Chapter 1 (Introduction To Cell)

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Topic 1

Introduction to cell
 Biology is the systematic study of life
The branch of science that is concerned with
the study on life and living organisms
 The characteristics of life: All living organisms
share the following characteristics of life:
i) Organization: the levels of biological organization
extend as follows:
ii) Acquisition of materials and energy from the
iii) Reproduction: they produce offspring
iv) Respond to stimuli: they react to internal and
external events
v) Internal homeostasis
vi) Growth and development
vii) Adaptations to a changing environment
The Diversity and Unity of Cells

 Cells are the fundamental units of all living

things // cells the smallest units of life differ
in size, shape & functions.
 Although the diversity organisms is
incredible, the cells of all organism share
many similarities.
 Only a few structural differences between
most types of cells, because of some
organisms are single cells.
Cell Theory
 All organisms are composed of one or
more cells.
 Cells are the basic living unit of structure
and function in organisms.
 All cells come only from other cells.
Cell Theory (cont.)
Four generalizations constitute the cell theory:

1. Every living organism consists of one or

more cells

2. A cell is the smallest unit of life, individually

alive even as part of a multicelled organism

3. All living cells come from division of

preexisting cells

4. Cells contain hereditary material, which

they pass to their offspring during division
Two main types of cells
 There are 2 components to the cell theory.
i) All organisms are composed of cells.
ii)Cells come only from preexisting cells.
 All cells have an outer membrane called the
plasma membrane.
 The plasma membrane encloses a
semifluid substance called the cytoplasm
and the cell’s genetic material.
 The word “cell” entered biology in the 17th century.
 Anton van Leeuwenhoek is recognized for
inventing one of the earliest microscopes and
observing a first cell. constructed a number of
simple microscopes and observed details of
numerous forms of protozoa, fungi, and bacteria in

 Robert Hooke confirmed earlier findings and

coined the term “cell.” , the English biologist who
observed algae and fungi in the 1660s.

 Matthias Schleiden stated that plants are

composed of cells.
 During the 1700s, microscopes were used to
further elaborate on the microbial world,
 by the late 1800s, the sophisticated light
microscopes had been developed.
 The electron microscope was developed in the
1940s, thus making the viruses and the
smallest bacteria visible.
Size of Cell
 Cell size varies, but are quite small.
 A frog’s egg is about 1 millimeter (1mm) in
 Large enough to be seen by naked eye
 Most cells are smaller than 1mm.
 Some cells are as small as 1 micrometer
 Microscopes permit extremely small objects to
be seen, objects measured in the metric system
in micrometers and nanometers.
 A micrometer (μm) is equivalent to a millionth of
a meter, while a nanometer (nm) is a billionth of
a meter.
 Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and unicellular algae
are normally measured in micrometers, while
viruses are commonly measured in nanometers.
 A typical bacterium such as Escherichia coli
measures about 2 micrometers in length and
about 1 micrometer in width.
Size of Cell (cont.)
Why are cells so small?
Cells being small is an advantage for
multicellular organisms:
 Nutrients such as glucose can enter the
 Wastes such as CO2 can exit cell.
 Therefore surface area affects the ability to
get materials in and out of a cell.
 As cells increase in volume, the proportionate
amount of surface area decreases.
Size of Cell (cont.)
 For a cube-shaped cell:
 The volume increases by the cube of the
sides (height X width X depth).
 The surface area increases the square of
the sides and the number of sides (height
X width X 6).
 If a cell doubles in size, its surface area
increases fourfold, while the volume
increases eightfold.
Surface Area / Volume Ratio

One 4-cm cube Eight 2-cm cubes Sixty-four 1-cm cubes

 The size to which cells can grow is limited

by their surface area to volume ratio.
 All 3 have the same volume, but the group
on the right has 4 times the surface area
Cells under the microscope
How scientist study cells?
 Microscopy is the study of the principle
how microscope operate and the
methods of using them.
 Most cells are far too small to see with
the naked eye
• We use different types of microscopes
and techniques to reveal cells and their
internal and external details
Cells under the microscope (cont.)
 Our bodies are comprised of several
hundred different types of cells, with billions
of each cell type present.
 Each type of cell is specialized in its
particular function.

