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HME 207-208 Front Office Operations 1.

All Inclusive Resort

Hospitality Industry 2. Beach Resorts
- Is one of the major sources of revenue and 3. Golf Resorts
employment in the Philippines. 4. Island Resorts
Hospitality - refer to commercial services 5. Lake Resorts
given to tourist and travelers by 6. Luxury Resorts
establishment like hotels, resort, tour and 7. Mountain Resorts
travel agencies, restaurants, tourist attraction 8. Ski Resorts
centers, theme parks, entertainment and 9. Spa Resorts
relaxation centers like bars, theaters, sports 10. Theme Park Resorts
complex and leisure centers. Tourist Inn
Hotels And Accommodation Facilities - Lodging establishment catering but does
- Play a significant role in the promotion of not meet the minimum requirements of an
the hospitality business since they provide economy hotel.
most of the services needed by tourists and - Inn’s were like bed and breakfast. There is
travelers, among which are room no kitchen and no bar.
accommodation, food, entertainment and Apartment Hotel
many others. - Building that has several independent and
- In the promulgation of Rules and furnished or semi-furnished apartments,
Regulations governing hotels and similar regularly leased to tourist and travelers for
establishments, that DEPARTMENT OF dwelling on a more or less long term basis.
TOURISM categorized accommodation - Service apartment complex that uses a
establishments as follows; hotel style booking system.
Hotel - It is similar to renting an apartment, but no
- Is a building, edifice or premises or a fixed contracts and occupants can ‘’check
completely independent part thereof, which out’’ whenever they wish.
is used for the regular reception, Pension House
accommodation or lodging of - Is a private or family operated boarding
travelers and tourist. house.
- Establishments that provide paid lodging - A tourist lodging house employing non –
on a short term basis. professional domestic helpers regularly
Types Of Hotel catering to tourist and to travelers.
1. Business Hotels - Typically offer not only breakfast, but also
2. Airport Hotels lunch and dinner.
3. Suite Hotels - Generally cheaper than other lodgings,
4. Serviced Apartments such as hotel. Although they offer limited
5. Resort Hotels services.
6. Bed And Breakfast/ Homestays Motorist Hotel
7. Vacation Rentals Motel
Resort - Is a structure with several separate units,
- Place with a pleasant environment and an located along the highway with individual or
atmosphere that is conductive to a common parking space at which motorists
comfortable and healthful relaxation and may obtain lodging and in some instances
rest, offering food, sleeping accommodation meals.
and recreational facilities. Hotel Management Hotels are managed
Types Of Resorts and operated in various ways:
1. Owner Managed And Operated Hotel Grading System And Hotel
• Privately owned hotels Facilities
• The hotel is operated and managed by the - Star System is used to classify hotels.
owner himself, with the support of his Others award flag, crown or rosette instead
management and technical staff. of a star when they classify or grade a hotel.
• The advantage to an independent hotel is The criteria for grading includes:
that you will have autonomy in management 1. the size of the hotel,
decisions. 2. type of facilities
• One of the disadvantages to this setup is 3. and the quality of services
that you or your company will have to pay Hotel Size And Classification
for all Advertising And There Is No Central 1. Small hotels – 50 guestrooms require less
Purchaser2. Franchised operating units and fewer personnel
• There is a franchise agreement whereby 2. Medium size hotels – 50 to 250
the hotel owner, known as franchisee pays a guestrooms,
franchise fee to the chain management or the 3. Large hotels – 250+ guestrooms require
franchiser. large volume of transactions, there is a
• This fee covers payment for the use of the designated department.
name as well as the management and Hotel Classification By Location
operational systems. 1. Airport Hotel – It works best for
• Using a hotel name, logo and signage that travelers who travel by air.
is reputable and has gained international 2. Downtown – Its very accessible to
acceptance. business and commercial centers. Its an ideal
• Being covered in a international or hotel for businessmen and shoppers who are
national advertisements and promotional in town for business ventures.
