Biodiversity Act 2002
Biodiversity Act 2002
Biodiversity Act 2002
Functions of SBBs
Advising the State Government on matters of biodiversity
and its equitable distribution or on matters relating to the
conservation, sustainable use or sharing equitable benefits.
Regulate granting of approvals or otherwise requests
for commercial utilization or bio-survey and bio-
utilization of any biological resource by people.
Structure of SSBs
Functions of BMC
To prepare the People’s Biodiversity Register in
consultation with the local people.
To provide education and awareness on Biodiversity
Eco‐restoration of the local biodiversity
Providing feedback to the SBB in the matter of IPR,
Traditional Knowledge and local Biodiversity issues,
wherever feasible and essential feedback to be provided to
the NBA.
Conservation of traditional varieties/breeds of
economically important plants/animals.
Management of Heritage Sites including Heritage Trees,
Animals/ Microorganisms, etc., and Sacred Groves and
Sacred Waterbodies. Check out the list of UNESCO world
heritage sites in India on the linked page.
A chairperson and not more than 6 persons nominated by
the local body.
Out of total members of a BMC, not less than one
third should be women and not less than 18% should
belong to the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes.
The Chairperson of the BMC shall be elected from amongst
the members of the committee in a meeting to be chaired
by the Chairperson of the local body.
The chairperson of the local body shall have the casting
votes in case of a tie.
The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 is an Act enacted by the
Parliament of India for the preservation of biological diversity in
India, and provides mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits
arising out of the use of traditional biological resources and