system. At each stage of the life span, social interaction is required to obtain the
necessary resources from the environment. Factors that interfere with the achievement of
social competence, including physical characteristics that might lead to social rejection,
parental abuse or neglect, dominance by others, or social alienation, are all relevant risk
factors. Evolutionary psychology focuses on the ability of the human mind to solve adaptive
problems. Factors that interfere with the person’s adaptive problem-solving capacity,
40 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
sexual activity emerges and attitudes about marriage and parenting are being formulated, the
quality of life for young people of every cultural group is critical to the future of human beings.
During adulthood, the ability to attract a mate, be fertile, and protect and nurture one’s offspring
are the signposts of fitness.
The focus of evolutionary psychology is on analyzing mental mechanisms that are primed to
respond to specific cues or input. According to this theory, humans are not consciously striving
for fitness or reproductive success. Their behavior is not guided by a general goal of wanting to
ensure the continuation of their genetic material in future generations. Rather, their behavior is
analyzed in terms of the natural or pre-adapted response of a mental mechanism to a specific
cue: for example, the smell of meat stimulates salivation; the site of a beautiful face stimulates
a positive attraction; the detection of cheating stimulates wariness. The environmental cues are
proximal (immediate to the point of response), but the origins of the responses are distal (based
on adaptive processes established in the ancient past).
The evolutionary perspective draws attention to the interconnection between an individual’s life
history and the long-range history of the species. The theory provides one basic mechanism to
account for change across species and time: principles of natural selection operate slowly over
generations. However the reproductive success of individuals over the course of their own life span
will determine whether their genetic material continues to be represented in the larger population.
The application of evolutionary theory to human motivation, mental processes, and behavior
integrates information and observations from many fields, including developmental biology,
paleontology (including paleobiology and paleozoology), paleoanthropology, population genetics,
social psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, medicine, and education.
Evolutionary theory and its extensions into ethology and evolutionary psychology have
stimulated investigation of the universal nature of human thought and behavior as well as the
adaptive nature of individual differences. Beginning with the assumption that contemporary human
beings share a common human ancestry, the theory inspires the investigation of a wide variety of
topics including shared cognitive problem-solving strategies, social competences, motives for mate
selection and fidelity, reproductive strategies, and the role of emotions in guiding behavior. The
theory has become a fertile heuristic in focusing inquiry on how humans assess critical features of
their social environments and how they make use of that information to guide action.
Evolutionary theory offers explanations for widely shared human behaviors, such as the
tendency of men to show more evidence of intrasexual competition than women, or the tendency
of parents to prefer a norm of equal distribution of resources across their offspring while children
tend to compete with one another for resources. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists do
not assume that concerns about fitness are conscious. However, they do assume that motivation
toward fitness ultimately shapes behavior in systematic directions as a result of a conscious
assessment of one’s situation. Thus, the theory helps to explain why behaviors that may appear to
be risky, dangerous, or self-destructive may be preferred under conditions of low resources or low
status if those behaviors offer some opportunity for increasing one’s reproductive opportunities
or the reproductive opportunities of one’s offspring (Daly & Wilson, 2001).
The evolutionary perspective also draws attention to the importance of variability for a
species to survive. Individual differences contribute to the vigor of a species. Human beings are
genetically designed to permit wide variations in size, body shape, coloration, strength, talent,
42 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
intelligence, and personality. Although homo sapiens are a relatively new species, this variability
should contribute to the capacity of some members of the species to adapt successfully to
changing environmental conditions, thereby protecting the species as a whole from extinction.
Evolutionary theory assumes that the human species that exists today is a product of the process
of natural selection that took place over millions of years. Without denying the truth of that
assumption, one is still left to puzzle about the adaptive requirements of life in that long-ago
time. Evolutionary psychology suggests that mental mechanisms exist today because they solved
problems our ancestors faced in the past. In identifying evolutionary hypotheses to explain
contemporary behaviors, such as mate selection, risk taking, jealousy, cooperative behavior,
free-riding, or cheating, evolutionary psychologists consider a likely human and environmental
landscape that faced ancestors in a hunter-gatherer society.
The reconstruction of the nature of prehistoric life rests on evidence from paleontology and
paleoanthropology. There are no written records of the conditions of life over the millions of years
through which homo habilus, homo erectus, and homo sapiens evolved. Thus, the conceptualization
of the specific conditions often referred to as the environmental stimuli to which the human mind
had to adapt is the result of speculations drawn from fossil remains, the presence of tools and
artifacts in the region where fossil skeletal remains were found, and the reconstruction of the
landscape, climate, and plant and animal life likely to have lived at the same time. Assumptions
about the kinds of problems men and women had to solve are based on an unverifiable construction
of prehistoric life. This study of the challenges faced by human groups in prehistoric times is an
ongoing investigation that is often modified as new information surfaces from the fossil discoveries.
Although we do have skulls that indicate changes in brain size, we do not have any remaining
evidence to compare the actual neural structures of prehistoric and modern brains.
Evolutionary theory views the human mind as comprised of a large number of small specialized
mechanisms. These mechanisms are primed to recognize a particular type of input, evaluating
it for the relevant information, and passing it on or integrating it with other information to
produce actions. Most of this takes place outside of conscious awareness and yet is essential for
adaptive functioning. This view of the mind, coupled with the assumption about adaptation to
an ancient past, fails to incorporate the flexibility and adaptive capacity of human cognition.
The modern human brain has evolved with remarkable capacities for symbolic representation,
including language, symbolic drawing, and symbolic play, extensive capacities to learn through
imitation, guided instruction, trial and error, and repetition, and capacities for creativity and
abstract thinking, including analysis and synthesis. As a result, we are a product of what Julian
Huxley (1941) referred to as psychosocial evolution as well as natural selection. According to
Huxley, the adaptive mechanisms that humans bring to bear in coping with modern day life are
a result of information that is passed down across recent generations from parents, teachers,
books, religious leaders, lawmakers, and philosophers, as well as the mental mechanisms that may
have been inherited through natural selection. Adaptive responses can include “unconscious”
orientations as well as conscious rules and insights about the current situation.
The brain is not limited in its problem solving only to those mechanisms that may have been
shaped by an ancient social and environmental landscape. It is also informed by information
that is passed down from one generation to the next. The creative capacities of human minds
allow individuals to invent modifications to environments (e.g. cities, water purification systems,
Evolutionary Theory • 43
central heating, electric lighting, air conditioning) and to human adaptive capacities (e.g. birth
control, eye glasses, hip replacement) that can impact fitness of the species and be passed along
from one generation to the next. Research into the human genome suggests that there may be a
time in the near future when biomedical interventions can alter the genome, bypassing the long,
slow process of evolution.
Evolutionary theory is primarily explanatory, not predictive. As Darwin noted in the
quotation earlier in the chapter, the process of evolution is ongoing. Evolution can be altered
by the emergence of mutations that are particularly suited to improve reproductive success in a
specific environment, by some drastic environmental conditions that eliminate some variability
from the gene pool, or by a prolonged physical separation of species (Gould, 2002). In modern
times, the reproductive success of individuals can be altered through access to certain birthing
practices, alternative reproductive technologies, genetic engineering, and genocide. The theory
does not predict the direction of human evolution. Given the increasing capacity of humans
to alter both the genome and the environment, one might ask whether the process of natural
selection continues to be as relevant to the human species as it was in the distant past.
One might say that evolutionary theory focuses on all that is important. As a species, we are
here as a result of evolution. The kind of humans we are, our structures, functions, and brains,
are all a product of evolution. Yet, contemporary evolutionary psychology has focused more
attention on the role of men in the evolutionary process, especially early men as hunters, men in
the mate-selection process, and social/emotional aspects of men including jealousy, aggression,
and cooperation/competition. The roles of women and children have received much less
attention, with the exception of topics such as the importance of female attractiveness in the
mate-selection process, and the theory of differential investment in offspring. Recent efforts to
address this shortcoming include: new studies of the active role of women in the mate selection
process; intra-female competition for partners; sexual fluidity among women; women’s roles
in food preparation and its implications for nutrition, health, and cooperative group behavior;
and women’s cooperative behaviors in childcare and childrearing (Sokol-Chang & Fisher, 2013).
The emphasis on parental behavior has called into question earlier views about the role of
men as primarily hunters with little investment in the childrearing process. Recent studies of
contemporary hunter-gatherer cultures show that men often spend more time with their children
than is the case in modern, post-industrial societies. These observations alter the scenario that is
often presented in evolutionary theory about the differential tasks and challenges faced by men
and women (Hewlett & Macfarlan, 2010). Table 2.2 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of
evolutionary theory as an approach to the study of human development.
this kind of research, and describe features of the behaviors that could be observed and coded
in the classroom.
5. Think back to the case of Mark and Linda. What is the evolutionary theory’s explanation for
differences in the ways that men and women evaluate attractiveness? What evidence is there
to support this view?
6. What next for Mark and Linda? What does evolutionary theory have to offer about what
might account for a person’s reproductive success in modern society?
Strengths Weaknesses
Places individual development in the context of Assumptions regarding the challenges faced by human ancestors
species development. thousands of years ago are a matter of speculation.
Explains species development and the origins The view of the human mind as pre-adapted to conditions of the
of species using the basic mechanism of natural evolutionary past fails to incorporate the adaptive and flexible
selection. nature of human cognition.
Integrates research from many fields. The theory fails to integrate information that is transmitted from
one generation to the next, which contributes to an individual’s
assessment of the environment and adaptive strategies.
Stimulates research into the adaptive value of Science and technology are co-evolving with the mechanism of
individual differences. natural selection to introduce new processes that may alter the
human genome and are not incorporated into the theory.
Stimulates research into a wide range of human The theory is primarily explanatory, not predictive. It does not
thought and behavior including: cognitive offer hypotheses about new directions of human evolution.
problem-solving strategies; social competence;
motives for mate selection and fidelity;
reproductive strategies; childrearing; the role of
emotions in guiding behaviour.
Stimulates research into universal features of Evolutionary theory has highlighted the role of men more than
“human nature.” the role of women in the adaptive process; that weakness is
being addressed in current research.
Stimulates research about how humans assess The focus on fitness and reproductive success, while important
critical features of their environments and make to species survival, does not encompass many other aspects
use of this information to guide action. of the social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development
relevant for optimal growth over the life span.
Propositions generated by the theory are testable.
Key Terms
adaptation genome
adaptive problems human nature
attachment behavior system inclusive fitness
caregiving innate behaviors
ethology mutations
evolutionary psychology natural selection
extinction parenting
fitness psychosocial evolution
free-rider reflexes
Evolutionary Theory • 45
Recommended Resources
** (
A website devoted to examining the life and times of Charles Darwin including photographs,
maps, citations from diaries, and links to other sources.
**Buss, D.M. (2012). Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind. 4th ed. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson.
A comprehensive overview of the field of evolutionary psychology written by a leader in the
**Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014). Episode 1: Standing up in the Milky Way. Episode 2: Some
of the things molecules do. National Geographic. Aired March 9, 2014.
The first two episodes in a new television series with an explanation of the cosmic calendar,
placing human life in the timeframe since the big bang; an explanation of natural selection and
its application to the domestication of dogs and the evolution of polar bears.
**Darwin, C. (1872/2009). The expression of emotions in man and animals. Reprinted New York:
Penguin Classics.
This edition was published to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. Illustrated
with color photos. The book was widely read in its time and continues to influence the
contemporary study of emotion.
**Fisher, M.L., Garcia, J.R., & Sokol-Chang, R. (Eds.) (2013). Evolution’s empress: Darwinian
perspectives on the nature of women. New York: Oxford University Press.
Evolution’s empress identifies women as active agents within the evolutionary process. The
chapters in this volume focus on topics as diverse as female social interactions, mate competition
and mating strategies, motherhood, women’s health, sex differences in communication and
motivation, sex discrimination, and women in literature.
**Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (2014). What does it mean to be human?
A website devoted to the evolution of the human species with images of artifacts, videos, fossil
evidence, and paleoarcheology.
Ainsworth, M.D.S. (1973). The development of infant-mother attachment. In B.M. Caldwell and H.N. Ricciuti
(Eds.), Review of child development research: Vol. 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ainsworth, M.D.S. (1985). Patterns of infant–mother attachments: Antecedents and effects on development.
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 61, 771–791.
Ainsworth, M.D.S. (1989). Attachments beyond infancy. American Psychologist, 44, 709–716.
Ainsworth, M.D.S., Blehar, M.C., Waters, E., & Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the
strange situation. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Akhtar, N. & Gernsbacher, M.A. (2008). On privileging the role of gaze in infant social cognition. Child Development
Perspectives, 2, 59–65.
Archer, J. (1991). Human sociobiology: Basic concepts and limitations. Journal of Social Issues, 47, 11–26.
Barlow, N. (Ed.) (1958). The autobiography of Charles Darwin: 1809–1882. New York: Norton.
Becker, D. & Dwyer, M. (1998). The impact of student verbal/visual learning style preference on implementing
groupware in the classroom. The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 2, 61–69.
Belsky, J., Campbell, S.B., Cohn, J.F., & Moore, G. (1996). Instability of infant–parent attachment security.
Developmental Psychology, 32, 921–924.
Biglan, A., Flay, B.R., Embry, D.D., & Sandler, I.N. (2012). The critical role of nurturing environments for promoting
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Bowlby, J. (1958). The nature of the child’s tie to his mother. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 39, 350–373.
Bowlby, J. (1969/1982). Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books.
Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent–child attachment and healthy human development. New York: Basic Books.
Bretherton, I. (1990). Open communication and internal working models: Their role in the development of
attachment relationships. In R. Dienstbier & R.A. Thompson (Eds.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
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Bull, J.J. & Wichman, H.A. (2001). Applied evolution. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 32, 182–217.
Buss, D.M. (1995). Evolutionary psychology: A new paradigm for psychological science. Psychological Inquiry, 6,
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Cosmides, L. & Tooby, J. (1997). Evolutionary Psychology: A primer. Retrieved on November 6, 2002, at http://
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Daly, M. & Wilson, M. (2001). Risk-taking, intrasexual competition, and homocide. In R.A. Dienstbier, J.A. French,
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Motivation (pp. 1–36). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Darwin, C. (1979). The illustrated “Origin of species.” Abridged and introduced by Richard E. Leakey. New York: Hill
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Darwin, C. (2009). The expression of the emotions in man and animals. New York: Penguin Classics. (Original work
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Delton, A.W., Cosmides, L., Guemo, M., Robertson, T.E., & Tooby, J. (2012). The psychosemantics of free riding:
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Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (2007). Human ethology. Piscataway, NJ: Aldine Transaction.
Ein-Dor, T., Mikulincer, M., Doron, G., & Shaver, P.R. (2010). The attachment paradox: How can so many of us (the
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Fearon, R.P., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Van IJzendoorn, M.H., Lapsley, A., & Roisman, G.I. (2010). The
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George, C. & Solomon, J. (2008). Attachment and caregiving: The caregiving behavioral system. In J. Cassidy & P.R.
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48 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
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Psychoanalytic Theory
Case Vignette 50
Historical Context 51
Key Concepts 53
Domains of Consciousness 53
Drives 54
All Behavior Is Motivated 55
Three Structures of Personality 55
Stages of Psychosexual Development 57
Defense Mechanisms 59
Identification and Transference 61
New Directions 62
Ego Psychology 62
Object Relations Theory 64
A Research Example: The Rediscovery of the Unconscious 66
Unconscious Perception 68
Selective Attention 69
Neurological Damage 69
Unconscious Insights 70
An Application: Psychoanalytic Theory and Parenting 71
How Does Psychoanalytic Theory Answer the Basic Questions That a Theory
of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 74
Critique of Psychoanalytic Theory 77
Strengths 77
Weaknesses 79
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 81
Key Terms 82
Recommended Resources 82
50 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Guiding Questions
• Explain the basic concepts of psychoanalytic theory. What is the direction of
development from infancy to adulthood?
• What is the unconscious? What role does the unconscious play in shaping behavior in
childhood, adolescence, and adulthood?
• What are defense mechanisms? How do they operate to support or undermine adaptive
• How does the theory characterize the differences between “normal” and “abnormal”
• What are some distinctions in the way development is portrayed in classical
psychoanalytic theory, object relations theory, and ego psychology?
Case Vignette
“Tim (who was four years old) had a compulsive need to collect litter such as ice cream
wrappers, stones, and cigarette butts. If someone tried to take the litter away from him or
clean his room, he became furious and filled with anxiety. At night he often woke up in
fear, and did not respond to any parental comfort. Constantly on alert, he continuously
tracked the location of his parents in the apartment, and devised ways not to be left alone
in his room. He had to go to the bathroom as often as every fifteen minutes, and had
sudden, inexplicable outbursts of rage. At nursery school, Tim was provocative towards
both children and staff. Over time, the staff found it more and more difficult to like him.
In their frustrated efforts to help him, they felt disappointed, despairing and angry. When
classmates occasionally attacked him, Tim made no attempt to defend himself, nor did he
protest” (American Psychoanalytic Association, 2014). Eventually Tim’s teachers and his
parents agreed to have him start psychoanalysis.
As you read more about psychoanalytic theory, you will appreciate a complex interplay
between stages of life, drives or motives, levels of consciousness, and mental structures
that combine to produce personality and interpersonal behavior. You may wonder what
Psychoanalytic Theory • 51
might be a successful or positive outcome for Tim through psychotherapy and how that
outcome could be reached. You may also wonder what the long-term consequences might
be for children who experience similar conflicts and fears in childhood but do not have the
benefit of early intervention.
Evolutionary theory calls attention to the importance of the reproductive functions as they contrib-
ute to fitness and long-term species adaptation. In contrast, psychoanalytic theory focuses on the
impact of sexual and aggressive drives on an individual’s psychological functioning. It distinguishes
between the impact of drives on mental activity and their effect on reproductive functions. The
theory assumes that very young children have strong sexual and aggressive drives that find unique
modes of expression through successive developmental stages. Throughout childhood, adolescence,
and adult life, sexual and aggressive drives operate to direct aspects of one’s fantasies, self-concept,
problem-solving strategies, and social interactions as well as one’s reproductive behavior.
A unique feature of psychoanalytic theory is the importance placed on childhood experiences
for shaping adult thoughts, emotions and behavior. The theory focuses on both normative and
pathological patterns of growth and development that result from the socialization pressures
that act on biologically based drives within historical periods and cultural contexts. The theory
highlights the relevance of certain primary social relationships, especially the mother–child and
father–child dyads, for their role in determining the expression and gratification of needs and
the internalization of moral standards. Freud’s work inspired a vibrant community of theorists
and analysts in Europe and the United States (Makari, 2008). Psychoanalytic theory continued to
evolve with many new adaptations, both in the conceptualization of basic motives and needs, and
the strategies for therapeutic intervention. Psychoanalytic theory continues to influence the study
of development and approaches to understanding mental disorders.
Historical Context
Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg (now Pribor), Czechoslovakia, in 1856. Both his grandfather
and great-grandfather had been rabbis. He was the first son of his father Jacob’s second or third
marriage (Jahoda, 1977, p. 5). His family’s business failed when he was 4 years old, and in 1860 his
family moved to Vienna. In 1873, he entered the University of Vienna and in 1883 he graduated
with a medical degree.
In school, he became interested in neurology and studied nerve tracts and the relationship
of nerve cells. His early research focused on the functions of the medulla and the conduction of
nerve impulses in the brain and spinal cord. He also did pioneering work in the use of cocaine as
a local anesthetic, but he did not carry on with this work.
In 1885, Freud went to Paris to work with a French neurologist, Jean Martin Charcot, who
specialized in treating hysteria using hypnosis. During his time in Paris, Freud became less
interested in the physiological bases of neurological problems and more interested in their
psychological bases. Freud began working on this problem in collaboration with a close friend
and colleague, Josef Breuer. Freud and Breuer developed a theory of hysteria in which they
attributed certain forms of paralysis to psychological conflict rather than to physiological damage
(Breuer & Freud, 1893–95/1955).
In 1886, Freud returned to Vienna and opened up a private practice. He began using hypnosis
as a therapeutic treatment. During this time he began to develop the idea that the human mind
52 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
was made up of both conscious and unconscious components. He published A case of successful
treatment by hypnotism in 1892–93 and Studies on hysteria in 1893–95. In the 1890s he stopped
using hypnosis and began using free association as a way of reaching the unconscious mind. In
this technique, the patient was aware of what he or she said. In an article published on the etiology
of neuroses, Freud first used the term “psychoanalysis” instead of “suggestion” or “catharsis” to
describe his methods (Sigmund Freud Chronology: 1896, 2014). The process of psychoanalysis
focused on analyzing the material that was produced through association and areas of resistance
to reveal the content of the unconscious.
In 1900, Freud published The interpretation of dreams, which includes substantial information
from his own self-analysis. He believed that dreams gave more direct evidence of the contents
of the unconscious mind than free associations even though the dream content was in symbolic
form. Thus, free association and dream interpretation became established as two primary
techniques of psychoanalysis.
In 1905, Freud published Three essays on the theory of sexuality, which articulated his view that
sexual conflict and expression of impulses existed in infancy and young childhood and influenced
the formation of the adult personality. His theory was formulated in part as a critique of the social
conventions of the time in which sexual urges and the psychological representations of sexual
drives were severely constrained. These ideas were met by a storm of anger, rejection, and protest
by many within the medical community. His medical colleagues could not accept the idea of
childhood sexuality. They considered his public lectures on the topic to be crude and distasteful.
Freud was denied a professorial appointment at the University of Vienna primarily because of
these lectures and writings. Even Breuer, his longtime colleague and collaborator, found Freud’s
preoccupation with sexual motives offensive and terminated their association.
But, at the same time, the new theory of infantile sexuality led a group of young followers
to gather around Freud and pursue the implications of these ideas. Freud helped form the
International Congress on Psychoanalysis. There, he developed his psychoanalytic theory and
taught the principles of psychoanalysis to his followers. Freud demanded rather strict adherence
to the basic principles and concepts of this theory, and some members of the analytic circle broke
away to pursue their own versions of the theory. Most notable among these were Carl Jung and
Alfred Adler, who broke with Freud in 1912 and founded their own schools of analytic thought
that continue to be influential today.
Freud spent the last 25 years of his life lecturing, writing, teaching his theory to younger
physicians, working with patients to gather supporting evidence for his theory, and conducting
the business of the International Congress. He remained in Vienna during the rise of Nazism in
Germany, but was spirited away to England by supporters in 1938 after the Nazis invaded Austria.
In 1923, he developed cancer of the jaw, which was very painful. He underwent repeated surgeries
and finally died of the disease in 1939.
Marie Jahoda (1977) noted that “there is virtually no aspect of Freud’s work that has escaped
becoming the subject of controversy; even some biographical details provided by him or his
contemporaries are now open to doubt” (p. 5). Major biographers such as Jones (1953–57) and
Ellenberger (1970) disagree about the facts of Freud’s life and the factors that guided his thoughts
and work. Freud was a very prolific writer and over the years he often revisited aspects of his
theory and analytic techniques. Thus, when someone asks, “Did Freud believe this or that?” it is
possible to find support for a variety of positions depending on which work one consults. This
helps perpetuate the controversies over his ideas. However, there is no doubt that his ideas have
been influential in determining how we think about the human psyche and the factors that shape it.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 53
Key Concepts
Seven organizing concepts of psychoanalytic theory are discussed below: the domains of
consciousness, the concept of drives, the idea that all behavior is motivated, the three basic
structures of personality, five stages of development, the notion of defense mechanisms, and the
processes of identification and transference.
Domains of Consciousness
One of the most enduring contributions of psychoanalytic theory is the analysis of the topography
of mental activity (see Figure 3.1). Freud thought the human mind was like an iceberg. Conscious
processes are the tip that protrudes out of the water; they make up only a small part of the mind.
Our conscious thoughts are fleeting. We can have only a few of them at any one time. As soon as
energy is diverted from a thought or image, it disappears from consciousness.
The preconscious is analogous to the part of the iceberg near the waterline. Material in the
preconscious can be made conscious if attention is directed to it. Preconscious thoughts are
readily accessible to consciousness through focused attention. You may not be thinking about
your hometown or your favorite desserts right now, but if someone were to ask you about either
of them, you could readily recall and discuss them.
The unconscious, like the rest of the iceberg, is hidden from view. It is a vast network of
content and processes that are actively barred from consciousness. Freud hypothesized that the
content of the unconscious, including wishes, fears, impulses, and repressed memories, plays
(Dream state, :
repent experiences)
(Instincts, traumas,
fears, passions, etc.)
a major role in guiding behavior even though we cannot explain the connections consciously.
Behaviors that are unusual or extremely intense may not make sense if they are explained only in
terms of conscious motives. However, through certain techniques used in psychotherapy, the link
between unconscious wishes and fears and overt behaviors often can be established.
The unconscious is a storehouse of powerful, primitive motives of which the person is
unaware. Unconscious as well as conscious motives may motivate behavior simultaneously.
Thus, behaviors that may appear to be somewhat unusual or extremely intense are described
as multiply determined—that is, a single behavior expresses many motives, some of which the
person can recognize and control and others that are guided by unconscious thought. One of
the most controversial aspects of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory was the central role he gave to the
unconscious as the guide or force behind most aspects of human behavior.
In the course of centuries the naïve self-love of men has had to submit to two major blows
at the hands of science. The first was when they learnt that our earth was not the center of
the universe but only a tiny fragment of a cosmic system of scarcely imaginable vastness.
This is associated in our minds with the name of Copernicus, though something similar had
already been asserted by Alexandrian science. The second blow fell when biological research
destroyed man’s supposedly privileged place in creation and proved his descent from the
animal kingdom and his ineradicable animal nature. This revaluation has been accomplished
in our own days by Darwin, Wallace, and their predecessors, though not without the most
violent contemporary opposition. But human megalomania will have suffered its third and
most wounding blow from the psychological research of the present time which seeks to prove
to the ego that it is not even master in its own house, but must content itself with scanty
information of what is going on unconsciously in its mind. (Freud, 1917/1955, pp. 1916–1917)
Freud’s analysis of normal development as well as his explanations for specific forms of mental
illness are derived from his understanding of the ways that the sexual drive and the aggressive
drive press for expression and are inhibited or given various outlets in thoughts, dreams,
behaviors, and symptoms. The term drive is sometimes referred to as psychic energy, tension,
instincts, impulse, or libido. Drives can be thought of as sexual and aggressive forces that have
a biological or somatic origin—they are a result of some metabolic function, but they are also
intimately linked to psychological processes. Freud envisioned a model in which the energy
behind the drives builds up as it seeks satisfaction. The psychic energy that is embodied in these
drives can be expressed in a variety of ways, but the energy itself will not be destroyed.
Drives have a power or force. A person can experience a drive along a continuum from
mild to strong. Drives have an aim—a desire to be satisfied that may be handled immediately,
delayed, or possibly redirected so that it is only partly satisfied. When possible, drives are satisfied
immediately to reduce tension and achieve a state of equilibrium. Drives have an object—a
person or thing that allows the drive to achieve its aim. The object of the drive is closely linked to
the specific environment in which the child functions. Thus, in order to understand how drives
are satisfied one must have a concrete understanding of the social and physical resources that
are available to a child at a specific developmental period. Over time, a person becomes able to
delay the satisfaction of the drives and finds increasingly flexible and socially appropriate ways
to achieve satisfaction.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 55
Id. The id is the source of instincts and impulses. It is the primary source of psychic energy,
and it exists from birth. Freud believed that newborn infants’ mental processes were comprised
completely of id impulses, and that the ego and superego emerged later, drawing their energy
from the id.
The id expresses its demands according to the pleasure principle: People are motivated to seek
pleasure and avoid pain. The pleasure principle does not take into account the feelings of others,
society’s norms, or agreements between people. Its rule is to achieve immediate satisfaction of
impulses and discharge of energy. When you lie to a friend to protect your own image, or when
you cut ahead of people in line so you won’t have to wait, you are operating according to the
pleasure principle.
The logic of the id is also the logic of dreams. This kind of thinking is called primary process
thought. It is characterized by a lack of concern for the constraints of reality. In primary process
thought, there are no negatives. Everything is yes. There is no time. Nothing happens in the past
or in the future. Everything is now. Symbolism becomes flexible. One object may symbolize many
things—the image of a house may be a symbol for one’s mother, a lover, or the female genitalia,
as well as for a house. Many different objects may mean the same thing—many male faces can all
represent the father.
Ego. Ego is a term that has two related meanings. One is the idea of ego as a person’s self includ-
ing one’s physical self, self-concept, self-esteem, and mental representations of the self in relation
to others. This sense of ego emerges as psychic energy is directed toward the self—a process
that is sometimes called primary narcissism. The idea is that the sense of self is born out of self-
love, an enthusiasm and excitement for one’s body, one’s experiences, and one’s emerging sense
of agency.
56 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
The second meaning of ego refers to all mental functions that have to do with the person’s
relation to the environment. It includes a multitude of cognitive processes, such as perception,
learning, memory, judgment, self-awareness, and language skills that allow a person to take in
information, process it, assess its implications, and select a course of action. Freud thought the
ego begins to develop in the first 6 or 8 months of life and is well established by the age of
2 or 3. Other scholars view the ego processes as present from birth. Of course, much change
and growth occur over time as the ego responds to demands from the environment and finds
strategies that support effective functioning. The ego also responds to the demands of the id and
the superego and helps the person satisfy needs, live up to ideals and standards, and establish a
healthy emotional balance.
The ego operates according to the reality principle. Under this principle, the ego strives to
satisfy id impulses in ways that are safe, realistic and appropriate in the situation. The ego assesses
the situation in order to decide what is appropriate, and makes a plan for how to satisfy the
impulse in a way that will avoid negative consequences. In contrast to the pleasure principle,
the reality principle often involves delaying until a socially acceptable form of expression or
gratification can be found. Imagine that you are driving a car to reach an important destination.
The pleasure principle tells you to go as fast as possible to reach your goal. As the driver, the reality
principle helps you decide how fast to go in light of traffic, legal limits, and road conditions. You
still reach your goal, but within the constraints of the demands and limits of the situation.
In the ego, primary process thought becomes subordinated to a more reality-oriented process,
called secondary process thought. This process begins to dominate as the ego matures. Secondary
process thought is the kind of logical, sequential thinking that we usually mean when we discuss
thinking. It allows people to plan and act in order to engage the world and to achieve gratification
in personally and socially acceptable ways. It enables people to delay gratification. It helps people
assess plans by examining whether they will really work. This last process is called reality testing.
Superego. The superego includes both a punishing and a rewarding function. The conscience,
which includes ideas about which behaviors and thoughts are improper, unacceptable, and wrong,
carries out the punishing function. The ego ideal, which includes ideas about what behaviors and
thoughts are admirable, acceptable, and worthy of praise, carries out the rewarding function.
Freud’s work led him to conclude that the superego does not begin to develop until the age of
5 or 6, and probably is not firmly established until several years later. Other theorists have
suggested that the roots of the superego emerge in infancy as the child becomes differentiated
from the caregiver and aware of the possibility of disrupting the close bond with this loving
object (Klein, 1948).
Because it is formed during early childhood, the superego tends to be harsh and unrealistic in
its demands. It is often just as illogical and unrelenting in its search for proper behavior as the id
is in its search for pleasure. When a child thinks about behaving in a morally unacceptable way,
the superego sends a warning by producing feelings of anxiety and guilt.
The superego is developed through a process called identification. Motivated by love, fear, and
admiration, children actively imitate their parents’ characteristics and internalize their parents’
values. Through identification, parents’ values become the ideals and aspirations of their children.
In this way, the moral standards of a society are transmitted from one generation to the next.
The Relationship of Id, Ego, and Superego. In the mature person, ego processes work toward
satisfying id impulses through thoughts and actions without generating strong feelings of guilt
Psychoanalytic Theory • 57
in the superego. In one sense, the ego processes serve both the id and the superego, striving to
provide gratification, but in morally and socially acceptable ways. In another sense, ego is the
executive of personality. The strength of the ego determines the person’s effectiveness in meeting
his or her needs, handling the demands of the superego, and dealing with the demands of reality.
If the ego is strong and can establish a good balance among id, superego, and environmental
demands, the person is satisfied and free from immobilizing guilt and feelings of worthlessness.
When id and superego are stronger than ego, the person may be tossed and turned psycholo-
gically by strong desires for pleasure and strong constraints against attaining those desires. When
environmental demands are strong and the ego is weak, such as when an adolescent is confronted
by strong pressures for peer conformity and the threat of peer rejection, a person may also be
overwhelmed. According to psychoanalytic theory, it is the breakdown of the ego that leads to
mental disorder.
Much of the relationship of the id, the ego, and the superego is played out at an unconscious
level. In early childhood, aspects of basic drives and primary process thought are noticeable in a
child’s consciousness. This is an indication of the conscious presence of the id. As the ego grows
stronger, it is able to push the id’s desires and fantasies into the unconscious so the person can
attend to the exploration and demands of the external world. Freud thought that the superego
also operated mostly at the unconscious level, although the ego ideal is largely conscious. He
thought the ego, however, functioned at both the conscious and unconscious levels.
The concept of achieving new levels of ego strength reflects the goal of development
in psychoanalytic theory. Over time, the ego has to attend to pressures from the id and find
acceptable outlets for drive satisfaction. The ego has to choose morally acceptable behaviors in
order to avoid guilt from a punitive superego. Finally, the ego has to act in the real world, finding
ways to protect the self and loved ones from real dangers as well as to find new sources of access
to objects that will satisfy basic drives.
During the oral stage, in the first year of life, the mouth is the site of sexual and aggressive
gratification. Babies use their mouths to explore the environment, to express tension, and to
experience pleasure. Freud characterized infants as passive and dependent. They take things in,
absorbing experience just as they swallow milk. As infants learn to delay gratification, the ego
becomes more clearly differentiated and they become aware of the distinction between the self
and others. With this awareness comes the realization that all wishes cannot be satisfied.
In the anal stage, during the second year of life, the anus is the most sexualized body part.
With the development of the sphincter muscles, a child learns to expel or withhold feces at will.
The conflict at this stage focuses on the subordination of the child’s will to the demands of the
culture (via parents) for appropriate toilet habits. A child’s feelings of frustration or loss of control
as parents attempt to impose toileting practices may result in new expressions of aggression
toward others or self-harm.
The phallic stage begins during the third year of life and may last until the child is 6. It is a
period of heightened genital sensitivity in the absence of the hormonal changes that accompany
puberty. Freud described the behavior of children at this stage as bisexual. They direct sexualized
activity toward both sexes and engage in self-stimulation. This is the stage during which the
Oedipal or Electra complex is observed.
The Oedipal complex in boys and the Electra complex in girls result from ambivalence
surrounding heightened sexuality. According to psychoanalytic theory, the child has a strong,
sexualized attraction to the parent of the opposite sex. The child may desire to have the exclusive
attention of that parent, and may fantasize that the other parent will leave, or perhaps die. In other
words, the same-sex parent becomes a fantasied rival and a target of the child’s aggression. At the
same time, the child fears that amorous overtures toward the desired parent may result in hostility
or retribution from the parent of the same sex. The child also worries that this beloved, same-sex
parent will withdraw love. Parental threats intended to prevent the child from masturbating, and
fantasies of the possibility of castration or bodily mutilation, may add to the child’s fears that
sexualized fantasies are going to result in punishment or withdrawal of love.
An important component of the Oedipal or Electra complex dynamic is the view of the young
child as engaged in complex, conflicting sexual and aggressive wishes that involve the mother–
father–child triad. Many competing impulses come into play: the conflict between wanting to
satisfy sexual drives and the awareness that self-stimulation is not socially acceptable; the conflict
between wanting to remain a child who is loved and cared for by both parents and the desire to
assume a more mature role in the eyes of the opposite-sex parent; the anger and rivalry experienced
toward the same-sex parent and the desire to preserve that parent’s love and admiration; the
pressures to embrace one’s own gender identity and the envy one feels toward the opposite sex.
In a successful resolution of the Oedipal or Electra conflict, the superego emerges as a
strong structure that aids the ego in controlling unacceptable impulses. Through a process of
identification with one’s parents’ moral and ethical values, the child achieves a new level of
autonomy, and at the same time receives the admiration and approval of both parents, who see
the child moving in the direction of maturity and self-control. Most of the intense and painful
conflicts of this period are repressed, and the ego emerges with a new degree of self-esteem and
confidence about his or her place in the family structure (Tyson & Tyson, 1995).
Freud believed that once the Oedipal or Electra conflict is resolved, the child enters a period
of latency. During this stage, which lasts from about 7 years until puberty, sexual development is
slowed, and a process of repression ensues, cutting the person off from the conscious memories
of the conflicts and wishes of earlier stages. The primary personality development during this
Psychoanalytic Theory • 59
period is the maturation of the ego, with sublimation of drives to new channels such as school
work, hobbies, and friendships.
A final stage of development begins with the onset of puberty: the genital stage. During
this period, the person finds ways of satisfying sexual impulses in mature, dyadic relationships.
Adolescence brings about a reawakening of Oedipal or Electra conflicts and a reworking of
earlier childhood identifications. Freud explained the tension of adolescence as the result of the
sexual threat that the mature adolescent poses to the family unit. In an effort to avoid this threat,
adolescents may withdraw from their families or temporarily devalue their parents. With the
selection of a permanent sex partner, the threat of intimacy between young people and their
parents diminishes. At the end of adolescence, a more autonomous relationship with one’s parents
becomes possible.
Freud believed that the psychological conflicts that arise during adolescence and adulthood
result from a failure to satisfy or express specific childhood wishes. At any of the childhood stages,
sexualized and aggressive impulses may have been so frustrated or overindulged that the person
continues to seek their gratification at later stages of life. Freud used the term fixation to refer to
continued use of pleasure-seeking or anxiety-reducing behaviors appropriate to an earlier stage
of development.
Since no person can possibly satisfy all wishes at every life stage, normal development
depends on the ability to channel the energy from those impulses into activities that either
symbolize the impulses or express them in a socially acceptable form through a process
called sublimation. During adolescence and early adulthood, patterns of impulse expression,
fixation, and sublimation crystallize into a life orientation. From this point on, the content of
the id, the regulating functions of the superego, and the executive functions of the ego rework
the struggles of childhood through repeated episodes of engagement, conflict, and impulse
gratification or frustration.
Defense Mechanisms
Much of the ego’s work involves mediating the conflicts between the id’s demands for gratification
and the superego’s demands for “good” behavior. This work is conducted outside the person’s
awareness. When unconscious conflicts threaten to break through into consciousness, the person
experiences anxiety. If the ego functions effectively, it pushes these conflicts into the unconscious
and thereby protects the person from unpleasant emotions. The ego proceeds to satisfy desires in
acceptable ways by directing behavior and social interaction.
Strong, unresolved conflicts may leave a person in a state of constant anxiety and symptoms
may emerge. A person who feels a desire that is judged to be very “bad,” such as an unconscious
wish to harm a parent or to be sexually intimate with a sibling, may experience anxiety without
recognizing its source. The ungratified impulse continues to seek gratification. The superego
continues to find the impulse unacceptable, and the conflict continues to produce anxiety in the
person’s conscious experience. The unpleasant emotional state may preoccupy the person and
make it difficult to handle the normal demands of day-to-day life.
Defense mechanisms protect the person from anxiety so that effective functioning can be
preserved. They distort, substitute, or completely block out the source of the conflict. They are
usually initiated unconsciously. The defense mechanism used depends on a person’s age and the
intensity of the perceived threat. Younger children tend to use denial and repression (pushing
thoughts from awareness). A more diverse set of defenses, requiring greater cognitive complexity,
60 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
becomes available in the course of development. In situations of greatest threat, denial is often the
initial defense used, regardless of age.
According to Freud, the basic defense mechanism is repression, a process whereby
unacceptable impulses are pushed into the unconscious. It is as if a wall were constructed between
the unconscious and the conscious mind so that anxiety-provoking thoughts and feelings cannot
enter consciousness. With unacceptable thoughts and impulses far from awareness, the person is
protected from uncomfortable feelings of anxiety and may devote the remaining psychic energy
to interchange with the interpersonal and physical environments. This defensive strategy has two
major costs. First, it takes energy to continue to protect the conscious mind from these thoughts,
thereby reducing the amount of mental energy available to cope with other daily demands.
Second, if too many thoughts and feelings are relegated to repression, the person loses the use of
the emotional system as a means of monitoring and evaluating reality.
The following are some of the more common defense mechanisms:
According to psychoanalytic theory, all people resort to defense mechanisms at various times
in their lives. These mechanisms not only reduce anxiety but may lead to positive social outcomes.
Physicians who use isolation may be able to function effectively because they are able to apply
their knowledge without being hindered by their feelings. Children who rationalize defeat may
be able to protect their self-esteem by viewing themselves favorably. The child who projects angry
feelings onto someone else may find that this technique stimulates a competitive orientation
that enhances performance. Sublimation is considered a mature defense mechanism that allows
people to refocus unacceptable drives into productive, creative, and socially acceptable forms.
The person who has strong sexual and aggressive drives may become devoted to extreme sports
that allow repeated investment in physical exertion and competition.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 61
attitudes and behaviors that are at some level attached to aggressive fantasies (Schafer, 1968;
Abend & Porder, 1995).
In identification, a person incorporates characteristics of a valued object. In transference,
a person projects the characteristics of an internalized identification onto another person. The
person repeats feelings or desires that had been directed to an important object in an earlier
time of life to a new, contemporary relationship. Transference is especially likely in situations
where a person is in a differential power relationship, similar to that of a child to a parent. So, for
example, a student may transfer characteristics of his or her mother onto a teacher, acting toward
the teacher as if that person were his or her mother, and expecting the teacher to treat him or
her the way the student’s mother treated him or her. The motivation for the transference may
be to satisfy an unfulfilled wish or to reconstruct an unfulfilled relationship. A contemporary
object becomes a symbolic substitute for the person who was important in childhood. From the
psychoanalytic perspective, some amount of transference becomes integrated into every adult’s
character. The unmet, repressed wishes toward significant childhood figures, including parents,
siblings, teachers, or religious leaders, are carried forward into adulthood. Transference can occur
when the contemporary relationship, such as a relationship with a lover, a supervisor, or a mentor,
has some real or symbolic equivalence or resemblance to the earlier relationship.
The concepts of identification and transference are important not only because children and
adults experience them, but because adults are often the objects for these processes in others.
As teachers, community leaders, therapists, human service professionals, supervisors, intimate
partners, and parents, adults are the significant others who provide the content for identification
and may become the objects of transference.
New Directions
In much of his writings on psychoanalytic theory, Freud concentrated on the nature of
unconscious conflicts, their sources, the way they found expression, and the ways in which they
operated to rob the ego of energy or disrupt adaptive functioning. One direction that emerged
in the elaboration of psychoanalytic theory was the importance of the ego, including a more
detailed description of ego development, ego functions, and the ability of the ego to assess and
manage threats. This direction is referred to as ego psychology. Another direction focused on the
centrality of early object relations, that is the interpersonal sphere in which self and other are co-
constructed, as the context for ego development and as prototypes for shaping subsequent object
relations. This direction is referred to as object relations theory.
Ego Psychology
In his structural theory, Freud introduced the concept of ego and its executive functions in managing
the expression of impulses, negotiating between the id and the superego, striving to attain goals
embedded in the ego ideal, and assessing reality. His daughter, Anna Freud, took these ideas further
in her important book, The ego and the mechanisms of defense (1936/1946), outlining new ego
capacities that emerge from infancy through adolescence. In this work, she highlighted the various
threats that the id poses to the ego at each stage of development, and provided a classification of the
defense mechanisms the ego uses to protect itself from unruly and unacceptable impulses.
Anna Freud gave special attention to the period of adolescence as a time of increased sexual and
aggressive energy that is linked to the biological changes of puberty. At this time, children are likely
to be overwhelmed by libidinal energy and the ego is more or less fighting for its life. Anger and
Psychoanalytic Theory • 63
aggression become more intense, sometimes to the point of getting out of hand. Appetites become
enormous. Oral and anal interests come to the surface again expressed as pleasure in dirt and
disorder, exhibitionistic tendencies, brutality, cruelty to animals, and enjoyment of various forms of
vulgarity. In her clinical cases, Anna Freud observed that previously successful defense mechanisms
threatened to fall to pieces as intense sexual impulses emerged. During this period, the ego may
employ very rigid defenses in order to deny the instinctual drives. Adolescents may vacillate in their
behavior from loving to mean, compliant to rebellious, or self-centered to altruistic, as the ego tries
to assert itself in the midst of conflicting and newly energized libidinal forces.
Elaborating on Anna Freud’s view of adolescent development, Peter Blos (1962) expanded
the concept of ego and the mechanisms of defense by identifying the coping mechanisms that
emerge in adolescence as young people find ways of adapting psychologically to the physical
transitions of puberty. By the end of adolescence, those ego conflicts present at the beginning of
puberty are transformed into more manageable aspects of identity construction and expression.
Blos noted five major accomplishments of ego development for young people who navigate
adolescence successfully:
1. Judgment, interests, intellect and other ego functions emerge that are specific to the individual
and very stable.
2. The conflict-free area of the ego expands, allowing new people and experiences to acquire
psychological importance.
3. An irreversible sexual identity is formed.
4. The egocentrism of the child is replaced by a balance between thoughts about one’s self and
thoughts about others.
5. A wall separating one’s public and private selves is established.
The prominence of ego psychology was enhanced through the work of Heinz Hartmann. In
his book, Ego psychology and the problem of adaptation (1939/1964), Hartmann suggested that
not all aspects of the ego’s functioning arise out of conflict with the id and the superego. He
introduced the concept of the conflict-free sphere of the ego, including basic adaptive functions
such as perception, recognition of objects, logical problem solving, motor development, and
language. These functions help the person assess and adapt to reality.
Hartmann thought that the concepts of ego, id, and superego were more accurately viewed as
three interrelated components of mental functioning that could expand or contract under the
influence of one another. He offered a developmental picture of the ego beginning with early
differentiation and distinction between id and ego, a process of growing clarity between self and
the external reality, a shift from early narcissism to investment in others, and to the eventual
achievement of adaptive, secondary process thinking (Boesky, 1995). Hartmann expanded the
scope of interest within psychotherapy to include more attention on problem solving and the
goal-oriented nature of thought and behavior.
Building on Hartmann’s work, Edith Jacobson (1964) described how the self is shaped through
identification with others and achieves new levels of autonomy through the incorporation of
moral codes and ethical values. According to Jacobson, the superego is not always a threat to the
ego. It can become a stimulus for new levels of ego development when anxiety or guilt signal a
need for a new standard of moral behavior.
Charles Brenner, a leader in the psychoanalytic movement in the United States, went even
further in his rejection of the distinctions between id, ego, and superego. Whereas Hartmann
64 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
argued that there is a conflict-free sphere of the ego, Brenner (1994) viewed mental activity of
all types as a product of ongoing conflict between underlying, instinctually based wishes and the
defenses against them.
In their extension of the concept of ego, Rubin and Gertrude Blanck (1986) moved from a
view of many ego functions to a more executive, integrated analysis of ego:
We suggested that the ego is the overall organizing process. Instead of defining it by its
functions (Hartmann), we proposed that it be defined by its functioning—that is, we now
focus attention upon the total person who functions, rather than upon the separate functions.
(Blanck & Blanck, 1986, p. 88)
Thus, ego psychology became a study of the development and differentiation of the ego as
integrative, adaptive, and goal-directed. The ego is at once an intricate composite of multiple
capacities, including planning, assessing, defending, coping, and mediating, and the integration
of these with other aspects of self-concept, self-esteem, and personal identity that give the person
substance, individuality, and location in the social world. The contemporary field of ego psychology
has a developmental focus, addressing the emerging capacities of the infant to sense and organize
experience, and to achieve self-regulation in the face of strong needs and drives.
however the concepts would apply equally to any other primary caregiver–infant relationship.
Based on her observations, she identified three phases in the emergence of a balanced, integrated
sense of self and other: the autistic phase, the symbiotic phase, and the separation–individuation
phase. Underlying her theorizing is a view that the infant brings an innate capacity to engage
and extract responses from the environment. At each period, Mahler observed evidence of the
infant’s drives, motor capacities, interests, and excitability as evoking reactions from the mother
and the mother’s reactions prompting the infant’s reactions (Mahler & Furer, 1968; Mahler, Pine,
& Bergman, 1975).
In the autistic phase, which was thought to take place during the first month or so of
life, an infant is primarily focused on satisfying physical needs and achieving a state of
biological equilibrium. Mother–infant interactions focus on meeting these needs and creating an
appropriate state of physical comfort, wake–sleep cycles, and satisfaction of hunger. The infant’s
behavior is guided almost entirely by internal drives with little awareness of the mother as a
separate person.
In the symbiotic phase, which lasts from about 2 to 6 months, the infant takes new pleasure in
engaging in rhythmic interactions with the mother. This includes smiling, gazing, some forms of
imitation, touching and tickling, and other forms of “dialogue.” In this phase, the infant is thought
to experience “blissful states of merger” with the mother (Kernberg, 1995, p. 459). The symbiotic
phase provides the infant with a sense of confidence and predictability, which also serve as a
template for subsequent forms of interpersonal communication. Implied in the term symbiotic
is the idea that both the infant and the mother are dependent upon one another and derive
satisfactions from their coordinated interactions.
The separation–individuation phase begins at around 4 or 5 months as the infant shows
new interest in the world beyond the mother. Mahler viewed this phase as ongoing and open-
ended (Mahler, 1972). In the first sub-phase, differentiation, the infant finds new satisfaction in
exploration of other things and people, especially the father and siblings, and begins to be able
to move away from the mother through creeping and crawling. Although the infant may move
out beyond the mother, he or she frequently checks back to locate the mother and is more readily
comforted by her. Many of the elements of this period are very similar to the attachment process
described in Chapter 2.
The second step in the separation–individuation phase, called practicing, takes place between
11 and 16 months. This period is marked by walking; new excitement in exploration apart from
the mother; and some evidence of aggressive behavior toward the mother, including scampering
away, resisting her requests, and asserting a new degree of willfulness. In this phase, babies are
thought to have a sense of unrealistic omnipotence. Their pleasure in their mother is not fully
balanced by an appreciation of their dependence upon her.
The third step in the separation–individuation phase, called rapprochement, takes place
between 18 months and the end of the third year. Toddlers show clinging, anxious behavior,
manipulative demanding behavior, and a desire to control their mother. This phase is thought
to be brought on in part by the child’s own aggressive impulses and desire for new levels of
autonomy coupled with a new realization of how small and vulnerable he or she is among the
world of adults. Thus, the child’s earlier narcissism and sense of power are diminished in the
face of a new level of reality testing. The conflicts between needs for autonomy and security are
frequent and the child finds himself or herself struggling with angry, resentful feelings and safe,
loving feelings toward the mother. The intensity of this period is heightened if the mother has
difficulty letting go of her enjoyment of the symbiotic phase, if the child’s own aggressive drives
66 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
result in harsh conflicts with the mother, or if traumatic events such as harsh punishment, object
loss, or neglect cause a blow to the child’s sense of self-worth.
The last phase of the separation–individuation process, referred to as toward object constancy,
begins at about 24 months but is never completed. This concept has a lot in common with
Piaget’s notion of object constancy, which will be discussed in Chapter 4. The child is gradually
able to integrate the frustrating, angry, and loving memories of his or her mother into a stable
representation of self and other. The child achieves a greater tolerance for strains in the relationship
with the mother, knowing that the basic bond is pleasurable and positive.
Over time, the representation of the integrated, loving, caring mother is internalized through
identification, so that the child can use this representation to comfort himself or herself. At the
same time, the internalization of the loving mother contributes positively to the child’s sense
of self-esteem. “I am someone who is safe, loved, and valued.” The child not only experiences
the stability of giving and receiving love in the interpersonal domain, but integrates a sense of
being loveable into a component of the constant self. The process is viewed as ongoing since this
representation may be altered through subsequent life events, and the internalized representation
of the mother is never a complete substitute for the real mother’s love (Tyson & Tyson, 1995).
This view of the development of normal object relations has important implications for
caregiving. It acknowledges the lifelong struggle between autonomy and closeness that is inherent in
the parent–child relationship. In order to foster a positive separation–individuation process, parents
need to create a comforting, secure context for the child to discover both the self and the other.
Parental attributes of comforting responsiveness, psychological availability, and calm reassurance
are emphasized. Parents are encouraged to enjoy the symbiotic pleasure of the early phase, but to
be willing to stand aside and give the child space to experience separateness as the child requires it.
Object relationship theory has been especially influential in shaping approaches to
psychotherapy and parent education. However, increasing attention to the social nature of the
classroom and the dynamics of teacher–student interactions suggest that object relations theory
may have much to contribute to our understanding of the educative process. The theory suggests
that interpersonal experiences impact the person’s ability to form new, vital, creative relationships,
their approach to teaching and learning, and the expression of maladaptive interpersonal
behaviors such as bullying or cheating.
In the early twentieth century, two competing camps argued about mental functioning. The
behaviorists discounted mental processes, suggesting that consciousness was irrelevant in
the study of behavior. The psychoanalysts argued that unconscious mental processes were the
primary source of information for understanding the meaning of behavior. By the 1950s, the
strong behavioral and experimental nature of the study of psychology in the United States led
Psychoanalytic Theory • 67
to skepticism about the existence of the unconscious (Bruner, 1992). However, beginning in the
1980s, scholarly interest in cognitive processes has resulted in renewed attention to the notion
of the cognitive unconscious, the range of mental structures and processes that operate outside
awareness but play a significant role in conscious thought and action (Kihlstrom, 1987). Just as
Freud argued, the iceberg model is accurate. Conscious thought, that is the task, emotions, or
object-related thoughts of which one is aware, has limited capacity. Even if you are multi-tasking,
driving your car, listening to music, and talking on the phone, you are only able to attend to a
very limited number of thoughts at one time. It is evident that conscious thought accounts for
only a small proportion of our capacities to identify, analyze, recall, and synthesize information
(Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006).
One model of the way humans process information suggests that there are a large number of
processing units or modules, each devoted to a specific task or category, that operate in parallel
(Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986; Gazzaniga, 1989). This approach is very similar to that proposed
by evolutionary psychologists. Figure 3.2 provides a model of how the neural network might work
to lead from stimulus to action (Greenwald, 1992). The model suggests that perception, attention,
memory, and semantic processing may all be operating at the same time. Activity within the
neural system moves from less complex to more complex levels of analysis—from recognition of
a feature of a stimulus, to recognition of a complete image, to naming the stimulus and linking
Input Output
units Hidden units units
s a
T g
I u
a A
M g C
U e
n N
I v
O e
N b
Note: Activity is represented by thickened links (arrows) and darkened nodes (circles). Resonant (i.e.
sustained) high levels of activation within a subnetwork of hidden units (black arrows, interconnecting
black dots) indicate the selective attention sense of conscious cognition. Connections from hidden units
to language outputs provide a capacity of the network to report on its operations. Unconscious cognition
in the sense of verbally unreportable cognition occurs to the extent that language outputs fail to report
validly on network operation. (Nothing in the network structure guarantees validity of such self-conscious,
or introspective, reports.) Unconscious cognition in the attentionless sense occurs in the form of
activation of outputs other than those mediated by resonantly active subnets.
it to other related stimuli. Activity also moves vertically across domains so that a stimulus may
prompt awareness of shape, color, sound, and texture, all or part of which may lead to recognition
of the stimulus and action. Activation of one unit may excite some units and inhibit others.
Information about an object may be found in a number of processing units. The stimulus of
an apple, for instance, may be represented in units related to things that are red, fruits, teachers,
health (an apple a day keeps the doctor away), and other more idiosyncratic units (such as a fear
of bees that swarm around rotting apples, or a pleasant memory of the family picking apples,
or the smell of apple sauce cooking in Mother’s kitchen). Many mental functions, including
language, memory, and planning, could be operating in response to the presentation of an apple
as a stimulus, although most of them would be occurring unconsciously. Each time the network
is used, connections are strengthened, as indicated by the darkened arrows and blackened circles.
This view of the way the brain is organized gives a major role to unconscious processing, which
accompanies all types of conscious activity.
Consider three implications of this model for an understanding of unconscious cognition.
First, there are many hidden units of activity that lead to nonverbal rather than verbal outputs.
The implication is that there are processes at work that a person cannot report verbally. Second,
in addition to the darkened paths that lead to darkened circles, there are many light paths that
lead to the same circles. In other words, there are both conscious and unconscious links between
stimuli and action. Some links to output are weak but present and could be strengthened through
repeated activation (such as through free association). Third, connections can move in both
directions, toward more complex and less complex levels of analysis as well as across processing
modes. Memory can alter perceptions, and perceptions can modify memories.
The nature of the connections that exist in the neural network is very individual. For people
with a great depth of expertise in a specific area, such as writing news articles or solving math
problems, many of the sub-networks of cognition are well developed and possibly relegated to
the less complex area of functioning, leaving more conscious attention for the special problems
and unique tasks. Each person’s unconscious content will differ depending on the diversity of
his or her experiences, the acuity and reliance on specific perceptual systems, and the depth or
intensity of his or her special abilities (Bruner, 1992).
A variety of empirical studies provide evidence for the existence of mental processes that
occur outside of awareness. Here, we are speaking not only about mental mechanisms such as
attention and memory, but about the way information is recognized and interpreted. These are
big, complex questions about the nature of the mind and how it functions (Greenwald, 1992;
Cramer, 2000; Bassett & Gazzaniga, 2011).
Four examples will give a sense of the diversity of evidence. The research on the nature of
unconscious cognition is ongoing. Each advance in methodology provides new insight into the
capacities of unconscious mental activity, and how they contribute to adaptation.
Unconscious Perception
This research provides evidence that perceptions that occur outside of awareness can influence
thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Among the early research was work by Bruner and Postman
(1947; Postman & Bruner, 1948). Using the tachistoscope, an instrument used in studies of
perception and memory that can display a stimulus for very brief intervals under a second, one
could present a word at a speed that was below the threshold of verbal recognition. Early studies
showed that the time it took to recognize a word depended in part on where it stood on a person’s
Psychoanalytic Theory • 69
hierarchy of values. For example, a person who valued hard work as a means to success would
recognize the word effort more readily than would a person for whom hard work was not an
especially important value. In addition, they found that before participants could fully recognize
a word, they would guess that the word was in a similar value domain to the word that had been
flashed on the screen. Finally, they found that when they presented a word that was disturbing,
reaction times were delayed. They called this perceptual defense. This line of research provided
early evidence that some level of meaning was processed before a target word was consciously
recognized (Bruner, 1992).
Recent studies demonstrate that subliminal perception, that is presenting words or images so
rapidly that the person is not consciously aware of having perceived them, can influence attitudes
and preferences. For example, participants in one study were subliminally primed with words
related to cleanliness or dirtiness. Then participants were asked how much they needed a cleaning
product, such as Ajax. Those participants who were primed with words related to dirtiness were
more likely to say they needed Ajax than those who were primed with words related to cleanliness
(Loersch, Durso, & Petty, 2013).
In a different study, the focus was on the use of priming to activate social categories that may
modify aspects of the self-concept. Participants were primed with images of a social group, for
example hippies or jocks, and then tested to determine the extent to which they modified their
sense of self as incorporating features of the primed social category. Evidence from this research
suggests that there is an unconscious process at work through which people modify salient features
of their self-concept including personality and physical features to coordinate their sense of self with
salient social categories (Kawakami, Phills, Greenwald, Simard et al., 2012). The authors explain this
process as a component of a strong evolutionarily based need for belonging through which people
unconsciously modify their self-concept in order to increase the sense of similarity with others, a
process which is accompanied by heightened feelings of safety, security, and connection.
Selective Attention
Another line of research has focused on selective attention, particularly dichotic listening, in
which a person wears headphones and different information is played into the two ears. Subjects
are asked to focus on information coming into one ear while information is also coming into the
other ear. Under these conditions, the subject is later tested for information from the secondary
source. Results show that there is an ability to recognize features of this unattended auditory
stimulus. This is sometimes called attentionless unconscious cognition. Although the kind of
processing of this unattended information is usually limited to features such as pitch or loudness,
if the information in the secondary channel is especially significant, word meaning can be
retrieved (Johnston & Dark, 1986; Greenwald, 1992).
Neurological Damage
A third source of evidence about unconscious processing comes from clinical cases. In a very
early case of anterograde amnesia (a condition in which people cannot remember events right
after they have occurred), Claparede (1911) tested a woman’s memory by hiding a pin in his hand
and pricking the patient’s hand. When he tried to grasp her hand again she would not let him,
but she could not explain why she refused. Weiskrantz (1986/2009, 1997) described the condition
called blindsight, in which patients have suffered damage to the cortex of the occipital lobes, thus
losing their subjective experience of seeing. Upon presentation of visual stimuli, these patients can
70 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
respond correctly to the presence or absence of an object as well as its location and movement,
although they cannot provide information about color, form, or identity. In other clinical cases
involving amnesia, subjects may have no recall of learning or being exposed to certain words, but
they will use information about the word in subsequent learning tasks (Jacoby, Lindsay, & Toth,
1992). In a final example, Galin (1974) reported on the response of a patient in Roger Sperry’s split-
brain research who had her corpus callosum (the band of fibers that connects the two hemispheres
of the brain) severed in an attempt to treat severe epilepsy (as cited in Levin, 1995).
One film segment [of Sperry’s research] shows a female patient being tested with a
tachistoscope . . . In the series of neutral geometrical figures being presented at random to the
right and left [visual] fields, a nude pinup was included and flashed to the right (nonverbal)
hemisphere. The girl blushes and giggles. [The experimenter] asks ‘What do you see?’ She
answers, ‘Nothing, just a flash of light,’ and giggles again, covering her mouth with her hand.
‘Why are you laughing then?’ [asks the experimenter], and she laughs again and says, ‘Oh,
doctor Sperry, you have some machine.’ (p. 573)
These examples illustrate the capacity of the unconscious for implicit memory, memories
that are formed without conscious awareness, which influence thoughts and behavior. The
memories are intact in some sensory, motor, or affective form, and can survive over long periods
to influence familiarity, preferences, and fears or worries.
Unconscious Insights
A contemporary view of cognition and neuroscience is that the unconscious can perform every
basic cognitive function that is carried out in conscious thought (Hassin, 2013). The examples
provided above suggest that there are unconscious processes that recognize stimuli, remember
and categorize information, and link stimuli to related neural networks. These final examples
move a bit closer to a view of the unconscious as capable of more complex processing that
integrates information from various sources and influences decision making.
The first example focuses on the nature of mathematical insight. The premise of this research
is that in the process of problem solving people may use an unconscious strategy that becomes
conscious with repeated activation. The point at which the strategy becomes conscious is typically
the moment of insight, but the unconscious is using the strategy as a shortcut even before the
person is aware of its relevance. To illustrate this process, Siegler & Stern (1998) gave second
grade children math problems to solve that involved inversion. The problems are of the type
A + B – B = A. These problems can be solved mathematically by adding A and B, and then
subtracting B. They can also be solved through insight by realizing that the answer is always the
first number, A. Children were asked to solve these problems and then to explain how they solved
them. The time it took to solve the problems was also measured. When the answer is arrived at
through computation, it takes 8 seconds or more to solve these problems. When the answer is
arrived at through insight, the solution takes 4 seconds or less.
The children were timed to see how long it took them to solve the problems, and they were
interviewed to find out how they solved the problems; 90% of the children discovered the
unconscious shortcut before they were able to explain the shortcut verbally. That is, through the
speed of their response it was clear that they were using the shortcut even though in their verbal
report they said they were using computation to solve the problems. The use of the unconscious
Psychoanalytic Theory • 71
shortcut affected the time to solve the problem immediately. In other words, there was an abrupt
switch from an average response time of 12 seconds to an average response time of 2.7 seconds.
After three or four trials where they used the unconscious strategy, many children reported using
the shortcut as a strategy for solving the problem. However, not all the children who used the
shortcut were able to explain it as a strategy (Siegler, 2000).
Siegler’s research demonstrates that the unconscious integrates information to carry out
problem solving. Another program of research has extended this view by illustrating that the
unconscious can analyze and integrate information about a number of variables and arrive at
conclusions that are more satisfactory than those arrived at through conscious thought. For
example, participants were given information about four hypothetical apartments which were
each described according to 12 features, for example Apartment A has a balcony; Apartment B
has a newly renovated kitchen, etc. Then, they were asked to select the apartment they would
prefer. In fact, there was an objectively “best” apartment that had more positive features and fewer
negative features than the others. The participants were divided into three groups, those who
had to give their choice immediately, those who were told to think about it for 3 minutes and
then choose, and those who had to perform a distracting task for 3 minutes so that they could
not think about it, and were then asked to choose. This latter group was viewed as making an
unconscious choice since their conscious mind was preoccupied with the distracting task. Only
this unconscious group reported a preference for the objectively most desirable apartment; the
other two groups were not sure which apartment was best. The authors argue that when many
variables are involved, the unconscious mind with its greater capacity and fewer predetermined
rules and preferences is better able to reach a sound decision (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006).
Thus, the age-old wisdom to “sleep on it” when you are faced with a complex and multi-
dimensional decision appears to have empirical support. What you are actually doing is allowing
the unconscious mind to integrate information, emotions, memories, and sense impressions to
arrive at a direction for action.
The research summarized provides strong support for an unconscious component to cognition.
The mind is a beautifully complex organ comprised of 80 to 100 billion nerve cells. It makes sense
to think that many of the sensory, perceptual, and integrative functions necessary for adaptation
are carried on outside awareness. As our methodological sophistication and ingenuity advance,
we are certain to uncover more about the features that distinguish conscious from unconscious
processing and the links between the two.
and care. The infant has almost no control over the quality of care provided by the caregiver; his
or her emerging being is totally dependent on the effective, calming, and responsive care that is
provided. During this phase, Winnicott described the quality of early parenting that creates a
foundational object relationship in which both physical and psychological needs are met. The
essential qualities of this parenting behavior include the following characteristics:
The mental health of the individual, in the sense of freedom from psychosis or liability to
psychosis, is laid down by this maternal care, which when it goes well is scarcely noticed.
(Winnicott, 1960, p. 592)
From absolute dependence, Winnicott described the infant as emerging into a state of relative
dependence. The infant becomes aware of the other person and the characteristics of their care.
This period is similar to the stage of attachment formation described in Chapter 2, when the
child begins to anticipate the kind of care he or she is likely to receive. Through a process of
internalization, infants form a representation of the quality of care, their first emerging object
relationship and its representation in mental life.
Winnicott described the third phase in this process as moving toward independence. Infants
use their memories, their mental representations, and their repertoire of coping behaviors to reflect
upon and, to an extent, evoke care. At the same time, the primary caregiver is able to recognize the
emerging personality and temperamental characteristics of the infant, allowing for this separateness
of being. In some cases, the caregiver is not able to identify with the infant in the initial phase,
resulting in ineffective care and laying a foundation for mental health problems. In other cases, the
caregiver is not able to let go of the early identification with the dependency of the infant–caregiver
system, thereby thwarting the gradual emergence of the infant’s separate sense of self.
Psychoanalytic theory presented a view of the developing child as experiencing strong
sexual and aggressive impulses that shifted in focus from the oral to the anal to the genital body
zones. The child’s ability to manage and express these impulses was influenced by the reaction
of parents, especially parents’ restrictive or permissive responses, to the child’s pleasure-seeking
behaviors. Both overly harsh restriction of the expression of these impulses and overly permissive
indulgence or stimulation of these impulses were thought to lead to fixations in a primitive mode
of sexual gratification. Unconscious conflict about the gratification of these needs, resulting
largely from parental reaction, was viewed as providing a framework for adult personality. In
particular, Freud pointed to parenting behaviors related to sucking on the breast, toilet training,
and masturbation as highly sensitive behaviors where conflict over the expression of sexual and
aggressive impulses could become a focus for traumatic anxiety. In this context, psychoanalytic
theory led to two important ideas about parenting:
1. Neuroses were produced by the response of parents or significant others to the expression of
basic sexual or aggressive drives early in childhood.
2. Early traumatic childhood experiences would contribute to the formation of adult personality
conflicts and behaviors that would be played out again in one’s own parenting behaviors.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 73
and by modeling some new patterns of interaction the client experiences an alternative
possibility which can be practiced in therapy and gradually exported into other relationships
(Safran, 2012). In either case, the quality of parenting and the related fantasies, memories,
and defenses that a person has about his or her parents or early caregivers are essential to the
psychoanalytic therapy.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
A certain amount of growth is expected as a result of maturation. The focus of the drives shifts
from one body zone to the next. These changes occur in the context of socialization pressures
to delay gratification or to redirect the aim of gratification to a more socially acceptable target.
The conflict between innate drives and social constraints forces the ego to find new avenues for
gratification. The ongoing tension between id and superego stimulates new ego development
by forcing the ego to resolve this tension in acceptable ways. Growth can be disrupted if the id
or the superego is so powerful that the ego cannot find ways of balancing them.
The theory is more explanatory than predictive. However, some predictions can be
inferred. First, over the first 5 or 6 years of childhood, one would observe a shift in the
focus of pleasure seeking from the oral to the anal to the phallic body zone. Second, severe
punishment for oral, anal, or phallic activities would result in repression of these impulses.
Evidence of this repression would be observed in the repetition of symbolically related
behaviors in adolescence or adulthood. Third, overindulgence of oral, anal, or phallic
activities would result in the inappropriate reliance on these forms of gratification in
adolescence and adulthood. Specific predictions are difficult because the object of drive
satisfaction is closely linked to the environment and developmental time when the drive
is seeking expression. Fourth, from object relations theory one would expect that early
interactions with the primary caregivers will establish patterns that shape later interpersonal
Psychoanalytic Theory • 75
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
Early experiences are extremely relevant for later development. In fact, psychoanalytic
theory suggests that basic patterns of personality, defensive style, and need gratification
are formed by the age of 6 or 7. Theorists who continued to develop ego psychology and
object relations theory suggest that basic patterns of self-organization and interpersonal
relationships are established in infancy. These patterns form an orienting structure upon
which subsequent experiences are based. Freud used the reports of his adult patients,
including childhood memories, dream interpretation, and free association, as evidence of
the importance of early childhood experiences. Analysts use material from the client’s free
associations, dreams, and interactions in therapy to raise hypotheses about the nature of these
early childhood experiences. Some analysts such as Melanie Klein, Margaret Mahler, Donald
Winnicott, and John Bowlby studied mother–infant interactions in order to gain greater
insight into the nature and quality of these early bonds and their impact on subsequent
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect individual development? What aspects
of the environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
Psychoanalytic theory assumes a basic tension between the individual’s desire to satisfy
drives, and the society’s limitations for individual pleasure seeking. The theory views
individuals as motivated by the pleasure principle, which, if left unchecked, would satisfy
all of one’s desires and disregard the needs of others. The role of the social environment
is to establish guidelines in the form of laws, taboos, and moral standards that restrict the
expression of drives, limit the object of drives, or determine the age at which drives can be
satisfied. The social environment may also suggest positive directions for channeling drives
through valued forms of sublimation.
In psychoanalytic theory, the most important aspect of the social environment is one’s
parents. They are the primary love objects. They are also a primary source of fear through
their possible retaliation for the expression of unacceptable wishes. Children’s ideas about
the acceptability of various forms of drive satisfaction are thought to originate from the way
parents react to their child’s pleasure-seeking behaviors. Through identification with parents,
children incorporate the social standards and moral principles of their community. Because
of the dynamics of the Oedipal or Electra complex, children continue to seek a symbolic
representation of their parents as they choose an adult partner.
In adulthood, a key feature of one’s environment is the relationship with an adult love
object. The love object provides a context for the expression of mature sexuality and a
satisfying interpersonal relationship. Many of the problems that adults bring to therapy
result from an inability to form this kind of satisfying relationship, or problems that arise in
the context of these relationships.
Another central feature of an adult’s environment is the work setting. In work, adults can
find outlets for the expression of sexual and aggressive drives through sublimation. Work
can provide support for the ego through opportunities for new learning, problem solving,
and the expression of competence. Valued work can enhance the ego ideal. At the same time,
work can become a context for conflict depending on the nature of the worker’s drives and
those of co-workers and supervisors.
76 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the
life span?
The first 6 or 7 years of life are viewed as the most critical for healthy development, with an
additional period of vulnerability emerging during adolescence. A child is born with certain
hereditary dispositions for strong or weak libidinal impulses in one drive area or another.
The child then experiences appropriate parenting or dysfunctional parenting including:
overly harsh parenting, overly indulgent parenting, overly sexualized parenting, neglectful
parenting, or a high degree of inter-adult conflict. At each stage of psychosexual development,
the combination of a child’s biological predisposition, strong wishes for drive gratification,
level of ego development, and experiences of parenting will determine whether the emerging
adolescent or adult has a vulnerability to neurotic fixations and symptom formation. Ego
development continues through adolescence and into adulthood. Particularly in adolescence,
when libidinal drives are strengthened through pubertal maturation, some people may be
especially vulnerable to being overwhelmed by their impulses.
At some point in adult life an unusual experience, a traumatic event, or an unexpected
transition or loss can become symbolically connected with childhood. In some cases, the
events of infancy and early childhood produce strong, unacceptable conflicts that appear to
lie in wait in the unconscious until they are brought to life through events of adulthood. In
other cases, unmanageable events of adulthood result in regression to a time of childhood
when libidinal impulses were more easily gratified.
The psychoanalytic theory gives voice to the power of fantasy and symbolism. In a society
that values science and evidence, it is important to remember that children and adults invent
imagined worlds that can shape their thoughts and behaviors. Fantasies and the life of
imagination provide a context for the expression and gratification of drives; a world that is
exploited in movies, television, novels, casinos, and adventure theme parks.
Through the concept of the unconscious and the notion of primary process thought, the
theory provides a way of making sense out of seemingly irrational or maladaptive behaviors.
Psychoanalytic theory recognizes domains of thought that may not appear to be logical to the
observer. The nature of the unconscious and its functions continues to be a focus of research in
cognitive science, leading to new appreciation for its many adaptive capacities.
The theory emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences and their influence
on adult behavior. While this may seem obvious today, in Freud’s time, this was not the accepted
view. Children were viewed by some as miniature adults, to be treated as other adults. Another
view was that children were blank slates to be shaped by parental teachings. A third view was that
children were born in original sin and that their behaviors had to be shaped and punished in order
to bring them into a state of acceptance. Freud’s theory offered a new insight into the significance
of early childhood experiences that were formed by the interaction of biological drives seeking
expression in the context of specific socialization environments. Through the extension of object
relations theory, a more nuanced appreciation for the significance of relationships with early
caregivers has emerged.
In addition to emphasizing the importance of childhood experiences, the theory identifies
stages of development. This view includes an emphasis on a qualitative shift in the child’s needs
and the kinds of interpersonal relationships that are necessary to meet those needs. The stage
approach led the way to a new scientific study of child development that, when combined with the
work of Piaget, provided a more detailed analysis of the patterns of cognitive, social, emotional,
and self-concept development that emerged in the early months and years of life.
The theory acknowledges the role of sexual and aggressive motives and the challenges around
managing their expression in ways that are socially acceptable. In his writings, Freud emphasized
the link between infantile sexual and aggressive drives and drive reduction, and adult pathologies.
He provided a way of conceptualizing adult neuroses as maladaptive expressions of normal drives.
Whereas the healthy person is able to find socially acceptable sublimations for drive satisfaction,
the neurotic person develops symptoms. This approach helped to reduce the psychological
78 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
distance between mental illness and mental health, encouraging a more normalizing approach to
the treatment of mental illness.
Psychoanalytic theory was highly influential in producing a new method of therapeutic
intervention. Through techniques of free association, dream interpretation, and the analysis of
transference, clients are supported in overcoming the resistance to recognizing these conflicts
and identifying the origins of the conflicts. Over time, the client gains new understanding of the
nature of the defense mechanisms that have been used to keep certain conflicts out of awareness,
and of the conflicts themselves. By gaining insight into the defensive process, the conflicts, and
the role of the symptoms, the client gains new ego strengths. Energy that had been used to keep
conflicts out of consciousness is now available for more flexible, adaptive coping. Freud’s creation
of “talk therapy” stimulated numerous adaptations and modifications which are applied in the
mental health field today, including play therapy with children, group therapies, and short-term
or brief psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalytic theory was influential in stimulating new theories. Theory development grew
in a number of directions. Many of those mentioned earlier in this chapter extended Freud’s initial
work by expanding the ideas of ego development and the importance of early object relations. A
second group took issue with some of Freud’s original ideas and wrote their own psychodynamic
theories. Among the most famous were Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, and Harry Stack Sullivan.
Adler (1964) argued that a will to power was the basic organizing drive rather than sexual and
aggressive drives. His theory focused on the initial physical inferiority of children in relation to
adults and lifelong efforts to compensate, creating the concept of the inferiority complex. Other
contributions focused on the nature of sibling relationships and the dynamics of power between
first born and later born children. Jung (1953) viewed personality development as a product of
goals and aspirations as well as needs. He saw the direction of development as a striving for unity
and integration of the many opposing forces that comprise the self. Jung also introduced the idea
that the content of the unconscious included archetypes that were part of the human collective
unconscious as well as personal experiences.
Sullivan (1953) focused on interpersonal needs and problems in communication. When
people become anxious, their communication is likely to be more closely monitored, idiosyncratic,
and ineffective. Lack of effective communication increases social isolation and, as a result,
increases anxiety.
Each of the theorists mentioned above suggested a new focus for therapeutic intervention.
Psychoanalytic theory emerged out of medicine. However, it quickly expanded into the fields of
psychology, education, social work, and nursing. Several of Freud’s writings, especially Moses and
monotheism (Freud, 1939/1967) and the interpretation of a childhood memory of Leonardo da
Vinci (Freud, 1919/1964), suggested expansions of psychoanalytic theory into psychobiography
and psychohistory. Ideas about the role of unconscious sexual and aggressive drives in guiding
behavior, the importance of childhood conflicts, and the interpretation of dreams found
expression in literature, art, and theater. There is probably not a single textbook about child
development, whether in education, psychology, social work, pediatrics, or nursing, that does not
refer to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
The ideas introduced by psychoanalytic theory have led to numerous research directions.
Although Freud did not introduce techniques for systematic measurement, his writings
stimulated thinking about a vast array of topics that have become the focus of empirical inquiry
including moral development, early infant–caregiver relationships, the nature of unconscious
thought, identification, parenting practices, and studies of the therapeutic process.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 79
The approach to motivation offered in psychoanalytic theory has received wide criticism. Some
critics argue that the theory oversimplifies motivation by reducing all behavior to an expression
of sexual or aggressive drives. Among these critics are those who suggest a different set of basic,
or primary needs that highlight the social-orientation of human beings and strong needs for
connection, social affiliation, and power. Others, like Henry Murray, offer a comparatively large
list of needs. Still others, like Gordon Allport, suggest that the motivational structure is flexible
over the life span so that what might begin as a secondary need can take on greater salience
based on experience and goals. Finally, some critics, such as Robert White, suggest that human
behavior is more properly understood as competency and mastery-oriented, goal-oriented, and
stimulus-seeking. Rather than searching for a calm state of equilibrium, human beings often
strive to achieve new levels of competence by taking on new and difficult challenges.
Psychoanalytic theory assumes a universal, biological unfolding of the sensitivity of body
zones that results in specific stages of development: the oral, anal, genital, latency, and phallic
stages. At each stage, the drive for sexual or aggressive satisfaction is organized around specific
avenues for gratification. At the same time, the nature of these modes of gratification is thought
to bring the child into conflict with societally imposed sanctions and prohibitions which can
produce unconscious conflicts.
Several criticisms have been offered about this view of development. The extent to which
these body areas and their related functions become a focus of conflict varies across cultures.