campaigns. 3. Resort Hotels – Usually located away
• Having access to the CENTRAL from the city, carries a special attraction
RESERVATON SYSTEM (CRS) that other than the hotel itself.
provides avenue in the internet website Accreditation And Classification Of
where each franchise hotel can be easily Hotels In
located by prospective clients. Philippines
• Maintaining consistent control cost and Advantages:
quality of service. • Once accredited, it will be taken to mean
• Franchise hotels can lose their franchise that has establishment has passed tourism
right if they fail to meet the mandated standards under designated classification DE
quality standards. LUXE, FIRST CLASS ETC.
• MARRIOT HOTELS, HOLIDAY INN, • Accredited establishments are included in
SHANGRILA HOTELS the government’s list for promotions to
3. Management Contract Arrangement tourist and other clients, can expect more
• If you invest in a hotel property but have support for marketing and promotions.
limited or no experience in the hospitality • Accreditation adds prestige and positive
field, you may decide to hire a management reputation to the establishments.
company. Accredited establishments shall enjoy the
• The management team is given full ff:
autonomy in running the hotel and in setting 1. Membership to Philippine Convention
up the systems and procedures. and Visitors
Corporation and inclusion in its marketing 3. Standard Class
and promotional programs. 4. Economy Class
2. Endorsement to embassies and travel Hotel Guestrooms
trade associations. Room rates vary among hotels depending on
3. Issuance of DOT ID cards to bonafide the
employees. 1. Type,
4. Technical/ Security/ Facilitation support 2. Size
or assistance. 3. And Quality Of Their Guestrooms.
Application For Accreditation Classified as follows:
• A certified true copy of the Articles of According To Number And Type Of Beds
Incorporation, its laws, or Articles of And Layout
Partnership and amendments thereof, duly 1. Single room- is a room with a single bed,
registered with the Securities and Exchange occupied by one person.
Commission, and Business Name 2. Twin room- has two single beds, it
Certificate; in case of SINGLE maybe occupied by 1 or 2 persons.
PROPRIETORSHIP, Business Name 3. Double room- equipped with one double
Certificates and amendments thereof. or matrimonial bed, good for 2 persons.
• Latest income tax return and audited 4. Double-double- has 2 double or queen
financial statements for the preceding year beds, occupied by 2 or more persons.
of its operation 5. Triple room- room occupied by 3 people,
• List of names of all officials and usually has 1 double bed and a roll away bed
employees and their respective designations, or 2 single beds plus 1 roll away bed .
nationalities, home addresses 6. Quadruple room- can be occupied by 4
• Mayor’s permit or municipal licenses. • people and may have two beds or more.
Other papers or documents as may be 7. Family room- is a room with at least 1
required by the Department. double bed, with 1 or more single beds,
Grounds For Cancellation Of designed to accommodate 1 small family.
Accreditation 8. King room- has a king sized bed,
• Making any false declaration or statement. occupied by 1 or 2 people.
• Failure to comply any of the conditions. 9. Studio- is a room with a studio bed, with
• Failure to meet the standards and couch that can be converted into bed, it may
requirements for the operation of the also be called executive room.
establishments. 10. CONNECTING ROOMS- have 2 or
• Allowing or permitting the establishment more rooms with entrance doors.
or facilities to be used for illegal, immoral or According To Price And Type Of
illicit activities Facilities And Amenities
• Violation of non-compliance with any of 1. Economy- a room designed for an
the provision of rules, order issued by the economical rate, usually short of standards
Department and other concerned facilities like aircon, tv and other amenities.
government agencies. 2. Standard- a room sold at moderate rate.
Hotel Classification In Ph And 3. De luxe or enhanced guestroom- more
Accreditation spacious and more elegant in design than the
Requirements standard room, higher rate.
4 Categories: 4. Suite- much larger room with superior
1. De Luxe Class amenities, usually provides for a parlor or
2. First Class living room.
Types Of Hotel Suites 11. Information materials- directory, menu,
1. Junior Suites- a room with a bed and a house rules for guest and guest comment
sitting area, it also called MINI SUITE. form.
