AWSOM-LP: An Effective Log Parsing Technique Using Pattern Recognition and Frequency Analysis

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AWSOM-LP: An Effective Log Parsing Technique

Using Pattern Recognition and Frequency Analysis
Issam Sedki, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Senior Member IEEE, and Otmane Ait-Mohamed, Member IEEE,
This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice,
after which this version may no longer be accessible.

Abstract—Logs provide users with useful insights to help with a variety of development and operations tasks. The problem is that logs are often
unstructured, making their analysis a complex task. This is mainly due to the lack of guidelines and best practices for logging, combined with a
large number of logging libraries at the disposal of software developers. There exist studies that aim to parse automatically large logs. The main
objective is to extract templates from samples of log data that are used to recognize future logs. In this paper, we propose AWSOM-LP, a
powerful log parsing and abstraction tool, which is highly accurate, stable, and efficient. AWSOM-LP is built on the idea of applying pattern
recognition and frequency analysis. First, log events are organized into patterns using a simple text processing method. Frequency analysis is
then applied locally to instances of the same group to identify static and dynamic content of log events. When applied to 16 log datasets of the
the LogPai project, AWSOM-LP achieves an average grouping accuracy of 93.5%, which outperforms the accuracy of five leading log parsing
tools namely, Logram, Lenma, Drain, IPLoM and AEL. Additionally, AWSOM-LP can generate more than 80% of the final log templates from 10%
to 50% of the entire log dataset and can parse up to a million log events in an average time of 5 minutes. AWSOM-LP is available online as an
open source. It can be used by practitioners and researchers to parse effectively and efficiently large log files so as to support log analysis tasks.

Index Terms—Log Parsing, Log Abstraction, Log Analytics, Software Logging, Software Engineering.

1 I NTRODUCTION [2] [3], debugging and understanding system failure [4] [5] [6]
[7] [8] , anomaly detection [1] [9] [10] [11] [12], testing [13],
S OFTWARE logging is an important activity that is used by
software developers to record critical events that would
help them analyze a system at runtime. Logs are generated by
performance analysis [14] [15] [16], automatic analysis of
logs during operation [17] [8] [14] [18] [19], failure prediction
logging statements inserted in the source code. An example [8] [20], data leakage detection [12] and recently for AI for
of a logging statement is shown in Figure 1, which is a code IT Operations (AIOps) [21] [17]. Logs, however, have been
snippet extracted from a Hadoop Java source file. historically difficult to work with. First, typical log files can
The generated log event (Figure 1) is composed mainly be significantly large (in the order of millions of events) [22]
of two parts: the log header and log message. The log [23] [7] . Add to this, the practice of logging remains largely ad
header typically contains the timestamp, the log level, and hoc with no known guidelines and best practice [24]. There is
the logging function. The log message contains static tokens no standardized way for representing log data either [23]. To
(i.e., usually text) such as "Received block", "size of", "from" make things worse, logs are rarely structured [1] [20], making
in the example of Figure 1 and dynamic tokens, which it difficult to extract meaningful information from large raw
represent variable values. In the example of Figure 1, we log files [25] [26].
have three variable values, which represent the block id (blk_-
In this paper, we focus on the problem of log parsing
5627280853087685), block size (67108864), and an IP address
and abstraction, which consists of automatically converting
unstructured raw log events into a structured format that
Log files contain a wealth of information regarding the
would facilitate future analysis. Several log parsing and
execution of a software system used to support various
abstraction tools have been proposed (e.g., [27] [28] [29]).
software engineering tasks including anomaly detection [1]
More precisely, log parsing techniques focus on parsing the
log message. This is because log headers usually follow the
• I. Sedki is with the Department of ECE, Concordia University,
Montreal, QC, Canada.
same format within a log file. Parsing a log message is further
E-mail:[email protected] reduced to the problem of automatically distinguishing the
• A. Hamou-Lhadj is with the Department of ECE, Concordia University, static text from the dynamic variables. The result of parsing
Montreal, QC, Canada. the log event of Figure 1 consists of extracting the template
E-mail: [email protected]
• O. Ait-Mohamed is with the Department of ECE, Concordia University, shown in Figure 1, where the structure of the log message
Montreal, QC, Canada. is clearly identified. A simple way to parse log events is to
E-mail: [email protected] use regular expressions [30] [31]. The problem is that there
may exist thousands of such templates in industrial log files