The theory, developed during the Victorian era, reflects a cultural context in which such activities
as breast feeding, toilet training, and masturbation were treated with great privacy. Children’s
behaviors in these areas were likely to be targeted with harsh discipline and shaming. However,
cultural practices and beliefs about these basic activities range widely from relative openness and
permissiveness to strict control. In some cultures, infants are able to nurse at the breast of any
one of a number of lactating women; children learn toileting practices from older siblings; and
masturbation and sex play are openly accepted as a way for children to learn about reproduction.
These cultural practices suggest that the issues Freud identified as organizing developmental
stages may not be as universal as he suggested.
A particular criticism about the nature of the stages of development focuses on the Oedipal/
Electra model and the process of superego formation. This construction of the origins of morality
is viewed as incorrect on several counts. First, it places the formation of the conscience too late
in childhood. More recent theorists suggest, as we discussed earlier in the chapter, that superego
formation begins in infancy as the child forms an emotional bond with a loving caregiver.
Second, it overemphasizes the role of the father as a fearful, threatening figure in the formation
of conscience. Much of the research on moral development in childhood suggests that the father
plays a modest role, partly because fathers have traditionally not been involved in the daily
socialization activities of young children. In contrast, mothers play a major role, especially in
the way they combine warmth and limit setting in their disciplinary strategy. Third, the Oedipal/
Electra model is especially inadequate for accounting for moral development for girls, particularly
the ideas of penis envy and blaming the mother for genital mutilation. Freud concluded that,
because girls are less fearful of their mothers than boys are of their fathers, they are less likely to
repress their Electra fantasies and would have a less punitive superego. In contrast, most research
finds that girls are more conscientious about resisting temptation and obeying rules than boys.
Finally, it is difficult to see how the constructions of the Oedipal or Electra conflicts contribute
80 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
to moral development for children in single-parent families or families with two parents of the
same sex.
Another criticism of the developmental stages is the notion of latency. The description of
psychosexual stages presumes that the years from about age 6 or 7 until puberty are devoted
primarily to ego development. However, other theorists have introduced views of this period
of childhood that suggest key domains for personality and social maturation. Sullivan viewed
these years as especially relevant for the formation of close, same-sex friendships. Erikson viewed
these years as a time when self-concept was crystallized around issues of competence and worth.
Piaget wrote about new capacities for understanding the nature of rules which influence moral
development. Juvonen and others have documented the expression of aggressive drives through
bullying, a widespread practice that appears to be deeply entrenched in the social fabric of middle
childhood. The term “latency,” which implies that sexual and aggressive drives are dormant,
misses some of these significant aspects of development.
Another criticism is that the developmental stages do not continue into adulthood and later
life. From a life-span view of development, some argue that psychoanalytic theory places an
overemphasis on the role of childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior, and fails to suggest
important new directions for growth in adulthood.
The stages of development and the processes of psychological tension between id, ego, and
superego are based on evidence from Freud’s clinical cases. As a result, much of what was inferred
about normal development was drawn from observations and treatment of adults who had
probably experienced childhood trauma. Freud did not develop a theory based on the longitudinal
observation of individuals over the course of their lives from infancy through adulthood. The
fields of behavioral genetics and cognitive neuroscience which guide our understanding of
individual differences, sensitivity to environmental conditions, and the complexity of cognitive
processes were not available to Freud. Thus, his insights into the human mind are more linear and
unidirectional than is likely to be accurate. Contemporary human science views development as
more probabilistic, with greater appreciation for the interactions of biology, environment, and
individual agency in shaping the direction of life paths.
The theory offers explanations rather than predictions. In most of the cases, the analysis starts
with the presenting symptoms and strives to find the explanations for these symptoms. The
theory does not predict what the symptom will be. There is too much ambiguity in the path from
a given conflict to specific symptoms, so it is not possible to test behavioral outcomes based on
a known conflict. In the case of Little Hans, for example, Hans had a fear of horses and because
of this he grew afraid to go outside. Freud eventually traced this fear to Hans’s fear of his father
and the related Oedipal conflict. However, Little Hans might just as well have developed a fear of
a machine, or another kind of animal, or a fear of loud noises. The theory does not provide a way
to predict which symptom might arise from particular early conflicts.
The theory is difficult to test empirically. Freud and many of his followers even argued that
the theory could not be studied outside the context of psychoanalysis. For example, there are
no guidelines for assessing restrictiveness or permissiveness in parenting and the conditions
under which either of these two approaches will result in fixation. Freud was prolific in providing
analytic interpretations for symptoms and for suggesting the possible path of a neurosis from
childhood to the present. He did not provide any systematic strategies for assessing the strength
of unconscious drives, the disruptive impact of childhood events, or the capacity of a person to
benefit from psychotherapy. Table 3.1 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of psychoanalytic
theory as an approach for understanding human development.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 81
Strengths Weaknesses
The theory offered a view of the mind in which The theory’s view of sexual and aggressive drives as the primary
the domain of the unconscious was highlighted motivation for behavior has been criticized on a number of
as a dominant force, both as a storehouse for fronts. This view fails to highlight the social needs of humans;
wishes, drives, and fantasies, and as a source of that many motives influence behavior; the motivational structure
influence on mental activities and behavior. is flexible over the life span; and the nature of motivation is more
competency- and mastery-based than is implied by the theory.
Highlights the significance of early childhood The theory is culturally ethnocentric, assuming a universal
experiences, including relationships with pattern of stages and conflicts which does not take into account
primary caregivers, and their influences on adult the diversity of cultural practices that may influence the
behavior. expression or control of sexual and aggressive impulses at each
stage of development.
Describes stages of development in which there Many criticisms have been directed to the Oedipal and Electra
are qualitative shifts in the child’s needs and the complex as a way of accounting for the emergence of conscience
kinds of interpersonal relationships necessary to and morality in childhood. Empirical studies have shown the
meet those needs. reasoning of this aspect of the theory to be faulty on several
Highlights the importance of sexual and Freud thought that there was a period identified in the theory as
aggressive motives. “latency,” when sexual and aggressive drives were dormant and
little in the way of new gains in personality took place. However,
subsequent research and theory has shown that a number of new
domains emerge during this time.
Links the early expression of sexual and Overemphasizes the importance of early childhood and fails to
aggressive drives to adult pathologies, thereby address directions for new development in adulthood.
establishing a continuum between adaptive and
maladaptive behavior.
The theory was influential in producing a The theory is based on clinical observations of adults in therapy
new method of therapeutic intervention from which a view of early childhood and structures of the mind
using techniques of free association, dream was reconstructed. Current research suggests that the process of
interpretation, interpretations of transference, development is more probabilistic and less unidirectional than
and overcoming resistance to recognizing the theory suggests.
Big ideas from the theory were influential in The theory is more explanatory than predictive.
stimulating new theories and an extensive body
of research.
Specific propositions of the theory are difficult to test
4. What are some specific applications of psychoanalytic theory for parenting and parent
education? Visit some websites that are intended to support effective or nurturant parenting.
To what extent do they draw on or build upon concepts from psychoanalytic theory?
5. Think back to the case of Tim. Using the concepts from psychoanalytic theory, how would you
explain Tim’s behavior? Make a list of Tim’s symptoms, and try to identify possible underlying
causes of each symptom.
6. Imagine that Tim’s parents brought him to you for therapy. How would you go about evaluating
Tim and understanding his underlying concerns? Which ideas from psychoanalytic theory
would be helpful in guiding the treatment?
Key Terms
Recommended Resources
**Sigmund Freud Chronology. 1856–1939. The Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna. www.Freud/
A chronology of Sigmund Freud’s life from birth to death with links to photos, family background,
publications, and professional achievements.
**Ericksonian hypnotherapy for an impulse problem with Jeffrey K. Zeig (2007). APA video
A video prepared for the public by the American Psychological Association. The client is portrayed
by an actor, based on real case material.
**Play therapy with a six-year-old with Jane Annunziata (2007). APA video series.
A video prepared for the public by the American Psychological Association. The client is portrayed
by an actor, based on real case material.
**Psychotherapy with children with conduct disorders using games and stories with Richard A.
Gardner (2006). APA video series.
A video prepared for the public by the American Psychological Association. The client is portrayed
by an actor, based on real case material.
**Safran, J.D. (2012). Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapies. Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
**Stoycheva, V., Weinberger, J., & Singer, E. (2014). The place of the normative unconscious in
psychoanalytic theory and practice. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 31, 100–118.
The authors review five aspects of what they call normative unconscious processes: attribution,
implicit memory, implicit learning, affective salience, and automaticity. These processes are all
important features of adaptive behavior that are not driven by conflict and defense but have
relevance for the behavior of clients and therapists.
**Viktor Frankl’s lecture on believing in people’s higher sense of meaning and purpose. www.ted.
Viktor Frankl, a renowned psychotherapist and Holocaust survivor, explains his view about how
important it is within a therapeutic relationship to believe in a person’s higher capacities and
sense of purpose, thereby supporting their optimal level of functioning.
Abend, S.M. & Porder, M.S. (1995). Identification. In B.R. Moore & B.D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The major
concepts (pp. 463–470). New Haven: Yale University Press.
Adler, A. (1964). Social interest: A challenge to mankind. New York: Putnam.
84 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
American Psychoanalytic Association (2014). Children in psychoanalysis: Their stories. Retrieved on April 29, 2014 at
Bassett, D.S. & Gazzaniga, M.S. (2011). Understanding complexity in the human brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,
15, 200–209.
Blanck, R. & Blanck, G. (1986). Beyond ego psychology. New York: Columbia University Press.
Blos, P. (1962). On adolescence: A psychoanalytic interpretation. New York: Free Press.
Blos, P. (1967). The second individuation process of adolescence. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 23, 162–186.
Boesky, D. (1995). Structural theory. In B.R. Moore & B.D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The major concepts (pp.
494–507). New Haven: Yale University Press.
Borden, W. (2000). The relational paradigm in contemporary psychoanalysis: Toward a psychodynamically
informed social work perspective. Social Service Review, 74, 352–380.
Brenner, C. (1994). The mind as conflict and compromise formation. Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 3,
Breuer, J. & Freud, S. (1955). Studies on hysteria. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard edition of the complete
psychological works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. 2. London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1893–1895)
Bruner, J. (1992). Another look at New Look 1. American Psychologist, 47, 780–783.
Bruner, J. & Postman, L. (1947). Emotional selectivity in perception and reaction. Journal of Personality, 16, 69–77.
Claparede, E. (1911). Recognition and ‘me-ness.’ In D. Rapaport (Ed. & Trans.), Organization and pathology of
thought (pp. 58–75). New York: Columbia University Press.
Cramer, P. (2000). Defense mechanisms in psychology today: Further processes for adaptation. American
Psychologist, 55, 637–646.
Decety, J. & Chaminade, T. (2003). When the self represents the other: A new cognitive neuroscience view on
psychological identification. Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 577–596.
Dijksterhuis, A. & Nordgren, L.F. (2006). A theory of unconscious thought. Perspectives on Psychological Science,
1, 95–109.
Ellenberger, H.F. (1970). The discovery of the unconscious, New York: Basic Books; London: Allen Lane.
Fenichel, O. (1945). The psychoanalytic theory of neurosis. New York: Norton.
Fenichel, O. (1953). The collected papers of Otto Fenichel. New York: Norton.
Freud, A. (1946). The ego and mechanisms of defense. New York: International Universities Press. (Original work
published 1936)
Freud, A. (1965). Normality and pathology in childhood. In Writings of Anna Freud: Vol. 6 (pp. 3–235). New York:
International Universities Press.
Freud, S. (1892–1893). A case of successful treatment by hypnosis. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard edition of the
complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. 1 (pp. 115–128). London: Hogarth Press.
Freud, S. (1953). The interpretation of dreams. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard edition of the complete psychological
works of Sigmund Freud: Vols. 4 & 5. London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1900)
Freud, S. (1953). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard edition of the complete
psychological works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. 7. London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1905)
Freud, S. (1955). Lecture XVIII—Fixation to Traumas—The Unconscious. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard
edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. 16. London: Hogarth Press (Original work
published 1916–1917)
Freud, S. (1960). A general introduction to psychoanalysis. New York: Washington Square Press. (Original work
published 1924)
Freud, S. (1964). Leonardo da Vinci: A psychosexual study of infantile reminiscence. New York: Norton. (Original
work published 1919)
Freud, S. (1964). New introductory lectures on psychoanalysis. In J. Strachey (Ed.), The standard edition of the
complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. 22. London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published
Freud, S. (1967). Moses and monotheism. New York: Vintage Books. (Original work published 1939)
Gazzaniga, M.S. (1989, September). The organization of the human brain. Science, 245, 947–952.
Greenberg, J. & Mitchell, S.A. (1983). Object relations in psychoanalytic theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Greenwald, A.G. (1992). Unconscious cognition reclaimed. American Psychologist, 47, 766–779.
Psychoanalytic Theory • 85
Hartmann, H. (1964). Ego psychology and the problem of adaptation. New York: International Universities Press.
(Original work published 1939)
Hassin, R.R. (2013). Yes it can: On the functional abilities of the human unconscious. Perspectives on Psychological
Science, 8, 195–207.
Jacobson, E. (1964). The self and the object world. New York: International Universities Press.
Jacoby, L.L., Lindsay, D.S., & Toth, J.P. (1992). Unconscious influences revealed: Attention, awareness, and control.
American Psychologist, 47, 802–809.
Jahoda, M. (1977). Freud and the dilemmas of psychology. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Johnston, W.A. & Dark, V.J. (1986). Selective attention. Annual Review of Psychology, 37, 43–75.
Jones, E. (1953–1957). Sigmund Freud, life and work: Vols. 1, 2, and 3. London: Hogarth Press; New York: Basic
Jones, E. (1957). The life and work of Sigmund Freud: Vols. 1–3. New York: Basic Books.
Jung, C.G. (1953). The psychology of the unconscious. In Collected works: Vol. 7. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. (Original German edition published 1943)
Kawakami, K., Phills, C.E., Greenwald, A.G., Simard, D. et al. (2012). In perfect harmony: Synchronizing the self to
activated social categories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 562–575.
Kernberg, O. (1995). Psychoanalytic object relations theory. In B.R. Moore & B.D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The
major concepts (pp. 450–462). New Haven: Yale University Press.
Kihlstrom, J.L. (1987, September). The cognitive unconscious. Science, 237, 1445–1452.
Klein, M. (1948). Contributions to psycho-analysis, 1921–1945. London: Hogarth Press.
Levin, F.M. (1995). Psychoanalysis and the brain. In B.R. Moore & B.D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The major
concepts (pp. 537–552). New Haven: Yale University Press.
Levinson, H. (2010). Brief dynamic therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Loersch, C., Durso, G.R.O., & Petty, R.E. (2013). Vicissitudes of desire: A matching mechanism for subliminal
persuasion. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(5), 624–631.
Mahler, M.S. (1972). On the first three subphases of the separation–individuation process. International Journal of
Psychoanalysis, 53, 333–338.
Mahler, M.S. & Furer, M. (1968). On human symbiosis and the vicissitudes of individuation. New York: International
Universities Press.
Mahler, M.S., Pine, F., & Bergman, A. (1975). The psychological birth of the human infant. New York: Basic Books.
Makari, G. (2008). Revolution in mind: The creation of psychoanalysis. New York: Harper.
Messer, S. & Warren, S. (1995). Models of brief psychodynamic therapy. New York: Guilford Press.
Postman, L. & Bruner, J. (1948). Perception under stress. Psychological Review, 55, 314–323.
Rumelhart, D.E. & McClelland, J.L. (1986). Parallel distributed processing: Vol. 1. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Safran, J.D. (2012). Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapies. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Schafer, R. (1968). Aspects of internalization. New York: International Universities Press.
Siegler, R.S. (2000). Unconscious insights. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9, 79–83.
Siegler, R.S. & Stern, E. (1998). A microgenetic analysis of conscious and unconscious strategy discoveries. Journal
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Sigmund Freud Chronology: 1896 (2014). The Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Retrieved on April 30, 2014 at
Sullivan, H.S. (1953). The interpersonal theory of psychiatry. New York: Norton.
Tracey, T.J.G., Wampold, B.E., Lichtenberg, J.W., & Goodyear, R.K. (2014). Expertise in psychotherapy. American
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Tyson, P. & Tyson, R.L. (1995). Development. In B.R. Moore & B.D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The major concepts
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Weiskranz, L. (1986). Blindsight: A case study and implications. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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Winnicott, D.W. (1960). The theory of the parent-infant relationship. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis,
41, 585–595.
Cognitive Developmental Theory
Case Vignette 87
Historical Context 88
Key Concepts 89
Schemes 90
Organization 90
Adaptation 90
Stages of Development 91
Sensorimotor Intelligence 92
Preoperational Thought 96
Concrete Operational Thought 97
Formal Operational Thought 100
Egocentrism 102
Innovative Research Methods 103
New Directions 103
Moral Reasoning 103
Stages of Morality 104
Social Cognition 105
Theory of Mind 105
Social Perspective Taking 106
Information Processing 107
Attention 107
Short-Term Memory 107
Long-Term Memory 108
Organizational Strategies 109
The Theory of Central Conceptual Structures 109
The Theory of Post-Formal Reasoning 110
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 87
Guiding Questions
• What is cognition? How is it similar to or different from the concepts of conscious and
unconscious thought discussed in Chapter 3?
• According to cognitive developmental theory, what is adaptation, and how does it
promote new levels of cognition from infancy through adolescence?
• What is the difference between how children think and what children know? In
education, how much effort should be given to enhancing the capacity for reasoning as
compared to increasing knowledge?
• How has cognitive developmental theory informed our understanding about moral
development and social competence?
• What are some diverse views about the biological versus the cultural basis of cognition?
Case Vignette
Every afternoon after preschool, Vivi, who is 3, watches about an hour of television, usually
two episodes of Dora the Explorer. Her parents, Rona and Lewis, have been impressed
by how much Vivi’s language skills and pretend play have blossomed over the past few
months, and they attribute much of this to her exposure to Dora. It’s fun to see Vivi invent
new adventures with her dolls, and talk back to the television when Dora gets into mischief.
Now, Rona and Lewis have decided to let their 6-month-old infant Micky watch Dora
along with Vivi. They think that Micky will start talking even earlier since he will have this
enriched exposure to the television program as an infant.
Cognitive developmental theory provides insights into the quality of thought of infants,
children, and adolescents, with consideration for the qualitative shifts in thinking and
reasoning that take place at various stages. Decisions regarding television viewing are just
one among many decisions that parents make about the kinds of toys, games, and other
sources of stimulation that they bring into their children’s lives. An assumption behind these
decisions is that parents want to provide resources that will promote optimal development.
However, without a theory about children’s cognitive abilities and the experiences that
promote cognitive growth, they are “shooting in the dark.”
88 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
As you read about cognitive developmental theory, think about the kinds of daily
experiences that are likely to promote thought and reasoning at various stages of life. What
are children able to comprehend at various ages? What might be some changes in the kinds
of experiences that will stimulate thought and reasoning at different ages? What role might
television viewing play for the cognitive development of infants as compared to toddlers?
Cognitive developmental theory offers some answers to these questions and directions that
parents and teachers can consider to support the optimal growth of their children.
Historical Context
Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland in 1896. Much like Darwin, he showed talent as a naturalist
early in childhood. He observed and studied birds, fossils, and seashells, and at the age of 10 made
a contribution to a scientific journal about the albino sparrow. While in high school he began to
publish papers describing the characteristics of mollusks. His work in this area was so impressive
that he was invited to become the curator of the mollusk collection at the Geneva Museum.
He earned his doctorate from the University of Neuchatel in 1918; his dissertation was on the
mollusks of Vallais.
The most direct consequence of Piaget’s training as a naturalist for the study of cognitive
development was his belief that the principles of biology could be used to explain the evolution
of knowledge. The observational skills he acquired would serve him well as he developed his
theory. Between 1918 and 1921, he worked in the laboratory of Theodore Lipps, whose research
focused on the study of empathy and aesthetics. He spent some time working at Eugen Bleuler’s
psychiatric clinic near Zurich, where he learned the techniques of psychiatric interviewing.
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 89
He went to the Sorbonne in Paris, where he had the opportunity to work in the laboratory of
Alfred Binet. Binet’s laboratory was actually an elementary school in which studies on the nature
of intelligence were being conducted. Here, Piaget investigated children’s responses to reasoning
tests. He devised an interview technique to determine how children arrived at their answers
to reasoning problems. He became interested in the patterns of thought revealed by incorrect
answers. In essence, Piaget focused on how children think rather than on how much they know.
Piaget’s observations and interviews provided the basis for his first articles on the characteris-
tics of children’s thought processes. One of these articles brought him to the attention of
the editor of Psychological Archives, who offered him the job of director of studies at the
Institute Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Geneva. There, Piaget began to investigate children’s moral
judgments, theories about everyday events, and language. In 1923, Piaget married Valentine
Châtenay who worked with him on the preparation of The moral judgment of the child. In the
period from 1923 to 1929, Piaget conducted experiments and systematic observations with
preverbal infants. In that work, he began to unravel the basic mysteries of the growth of logical
thought. This work was significantly enriched by observations of his own children, Jacqueline,
Lucienne, and Laurent.
While Piaget was working in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, his work was largely unknown
in the United States. It was not until the 1960s with John Flavell’s publication, The developmental
psychology of Jean Piaget, that Piaget’s theory became accessible to the English-speaking academic
community in the United States. By that time, learning theory and behaviorism were the dominant
forces in American psychology (see Chapter 5) and shaped the way psychologists and educators
thought about how children learn. This perspective focused on conditions under which stimuli
and responses became associated with each other, and the ways that behavioral responses were
altered depending on the consequences of those responses. Questions about how children come
to know or understand what they know were largely ignored. The notion of intelligence was
approached as a construct that could be understood primarily through the administration of
standardized tests, based on the response of individuals to questions and tasks requiring verbal
and mathematical reasoning. Little attention was paid to how children arrived at the answers
to these questions; rather the focus was on comparing individuals’ scores to norms that had
been established using large samples. Against this context, Piaget’s work revolutionized the way
scholars and eventually educators thought about the development of knowing.
Piaget produced a massive quantity of research and theory about cognitive development,
logic, the history of thought, education, and the theory of knowledge (epistemology). In 1969,
the American Psychological Association gave Piaget the Distinguished Scientific Contribution
Award for the work that had revolutionized our understanding of the nature of human knowledge
and the development of intelligence. In 1970, a group of international, interdisciplinary scholars
established the Jean Piaget Society ( to stimulate and advance the study of the
developmental construction of human knowledge. Piaget continued his work on the nature of
children’s cognitive development until his death in 1980, at the age of 84.
Key Concepts
Piaget assumed that the roots of cognition lie in the person’s biological capacities. He hypothesized
that logical thought unfolds in a series of biologically guided stages that emerge in a fixed
sequence as the person engages and explores the environment. Five concepts form the basis of
Piaget’s theory: schemes, organization, adaptation, stages of development, and egocentrism.
90 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Piaget and Inhelder (1969) defined scheme as “the structure or organization of actions as they are
transferred or generalized by repetition in similar or analogous circumstances” (p. 4). A scheme
is any organized, meaningful grouping of interrelated actions, images, feelings, or ideas that
determine how a person interacts with the environment. Piaget preferred the term scheme rather
than concept because it can be used to describe interrelated groups of actions as well as ideas.
He used the word to discuss the sensorimotor counterpart of concepts and conceptual networks
during the period of infancy before language and other symbolic systems are developed.
Schemes begin to be formed during infancy through the repetition of regular sequences of
action. Two kinds of schemes emerge in infancy. The first guides a particular action, such as
grasping a rattle or sucking on a bottle. These generalize to patterns of actions for grasping and
sucking a wide range of things in the environment. The second type of scheme links sequences of
actions, such as climbing into the high chair in order to eat breakfast or crawling to the door to
greet Daddy when he comes home (Uzgiris, 1983).
Infants form a wide array of schemes for people, objects, actions, and sequences of action.
Infants are able to distinguish between people who are familiar and those who are unfamiliar.
They differentiate between playful sounds, such as cooing and babbling, and sounds that will
bring a caregiver, such as crying and screeching. They recognize foods they will eat readily and
those they reject. These groupings suggest that schemes are developed by mental coordination
processes that evolve over time through repeated actions with specific aspects of the environment.
Schemes are created, modified, and organized continuously throughout life.
Piaget argued that all living organisms organize their various structures into a coordinated,
integrated system. This is true at the physical and the psychological levels. The capacity for
organization is an innate feature of living creatures. At the biological level, the respiratory,
circulatory, and digestive systems are organized and integrated in order to sustain survival. At
the psychological level, a person organizes visual, auditory, proprioceptive, and motor systems in
order to move toward a goal. In early infancy, a child can see an object and grasp an object. They
are two separate activities. After some time, the infant organizes these two systems in order to
carry out visually guided reaching and grasping.
The tendency toward organization operates at the cognitive as well as the behavioral level.
The idea of developing a category of objects, such as fruits or animals or family members, is
an example of cognitive organization. A person identifies features that a variety of objects have
in common, including perceptual features such as shape, smell, or color, and functions that
the objects can serve such as something to sit on or something to eat. Cognitive organization
serves an adaptive function by reducing the amount of information that is needed to respond to
individual stimuli.
Piaget (1936/1952) viewed cognition as a continuously evolving process in which the content and
diversity of experiences stimulate the formation of new schemes. People are constantly striving to
attain equilibrium both with the environment and in the cognitive components of their mental
structures. According to Piaget, knowledge is the result of adaptation, the gradual modification
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 91
of existing schemes to take into account the novelty or uniqueness of each experience. You can
see the similarity between this use of the term adaptation and its use in evolutionary theory.
Piaget extended the concept of adaptation, suggesting that it works to produce modifications in
the capacity for logical thought. “It is by adapting to things that thought organizes itself,” he says,
“and it is by organizing itself that it structures things” (1936/1952, pp. 7–8).
Adaptation is a two-part process in which the continuity of existing schemes and the possibility
of altering existing schemes interact. One part of the adaptation process is assimilation—the
tendency to interpret new experiences in terms of an existing scheme. Assimilation contributes
to the continuity of knowing. For example, Karen thinks that anyone who goes to the private high
school in her city is a snob. When she meets Gail, who attends the private school, she expects Gail
to be a snob. After talking with Gail for 5 minutes, she concludes that Gail really is a snob. Here we
see assimilation: Karen interprets her interactions with Gail in light of an existing scheme about
the kinds of students who attend private schools.
The second part of the adaptation process is accommodation—the tendency to modify
familiar schemes in order to account for new dimensions of the object or event that are revealed.
For example, if Karen and Gail were to spend a little more time together, Karen might discover
that Gail is not rich and is attending the private high school on a scholarship. She and Karen
actually have a lot of common interests. Gail is quite friendly and wants to see Karen again.
Karen decides that not everyone who goes to the private school is a snob. She realizes that she
has to postpone judgment about people until she gets to know them a little better. Here we see
accommodation: Karen is modifying her scheme about the students who attend private school in
order to integrate the new information she is receiving.
Throughout life we gain knowledge gradually through the related processes of assimilation
and accommodation. In order to have a new idea, we must be able to relate a new experience,
thought, or event to some already existing scheme. Also, we must be able to modify our schemes
in order to differentiate the novel from the familiar. At first, we ask if the element of the
environment can be understood by using existing schemes to interpret it. We may even distort
reality to make it fit existing schemes. When current schemes are inadequate to account for the
new experiences, successful adaptation requires that we adjust them to take into account the
demands of reality. According to Piaget, cognitive development proceeds through a sequence
of stages through this back and forth process—comparing new experiences to what is already
known, making modifications in what is known to take into account new information, and then
using the revised schemes to guide subsequent encounters with the environment. Moderately
discrepant experiences can be accommodated, but if discrepancies are too different from one’s
current level of understanding, cognitive adaptation is not likely to occur.
Stages of Development
Piaget’s theory included a description of stages of cognitive development. He was working to
describe a fundamental pattern of cognitive maturation, a universal path along which the human
capacity for logical reasoning unfolds. Piaget spoke of a stage as a “structure of the whole,” that is
a structure with a unitary character (Piaget, 1955). At each stage, a set of mental operations form
mental structures that underlie the sense of knowing. In infancy, these structures are referred
to as schemes, repeatable, generalizable sequences of actions, that underlie the child’s knowing.
In later stages, the structures are organized mental operations that provide a foundation for
organizing and interpreting experiences.
92 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
The stages he described encompassed abstract processes that could be applied to many content
areas and that could be observed at roughly the same chronological age periods across cultures.
His theory focused on the epigenesis of logical thought—the development of new structures
for thought—not on explanations for individual differences in knowledge and reasoning or
on differences that might result from cultural and subcultural experiences. The stages emerge
through times of disequilibrium and efforts to achieve new levels of equilibrium through the
processes of constructing new mental structures and new strategies for gaining and evaluating
information. Development involves periods of preparation or formation followed by periods
of completion or equilibrium that bring a qualitatively distinctive organization to thought and
problem solving (Piaget, 1955).
Most summaries of Piaget’s theory highlight four stages of cognitive development: sensori-
motor intelligence, preoperational thought, concrete operational thought, and formal operational
thought. At each new stage, the competences of the earlier stages are not lost but are integrated
into a qualitatively new approach to thinking and knowing. The key features of each of these
stages are summarized in Table 4.1
Sensorimotor Intelligence
The first stage, sensorimotor intelligence, begins at birth and lasts until approximately 18 months
of age. This stage is characterized by the formation of increasingly complex sensory and motor
schemes such as reaching and grasping, following an object through its path of movement, and
means–end relationships like kicking the cribside in order to get a mobile to wiggle. Sensorimotor
schemes allow infants to organize and exercise increasing control over their environment.
What is sensorimotor intelligence? Think for a moment of a familiar experience, such as tying
your shoelaces. The pattern of tying the shoelace unfolds with little, if any, language involved. In
fact, the task of explaining to a young child how to tie a shoelace is particularly difficult because
very few words or concepts are part of the process. This kind of motor routine is an example
of sensorimotor intelligence. When infants begin to adapt their sucking reflex to make it more
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 93
effective, or when they use different techniques of sucking for the breast and the bottle, they are
demonstrating sensorimotor intelligence.
How do infants organize their experiences? According to Piaget’s (1970) theory, the chief
mechanism governing the growth of intelligence during infancy is sensorimotor adaptation.
From the very earliest days of life, infants use their reflexes to explore their world. At the same
time, they gradually alter their reflexes to take into account the unique properties of objects
around them. Infants do not make use of the conventional symbolic systems of language and
mental representation to organize experience. Rather, they form concepts through perception
and direct investigation of the environment. Sensorimotor intelligence develops as a result of
the elaboration and repetition of patterns of movement and sensory experiences that the child
comes to recognize in association with specific environmental events. With each new challenge,
a process of adaptation results in the revision of basic schemes to better predict and interpret
experience (Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997).
One of the most important components of sensorimotor intelligence is the capacity to anticipate
that certain actions will have specific effects on objects in the environment. Infants develop an
understanding of causality based largely on sensory and motor experience. Babies discover that
if they cry, Mama or Papa will come to them; if they kick a chair, it will move; and if they let go
of a spoon, it will fall to the floor. These predictable sequences are learned through repetition and
experimentation. The predictability of the events depends on the child’s initiation of the action and
on the consistency with which objects in the world respond. Babies learn to associate specific actions
with regularly occurring outcomes. They also experiment with their own actions to determine the
variety of events that a single behavior may cause. Eventually they are able to work backward: they
can select a desirable outcome and then perform the behavior that will produce it.
The Development of Causal Schemes. The achievement of complex, purposeful causal behavior
develops gradually during the first 2 years of life. This achievement requires that infants have
an understanding of the properties of objects in their environment and a variety of strategies
for manipulating those objects. They must be able to select the most effective strategies for
coordinating actions to achieve specific goals.
Piaget and Inhelder (1966/1969) described six stages in the development of causal schemes.
Subsequent research and related theoretical revisions confirm these levels of cognitive
development (Fischer & Silvern, 1985).
Stage 1: Reflexes. In stage 1, approximately birth to 1 month, cause and effect are linked through
involuntary reflexive responses. The built-in stimulus-response systems of key reflexes are viewed
as the genetic origin of intelligence. Babies suck, grasp, and root in response to specific types of
stimulation. Piaget viewed the reflexes as adaptive learning systems. In detailed observations of
his youngest child, Laurent, he noted daily changes in sucking behavior during the first month
of life. Laurent became increasingly directed in groping for the breast, forming early associations
between those situations in which he would be fed and those in which he would not (Piaget,
The reflexes are exercised both in response to the evoking stimulus and as a part of generalized
activity. For example, a newborn begins sucking when the breast is inserted in his or her mouth,
but may lose contact and stop sucking. After a few days, the baby finds the nipple more easily,
begins sucking more vigorously and can return to the nipple if it slips away. After a few weeks, it is
not unusual to see an infant sucking even when there is no bottle or nipple, but purely to exercise
this activity pattern.
94 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Stage 2: First Habits. In the second stage, approximately 1 to 4 months, called first habits
(sometimes called primary circular reactions), the reflexive responses are used to explore a
wider range of stimuli. Often by chance, babies find their thumb or fingers near their mouth
and begin to suck on them. Over time, they may try to find their hand with their mouth or stuff
their whole fist in their mouth. Gradually, they are able to coordinate the movement of their
hand or thumb to their mouth and stop or start sucking voluntarily. First habits typically involve
actions restricted to the baby’s own body like repeating vocalizations, sucking on fingers or toes,
or deliberate kicking. The fact that babies can satisfy their own desires by starting or stopping a
motor behavior is a very early form of purposive causal behavior.
Stage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions. The third and fourth stages involve coordination
of means and ends, first with familiar situations and then with new ones. In the third stage,
approximately 4 to 10 months, called secondary circular reactions, babies connect an action with
an expected outcome. They shake a rattle and expect to hear a noise; they drop a spoon and
expect to hear a noise when it hits the floor; they pull Daddy’s beard and expect to hear an “ouch.”
They do not understand why a specific action leads to the expected outcome, but they show
surprise when the expected outcome does not follow (Wentworth & Haith, 1992).
Stage 4: Coordination of Means and Ends. The fourth stage, from 10 to 12 months, called
coordination of means and ends, marks the beginning of what we might recognize as true
problem solving. Infants use familiar actions or means to achieve new outcomes. They may push
away your hand to avoid a spoon of vegetables, shake a rattle to startle Mommy, or reach out their
arms to be picked up. Rather than repeating the same action sequence over and over as in the
third stage, the action is goal-oriented and the baby has to draw upon some existing scheme to
reach the goal. There can be no question about the purposiveness of behavior at this point.
Stage 5: Experimentation with New Means. The fifth stage, experimentation with new means,
sometimes called tertiary circular reactions, brings a new inventiveness to cognition. Around the
age of 12 to 18 months, children begin to experiment with means to achieve new goals. When
familiar strategies do not work, children will modify them in light of the situation. At this stage,
infants are interested in the features of objects and in discrepancies from the familiar. They
may experiment to see which of their toys they can push out through the bars of their crib or
which blocks they can fit into their dump truck. One can think of this stage as sensorimotor
problem solving.
Stage 6: Invention of New Means Through Insight. The sixth stage, from about 18 months
to 2 years, called invention of new means through insight, is the last stage in the development
of sensorimotor causality. It involves mental manipulation of means–end relationships. Instead
of actually going through a variety of physical manipulations, children carry out trial-and-
error problem-solving activities and planning in their minds, anticipating outcomes. They can
sort out possible solutions and reject some without actually having to try them out. The result
is insight. Mental experimentation brings the child to the best solution, which is the only one
necessary to enact. Key features of the stages in the development of causality are summarized in
Table. 4.2.
The capacity to perceive one’s self as a causal agent and to predict the outcome of one’s actions
is essential to all subsequent experiences of mastery. This capacity is the cornerstone of the
development of a sense of competence. It involves investigation of the environment, directed
problem solving, and persistence toward a goal. Adults’ abilities to formulate a plan, execute it, and
evaluate its outcome depend on this skill (Kenward, Folke, Holmberg, Johansson, & Gredebäck,
2009; Barrett & Morgan, 1995).
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 95
Source: Newman, B.M. & Newman, P.R. (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach, 12th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage
Learning, p. 154. © 2015 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
Understanding the Nature of Objects. Through looking, manipulating, and examining, infants
establish that objects have basic properties. Very young babies recognize the contours of objects
and by 4 months, they seem to perceive objects just as adults would. That is, babies see objects
as separate from each other, defined by boundaries, taking up space, having depth, and having
certain attributes of weight, color, malleability, texture, and the capacity to contain something else
or not. All of these properties influence the types of actions that infants use to explore the objects
and the ways they are eventually woven into other actions (Xu, 2003).
Piaget (1954a) argued that understanding the properties of objects was one of the foundations
of logical thought. One of the most carefully documented of these properties is object
permanence—the concept that objects in the environment are permanent and do not cease to
exist when they are out of reach or out of view. A permanent object retains its physical properties
even when it cannot be seen (Cacchione, 2013).
Piaget suggested that initially, the infant is aware of only those objects that are in the immediate
perceptual field. If a 6-month-old girl is playing with a rattle, it exists for her. If the rattle drops
out of her hand or is taken away, she may show some immediate distress but will not pursue the
rattle. The attainment of the concept of the permanent object frees children from reliance only
on what they can see. The ability to hold the image of an object in the mind is a critical step in the
emergence of complex representational thinking.
Piaget suggested that the capacity to understand that objects continue to exist requires a level
of representational or symbolic thinking, which would permit an infant to hold the idea of the
object in mind while it was hidden. It also requires a combination of sensorimotor capacities
that permit the infant to become actively engaged in reaching, tracking, and uncovering hidden
objects and learning about the spatial properties of objects in the environment. Thus, according
to Piaget, the first real evidence that infants have the ability to pursue a hidden object could not
really be observed much before 8 or 9 months of age, when babies begin to crawl; and the full
confidence in an object’s permanence could probably not emerge much before 16 to 18 months,
when infants have access to representational thinking. By this age, infants can imagine various
movements and displacements of objects without actually viewing them.
As the sensorimotor stage comes to a close, infants have the cognitive resources to expect
stability and permanence of objects. The next stage of cognitive development adds new flexibility
to mental operations as children acquire the capacity to represent objects and actions through
symbols and signs.
96 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Preoperational Thought
Grier (5½): What is rain?—It’s water.—Where does it come from?—The sky—Is there water in
the sky?—God sends it down.—How?—He throws out buckets of water.—Who told you that?—
No one.—Where does he get the water from?—In his tap. (Piaget, 1951/1926)
Conservation. The basic meaning of conservation is that physical matter does not magically
appear or disappear despite changes in form or container. The concept of conservation can
be applied to a variety of dimensions, including mass, weight, number, length, and volume.
98 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Conservation is achieved gradually over the period, with conservation of mass and number
occurring earlier than conservation of weight and volume. A child who conserves is able to
resist perceptual cues that alter the form of an object, insisting that the quantity remains the
same despite the change in form. One of the most common problems of this type that Piaget
investigated involves conservation of mass. The child is presented with two clay balls and asked
to tell whether or not they are equal (see Figure 4.1). Once the child is satisfied that the balls are
equal, one of them is flattened out into a pancake. The child is then asked, “Which has more—this
one [the pancake] or this one [the ball]?” Sometimes, the child is also asked whether the clay
pieces are still the same. The child who does not conserve might say the pancake has more clay
because it is a lot wider than the ball. This child is still in the preoperational stage of thought. He
or she is using personal perceptions to make judgments. In contrast, the child who conserves
knows that the two pieces of clay are still identical in mass and can explain why.
Conservation of number is achieved at around age 6 or 7 (Halford & Boyle, 1985). Once they
have acquired the scheme for conservation of number, children understand that certain physical
transformations will not alter the number of units in a set. If ten poker chips are lined up in a
row, the number remains constant whether they are spread out, squeezed tightly together, or
stacked. Sometime between the ages of 3 and 4, children can use counting to answer a “how
many” question. For example, they can assign one number to each item in a set of four poker
chips and tell you that there are four chips in all. However, young children have more difficulty
selecting a set of six chips from a larger pile, or establishing that two sets of chips are equal
in number. They also have trouble solving verbal story problems when no concrete objects are
present (Jordan, Huttenlocher, & Levine, 1992; Sophian, 1988).
Combinatorial skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all
learned at this stage. Addition and subtraction are coordinated operations as are multiplication and
division. They form an organized system of mental operations that bring logic and predictability
to the physical and social worlds. Children learn to apply the same operations no matter what
specific objects or quantities are involved. Piaget claimed that it is no coincidence that schools
begin to instruct children in the basic skills of arithmetic at age 6. It is probably a strength of our
schools that they meet an important aspect of cognitive readiness at the appropriate time.
Children eventually use the three concepts illustrated in Figure 4.1 to ascertain that equality
in any physical dimension has not been altered. First, the child may explain that the pancake has
the same amount of clay as the ball; no clay has been added or taken away. This is an example
of the concept of identity: the pancake is still the same clay, and nothing has been changed
except its shape. Second, the child may point out that the experimenter can turn the pancake
back into a ball. This is an example of the concept of reversibility. The child becomes aware that
operations can be reversed, so that their effects are nullified. Third, the child may notice that,
although the pancake has a larger circumference, the ball is much thicker. When the child can
simultaneously manipulate two dimensions, such as circumference and thickness, we observe
the concept of reciprocity. In the clay ball example, change in one dimension is compensated
for by change in another; the total mass remains the same. With consolidation of the concepts
of identity, reversibility, and reciprocity, the child is able to conserve in any physical dimension.
There appears to be a developmental sequence in the capacity to conserve. Children generally
conserve mass and number earliest, weight later, and volume last.
It’s the same clay.
You can roll it back
into a ball.
The ball is small and
thick; the pancake
is large and thin.
Figure 4.1 Three Concepts That Support the Scheme for Conservation
Source: From B.M. Newman & P.R. Newman (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. 12th ed. Stamford, CT:
Cengage Learning. © 2015 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
adaptive benefit of categorization is that one can assume that whatever holds true for one member
of a category is likely to hold true for other members as well. For example, if water and juice are
both liquids, then if you can pour water, you can pour juice. Other substances classified as liquids
should also have this property, even substances one has never seen.
From ages 6 to 12, children’s knowledge of categories and of the information associated with
them expands dramatically. What is more, children have a broad range of categories available
into which to incorporate a novel observation. The value of classification skills is not purely to
organize objects or experiences into classes, but to take advantage of what is known about these
categories to make inferences about the characteristics and dynamics of members of the same
categories, members of hierarchically related categories, and objects that are not members of a
specific category.
One component of classification skills is the ability to group objects according to some
dimension that they share. The other component is the ability to order subgroups hierarchically
so that each new grouping will include all previous subgroups. Vygotsky (1934/1962) devised
a method for studying classification in young children. Children are presented with a variety
of wooden blocks that differ in shape, size, and color. Under each block is a nonsense syllable.
The children are instructed to select all the blocks that have the same syllable, one at a time. The
youngest children, who would be characterized as preoperational in Piaget’s stage theory, tend to
select blocks by their color. Their technique for grouping is highly associative. They choose each
new block to match some characteristic of the previous selection, but they do not hold in mind a
single concept that guides their choices.
Children who have entered the stage of concrete operations tend to focus on one dimension
at first, perhaps shape, and continue to select blocks until they discover that they have made an
incorrect choice. They use this discovery to change their hypothesis about which characteristics
of the blocks are associated with the nonsense syllable. This classification task demonstrates the
100 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
child’s ability to hold a concept in mind and to make a series of decisions based on it. It also
demonstrates that during the stage of concrete operations, children can use information from
their mistakes to revise their problem-solving strategy.
Piaget studied reasoning about class hierarchies or inclusion by asking questions about whether
a group of objects included more members of one subtype than of the group as a whole (Piaget,
1941/1952). Thus, when a set of pictures shows three ducks, six sparrows, and two robins, one
might ask, “Are there more sparrows or more birds in these pictures?” This is an unusual kind of
question, one that children are probably rarely asked. By the age of 8 or 9, however, many children
can respond correctly because they recognize the distinction between classes and subclasses. In
order to handle such problems, children have to inhibit their tendency to reinterpret the question
in line with a more common comparison, such as, “Are there more sparrows than ducks?”
At about age 5 or 6, children’s performance on tests of cognitive maturity is inconsistent. For
example, children can conserve quantity but may make errors in conservation of weight, volume,
or space. They may be able to perform a classification task correctly when they sort by one
dimension, such as color, but may make errors when asked to sort objects that have more than one
dimension in common. The process of classifying objects and the logic of conservation are not
fully integrated until sometime during middle childhood and may not reach peak performance
until adolescence or adulthood (Flavell, 1982a).
As concrete operational intelligence develops, the child gains insight into the regularities of
the physical world and the principles that govern relationships among objects. Perceptions of
reality become less convincing than a logical understanding of how the world is organized. For
example, even though it looks as if the sun sinks into the water, children learn that what we see is
a result of the earth’s rotation on its axis.
to separate and distinguish between reality and possibility. For example, in thinking about trying
to get a part-time job, adolescents may consider the number of hours they want to work, their
access to transportation, the kind of work they want to do, and the kind of work they think
they are qualified for before they start filling out applications. They are able to create different
scenarios about working, based partly on what they want and partly on what they know. They are
then able to modify their plan based on new information they obtain about available jobs.
Another important characteristic of formal operational thought is the ability to raise hypotheses
to explain an event, and then to follow the logic that a particular hypothesis implies. Hypotheses
are tentative propositions or possible explanations about the causes of events or the systematic
associations among factors that explain events. One of the classic experiments that Piaget
and Inhelder designed to demonstrate the development of hypotheticodeductive reasoning
involves the explanation of the swing of a pendulum. The task is to find out what variable, or
combination of variables, controls the speed of the swing. Four factors can be varied: the mass
of the object, the height from which the pendulum is pushed, the force with which it is pushed,
and the length of the string. To investigate this problem, it is necessary to begin by isolating the
separate factors and then varying only one factor at a time while keeping the others constant.
As it happens, only the length of the string influences the speed of the pendulum. The challenge
then is to demonstrate that the length of the string accounts for the speed and that the other
factors do not. Children in the stage of concrete operational thought have difficulty coordinating
the interaction among four separate variables and may lose track of what is being varied and what
is being held constant. After trying one or two strategies, they may simply give up. In contrast,
being able to use formal operational thought, a child can create a matrix of variables and test each
factor separately to evaluate its contribution (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958; Flavell, 1963).
Six Characteristics of Formal Operational Thought. Formal operational thought is not a specific
skill or expertise; rather, it is a way of approaching and solving problems based on new capacities
for abstract, probabilistic thinking. Six conceptual skills emerge during the stage of formal
operations. Each one has implications for how adolescents approach interpersonal relationships
and the formulation of personal plans and goals as well as for how they analyze scientific and
mathematical information.
1. Adolescents are able to manipulate mentally more than two categories of variables at the
same time; for example, they can consider the relationship of speed, distance, and time in
planning a trip. They can draw upon many variables to explain their behavior as well as that
of others.
2. Adolescents are able to think about things changing in the future. They can realize, for instance,
that their current friendships may not remain the same in the years ahead.
3. Adolescents are able to hypothesize about a logical sequence of possible events. For example,
they are able to predict college and occupational options that may be open to them, depending
on how well they do in certain academic course work in high school.
4. Adolescents are able to anticipate consequences of their actions. For instance, they realize that
if they drop out of school, certain career possibilities will be closed to them.
5. Adolescents have the capacity to detect the logical consistency or inconsistency in a set of
statements. They can test the truth of a statement by finding evidence that supports or disproves
it. They are troubled, for example, by the apparent contradictions between statements such as
“All people are equal before the law” and the reality that people who have more money can
102 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
afford better legal representation and are likely to have different experiences with the legal
system than those who are poor.
6. Adolescents are able to think in a relativistic way about themselves, other individuals, and
their world. They know that they are expected to act in a particular way because of the norms
of their community and culture. Adolescents also know that in other families, communities,
and cultures different norms may govern the same behavior. As a result, the decision to behave
in a culturally accepted manner becomes a more conscious commitment to the society. At the
same time, it is easier for them to accept members of other cultures, because they realize that
these people are the products of societies with different sets of rules and norms.
These qualities of thought reflect what is possible for adolescents rather than what is typical.
Most adolescents and adults approach problem solving in practical, concrete ways in their common,
daily functioning. However, under the most supportive conditions, more abstract, systematic, and
self-reflective qualities of thought can be observed, capacities that bring a new perspective to the
way adolescents approach the analysis of information and the acquisition of knowledge.
The term egocentrism refers to the child’s limited perspective at the beginning of each new phase
of cognitive development (Piaget, 1926; Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). In the sensorimotor phase,
egocentrism appears as an inability to separate one’s actions from their effects on specific objects
or people. As the scheme for causality is developed, the first process of decentering occurs. Infants
recognize that certain actions have predictable consequences and that novel situations call for
new, relevant behaviors. For example, one cannot turn the light on by turning the knob on the
radio. At each developmental stage, decentering is a process that allows the person to approach
situations from a more objective, analytic point of view.
In the phase of preoperational thought, egocentrism is manifested in an inability to separate
one’s own perspective from that of the listener. When a 4-year-old girl tells you about something
that happened to her at the zoo, she may explain events as if you had seen them too. When a
3-year-old boy is explaining something to his grandmother over the phone, he may point to
objects in the room, unaware that his grandmother cannot see over the phone line.
The third phase of heightened egocentrism occurs in the transition from concrete to formal
operational thought. As children develop the capacity to formulate hypothetical systems, they
begin to generate assumptions about their own and others’ behavior that will fit into these
systems. For example, an adolescent boy may insist that cooperation is a more desirable mode of
interaction than competition. He argues that cooperation ought to benefit each participant and
provide more resources for the group as a whole. This boy may become angry or disillusioned to
discover that teachers, parents, and even peers seek competitive experiences and appear to enjoy
them. He may think, “If the cooperative system is so superior, why do people persist in their
illogical joy in triumphing over an opponent?” This kind of egocentrism reflects an inability to
recognize that others may not share one’s own hypothetical system.
In adolescence, decentering requires an ability to realize that one’s ideals are not shared by all
others. We live in a pluralistic society in which each person is likely to have distinct goals and
aspirations. Adolescents gradually discover that their neat, logical life plans must be constantly
adapted to the expectations and needs of others. As they develop the flexibility of thought that
accompanies formal operational perspective taking, their egocentrism usually declines.
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 103
New Directions
Due to its central role in human adaptation, the development of the capacity for reasoning and
knowing has understandably led to an enormous amount of theory and scholarly research. We
now have an extensive literature that examines many of Piaget’s concepts, and another body of
literature that extends his theory in new directions. Evidence in support of qualitatively unique
developmental levels of the sort Piaget described is quite impressive. The following sections take
two somewhat different directions. In the first two, we examine areas where Piaget offered initial
theorizing: moral reasoning and reasoning about the point of view of others. These two topics
have been extended in theories of moral development and theories of social cognition. The third,
fourth, and fifth sections present work that extends and elaborates Piaget’s work, suggesting
additional constructs for understanding the unfolding of logical thought: information processing,
the theory of conceptual structures, and the theory of post-formal reasoning.
Moral Reasoning
Moral reasoning is the application of principles of logic to moral issues in order to decide which
actions are right or wrong, just or unfair. Piaget (1932/1948) described the major transition
in moral judgment as a shift from heteronomous to autonomous morality. In heteronomous
morality, rules are understood as fixed, unchangeable aspects of social reality. Children’s moral
judgments reflect a sense of subordination to authority figures. An act is judged as right or wrong
depending on the letter of the law, the amount of damage that was done, and whether or not
the act was punished. In autonomous morality, children see rules as products of cooperative
agreements. Moral judgments reflect a child’s participation in a variety of social roles and in
egalitarian relationships with friends. Give and take with peers highlights mutual respect and
mutual benefit as rewards for holding to the terms of agreement or abiding by the law. Piaget
posed situations like the following to young children in order to help clarify the difference
between heteronomous and autonomous morality:
Mark rushes into the kitchen, pushing open the door. Although he did not realize it, his mother
had left a set of ten cups and saucers on a stool behind the door. When he pushed the door
open, the cups and saucers fell off the stool and broke.
104 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
Matt was climbing up on the kitchen counter to reach some cookies that his mother told
him he was not supposed to eat. While climbing on the counter, he broke one cup and saucer.
Who committed the more serious moral transgression? Which boy should be more severely
Children operating with a heteronomous morality believe a child who breaks ten cups by accident
has committed a much more serious transgression than the child who broke only one. Children
who have achieved an autonomous morality believe that the child who disobeyed and violated
his mother’s trust committed the more serious transgression. Younger children are likely to judge
the moral seriousness of an action based on the magnitude and nature of the consequences. If an
action, no matter what the intent, produced harm, it should be punished. Older children are able
to consider both the intention and the consequences in making a moral judgment. If an action
was intended to harm and produced harm it should definitely be punished (Helwig, Zelazo, &
Wilson, 2001).
Expanding on Piaget’s distinction between heteronomous and autonomous morality, cognitive
developmental theorists have described a sequence of stages of moral reasoning (Kohlberg, 1976;
Damon, 1980; Gibbs, 2014). As children become increasingly skillful in evaluating the abstract and
logical components of a moral dilemma, their moral judgments change. At the core of this change is
the mechanism called equilibration. Stage changes in moral reasoning are associated with efforts
to reconcile new perspectives and ideas about basic moral concepts, such as justice, intentionality,
and social responsibility, with existing views about what is right and wrong. Children’s reasoning
may be thrown into disequilibrium by external sources, such as their parents’ use of explanations
and inductions regarding a moral dilemma or encounters with friends who reason differently
about a moral conflict. In addition, children’s own cognitive maturation, especially the ability to
think abstractly and hypothetically about interrelated variables, determines how their reasoning
about moral dilemmas will be structured (Piaget, 1975/1985; Walker, Gustafson, & Hennig, 2001).
Stages of Morality
Kohlberg (1969, 1976) described three levels of moral thought, each characterized by two
stages of moral judgment. At Level I, preconventional morality, Stage 1 judgments of justice
are based on whether a behavior is rewarded or punished. Stage 2 judgments are based on
an instrumental view of whether the consequences will be good for “me and my family.” The
first, and to some degree the second, stages of Level I characterize children of early school age.
Level II, conventional morality, is concerned with maintaining the approval of authorities at
Stage 3 and with upholding the social order at Stage 4. Level III, postconventional morality,
brings an acceptance of moral principles that are viewed as part of a person’s own ideology, rather
than simply being imposed by the social order. At Stage 5, justice and morality are determined by
a democratically derived social contract. At Stage 6, a person develops a sense of universal ethical
principles that apply across history and cultural contexts.
According to this theory, the stages form a logical hierarchy. At each new stage, individuals
reorganize their view of morality, realizing the inadequacy of the stage below. For example, once
a person sees morality in terms of a system that upholds and protects the social order (Stage 4),
then reasoning that argues for an act as moral because it was rewarded or immoral because it
was punished is seen as inadequate. The stages form an invariant sequence, moving from a very
idiosyncratic, personal view of morality, to a view in which rules and laws are obeyed because
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 105
they have been established by an authority or a society, and finally, to an understanding of rules
and laws as created to uphold basic principles of fairness, justice, and humanity (Boom, Brugman,
& van der Heijden, 2001).
Longitudinal studies in a variety of countries observe an evolution of moral thought much
like that proposed by Kohlberg in which the reasoning shifts from an idiosyncratic to a more
principled approach to evaluating moral conflicts (Gielen & Markoulis, 2001). Critics point out
that there is a difference between moral reasoning and moral behavior. Often, moral behavior is
based on a rapid emotional reaction to the situation followed by a slower process of reasoning.
In addition, cultures and families differ in the content of their moral codes. The cognitive
developmental focus is on the quality of the reasoning, not on the emotional reaction or the
cultural content that may guide moral action (Arnold, 2000; Haidt, 2013).
Social Cognition
Another area of interest has been social cognition, the development of knowledge about the
self and others. What do children understand about how others view the world? At what point
do children understand that their point of view and that of another person may differ? You may
appreciate the link between these questions and the issues raised by the object relations theorists.
What do infants and children know about “the other” and how does their thinking about the other
mature with age? These questions are central to the field of social cognition. Researchers have
traced the development of the ability to take the point of view of another person by studying
empathy and perspective taking. Empathy typically refers to the ability to identify and experience
the emotional state of another person. Perspective taking refers to the cognitive capacity to
consider a situation from the point of view of another person. This requires a recognition that
someone else’s point of view may differ from one’s own. It also requires the ability to analyze the
factors that may account for these differences (Flavell, 1974; Piaget, 1932/1948; Selman, 1971).
Piaget introduced the importance of perspective taking in his study of moral development
and subsequently in his analysis of concrete operational reasoning. He posed problems in which
children were asked to place objects on a mat to reflect how the person sitting across from them
would see the objects. Young children have difficulty with this type of task; their own view of the
situation is more convincing than the idea that someone else sees it differently. With development,
children are increasingly able to coordinate multiple perspectives.
Imagine a child who wants to play with another child’s toy. If the first child thinks, “If I had
that toy, I would be happy, and if I am happy, everyone is happy,” then she or he may take the
toy without anticipating that the other child will be upset. Recognizing the differences between
your own view of a situation and the view of others requires perspective taking. The capacity
to take another person’s perspective is achieved gradually through parental explanations called
inductions, peer interactions, social pretend play, conflict, and role playing.
Theory of Mind
From ages 4 to 6, children become more aware that people have different points of view. Work on
theory of mind focuses on the natural way children understand another person’s behavior. The
theory of mind suggests that people form a theory of others based on a view that beliefs, desires,
and actions are logically linked. A person engages in some action because he or she believes that
this action will satisfy a specific desire. For example, Jakob wants his father to take him to the
toy store because he wants a new toy train and he believes that he can get one at the toy store. In
106 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
trying to understand a person’s actions, it is important to consider the interaction of beliefs and
desires since they operate together to guide action (Wellman, 1990).
Research on theory of mind typically poses situations to children to see what they understand
about someone else’s beliefs and desires. For example, in the early research children watched a
character named Maxi put a chocolate candy in one location. Then, when Maxi leaves, children
watched while another character moved the chocolate to a new place. Children were asked what
Maxi thinks or what Maxi will do when he comes back into the room. Where does Maxi believe
the chocolate is located? Where will Maxi look (action) for the chocolate? Three-year-olds
typically said that Maxi will look for the chocolate where they know it is, in the new location.
Older children ages 4 and 5 realized that Maxi has an incorrect belief and predicted that Maxi
will look for the chocolate in its old location (Wimmer & Perner, 1983; Wellman, Cross, &
Watson, 2001).
Subsequent research using similar scenarios finds that children as young as 3 are very good at
considering what a character wants, even if it is different from what they might want. However,
they have trouble thinking about what someone else might believe, especially disconnecting their
own knowledge of the situation from the point of view of another. By the time children are 5,
however, they are quite skilled at detecting the possibility of false or incorrect beliefs. They can
separate what they know about a situation from what someone else may know, and they expect
that a character’s actions will be based on the character’s beliefs, even when those beliefs are
incorrect (Ziv & Frye, 2003).
The ability to appreciate that what you know or believe to be true is different from what others
know and believe to be true is a salient feature of social cognition. It allows children to begin to
speculate about what others may think about them, and how their behavior may be understood
or misunderstood.
As children interact with peers who see the world differently than they do, they begin to
understand the limits of their own points of view. Piaget (1932/1948) suggested that peers have
an important influence in diminishing one another’s self-centered outlook precisely because they
interact as equals. Children are not forced to accept one another’s ideas in quite the same way
as they are with adults. They argue, bargain, and eventually compromise in order to maintain
friendships. The opportunity to function in peer groups for problem solving and for play leads
children away from the egocentrism of early childhood and closer to the eventual flexibility of
adult thought. The benefit of these interactions is most likely to occur when peers have differences
in perspective that result in conflicts that must be resolved. The benefits are especially positive for
children who interact with slightly more competent peers who can introduce more advanced or
flexible approaches to problem solving (Tudge, 1992).
deciding how to act. Furthermore, they realized that each of those people may have viewed
the situation differently from the way they did. Many moral dilemmas require that children
subordinate their personal needs for someone else’s sake. To resolve such situations, children
must be able to separate their personal wants from the other person’s. Selman’s research suggested
that children under 10 can rarely approach interpersonal conflicts with this kind of objectivity
(Selman, 1994; Kwok & Selman, 2012).
The behavior of well-adjusted, competent children is maintained in part by a number of cognitive
abilities, including social perspective taking, interpersonal problem solving, and reflection. These
cognitive abilities foster a child’s entry into successful peer interactions. At the same time, active
participation with peers promotes the development of these social-cognitive abilities.
Information Processing
Information processing focuses on how individuals make sense of the great amount of
information that is present in their environment, how they analyze tasks in order to perform
them effectively, how they translate their analyses into plans for action, and how they implement
their plans. The computer is the primary metaphor for this approach. Within a developmental
perspective, studies have focused on six areas where aspects of information processing improve
from childhood to adolescence: attention, working memory, long-term memory, processing
speed, organizational strategies, and self-modification. Other aspects of information processing
that are currently being studied include planning, decision making, goal setting, coping, and the
relationship of motivation to these activities. Cognitive neuroscience is an emerging field that
links these cognitive aspects of information processing to neurological processes, providing
evidence for changes in neural networks as a result of experience, and the involvement of various
aspects of the brain in different types of cognitive tasks (Rose, Feldman, & Jankowski, 2009;
Keating, 2004; Demetriou, Christou, Spanoudis, & Platsidou, 2002).
The first step in information processing is attention. In order for something to be processed, the
person has to attend to it. Every sensory system has a sensory register or a capacity to process a
particular kind of sensory information. A person’s attention can be directed to a stimulus through
one or more of these sensory systems. Something comes to your attention because you hear it or
smell it. Things can also come to one’s attention through several systems at once—you smell and
hear the stimulus. Information is held in the sensory register for a brief time, and then processed
further in short-term memory. There is evidence that as a person gets older, development involves
improvements in selective attention, where a person focuses on one kind of information and
ignores others, and improvements in divided attention, where a person can stay focused on two
different sources of information (Higgins & Turnure, 1984; Schiff & Knopf, 1985; Casteel, 1993).
Reading and listening to music at the same time is an example of divided attention. Problems in
the development of attention, such as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), have
become extremely prevalent in our society as we increase demands for information processing.
Short-Term Memory
Short-term memory is also called working memory. Once information has made an impact on
the sensory register it is held for a brief time in the working memory. Adults can generally keep
108 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
five to nine units of information in working memory for about 30 seconds. After that time, the
information is either transferred to long-term memory by linking it to other knowledge and
information, repeated in order to hold it in short-term memory, or lost from memory. When you
meet a new person and ask their name, you can recall the name easily for 30 seconds. However,
unless you take some steps to transfer the name into long-term storage, it is likely that you will
forget the name once the next event catches your attention and makes an impression on the
sensory register. Strategies for transferring the information from working memory to long-
term memory can include repeating the information several times, putting the information in a
familiar context, or connecting the information with a unique word or image that will help you
retrieve it. The short-term memory can be used as a scratch pad for combining new information
with information from long-term memory to perform calculations or other manipulations, such
as planning. You can also call up information from the long-term memory to review it, build
thoughts and concepts, and evaluate outcomes.
Long-Term Memory
Long-term memory is a complex network of information, concepts, and schemes related by
associations, knowledge, and use. It is the storehouse of a lifetime of information. Studies of memory
focus on different kinds of tasks, each with their own trajectory of growth and decline. Semantic
memory focuses on basic knowledge such as recalling the meaning of words such as vegetable,
democracy, or insect. Once learned, information in the semantic memory is very resistant to loss.
Episodic memory focuses on specific situations and data. Studies of episodic memory may ask
people to recall words from a list or to recall what they had for breakfast three days ago. Unless
the events have some particular importance, they may not be encoded or they may be difficult to
retrieve. Prospective memory is memory about events or actions that will take place in the future. An
example would be remembering to take your medicine at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or remembering
to go to class at 10 a.m. This type of memory requires that something needs to happen at a future
time or under some future condition and also remembering what needs to be done.
Memory capacity appears to improve from infancy through adolescence due to several factors
(Keating, 2004). With age, neurological development results in increased processing speed.
This means that it takes less time to encode and retrieve information. There is also a process of
neural pruning, resulting in stronger associations among neural networks. As children acquire
more information, this permits more rapid storage of new information in connection with
existing knowledge and results in a greater chance for retrieval. In studies of memory capacity
in adulthood, short-term memory does not differ much between younger and older adults.
However, older adults appear to have greater difficulty transferring new information from short-
term to long-term storage, and then retrieving it upon demand. They also rely more on context
and meaning for information storage and retrieval, and are not as effective as younger adults
in recalling random numbers or nonsense syllables, especially when this type of information is
presented rapidly (Zelinski & Lewis, 2003).
There are different types of memory for different kinds of activities. The more a child reads, the
easier it is to recognize new words. Memory for words does not necessarily result in better memory
for solving puzzles or computing arithmetic problems. Exposure to each area of knowledge is
associated with a growing capacity to store information and retrieve it. In adulthood, effective
coping requires that one directs attention on storing and retrieving the details of information that
are most salient for success in work and family life.
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 109
Organizational Strategies
Over time, children become more proactive in imposing organizational strategies that help
preserve and retrieve information, manage more information by chunking or grouping bits of
information together, and by linking new information with information that has already been
stored (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). For example, young children learn to whisper instructions to
themselves, repeat information, give numbers or letters to a list of items, or make up rhymes to help
them remember things. Improvement in using organizational capacities to manage information
is associated with maturation of the prefrontal cortex, the site of a complex capacity often referred
to as executive function (Miller, Freedman, & Wallis, 2003). Executive functions include working
memory, planning and organizing, and the ability to resist distractions and inhibit inappropriate
impulses. Individual differences in executive functions have been attributed to genetic factors,
prenatal environment, and caregiving quality in infancy and toddlerhood (Leve, DeGarmo,
Bridgett et al., 2013; Cuevas, Deater-Deckard, Kim-Spoon et al., 2014). Executive functions
mature throughout childhood and adolescence into early adulthood, providing a neurological
foundation for advances in scientific reasoning, logical problem solving, and planning.
emerge as a result of the maturing capacity for executive control through which children are
able to represent and manipulate the relationships among elements of a problem. In the early
phases, independent exploration and imitation provide support for structural development.
The combination of biological maturation, instruction, and practice contribute to the child’s
increasing efficiency and systematic approach to problem solving.
The sociohistorical perspective focuses on the physical, historical, and social contexts in which
learning takes place. What is known, what is considered valuable information, and how ideas are
explained or taught differ across time and cultures. Case acknowledged the role of instruction
through guided teaching, expanded opportunities for exploration, and encouragement for practice.
Advances in reasoning emerge as operations become more and more efficient, a result of the inte-
gration of neurological maturation, independent exploration, practice, and instruction (Case, 1987).
The product of this approach was the theory of Central Conceptual Structures (Case &
Okamoto, 1996). “Central conceptual structures were originally defined as networks of semantic
modes and relations that have an extremely broad (but not system-wide) domain of application and
that are central to children’s functioning in that domain” (Case & Okamoto, 1996, p. 5). Through
empirical study of children’s understanding of number, Case provided an example of this idea of
a conceptual structure. At the age of 4 many children can count to 5, and they can judge quantity
when groups of items are presented to them in order to say which group has more. However, they
are often incorrect in answering a question like: which is bigger 4 or 5? In other words, the central
conceptual structure that links a number word, like two or four, to an idea of a set of items with
a certain quantity, has not yet emerged. By the age of about 6, children understand that giving an
item a new number tag or word is the same as changing its quantity. The conceptual structure of
the relationship between numbers and quantity becomes a tool that can be used in many problems
involving quantity such as assessing distance, or measuring length or weight.
Case suggested that structures, such as the one described here, depend upon the maturation
of certain central processing capacities, especially processing speed and short-term memory
storage, and the development of executive functions that support the integration of information,
especially the ability to attend to and organize multiple elements. Once a central conceptual
structure is formed, it provides a way of understanding a variety of situations within and across
content areas. These central conceptual structures are the basic building blocks upon which more
complex structures are based.
The specific conceptual structure differs from one domain to another. For example the basic
understanding of the relationship of number words and quantity is a central conceptual structure
for arithmetic, and may apply to other domains where measuring and counting are important.
It is not the central conceptual structure for social understanding, for example that behaviors of
another person may be intentional and motivated by needs and desires. Each domain has its own
conceptual structure. However, the process of moving from labeling states to recognizing the link
between states and then attributing causal or relational characteristics to these states is roughly
the same. Thus, Case offers a model of cognitive development that is at once content-specific and
developmentally general, suggesting a common path of development while also accounting for
individual differences based on biological maturation, experience with problems in a particular
domain, and practice.
Some studies have shown that adults tend to be practical rather than hypothetical in their
approach to tasks. Others have emphasized adults’ increasing capacity to maintain opposing ideas
and to find solutions that are adaptive in a given context (Labouvie-Vief, 1992).
Research based on the standard Piagetian tasks has been criticized for its lack of relevance
and familiarity to older adults. The traditional tasks are dominated by the role of pure logic,
disconnected from the situation. They emphasize problems that have a scientific rather than
a pragmatic focus. Although the solution to most formal operational problems requires the
manipulation of multiple variables, there is typically only one correct solution, as in the answer to
the pendulum problem. In adult life, most problems involve multiple dimensions with changing
or poorly defined variables and more than one solution. (For example, given my limited resources,
should I buy more life insurance, put cash in a certificate of deposit, or invest in the stock and/
or bond market to best protect my family’s financial future?) Much of the demand for systematic
reasoning and decision making in daily life requires a person to think about several possible
solutions, each one with potential costs as well as benefits. These problems are embedded in
cultural and social circumstances so that a good answer or a “right” answer depends on one’s
point of view (Kincheloe & Steinberg, 1993; Berg & Strough, 2011).
As a result of these limitations or criticisms of formal operational reasoning, scholars have
begun to formulate a view of postformal thought. Postformal thought has been characterized in
the following ways (Commons & Richards, 2003):
A greater reliance on reflection on self, emotions, values, and the specific situation in addressing
a problem.
A willingness to shift gears or take a different approach depending on the specific problem.
An ability to draw on personal knowledge to find pragmatic solutions.
An awareness of the contradictions in life and a willingness to try to include conflicting or
contradictory thoughts, emotions, and experiences in finding a solution.
A flexible integration of cognition and emotion so that solutions are adaptive, reality-oriented,
and emotionally satisfying.
An enthusiasm for seeking new questions, finding new frameworks for understanding experience.
People who operate with postformal thought do not do so in every situation. When a
problem has clear parameters and needs a single solution, concrete or formal operations will
work. However, when a problem is value-laden, ambiguous, or involving many inter-personal
implications, postformal thinking comes into play (Sinnott & Cavanaugh, 1991; Labouvie-
Vief, 1992). The cognitive processes associated with the roles of psychotherapist, diplomat, or
community leader are all examples of the kinds of adult roles that require postformal thought.
wanted to understand how they reasoned to arrive at their answers. Being able to tell someone
else about your reasoning is a component of metacognition.
In his description of formal operational reasoning, Piaget emphasized the capacity for applying
principles of logical reasoning to an analysis of one’s own thoughts. Rather than operating on
objects, as takes place during the stage of concrete operational thought, adolescents and adults can
impose propositional logic on hypotheses, carrying out mental operations in order to assess the
logic of relationships and propositions. This analysis of the developmental direction of cognition
inspired new research on metacognition and executive control. This research suggests that during
the second decade of life, the person is increasingly able to manage the focus and direction of
his or her thoughts, deciding what to think about and how to evaluate knowledge (Kuhn, 2006).
As they approach problem solving and new learning, adolescents are better able than younger
children to monitor and manage their learning strategies, and to create effective approaches to
gathering and evaluating information.
One element of the “feeling of knowing” is understanding the source of one’s beliefs. For
example, we can be told about sand, we can see pictures of sand, or we can feel and touch it.
All three of these sources of information may coincide to create a single belief, or we may
discover that there are inconsistencies between what someone says is true and what we perceive
through sight or touch. By the ages of 4 and 5, children are able to understand how all three
sources of information have contributed to their understanding of an experience (O’Neill &
Gopnik, 1991).
Research on the emotion of interest highlights the role of metacognition in the process of
knowledge acquisition and learning (Izard & Ackerman, 2000). People are likely to spend more
time exploring something if it is interesting. They look longer at paintings that are interesting,
spend more time trying to understand written materials that are interesting, and work harder
at trying to solve problems that are interesting. The cognitive appraisal perspective suggests
that emotions are associated with distinct patterns of appraisal. According to research by Paul
Silvia (2005), the emotion we refer to as “interest” is a product of the interaction of two types
of appraisals. First, when an event or stimulus occurs, a person makes a novelty appraisal. This
appraisal assesses whether the event is new, complex, unexpected, mysterious, or in some other
way creates disequilibrium in existing schema. Second, the person makes an appraisal of his
or her coping potential with regard to the stimulus. This refers to an assessment of whether the
person has the ability to understand the new stimulus. When a stimulus is appraised as both
novel or complex and also understandable, interest is high.
In order to study this, Silvia (2005) asked students to react to an abstract, complex, and
unfamiliar poem. For half the group, he provided instructions in which the following information
was given:
The following page has a poem by Scott MacLeod. Please read it, see how you feel about it, and
then give your impressions and reactions on the following pages. This poem is entitled The
Whitest Parts of the Body and it is from his book The Life of Haifisch.
The other half of the group received identical instructions except the following was added:
“Haifisch” means “shark” in German. All of the poems in this book, including the poem that you
will read, are about killer sharks.
People in the second group who had been given this clue about the poem rated their ability to
understand the poem as higher than those who were not given the supplemental clue. Moreover,
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 113
those in the second group found the poem more interesting than those in the first group. Other
experiments support the proposition that the metacognitive process of appraising one’s ability to
understand something plays a key role in fostering interest or boredom. When complexity is high,
as in abstract art or multidimensional problem solving, a person’s appraised ability to understand
the material will be associated with a greater sense of interest.
In addition to assessing one’s ability to understand something, people use metacognition to
review various strategies for approaching a problem in order to choose the one that is most likely
to result in a solution. People monitor their comprehension of the material they have read and
select strategies for increasing their comprehension (Currie, 1999). “I need to reread this section.”
“I need to underline and take notes to focus my attention on new information.” “I need to talk
about this with someone in order to understand it better.”
Metacognition develops in parallel with other cognitive capacities. As children develop their
ability to attend to more variables in their approach to problems, they simultaneously increase
their capacity to take an “executive” posture in relation to cognitive tasks. They can detect
uncertainty and introduce strategies to reduce it. They can learn study techniques that will
enhance their ability to organize and recall information. These capacities continue to develop as
the child becomes a more sophisticated learner (Veenman, Wilhelm, & Beishuizen, 2004). They
are also quite amenable to training, both at home and at school.
Metacognition appears to be a natural component of cognitive development. However, just like
first-level cognitive capacities, it is constructed in a social context. Interactions between children
and adults or peers may nurture and stimulate metacognition by helping children to identify
sources of information, talk about and recognize the differences between feelings of certainty
and uncertainty in their knowledge, and devise effective strategies for increasing their “feelings of
knowing” (Stright, Neitzel, Sears, & Hoke-Sinex, 2001).
sequential relationships (Kamii & Nagahiro, 2008; Ozaki, Yamamoto, & Kamii, 2008; Kamii &
Rummelsburg, 2008).
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
Cognition is an adaptive capacity that has its basis in evolution. The concept of cognitive
adaptation includes a dialectical tension between two processes—assimilation and
accommodation—the former a conservative tendency and the latter a progressive tendency.
Assimilation operates to preserve existing structures by incorporating new information
and confirming that what is already known is useful in making sense of experience.
Accommodation operates to alter existing structures in the direction of new environmental
demands, thereby creating a new basis for future assimilations (van Geert, 1998).
According to cognitive developmental theory, cognition emerges in a predictable
pattern as infants and young children encounter discrepancies between existing schemes
and contemporary experiences. There is an assumption of a fundamental striving toward
cognitive equilibrium, where one’s schemes and structures match experience. New structures
emerge when children have to concentrate on tasks that challenge their physical and social-
conventional knowledge. Encounters with all types of novelty, especially experiences that are
moderately distinct rather than widely different from what is already known, are important
for advancing new ideas and new ways of organizing thought. Encounters with different
opinions and ways of solving problems, especially through peer interactions, discussion,
and problem solving, help reduce egocentrism and stimulate reflection on new ways of
understanding the world.
The theory predicts that there is a level of developmental readiness for movement from
one stage to the next. According to this view, children will not be able to solve certain types of
116 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
problems until they have attained a level of mental operations that supports the underlying
concepts associated with the problem. For example, until children understand the concept
of quantity, they will not be able to be successful in solving arithmetic problems. The theory
also predicts that this level of understanding is best achieved through active engagement
with objects rather than being taught rules and strategies for solving problems. Children
who have constructed foundational principles through active engagement in the physical
world will have a stronger, more immediate grasp of the logic underlying the organization of
the mathematical, physical and social worlds.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
As the previous discussion suggests, cognition is an active, gradually changing process. New
knowledge is based partly on the schemes that were formed earlier, and partly on encounters
with new information. New information requires the reframing and reorganization of earlier
schemes. At the same time, one’s approach to problem solving becomes increasingly flexible
and abstract. Once the child has reached the stage of concrete operational thought, knowledge
about the physical world becomes more compelling than perceptions. In the conservation
task, for example, the tall thin glass may “appear” to have more juice than the wide, short glass
because the liquid level is higher, but children at the stage of concrete operational thought
know that height and weight compensate for one another. Thus, their reasoning overrides
their sensory knowledge. Some of Piaget’s studies of memory illustrate this principle,
showing that as children move from the preoperational to the concrete operational stage,
they remember problems differently based on what they now “know” to be true.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the environ-
ment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of development?
Cognitive theory views development as a product of a biologically guided plan for
growth and change. The elements that make cognitive growth possible are all present in the
genetic information that governs the growth of the brain and nervous system. However,
the process of intellectual growth requires interaction with a diverse and responsive
environment. Cognitive development is fostered by recognition of discrepancies between
existing schemes and new experiences. Through the reciprocal processes of assimilation and
accommodation, schemes are modified and integrated to form the basis for organizing and
explaining experience.
According to this view knowledge emerges through active engagement with the
environment. Children as well as adults select, explore, and experiment with objects
and later with ideas. They create the basis of logical reasoning through encounters with
novelty. The way the environment is structured, especially opportunities for exploration
and investigation guided by a child’s natural curiosity, will promote cognitive reasoning.
At subsequent stages, especially during the period of formal operational reasoning,
environments differ in the extent to which they encourage and evoke abstract, hypothetical
reasoning. For example, in some cultures formal operational reasoning is observed only in
a few of the leaders, not in all adults. Within the school environment, settings that place a
greater emphasis on rote memorization will be less likely to support formal operational
reasoning than settings that encourage active problem solving and project-based inquiry.
Methods of instruction, beginning in preschool and continuing through college, can foster
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 117
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the
life span?