2. Corner Suites- a room that is located on 12. Guest laundry- list with prices, laundry
the corner on the hotel building. bag.
3. Penthouse Suites- a suite usually located 13. Garbage can
on the penthouse on the top floor of the 14. Air condition and telephone
building. 15. Bathroom amenities- bath towel, bath
4. Executive Suite- designed for a top math, soap, tissue.
executive, with facilities and amenities of Commom Luxury Amenities
superior quality. 1. Refrigerator
5. Hospitality Suites- is more than sleeping 2. Sofa Set
room, includes function room or a parlor. 3. Luggage Rack
Beds Found In Guestrooms 4. Shoehorn or shoe cloth
1. SINGLE BED- a bed approximately 36 5. Guest folder
inches by 75 inches 6. Coffee table and two easy chairs
2. DOUBLE BED- that can accommodate a 7. Ashtray
couple or 2 persons, 54 inches by 75 inches. 8. Floor lamp and side table
3. QUEEN BED- an extra long, extra wide 9. Additional bathroom amenities
bed, 60 by 80 inches. 10. Slipper
4. KING BED- 78 by 80 inches. 11. Water Heater
5. ROLL AWAY BED- a portable bed. 12. Fruit Basket
6. PULL OUT BEDS- pulled out when used, 13. DVD Player
advisable for small rooms. 14. Safety Deposit Box
7. SOFA BED- a couch that is convertible
into a bed. Terminologies Used To Describe Various
Standard Room Amenities
► Required For Each Standard Room Types Of Guest
1. Bed- size and quantity will depend on the 1. Very Important Person- high ranking
type of room. official,
2. Bed pad- placed on top of the mattress to executive who wants special treatment
protect it from stains. 2. Very-Very Important Person- highly
3. Bed linens- bed skirting, 2 bed sheets, renowned person who deserves special
blanket and bed cover, one pillow. treatment. AMBASSADORS
4. Make up and dnd- hang on the door 3. Free Independent Traveler (Fit) Or
knob. Foreign Individual Tourist- refers to a
5. Closet for hanging clothes with 2 hangers tourist traveler who is travelling alone.
6. Dresser table with vanity mirror and other 4. Joiners- joining another guest
amenities Hotel Organization
7. Night table with lamp and chair Usually is divided into 3 main divisions
8. Television- hang at eye level. 9. Thermo 1. Rooms Division
jug with 2 covered glasses or cups. - handles all matters pertaining to room
10. Safety materials- fire exit and evacuation accommodation and maintenance.
signs; safety handbook; fire sprinkler. • Housekeeping Dept
- guestroom make up & maintenance,
public area maintenance, linen and
laundry service. - In many hotels, the task of selling and
• Front Office Dept promoting rooms as well as handling of
- reception, registration & guest relation reservations is assigned to the States and
assistance, bell service and telephone Reservations Department.
exchange. The functions of this department include:
• Room Sales And Reservations 1. Determination of room rates for various
2. F & B Division- types of accounts/ clients;
- concerned with food preparation and 2. Promotion of room sales, up selling of
service. FOOD OUTLETS/ ROOM room;
SERVICE / BANQUETS AND CATERING 3. Receiving and processing room
/ KITCHEN reservations;
The first 2 divisions are directly involved 4. Serving as Center for Communications,
in operations and service delivery. handling inquiries on hotel facilities and
• Front Of The House, they are front line services as well as room rates and
and situated in guest contact areas. arrangements;
• Front Liners- service personnel directly 5. Preparing reports- room sales, occupancy,
dealing with guests. availability status, room count, and other
3. Administrative Division statistics.
- concerned with administrative and office 6. Coordinating with the Front Desk for
matters and it covers sub units like: room blockings and assignments
• Human Resources Dept/ 7. Handling pre-registration of guests
• Engineering Or Facilities Maintenance/ Types of Hotel Clients:
• Accounting/ Purchasing/ 1. Walk in guest
• Cost Control & Warehouse/ - It is a label given to a person who comes
• Security Office. unannounced, looking for rooms. Walk in
At The Back Of The House- are the guests with a repeated patronage maybe
administrative offices who are behind the rewarded for their loyalty by being given a
scenes, ,meaning they are not in guest special rate or discount.
contact areas. 2. Corporate accounts
- Apply to companies or institutions, usually
with special credit arrangement in the hotel.