Fig. 1. A code snippet showing an example of a logging statement, the generated log event, and the expected log template

[16] [32]. In addition, as the system evolves, new log formats Paper organization. The paper is organized as follows.
are introduced due to the use of various logging libraries, Section 2 introduces the background of log parsing and
requiring constant updates of the regular expressions. surveys prior work in that area. Section 3 presents, through
In this paper, we propose AWSOM-LP1 , a powerful a simple cherry-picked running example, a comprehensive
automated log parsing approach and tool that leverages description of AWSOM-LP approach. Section 4 shows the
pattern recognition and frequency analysis. AWSOM-LP outcomes of assessing AWSOM-LP’s accuracy, efficiency and
starts by identifying patterns of log events using similarity ease of stabilization. Section 5 discusses the limitations and
measurements and clusters them into groups. It then applies the threats to the validity of our findings. Finally, Section 6
frequency analysis to instances of each group to differentiate concludes the paper.
between static and dynamic tokens of log messages. The
idea is that tokens that are repeated more frequently are
most likely static tokens than variable values. This is not
the first time that frequency analysis is used in log parsing. Log analysis has received a great deal of attention from
Logram, a recent approach proposed by Dai et al. [27], also researchers and practitioners in recent years, due to the
uses frequency analysis. However, Logram applies frequency increasing need to understand complex systems at runtime.
analysis to the entire log file, which makes it hard to find clear Log parsing is an essential prerequisite for log analysis
demarcation between static and dynamic tokens. AWSOM-LP, tasks. Perhaps the most comprehensive survey of log parsing
on the other hand, applies frequency analysis to log events techniques is the one proposed by El-Masri et al. [24] in
that belong the same pattern, which increases the likelihood which the authors proposed a quality model for classifying
of distinguishing between static and dynamic tokens. In log parsing techniques and examined 17 different log parsing
addition, AWSOM-LP does not require building 3-gram tables techniques tools using this model. Existing tools can be
as it is the case for Logram, which greatly simplifies the categorized into groups based on the techniques they use,
parsing process approach. namely rule-based parsing tools, frequent tokens mining,
We evaluated AWSOM-LP using 16 log datasets from natural language processing, and classification/clustering
the LogPai benchmark2 and compared it to five leading log approaches. Another excellent study on surveying log parsing
parsing tools, mainly Drain [29], AEL [31], Lenma [28], IPLoM tools include the study of Zhu et al. [30]. We discuss the main
[33] and Logram [27]. Our results show that AWSOM-LP approaches in what follows and conclude with a general
performs better than these tools in parsing 13 out of the comparison of AWSOM-LP with these techniques.
16 log datasets. In addition, our approach has an average Jiang et al. [34] introduced AEL (Abstracting Execution
accuracy of 93.5%, whereas the second best method, Logram, Logs), which is a log parsing method that relies on textual
has an average accuracy of 82.5%. Additionally, AWSOM-LP similarity to group log events together. AEL starts by
can parse large files in a few minutes. When applied to 12 detecting trivial dynamic using hard-coded heuristics based
log files, it took AWSOM-LP less than 5 min to parse up to 1 on system knowledge (e.g., IP addresses, numbers, memory
million log events. For small files (100 thousand events and addresses). The resulting log events are then tokenized and
less), the average parsing time is less than 1 minute. AWSOM- assigned to bins based on the number of terms they contain.
LP is also stable. It requires between 10% to 50% of the log This grouping is used to compare log messages in each bin
data to learn 80% of the templates. and abstracts them into templates. The problem with AEL is
AWSOM-LP is available online as an open source3 . It can that it assumes that events that contain the same number
be used by practitioners and researchers to parse large log of terms should be grouped together, resulting in many false
files to support the various log analysis techniques. positives.
Vaarandi et al. [35], [36] proposed SLCT (Simple Logfile
Clustering Tool). The authors used clustering techniques to
1. AWSOM-LP stands for AbdelWahab Hamou-Lhadj, ISsam Sedki, and
OtMane Ait-Mohamed Log Parser. identify log templates. SLCT groups log events together based
2. on their most common frequent terms. To this end, the
3. approach relies on a density-based clustering algorithm to