The theory assumes a biological unfolding of cognitive capacities in the context of a
supportive environment. Any of a number of neurological challenges could place a person
at risk for failure to develop the more advanced cognitive capacities. Because cognition
unfolds in a sequential process, sensory and motor delays in infancy may interfere with later
capacities for logical reasoning. A lack of physical stimulation and restrictions on exploration
may place infants at risk for development. In the toddlerhood period, when representational
skills are emerging, a lack of a communication partner and limited opportunities for verbal
interaction as well as lack of encouragement or punishment for pretend play would place
children at risk. In the period of concrete operational reasoning, undue emphasis on rote
memorization and repetition as well as instruction in which children are given rules and
strategies rather than having opportunities to invent or discover them weaken the foundation
for logico-mathematical reasoning. This type of environment continues to impede cognitive
growth in adolescence.
At later stages, a learning environment that is overly authoritarian and lacking in active,
peer-based learning opportunities is likely to result in a rigid approach to rules rather
than the desired deep level of understanding about the application of principles of logic
to complex problems. Any environment that gives children answers or solutions in order
to speed learning along rather than waiting for children to discover them takes away the
positive emotions that accompany understanding. The learning environment should present
problems at levels that are appropriately challenging, just discrepant enough from what
is already known to engage interest but not overly complex to discourage the promise of
successful solutions.
In the teaching and learning process, the theory suggests that it is better to give children
time to discover principles through direct exploration rather than teaching them rules to
solve problems. When children do not seem to discover basic structures in a timely fashion,
it is better to try to invent games and projects that will allow children to “stumble on to the
idea” rather than to give them the answer.
The theory presents a very trusting outlook on the child’s eagerness and natural curiosity
as the basis for cognitive growth. A premise of the theory is that children are using a kind of
logic to understand their world, although this logic is not identical to an adult’s reasoning.
Thus, an understanding adult would not discount a child’s explanations or questions, but try
to understand their origins.
In the home and family environment, the theory would encourage parents to support
inquiry by asking questions, engaging in conversations, and being an interested partner in
the child’s discovery of the natural and social worlds. As adults who are fostering a child’s
cognitive growth, parents and caregivers need to provide the array of stimuli and resources
that may capture the child’s attention, follow the child’s interests, and build on those interests
in supportive ways. Just having their trusted parent nearby provides many children with the
sense of safety and support that is needed for them to explore and investigate. As children get
older and begin to struggle with more complex problems, adults have to resist the tendency
to jump in with answers, and continue to encourage children to try different strategies in
search of solutions. Parents may need to intervene to protect inquisitive, self-motivated
children from the domination of authoritarian teachers and bullying students who may try
to intimidate them in the learning environment.
Piaget’s theory emphasized the importance of cognition in the study of development. In contrast
to other developmental psychologists who focused on mechanisms of learning or individual
differences in intelligence, motor development, or temperament, Piaget brought new attention to
how children, including very young infants, acquire knowledge and approach problem solving.
This focus on cognition had a dramatic and permanent impact on the field of developmental
science leading to vast amounts of research on the way children make meaning.
Within this theoretical framework, Piaget took a new look at children’s reasoning, highlighting
distinctions in the way children of different ages approach problems and noting differences in
the quality of children’s thinking from that of adults. His work led to a new appreciation of the
infant as actively constructing knowledge about objects and people in the environment, and a
new respect for infant intelligence that went beyond the child’s ability to imitate adult actions or
respond to adult instructions.
Piaget’s approach to the study of cognition, including the invention of a variety of unique
tasks and the use of the interview technique to inquire about a child’s reasoning, resulted in a rich
body of descriptive data about how children behave and what they understand. This approach
influenced inquiry into other fields, including moral development, social development, and
From the point of view of characteristics of a “good theory,” Piaget’s work has had an enormous
impact on subsequent research (Flavell, 1996). In the 1970s and 1980s, cognition dominated
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 119
the field of developmental psychology, and most studies were designed to replicate, test, or
extend Piaget’s theories. Since that time, research and theory have emerged to address identified
weaknesses in Piaget’s theory, considering new ways to integrate research on information
processing, the social contexts of cognition, and the neurological bases of cognitive functioning.
Neurological studies of brain development have provided evidence to support the stage-like
shifts in cognitive capacity that were first characterized by Piaget, although the nature of these
new capacities is not identical to those he predicted (Gogtay et al., 2004; Giedd et al., 1999).
Perhaps the strongest criticism of Piaget’s theory focuses on his view of stages of development.
Although qualitative changes in problem solving are observed, cognition is much more variable
than a strict stage approach implies. Children and adolescents solve problems in different ways
depending on the domain, and children within an age group are much more variable in their
cognitive capacities than one might expect given Piaget’s description of stages. Studies of brain
functioning and information processing capacities suggest more diversity in the timing of
emerging capacities and individual differences in ability at specific ages than is implied by Piaget’s
views (Giedd, Stockman, Weddle et al., 2010).
Piaget may have underestimated the cognitive capacities of infants and young children, and
overestimated the capacities of adolescents. Piaget’s view of development suggests that there is
a period of maturational readiness for the application of logical operations to physical objects.
Piaget argued that left to their own processes of exploration and experimentation, children
would discover the regularities and operations that underlie conservation. Showing a child a
conservation problem and then explaining and reinforcing the correct answer should not be very
effective if the child is not ready to assimilate this information. However, research has shown that
it is possible to train young children of preschool age to conserve (Brainerd, 1977). These training
studies find that it is possible to introduce such concepts as identity and reversibility so that
children as young as 4 can achieve conservation. Children also transfer conservation from the
tasks involved in training to other materials and dimensions (Field, 1981; May & Norton, 1981).
Preschool and kindergarten age children can integrate and apply more abstract concepts
than Piaget’s theory predicted. For example, children as young as 3 and 4 have shown that they
understand the idea that materials are made of tiny particles that retain their properties even
when they are invisible. They can use this notion of particles to explain how a substance, such as
sugar, continues to exist in a solution and retain its sweetness even when it is invisible (Au, Sidle,
& Rollins, 1993; Rosen & Rozin, 1993). These examples illustrate the criticism that Piaget’s theory
underestimates the abstract reasoning abilities of the preoperational age child.
At the other end of the developmental continuum, the stage of formal operations may
overestimate the way that most adolescents and adults approach problems. Although most
researchers agree that formal operational thinking exists and does characterize mature, scientific
reasoning, many studies show that adolescents and adults typically do not function at the
formal operational level, and that their use of formal reasoning is inconsistent across problem
areas (Bradmetz, 1999). For example, Neimark (1975) followed changes in the problem-solving
strategies of adolescents over a three-and-a-half-year period. Even the oldest participants in her
study who were 15 did not apply formal operational strategies across all problems.
A different criticism of Piaget’s theory is that his descriptions of concrete and formal
operational thought are too narrow and do not encompass the many dimensions along which
120 • Theories That Emphasize Biological Factors
cognitive functioning matures. Increases in speed, efficiency, and capacity of information storage
and retrieval have been documented during the period from ages 11 to 16 (Kwon & Lawson,
2000; Kuhn, 2006). Improvements in logical reasoning are in part a result of being able to handle
greater quantities of information more quickly and efficiently.
In addition to development in basic processes, there are gains in knowledge both as a result
of schooling and as a result of experience. Knowledge in each specialized subject such as
mathematics, language, or science expands, bringing not only increases in logic but increases
in understanding the procedures or strategies that are most likely to work for a given problem.
Complementing changes in specialized knowledge, adolescents demonstrate increases in self-
monitoring, conscious control and guidance of mental activity, such as the ability to hold
conclusions in abeyance while they examine alternative solutions or gather new information.
These capacities for executive cognitive functioning and greater flexibility contribute to the
potential for more mature solutions (Donald, 2001).
Piaget’s search for universal patterns in the emergence of cognitive structures may have led
him to underestimate the role of culture and social contexts on development. Development takes
place in a social context. The theory does not provide a lens for characterizing the important
features of the environment that may shape the path for cognitive growth. For example, in
the most basic concept of attention, some cultures expect infants and young children to learn
by watching and imitating, placing a high priority on the infant’s ability to attend to multiple
targets. Other cultures expect infants and young children to learn through investigation and
manipulation, placing a high priority on the infant’s ability to focus attention on one activity at a
time. The way culture shapes knowing is not addressed in this theory.
A somewhat different criticism focuses on the lack of attention to the process of instruction.
Piaget was optimistic about the child’s natural capacity to discover basic schemes and structures.
As a result, he was not especially interested in the instructional process as a way of improving, or
speeding along the child’s cognitive abilities. In fact, one might say that he mistrusted efforts to teach
a child what the child could learn through discovery. However, many higher order principles might
never be discovered without guidance from a more skilled or experienced teacher. Every culture has
ways of transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next. It makes sense to expect that the
mature emergence of cognition involves an integration of a person’s natural capacity for adaptation
with the symbolic systems, knowledge, teaching techniques, and beliefs of the culture.
Finally, some critics focus on the nature of Piaget’s techniques and specific experiments as
limiting the way he characterized young children’s cognitive capacities. For example, in studying
object permanence, Piaget relied on an infant’s motor ability to pursue a hidden object as evidence
that the child understood that the object continued to exist. Baillargeon (2004) has shown that by
altering the experimental methods, one can demonstrate that young infants who do not yet crawl
can anticipate an object’s trajectory and can follow an object through different ways of hiding
it. Others have pointed to similar problems in conservation tasks. If you ask a child to judge
whether two balls of clay are the same, and then flatten one of the balls into a pancake and ask
the question again, a child may assume that since you are asking the question again, something
has changed. In one study, children ages 5 to 7 were asked how certain materials looked and how
they really were. Giving the children this verbal distinction between appearance and reality led to
increases in the number of children who gave the correct answer (Bijstra, van Geert, & Jackson,
1989). These examples illustrate that the limitations Piaget pointed out in children’s cognitive
functioning could be in part a result of the constraints imposed by his methods. The strengths
and weaknesses of cognitive developmental theory are summarized in Table 4.3.
Cognitive Developmental Theory • 121
Strengths Weaknesses
New attention to how infants and young children The characterization of stages is overly general; it does not
acquire knowledge and approach problem solving. adequately account for individual differences within age
groups, differences in timing of emerging abilities, and
differences in reasoning across task domains.
Major impact on the field of human development The theory underestimates the abilities of infants
including expansion of research on children’s thinking and young children and overestimates the abilities of
and reasoning. adolescents.
Inspired a new understanding of infant cognition The theory undervalues the role of instruction and
and the ways that infants make meaning of their guidance in promoting cognitive growth.
Brought a new understanding about differences in Advances in cognitive capacity from childhood to
the quality of children’s thinking at different stages of adolescence include many more features than are
development, and contrasting this to adult reasoning. incorporated into the stages of concrete operational and
formal operational thought.
Identification of basic mechanisms of change including Advances in education within specific fields provide new
adaptation and equilibration. insights which can promote the revision and elaboration
of cognitive structures.
Invention of new research methods to explore The specific tasks and problems used to evaluate cognition
children’s reasoning. may place constraints on the kinds of responses children
are able to make.
Principles of the theory have been applied to new The theory does not provide a lens for considering the
domains including moral development, social impact of differences among cultures and social contexts
reasoning, and metacognition. on cognition.
Application of the theory to educational settings,
especially early childhood education.
7. What ideas from cognitive developmental theory do you think would be helpful to share with
parents of infants, toddlers, school age children and adolescents? Give two examples for each
8. Based on what you have read, what do you consider to be the most significant weaknesses or
limitations of cognitive developmental theory?
Key Terms
accommodation knowing
adaptation logico-mathematical knowledge
assimilation long-term memory
attention metacognition
autonomous morality moral reasoning
causal schemes object permanence
central conceptual structures operation
classification organization
combinatorial skills organizational strategies
concrete operational thought perspective taking
conservation postconventional morality
conventional morality preconventional morality
decentering preoperational thought
disequilibrium reciprocity
egocentrism reversibility
equilibration scheme
equilibrium sensorimotor intelligence
executive control short-term memory
formal operational thought signs
heteronomous morality social cognition
hypotheticodeductive reasoning stages of cognitive development
identity symbols
information processing theory of mind
Recommended Resources
**Jean Piaget Society: Society for the study of knowledge and development. Website:
A website for a society that expands on Piaget’s works including resources for scholars, published
papers, free full-text versions of Piaget’s books, and videos. The society sponsors conferences, a
journal, and a newsletter.
his ideas differ from those of other theoretical perspectives, and demonstrates the evidence he
uses to support his conclusions.
**Direct vs indirect ways of teaching number concepts at ages 4–6. A video by Constance Kamii.
This video lecture explains indirect ways of teaching number concepts by encouraging children
to think. Recorded at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, November 2013. This video is
on YouTube.
**Kato, Y., Honda, M., & Kamii, C. (2006). Kindergarteners play “Lining up the 5’s”: A card game
to encourage logico-mathematical reasoning. Beyond the Journal; Young Children on the Web.
Retrieved on May 26, 2014 at
The article illustrates how a modified version of card dominoes, called Lining up the 5s, contributes
to young children’s mathematical reasoning with examples of how children at different ages and
developmental levels play the game.
Arnold, M.L. (2000). Stage, sequence and sequels: Changing conceptions of morality post-Kohlberg. Educational
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Cognitive Developmental Theory • 127
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Part II
Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
One of the persistent controversies in the study of human development has been whether nature
or nurture is more important in shaping the direction of development. The theories we reviewed
in the preceding section fell more on the side of nature, emphasizing the role of a biologically
based plan for development that guides the direction of maturation and growth. The theories
we will review in this section fall more on the side of nurture. These theories take the position
that development is essentially a product of the events that the person experiences. Returning
to the analogy of a plant, one might say that given the general direction of development, which
is guided by genetic information within a seed, all the environmental factors such as nutrients,
sun, water, soil, and air temperature are exactly what will determine whether the plant flourishes.
Environmental factors are a source of enormous variation, including exposure to nutrition,
health care, cognitive stimulation, interpersonal interactions, educational opportunities, financial
resources, stressors, community resources, work settings, cultural artifacts and rituals, climate,
and geographical conditions. These environmental factors produce differences in physical
development, as well as individual thought and behavior; they shape expectations, which, in turn,
shape individual goals and actions.
The three theories that are presented in this section, learning theories, social role theory, and
life course theory, each operate at a different level of analysis. Learning theories examine links
between stimuli and responses and day-to-day experiences; social role theory focuses on the
impact of the integrated environmental framework of social roles; and life course theory addresses
the broad scope of historical/social eras with their diverse opportunities and constraints. Each
theory provides a distinct perspective on how to conceptualize the environment and the specific
mechanisms that account for how environmental events alter or influence behavior.
The chapter on learning theories summarizes key concepts from four different approaches:
classical conditioning; operant conditioning; social learning theory; and cognitive behaviorism.
In contrast to cognitive developmental theories, which focus on the processes through which
mental structures are formed, the learning theories highlight links between thought and behavior.
These theories emphasize processes that account for modifications in behavior as a result of
130 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
experience. They share a view of humans as adaptive and flexible in their ability to change their
behaviors in light of exposure to changing environmental circumstances. Each theory highlights
distinct mechanisms to account for these changes in behavior, and uses different experimental
methods to test their propositions.
Social role theory emphasizes age-graded roles that guide the direction of development
throughout life. Roles vary from one society to another. The behaviors associated with specific
roles are defined by the norms and expectations within one’s culture. For example, the role of
mother may exist in many cultures, but what behaviors are expected to be performed in the role
of mother and ideas about “good mothers” may differ from one culture to the next. Continuity
is explained by the enactment of roles that endure over long periods, such as the roles of child
or parent. Continuity is also explained by participation in reciprocal roles; one learns about the
expectations of one’s own role and the adjoining roles. Change is explained by the process of role
gain, role loss, and entry into an increasing number of roles that produce new levels of societal
Life course theory expands the window on development by considering one’s lifetime in an
historical context. The theory describes maturation as taking place in the context of changes in
historical events which can increase or restrict access to resources and opportunities. In the face
of changing social and cultural contexts, such as war, economic recession, new technologies, or
changing social values, individuals set goals and make decisions that shape the direction of their
life trajectories.
The three theories have a common focus on the role of environments for shaping the direction
of growth. As such, they highlight important sources of individual variability based on the effects
of experience. They differ in the aspect of the environment that is emphasized. The learning
theories draw attention to the micro level of moment-to-moment consequences of action. Social
role theory considers the impact of social organization on guiding patterns of social interaction
and self-definition. Life course theory takes the broadest view of the environment, bringing into
focus intergenerational and cultural dimensions of the environment within which individuals
interpret their experiences and project their futures.
Learning Theories
Case Vignette 132
Historical Context 133
Key Concepts of Four Theories of Learning 134
Classical Conditioning 134
Operant Conditioning 138
Social Learning 141
Cognitive Behaviorism 143
New Directions 147
Social Cognitive Theory 147
Experiential Learning Theory 148
A Research Example: Learned Helplessness and Learned Resourcefulness 150
An Application: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 152
How Do Learning Theories Answer the Basic Questions That a Theory
of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 154
Critique of the Learning Theories 158
Strengths 158
Weaknesses 159
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 161
Key Terms 162
Recommended Resources 163
References 163
132 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Guiding Questions
• What is learning? According to the theories presented in this chapter, what are the basic
mechanisms that account for learning?
• What is the meaning of the term “learning” in these theories as compared to its meaning
in the question: “What did you learn today?” In other words, what is the difference
between learning as a process, and learning as content or knowledge?
• How are the theories presented in this chapter related to the concept of “behaviorism”?
• How might the theories presented in this chapter be used to influence marketing
strategies or consumer behavior?
• What are some laws of human behavior that have emerged from the learning theories?
• What are some features of the learning theories that have resulted in their widespread
application to a variety of contexts such as parenting practices, education, and mental
• How do the theories help explain behaviors that may appear to be illogical or a product
of superstition?
Case Vignette
Molly is in the fifth grade. She and her family have just moved to this new neighborhood, so
she is new to the school where most of the students have been together since kindergarten.
Molly is a bit shy, and somewhat overweight, but she is an eager learner, and has been a very
successful student. She has been studying violin for three years, and gives at least two hours
to practice every day, something she truly enjoys.
On Monday in gym class, during a game of volleyball, three girls formed a circle
around Molly and started to throw the ball at her. At first, she thought it was a game,
but then they started aiming the ball at her head and laughing when she got hit. At
one point, she fell down and twisted her hand. In her pain and embarrassment, she started
to cry. The other girls just stared, and then one of them started laughing. Molly ran from
the room.
That night, Molly’s wrist started to swell so she couldn’t practice the violin. She went to her
room to start her homework and found that someone had posted a picture from gym class
to their Instagram© account with the caption: “Fat Molly on her butt.” After seeing that,
Molly couldn’t concentrate at all on her homework. She wanted to talk to her mother and
father, but she was worried that they would get upset and make a scene at school, so she
kept it to herself.
The next day, Molly was very nervous about going to school. She was late getting ready
for school; she had not finished her homework; and she felt a bit dizzy. When she saw
the girls from gym class coming toward her in the hall, she suddenly became nauseous.
She ran to the bathroom and got sick. Then she went to the nurse and said she needed to
go home.
Learning Theories • 133
Learning theories focus on changes in beliefs and behaviors that are associated with
experience. Learning is a necessary capacity for survival, allowing living beings to recognize
and adapt to changing conditions. In the current case, consider the confluence of events
that could detract from Molly’s positive outlook on school. In this example, several of the
mechanisms that are presented in the learning theories converge to produce fear, avoidance,
and physical symptoms. The learning theories offer explanations for how a few negative
experiences might result in the modification of behavior.
As you read about the learning theories, try to consider the ways in which bullying
may alter the behavior of bullies, victims, and bystanders. What concepts from classical
conditioning help to understand how getting hit with the ball is linked to fear of the
girls who threw the ball? What concepts from operant conditioning might suggest that
there are reinforcements for the girls who carried out the bullying? What concepts from
social learning theory suggest how bullying behavior might be imitated in other contexts?
What concepts from cognitive behaviorism help account for the development of Molly’s
expectations about her self-concept and about the school environment? Try to break this
case down into smaller elements in order to see how each event might contribute to Molly’s
reactions. Then consider how the theories might be useful in guiding interventions to
support Molly and to reduce bullying behavior in the school.
Learning theories have proposed mechanisms to account for the relatively permanent changes
in behavior that occur as a result of experience. This definition does not limit learning to the
types of experiences we encounter in school. The outcomes of learning can include such varied
behaviors as stopping at a red light, feeling hungry at 6 o’clock in the evening, figuring out how
to use the online research database, and riding a bicycle. The changing and changeable nature of
human behavior is largely due to human beings’ extensive capacity for learning. Four theories of
learning have made significant contributions to the study of human development: (a) classical
conditioning, (b) operant conditioning, (c) social learning, and (d) cognitive behaviorism.
The first two, classical conditioning and operant conditioning, began as theories that focused
on exploring systematic relationships between stimuli that impinge on the organism and the
organism’s response. These theories focused on analyzing changes in behavior and became
the basis for the field of behaviorism. In recent expansions of these theories, the neurological
underpinnings of these kinds of learning are being discovered.
The second two, social learning theory and cognitive behaviorism, began as theories that
focused on intervening variables, especially information and expectations, that might connect
experiences with behaviors. These theories differentiate learning and performance, suggesting
that there is a complex process in which the learner evaluates the conditions under which the
learned response is relevant or appropriate. As you read about these theories, you will begin to
appreciate that the term learning encompasses a wide variety of processes (Schunk, 2011).
Historical Context
The learning theories emerged in the later part of the nineteenth century and the first part of
the twentieth century, as scholars began to apply the scientific process to an analysis of human
behavior. Psychologists were looking for principles to explain human behavior that could be
134 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist whose early research focused on the relationship of the nerv-
ous system to the functioning of the heart. Between 1891 and 1900 he focused on the physiology of
the digestive system. As part of this work, he developed a technique for inserting tubes that would
allow him to monitor the functioning of various organs while the animal was still alive and engaged
in normal digestive activities. This was a breakthrough in the science of physiology, allowing him to
demonstrate the intimate link between the nervous system and the digestive system in living animals.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1904 for his work on the physiology of the digestive system.
Pavlov was studying the reflexive responses of digestion when food was placed in an animal’s
mouth. While he was working on this research, Pavlov noticed that events at a distance, such as
the sight of food, the sight of a person delivering the food, or noises that occurred regularly in the
room, produced digestive responses. Pavlov realized that the animals had learned to associate a
reaction with a stimulus that one would not think would produce that reaction. He called these
associations conditioned reflexes. The type of learning that Pavlov studied was called classical
conditioning (Pavlov, 1927/2003).
In classical conditioning, a bond already exists between some stimulus in the environment
and some physiological response of the learner. These naturally occurring stimulus–response
bonds are called reflexes. Because of his interest in digestion, the reflexive response Pavlov was
most interested in was the salivation response to food. In classical conditioning the stimulus that
naturally produces a reflexive response is called the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The natural
reflexive response is called the unconditioned response (UCR). Examples of other UCS–UCR
reflexive bonds in addition to that of the food-salivation reaction include: the reaction of the eye
to threat (the eyeblink reflex); the reaction of the eye to different intensities of light (the pupillary
reflex); and the reaction to a loud, sudden noise (the startle reflex).
Learning Theories • 135
Pavlov discovered that events happening regularly just before the events that trigger a reflexive
response will also produce a version of the reflexive response. For example, sounds that occur
regularly just before an animal is fed will eventually cause an animal’s digestive system to secrete
chemicals in the same way it does to food. These sounds are, in themselves, neutral. If they
occur at other times of day and in other contexts they do not normally result in evoking the
dog’s salivation response. However, when they are linked in time over several days, they become
“meaningful” signals that food is coming. As a result, these formerly neutral sounds begin to be
associated with food and, as such, they evoke a conditioned salivation response.
The model for classical conditioning is seen in Figure 5.1. Before conditioning, the bell is a
neutral stimulus (NS). It elicits a response of interest or attention, but nothing more. The sight
and smell of food are unconditioned stimuli (UCS) that elicit salivation, the unconditioned
response (UCR). During conditioning trials, the bell is rung shortly before the food appears. The
dog is said to have been conditioned when it salivates to the sound of the bell, before the food is
presented. The bell, therefore, comes to control the salivation response. It is now the conditioned
stimulus (CS). Salivation that occurs in response to the bell alone is called the conditioned
response (CR). The CR is usually not exactly identical to the UCR.
Let’s consider a different stimulus-response situation that may be observed with human infants.
A loud noise will produce a startle response, including tightening of muscles, rapid respiration,
and heightened arousal. Let’s imagine that whenever an infant is taken to the pediatrician for a
check-up, she is startled by the sudden loud cries of other infants in the examination rooms. The
loud cries are the UCS; the startle response is the UCR. After two or three visits, she begins to
make a partial startle reaction as she enters the doctor’s office. The doctor’s waiting room becomes
a CS for the startle response, CR. As she gets older, her mother tries to prepare her for visits to the
doctor’s office. The visits are very infrequent, but the child continues to show an anxiety reaction
to the mere discussion of the doctor and the coming visit. The words and imagery associated with
the doctor combine to maintain the CS–CR bond. The transfer of the CR from the waiting room
to the discussion of the doctor’s visit is called higher order conditioning.
Subsequent research on Pavlovian conditioning demonstrated that conditioning is a means
by which the learner identifies structure in the environment (Gottlieb & Begej, 2014). The
pairing of two events, such as the sound of a bell and the presentation of food, becomes
significant because one stimulus turns into a signal for the other. Conditioning does not take
place randomly between any two events linked in time. If there is no systematic relationship
between the two, conditioning will not take place. The light may be on in the kitchen whenever
the telephone rings, for example, but since there is no predictable relationship between the
light and the telephone, the light does not become a signal that the telephone is going to
ring. Conditioning is not an artificial paradigm; it is an actual process by which one stimulus
provides information about another.
Furthermore, the CS itself is not totally neutral. A visual stimulus such as a colored light
will prompt visual orienting, for instance, whereas an auditory stimulus may simply increase
attention or arousal. In a conditioning experiment, the learner builds many associations
simultaneously. Although the focus of a particular experiment may be on establishing a
link between one CS and one UCS, the learner will build links among many elements of the
environment—its visual, auditory, and olfactory components, including the UCS. Pavlovian
conditioning provides a model for understanding how multiple associations can be established
and triggered in the process of concept formation, memory, and problem solving (Lavond &
Steinmetz, 2003).
136 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
(bell) (Interest)
(food) (salivation)
During conditioning
After conditioning
Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery. The formation of the CS–CR bond needs support in
order to be maintained. When the CS is presented by itself for a number of trials without the UCS,
the CR will be weakened and eventually eliminated. This process is called extinction. When a bell
that used to signal food is no longer followed by food, the salivation response will eventually fade.
In the laboratory, a CR may be extinguished on one day by repeatedly presenting the CS without
the UCS. However, if you bring the animal back to the laboratory the next day and present the
CS, the CR will occur. This is called spontaneous recovery. The response strength is not quite as
great at the point of spontaneous recovery as it was at the peak of conditioning. After extinction,
the response can either be readily reconditioned or extinction trials can eventually fully inhibit
the response.
The phenomenon of spontaneous recovery demonstrates that extinction is different from
forgetting. Once a CS–CR bond has been established, an inhibitory force must be developed
to interfere with the learning. In extinction, we see another example of the adaptive nature of
learning. A new response is maintained as long as it is an accurate reflection of environmental
conditions. When conditions change, the learner is capable of revising its responses to reflect
those changes. The phenomenon of spontaneous recovery shows that the learner will test the
environment to confirm that conditions have permanently changed. If the conditions that were
present during learning are reestablished, the learned response can be readily restored. However, if
after several tests the conditions no longer support the original learning, the response is inhibited.
Over the course of development, a person confronts a variety of different environments.
The meaningful connections between stimuli and responses may not be the same from one
environment to the next. The process of extinction helps explain how responses that are not
adaptive in a specific setting drop away, while new, meaningful responses are acquired.
followed by food, and not to make the conditioned response to orange, the stimulus that was not
followed by food. You discriminate red from green at every stop light.
Pavlov explored the limits of discrimination learning. He conditioned a dog to distinguish
between a circle and an ellipse. Once the dog could reliably differentiate the two, Pavlov began to
alter the shape of the ellipse so it became more and more circular. After a number of modifications,
the dog could not distinguish between the two stimuli even though one was followed by food
(UCS) and the other was not. The dog’s ability to discriminate grew worse. In addition, the dog’s
behavior in the experimental situation became disorganized. The dog barked and squealed; it
tore at the apparatus and resisted being taken into the experimental room. After 3 weeks, when
it was tested with the original circle and ellipse, the dog could no longer differentiate between
them. Pavlov described this sequence of behaviors as a case of experimentally induced neurosis.
He speculated that disorganization of behavior would be produced when the tendency to make
a response and to inhibit that response are both present because the situation produces anxiety.
Classical conditioning can account for a great deal of the associational learning that occurs
throughout life. When a specific symbol is paired with an image, emotional reaction, or object,
that symbol takes on new meaning. The associations that are made through classical conditioning
may involve labels and concepts, but they do not necessarily require language skills. During
infancy and toddlerhood, a variety of positive and negative emotional reactions are conditioned
to people, objects, and environments as the child develops attachments. Our reactions to the
taste of a certain type of food or the feel of a particular material may be the result of conditioned
learning that has persisted until adulthood.
Similarly, fears can be the results of classical conditioning. Fear can be conditioned to a specific
cue, such as a sound, light, or smell, which signals the onset of a painful experience. It can also
be conditioned to the context in which the painful event occurred (Kim & Jung, 2006; Fanselow
& Ponnusamy, 2008). Fear conditioning is a powerful form of learning that has adaptive value in
protecting individuals from danger or harm. However, it may become a source of anxiety when
aroused in non-threatening situations, and may be difficult to extinguish. Many people recall at
least one frightening experience, such as nearly drowning or falling from the top of a slide. The
association of fear or pain with a specific target may lead to systematic avoidance of that object
for the rest of one’s life.
Operant Conditioning
E.L. Thorndike, an American psychologist, graduated from Wesleyan University, and then studied
under William James at Harvard. He continued his doctoral studies at Columbia where he
developed his approach to animal learning using puzzle boxes. He spent the majority of his career
on the faculty of Teachers College at Columbia. As evidence of his long and productive career, he
was elected to be president of the American Psychological Association in 1912, and head of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1934.
Trial-and-Error Learning. Thorndike (1898) studied a different type of learning at about the
same time that Pavlov was working on classical conditioning. He observed cats as they figured out
how to escape from a cage. Thorndike described a process of trial-and-error learning in which
the cats made fewer and fewer random movements and increasingly directed their behavior to
the correct solution (pulling a string to release a latch). Thorndike argued that the improvement
Learning Theories • 139
in problem solving was not the result of learning an idea or an insight but the gradual association
between a stimulus and a response. A stimulus is any event or energy source in the environment.
It can also be an internal event like a pain or a thought. A response is any behavior that occurs in
reaction to the stimulus.
Thorndike (1911/2012) proposed the law of effect to explain how specific stimuli are linked
to specific responses. According to the law of effect, a bond is established between the situation
and the reaction depending on the feeling state accompanying the reaction. Other things being
equal, when a response is followed by a positive feeling state, it strengthens the bond between the
stimulus and the response. When faced with a similar situation, the response is likely to recur.
When a response is followed by a negative feeling state, it weakens the bond between the stimulus
and the response. When faced with a similar situation, the response is less likely to recur.
Thorndike also proposed the law of exercise. In trial-and-error learning, the pattern of
connections between the stimulus and responses is established by the consequences that follow
the responses. Patterns are strengthened through repetition. The law of exercise states that the
more frequently a stimulus–response connection is repeated, the stronger it becomes. The pattern
is called a habit when it appears to be automatic.
Through the combination of the laws of effect and exercise, a specific response to a stimulus
occurs immediately. Other possible responses do not occur. Complex behaviors can be established
as the response from one stimulus becomes a stimulus for the next response. For example, think
about your sequence of activities when you get up in the morning. You go to the bathroom, you
wash your hands, brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, assemble your
papers to get ready for your day, and leave the house. This sequence occurs every day in the same
order with little planning or thought. It is a complex pattern of habits. Each step in the sequence
can be thought of as a response and as a stimulus for the next step. Once a bond is formed
between a stimulus and a response, learned behaviors can be very efficient and lead the way to
complex habit sequences freeing the person to use their conscious thought for other tasks.
American psychologist B.F. Skinner had the benefit of reviewing Pavlov’s work on classical
conditioning and Thorndike’s work on trial-and-error learning. In an early paper, Skinner (1935)
summarized the essential differences between the two kinds of learning:
1. In classical conditioning, the conditioned reflex can begin at zero level; that is, it is not present
at all. In trial-and-error learning, the response must be made if it is to be reinforced or
2. In classical conditioning, the response is controlled by what precedes it. In trial-and-error
learning, the response is controlled by what follows it.
3. Classical conditioning is most suitable for internal responses (emotional and glandular
reactions). Trial-and-error learning is most suitable for external responses (muscle movements,
verbal responses).
The Role of Reinforcement. Skinner’s (1938/2006) work followed along the lines of Thorndike’s.
His focus was on the modification of voluntary behaviors as a result of the consequences of those
behaviors, a type of learning referred to as operant conditioning. In the operant conditioning
experiment, the researcher selects a response in advance and then waits until the desired
response (or at least a partial response) occurs. Then the experimenter presents a reinforcement.
Reinforcement is operationally defined as any stimulus that makes a repetition of the response
more likely. There are two kinds of reinforcers. Positive reinforcers, such as food and smiles,
140 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
increase the rate of response when they are present. Negative reinforcers, such as electric shock,
increase the rate of response when they are removed.
Consider this example. A researcher places a rat in a cage. An electric grid in the floor of the
cage is activated. As soon as the rat presses a bar, the electric shock is turned off. Soon the rat
learns to press the bar quickly in order to turn off the shock. The shock is a negative reinforcer
because its removal strengthens the response of bar pressing. Suppose a mother gets upset
whenever she hears her baby cry. She may try a number of responses to stop the crying—rocking,
feeding, talking, changing the baby’s diaper. If one of these behaviors leads to an end to the noise,
it is reinforced. The mother is more likely to try that behavior the next time. The baby’s cry is a
negative reinforcer because when it stops, the specific caregiving response is strengthened.
Shaping. One of the challenges of operant conditioning is the problem of getting the learner to
make the desired response in the first place. This is especially problematic if the desired response
is a complex behavior that the learner has never shown before. One means of developing a new
complex response is shaping. Here the response is broken down into its major components.
At first a response that is only an approximation of one element of the behavior is reinforced.
Gradually new elements of the behavior are added, and a reinforcement is given only when two
or three components of the response are linked together. Once the person makes a complete
response, earlier approximations are no longer reinforced.
Parents often use the shaping process to teach their young children such complicated behaviors
as using the toilet and caring for their belongings. For example, parents may begin toilet training
by reinforcing children when they behave partially in the desired way, such as by telling the
parents that they have to go to the bathroom. Eventually the children receive reinforcers only
when they have completed the entire behavior sequence (including wiping, flushing, adjusting
clothing, and washing hands).
Schedules of Reinforcement. Within the field of operant conditioning, research has been
devoted to identifying which conditions of learning result in the strongest, longest-lasting habits.
Schedules of reinforcement refer to the frequency and regularity with which reinforcements are
given (Ferster & Skinner, 1957/1997). A new response is conditioned rapidly if reinforcement
is given on every learning trial. This schedule is called continuous reinforcement. Responses
that are established under conditions of continuous reinforcement are very vulnerable to
extinction—that is, if the reinforcement is removed for several trials, performance deteriorates
rapidly. Some schedules vary the amount of time or the number of trials between reinforcements.
This procedure is called intermittent reinforcement. The learner responds on many occasions
when no reinforcement is provided but does receive reinforcement every once in a while. Such
schedules result in the most durable learning.
Intermittent reinforcement lengthens the time an operant behavior remains in the learner’s
repertoire after reinforcement has been permanently discontinued (Ferster & Culbertson, 1982;
Shull & Grimes, 2003; Pierce & Cheney, 2013). Some form of intermittent reinforcement schedule
is probably truer to real life. It would be very difficult for anyone to learn a behavior if every
instance of it had to be reinforced. A person often exhibits a new response when no observers
are present, when teachers are attending to other matters, or in the context of other behaviors
that are followed by a negative consequence. Research on operant conditioning demonstrates
that conditions of intermittent reinforcement are precisely those under which the longest-lasting
habits are formed.
Learning Theories • 141
Extinction and Punishment. Positive and negative reinforcement are associated with trying
to build up or increase the likelihood of a behavior. Operant conditioning also has concepts
associated with damping out or reducing the likelihood of a behavior. Extinction is a process
in which an expected reinforcer no longer occurs following the response. When parents or
teachers are advised to ignore a child’s undesirable behavior, they are using extinction as a means
of eliminating the behavior. Theoretically, if the tendency to make a specific response can be
strengthened through reinforcement, it can be weakened though extinction. Punishment refers
to a noxious consequence that follows an undesirable behavior. In an experiment with animals,
a behavior might be punished by administering an electric shock after the animal presses a bar.
After a few trials, the animal will no longer press the bar. However, Skinner argued that punish-
ment did not work any more quickly than extinction and often was accompanied by undesirable
side effects.
Some students find the concepts of negative reinforcement and punishment confusing. In our
two examples with rats described previously, in Example 1, bar pressing is learned when it stops
the electric shock (negative reinforcer); in Example 2, bar pressing stops when it is followed by
the electric shock (punishment).
The principles of operant conditioning apply whenever the environment sets up priorities
for behavior and conditional rewards or punishments for approximating a desired behavior.
Operant conditioning refers to the development of behavior patterns that are under the learner’s
voluntary control (Davey & Cullen, 1988; McSweeney & Murphy, 2014). The person can choose
to make a response or not, depending on the consequences associated with the behavior. People
change whenever their operant behaviors adapt to changes in environmental contingencies. The
environment controls the process of adaptation through the role it plays in establishing and
modifying contingencies (Skinner, 1987). Behavior can be modified in the desired direction as
long as the person who is guiding the conditioning has control over the distribution of valued
These principles of learning are especially applicable during toddlerhood (2 to 4 years) and
early school age (4 to 6). Children of these ages are unlikely to be able to conceptualize about the
existing framework of reinforcement. Once individuals can analyze the reinforcement schedule,
they may choose to adapt to it, resist it, or redefine the environment in order to discover new sources
of reinforcement. There is no doubt that operant conditioning occurs at all ages. Reinforcement
schedules set by work, spouse, and self operate on much of an adult’s behavior. Reinforcement
conditions determine the behaviors that will be performed. Conditions of learning influence how
long a given behavior will persist once the reinforcement for it is removed.
Social Learning
The learning theorists all agree that changes in behavior are influenced by experiences. However,
the two theories we discuss here, social learning theory and cognitive behaviorism, attend more
to cognitive processes that intervene between the stimulus and the response. The concepts of
observational learning or vicarious learning evolved from an awareness that much learning
takes place because of the person’s tendency to observe and imitate other people’s behavior
(Bandura & Walters, 1963). Albert Bandura described it this way: “Fortunately, most human
behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea
of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a
guide for action” (Bandura, 1977, p. 22).
142 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
After receiving his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Iowa, where behaviorism was
a central theoretical framework, Bandura took a faculty position at Stanford in 1953. In a recent
interview, Bandura reflected on his emerging dissatisfaction with the theoretical views of his time.
“I looked around and I couldn’t figure out how it is that all our complex competences and these
complex social systems we created, how could all this be produced by trial and error learning and
rewarding and punishing consequences?”
Commenting on his views about behavioral conditioning, Bandura offered this criticism:
“Much of the early psychological theorizing was founded on behavioristic principles that
embraced an input–output model linked by an internal conduit that makes behavior possible
but exerts no influence on its own behavior” (Bandura, 2001, p. 2). Bandura’s dissatisfaction with
the principles of behaviorism led him to explore the ways that people learn through observation.
Bandura pointed out the distinction between learning and performance. He argued that the
behaviorist concepts represent a theory of performance rather than a theory of learning. A boy
may learn a great deal about how to play football by watching other children. He may also learn a
great deal about how to play the game by watching adults on television. No one would realize that
the child knows about football until there is an opportunity to play. The boy’s learning would be
cognitive, occurring without reinforcement of any overt behavior.
Modeling. In social learning theory, the people who are being observed are called models and
the process of learning is called modeling. In one of the early modeling studies, nursery school
children watched two adult models interact with a large inflated doll called Bobo. One group of
children watched a model who ignored the doll and played with Tinker Toys. The other group
of children watched a model who attacked the doll. The experimenter designed the attack so
that it was unlike anything the children had done themselves or seen others do. A third group
of children did not see a model. After observing, the children were placed in a situation with the
Bobo doll. The children who had seen the model attack the doll showed much more aggressive
behavior than children in either of the other two groups. Often the attacks were almost exact
duplications of the attacks they had witnessed. They threw the doll into the air, pounded it with a
mallet, kicked it, and shouted at it in the same way the model did (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961).
In a subsequent study, children saw a film of an adult attacking a Bobo doll. One group of
children saw the model rewarded after the attack, a second group saw the model punished, and
a third group did not observe any consequences to the model after attacking the doll. A fourth
group (the control group) saw no model and no attack. In the play period following the film,
the children who had seen the model rewarded demonstrated the greatest amount of aggressive
behavior. The group that observed the attack and no consequences demonstrated the second
highest amount of aggressive behavior. The group who saw the attack and saw the model punished
showed considerably less aggressive behavior than either of the first two groups. The least amount
of aggression was displayed by the control group. Thus, it was shown that the consequences that
follow the model’s behavior influence whether it will be imitated and the degree of imitation
(Bandura, 1965). Another implication of this research is that learning can occur through the
observation of a symbolic or virtual environment. The events that can influence behavior do
not necessarily have to take place in the learner’s direct physical environment; and as the filmed
condition of the experiment suggests, the events can be fictional.
Conditions That Influence the Imitation of a Model. A great deal of research has been devoted
to identifying conditions that determine whether or not a child will imitate a model (Bandura,
Learning Theories • 143
1971/2006, 1977, 1986). A number of studies have shown that when children observe a model
who is acting in a helpful or generous way, the children’s generosity and sharing increase. In one
study, children between the ages of 7 and 11 saw a model play a game and give away his winnings.
Months later, the children played the same game with a different experimenter. Those children
who had observed a generous model gave away more of their winnings than a control group who
had not observed a generous model (Rushton, 1976). Under the right conditions, children will
imitate aggressive, altruistic, helping, and stingy models. They are most likely to imitate models
who are prestigious, who control resources, or who themselves are rewarded. The concept of
social learning highlights the relevance of models’ behavior and the observed consequences of
the behavior in guiding the behavior of others. These models may include parents, older siblings,
entertainment stars, or sports heroes.
The principles of social learning are assumed to operate in the same way throughout life.
Observational learning may take place at any age. Insofar as exposure to new influential, powerful
models who control resources may occur at any life stage, new learning through the modeling
process is always possible. Exposure to a certain array of models and a certain pattern of rewards
results in the encouragement to imitate some behaviors rather than others. The similarity in behavior
among people of the same ages reflects their exposure to a common history of models and rewards.
Bandura’s theory of social learning and the role of imitation in many aspects of learning
was based on experimental studies of children’s behavior in the presence of models. Subsequent
research in neuroscience has provided validity to this theory through investigation of the
mirror neuron system (Iacoboni & Dapretto, 2006). The mirror neuron system in humans is
a coordinated network of three areas: one area gathers visual information; one recognizes and
processes the motor components of the visual information; and one processes the goal of the
action. Information from the goal-oriented area is sent back through the system to match up
with the original visual information to guide motor behavior. The system supports sensory and
motor integration while the person is observing others, imitating others, and being imitated by
others. The mirror neuron system is considered to be a key to clarifying empathy and our ability
to understand others through imitation of facial expressions, body posture, and gestures.
Cognitive Behaviorism
One objection that is frequently raised to classical and operant conditioning as theories of
learning is that they have no language or concepts to describe events that occur in the learner’s
mind. In these approaches, learning is described as a relationship between environmental stimuli
and individual responses. Edward Tolman (1932/1967, 1948) discussed the notion of intervening
variables. He suggested that cognitions intervened between stimulus and response. He said
that the learner develops a cognitive map, an internal mental representation of the learning
environment. Individuals who perform a specific task in a certain environment attend primarily
to that task, but they also form a representation of the rest of the setting. The cognitive map
includes expectations about the reward system in operation, the existing spatial relationships
within the setting, and the behaviors accorded highest priority. An individual’s performance in
a situation represents only part of the learning that has occurred. The fact that people respond
to changes in the environment indicates that a complex mental map actually develops in the
situation. Tolman emphasized the purposive aspects of behavior. This involves how people use
information from the environment to direct their responses and how they use information
following their responses to correct or modify their behavior in developing new responses.
144 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Cognitive behaviorism is the study of the many internal mental activities that influence
behavior. These theories of learning are included in this part of the book where environmental
influences are emphasized because much of the focus is on what the learner comes to know
and expect about the environment, and how this knowledge influences behavior. Nonetheless,
the cognitive behaviorists bring to light the internal representation of the environment, which
emerges as a result of experience, but is also influenced by the learner’s level of cognitive
complexity, attention, and motivation, all of which might be biologically based. Thus, the cognitive
behavioral theories of learning are less mechanistic and less reliant upon environmental factors
as the primary cause of behavior than is operant conditioning.
Cognitive and Emotional Factors That Influence Behavior. According to Walter Mischel (1973,
1979; Mischel & Shoda, 1995), six types of cognitive and emotional factors influence a person’s
behavior in a situation and account for continuity in how people respond across situations:
encodings; expectancies and beliefs; affects (feelings and emotional responses); goals and values;
competencies; and self-regulatory plans (see Figure 5.2). Encodings refer to constructs or
schemes the person has about the self, the situation, and others in the situation. Expectancies
refer to cognitive assessments about one’s ability to perform, ideas about the consequences of
one’s behavior, and the meaning of events in one’s environment.
Affects are the feelings and emotional reactions or physiological responses that are associated
with a situation. Feelings of anger, fear, arousal, excitement, or jealousy might interact with
expectancies and encodings to guide behavior. Goals and values are related to the relative
importance one places on the outcomes of situations. One person may value high levels of
task performance, whereas another may value success in social situations. One’s behavior in a
situation is influenced by how one values its possible outcomes. Cognitive competences consist
of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Self-regulatory plans are strategies for achieving one’s goals, including techniques for
managing internal emotional states, creating a plan and putting it into action (Kross, Mischel,
& Shoda, 2010; Mischel, 2012). Self-regulation is especially important in situations where
temptations, frustrations, or self-doubt threaten to pull one away from important goals (Mischel
& Ayduk, 2002). As people become increasingly aware of the effects of stimuli on their behavior,
they can learn to overcome, channel, or eliminate those influences that tempt them to abandon
their goals.
Cognitive behaviorism draws on concepts presented in Chapter 4 associated with information
processing, and concepts introduced in this chapter associated with learning theories. In any
new situation, the learner’s basic information processing capacities for attention, memory,
and organizational strategies are required. Concepts such as encodings, affect, and cognitive
competences all depend on these basic mental capacities which allow the learner to attend to
relevant features of the environment, compare these features to prior experiences, and prepare
for action. At the same time, according to cognitive behaviorism, the learner makes higher order
assessments of the situation in order to guide behavior. These assessments are associated with
expectancies, values, goals, and plans.
Self-efficacy. Of the six areas highlighted in Figure 5.2, one that has received considerable
attention among those interested in learning and performance is expectancies. People’s
judgments about how well they expect to perform, and whether or not they expect to improve
their performance with effort have a clear impact on their behavior. Albert Bandura (1982,
Learning Theories • 145
in a specific
Goals and
Figure 5.2 Six Cognitive and Affective Dimensions That Influence Behavior
Source: From B.M. Newman & P.R. Newman (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. 12th
ed. © 2015 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
1989a) identified self-efficacy as a key element in the cognitive basis of behavior. Self-efficacy is
defined as the sense of confidence that one can perform the behaviors demanded by a situation.
According to Bandura, the decision to engage in a situation, as well as the intensity of effort
expended in the situation, are dependent upon a person’s confidence about success. A key feature
of self-efficacy, according to this theory, is that it is domain-specific. A person can have confidence
about performing well in one area, such as mathematics or public speaking, and lack confidence
about success in another area (Bandura, 1997).
Bandura theorized that four sources of information contribute to judgments of self-efficacy.
The first source is enactive attainment, or prior experiences of mastery in the kinds of tasks that
are being confronted. Children’s general assessment of their ability in any area (e.g. mathematics,
writing, or gymnastics) is based on their past accomplishments in that area. Successful experiences
increase perceived self-efficacy whereas repeated failures diminish it. Failure experiences are
especially detrimental when they occur early in the process of trying to master a task. Many
children are diverted from mastering such sports as tennis and baseball because they have made
mistakes early in their participation. They develop doubts about their abilities which then prevent
them from persisting in the task.
146 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
The second source of information is vicarious information. Seeing a person similar to oneself
perform a task successfully may raise one’s sense of self-efficacy; seeing a person similar to oneself
fail at a task may lower it. Verbal persuasion is the third source. Children can be encouraged to
believe in themselves to try a new task. Persuasion is likely to be most effective with children who
already have confidence in their abilities and it helps boost their performance level. The fourth
source of information that contributes to judgments of self-efficacy is physical state. People
monitor their bodily states in making judgments about whether they can do well or not. When
children feel too anxious or frightened they are likely to anticipate failure. In contrast, children
who are excited and interested but not overly tense are more likely to perceive themselves as
capable of succeeding.
Those who have a high sense of efficacy visualize success scenarios that provide positive guides
for performance and they cognitively rehearse good solutions to potential problems. Those who
judge themselves as inefficacious are more inclined to visualize failure scenarios and to dwell
on how things will go wrong. Such inefficacious thinking weakens motivation and undermines
performance (Bandura, 1989a). In the face of difficulty or failure, those who have confidence in
their abilities and high self-efficacy will work harder to master challenges. They will attribute
difficulties or failure to not trying hard enough, and they will redouble their efforts. Those who
have a low sense of self-efficacy tend to give up in the face of difficulty because they attribute their
failure to a basic lack of ability.
The level of self-efficacy also affects how individuals prepare to handle new challenges.
In their thoughts, emotions, and preparation for action, those who are preoccupied by
self-doubt differ from those who believe in the likelihood of success. Those armed with
positive self-efficacy are more likely to set challenging goals, and to enact a variety of effective
strategies that contribute to success such as finding the right setting to practice, organizing
their time, and identifying ways to stay focused on the task (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, &
Pastorelli, 1996).
Bandura pointed out that adjustment depends on one’s judgment about the outcome of the
situation. If a woman with a strong sense of self-efficacy is in an environment that is responsive
and rewards good performance, she is likely to behave in a self-assured, competent way. If
this same woman is in an environment that is unresponsive and does not reward accomplish-
ment, she is likely to increase her effort and even try to change the environment. People
who judge their efficacy to be low tend to give up and become apathetic in unresponsive
environments. In responsive environments they may become more depressed and self-critical
as they see others who appear to be similar to themselves succeeding. The concept of self-
efficacy clarifies how people adapt when they enter new roles or new situations. The successes
and failures we observe in others and the encouragement we receive from others influence our
Cognitive behaviorism suggests that through the processes of classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and observational learning, the learner acquires cognitive structures that influence
subsequent learning and performance. We might say that the learner acquires an outlook on the
learning situation. This outlook may influence the learner’s feeling of familiarity with the task,
motivation to undertake the task, optimism about performing the task successfully, and strategies
for approaching the task. In addition to everything a parent, teacher, or supervisor might do to
structure a learning environment, one must always take into account the outlook the learner
brings to the task. Differences in judgments of self-efficacy, self-control strategies, values, and
goals all influence the way people approach a learning situation.
Learning Theories • 147
New Directions
The learning theories have led to several new directions in the study of development. The two
that we focus on here are social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the active role of individuals
in guiding the direction of their behavior, and experiential learning theory, which focuses on
individual differences in how people approach the tasks of acquiring and using information.
The Sense of Agency. According to social cognitive theory, a core feature of human learning is the
capacity for agency, actions that are intentional and carried out with forethought and purpose.
The importance of agency in the theory emerged from Bandura’s work on self-efficacy. According
to SCT, a central factor in a person’s motivation is a belief that one has the power and ability to
have a desired impact through one’s actions (Bandura, 1997). Without this belief, there would
be no hope for a desired outcome. Efficacy beliefs influence the challenges people are willing to
undertake, the amount of effort they are willing to expend, and the degree of persistence they
exhibit in the face of difficulties or failures.
Social and Environmental Components of Agency. SCT assumes a social feature to most human
agency. Building on the early work of social learning theory, Bandura conceives of humans as
social in nature whose capacity for learning is enhanced by the ability to observe and imitate
others. The exercise of human agency often involves others, a concept that Bandura calls collective
agency, “people’s shared belief in their collective power to produce desired results” (Bandura,
1997). Through collective effort, individuals can achieve more ambitious goals by sharing their
knowledge and skills, and by interacting in ways that advance the potential of the group.
A final feature of SCT is its differentiated view of the environment. According to SCT,
environments have different degrees of modifiability. Some environments, like prisons or schools,
are imposed; some, like cars, vacation spots, or places you choose to go to have lunch, are selected;
and some, like the way you decorate your room or organize your study area, are constructed.
Earlier theories of learning tended to view environments as imposed; but one of the unique
features of human beings is their capacity to select and modify their environments.
Through agentic action, people devise ways of adapting flexibly to remarkably diverse
geographic, climatic and social environments; they figure out ways to circumvent physical
and environmental constraints, redesign and construct environments to their liking, create
styles of behavior that enable them to realize desired outcomes, and pass on the effective ones
to others by social modeling and other experiential modes of influence. By these inventive
means, people improve their odds in the fitness survival game. (Bandura, 2001, p. 22)
This view of environments, seen through the lens of human agency, leads to a dynamic revision of
learning theories, highlighting the bidirectional nature of person and environment.
Accommodating Diverging
Active Reflective
Experimentation Observation
(AE) (RO)
Converging Assimilating
are also two opposing modes of making use of knowledge: reflective observation (RO) and
active experimentation (AE). Knowledge gained either through concrete experience or through
abstract conceptualization can result in reflective observation, that is, thinking more about the
topic, asking new questions, or generating hypotheses about this knowledge. Similarly, knowledge
gained either through concrete experience or through abstract conceptualization can result in
active experimentation, trying out new behaviors that are based on the knowledge to see what
benefit may result.
According to the four-stage learning cycle shown in Figure 5.3, ELT proposes a cycle of learning
from CE through each of the subsequent stages to AE. Immediate or concrete experiences are the
basis for observations and reflections. These reflections are assimilated and distilled into abstract
concepts from which new implications for action can be drawn. These implications are actively
tested and serve as guides in creating new experiences.
Although ELT suggests that all four processes are involved in learning, the theory also
suggests that individuals have their preferred ways of gaining and using knowledge called
learning styles (Kolb, Boyatzis, & Mainemelis, 2001). The learning styles shown in Figure 5.3 are
likely combinations of one approach to knowing and one approach to transforming or using
information. They are described as diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating. The
following descriptions are adapted from Kolb et al. (2001).
Diverging. The dominant learning abilities are concrete experience (CE) and reflective
observation (RO). Best at viewing concrete situations from many different points of view. Perform
better in situations that call for generation of ideas, such as a “brainstorming.” Have broad cultural
interests, like to gather information, interested in people, tend to be imaginative and emotional,
tend to specialize in the arts. Prefer to work in groups, listening with an open mind and receiving
personalized feedback.
150 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Assimilating. The dominant learning abilities are abstract conceptualization (AC) and reflective
observation (RO). Best at understanding a wide range of information and putting it into concise,
logical form. Less focused on people and more interested in ideas and abstract concepts. Value the
logical soundness of a theory over its practical value. Important for effectiveness in information
and science careers. Prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models, and having time to
think things through.
Converging. The dominant learning abilities are abstract conceptualization (AC) and active
experimentation (AE). Best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories. The ability to solve
problems and make decisions based on finding solutions to questions or problems. Prefer to
deal with technical tasks and problems rather than with social issues and interpersonal issues.
Important for effectiveness in specialist and technology careers. Prefer to experiment with new
ideas, simulations, laboratory assignments, and practical applications.
Accommodating. The dominant learning abilities are concrete experience (CE) and active
experimentation (AE). The ability to learn from primarily “hands-on” experience. They enjoy
carrying out plans and involving themselves in new and challenging experiences. Tendency
to act on “gut” feelings rather than on logical analysis. In solving problems, rely more heavily
on people for information than on their own technical analysis. Important for effectiveness in
action-oriented careers, such as marketing or sales. Prefer to work with others to get assignments
done, to set goals, to do field work, and to test out different approaches to completing a project.
Although it has its critics, ELT has been very influential in the field of adult education, guiding the
way professional development courses are structured, and energizing the widespread emphasis
on experiential learning as a component of academic course work at the undergraduate and
graduate levels. ELT has inspired trainers and coaches in the corporate environment to integrate
experiential activities, to increase sensory and emotional factors, and to encourage team building
(Beard & Wilson, 2013).
Experiential learning theory focuses on the macro level, considering the big picture of how
people change and grow as they reflect on their experiences, develop some general principles, and
experiment to see if what they learned holds up in the next concrete situation. The theory has
led to the description and measurement of learning styles, which has had a major impact on how
teachers conceptualize the learning process in order to promote deeper levels of understanding
across a diversity of learners.
the shock. A third group of dogs (Group 3) were confined in the harness but no shocks
were delivered.
Twenty-four hours after the dogs had been in the harness treatment, they were placed in an
escape avoidance shuttle box. This box has two compartments with a barrier between. When the
barrier is lifted, there is still a hurdle in the middle of the box. The dog has to jump the hurdle to
move from one compartment to another. The floor of the box can be electrified. At first, a signal
such as a sound or light is followed by an electric shock. The dog can escape the shock by leaping
over the hurdle. In later trials, the dog can leap the hurdle in response to the signal and escape the
shock completely. In the shuttle box, Group 1 that could control the shock when in the harness
and Group 3 that was never shocked when in the harness quickly learned to jump over the barrier
to avoid the shock. However, 6 of the 8 dogs that could not control the shock when they were in
the harness never learned the escape response in the shuttle box.
Seligman proposed a theory of learned helplessness in humans that was based on the reactions
of both animals and humans to uncontrollable stress. Helplessness is defined as an expectation
that an outcome will not be influenced by any response that a learner makes. You might think of
it as the opposite of Bandura’s concept of efficacy or agency. Once this expectation is formed, it
interferes with learning to respond effectively in situations where the outcomes are controllable.
Learned helplessness interferes with new learning in three ways: (a) it reduces the motivation
to control the outcome of events; (b) it interferes with learning that some responses do control
events; and (c) under extreme stress, it produces fear for as long as the person is uncertain about
the uncontrollability of the outcome. This prolonged fear leads to depression (Peterson, Maier, &
Seligman, 1993).
In the typical experimental situation designed to study learned helplessness, a person
is faced with a set of conditions where there is no effective or successful solution. Responses
that would normally be effective in the situation do not work. In these conditions, one often
observes efforts at self-regulation. For example, a person will strive to remain goal-directed, use
some new planning or problem-solving approach, remain calm, or use reassuring verbaliza-
tions in order to stay focused. These are all efforts to continue to address the task effectively,
even when nothing seems to work. This combination of self-regulatory or self-control strategies
is called learned resourcefulness. If self-efficacy is an expectation that one can succeed in a
demanding situation, learned resourcefulness is the repertoire of behaviors that contribute to
that success.
As the term implies, resourcefulness in the face of stress can be learned and enhanced. A key
feature of resourcefulness is the fostering of self-control strategies including: self-talk; recognizing
the links between emotions and behavior; and developing planning strategies to reduce the
impact of the stressful conditions. People differ in the extent to which they have acquired this
repertoire of learned resourcefulness behaviors (Rosenbaum & Ben-Ari, 1985; Rosenbaum, 1990;
Ronen & Rosenbaum, 2010).
In our stressful world, where people are often confronted by an uncontrollable influx of
demands and stimuli, people who are high in learned resourcefulness are better able to cope. They
are more capable of adopting health-related behaviors that require the kind of self-control that
is directed at breaking habits in order to adopt new and more effective behaviors (Rosenbaum,
1989). Rather than emphasizing risk and vulnerability, research about learned resourcefulness
has guided thinking about positive adaptations to stressful life events. Following along this line of
research, Seligman and his colleagues fostered a focus on positive psychology (Seligman, Steen,
Park, & Peterson, 2005; Seligman, 2011). Positive psychology emphasizes the pleasant emotions
152 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
of happiness and joy, the cognitive outlooks of optimism and hopefulness, and the adaptive,
creative behaviors that result in mastery and efficacy.
1. CBT is based on a cognitive model of emotional response, assuming that thoughts cause
feelings and behaviors. The benefit of this assumption is that thoughts can be changed to
help a person feel better or behave more effectively, even if the situation does not change. By
revising their thinking, people may be able to behave in the situation in order to change it for
the better. Even if the situation cannot be changed, the person can feel less distressed by taking
a new view of it.
2. CBT is brief and time-limited, one of the “fastest” in terms of results obtained. The average
number of sessions clients receive (across all types of problems) is 16. Other forms of therapy,
like psychoanalysis, can take years. What enables CBT to be briefer is its highly instructional
nature and the fact that it makes use of homework assignments. Because CBT is comparatively
brief, it is also less expensive, thus bringing an effective form of psychotherapy within reach of
a much larger number of people.
3. Learning to think differently is the focus of therapy. Some forms of therapy assume that the
main reason people get better is because of the positive relationship between the therapist and
client. Cognitive behavioral therapists believe it is important to have a trusting relationship
with clients, but that is not enough. CBT therapists believe that the clients change when they
learn to think differently; therefore, CBT therapists focus on teaching new rational thinking
skills that the person can use when he or she is no longer in counseling.
4. CBT is a collaborative effort between the therapist and the client. CBT therapists seek to
learn what their clients want out of life (their goals) and then help their clients achieve those
goals. The therapist’s role is to listen, teach, and encourage, while the client’s role is to express
concerns, learn, and implement that learning.
5. CBT is based on teaching how to minimize negative and upsetting emotions. CBT does not tell
people how they should feel. However, most people seeking therapy want to change the way they
feel. CBT teaches the benefits of feeling calm when confronted with undesirable situations. It
also emphasizes the fact that people have undesirable situations. If people are upset about their
problems, they have two problems—the problem, and their emotional state about it.
6. CBT therapists ask questions and teach clients to ask questions. CBT therapists want to gain a
very good understanding of their clients’ concerns. That is why they often ask questions. They
Learning Theories • 153
also encourage their clients to ask questions of themselves, such as, “How do I really know that
I am boring someone?” Maybe the other person is yawning because he or she is overtired.
7. CBT is structured and directive. CBT therapists have a specific agenda for each session.
Specific techniques and concepts are taught during each session. CBT focuses on helping
clients achieve the goals they have set. When people understand how and why they are doing
well, they can continue to practice what they have learned and apply it to new situations when
the therapy has ended.
8. CBT theory and techniques rely on evaluating thoughts. Often, people upset themselves about
things because they misinterpret the situation. Therefore, CBT encourages clients to treat their
thoughts as hypotheses that can be questioned and tested. If they find that their hypotheses are
incorrect, perhaps because they have new information, then they can change their thinking
to be in line with their new understanding of the situation. This may result in a change in
emotions that were a product of prior incorrect analysis of the situation.
9. Homework is a central feature of CBT. Goal achievement, if obtained, could take a very long
time if a person were only to think about the techniques and topics taught for 1 hour per
week. CBT therapists assign homework exercises and reading each week to encourage their
clients to engage in the new learning frequently between therapy sessions, just as one would
be encouraged to practice the piano between lessons. Through repetition, new techniques are
acquired more quickly and supported by weekly reinforcement from the therapist. Figure 5.4
provides an example of a homework sheet that helps clients make an evaluation of their thoughts
and experiment with the idea of entertaining an alternative hypothesis.
CBT is a product of several of the different types of theories we have discussed. It draws upon
principles of classical conditioning to understand the association between thoughts and feelings.
It also draws on the principles of operant conditioning, especially the focus on the way that habits
are built based on the positive or negative consequences of one’s behaviors. Finally, it takes into
account the complex forms of thinking that intervene between stimulus and response as outlined
in cognitive learning theory, especially expectations, values, and goals. The technique has grown
rapidly over the past 30 years and has been applied to a wide array of mental health problems
including depression, various forms of anxiety disorders, and social skill deficits. One meta-
analysis of the effectiveness of CBT in treating generalized anxiety disorders reported that in
comparison to waiting list or placebo control groups, CBT was more effective. Several studies also
showed CBT to be more effective than pharmacotherapy, with the notable feature that individuals
remained in therapy longer when in CBT than when being treated with drugs (Mitte, 2005).
CBT has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of depression, panic disorder,
bulimia (an eating disorder), and post-traumatic stress disorder (Baker, McFall, & Shoham, 2009;
Hofmann, 2012). Techniques of CBT have been applied to populations of children, for example
socially rejected children, to teach them positive relationship skills and to overcome negative
attribution biases that occur because they expect others to react negatively to them.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
The learning theories offer a number of mechanisms that account for relatively permanent
changes in behavior. These mechanisms are described in Table 5.1. More than many other
theories discussed in this book, the learning theories offer testable hypotheses about the
conditions under which change takes place. Testable hypotheses have focused on the timing
and sequencing of associations; the effects of reinforcement and schedules of reinforcement
on learning; generalizability of responses; the role of expectations and goals on learning;
Learning Theories • 155
the conditions under which models will be imitated; the role of memory in learning; the
conditions under which something that has been learned will be observed in performance;
and the conditions, including the learner’s outlook about the nature of the task and the
contingencies accompanying action, that foster a sense of agency.
Classical conditioning Associational learning: The pairing of two events, such as the sound of a bell and the
presentation of food, becomes significant because one stimulus becomes a signal for the other.
Operant conditioning The law of effect: When a response is followed by a positive feeling state it strengthens
the bond between the stimulus and the response. When faced with a similar situation, the
response is likely to occur. When a response is followed by a negative feeling state, it weakens
the bond between the stimulus and the response. When faced with a similar situation, the
response is less likely to occur.
The law of exercise: Patterns are strengthened through repetition; the more frequently a
stimulus–response connection is repeated, the stronger it becomes.
People change whenever their operant behaviors adapt to changes in the environmental
Social learning Modeling: New learning occurs through the observation and imitation of models. Those
models who are perceived as powerful and who control resources are most likely to be
Cognitive Cognitions or mental representations are formed that intervene between the stimulus and
behaviorism the response. The learner acquires cognitive structures that influence subsequent learning
and performance. Some of the most significant of these include a cognitive map of the
environment, expectancies about the reward structure of the environment, a sense of self-
efficacy, and goals.
Social cognitive In addition to features of the environment that shape behavior, change occurs due to a
theory person’s sense of agency, based on a belief that one has the power and ability to have a
desired impact through one’s actions. In addition to this sense of efficacy, agency involves
intentionality, forethought, and self-reactiveness. A number of emotional conditions influence
effective action.
Experiential Four factors influence learning: concrete experiences; abstract conceptualizations; reflective
learning observations; and active experimentation.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
Classical conditioning has the most to offer about how early experiences of infancy
contribute to patterns of expectations. The meaningful links between sights, sounds, smells,
and tactile stimulation that occur as part of an infant’s daily care provide early structures that
are connected to reflexive responses such as nursing, grasping, smiling, or clinging. Classical
conditioning also suggests a mechanism through which signs and symbols come to have
meaning through repeated association with the objects they represent. Operant conditioning
offers a way of understanding the formation of early habits that are acquired in the context
of systematic reinforcements such as food, social reinforcement, smiles, hugs, and kisses. As
early habits are formed, certain behaviors become automatic and can be linked together to
form more complex behaviors.
Social learning theory introduces the notion that learning can happen rapidly; not as a
chain of simple responses, but as a result of observing and then imitating entire behavior
156 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
sequences. Most likely, many of the expressions, activities, and strategies children use are
acquired in this way, and then used to achieve a child’s own idiosyncratic goals. The role
of imitation in child development has been widely studied, pointing to the conditions that
make it most likely that a model will be imitated. This research has led to a widely held
belief in the importance of models, and their potential impact on children who observe and
emulate their behaviors.
As information processing theory suggests, the trajectory from novice to expert provides
a way of conceptualizing the gradual transformation of early experiences, which may be
isolated, discrete behaviors, into complex strategies for solving problems. The educational
system is designed to encourage increasingly complex, efficient approaches to problem
solving. At each age, society is organized to introduce the person to more information, to
expect individuals to make use of new problem-solving strategies, and to build on these
strategies in order to achieve new levels of expertise.
Social cognitive theory introduces the role of symbolic thought for representing goals,
and anticipating the consequences of actions. The early nature of social connectedness
provides the foundation for goal-directed behaviors which gradually mature into purposive,
intentional actions. Early efforts at agency can be facilitated and encouraged or stymied
and undermined, resulting in different beliefs about the possibility of one’s actions having a
desired outcome.
Experiential learning theory offers a potential developmental model for learning. Concrete
experience based on sensorimotor exploration is the initial mode of learning. Although
more reflective and analytic capacities emerge, the richness of one’s concrete experiences
and the joy in sensorimotor exploration provide the groundwork for all subsequent learning.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the
environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
As one might expect, this is a strength of the learning theories, in that these theories have
done much to highlight salient aspects of the environment that influence behavior. The
stimulus-response (S-R) theories emphasized the association of stimuli that occur close
together in time. Learning was tied almost exclusively to stimuli in the environment and
to the consequences of behavior. With social learning theory, the lens was widened to
include more elaborate behavioral sequences that could be observed and imitated. The early
learning theories were described as ignoring the mind entirely or referring to the mind as
a “black box” that was unknowable. Subsequent theories, especially cognitive behaviorism,
social cognitive theory, and experiential learning theory, focus more on cognitive capacities
that allow the learner to make sense of the environment. They still assume that behavior is
intimately shaped by the learner’s transactions with the physical and social environments;
however, more attention is given to the learner’s beliefs, goals, and intentions as they influence
both learning and performance.
In an interview with Albert Bandura, he discusses the need to rethink our understanding
of the environment. The distinction between the person and the environment has become
fuzzy. Given the rapid growth of digital technologies, individuals can carry their desired
environments with them. Music, video, games, books and magazines, data and spreadsheets,
and interpersonal communication can become immediately available as a person drives to
work, walks in the park, or travels on a train or airplane. As a result, the person plays an
Learning Theories • 157
increasingly powerful role in creating the features of his or her immediate social and sensory
environments. The specific features of the physical environment can become a distant
background for the selected environment.
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the life span?
Several factors are known to interfere with learning. First, any neurological damage occurring
prenatally as a result of exposure to teratogens or as a result of genetic anomalies, neurological
damage due to accident or illness, drug use, or deterioration associated with the illnesses
of aging can interfere with learning and memory. Second, the inability to manage strong
emotions such as anxiety or depression, created through inconsistent or noncontingent
reward and punishment, trauma, or harsh punishment, can interfere with the ability to learn.
Third, fear of failure can produce undue cautiousness and an over-reliance on established
habits which may not be adaptive to changing environmental contingencies. Fourth, a low
sense of self-efficacy in a particular area can interfere with new learning. Those with low
self-efficacy are more likely to assume that they will not be successful, and give up in the face
of difficult challenges thereby missing the opportunity to reach new levels of competence.
Of particular relevance to the school environment is the documented impact of bullying as
a risk for learning. Many of the principles of the learning theories apply. In many schools, the
experience of being bullied can be likened to learned helplessness. Children who are bullied
come to believe that nothing can be done to stop this behavior. Being a target of bullying has
physical consequences including raising the blood level of C-reactive protein (CRP) which is
a marker of systemic inflammation and associated risk factors for cardiovascular and other
diseases (Copeland, Wolke, Lereya, Shanahan, Worthman, & Costello, 2014). In addition,
being a victim of chronic bullying is associated with anxiety, headaches, stomach pain, sleep
disturbances, appetite suppression, and other frequent illnesses. These somatic consequences
are coupled with a reluctance to attend school, and difficulties in concentrating, all of which
impair learning. Evidence of the accumulated risk of bullying was observed in a study of
over 2,300 sixth graders. Over the course of middle school, those children who reported
being victimized as well as children who were nominated by others as likely victims of
bullying showed significant declines in grade point averages as well as declines in teachers’
perceptions of their academic engagement (Juvonen, Wang, & Espinoza, 2011).
Bullying becomes a feature of the social environment. In support of a social learning
theory perspective, upon entering middle school, children who perceived that peer-directed
aggression was associated with high social status were more likely to increase their antisocial
behavior toward peers in the subsequent school year (Juvonen & Ho, 2008). In some school
environments, bullies are popular and admired, giving them more power to intimidate,
and placing them in a visible role for imitation. Students who choose to support or defend
victims have to have a high degree of self-efficacy and confidence in the benefits of their
actions, since they are taking on a significant social risk in confronting a bully (Pöyhönen,
Juvonen, & Salmivalli (2012).
theories provide the basis for therapeutic interventions as described in cognitive behavioral
therapy. Experiential learning theory is used widely in the corporate environment, especially
for team building and the enhancement of creative problem solving.
Simple notions of reinforcement are intricately embedded in a variety of marketing
techniques including “reward points,” priority privileges, and other incentives for using a
product. Many of the computer games designed for young children incorporate principles
of classical and operant conditioning to support continuing use and involvement with the
game. More advanced games incorporate principles of cognitive behaviorism by establishing
goals, incentives, and contingencies based on the player’s past performances and moving the
player to more advanced levels as learning takes place.
The learning theories lend themselves to applications in a “top down” context where
someone or some group has a desired behavior or set of behaviors in mind. Under these
conditions, the environment, including the physical and sensory environment, and the social
and emotional signals, are selected to encourage some behaviors and to discourage others.
The application of learning theories can be used to manage traffic through the use of
signals, signs, and contingent penalties; to stimulate shopping in a department store or
grocery through the use of sounds, lighting, and social reinforcements; to encourage team
work in a military unit through rewards and recognition; and to encourage competition
among co-workers in a corporation through bonuses and merit pay.
The learning theories draw attention to the way that even some minute, incidental events influence
learning and produce change. The focus on reinforcement and its association with behavior
have led to new ways of thinking about how to structure the environment in order to promote
new learning, to alter unacceptable behaviors, and to encourage more desirable behaviors. The
learning theories have provided ways of analyzing systematic features of environments and
have highlighted the capacity of humans to detect and respond to those features. As a result, the
learning theories have had widespread application in the design of educational, organizational,
and therapeutic environments.
The emphasis on the environment leads to ideas about how a person might respond differently
depending on the nature of the setting or situation and its reinforcing properties. In contrast to
some of the theories discussed in Part I, which suggest that people at a certain stage of development
Learning Theories • 159
are likely to behave similarly across settings, the learning theories predict that behavior is shaped
by environmental contingencies, and that these contingencies are likely to vary from setting to
setting. This approach to understanding behavior has led to a greater appreciation of contexts for
learning and development.
More than many other theories discussed in this book, the learning theories evolved as a
result of controlled experiments. Because the theories, especially classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and social learning, focused on conditions associated with changes in behavior, the
constructs offered in these theories were systematically translated into observable behaviors such
as salivation to the sound of a bell, bar pressing, or imitation of a model. These theories emerged
through a step-by-step deductive process as experiments were carried out, results were examined,
and general principles were formulated. More than many other theories of change, the learning
theories have produced testable hypotheses about causal relationships between antecedents and
consequences. Some of the basic laws of behavior, such as the notion that a behavior is likely to be
repeated when it is followed by a positive consequence, have emerged through the experimental
science associated with learning theories. As the learning theories took into account more
cognitive and affective processes such as expectancies, emotions, values, goals, and plans, testing
hypotheses became more difficult in the interest of addressing more complex features of learning.
All theories of development are expected to offer ideas about the direction of change and the
processes that may account for change. The learning theories have contributed greatly to our
understanding of the mechanisms of change, especially as they apply to the acquisition of new
thoughts and behaviors, and the alteration of old habits. Basic concepts about mechanisms of
change emerging from the learning theories include: the association of events in time, the effects
of repetition, the effects of reinforcement, the speed of learning and resistance to extinction under
various conditions of reinforcement, the salience of role models for learning new behaviors,
the development of expectancies and the internal representation of environments as guides for
behavior, and the feedback loop for modification of behavior.
These theories suggest that there is an incremental nature to change in which habits or re-
sponses become consolidated and strengthened through repetition. These theories also offer ideas
about how change is maintained across situations, through the concept of generalization and the
notion that schedules of reinforcement produce resistance to extinction. Bandura’s concept of self-
efficacy suggests a mechanism through which the learner comes to have confidence in the possibility
of change and is willing to persist over the course of some failures in order to achieve a goal.
The principles of learning theories emerged from controlled experimental situations that were
designed to be able to test causal relationships. As a result, many of these experiments lacked
ecological validity, that is they were conducted under conditions that were not really similar to the
real-world environments where learning naturally occurs. Animals were placed in environments
such as the T–maze, the Skinner box, or the Pavlovian harness. In fact, animal and human behavior
takes place in complex settings where the learner has access to additional environmental cues
that may contribute to learning. Studies of animal behavior in the natural environment have
demonstrated that animals are capable of much more flexible and complex responses than were
observed in the laboratory. Reliance on animal studies and the use of artificial learning conditions
that are quite unlike the learner’s natural environment raise questions and suggest limitations
regarding the applicability of the learning principles to explain processes of learning for humans.
160 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Both classical conditioning and operant conditioning experiments typically used deprivation
to manipulate motivation. Animals were placed on a very restrictive feeding schedule in order to
ensure that food would be a valued reinforcement. These theories do not address the orientation
of organisms to learn about their environment because of exploratory motives such as curiosity
or the desire to exercise mastery in the face of challenge. Cognitive behaviorism addressed this
deficit by including concepts such as goals and values, suggesting that the learner has the capacity
to impose an agenda on the direction of behavior change. As an example, in the process of career
management, a person may decide to learn new skills in order to be successful in competing for
a particular type of job, or to achieve a salary raise or promotion. The goal itself becomes a long-
term reward that motivates behavior change.
The application of learning theory to behavioral control in environments such as prisons
often involves the use of tokens to reward specific behaviors. These “token economies”
keep people relatively deprived by establishing a strict regimen with few choices or privileges.
The tokens become valuable in such an environment because they can purchase items that
the person is deprived of or has no other way of obtaining. The application of these
ideas with more typically developing children and adolescents may fail to consider the power
of competence, curiosity, and mastery as motivations for learning. For example, you do not
need to reward a child with a sticker for solving a problem or getting a good score on a
test. You want children to enjoy the internal experience of mastery and the related feelings
of competence, which are independent of an external reward. These internal reinforce-
ments transcend environments and are important for guiding an individual’s behavior over the
life span.
In order to identify universal laws governing learning, the theories typically do not take into
account individual differences including differences in ability, maturational level, or internal
states. For example, the theory that learning takes place through observation and imitation
of models does not address the fact that people differ in their observational skills. Cognitive
behaviorism introduced a variety of variables such as expectancies, values, affects, and goals,
along which individuals can differ. The strict application of principles of behaviorism often fails
to address these differences.
A key feature of the learner is his or her developmental level which is a product of physical
maturation, cognitive developmental level, emotional maturity, social relationships, previous
learning, and the synthesis of complex habits. For example, a 2-year-old child may be motorically
coordinated, demonstrate effective language skills, and enjoy play and social interaction.