If a credit line is extended, these companies
are allowed to book their guests on charges
provided that they send a letter of guarantee
to the hotel prior to the guest’s arrival. These
accounts are usually treated with special
rates and also given priority during high
occupancy especially when they frequently
patronize the hotel.
3. Associations
- These are groupings of individual or
companies for a common purpose of goal,
sharing ideas, hobbies, beliefs, other lots of
thing. These associations make use of hotel
services for live in seminars, conventions
ROOM SALES AND RESERVATIONS and special events. They usually go for
lower rates since their members often pay - room rates are based on the prices quoted
hotel services out of their own pockets. by other hotels if same location, size or
4. Travel Agencies classification. A hotel operator should
- Most of these agencies have pre-arranged conduct a survey of rack rates among the
bookings of their tour groups in a hotel of competitors for him to be able to prescribe
their choice. There are also many travel a competitive room rates.
agencies that serve as intermediary in • Rack rate- the official or advertised price
booking clients (usually travelers, of a hotel room, on which a discount is
businessmen or tour groups) to the hotel in usually negotiable.
exchange of pre-negotiated 2. Cost Rate Formula
management fee or a commission. - This is based on the construction cost of
5. Government Institutions/ Offices the hotel. In the U.S., The average room
- Some have special booking or credit rate is estimated at 1 dollar per 1000
arrangements with the hotel. Ex. TESDA, dollars of construction cost. In pesos, it
Department of tourism, DTI, etc. will be P 50.00 per P 50,000 total
6. Free Independent Travelers (FIT) construction cost. This amount can be
- It refers to tourist or travelers traveling increased to cope with the rising inflation.
alone. It can also refer to Foreign Individual Rate Designations
Tourist who are not joining any tour group. Room rate designation
7. Educational Institutions - defines what position a rate will take
- I.e. Schools, Training centers. within the overall rate hierarchy.
8. Local/Domestic Travelers Common Rate Designations:
- Some large hotels have ventured into a 1. Rack Rate - the highest published rate
promotion known as “SarilingAtin” – (our a hotel can change for a specific room.
very own). This promotion provides for 30- 2. Corporate Rate - special rate given to
50 % discount for local tourists or domestic corporate accounts(bank account that
guests. businesses use to hold their money) as an
9. Balikbayan incentive for their patronage.
- It refers to returning or visiting Filipinos 3. Volume Account Rates - is given when
who are residing or working abroad. Some there is a guaranteed number of room
hotels provide for special “balikbayan” rate. nights with a specific time frame (1 week
10. Other Accounts or 1 month). Companies and associations
can negotiate for more discounts under this
Prescription of Room Rates: account.
In establishing room rates, the hotel must be 4. Government Rates - Government
guided by the following considerations: official who stay in a hotel for official
1. Rates must be competitive with other functions are usually given per diem(on a
hotels of similar classification. Charging daily basis).
more than what is charged by similar hotels 5. Seasonal rates - to attract more
could result to losing patrons of competitors. patronage during lean season, hotels and
2. Rate must be big enough to generate the resorts make it a practice to offer off
revenue needed to recover the cost of season rate, which is much lower than the
operations, plus allowance for profit. rack rate during “in season”.