recognize the dynamic tokens, SLCT uses frequency analysis LTG (Natural Language Processing–Log Template Generation)
across all log lines in the log file. LogCluster [21] is an [40], which considers event template extraction from log
improved version of SLCT proposed by the same authors. messages as a problem of labeling sequential data in natural
LogCluster extracts all frequent terms from the log messages language. It uses Conditional Random Fields (CRF) [41] to
and arranges them into tuples. Then, it splits the log file classify terms in log messages as a static or dynamic. To
into clusters that contain at least a certain number of log construct the labeled data (the ground truth), it uses human
messages ensuring that all log events in the same cluster knowledge and regular expressions.
match the pattern constructed by the frequent words and Thaler et al. proposed NLM-FSE (Neural language Model-
the wildcards, which replace the dynamic variables. For Signature Extraction) [42], which trains a character-
Another clustering approach is the one proposed based neural network to classify static and dynamic parts
by Makanju et al., which is called IPLOM (Iterative of log messages. The approach constructs the training model
Partitioning Log Mining) [33]. IPLOM employs a heuristic- through four layers. (1) The embedding layer transforms the
based hierarchical clustering algorithm. Using this approach, categorical character input into a feature vector. (2) The
the first step is to partition log messages. For this, the Bidirectional-LSTM layer [43] allows each prediction to be
authors used heuristics considering the size of log events. conditioned on the complete past and future context of
The next step is to further divide each partition based on a sequence. (3) The dropout layer avoids over-fitting by
the highest number of similar terms. The resulting leaf nodes concatenating the results of the bi-LSTM layer, and (4) the
of the hierarchical partitioning as clusters and event types. fully connected, feed-forward neural network layer predicts
Fu et al. proposed LKE (Log Key Extraction) [37], another the event template using the Softmax activation function.
clustering-based approach, using a distance-based clustering He et al. [29] proposed Drain, a tool that abstracts log
technique. Log events are grouped together using weighted messages into event types using a parse-tree. Drain algorithm
edit distance, giving more weight to terms that appear at consists of five steps. Drain starts by pre-processing raw
the beginning of log events. Then, LKE splits the clusters log messages using regular expressions to identify trivial
until each raw log level in the same cluster belongs to the dynamic tokens, just like AWSOM-LP. Then, it builds a parse-
same log key, and extracts the common parts of the raw log tree using the number of tokens in log events. Drain assumes
key from each cluster to generate event types. Tang et al. that tokens that appears in the beginning of a log message
proposed LogSig [38], which considers the words present in are most likely static tokens. It uses a similarity metric that
a log event as signatures of event types. LogSig identifies log compares leaf nodes to event types to identify log groups.
events using a set of predefined message signatures. First, it Spell (Streaming Parser for Event Logs using an LCS) is
converts log messages into pairs of terms. Then, it forms log- a log parser, which converts log messages into event types.
message clusters using a local search strategy. LogSig selects Spell relies on the idea that log messages that are produced
the terms that appear frequently in each cluster and use them by the same logging statement can be assigned a type, which
to build the event templates. represents their longest common sequence. The LCS of the
two messages is likely to be static fields.
Hamooni et al. proposed LogMine [39], which uses
The main difference between AWSOM-LP and existing
MapReduce to abstract heterogeneous log messages
approaches lies in the way AWSOM-LP is designed. AWSOM-
generated from various systems. The LogMine algorithm
LP leverages the idea that static and dynamic tokens of log
consists of a hierarchical clustering module combined with
events can be better identified if we use frequency analysis
pattern recognition. It uses regular expressions based on
on instances of log events that belong to the same group.
domain knowledge to detect a set of dynamic variables.
We use a simple pattern recognition technique based on
Then, it replaces the real value of each field with its name. It
text similarity to identify these groups. This contrasted with
then clusters similar log messages with the friends-of-friends
techniques that use clustering alone (e.g., AEL, and IPLOM)
clustering algorithm.
and those that apply frequency analysis on the entire log file
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques have also (e.g., Logram). From this perspective, AWSOM-LP combines
been used for log parsing. Logram, a recent approach the best of these methods.
proposed by Dai et al. [27], is an automated log parsing
approach developed to address the growing size of logs, and
the need for low-latency log analysis tools. It leverages n- 3 A PPROACH
gram dictionaries to achieve efficient log parsing. Logram AWSOM-LP consists of three main steps: Pre-processing,
stores the frequencies of n-grams in logs and relies on the pattern recognition, frequency analysis, and replacement
n-gram dictionaries to distinguish between the static tokens of the remaining numerical dynamic variables. Similar to
and dynamic variables. Moreover, as the n-gram dictionaries existing log parsing techniques, AWSOM-LP requires an
can be constructed concurrently and aggregated efficiently, initial dataset to recognize the structure of the log events.
Logram can achieve high scalability when deployed in a It goes through different steps to build a model that
multi-core environment without sacrificing parsing accuracy. characterizes the information in the given log dataset. The
In Logram, the identification of dynamic and static tokens first step is a pre-processing step where header information
depends on a threshold applied to the number of times the such as the timestamp, the log level, and the logging function
n-grams occur. An automated approach to estimates this are identified. We also replace trivial dynamic variables such
threshold was proposed. Kobayashi et al. proposed NLP- as IP and MAC addresses by the expression ’<*>’. The second