However, even with much social reinforcement, and the opportunity to observe and imitate
his older brother, he cannot pedal a tricycle. His legs are not quite long enough and strong
enough to make the needed pedal strokes. He does not quite understand the idea of steering
with the handle bars, and he is likely to tip over when he tries to turn the tricycle around.
By age 3, the child will most likely be able to accomplish this new task. Similar examples can be
seen with 4- and 5-year-old children who are not developmentally ready to read, and seventh
graders who do not have the formal operational reasoning and abstract conceptualization
necessary to understand algebra.
Learning theories place emphasis on the structure of the environment and the ability of the
learner to alter behavior in order to adapt to environmental regularities. The theories tend to
view the environment as distinct from the person. Yet, we know that individuals can select and
alter their environments, striving to create desirable contexts for behavior. The strengths and
weaknesses of the learning theories are summarized in Table 5.2.
Learning Theories • 161
Strengths Weaknesses
Highlight ways to structure the environment to Reliance on animal studies and studies of learning
promote new learning and behavior change. in experimentally created environments weakens
generalizability to principles of learning in humans.
Widespread practical applications in educational, Reliance on deprivation to manipulate motivation in
organizational, and therapeutic environments. learning limits generalizability, and misses the importance
of exploratory motives such as curiosity and mastery.
Contribute new understanding of how Lack of attention to individual differences in ability,
environmental contexts may differ, and as a result, motives, skills, and maturity that influence learning.
promote changes in behavior.
Theoretical constructs closely tied to testable Lack of framework to account for developmental
hypotheses and systematic experimentation. differences in learning and performance.
Important contributions to our understanding of The theories present a view of environments as separate
mechanisms of change. from the person whereas individuals play an active role in
selecting and designing their environments.
Important contributions to our understanding of
mechanisms that support continuity and persistence
in behavior.
Cognitive behaviorism and social cognitive theory
introduce constructs that address the diverse mental
representations which accompany continuity and
change in behaviors, including representations of the
self and the environment.
9. Bullying is prevalent in many school environments. What concepts from the learning theories
might be useful in designing interventions that would help reduce the incidence of bullying,
encourage students to stand up against bullies, and promote a climate that is more civil and
respectful of differences? Visit some websites that focus on anti-bullying programs or anti-
violence programs in schools. What principles from the learning theories have informed these
Key Terms
Classical Conditioning observational learning
classical conditioning social learning
conditioned reflexes vicarious learning
conditioned response (CR) Cognitive Behaviorism
conditioned stimulus (CS) affects
discrimination cognitive behaviorism
extinction (in classical conditioning) cognitive competences
generalization cognitive map
higher order conditioning enactive attainment
neutral stimulus (NS) encodings
reflexes expectancies
spontaneous recovery goals
unconditioned response (UCR) intervening variable
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) physical state
Operant Conditioning self-efficacy
continuous reinforcement self-regulatory plans
extinction (operant conditioning) values
habit verbal persuasion
intermittent reinforcement vicarious information
law of effect Social Cognitive Theory
law of exercise agency
negative reinforcer collective agency
operant conditioning environment
positive reinforcer forethought
punishment intentionality
reinforcement self-reactiveness
response Experiential Learning Theory
schedules of reinforcement abstract conceptualization
shaping active experimentation
stimulus cognitive behavioral therapy
trial-and-error learning concrete experience
Social Learning Theory experiential learning
imitation learned helplessness
mirror neuron system learned resourcefulness
modeling positive psychology
models reflective observation
Learning Theories • 163
Recommended Resources
**Beck, J.S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. 2nd ed. New York: Guilford
A highly regarded introductory text to the practice of CBT, including guidance for how to engage
patients, plan treatment, and structure effective sessions. The book presents many case examples
and vignettes to illustrate the methods of CBT. Reproducible clinical tools are included.
**Inside the Psychologist’s Studio with Albert Bandura. Published by the Association for
Psychological Science, 2013. On YouTube.
This is a 46-minute interview with Albert Bandura, covering his childhood, graduate school, the
early period of his observational learning experiments, and his evolving theory of social cognitive
Baker, T.B., McFall, R.M., & Shoham, V. (2009). Current status and future prospects of clinical psychology.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 67–103.
Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of model’s reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 589–595.
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Social Role Theory
Social Role Theory • 167
Guiding Questions
• What are social roles? What are some features of social roles that influence the ways
they are enacted?
• How does social role theory provide a conceptual link between personal development
and the social environment?
• What concepts from social role theory help account for continuity and change over the
life span?
• What are the conditions that create role conflict? How might role conflict place
individuals at risk? How might role conflict prompt adaptive responses?
• What are some similarities and differences in how learning theories and social role
theory conceptualize the environment? What do the learning theories have to offer
about how social roles are learned?
• How do social roles guide or constrain your behavior? Which of your roles are most
salient in shaping your social identity?
Case Vignette
A person’s social identity is formed through the enactment of a variety of social roles. The
following narrative of Azhar, an 18-year-old, illustrates this idea.
Basically I feel that there are three main facets of what I feel are priorities in my life.
What shape my decisions. One being my Pakistani heritage. My father and mother are
from Pakistan, and growing up I was really ingrained in Pakistani culture, meaning
that I was always exposed to the music, the culture, the tradition, the poetry of Iqbal,
the whole family style of being Pakistani . . . Then there comes the American aspect of
my identity. I love pop culture, I love watching Steven Colbert, and Jon Stewart on The
Daily Show, I love rock music. I love being part of America in general. It gives you so
much freedom to express your ideas in whatever ways you want. And then comes Islam,
which ties into everything. And it sort of gives me a direction in which I look to. From
the start, as far as I can remember, I was always ingrained in an Islamic household. My
parents always emphasized that you should be a good Muslim. We should have strong
moral values . . . following the sunnah of the Prophet. And along with that came a lot of
education. I was really involved in going to a lot of educational seminars. I was part of
some Muslim youth organizations. (Sirin & Fine, 2008, p. 122).
Social role theory provides a way of thinking about the links between personal development
and the social environment. Social roles are the building blocks of society; the defined
positions that carry expectations for behavior by the members of groups to which one
168 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
belongs. Social roles structure the path from childhood to adulthood by indicating the
nature of the new and increasingly complex combination of roles one is expected to enact.
In the case of Azhar, we see a young man at a particular time in his life, later adolescence,
when he is able to identify and articulate the nature of the three important aspects of his
social identity—his Pakistani culture, his American identification, and his Islamic religion.
He expresses a positive affection for the ways each of these forces has shaped his life,
including his role in the family, his enjoyment of leisure, his sense of personal freedom, his
moral outlook, and his education. Azhar appears to be comfortable with the expectations
and demands of these three forces. However, in the years to come, as he emerges into young
adulthood, he will encounter new roles, particularly those involved in work, family, and
community. He will face new challenges in trying to integrate his social identity with these
new roles. As we will discuss in Chapter 8 on psychosocial theory, some young people have
difficulty integrating their multiple roles into a coherent social identity, leaving them in a
state of role confusion.
A major question in the study of human development is how the immature child is transformed
into a mature, well-integrated member of society. The learning theories point to moment-by-
moment features of the environment that shape behaviors and form enduring habits. In contrast,
social role theory focuses on how children, adolescents, and adults are able to locate their positions
and status within the society, and how they learn the behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are
associated with their roles. Social role theory traces the process of socialization and personality
development as a person moves through life, occupying and enacting increasingly diverse and
complex social roles.
Historical Context
The idea of describing patterns of human behavior as social roles emerged in several fields in
the late 1920s and 1930s. Early scholars differed in the way they conceptualized roles and their
functions in shaping social behavior (Biddle, 1979). Anthropologist Ralph Linton, for example,
saw roles as units of culture and assumed that roles were consistent throughout a society (Linton,
1936, 1945). The sociologist Talcott Parsons (1951/2012) suggested that roles belonged to the
social system. The fact that they resulted in common patterns of behavior across individuals was
explained by the shared role expectations held by members of the social group. Parsons argued
that common role behaviors were supported by shared sanctions. George Herbert Mead (1934)
saw role taking as an essential socialization process through which the self-concept is formulated
as the person identifies with and internalizes the goals and values of society.
Roles are thought to be a form of self-other system. As a person learns how to enact a role, he
or she also learns what others expect. Thus, social role learning includes acquiring a patterned
set of behaviors and an internalized understanding of how others will react to those behaviors.
Building on these ideas, J.L. Moreno (1934/1953), the creator of psychodrama, applied the activity
of role playing to education and psychotherapy. In the context of group therapy, a person might
introduce an experience that was especially troubling. If the members of the group agree, they
would re-enact the situation with the person involved taking the central role, and other members
of the group acting out related parts. In psychodrama, the person would have an opportunity to
Social Role Theory • 169
reflect on his or her feelings, group members might suggest alternative responses, and the group
might enact different alternative endings to the situation in order to help the person consider the
situation from various perspectives. Because of the compelling premise that social roles shape key
interactions that individuals have with others, the concept of social roles and associated processes
gained momentum in the study of socialization, identity theory, interpersonal relationships, and
the function of social organizations (Brim, 1966).
This perspective brought new insights to the field of development, which, in the early 1900s,
had been dominated by a greater emphasis on maturation than socialization and more focused
on descriptions of physical and cognitive maturation than social and interpersonal behavior
(Brim, 1966). In the 1950s and 1960s a number of research directions emerged in the field of
human development that grew out of assumptions closely tied to social role theory. Albert
Bandura’s social learning theory highlighted the concept of role models, suggesting that children
observe and imitate individuals who play key roles in their lives, especially authority figures, peer
leaders, and television or film heroes and heroines (Bandura & Walters, 1963). Eleanor Maccoby
(1961) wrote about the importance of role taking, pointing out that children learn much about
the complementary roles that are enacted by their parents as they coordinate their behaviors
with those of their caregivers. As a result, internalization of societal expectations occurs in part
through participation in complementary role relationships.
Scholars who were interested in adult development drew upon social role theory as a way of
thinking about mechanisms of change. Bernice Neugarten (1963; Neugarten, Moore, & Lowe, 1965)
introduced the idea of age norms and age constraints, suggesting that society has age-graded
expectations for the timing of entry into or exit from key roles. Orville Brim, Jr. (1968) focused
on the new expectations associated with continuing roles and entry into new roles requiring new
learning as two mechanisms that accounted for development in adulthood. Thus, the study of
development expanded to include analysis of adulthood largely through a conceptualization of
the timing and nature of adult roles. Social role theory has provided a fruitful framework for the
study of adolescent identity development, gender studies, work–family interactions, organizational
systems, and life transitions related to marriage, parenting, divorce, retirement, and widowhood.
Key Concepts
to explain the structure of society and the integration of the individual in social life (Biddle,
1986). Social roles serve as a bridge between the individual and the society. Every society has a
range of roles, and individuals learn about the expectations associated with them. As people enter
new roles, they modify their behavior to conform to these role expectations.
However, the theatrical metaphor should not be misunderstood to suggest that roles are a form
of pretense. People experience their roles as meaningful, demanding, and compelling aspects of
their identity. People may experience conflicts among their roles, or conflicts among role groups
within societies that result in intense emotional stress.
An infant has few roles that have socially agreed upon functions. In our own culture, the
roles of an infant may include that of child, sibling, and grandchild. At successive life stages, the
person acquires a variety of roles within the family, as well as within the context of other social
institutions, such as school, business, and community.
The concept of role highlights the importance of the social context in the developmental
process. Individuals bring their own unique temperaments, skills, and values to bear on the
interpretation and enactment of their roles. Nonetheless, most roles exist independently of the
people who enact them. For example, our expectations about the role of a teacher guide our
evaluation of each new teacher we meet. Those same expectations influence the way people
who perform the role of teacher actually behave in this role. These expectations may relate to
professional appearance, preparation, respectful interactions with students, and insight about
the teaching-learning process. Knowledge of the functions and norms associated with any given
role will influence both the performance of the person who assumes it and the responses of a
whole network of people associated with the performer (Goffman, 1959; Biddle, 1979).
A third dimension of the social role is the amount of time the role demands. This dimension is
important because a time-consuming role sets up the basic structure for many daily interactions.
The role of gas station attendant, for example, may not involve high intensity, but it may require
so many hours per day that the person has few opportunities to enact other roles. In fact, a low-
intensity role may be a source of constant personal frustration if it continues to demand a large
number of waking hours.
The fourth dimension of a role that influences its impact on personality is the degree of
structure specified for it. Social roles vary in the extent to which expectations are specified and in
the degree of consensus about how they should be performed. Some social roles, such as member
of Congress, police officer, and college president, have written criteria for their enactment. Such
public figures are generally held accountable for their performance of the services they were
elected, hired, or appointed to provide. The role performer and the audience agree upon certain
behaviors as being appropriate to the role. Even less public roles, such as secretary, bookkeeper,
and salesperson, have written criteria stating a specified degree of structure. Like public figures,
these workers are expected to perform the services for which they were hired.
Other roles are much less clearly articulated. They may be defined by cultural myths (for
example, the role of explorer) or by community norms (such as the role of neighbor). Enactment
of some roles is quite private—viewed only by members of the immediate family or a few close
friends. In these instances, one is free to define and to enact the role as it suits the few people
who are involved. Lovers, siblings, close friends, and marriage partners can develop relationships
along a variety of paths without coming under the scrutiny of elaborate socialization pressures
for specific role performances. This does not mean that no expectations accompany these roles;
rather, they provide room for individual agreements and improvisation.
When roles are highly structured, the issue of person–role fit comes into question. Under
conditions of lack of fit, a role occupant experiences continual frustration at the demands for
behavior that are not compatible with his or her temperament, talents, or motives. In contrast,
when the fit is comfortable, a highly structured role may provide the reassurance and support that
come from knowing the expectations for behavior. Under conditions of person–role compatibility,
a highly structured role may offer opportunities for the development of new competences that
will contribute to a person’s maturation and growth.
When there is less consensus about a role, the occupant generally has more opportunities to
shape it to reflect personal predispositions. However, privately defined roles can generate con-
siderable conflict if the people in reciprocal role positions cannot agree about how a role should
be played. For example, although the roles of husband and wife offer considerable latitude for
expressing personal preferences and values, if the partners cannot agree about the expectations
that accompany these roles, the marriage will suffer from continual conflict and uncertainty.
Reciprocal Roles
Each role is usually linked to one or more related or reciprocal roles. The student and the teacher,
the parent and the child, and the salesperson and the customer are in reciprocal roles. Each role is
partly defined by the other roles that support it. The function of the role is determined in relation
to the surrounding role groups to which it is allied. When you enact a role, you also learn about
how the person in the reciprocal role is likely to behave. As in ballroom dancing, in order to
perform the role well, it is necessary to anticipate and coordinate your actions with those in the
complementary role.
172 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Figure 6.1 Adulthood Is a Period for the Accumulation of New and Complex Roles
174 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
expectations of this deviant role. Finally, they are tied to a school community as students and
dropouts, viewed as “at risk” students in this context. These boys enact roles that are central to
some social systems and marginal to others; they have insights about how to traverse multiple
communities; and they illustrate how inadequate it is to categorize an individual on the basis of
only one of the many roles a person plays.
Three concepts help to clarify the potential stressors associated with managing multiple roles:
role overload, role conflict, and spillover (Nickols, 1994). Role overload occurs as a result of too
many demands and expectations to handle in the time allowed. For example, a parent with three
children ages 8, 11, and 15 may find that the demands of getting the children ready for school,
attending functions at three different schools, picking children up and dropping them off at
various places, and trying to be emotionally available for the “problem of the day” are exhausting.
Role overload can be experienced in one or more adult roles.
Role conflict refers to ways that the demands and expectations of various roles conflict with
each other. For example, role conflict occurs when a worker is expected to stay late at the job to
finish a project, but that same night is a spouse’s birthday or a child’s performance.
Spillover occurs when the demands or preoccupations about one role interfere with the ability
to carry out another role. For example, a person may be disrupted at work by worries about an ill
parent or distracted at home by a work assignment that is due the next day.
Although the stresses from role conflict can be great, they may also be a force toward growth.
When role demands conflict, the person must begin to set priorities about how much energy can
be devoted to each role. In the process of bringing many diverse roles into balance, the person
imposes his or her own value system on life’s demands. There may be ways to bring diverse roles
into harmony or to eliminate roles that are no longer meaningful. In adulthood, the challenges
posed by role conflict or role overload may foster a reevaluation of personal goals, as well as an
integration of role behaviors. In striving to resolve role strain, the person can achieve, in each
of the roles, competences that can enhance the performance of other roles. Having achieved a
workable balance of role commitments, one has the opportunity to function at new levels of
effectiveness. We might even hypothesize that the ability to resolve role strain effectively may, in
itself, generate energy that will allow the person to take on additional roles or to perform existing
roles with increased vigor.
Ineffective efforts to resolve role conflict, however, may detract from role performance in several
roles. Failure to resolve role conflict drains energy from the total system. The person who is unable
to bring work and family expectations into balance may experience chronic tension, physical
symptoms, and disruption in the performance of both the work and family roles. What is more, this
cycle of role failure is self-perpetuating. Drained of energy, a person is likely to falter as an effective
worker, which may lead to ostracism by other workers, lack of promotion, or being fired. Inability
to perform the role of spouse effectively may lead to estrangement, dissolution of the marriage, or
social rejection by the extended family or the community. Because many roles are so essential to the
maintenance of social organizations, failure at role enactment generally has serious consequences.
Movement through Age Roles. Successive age roles are part of every culture’s organization. For
example, in traditional Chinese culture (Ch’ing dynasty, AD 1644–AD 1911) development was
differentiated into five periods: infancy (birth to age 3 or 4), childhood (4 to 15), adolescence (16
to marriage), fertile adulthood (marriage to about 55), and later adulthood (55 to death) (Levy,
1949). The notion of age roles reflects sequential changes in personal competences as well as
changes in cultural expectations and demands. At each new stage, the person is able to function
more effectively, master new tasks, and focus attention on new areas of concern. At the same time,
the culture offers new opportunities, new areas of responsibility, and new restrictions (Newman
& Newman, 2015).
Development at each new life stage can be understood as adaptation to both the opportunities
and the restrictions of the new age role. Each age role brings a change in the person’s status
as well as a change in the range of behaviors that are expected. In order to meet these expectations,
the person normally has to acquire new skills. Growth is promoted as the person tries to live up
to the expectations for a new age role. The person is also usually expected to give up some of
the earlier modes of behavior. The adolescent who threatens to tell his mother about a peer’s
misbehavior may be told to stop acting like a baby. The adult who is very moody, impulsive,
and self-centered is described as acting like an adolescent. The older adult who decided to have
a hair transplant and a facelift and to try out singles bars is criticized for refusing to “grow old
gracefully.” Consensus about the appropriate age for certain life attainments or activities seems to
work as a prod to keep people moving along in their socialization as adults (Neugarten, Moore,
& Lowe, 1965). Especially in middle and later adulthood, people tend to perceive age-related
norms as motivating guidelines for behavior. Age norms about marriage, parenting, financial
independence from parents, emotional independence from parents, and involvement with one’s
children force many people to give up old, familiar patterns in order to live up to the cultural
expectations of a new age role.
Attainment of Desired Roles. The second important source of role change is the attainment of
desired roles. Whereas age roles are attained as a function of chronological age, some roles are
achieved through effort and skill. Examples of achieved roles to which a person might aspire are:
leader of a student organization, leader of a gang, supervisor or executive in an organization, or
elected official. Often, one’s ideals are stated in terms of roles. A person may hope to improve the
conditions for people in his or her neighborhood by running for city council or by becoming a
social worker and establishing a social service agency. People may become deeply involved in
attaining desired roles because many motives are being satisfied at the same time.
As a person strives to attain desired goals, a process of reality-oriented reevaluation takes
place. If a desired goal is achieved, the person is encouraged about the attainment of goals
and the possibility of success in subsequent effort. One also has an opportunity to evaluate
whether these ideals are really satisfying. One might try to become a school leader and then
discover that the role is less glamorous or less satisfying than one had expected. There is also a
reality-oriented reevaluation that comes from failing to achieve desired roles. When goals are
missed, the person begins to redefine personal aspirations so that they more adequately reflect
existing competences. Or the person may be highly motivated to strengthen existing competences
and try, once again, to attain the goal that is being sought.
Abrupt Entry into New Roles. A third kind of change in roles that prompts development is
the relatively abrupt entry into new roles. There are some life experiences for which training or
176 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
preparation is minimal. Some common examples are starting school or dating. Other examples
occur in conditions of unexpected transition—a woman’s husband is killed and she becomes a
young widow and a single parent; a young man’s father dies and he is now responsible for the
support of his mother and younger siblings; a reservist is suddenly called up for active duty.
Each of these experiences requires new learning on many levels at once. The role requires the
development of many new skills, it generally involves increased uncertainty and anxiety, and
there is considerable pressure from others in reciprocal roles to achieve effective enactment of
the role. Because of the lack of training, one must draw on inner resources to cope with the
uncertainty and social pressures tied to these new role positions. Effective coping will lead to
the acquisition of new information, new strategies for responding to emerging demands, and the
use of existing skills in new, more appropriate ways.
What may begin as an anxiety-producing new role can stimulate an important expansion of
competence. The satisfactions of the new role eventually bring about greater identification with
the functions and norms of the role until the new role becomes integrated into the self-concept.
In many instances, the opportunities of a new role bring to the surface latent competences and
predispositions of which the person was not aware. The new parent may for the first time identify
his or her potential for nurturance or playfulness. The new retiree may discover a latent capacity
for intellectual development or for mastery of a manual skill that had never been given the
opportunity to flourish.
With each new role, the person changes in two ways. First, the person attempts to meet new
demands by making use of existing skills, making the role an extension of what he or she already
does well. Second, the person modifies existing skills or acquires new skills in order to function
more effectively in the new role. Over time, the person understands the role more fully, plays the
role more effectively, and views the role as a less alien part of his or her life pattern.
Some of the most important life roles persist through several stages. For example, we
are someone’s child from infancy until death, and we may be a partner in an intimate sexual
relationship from adolescence through later adulthood. In each of these roles there is both
continuity and change (Feldman & Feldman, 1975). The expectations for the role performance
remain the same in some respects but change in others. We can begin to see how social roles
provide a thread of consistency to life experience and how they prompt new learning.
Role Loss. Over the life span we also lose roles. The most dramatic instance comes with the
death of a reciprocal role partner. When a parent, child, or spouse dies, we lose an important
role. Graduation from school, divorce, loss of employment, and retirement are other transitions
that result in role loss. Social role theory helps to explain the stressful nature of these changes by
taking into account the time, emotional intensity, structure, and culturally shared meaning that
are bound up in a single life role and the subsequent disorientation that is likely to follow its loss.
New Directions
genders are demarcated (Freud, 1994). One might consider these sex stereotypes. If you had no
information about a person other than whether the person was male or female, what qualities would
you attribute to that person? How would you expect the person to behave? Gender role standards
tell us what the culture considers typical and admirable for girls and boys, men and women (Eagly,
2009). The study of gender roles expands social role theory by examining the complex interplay of
socialization processes and self-concept development as they influence attitudes, values, emotional
responses, preferences, and behavior. The study of gender roles includes an analysis of the demands
and expectations associated with gender that operate at the group or social community level,
as well as the ways individuals internalize these expectations such that the gender role standards
influence individual behavior. In this section we present theoretical considerations about the
influence of gender roles on behavior within a life-span perspective.
Gender is a basic cognitive category that organizes social relations and influences the
interpretation of experiences (Leaper & Bigler, 2011). Children learn that people are grouped
into two sexes—male and female. Once children learn this powerful category, they go about the
business of figuring out how to apply it. They recognize people as men and women, boys and girls,
and they identify themselves as members of one of these two groups. They form expectations
based on this categorization—that certain toys, interests, and behaviors are appropriate for
boys and others are appropriate for girls; that certain activities, dispositions, and occupations
are appropriate for men and others for women. These expectations are generally reinforced by
the beliefs of the older children and adults with whom children interact. Thus, the gender roles
that are conceived during childhood play a significant part in guiding a child’s daily activities
and in shaping a preliminary vision of oneself in the future. Gender-based beliefs may become
integrated into moral development, so that children begin to believe that it is morally right to
adhere to certain gender role standards and morally wrong to violate these standards.
In the United States, gender role standards have been changing over the past 50 years.
Nonetheless, young children continue to identify certain toys, activities, and occupations as
appropriate for girls and others as appropriate for boys. A 4- to 6-year-old child’s knowledge
about gender role standards shapes the child’s preferences and behaviors. For example, once
children identify certain toys as more appropriate for girls and others as more appropriate for
boys, their own toy preferences are guided by these standards. Conversely, when they like a toy
that is not obviously sex-stereotyped, they are inclined to think that other children of their sex
would like that toy as well (Martin, Eisenbud, & Rose, 1995).
Parental socialization is thought to influence children’s understanding of gender roles, but
the nature of parental influences is complex. Some parents believe that boys should be assertive
and fight for their rights. Others believe that boys should think carefully about what is right and
wrong and guide their actions by reason rather than by impulsive aggression. Each of these sets
of parents has a conception of male attributes that is communicated to their sons by a variety of
means over a long period. The toys that parents give their children, the experiences to which they
expose them, and the activities in which they encourage their children’s participation all reflect
dimensions of the parents’ gender role standards. By the time children reach school age, they
have been encouraged to adopt those standards and may have been shamed or chided for what
their parents have viewed as gender-inappropriate behavior. Young girls may be shamed for their
assertiveness by being told that they are acting bossy, and young boys may be warned to stop
acting like a sissy.
As the cognitive underpinnings related to the concept of gender mature, children form
increasingly complex gender schemes, or personal theories about cultural expectations and
178 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
stereotypes related to gender. Children look for clues about gender, seeking information from
their social environment about what activities they should or should not engage in (“Boys don’t
dance,” “Girls don’t play with trucks,” “Pink scooters are for girls; blue scooters are for boys”),
whom they should play with, and what information is especially relevant for them as boys or
girls. They use this information to organize their perceptions, focus their attention, and interpret
information in such a way as to be consistent with their gender scheme. For example, when young
children are placed in a situation where they are uncertain about how to use a certain piece of
equipment or when they are trying to understand a new bit of information they are more likely
to turn to an adult of their own gender to get new information (Martin & Ruble, 2004; Ma &
Wooley, 2013).
As a child’s understanding of gender role standards is clarified, a related set of attitudes is
formed regarding a personal preference for the kinds of activities and attitudes associated with
masculine or feminine roles. Preferences for gender-typed play activities and same-sex play
companions have been observed among preschoolers as well as older children (Hoffmann &
Powlishta, 2001). Egan and Perry (2001) conceived of gender preference as a combination of
gender typicality and gender contentedness. Gender typicality refers to whether a child fits in
with others of the same sex, likes to do the same kinds of things as others of the same sex, is good
at the same kinds of things as others of the same sex, and in general displays the typical traits of
being a girl or a boy. Gender contentedness means that a child likes being the sex proscribed
at birth, does not think it would be more fun to be the opposite sex, and does not spend time
wishing to do things that members of the opposite sex can do.
In their research, Egan and Perry found a strong and consistent relationship between gender
typicality and measures of self-esteem, social competence, and acceptance from both male and
female peers. With respect to gender contentedness, they found that the greater social pressure
children felt to conform to gender role norms, the more important gender contentedness was in
sustaining self-esteem and perceived social competence. Those children who were not content
about being a boy or a girl and also perceived a lot of pressure to conform to gender stereotypes
experienced lower self-esteem.
In the U.S., there is typically more latitude or flexibility around the behaviors that are viewed as
acceptable for young girls than for young boys. Little boys are more frequently stigmatized for acting
in what is considered girlish ways, and are more likely to experience peer rejection if their behaviors
are deemed gender atypical. As a result, a nonconforming gender preference is more likely to be a
source of distress for boys (Wallien, van Goozen, & Cohen-Kettenis, 2007; Hegarty, 2009).
The Issei (first-generation immigrant families) customarily designated their eldest son the
successor to the family business . . . Accordingly, the eldest Nisei (second-generation) son
usually received special treatment and privileges from his parents. In many Issei families, he
Social Role Theory • 179
was the second to be served at meals, after his father, and he was generally indulged by his
mother . . . Younger siblings were instructed to obey his directions, and even older sisters were
expected to defer to him. (Ishii-Kuntz, 1997, p. 138)
To the extent that a cultural preference for males is communicated to children, boys are
likely to establish a firmer preference for their sex group, and girls are likely to experience some
ambivalence toward if not rejection of their sex group. It is easier to be happy and content with
oneself if one feels highly valued than if one feels less valued. Parental preference for one sex over
the other can influence the quality of parent–child interactions and the resources, interactions,
and opportunities available to boys and girls as they are growing up. The attainment of gender
preference is a more complex and dynamic accomplishment than might be imagined. In fact,
one’s gender preference may fluctuate at different stages of life particularly as one perceives
gender-based changes in access to roles, resources, and social status (Maccoby, 2002).
Expanding on the relationship between gender role bias and the socialization of children’s
competencies and interests, Eccles (1993) proposed the following model:
The evidence suggests that general (parental) gender role beliefs influence perceptions of
individual children’s competencies and interests, which in turn affect the kinds of experiences
parents provide . . . Essentially, we believe that parents’ gender role stereotypes, in interaction
with their children’s sex, affect the following mediators: (1) parents’ causal attributions for
the children’s performance; (2) parents’ emotional reaction to their children’s performance in
various activities; (3) the importance parents attach to their children acquiring various skills;
(4) the advice parents provide their children regarding involvement in various skills; and (5) the
activities and toys parents provide. In turn, we predict that these subtle and explicit mediators
influence the development of the following child outcomes across the various gender-role-
stereotyped activity domains: (1) children’s confidence in their ability; (2) children’s interest in
mastering various skills; (3) children’s affective reaction to participating in various activities,
and as a consequence of these self and task perceptions, (4) the amount of time and type of
effort the children devote to mastering and demonstrating various skills. (p. 170)
A number of studies support the underlying dynamics of this model. Parents’ beliefs and
behaviors, often influenced by gender stereotypes and social norms, influence their expectations
for their children’s academic futures (Davis-Kean, 2005). Independent of actual gender differences
in specific domains, including math, sports, or English, parents’ stereotypes about which gender
is more talented in a particular area influence their perceptions of their own child’s competence
in that area. Parents’ perceptions of competence are directly related to their children’s perceptions
of competence.
Reevaluating Earlier Gender Role Standards and Learning New Ones in Adolescence
and Young Adulthood
Gender role expectations exist at the cultural, institutional, interpersonal, and individual levels.
As later adolescents learn about these expectations, they must integrate and synthesize them with
their assessments of their personal needs and goals. The content of gender role standards—that is,
the cultural and subcultural expectations concerning the appropriate behavior of male and female
individuals—is different for later adolescents than for young children. This content changes as a
180 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
result of changing age-related expectations and social change. For a 6- or 7-year-old boy, it may
have been important to learn to be tough and not to cry or whimper, to stand up for himself, and
not to hit girls. For a 6- or 7-year-old girl, on the other hand, the emphasis may have been on
taking turns, not being too bossy, and staying clean. In contrast, young men and women begin to
develop an analysis of what it takes to get ahead in their social world, whether success is defined
as finding a mate, getting a good job, being a good parent, or being popular. They may learn
to be more flexible in their interpersonal behavior, modifying their strategy to suit their goals.
They discover that such traits as assertiveness, goal-directed behavior, competitiveness, being
a good communication partner, personal disclosure, and negotiation are all required in social
situations, and they learn to develop and apply them as required. In previous generations, some
of the aforementioned traits were considered masculine and some feminine. Today, however, they
are perceived as helpful to both men and women to be able to succeed in work and family life.
emphasis on the role of women as mothers who are nurturing, virtuous, and devoted to their
husbands and children. This gender role standard places pressure on them to restrict their
occupational aspirations and to remain close to their family of origin, particularly when it comes
to thinking about going to college or planning a career (Wright, Mindel, Tran, & Habenstein,
2012). In later adolescence, however, these young women may review these expectations,
weighing the benefits from this kind of close, attentive mothering with their own desire for
higher levels of educational and occupational attainment. For some young women, this conflict
results in psychological distress as they struggle to balance their commitments to home and
family with their desires for challenging and rewarding careers. As economic demands and
educational opportunities have expanded, Mexican-American women are seeking ways to satisfy
their community’s traditional expectations while still claiming some space for their own personal
goals (Denner & Dunbar, 2004). This example illustrates the impact of role conflict emanating
from the tension between traditional and modern views of gender roles.
Gender Role Socialization and Career Choice. Gender role socialization shapes career decisions
through two significant psychological factors: (1) perceptions of ability, and (2) career-related
values and goals. First, as a result of socialization, men and women are likely to form different
expectations about their ability to succeed at various career-related skills. Self-expectancies about
the ability to fulfill the educational requirements and the job duties of specific careers are a major
factor in determining career choices. Recall the discussion of parents’ expectations about their
children’s competence in certain skill areas and its relation to the child’s own perceptions of
competence. In a longitudinal study, mothers’ gender-stereotyped beliefs about their young child’s
math and science abilities predicted their child’s self-perceptions of math and science self-efficacy
2 years after high school. Mothers’ prediction of their child’s ability to succeed in a math-oriented
career was a significant predictor of their college-age child’s career choice (Bleeker & Jacobs, 2004).
In the process of career decision making, strong gender-typed conceptualizations of the
job demands of specific careers intervene to screen out some alternatives and highlight others.
For example, there is a clear path from belief in one’s competence in math to aspirations about
careers in math, science, and engineering (Correll, 2001). Gendered beliefs about mathematics
competence, influenced in part by parental expectations, teachers’ evaluations, and career
guidance advisors, may contribute to the persistent gender divide with respect to women enrolling
in university and graduate programs in mathematics, physics, and engineering. A national survey
of students entering college in 2012 asked freshmen to rate their ability in a variety of areas. Even
though women are now more likely than men to enter college and graduate, entering female
students were less confident about their academic ability, less confident about their computer
skills, and less confident about their mathematical abilities than entering male students (CIRP,
2012). Based in part on the implications from social role theory that gender role standards can be
altered by exposure to role models and mentors, a growing number of supportive groups, many
funded in part by the National Science Foundation, have formed to encourage young women
who have ability in mathematics to pursue college majors and occupations in the fields of science,
mathematics, and technology.
Second, as a result of socialization, women and men are likely to establish different value
hierarchies, reflecting different long-range life goals.Among college students, young men have been
found to prefer “jobs characterized by high salaries, power or influence over others, opportunities
for advancement or achievement, risk taking, challenging tasks, a high level of responsibility, and
a high level of prestige” (Weisgram, Bigler, & Liben, 2010, p. 779). Young women have been found
182 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
to prefer “jobs that allow them to work with or help others, develop their knowledge or skills,
and spend time with family” (Weisgram et al., 2010, p. 779). The internalization of gender-related
goals is directly related to how motivated a young man or woman is in pursuing a career that
promises to allow him or her to attain those goals (Evans & Diekman, 2009).
The Concept of Gender Role Convergence in Adulthood. The idea of gender role convergence
suggests a transformation of gender role orientation at both the societal and the personal levels.
At the societal level, it suggests a fading of differentiated expectations about how men and women
ought to behave, and an equalizing of the opportunities open to men and women in key domains
including work, family, community, religion, and government (Monahan Lang & Risman, 2006).
At the personal level, gender role convergence suggests that men and women embrace similar
attitudes and values and strive for similar life goals (Gutmann, 1987).
The extent to which gender role convergence is taking place is a subject of controversy (Blau,
Brinton, & Grusky, 2006). Progress toward equalization of pay and equality of opportunity in
employment in the U.S. has been substantial over the past 50 years, yet differences in these areas
still exist. Women hold top leadership positions in many large and successful U.S. corporations
including IBM, General Motors, and PepsiCo; however, the overall percentage of women CEOs
in the Fortune 1000 companies is 5% (Catalyst, 2014). Studies of leadership continue to find a
masculine bias, evidenced in the association of leadership qualities with masculine characteristics
and traits. These values are held especially strongly by men who, in turn, control many decisions
related to hiring and promotion (Koenig, Eagly, Mitchell, & Ristikari, 2011).
Within the domain of family life, the dual-earner breadwinner family has contributed to a
gradual convergence of family roles in which men spend more time and women spend less on
housework; men are increasingly involved in childcare and childrearing; and families are smaller,
thereby requiring less time overall for men and women in the active parenting role (Chesters,
2013). Nonetheless, the gender role expectations associated with parenthood continue to be a
more salient aspect of women’s identity, influencing their decisions regarding career choice, and
their experiences of role strain when work and family demands conflict (Simon, 1992).
Work–Family Conflict
The domains of work and family, both central to adult lives across cultures, are likely to conflict
under certain circumstances. In order to understand the nature of this conflict, researchers have
identified the elements of work and the elements of family roles that appear to be most central
Social Role Theory • 183
to this conflict. The basic assumption is that there are role pressures from work and family that
are mutually incompatible, so that meeting the expectations in one domain makes it very difficult
to meet expectations in the other. Moreover, there may be interactions such that conflicts from
work make it difficult to meet role expectations in the family, but then the disruptions in the
family make it difficult to meet role expectations at work (Frone, 2003). Despite these tensions
between work and family obligations, people strive to find ways for the two roles to work together
(work–family fit), which leads to greater job satisfaction. Job flexibility is viewed as a factor that
can contribute to this successful adaptation. This model is presented in Figure 6.2.
In a study of the interface between work and family roles, the model just described was tested in
48 countries (Hill, Yang, Hawkins, & Ferris, 2004). The characteristics of a job that were identified
as producing work–family conflict were: job responsibility, job workload, and job travel. The
characteristics of the family that were identified as producing family–work conflict were:
responsibility for children, responsibility for elders, and being married. The model was tested by
analyzing survey responses of more than 25,000 IBM workers, whose average age was 39. The
countries were divided into one group of Eastern countries with a collectivist orientation, and
three groups of countries with a more individualist orientation: Western developing countries,
Western affluent countries, and the United States.
The results of this study showed that the model was a good fit for all four groups of countries. The
three job characteristics were significantly related to work–family conflict across all 48 countries,
although the strength of the relationship was greater in the three individualist groups of countries.
Job Characteristics
e* f* g*
h- i"
Work-Family Job
Job Flexibility
k* Fit n+ Satisfaction
d- i"
a* b+ c*
Responsibility Responsibility
for Children for Elders
Family Characteristics
Figure 6.2 A Model of Work–Family Role Fit. Paths marked with a plus (+) indicate a positive relationship; paths marked with a minus
(–) indicate a negative relationship.
Source: Reproduced with permission from E.J. Hill, C. Yang, A.J. Hawkins, & M. Ferris (2004). A cross-cultural test of the work-family interface in 48 countries.
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 66, No. 5, Figure 1, p. 1302. Copyright © 2004, John Wiley and Sons.
184 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
Responsibility for children and elders was related to family–work conflict across all the countries,
but this relationship was stronger for women than for men. Contrary to expectations, marriage
was related to less family–work conflict across all the countries. Job flexibility was associated
with work–family conflict in the Eastern countries and the Western developing countries but not in
the Western affluent countries or the United States. Across all the countries, work was much more
likely to create conflict in family life than family life was to be disruptive for work. The general
model was a good predictor of job satisfaction across very different work environments. One might
ask whether the global corporate environment of IBM might have smoothed out some of the
cultural variations that might have been observed had workers been drawn from a greater diversity
of businesses. However, this research is an exciting beginning to understanding the dynamics
of work–family role interactions at a global level.
The cross-national study adds to a growing literature documenting that women are more
distressed by family–work conflict, possibly because responsibilities for household and childcare
continue to rest more on the shoulders of employed women than on those of employed men
(Voydanoff, 2004). Nonetheless, trends in the United States are moving toward a more egalitarian
model. Men and women increasingly agree about the value of having women in the labor
market and the importance of family-friendly workplace policies. Employed men are spending
an increasing amount of time on household and childcare tasks, both on workdays and non-
workdays. Between 1977 and 2002, the gap between the amount of time women and men spent
on household tasks decreased from 3 hours to 1 hour on non-workdays, and from 2.5 hours to 1
hour on workdays. As men spend more time on childcare tasks, the result is that children actually
have more time with a parent than they did in 1977 (Barnett, 2004).
Adaptations to balancing work and family life are not simple. We are looking at the interface
of multiple, interacting systems—each partner’s work environment, each partner’s role demands
within the family, and the partners’ relationships with one another and with their children. One
example of this dynamic interaction was highlighted in research about the link between work-
related stress and its impact on children’s adjustment. When mothers worked long hours and
felt overloaded, they were less warm and accepting toward their adolescent children. When
fathers worked long hours and felt overloaded, they experienced more conflict with their
adolescent children. In addition, husbands’ negative work-related stressors also increased their
wives’ sense of overload, beyond what the wives were experiencing because of their own work
situation (Crouter & Bumpus, 2001). Another example of the impact of work–family conflict
on the family system focused on the mental health of the parents. In a study of dual-earner
families with children living at home, perceptions by one partner that the other partner was
experiencing work-to-family conflict increased the person’s own experiences of family-to-work
conflict. In other words, worrying about one’s partner’s difficulties at work and observing the way
the demands of the work role impacted his or her family life had a measurable impact on that
person’s ability to concentrate and be productive at work. The combination of perceiving that
one’s spouse experienced work-to-family conflict and one’s own family-to-work conflicts was
a strong predictor of psychological distress including increased anxiety, depression, and anger
(Young, Schieman, & Milkie, 2014).
Work–Family Facilitation
The ability to bring positive energy from work to family is a product of individual and workplace
characteristics. Voydandoff (2004) referred to this as work–family facilitation. Although people
Social Role Theory • 185
experience many types of work–family conflict, they may also find that experiences in the
workplace increase their sense of self-worth, competence, and fulfillment, resulting in a more
positive outlook on their interpersonal relationships at home. Voydanoff (2004) suggested that
work–family facilitation is supported when the workplace revises its expectations for the worker
role to include a greater consideration of the fact that most workers are also striving to meet
pressing family role expectations within the scope of their daily lives. For example, policies that
allow workers to take family-related leave without risking their job security, or to take time off
during the day to take a child to the doctor or meet with a teacher, reduce work–family conflict.
In one study of a workplace initiative, employees could control their work schedule and location
without permission from a supervisor. This new degree of autonomy over when and where
they worked, which placed greater emphasis on work-related results, was associated with
reduced work-to-family conflict and substantially reduced employee turnover (Moen, Kelly, &
Hill, 2011). A supportive work climate in which supervisors help workers feel comfortable about
using these family-flexible policies and accommodating significant family obligations contributes
to work–family facilitation. The implication of this research is that responsibility for success in
achieving an effective balance between work and family roles should fall not only on the coping
strategies of individuals but on the policies and climate of the work setting that support efforts to
integrate the demands of multiple roles.
Workplace Policies
Unfortunately, U.S. workplace policies have not kept pace with the realities of contemporary U.S.
families. The U.S. policies impacting work and family life reflect a view that is more in harmony
with work and family roles for the middle class in the 1960s. The major piece of supportive
federal family-work legislation passed in the last 20 years, the Family and Medical Leave Act
passed in 1993, only covers half the labor force, those working in companies of 50 employees or
more (Williams & Boushey, 2010). Work–family conflict is a growing national concern, resulting
in childrearing difficulties, marital conflict, and mental health and physical health problems
(Greenhaus, Allen, & Spector, 2006).
There are many dual-career arrangements, each involving the negotiation of roles and
responsibilities to meet the convergence of work and family needs. A major issue in coping
with the dual-career pattern seems to be each partner’s capacity to revise basic expectations for
his or her own behavior and his or her spouse’s behavior. This is not easy. It touches on deep
emotional commitments to central life roles including one’s view of one’s self as a man or a
woman, a husband or a wife, and a mother or a father. It also affects the enactment of one’s
worker role, including values about being a breadwinner, and making significant work-related
accomplishments. Because workplace policies are slow to change, the burden of role enactment
and resolution of work–family role conflict rests almost entirely on individuals and families.
families, especially those who are forced to migrate due to political persecution or wartime
violence, experience the collision of multiple roles: life before the violence or war; life during
the violence, sometimes accompanied by imprisonment or life in refugee camps; and life as a
new immigrant. For those who immigrate to the United States, refugees try to enact adult roles
as parents, spouses, extended family members, members of a religious community, and workers,
trying to forge some kind of meaningful accommodation to the different role expectations and
cultural norms of their new home. Typically, they experience varying degrees of role conflict as
they try to preserve essential cultural beliefs and values associated with the key life roles from the
past while striving to ensure safety, economic and educational opportunities, and a hopeful future
for their children in the new social environment.
In a qualitative study of Bosnian refugees in the Chicago community, researchers noted that
Bosnian families expressed intense concern about problems experienced by their adolescent
children. These problems included school-related difficulties, such as underachievement, school
failure, and dropping out of school; family conflict; and association with delinquent youth
(Weine et al., 2006). This research team wanted to learn more about how the trauma associated
with war and genocide, forced migration, and life in exile in a major U.S. urban center might be
contributing to these problems. Twenty-one families, including fathers, mothers, and adolescent
children, participated in a guided 7-week discussion program facilitated by Bosnian refugees
trained and supervised by university researchers. Themes from the discussion groups were coded
to reveal basic family beliefs, homeland factors, and refugee factors that were influencing the
families’ adaptation and youth behavior. Through this work, four ideas associated with role theory
1. Parents held role expectations for themselves and their children that reflected their Bosnian
traditions before the war. These included the view that families should be together and spend
time together; children should respect their elders; and the family should stay connected to the
extended family. They believed that the enactment of certain traditions, such as drinking coffee
together, practicing the Muslim religion, and speaking the Bosnian language, was important.
2. Parents had clear role expectations for the worker role; they believed in working hard and
striving to achieve economic stability. They believed that their children should apply this same
work ethic to their school work and to earning money when they were old enough to work.
3. Parents saw their refugee status in the United States as a way of ensuring a better life for their
children. Many believed that their own adult future was lost; their work roles were menial and
their status within Bosnian society was lost. This meant that they were more deeply invested in
the parent role than they might have been had they remained in Bosnia. Their hope was for a
life of peace, happiness, and possibilities for their children that could not be attained for them
in their home country.
4. Parents had grave concerns over the negative influence of American culture on their children.
They believed that their children were being drawn into the youth culture too quickly. They
saw pressures toward individualism, materialism, lack of discipline, exposure to crime, sex,
and drugs, and delinquent peer associations. Parents recalled a time in Bosnia before the war,
when they did not have to worry as much about their children and their children were free to
be independent. Now, they found themselves redefining their parent role in order to limit their
children’s exposure to the undesirable influences of American life. The idea that the United
States is a culture that could provide new roles and related opportunities and unwanted loss of
one’s cultural identity is not uncommon among refugee populations.
Social Role Theory • 187
Each of these sets of role expectations posed some challenges for youth. The first set of
expectations regarding family togetherness and family traditions was difficult for many Bosnian
adolescents to satisfy given that they were trying to enact new role expectations conveyed by
parents, peers, and teachers in their school and neighborhood. They wanted to have time to explore
their community and to take advantage of new opportunities, such as after-school activities and
community programs. They found their parents to be judgmental and critical of the way they
spent their time. With parents working long hours, and often multiple shifts, and many youth also
working, they were not able to spend as much time with their parents as they might have liked.
Youth and parents expressed concerns about the school environment. Adolescents reported
being bored; some said they did not get the kind of counseling or advice they had hoped for from
teachers about how to adjust to U.S. social and cultural life. Parents believed that the schools were
not challenging their children. There was some disappointment in the way U.S. teachers enacted
the teacher role, with parents saying they believed the teachers should use a more strict form of
discipline and insist on greater respect from students. Unfamiliar with the U.S. school system,
the parents did not know how to communicate their expectations. Often, their disapproval was
directed to their children who became increasingly disengaged from the student role.
Youth tended to have two different ways of coping with the intense investment that their
parents were making in their future. Some believed that they could find a promising future in the
United States by attending school, planning for college, working, and spending time with their
parents and their relatives. They explored their new environment but tried not to worry their
Others felt that they had been victimized by the Serbs and the war; displaced from their home;
and misunderstood by their family, teachers, and peers. They experienced an irreconcilable role
conflict between their parents’ expectations for them to succeed in school and to prosper in the
American community, and their parents’ mistrust of American values and disappointment in
American schools. They saw their parents as trying to guard them against a culture they had
brought them to. As a result, they experienced the role loss of the trusting, harmonious parent–
child relationship of their past, and hopelessness about the possibilities for meaningful role
enactment as a student, child, or friend in their new culture.
In many of the narratives of immigrants resettling in the U.S., one finds evidence of efforts
to continue some ties to the culture and language of the home country (Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, 2014). This may be expressed in membership in culturally based social organiz-
ations, contribution to websites focusing on their home language or culture, working toward
increasing awareness of the needs of people in their home country, and sending money and
resources to family members left behind. Not all immigrants are able to establish full citizenship,
thus creating an ambiguous role as “undocumented” or “illegal aliens.” Social role theory is
especially useful as a lens to help understand the array of role conflicts and role strain that might
accompany this ambiguous status.
How Does Social Role Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address?
1. What is the direction of change over the life span? How well does the theory account for patterns
of change and continuity?
Societies have a series of age-graded roles that guide the direction of development throughout
life. The roles vary from one society to another. In societies where there is cultural continuity,
188 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
roles may remain quite constant from age to age, with new levels of mastery expected at each
age. In societies where there is cultural discontinuity, childhood roles are very distinct from
adult roles, and one must go through certain rites of passage or training to enter the adult
roles. Continuity is explained by the enactment of roles that endure over long periods, such
as child or parent. Continuity is also explained by participation in reciprocal roles; one learns
about the expectations of one’s own role and the adjoining roles. Change is explained by the
process of role gain, role loss, and entry into an increasing number of roles that produce new
levels of societal engagement.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
Role norms and expectations, as well as the norms for reciprocal roles, are mechanisms that
guide development. Individuals learn the norms of the roles they enact and the norms for the
roles they expect to enact in the future. The idea of a role model suggests that individuals can
observe, emulate, and internalize the behaviors of others so that they are able to enact these
roles effectively at the appropriate time.
One testable hypothesis is that people who occupy the same role will demonstrate
common behaviors, which reflect the norms and shared expectations for people in that role.
A second testable hypothesis is that the way a person enacts a role, such as teacher, is
influenced by the expectations of those in reciprocal roles, such as students. In other words,
a teacher’s behaviors are shaped in part by his or her students’ expectations and the students’
behaviors are influenced by teachers’ expectations.
A third testable hypothesis is that role enactment is guided by salient role models. For
example, as one enacts the parent role, one is guided by the observations of one’s own parents,
and other adults one has observed in the parenting role.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
Early experiences are relevant for later development in several ways. First, children have
opportunities to enact a variety of roles that provide insight into the point of view of others,
especially through role taking, as in fantasy play or team sports. Second, family roles and
roles in school, religious settings, and communities provide avenues for social participation
that can provide a positive foundation for later social integration. Third, through the
enactment of certain roles, children gain insight into the reciprocal roles that complement
their own. This gives them ideas about what will be expected of them in adulthood. In the
role of student, the child learns about teachers. If he or she becomes a teacher, the person has
ideas about how teachers behave based on how he or she experienced teachers while in the
student role. A parent who is interacting with a child’s teacher has ideas about what teachers
should be like based on his or her own experience with teachers in childhood.
In contrast to these ways that early experience can influence adult development, role
theory also offers many ideas about new learning and new paths for development in
adulthood. Many new roles open up in adulthood that require new learning. Experiences
of role loss and role gain require flexible adaptations. Expectations about the timing and
sequencing of adult roles, and the need to balance competing roles, are challenges that are
associated with new growth in adulthood. As society changes, role expectations change and
new roles may emerge that were not available during one’s childhood. This is especially true
Social Role Theory • 189
in the world of work. New technologies may introduce new roles, such as online dating
partner, sperm-donating father, surrogate mother, or blogger. Role theory offers a way to
think about new opportunities and demands for adaptation, and a supportive structure for
personal development.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the
environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
Social roles are a key component of the environment. The direction of development is shaped
largely by the roles that are available at each period of life, the demands and expectations
for those roles, and the sanctions associated with role enactment. People are influenced by
the roles they play, the reciprocal roles linked to these roles, and the roles they aspire to in
the future.
As discussed in the section on work–family balance, there are many ways in which the role
expectations in one domain can impact role enactment in another domain. Organizations
can create structures and expectations for the work role that either support or conflict
with one’s family roles. Partners can have expectations for one another that can support or
interfere with enactment of the worker role.
5. According to social role theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the
life span?
Social role theory offers several ideas about factors that may place individuals at risk. First,
individuals may be unable to meet role expectations due to physical, cognitive, or emotional
limitations. For example, role expectations for students in the elementary grades may include
sitting quietly, taking turns, focusing attention, listening attentively to others, and completing
tasks. Children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
have six or more symptoms of inattention or impulsivity that make these role expectations
very difficult to achieve.
A second factor that may place individuals at risk is the possibility of role conflict,
role overload, or role strain. Especially in adulthood, individuals experience many highly
demanding roles. When these roles are particularly salient, as with parenting and work
roles, a person may find that he or she simply cannot meet all the expectations of each
role adequately. Role strain is a form of stress that can result in physical and mental health
A third factor that may result in risk is uncontrolled or unwanted role loss, like
unemployment, widowhood, or nonvoluntary retirement. To the extent that a social role
provides a structure for personal identity and social integration, role loss can bring serious
problems of alienation and social isolation.
understand and manage the demands of competing roles, especially issues such as caring
for aging parents, coping with family members who have chronic illnesses, or coordinating
dual careers. These same issues may be addressed by workshops offered through religious
organizations, mental health centers, and other social service agencies.
The concept of role gain or entry into a new role has particular relevance as a “teachable
moment.” When people are about to take on a new role, they are especially open to learning
about the expectations of the role and to acquiring new skills that will help them in efforts to
be effective in their role enactment. Colleges and universities often provide special workshops
and programs for “first generation” students in which they clarify the role expectations for
student success. Programs in marriage preparation and preparation for parenting are two
other examples. The concept of “student teaching” can be viewed as preparation for entry
into the new role of novice teacher. Many teacher preparation programs have a list of the
attributes and behaviors expected of student teachers. Students and cooperating teachers are
made aware of these role expectations and students are evaluated for how well they conform
to these role expectations.
Role playing can be a useful technique for problem solving and conflict resolution in
therapy groups, work groups, team building, or family contexts. Role playing typically
involves assuming coordinated or complementary roles and exploring various possible
scenarios in which the actors try out different approaches to their conflict. Observers may
comment on the dynamics, thereby providing the players with feedback about the impact
of their behavior on one another. An assumption of role playing is that social roles can be
modified through feedback in order to achieve more harmonious or effective interactions.
Social role theory can be viewed as a source of inspiration for social change. Over the past
30 years, valued social roles have been identified for historically culturally devalued groups.
For example, in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, which opened up the
notion that full role enactment in the workplace and the community was a right of persons
with disabilities. In 1995, the woman who was named Miss America was hearing impaired.
Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, continues to perform as an actor in
televison comedy and drama. These examples illustrate a shift in openness to highly visible
social roles for persons with disabilities. Over time, as more and more people become aware of
changing role expectations, attitudes toward previously undervalued groups are transformed.
Social role theory offers a way of linking the individual and the social world. The concepts of social
roles and the process of role enactment suggest a mechanism for socialization, a framework for
relationships, and a structure for adult life. Social roles are not only the positions that the person
observes to exist in society; they are the lens through which people guide their own behaviors as
they enact specific roles. In societies where individualism is prized, the construct of social roles
offers a way of understanding how people may experience a sense of autonomy and self-directed
goal attainment by choosing to enter certain roles, and still behave in ways that are similar to
others who occupy similar roles.
As societies change, new institutions emerge offering new roles. These new roles are mechanisms
that recruit people for the operation of the new institutions and at the same time provide new
Social Role Theory • 191
scripts for how people interact and work together effectively in the new or changing institution.
For example, with the emergence of public education in the late nineteenth century came the
professionalization of the teacher role; roles for faculty in colleges specifically designed to prepare
teachers; a hierarchy of administrative roles related to the organization of school districts and
schools; roles for state and federal officials who established funding and credentialing of teachers;
new expectations for children in the student role; and new expectations for parents to support
their children’s education by encouraging school attendance and engagement rather than by
educating their children themselves.
Social role theory helps explain how identity becomes focused in adulthood and how it
continues to change through role gain, role loss, and the integration of multiple roles. In contrast
to many other developmental theories that do not deal with adult development, social role
theory has provided a rich and fruitful framework for conceptualizing continuity and change
in adulthood. Much of the research on managing work and family life, career development,
transition to parenthood, retirement, widowhood, and grandparenthood uses concepts from
social role theory as an organizing framework.
The theory is specific enough to offer testable hypotheses. Many studies have demonstrated
that constructs from the theory such as role strain, role conflict, spillover, and role loss can be
measured and that they are salient sources of stress that can interfere with mental and physical
health. The research on gender roles illustrates the premise that a role can shape one’s attitudes
and behaviors as well as one’s interactions with others.
Social role theory uses a language of terms that is readily understood and the concepts have
been applied widely across contexts including organizations, public policy, education, mental
health, and families.
One assumption of social role theory is that individuals are attuned to the expectations of others
in order to guide their role enactment. The theory does not elaborate the mechanisms through
which individuals learn and internalize role expectations. We do not know how people at different
stages of life read or interpret the expectations of others. Young children may be less aware than
adolescents or adults of others’ expectations. Role expectations may vary in how strongly held
they are and how clearly they are communicated. The theory does not provide guidance about
how these variations influence role commitment or role enactment.
Another assumption of social role theory is that societies are structured by roles that have
agreed upon norms, expectations, and sanctions for violating these expectations. In modern, post-
industrialized society, there appears to be less consensus around role norms and expectations.
There is increasing variability in whether individuals choose to enact significant roles, such as
marriage partner or parent. If a person does choose one of these roles, there are also fewer agreed
upon norms for associated expectations. Accompanying these changes in shared expectations,
there is also a decline in associated sanctions for violating role expectations. The legal system
may continue to operate to enforce specific types of role enactment, but the informal community
mechanisms of social control appear to have weakened. As a result, one might say that the theory
is less applicable to development in contemporary post-industrial life where individual expression
is more highly prized than preservation or protection of the social group.
Social roles change as societal norms and values change. The theory does not provide
explanatory mechanisms for how individuals incorporate these changing norms. In a lifetime of
192 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
80 years, people have seen dramatic shifts in family formation, involvement of men and women
in the labor market, diversity in gender roles, and views about the treatment of various conditions
such as mental illness, alcoholism, child abuse, and developmental disabilities, just to name a
few. How do these changes impact a person’s role enactment or their expectations for others?
The theory assumes that social roles are flexible, but it does not offer explanations for how social
changes are integrated into a person’s role expectations for themselves or others.
The theory does not provide much guidance about how role loss, role gain, or role conflict
operate to alter development. One needs additional constructs tied to identity, self-directed goal
attainment, and self-actualization in order to understand how role acquisition or loss impacts the
person. Roles may be salient or relatively unimportant. Role loss may be voluntary or involuntary.
The meaning of the role and its place in the person’s worldview will influence how changes in
the role will impact subsequent adjustment. The theory is limited by the lack of an integrated
developmental perspective that links role acquisition and enactment to other aspects of the self
theory. Table 6.1 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of social role theory.
Strengths Weaknesses
Links the individual and the social world. No clear explanation for how individuals learn role
expectations; the theory is missing a developmental
perspective on the process of role awareness and
internalization of role-related expectations.
A mechanism for socialization. The theory may be less applicable in post-modern
societies where norms and constraints regarding
role enactment are variable and less widely shared.
A framework for considering the pattern of adult life, No clear explanation for how individuals
including continuity and change. incorporate changing social norms and social roles
into role expectations for themselves and others.
A concept for thinking about how changes in society are A need for clearer testable mechanisms to explain
linked to changes at the individual level. how role gain or role loss is linked to self-concept
and identity.
New roles are mechanisms that recruit people for the operation
of new institutions and provide new scripts for how people are
to interact and work together in new or changing institutions.
Testable hypotheses emerge from the theory.
Offers a language that is readily understood and broadly
applicable across contexts.
4. Thinking about gender roles, how would you compare the way you think about your gender
role and the way your parents think of their gender roles? Describe the changes that have
taken place from one generation to the next with respect to gender role expectations. How do
you account for similarities and/or differences in these outlooks?
5. Look back to the opening case. How might the three forces in Azhar’s life influence his gender
role? What aspects of Pakistani culture, American culture, and Islamic beliefs and values
have a bearing on this question? You may need to do some research about Pakistani culture,
American culture, and the religion of Islam to answer this question.
6. Looking ahead, how might the three influences guide his future roles? How might these
influences create role conflict for Azhar? How might they support role enactment?
7. What are two or three practical applications of social role theory in your own professional
development? Give two or three examples of role gain and/or role loss you have experienced
that shape your emerging professional identity.
Key Terms
age constraints role
age norms role conflict
age roles role expectations
gender contentedness role gain
gender preference role loss
gender role role models
gender role convergence role overload
gender role socialization role strain
gender role standards role taking
gender schemes social role
gender typicality spillover
norms work–family conflict
reciprocal roles work–family facilitation
Recommended Resources
**Blau, F.D., Brinton, M.C., & Grusky, D.B. (Eds.) (2006). The declining significance of gender? New
York: Russell Sage Foundation.
An edited volume that explores both optimistic and pessimistic views regarding the cultural,
economic, political, and organizational factors that contribute to changes in the nature of gender
role expectations.
**Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. New York: Doubleday.
A classic analysis of the nature of social interaction using the metaphor of the theater including
performance, roles, and the front stage and back stage environments, to describe how people
present themselves to others, and how others respond.
194 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
**Marsh, Nigel (2010). “How to make work-life balance work.” Ted Talks.
Nigel Marsh describes his experiences in trying to balance work and family life, and shares four
big ideas about why this is so difficult and what a person needs to do to bring life into better
**Obejas, A. & Bayles, M. (Eds.) (2014). Immigrant voices: 21st century stories. Chicago: Great
Books Foundation.
Eighteen short stories that explore the personal and interpersonal experiences of new immigrants
to the United States. These stories illustrate the complex nature of social roles in cultural and
cross-cultural contexts.
**Voydanoff, P. (2005). Consequences of boundary spanning demands and resources for work
to family conflict and perceived stress. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 491–503.
This study examines the workplace demands, such as bringing work home, and resources, such
as time off for family responsibilities, that are associated with work-to-family conflicts and
associated stress. Data are based on responses from over 2,000 participants in the 2002 National
Study of the Changing Workforce.
Allport, G.W. (1955). Becoming: Basic considerations for a psychology of personality. New Haven, CT: Yale University
Allport, G.W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Bandura, A. & Walters, R.H. (1963). Social learning and personality development. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and
Barnett, R.C. (2004). Preface: Women and work: Where are we, where did we come from, and where are we going?
Journal of Social Issues, 60, 667–674.
Biddle, B.J. (1979). Role theory: Expectations, identities, and behaviors. New York: Academic Press.
Biddle, B.J. (1986). Recent developments in role theory. In R.H. Turner & S.F. Short, Jr. (Eds.), Annual Review of
Sociology, 12 (pp. 67–92). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.
Biddle, B.J. & Thomas, E.J. (1966). Role theory: Concepts and research. New York: Wiley.
Blau, F.D., Brinton, M.C., & Grusky, D.B. (2006). The declining significance of gender. In F.D. Blau, M.C. Brinton,
& D.B. Grusky (Eds.). The declining significance of gender? (pp. 215–244). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Bleeker, M.M. & Jacobs, J.E. (2004). Achievement in math and science: Do mothers’ beliefs matter 12 years later?
Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 97–109.
Brim, O.G., Jr. (1966). Socialization through the life cycle. In O.G. Brim & S. Wheeler (Eds.), Socialization after
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Brim, O.G., Jr. (1976). Life-span development of the theory of oneself: Implications for child development. In H.W.
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Life Course Theory
Life Course Theory • 199
Guiding Questions
• What are the similarities and differences between social role theory and life course
• What are some examples of cultural and historical factors that might shape the direction
of development?
• How does the concept of agency fit into the life course theory? How much control do
you think people have over the direction of their lives?
• Think about the domains of education, work, and family. What are the key transitions in
these domains? How might they converge or conflict?
• What might be the impact if two or more transitions take place at once?
• How does the concept of timing fit into life course theory? What kinds of evidence
are needed to evaluate whether early or late timing has an impact on developmental
Case Vignette
Jeff was an average to below average high school student from a loving family. His
mother was a real estate agent; his father was a railroad engineer. He grew up in an
upper middle-class community where most of his friends were college bound. A boy
with little ambition, and no obvious talent in math or science, he graduated from high
school in 1989 and joined the Navy. After basic training, he was assigned to a destroyer,
and served in the Persian Gulf War. This was a time when the Navy was accelerating its
investment in land attack missiles. Suddenly, Jeff found himself in a position of adventure
and excitement. This was an historically successful military operation in which the Navy
played a central role. In 2009, Jeff retired from the military with 20 years of service.
He opened his own security company, providing bodyguards and security for events
including technology conventions, rock concerts, and festivals. Jeff made use of his
military training, his experience with combat conditions, and his love of adventure to
create a successful business.
Jeff ’s story has to be understood as one of a developing person in a specific historical and
cultural context. As he approached the end of high school, Jeff and his parents recognized
that he was not on any kind of clear pathway into adulthood. His interests and talents had
not crystallized. The typical decision of his high school friends to enroll in college did not
seem to make much sense for Jeff. Jeff felt supported by his parents in choosing an option
that was quite different from that of most of his friends and neighbors. Volunteering for
the Navy turned out to be a very positive alternative for Jeff. He did well in the highly
disciplined environment of naval training. He was given positions of responsibility; his
worldview expanded; and the experiences in combat were sobering but meaningful.
Jeff ’s life in the Navy helped to solidify his sense of identity and facilitated a successful
transition into adulthood. His position in the Navy was a point of pride for his family,
and when he retired, he was able to use his experiences and contacts to build a successful
second career.
200 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
The life course perspective offers a framework for understanding and explaining how changing
societal conditions and social forces influence development through life. The term life course
refers to the integration and sequencing of phases of education, work, and family life over time.
Glen H. Elder, Jr. (1985, 1995), a leader in the elaboration of the life course perspective, has created
a way of thinking about individual lives embedded in developmental and historical time as well
as the linking of interdependent lives over time.
Historical Context
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Harold and Mary Jones, Jean MacFarlane, and Nancy Bayley
launched their pioneering longitudinal research studies of children, from the Berkeley Institute
of Child Welfare (now called the Institute for the Study of Human Development). There were
few other projects engaged in studying children over time. Harold and Mary Jones established
the Oakland Growth study with a group of children born in 1920–1922. The Berkeley Guidance
sample included children born in 1928–1929. Initially these studies were not intended to exam-
ine development beyond childhood. However, opportunities arose to allow investigators to con-
tinue to study these participants through the Depression, World War II, and the postwar period.
Data gathered through these studies offered a window into the transformation of children of the
Depression into adolescents, adults, parents, and workers (Elder, 1974, 1999; Elder & Caspi, 1988).
Glen Elder is the Howard W. Odum Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology and a fellow
of the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He received his
B.S. degree from Pennsylvania State University, his M.S. degree from Kent State University in Ohio,
and his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His first faculty appointment was
at the University of California, Berkeley in the sociology department and the Institute for Human
Development. This is where he first became acquainted with data from the Berkeley Guidance
study and the Oakland Growth study which allowed him to examine the impact of periods of
marked historical change including the Great Depression and the Second World War on patterns
of coping and adaptation in adolescence and adulthood. He also explored how relative economic
deprivation during the Depression altered marital and parent–child relations. He studied how
the economic depression of the 1930s affected the subsequent development of children who had
grown up in middle- and working-class families before the economic collapse. Elder described the
impact of these data on his own thinking about development.
The archival data from year to year broadened my vision of lives and revealed the dramatic
instability of families under changing economic conditions, the Great Depression. A good
many study members could say that they were once “well off ” and then “quite poor.” Institute
records noted frequent changes of residence and jobs. A child in an economically deprived
family who seemed “old beyond his time” recovered his youthful spirit when family income
improved. Overall, the Depression children who did well in their adult years left many puzzles
behind. (Elder, 1998, p. 1)
These observations focused Elder’s attention on new ways of thinking about social change, life
pathways, and individual development. In his view, these pathways refer to the social trajectories
of education, work, and family that are followed by individuals and groups through society. He
hypothesized that the multiple pathways of individuals and the developmental implications of
these pathways are basic elements of the “life course,” which could be conceptualized in research
Life Course Theory • 201
and theory. At the time, the field of life-span development was newly emerging. Few theories
offered ways of thinking about change over time that recognized the impact of historical context
on development, the interconnections of multiple roles, and the processes through which events
that impacted adults might alter the developmental experiences of children and adolescents.
Elder’s conceptualization of life course theory was influenced by five theoretical traditions
(Elder, 1996). First, Charlotte Buhler’s (1935) study of individual lives through biographies pro-
vided close-up and detailed analyses of the development of individuals and an appreciation for
mechanisms of personal change in response to key life events. The second tradition is exemplified
by the work of Thomas and Znaniecki (1918–1920/1974) who wrote life history studies of Polish
peasants in Europe and the United States. Typically, childhood socialization prepares children
to enter adult roles. The experiences of immigration illustrate the disruptions in the life course
that can occur when the lessons of childhood are no longer appropriate preparation for the roles
available in adult life. Thomas (as cited in Volkart, 1951, p. 593) emphasized that priority should
be given to the longitudinal approach to life history: “Studies should explore many types of
individuals with regard to their experiences in various past periods of life in different situations
and follow groups of individuals into the future getting a continuous record of experiences as
they occur.”
The third tradition examined the meanings of age in accounts of birth cohorts (Elder, 1974,
1999; Ryder, 1965; Riley, Johnson, & Foner, 1972). Ryder’s essay about the importance of the
cohort in the study of social change pointed out that people who grow through time together in a
society experience historical events at specific age-stages and these experiences may influence the
development of people in a certain stage in specific ways. Ryder’s idea of a cohort provides a way
of linking historical time and individual time. It also points out a problem with cross-sectional
research designs. Studies that compare people of different ages typically overlook the historical
contexts of each age group. Behaviors, attitudes, or coping strategies that appear to characterize
people of different ages could be a result of the different historical events to which each cohort
was exposed as well as a result of developmental maturation.
The fourth tradition that influenced Elder was the study of culture and intergenerational
models (Kertzer & Keith, 1984). Generations of a family are interdependent. Children are
influenced by the changing realities of their family environments. Families are changed by the
changing capacities and resources of individual family members. As children mature and form
families of their own, they bring some of the experiences they have had as young children into
their relationships as marital partners and parents. For example, children who have problems
with impulse control, emotional regulation, and aggressiveness may find that their adult intimate
relationships are unstable and characterized by negativity. Children raised in such families
are more likely to experience emotional problems of their own, thus transmitting the parents’
problem behaviors to the next generation of children.
This kind of model of intergenerational transmission is especially relevant for thinking
about the process through which cultural values, beliefs, and practices influence the life course.
Early childhood socialization includes cultural socialization into a worldview about age roles,
gender roles, family, occupational goals and ambitions, and moral values. Historical factors may
frustrate or facilitate these cultural aspirations and commitments. For example, in the United
States, a common cultural view is that people who work hard and are competent will be able
to earn money and support their families. In the Great Depression, many adults lost their jobs,
were unable to find work, and experienced depression, irritability, and interpersonal strain. Many
young boys whose families lost their economic base developed a sense of low self-worth, low
202 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
social competence, and impaired goal orientation. These psychosocial disadvantages persisted
into adulthood with evidence of heavy drinking, low energy, and discouraged attitudes about
work (Elder, 1979). Thus, in many families, a historical event disrupted the intergenerational
transmission of cultural values.
Finally, the fifth influential tradition was the broad area of personality development and life-span
psychology (Baltes, 1987; Funder, Parke, Tomlinson-Keasey, & Widaman, 1993). This perspective
emphasizes the importance of viewing development across the full life span from infancy through
very old age (Newman & Newman, 2015). Although considerable attention is given to how
events of early childhood and adolescence impact the transitions into adulthood, it has become
increasingly evident that decisions of adult life influence the resources and adaptive capacities of
later adulthood and aging. Role transitions, disruptions in pathways, and interrelationships across
multiple roles can occur at many points in the life span, and can have an impact on subsequent
adaptation. What is more, childhood socialization is carried out in the context of a view of the life
span, in an effort to prepare children to be successful in the cultural contexts they will encounter in
early and middle adulthood. The changing person is adapting to changing cultural and historical
contexts over the full life span, accumulating resources, encountering risks, and exercising personal
agency within a framework of personal and social ambitions and expectations.
Key Concepts
1925 would have been 5 at the time of the Great Depression, experiencing the impact of sudden
poverty and family conflict as a young child.
Cultural expectations for the timing of the transitions as well as the pattern of the family and
work trajectories changed dramatically over the twentieth century. As a specific example, Stewart
and Ostrove (1998) described two groups of women who were in their mid-twenties; a sample of
Radcliffe College graduates from 1964 and one from 1975. At comparable ages, about two-thirds
of the older cohort were married and 16% had children; 13% of the younger cohort were married
and none had children. The majority of the younger cohort of women were in the labor force or
enrolled in graduate school. Thus, even though the women may have had many common social,
intellectual, and economic characteristics leading up to college enrollment, the landscape of their
early adulthood roles looked remarkably different, reflecting changes in cultural norms.
Differences in medical advances, occupational opportunities, educational resources, and
the number of people in the cohort are four factors that may affect the pattern of life events.
In addition, major crises, such as war, famine, and political unrest, may alter a trajectory by
introducing unanticipated transitions—for example, closing off certain activities, as when young
men interrupt their education to go to war, and opening up new opportunities, as when women
enter the labor market because many of the men are in the military (Elder, Caspi, & Downey,
1986; Elder, 1987; Elder, Shanahan, & Clipp, 1994).
For the baby boom generation of women, who reached later adolescence and early adulthood
during the women’s movement and the civil rights movement, the political and social transitions
of the time had a significant impact. Participation in these movements had consequences for their
political participation and also for their role enactment at later points in life. Stewart, Settles, and
Winter (1998) reported the way these experiences were woven into women’s public and private lives:
the women’s movement led (me) to feel ‘freer to leave my husband for a more fulfilling
sex life’ and another who said that the movement generally ‘made the whole free-thinking,
autonomous style of my life possible, both then and now’ (Stewart & Ostrove, 1998, p. 1192)
People operate with a sense of agency in their own behalf, choosing among the opportunities
that are available in their time and society. People make choices that become building blocks of
their life course transitions and trajectories, such as choosing to be married or to leave a marriage,
deciding to become a parent, and choosing career directions from among the options available.
Within a cohort, the choices people make contribute to individual differences. Consider the
decision about going to medical school in the 1960s.
Reflecting back on her early adulthood, one woman who was in college in the 1960s expressed
regret about decisions she made then: “When I was in college I considered a career in medicine.
Due to lack of support from family members and future husband, I didn’t pursue it. I would
have at least tried it if I were 20 today” (Stewart & Ostrove, 1998, p. 1188). In the first half of
the twentieth century, very few women enrolled in medical school. Today, almost half of the
graduates of U.S. medical schools (48%) are women (AAMC, 2012).
Timing of Lives
The timing of lives, particularly social time and the social meaning of age, gives structure to the
life course. Social time focuses on the entry and exit from age-graded social roles, the sequencing
204 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
of these roles, and the social and cultural meaning or expectations associated with these roles. One
form of cultural expectation is what Bernice Neugarten and her colleagues (Neugarten, Moore, &
Lowe, 1965) termed the social clock. This term refers to “age norms and age expectations [that]
operate as prods and brakes upon behavior, in some instances hastening behavior and in some
instances delaying it” (p. 710). Neugarten and her associates suggested that social class groups
tend to agree on the appropriate age for significant life events, such as marriage, childrearing, and
This consensus exerts social pressure on individuals, pushing them to assume a particular role
at an expected age. Age norms may also suppress behaviors that are considered inappropriate
for one’s age. Adults are aware of existing norms regarding the timing of certain behaviors and
evaluate their own behaviors as being “on time” or “too soon” or “too late.” The social clock is
constantly being reset as people confront the challenges, demands, and new structures of modern
society. In contemporary society, with the lengthening of the life expectancy and the increasing
vitality of older adults, there are fewer and fewer domains in which a person is considered “too
old” to participate (Neugarten, 1990).
Implied in the notion of the social clock are expectations about the sequencing of entry into
new roles. For example, European American adults in the United States tend to view an ideal
sequence as work, marriage, and parenting in that order. Research indicates that for women,
following this sequence is associated with better mental health, including less depression and
greater happiness in adulthood. Among African Americans, however, the sequence of work,
parenting, and then marriage is associated with less depression and greater happiness (Jackson,
2004). This suggests that different social norms for role sequencing may be operating in the
respective ethnic communities.
A unique contribution of life course theory is to place developmental stage and social time
into a historical timeframe. Historical, cultural, and societal changes may disrupt opportunities,
making it impossible to enact the transitions expected by the social clock. Or these changes
may introduce new opportunities and resources that allow individuals to break out of socially
expected patterns and invent new pathways. The principle of the timing of lives must be framed in
a societal context which takes into account the scope of resources, opportunities, and constraints
that impinge on people at particular periods in their personal development.
woman extends her educational preparation to include a master’s degree, works before marriage,
marries at age 32, and has her first child at age 38. She drops out of the labor market for 5 years,
then returns to work to help pay for the college education of her children, and retires at age 68.
2. A woman marries right after high school, begins having children at age 20, works throughout
her adulthood from age 18 to age 62, and retires at age 62. The interlocking of occupational and
family careers would look quite different for these two women, entering and leaving roles at
different ages and making commitments to certain roles over others.
1. The Life Stage Principle. The influence of a historical event depends upon the stage of life
at which a person experiences the event. Rather than assuming that a historical event has the
same impact on everyone who is alive at the time, this principle suggests that the transforming
nature of the event depends on the person’s developmental stage. Developmental life stages can
be viewed as socially defined positions, such as child, adolescent, or adult. These age statuses
may be linked to specific expectations for behavior, rights, and responsibilities. Developmental
life stages may also be viewed theoretically, as in Piaget’s stage of concrete operational thought
or Freud’s genital stage. Within a life course perspective, it is important to consider a person’s
developmental stage in trying to speculate about how historical events or cultural change might
make an impact on individual lives. The transforming nature of events will vary depending upon
the way individuals make meaning, their degree of dependence or interdependence on others,
their commitment to certain social relationships, their personal and financial resources, and their
aspirations and goals, all of which change at various stages of the life span.
Stewart and Healy (1989) offered a model of how to think about the differential impact
of historical events or cultural change depending upon a person’s stage of development. In
their model, events that occur during childhood are most likely to shape a person’s “assump-
tions about life and the world,” thus guiding core values. Events that occur during late
adolescence are most likely to shape a person’s “conscious identity,” guiding decisions about
life roles and lifestyle choices. Events that occur during the phases of early, middle, and later
adulthood are likely to influence “opportunities that are open to them” rather than their values
or identities.
This model is finding support in the field of political psychology. Political generations
are forged as individuals in late adolescence and early adulthood encounter salient events,
such as war, depression, and social unrest. According to Donald Kinder (2006), “people
command more vivid memories and deeper knowledge for events that take place during
their late adolescence and early adulthood” (p. 1906). Those young people who are working
on identity issues at the time of major historical or cultural transitions, such as the Great
Depression, World War II, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War, know more about
these events and tend to apply the lessons they learned about government, policies, and politics
during that time to their contemporary political outlook. These views, once established, are
stable but not unchanging. According to Kinder, key role transitions, including entry into
marriage, parenthood, the military, homeowner, and neighbor, are times when people may
change their views.