Methods of Rate Calculation used by 6. Weekday-Weekend Rates - Some
many hotels: hotels experience high occupancy during
1. Market Tolerance Method weekdays and lower occupancy during
weekends. To encourage patronage during Types Of Reservation
week-ends, an incentive is given by way of 1. Regular Reservation
special week end rate (with special - Refers to an agreement that a hotel makes
discount). The reverse may hold true for to hold a room until cut-off date and time.
resorts where week-ends may experience - If the guest does not arrive that time, the
higher occupancy than week-days. room maybe sold to other guests.
Henceforth, the incentive by the way of 2. Confirmed Reservations
discount applies to week-day patrons. - Applies the terms of reservation have been
7. Advance Purchase Rate - Like some verified. Both the hotel and the reserving
airlines, hotels may give incentive to early party agree on the dates, rates and billing
bookings by giving special rate for agreement, room type and other agreements.
advance room payments. - This type of reservation is confirmed to the
8. Half day Rates - Some hotels may have guest verbally or in writing through mail, e
provision for rooms that are used for half mail or fax.
day-like those designed for short time or 3. Guaranteed Reservations
for half day conferences that need sleeping - Is an agreement that the hotel makes to
facility. In such case, half day rates are hold a room for a guest until the guests
provided. arrived. In return, the guest or his sponsor
9. Industry Rates - apply to associations assures payment for the room using his card
and group of professionals or industry or his company account by making a pre-
practitioners who are offered professional payment. Unless the reservation is properly
courtesy of discounted rates.10. Package cancelled the guest is billed for the room and
Rates - This rate is usually applied for taxed according to the hotel policies and
bookings done by event, convention or procedures.
seminar organizers whereby a package of Processing Reservations
room and banquet services are availed of. Required Documents and Records
Some packages may come in the form of: - For an efficient operation, the reservations
a. Vacation Package - covering rooms, clerk shall maintain a complete and up to
airline tickets, shuttle service, tour to some date reservation filling system to include the
tourist attractions, ticket to cultural shows, following documents.
etc. 1. Individual Reservation Forms or Cards
b. Banquet and Room Package - covers - Details of each booking are contained in
room accommodation,, use of function this card.
rooms, meals and snacks. This card is filled up by the desk /
c. Meeting Packages - room reservations clerk and will serve as a basis
accommodation, use of conference room. for preparing the daily arrival list.
Coffee breaks, snacks, lunch and dinner and 2. Reservation Chart
audio visual facilities. - To avoid double booking, the Reservations
11. Group Rates - are given to group Office must keep a record of the rooms
bookings. The rates are lower than transient reserved each day as well as those available
bookings(booked late) if they are booked in for present and future dates. The chart
advance. classifies rooms according to the designated
12. Per Person Rate - Charges are based on classification. The reservation clerk shall
the number of people in a room. enter the appropriate booking status in the
corresponding date and room number.
3. Reservation Rack and Reservation 2. EMAIL or INTERNET ACCESS –
Slips patrons can now easily place their
- If the hotel is using a manually operated reservations by email. Most
room status rack, this reservation slip is hotels have their own website that can be
placed in the corresponding room number easily accessed by patrons. Here, the
that is blocked for the arriving guest. It prospect can access information about the
contains the name of arriving guest, arrival hotel, room rates, facilities, services, and
time, room type and room rate). A duplicate other information.
copy of the reservation slip is filed 3. FAX – the fax machine has the advantage
alphabetically by last name of guests and by of being able to accept instantaneous
month. This will serve as trace file for all bookings even when there is no clerk
reservations received. If a computerized available to get the reservations.
room status bulletin is used in lieu of room 4. TELEPHONE – incoming telephone
status rack, all the information contained in calls concerning reservations will be
the reservations slip is entered thereat. answered by the Sales or Reservations
4. Hanging Folder Office or the Front Desk.
- In this folder, the records and letters 5. IN PERSON – booking parties may
pertaining to guest reservations are kept personally see or contact the Room Sales or
such records are filed according to the date Reservations Office to inquire about rates
of arrival. and terms and to make reservations.