Fig. 2. HDFS log events used as a running example

step of AWSOM-LP is to identify similar log events and group Another essential part of the pre-processing step is the
them into patterns, used later to distinguish between the identification of trivial dynamic variables such as IP and MAC
static and the dynamic tokens. The next step is to apply addresses and replace them with a standard token, which
frequency analysis locally to instances of each group to is <*> in our case. Identifying trivial variables can increase
determine the static and dynamic tokens. We conjecture that parsing accuracy as shown by He et al. [44] and Dai et al. [27].
the frequency of static tokens is considerably higher than This step also increases our chances of identifying similar
that of dynamic tokens when frequency analysis is used for log events that should be instances of the same pattern. The
each group of log events. The last step consists of fine-tuning pattern recognition step is discussed in the next subsection.
the result to further improve the parsing accuracy and this is In this paper, we detect the most common formats of
by replacing the remaining numerical dynamic variables. We the variables listed below (note that AWSOM-LP allows users
explain each step in more detail in the following subsections. to define other regular expressions that may describe, for
To illustrate our approach, we use the sample log events from example, domain-specific trivial variables, etc... ). The regular
the HDFS log dataset shown in Figure 2, which is one of expressions to detect these variables are included in the
the datasets used to evaluate AWSOM-LP. We added a line AWSOM-LP git repository.4
number to each log event to help explain the approach. • Directory paths such as "Library/Logs"
• IPv4 addresses with or without the port number such as
"" and ""
3.1 Pre-processing
• Any value that starts with "0x" in the form of "0x0001FC".
We start pre-processing the log events by identifying header • MAC addresses in the form of
information, which usually contains the timestamp, process "FF:F2:9F:16:EB:27:00:0D:60:E9:14:D8"
ID, log level, and the logging function. This information • Months such as "Jan" or "January"
is easily identifiable using simple regular expressions as • Days such as "Thu" or "Thursday"
shown in similar studies (e.g., [27]). In addition, the LogPai • Time such as "12:23:34.893"
datasets (used in the evaluation section) come with many • URL such as "" and
regular expressions to detect headers in various log files. For "" (i.e., with https)
example, in HDFS log events of Figure 2, we can see that The result of applying the pre-processing step to the HDFS
all log events start with a timestamp (e.g., 081109 203615), a running example is shown in Figure 3 where the header
process ID (e.g., 148), a log level (e.g., INFO), and a logging information is omitted and the IP addresses in Lines 3, 6,
function (e.g., dfs.DataNode$PacketResponder:). The regular 7, 10, 11, and 12 have been replaced by <*>.
expression that extracts this header information is as follows:
<Date> <Time> <Pid> <Level> <Component>: <Content> 4.