206 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
2. The Principle of Interdependent Lives. The life course perspective emphasizes the interlocking
of lives. Psychosocial development depends heavily on being embedded in a supportive, effective
network of relationships where individuals, whether they are children, adolescents, or adults,
experience a sense of being valued. Historical events that disrupt social relationships rob
individuals of social capital, the benefits that derive from a person’s network of people who
provide information flow, skills, recognition, and support. For example, in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina, thousands of people in New Orleans lost their homes. As many as 250,000 migrated
to Houston, Texas. These events resulted in the disruption of kinship networks, disruption of
employment and schooling, the need for new medical and mental health services, and the need
to form new community ties. There were many different ways of adapting—some adapted well to
their new environment; some returned home as soon as possible; and some continued to suffer
from experiences related to the multiple losses associated with the disaster (Hamilton, 2010).
3. The Principle of the Control Cycle. When a person loses control, or when personal freedoms
are threatened, there is generally an attempt to preserve or regain control. Historical events can
influence individual behavior by eliminating or threatening the elimination of freedoms and
resources. In reaction to this loss or threat of loss, the person takes steps to preserve control
through a wide range of possible coping strategies. Under conditions of sudden political
revolution, as in Cuba in 1959, many of those with resources left the country in order to retain
their resources and preserve their cultural style of life. In the U.S., Cuban exiles have formed
a strong community, especially in Florida, where they have established a vibrant cultural,
economic, and political presence. Even in the context of imprisonment, an extreme condition of
loss of control, inmates strive to preserve control by developing their physical strength through
exercise, by dominating weaker prisoners, or by taking on roles as trustees who assume important
functions in the operation of the prison.
4. The Principle of the Situational Imperative. Every situation has certain demand properties
or requirements. If the situation changes, new behaviors are required. For example, the behaviors
that are necessary to be successful in college are different from those necessary to be successful in
manual labor. During the Cultural Revolution in China, colleges were all closed and college-age
youth were sent into the rural areas to assist with the farming. Survival and success depended
on the ability to refocus energy from scholarly pursuits to physical activities. There were many
young people who might have been successful in the college environment, but who were not able
to thrive under the harsh conditions and physical demands of farm labor. When conditions are
so extreme that there is no way to exercise control or adapt successfully, people may be reduced
to learned helplessness, a concept that was introduced in Chapter 5.
5. The Accentuation Principle. Under conditions of crisis or critical transition, the person’s
most prominent personality characteristics and coping strategies will be accentuated. Given the
notion of a situational imperative, people will cope with a changing situation by trying to regain
control through the exercise of their most enduring, well-learned habits. This principle suggests
that people try to cope with change by remaining as consistent as possible.
People who have a tendency toward anxiety will become more anxious; those who are
temperamentally withdrawn will become more withdrawn. People who cope by planning and
setting goals will strive to use that strategy under conditions of uncertainty. Those who have had
experience taking action or providing leadership are likely to exercise leadership in times of crisis.
Life Course Theory • 207
Table 7.1 Mechanisms that link changing times and changing lives
Principle Impact
Life stage principle The impact of a historical event or cultural change depends on the stage of life
at which a person experiences the event.
Principle of interdependent lives People are embedded in important social networks and support systems,
which can be disrupted by historical events, thereby altering developmental
Principle of control cycle In the face of events that create uncertainty, people strive to maintain or exert
Principle of situational imperative Situations have demand properties and requirements. When situations change,
new behaviors are required.
Accentuation principle Under conditions of crisis or transition, a person’s most prominent personality
characteristics or coping strategies are most likely to be expressed.
In a study of Navajo women, Schulz (1998) described the strength that could be gained from
successfully coping with life’s adversities: to be Navajo is “to be able to handle any problem—even
if we get to a place where we can’t go forward, we always find a way” (p. 347).
Table 7.1 summarizes the five mechanisms that help explain how social, cultural, and historical
change impact individual development. Life course theory links individual, social, and historical
time. Each person’s life course can be thought of as a pattern of adaptations to the configuration
of cultural expectations, resources, and barriers experienced during a particular historical period.
New Directions
Life course theory has opened up many new directions in the study of development. In contrast
to the study of typical or modal patterns, life course theory leads to an examination of differences
among cohorts, differences within cohorts across locations, and differences within cohorts
depending on social capital and human agency.
the impact of Hurricane Hugo on subsequent patterns of marriage, childbirth, and divorce in the
countries hardest hit by the storm. The concept of linked lives led investigators to consider that
disasters not only disrupt individual lives, but they play a role in altering decisions for couples
and families.
Turning Points
The notion of intra-cohort differences led to consideration of the concept of turning points, or
unique life events that may result in significant reorganization or reframing of one’s life trajectory
(Rutter, 1996). Examples might include immigration, military service, substantial economic
gain or loss, death of a close friend or family member, or falling in love. Turning points involve
new opportunities and a sense of agency to take advantage of these opportunities in order to
separate oneself from an earlier trajectory in order to pursue a new path. The study of turning
points is often pursued through personal narratives, Although there is no single mechanism to
account for turning points, they are an important feature of life course development in that they
illustrate the possibility for trajectories to be altered through chance events or voluntary effort.
family, school, and community resources may impact the formation and survival of essential
social networks.
An area of current application of life course theory to social policy is in the field of maternal
and child health. A growing body of evidence shows that the conditions that impact the health
of women prior to and during pregnancy have consequences for infants that endure throughout
their childhood, adolescence, and into adult life. Drawing on this empirical portrait of cumulative
impact over stages of life, Fine and Kotelchuck (2010) offered five key concepts from life course
theory that need to be integrated into a reconceptualization of health care programs:
These principles and their implications for practice are being embedded into maternal and health
care education and training as well as the reorganization of local community service delivery and
practice (Ramos, 2013; Brady & Johnson, 2014; Cheng & Solomon, 2014).
to focus on three historical cohorts: those born between 1931 and 1943 (during the Depression);
those born between 1944 and 1959 (baby boom generation); and those born between 1960 and
1970 (baby bust generation). The investigator argued that over the three historical periods, role
expectations shifted from a norm for a clear gender-specialized division of labor to a view that
men and women will engage equally in the employee and parent roles. The first wave of this shift,
from the oldest to the middle cohort, emphasized the increasing participation of women in the
labor market. The second wave of this shift, from the middle to the youngest cohort, emphasized
the increasing participation of men in childrearing and household management. Thus, the impact
of social change could be thought to have a greater impact on women in the middle cohort where
the shift was toward greater expectations for labor force participation; and on men in the youngest
cohort where the shift was toward greater expectations for family participation.
Work–family trade-offs were assessed based on whether people adjusted their work life
in order to meet family responsibilities, especially responsibilities for childrearing. These
adjustments were defined by asking about three possible modifications: (a) you stopped working
at a job to stay home and care for the children; (b) you cut back on the number of hours worked
at a job to care for the children; and (c) you switched to a different job that was less demanding or
more flexible to be available to the children. Each person was assessed for whether they had made
any of these three adjustments and for the specific adjustments they made.
In order to assess the impact of work–family trade-offs, Carr chose to measure two variables:
perceptions of work opportunities and self-acceptance. The first relates to whether people who
made work–family trade-offs believe that they have had the same opportunities for employment
and good quality jobs as others who did not make these trade-offs. The second relates to whether
people who made work–family trade-offs have the same level of self-acceptance as those who did
not make these trade-offs.
The data on reported trade-offs provided three notable patterns. First, looking at the entire
sample, women were much more likely to report some type of work–family trade-off than were
men (53% versus 14%).
Second, over the three cohorts men showed a steady increase in the percentage who said they
had made some type of work–family trade-off. More men in the youngest cohort (25%) than in
the middle cohort (20%) and the oldest cohort (10%) made decisions to work less or change their
job in order to spend more time with their families.
Third, for women the change across cohorts was noted in the percentage who said they left the
workforce altogether in order to meet family responsibilities. Roughly two-thirds of all women
said they made some type of work–family trade-off in each cohort, but the percentage who said
they left the labor market declined from 58% in the oldest cohort to 47% in the middle cohort, and
38% in the youngest cohort. The youngest cohort shows the highest degree of gender similarity in
seeking coping strategies that support work–family integration.
There is an assumption that when people are conforming to the social norms of their time,
they will experience social approval and other types of reinforcement, which should contribute
to their own self-acceptance. Thus, one would expect to see a change in the relationship between
making work–family trade-offs and self-acceptance depending on the social norms of the period.
For example, among the oldest cohort, women who continued to work while raising a family and
men who modified their labor force participation in order to meet childrearing responsibilities
could be expected to have lower self-acceptance because these behaviors were contrary to the
social norms of their time. Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the relationship of self-acceptance to making
work–family trade-offs for the three cohorts of women and men.
Life Course Theory • 211
Born 196C 70 (age 2E 35)
5.2 Born 1944 59 (age 36 52)
Born 1931 43 (age 5c 54)
Stopped work Cut back Made no trade-off
Among the women, three groups were compared: those who stopped working, those who cut
back, and those who continued working with no trade-offs. The clearest pattern is for the oldest
cohort. Those who stopped working had significantly higher self-acceptance than those who cut
back or continued working without any trade-offs. In comparison, for the middle and youngest
cohorts, those who continued working had slightly higher levels of self-acceptance than those
who stopped working or cut back. Among men, the comparison was made between those who
made some type of trade-off and those who made no trade-off. The contrast is sharpest between
the oldest and the youngest cohorts. For the oldest men, self-acceptance was lower among those
who made trade-offs than among those who made no trade-offs. Among the youngest cohort the
pattern was reversed; self-acceptance was lower among those who made no trade-offs.
The results of this study illustrate several of the key concepts of life course theory: (a) human
development takes place in historical time and place; (b) people operate as agents in their own
behalf choosing among the opportunities that are available in their time and society; and (c)
within an individual life course, the trajectories and transitions within trajectories are linked and
influence one another. The study supports the idea that the impact of certain life decisions on
personal development depends on the interaction of the decision and the social meaning of that
decision within a specific historical context.
Made trade-off Made no trade-off
trajectories with respect to criminal behavior: (a) those who are never involved in crime;
(b) those who are involved in crime as children or adolescents but not as adults; (c) those who are
involved in crime as adults, but not as children or adolescents; and (d) those who are persistently
involved in crime from childhood and adolescence well into their adulthood. Are there different
explanatory factors that account for these life trajectories? The concepts of life course theory have
begun to be applied to an understanding of criminal trajectories.
Sampson and Laub (2004) developed their application of life course theory to criminal behavior
on data gathered in a historic study of 500 delinquent and 500 non-delinquent boys studied over
three time periods when their average ages were 14, 25, and 32. These boys were initially studied by
Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck and the study included a vast amount of quantitative and qualitative
data, including interviews with teachers, neighbors, and employers, psychiatric assessments, and
agency records (Glueck & Glueck, 1950, 1968). After a long period of data reconstruction and
analysis, Sampson and Laub (1993; Laub & Sampson, 2004) were able to analyze the continuities
and changes in the lives of these boys into their adulthood. Eventually, they added new sources of
data, which allowed them to examine a 50-year window on the persistence and desistance from
crime from childhood into later life (Laub & Sampson, 2004).
The basic idea in this work is that the same principles can help to explain both the persistence
or continuation of criminal behavior and the desistance or discontinuation of criminal behavior
over the life course. Three basic causal mechanisms were identified: social controls, routine
activities, and human agency (Sampson & Laub, 2004, 2005).
Family, school, and peer relationships provide the contexts through which social controls
impact young children. Exposure to low levels of parental supervision, inconsistent and harsh
punishment, and weak or insecure parental attachment are three aspects of family life that are
consistently associated with delinquent behavior. In addition, a lack of a sense of school belonging
Life Course Theory • 213
How Does Life Course Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected To Address?
1. What is the direction of change over the life span? How well does the theory account for patterns
of change and continuity?
The life course is defined as “a sequence of socially defined events and roles that the individual
enacts over time” (Giele & Elder, 1998, p. 22). The sequence is comprised of trajectories and
transitions within these trajectories. There may also be turning points—critical experiences
that lead to a new direction, such as a decision to become more invested in religion, or that
terminate a trajectory, such as deciding to give up criminal behavior. The theory does not
offer a universal view about the direction of change. The direction of change is a product of
214 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
social norms regarding timing and sequencing in interaction with personal agency regarding
choices and decisions within the range of existing opportunities. Lives become increasingly
diverse with age; for some the direction of change is toward an increasing sense of agency
and well-being; for others the direction is one of discouragement and loss.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
The theory assumes that change is a result of age-graded social expectations, roles and
the sequencing of roles, the linking of lives, the impact of human agency or choice,
and the influence of historical events that open up or close certain opportunities that can
alter one or more trajectories. Every situation has certain demand properties or requirements.
If the situation changes, new demand properties emerge and new behaviors are required.
Stability can be expected when the demand properties of the situation remain unchanged.
Stability is also a product of the constraints placed on the person through his or her
embeddedness in a network of interdependent relationships. The stronger and more positive
these relationships, the greater their influence to guide and stabilize development. Under
conditions of uncertainty or crisis, people tend to rely on behaviors that are well established.
The following four testable hypotheses emerge from this theory:
1. The influence of a historical event depends upon the stage of life at which a person
experiences the event. For example, an important technical innovation such as the
internet, which began to be widely available on a commercial basis in the 1990s, might
be predicted to have a different impact on individuals who first had access to the internet
as young children as compared to those who first had access to the internet in middle
2. Lives are interdependent. Positive psychosocial development is predicted to occur for
those who are embedded in a supportive, effective network of relationships where they
are able to experience positive social bonds. Negative psychosocial development is
predicted for those who are unable to establish and participate in a supportive network of
3. When a person loses control, or when personal freedoms are threatened, there is generally
an attempt to preserve or regain control.
4. Under conditions of crisis or critical transition, the person’s most prominent personality
characteristics and coping strategies will be accentuated. This hypothesis addresses
stability of behavior, suggesting that when the person confronts sudden and dramatic
environmental change, the initial response is to rely on behaviors that were well established
in the past.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
The theory suggests that early life decisions, opportunities, and conditions affect later
outcomes. There is an accumulated benefit to early advantage and an accumulated cost to
early disadvantage. However, subsequent events and the response to these events can alter
these trajectories. For example, dropping out of school can initiate a chain of events that have
negative economic, occupational, and interpersonal consequences as well as consequences for
one’s physical and mental health. However, the cumulative disadvantage may be disrupted if a
Life Course Theory • 215
person encounters a new opportunity, for example, through military service or a community
action initiative, to complete his or her GED and gain valued technical training. For some,
trajectories can be altered through new opportunities, social support, and personal choice.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the environment
does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of development?
The theory has highlighted features of the social context that had been largely ignored in
other theories.
First, the theory emphasizes social change and the impact of historical periods in shaping
the trajectories and transitions of the life course.
Second, the theory points to social expectations or norms and the degree to which these
shape entry, exit, and sequencing of social roles.
Third, the theory highlights the interconnections among lives and the ways that
people are affected by the quality of these linkages as well as the changes in the lives of those
close to them.
Fourth, the theory recognizes the importance of social institutions and social structures,
such as schools, families, the military, and business organizations, in so far as these provide
opportunities for the formation of social bonds and support for effective behavior in key roles.
Institutions can create a framework for the life course; for example, where businesses offer
professional development training, a promotional ladder, and a pension or other retirement
benefits. These same institutions can disrupt the life course trajectory by overworking
employees, creating work–family conflict, imposing large layoffs, shifting from full-time to
part-time employment, relocating workers to new communities, or recalculating or reducing
retirement benefits.
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the life span?
A central premise of life course theory is that the impact of critical events depends upon
the stage of life when the events occur. A crisis or dramatic social change places individuals
at risk when a person loses control, or when personal freedoms are threatened. The theory
would then guide us to consider how a critical event might threaten the sense of control
or personal freedom for individuals at various points in development. For example, in his
work on the Great Depression, Elder found that the younger children experienced a greater
disruption in their development than did the adolescents when their parents lost their jobs
or faced dramatic financial losses (Elder, Caspi, & Downey, 1986). The younger children
relied more on their parents to provide stability and security in their lives than did the
adolescents. Parents who became psychologically distant, irritable, and inconsistent or harsh
in their discipline transmitted their own sense of loss of control or threat to their children.
Adolescents, on the other hand, were able to preserve some sense of control and even reduce
their parents’ distress by helping out at home, finding some ways to earn a bit of money, and
taking care of themselves. We can hypothesize that the economic downturn of 2007–2008
(the Great Recession) may have put many children and families at similar risk.
A second source of risk is the absence or disruption of social bonds. The theory emphasizes
the importance of linked lives. Over the life course, individuals who care about each other
provide social capital. At any point in the life course, the absence or loss of social bonds can
increase a person’s vulnerability. Examples include: the relationship of a lack of parent–child
attachment and the absence of parental monitoring and supervision to the emergence of
216 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
delinquent behavior and poor self-regulation in the early phase of life; the loss of employment
or divorce and their consequences for social isolation; or the relationship of social isolation and
the absence of kinship support to poor physical and mental health in later adulthood.
A third source of risk is being “off-time” or “off-sequence” in entry or exit from social
roles. The assumption of life course theory is that there is an ideal or optimal sequence of
transitions in a work, educational, or family trajectory, which is shaped by the norms of
the community during a particular historical period. Conformity to the timing norms
of the community provides social reassurance and should result in positive self-appraisal.
Those who are off-time or out of sequence may experience social rejection, ridicule, or find
themselves closed out of important opportunities. One of the most widely studied of these
off-time events is early entry into parenthood (under age 18) which, for certain groups,
is associated with family rejection or scorn, reduced educational attainment, low income,
larger family size, and mental health problems.
Life course theory has provided a unique lens for exploring the impact of the macro social
environment on development, especially changes in social, cultural, and economic conditions. In
Life Course Theory • 217
this respect it has increased awareness of the relevance of the historical context for interpreting
patterns of behavior and behavior change.
The life course perspective encourages a long-term outlook on development. As a result, it
has encouraged research on the relationship of earlier periods of childhood and adolescence
to adulthood and aging. It has also stimulated the study of intergenerational influences, both
downward from older to younger generations, and upward from younger generations to older.
For example, the life course perspective has led to studies of how grandchildren influence the
outlook of their grandparents and how divorce among adult children influences the caregiving
received by aging parents. It has offered a way of thinking about the transmission of patterns of
behavior and family practices from one generation to the next. This long-term perspective has
also provided theoretical justification for investing in long-term longitudinal research, and for
reanalysis of existing longitudinal data from a life course perspective.
Life course theory has provided a rich set of concepts for studying adulthood. It recognizes
the central focus of adult life on a few trajectories, especially work and family life, and examines
the interconnections among roles. It highlights the significance of the social bonds and
social network that surround and support life trajectories, and the potential negative con-
sequences when these bonds are disrupted.
The theory also integrates the idea of agency and personal decision making, which results
in a view of adulthood as shaped but not wholly determined by social forces. Thus, it helps us
understand how individual lives are both patterned and increasingly unique over time. Because
of its focus on linking historical change with individual development, life course theory has
become increasingly useful in guiding research on cross-national comparisons when people of
similar age groups are faced with distinct social conditions and historical events. It has also been
useful in inspiring focus on personal narratives which allow us to appreciate how individuals
differ in the ways they make meaning out of similar life experiences.
Life course theory has been useful in helping to understand the impact of crises and traumatic
events on the long-term adaptation of individuals and families. Concepts including transitions,
turning points, role sequences, and linked lives are all useful in helping to clarify how a significant
event can have long-range consequences for well-being.
The theory provides a way of understanding the pattern of increasing inequality across
generations. By considering the impact of societal policies and organizational pressures on
cohorts, and the nature of linked lives, one begins to appreciate the cascading pattern of advantage
and disadvantage transmitted from one generation to the next.
Life course theory has been viewed by some as more of a perspective than a theory. While it is
useful in pointing out the importance of social factors in shaping development, it does not offer
specific causal hypotheses. There is no agreed on set of predictions about which types of social
change at particular life stage periods will result in specific consequences. The theory does not
specify what historical changes are most likely to impact a cohort. This process appears to be
empirically derived, based on knowledge of history and social change.
Similarly, the theory predicts that the effects of historical change will differ depending on
the stage of life at which a person experiences it. However, the theory has a limited framework
for predicting which aspects of development are most likely to be vulnerable to social change at
particular stages. Without this type of developmental component the impact of social change
218 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
would be studied differently, depending on each researcher’s decision about what outcomes are
considered important.
Although the theory acknowledges the increasing diversity of individuals over the life course,
it does not offer many ideas about the source of these differences. For example, in thinking about
the interconnections among roles and trajectories, the theory does not address the reality that
people differ in the salience of particular roles and their motivation for sustaining or abandoning
these roles. As another example, the theory emphasizes the importance of human agency,
especially at key turning points, but does not offer explanations for individual differences in
agency. The theory does not account for the fact that some people are more passive and others
more assertive in the face of change. The theory lacks concepts to explain why some people have
a greater tolerance for change and are more flexible while others are more stressed by change.
The theory can be most useful when combined with other theories of development that would
help account for the biological and psychosocial correlates of agency, and the domains of likely
vulnerability and growth in the context of social change. The strengths and weaknesses of life
course theory are summarized in Table 7.2.
Strengths Weaknesses
Highlights the impact of historical contexts on development. Lacks causal hypotheses about which types of
social change will result in specific alterations of
the life course.
Encourages a long-term outlook on development; the Limited framework for predicting which aspects of
relationship of early periods of childhood and adolescence to development will be influenced by social change at
adulthood and aging. particular stages of life.
Stimulated research on intergenerational influences of linked Few explanatory concepts for accounting for
lives. individual differences in dimensions such as
salience of roles, flexibility, or agency.
Provided theoretical justification for investment in Lack of a biopsychosocial approach that would
longitudinal studies and reanalysis of existing longitudinal help connect the historical, cultural, and social
data. framework with concepts of development,
vulnerability, and resilience.
Provides concepts for the study of adulthood and aging
including trajectories, transitions, and turning points.
Highlights the positive effects of social bonds that support
trajectories and the negative effects when these bonds are
With the concept of agency, it helps explain how lives are both
patterned and increasingly unique over time.
Useful in guiding research on cross-national comparisons.
Useful in stimulating research on personal narratives.
Becoming increasingly useful as a guiding framework for
health care policy and practice.
Useful in helping to account for the pattern of increasing
inequality across generations.
Useful in helping to understand the impact of crisis on
individual and family adjustment.
Life Course Theory • 219
Key Terms
accentuation principle linked trajectories
agency longitudinal research
cohort role sequencing
control cycle situational imperative
historical time social clock
interdependent lives social time
intergenerational transmission trajectory
life course transition
life stages turning points
linked lives work–family trade-offs
Recommended Resources
**Clark, G. (2014). The son also rises: Surnames and the history of social mobility. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
An analysis of the persistence of socioeconomic status over many generations in more than 20
societies. Tracing surnames from historical records, Clark demonstrates that movement up or
down the social ladder is slow; much slower than a belief in a merit-based society might suggest.
To learn more about Professor Clark and his research, visit his homepage at www.econ.ucdavis.
220 • Theories That Emphasize Environmental Factors
**Matteson, M. (2003). The first turning point of my life. NPR Radio podcast transcript.
This is a first person narrative describing a young girl’s experiences at the time of her father’s
death. She explains how the sudden death of her father has led to commitments for her future
career path and the formation of supportive relationships.
**Pudrovska, T. (2014). Early-life socioeconomic status and mortality at three life course stages:
An increasing within-cohort inequality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 55, 181–195.
Analysis of data from the Wisconsin longitudinal study for participants covering the period
from 1957 to 2011. The results indicate that higher socioeconomic status at age 18 is related to
lower mortality at each subsequent period of life. The process results in increasing inequality in
mortality rates, with early advantage having stronger benefits for women than for men.
**Ramos, D.E. (2013). Life course perspective: An approach to improving maternal, child and
adolescent health. A PowerPoint presentation for the Los Angeles County Office of Public
Health. Retrieved on July 6, 2014, at
A PowerPoint slide presentation that provides an overview of the application of the life course
theory perspective for training and service delivery in maternal, child, and adolescent health in
Los Angeles County.
AAMC (2012). U.S. medical school applicants and students 1982–1983 to 2011–2012. Retrieved on July 3, 2014 at
Baltes, P.B. (1987). Theoretical propositions of life-span developmental psychology: On the dynamics between
growth and decline. Developmental Psychology, 23I, 611–626.
Brady, C. & Johnson, F. (2014). Integrating the life course into MCH service delivery: From theory to practice.
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 18, 380–388.
Buhler, C. (1935). The curve of life as studied in biographies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 19, 405–409.
Carr, D. (2002). The psychological consequences of work–family trade-offs for three cohorts of men and women.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 65, 103–124.
Cheng, T.L. & Solomon, B.S. (2014). Translating life course theory to clinical practice to address health disparities.
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 18, 389–395.
Cohan, C.L. & Cole, S.W. (2002). Life course transitions and natural disaster: Marriage, birth, and divorce following
Hurricane Hugo. Journal of Family Psychology, 16(1), 14–25.
Life Course Theory • 221
Danielsbacka, M. & Tanskanen, A.O. (2012). Adolescent grandchildren’s perceptions of grandparents’ involvement
in U.K.: An interpretation from life course and evolutionary theory perspectives. European Journal of Ageing,
9, 329–341.
DiPrete, T.A. & Eirich, G.M. (2006). Cumulative advantage as a mechanism for inequality: A review of theoretical
and empirical developments. Annual Review of Sociology, 32, 271–297.
Elder, G.H., Jr. (1974). Children of the Great Depression: Social change in life experience. Chicago: Chicago University
Elder, G.H., Jr. (1979). Historical change in life patterns and personality. In P.B. Baltes & O.G. Brim, Jr. (Eds.), Life-
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Elder, G.H., Jr. (1985). Life course dynamics: Trajectories and transitions, 1968–1980. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Elder, G.H., Jr. (1987). War mobilization and the life course: A cohort of World War II veterans. Sociological Forum,
2, 449–472.
Elder, G.H., Jr. (1995). The life course paradigm: Social change and individual development. In P. Moen, G.H.
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Elder, G.H., Jr. (1996). Human lives in changing societies: Life course and developmental insights. In R.B. Cairns,
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Elder, G.H., Jr. (1998). The life course as developmental theory. Child Development, 69, 1–12.
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Elder, G.H., Jr. & Caspi, A. (1988). Human development and social change: An emerging perspective on the life
course. In N. Bolger, A. Caspi, G. Downey, & M. Moorehouse (Eds.), Persons in context: Developmental
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Elder, G.H., Jr., Caspi, A., & Downey, G. (1986). Problem behavior and family relationships: Life course and
intergenerational themes. In A.B. Sorensen, F.E. Weinart, & L.R. Sherrod (Eds.), Human development and the
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Elder, G.H., Jr., Shanahan, M.J., & Clipp, E.C. (1994). When war comes to men’s lives: Life course patterns in family,
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Elder, G.H., Jr., Wu, W., & Yuan, J. (1993). State-initiated change and the life course in Shanghai, China. Unpublished
project report.
Fine, A. & Kotelchuck, M. (2010) (Under contract with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Resources and Services Administration). Rethinking MCH: The life course model as an organizing
framework. Concept paper. Version 1.1. November, 2010. Available from:
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Glueck, S. & Glueck, E. (1950). Unraveling juvenile delinquency. New York: The Commonwealth Fund.
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Hill, E.J., Yang, C., Hawkins, A.J., & Ferris, M. (2004). A cross-cultural test of the work–family interface in 48
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Jackson, P.B. (2004). Role sequencing: Does order matter for mental health? Journal of Health and Social Behavior,
45, 132–154.
Kertzer, D.I. & Keith, J. (Eds.) (1984). Age and anthropological theory. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
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Laub, J.H. & Sampson, R.J. (1993). Turning points in the life course: Why change matters to the study of crime.
Criminology, 31, 301–325.
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Laub, J.H. & Sampson, R.J. (2004). Shared beginnings, divergent lives: Delinquent boys to age 70. Cambridge, MA:
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McEwen, B.S. (1998). Stress, adaptation and disease: Allostasis and allostatic load. Annals of the New York Academy
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Medicine, 153, 2093–2101.
Neugarten, B.L. (1990). The changing meaning of age. In M. Bergener & S.I. Finkel (Eds.), Clinical and scientific
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Newman, B.M. & Newman, P.R. (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. 12th edn. Stamford,
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PowerPoint presentation for the Los Angeles County Office of Public Health. Retrieved on July 6, 2014, at
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Part III
Theories That Emphasize the Interaction
Between the Person and the Environment
The theories presented in the first section of the book highlighted biologically based patterns
or directions of development that unfold in the context of adaptation to varied environments.
The theories presented in the second section of the book highlighted the impact of varied
environments in shaping thought and action. The theories covered in this final section view
development as a product of ongoing interaction between the person and the environment. The
distinction between person and environment is less clear in these theories. A few examples might
help to illustrate this perspective.
When a baby emits babbling and cooing noises, these noises become part of the baby’s
auditory environment. Thus, the infant is producing his or her environment. At later phases of
development, individuals make choices about toys to play with, friends, books to read, places to
live, activities and so on that reflect the person’s temperament, skills, interests, and needs. In this
sense, a person’s environment is, in part, an expression of the person.
On the other hand, the environment is integrated into the person and guides action. For
example, an infant will use a different mode of locomotion on a flat surface, an incline, or on
steps. The kind of motor pattern you observe includes the infant’s adaptation to the environment.
Action is context-specific. The behaviors you may observe when a person meets you for the first
time are not the same behaviors you would observe if the person knows you well. The person
modifies his or her behavior to adapt to the context. Knowledge of the environment and past
experiences in similar situations influence a person’s expectations and subsequent actions.
These examples illustrate the bidirectional influences of person and environment, and suggest
the need for new ways of thinking about the interpenetration of person and environment as they
contribute to development.
The theories that illustrate this perspective are psychosocial theory, cognitive social-
historical theory, bioecological theory, and dynamic systems theory. Each of these theories
offers a way of thinking about the ongoing interaction of individuals and their environments
over time. Psychosocial theory focuses on the development of personality, self-understanding,
and a worldview that guides a person’s orientation toward self and others over the life course.
224 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Psychosocial theory highlights the cultural context within which the person is maturing. Cognitive
social-historical theory focuses on the development of thought and language, meaning, and the
interconnections between learning and development. Bioecological theory examines individual
development in the context of multiple layers of interacting systems that are changing over time.
Dynamic systems theory offers a framework for exploring the mechanisms of continuity and
change in any type of living system. The theory has been applied to human development in a
variety of domains including motor development, skill development, parent–child relationships,
and cognition.
Psychosocial theory grew from roots in psychosexual theory, cultural anthropology, and
psychosocial evolution. The theory defines human development as a product of the ongoing
interaction of an individual’s biological and psychological needs and abilities on the one hand,
and societal expectations on the other. Psychosocial theory predicts an orderly sequence of
change in ego development and social relationships from infancy through late life. At each stage,
new abilities and coping strategies emerge for engaging in social relationships and for meeting
the demands of an ever-changing, increasingly complex social world.
Cognitive social-historical theory was developed in the time shortly after the Russian
Revolution. The theory suggests that development begins in a social relationship between mother
and child. The components of this relationship are internalized by the child and guide his or her
behavior. Over the course of development, cognition advances from sources external to the child
(intermental) to internalized thinking (intramental). The child learns best when a responsive
adult or more skilled peer poses problems and guides solutions that are slightly beyond a child’s
current level of functioning. The child learns to guide his or her own behavior by developing an
inner voice or inner speech that is a product of this social support and guidance.
Bioecological theory provides a model for thinking about the changing person in a web of
interconnected environments, some of which the person can influence directly, and others which
impinge on the person through their influence on related family members, important institutions,
cultural norms, and governmental policies. Both personal characteristics, such as temperament
or intelligence, and specific behaviors, such as crying or helping someone, can modify the
environment and alter its subsequent impact. Similar to life course theory, bioecological theory
widens our view about the diversity of relevant environments, and also introduces new ideas
about the ongoing interactions of persons and settings.
Dynamic systems theory has its roots in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and
biology. It was initially applied to the study of human development through the analysis of
motor behavior. Development is understood as the result of multiple, mutual and continuous
interactions among all levels of a developing system from the molecular to the cultural. The
premise is that development is not guided by an executive, hierarchical plan either at the
biological or the environmental level. Rather, new organizational patterns emerge as a result of
the coordination and integration of recurring actions on many levels at once. The theory offers a
way of linking the substantial variability of individual behaviors with the emergence of patterns
and qualitative shifts in behavior over time.
Psychosocial Theory
Case Vignette 226
Historical Context 228
Key Concepts 230
Stages of Development 230
Psychosocial Crisis 232
Radius of Significant Relationships 234
Prime Adaptive Ego Qualities 234
Core Pathologies 235
New Directions 235
Additional Psychosocial Stages 235
Integration of Developmental Tasks 238
The Central Process for Resolving the Psychosocial Crisis 239
A Research Example: Individual Identity 240
Identity Status 240
Developmental Progression of Identity Statuses 241
An Application: The Role of Hope in Coping and Problem Solving 242
How Does Psychosocial Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 243
Critique of Psychosocial Theory 247
Strengths 247
Weaknesses 248
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 250
Key Terms 250
Recommended Resources 251
226 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Guiding Questions
• How would you characterize the similarities and differences between psychoanalytic
theory and psychosocial theory? How are they related? What are four or five important
distinctions between these theories?
• What is the direction of development in psychosocial theory? How would you
characterize the path or pattern of maturity in this theory?
• What are some possible consequences of positive and negative development?
• How does this theory incorporate the role of culture? What are some mechanisms
through which culture influences development at each stage of life?
• Each stage of life is viewed as presenting a unique set of conflicting forces. Which stages
do you consider to be the most difficult in contemporary U.S. culture? Why?
• Looking back over your life, identify some examples of experiences that support the
central concept of a psychosocial crisis at each stage of life.
Case Vignette
It is 1965 in Columbus, Ohio. Lillian has graduated from college where she majored
in English. She is hoping to marry her steady boyfriend, Michael, who has a degree in
engineering. Her desire to form a close, loving bond with a caring, ambitious partner
who will be able to provide a comfortable life is central to her life plan. Lillian’s friends
and family are enthusiastic about the relationship, and after a year-long courtship,
Lillian and Michael are married. Their life is a pleasant blend of household manage-
ment, social life with neighbors, periodic visits with family members, and some travel.
At this point, the work of forming a satisfying, cooperative close relationship is very
satisfying. It meets their personal needs and fits well into the expectations of their friends
and family.
Now fast forward to 1985. Lillian is 42. Michael is a senior partner in his engineering firm,
experiencing the positive rewards of leadership, community status, and financial success.
He comes home after work, expecting Lillian to have a nice dinner ready. After dinner, he
reads the paper, watches the sports channel on television, has a glass or two of wine, kisses
Lillian goodnight, and goes to bed.
In the afternoons, Lillian has been going to a consciousness-raising group at the community
center. She and her neighbors have been thinking about the meaning of their lives, the
nature of their relationships, and the way they spend their days. She still admires Michael,
but is starting to feel stifled by the routine of their life together, and the limits of her
ability to “make a difference” in the world. Lillian wants to know how she can contribute
to something beyond her own immediate family. When she talks to Michael about her
feelings, he seems impatient, feeling that the life they have built together over the past 20
years is very satisfying. “I still love you, just as I did when we met. And I don’t want anything
to change.” But Lillian has a strong sense that something has to change if she is going to
continue to keep growing as a person.
Psychosocial Theory • 227
Psychosocial theory is unique in giving us a look at the inner world of thoughts, feelings,
and desires that create a sense of self in the society. The theory introduces a picture of a
dynamic tension or dialectic between opposing forces that shift from one stage of life to the
next. Within this framework, the theory sketches out the signposts of an interdependent
process through which societies direct the paths of maturity, and individuals struggle to
resolve conflicts that will enable them to achieve new levels of maturity. At each stage of
life, the process of growth results from the interaction of individuals’ drives, goals, and
abilities, and the expectations and demands of the culture. In order for the society to thrive,
individuals must be able to make their way along a path of ethical, interpersonal, and
intrapersonal challenges. In order for individuals to thrive, societies must be structured
to recognize and support these emerging capacities. The theory shines a light on the inner
world of the person, who is striving to find a sense of balance and purpose over a long life
in a changing world.
In the case presented above, we see the dynamic interplay between personal development
and societal change for Lillian and Michael. In their early adulthood, the primary
psychosocial theme was the desire for a sense of intimacy, which they achieve within a
normative social context for marriage, while emphasizing a culturally approved pattern
in which men were the primary breadwinners, and women were primarily responsible
for the care of home and family. Twenty years later, the developmental issues shift toward
concerns for personal meaning in life, and a goal of experiencing a generative impact on
others. Within this developmental context, we see a situation in which Lillian and Michael
no longer share the same, harmonious expression of their developmental needs, brought
about in part by the rapid changes in social, economic, and cultural conditions especially
related to the opening up of new roles for women in education and the labor market.
Questions emerge about how Lillian and Michael will resolve this interpersonal tension.
Can Lillian spur Michael into a more coordinated, growth-directed life path? Will Lillian
become disillusioned in her marriage and strive to establish a more independent, authentic
path toward generativity on her own? Or is their future likely to drift along toward
stagnation, protecting what they have but withdrawing from the risks that are associated
with change?
Historical Context
The person who is identified with the development of psychosocial theory is Erik Erikson. He and
his wife Joan worked together to formulate the first presentation of the theory and its eight stages
of development in 1950 (Erikson, J.M., 1988). Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany,
in 1902. His mother was unmarried, and he never knew the identity of his biological father.
Erikson’s Danish mother, Karla Abrahamsen, married a Jewish stockbroker before Erikson’s
birth, but the marriage did not last. Before Erik’s third birthday, his mother married a German-
Jewish pediatrician, Theodor Homburger, who gave Erik his surname. In his detailed biography
of Erikson, Lawrence Friedman (1999) described Erikson’s continuing efforts to unravel the
mysteries of his origin, and the convergence of this personal dilemma with Erikson’s emphasis
on identity and the identity crisis.
Erikson was not a very good student and had trouble settling on a vocation. At age 18,
after completing gymnasium (German secondary school that prepares students to study at a
university), Erikson traveled around Europe for a year, spending several months on the shores
of Lake Constance, reading, writing, and enjoying the beauty of the setting. When he returned
home, he enrolled in art school and pursued this study for the next few years. After traveling to
Florence, Italy, where he concluded that he was not going to succeed as an artist, he and some of
his friends, including Peter Blos, wandered around for a time searching for a sense of themselves
and their personal resources (Coles, 1970).
Erikson and Blos accepted an invitation to teach at a private school that had been founded by
Anna Freud for the children of students at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. Erikson proved to
be so talented in working with children that he was selected to be a full member of the society,
where he studied the techniques of psychoanalysis and underwent a training analysis with Anna
Freud. His decision to become an analyst was encouraged by the supportive, influential analysts
of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society who were eager to help promising people enter the field
they had created. Erikson’s admission to training was unusual in that he had neither a university
nor a medical degree.
In 1933, after analytic training and marriage to Joan, whom he met in Vienna, he set off to the
United States. He became one of the first child analysts in Boston, and began collaborating with
Henry Murray at Harvard. By 1935, he went to Yale, and 2 years after that he went off to study the
Sioux Indians in South Dakota. He benefited from the support and encouragement of a number
of cultural anthropologists and sociologists who encouraged his interest in the integration of
psychoanalysis and sociocultural processes.
After completing his research about the Sioux, he opened a clinical practice in San Francisco.
During this time, he also became a faculty member at the University of California at Berkeley.
In 1950, Erikson left Berkeley and became an analyst on the staff of the Austin Riggs Center in
Stockbridge, Massachusetts. In the late 1950s he became a professor of human development at
Harvard, and he retained this position until his retirement. Erikson’s major theoretical work,
Childhood and society, was synthesized while he was at Berkeley and published in 1950 when
he was 48. In this work, Erikson presented his psychosocial theory of development. A revised
edition was published in 1963, and he expanded and revised his theory in many other books
and papers.
His thinking was influenced by a variety of sources. His training as an analyst was very
influential in his view of an epigenetic, stage view of development. He viewed development as
a progression in which the orientation or outlook acquired in earlier stages influenced one’s
Psychosocial Theory • 229
approach to subsequent stages. Erikson’s theory is often grouped with other psychoanalytic
theories. However, his theory contributed a number of novel ideas that place it in a category of
its own. The theory extends the view of development beyond adolescence into early, middle, and
later adulthood. In comparison to the psychoanalytic tradition, which is focused on psychosexual
development, Erikson became increasingly interested in the emergence of the skills necessary to
participate in social life and to be meaningfully integrated into one’s society. He focused on the
emergence of ego strengths and competences rather than on the vulnerabilities and defenses
that crystallize when needs are not gratified. Nonetheless, by casting his view of development
as a dialectic tension between positive and negative forces, his theory offers a conception of
vulnerabilities as well as strengths. The theory places culture in a central position, opening the
way to thinking about the possibility of universal directions for development embedded in
unique and varied cultural pathways.
Erikson’s observations of American Indian tribes were guided by current research in
cultural anthropology, and awakened his understanding of the way cultural norms and values
are transmitted through childrearing and the socialization of children. He was a careful observer
of daily behaviors such as nursing, toilet training, play, discipline, and other forms of adult–
child interaction. In contrast to Freud’s theory which relied on reports from adult patients about
recollections of their childhood, Erikson’s ideas were based more on the direct observation of
The fact that he was not trained in a specific intellectual field at the university level meant that
Erikson was open to a variety of intellectual traditions. He was able to conceptualize aspects of
social life that he observed but that were not yet part of traditional disciplines, such as psychology
or psychoanalysis. For example, he corresponded with Julian Huxley, who was an evolutionary
theorist. Huxley used the term psychosocial evolution to refer to those human abilities that have
allowed people to gather knowledge from their ancestors and transmit it to their descendants.
Childrearing practices, education, and modes of communication transmit information and
ways of thinking from one generation to the next. At the same time, people learn how to acquire
new information, ways of thinking, and ways of teaching their discoveries to others. In Huxley’s
thinking, psychosocial evolution proceeded at a rapid pace, bringing with it changes in technology
and ideology that have allowed people to create and modify the physical and social environments
in which they live (Huxley, 1941, 1942/1974).
In one of his letters to Erikson, Huxley asked how we could account for certain higher-level
social concepts, such as intimacy, identity, generativity, and wisdom. His point was that these are
some of the finest aspects of human capacity, but they were not really addressed in the existing
psychological theories. Much of Erikson’s theoretical focus was on trying to account for the
emergence of these higher order capacities in adolescence and adulthood.
During this time, other theorists also were focusing on the development of mature competences
that help support advanced functioning over the life course. Scholars such as Bernice Neugarten
(1968), Robert Havighurst (1953, 1948/1972), and Robert White (1960) were building a framework
for the study of personality development, competence, and mastery in adulthood. In the 1970s,
theorists, including Daniel Levinson (1977; Levinson, Darrow, Klein, Levinson, & McKee, 1978),
Roger Gould (1972), and George Vaillant (1977), developed related ideas about stages or phases of
adult life, with a particular emphasis on the search for meaning that accompanies shifts in work,
family, parenting, and self-understanding. The focus of this chapter is on Erikson’s construction
of psychosocial theory, with a recognition that his ideas converged with those of others working
at about the same time.
230 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Key Concepts
As proposed by Erik Erikson, psychosocial theory accounts for systematic change over the life
span through five basic concepts: (a) stages of development, (b) psychosocial crises, (c) a radius
of significant relationships, (d) prime adaptive ego qualities, and (e) core pathologies.
Stages of Development
A developmental stage is a period of life that is characterized by a specific underlying organization.
At every stage, some characteristics differentiate it from the preceding and succeeding stages.
Stage theories propose a specific direction for development. At each stage, the accomplishments
from the previous stages provide resources for mastering the new challenges. Each stage is unique
and leads to the acquisition of new skills related to new capabilities (Davison, King, Kitchener,
& Parker, 1980; Flavell, 1982; Levin, 1986). Within the framework of psychosocial theory the
concept of stages of development refers to patterns of changes in self-concept and a coordinated
sense of self in society based on new cognitive capacities, new learning, and new relationship
skills. At each stage, the biological, psychological, and societal systems converge around a set of
defining challenges that require a new view of the self in society and a new way of relating to
others (Whitbourne, Sneed, & Sayer, 2009; Newman and Newman, 2015).
Erikson (1950/1963) proposed that the stages of development follow the epigenetic principle,
a biological plan for growth that allows each function to emerge systematically until the fully
functioning organism has developed. An assumption of this and other stage theories is that the
stages form a sequence. Although one can anticipate challenges that will occur at a later stage,
one passes through the stages in an orderly pattern of growth. In the logic of psychosocial theory,
the entire life span is required for all the functions of psychosocial development to appear and
become integrated. There is no going back to an earlier stage because experience makes retreat
impossible. In contrast to other stage theories, however, Erikson suggested that one can review
and reinterpret previous stages in the light of new insight and/or new experiences. In addition, the
themes of earlier stages may reemerge at any point, bringing a new meaning or a new resolution
to an earlier conflict. Joan Erikson reflects on the fluidity and hopefulness in this perspective:
This sequential growth . . . is now known to be more influenced by the social milieu than
was in previous years considered possible . . . Where a strength is not adequately developed
according to the given sequence for its scheduled period of critical resolution, the supports
of the environment may bring it into appropriate balance at a later period. Hope remains
constant throughout life that more sturdy resolutions of the basic confrontation may be
realized. (Erikson, 1988, pp. 74–75)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic trust
1. Oral-
2. Muscular-
vs. Shame,
3. Locomotor-
4. Latency
5. Puberty and
vs. Role
6. Young
7. Adulthood
8. Maturity
integrity vs.
The concept of life stages permits us to consider the various aspects of development such
as physical growth, social relationships, and cognitive capacities at a given period of life and to
speculate about their interrelation. It also encourages a focus on the experiences that are unique
to each life period—experiences that deserve to be understood both in their own right and for
their contribution to subsequent development.
One must avoid thinking of stages as pigeonholes. Just because a person is described as being
at a given stage does not mean that he or she cannot function at other levels. It is not unusual
for people to anticipate later challenges before they become dominant. Many children of toddler
(muscular-anal) and preschool (locomotor-genital) age, for example, play house, envisioning
having a husband or a wife and children. You might say that, in this play, they are anticipat-
ing the issues of intimacy and generativity that lie ahead. The experience of having a child,
whether this occurs at age 18, 25, or 35, is likely to raise issues of generativity, even if the theory
suggests that this theme is not in its peak ascendancy until middle adulthood (McAdams & de
St. Aubin, 1998). While some elements of each psychosocial theme can be observed at all ages, the
intensity with which they are expressed at certain times marks their importance in the definition
of a developmental stage. Erikson, Erikson, and Kivnick (1986) put it this way:
The epigenetic chart also rightly suggests that the individual is never struggling only with the
tension that is focal at the time. Rather, at every successive developmental stage, the individual
232 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
is also increasingly engaged in the anticipation of tensions that have yet to become focal and
in reexperiencing those tensions that were inadequately integrated when they were focal;
similarly engaged are those whose age-appropriate integration was then, but is no longer,
adequate. (p. 39)
As one leaves a stage, the achievements of that period are neither lost nor irrelevant to later
stages. Although the theory suggests that important ego strengths emerge from the successful
resolution of conflicts at every stage, one should not assume that these strengths, once established,
are never challenged or shaken. Events may take place later in life that call into question the
essential beliefs established in an earlier period.
For example, the psychosocial conflict during early school age (locomotor-genital stage)
is initiative versus guilt. Its positive outcome, a sense of initiative, is a joy in innovation and
experimentation and a willingness to take risks in order to learn more about the world. Once
achieved, the sense of initiative provides a positive platform for the formation of social relationships
as well as for further creative intellectual inquiry and discovery. However, experiences in a highly
authoritarian school environment or in a very judgmental, shaming personal relationship may
cause one to inhibit this sense of initiative or to mask it with a facade of indifference.
The idea of life stages highlights the changing orientations toward one’s self and others that
dominate periods of the life span. Movement from one stage to the next is the result of changes
in several major systems at approximately the same time. The new mixture of needs, capabilities,
and expectations is what produces the new orientation toward experience at each stage.
Psychosocial Crisis
A psychosocial crisis refers to a state of tension that results from the discrepancies between
the person’s competences at the beginning of a stage and the society’s expectations for behavior
at that period of life (Erikson, 1950/1963). The psychosocial crisis arises because one must
make psychological efforts to adjust to the demands of the social environment at each stage
of development (Erikson, 1950/1963). The word crisis in this context refers to a normal set of
stresses and strains rather than to an extraordinary set of events. Societal demands vary from
stage to stage. People experience these demands as mild but persistent expectations for behavior.
They may be demands for greater self-control, further development of skills, or a stronger
commitment to goals. Before the end of each stage of development, the individual tries to achieve
a resolution, to adjust to society’s demands, and at the same time to translate those demands into
personal terms. This process produces a state of tension that the individual must reduce in order
to proceed to the next stage.
Psychosocial Crises of the Life Stages. Figure 8.1 lists the psychosocial crisis at each stage of
development from infancy (oral-sensory) through later adulthood (maturity). This scheme,
derived from Erikson’s model, expresses the crises as polarities—for example, trust versus mistrust,
and autonomy versus shame and doubt. These contrasting conditions suggest the underlying
dimensions along which each psychosocial crisis is resolved. According to psychosocial theory,
most people experience both positive and negative ends of the continuum. The inevitable
discrepancy between one’s level of development at the beginning of a stage and society’s push for
a new level of functioning by the end of it creates at least a mild degree of the negative condition.
Even within a loving, caring family environment that promotes trust, an infant will experience
Psychosocial Theory • 233
some moments of frustration or disappointment that result in mistrust. The outcome of the crisis
at each stage is a balance or integration of the two opposing forces. For each person, the relative
frequency and significance of positive and negative experiences will contribute to a resolution of
the crisis that lies along a continuum from extremely positive to extremely negative.
The likelihood of a completely positive or a completely negative resolution is small. Most
individuals resolve the crises in a generally positive direction, supported by a combination of
positive experiences combined with natural maturational tendencies. At each successive stage,
however, the likelihood of a negative resolution increases as societal demands become more
complex and the chances of encountering societal barriers to development increase. A positive
resolution of each crisis provides new ego strengths that help the person meet the demands of
the next stage. A negative resolution contributes to withdrawal and rigidity that make it more
difficult to meet the new demands of the next stage.
To understand the process of growth at each life stage, we have to consider the negative as
well as the positive pole of each crisis. The dynamic tension between the positive and negative
forces respects and reflects the struggles we all encounter to restrain unbridled impulses, to
overcome fears and doubts, and to look past our own needs to consider the needs of others. The
negative poles offer insight into basic areas of human vulnerability. Experienced in moderation,
the negative forces result in a clarification of ego positions, individuation, and moral integrity.
While a steady diet of mistrust is undesirable, for example, it is important that a trusting person
be able to evaluate situations and people for their trustworthiness and to discern cues about
safety or danger in any encounter. In every psychosocial crisis, experiences at both the positive
and the negative poles contribute to the total range of a person’s adaptive capacities.
The term crisis implies that normal development does not proceed smoothly. The theory
hypothesizes that tension and conflict are necessary to the developmental process. Crisis and its
resolution are basic, biologically based components of life experience at every stage. In fact, they
are what drives the ego system to develop new capacities.
The term psychosocial draws attention to the fact that the psychosocial crises are, in part,
the result of cultural pressures and expectations. As part of normal development, individuals
will experience tension because of the culture’s need to socialize and integrate its members. The
concept acknowledges the dynamic conflicts between individuality and group membership at
each period of life.
The exact nature of the conflict is not the same at each stage. For example, few cultural limits are
placed on infants. The outcome of the infancy stage depends greatly on the skill of the caregiver.
At early school age, the culture stands in fairly direct opposition to the child’s initiative in some
matters by discouraging curiosity or questioning about certain topics, and offers abundant
encouragement to a child’s initiative in others. In young adulthood, the dominant cultural push
is toward the establishment of intimate relationships; yet an individual may be unable to attain
intimacy because of the lack of time to cultivate intimate relationships, competing pressures from
the workplace, cultural norms against certain expressions of intimacy, or restrictions against
certain types of unions.
As reflected in the epigenetic principle, the succession of crises occurs in a predictable
sequence over the life course. Although Erikson did not specify the exact ages for each crisis,
the theory hypothesizes an age-related progression in which each crisis has its time of special
ascendancy. The combination of biological, psychological, and societal forces that operate to
bring about change has a degree of regularity within society that places each psychosocial crisis
at a particular period of life.
234 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
been generated; and (i) later adulthood–wisdom, which is a detached yet active concern with life
itself in the face of death.
These ego qualities contribute to the person’s dominant worldview, which is continuously
reformulated to accommodate new ego qualities. The importance of many of the prime adaptive
ego qualities has been verified by research. For example, hope has been identified as a significant
factor in allowing people to cope with adversity as well as to organize their actions to achieve
difficult goals (Snyder, 1994). People with a hopeful attitude have a better chance of maintaining
their spirits and strength in the face of crisis than people who are pessimistic. In interviews with
people in very old age, Erikson and his colleagues found that those who were hopeful about their
own future as well as that of their children were more intellectually vigorous and psychologically
resilient than those not characterized by this orientation (Erikson et al., 1986).
Core Pathologies
Although most people develop the prime adaptive ego qualities, a potential core pathology or
destructive force may also develop as a result of ineffective, negatively balanced crisis resolution
at each stage (Erikson, 1982). The core pathologies and their definitions are: (a) infancy–
withdrawal, social and emotional detachment; (b) toddlerhood–compulsion, repetitive behaviors
motivated by impulse or by restrictions against the expression of impulse; (c) early school age–
inhibition, a psychological restraint that prevents freedom of thought, expression, and activity;
(d) middle childhood–inertia, a paralysis of action and thought that prevents productive work;
(e) early adolescence–dissociation, an inability to connect with others; (f) later adolescence–
repudiation, rejection of most roles and values because they are viewed as alien to oneself; (g)
early adulthood–exclusivity, an elitist shutting out of others; (h) middle adulthood–rejectivity,
unwillingness to include certain others or groups of others in one’s generative concern; and (i)
later adulthood–disdain, a feeling of scorn for the weakness and frailty of oneself and others.
The core pathologies also serve as guiding orientations for behavior. These pathologies move
people away from others, tend to prevent further exploration of interpersonal relations, and
obstruct the resolution of subsequent psychosocial crises. The energy that would normally be
directed toward mastering the developmental tasks of a stage is directed instead toward resisting
or avoiding change. The core pathologies are not simply passive limitations or barriers to growth.
They are energized worldviews leading to strategies that protect people from further unwanted
association with the social system and its persistent, tension-producing demands. Figure 8.2
illustrates the mechanism for positive and negative psychosocial development at each stage.
New Directions
Psychosocial theory has been expanded and elaborated upon as a framework for studying
development across the life span (Newman & Newman, 1975, 2015). This perspective integrates
two additional constructs: developmental tasks, and a central process for resolving the
psychosocial crisis. It also expands the number of life stages and the related psychosocial crises.
The three additional stages are prenatal development, early adolescence, and elderhood.
Prime adaptive
ego qualities
Growth forces
Destructive forces
Core pathologies
Restriction of
context. Patterns of biological and psychosocial evolution occur within a cultural frame of ref-
erence. The prenatal stage is added to the stages of psychosocial development in the context of a
growing body of research that illuminates the dynamic interaction of the genetically guided plan
for fetal development and the fetal environment. This fetal environment is further influenced by
features of the social and cultural contexts within which pregnancy occurs. Thus, the status of the
fetus at birth is already a product of a psychosocial dynamic.
The division of the adolescent period into two psychosocial stages is a product of changes in
the timing of onset of puberty in modern society, the expanding need for education and training
before entry into the world of work, related changes in the structure of the educational system,
and the variety of the available life choices in work, marriage, parenting, and ideology. The period
of later adolescence, which is described in many of Erikson’s writings as characterized by its focus
on individual identity, is an effort to find a meaningful integration of one’s roles that is acceptable
and valued by society. Recent research has linked this capacity for self-reflection and the capacity
Psychosocial Theory • 237
to integrate diverse information into a complex, abstract sense of oneself with the continuing
maturation of the prefrontal cortex tied to decision making, planning, and goal setting (Steinberg,
2005). The idea of later adolescence as a distinct stage of development has been supported by a
growing body of research summarized by Jeffrey Arnett (1998, 2000, 2004). Arnett refers to this
stage of life as emerging adulthood.
The period of early adolescence is characterized by its focus on social or group identity and
its ties to the psychosocial transitions associated with pubertal change. The psychosocial crisis of
this stage is group identity versus alienation. This crisis captures the tension between feeling that
one is meaningfully connected to a valued social group and a sense of social estrangement. The
prime adaptive ego quality is fidelity to others, a willingness to pledge one’s loyalties to others and
to sustain one’s commitments to them. The core pathology is dissociation, a sense of separateness,
withdrawal, and a reluctance to make the types of enduring commitments to others that foster
long-term friendships (Newman and Newman, 1976, 2015).
The addition of a period of elderhood was stimulated by interest in the adaptive strategies that
characterize people who have exceeded the life expectancy of their birth cohort. In the United
States, those 85 and older are the fastest growing age group, expected to reach 7.2 million by 2020.
Erikson hinted at this final stage in his book, Vital involvements in old age (Erikson et al., 1986). A
psychosocial stage beyond maturity reflects the courage, vitality, and innovative coping strategies
that are observed in this group, as well as the impact of advanced age on one’s self-concept and
one’s outlook on mortality. The psychosocial crisis of elderhood is immortality versus extinction
(Newman & Newman, 2015). This crisis reflects a tension between a view of life as transcending
mortality through a symbolic, societal, or spiritual continuity, and the sense that death brings a
final and permanent end to one’s existence and one’s impact. The prime adaptive ego quality is
confidence, a trust in one’s self and the meaningfulness of life. The core pathology is diffidence, an
inability to act because of overwhelming self-doubt.
The need to differentiate the period of elderhood from later adulthood was confirmed in the
writings of Joan Erikson who proposed a ninth stage of the life cycle (Erikson & Erikson, 1997).
Joan Erikson wrote about this stage of life in the years after Erik died, while she was in her
nineties. As a result of physical decline, social isolation, the loss of loved ones, and cultural neglect
or disregard, Erikson suggested that the dystonic or negative poles of the eight psychosocial stages
become newly salient. In addition, she distinguished the sense of despair in the eighth stage of the
theory, which was despair over past opportunities and regret over past decisions, from a new kind
of despair over the mounting disintegration and loss of capacities resulting from the physical
declines of very old age. She wrote of the failure of society to find an appropriate strategy or
program to embrace the realities of advanced aging that permits older adults to remain engaged,
in touch, and integrated into social life.
The counter force to this process of decline and despair is what Joan Erikson described as
enough, this all demands of us an honest and steadfast humility. These are wonderful words,
words that wind us up into involvement. Transcendence—that’s it, of course! And it moves.
It’s one of the arts, it’s alive, sings, and makes music, and I hug myself because of the truth it
whispers to my soul. No wonder writing has been so difficult. Transcendence calls forth the
languages of the arts; nothing else speaks so deeply and meaningfully to our hearts and souls.
The great dance of life can transport us into all realms of making and doing with every item of
body, mind, and spirit involved. I am profoundly moved, for I am growing old and feel shabby,
and suddenly great riches present themselves and enlighten every part of my body and reach
out to beauty everywhere. (Erikson & Erikson, 1997, p. 127)
These capabilities orient the person toward new experiences, a new aptitude for relationships, and
new feelings of personal worth as he or she confronts the challenges of the developmental tasks
of the next stage. In turn, the skills learned during a particular stage as a result of work on its
developmental tasks provide the tools for the resolution of the psychosocial crisis of that stage.
Task accomplishment and crisis resolution interact to produce individual life stories.
Identity Status
One of the most widely used conceptual frameworks for assessing identity status was devised
by James Marcia (1980, 1993, 2007). Using Erikson’s concepts, Marcia assessed identity status on
the basis of two criteria: crisis and commitment. Crisis consists of a period of questioning, role
experimentation, and active decision making among alternative choices. Commitment consists
of a demonstration of personal involvement in activities and relationships that reflect one’s beliefs
and values in the areas of occupational choice, religion, political ideology, and interpersonal
bonds. On the basis of Marcia’s interview, one can determine a young person’s progress in
clarifying values, goals, and commitments. The status of one’s identity development is assessed as
either identity achieved, foreclosed, moratorium, or diffused (see Table 8.1.).
People who are classified as identity achieved have already experienced a time of questioning
and exploration, and have made occupational and ideological commitments. People who are
classified as foreclosed have not experienced a crisis but demonstrate strong occupational and
ideological commitments. Their occupational and ideological beliefs appear to be close to those
of their parents. The foreclosed identity is deceptive. A young person of 18 or 19 who can say
exactly what he or she wants in life and who has selected an occupational goal, may appear to
be mature. This kind of clarity of vision may impress peers and adults as evidence of a high level
of self-insight. However, if this solution has been formulated through the wholesale adoption of
a script that was devised by the young person’s family, it may not actually reflect much depth of
People who are classified as being in a state of psychosocial moratorium are involved in an
ongoing crisis. They are in a period of questioning, exploration, and experimentation; they have
not yet made commitments. The moratorium status is typically an active, open time for gathering
Psychosocial Theory • 241
information and figuring out how one fits in certain roles. Finally, people who are classified as
identity diffused may or may not have experienced a crisis, and they demonstrate a complete
lack of commitment. Marcia described several types of identify diffusion including people who
have a rather cavalier, “party” attitude, and others who are more acutely confused and might be
experiencing more serious psychopathology.
A significant body of research has shown patterns of personal characteristics associated with
the four identity statuses that are consistent with Erikson’s theory. Those who are classified as
identity achieved show greater ego strength. They have higher levels of achievement motivation,
moral reasoning, intimacy with peers, and career maturity. Those in the moratorium status
are more anxious and have conflict over issues of authority. They are more flexible and less
authoritarian than the other groups. Those in the foreclosed status are the most authoritarian;
they are the least autonomous and have the greatest need for social approval (Berzonsky &
Adams, 1999; Waterman, 1999a, 1999b; Zimmermann & Becker-Stoll, 2002).
The most maladaptive resolution of the crisis is identity diffusion. Individuals in this status
have been shown to have low self-esteem; they are more likely than those in the other statuses
to be influenced by peer pressures toward conformity; and they approach problem solving with
tendencies toward procrastination and avoidance which contribute to difficulties in adjusting to
the college environment (Berzonsky & Kuk, 2000; Kroger, 2003). In comparison to the moratorium
group, young people in the diffused status are less conscientious, more likely to experience
negative emotions, and more disagreeable (Clancy & Dollinger, 1993). They are generally not
outgoing; rather, they describe themselves as self-conscious and likely to feel depressed. Their
relationship with their parents is described as distant or rejecting. Several studies have found that
young people who are characterized as identity diffused have had a history of early and frequent
involvement with drug use and abuse (Jones, 1992). Difficulties in resolving earlier psychosocial
crises, especially conflicts related to autonomy versus shame and doubt and initiative versus guilt,
leave some young people with deficits in ego formation that interfere with the kind of energy and
playful self-assertiveness that are necessary in the process of identity achievement (Marcia, 2006).
are characterized as having the identity statuses of moratorium and achievement, and fewer are
in foreclosure or identity diffusion (Kroger, Martinussen, & Marcia, 2010). When transitions in
identity status occur, they are typically in the direction from moratorium to achievement. However,
studies report diverse patterns of status transitions from diffusion or moratorium to foreclosure
or achievement; and some studies find that many individuals do not change their identity status
over the period of later adolescence and early adulthood (Meeus, 2011). Identity commitments
provide stability and direction. Certain life events such as job loss, death of a loved one, or loss of a
love relationship, can destabilize these commitments, resulting in a form of identity regression. For
example, a person might move from achievement to moratorium or from foreclosure to diffusion
(Marcia, 2010; Marcia & Simon, 2003). One implication is that the statuses are better thought of as
self-theories or ways of linking information about the self and the world rather than formal stages
that evolve in a strict sequence from one level to the next (Berzonsky, 2003).
Hope bestows on the anticipated future a sense of leeway inviting expectant leaps, either
in preparatory imagination or in small initiating actions. And such daring must count on
basic trust in the sense of a trustfulness that must be, literally and figuratively, nourished by
maternal care and—when endangered by all-too-desperate discomfort—must be restored by
competent consolidation. (1982, p. 60)
Hopefulness combines the ability to think of one or more paths to achieve a goal with a belief
in one’s ability to move along that pathway toward the goal (Snyder, Cheavens, & Sympson, 1997).
The roots of hopefulness lie in the infant’s understanding of the self as a causal agent. Each time
a baby takes an action to achieve an outcome, the sense of hope grows. When babies encounter
obstacles or barriers to their goals, sensitive caregivers find ways to remove the obstacles or lead
them along a new path toward the goal. The infant’s sense of self as a causal agent combined with
the caregiver’s sensitivity create the context for the emergence of hope.
Research with adults shows that people who have a hopeful, optimistic outlook about the future
have different achievement beliefs and emotional reactions in response to actual achievement
than do people who have a pessimistic outlook (Dweck, 1992; Seligman, 2011). People who have
higher levels of hopefulness undertake a larger number of goals across life areas and select tasks
that are more difficult. Hopefulness is generally associated with higher goals, higher levels of
confidence that the goals will be reached, and greater persistence in the face of barriers to goal
attainment, thus leading to higher overall levels of performance (Snyder, 2002).
Psychosocial Theory • 243
Feelings of hope have been shown to help people deal with their most difficult challenges,
including serious illness, injury, bereavement, and facing the end of life (Sullivan, 2003). In the
face of many difficulties as a result of separation from their mothers, poverty, and disruptive
home environments, children who have higher levels of hope have been found to have fewer
emotional and behavioral problems. These children are more likely to have ideas about how to
overcome challenges in their lives rather than to be overwhelmed by the problems they face
(Hagen, Myers, & Macintosh, 2005).
In studies of college students, hope has been found to be closely linked with academic success
(Snyder, Shorey, Cheavens, Pulvers, Adams, & Wiklund, 2002). In a 6-year longitudinal study,
students who were more hopeful had better grades and were more likely to graduate from
college. Students’ hopefulness was associated with having more clearly identified goals based on
internal standards. Their goals served to energize their behavior and increase efforts to perform
well. Hopeful students were more focused on their goals and less likely to be distracted by self-
deprecating thoughts or negative emotions that undermined their efforts. Finally, students who
were hopeful were able to identify several different paths toward their goals. If one path was
blocked, they would use the information to find another alternative. In contrast, students low
in hopefulness tended to stick with one strategy even when it was not working and, as a result,
became more passive and disengaged.
Hope plays a key role in the therapeutic process (Snyder & Taylor, 2000). An assumption of
counseling is that the client and the therapist can imagine a better future and that together they
will explore pathways toward that future. Counselors nurture hope by helping clients to identify
new possibilities for their future, clarify their goals, devise strategies or paths to achieve these
goals, and increase their sense of agency about being able to enact these strategies. By modeling
confidence and reassurance, the counselor creates an environment in which the client can begin
to experience hopefulness about the future (Snyder & McDermott, 1999; Egan, 2013).
those to whom we are not connected, those whom we do not care about, and those qualities
of our own that we reject or deny. These categories provide us with an orientation toward
certain kinds of people and away from others, toward certain life choices and away from
others. The psychosocial perspective brings to light the dynamic interplay of the roles of the
self and the others, the I and the We, as they contribute to the emergence of identity over the
life course.
Psychosocial theory addresses issues of continuity and change over the life course. At each
stage of life, the resolution of the psychosocial crisis results in the attainment of certain prime
adaptive ego strengths or core pathologies. At each stage of life, one is embedded in a radius
of significant relationships. These factors, carried forward into the next stage, as well as the
tendency to anticipate the issues of the stages ahead, contribute to continuity in development.
At the same time, the epigenetic principle assumes an unfolding of new capacities in the
context of changing social expectations. As a result, one can expect new ways of understanding
the relationship of self and other, and new facets of one’s identity, to emerge over the life span.
Although there is no going back to earlier stages of life, there is a capacity for reflection and
revisitation through which the resolution of earlier crises may be reconfigured.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
The basic mechanism that accounts for growth is the psychosocial crisis. The crises arise as
a result of the epigenetic principle through which tension is created due to the discrepancy
between one’s competencies at each stage and the new demands of society. People strive to
reduce this tension by using a variety of familiar coping strategies and by learning new ones.
The following testable hypotheses emerge from the theory:
1. A normal crisis arises at each stage of development, and a central process operates to
resolve this crisis. The resolution of the crisis at each stage determines one’s coping
resources, with a positive resolution contributing to ego strengths and a negative
resolution contributing to core pathologies.
2. Each stage of development is accompanied by a specific psychosocial crisis. Issues of later
stages can be previewed at an earlier time, but each issue has its period of ascendance. It
takes the entire life course, from the prenatal period through elderhood, for all aspects of
the ego’s potential to be realized.
3. Each person is part of an expanding network of significant relationships that convey
society’s expectations and demands. These relationships also provide encouragement and
support in the face of challenges.
4. Development will be optimal if a person can create new behaviors and relationships as
a result of skill acquisition through mastery of the developmental tasks and successful
crisis resolution during each stage of growth. Lack of development and core pathologies
result from tendencies that restrict behavior (especially social behavior) in general and
new behavior in particular.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
Early experiences are highly relevant for subsequent development. The strengths and skills
acquired through mastery of the developmental tasks and the resolution of earlier crises
Psychosocial Theory • 245
are important for resolving later crises. The prime adaptive ego qualities of early life stages
prepare a person to approach subsequent crises with an outlook of hope, determination, and
empowerment. Similarly, crises that are resolved toward the negative pole contribute to a
more cautious, inhibited, or withdrawn outlook. What is more, psychosocial theory suggests
that each life crisis is foreshadowed in earlier stages, and that each crisis is played out in a
more complex way at later stages. Thus, all of life is a tapestry in which the issues of the past
are expressed in new forms at later stages, and issues of later stages are anticipated in less
mature forms in earlier stages.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the
environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
As its name implies, psychosocial theory emphasizes the ongoing interaction of the
individual and society. An assumption of this theory is that the development of the person
and the continued adaptive functioning of society are interdependent. Societies shape
development through the messages that are conveyed to individuals through the radius
of significant relationships, beginning with the first caregivers and expanding outward to
siblings, grandparents, other family members, friends, co-workers, admired role models,
intimate partners, children, grandchildren and so on. As the radius of significant relationships
expands, people engage in an increasingly complex set of roles with more diverse individuals.
With advanced age, the number of relationships may decline, but the ego development that
was stimulated through this complex set of relationships continues to be expressed through
characteristics of integrity and wisdom or despair.
Societies differ. Prevailing cultural, religious, economic, and political factors have
implications for the nature of interpersonal relationships, opportunities for social mobility,
economic prosperity, and educational attainment, just to name a few. In societies where
people are governed through intimidation and children are encouraged to embrace messages
of inter-group hatred, the resolution of the psychosocial crises will likely be influenced by
these conditions toward withdrawal, shame, and self-doubt. In societies where people are
encouraged to value self-expression and agency, the resolution of the psychosocial crises will
likely be influenced by these conditions toward more trust, autonomy, and initiative.
Individuals shape societies through the ways they establish and preserve relationships,
make commitments to work, family, and ideologies, and nurture future generations through
their generative actions. Individuals and groups of individuals can bring about cultural
and political change, creating more open, caring communities that support psychosocial
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the life span?
The theory offers a stage-based guide to experiences that place individuals at risk. At each
stage, the negative pole of the psychosocial crisis suggests a potentially high risk outcome for
that period of life—mistrust, shame and doubt, guilt, inferiority, etc. When the psychosocial
crisis is resolved with a balance in the direction of the negative pole, the result is likely to
be the emergence of a related core pathology. These core pathologies interfere with the
formation of new relationships, produce defensiveness and withdrawal, interfere with the
creation of new, flexible coping strategies, and leave the ego vulnerable to sentiments of
resentment and despair. Even when earlier psychosocial crises have been resolved in the
246 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
direction of a positive pole, each new stage can bring a period of vulnerability, especially
if life events converge to undermine resources or destabilize the social support system as a
person strives to resolve the new crisis.
From a societal perspective, the early ego development of the child and the likelihood
of a positive resolution of the psychosocial crises of infancy, toddlerhood, early and middle
childhood are heavily dependent on the ego maturity and well-being of the caregivers. In
that regard, societal conditions that undermine the financial, physical, or emotional well-
being of caregivers, or that disrupt the social support for caregivers, can be considered risk
factors for children.
Poverty is a major obstacle to optimal development. Under conditions of poverty,
individuals have fewer options and less opportunity to escape or avoid other forms of
societal oppression such as racism, sexism, or homophobia. It is well documented that
poverty increases the risks that individuals face, including risks associated with malnutrition,
poor quality health care, living in a hazardous or dangerous neighborhood, and attending
ineffective schools. Poverty and prolonged economic strain tend to erode the self-esteem of
caregivers, resulting in harsh parenting, parent conflict, and emotional withdrawal. Beyond
childhood, poverty is linked with reduced access to the basic resources associated with
survival. To the extent that poverty is stigmatized and associated with demeaning social
treatment it has potentially powerful and pervasive effects on psychosocial development
across the life span.
The theory offers a distinct perspective on the interaction of the person and society. As
such, it suggests features of a community or larger society that may support or inhibit optimal
well-being. As an example, in political science, the notion of trust versus mistrust has been
applied to inter-group relations as the underpinning of diplomacy and conflict resolution.
The concept of personal identity has been expanded to include ethnic group and national
identity. As individuals move across national boundaries they face challenges associated with
conflicting cultural identities. Communities can be viewed as supportive or hostile to the
psychosocial adaptation of groups with diverse social identities.
Psychosocial theory provides a broad, integrative context within which to study life-span
development (Hopkins, 1995; Kiston, 1994). The theory links the process of child development
to the stages of adult life, individual development to the nature of culture and society, and the
personal and historical past to the personal and societal future. Although many scholars agree
that such a broad perspective is necessary, few other theories attempt to address the dynamic
interplay between individual development and society (Miller, 2011).
The emphasis of psychosocial theory on ego development and ego processes provides insight
into the directions of healthy development throughout life. The theory provides a framework
for tracing the process through which self-concept, self-esteem, and ego boundaries become
integrated into a positive, adaptive, socially engaged person (Hamachek, 1985, 1994). Emphasizing
the normal, hopeful, and creative aspects of coping and adaptation, the theory has taken the study
of development beyond the deterministic position of psychosexual theory or the mechanistic
view of behaviorism, providing an essential conceptual framework for the emergence of positive
At one time, some argued that a weakness of psychosocial theory was that its basic concepts
were presented in language that is abstract and difficult to examine empirically (Crain, 2011;
Miller, 2011). However, over the past 20 years, such terms as hope, inhibition, autonomy, personal
identity, intimacy, generativity, and integrity—to name a few—have been operationalized
(Bohlin, Bengtsgard, & Andersson, 2000; Christiansen & Palkovitz, 1998; de St. Aubin, McAdams,
& Kim 2003; Kroger, 2007; Lopez & Snyder, 2003; Marcia, 2002; McAdams & de St. Aubin, 1998;
Snyder, 2002). Concepts central to the theory—such as trust, autonomy, identity achievement,
coping, well-being, social support, and intergenerational interdependence—have become
thoroughly integrated into contemporary human development scholarship. Researchers have
developed instruments to trace the emergence of psychosocial crises and their resolution in
samples varying in age from adolescence to later adulthood (Constantinople, 1969; Darling-
Fisher & Leidy, 1988; Domino & Affonso, 1990; Hawley, 1988; Waterman & Whitbourne, 1981;
Whitbourne, Sneed, & Sayer, 2009).
Unlike some other stage theories, psychosocial theory identifies tensions that may disrupt
development at each life stage, providing a useful framework for considering individual
differences in development. The positive and negative poles of each psychosocial crisis offer a
way of thinking about differences in ego development at each stage of life as well as a model
for considering cumulative differences across the life span. This matrix of crises and stages also
provides a useful tool for approaching psychotherapy and counseling.
248 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
One weakness of psychosocial theory is that the explanations about the mechanisms for resolving
crises and moving from one stage to the next are not well developed (Miller, 2011). The theory
does not offer a universal mechanism for crisis resolution, nor a detailed picture of the kinds
of experiences that are necessary at each stage if one is to cope successfully with the crisis of
that stage.
The specific number of stages and their link to a biologically based plan for development have
been criticized. The nature and number of stages of life is arguably highly culturally specific. For
example, in some societies, the transition from childhood to adulthood is swift, leaving little
time or expectation for identity exploration. In many traditional societies, parents choose one’s
marital partner, there are few occupational choices, and one is guided toward one’s vocation
from an early age. Thus, although there is always a biological period of pubescence, there may be
little experience of the psychosocial processes of adolescence (Thomas & Schwarzbaum, 2006).
In contrast, in our highly technological society, adolescence appears to be extended for some,
especially as the age at first marriage is delayed and the complexity of preparing for and entering
the labor market increases.
Along this same line of criticism, other human development scholars have taken a more
differentiated view of the stages of adulthood and later life. In later life, health status, life
circumstances, and culture interact to produce increasing variation in life stories. In a growing
line of research, distinctions are being made between the “young-old” and the “old-old.” These
distinctions are sometimes based on health status and the person’s capacity to manage tasks of
daily life (Aldwin, Spiro, & Park, 2006; Poon & Harrington, 2006).
In other research, distinctions are made on the basis of chronological age. For example,
Leonard Poon has written extensively about the differences between centenarians (people who
are 100 or more), octogenarians (people in their eighties), and sexagenarians (people in their
sixties). Each cohort of older adults has been exposed to different historical crises, educational,
health and occupational opportunities, and shifting societal values. Therefore, it is likely that the
normative patterns used to describe development in adulthood and later life will become dated
Psychosocial Theory • 249
and need reexamination (Randall, Martin, Bishop, Johnson, & Poon, 2012; Siegler, Poon, Madden,
& Welsh, 1996). The increasing life expectancy, accompanied by a longer period of healthy later
life and the elaboration of lifestyles, makes it difficult to chart a normative life course from early
adulthood into very old age.
Finally, the psychosocial theory and related research have been criticized as being dominated
by a male, Eurocentric, individualistic perspective that emphasizes agency—the ability to
originate plans and take action—over connection and communion—the commitment to and
consideration for the well-being of others (Abele & Wojciszke, 2007). The themes of autonomy,
initiative, industry, and personal identity all emphasize the process of individuation. Critics
have argued that ego development, separateness from family, autonomy, and self-directed goal
attainment have been equated with psychological maturity, and that relatively little attention
has been given to the development of interpersonal connection and social relatedness. These
latter themes have been identified as central for an understanding of the psychosocial maturity
of girls and young women. They also emerge in the study of collectively oriented ethnic groups—
cultures in which maturity is equated with one’s ability to support and sustain the success of the
family or the extended family group rather than with one’s own achievement of status, wealth, or
recognition (Boykin, 1994; Josselson, Lieblich, & McAdams, 2007).