5. Confirmation Notice Form- A notice of 6. COMPUTER TERMINALS – in recent
confirmation of reservations may be years, bookings are made faster through
sent to the guest or to the booking party computer terminals which may be operated
orally or in writing through fax, mail or by through:
email. This confirmation letter can serve as a a. CALL CENTERS. This computerized
written evidence of agreement or contract reservations system is used by large hotel
and works to the advantage of both parties. chain and is often linked to a call center.
6. Reservation Diary Reservations for all properties maybe
- For small hotels with only few rooms, a centralized in this center with call
reservation diary maybe used to record daily center attendants attending to inquiries and
room bookings or reservations, making bookings. A good example is Amadeos
reference to the reservation cards or slips. handling bookings for more than a thousand
The names of guests assigned for each room hotels around the world.
are indicated in their corresponding room b. GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM
number. If a guest will stay for more than (GDS). It is operated by a Consortia of
one day, his name appears more Hotels and Airlines. These system terminals
than once in the diary. are installed in various countries, accepting
Sources or Avenues bookings for their member companies. To
for Rooms Reservations gain access to these systems, the hotel needs
Reservations maybe received through: register with the system and load the
1. LETTERS – this letter maybe opened availability of rooms onto the computer
and handled by the rooms Reservations program so that customers can purchase
Manager, or whoever heads the Reservation their requested rooms.
– groups of hotels usually have central
booking office, handling bookings for all Expected to Stay in the Hotel
their properties. They are connected g. The number (quantity), Type of room
by a free phone or local call number. Local and the type of bed required.
bookings may be transferred to the Central h. Room Rate
Booking Office. - The client must be informed of the rate
Basic Procedures of the room reserved. If he is a repeat
in Taking Reservations: guest, the hotel may refer to the Guest
1. Greet the client and offer assistance. History Card and apply the rate which
2. Once request for reservation is received, the guest enjoyed in his previous
find out from the inquiring party the dates visit(s).
and the type of room required. Then check if i. Billing Arrangement
there is an available room corresponding to Specific arrangements as to the manner of
the room type preferred. Refer to the the bill settlement must be indicated.
Reservation Chart or Room Status PAX ACCOUNT/PA – is written when the
Rack where reservation slips are clipped.3. guest will pay to the hotel directly.
Inform the guest if a room is available. If the COMPANY ACCOUNT/CA – is indicated
requested room type is not available, offer when bills will be charged to the company.
alternative room that is available. Tell the This payment arrangement is acceptable
booking party that the guest could be only if the guarantee is in writing and the
transferred to his preferred room the company has good credit status. The portion
moment it is vacated. of the bills to be shouldered should also be
4. Once room availability is confirmed, get indicated;
detailed information. j. Remarks
5. All pertinent information regarding the In this space, the clerk notes down special
reservation shall be indicated in the Room request or arrangements. Status of
Reservations Card to include: reservation must also be indicated here.
a. Name/s of Incoming Guest k. Booked By
- The last name (surname) must be - The name of the person making the
written first followed by the first name reservation, his telephone number must
and the middle name, then the title. be recorded for reference purposes.
JONHSON, ANDREW M. MR. If the l. Accepted By
party is a man and wife, the title should - Reservation clerk who accepted the
be written M/M which stands for Mr. reservation must initial the form for
and Mrs. JONHSON, ANDREW M/M. record purposes.
b. Number of Persons Arriving
c. Arrival Date and Time m. Date of Acceptance of Reservation.
d. Information/Time of Arrival
- The name of airline, numerical
designation of the carrier and the place
of origin must be taken whenever
available. The time of arrival in the
hotel is taken in case the guest is
arriving via another mode of
e. Departure Date
f. The Number of Nights the Guest is
Front desk operations it is available. He must check rooms with
The processing of individual and group status of “vacant ready”. If the preferred
bookings and the registration of guests are room is available and ready, the desk clerk
undertaken at the front desk. Some hotels shall give a registration form to the guest for
give the name Reception Desk rather than him to fill up. Make sure it is duly signed
Front Desk. Specific functions of this and that all needed information is entered on
section include: the form.
