Eastron SDM630MCT-Lora Series User Manual V1
Eastron SDM630MCT-Lora Series User Manual V1
Eastron SDM630MCT-Lora Series User Manual V1
Wireless Remote Communication Select the Power display screens. In Set- Press to enter the
up Mode, this is the “Down” button. selection routine. The
Total active energy in kWh.
current time interval will
Select the Energy display screens. In Set-
up mode, this is the “Enter” or “Right”
Total reactive energy in Use and
kVArh. buttons to select the time
3.1 Voltage and Current
Each successive press of the button selects a new parameter:
The Unit can measure and display: 3. If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the MD
Power Factor of each buttons.
• Voltage (L-N and L-L) of all phases
phase. Use MD and
• THDu % of each phase (total harmonic distortion) 4. Having selected an option from the current layer, press
• Currents of each phase and Neutral buttons to select the
to confirm your selection. The SET indicator will appear. required system option:
• THDi % of each phase (total harmonic distortion)
5. Having completed a parameter setting, press to return 1P2(W),3P3(W) ,3P4(W).
• Line frequency
• Power, maximum power demand and power factor to a higher menu level. The SET indicator will be removed
• Active energy imported and exported and you will be able to use the MD and buttons for
Maximum Power Demand. further menu selection.
• Reactive energy imported and exported
Press to confirm the
6. On completion of all setting-up, press repeatedly until
selection. SET indicator
the measurement screen is restored.
will appear.
1.2 Current Transformer Primary Current
SDM630MCT Series is CT operated.you will need to set Maximum Current 4.1.2 Number Entry Procedure Press to exit the system selection routine and return to
the correct ratio. Demand. the menu. SET will disappear and you will be returned to the
When Setting up the unit, some screens require the entering main set-up Menu.
As an example: If using 100/5A CT, you will need to insure of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a
CT2 (Secondary) is set to 5 and CT rate is 0020. You divide password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left
the primary by the secondary to get the CT rate to be entered
4.5 CT
to right. The procedure is as follows:
(100/5=20). The CT option sets the secondary current (CT2 1A or 5A)
3.3 Power 1. The current digit to be set flashes and is set using the MD
of the current transformer (CT) that wires to the meter.
and buttons
1.3 Lora Communication Each successive press of the button select a new range:
2. Press to confirm each digit setting. The SET indicator
appears after the last digit has been set. From the set-up menu,
SDM630MCT-LoRa has Lora wireless communication module
use MD and buttons
combined inside the meter. With Eastron Lora gateway ESP-6,
the user can remote monitor and program the meters. It saves 3. After setting the last digit, press to exit the number to select the CT option.
lot of labor work for meter reading, Bus line wiring and Instantaneous Active setting routine. The SET indicator will be removed.
maintenance. Power in kW.
by LoRaWAN, the communication distance between submeter 4.2 Change Password Secondary CT setting
to gateway can reach several kilometers. by LoRaMesh, data
supports 4 relay hoppings. Press to enter the
CT secondary current
The frequency band is 470Mhz. if other band is request, selection routine.:5A/1A
Instantaneous Reactive
please specify when you order. 433,869,915Mhz is available. Power in kVAr. Use the MD and
to choose the change
password option. Set CT Ratio value
1.4 Pulse output
Press to enter the
Two pulse outputs that pulse measured active and reactive CT Ratio setting screen.
energy.The Pulse 2 constant for active energy is 3200imp/kWh. The range is from 0001
(Terminals 11 & 12) The pulse width for Pulse 1 can be set Instantaneous Volt-Amps Press the to enter the to 9999.
from the set-up menu (Terminals 9 & 10). in KVA. change password routine.
The new password screen
will appear with the first For example, if using a 100/5A current transformer you
2.Start Up Screens digit flashing. will enter 0020, as you need to divide the primary by the
secondary to get the ratio (CT rate).
Use MD and to set * Please note for the MID approved version device,you will
The first screen lights up Total kW, kVArh, kVA. the first digit and press only have one opportunity to set the ratio.
all display segments and to confirm your
can be used as a display
selection. The next digit 4.6 PT
will flash.
The PT option sets the secondary voltage (PT2 100 to 500V) of
the voltage transformer (PT) that may be connected to the meter.
3.4 Energy Measurements
Each successive press of the button selects a new range: Repeat the procedure for Use MD and buttons
Software version information the remaining three digits. to select the PT option.
The screen will show the
voltage PT secondary
Import active energy voltage value. The default
in kWh. value is 400V.
P2 P1
P2 P1 S2
Use MD
and buttons to choose pulse width. • Import/Export active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh
P2 P1 S2 S1
On completion of the entry procedure press to confirm • Import/Export reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh S2 S1
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. • Total active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh
• Total reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh
1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20
The meter has an built-in Lora module for wireless 5.2 Measured Inputs
communication.The communication distance is affacted by the
installation conditionand the spreading factor setting. The bigg Voltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 2.5mm²
er value SF is set, the longerdistance data transmit at slower stranded wire capacity.single phase two wire(1p2w), three
speed, vice versa. phase three wire(3p3w) or three phase four wire(3p4w) P2 P1
unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 voltage or S2 S1
4.8.3 Spreading factor L3 voltage. P2 P1
S2 S1
Three current inputs (six physical terminals) with 2.5mm²
From the set-up menu, stranded wire capacity for connection of external CTs. Nominal
use MD and buttons rated input current 5A or 1A a.c. Rms. 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20
factor option.
5.3 Accuracy
P2 P1
• Voltage 0.5% of range maximum L1
S2 S1