In our view, this last criticism is possibly overstated given the orientation of psychosocial
theory toward the ongoing dynamic interaction of the individual and society. Within the
framework of psychosocial theory, the theme of connection is addressed directly through the
first psychosocial crisis of trust versus mistrust in infancy, and in subsequent psychosocial stages
of early adolescence, early and middle adulthood, when group identity, intimacy, and generativity
highlight the critical links that individuals build with others. The concept of the radius of
significant relationships helps to maintain the perspective of the person interwoven in a tapestry
of relationships, focusing especially on family and friends in childhood; the family, peer group,
love relationships, and close friends in early and later adolescence; and intimate partners, family,
friends, and co-workers in adult life. A basic premise of psychosocial theory is that the ego is
taking shape in constant interaction with the community (Schlein, 1987, 2007). The strengths and
weaknesses of psychosocial theory are summarized in Table 8.2.
Strengths Weaknesses
Provides a broad, integrative framework within which to study the Explanations for the mechanisms of crisis
life span. resolution and process of moving from one stage
to the next need to be developed more fully.
Provides insight into the directions of healthy development across
the life span. The idea of a specific number of stages of life
and their link to a genetic plan for development
Many of the basic ideas of the theory have been operationalized is disputed.
using traditional and novel approaches to assessment.
The theory and much of its supporting research
The concept of psychosocial crises, including the positive and have been dominated by a male, Eurocentric
negative poles of the crisis, offers a model for considering perspective that gives too much emphasis
individual differences within a framework of normal development. to individuality and not enough attention to
The concept of the psychosocial crisis identifies predictable connection and social relatedness.
tensions between socialization and maturation. The specific ways that culture encourages or
Longitudinal studies support the general direction of development inhibits development at each stage of life are not
hypothesized by the theory. clearly elaborated.
250 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Key Terms
agency identity
biological system identity achieved
central process identity diffused
communion prime adaptive ego qualities
core pathologies psychological system
developmental stage psychosocial crisis
developmental tasks psychosocial evolution
ego development psychosocial moratorium
epigenetic principle radius of significant relationships
foreclosed societal system
Psychosocial Theory • 251
Recommended Resources
**Egan, G. (2013). The skilled helper: A problem-management and opportunity-development
approach to helping. 10th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
An introduction to a person-centered approach to counseling with many illustrative examples
and exercises.
**Erikson, E.H. (1963). Childhood and society. 2nd ed. New York: Norton. (Original work
published 1950)
The classic book in which Erikson develops psychosocial theory including the eight stages of
life as well as essays that illustrate the way he thinks about the role of culture in shaping ego
**Goleman, D. (1988). Erikson in his own old age, expands his view of life. New York Times Books.
An interview with Erik and Joan Erikson in which they talk about their books, Vital Involvements
in Old Age and Wisdom and the Senses.
Abele, A.E. & Wojciszke, B. (2007). Agency and communion from the perspective of self and others. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 751–763.
Aldwin, C.M., Spiro, III, A., & Park, C.L. (2006). Health behavior and optimal aging: A lifespan developmental
perspective. In J.E. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of aging. 6th ed. (pp. 77–104).
San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Arnett, J.J. (1998). Learning to stand alone: The contemporary American transition to adulthood in cultural and
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Arnett, J.J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties.
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Arnett, J.J. (2004). Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Berzonsky, M.D. (2003). The structure of identity: Commentary on Jane Kroger’s view of identity status transition.
Identity, 3, 231–245.
Berzonsky, M. & Adams, G. (1999). Commentary: Reevaluating the identity status paradigm: Still useful after 35
years. Developmental Review, 19, 557–590.
Berzonsky, M.D. & Kuk, L.S. (2000). Identity status, identity processing style, and the transition to university.
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Bohlin, G., Bengtsgard, K., & Andersson, K. (2000). Social inhibition and overfriendliness as related to
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Cognitive Social-Historical Theory
Case Vignette 256
Historical Context 258
Key Concepts 259
Culture as a Mediator of Cognitive Structuring 260
From Intermental to Intramental 261
Inner Speech 262
The Zone of Proximal Development 263
New Directions 265
Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) 265
Integration of the Individual, Interpersonal, and Cultural Levels of Analysis 267
A Research Example: Cultural Management of Attention 268
An Application: Implications of Vygotsky’s Theory for Instruction 270
Mediated Learning 270
Theoretical Learning 271
How Does Cognitive Social-Historical Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 272
Critique of Cognitive Social-Historical Theory 276
Strengths 276
Weaknesses 277
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 279
Key Terms 280
Recommended Resources 280
References 281
256 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Guiding Questions
• What are some similarities and differences between cognitive social-historical theory
and the theories introduced in Chapter 4, including: cognitive developmental theory,
information processing, and the theory of central conceptual structures?
• How is cognitive social-historical theory similar to life course theory? What might be
some valuable insights achieved by linking these two theories?
• What leads to the transformation from the intermental to the intramental?
• Why does Vygotsky place so much emphasis on language as a key tool for shaping
higher order mental processes?
• What are some distinctions between the natural or lower mental processes, especially
those discussed in Chapter 5 on learning theories, and the higher mental processes?
• What are some practical implications of cognitive social-historical theory for education,
human services, and mental health?
Case Vignette
It’s 7:30 at night. Jasmine, who is 3½, is playing with her Lego, building a big birthday cake.
Her daddy says, “Jasmine, it’s a 5-minute warning for bedtime.”
The case vignette illustrates several features of the cognitive social-historical view about
how higher order mental processes emerge in a cultural context. Jasmine uses the word
“why” to achieve several goals. First, it stimulates social conversation with her dad. Second,
it allows her to delay bedtime. Third, it provides a verbal tool for gaining more information.
Often, that tool leads to uncovering new questions. Sometimes the answers are not fully
understood. This depends on the skill and knowledge of the other. However, the pattern of
interaction creates a model for the child about how to pursue information. The use of “why”
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 257
in modern society is an accepted approach for problem solving. It leads one to examine
possible explanations and seek new sources of information. You can imagine a society in
which a child is not expected or encouraged to ask “why.” Children in that social-historical
context would have a different experience with their parents, possibly learning a different
approach to information gathering that relies more on observation and imitation, and less
on conversation and inquiry.
The development of the child’s thinking depends on his mastery of the social means of
thinking, that is, on mastery of speech . . . This thesis stems from our comparison of the
development of inner speech and verbal thinking in man with the development of speech and
intellect as it occurs in the animal world and the earliest stages of childhood. This comparison
demonstrates that the former does not represent a simple continuation of the latter. The very
type of development changes. It changes from a biological form of development to a socio-
historical form of development. (Vygotsky, 1987a, p. 120)
Vygotsky, like many other theorists and philosophers of his time, was trying to account for
the development of higher mental processes from their simpler forms. He saw development
as following a continuous path from other animals to humans, and also a discontinuous path.
This was captured in his view of natural or lower mental processes, and higher mental processes.
Lower mental processes, which could be observed in animal behavior and the problem-solving
behaviors of infants and very young children, are reflected in the types of learning described in
Chapter 4 as classical conditioning, trial and error learning, and operant conditioning. Higher
mental processes arise as children encounter and master the cultural tools of their society.
Vygotsky viewed human beings across cultures as both similar to the extent that they shared
basic physical characteristics and natural psychological processes, and substantially different
depending upon the cultural symbol systems to which they are exposed, and how those systems
shape thinking and behavior.
Higher mental processes, particularly language and meaning, emerge from the child’s ongoing
interactions within social, historical, and cultural contexts, as well as from the child’s biological
maturation. The child and the culture are intricately interwoven through the process of social
interaction. New levels of understanding begin at an interpersonal level as two individuals, initially
an infant and an adult, coordinate their interactions. Eventually interpersonal collaboration
becomes internalized to make up the child’s internal mental framework. Through continuous
interaction with others, especially adults and older children, a child revises and advances his or
her levels of understanding. Over time, it is the mastery of these cultural tools or symbol systems
that permit individuals to alter their environments and guide, regulate, and redefine themselves.
258 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Historical Context
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky lived a brief but extremely productive life. Born in 1896 (the same
year as Jean Piaget) to a professional family, his father was a banking executive and his mother
was a teacher. In a family of eight children, family life was interesting with many evenings
spent in lively conversation and debate. As a teenager, Vygotsky became known as the “little
professor” because he liked to organize debates and mock trials where friends took the roles
of historical figures such as Aristotle and Napoleon (Wertsch, 1985). He loved to read history,
literature, and poetry. In 1917 he graduated from Moscow University with a specialization
in literature. Later, he wrote a dissertation on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. From 1917 to 1923, he taught
literature and psychology at a teachers’ college in Gomel, where he had attended school as an
In 1924 Vygotsky gave an inspiring talk on the link between conditioned reflexes and
conscious behavior. He deeply impressed Alexander Luria, a researcher at the Moscow Institute
of Psychology, who later became a founder of the field of neuropsychology. Luria recommended
Vygotsky for a position at the Institute. This began Vygotsky’s intensive career as a researcher,
educator, and clinical practitioner. Along with Luria and Alexei Nikolaivitch Leontiev, he
dedicated his efforts to the formulation of an integrated theory of psychology that would be
compatible with the broad principles of Marx’s and Engels’s political philosophy.
Vygotsky contracted tuberculosis sometime during his return to Gomel, and died in 1934.
Some of his works were published shortly after his death, but from 1936 to 1956 his works
were banned by the Communist Party. As a result, many of his theoretical ideas were slow in
reaching a broader Western audience. His first book, Thought and language, was published
in Russia in 1934, but was not translated into English until 1962.
Vygotsky entered the field of psychology at a time when there was a divide between those
who were studying the physiology of the brain, reflexes, and sensory systems (psychology as
a “natural science”) and those in the Gestalt school who were studying higher order mental
processes, especially the integrative capacities of meaning making and interpretation (psychology
as a “mental science”) (Cole & Scribner, 1978). He was an avid reader, and actively formed
international connections with scholars whose work informed his own thinking. He knew of
the works of Darwin, Piaget, and Freud and often compared his own concepts to theirs. In the
formulation of his work, he built on the research of: zoologists, who studied the relationship
of instincts and intellect; ethnographers, who studied the thoughts and practices of people in
traditional societies; and comparative psychologists, who created experimental demonstrations
of animal problem-solving behaviors (van der Veer & Valsiner, 1991).
Vygotsky was also deeply influenced by the writings of Marx and Engels. Marx’s theory of
historical materialism argued that changes in human consciousness and behavior are a result of
changes in society and material life (Marx, 1844/1988). He was especially interested in the human
capacity for tool use and production. He claimed that production was an inherently social process
wherein people collaborate in order to grow things, build things, or sustain and protect their
territory. He thought that people’s values and ideas, their higher order cognitive processes, were a
product of their material life, that is the way they live, work, produce, and exchange goods. Marx’s
theory suggested that history reflects a dialectical process—the conditions of production change
over time. New tools and technologies come into conflict with existing patterns of production.
As a result, new social and economic systems emerge that lead to new beliefs and values. He
maintained that all phenomena should be considered as being in a process of change, influenced
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 259
Key Concepts
Four concepts in Vygotsky’s theory are introduced here: culture as a mediator of cognitive
structuring, movement from the intermental to the intramental, inner speech, and the zone of
proximal development.
260 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
The human child enters the world endowed by nature with only elementary mental capacities.
The higher mental functions constitutive of human consciousness are, however, embodied
in the social practices of the child’s community. Just as the child’s physical functions are at first
maintained only through connection with an autonomous system beyond the child, so his or
her psychological life is created only through inauguration into a set of external practices. Only
as the child internalizes or masters those practices is he or she transformed into a conscious
subject of thought and experience. (p. 202)
Of the many elements of culture that shape cognition, one that was of special interest to
Vygotsky was the idea of tools and signs as human inventions that shape thought. Technical
tools, such as plows, cars, and weapons, and signs, sometimes referred to as psychological tools,
such as symbolic systems, counting systems, and strategies for remembering, modify the child’s
relationship to the environment. Through the use of tools, humans change the way they organize
and think about the world. Vygotsky viewed tools as a means through which the human mind is
shaped and modified over the course of history.
Based on a variety of experimental demonstrations in the areas of memory, categorization,
and attention, Vygotsky was able to show that children follow a common path in the development
of higher order thinking.
• First, in the early years, they do not make any systematic use of cultural tools such as words,
pictures, or other symbols to help in their problem solving.
• In the second phase, they are able to make use of cultural tools—for example, the use of a
picture that has been given to them to recall a word—but they are not able to impose or
actively create a symbolic aid if it has not already been provided.
• In the third phase, children can create their own links between pictures and words to be
remembered, or find new strategies to help them remember words or categorize objects.
• In the final stage, the child internalizes these prompts or clues, no longer relying on the physical
device to aid in their work. The cultural tools eventually mediate the task, supporting new
levels of behavior that appear more integrated and automatic (Vygotsky, 1928, as referenced in
van der Veer & Valsiner, 1991).
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 261
In particular, Vygotsky emphasized language as a sign system that dramatically alters human
cognition. Language, which begins as a primarily social process linking individuals, becomes a tool
that guides mental activity. Through language, children can recall the past, create problem-solving
strategies, organize and categorize experiences, and talk and plan for the future. Vygostky argued:
“The most significant moment in the course of intellectual development, which gives birth to the
purely human forms of practical and abstract intelligence, occurs when speech and practical activity,
two previously completely independent lines of development, converge” (Vygotsky, 1978a, p. 24).
Vygotsky eventually came to the conclusion that word meaning was the single unit of analysis
that could link speech and thought. It is both speech and thinking. A word without meaning is
not a word, just a sound. At the same time, any meaningful word is a concept. Thus, word meaning
is both speech and cognition; it is an irreducible reflection of reality.
The consciousness of sensation and thinking are characterized by different modes of reflecting
reality. They are different types of consciousness. Therefore, thinking and speech are the key to
understanding the nature of human consciousness. If language is as ancient as consciousness
itself, if language is consciousness that exists in practice for other people and therefore for
myself, then it is not only the development of thought but the development of consciousness
as a whole that is connected with the development of the word . . . The word is the most direct
manifestation of the historical nature of human consciousness. (Vygotsky, 1987c, p. 285)
This idea of words as units that integrate speech and thought and that reflect human consciousness
illustrates the interactionist perspective of Vygotsky’s theory. The word unites the inner world and
the interpersonal world; it unites the historical past and the present. The word has a developmental
history as it emerges from actions that become socially meaningful and can be named.
Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first on the social level, and
later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological), and then inside the
child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and
to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relations between
human individuals. (Vygotsky, 1978b, p. 57)
Vygotsky’s view is that society and its psychological tools precede individual development.
Development begins at the intermental or interpersonal system level. Interpersonal interactions
are the context within which subsequent higher mental processes emerge.
262 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Infants and young children are part of a structured social unit in which individuals
participate in coordinated interactions facilitated by a shared symbol system of language and
other psychological tools. Once the infant’s behavior is recognized and interpreted by others,
the meaning of the behavior can gradually be internalized. The child’s subsequent behavior
is a product of the meaning that has been given in previous interactions. With the advantage
of the tool of language, children can describe and analyze a given situation, draw upon their
accumulation of past experiences, and decide how to act. All higher mental functioning, including
planning, decision making, evaluation of information, and reflection or metacognition, begins in
the intermental or interpersonal domain and is gradually integrated into the person’s cognition.
Vygotsky emphasized the role of speech for influencing social interactions. As a first step, the
adult uses speech to guide, inform, or redirect a child’s behavior. Mother says, “No, don’t touch
that, it might break!” Subsequently, the child begins to use the word no to control the actions of
his mother, a sibling, or a friend. “No, don’t touch, Mine!” Eventually, the command “No, don’t
touch” becomes internalized and is used in the form of inner speech to guide the child’s own
The more complicated the cognitive demands of a task, the more a child is likely to use
spoken language to guide problem solving. The child uses the tool of language, which is normally
thought of as functioning in the social system, to help focus and structure their intramental
functioning. Thus, Vygotsky became especially interested in the mediating role of egocentric or
inner speech as it contributed to the emergence of new concepts (cognition) and ideas about the
self (metacognition).
The specifically human capacity for language enables children to provide for auxiliary tools
in the solution of difficult tasks, to overcome impulsive action, to plan a solution to a problem
prior to its execution, and to master their own behavior. (Vygotsky, 1978a, p. 28)
Inner Speech
Vygotsky (1978a) argued that speech plays a central role in self-regulation, self-directed goal
attainment, and practical problem solving. He described the problem-solving behaviors of
toddlers as involving both speech and action. Toddlers use what was described by Piaget (1952)
as egocentric speech to accompany their behavior. They talk out loud, but do not seem to be
concerned about whether anyone can hear them or understand them. Piaget described the talk
as egocentric because it did not seem to have any social intention. He suggested that the
development of communication began with inner thinking of a very private, nonsocialized
nature. He viewed egocentric speech in toddlerhood as evidence of the relative absence of social
life and the great extent of nonsocialized thoughts that the child is unable to express.
Vygotsky (1987a) proposed a completely different developmental pathway to account for
egocentric speech and its function. He represented the scheme as:
As discussed above, Vygotsky viewed speech as beginning in the social interactions between
children and adults or other children. The first and foremost function of speech is social.
Egocentric speech is a transformation of this social speech inward. The child uses speech that
was initially acquired through interactions with others to guide his or her own behaviors. It
does not have a social intention; rather, it is a tool that helps to guide problem solving. Vygotsky
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 263
viewed egocentric speech and actions as part of the same problem-solving function. The more
difficult the problem, the more speech is necessary for the child to find a solution. “Children solve
practical tasks with the help of their speech, as well as their eyes and hands” (Vygotsky, 1978a,
p. 26). Eventually, the egocentric speech of an audible nature dwindles (but does not disappear
entirely) and becomes inner speech. Table 9.1 compares Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s concepts of the
development and function of inner speech.
Inner speech gives children a new degree of freedom, flexibility, and control in approaching tasks
and working toward a goal. They can use words to call to mind tools that are not visible. They can
plan steps toward a goal and repeat them to guide their actions. They can use words such as slowly,
be careful, or hold tight for self-regulation, to control their behavior as they work on a task. Language
skills and self-control operate together to help children inhibit negative emotions and disruptive
behavior during times of frustration (Lynam & Henry, 2001; Fernyhough & Fradley, 2005).
The private speech that guides problem solving emerges from the social speech that characterizes
children’s interactions with adults and eventually becomes inner speech. Often, when young
children try to figure out how to work something or how to get something that is out of reach,
they turn to adults for help. Vygotsky suggested that the kind of talk that adults use as they guide
young children is then used by the children themselves to support and guide their own behavior.
(That is the idea of movement from intermental to intramental.) He referred to this process as the
“internalization of social speech.” In a sense, a child’s capacity for self-directed goal attainment
depends on what he or she has taken in of the spoken, practical advice and guidance given by
adults and older peers who have tried to help the child solve problems in the past. In adulthood,
these speech-like cognitions are not typically audible; they are experienced as inner talk or self-talk,
an inner voice that helps organize complex tasks (e.g. first make an outline), encourage persistence
(e.g. concentrate, stay focused), or review and revise (e.g. doesn’t fit, try the bigger one).
We have all experienced a situation in which we were unable to solve a task by ourselves, but
with the assistance and advice of someone else we were able to be successful. The typical efforts
of parents to help a child put together a jigsaw puzzle by suggesting strategies, such as selecting
all the straight-edged pieces first to make the border, or sorting the many pieces into those with
a similar color, is an example of how learning takes place within the zone. Children watch older
children perform a task and they copy the strategy; children ask their parents or teachers for help
when they get stuck in a task; teachers give children suggestions about how to organize a task
or how to use resources that will help them complete an assignment. In these and many other
instances, we recognize the variety of ways that children expand the level of their independent
problem-solving capacities by drawing upon the expertise of others.
Vygotsky suggested that the level of functioning a child can reach when taking advantage of
the guidance of others reflects the functions that are in the process of maturation, as compared
to those that have already matured. What is more, recognizing and validating this social context
in which learning takes place illustrates that cognitive development grows in the direction of the
intellectual characteristics of those who populate the child’s world. “Human learning presupposes
a specific social nature and a process by which children grow into the intellectual life of those
around them” (Vygotsky, 1978c, p. 88).
Contrary to the thinking of the time, Vygotsky argued that development lags behind
learning. When children are exposed to new ideas beyond what they already know or understand,
the child is stimulated to engage these new ideas and, as a result, development moves forward.
In a very immediate and direct way, as children function in their zone, culture and the social
context guide the direction in which learning promotes development. Learning within the
zone of proximal development sets into motion the reorganization and internalization of
existing developmental competences which then become synthesized at a new and higher
intramental level.
Vygotsky used the term zone of proximal development to refer to a range of potential
performance. When trying to assess a child’s developmental level, it is important to understand
not only what the child already knows and can already perform, but also the domains that are
“in progress,” so to speak, the areas that are emerging as new fields of mastery. Normally adults,
especially parents and teachers, and more advanced peers promote development by engaging
children in activities and problem-solving tasks that draw children into the new directions along
which their capacities are maturing. This idea has been very influential in guiding educational
instructional strategies. Effective instructional strategies not only move children from their
current developmental level to their potential level, but, as the concepts are acquired, the zone
itself expands upward (van Geert, 1998).
A unique contribution of Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development is
the notion of the interplay between two concurrent developmental levels, one that could be
considered the child’s actual or baseline level of cognitive functioning, and the other that is the
child’s potential level of functioning given appropriate instruction, support, and encouragement.
According to Vygotsky, both of these levels exist within the zone for each domain of knowledge.
If properly structured, educational settings create a zone of proximal development for specific
school subjects.
A creative insight offered by Vygotsky is that movement within the zone can be prompted
not only by instruction but in the child’s own play. In play, Vygotsky saw a cognitive process that
in and of itself captures a preshadowing of the child’s next higher level of functioning. Vygotsky
(1978d) captured a unique feature of fantasy play:
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 265
Play creates a zone of proximal development of the child. In play a child always behaves
beyond his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller
than himself. As in the focus of a magnifying glass, play contains all developmental tendencies
in a condensed form and is itself a major source of development. (p. 102)
In pretend play, children address areas where they do not yet feel competent in their lives and
try to act as if they are competent. They set rules for their performance, and commit themselves
to function according to them. So if a child is pretending to be a good mother, she brings forward
all the ideas she has about how to be a good mother and applies them to the pretend situation.
Similarly, if a child is pretending to be a superhero, she imposes all the rules of power, goodness,
and helpfulness that she knows of and tries to limit her actions to those rules. Vygotsky regarded
fantasy play as a window into the areas of competence that the child is striving to master but are
still out of reach.
Although the zone of proximal development is usually thought to refer to children learning
from older peers or adults, the concept need not be limited in this way. Anyone can learn from a
more knowledgeable person. For example, parents may turn to their children to learn about new
technologies, or new mathematical or scientific advances. Aging parents may learn from their
adult children about new business, investment, or health care resources. The concept suggests
that the capacity for development in any particular domain is advanced when a person has
opportunities to learn from a more knowledgeable other.
New Directions
Vygotsky’s theory has had enormous influence on the cross-cultural study of development.
Before Vygotsky’s theory became well known, cross-cultural psychology of the 1960s and 1970s
focused largely on exploring how children in different cultures would approach tasks and
problems that had been developed in Europe or the United States. Many scholars were interested
in determining, for example, whether the Piagetian stages of concrete operational and formal
operational thought would be observed at about the same age, and in the same sequence, among
children in traditional societies as they were in industrial societies (Rogoff & Chavajay, 1995).
Tasks involving conservation, manipulation of multiple variables, logic, classification, and
memory were modified for presentation to children in different cultures.
As the results of these studies were summarized and compared, several themes became clear.
First, the tasks were not as readily generalizable across cultures as researchers had expected.
Children who performed poorly in some of these tasks were observed to function in quite
complex ways when engaging in activities natural to their everyday lives (Cole & Scribner, 1977).
Second, the extent to which children were exposed to a Western type of schooling influenced
their approach to these tasks. Variations in schooling across cultural groups substantially altered
the ways that children approached specific tasks, including their understanding of the testing
situation, as well as their ability and willingness to engage in the abstract tasks presented by the
researchers (Cole, 1990).
cognition is culturally situated. However he did not have time to explore specific dimensions of
cultural variation in detail. He pointed to language, instructional strategies, the nature of social
interaction, and the social expectations adults had about children, as factors that might influence
cognitive development. Contemporary extensions of Vygotsky’s theory, sometimes called cultural
historical activity theory (CHAT), are seeking new and varied ways of conceptualizing a process
through which a child’s cognitive development is intricately intertwined with the activities in
which a child participates, the other people who engage in the activities with the child, and the
cultural practices, artifacts, and institutional structures that provide the context for the activities.
Rather than thinking of the individual and the society as distinct, the cultural historical approach
attempts to contextualize development at every step (Cole, 2010).
One of the primary strategies for achieving this integration of person and society is to focus
on activities or events as the unit of analysis. “The activity or event is a unit of analysis that
focuses on people engaged in sociocultural endeavors with other people; working with and
extending cultural tools and practices inherited from previous generations” (Rogoff & Chavajay,
1995, p. 871).
Doing Mathematics. As an example, one can think of “doing mathematics” as an activity. Studies
have found that Japanese children perform better on mathematics problems than do children
in the U.S. (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2004; Provasnik, Kastberg,
Ferraro, Lemanski, Roey, & Jenkins, 2012). This is true even though there do not appear to be
differences in intelligence between children in these cultures. A sociocultural approach to
understanding learning and development helps to account for this difference in performance by
highlighting the following features of Japanese culture.
First, Japanese parents believe that mathematics competence is a result of hard work and
persistence whereas U.S. parents tend to view mathematics competence as largely a result of
ability. When children have difficulties in math, a belief in trying harder is more likely to lead to
improvement than a belief in ability.
Second, U.S. parents tend to overestimate their child’s mathematical abilities, perhaps as part
of their desire to see their child as unique or special. U.S. parents are basically satisfied with the
level of mathematics ability their children have achieved. In contrast, Japanese mothers tend to
keep encouraging their children to improve, focusing on wanting their children to fit in with
their group. Children whose parents and teachers set high standards are more likely to continue
to strive than children whose parents and teachers have lower expectations for their performance
(Stevenson, Chen, & Lee, 1993).
Third, the Japanese language places special emphasis on the quantitative aspect of the
environment with different words for counting different types of objects such as people, birds,
broad thin objects such as paper, and long thin objects such as sticks. Japanese parents frequently
play counting and number games with their children as a way of encouraging young children’s
attention to quantity (Hatano, as cited in Siegler, 1998).
Finally, mathematics instruction in Japanese classrooms is very different from instruction in
U.S. classrooms. In Japan, teachers spend more time introducing new concepts and less time
reviewing previous concepts. They focus more on complex problems that require four or more
steps to reach a solution and spend more time on problems that are mathematically related but
not simply a repetition of previous problems. There are usually two teachers in the classroom,
one who can assist students who are having difficulty so that the class can move along together
to the next level of work. Within this context, Japanese students also spend substantially more
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 267
time on homework out of class than U.S. students. As a result, their mathematics understanding
matures at a faster rate, they are able to become involved in more interesting problems, and they
have greater confidence about their ability to master mathematics, a confidence that is supported
by parental expectations, well-designed classroom experiences, and prior successes (National
Center for Education Statistics, 2004).
Scientific Reasoning among the Schooled and the Nonschooled. Finally, the sociohistorical
perspective has led to a greater awareness of the way in which the tools and methods of scientific
inquiry are themselves culturally situated. As an example, in research on logical thinking, Luria
(1976) asked schooled and nonschooled adults to solve a problem of logic: “In the Far North,
where there is snow, all bears are white. Novaya Zemlya is in the Far North and there is always
268 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
snow there. What color are the bears there?” Nonschooled peasants would not answer this kind of
question, arguing that they have never been to Novaya Zemlya, so they could not speak about the
color of the bears who lived there. “We always speak only of what we see; we don’t talk about what
we haven’t seen” (as cited in Rogoff & Chavajay, 1995, p. 861). Other researchers have observed
this similar tendency in other cultural groups to trust only what they have experienced or what
someone who is greatly respected may have experienced. This does not mean that people from
these cultural groups cannot reason logically; they are perfectly able to evaluate someone else’s
reasoning and conclusions as logical or inconsistent, but they are unwilling to reach a conclusion
about a premise that they cannot verify (Scribner, 1977; Rogoff & Chavajay, 1995; Rogoff, 2003).
Vygotsky’s insights about the cultural nature of symbolic tools extend to the tools of
measurement and experimentation. Scholars in this field have become more attuned to the
sociocultural and historical assumptions that underlie their research questions and their
methods. They are increasingly striving to design approaches to inquiry that are appropriate to
the worldview of the community being studied.
In order to pursue the idea that some cultural communities value and nurture the coordination
of attention to multiple events, systematic studies were conducted that compared Guatemalan
Mayan mothers and their toddlers from San Pedro with mothers and toddlers from Salt Lake
City, Utah (Rogoff, Mistry, Göncü, & Mosier, 1993; Chavajay & Rogoff, 1999). Sixteen mothers
and their toddlers (mean age = 17 months) from each community were interviewed at home.
All the toddlers had older siblings who were 3 to 5 years old and who were home during the
interview. At one point, mothers were given a number of novel objects and asked to involve
their toddler with the objects one at a time. This segment was videotaped for 10 minutes; when
the interview resumed, 10 more minutes of adult-focused interview time were videotaped. Both
segments were coded, looking at how adults and toddlers managed instances of competing events.
Thus, the study considered how mothers and toddlers in two communities managed instances of
competing attention during a child-focused interaction (mother helping child play with a new
object) and during an adult-focused interaction (mother responding to interviewer’s questions).
The San Pedro mothers and their toddlers were more likely to attend to competing events
simultaneously than the Salt Lake City mothers and their toddlers. The Salt Lake City mothers
and their toddlers were more likely to shift their attention from one event to the next than the San
Pedro mothers and their toddlers. The San Pedro toddlers were more likely to attend to events
simultaneously than the Salt Lake City mothers, suggesting an early and pervasive preference
for simultaneous attention in the Mayan community. The Mayan preference for simultaneous
attention was shown across toddler-focused and adult-focused interactions, and was unrelated to
the number of years of schooling experienced by the Mayan mothers.
Recent studies have documented cultural differences in how children attend to and learn from
interactions that are directed to others. In communities where children are expected to learn
by observing others and to contribute as needed to adult activities, children are more likely to
watch and remember even when they are not the direct target of instruction. For example, in
an experimental study, older siblings were told to wait while their younger sibling was being
taught how to make a toy. The older siblings were told that they would make a different toy in a
little while. In comparison to the European, middle-class children, children from the indigenous
culture (Guatemalan Mayan children) were more likely to watch what their younger sibling was
doing, and one week later they were better able to make the toy that their younger sibling had
been making (Rogoff, Correa-Chavez, & Silva, 2011).
The results of this research suggest that there are patterns of managing attention that differ
in the communities under study. One implication is that focused, selective attention is not the
preferred or optimal cognitive strategy across communities. Rather, as hypothesized by Vygotsky,
cognitive processes are varied and develop in cultural context. A second implication is that very
young children can become skilled at managing their attention to competing events if the social
community encourages this kind of coordinated attention. This illustrates the operation of the
zone of proximal development.
A third implication is that cultural preferences about attention may be linked to patterns and
expectations for social interaction. For example, the European idea of dyadic intimacy, in which
we encourage mother and child to set aside all other tasks in order to interact with each other,
is not necessarily the only way to achieve intimacy. In some communities, closeness is achieved
when a group of people, including children and adults, interact around a variety of tasks in
each other’s presence. The comparison of attention strategies across cultural communities can
highlight the tie between cognition and human interaction. This validates Vygotsky’s ideas about
the bond between the individual and society.
270 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
A fourth implication is that children can gain a lot of information by including them in the
activities of the larger, more diverse social community. The idea of observational learning that was
discussed in Chapter 4 is extended in this perspective to consider the larger cultural community
in which children may participate. We may unintentionally deprive children of opportunities for
learning by so narrowly separating them by age in the Western approach to schooling (Rogoff,
Morelli, & Chavajay, 2010).
Finally, in the modern world, the demand to attend to multiple sources of information appears
to be increasing. The strong cultural pressure in the European or Western communities toward
focused attention on one event at a time may be in conflict with the growing technological
pressure toward “multitasking.” This may be an unrecognized source of cultural stress in Western
Mediated Learning
According to Vygotsky’s theory, complex cognitive capacities emerge first in social interaction
and are gradually internalized through their use in guiding the behaviors of self and others. This
idea has been translated into the educational domain by creating instructional experiences where
students and teachers share responsibility for teaching. The mediated learning environment
is structured as a community of learners where teachers model certain strategies for planning,
summarizing, clarifying, and questioning the problem-solving process, and gradually turn these
responsibilities over to the students. Consider the following example which addresses early
experiences in learning to read (Cole, 2010).
Children and the teacher participate in a small group reading activity. Each person is given
a specific role on an index card and each group member is responsible for enacting at least one
role. The roles are:
• The person who asks about words that are hard to say
• The person who asks about words that are hard to say what they mean
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 271
• The person who asks a question about the main idea of the passage being read
• The person who picks the person who has to answer the question at hand
• The person who asks about what is going to happen next in the text.
The group members are instructed to read the passage and to jot down notes about the words or
phrases they are reading, especially those related to their role. In this way, the group is involved
in a question-asking type of reading. All the children and the teacher work together to come
up with ideas about the meaning of the text, including some children who do not yet read with
adequate comprehension. In this way, the teacher becomes aware of the aspects of reading
that are challenging for each child, and the children learn from the teacher and one another
about approaches to reading for meaning. Instead of viewing reading as an isolated activity for
which each child is responsible, reading becomes a collective effort which advances the children
at their own pace through the benefit of socially mediated interactions.
Students cooperate and share in the mutual regulation and control of the learning process,
taking turns in observing, helping, and evaluating each other’s work. This method of involving
students in each other’s learning and achievements creates an environment of social support for
complex learning as well as creating opportunities for children to learn from both the teacher and
the other students. Over time, the metacognitive skills of monitoring, planning, and evaluating
are transferred to other academic domains, especially in learning environments where teachers
invite students to engage in active discourse and critical analysis in order to think and make
meaning of course content (Rogoff, Turkanis, & Bartlett, 2001; Forman & Cazden, 1985).
Theoretical Learning
Vygotsky distinguished between two types of concepts: spontaneous concepts and scientific
concepts. Spontaneous concepts are similar to the kinds of schemes that Piaget described as
emerging during the sensorimotor and preoperational stages; they are generalizations drawn
from daily, personal, direct experiences. Spontaneous concepts form the basis of knowledge that
has not been guided by systematic instruction or explanation from more experienced adults.
Scientific concepts are the ideas, laws, and information that have been accumulated over
generations as a result of systematic research, philosophy, and shared, historical experience.
According to Vygotsky, scientific concepts cannot be expected to be discovered or reinvented
in the course of a single child’s education, and therefore require knowledge transfer through
a process of instruction. Once these ideas are internalized, they can be used to mediate new
experiences and to create new applications or discover new scientific concepts.
However, the Russians found that the simple didactic presentation of scientific knowledge
was not effective in helping students to achieve mastery of these concepts. They recognized
that students needed to understand the procedures that are used to gain this knowledge as well
as the concepts themselves in order to use the ideas for further problem solving. Theoretical
learning is the approach they created in order to integrate knowledge of the signs and symbols
of scientific concepts with the procedures that are used to generate these concepts. Theoretical
learning involves teaching children a method or model for organizing and analyzing information
appropriate to the subject matter, and then helping children use that method to solve new
problems. The term scaffolding is sometimes used to describe this process. Through scaffolding,
the student is able to master complex skills by taking advantage of strategies and guides from
a more experienced learner. The approach is to simplify the learner’s role in a way that allows
272 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
the learner to complete the complex task with support, and then ultimately to internalize these
supports and apply them to other tasks.
For example, in a high school science class, a teacher might first give students detailed guides
to carrying out experiments; then give them brief guides to help structure experiments; and
finally ask students to design and conduct experiments on their own (Slavin, 2011). Experiencing
success in problem solving through the application of a particular strategy gives students the
idea that other complicated problems may have a method or approach that will help them find
the solution. Once children have had the opportunity to experience success by applying a
procedure to solve a problem, they are likely to anticipate that there are other procedures that
would be helpful in solving other types of problems (Davydov, 1986).
In their analysis of the application of Vygotsky’s theory to education, Karpov and Haywood
(1998) suggested that the integration of theoretical learning and mediated learning might be
optimally effective. Theoretical learning does not exploit the power of the learning community.
Both the verbal knowledge and the procedural knowledge first come from the teacher, and then
are expected to be internalized by students without the benefit of social exchange or mutual
instruction. Mediated learning focuses on the metacognitive processes of observing, planning,
checking, and evaluating that should increase motivation and self-directed learning. However,
it does not include a process for engaging students in mastery of the signs and symbols or
procedures that create scientific knowledge. By integrating the two approaches, students could be
asked to master the scientific concepts and procedures of a field, and then work together in order
to solve problems using these strategies. Some students would attempt to solve a problem, while
others would check and evaluate the work; then they would switch roles so that the metacognitive
capacities and scientific knowledge would advance together.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
Vygotsky asked how the developing child incorporates the tools and scientific concepts of
his or her culture in order to function as a contributing member of the culture and possibly
to contribute to what is known through his or her own innovative problem solving. He was
interested in conceptualizing how the intrinsic, biologically guided forces interact with
cultural forces to produce new levels of cognitive functioning.
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 273
Tools or artifacts are central to understanding the emergence of higher order thinking
(Cole, 2003). Tools can be both concrete or material (e.g. a hammer or a cell phone) and
symbolic or conceptual (e.g. a story or a value). Tools combine an action and a goal; they
merge the use to which they are directed with the capacity of the person using them. As
such, tools are mechanisms that contribute to the development of thought and behavior. In
Vygotsky’s social-historical theory, tools are a mechanism that brings the external cultural
world into the inner world of thought and goal-directed action.
A second mechanism that Vygotsky offered to account for growth is participation in
collaborative problem solving with adults and more skilled peers. Children learn new
strategies, use those strategies to regulate their own behavior and those of others, and eventually
internalize those strategies for application in subsequent problem-solving situations.
A related mechanism is the concept of the zone of proximal development. The concept
links development and learning, suggesting how instruction and interactions with more
knowledgeable others can advance development. Children bring a spontaneous capacity
for understanding and problem solving to each new situation. However, they also have the
potential for a higher or more cognitively complex level of functioning that can be prompted
through guidance by more skilled participants. Teachers and peers can foster new levels of
cognitive functioning by introducing signs, symbols, and procedures that the child can learn
to apply in new situations.
One testable hypothesis is that as children acquire the symbolic tool of language, inner
speech can be used to help regulate attention and behavior. Children can be expected to rely
on inner speech more heavily when the problems are more demanding.
Another testable hypothesis is that cultural orientations toward individualism or
interdependence, shaped by symbolic and psychological tools, will contribute to the nature
of attention, memory, and higher order problem solving.
Drawing on the concept of a zone of proximal development, one can predict that with the
right amount of help or guidance, children should be able to solve more difficult problems
than they can solve independently. The challenge is to identify problems that are “within
the zone” and to provide the level of help that preserves the child’s continued interest and
motivation to engage the problem. Presumably, when a child is given a clue or strategy for
solving a problem that is within the zone, the solution should come rather easily and the
child should exhibit enthusiasm and interest in working on the task. If the problem is beyond
the zone, the same clue or strategy will not result in a successful solution, and the child may
experience a sense of confusion or disinterest. Thus, the ability to locate where a child is in
his or her zone of proximal development depends upon the developmental level of the child,
the nature of the activity or problem, and the nature of the guidance or support that the child
is receiving. All of these factors interact to influence the child’s success.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
According to Vygotsky’s social-historical perspective, cognition emerges from social
interactions and the use of cultural tools which are gradually internalized. As a result, early
social experiences of communication with caregivers, exposure to the social community
and the cultural environment, and experiences of nurturing and care are all critical for
the formation of early cognitions. Early in development, children hear and use words that
have been used in adult speech. Although the child may understand the word in a more
274 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
concrete form, and the adult understands it in a more abstract form, the child is able to
coordinate his or her word use in a way that corresponds with the adult’s understanding; by
recognizing the child’s use of a word, the adult supports the child’s language use. This early
coordination of language use is central to subsequent concept development.
As illustrated earlier in the chapter, early experiences shape the way children attend to
events around them. Exposure to verbal and nonverbal cues provides additional tools for
conceptualizing events. Patterns of teaching and evaluating knowledge that are characteristic
of a culture become internalized and mediate the way children come to interpret new
information. Thus, early experiences are critical for shaping the direction of subsequent
At the same time, at each new phase of life, individuals may participate in new social
contexts that may introduce new ways of thinking. Schooling, for example, will introduce
children to new procedures and tools, such as experimentation, which may lead to new
kinds of scientific knowledge. As individuals mature, they may find ways to enter new zones
of proximal development, by seeking out more challenging apprenticeships, educational
settings, or training so that their earlier learning is transformed, and possibly replaced by
new knowledge.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the environ-
ment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of development?
In this theory, cognition is not located in the individual or in the society but in the specific
meaning of a child’s actions in context. Activities are socially constructed and have cultural
meaning and value. Vygotsky argued against the idea of conceptualizing the environment
as separate from the child. He placed greater attention on a child’s experiences which are a
product of a functional relationship between the individual and the environment.“Experience
is a unit of personality and environment as they exist in development. Experience must be
understood as the internal relationship of the child as an individual to a given aspect of
reality” (1984, p. 382).
For example, in U.S. culture, there is a great value attached to an infant’s transition from
crawling to walking. Parents and other adults attribute considerable importance to walking,
and view a child’s age at walking as an indication of maturation. Cultural tools such as the
“walker” have been invented to support or facilitate early walking. Thus, in the United States,
walking is an activity that symbolizes maturity and readiness for the child to achieve a new
level of autonomy and distance from the caregivers.
However, walking may be viewed differently in different subcultures, and may be regarded
differently for boys and girls. In some families, walking at an early age may be a sign of athletic
promise—a future football player, a soccer player, or a runner. In other families, early walking
may be viewed as a sign that the child is on a path toward getting into difficulty—“We really
need to keep our eye on this one; he’s going to be a trouble maker.” In other families, walking
may be a worry because now the baby needs shoes and shoes are expensive. In still other
families, as the baby begins to walk, the parents begin to “baby proof ” the house, locking
cabinets, moving items to new, higher locations, and installing covers on electrical outlets.
All of these different reactions to walking illustrate how the biologically based capacity for
walking interacts with the social and cultural context to give the activity specific meaning.
Walking provides a basis for qualitatively different kinds of activities in the setting, and the
meaning of those activities will differ depending on the sociocultural context.
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 275
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the
life span?
A primary source of risk would be the relative absence of interactions with caregivers
and other caring adults. Because of the importance given to the role of social interaction
which mediates culture, conditions that restrict a child’s participation in social inter-
action would result in impoverished language and cognition. Given the importance placed
on the role of skilled adults and peers who introduce the child to problem-solving strategies,
new information, and new procedures for gaining knowledge, the lack of access to effective
schooling or alienation from the world of more knowledgeable others would also place a
child at risk with respect to achieving more advanced cognitive functioning. Each culture
has its own tools and mechanisms for transmitting knowledge from one generation to
the next. Individuals who, for whatever reason, lose their access to these resources will
be at risk. This might result from poverty, war, natural disasters, homelessness, servitude
or slavery, or other crises that disconnect a person from family, friends, school, and
According to this theory, learning and development scaffold each other. As children
mature, they are able to learn new and more complex information, and to explore new
procedures. This new learning stimulates new levels of cognitive awareness, provides
alternative approaches to problem solving, and helps the child conceptualize problems from
new perspectives. The child’s new insights may lead to a desire for more information, which
once again propels the child toward increasingly complex levels of cognitive functioning.
At any point in this process, the child’s further development can be inhibited if new
opportunities for learning are restricted.
The theoretical focus on activities as a unit of analysis has implications for any context
in which behavior change is desired. This focus has been applied to work with children with
disabilities, to organizational behavior, and to inter-agency collaboration (Daniels, 2012).
The theory provides insights into how people and organizations learn to do something new.
It points to the importance of analyzing the language and communication that surround
specific tasks, the impact of both material and symbolic tools, and the social/communicative
nature of the workplace.
Vygotsky did more than bring our attention to the social, cultural, and historical contexts
of development. He introduced an entirely new perspective on cognition, locating it at
the interface of the person and the culture. The idea that the higher mental functions begin
outside the person in the social environment and become internalized offered a unique perspec-
tive about the boundary of the self and the society and the direction of development. With this
insight, one is able to appreciate that people in different cultures have different ways of representing
their experiences and different preferences for higher order problem solving. Emerging from
these ideas is a new excitement about ways of looking at development as a product of continuous
and fluid exchanges between maturation, environmental opportunities and resources, and
cultural tools.
The idea that higher order mental constructs begin outside the child, in the “intermental”
social/cultural milieu, and are gradually internalized places new emphasis on the importance of
an interactive, interpersonal learning environment. Achieving new levels of cognitive complexity
is not the sole responsibility of the learner nor the teacher. Rather cognitive complexity advances
as a product of activities in context mediated by social interactions. This idea brings new focus to
the processes of collaboration and shared responsibility for learning.
Vygotsky took on big ideas including the nature of consciousness, identifying words as basic
units of psychological analysis, the interrelationships of mental functions to create integrated
experiences of thought, and the integration of thought and behavior. He resisted tendencies
toward reductionism and was constantly reminding us to look at the big picture.
Vygotsky provided a new way of understanding the relationship of learning and development
by introducing the concept of the zone of proximal development. The child has both a current
mental age and a mental age potential. Through the processes of play and/or instruction, the
child’s insights about a subject advance, thus promoting new levels of cognitive development.
Vygotsky’s view about the role of instruction in development is gaining popularity within
educational circles. A child has strong internal motivation to experiment and explore. However,
according to Vygotsky, the child’s intrinsic interest and curiosity will not be adequate for learning
the scope of knowledge that is required to function in adult life. What is more, in order for children
to acquire scientific knowledge, they need to be taught about the systematic tools and procedures
of their culture. Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development gives a specific role to
teachers to guide children to new, more complex levels of functioning by giving them just the
right amount of help at just the right time.
Vygotsky was devoted to an analysis of development. His many experimental demonstrations
were designed to simulate the emergence of a new mental capacity, from its early origins to
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 277
its more advanced, culturally informed level. He designed experiments that he thought would
provide an opportunity for learning and development for those children who participated. His
work with traditional cultures, with children who were developmentally delayed, and his interest
in primate research all preserved the focus on describing and explaining the transformation of
capacities from lower to higher forms.
In many developmental theories, the focus has been on identifying general principles or
patterns of growth. In contrast, Vygotsky emphasized diversity in development, an idea which
has become increasingly integrated into the current study of development and its application to
education. Consideration of varieties of learning styles, rates of development, types of intelligence,
and temperament has become prominent in studies of cognition. Similarly appreciation for
varieties of instructional strategies, tasks, and cultural values and contexts for learning has
become a priority in understanding the educative process. Finally, the meaning of behavior is
expected to vary depending on the setting in which the behavior takes place. This emphasis on
specific contexts gives credit to the child who detects the expectations of others within a setting,
and to the culture, which operates to encourage certain types of behaviors in certain settings.
Vygotsky, who was remarkably productive in his brief lifetime, explored many ideas that he and
his students and colleagues did not have time to develop. This was due in part to his untimely
death, and in part to the suppression of his work. As a result, many of his ideas reemerged in the
later part of the twentieth century in partial translation, and without adequate experimental or
empirical evidence to support them.
The concept of the zone of proximal development, which has probably been the most widely
accepted concept from his theory, has been criticized on several fronts. There are multiple
definitions of the zone resulting in a lack of agreement about ways to operationalize this idea.
Some interpretations focus on the difference between what a child can do alone and with some
help. Some interpretations focus on the difference between the child’s everyday knowledge and
the scientific or mature knowledge that exists in the culture. Some interpretations focus on the
ability of an individual and the socially constructed knowledge of the larger community (Lave &
Wenger, 2005).
The width of the zone, that is how far a child can progress with help, differs for different
kinds of problems, and for different children. The concept does not provide guidance for
how much help a person should give or what type of help a person should give to foster move-
ment in the zone. It is unclear if movement in the zone is long-lasting once the help is removed,
or if one should expect improvement in the zone for one domain of learning to generalize to
other domains. Finally, children enter the zone at different levels of expertise. There may be
more room for growth for children who are at the beginning or novice level than for children
who are more advanced in their competence. Researchers in the field have not arrived at an
agreed on method for establishing a zone of proximal development or for measuring movement
in the zone.
Although the theory of the zone of proximal development implies that children differ in their
developmental capacities, the theory does not offer a description of normative developmental
levels or hypotheses about how children of different ages/stages will function. Given that cultures
may have differing expectations for children at different ages, a theory of development should be
expected to provide some framework for age-related developmental differences.
278 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Vygotsky placed a major emphasis on the cultural tools of speech and language as shaping
mental processes. Some cognitive scientists might view this argument as an overstatement of
the way speech and thought interact. As the work on the cognitive unconscious suggests, there
are integrative aspects of higher mental functioning that are not consciously regulated by
language. Moreover, capacities for the perception of auditory, visual, olfactory, and tactile
stimulation are not limited by language. In other words, even if the language does not have a
specific word for the smell of horse, hay, and dust mixed together, a person can still detect these
smells and recognize that they are associated with a barn or a stable.
The theory was developed in the context of a powerful social/political philosophy of Marxism.
As such, it emphasized that the mind is born from participation in the community:
Vygotsky and his colleagues wanted to change citizens’ thinking from a feudal (landlords
and serfs) mentality of helplessness and alienation to a socialistic mentality of self-directed
activity and commitment to a larger social unit based on sharing, cooperation, and support. In
the new Soviet view, each person was responsible for the progress of the whole society. (Miller,
2011, p. 168)
The theory is based on the premise that the conditions of economic production influence
the nature of working conditions and interpersonal interactions, and that these interactions
influence cognition. “The hand shapes the mind.” The value of shared goods was translated into
the notion of shared knowledge, with the idea that it was the responsibility of those who were
trained and educated to transmit this information to others in order to advance the society. As
such, the theory is much more of a collectivist than an individualist view of cognition. To some
extent, this balances the individualist emphasis of many of the other theories. The idea that the
societal/historical/cultural environment provides the tools, attitudes, values, and knowledge that
shape learning is a powerful insight. However, the theory did not provide a template for how
to identify the key features of social/historical events that might influence higher order mental
processes. This perspective has proven very difficult to translate into research.
Moreover, social and historical events of the past 25 years suggest that the marriage of the two
traditions, Marxist philosophy and cognitive science, may be flawed. After the fall of the Soviet
Union, it turned out that many deeply held ethnic and subcultural traditions and values that had
been suppressed for several generations resurfaced. The training, instruction, and socialization
of the Soviet regime did not succeed in becoming fully internalized as one might have expected.
Vygotsky may have placed too much faith on the willingness of teachers and parents to encourage
movement through the zone through gentle encouragement and hints rather than by insistence
on a specific approach to problem solving. The theory is naïve in assuming that the powerful
members of society will willingly share the full extent of their knowledge in order to promote
the advancement of all its children. At the same time, the theory underestimates the presence of
“free-riders” who will take advantage of group resources, but who will not collaborate fully in the
efforts of the group.
The theory underestimates the willingness of communities to communicate multiple
value systems that remain part of the intuitive knowledge base and are not displaced by the
more formal, scientific knowledge base of those in power. The theory underestimates
the contribution of the individual mind that may achieve a greater degree of independence from
societal values and teachings once the tools of language and other symbolic resources have been
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 279
Individuals and groups differ in their motivation to achieve new levels of mastery. Given the
importance that the theory places on mediated or collaborative learning, the theory does not
offer any concepts to help predict the conditions that foster persistence and striving. Table 9.2
provides a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of Cognitive Social-Historical Theory.
Strengths Weaknesses
A novel view of cognitive development which states that Concept of zone of proximal development has
higher mental functions begin outside the person in the multiple definitions which impedes operationalization.
social environment and become internalized.
New focus on the role of collaboration and shared Lack of clear guidance about how much help or what
responsibility for learning in the process of cognitive type of help one should give to promote movement
development. through the zone for different types of tasks.
The concept of the zone of proximal development Lack of theoretical clarity about how much movement
provides a novel way of thinking about the relationship of is to be expected for children of different levels of
development and learning. ability.
The theory provides a wealth of implications for No clear framework for normative age-related abilities
educational application and practice. or cognitive capacities.
Emphasis on diversity in development, including diversity The theory overstates the role of language in shaping
of abilities, activities, cultural contexts, and settings. cognition and higher mental processes.
Particular focus on culture, including material and Despite emphasis on the importance of the social/
symbolic cultural tools that shape thought and behavior. cultural/historical context, no framework to help
identify features of this context that can be expected to
impact higher order mental processes.
The meaning of behavior is expected to vary depending The theory overestimates the beneficent nature of the
on the setting in which the behavior takes place. collective, and underestimates the enduring power
of separate cultures that may resist pressures for
New emphasis on activities in context mediated by social The theory underestimates the power of individual
interactions. Gives recognition to the child’s ability to minds to achieve new levels of independence from
detect social expectations in the setting that will inform societal values and beliefs.
thought and behavior.
No concepts to help account for individual and group
differences in persistence and striving.
4. Identify three or four symbolic or psychological tools that you use in daily life (for example
your understanding of the scientific process or your beliefs about health). How do these tools
shape your thinking? How do they influence your approach to problem solving or to the
formation of plans and goals? Trace the path from the intermental to the intramental for these
tools. Where did they originate? How did they become part of your own way of thinking?
5. Can you identify some ways that the historical period may alter cognitive processes? For
example, how might the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s and the reemergence
of the individual identities of the former member countries have altered or influenced the
cognitive functioning of children growing up in this era of transition?
6. Going back to the case of Jasmine, what do you think she learns from this interaction? How
does the case illustrate the theoretical idea of socially mediated cognition?
7. In the case of Jasmine, her father responds amiably to her repeated questioning, “Why?”
Extend this interaction to the school environment. How should teachers respond to students’
questions? What does the theory suggest about how teachers and other more knowledgeable
adults can scaffold and support inquiry?
8. What can be achieved by creating a collaborative environment for student learning and
development? Describe how you might transfer leadership for new learning from the teacher
to the students in a collaborative learning environment.
Key Terms
activity scaffolding
cultural tools scientific concepts
culture self-regulation
higher mental processes sign
inner speech sociocultural
intermental sociohistorical
internalization spontaneous concepts
intramental symbol systems
language technical tools
lower mental processes theoretical learning
mediated learning tools
metacognition word meaning
psychological tools zone of proximal development
reciprocal learning
Recommended Resources
**Cole, M. (1996). Interactive minds in a life-span perspective: A cultural-historical approach to
culture and cognitive development. In P.B. Baltes & U.M. Staudinger (Eds.), Interactive minds:
Life-span perspectives on the social foundations of cognition (pp. 59–88). New York: Cambridge
University Press.
A book chapter which explores the unique role of culture in the way human minds interact over
the life span. The chapter builds on Cole’s ongoing interest in a cultural historical approach to
Cognitive Social-Historical Theory • 281
**Lev Vygotsky: A documentary. A DVD from Lowe productions. PHD Lowe Productions #188-
PO Box 8000, Abbotsford, B.C., V25 6H1, Canada. Phone: 604-854-8130, email: phd-lowe@
There are two versions: a 1 hour 53 minute documentary divided into three sections: life,
theory, and Vygotskian concepts in practice; and a 35 minute summary of life, theory, and
practice. Combines narration, archive photos, film footage, and interviews with family members,
researchers, and educators.
**Play: A Vygotskian approach (with Ph.D.s Elena Bodrova and Deborah J. Leong). A Davidson film.
This film provides a comparison of Freudian, Eriksonian, Piagetian, and Vygotskian theoretical
views on play. The film reviews traditional ways of studying play, highlights Vygotksy’s theoretical
views about how fantasy play contributes to development, and gives practical suggestions for
fostering high-level play in early childhood settings. (Note: this film is available for purchase with
a special discount rate by calling Davidson films at 888-437-4200. Check your university film
resources to see if the film is already part of the film library.)
**Rogoff, B. (2003). The cultural nature of human development. New York: Oxford University
This book received the William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association.
The book provides research and theory to account for how culture matters in guiding and shaping
child development through daily interactions and ongoing use of cultural tools.
Bakhurst, D. (1996). Social memory in Soviet thought. In H. Daniels (Ed.), An introduction to Vygotsky
(pp. 196–218). London: Routledge. (Original work published 1990)
Brazelton, T.B., Robey, J.S., & Collier, G.A. (1969). Infant development in the Zinacanteco Indians of Southern
Mexico. Pediatrics, 44, 274–290.
Bruner, J. (1987). In R.W. Rieber & A.S. Carton (Eds.), Prologue to the English edition. Vol. 1. Problems of general
psychology (pp. 1–16). New York: Plenum.
Chavajay, P. & Rogoff, B. (1999). Cultural variation in management of attention by children and their caregivers.
Developmental Psychology, 35, 1079–1090.
Cole, M. (1990). Cognitive development and formal schooling: The evidence from cross-cultural research. In
L.C. Moll (Ed.), Vygotsky and education (pp. 89–110). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
282 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Rogoff, B. (2003). The cultural nature of human development. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rogoff, B. & Chavajay, P. (1995). What’s become of research on the cultural basis of cognitive development?
American Psychologist, 50, 859–877.
Rogoff, B., Correa-Chavez, M., & Silva, K.G. (2011). Cultural variation in children’s attention and learning. In
M.A. Gernsbacher, R. Pew, L.M. Hough, & J.R. Pomerantz (Eds.), Psychology in the real world: Essays
illustrating fundamental contributions to society (pp. 154–163). New York: Worth Publishers.
Rogoff, B., Mistry, J., Göncü, A., & Mosier, C. (1993). Guided participation in cultural activity by toddlers and
caregivers. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 58 (Serial No. 236).
Rogoff, B., Morelli, G.A., & Chavajay, P. (2010). Children’s integration in communities and segregation of differing
ages. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 431–440.
Rogoff, B., Turkanis, C.G., & Bartlett, L. (2001). Learning together: Children and adults in a school community. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Scribner, S. (1977). Modes of thinking and ways of speaking: Culture and logic reconsidered. In P.N. Johnson-Laird
& P.C Wason (Eds.), Thinking (pp. 483–500). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Serences, J.T. & Kastner, S. (2014). A multilevel account of selective attention. In K. Nobre & S. Kastner (Eds.), The
Oxford handbook of attention (pp. 76–104). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Siegler, R.S. (1998). Children’s thinking. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Slavin, R.E. (2011). Educational psychology: Theory and practice. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Stevenson, H.W., Chen, C., & Lee, S. (1993). Mathematics achievement of Chinese, Japanese, and American
children: Ten years later. Science, 259, 53–58.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (2004). TIMSS results. Retrieved on November 20, 2004,
van der Veer, R. & Valsiner, J. (1991). Understanding Vygotsky: A quest for synthesis. Oxford: Blackwell.
van der Veer, R. & Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Vygotsky in English: What needs to be done. Integrative Psychological and
Behavioral Science, 45, 475–493.
van Geert, P. (1998). A dynamic systems model of basic developmental mechanisms: Piaget, Vygotsky and beyond.
Psychological Review, 105, 634–677.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Wiley. (Original work published
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978a). Tool and symbol in child development. In M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, &
E. Souberman (Eds.), Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (pp. 19–30).
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978b). Internalization of higher psychological functions. In M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner,
& E. Souberman (Eds.), Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (pp. 52–57).
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978c). Interaction between learning and development. In M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, &
E. Souberman (Eds.), Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (pp. 79–92).
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978d). The role of play in development. In M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman
(Eds.), Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (pp. 92–105). Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1984). The crisis of seven years. In L.S. Vygotsky, Collected works: Child psychology: Vol. 4. Moscow:
Vygotsky, L.S. (1987a). Genetic roots of thinking and speech. In R.W. Rieber & A.S. Carton (Eds.), The collected
works of L. S. Vygotsky: Vol. 1. Problems of general psychology (pp. 101–120). New York: Plenum.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1987b). The development of scientific concepts in childhood. In R.W. Rieber & A.S. Carton (Eds.),
The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky: Vol. 1. Problems of general psychology (pp. 167–241). New York: Plenum.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1987c). Thought and word. In R.W. Rieber & A.S. Carton (Eds.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky:
Vol. 1. Problems of general psychology (pp. 242–291). New York: Plenum.
Wertsch, J.V. (1985). Vygotsky and the social formation of mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bioecological Theory
Case Vignette 285
Historical Context 287
Key Concepts 290
Process 290
Person 290
Contexts 291
Time 293
Research Design and Bioecological Theory 293
New Directions 294
A Research Example: Sensitive Care in Two Cultures 295
An Application: Evaluating the Impact of Early Childhood Care
on Developmental Outcomes 297
How Does Bioecological Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 298
Critique of Bioecological Theory 302
Strengths 302
Weaknesses 303
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 304
Key Terms 305
Recommended Resources 305
References 306
Bioecological Theory • 285
Guiding Questions
• How does bioecological theory differ from the theories presented in Part II, theories
that focus on the environment, in its treatment of the environment?
• Define proximal processes. What are some examples? Evaluate the premise that proximal
processes are the key forces that influence development in light of the full PPCT model.
• Reflect on the nature of the macrosystem in the culture of your childhood. What
features of the macrosystem might have had important consequences for the patterns
of childrearing and family life you experienced?
• Building on life course theory, how might historical time influence development within
the framework of the bioecological model?
• Think about the idea of personXenvironment interaction. What does the theory predict
about how developmental outcomes might differ depending on the interaction of
processes and person characteristics in specific settings?
• What features make a context chaotic? How might chaotic environments contribute to
dysfunction? What steps could be taken to intervene to reduce chaos or to minimize its
disruptive impact?
Case Vignette
Marie is 93 years old. Up until last year, she had been active and independent; surrounding
herself with family and friends from the neighborhood. She worked two days a week as a
volunteer at the local museum giving tours of the “old mansion” and sharing her memories
of the days when the building was the home of a leading family in the town. After work, she
walked next door to the café where she visited with the owner before calling the Senior van
that took her back home to the west side of town.
Marie was known in the family and neighborhood as being a wonderful cook. She had a
vegetable and herb garden outside her kitchen door and always included fresh vegetables,
herbs, garlic, and other spices in the dishes she was preparing. People were always dropping
in for a taste of what was bubbling in the kitchen and a little bit of conversation. She looked
forward to these visits.
Just last year she moved into an assisted living facility called Wakefield Meadows. She told
her friends and family that her house was too big, and she wanted to lighten the burden of
grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, doing laundry, and washing up the dishes.
She decided to rent her house to her great-nephew, Philip, and his family, and take advantage
of the services that were offered in the assisted living complex. Her family was surprised
with this decision, and a bit disappointed that the delicious meals from “Marvelous Marie’s
Diner” would come to an end. Marie claimed that she was tired and wanted to relax more.
She thought this transition would make life a lot easier for her.
However, she was finding that the decision had not worked out as well as she expected. The
meals at Wakefield Meadows were bland and lacked variety, and she missed her garden.
286 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Marie was disappointed by the condescending tone of the staff at the complex and their
insistence on doing many of the things that she was capable of doing for herself. She found
that many of the other residents needed much more care than she did, and she was not used
to being so passive. She missed unexpected visits from family and friends. Over time, Marie
became increasingly depressed.
When Philip visited, he noticed the change. While they sat and talked, Philip suggested that
Marie move back home to her house. There was enough room for all of them. Marie could
continue to be active in her garden, and Philip and his family could provide help with meals
and house cleaning. Marie gave notice at Wakefield Meadows, and the following month, she
moved back home to a celebratory dinner.
In this case, the demands of Marie’s life in her home stretch her physical energy to its
limit. At the same time, all these demands keep her physically active, provide satisfying
social interactions, engage her in creative work in her garden and kitchen, and connect her
to other meaningful settings in the community. The bioecological theory provides a lens
for thinking about how people’s lives are supported by their physical contexts; and how
the processes that contribute to development are intimately bound up with the settings in
which activity takes place.
In the case of Marie, we see that people are active agents in creating, modifying, and changing
their environments. However, we may not be entirely aware of the many ways that processes
operate in a setting to sustain or foster optimal functioning. It is possible that the symbolic
cultural and societal contexts associated with advanced age, including the availability of
assisted living environments and the promotion of these settings for the elderly through
television and community marketing, were macrosystem forces steering Marie into a decision
that was not a good fit with her personal characteristics and psychosocial needs.
The bioecological theory of human development grew out of a concern that the research and
theory of the time lacked a nuanced view of the interdependence of individuals and their
environments. Bronfenbrenner defined the ecology of human development as follows:
The ecology of human development involves the scientific study of the progressive, mutual
accommodation between an active, growing human being and the changing properties of the
immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process is effected by relations
Bioecological Theory • 287
between these settings and by the larger contexts in which these settings are embedded.
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979, p. 21)
Bronfenbrenner believed that the study of development should combine systematic, scientific
research with practical application. To that end, he argued that it was important to situate research
in real-life contexts, and to understand how people made meaning of the settings in which they
function. In the definition above, one can find the seeds of the bioecological theory: the person
is active and changing, the settings are changing, the person is assumed to be functioning in
more than one setting, and the settings themselves are impacted by forces in larger, community,
cultural, and even societal contexts. Over time, the person comes to appreciate the larger, complex
nature of his or her environments and the way forces push and pull behavior, while at the same
time, identifying his or her own personal objectives and goals.
Historical Context
As the name suggests, bioecological theory builds upon the concept of ecology, the scientific
study of the interaction of organisms in their environments. The term “ecology” has roots in the
Greek word oikos, meaning house, dwelling place, or habitation. Descriptions of characteristics
of the natural world date back to ancient authors including Hippocrates and Aristotle, who wrote
about natural history. Pliny the Elder published an encyclopedia of natural history in the period
AD 77 to 79.
The modern science of ecology emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century, heavily
influenced by the writings of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution (see Chapter 2). Although
Darwin did not use the term, two concepts from this theory, adaptation and natural selection,
point to the importance of understanding how organisms interact with their environments. One
of Darwin’s most enthusiastic proponents was the German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel (1866), who
first coined the term ecology. He defined the term as follows:
By ecology, we mean the whole science of the relations of the organism to the environment
including, in the broad sense, all the “conditions of existence.” These are partly organic, partly
inorganic in nature; both, as we have shown, are of the greatest significance for the form of
organisms, for they force them to become adapted.
Building on these ideas, contemporary ecology explores the diversity, distribution, population,
and competition between and within organisms within a setting (Egerton, 2013). The concept of
ecosystems suggests the need to observe and analyze all the interacting features of a natural
environment, including the organisms, the communities they form, and the non-living aspects
of the environment with which they interact. From the field of ecology, we have inherited terms
such as ecological niche or habitat, and processes such as recycling of resources, sustainability,
and succession (the way organisms reproduce and pass along resources to the next generation).
In the United States, the field of home economics emerged toward the end of the nineteenth
century. The field, influenced by the concepts of ecology, sought to apply the latest findings in
science and economics to the home and household management. One can think of the home as
an ecological niche. All the features of life in the home, including efficient use of resources, food
preparation, the safety of the physical environment, childcare, clothing, and the appropriate use of
288 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
emerging technologies, as well as the relationship of the home and family to adjoining community
environments, were considered aspects of home management (Bubolz & Sontag, 1993). The field
of home economics flourished in the early part of the twentieth century. The American Home
Economics Association, which was established in 1909, grew to a membership of 50,000 in the
mid-1960s, but declined to around 5,000 in 2012 under its new title: The American Association
of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS, 2012).
The field of home economics was intimately linked with colleges of agriculture, the agricultural
research experiment stations, and the cooperative extension service. These programs were
established through the Morrill Land Grant Acts (1862 and 1890), the Hatch Act (1887), and
the Smith Lever Act (1914), which were intended to teach subject matter related to agriculture
and mechanical arts (engineering) at the post-secondary level; foster agricultural research; and
provide education and services to agricultural industries and farming families. Eventually, 70
colleges and universities in the United States were established through funding from these federal
sources. The field of child development owes much to these land grant colleges and universities
where the study of child development, parenting, and associated laboratory preschools were
located. Among the land grant colleges and universities that offered courses for credit in home
and family life was Cornell University. In 1907, the College of Agriculture at Cornell established
the department of Home Economics. By 1925, the state of New York created the College of
Home Economics (Cornell University, 2014). It was in the context of the College of Home
Economics at Cornell that Uri Bronfenbrenner developed the research program that informed
bioecological theory.
Uri Bronfenbrenner was born in 1917 in Moscow. He and his parents moved to the United
States when he was 6, living first in Pittsburgh, and then in upstate New York. His father was a
neuropathologist who worked as a physician at an institution for the developmentally disabled.
As an adolescent, Uri worked at the institution as a male attendant. He and his father would
discuss the cases, with his father encouraging him to look for patterns in a person’s behavior
that might relate to brain functions. His father was also his first teacher about the impact of the
environment on development. Sometimes, the court would send a child of normal intelligence
to the institution.
My father had taken it on himself to examine each child on admission, and he had a way with
kids. But before he could unwind the necessary red tape to have them released, it would be
too late. After a few weeks in one of those cottages, their scores on the Stanford-Binet, given
routinely by the staff psychologist, would prove the courts to have been right in the first place.
By then, the children’s IQs showed them to be mentally retarded. (Bronfenbrenner, 1995, p. 600)
In addition to family, Bronfenbrenner acknowledged the important role of his peer group, first
in a working-class neighborhood of Pittsburgh, and then in upstate New York. This peer group
provided the foundation for his American identity. He was part of a diverse group of friends who
offered companionship, acceptance, and valuable information about American customs. When
he or his parents had questions about some puzzling aspect of community life, he often checked
with his friends to see if they would confirm his understanding.
Bronfenbrenner benefited from exposure to a diverse group of scholars who influenced his
thinking. As an undergraduate psychology major at Cornell in the 1930s, he first encountered
Titchener, who established psychology as a laboratory science for the study of sensation
and perception. Later, he studied with Ogden and Freeman, two psychologists who studied
Bioecological Theory • 289
psychological processes from a Gestalt perspective, looking for patterns and configurations.
Upon graduation from Cornell, he went to Harvard for a master’s degree, where he studied
with Walter Fenno Dearborn and Clark Hull. In this context, he learned more about approaches
to experimental design and the value of experimentation for both verifying hypotheses and
disproving them.
He went to the University of Michigan for his Ph.D., where he identified his special focus on
child development, and added new expertise in mathematical statistics. His doctoral dissertation
focused on the development of young children’s peer groups and friendship patterns, a topic that
aligns well with his recollections of the important role his friends played in his own personal
development (Bronfenbrenner, 1995).
But one of the richest opportunities for intellectual development in his early adulthood
came right after completion of his degree, when he was inducted into the U.S. Army as a private.
He was assigned to a unit of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) where he came in contact
with a group of psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists who were to become leaders
in the behavioral and social sciences. Among the most influential were Kurt Lewin and
Edward Tolman. After his service, he eventually accepted a position at Cornell, one-quarter
time in the department of psychology, and three-quarters time in the College of Home
Economics. In 1965, the college changed its name to the College of Human Ecology, in part as
a recognition of the lifetime impact of Uri Bronfenbrenner’s theory and research on the field of
human development.
Thirty years of scholarly work characterized by a combination of laboratory experiments,
natural experiments, and cross-cultural research contributed to the formulation of
Bronfenbrenner’s initial theory, outlined in his book, The ecology of human development (1979),
which is sometimes referred to as ecological systems theory. The theory presented propositions
and testable hypotheses to account for
the progressive, mutual accommodation between an active, growing human being and the
changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this
process is affected by relations between these settings, and by the larger contexts in which the
settings are embedded. (p. 21)
The ideas in this work led to a wide-ranging shift in the field of developmental science toward
greater inclusion of setting characteristics, examination of behaviors across settings, and features
of cultural contexts as well as social policies and practices that impact development. The theory
provided an analysis of the nested environments that impact development and the features of
those environments that are most salient for influencing developmental processes. Even now,
many studies that refer to Bronfenbrenner’s theory are primarily focusing on the demands,
constraints, and resources of primary environments.
However, shortly after the publication of The ecology of human development, Bronfenbrenner
was already modifying the theory, including a greater emphasis on time and changes over time
as well as characteristics of the person and the role of the individual as an active agent in the
developmental process (Rosa & Tudge, 2013). In handbook chapters published in 1998 and 2006,
Bronfenbrenner revised and elaborated his views on development to formulate the bioecological
theory of human development (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998, 2006), which incorporates the
four essential features of process, person, contexts, and time. This is the theoretical framework
that is presented in the current chapter.
290 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Key Concepts
Four key concepts are introduced below which constitute the focus of bioecological theory: process,
person, contexts, and time (P-P-C-T). In addition, we discuss Bronfenbrenner’s contributions to
the research methods that have advanced the bioecological study of behavior and development.
Bronfenbrenner used the term process to refer to any of a wide range of interactions between a
person and the environment. These processes are viewed as the basic mechanisms that connect the
active, growing person with the people, objects, and symbolic representations in the environment.
To have an impact on development, these processes must take place frequently or regularly over
relatively long periods of time. In general, Bronfenbrenner saw these processes as activity-based,
much like the CHAT focus discussed in Chapter 9. The processes typically have an evolving
quality. Over time, the maturing person may become engaged in the process in new ways, and
the process itself may be modified to become more complex. Think about the process of reading
bedtime books. In infancy, even before a baby can talk, a parent might read a book or two before
bed. The process of reading has begun as a time for shared attention, physical closeness, and
comfort. With advancing developmental competence, the infant can grab the books, turn the
pages, and point or imitate sounds from the story. Reading becomes a physical process. After
some months, the baby remembers parts of the stories and recognizes the books by the covers.
Some books become favorites. The process of reading has transformed from something initiated
by the adult to something sought after and cherished by the infant.
The way processes influence development varies depending upon characteristics of the person.
Bronfenbrenner acknowledged the biological basis of personal characteristics. But he was
especially interested in any features of the person that might influence the way the person engaged
in a setting, the kinds of resources or opportunities that the setting might provide due to these
characteristics, or barriers that the person might encounter as a result of certain characteristics.
Three features of a person were identified.
Demand Features. Age, gender, skin color, physical disability, and body type are all examples of
demand features of a person. Demand features can invite or discourage interactions, depending
on the expectations of the other participants in the setting. Cultural, community, and family beliefs
and preferences about certain demand characteristics can alter the nature of proximal processes
in a setting. In some classroom contexts, for example, teachers are more interested in what boys
have to say and encourage boys to participate more than girls. The process of participating in
classroom conversation is different for boys and girls, due largely to the demand feature of gender.
Whereas demand features are often visible, dispositions and resources are less obvious.
The bioecological theory views the environment as a set of nested contexts, from the immediate,
face-to-face settings to the broad, encompassing features of culture and society. The term setting
refers to any place where people can engage in face-to-face interactions. Settings typically involve
some kind of activity. For example, in the library setting people may be reading, studying, or
looking for information. In the bar, people may be drinking, socializing, playing video games or
pool, or eating. The concept of settings suggests activity in context. If you want to understand the
nature of behavior, the theory suggests that you need to pay attention to features of the setting
where the behavior takes place. Four levels of context are defined in the theory: microsystem,
mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem (see Figure 10.1).
Mesosystem. A mesosystem comprises the interrelations among two or more settings in which
the developing person actively participates. For example, for a child the relations among home,
school, and neighborhood peer group; for an adult the relations among family, work, and social
life. The demands of one setting, such as work, may require so much time and effort that the
person is not able to meet expectations in another setting. This is similar to the idea of role strain
we presented in Chapter 6, on social role theory. Or the rewards of one setting are so highly
valued that the person begins to neglect responsibilities in another setting.
292 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Extended Parents'
Family Work
Family Peers ments
School Classroom
Culture Board
Mesosysterr Mass
Neighborhoods w Social
The concept of the mesosystem provides a way of thinking about social networks. People are
linked to others through the variety of settings in which they participate. Through these related
settings, people come to understand the norms and expectations for behavior across settings and
can be helpful to newcomers who are entering the setting. Social and instrumental support can
be acquired by activating contacts across the mesosystem.
Through a process of participation in a growth-enhancing mesosystem, a person’s worldview
expands, leading to new levels of cognitive complexity. Knowledge about the resources, activities,
and expectations of different settings contributes to a comparative view of one’s world. For
example, a child may notice that at home he reads books, but at his friend Mark’s house they
watch TV. At the same time, the sense of oneself is being constructed through the patterns of
activities and interpersonal relationships that take place across one’s mesosystem.
Exosystem. An exosystem refers to one or more settings that do not involve the developing
person as an active participant, but in which events occur that affect—or are affected by—what
happens in the setting containing the developing person. For example, a woman gets a promotion
at work which means more travel and time at corporate conferences. As a result, her partner has
to spend more time at home caring for the children and the children have fewer opportunities
with their mother. The partner and the children have no contact with the woman’s work setting,
but decisions made there have an impact on their lives.
Bioecological Theory • 293
The concept of the exosystem contributes to the metaphor of the nested systems. Conditions
that may influence one or more members of a person’s network of significant relationships
can also influence the developing person. The influence can also go in the other direction.
Something can happen at the level of the microsystem that trickles up into settings where the
person is not involved. For example, a child who is riding in the front seat of a car is seriously
injured in an accident. The impact of this event transcends the family, and becomes the focus
of new laws that require young children to be placed in car seats behind the first row of seats.
The child and the family are not directly involved in this decision, but are a stimulus for the
new laws.
Macrosystem. The macrosystem refers to the culture or society that frames the structures and
relationships among the systems. The macrosystem has laws and law enforcement practices,
government agencies, political parties, social policies, health care resources, economic systems,
educational resources, media, and many values and symbolic forms of influence that create the
social, political, and financial contexts for development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, pp. 22, 25, 26). For
example in 2007–2008, the United States experienced a major financial crisis. Many people lost
their retirement savings. Companies laid off tens of thousands of their employees. Thousands of
people experienced foreclosure on their homes. These events, brought about by mismanagement
and greed at the macrosystem level, led to dramatic disruption at the family and community levels.
The extreme and sudden nature of the financial losses required people to cope with conditions
that were outside their control and beyond the spheres of their mesosystem.
Both the individual and the systems in which the person is embedded change over time. What is
more, the relationships among the systems change over time. Some of these changes are patterned,
developmental transformations, such as the changes in a child’s capacity for coordinated
movement and voluntary goal-directed actions. Other changes are initiated at the societal
level, such as a community decision to restructure a school system, to make sidewalks and
buildings more accessible to people with disabilities, or to pass a law that restricts voting to
people who have a government-issued photo ID. Finally, some changes reflect the decline or
improvement in resources over time, as when a neighborhood becomes transformed through
urban development.
In later writings, Bronfenbrenner addressed the way time related to each level of context
(Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006). Micro time refers to the timing and duration of activities
in microsystems, for example the length of time that a father and child play together, or
the time children spend watching television. Meso time refers to activities that take place with
some consistency across settings, like the hours spent in childcare each week. Macro time reflects
the idea that development takes place in a historical context. As historical events unfold, like the
economic recession referred to above, children of parents who lost their jobs are influenced in
different ways depending on their own developmental stage. Macro time may be a period of war,
a time of famine, a time of peace and economic growth, or a time of governmental reorganization.
must advance hand in hand. In the early phases of theory building, the research process takes
the form of what Bronfenbrenner and Morris (2006) called the discovery mode, rather than the
verification or confirmation mode. In the discovery mode, research must allow for the generation
of successive studies in which the exact nature of the relationships among the process, person,
and contexts is examined over time. The specific nature of the proximal process to be studied
depends on the outcomes of interest; and the timing for observations depends on the particular
transitions or transformations under consideration.