1. Allocating rooms for expected arrivals 5. After the guest completes the registration
2. Attending to the registration of arriving form, the desk clerk must ensure that:
guest • The registration details are complete,
3. Handling and distributing room keys correct, and legible
4. Receiving mails, parcels, messages and • The guest has signed the form;
other documents for house guests and • The guest is well informed of the terms
ensuring that they are properly delivered the and conditions (usually indicated at the
guest back of the registration form), as well as
5. Serving as communication center, the room rate and what it covers;
disseminating information about hotel • The guest is also informed whether he is
facilities and services and also other matters entitled to a signing privilege or not and
like points of interest, flight schedules, areas • The details of the booking that are
entertainment, tourist spots etc. indicated in the reservations form have not
6. Updating the room status of all changed.
guestrooms and reconciling said status with 6. Endorse the registration form to the Front
the room status report of the housekeeping Office cashier for bill settlement (unless the
department. desk clerk also does the cashiering function).
7. Preparing and updating records pertinent If the guest charges are to be billed to a
to the guest’s stay in the hotel company account, check if the letter of
8. Submitting night sales report indicating authorization from the company is already
the number of rooms sold, Vacant rooms, forwarded to the hotel. if not, ask the guest if
average rate total revenue, occupancy rate, he has the document.
etc. 7. Once the bill is settled, prepare the Guest
9. Coordinating with the either departments ID and give it to the guest.
in the performance of its Function, 8. Call for a bellboy to accompany the guest
particularly with the housekeeping and to his room. Mention the guest’s name and
accounting section. give rooming instructions.
Individual Guests Registration 9. Wish the guest a pleasant stay.
Check in procedures 10. Prepare a guest folio. This is a document
1. Welcome and greet the guest. where all guest charges are entered, either
2. Ask for the guest’s name if not known to manually or in the computer, under the
you. Guest Accounting Menu. Manually prepared
3. Verify reservations details if the guest is folios are placed inside an envelope or
pre registered, with pre-blocked room. folder. Some hotels place this folio on the
4. If the guest is a walk-in (no reservation, guest’s key rack or on a separate file
not in the arrival list and not pre-registered) classified according to
the desk clerk must first ask the guest’s floor/area and room number.
preferred room and then checks the Room 11. Enter the guest's name and other details
Status Bulletin (or rack whichever is used) if in the
guest list (maybe done manually or through 2. Warmly greet the guest and ask you how
the computer you may help him or her.
12. Change the room status of the newly 3. Ask the guest's name and room number.
occupied room in the room status indicator Then pull out his guest folio where all his
/rack or in the computer, whichever is used. records of consumption are kept.
13. If the hotel is fully booked, assist the 4. Check for any last-minute messages, mail,
guest getting accommodation elsewhere and or additional charges not yet posted (such as
offer to transfer them to the hotel once a restaurant, bar, and long-distance phone
room will be available. calls).
Group Registration 5. Ask if the guest has made additional
Check-in Procedures: charges to his or her room in the last 30
1. The Tour/group escort or coordinator minutes. If there are last minute charges, be
shall fill up the registration form and sign sure that they are posted.
for it. Then he will provide the desk clerk 6. Ask how the guest wishes to settle the
with a master list containing names of group account (or amount owed).
members, their address, contact number, a) If a credit card is used, be sure to follow
passport number, and other required credit card policies and procedures. Make
information. sure the card is not expired is not listed on
2. The desk clerk shall accomplish a the credit card cancellation or suspension
Rooming list or blocking list with the room bulletin.
assignments of all group members. He shall b) If the personal check is used, follow
provide blocking skip (preferably color check cashing policies and procedures.
coded) using one color for particular group c) If the guest is paying with cash, post the
indicating the name of the group, arrival and folio “paid,” time-stamp it, and give a
departure date. receipt to the guest.
