Observed Lesson 3
Observed Lesson 3
Observed Lesson 3
It seems to be a group of teenagers who may take up English classes for their studies, so mostly
personal development.
As argued by Cohen et al. (2010) book: the language that the teacher uses in the classroom is the
principal mean of learning as it highly impacts the learners. Therefore, in practical terms, it
means that students learn not only by listening to the teacher, but also by talking, interacting,
arguing in the classroom. As a result, classroom language should provide varied possibilities for
learning purposes.
However, as assumed by Scrivener (2005), too much Teacher talking, means less learning for
students, whereas to become successful learners they need to experience, practice and even take
risks with the language. As the teacher needed to model the sound, to show and explain the
students how to articulate, the lesson was controlled by the teacher, but the instructions were not
too wordy and all the tasks were varied for the learners to experience. As claimed by Krashen
(1982) in order to encourage comprehension among students, the teacher needs to expose
students to non-linguistic like pictures, as the teacher did use in the lesson to boost language
Mount Kilimanjaro- where is it? What do they know about it? How would it feel to get to the top? Why do
people climb mountains?
Taking advantage of the knowledge of the world the students master Krashen (1982) is another
tool to increase comprehension that any language teacher should possess.
Teacher Students Comments
With your partner, make a list of 5 Gave personal reasons Eliciting – encourage
reasons. Would you like to climb a students to focus and get
famous mountain? Why/why not? interested in the topic
Could it change your life? There are four questions:
each question was slowed
down and repeated for
students to understand.
There were also, little
pauses between.
Then tick or cross. Mingle. With each Mingled and did the The gestures, body language
person find one thing you have both activities and the fact that instructions
ticked or both crossed. Explain the Here the students had the or explanations are not long
reasons for your choice. what is change to interact and utterances: Tick or Cross
stopping you from doing the things produce language on their instead of: Please, tick or
you ticked? Confidence? Motivation? own. cross here etc. Which would
Time? be confusing for elementary
Check in pairs. Tell to you partner- It is quite important learners Again the language is clear
to check with their peers first and the teacher uses gestures
and after that to report to the as well to amplify meaning.
class. This build up
confidence in students when
they compare with their
peers and see whether their
answers are similar or
The different hand-outs the teacher provided students with, actually, exposed students to learning
techniques, which according to Hedge (2008 p.100) this “can lead to more effective classroom
learning, self-access learning, and independent learning at home”
I need to work on unnecessary TTT in my lessons, right now I tend to talk too much, on the
belief that by repeating the instructions or by giving many examples, learners are exposed to a
correct version of language.
I have not focused on pronunciation too much in my teaching, I have just corrected and
pronounced the new words, but I have not focused on phonemics. I would like to introduce
pronunciation in my teaching, but I need to familiarized with explaining how to pronounced and
so forth. In online classes it is quite hard to control TTT, I mean there are connection problems,
not to mention that the fact that students are connected it does not necessarily mean they can here
very well, or they are paying attention. I mean it happens to me to repeat several times the same
I like the way the Teacher managed to facilitate learning with her warm attitude and an
encouraging voice. I would like to explore more pictures and sounds in my classes as they
address to visual and musical learners.
In this lesson I learned how important is to give clear instructions: not to wordy for elementary
students, also, the pace was slow as well. I am going to simplify my instructions in the class and
I will use gestures as well to amplify meaning.
Word count: 836
Louis C., Lawrence M., Keith M. and Dominic W., 2010 A Guide To Teaching Practice,
Routledge, London and New York
Hedge T., 2008, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, Oxford University Press
Krashen S., 1982, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, Pergamon Press. Inc,
Scrivener J.,2005, Learning Teaching, Macmillan, UK