Fig. 3. Results of pre-processing HDFS log events example

3.2 Pattern Recognition In addition, AWSOM-LP is implemented in a way that

any other similarity measure can be used. In our early
The second step of AWSOM-LP is to group similar log
experiments, we used cosine similarity by treating each log
events into patterns. This grouping will help us later
message as a vector of bag of words. However, we found
distinguish between the static and dynamic tokens by
that string matching offers a better compromise between
applying frequency analysis on the instances of each pattern.
accuracy and efficiency. In fact, one may also think of
For example, the log messages of Lines 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9 all deal
adopting a similarity measure that fits best a particular log
with terminating PacketResponder (used by HDFS to manage
file, without compromising efficiency. We defer this point to
the processing of data into a series of pipeline nodes) and
future work.
only vary in terms of the task number and the block id. So
Applying the pattern recognition step to the log messages
if we can group these log messages into the same pattern,
of Figure 3 results in three patterns. The first one consists
we can easily see that the static tokens ("PacketResponder",
of log messages 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9, which contain the static
"for", "block", and "terminating") appear more frequently
token PacketResponder. The second pattern consists of log
than the dynamic tokens (0, 1, 2, and the specific block
messages 3, 6, 7, and 8, representing the message "BLOCK*
ids), hence the idea of using frequency analysis on instances
NameSystem.addStoredBlock: blockMap update". The last
of the same pattern instead of applying it to the entire
one contains log messages 10, 11, and 12 for the "Received
log file, which may not lead to such a clear demarcation.
block" log event.
Our grouping strategy relies on a simple string matching
technique. More precisely, we measure the similarity of two 3.3 Frequency analysis
log messages, L1 and L2 , by counting the number of letters
The next step is to apply frequency analysis to the instances
in L1 and L2 alphabetical terms (i.e., terms that do not
of each pattern that were detected in the previous step to
contain any digits or special characters). The idea is to favor
distinguish between static and dynamic tokens. To achieve
a comparison that makes most use of static tokens instead of
this, we count the number of occurrences of each term in
dynamic tokens, which tend to vary more frequently across
all instances of the same pattern. As discussed earlier, we
log events, misleading the matching process.
conjecture that the static tokens appear more frequently than
Assume count(Li ) returns the number of letters in Li
the dynamic ones within each pattern. For example, using the
alphabetical terms, the similarity between two terms, L1 and
instances of the first pattern shown below we can see that the
L2 is measured as follows:
terms "PacketResponder", "for", "block", and "terminating"
count (L 1 ) occur considerably more than individual block ids.
si mi l ar i t y(L 1 , L 2 )& = 1) PacketResponder 1 for block blk_38865049064139660
count (L 2 )
For example, for L1 = "PacketResponder <*> for 2) PacketResponder 0 for block blk_-6952295868487656571
block blk_38865049064139660 terminating" and L2 = terminating
"PacketResponder <*> for block blk_-6952295868487656571 3) PacketResponder 2 for block blk_8229193803249955061
terminating", the similarity of L1 and L2 = 100%. terminating
We need a threshold to assess the extent to which two log 4) PacketResponder 2 for block blk_-6670958622368987959
messages are deemed similar. In this paper, we use a 100% terminating
threshold to avoid any bias. This threshold is flexible and can 5) PacketResponder 2 for block blk_572492839287299681
be changed by the users. terminating

TABLE 1 "[678]" as dynamic tokens. One might think that this step
Example of a frequency analysis results applied to Pattern 1 could have been included as part of the pre-processing
stage of AWSOM-LP when looking for trivial variables.
Term Frequency
However, we found that doing so will affect the result of
PacketResponder 5
0 1 the frequency analysis step by letting more non-numerical
1 1 dynamic variables appear more than the threshold, ending
2 3 up falsely included as static tokens.
for 5
The final result of parsing the HDFS example log events
block 5
blk_38865049064139660 1 of Figure 2 is shown below. As we can see all templates have
blk_-6952295868487656571 1 accurately been detected.
blk_8229193803249955061 1
1) PacketResponder <*> for block <*> terminating
blk_-6670958622368987959 1
blk_572492839287299681 1 2) BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: blockMap
terminating 5 updated: <*> is added to <*> size <*>
3) Received block <*> of size <*> from <*>