Why microscope are needed to see most

 Cells are so small that a microscope is
needed to see them.
Types of microscopes
Microscope are divided into LM &EM

1. Light microscopes 4. Electron microscopes

2. Phase-contrast 5. Transmission electron

microscopes Microscopes

3. Fluorescence 6. Scanning electron

microscope microscopes
Examples of microscopes

Compound light microscope Transmission electron

microscope (TEM)
The light microscope.
 The common light microscope used in the laboratory
is called a compound microscope because it
contains 2 types of lenses that function to magnify an
 A compound light microscope often contains 4
objective lenses:
 scanning lens (4X), low‐power lens (10X), high‐power
lens (40 X), and oil‐immersion lens (100 X).
 an ocular lens that magnifies 10 times, the total
magnifications possible will be 40 X with the scanning
lens, 100 X with the low‐power lens, 400 X with the
high‐power lens, and 1000 X with the oil‐immersion
Microscopy basics

How to use mucroscope
2nd alternative microscope is the phase‐contrast
This microscope also contains special
condensers that throw light “out of phase” and
cause it to pass through the object at different
Live, unstained organisms are seen clearly with
this microscope, and internal cell parts such as
mitochondria, lysosomes, and the Golgi body can
be seen with this instrument.
The fluorescent microscope
 uses ultraviolet light as its light source.
 When ultraviolet light hits an object, it excites
the electrons of the object, and they give off
light in various shades of color.
 Since ultraviolet light is used, the resolution of
the object increases.
 A laboratory technique called the
fluorescent‐antibody technique employs
fluorescent dyes and antibodies to help identify
unknown bacteria.
Electron microscopy.
 The energy source used in the electron
microscope is a beam of electrons.
 Since the beam has an exceptionally short
wavelength, it strikes most objects in its path and
increases the resolution of the microscope
 Viruses and some large molecules can be seen with
this instrument.
 The electrons travel in a vacuum to avoid contact
with deflecting air molecules, and magnets focus the
beam on the object to be viewed.
 An image is created on a monitor and viewed by the
Transmission electron microscope (TEM).
 The more traditional form of electron
 To use this instrument, one places ultrathin
slices of microorganisms or viruses on a wire
grid and then stains them with gold or
palladium before viewing.
 The densely coated parts of the specimen
deflect the electron beam, and both dark and
light areas show up on the image.
incoming electron beam

on grid
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) Fig. 4.5b, p. 54
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
 the more contemporary form electron
 this microscope gives lower magnifications
than the TEM
 the SEM permits three‐dimensional views of
microorganisms and other objects.
 Whole objects are used, and gold or palladium
staining is employed.
Magnifying using the Light vs Electron
Cells under the microscope (cont.)
• Light microscopes can be used to view
cells but not in much detail.

• Electron microscopes allow the

structure of cells to be viewed in greater
Cells under the microscope (cont.)
The light microscope v the electron microscope
The light microscope vs the electron microscope

Preparation of Temporary mounts Tissues must be
specimens living or dead dehydrated
= dead
Fixation Alcohol OsO4 or KMnO4
Embedding Wax Resin
Sectioning Hand or microtome Microtome only.
slices  20 000nm Slices  50nm
Whole cells visible Parts of cells visible
Stains Water soluble dyes Heavy metals

Support Glass slide Copper grid

Sizes of Living Things
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
0.1 nm 1 nm 10 nm 100 nm 1 µm 10 µm 100 µm 1 mm 1 cm 0.1 m 1 m 10 m 100 m 1 km

mouse rose
plant and frog egg
amino animal
acids virus cells
most bacteria human egg ant egg
blue whale
electron microscope human

light microscope

human eye
Different views of different microscopes, reveal
different characteristics of the same organism

A Light micrograph. B Light micrograph. C Fluorescence D A transmission E A scanning

A phase-contrast A reflected light micrograph. electron micrograph electron micro-graph
microscope yields high- microscope captures This image shows reveals fantastically shows surface
contrast images of light reflected from fluorescent light detailed images of details. SEMs may be
trans- parent specimens. emitted by internal structures. artificially colored to
specimens. Dark areas chlorophyll highlight specific
have taken up dye. molecules in the details.

Fig. 4.6, p. 55
The relationship between the surface area
to volume ratio of a cell and its size

 Cells are small because they are limited by

their surface-area-to-volume-ratio.
 The surface area of a cell is critical because
it must be large enough to allow adequate
nutrients to enter the cell.
 Cells can increase their surface area with
specialized projections.
Traits common to all cells

 Cells differ in size, shape, and function.

 Although cells differ in size, shape and

function, each starts out with a plasma
membrane, cytoplasm, and a region of
DNA (in eukaryotic cells, a nucleus)
Cell structure and microscopy
Cell wall - + +
Plasma membrane + + +
Nucleus & nucleoli + + -
Chromosomes + + Circular loop of DNA
Centrioles + + -
Mitochondria + + -
Plastids (chloroplasts, chromoplasts etc.) - + -
Sap vacuole - + -
Food vacuoles Some + -
Contractile vacuoles Some + -
Pseudopods Some + -
Cilia Some + -
Flagellae Some Some Rotating
Microtubules + + -
Lysosomes + + -
Golgi apparatus + + -
Microvilli Some + -
Cell structure and microscopy



Endoplasmic reticulum + + -
Nuclear envelope & pores + + -
Vesicles + + -
Ribosomes +(bigger) +(bigger) +(smaller)
Mesosome + + +
Organelle membranes + + -
Macromolecular structures + + +

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