An assumption of the theory is that proximal processes are the most powerful forces that
shape behavior, but that their impact will vary depending on characteristics of the person
and features of the context. At the very least, the research design has to lend itself to statistical
techniques that will unveil or reveal interactions among these levels. For example, the process
of nurturing parent–infant interactions may have a general positive benefit for infant mental
health; however, nurturing interactions may have a somewhat greater benefit for babies with
a difficult temperament than for babies with an easy temperament; and nurturing interactions
may have greater benefit for babies in single-parent homes as compared to babies in two-parent
homes. The benefit of parental nurture may be more obvious in the outcomes measured in
infancy and toddlerhood, and may be less salient as other features of parenting, such as effective
communication or parental monitoring, become more relevant to children’s psychosocial
development. The research design that will advance bioecological theory must be formulated to
include process contrasts across contexts, persons, and time.
New Directions
In the most mature form of the bioecological theory, Bronfenbrenner emphasized the central
role of proximal processes as the basic engines that account for development (Bronfenbrenner
& Morris, 1998). His concern was that enthusiasm for studying the contexts of development
and comparing behaviors across contexts, which was inspired in part by his earlier writings,
failed to incorporate the important features of process, person, and time. New directions of the
theory strive to examine specific proximal processes in order to understand how they operate in
interaction with characteristics of the person in various contexts to account for developmental
outcomes over time. For example, many studies have examined processes within family
contexts, such as the coordination of positive, playful interactions between infants and parents;
communication synchrony, mismatch, and repair; and strategies for soothing, comforting, and
reducing distress. All of these processes are associated with enhanced developmental outcomes
(Newman & Newman, 2015). A growing body of research is examining the bidirectional nature
of parents’ mental health and infant behavior, with emphasis on the social support available to
adults, the nature of community resources, and the timing of intervention as factors that can
impact developmental outcomes (Bornstein & Tamis-LaMonda, 2010).
The theory can be applied to development across the life span, incorporating bidirectional
influences of individual development and their contexts over time. The model emphasizes the
importance of the people one interacts with in key settings, especially the family, educational,
neighborhood, and work settings. These settings and the quality of interactions within them are
vulnerable to decisions and policies made in more distant contexts, but the heart of the theory
is discovering how roles, activities, and interactions within settings contribute to optimal or
dysfunctional outcomes (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006). Three principles of the theory can be
summarized in the following way:
Bioecological Theory • 295
Relatively few empirical studies have attempted to incorporate all four features of the model
(Tudge, Mokrova, Hatfield, & Karnik, 2009). However, those that do include at least three of the
elements are discovering the validity of the approach. First, social categories such as gender,
race, or poverty are less meaningful than the detailed nature of activities and processes the
person experiences on a regular basis. Second, different processes contribute to optimal versus
dysfunctional outcomes. For example, harsh parenting is associated with dysfunctional outcomes;
whereas responsive, synchronized parenting is associated with optimal outcomes. Third, the
processes operate in distinct ways depending upon the stage of life of the person and his or her
characteristics. This has led to greater exploration of the model as it applies to people of different
life stages, including infants, young children, adolescents, adults, and elders (Hoare, 2009).
Bronfenbrenner urged a greater clarification of the concept of developmental outcomes.
He suggested that ambiguity around the meaning of this term has led to confusion about the
focus of life course research and stands in the way of future theory development. For example,
behaviors such as graduating from high school, or being promoted to a more responsible
position at work, may be indicators of life course progress, but are they appropriate indicators
of development? To address this problem, Bronfenbrenner (2005/1988) offered the following
features of developmental outcomes:
harsh, and neglectful care is associated with insecure attachment outcomes. However, the
behavioral components of sensitive caregiving and how it might be expressed in various cultures
have not been explored in great detail. A study by German Posada and colleagues which contrasted
maternal care in two middle-class samples, one in Denver, Colorado, and the other in Bogota,
Colombia, was designed to clarify this topic (Posada et al., 2002). The study illustrates three of
the key concepts of bioecological theory: process, person, and context. In this study, process is
examined through observations of the qualities associated with mother–infant interactions.
Person is controlled by focusing on middle-class families and infants of about the same ages,
roughly 9 to 11 months. Context is reflected at the micro level by observing family interactions
at home, and at the macro level by contrasting the Denver and Bogota cultural environments.
Although men’s and women’s roles are changing in Latin America, especially among the urban
middle class, the Colombian culture is considered more collectivistic and interdependent than
the U.S. culture, which is viewed as more individualistic and independent. Two questions guided
the research: 1. Are the features outlined in the attachment literature that define sensitive care
descriptive of care in both cultures? and 2. Are there features of care that might be unique to the
specific cultures that are related to attachment security?
The researchers used an ethnographic methodology to formulate categories of maternal
behaviors. Two researchers observed mother–infant pairs at home for two 2-hour visits. Following
the visits, the observers used a Q-sort technique to describe the mothers’ behaviors. This technique
involved sorting 90 cards that describe maternal behavior into three piles: characteristic, neither
characteristic nor uncharacteristic, and uncharacteristic. Each of the three piles is then further
sorted into categories rated from 1 (most uncharacteristic) to 9 (most characteristic).
From this rating process, eight categories of care were identified. Four of these categories were
very similar to features of sensitive care outlined in the basic attachment research: 1. sensitive
responding to infant signals and communication; 2. accessibility, which reflects a mother’s ability
to consider the baby’s needs despite other competing demands; 3. acceptance of the infant,
which is reflected in the mother’s positive emotional tone while interacting with the baby; and 4.
interference, a mother’s intrusive or non-coordinated interactions with the baby. Two categories
were observed that had not been captured in the literature as related to sensitive care: active,
energetic interactions with the baby; and creating an interesting environment for the baby. One
category was observed in each cultural group that was unique to that culture: for the U.S. mothers
it was close intimate interactions involving cuddling and close affectionate touching; for the
Colombian mothers it was concern with the baby’s physical appearance, including concern that
the baby was getting messy during feeding and that the baby was messy or soiled during play.
Mothers from the United States and Colombia were very similar in their scores on sensitive
responding, accessibility, and acceptance, and all these dimensions were predictive of infants’
secure attachments. However, there were differences in the patterns of mother–infant interactions
in the two cultures. Mothers from Colombia were less interfering and more active and energetic
in their interactions than the U.S. mothers. Mothers from the United States were more interfering
and scored higher on creating an interesting environment for the baby. Of these three dimensions,
interfering was negatively related to secure attachment for the U.S. sample, but not for the
Colombian sample, and being active and energetic was positively related to secure attachment for
the Colombian sample but not for the U.S. sample.
The results of this study highlight several points that illustrate the value of the bioecological
model. First, as the theory suggests, one needs to observe behaviors in their settings in order
to appreciate the specific features of proximal processes. In this study, the abstract concept of
Bioecological Theory • 297
“sensitive care” has been deconstructed to reveal the particular qualities of care that can be
experienced by mothers and infants in their day-to-day interactions.
Second, certain of these proximal processes appear to have beneficial consequences for
infants in both cultures. When combined with results from many other studies, these features
are becoming accepted as universally supportive of the attachment process—attuned response to
the infant’s signals, accessibility in the face of competing demands, and acceptance—the positive
emotional tone of mother–infant interactions.
Third, some proximal processes of parenting are associated with attachment outcomes in
one cultural context, but not in another. In this study, being active and energetic was positively
associated with a secure attachment outcome for the Colombian sample, but not for the U.S.
sample. Interfering was associated with an insecure attachment outcome for the U.S. sample, but
not for the Colombian sample.
Finally, some features of parenting may be culturally or contextually specific and, while
important for early socialization, may not be relevant for the formation of a secure attachment. In
this study, creating an interesting environment for the infant and concern for the infant’s physical
appearance are two examples.
Relatively few studies fully capture the four dimensions of the bioecological model. In
the example provided here, two salient aspects of the theory are illustrated: process and
contexts. In order to fully test the model, person variables might have been added, such as
comparing the caregiving processes for infants of easy or difficult temperament. Time could be
included by relating the processes to the emergence of attachment behaviors over the period
from 6 to 12 months, when the mental representation of the attachment relationship is expected
to crystallize.
impact childcare has on developmental outcomes above and beyond the influence of family and
home environments. In this study, 1,300 children under 1 month of age and their families were
identified as participants from ten sites across the United States. The study followed children
into early adolescence, ages 14 and 15. Families varied by race, income, family structure, mother’s
education and employment status, and the number of hours children spent in non-parental care.
The kinds of care included: care provided by grandparents and other relatives; by a non-relative in
the home; in a home-based setting; and in a center. The quality of care was measured with a focus
on caregiver interactions that are expected to promote positive emotions, social competence, and
cognitive and language skills.
Positive caregiving was measured by observing and documenting the frequency of interaction,
and then rating the quality of the interaction. The childcare settings were also measured both in
terms of the guidelines recommended by governments, such as group size, child to adult ratio, and
physical environment; and the caregiver’s characteristics, such as formal education, specialized
training, childcare experience, and beliefs about childrearing.
Drawing from these data, a recent study was able to illustrate that children with different
temperaments were differentially susceptible to parenting and childcare experiences (Pluess
& Belsky, 2010). The results of this research illustrate the usefulness of the P-P-C-T model for
evaluating the impact of early childhood care, including Head Start and other preschool programs,
for emerging developmental outcomes. In this analysis, Process is the quality of parental care and
setting care. Person is the temperamental negativity of the child. Children in the NICHD sample
were assessed at 6 months for differences in temperament. Children who were characterized as
having a difficult temperament in infancy, especially high levels of negativity and irritability at
6 months, were compared to children who were characterized as low in negativity at 6 months.
Context is the comparison of home and out-of-home settings. Time is the period from 6 months
through grade 6.
In 6th grade, these two groups of children were rated by teachers on behavior problems and
teacher–child conflicts. For the children who had low levels of negativity, there was no relationship
between their experiences in high- or low-quality childcare and the way teachers rated their
behavior in 6th grade. For the children who had high levels of negativity as infants, the experiences
in high- or low-quality childcare made a big difference. If these children who had a more difficult
temperament also experienced low-quality childcare in toddlerhood, they had many more behavior
problems and teacher–child conflicts. If the children who had a more difficult temperament were
in high-quality childcare, they had fewer behavior problems and teacher conflicts than the low-
negative children, even those who had been in high-quality care. As predicted by the bioecological
model, the study revealed an interaction between person and process variables. When evaluating
the long-term consequences of early childcare experiences, it is important to take into account
variations in children’s susceptibility to environmental conditions.
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
Proximal processes are the basic mechanisms that account for growth. Proximal processes are
associated with activities. The following testable hypotheses are proposed (Bronfenbrenner
& Morris, 2006, p. 798):
• To be effective, the activity must take place often over an extended period.
• To be effective in stimulating development, activities and the related proximal processes
must continue long enough to become increasingly more complex.
• The proximal process must be bidirectional; to effect development there must be influence
in both directions. In interpersonal interactions, the parties must engage in reciprocal
• Proximal processes can occur with objects and symbols as well as with people. In order
for these activities to promote development, the objects and symbols must hold the child’s
interest, and allow exploration, manipulation, elaboration, and imagination.
• As the child’s developmental competences advance, the corresponding proximal processes
must become more complex in order to foster the emergence of future potential.
• As the child matures, the intervals between increasingly complex activities can become
longer and still provide appropriate stimulation for development; but they must continue
to occur on some relatively regular and frequent schedule. Otherwise, development may
stagnate, or possibly regress.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
The family is the first context in which proximal processes such as feeding, comforting,
playing, talking, and reading aloud take place. In order to be optimally effective, a child needs
to experience a strong, positive emotional attachment to one or more adults. The formation
300 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
of emotional ties with loving adults leads to the internalization of a representation of self and
other. This idea of an attachment model was explained in the section on attachment theory
in Chapter 2. At the same time, this affectionate tie with a caring person contributes to the
child’s enthusiasm and motivation to engage in the activities that have provided the basis for
the reciprocal interactions. Thus, the proximal processes, experienced in the earliest context
of affection and care, become the basis for new and more complex forms of investigation
and exploration.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the
environment does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of
Bioecological theory gives context a central role in contributing to development. The theory
directs attention to the diverse settings in which a developing person participates as well
as to the interconnections among settings, and the larger cultural, community, and societal
contexts that influence the lives of adults and the children in their care.
For children, the family and early caregivers are the first microsystem and most essential
context. The quality of proximal processes and the nature of the close, affectionate relationships
that a child experiences in the family provide the initial context for development. As the
child matures, new relationships with extended family members, neighbors, peers, and
childcare/school adults contribute to the complexity of activities and settings that promote
development. The theory draws our attention to the question of the harmony or conflict in
values, expectations, and opportunities for activity among the settings (mesosystem) and
how this synergy might impact developmental outcomes.
Beyond the settings in which the individual participates directly, the theory considers
the exosystem, the contexts that impact important figures in a person’s life. Stressors from
the workplace, for example, may make parents less psychologically available. A change
in the health status of aging parents may require more attention by adult children, thus
taking time away from their parenting activities. Finally, the macrosystem, including broad
societal policies and laws, social class, culture, and ethnic or religious norms and practices, is
relevant for understanding the larger contexts in which development takes place.
Human beings are remarkably adaptive, able to thrive and grow in a diversity of
contexts. They can create and modify their environments. What is more, the idea of
personXenvironment interaction suggests that individuals differ in their sensitivity to certain
features of the environment; and that some features of environments are more facilitative for
certain individuals than for others. These ideas have been influential in encouraging research
that examines behavior in natural settings as well as in the laboratory, and for examining
individual differences in behavior within and across settings.
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the
life span?
Bronfenbrenner uses the term dysfunction to discuss the issue of risk. He defines dysfunction
as follows: “The term dysfunction refers to the recurrent manifestation of difficulties on the
part of the developing person in maintaining control and integration of behavior across
situations” (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006, p. 803). He contrasts dysfunction with the idea
of competence, suggesting that when the person faces considerable risks, the capacity for
new cognitive, physical, and socioemotional growth is restricted.
Bioecological Theory • 301
A wide range of conditions are associated with risks for dysfunction. Disruptive factors
can be identified in each aspect of the model—the person, the processes, the contexts, and
time. And according to the model, disruption in any one of these can produce a dynamic
cascade of difficulties. Bronfenbrenner viewed certain environments as especially disruptive.
He characterized them as chaotic systems, environments that involve frenetic activity, lack
of structure and routine, unpredictability, and high levels of background stimulation that
interfere with or interrupt proximal processes (Bronfenbrenner & Evans, 2000). He saw
these chaotic systems operating in families, neighborhoods, schools, and work settings to
undermine the optimal path of developmental competence.
Bronfenbrenner was especially concerned about the disadvantages associated with
poverty and low-resource families. Conditions associated with poverty during pregnancy are
likely to result in low birth weight and abnormalities which increase the risks of dysfunction.
These are disruptions at the level of the person. In his view, parents in low-resource families
have to devote more effort and energy to offset the risks that can lead to further dysfunction,
for example poor nutrition, lack of social capital in the community, poor quality housing,
and poor health care. These are risks at the level of the macrosystem which fails to provide
adequate resources for low-income families. Beyond these environmental conditions,
stressors in the workplace, job loss, or harsh working conditions can result in harsh or
neglectful parenting which is known to be a proximal process associated with dysfunction.
Other risk factors, especially violence and conflict among adults in the home, drug and
alcohol abuse, and lack of social support, increase the likelihood of dysfunction.
Bronfenbrenner’s enthusiasm for Head Start stemmed from the belief that policies were
not likely to eradicate poverty or dramatically alter the home environment. Rather, one could
provide children with a resource-rich setting that could promote competence and, at the
same time, introduce parents and their children to alternative patterns of interaction that
might influence the quality of proximal processes at home. Subsequent extensions of Head
Start, called Early Head Start, have directed intervention to infants and toddlers under age 3,
their parents, and pregnant women in poverty, to provide evidence-based, developmentally
enriching care.
Bioecological theory made a significant impact on the study of development, especially child
development. The theory laid out an expanded map of the environments in which activity takes
place, as well as the more remote environments that might affect adults who are providing
care. What is more, this perspective of “nested environments” led to greater attention to the
congruence or tension across environments, and the notion that individuals adapt their behavior
to multiple contexts.
As he worked on and revised the theory, Bronfenbrenner identified four components that
interact: the process, the person, the contexts, and the timeframe, including both developmental
time and historical time. This analysis addresses the reciprocal interactions between children
and their caregivers. The analysis was expanded to address other reciprocal relationships, such
as workers and supervisors, or students and teachers, where experiences and activities become
the central engines that support or impede development. This model is both simple and complex;
simple in identifying just four components that account for development, and complex in that
each of the four components can have a great diversity of variables which create the possibility of
complex interactions and multiple developmental pathways.
The model highlights the importance of looking at experiences within settings. Just naming
contexts, like home, school, or work, is not adequate. One must begin to identify the specific
proximal processes that take place, with the assumption that these processes might occur in
settings that have the same name (like classroom or neighborhood) but differ greatly in their
social characteristics, patterns of interactions, and organizational rules for behavior.
In early writings, Bronfenbrenner argued strongly for the importance of observing
behavior in natural settings. Behavior observed in the laboratory cannot be generalized to other
settings, such as home or school. This does not mean that laboratory research has no place in the
study of development, but that it should be complemented by observations of similar processes
in real-life contexts.
The view of the person changing and encountering changing contexts over time inspired new
efforts to conduct large-scale longitudinal studies, such as the NICHD longitudinal study of early
childcare, the national longitudinal surveys (NLS) of labor market activities and other life events
from high school to adulthood, and the longitudinal studies of aging (LSOA), a multicohort study
of persons 70 years of age and over designed to measure changes in health, functional status,
living arrangements, and the use of health services. These and other studies have been guided
by the PPCT framework to consider how transitions across time and contexts are navigated by
people at different points in development.
Bioecological Theory • 303
The theory has had great appeal for its practical value in informing intervention and
guiding professional training in fields of social work and counseling practice. Sensitivity to
issues of personXenvironment interaction has proven to be a key feature of counselor training.
Unfortunately, the implications of the theory for considering how policies and practices in one
setting impact the processes in other related settings have not been integrated into many of the
key contexts such as work–family, or school–home. The home and family settings continue to
be vulnerable to larger corporations, agencies, and institutions that, through their egocentric
goals, often ignore the negative consequences of their policies and practices on the equilibrium
of family life.
The theory deals with relatively large areas of science, bringing together concepts from
psychology, sociology, history, and anthropology. The theory is stated in testable propositions.
Bronfenbrenner’s concepts are frequently cited as a framework for research, although the full
PPCT model is not often tested.
In the PPCT model, the construct of Person is not very fully elaborated. In contrast to other
theories, such as evolutionary theory, psychoanalytic theory, or psychosocial theory, bioecolo-
gical theory is limited in detail about the motives, inner mental life, or worldview that
might influence a person’s ability to cope with environments. In contrast to cognitive develop-
mental theory or cognitive social-historical theory, this theory does not offer a guide about the
direction of normative changes in self-understanding, reasoning, or other aspects of competence
over time.
A similar criticism can be directed to the concept of Process. Despite the emphasis on the
importance of proximal processes as the driving force in the model, the theory leaves the exact
nature of these processes open to investigation. For a theory of development, one expects to
see more specific targeting of central mechanisms that contribute to advancing competence in
one or more domains. Of all the possible activities and experiences one can imagine, which ones
are most essential to promoting developmental outcomes at a particular time of life?
The variable of time is also left unspecified. The theory suggests that in order for proximal
processes to influence development they must occur on a regular basis over a relatively long
period of time. However, the theory does not specify any approach to considering time or timing.
This is especially significant when the goal is to understand patterns of continuity and change.
Although the theory builds on the term “ecology,” it does not incorporate many of the ideas
that are part of biological ecology or ecological psychology in characterizing settings. For
example, concepts such as population density/crowding, diversity of activities permitted in a
setting, population turnover, adequacy of resources and cycling of resources, or boundaries and
access to settings are not discussed. At the level of the mesosystem, the theory does not address
the fact that some contexts are more powerful or influential than others. For example, the early
childcare research has found that parenting practices and family environment are consistently
more important predictors of behavioral outcomes than quality of childcare settings.
Given the comprehensive nature of the theory, relatively few studies have been designed
to explore the interactive features of the full model. Even within the idea of contexts, few
studies have examined the interrelationships among the multiple microsystems in which a person
functions, and the consequences of continuity or discontinuity within the mesosystem. Table 10.1
summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of bioecological theory.
304 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Strengths Weaknesses
Major influence on the study of child development, The construct of Person is not fully elaborated. Limited
especially by providing a new perspective on contexts detail about the nature of important psychological
of development and nested environments. processes such as motivation, emotion, and goals.
The concept of proximal process captures the The theory does not provide a guide about the direction
importance of reciprocal interactions among of development with respect to cognition, reasoning, or
individuals and the people, objects, and symbols in self-understanding.
their environments.
The model is both simple (four basic factors) and Lack of clear specification about the essential proximal
complex (each factor can encompass a diverse array of processes for supporting developmental outcomes at
variables). particular periods of life.
Highlights the importance of describing the proximal Although time is a key factor in the model, the variable
processes that take place within settings. These of time lacks specificity. Issues such as the importance
processes may differ across settings that have the same of timing in relation to emerging competence, or the
name or label (e.g. classroom or workplace). amount of time needed for experiences to have their
desired impact, are not addressed.
Emphasizes the importance and value of observing The theory fails to incorporate many ideas from
behavior in natural settings. biological ecology and psychological ecology that are
useful in characterizing the nature of environments.
The model inspired new initiatives in longitudinal The theory lacks any way of evaluating the relative
studies that focus on development in changing importance of one setting over others in the mesosystem.
Practical value in guiding the design of interventions Relatively few studies have been designed to examine the
and professional training across many fields. full model and the interaction among factors.
Integrates ideas from many fields.
Ideas are stated in the language of testable hypotheses.
The model is frequently cited as a framework for
research in human development.
4. Head Start is a large, national program that is conceptually consistent with the basic PPCT
model. Can you think of any other programs, not necessarily directed at early childhood, that
might be consistent with this model? The program does not necessarily have to be operating
at the national level; it might be a community, religious, college, or work-related initiative.
It might be a program that strives to offset disadvantage, or one that strives to build new or
enhanced strengths. Identify the elements of the program that fit the PPCT model and the
developmental outcomes the program is intended to address.
5. Thinking about the case of Marie, how could you use the components of the bioecological
theory to evaluate and inform a decision about whether an aging adult should remain in his
or her home, or move to an assisted living environment?
6. If you were designing an assisted living facility, how would the bioecological model inform
decisions about the physical environment, staff training, daily programming, and services?
Sketch out a plan for an assisted living facility that addresses each of these issues from a
bioecological perspective.
Key Terms
chaotic systems macrosystem
context mesosystem
demand features microsystem
developmental outcomes person
dispositions process
dysfunction resources
ecological niche setting
ecology time
Recommended Resources
**Bronfenbrenner, U. (2005). Making human beings human: Bioecological perspectives on human
development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
An edited volume of many of Bronfenbrenner’s papers over his career, from 1942 to 2001.
**Bronfenbrenner, U. (1995). The bioecological model from a life course perspective: Reflections
of a participant observer. In P. Moen, G.H. Elder, &K. Luscher (Eds.), Examining lives in context:
Perspectives on the ecology of human development (pp. 599–618). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Bronfenbrenner reflects on the features of his own life including childhood, education, military
experiences, and early work experiences as they influenced his development as a scientist and the
formation of his theory.
** U. Bronfenbrenner interview. The SRCD oral history project. This interview can be downloaded
306 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Glen Elder interviewed Uri Bronfenbrenner in 1998 as part of the SRCD oral history project. This
is a transcript of the interview, covering many aspects of his personal experiences and the way
they influenced his thinking.
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (2012). AAFCS Fast Facts. History. Retrieved on
August 31, 2014 at
American Psychological Association (2004). Early intervention can improve low-income children’s cognitive
skills and academic achievement. Retrieved on September 12, 2014 at
Bornstein, M.H. & Tamis-LaMonda, C.S. (2010). Parent-infant interaction. In J.G. Bremner & T.D. Wachs (Eds.),
Wiley-Blackwell handbook of infant development: Vol. 1. Basic research (pp. 458–482). Malden, MA: Blackwell
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1995). The bioecological model from a life course perspective: Reflections of a participant
observer. In P. Moen, G.H. Elder, & K. Luscher (Eds.), Examining lives in context: Perspectives on the ecology of
human development (pp. 599–618). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (2005). Interacting systems in human development. In U. Bronfenbrenner (Ed.), Making
human beings human: Bioecological perspectives on human development (pp. 67–93). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage. (Originally published in 1988 in N. Bolger, A. Caspi, G. Downey, & M. Moorehouse (Eds.), Persons in
context: Developmental processes (pp. 25–49). New York: Cambridge University Press)
Bronfenbrenner, U. & Evans, G.W. (2000). Developmental science in the 21st century: Emerging theoretical
models, research designs, and empirical findings. Social Development, 9, 115–125.
Bronfenbrenner, U. & Morris, P.A. (1998). The ecology of developmental processes. In W. Damon & R.M. Lerner
(Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 1. Theoretical models of human development. 5th ed. (pp. 993–1028).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Bronfenbrenner, U. & Morris, P.A. (2006). The bioecological model of human development. In R.M. Lerner &
W. Damon (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Theoretical models of human development
(pp. 793–828). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Bubolz, M.M. & Sontag, M.S. (1993). Human ecology theory. In P.G. Boss, W.J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W.R. Schumm,
& S.K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 419–450).
New York: Springer.
Cornell University (2014). Cornell University College of Human Ecology, History. Retrieved on August 30, 2014 at
De Wolff, M.S. & van Ijzendoorn, M.H. (1997). Sensitivity and attachment: A meta-analysis on parental antecedents
of infant attachment. Child Development, 68, 571–591.
Egerton, F.N. (2013). Contributions: History of ecological sciences, part 47: Ernst Haeckel’s ecology. Bulletin of the
Ecological Society of America, 94, 222–244.
Haeckel, E.H.P.A. (1866). Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Allgemeine Grundzüge der organischen Formen-
Wissenschaft, mechanische Begründet durch die von Charles Darwin reformirte Descendenz-Theorie. Vol. II:
Alllgemeine Entwickelungsgeschichte der Organismen. Berlin, Germany: GeorgReimer.
Hoare, C. (2009). Models of adult development in Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory and Erikson’s
biopsychosocial life stage theory: Moving to a more complete 3-model view. In M.C. Smith & N. DeFrates-
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National Institutes of Health (2000). The relation of child care to cognitive and language development. Child
Development, 71, 960–980.
Newman, B.M. & Newman, P.R. (2015). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. 12th ed. Stamford, CT:
Cengage Learning.
Pluess, M. & Belsky, J. (2010). Differential susceptibility to parenting and quality child care. Developmental
Psychology, 46, 379–390.
Bioecological Theory • 307
Posada, G., Jacobs, A., Richmond, M.K., Carbonell, O.A., Alzate, G., Bustamante, M.R., & Quiceno, J. (2002).
Maternal caregiving and infant security in two cultures. Developmental Psychology, 38, 67–78.
Rosa, E.M. & Tudge, J. (2013). Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of human development: Its evolution from ecology to
bioecology. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 5, 243–258.
Tudge, J.R.H., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B.E., & Karnik, R.B. (2009). Uses and misuses of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological
theory of human development. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 1, 198–210.
Dynamic Systems Theory
Case Vignette 309
Historical Context 311
Key Concepts 312
Systems 312
Emergence 317
Self-Organization 319
Nested Timescales 320
New Directions 321
The Constructive Web 321
Dynamic Skill 322
Scale of Behavioral Complexity 324
A Research Example: The A-not-B Error 325
An Application: A Dynamic Systems Model of Antisocial Development 327
How Does Dynamic Systems Theory Answer the Basic Questions That
a Theory of Human Development Is Expected to Address? 329
Critique of Dynamic Systems Theory 333
Strengths 333
Weaknesses 334
Critical Thinking Questions and Exercises 335
Key Terms 336
Recommended Resources 336
References 337
Dynamic Systems Theory • 309
Guiding Questions
• What is a system? What are some properties of systems that allow them to adapt to
changing environmental conditions?
• What is meant by openness of a system? How would you characterize the degree of
openness of a system? How is this related to the process and capacity for change?
• What are some similarities and differences between dynamic systems theory and
bioecological theory?
• What is meant by the idea of attractor states? How is this idea relevant to the study of
• What is unique in the explanation of development in dynamic systems theory that leads
to the use of terms such as emergence and probabilistic epigenesis? What are three basic
principles of change embodied in the concept of emergence? How do they help account
for how new outcomes come into being from preexisting components and subsystems?
• What conditions prompt or promote adaptive self-organization?
Case Vignette
Robbie just turned 13. Throughout middle childhood, he had been very interested in
baseball. He spent hours with his father developing his throwing and batting skills, and
learning the subtleties of the game. He loves to read the sports pages and knows a lot about
the major league teams and players. One of his most cherished activities is to go to the
major league games with his dad where he proudly sports his team shirt and cap.
To everyone’s surprise, recently, Robbie has become involved in musical theater. One of his
friends encouraged him to try out for a community production, and he discovered that he
was very good at it. What is more, he really likes the group of kids who are involved and
the way they all encourage and support each other. One of the girls in the acting group
began to take an interest in him. She texted him frequently, made plans to hang out after
rehearsals, and invited him to go to the movies with a group of friends. For two months,
Robbie thought they were “dating” but then on St. Patrick’s Day, she “dumped” him. This was
a surprise to Robbie, and although it did make him feel bad it didn’t dim his enthusiasm for
musical theater. He is rethinking his desire to play baseball in 8th grade, and has tried out
for the drama program at his school.
In the last few months, Robbie has begun to spend more time alone in his room, responding
with some intensity when his younger brother wants to come in to borrow something or
just hang out. He has trouble falling asleep, and gets drawn into online games late into the
night. In the last 3 months, he has grown 2 inches, and his mother has noticed that he is
developing other signs of physical maturation—body odor, pubic hair, and muscle cramps.
Lately, he has been experiencing some conflicts about his desire for independence and his
continued desire to remain close to his mother and father. His friends seem to be much
more carefree and ready to loosen their ties to their parents. In his community it seems that
310 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
kids gather at one another’s houses after school when no adults are home, but Robbie still
wants to be home with his family when they are there. He knows he is growing up; but he
wonders if he is ready for everything that the world of teenage life is going to send his way.
Dynamic systems theory introduces the idea of emergence, a view that development is
a probabilistic outcome of the interaction of processes at many levels and many systems.
The theory encourages a view of development as shaped by forces both within and outside
the person merging and influencing each other to produce new capacities and behaviors.
Rather than seeking origins or causes for behavior, the theory broadens the explanatory
landscape by examining the interplay of micro level (e.g. cellular or hormonal factors) and
macro level systems (e.g. beliefs, parenting styles, or community norms) that play a role in
an emerging capacity.
The case of Robbie illustrates the dynamic systems associated with puberty. New interests
and talents surface at the same time as Robbie is experiencing pubertal growth. Changes
in peer relationships and family dynamics are accompanied by changes in physical growth,
sexual maturation, and emotional expression. Robbie’s transition into puberty can be
appreciated as a product of biological, psychological, family, peer group, and community
factors, each contributing to the experiences of this time of life. One can imagine that the
nature of pubertal transformations would differ for each person, depending on such factors
as timing, sequencing, family dynamics, and community or cultural support. The qualitative
changes of puberty are both normative and highly individual, shaped by genetic factors,
hormonal levels, family and peer contexts, as well as cultural and community norms.
Over the course of development, there is both continuous and qualitative change. Continuous
change can be seen, for example, in the increase in the number of words in a child’s vocabulary,
or the increase in height as a child grows in inches. Qualitative change can be seen as an infant’s
locomotor abilities change from slithering or crawling to walking; as gestures, babbling, and one-
word utterances are integrated into grammatically correct sentences; and as visual and motor
information are integrated in order to perform effective reaching and grasping. Dynamic systems
theory (DST) attempts to explain how new, complex patterns or properties of behavior come
into existence as a result of simpler components or processes that are already part of a system. It
also seeks to address the reality of both variability and pattern in development. The theory can
be applied to all systems from the microscopic level of cells to the macroscopic level of societies.
Development is understood as the result of multiple, mutual, and continuous interactions among
all levels of a developing system from the molecular to the cultural. A unique feature of the
dynamic systems perspective is the premise that development is not guided by an executive,
hierarchical plan either at the biological or the environmental level, but emerges as a result of
moment-by-moment actions on many levels at once.
Whereas most students who have studied development come to understand that you need
to take many variables into account in order to explain behavior, dynamic systems theory goes
beyond this notion. It claims that the processes that may account for behavior, such as a child’s
genetic potential, neurological processes, physical characteristics, parenting strategies, family
structure, and personal goals and motives, are inseparable; they are not independent causal factors
in development. For example, the theory suggests that you cannot separate a child’s characteristics
Dynamic Systems Theory • 311
and his or her parents’ parenting strategies as distinct causal factors in the development of
behaviors. We will discuss this idea further in the review of research about antisocial behavior. This
notion of the ongoing interplay among related factors is why the approach is nonreductionistic
and nonlinear. As such it challenges many deeply held views about the processes that account
for change. The idea of interdependence across many levels and domains, and the probabilistic
nature of developmental outcomes, will be illustrated in the chapter through a variety of concepts
and examples.
Historical Context
Dynamic systems theory has roots in several fields. Systems theory, which explores the dynamic
interrelationships among components of a system, was first elaborated by Ludwig von Bertalanffy
in his book, General Systems Theory, in 1968. Von Bertalanffy acknowledged his historical
debt to philosophers of the 1600s as well as to scientists working in the field of cybernetics in
the 1940s and 1950s. One of the key concepts of dynamic systems theory is self-organization, the
idea that the organization of an open system will transform itself into a more complex, effective
system without guidance by outside forces. This idea was first presented by Descartes (1637),
who suggested that the ordinary laws of nature tend to produce organization. The concept was
expanded by naturalists of the eighteenth century and revived by modern scientists who noted
that there are laws of physics and chemistry that guide the form and growth of biological systems.
The term self-organizing was introduced by W. Ross Ashby in 1947 and became linked to
general system theory as a way of characterizing how systems emerge from simpler to more
complex forms or patterns of behavior. The process of self-organization has been noted in
physics, chemistry, mathematics, and in both the biological and social sciences (Kauffman, 1993).
Within the study of development, Esther Thelen has been recognized as explicitly applying
dynamic systems theory to the analysis of motor development, particularly in her analysis of
infant stepping and walking. This work then led to a consideration of principles from dynamic
systems theory that could be applied to cognitive development (Smith & Thelen, 1993; Thelen &
Smith, 1994; Thelen, Schöner, Scheier, & Smith, 2001).
The application of dynamic systems theory to cognitive development was also undertaken
by Kurt W. Fischer and Thomas R. Bidell in the 1980s and 1990s (Fischer, 1980; Fischer & Bidell,
1998). They criticized the field of cognitive science that dominated the literature at the time, citing
the lack of theoretical concepts to account for the wide variability in age of acquisition of certain
concepts, variability in the sequence of acquisition of concepts, and the tendency to want to
explain action and thought through a reductionistic focus on lower-level systems including genes,
neural networks, or biochemical process. Fischer and Bidell offered an alternative approach to
understanding cognition as comprised of organized structures that are both active and adaptive
as they manage the variability that is present in the environment. Cognition emerges like a web
in which
the strands are not fixed in a determined order but are the joint product of the web builder’s con-
structive activity and the supportive context in which it is built . . . The separate strands in a web
represent the various pathways along which a person develops. (Fischer & Bidell, 1998, p. 473)
Thus, dynamic systems theory offers a view of cognition as both structured and variable, a
product of action adapted to the constraints and affordances of the environment.
312 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Gilbert Gottlieb (1991, 1998) was one of the leading scholars who provided an integrated
view of developmental systems theory, introducing the term probabilistic epigenesis, which
considers the “mutually influential relations among genes, behavior, and contexts” (Hood,
Halpern, Greenberg, & Lerner, 2010). Trained in a combined Ph.D. program in psychology and
zoology at Duke University, his work has inspired a burgeoning approach to collaboration
among biologists, ecologists, and psychologists. Gottlieb proposed that development occurs as a
product of influences on many levels at once including the genetic, neural, behavioral, and
the physical, social, and cultural environments. These forces are bidirectional and coactional.
Drawing on a wide range of evidence from diverse fields, Gottlieb illustrated that development
is not predetermined but highly variable and influenced by ongoing adaptations across levels.
At present, many subfields in human development are looking to dynamic systems theory to
provide an overarching explanatory framework to help organize disparate observations about
developmental change. Beyond the areas of motor development and cognition, the perspective
has been applied to executive functions, infant language, emotion and personality development,
moral development, temperament, parenting, and developmental psychopathology (Lewis, 2000;
Lerner and Fisher, 2013). The hope for developmental systems theory is that it can lead to more
accurate analysis of the points or periods of development, and characteristics of individuals that
are especially sensitive to particular environmental characteristics, resulting in alterations in the
emergence of capacities in order to promote optimal functioning.
Key Concepts
In this creative new approach to understanding development, four big ideas are signposts that help
to illuminate a highly complex framework: systems and the nature of open systems; emergence;
self-organization; and nested timescales. The following section provides a discussion of these ideas
and the implications of these ideas for approaching the study of development.
Any system, whether it is a molecule, a neuron, an organ, an individual, a family, or a corporation,
is composed of interdependent elements that share some common goals, interrelated functions,
boundaries, and an identity. The system cannot be wholly understood by identifying each of the
component parts. The processes and relationships of those parts make for a larger coherent entity;
the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The language system, for example, is more than the
capacity to make vocal utterances, use grammar, and acquire vocabulary. It is the coordination
of these elements in a useful way within a context of shared meaning. Similarly, a family system
is more than the sum of the characteristics and competences of the individual family members.
Families are a composite of a sense of common destiny and the genetic heritage of the spouses
and their developing children. As spouses develop or create their own composite heritage, this
“we-ness” of communication patterns and reciprocal role relationships identifies the family.
Common destiny, genetic heritage, patterns of communication, and reciprocal role relationships
may be modified and elaborated as a family attempts to survive and undergo transformations.
A dynamic system is one that continuously changes in order to carry out its functions and to
preserve its equilibrium or balance. A goal of dynamic systems theory is to understand the many
interconnected relationships within the system and between the system and other living and
nonliving systems that can explain the variability and direction of change over time. Fischer and
Dynamic Systems Theory • 313
Rose (1999) described the assumptions that underlie the approach of dynamic systems theory as
a lens for understanding the development of human activity.
First, many influences come together to form the emergent properties of human action and
thought. Second, a person is a self-organizing system who regulates these combinations based
on feedback from both the immediate world in which the activities are embedded and his or
her previous experiences and activities, especially those immediately preceding the activity
to be explained. In other words, a person constructs activities, regulating the combination
of influences that produce those activities through dynamic processes that centrally involve
feedback from the immediate world and prior experience. (Fischer & Rose, 1999, pp. 198–199)
Taking a systems perspective on human development, one must think of the many domains
that contribute to individual functioning including: biological; cognitive; personality and
temperament; values, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations; knowledge and skills; and social
relationships. One must also consider these domains as they contribute to the behavior of the
other significant individuals (each also a system in his or her own right) with whom the individual
interacts. These individuals are then embedded in a variety of systems, and surrounded by systems
that have an impact on the individual and his or her network of relationships.
Figure 11.1 offers a developmental systems perspective for a single child–parent relation-
ship. The individual child and the individual parent form a relationship that can be viewed as
a system. The individuals and their relationship are embedded in and influenced by specific
community, societal, cultural, and designed and natural environments all changing over time
(Lerner, 2002, p. 211). This diagram of a child–parent system is intended to give you a glimpse
of the comprehensive view of development that is implied by the dynamic systems perspective.
What you cannot discern from the figure is that the individuals and the adjoining systems as well
as society and culture are all changing over time, and they are changing at different rates. What is
more, they are influencing each other to varying degrees.
The challenges of dynamic systems theory for development are: 1. to trace a pathway from
one point in time, when the individual is functioning at a less mature level, to a later point when
the individual is functioning at a more mature level; and 2. to identify the salient factors in the
comprehensive array of interrelated systems that play the most significant roles in accounting for
this change. This requires a detailed analysis of the many aspects of the behaviors in question, and
an investigation into which aspects of each component are changing at specific times that may
contribute to reorganization and growth.
A system cannot violate laws that govern the functioning of the parts, but at the same time
it cannot be explained solely by those laws. Biological functioning cannot violate the laws of
physics and chemistry, but the laws of physics and chemistry do not fully explain biological
functioning. Similarly, children’s capacities for cognitive growth cannot violate the laws of
biological functioning, but biological growth does not fully explain quality of thought or the
nature of action. A unique consideration of dynamic systems theory is a focus on the structure
that provides organization and stability among the components within a system. This theory
strives to resist tendencies toward reductionism, arguing that complex human thought and
action cannot be adequately understood by compartmentalizing the components and analyzing
them separately.
For example, a child’s attempt to engage a parent in conversation cannot be understood by
looking separately at verbal skills, purposive behavior, parental identification, and attachment.
314 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
C U L T U R E __
' S O C IE T Y
'C O M M U N I T Y "
^ NON- '
(p r o f e s s i o n a l / j o b !
The idea of a conversation is in itself a dynamic process that does not reside in either the child
or the parent, but is part of their relational system. What is more, the quality of a conversation
is influenced by the language, culture, and norms of the family as well as by the neurological,
physical, and cognitive capacities of the partners and their motivations and goals for interaction.
Even a brief conversation is supported by an enormous barrage of neural activity that occurs
outside of awareness. This neural activity permits individuals to attend to, understand, and
respond to one another. Each word or phrase in a conversation is itself an event that contributes
to the next, thereby leading to an emergent structure of communication and shared meaning.
Open Systems. As we think about individuals, families, communities, schools, and societies, we
are dealing with open systems. Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1950, 1968) defined open systems as
structures that maintain their organization even though their parts constantly change. Just as the
water in a river is constantly changing while the river itself retains its boundaries and course, so
the molecules of human cells are constantly changing while the various biological systems retain
their coordinated functions. Extending this analogy, as we think about human development,
Dynamic Systems Theory • 315
we strive to understand how it is that the psychology of the person is constantly changing, yet
development follows a patterned course and the person retains a sense of self-sameness from
moment to moment.
Open systems share certain properties. They take in energy from the environment; they
transform this energy into some type of product that is characteristic of the system; they export
the product into the environment; and they draw upon new sources of energy from the
environment to continue to thrive (Katz & Kahn, 1966). This process requires an open boundary
through which energy (or information) can pass and products (or waste) can be exported. The
more open the boundary, the more vigorously the process operates. Each specific system has
a unique set of processes that are appropriate to the particular forms of energy, product, and
transformations relevant to that system.
In a family, for example, an open or permeable family boundary is responsive to stimula-
tion and information from within and outside the family. This openness allows the family to
use input for healthy adaptive growth and change. A closed family boundary does not allow for
interchange and adaptive responses to the environment. In the analysis of systems, one focuses
more on the processes and relationships among the parts that permit a system to take in and
transform energy in order to survive and grow rather than on the characteristics of the parts
Properties of Open Systems. Open systems are, by their very nature, always in a process of
change. Open systems move in the direction of adjusting to or incorporating more and more
of the environment into themselves in order to prevent disorganization as a result of
environmental fluctuations (Sameroff, 1982). Systems theory attempts to identify processes that
help to explain how a system retains its functions while continuing to integrate new information
from the environment and adjoining systems. Ervin Laszlo (1972) proposed four properties that
help explain how systems balance stability and change:
1. The whole is comprised of relationships among component parts. The parts themselves do not
comprise the whole; rather, it is the relationships and interactions among the parts that create
the identifiable whole.
2. There is a tendency for systems to resist change and to retain their identity and functions. The
property of adaptive self-stabilization addresses the ability of a system to make internal
modifications of the relationships among component parts in response to changes in the
3. All systems exist in relationships with their environment. Under conditions of homeostasis,
the system and the environment are in balance. Changes in the environment are mon-
itored by the system, internal relationships are modified, and the system’s functions are
4. Systems have feedback mechanisms that allow them to reduce the impact of wide variations
in the environment on the internal balance of the system’s components. The more information
the system is required to monitor in the environment—for example, changes in temperature,
visual information, auditory information, and interpersonal communications—the more
internal adjustments are required. The complexity becomes even greater when there is an
interdependence among the components or subsystems—for example, when feedback from
visual information, auditory cues, and olfactory cues are all needed in order to assess the safety
of an environment.
316 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
1. Environment
All the elements outside the
system that have the potential to
affect all or part of the system.
3. Throughput
2. Input The process of 4. Output
Resources are taken conversion or The work of the system,
or received from the transformation of exported back into the
external environment. resources within a environment.
5. Feedback
A continuing source of information concerning
the relationship with the external environment
used to make the necessary changes in order
to survive and to grow.
Complex systems are especially vulnerable to environmental changes that might disturb the
homeostasis. As a result, sensitive regulatory mechanisms, referred to as positive and negative
feedback, are needed to preserve the relationship of the system and the environment. Positive
feedback amplifies a variation and contributes to accelerated change in the same direction. For
example, if a person is making a presentation and you say, “I can’t hear you,” the person will speak
louder. If you say, “I still can’t hear you,” the person will speak even louder. Saying “I can’t hear
you” provides positive feedback to increase the speaker’s volume. Negative feedback reduces
deviations from the norm and supports stability. For example, when the oxygen level of the
environment is reduced, you tend to grow sleepy. While you sleep, your breathing slows and you
use less oxygen.
Some examples of adaptive self-stabilization are managed unconsciously by the organization
of biological systems. Others are managed more deliberately by efforts to minimize the effects
of environmental changes. Most systems have a capacity for storing or saving resources so that
temporary shortages do not disrupt their operations. The process of self-stabilization allows the
system to resist changes in the environment, and return to a desirable steady state.
Whereas self-stabilization describes a process of resisting environmental change, adaptive
self-organization is a process of emerging changes in response to new external conditions. To
the extent that the system cannot assimilate new information or buffer the subsystems from
environmental changes, new subsystem relationships or new subsystem functions must emerge.
Dynamic Systems Theory • 317
Organization is essential in order to sustain life. Consider the steps involved in performing
simple tasks such as getting dressed or making a meal. One plans, selects necessary resources,
implements the plan, monitors the progress, and makes minor changes based on feedback. This
level of organization allows for goals to be achieved with efficiency and minimal effort. Human
beings are active, adaptive organisms that are able to create new forms of organization when
existing structures prove to be ineffective.
System Hierarchies and Attractor States. Two features of systems’ adaptive self-organization are
system hierarchies and attractor states. Systems will develop in the direction of an increasingly
hierarchical structure in which subsystems are organized into stable, specialized functions.
The higher levels of the system have greater diversity of function, each one being comprised
of subsystems that have more limited functions. One can think about spoken language as a
hierarchical system that is comprised of subsystems including phonetics, syntax, grammar, and
pragmatics. The system of spoken language and its subsystems work in a close interrelationship
where the higher-level system draws on all the sources of meaning in the subsystems to produce
meaningful communication.
Dynamic systems theory uses the term attractors to refer to recurrent patterns or stable
states that emerge through the coordination of lower-level system elements into higher order
organizations. These attractors are the organized patterns toward which change is likely to move.
They are a result of many processes operating together that constrain and support each other in a
given and recurring direction. Attractors are emergent processes that do not rely on a biological
plan; they are likely but not fixed directions of change.
Living organisms have multiple attractors. For example, in the study of parent–child
relationships, one might characterize a relationship as having four attractor states: positive
playful, neutral question and answer or information sharing, negative conflictual, or disengaged.
Over the course of many thousands of interactions, one could trace the amount of time spent in
these four attractor states, the frequency and time spent in these states under various conditions,
and the probability that time spent in one of these states at Time 1 would predict time spent in
that same state at Time 2. As a relationship develops over time, some attractor states may become
deeper, less vulnerable to environmental influences, and as a result, constrain future interactions
(Granic & Patterson, 2006). One of the contributions of dynamic systems theory is the idea of
considering an individual or a relationship system as having multiple attractor states rather than
characterizing a person or a relationship as being of one type or another.
In contrast to theories that use terms such as learning, growth, or construction, dynamic systems
theory uses the term emergence to characterize the process of developmental change. The theory
focuses on how new forms or properties come into existence as a result of ongoing processes that
are found within the system itself. Larger patterns or capacities arise through interactions among
smaller or simpler forms that do not have these properties themselves. The resulting emergent
property or structure is novel, and cannot be reduced to the features of the simpler forms (Kelso,
2000; Clayton & Davies, 2006).
Developmental change is viewed as probabilistic rather than fully predictable. Human beings
are always in action and always in a dynamic relationship with a changing environment. Even in
sleep, mental activity, motor activity, sensation, and perception are functioning and reactive to
318 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
changing environmental conditions. Human beings also have complex capacities for memory,
including motor memory, sensory memory, narrative memory, spatial memory, and memory
for specific information. Finally, humans have a variety of strategies for gaining information
about the environment including sensory/perceptual systems, emotional reactions, verbal
and nonverbal communication, information processing capacities, tools and measurement
devices. In the course of planning and executing any action, there is ongoing feedback between
multiple, interacting levels of information. The emergent or qualitatively new behavior is a result
of the interaction of these levels over time.
The study of motor development has led the way in illustrating the usefulness of a dynamic
systems model for the study of the emergence of new motor behaviors (Metzger, 1997). Although
the normative patterns of motor development suggest a sequence of stages that is heavily
guided by genetics and neural structures, research on the process of motor development has
challenged this view. The regularities in motor behavior are better understood as a result of
a dynamic process of exploration in which infants coordinate their physical actions with the
demands and opportunities of the situation. Perception and action work hand in hand, giving
the infant information about the physical properties of the situation and feedback about the
consequences of specific motor strategies. Over time and with practice in similar situations,
the infant discovers the combination of action, intensity, direction, and speed that will create
the desired outcome. With additional practice, this pattern then becomes more likely and
increasingly efficient (Thelen, 1995).
1. In the early phase of an emergent process, small differences or effects can have consequences
that result in large differences or effects later.
2. A small change causes changes throughout the system.
3. The accumulation of small quantitative changes can lead to qualitative change as one of a
number of related skills passes a certain threshold and contributes to the integration of what
seems to be a qualitatively different skill.
An observational study of the emergence of infant crawling illustrates these points (Goldfield,
1989). Crawling requires coordination of head and shoulder movement, reaching, kicking,
alternation of arms and legs over various types of surfaces, and ongoing feedback from each
preceding action to guide the subsequent action. Fifteen infants were observed as they made the
transition to crawling. Most babies reach a point when they rock in a stationary position on all
fours before they can crawl. But at some point, they are able to move from a seated position to
crawling. Illustrating the three ideas above, researchers found that the establishment of a strong
hand preference was needed and had to occur before the system of crawling behaviors could
unfold. This small change in the use of one hand over the other, which one might not intuitively
associate with the emergence of a new locomotive skill, actually contributed substantially to the
new behavior. This illustrates the idea that change in one component of the system will bring
about changes throughout the system. When infants fell from a seated position onto their hands,
they tended to fall onto their nonpreferred hand so that the preferred hand was available to reach
out and begin crawling. Confidence in being able to maintain one’s body weight on one arm and
two legs while reaching out with the preferred hand was part of the motor sequence necessary for
Dynamic Systems Theory • 319
forward crawling. The gradual strengthening of hand preference was eventually integrated with
other motor skills which resulted in the new behavior of crawling.
Each new motor capacity permits exploration in a more varied environment. As a result,
infants have to be able to make immediate assessments of the relationship between their
physical abilities and the environmental conditions in order to decide whether to avoid action,
take familiar actions, or try to invent some new, adapted action. Evidence for this flexibility can
be seen in a study of ways that babies experiment with moving along a descending slope or slide.
Some try going down headfirst and then roll over onto their backs; others try to go down with
a crab-like crawl and then switch over to their bottoms; and others refuse to go down the slope,
waiting for someone to carry them off the device (Adolph & Eppler, 2002). From a dynamic
systems approach, knowing how to cope with a new environmental challenge is a convergence of
perceiving, moving, and remembering as each of these processes evolves over time in response
to the specific properties of the task and its match with the person’s current physical capacities
(Thelen et al., 2001).
As discussed above, adaptive self-organization is one of the central characteristics of a dynamic
system, and perhaps the most essential concept relevant for explaining the emergence of
qualitatively new behaviors.
Dynamic systems theorists claim that all developmental outcomes can be explained as the
spontaneous emergence of coherent, higher-order forms through recursive interactions
among simpler components. This process is called self-organization, and it accounts for
growth and novelty throughout the natural world from organisms to societies to ecosystems
to the biosphere itself. According to principles of self-organization, these entities achieve
their patterned structure without pre-specification by internal rules or determination by their
environments. (Lewis, 2000, p. 36)
No single theory about how self-organization operates is accepted across disciplines or within
the field of human development. However, the concept has been used to consider the spontaneous
emergence of order and new levels of complexity in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology,
psychology, economics, and the study of human social groups (Lewis, 2000; Kauffman, 1993;
Kelso, 1995). In efforts to define and study self-organization, three criteria should be considered:
1. The level of organization should be different before and after self-organization has taken place;
2. The level of complexity in the system should increase, that is, more information is required
to predict the behavior of the system after a process of self-organization has occurred; and 3. It
should be possible to demonstrate that the new organization is internally caused, not purely a
consequence of some external force or requirement (Eoyang & Conway, 1999; Shalizi, Shalizi, &
Haslinger, 2004).
Certain conditions appear to prompt or initiate self-organization. When systems are in a
state of disequilibrium, or disorganization, there is a tendency for the overall organization of
the system to change. The concept of disequilibrium suggests that there are circumstances when
the adaptive functions of the system are not adequate to address current fluctuations either
internal to the system (e.g. a breakdown in the coordination of components) or external to the
system (e.g. novel conditions, or sudden depletion of resources). When an open system is in
320 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
disequilibrium, a process takes place that directs energy to the elements of the system in order
to achieve a new order or relationship. When this new arrangement has the impact of moving
the system toward equilibrium, it is amplified through positive feedback and repeated at higher
system levels. The overall organization of the system increases, achieving new levels of complexity
and the emergence of new behaviors. New patterns at the level of the components or subsystems
and new patterns at the larger system level reinforce or maintain each other, creating a condition
in which the qualitatively new behavior is sustained from the “bottom up” and from the “top
down” (Lewis, 2000).
Life is a process of periods of equilibrium and disequilibrium. At every level, from the firing of
neurons to efforts to perform purposeful work, thousands of actions and reactions internal to the
human system are being coordinated with events in the ever-changing environment. It is easy to
consider how readily this complex being might encounter disequilibrium (Shalizi, 2010).
Humans are active, goal-oriented life forms (Swenson, 1997). Disequilibrium is often
produced as a result of this active, goal-striving nature, and is resolved by this same characteristic.
Disequilibrium can be experienced at the physical level, as when a child’s desire to ride a tricycle
is incompatible with his leg length and muscle strength. Disequilibrium can be experienced at
the cognitive level, as when a child’s concept or scheme does not adequately match real-world
experiences or help to predict the consequences of action. Disequilibrium can be experienced
at the interpersonal level when a teenager wants to be included in a group that does not offer
membership. Disequilibrium can be experienced at the level of identity, when the roles that are
available to the young adult are not a match with the person’s values, goals, and beliefs. At each
point, a process of change is set in motion in order to reestablish equilibrium in the system. Often,
this results in the establishment of a new pattern of behavioral or cognitive organization.
Not all self-organization is preserved; sometimes it is the stimulus for the next step in self-
organization. As systems become more complex, they become more sensitive to environmental
variations and require more finely tuned internal mechanisms in order to preserve equilibrium
(Sameroff, 1982). For most human beings, the result of self-organization is a more flexible,
efficient way of functioning. However, in some cases the new organization is not effective. It
cannot be sustained by lower-level components, requires more energy or resources than are
available, or may interfere with the person’s ability to manage daily tasks and sustain interpersonal
relationships. Over time, this may interfere with other systems and subsystems (Sameroff, 1995).
Nested Timescales
In a dynamic system comprised of numerous subsystems, change takes place in different
timescales (Smith & Thelen, 2003). On average, neurons may fire once every 5 milliseconds, but
recognition of a stimulus may require hundredths of a second. A simple arithmetic problem might
be solved in a few seconds, but the analysis of an algebra problem may require several minutes
or longer. Development of skilled behaviors may advance slowly over days or months, with many
years devoted to the eventual accomplishment of high levels of expertise. In the study of various
aspects of behavior, one is likely to consider change within a specific timescale. For example,
development of stimulus recognition and response in hundredths of seconds, or development
of reaching and grasping in the weeks and months of early infancy. But for the organism, these
timescales must be integrated and nested within one another, from the fastest and most frequent
changes at the neural and cellular levels to the slowest processes required for the maturing self-
understanding and wisdom.
Dynamic Systems Theory • 321
Social interactions, which may last hours or longer, include individual behaviours, such
as language, which occur over the course of seconds to minutes. Behaviours are driven by
cognitive mechanisms like memory and categorization, which operate on sub-second time
scales. These cognitive mechanisms are implemented in the brain, where neurons operate on
a time scale of milliseconds. (Garzón, Laakso, & Gomila, 2008, p. 143)
In dynamic systems theory, the study of emergence has to consider the interactions of systems
that function at different timescales, each of which can impact the others.
The concept of nested timescales has been incorporated into studies of emotional flexibility
and rigidity. Hollenstein and his colleagues describe three timescales for emotional flexibility: 1.
Micro flexibility, which is the moment-to-moment fluctuations in emotion; 2. Meso flexibility,
which refers to emotional changes in response to changes in the situation or context; and 3. Macro
flexibility, which reflects flexibility over months or years as a product of developmental regulation,
biological maturation, and life events (Hollenstein, Lichtwarck-Aschoff, & Potworowski, 2013). In
the study of deviant behavior, evidence suggests that emotional rigidity may be a precursor to
developmental psychopathology. Emotional rigidity may be associated with an insensitivity to
changing environmental demands. Moreover, children who are unable to express and regulate
a flexible range of emotions may experience a limited range of coping behaviors (Granic, 2005).
New Directions
Dynamic systems theory lays out a complex, multidimensional framework for explaining both
variability and patterns or order in the developing system. Kurt W. Fischer and his colleagues
have extended the theory with a focus on examining the development of thought and action as
they emerge within physical contexts and social relationships (Fischer & Yan, 2002). Over the
past 30 years, their work has evolved to guide new research and application. Among the many
new insights he and his colleagues have brought to the study of development, three constructs
are highlighted here: a new metaphor for conceptualizing the development of dynamic structures
underlying thought and action—the constructive web; a focus on a new unit of analysis—the
dynamic skill; and a way of measuring both long-term development and short-term change—a
scale of behavioral complexity.
that there is a predetermined series of steps with little room to account for emergent or novel
structures. Recall from Chapter 4 that Robbie Case struggled with this similar problem of how to
incorporate both diversity and pattern in cognitive development. His solution was to introduce
the idea of central conceptual structures which vary across domains.
In contrast to the metaphor of a ladder, Fischer and Bidell offer the metaphor of the
constructive web as a way of thinking about the underlying structure of development (Fischer
& Bidell, 2006). The value of the web metaphor is that it helps to conceptualize the many possible
trajectories for development both within and across individuals. A web is constructed through
the active, goal-oriented efforts of the actor in conjunction with the supportive structure of the
physical and social contexts. Just as a spider adapts its web to the convenient edges of a bench, a
doorway, or a branch, the developing pattern of dynamic skills is a result of actions adapted to a
specific context.
The separate strands of a web suggest different components of development, with some strands
interlocking with others thereby supporting or strengthening each other. For example, the skills
of reading and the skills of mathematics are distinct and develop though different trajectories.
However, when children have to comprehend written instructions in order to complete a
mathematics assignment or solve word problems, reading skills and mathematics skills are both
required and may strengthen each other.
The strands of a web may start and end at many points in the web. The strands representing
one developmental component may emerge at different times and in a different order than the
strands of another component. The idea of multiple trajectories suggests that children may start
out along different pathways and end up at the same point. For example, children begin crawling
and pulling to a standing position at different ages and in different sequences. In some cultures,
exploratory crawling is not permitted. Thus, children may arrive at upright walking through
different pathways and using different motor strategies. Similarly, two children growing up in
very different family and community environments, one in the suburbs and one in a very poor
urban center, may arrive at the same college and be roommates.
The web metaphor also suggests diverging pathways. Two children may grow up in very similar,
low-resource communities, play together and spend a lot of time together in childhood, and
attend the same elementary school. Yet, they can experience very different academic pathways—
one dropping out of school before graduating from high school and the other going on to college.
A strand may be fragile in its first construction, and be strengthened through repetition
or adding of fibers. It may be strong in its initial construction and be weakened as a result of
isolation from other related strands or build-up of strands in another part of the web. This view
of development helps to conceptualize the idea of possible selves. People can imagine possible
outcomes and directions, and elect to pursue a direction by strengthening certain skills, ignoring
some aspects of the self in order to enhance others, and modifying the structure in light of
new opportunities or goals. The strength of the web is supported by underlying patterns of
organization including the symmetry in shape, spatial relations among the strands, and effective
connectivity to its context. “The web highlights integration, specificity, multiple pathways, active
construction, and other central properties of skill development” (Fischer & Bidell, 2006, p. 325).
Dynamic Skill
One way that theories make their contribution to the study of human development is by focusing
on specific behaviors that illustrate the processes that are central to the theory. Freud drew
Dynamic Systems Theory • 323
attention to free association, dreams, and slips of the tongue as behaviors that provide insight into
the unconscious. Social role theory highlights the concept of social roles as constructs that link
individuals’ expectations, goals, and behaviors with those of their community. Erikson described
a state of tension between the competences of the developing person and the demands of the
environment that led to a psychosocial crisis. Vygotsky focused on the word as a way of linking
the person and the social environment, as well as thinking and speech. Following in this line of
theory building, Fischer introduced the idea of dynamic skill as a way of integrating the many
features of dynamic systems theory (Fischer, 1980). “Skill is the capacity to act in an organized
way in a specific context. Skills are thus both action-based and context specific” (Fischer & Bidell,
2006, p. 321).
The study of skills provides a framework for exploring many of the principles of dynamic systems
theory. Skills are actions that take place in specific contexts. One uses the skill of manipulating
a fork for eating, not to type on a computer. Skills can be of varying levels of complexity, from
carrying a tune to playing poker. In each case, they have a developmental trajectory—the skill
begins in some rudimentary form of action which may mature to increasingly high levels of
performance. Skills are both context-specific and culturally guided. The skill of managing a fork
for eating is valued in most Western cultures; however, chopsticks are the preferred tool in many
Eastern cultures.
The term dynamic skills suggests that skills are changing as they become more advanced;
they are also integrated with other skills which may permit new, more complex skills. Each
skill is comprised of systems that must work together in order for the skill to be effective. For
example, the use of a fork for eating requires hand–eye–mouth coordination; judgments about
the consistency and size of the food; and understanding cultural practices for eating. Once the
basic skill of using a fork becomes well established, it can be integrated into more complex skills
such as cutting food with a knife and a fork; or the use of a fork in food preparation. The systems
that contribute to one skill, such as hand–eye coordination, may contribute to more than one
skill; and these contributing skills may develop at different rates, thus explaining why a skill may
change slowly and then seem to advance to a new level rather suddenly.
Skills are self-organizing. Skills, by their very nature, are goal-oriented actions designed to
perform specific functions in a particular environment. They depend for their effective functioning
on the interpenetration or integration of several components that regulate each other. As the
goals or the contexts for skill performance change, the skills may be modified or integrated with
other skills to produce new behavior. For example, think about playing the piano as a skill. The
original goal is to create music through the use of this specific instrument. Many components are
required in order to play, including: memory, auditory perception, manual dexterity, rhythm, and
the ability to read music. As one area improves, the level of playing may improve so that the notes
are smoother, more rhythmic, and more “musical.” At some point, simple tunes are replaced by
more complex compositions requiring new fingering, more complex rhythms, faster speed, and
coordinated use of right and left hands.
As the technical challenges of playing the piano are mastered, the person begins to build
a repertoire of pieces and introduces emotion, interpretation, liveliness, and a personal voice
into the music. Now, the skill of playing the piano becomes a means of self-expression, and
the entertainment of others. People gather round to hear the playing; the person is invited to
parties to entertain others; and perhaps the person begins to think that playing the piano is
a skill that could be lucrative. Piano playing is combined with other business-related skills in
order to schedule gigs, advertise, and record music for sale. The person has self-organized the
324 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
activity, integrating the original skill for playing the piano with other entertainment skills and
entrepreneurial skills that form the basis of a musical career.
a spoon to feed himself. This system of self-feeding brings the action tier to a close. Now Donny
has a dynamic skill for self-feeding that can be represented through speech, and imaginary
Let’s say that Donny has a dog. He observes that the dog eats from a bowl on the floor without
a spoon. He now pretends to eat from a bowl on the floor. He has mapped the idea of his own
eating behaviors and the dog’s eating behaviors. He begins to understand that he eats, his mother
and father eat, and his dog eats. There is a system of representations about eating that is emerging
as the child connects the actions of eating and the representations about eating to an abstract
idea about the requirement that living things must eat. This leads to observations and interests in
how various living things eat, with the opportunity to read about eating behaviors among various
animals and to study the ethology of eating.
As a young adult, Donny may become interested in the possibility of conducting research
about the conditions that influence eating behaviors. He identifies a set of interrelated domains
that influence eating, including sensory, perceptual, motor, cultural, and interpersonal dimensions
that create a system of eating behaviors. Within this system, Donny recognizes the importance
of the early experiences of self-feeding in infancy as a factor that guides subsequent eating
behavior. He goes on to discover new principles about eating behavior, based on his own eating
skills, his observational skills, and his research skills.
The behavioral complexity scale includes a three-step structure that is repeated at each tier.
Skills merge with other skills or interpenetrate other skills to form new systems. One can imagine
a person as having a wide variety of skills, some at the early tier of action and others more fully
developed at the tier of representation or abstraction. At the tier of abstraction, a person may
decide that new skills are required in order to move from the level of a single abstraction to a
system of abstractions. Thus, skills can be deliberately nurtured in the service of other skills. The
principle of self-organization is reflected in the transformation of the skill from a single action to
a system of actions, from a single representation to a system of representations, and from a single
abstraction to a system of abstractions. At each point, the system may look qualitatively distinct
from the single level from which it emerged.
assumptions about neural activation of perceptual cues and the memory traces associated with
each trial. On the first trial, even before the toy has been hidden, the infant is aware of the toy
and the hiding locations. When the experimenter places the toy in location A, neurons associated
with spatial location are activated. When the infant reaches toward location A, neurons associated
with that spatial location are activated, along with a new memory of the action. Over each
trial, the activation of location A is strengthened as a result of both the hiding cues provided
by the experimenter and the memory of the previous reaching and finding efforts. Thus, for
younger infants, the decision to reach to location A becomes self-stabilizing. For older infants,
the activation of spatial location neurons at location B are just a bit stronger, allowing them to
override the neural memories of location A over the slight delay in searching.
Now the experimenter provides a cue to indicate that the toy is going to be hidden in a new
spot. If the infant is required to wait a bit before searching, the memory of actions at A become
stronger than the perception of the toy being hidden at B and the infant searches at A. However,
Thelen and her colleagues have shown that if the infant is able to search at once, without any
delay, they do not make the error. What is more, a variety of manipulations can make the error
come and go for infants at 8 or 12 months. For example, 8- to 10-month-old infants who sat
down during the first phase of the experiment were supported to a standing position to watch the
hiding at location B. These infants did not make the error; they went right for the toy at location B.
In another experiment, infants wore heavy wrist weights while reaching on the A trials and light
wrist weights on the B trials. These infants did not make the A-not-B error.
The research illustrates several principles from dynamic systems theory. First, just a small
difference in the activation of spatial location neurons and memory can make a difference
in the perseveration of reaching in this task. Second, the changes in behavior are a product
of changes at many levels including spatial memory, experiences with various objects in
the environment, and even real-life searching and finding. Third, a behavior that may appear
to be stable can be modified by real-world variations. Finally, the sequence of everyday activities,
such as reaching and retrieving an object, contributes a history of actions that impact the
next actions.
The A-not-B task and its analysis have important implications for other, more complex
aspects of cognitive problem solving including the study of spatial cognition (Spencer, Austin,
& Schutte, 2012). Think about the last time you tried to recall where you left something—your
keys, a notebook, or your cell phone. Many subsystems are involved in efforts to locate an object:
visual memory of the object; a cognitive map of the environment relative to your own body and
movements; some kind of working memory of the last time you had the object; and some way
of updating or revising your search process as you move from one location to the next until the
object is found. The search process is often accompanied by emotions, possibly anxiety, anger, or
frustration, which may increase arousal or interfere with concentration.
And suppose that you have misplaced this item in the past. You have learned from past
experience where you were most likely to have left the item as well as some search strategies
that have worked before. So prior learning, which builds up slowly over time, contributes
to current perception and search strategies. When you are successful in finding the item, you
may experience relief or joy which further strengthens your memory of this process and
its outcome. From the dynamic systems perspective, the emergence of new capacities for
complex problem solving is a product of real-time, moment-by-moment events nested in longer-
time learning trajectories which may look very uneven and variable as they unfold (Schutte &
Spencer, 2010).
Dynamic Systems Theory • 327
intrusion of the knock on the door and after were observed. Granic and Lamey (2002) found that
children who had been referred with externalizing problems, that is, tendencies to blame others,
act aggressively to others or see the cause of their problems as due to people outside themselves,
had parent–child interactions that tended to settle into two main attractors: hostile (child hostile–
parent hostile) and permissive (child hostile–parent neutral or positive).
The second phase of this research linked the day-to-day quality of interactions to an
emerging pattern of antisocial behavior. Researchers hypothesized that for those children who
were on a path toward antisocial behavior, the hostile attractors would begin to constrain the
interactions, and that parents and children would become more rigid and less able to adapt to
changing environmental conditions (Hollenstein, Granic, Stoolmiller, & Snyder, 2004). This is the
application of the idea of a cascading constraint to parent–child relationships.
Kindergarten children at risk for externalizing problems and their parents were observed for 2
hours in a variety of contexts including having snacks, playing games, solving academic problems,
and talking about conflicts. The interactions were coded as positive engagement (humor,
affection), neutral (talking, asking or answering questions), negative disengagement (sadness or
fear), and negative engagement (anger or contempt) (Granic & Patterson, 2006). Interaction grids
were created for each dyad and the following two indicators of rigidity were established: the
number of times the dyad moved from one cell or characteristic type of interaction to another;
and the mean length of time the dyad spent in each type of interaction. The more rigid parent–
child dyads showed less frequent changes in their patterns of interaction and spent more time
overall in specific types of interaction.
In order to link these data on moment-to-moment interactions with the emergence of
developmental trends, teachers’ reports of the child’s antisocial behavior were collected at the
beginning of kindergarten, the end of kindergarten, the beginning of first grade, and the end
of first grade. Children whose externalizing scores were in the top 10% of the group at each
time period were compared to the remaining 90%. There were no differences in rigidity scores
between the top 10% of children and the remaining 90% at the first measurement. However,
at each subsequent measurement, rigidity in parent–child interactions significantly predicted
which children were rated in the top 10% of externalizing problems. What is more, the children
whose externalizing scores were high and remained high or whose externalizing scores increased
over the 2 years of kindergarten and first grade had more rigid parent–child interactions than
those whose scores declined or were low and remained low.
As predicted by dynamic systems theory, the research was able to link the micro-level analysis
of patterns of rigid parent–child interaction with an increasingly stable orientation toward
externalizing problems. The results demonstrated that the tendency toward antisocial behavior
was not a product of genes, personality traits, bad parenting, etc. One cannot separate the child
and the parent as causal factors. Antisocial behavior is a product of ongoing interactions of
parents and children that rely on complex systems of behavior comprised of stable patterns
of interactions such as negative-negative or negative-neutral. Once the attractors emerge, they
become increasingly structured and resist change, predisposing the child toward similar kinds of
interactions in other kinds of social relationships.
The research suggests a potential approach for early intervention. A system-based intervention,
described as the Family Check-Up (FCU), has been found to effectively reduce family conflict
and increase parental support (Gill, Dishion, & Shaw, 2014). As a result, the intervention reduces
parents’ reports of children’s problem behavior among young children as well as adolescents’
reports of antisocial behavior (Dishion, Brennan, Shaw, McEachern, Wilson, & Jo, 2014; Smith,
Dynamic Systems Theory • 329
Brief Interventions
Family Therapy
Initial Feedback
Intake and
Interview Motivation
Child Interventions
School Interventions
Ecological Management
(e.g., community referrals)
Knoble, Zerr, Dishion, & Stormshak, 2014). The FCU is comprised of three elements: 1. An initial
interview in which the consultant learns about the family’s needs, acknowledges the individuality
of each family member, and begins to clarify the family’s concerns in order to evaluate how they
can best serve the family; 2. An ecological assessment involving a home visit and an assessment
of the child’s adjustment to school; and 3. Feedback and motivation to guide future services and
action including areas of family practice and behaviors that are strengths as well as areas that may
benefit from services (see Figure 11.4).
2. What are the mechanisms that account for growth? What are some testable hypotheses or
predictions that emerge from this analysis?
All living systems are characterized by a capacity for self-organization, the spontaneous
emergence of coherent, higher order forms through recursive interactions among simpler
components. The individual person is influenced by participation in other systems including
330 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
relationships, families, communities, schools, and work settings. Thus, the tendency toward
self-organization in any one or more of these systems can be a factor in stimulating the
process of self-organization of the individual.
A central hypothesis of dynamic systems theory is that new forms of organization can
be accounted for by understanding the interactions among components of the system that
are precursors or forerunners of the eventual new behavior. Even in behaviors that might be
viewed as stable, like walking or talking, differences can be observed in moment-by-moment
interactions. These differences, though slight, can become the basis for developmental
change (Fogel, 2011). For example, a child’s gait, that is the pattern of moving forward, may
be considered a stable feature. However, in observing children walking, one can see that every
step is not the same; gait will vary depending on the type of surface, the incline, and whether
the child is trying to carry something or push or pull something. From these variations, one
can see the seeds of new forms of locomotion, like running, hopping, skipping, and jumping.
The combination of action and task demands, with feedback between expectancies and
outcomes, brings about change. One does not need to rely on a preexisting, genetically
guided plan or an environmentally orchestrated goal in order to account for change. One
simply needs to identify the critical parameters along which change is taking place and the
changes in essential limit-setting components that will bring about a phase shift.
One can think of a person as a maturing system with multiple attractors or organized
patterns of cognitions and behaviors that change over time. Each attractor provides a model
or forecast of what will happen following an action. With multiple forecasts and outcomes
emerging from various attractors, there is an opportunity to observe which forecasts are most
accurate and which are followed by discrepancies. When the events following an expectation
are discrepant from the forecast, the person experiences surprise, an emotion that can
produce the energy needed to move away from one attractor and toward another attractor
(Metzger, 1997). Continuous feedback among expectations, actions, and the consequences of
action contributes to the process of growth and patterns of change.
3. How relevant are early experiences for later development? What evidence does the theory offer
to support its view?
The theory assumes that complex behaviors and new patterns of behavior emerge from
preexisting components which are undergoing change. Early experiences are critically
relevant for later development in three different ways. First, the theory assumes that each new
action is influenced in part by the memory of previous actions. If the task and the context
remain the same, the preceding action will most likely be repeated. Second, early experiences
provide the elements or system components from which more complex behaviors emerge. In
the example of crawling cited earlier in the chapter, hand preference is an early component
of infant crawling. The timing of a clear hand preference will influence the onset of crawling.
Complex behaviors are a result of the coordinative interaction of many subsystems. One or
more of them must reach a certain level of maturation or functioning in order for the more
complex behavior to emerge.
Third, the notion of attractor states suggests that some patterns or organizations of
behavior become more stable and likely than others. Whether one is focusing on language,
motor behavior, concept development, or relationships, once the child or the parent–child
system establishes a few stable attractor states, these states become the most likely forms
of behavioral organization, thus constraining subsequent behaviors. The theory does not
Dynamic Systems Theory • 331
specify which parameters or components are the critical precursors for each subsequent
new behavior; nor does it specify the nature of attractor states across domains since those
are not fixed, but emergent. However, it suggests that early experiences will hold the key for
understanding each step in subsequent behavioral organization.
An illustration of this process is provided in the discussion of antisocial behavior
and parent-child interactions. In families where the attractor states are both hostile and
permissive, children are observed to exhibit more problem behaviors. Particularly in families
where these attractor states become rigid, they constrain subsequent behavior, leading to
an increase in antisocial behavior over time. However, with intervention such as the family
check-up, the attractor state is reconstituted through the introduction of new information,
emphasis on family strengths, and alternative parenting strategies. Alternative attractor
states, especially positive interactions, become more likely, parent–child conflict decreases,
and antisocial behavior decreases.
4. How do the environmental and social contexts affect development? What aspects of the environment
does the theory suggest are especially important in shaping the direction of development?
According to dynamic systems theory, all actions take place in some context. Dynamic skill
development, for example, is effective action that is adapted, through feedback processes, to
the changing demands of the situation. New behaviors emerge when certain components
needed for the expression of the behavior move beyond a critical value or level. The slowest or
last component to reach a critical value is called the control parameter. In walking, a control
parameter might be the muscle strength needed to lift one leg off the ground overcoming
the forces of gravity. In driving a car, a control parameter might be the community’s decision
to require drivers to reach the age of 16 before qualifying for a driver’s license. The goal is
to understand the control parameters, the way they are integrated and mutually constrain
each other, and the key changes in the required components that result in qualitatively new
actions. There is no formal difference between control parameters that originate in the
individual or in the environment.
The emphasis on moment-to-moment behavior as it takes place must consider the nature
of the environment or setting in which the behavior occurs. Infant walking is adapted to
the surface on which the steps are taking place. Parent–child interactions are constrained
by the setting and the other people who are present. Communication between couples will
differ depending on whether it is face-to-face, on the phone, or through email. One of the
challenges in studying behavior change is to consider the specific features of the environment
that may constrain or facilitate behavior.
Our typical approach to characterizing environments—for example, saying that behaviors
take place in school, at home, or at the childcare center—may be too general or global to
capture the important features of the environment that serve as control parameters for a
particular behavior. Just as individuals can be thought of as being comprised of multiple,
interacting systems, so are environments multidimensional. Schools, businesses, and
governments are all complex dynamic systems which can be investigated using the principles
of dynamic systems theory.
5. According to the theory, what factors place individuals at risk at specific periods of the life span?
In infancy, neurological impairments, sensory and motor impairments, and lack of access to
diverse sensory and motor experiences are all potential risk factors. At the same time, parents
332 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
play a key role in supporting and scaffolding infant development such that factors including
unresponsive, harsh, erratic, or neglectful parenting can be conditions of risk. The parent–
child relationship is highlighted as a dynamic system that provides the early context for
physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Any factors that introduce rigidity
in this relationship or that disrupt the relationship can create substantial disequilibrium for
the developing child.