We need a threshold in order to determine whether a term

is considered static or not. For this, we use the minimum 4 E VALUATION
frequency. In other words, any token that appears strictly
In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of AWSOM-LP
more than the minimum frequency is considered as a static
in parsing logs of 16 log datasets of the LogPai benchmark
token. We are aware that by doing so, we may misclassify
[30] available online5 . The logs were generated from various
some dynamic tokens as static. Another approach would be
systems including Apache, Android, HDFS, Linux, and so
to take the median at the risk of losing some static tokens. It
on, as shown in Table 2. Other studies have used the same
is not easy to find a threshold that yields the best trade-off. In
LogPai benchmark. We assessed AWSOM-LP’s accuracy based
this paper, we made the design choice to keep as many static
on manually labelled log data files where log events are
tokens as possible, hence selecting the minimum frequency.
mapped out to log templates. This labelling was provided
In practice, this threshold can always be adjusted based on
by the LogPai team as part of the LogPai project.
analyzing a sample log data. We can also resort to statistical
methods to automatically determine the best threshold as
proposed by Dai et al. [27], the creators of Logram, when LogPai datasets
applying frequency analysis to the entire log file. This said,
one should be careful not to make the approach too complex, Datasets Description Size
which may hinder its applicability. Our experiments with Apache Apache server error log 5.1MB
16 log datasets (see the Evaluation section) show that the Android Android framework log 192MB
minimum frequency yields excellent results compared to all BGL Blue Gene/L supercomputer log 743MB
HDFS Hadoop distributed file system log 1.47GB
existing approaches including Logram. Hadoop Hadoop mapreduce job log 2MB
Table 1 shows the frequency of the terms of the log HPC High performance cluster 32MB
messages of the first pattern from the running example. Linux Linux system log 2.25MB
The minimum frequency is 1, which allows distinguishing Mac Mac OS log 17MB
OpenSSH OpenSSH server log 73MB
between all static tokens ("PacketResponder", "block", "for",
Proxifier Proxifier software log 2.42MB
"terminating") from all the dynamic tokens except for Spark Spark job log 166MB
dynamic token 2, which appears three times in the example, HealthApp HealthApp log 24MB
i.e. above the minimum frequency. Thunderbird Thunderbird supercomputer log 29.60GB
When we apply local frequency analysis to instances of all Windows Windows event log 26.09GB
OpenStack OpenStack software log 41MB
three patterns, the resulting log templates are shown below. Proxifier Proxifier software log 3MB
We detected all static tokens and most dynamic tokens except Zookeeper ZooKeeper service log 10MB
2 and 67108864.
1) PacketResponder <*> for block <*> terminating We followed the evaluation protocol provided by Zhu et
2) BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: blockMap al. [30], which focuses on three aspects: Accuracy, efficiency,
updated: <*> is added to <*> size 67108864 and ease of stabilisation.
3) PacketResponder 2 for block <*> terminating
• Accuracy: The accuracy of a log parser is defined as its
4) Received block <*> of size 67108864 from <*>
ability to recognize static tokens and dynamic tokens in
each log event, and associate log events to the correct
3.4 Replacing Remaining Numerical Variables log template. He et al. [44] showed the necessity of high
The last step of AWSOM-LP is to fine-tune the algorithm by log parsing accuracy, especially avoiding false positives, to
replacing the remaining numerical dynamic variables that increase the confidence and reliability in using a given log
were not identified during the previous step. More precisely, parser.
we automatically consider any numbers that appear between
spaces, parentheses, or brackets (e.g., " 980 ", "(980)" and 5.

