Premier Pro CC Helpsheet
Premier Pro CC Helpsheet
Premier Pro CC Helpsheet
Before you open Premiere, create a folder on the Local_Scratch drive and put
the assets (footage, sound and images) that you want to edit into it. Premiere
will not function properly if you try to access files from an external device,
USB or your network folder. You need to work locally from the Local-Scratch
When you first open Premiere you need to set up a new project.
Firstly give your project a name, we recommend using your
student number and the unit number. Secondly change the
location that it is going to save into to the folder you just created
on the Local_Scratch drive by clicking on the browse button.
Project Tab,
Media Browser & Effects tab Toolbar Timeline Audio levels
Setting up a project and exporting
from Premiere Pro CC
Sequence settings
The sequence settings that you use will depend on how your footage was
created, Premiere has a number of pre-sets listed by camera or media type.
For filmed footage the small handicams record in AVCHD, if you have used
an older tape based camera you will need DV or HDV setting but the most
common setting if you have used cameras from the MRC will be the Digital
SLR category shown below.
Whichever preset
you are using,
please make sure
you use the 25fps
For footage created in other software (After Effects, Photoshop or Maya for
example) there is no pre-set, so click on the settings tab and create a custom
To Import assets already on the computer click on the media browser tab and
navigate to the item you want to import, to select multiple items hold down the
ctrl (cmd on mac) key when clicking on them. With your items highlighted right
click and choose import.
When you import a single still image Premiere will automatically turn it into a 5
second clip (125 frames). Once on the time line you can trim or extend it to
your desired length. If you want to change the default go to the very top of the
screen and click on Edit > Preferences > General > Still image default
Premiere recognises image sequences providing they are named correctly. All
images in the sequence must have the same name and be numbered
sequentially. Use number padding to ensure the images are in the correct
order. To import an image sequence as a single clip go to the file > import
option at the very top of the screen, navigate to your sequence and select the
just the first image in the sequence, check the image sequence box and
Premiere will import all images in that folder as one clip.
Setting up a project and exporting
from Premiere Pro CC
The locate button will allow you to navigate to where the files are, you may
need to repeat this process if the missing files are in different folders.
Setting up a project and exporting
from Premiere Pro CC
When you have sequence you will need to export it. To do this make sure it is
selected in the project tab or click on the timeline tab to select it. Then click on
File > Export > Media this will open the export settings.
If you are just exporting one file type, once you have defined the settings you
can click export. If you are doing more than one export then choose Queue,
this will open Adobe Media Encoder.
NB: always export to the Local_Scratch and then move the file to your
network folder or external device once it’s finished. Trying to go straight to an
external device or to a network loation can cause the encoder to crash or for
files to corrupt.