3. The clerk prepares several copies of the 7. Ask for the room key.
Group Movement Sheet to indicate the 8. Ask the guest if he wants to make
arrangements for morning call, baggage advance reservations for his/her next visit to
down, meals (if required) and billing. the hotel.
4. Upon arrival of the group to the hotel, the 9. Ask also for comments and suggestions
group members are escorted by a desk clerk for improvement of service. Thank the guest
to the function room, or any place for staying in the hotel and invite him/her to
designated for briefing. Key envelopes are come back. As he/she leaves the desk area,
distributed to the group members. Then the wish him a safe and pleasant journey.
desk clerk clarifies with the tour escort 10. If a guest complains about a service or
important details like time of morning call maintenance problem, acknowledge and
(if required), requirement for a special meal empathize with him following procedures
and the time of meals, confirmation of for complaints handling. Thank the guest by
manner of payment and time of departure bringing the problem to your attention and
from the hotel. assure him it will be noted, and that
5. The group is advised of the meal venue appropriate action will be taken.
and arrangements. 11. Take out room rack slip and forward the
Procedures: (with notations check out) to the
1. Get check out registration card from the Housekeeping
Front Office Cashier. department.
12. Record checks out in the Departure Type of Codes Code Stands for
record OCC Occupied Occupied by a paying
13. File check out registration cards guest.
alphabetically VR Vacant Ready Vacant room, already
in the Checkout Registration Card box. made up and ready for occupancy
Billing arrangement for individual VD Vacant DirtyVacated but not ready for
- whether by card or cash or change to occupancy since it is still dirty or still being
company. made up. It is also termed as ON -
Billing Arrangement for Group CHANGED
Prior to group arrival, the salesperson will OOO Out of Order room
finalize the Room is under renovation or
billing arrangement with the group not fit for occupancy since it
coordinator. The requires repair or maintenance
method of bill settlement may be in the form work.
of: BLO Blocked
1. Sign All Charges (SAC) – In this billing Reserved for a guest who is
arrangement, each member of the group is expected to arrive within a day
allowed to sign all their charges to the NS No Show
group. The group coordinator of organizer Room is reserved but the
will settle all bills. To “sign” charges to a expected guest did not arrive
room or a group is to be SO Slept Out
extended credit. Guest is assigned a room but
2. Sign Room and Tax (SRT) – the sponsor did not sleep on his bed
or organizer shall pay only the room and HU House Use
taxes for the attendees. All incidentals like Occupied or reserved for hotel
laundry, telephone and meals shall be to the officers or staff
account of attendees. Type of data base menu
3. Each Pays Own (EPO) – the - The database created by the computer
arrangement stipulates that the attendees will system in the Front Office is organized into
pay for their own charges. If this various menus,
arrangement is applied, the attendees are not to include: 1. Room Reservations Menu –
given their room key until they settle their which contains data on the details of
room charges. reservation for all guests, their names,
Types of color coded number of room nights, mode of payment,
In the Room Status Rack/Board, a color- type of reservation, arrival and departure,
coded card or advance deposits or payments, etc. It also
slip is placed corresponding to the room contains data on group bookings, room
number using the color code like: forecast, reservations
report, and travel agency commission.
Green - for vacant clean – ready for sale 2. Registration Menu – contains guest list
Yellow- vacant dirty – not yet ready for sale and details of their registration. It also has
Red - occupied room data on Guest folio (consumption and
Orange- reserved or blocked for expected charges, balance) This menu prints the
arrival registration card, makes Front desk reports,
White - out of order room do the room blocking and updates the room
status. It also has a guess
message center.
3. Night Audit Menu contains data on the
Point of Sales (POS), the various accounts,
trial audit report and other related data.
4. Housekeeping Menu – incorporates data
on the room status that is consistently
updated every after-room check; Guest
information based on registration record,
room blockings and various housekeeping
reports. Like other menus, it also has a guest
message center.
5. Uniform Services Menu – The software
has the option to create in this menu a
database that serve as Guest locator and
Guest message center.

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