• Efficiency: Because of the considerable number of logs that TABLE 3

are generated, a log parser must be efficient by having An example of manually labeled log events from the Apache log dataset
a reasonable running time. This is particularly important
Event ID Event Template
since log parsing is the first phase of log analysis. Having
E1 jk2_init() Found child <*>in scoreboard slot <*>
a slow log parser may create delays in uncovering key E2 workerEnv.init() ok <*>
knowledge from logs, which in turn may deter users from E3 mod_jk child workerEnv in error state <*>
using the tool. E4 [client <*>] Directory index forbidden by rule: <*>
• Ease of stabilisation: In order to distinguish between the E5 jk2_init() Can’t find child <*>in scoreboard
E6 mod_jk child init <*><*>
static and dynamic components in a log message, most
existing log parsers, including AWSOM-LP, use an initial
dataset to recognise the structure of the logs. It is desirable However, this evaluation method only assesses whether
for a log parser to obtain stable results after acquiring log events of similar structure were identified as part of the
knowledge from a limited number of existing logs, so that same template according to the ground truth. It does not
parsing logs may be done in real time without the need to guarantee that the static and dynamic tokens of log events
update this knowledge. were properly recognized. By analyzing the parsing output
of some log parsers (e.g., AEL and Logram), we found many
4.1 Accuracy cases where the static and dynamic variables contained in
Each log dataset of the LogPai benchmark used in this study the log messages were not correctly recognized and yet this
comes with a subset of 2,000 log events that have been parsed was not reflected in the parsing accuracy. For example, the
manually by the LogPai team. For a given log dataset, a log event:
number of log templates have been identified and each log job_1445144423722_0020Job Transitioned from
event out of the 2,000 events has been associated to a specific NEW to INITED
log template. This ground truth is meant for researchers to from Hadoop benchmark was parsed by Logram into :
test their log parsers and has been used by many log parsing <*> Transitioned from NEW to <*>
tools such as Drain [29], AEL [31], Lenma [28], IPLoM [33], We can see that the string "INITED" was mistakenly detected
and the latest approach, Logram [27]. We also use it in this as a dynamic variable based on the ground truth, where it is
study to evaluate AWSOM-LP and to compare AWSOM-LP considered as a static token. This is because job transitions
with existing tools. Table 3 shows an example of events from in Hadoop contain a finite number of states, which provide
the Apache log dataset where a log event (represented here developers critical information on how to debug problems
by an id starting with "E") is mapped to a template. related to job scheduling. The ground truth log parsing file
To measure accuracy, we follow the same metrics as the lists the possible Hadoop job transitions as three distinct
ones used in related studies (e.g., Logram), which assess the templates, which are:
ability of their tool to group together similar log messages
job<*>Job Transitioned from INITED to SETUP
that were identified as part of the same template in the
job<*>Job Transitioned from NEW to INITED
ground truth. For this reason, they measure accuracy by
job<*>Job Transitioned from SETUP to RUNNING
examining pairs of log messages to see whether they can
be detected as part of the same template according to the In this paper, in addition to grouping accuracy, we
ground truth. More precisely, they use precision, recall, and introduce an additional metric that we call "matching
F1-score (which is the accuracy), defined as follows: accuracy", in which we measure the ratio of the number of
log events for which we correctly identified the static and
dynamic tokens to the number of log events parsed. We
P r eci si on = believe that this metric reflects better the ability of a log
TP +FP parser to recognize log events.
To calculate the matching accuracy metric, we
Rec al l = implemented a script to verify for each log message’s parsing
TP +FN result to see if the static and dynamic tokens are accurately
processed. The script checks that the parsed line and the
2 × Precision × Recall manually labelled log line from the dataset contain:
Gr oupi ng Accur ac y(F 1_Scor e) =
Precision + Recall • The same static tokens (we also make sure the tokens
• True positive (TP): The number of pairs of log messages appear in the right order), and
that are correctly parsed as instances of the same template • The dynamic variables are correctly identified.
according to the ground truth.
• False positive (FP): The number of pairs of log messages Results
that are incorrectly parsed as instances of the same Table 4 shows the results of AWSOM-LP grouping accuracy
template according to the ground truth. and a comparison with other tools. AWSOM-LP has the best
• False negative (FN) : The number of pairs of log messages accuracy in parsing 13 of the 16 log datasets, in comparison
that should be parsed as instances of the same template, to other log parsing tools including the recent one, Logram.
but each belongs to a different template. Additionally, our approach has an average accuracy of