At each period of life, phase transitions or periods of disequilibrium are times when
the person is more vulnerable to fluctuations in adjoining systems that can influence the
organization or stability of behavior. These transitions include entry into childcare, school
transitions, moving to a new community, birth of a sibling, puberty, job change, marriage,
entry into parenthood, death of a parent or loved one, or serious illness. At any of these times,
existing attractors are likely to be inadequate for guiding subsequent actions, bringing the
possibility for continued growth or for more rigid self-stabilization.
An interesting example of this vulnerability is the well-documented decline in student
performance and school attachment associated with the transition to middle school or
junior high school. Kim, Schwartz, Cappella, and Seidman (2014) have provided an analysis
of the school social climate which helps to account for this change in students’ perceptions.
In comparison to teachers and administrators in the more traditional K-8 elementary
schools, teachers in the middle and junior high schools perceived greater school chaos, more
student conduct problems, less emphasis on professionalism, less school spirit, less of a sense
of agency in their teaching role, and a greater despair about their students’ ability to learn or
succeed. These features of the school’s social climate were associated with students’ school
attachment, including whether they felt they fit in, felt close to their classmates, felt close to
teachers, enjoyed being at school, and felt safe at school.
The analysis helps to explain how features of the adults’ perceptions of the school
environment can disrupt the students’ eagerness to learn, resulting in declines in academic
performance and disengagement from school. One might say that the structural organization
of middle schools and junior high schools produces new levels of chaos or disorder into
which young people, who are in the midst of significant physical, cognitive, emotional,
and social transformations, are thrown. The consequence at the individual level is one of
heightened internalizing and externalizing problems and reduced peer values for academic
Phase transitions that place individuals in negative environments can result in increased
risk to move to more rigid, maladaptive attractor states. The theory would suggest that
the response of individuals is not completely predictable. Even a harsh or undermining
environment may offer opportunities for self-organization that can lead to new, more complex
and creative levels of self-understanding, new relationships, or new skills. With maturity and
a lifetime of experiences of moving in and out of periods of equilibrium and disequilibrium.
adulthood brings new phases of brain development coupled with new ways of thinking.
However, phase transitions may also result in self-stabilization in which the person resists
change in order to retain the stability of the well-established patterns of organization even
though they are inadequate to fully cope with the requirements of the new situation.
variations in moment-to-moment states which can provide the potential for the emergence
of new features and behaviors. The emphasis on the coordination of stability and change
across levels and among adjoining systems has practical implications for addressing a
wide range of developmental issues, especially where the goal is to support behavior change
(Fogel, King, & Shanker, 2008). The following examples illustrate this view:
Dynamic systems theory promises to advance the study of the development of patterns, change,
and novelty in human behavior. Like evolutionary theory, it provides a lens or framework that
links the study of human development to other fields of science including mathematics, physics,
chemistry, and biology. It offers a more complex view of development than many other theories,
recognizing the ongoing interactions among multiple systems as well as individual variability.
The theory focuses on the emergence of new organized patterns of behavior, acknowledging
that many variables changing at different rates are required to account for these patterns. Thus, the
theory offers a more authentic, nonlinear, nonreductionistic account of development. The theory
provides a way of explaining both continuous, moment-to-moment changes, and qualitatively
new patterns of organization, thereby accounting for what has been observed in other theories
as stages of development. At the same time, these stages are viewed as emerging directly from the
integration of existing components of the system in action, which helps to account for observed
variability in the timing, sequencing, and level of performance that is achieved.
With its attention to variability within individuals as they repeat the same action over time, the
theory helps to make sense of observations that may be viewed in other theories as aberrations,
measurement error, or atypical variation. The theory suggests that even within developmentally
334 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
stable patterns, one can expect to observe variations in behavior that may contribute to emerging
capacities as these variations become integrated into new, more complex functions.
The theory lends itself to simulations and mathematical modeling. This allows one to explore
modifications in control parameters, the timing of perturbations in the system, variations in the
parameter estimates, and unlimited replications in order to explore the likely transformation
of a given behavior over time. This type of modeling permits one to demonstrate how small
changes in some variables early in a sequence of events can result in qualitatively different paths
or emergent behaviors later (Schöner & Thelen, 2006).
Dynamic systems theory has wide applicability across fields. It has proven to be especially useful
in accounting for changes in motor development, displacing earlier accounts of the emergence,
and loss of certain motor patterns (Metzger, 1997). In the areas of cognitive development,
communication, and parent–child relationships, the theory offers a promising new lens. The idea
of self-organization inspires researchers to reject dualisms, such as person versus environment,
brain versus behavior, perception versus cognition, or learning versus development, in order to
consider the coordinated contributions of multiple processes to produce complex and changing
behaviors. As research continues, it promises to provide a way of integrating neurological,
psychological, and social processes as coordinated systems which account for the emergence of
new behaviors.
The theory has inspired new methodologies including quantitative and qualitative microgenetic
research methods in which many observations are made over periods of time when transitions
or transformations are likely. These methods have been supported by new statistical techniques,
especially hierarchical linear modeling, in order to evaluate the contribution of many variables to
unifying constructs and their change over time (Fogel, 2011).
As an emerging theoretical framework, dynamic systems theory suffers from disparities in
terminology making it difficult to summarize and to apply. Many theorists who embrace the
framework use different terms and different definitions for similar terms. For example, the idea
of self-organization is central to the theory; however, there is no agreement about the definition
of self-organization.
The idea of attractor states is fundamental to the theory, but the process through which
attractor states emerge, and the conditions that support stability or flexibility of these states, are
not readily explained by the theory. In each domain and at each system level, attractor states must
be identified through empirical methods.
Those theorists who embrace dynamic systems theory agree that there is no hierarchical plan
for development, either internal or external to the organism. They view behavior as the emerging
product of the interactions of many systems and subsystems. The theory rejects a reductionist or
dualistic approach to the study of development. At the same time, it does not provide guidance
about which components or parameters of a system are the critical ones or how to identify these
control parameters in a particular behavioral domain. A dynamic systems analysis of a particular
behavior rests largely on the expertise of the investigators and their intimate understanding of
the components and subsystems that have a possible bearing on the behavior under study.
There is disagreement among researchers about the appropriate methods for investigating
development. Some researchers rely largely on simulations and mathematical models; others
conduct observational research; others integrate data from experiments into models. There may
Dynamic Systems Theory • 335
be a need to invent new methodologies in order to capture the dynamic nature of the theory—
both new observational and experimental techniques for multiple observations over time, and
new mathematical techniques for modeling change across nested timescales, from neural firing
to organized actions and long-term developmental periods. There are scholars at work to address
these challenges, creating new tools for studying intensive observational data and for analyzing
data from multiple systems over diverse timescales (Peck, 2009; Fogel, 2011; Hollenstein, 2013). A
summary of the strengths and weaknesses of dynamic systems theory is presented in Table 11.1.
Strengths Weaknesses
Focus on patterns, change, and novelty in human Disparities in definitions of key concepts across scholars
behavior. who embrace the theory.
Links to other fields of science. Lack of theoretical constructs to account for the specific
nature of attractor states and their stability or change
within systems.
A complex view of development, including the No guidance in the theory about which aspects of
ongoing interaction among systems and the nature of a behavior or subsystem are especially relevant for
individual variability. influencing or constraining subsequent change.
A nonlinear, nonreductionistic view of development. Lack of agreement about appropriate methods and
adequacy of these methods for studying multi-system
interactions across nested timescales.
Integrates moment-to-moment changes with
qualitatively new patterns.
Stages of development are viewed as emerging from
existing components of the system in action which
helps to account for variability in timing, sequencing,
and level of performance that is achieved.
Integrates individual variability into explanations for
new behaviors.
Has been explored through computer simulations
and mathematical models.
Wide applicability across fields to consider change in
complex systems.
Inspired new research methods and statistical
4. Compare and contrast Fischer’s model of dynamic skill development with Vygotsky’s concept
of the zone of proximal development. What are the similarities and differences in the ways
these theories explain how more advanced abilities emerge from less competent or complex
5. In the case of Robbie, what are the systems and subsystems you can identify that are operating
to influence his thoughts, feelings, and relationships?
6. Imagine that you are a school counselor. How would you use dynamic systems theory to help
Robbie understand and cope with the changes he is experiencing?
7. How typical is it for new interests to emerge during early adolescence? How would dynamic
systems theory explain this? What is the relationship of the emergence of these new interests
to the concepts of attractor states and adaptive self-organization?
8. If you were Robbie’s parents, what steps would you take to address some of the issues in this
case, including Robbie’s increasing desire to spend time alone; his irritability with his younger
sibling; his difficulty sleeping; his late night involvement with online games; and his conflicts
about independence and closeness?
Key Terms
A-not-B task dynamic systems theory
adaptive self-organization emergence
adaptive self-stabilization feedback
antisocial behavior homeostasis
attractors interdependent elements
behavioral complexity negative feedback
behavioral complexity scale nested timescales
coercion theory open system
constructive web positive feedback
control parameter probabilistic epigenesis
disequilibrium self-organization
dynamic skill system
dynamic system system hierarchy
Recommended Resources
**Baby Body Sense. A YouTube video of early motor development.
A 10-minute video that illustrates principles of dynamic systems theory as they apply to early
motor development.
**Child and Family Center (2014). The family check-up. Retrieved on August 24, 2014 at http://
Based on a dynamic systems approach to family interaction, this is an evidence-based intervention
to increase family support and decrease family conflict.
**Conflict resolution in action: Applying dynamic systems theory. A YouTube video. www.
Dynamic Systems Theory • 337
A workshop that illustrates how dynamic systems theory principles can be applied in helping
people address inter-group conflicts. The video uses the case of a multi-party conflict in Nigeria
as the point of focus.
**Fogel, A. (2011). Theoretical and applied dynamic systems research in developmental science.
Child Development Perspectives, 5, 267–272.
A summary of some basic features of dynamic systems theory, a description of microgenetic
methods for studying change over time, and examples of how the theory has been applied to a
diverse range of topics in developmental science.
**Smith, L.B. & Thelen, E. (2003). Development as a dynamic system. Trends in Cognitive Science,
7, 343–348.
An overview of major ideas in dynamic systems theory, introducing the idea of nested timescales,
and applying the theory to the A-not-B problem.
Adolph, K.E. & Eppler, M.A. (2002). Flexibility and specificity in infant motor skill acquisition. In J.W. Fagen
& H. Hayne (Eds.), Progress in infancy research: Vol. 2 (pp. 121–167). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Ashby, W.R. (1947). Principles of the self-organizing dynamic system. Journal of General Psychology, 37, 125–128.
Clayton, P. & Davies, P. (Eds.) (2006). The reemergence of emergence: The emergentist hypothesis from science to
religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Descartes, R. (1637). Discourse on the method of rightly conducting one’s reason and of seeking truth in the sciences.
(Discours de la method pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la verité dans les sciences.) Leiden, Netherlands.
Dishion, T.J., Brennan, L.M., Shaw, D.S., McEachern, A.D., Wilson, M.N., & Jo, B. (2014). Prevention of problem
behavior through annual family check-ups in early childhood: Intervention effects from home to early
elementary school. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 343–354.
Eoyang, G. & Conway, D.J. (1999). Conditions that support self-organization in a complex adaptive system.
Retrieved on August 21, 2014 at
Fischer, K.W. (1980). A theory of cognitive development: The control and construction of hierarchies of skills.
Psychological Review, 87, 477–531.
Fischer, K.W. & Bidell, T.R. (1998). Dynamic development of psychological structures in action and thought. In
W. Damon (Series Ed.) & R.M. Lerner (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 1. Theoretical models of
human development. 5th ed. (pp. 467– 561). New York: Wiley.
Fischer, K.W. & Bidell, T.R. (2006). Dynamic development of action and thought. In W. Damon & R.M. Lerner
(Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Theoretical models of human development: Vol. 1. 6th ed. (pp. 313–399).
New York: Wiley.
Fischer, K.W. & Rose, S.P. (1999). Rulers, models, and nonlinear dynamics: Measurement and method in
developmental research. In G. Savelsbergh, H. van der Maas, & P. van Geert (Eds.), Nonlinear developmental
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Fischer, K.W. & Yan, Z. (2002). The development of dynamic skill theory. In D.J. Lewkowicz & R. Lickliter (Eds.),
Conceptions of development: Lessons from the laboratory (pp. 279–312). New York: Psychology Press.
Fogel, A. (2011). Theoretical and applied dynamic systems research in developmental science. Child Development
Perspectives, 5, 267–272.
Fogel, A., King, B.J., & Shanker, S. (2008). Human development in the 21st century: Visionary policy ideas from
systems scientists. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Garzón, P.C., Laakso, A., & Gomila, T. (2008). Dynamics and psychology, New Ideas in Psychology, 26, 143–145.
Gill, A.M., Dishion, T.J., & Shaw, D.S. (2014). The family check-up: A tailored approach to intervention with high-
risk families. In S.H. Landry & C.L. Cooper (Eds.), Wellbeing in children and families: Vol. 1. Wellbeing: A
complete reference guide (pp. 385–405). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/Blackwell.
338 • Person–Environment Interaction Emphasis
Goldfield, E.C. (1989). Transition from rocking to crawling: Postural constraints on infant movement.
Developmental Psychology, 25, 913–919.
Gottlieb, G. (1991). Experiential canalization of behavioral development: Theory. Developmental Psychology, 27,
Gottlieb, G. (1998). Normally occurring environmental influences on gene activity: From central dogma to
probabilistic epigenesis. Psychological Review, 105, 792–802.
Granic, I. (2005). Timing is everything: Developmental psychopathology from a dynamic systems perspective.
Developmental Review, 25, 386–407.
Granic, I. & Lamey, A.K. (2002). Combining dynamic systems and multivariate analyses to compare the mother–
child interactions of externalizing subtypes. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30, 265–283.
Granic, I. & Patterson, G.R. (2006). Toward a comprehensive model of antisocial development: A dynamic systems
approach. Psychological Review, 113, 101–131.
Hollentstein, T. (2013). State space grids: Depicting dynamics across development. New York: Springer.
Hollenstein, T., Granic, I., Stoolmiller, M., & Snyder, J. (2004). Rigidity in parent–child interactions and the
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Hollenstein, T., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., & Potworowski, G. (2013). A model of socioemotional flexibility at three
timescales. Emotion Review, 5, 397–405.
Hood, K.E., Halpern, C.T., Greenberg, G., & Lerner, R.M. (Eds.) (2010). Handbook of developmental science,
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Katz, D. & Kahn, R.L. (1966). The social psychology of organizations. New York: Wiley.
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MIT Press.
Kelso, J.A.S. (2000). Principles of dynamic pattern formation and change for a science of human behavior. In
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Case Vignette and Analysis 341
Case Vignette 341
Case Analysis 342
Why So Many Theories? 348
Basic Process Concepts 348
Periods of Life 348
Universal versus Contextual Analysis 349
Units and Periods of Time 349
Which One Shall I Choose? 351
The ten theories presented in this book are still flourishing, stimulating research, and inspir-
ing practice and intervention in fields of human development including education,
counseling, organizational planning, human service delivery, and social policy. Each one
has made unique contributions by altering the ways we explain development, and as a
result, expanding efforts to improve the quality of life for children, youth, adults, the elderly
and their families and communities. At the same time, each theory is a work in progress.
New technologies, new statistical techniques, advances in the fields of genetics and neuro-
science, changing approaches to the process of scientific inquiry, and expanding concerns
about diverse cultures and communities will, over time, lead to extensions and elaborations of
the theories.
Several of the theories reviewed here were striving to identify universal patterns of development
and universal mechanisms or processes of change. In contemporary developmental science
much more attention is being given to both individual differences in adaptive capacities, and
cultural/community differences in beliefs and practices that influence development. Theorists
and researchers are already striving to integrate concepts from several theories in order to more
Epilogue • 341
adequately account for this diversity, providing a more comprehensive analysis of development
within and across cultures, levels of behavior, and dimensions of time.
We have three goals for this epilogue: to examine the same case through the lens of each
of the ten theories; to contrast key features of the ten theories; and to address the issue of
their usefulness as you pursue further study, research, and practice in the field of human
Case Vignette
Clara is a 40-year-old African American woman with two children. Her husband left her
when the youngest was 2, and she has raised her family on her own, with the help of her
mother and her church. For the past 20 years, Clara has been cleaning houses for a living.
She runs her own home with clear rules: honesty, hard work, high expectations, and a belief
in God. Her children are her treasures, and she hopes to see both of them graduate from
college and become respected professionals. To that end, she has been saving whatever she
can to help pay for college. Of course, she hopes for them to marry and have children, but
in due time—no rush.
Clara’s son, Deshawn, is a sophomore at a big, state university. He has a football scholarship
which covers tuition, room and board. And Clara helps with other expenses, especially
books and lab fees, medical insurance, clothes, and transportation. They have talked about
his plans, and Deshawn has promised his mother that he will keep up his academics, and
stay focused on the goal of graduating. But now, in the middle of his sophomore year, he is
having a change of heart.
“Mom, I just can’t keep playing football. It’s not right. The coaches make millions, and my
scholarship doesn’t even cover all my expenses. I have to spend weekends traveling, and
hours and hours in training which makes doing well in my classes practically impossible.
Some of the players take the really easy courses, but I don’t want that. I want to go on to
get my MBA, and I need to do well to qualify. Some of my teammates have suffered broken
bones, back injuries, and concussions. So far I’m fine and I’m in great shape, but you just
don’t know what might happen. The team doctors, who are paid by the university, often
send the boys back to play even after they are injured. And when they can’t play any longer,
they lose their scholarships.”
At first, Clara was upset with her son’s decision. “We’re not quitters,” she tells him. “You
made a promise and you took their scholarship money, so you need to see this through.
And besides, how are we going to pay for your college without the athletic scholarship?” But
Clara listened, she prayed about it, she talked to her pastor, and she began to understand
Deshawn’s concerns.
Deshawn’s younger sister, Keisha, is a junior in high school. She is shocked by Deshawn’s
decision. He was such a hero to her and her friends all through middle school and high
school. She went to all his high school games, kept track of his accomplishments, and
342 • Epilogue
bragged to her friends about his college and its winning record. How could she explain to
her friends that Deshawn was going to quit the team?
As Deshawn continued to make his case, Clara could see that he was looking at the big
picture. Many of the promises that were made to her and Deshawn by the college recruiter
did not seem to be holding up for other players. She had trusted the recruiters that they
would look after her son and be committed to his overall well-being. But she can see that
this is not necessarily true. In spite of her worries, she is proud of Deshawn, and the young
man he is becoming.
Case Analysis
The goal for this analysis is to appreciate how the same situation might be examined differently
depending on one’s theoretical focus. What might each theory point out about the issues facing
Clara, Keisha, and Deshawn, and how to account for their behavior? We will offer some ideas, but
we urge you to take on this exercise in your own way, using what you know about the theories to
explore possible insights into the case.
Psychoanalytic Theory. The psychoanalytic theory highlights the central role of sexual and
aggressive drives in shaping behavior. One can think of the game of football, and its elaboration
in competitive sports, as a socially acceptable sublimation of these drives, allowing both intimate
physical closeness and aggressive behavior to be expressed by young men under controlled
conditions. In this single-parent home, despite working long hours and having limited financial
resources, Clara managed to provide security, consistency, and affection in order to support ego
and superego development for her children.
One might imagine that Clara and Deshawn formed a very close bond, in which Deshawn
felt some pressure to assume the male role. His masculinity is expressed and validated through
football, and his relationship with coaches may have satisfied his need to feel close to a father
figure. Now, new ego strengths combined with some unconscious processes that contribute to
adaptive problem solving are fostering his ability to differentiate himself from his relationship
with his mother. He can see a path toward a more mature adult ego identity that is shaped around
different ideals about masculinity and a more independent relationship with his mother.
Growing up in a female-headed family with an older brother, it is likely that Keisha saw Deshawn
as a father figure, even though he was only a few years older. Her admiration and affection for
Epilogue • 343
him can be interpreted through the lens of the Electra complex. Now, with Deshawn taking a
new path, it may create an opportunity for Keisha to distance herself from this relationship, and
give her new space for individuation, both in relation to Deshawn and in relation to her mother.
Learning Theories. The basic principles of operant conditioning, that is repetition and reward,
observational learning by watching the actions of others, and classical conditioning, especially
response to cues and signals, are basic strategies for skill building in football as well as other
sports. We can assume that Deshawn has excelled in all these forms of learning to reach the level
of competence he has attained in being recruited for the university team.
Now, in the university environment, Deshawn is engaging in more complex learning, requiring
new levels of analysis. The university environment is quite different from high school. Although
being a football player may have some status, it is not the salient source of recognition and
reward that it was in high school. In contrast, the university environment introduces Deshawn to
a much wider range of ideas about possible futures than he had ever considered in high school.
As suggested in the learning theories, including cognitive behaviorism, social cognitive theory,
and experiential learning theory, there is a new kind of learning going on for Deshawn, one
which integrates a personal sense of agency and intentionality with real-life experiences, new
information, and abstract reasoning. Deshawn’s own values and goals are drawing him into more
rigorous academic challenges. He is using his capacity to observe and reflect in order to consider
the implications of the current situation. He is asking himself whether the rewards and benefits
of his participation in football are worth the possible risks to himself, through injury, or to his
future professional career. Deshawn is reevaluating his goals and altering his behavior to achieve
these goals.
Social Role Theory. Clara, Deshawn, and Keisha are all experiencing role transitions. Clara, who
has invested years of effort and energy in her parent role, has wanted Deshawn to go to college.
She has tried to structure her parent role around a few basic norms: honesty, hard work, high
expectations, and a belief in God. She is proud of Deshawn, and sees his success as evidence of
344 • Epilogue
her effectiveness as a mother. His decision to leave football may undermine one of her primary
ambitions for him. Now, as she listens to Deshawn’s reasoning, she realizes that she has to revise
her parent role. She never went to college, she never played football, and she isn’t completely
sure what an MBA is. She is still Deshawn’s mother and realizes that he needs her support and
approval. She is confident that he has learned the values she has emphasized, and that he will
make good decisions, but she can no longer guide him as she did when he was young. However,
she still needs to consider her role with regard to Keisha who continues to need her mother’s
guidance and encouragement especially during these high school years.
Deshawn is balancing several roles as a son, a student, an older brother, and a member of the
football team. One concept from social role theory that is particularly relevant in this case is
role loss. His role as a football player provides Deshawn with a social identity within the college
environment. It is time-intensive, requires a lot of emotional energy as well as physical demands,
and has a clear structure that impacts his daily life. If he gives up this role, he may also experience
some hostility and social exclusion from peers, both team members and other friends, as well as
some negative response from coaches. Deshawn will need to find ways to establish alternative
roles within the college environment, possibly through his major, through co-curricular activities,
or in his social network, to replace the many ways that the football team membership contributed
to his life.
Keisha thinks that her role in her peer network will be affected by Deshawn’s decision. She has
attained a degree of social status based on Deshawn’s athletic success. She may suffer a kind of
reflected role loss if Deshawn leaves the team. Keisha is also troubled to hear her brother voice
feelings of disillusionment with college and college sports. These conversations raise new doubts
for Keisha about her own role as a student and her mother’s plan for her to go to college. Clara
may need to increase her support of Keisha, helping her to understand Deshawn’s decision, and
encouraging her to find friends and activities that build on her own strengths rather than those
of her brother.
Life Course Theory. Life course theory highlights the idea of trajectories and transitions.
Certainly, going to college can be viewed as a major transition in the educational trajectory.
In this case, football promised to provide some continuity for Deshawn in his transition from
high school to college. Now, as he exercises his sense of agency in shaping the direction of his
educational trajectory, he is prepared to make another transition away from football and toward
other academic and career goals.
The theory also introduces the concept of linked lives. In this case, Deshawn’s decision raises
concerns for Clara and for Keisha. We can imagine that Clara was hoping that her aspirations
for Deshawn’s education would be fulfilled through the football scholarship. Now, in her forties,
instead of feeling some relief she may be worrying more about Deshawn’s well-being. She may
be wondering if she will have to take on more clients or a second job in order to continue to pay
for his education. But if this decision increases Deshawn’s likelihood of graduating from college,
she can see the wisdom.
Deshawn’s decision is also creating turmoil for Keisha. If Clara ends up working more hours,
she will be less available to monitor Keisha. And if Keisha is correct about the importance of her
brother’s reputation for her own social status, she may find that she has lost her friendship group
at the same time that her mother is less available to her. On the other hand Deshawn’s decision
to become more invested in his academic goals may inspire Keisha to find her own path, to
reevaluate her friendship group, and to become more agentic about her own future.
Epilogue • 345
Life course theory also places development in a historical context. In this case, one theme
is the increased documentation about the risks associated with head injuries experienced in
football. Whereas previous generations may not have been as concerned or aware of the negative
consequences of the sport, recent studies show that brain trauma resulting in cognitive deficits
affects almost one out of three retired professional players. Playing football increases the risks
of developing long-term neurological impairment. Awareness of these risks may play a part in
Deshawn’s reasoning.
Psychosocial Theory. Psychosocial theory highlights the idea that each of the main characters
in this case is at a different stage of development: Clara in middle adulthood; Deshawn in
later adolescence; and Keisha in early adolescence. As such, this theory points to the different
psychosocial crises that are at the center of their preoccupations. We speculate that Clara is
struggling with issues of generativity versus stagnation. She wants to ensure the well-being of her
children, prepare them for their future, and provide them with the support that will allow them to
flourish well after she has passed on. As she thinks about Deshawn’s decision, she struggles with
her great desire to know that this decision will be the best for him and his future. She relies on
members of her radius of significant relationships, especially her pastor and other members of
her church, to help her understand and come to peace with this issue.
Deshawn’s psychosocial crisis is personal identity versus role diffusion. The decision to
leave the football team places some aspects of his identity in disequilibrium. He probably still
thinks of himself as a student-athlete, a social identity that is reinforced by his friendship
group at college. As he disengages from this role, he will need to redefine his identity in line
with occupational and other personal goals. This might take place through some form of role
experimentation, for example by joining a young professionals club, seeking an internship
with a start-up company, or working as a research assistant for a professor in the business
college. During this period of moratorium and exploration, Deshawn might feel a bit of
tension or anxiety as he strives to crystallize his sense of self moving into a desired but not fully
known future.
For Keisha, the psychosocial crisis is group identity versus alienation. The tension she faces
is to establish and sustain a connection with a group in which she experiences a reciprocal
sense of valuing others and being valued. Deshawn’s decision to drop football may create some
disequilibrium for her to the extent that her social network and peer reputation are linked to his
status and reputation in the school and community. The situation may give her an opportunity
to evaluate the basis of her friendships. Some of the relationships may be more about her link to
Deshawn and the college team members; others may be more authentic friendships based on her
own qualities. As she hears more about the decisions Deshawn is making, she may begin to think
more concretely about her own future educational and career goals. She knows her mother wants
her to go to college, but few of her friends have this goal. This may place her at odds with her
friendship group and lead to efforts to connect with other peers who will support her ambitions.
Keisha may begin to find satisfaction in other groups outside of school, possibly the church youth
group or a community service group, or a school club based on her own talents and interests (e.g.
the yearbook, the drama club, or the Spanish language club).
greater emphasis is being placed on the importance of a college education for a good-paying,
stable career. If you place the case in a cultural context, you can see that families in low-resource
communities are looking at a college education as a path out of poverty. What is more, for many
African American youth, sports heroes are cultural icons whose salaries and fame inspire dreams
of athletics as a life goal. Athletic scholarships are a cultural tool that creates a pathway for some
young people from their childhood sports experiences into and through college. The idea of
“student-athlete” starts out at the intermental level, as a socially meaningful role that becomes
In this case, Deshawn goes to college as a student-athlete. From the time he was young, the
idea of going to college was communicated through his mother’s encouragement, and the idea of
being a student-athlete, which will allow him to achieve this goal, has been a driving force that
focused his efforts and skill. This internalized cognitive structure is supported by encouragement
from family, coaches, friends, and eventually from college recruiters.
What many people fail to recognize is that college is a new zone for development. The demands
for performance in athletics increase. The diversity of peers typically expands beyond what
was experienced in high school. New courses with greater intellectual demands, new ideas and
approaches to scientific reasoning, and new requirements for oral and written communication,
are all aspects of the college experience. In addition, college brings new demands for indepen-
dence. This environment has the potential for scaffolding students to more and more advanced
reasoning as well as new ambitions and goals. In this case, college creates a zone of proximal
development for Deshawn. His experiences in the classroom with faculty and peers are
stimulating a new, independent outlook and critical assessment of his own situation, and his view
of the future.
Bioecological Theory. The PPCT model gives us a lot to consider in this case. The case highlights
three microsystems for Deshawn, his family, his football team, and his other college academic
courses. In each one of these, unique processes are at work, shaping his thoughts and ideas
about his future. His mother’s childrearing philosophy has emphasized honesty and hard work.
These values have obviously contributed to Deshawn’s success in athletics and as a student.
Within the football team microsystem, key processes might include physical workouts, practice,
games, social interactions with other players, and guidance from coaches. Within the classroom,
processes might include reading new and interesting articles and texts, writing papers, giving
oral presentations, and doing research for class assignments. In this case, we can imagine that
Deshawn’s mesosytem, that is, the interactions across microsystems, is contributing to some new
insights about his choices, his life direction, and his ability to shape his future through a growing
sense of agency.
The biological focus of the model suggests that we need to understand Deshawn’s physical
abilities as a part of this case. He probably enjoys the physical demands of participation in the
sport and takes pride in his strength and fitness. However, Deshawn may be sensing a growing
unease about the physical risks associated with football, and the realization that continued
participation in the sport might result in both short-term acute injury as well as long-term
cognitive deterioration.
The complex view of nested systems also adds a dimension to our understanding of this
situation. Many of the policies that impact college football players are taking place in the
exosystem. The NCAA has rules about how many credits a student has to be enrolled in in
order to be eligible to play. They also have rules restricting scholarships, student employment,
Epilogue • 347
and other benefits to student athletes. The university has policies about health care coverage,
year to year awards of scholarships, and salary schedules for coaches and assistant coaches,
all of which might influence Deshawn’s thinking about his situation, but over which he has
no control.
The macrosystem creates an umbrella of values and mythology about the sport of football,
as well as a reality about how few college players actually end up as professional players. At the
same time, the macrosystem offers a wide range of career paths that are accessible with a college
degree. Over the two years of college, Deshawn has become increasingly aware of the discrepancy
between the mythology and the complex reality. With this insight, he is better able to consider
how decisions he is making now will allow him to have greater control over life circumstances
in the future.
Dynamic Systems Theory. Dynamic systems theory strives to answer the question: How do
we get more from less? In other words, how do more complex, integrated actions, thoughts,
or systems emerge from the more rudimentary elements that preceded them? In this case,
we can focus on Deshawn’s emerging desire to redirect his energy to academic goals and to
strive toward a graduate degree in business. The theory guides us to look for the answer to
this question at many levels at once. Origins of the desire to excel, whether at sports or in
school, can be found in his home environment, including his mother’s emphasis on honesty,
hard work, high expectations, and a belief in God. His current exposure to hard work and high
expectations as part of the football team supports this orientation. At the same time, the college
environment opens up new potential paths toward adulthood that Deshawn may not have
considered before. Feedback from instructors about his academic potential and the quality
of his work, and information from the media and other sources about the risks of football
are contributing to a revision of his thinking. And Deshawn is maturing. Cognitive capacities
for analytic thinking, hypothetical reasoning, and probabilistic thinking about the future fuel
this revision about what he wants out of a college education and how it fits in with his plans
for the future.
Deshawn is undergoing adaptive self-organization. For a time, multiple attractor states may
operate to compete in Deshawn’s energy and effort, including a goal to please his mother, a goal
to be loyal to his team members and coaches, and a goal to have a desirable and achievable
career. Old goals are being abandoned as attractor states related to career goals become
more compelling. Events that take place each day, including injuries experienced by teammates,
controversies on campus about salaries paid to coaches, feedback on an assignment, support from
friends, or an invitation from a mentor to apply for a special summer program, could each result
in strengthening Deshawn’s emerging commitment to one attractor state and weaken others. The
theory suggests that small changes in one or another domain can ripple through the system,
resulting in reorganization and transformation.
A vision of one’s future self is a creative product of the interaction of the person and the
environment over time. This process emerges for many students as they encounter the complex
environment of the college including new ideas, new settings, and feedback from adults and
peers about their strengths and limitations. College students are biological organisms that are
undergoing physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. Their capacities for planning,
organizing, and directing actions toward goals are advancing, and, at the same time, the
environment is urging them to make commitments to their future by choosing a major, engaging
in internships and field experiences, and looking for employment opportunities. Deshawn is a
348 • Epilogue
perfect example of a developing system that is undergoing reorganization toward a new, higher
order goal.
Periods of Life
Evolutionary theory highlights certain key periods of life as central to the idea of fitness: the
mate selection period, reproductive years, and childrearing to the point when offspring can
Epilogue • 349
find a mate and reproduce. Psychoanalytic theory gives special attention to the early childhood
years, especially infancy through about age 6 or 7. Within this framework, object relations
theory emphasizes the quality of experiences in infancy; ego development theory places
attention on the adolescent years. These theories focus on the impact of early experiences for
adult development and behavior. One of the early directions of dynamic systems theory was
also focused on infancy, especially the topic of how more complex behavior emerges from much
less coordinated behaviors. However, the theory has been applied to many other periods of life,
including adolescence, adult couples, and families. Cognitive developmental theory is mainly
focused on infancy, childhood, and adolescence. In contrast, the learning theories are applicable
across the life span. Cognitive social-historical theory has a primary emphasis on the emergence
of higher order mental processes that take place through the internalization of social interactions
beginning with language development in toddlerhood and continuing through childhood and
adolescence. The remaining theories—social role theory, life course theory, psychosocial theory,
and bioecological theory—are all life-span theories.
A-not-B task: a problem in cognitive development involving the search for a hidden object in
which the object is moved from one location to another
Abstract conceptualization: knowledge gained by reading about it or being taught about it, not
necessarily through direct experience
Accentuation principle: in life course theory, under conditions of crisis or critical transition, the
person’s most prominent personality characteristics and coping strategies will be accentuated
Accommodation: in cognitive developmental theory, the process of changing existing schemes
in order to account for novel elements in the object or event
Active experimentation: in experiential learning theory, trying out new behaviors that are based
on the knowledge to see what benefit may result
Activity: in cultural activity theory, a unit of analysis that links thought, action, tools, and
Adaptation: 1. A process by which living things develop structures and problem-solving
mechanisms that enable them to thrive in a specific environment; 2. In cognitive developmental
theory, a process of gradually modifying existing schemes and operations in order to take into
account changes or discrepancies between what is known and what is being experienced
Adaptive problems: in evolutionary theory, problems that are likely to have occurred repeatedly
in human evolutionary history, and the solutions to these problems influenced reproductive
Adaptive self-organization: in dynamic systems theory, a process of emerging changes in
response to new external conditions
Adaptive self-stabilization: the ability of a system to make internal modifications of the
relationships among component parts in response to changes in the environment
Affects: emotions, feelings, or moods
Age constraints: restrictions about behavior based on age; being too young or too old
Age norms: in social role theory, age-based expectations about entry into or exit from certain
Age roles: participation in societal positions or functions based on chronological age, for example
being eligible to vote at age 18
Glossary • 353
Classification: the action of grouping objects according to some specific characteristics they all
have in common, including all objects that show the characteristic and none that do not
Coercion theory: a model of how parents and children train each other through sequences
of interactions so that the child’s behavior is likely to become increasingly antisocial and
aggressive, and the parents become increasingly unable to manage or regulate their child’s
aggressive behavior
Cognitive behavioral therapy: a form of psychotherapy that integrates many principles of
classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning theory to help clients
unlearn their problematic reactions and learn a new way of reacting
Cognitive behaviorism: the study of the many internal mental activities that influence behavior
Cognitive competences: knowledge, skills, and mental abilities
Cognitive map: in cognitive behaviorism, an internal mental representation of the learning
Cohort: in life course theory, a group of people who are roughly the same age and who go through
the same historical period at about the same time
Collective agency: people’s shared belief in their power to produce desired results as members
of a group
Combinatorial skills: the ability to perform mathematical operations including addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division
Communion: commitment to and consideration for the well-being of others
Concrete experience: knowledge gained through direct experiences
Concrete operational thought: in cognitive developmental theory, a stage of cognitive
development in which rules of logic can be applied to observable or manipulable physical
Conditioned reflexes: a type of learning in which a reaction is associated with a stimulus that
one would not think would produce that reaction, such as salivating to the sound of a bell
Conditioned response (CR): in classical conditioning, a reflexive response that, through learning,
is now controlled by a conditioned stimulus
Conditioned stimulus (CS): in classical conditioning, a previously neutral stimulus that, through
learning, comes to control a response
Conflict-free sphere of the ego: basic adaptive functions such as perception, recognition of
objects, logical problem solving, motor development, and language
Conscience: ideas about which behaviors and thoughts are improper, unacceptable, and wrong;
carries out the punishing function of the superego
Conscious: mental capacities that contribute to awareness of one’s immediate surroundings as
well as one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions
Conservation: the concept that physical changes do not alter the mass, weight, number, or
volume of matter
Constancy: not modified; regular or continuous
Constructive web: a metaphor for thinking about development; the active, goal-oriented
efforts of the actor in conjunction with the supportive structure of the physical and social
Constructs: in theories, the unobservable processes or relationships
Context: the environment or setting, including physical settings, social groups, culture, and
historical period
Continuous reinforcement: in operant conditioning, reinforcement is given on every trial
Glossary • 355
Control cycle: in life course theory, when a person loses control, or when personal freedoms are
threatened, there is generally an attempt to preserve or regain control
Control parameter: in dynamic systems theory, the slowest or last component to reach a critical
value before behaviors change or new behaviors emerge
Conventional morality: a stage of moral reasoning in which right and wrong are closely
associated with rules created by legitimate authorities such as parents, teachers, or government
Core pathologies: in psychosocial theory, the destructive, defensive forces that result from the
negative resolution of the psychosocial crises
Cultural tools: in cognitive social-historical theory, the artifacts and symbol systems that permit
individuals to alter their environments and guide, regulate, and redefine themselves
Culture: the social, standardized ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are shared by members
of a society, and transmitted from one generation to the next, especially through childrearing
practices, family arrangements, symbols, language, arts, stories, songs, and tools
Decentering: gaining objectivity over one’s point of view
Defense mechanisms: techniques, usually unconscious, to alleviate anxiety caused by conflicting
desires of the id and the superego in relation to drives and impulses
Demand features: in bioecological theory, characteristics of a person such as age, gender, or skin
color that can invite or discourage interactions, depending on their social meaning
Development: change that occurs over time and has a direction
Developmental outcomes: in bioecological theory, positive or negative changes in competence
as a result of the interaction of person, process, contexts, and time
Developmental stage: a period of life that is characterized by a qualitatively unique underlying
organization and outlook
Developmental tasks: age-related skills and competencies that contribute to increased mastery
over one’s environment
Discrimination: in classical conditioning, the learner makes a response to a specific CS, but
inhibits responding to stimuli that are similar to the CS
Disequilibrium: a condition in which changes in the organism or changes in the environment
require a revision of schemes or mental structures
Dispositions: features of a person, such as temperament or motivation, that can alter the way a
person engages a setting
Domains: fields or areas of focus, as in physical, cognitive, emotional, or social functioning
Drives: in psychoanalytic theory, sexual and aggressive forces that have a biological or somatic
origin, and press for expression
Dynamic skill: the capacity to act in an organized way in a specific context; skills are adapted to
the context in which the action takes place
Dynamic system: a system that continuously changes in order to carry out its functions and
preserve its equilibrium or balance
Dynamic systems theory: a theory that attempts to explain how new, complex patterns or
properties of behavior come into existence as a result of simpler components or processes that
are already part of a system; it also seeks to address the reality of both variability and pattern
in development
Dysfunction: difficulties on the part of the developing person in maintaining control
and integration of behavior across situations; any condition that undermines adaptive
356 • Glossary
Ecological niche: habitat; the physical and organic features of the environment to which an
organism is adapted
Ecology: scientific study of the interaction of organisms in their environments
Ego: in psychoanalytic theory, the mental structure that experiences and interprets reality
Ego development: the processes through which self-concept, self-esteem, and ego boundaries
become integrated into a positive, adaptive, socially engaged person who is effective in
assessing and responding to environmental demands
Ego ideal: a set of positive standards, qualities, and ambitions that represent the ways a person
would like to be
Ego psychology: the study of the development and differentiation of the ego as integrative,
adaptive, and goal-directed
Egocentrism: the perception of oneself and one’s thoughts as central and compelling; the notion
that others base their views and behaviors on one’s perceptions
Electra complex: in psychoanalytic theory, a conflict that results from ambivalence surrounding
heightened sexuality during the phallic stage, especially regarding a girl and her sexualized
attraction to her father and a view of her mother as a rival for her father’s affections
Emergence: in dynamic systems theory, a term that refers to the process of developmental change
Enactive attainment: personal experience of mastery
Encodings: in cognitive behaviorism, the construct that a person has about the self, the situation,
and others in the situation
Environment: the surrounding physical, biological, chemical, social, and interpersonal features,
especially those that affect the growth, health, mental activity, or behavior of an object or
Epigenetic principle: in psychosocial theory, a biological plan for growth such that each function
emerges in a systematic sequence until the fully functioning organism has emerged
Equilibration: efforts to reconcile new perspectives and ideas with existing views
Equilibrium: a sense of balance in which one’s schemes and structures provide effective ways of
understanding and interacting with the environment
Ethology: the study of the functional significance of animal behavior in the natural environment
from an evolutionary perspective
Evolutionary psychology: a field of psychology which draws upon principles of evolution to
understand the human mind by considering the brain as a combination of mini-machines
or subsystems that have evolved in response to the specific problems that humans faced
in the thousands of years during which modern humans emerged from their hominid
Executive control: cognitive capacities associated with maturation of the prefrontal cortex;
includes the ability to reject irrelevant information, formulate complex hypothetical
arguments, organize an approach to a complex task, and follow a sequence of steps to task
Exosystem: in bioecological theory, one or more settings that do not involve the developing
person as an active participant, but in which events occur that affect—or are affected by—what
happens in the setting containing the developing person
Expectancies: in cognitive behaviorism, expectations about one’s ability to perform, the
consequences of one’s behavior, and the meaning of events in one’s environments
Experiential learning: a theory that emphasizes the essential role of experiences in the learning
Glossary • 357
Extinction: 1. in evolutionary theory, a natural process through which a species fails to reproduce
and eventually dies out; 2. in classical conditioning, when the CS is presented by itself for a
number of trials without the UCS, the CR will be weakened and eventually eliminated; 3. in
operant conditioning, the response strength declines after many trials when no reinforcement
is provided
Feedback: in systems theory, information provided from the immediate environment and from
past experiences that regulates behavior
Fitness: reproductive success
Fixation: in psychoanalytic theory, the continued use of pleasure-seeking or anxiety-reducing
behaviors appropriate to an earlier period of development
Foreclosed: in psychosocial theory, a view of identity development in which the person
has made commitments to a view of the self without experiencing any exploration or
Forethought: the ability to represent the future situation in one’s current thinking and anticipate
some of the consequences of one’s actions
Formal operational thought: in cognitive developmental theory, the stage of development
characterized by advanced reasoning, hypothesis generating and testing, the ability to consider
the interactions among multiple variables, and the ability to take a probabilistic view of the
Free-rider: a person who does not contribute his or her fair share to the production of a resource,
but shares equally in the benefits of the resource
Gender contentedness: a feeling of satisfaction with one’s biological sex and related gender
Gender preference: the development of a personal preference for the kinds of activities and
attitudes associated with the masculine or feminine gender role
Gender role: expectations to perform distinct tasks, have access to certain resources, and display
certain powers and attributes based on one’s gender
Gender role convergence: a transformation in which men and women become more androgynous
and more similar in gender orientation during later life
Gender role socialization: parental beliefs, attitudes, encouragement, rewards and punishments,
and other discipline techniques which contribute to the child’s understanding and enactment
of gender roles
Gender role standards: attributes held by the culture for males and females; these attributes can
include both precepts and sanctions
Gender scheme: a personal theory or mental construct about cultural expectations and
stereotypes related to gender that guides one’s preferences, self-concept, and interactions with
Gender typicality: generally displaying the traits and preferences that are commonly associated
with being a boy or a girl, a man or a woman in one’s culture
Generalization: in classical conditioning, when a CS–CR bond is established, stimuli that are
similar to but not exactly the same as the CS will also produce some measurable CR
Genital stage: in psychoanalytic theory, a period in which a person finds ways of satisfying
sexual and aggressive impulses in mature, dyadic relationships, typically beginning with the
onset of puberty
Genome: the full set of chromosomes that carries the inheritable traits of an organism
Goals: the results or achievements toward which effort is directed
358 • Glossary
Habit: in operant conditioning, the pattern of connections between the stimulus and responses,
strengthened through repetition and the consequences that follow the response
Heteronomous morality: a view of morality in which rules are viewed as fixed and unchangeable
insofar as they are established by a higher power or authority
Higher mental processes: in cognitive social-historical theory, the more advanced forms
of thinking and problem solving, including language, symbolic representation, and logical
Higher order conditioning: in classical conditioning the transfer of the conditioned response to
some symbolic representation of the conditioned stimulus
Historical time: in life course theory, the period of history during which a person lives;
embedding developmental time in a historical context
Homeostasis: the system and the environment are in balance
Hope: in psychosocial theory, the prime adaptive ego quality of infancy; an enduring belief that
one can attain one’s essential wishes and goals
Human nature: characteristics that are shared by all humans as a species
Hypothesis: a tentative proposition that can provide a basis for further investigation
Hypotheticodeductive reasoning: a method of reasoning in which a hypothetical model based
on observations is first proposed, and then tested by logically deducing the implications or
consequences implied by the model
Id: in psychoanalytic theory, the mental structure that expresses impulses, wishes, and drives.
Much of the content of the id is unconscious
Identification: the process through which one person incorporates the values and beliefs of a
valued other, such as a parent
Identity: in cognitive developmental theory, the concept that an object is still the same object
even though its shape or location has been changed; in psychosocial theory, a meaningful
integration of one’s roles and a view of oneself for the future that is acceptable and valued by
Identity achieved: in psychosocial theory, a sense of commitment to family, work, political, and
religious values and goals that follows a period of exploration and questioning
Identity diffused: in psychosocial theory, an inability to integrate various roles or to make
commitments to specific goals
Imitation: repetition of another person or creature’s words, gestures, and behaviors
Inclusive fitness: factors that promote the survival and reproductive success of others who share
one’s genetic ancestry
Induction: a form of discipline that points out the consequences of a child’s actions for others
Information processing: how individuals make sense of the great amount of information that
is present in their environment, how they analyze tasks in order to perform them effectively,
how they translate their analyses into plans for action, and how they implement their plans
Innate behaviors: behaviors or action patterns that are present in some standard or shared form
in all members of a species
Inner speech: the use of words and verbal thoughts to guide actions; inner speech is not meant
to communicate with others, rather to support or direct one’s own behavior
Insight: the ability to arrive at the solution to a problem through mental experimentation such as
trial and error rather than having to try out each step in reality
Intentionality: as a component of agency, the ability to represent a future and to plan a course of
action toward that future
Glossary • 359
Interdependent elements: in dynamic systems theory, the coordination and mutual influence of
components within a larger system
Interdependent lives: events or changes that take place in one person have an impact on the lives
of others, especially family members as well as close friends or co-workers
Intergenerational transmission: in life course theory, as children mature and form families of
their own, they bring the experiences they have had as young children into their relationships
as marital partners and parents; the beliefs, challenges, and resources of one generation are
passed along to the next
Intermental: in cognitive social-historical theory, understandings and communications that
occur between people through conversation and social interactions
Intermittent reinforcement: in operant conditioning, reinforcement is given on a schedule in
which the number of responses or the time between responses is varied
Internalization: incorporating the values, beliefs, norms, or cognitive strategies of others into
one’s own ideas and strategies
Intervening variable: in learning theories, factors such as information and expectations that
provide a bridge between stimuli and responses
Intervention: taking steps to alter the course of events; to make something happen
Intramental: in cognitive social-historical theory, similar to internalization; transforming
knowledge that was observed in social exchanges outside the self and incorporating it into
the way one thinks
Knowing: having awareness and knowledge; knowing is sometimes differentiated between
knowing about and knowing how
Language: a system that allows for the communication of thoughts through sounds, words, and
a grammar that combines words to convey meaning
Latency: in psychoanalytic theory, a period that begins following the resolution of the Oedipal or
Electra conflict and lasts from about age 7 until puberty
Law of effect: a bond is established between the situation and the reaction depending on the
feeling state accompanying the reaction
Law of exercise: the more frequently a stimulus–response connection is repeated, the stronger
it becomes
Learned helplessness: after repeated exposure to uncontrollable negative events, an expectation
forms that an outcome will not be influenced by any response that a learner makes
Learned resourcefulness: in the face of difficult situations, efforts to continue to address the task
effectively, drawing on self-regulatory and self-control strategies, even when nothing seems
to work
Life course: the integration and sequencing of phases of work, education, and family roles from
childhood through later life
Life span: the typical length of life an organism can be expected to live; from birth to the end of
Life stage: societally defined age-related status, as in childhood or adult; in developmental
theories, a period characterized by a qualitatively unique organization and worldview
Linked lives: events or changes that take place in one person have an impact on the lives of
others, especially family members as well as close friends or co-workers
Linked trajectories: in life course theory, the interconnections among long-term pathways in
specific domains, such as the relationship of changes in one’s role as a parent and one’s role as
a worker
360 • Glossary
Norms: collective expectations or rules for behavior held by members of a group or society
Object permanence: in cognitive developmental theory, a scheme achieved in infancy in which
children are aware that objects continue to exist even when hidden or moved from place to
Object relations theory: an extension of psychoanalytic theory that places more emphasis on
human relationships, especially as they emerge in infancy, as a primary motivational force
shaping personality and behavior
Observational learning: by observing others, one learns how a behavior is performed; when
given the opportunity to perform the behavior, this information serves as a guide
Observations: descriptions of what happens
Oedipal complex: in psychoanalytic theory, a conflict that results from ambivalence surrounding
heightened sexuality during the phallic stage; especially regarding a boy and his sexualized
attraction to his mother, and a view of his father as a rival for his mother’s affections
Open system: a structure that maintains its organization even though the parts constantly
Operant conditioning: a type of learning in which a response is strengthened through repetition
and through the consequences that follow the response; sometimes referred to as trial-and-
error learning
Operation: an action or mental action that is performed on an object or set of objects
Optimal development: achieving one’s highest potential
Oral stage: in psychoanalytic theory, a period of life in which the mouth is the site of sexual and
aggressive gratification, typically during the first year of life
Organization: in cognitive developmental theory, the capacity to reduce information by creating
structures or systems and then integrating or coordinating those systems
Organizational strategies: techniques that help preserve and retrieve information, manage more
information by chunking or grouping bits of information together, and link new information
with information that has already been stored
Parenting: the rearing of children
Person: in bioecological theory, one of the four elements that interact to produce developmental
outcomes; significant aspects of the person include demand features, dispositions, and
Perspective taking: the ability to consider a situation from a point of view other than one’s own
Phallic stage: in psychoanalytic theory, a period of heightened genital sensitivity in the absence
of the hormonal changes that accompany puberty, typically starting during the third year of
life and lasting until the child is 6
Physical state: in social learning theory, the state of arousal or excitement that provides
information as one makes a judgment about whether one is likely to succeed or fail in a certain
Plasticity: the capacity for adaptive reorganization at the neurological, psychological, and
behavioral levels
Pleasure principle: in psychoanalytic theory, the instinctive drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain
Positive feedback: information that amplifies a variation and contributes to accelerated change
in the same direction
Positive psychology: the study of the pleasant emotions of happiness and joy, the cognitive
outlooks of optimism and hopefulness, and the adaptive, creative behaviors that result in
mastery and efficacy
362 • Glossary
Positive reinforcer: any stimulus that increases the rate of response when it is present
Postconventional morality: the most advanced form of moral reasoning in which moral
decisions are based on an appreciation of the social contract that binds members of a social
system, and on higher values such as fairness and justice
Postformal thought: a qualitatively distinct kind of reasoning that integrates principles of logic
and abstract hypothetical reasoning with contextual, relativistic, and subjective factors
Preconscious: a part of the mind just below conscious awareness from which memories and
emotions can be recalled or retrieved
Preconventional morality: the most immature form of moral reasoning in which moral
decisions are based on whether the act has positive or negative consequences, and whether it
is rewarded or punished
Preoperational thought: in cognitive developmental theory, the stage in which representational
skills are acquired; reasoning is based largely on perceptions rather than logic
Primary process thought: in psychoanalytic theory, the quality of unconscious thought derived
from the pleasure principle that is characteristic of the id and is observed in dreams
Prime adaptive ego qualities: in psychosocial theory, basic adaptive capacities and strengths that
emerge as a result of the positive resolution of each psychosocial crisis
Probabilistic epigenesis: in dynamic systems theory, the mutually influential relations among
genes, behavior, and contexts which result in a highly variable, multiply determined path for
Process: in bioecological theory, any activity or experience that takes place on a regular basis
Protective factors: conditions that help to minimize or buffer the harm associated with threats,
or contribute to the person’s ability to rebound following a crisis
Psychological system: all those mental processes needed to make meaning out of experiences,
to learn, and to take action
Psychological tools: in cognitive social-historical theory, signs and symbolic systems, counting
systems, and strategies for remembering
Psychosocial crisis: in psychosocial theory, a predictable life tension that arises as people
experience some conflict between their own competences and the expectations of their society
at each developmental stage
Psychosocial evolution: adaptive mechanisms that humans bring to bear in coping with modern
day life as a result of information that is passed down from one generation to the next
Psychosocial moratorium: in psychosocial theory, a period of free experimentation and
questioning before the final commitments associated with identity achievement are made
Punishment: in operant conditioning, a noxious consequence that follows an undesirable
Qualitative change: modification in a basic attribute such as form, level of complexity, or
Quantitative change: modification in amount
Radius of significant relationships: in psychosocial theory, the nested circle of important
individuals and groups in one’s life; over time the breadth and depth of these relationships
Range of applicability: in theory, the phenomena the theory is trying to explain
Reality principle: in psychoanalytic theory, a principle in which the ego protects the person by
waiting to gratify impulses until a socially acceptable form of expression of gratification can
be found
Glossary • 363
Reality testing: the ability to evaluate plans with an eye toward whether they can actually work
given the characteristics of the situation
Reciprocal learning: similar to mediated learning; teachers model certain strategies for planning,
summarizing, clarifying, and questioning the problem-solving process, and gradually turn
these responsibilities over to the students
Reciprocal roles: social roles that are partially defined by the other roles that support them, such
as student and teacher
Reciprocity: a scheme describing the interdependence of related dimensions such as height and
Reflective observation: in experiential learning theory, thinking more about a topic, asking new
questions, or generating hypotheses about this knowledge
Reflexes: a type of innate behavior; simple responses to simple stimuli
Reinforcement: in operant conditioning, any stimulus that makes a repetition of the response
more likely
Repression: a defense mechanism where unacceptable impulses are pushed into the
Resilience: the ability to adapt successfully to events that threaten optimal functioning
Resources: in bioecological theory, features of the person including material assets, abilities,
intelligence, and coping skills
Response: any behavior that occurs in reaction to the stimulus
Reversibility: a scheme describing the ability to undo an action and return to the original
Risk factors: combination of conditions likely to impede optimal growth and disrupt development
Role: a set of behaviors with some socially agreed upon functions and for which there exists an
accepted code of norms, such as the role of teacher, child, or minister
Role conflict: the state of tension that occurs when the demands and expectations of various
roles conflict with each other
Role expectations: shared expectations for behavior that are linked to a social role
Role gain: addition of new roles
Role loss: subtraction of roles
Role models: people who can be observed to perform the behaviors associated with a role, and
from whom one’s own role enactment is learned
Role overload: the state of tension that occurs when there are too many demands or expectations
associated with a role to handle in the time allowed
Role sequencing: the pattern of entry into and/or exit from roles; societies have expectations
regarding the desirable or normative pattern, for example, getting married before having
Role strain: the conflict and strain that arise when a person tries to meet the competing demands
of multiple roles
Role taking: an essential socialization process through which the self-concept is formed as the
person identifies with and internalizes the goals and values of society by enacting specific roles
Scaffolding: a more experienced person assists the learner in achieving new levels of competence
by supporting what is already known and guiding the learner to incorporate new strategies
that will advance mastery
Schedules of reinforcement: in operant conditioning, the frequency and regularity with which
reinforcements are given
364 • Glossary
Scheme: in cognitive developmental theory, the organization of actions into a unified whole; a
mental construct
Scientific concepts: in cognitive social-historical theory, the ideas, laws, and information that
have been accumulated over generations as a result of systematic research, philosophy, and
shared historical experience; as compared to spontaneous concepts
Scientific inquiry: a process for acquiring new knowledge through a combination of theory and
systematic observation
Secondary process thought: reality-oriented, logical, sequential thinking
Self-efficacy: confidence that one can perform the behaviors that are required in a specific situation
Self-organization: in dynamic systems theory, spontaneous emergence of coherent, higher order
forms through recursive interactions among simpler components
Self-reactiveness: the variety of processes through which a person evaluates and modifies actions
Self-regulation: a variety of strategies for the inhibition and control of thoughts and behaviors
Self-regulatory plans: strategies for achieving one’s goals
Sensorimotor intelligence: in cognitive developmental theory, the first stage during which
schemes are built on sensory and motor experiences
Setting: in bioecological theory, an environment characterized by patterns of activities, roles, and
interpersonal relations experienced by the developing person
Sexual drive: impulses and motives directed toward the satisfaction of sexual desire
Sexuality: in psychoanalytic theory, the full range of physical pleasure, and impulses directed
toward growth and renewal
Shaping: in operant conditioning, an approach to teaching complex behaviors by breaking the
desired response into its major components. At first a response that is only an approximation
of one element of the behavior is reinforced. Gradually new elements of the behavior are
added, and a reinforcement is given only when two or three components of the response are
linked together
Short-term memory: the capacity to encode and retrieve five to nine bits of information in the
span of a minute or two
Signs: something that represents something else, usually in an abstract way, such as a word
representing an object
Situational imperative: in life course theory, every situation has certain demand properties or
requirements; when the situation changes, new behaviors are required
Social clock: norms regarding the timing of certain behaviors and pressures that create a sense
of being on time, too soon, or too late
Social cognition: knowing about and understanding interpersonal behavior and the point of
view of others
Social learning: learning that takes place as the learner observes and imitates others
Social role: a set of behaviors with some socially agreed upon functions and for which there
exists an accepted code of norms, such as the role of teacher, child, or minister
Social time: the entry and exit from age-graded social roles, the sequencing of these roles, and
the social and cultural meaning or expectations associated with these roles
Societal system: all those processes through which a person becomes integrated into society
Sociocultural: an approach to understanding behavior that views the individual, the interpersonal,
and the cultural levels as operating together in an integrated fashion
Sociohistorical: an approach in which development is thought to occur in specific contexts at
particular periods of time
Glossary • 365
Spillover: in social role theory, when the demands of one role intrude upon or interfere with the
ability to perform another
Spontaneous concepts: in cognitive social-historical theory, generalizations drawn from daily,
personal, direct experiences; as compared to scientific concepts
Spontaneous recovery: in classical conditioning, after extinction trials and some delay, the
conditioned response reappears at a somewhat reduced level
Stages of cognitive development: in cognitive developmental theory, distinct periods of life
during which a person’s ability to understand and reason about the self, objects and their
relationships, and others undergoes substantial, qualitative change
Stimulus: any event or energy source in the environment
Sublimation: a process that channels energy from impulses into activities that either symbolize
the impulses or express them in a socially acceptable form
Subliminal perception: presenting words or images so rapidly that the person is not consciously
aware of having perceived them, yet they influence attitudes and preferences
Superego: in psychoanalytic theory, the mental function that embodies moral precepts and
moral sanctions; includes both the conscience and the ego ideal
Symbol: an object or image that represents something; often it incorporates a feature of the
concept it represents
Symbol system: an interconnected set of symbols and signs that convey meaning in a particular
culture; in cognitive social-historical theory, a psychological tool
System: a combination of interdependent elements that share some common goals, interrelated
functions, boundaries, and an identity
System hierarchy: an adaptive feature of systems in which higher levels of the system have greater
diversity of function, each one being comprised of subsystems that have more limited functions
Technical tools: in cognitive social-historical theory, physical artifacts
Theoretical learning: understanding of scientific knowledge by linking knowledge about
concepts with knowledge about procedures
Theory: a set of interconnected statements, including assumptions, definitions, and hypotheses,
which explain and interpret observations
Theory of mind: an integrated set of ideas about what a person understands about someone else’s
beliefs and desires
Time: in bioecological theory, one of the four basic elements that contribute to developmental
outcomes; development occurs over time; both persons and contexts change over time; time
has different metrics including micro time (e.g. how many minutes an infant and caregiver
gaze at each other in an interaction); meso time (e.g. how many hours per week a child spends
in childcare); and macro time (e.g. how many months or years a country is engaged in a war
that disrupts families and communities)
Tools: in cognitive social-historical theory, both technical and symbolic devices that allow one
to alter the environment; the tools of the culture shape the individual’s actions and thought by
linking goals and the means for achieving these goals
Trajectory: in life course theory, the path of one’s life experiences in a particular domain,
particularly education, work, and family
Transference: a person projects the characteristics of an internalized identification onto
another person
Transition: in life course theory, the beginning or close of a role or event within a trajectory, such
as graduating from high school or getting married
366 • Glossary
Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f ’ refer to figures and followed by ‘t’ refer to tables.
Arnett, Jeffrey 237 Eccles, J.S. 179
Elder, Glen 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 213, 215
B Engels, Friedrich 259
Bandura, Albert: on agency 147, 148; on Erikson, Erik 3, 4; biography 228–9; core
behaviorism 142; on environment 156; on self- pathologies 234, 235, 236f; hope 242; identity
efficacy 144–6, 147, 159; social learning theory 240; prime adaptive ego qualities 234–5;
2–3, 141–3, 169 psychosocial crisis 232–3; psychosocial stages
Bidell, Thomas R. 311, 321, 322, 323, 324 of development 230–2, 231f, 236–7; radius of
Blanck, Rubin and Gertrude 64 significant relationships 234
Blos, Peter 61, 63, 228 Erikson, Joan 237–8
Bowlby, John 27, 30
Brenner, Charles 63–4 F
Bronfenbrenner, Uri: bioecological theory key Fischer, Kurt W. 93, 311, 312–13, 321, 322, 323, 324
concepts 290–4, 292f; biography 288–9; on Freud, Anna 61, 62–3, 228
chaotic systems 301; on dysfunction 300–1; Freud, Sigmund 2; biography 51–2; defense
ecological systems theory 286–7, 289, 292f; Head mechanisms 59–61; domains of consciousness
Start 297, 298, 301 53–4; drives 54, 77; influence in other disciplines
78; Little Hans 80; motivated behavior 55;
C personality structures 55–7; stages of psychosexual
Case, Robbie 109–10 development 57–9, 79–80; on unconscious 54
Charlesworth, William 28, 30
D Gottlieb, Gilbert 7, 135, 312
Darwin, Charles: behavior adaptation Granic, Isabela 317, 321, 327, 328
26; biography 21; influence on ecology
287; natural selection 21–3; sexual selection H
theory 29 Haeckel, Ernst 287
Darwin, Erasmus 21 Hartmann, Heinz 63
368 • Author Index
Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f ’ refer to figures and followed by ‘t’ refer to tables.
370 • Subject Index
119–20; historical context 88–9; information cohorts 201, 202–3; impact of social policies on
processing 107–9; key concepts 89–103; later individuals and 208–9; work and family
development, relevance of early experiences for trade-offs 209–11, 211f, 212f
116; long-term memory 108; mechanisms collective agency 148
accounting for growth 115; metacognition college freshmen gender role study 180
111–13; moral reasoning 103–4; morality, Colombia, sensitive care study in US and 295–7
stages of 104–5; new directions 103–11; objects, combinatorial skills 98
understanding nature of 95; organization 90; communion 249
organizational strategies 109; post-formal concrete experience (CE) 148, 149, 150
reasoning theory 110–11; practical implications concrete operational thought 97–8, 100, 101, 116,
117–18; preoperational thought 96–7; research 117, 119–20
example 111–13; research methods 103, 120; conditioned reflexes 134
risk factors at specific periods of life span 117; conditioned response (CR) 135, 137–8
schemes 90; sensorimotor intelligence 92–5, conditioned stimulus (CS) 135, 137
95t; short-term memory 107–8; social cognition conflict-free sphere of the ego 63
105; social perspective taking 106–7; stages of conscience 56, 79
cognitive development 7, 91–102, 92t; strengths conscious processes 53
118–19, 121t; teaching logico-mathematical conservation 97–8, 99t, 119, 120
knowledge 113–15; testable hypotheses constructive web 321–2
115–16; theory of mind 105–6; weaknesses constructs 5
119–20, 121t contexts affecting development, social and
cognitive map 143 environmental 7–8; bioecological theory
cognitive social-historical theory 12t, 224, 255–83; 300; cognitive development theory 116–17;
addressing basic questions of a theory of human cognitive social-historical theory 274; dynamic
development 272–6; application 270–2; case systems theory 331; evolutionary theory 39;
vignettes and analysis 256–7, 341–2, 345–6; learning theories 156–7; life course theory 215;
change and continuity, accounting for patterns psychoanalytic theory 75; psychosocial theory
of 272; comparison of key features with other and 245; social role theory 189
theories 350t; critique 276–9, 279t; cultural contexts, bioecological theory 291–3, 292f, 295–7,
historical activity theory (CHAT) 265–7; 300
cultural management of attention 268–70; contextual versus universal analysis 349, 350t
culture as mediator of cognitive structuring continuity over life span, accounting for patterns
260–1; environmental and social contexts of: bioecological theory and life span 298–9;
shaping development 274; historical context cognitive development theory and life span 115;
258–9; implications for educational practices cognitive social-historical theory and life span
270–2; inner speech 262–3, 263t; integration of 272; dynamic systems theory and life span 329;
the individual, interpersonal, and cultural levels evolutionary theory and life span 37–8; learning
of analysis 267–8; intermental to intramental theories and life span 154; life course theory
261–2; key concepts 259–65; later development, and life span 213–14; psychoanalytic theory and
relevance of early experiences for 273–4; life span 74; psychosocial theory and life span
mechanisms accounting for growth 272–3; 243–4; social role theory and life span 187–8
new directions 265–8; practical implications continuous reinforcement 140
275–6; research example 268–70; risk factors control cycle principle 206, 207f
at specific periods of life span 275; scientific control parameters 331
reasoning among schooled and nonschooled controlled experiments, critique of learning theory
267–8; strengths 276–7, 279t; testable hypotheses 159–60
272–3; weaknesses 277–9, 279t; zone of proximal conventional morality 104
development 263–5, 270, 273, 277 converging learning style 149f, 150
cognitive structuring, culture as mediator of core pathologies 234, 235, 236f, 245
260–1 crawling, move to 318–19, 322, 330
372 • Subject Index
features with other theories 350t; critique social-historical theory 272; dynamic systems
158–60, 161t; environmental and social contexts theory 329; evolutionary theory 37–8; learning
shaping development 156–7, 158–9; experiential theories 154; life course theory 215–16;
learning theory 148–50, 149f, 156; historical psychoanalytic theory 74; psychosocial theory
context 133–4; key concepts 134–46; later 243–4; social role theory 187–8
development, relevance of early experiences life span, risk factors at specific periods of 8,
for 155–6; mechanisms accounting for growth 9t; bioecological theory 300–1; cognitive
154–5, 155t, 159; new directions 147–50; operant development theory 117; cognitive
conditioning 6, 133, 138–41, 155, 155t, 160; social-historical theory 275; dynamic systems
practical implications 157–8; research example theory 331–2; evolutionary theory 39–40;
150–1; risk factors at specific periods of life span learning theories 157; life course theory 215–16;
157; social cognitive theory 147–8, 155t, 156; psychoanalytic theory 76; psychosocial theory
social learning 2–3, 133, 141–3, 155–6, 155t, 169; 245–6; social role theory 189
strengths 158–9, 161t; testable hypotheses 154–5, life stage principle 205, 207f
159; weaknesses 159–60, 161t life stages 205, 348–9, 350t; coping with challenges
life course theory 130, 198–224; accumulation of of 239; psychosocial crises of 232–3 see also
advantage and disadvantage 208; addressing developmental stages
basic questions of a theory of human linked lives 204–5, 206, 207–8, 207f, 215–16
development 213–16; agency 203, 213; linked trajectories 216
application 211–13; case vignettes and analysis Little Hans 80
199–200, 341–2, 344–5; change and continuity, logico-mathematical knowledge, teaching
accounting for patterns of 213–14; comparison 113–15
of key features with other theories 350t; and long-term memory 108
criminal behavior trajectories 211–13; critique longitudinal research: bioecological theory 297–8,
216–18, 218t; environmental and social contexts 302; cognitive development theory 105; life
shaping development 215; growth, mechanisms course theory 200, 201; psychosocial theory 241,
accounting for 213–14; historical context 243, 248; social role theory 181
200–2; historical time and place 202–3, 204; key lower mental processes 257
concepts 202–7; later development, relevance
of early experiences for 214–15; linked or M
interdependent lives 204–5, 207–8; mechanisms macrosystems 293
linking individual lives and changing times mammals 24, 25
205–7, 207f; new directions 207–9; political Marxism 258–9, 278
turmoil, consequences of 207; practical mate selection 21, 29, 39, 43
implications 216; research example 209–11; risk maternal and child health 209
factors at specific periods of life span 215–16; mathematics: activity of doing 266–7; gendered
social policies on individuals and cohorts, beliefs regarding 181; logico-mathematical
impact of 208–9; strengths 216–17, 218t; knowledge 113–15; unconscious insight research
terminology 200; testable hypotheses 214; 70–1
timing of lives 203–4; trajectories and transitions mediated learning 270–1, 272
202; turning points 208; weaknesses 217–18, men: career choices 181; changing gender role
218t; work and family trade-offs 209–11, standards 180; criminal behavior 213; cultural
211f, 212f status 178–9; evolutionary theory 29, 38, 41,
life span 3; challenges to understanding human 43; gender role convergence 182; work–family
development across 9–10; psychology and conflict 184; work–family trade-offs 210, 211,
personality development 202; relevance of 212f
attachment to development over 34 mental activity 4, 6; psychoanalytical theory and
life span, directions and patterns of change and analysis of 53–4
continuity over 4; bioecological theory 298–9; mesosystems 291–2, 303
cognitive development theory 115; cognitive metacognition 111–13, 270, 272
376 • Subject Index
Mexican-American: boys multiple roles study Oedipal complex 58, 59, 79–80
172–4; women gender role study 180–1 open systems 314–17
microsystems 291 operant conditioning theory 6, 133, 138–41, 155,
Midlife Development in the United States 155t, 160
(MIDUS) survey 209–10 operation 97
mind: evolutionary theory and view of 42–3; optimal development 7
theory of 105–6 oral stage 58
mirror neuron system 143 organization 90
modeling, social learning 142 organizational strategies 109
models, conditions influencing imitation of 142–3
moral: development 79; reasoning 103–4, 105 P
morality, stages of 104–5 P-P-C-T model 290–4, 298, 302, 303
mothers: formation of infant attachment to 31–2; parent-child relationships: attractors 317, 327–8;
health care programs 209; identification and development systems perspective 313–14, 314f;
internalization of loving 66; Mexican-American dynamic systems model of antisocial behavior
women gender roles 181; object relations theory development 327–9, 329f, 331; linked lives 204,
and studies of infant relationships with 64–6; 215; and links with peer relations 34; struggle
patterns of infant attachment to 32–3; peer between autonomy and closeness in 66
friendships and link to attachment to 34; role in parental investment theory 29
moral development of children 79; sensitive care parenting: application of psychoanalytic theory to
study in Colombia and US 295–7; and toddlers 71–4; Bosnian refugee study 186, 187; cognitive
attention study 269; work–family conflict 184; development theory 118; doing mathematics
Zinacanteco 184 and US and Japanese 266–7; nurturing feature
motor development: dynamic systems theory 311, of 294; poverty and impact on 246; preferences
318–19, 322, 330; Zinacanteco babies 267 and expectations of gender roles 177, 178–9;
multiply determined behaviors 54 relationships 35
mutations 22 parenting system see attachment behavior
N peer: friendships 34, 288; influence and delinquent
National Institute of Child Health and Human behavior 212–13; interactions 106, 107, 117;
Development (NICHD), longitudinal study of pressure to conform 57, 241
effects of early childcare 297–8 periods of life 349–50, 350t
natural selection 21–3, 29, 39, 43 person, bioecological theory 290–1, 295, 296, 297,
nature and nurture 10 303
negative feedback 316 personality structures 55–7
negative reinforcers 140, 141 perspective taking 105; social 106–7
neo-Piagetian theorists 109 phallic stage 58, 73
nested timescales 320–1 physical state 146
neural networks 7, 107, 108; model 67–8, 67f plasticity 7
neurological damage 69–70 play 231, 263–4
neuroscience 70, 107, 143 pleasure principle 55
neutral stimulus (NS) 135 political psychology 205
norms 172 political turmoil, life course theory and
understanding consequences of 207
O positive feedback 316
Oakland Growth study 200 positive psychology 151
object permanence 95, 120 positive reinforcers 139–40
object relations theory 62, 64–6, 74, 77 possible selves 322
observation 2, 4 post-formal reasoning theory 110–11
observational learning 141, 270 postconventional morality 104
Subject Index • 377
refugee families and youth, social role theory and self-regulatory plans 144
application to 185–7 sensitive care study in Colombia and US 295–7
refugee study, Bosnian 186–7 sensorimotor intelligence 92–5, 95t
regression 61 setting 291
reinforcement: extinction and punishment 141; sexual drives 54, 58
role of 139–40; schedules of 140 sexual selection 21, 29, 39, 43
releasing stimulus 27 sexuality 57, 58; infantile 52, 77
repression 60, 74 shaping 140
resilience 8, 9t short-term memory 107–8
resources, bioecological theory 291 signs 96, 260
reversibility 98, 99t situational imperative principle 206, 207f
risk factors at specific periods of life span 8, ‘sleeping on it’ 71
9t; bioecological theory 300–1; cognitive social and environmental components of agency
development theory 117; cognitive social- 148
historical theory 275; dynamic systems theory social clock 204, 216
331–2; evolutionary theory 39–40; learning social cognition 105, 106
theories 157; life course theory 215–16; social cognitive theory (SCT) 147–8; mechanism
psychoanalytic theory 76; psychosocial theory that accounts for change 155t; relevance of early
245–6; social role theory 189 experiences for later development 156
role conflict 174, 189; work–family 182–4, 183f, 185 social learning theory 2–3, 133, 141–3; mechanism
role expectations 172, 191; gender 179, 180, 182, that accounts for change 155t, 169; relevance of
183; refugee 186–7 early experiences for later development 155–6
role gain 174–5, 188, 190 social perspective taking 106–7
role loss 174, 176, 189 social policies, impact on cohorts and individuals
role models 169, 180, 188 208–9
role overload 174 social role learning 168
role sequencing 204 social role theory 130, 165–97; addressing basic
role strain 174, 189 questions of a theory of human development
role taking 168, 169 187–90; application 185–7; balancing
role, terminology 169–70 work and family roles 182–5, 183f; case
romantic relationships 34 vignettes and analysis 167–8, 341–2, 343–4;
change and continuity, accounting for patterns
S of 187–8; changing gender role standards
scaffolding 271–2, 275 180–2; comparison of key features with other
schedules of reinforcement 140 theories 350t; contribution of changing roles
schemes 90 to development 174–6; critique 190–2, 192t;
school attachment and student performance 332 definition of social roles 169–70; dimensions
scientific concepts 271 of social roles 170–1; environmental and social
scientific inquiry 2 contexts shaping development 189; gender role
scientific reasoning among schooled and development 176–8; gender role standards in
nonschooled 267–8 adolescence and young adulthood 179–80;
scientific theory 4, 6 historical context 168–9; influence of multiple
secondary process thought 56 roles on development 172–4; key concepts
secure attachment 32, 33, 34, 35; sensitive care in 169–76; later development, relevance of early
US and Colombian culture 296–7 experiences for 188–9; mechanisms accounting
selective attention 69, 107, 268, 269 for growth 188; new directions 176–82; parental
self-efficacy 144–6, 145f, 147, 159 preferences and expectations 178–9; practical
self-organization 311, 319–20 implications 189–90; reciprocal roles 171;
self-reactiveness 147 research example 182–5, 183f; risk factors at
self-regulation 144, 262, 263 specific periods of life span 189;
Subject Index • 379
role expectations and norms 172, 191, 192; token economies 160
strengths 190–1, 192t; supporting refugee tools 260, 273; cultural 257, 259, 260; psychological
families and youth 185–7; testable hypotheses 260; technical 260; use of 258–9
188; weaknesses 191–2, 192t trajectories 202; of criminal behavior 211–13;
social speech 262, 263 linked 216
social time 203–4 transference 62
societal systems 10, 227, 230 transitions 202, 203, 204, 208
sociocultural approach 266, 267 trial and error learning 138–9; as distinct from
spatial cognition 326 classical conditioning 139
spillover 174 turning points 208
split-brain research 70
spontaneous concepts 271 U
spontaneous recovery 137 unconditioned response (UCR) 134, 135
Strange Situation 32 unconditioned stimulus (UCS) 134, 137
stressors 208 unconscious 53–4; insights 70–1; perception 68–9;
student performance and school attachment 332 research on 66–71, 67f
sublimation 59, 60 universal versus contextual analysis 349,
subliminal perception 69 350t
superego 56, 73; relationship of id, ego and 56–7
survival of the fittest 23 V
symbol systems 257 verbal persuasion 146
symbols 96 vicarious information 146
system hierarchies 317 vicarious learning 141
systems, dynamic systems theory 312–17
T walk, cultural attitudes to learning to 274
teachable moments 238 women: career choices 181–2; career convergence
technical tools 260 181–2; changing gender role standards 180;
theoretical learning 270, 271–2 comparing two cohorts 203; cultural status
theories 4–6; basic process concepts 348, 350t; 178; evolutionary theory 29, 38, 43; gender role
choosing 11, 348, 351; comparing key features convergence 182; life course trajectories 204–5;
350t; components 5–6, 5t; expectations of human work–family conflict 184; work–family trade-
development 6–9; overview 12–13t; periods offs 210, 211, 211f
of life 348–9, 350t; requirements of good 5t, 6; women’s movement 203
units and periods of time 349–50, 350t; universal word meaning 261
versus contextual analysis 349, 350t work environment 75
theory of mind 105–6 work–family: balancing roles 182–5, 183f; conflict
time: bioecological theory 293, 303; historical 182–4, 183f; facilitation 184–5; role fit 183–4,
202–3, 204; social 203–4; units and periods of 183f; trade-offs 209–11, 211f, 212f
349, 350t working memory 107–8
timing of lives 203–4 workplace policies 185
toddlers: concrete operational thought 97, 103;
egocentric speech 262; and mothers attention Z
study 269; object relations theory and 65; Zinacanteco childrearing 267
operant conditioning 141; preoperational zone of proximal development 263–5, 270,
thought 96; psychosocial crisis 239, 246 273, 277