Accuracy of AWSOM-LP compared with other log parsers. We have Comparison between AWSOM-LP grouping and matching accuracy
highlighted the results that are the highest among the parsers in bold.
Name Grouping Accuracy Matching Accuracy
Name Drain AEL Lenma IPLoM Logram AWSOM- Android 0.970 0.879
LP Apache 0.999 0.990
Android 0.933 0.867 0.976 0.716 0.848 0.970 BGL 0.945 0.437
Apache 0.693 0.693 0.693 0.693 0.699 0.999 Hadoop 0.991 0.427
BGL 0.822 0.818 0.577 0.792 0.740 0.945 HDFS 0.988 0.997
Hadoop 0.545 0.539 0.535 0.373 0.965 0.991 HealthApp 0.955 0.887
HDFS 0.999 0.999 0.998 0.998 0.981 0.988 HPC 0.985 0.997
HealthApp 0.609 0.615 0.141 0.651 0.969 0.955 Linux 0.988 0.839
HPC 0.929 0.990 0.915 0.979 0.959 0.997 Mac 0.977 0.652
Linux 0.250 0.241 0.251 0.235 0.460 0.988 openSSH 0.945 0.801
Mac 0.515 0.579 0.551 0.503 0.666 0.977 Openstack 0.840 0.816
openSSH 0.507 0.247 0.522 0.508 0.847 0.945 Proxifier 0.739 0.810
Openstack 0.538 0.718 0.759 0.697 0.545 0.840 Spark 0.992 0.755
Proxifier 0.973 0.968 0.955 0.975 0.951 0.739 Thunderbird 0.669 0.363
Spark 0.902 0.965 0.943 0.883 0.903 0.992 Windows 0.984 0.694
Thunder... 0.803 0.782 0.814 0.505 0.761 0.669 Zookeeper 0.999 0.683
Windows 0.983 0.983 0.277 0.554 0.957 0.984 Average 0.936 0.730
Zookeeper 0.962 0.922 0.842 0.967 0.955 0.999
Average 0.748 0.745 0.672 0.689 0.825 0.936

dynamic variable or two variables consisting of the the IP

address ’’ and the port number ’50010’.
0.936, whereas the second most accurate method, Logram,
has an average accuracy of 0.825. Further, AWSOM-LP has The matching accuracy of AWSOM-LP is shown in Table
an accuracy of more than 0.9 in 13 out of 16 log 5. Unfortunately, we could not compare matching accuracy
datasets, demonstrating the excellent ability of AWSOM-LP to the other tools since previous studies did not calculate
to parse various log files generated from different systems. this metric. AWSOM-LP’s matching accuracy for Apache and
We carefully examined the cases that AWSOM-LP missed and HDFS logs is more than 99%, which means that most of
found that the causes are as follows: the static and dynamic tokes of their log events have been
• We found errors and inconsistencies in the manual correctly identified and each log event was mapped out to
labelling of the benchmark files. For example, in the Mac the proper log template. This metric is more than 80% in 9
log file, the token ’CrazyIvan46!’ in log event ’labeling out of the 16 log datasets. The average matching accuracy is
-[NETClientConnection evaluateCrazyIvan46] CI46 - 0.73, making AWSOM-LP a very reliable parsing tool.
Perform CrazyIvan46!’ is considered as static, which is One of the main reasons for the low matching accuracy
an error in the labelling of the data. This is a dynamic for BGL, Hadoop and Thunderbird datasets is due to the
token, which refers to a username. An example of an errors in the manual labelling of the ground truth file. For
inconsistency would be the case of the HDFS log dataset example, the log event "10722 total interrupts. 0 critical
where the block ids such as blk_23333989 sometimes input interrupts. 0 microseconds total spent on critical input
labelled as <*> and some other times as blk_<*>. interrupts, 0 microseconds max time in a critical input
• Dynamic variables that appear more than the interrupt" is manually labelled as " <*> total interrupts. 0
minimum frequency, and therefore are considered critical input interrupts. <*> microseconds total spent on
as static tokens. For example, the variable critical input interrupts, <*> microseconds max time in a
’2607:f140:6000:8:c6b3:1ff:fecd:467f’ appears 18 times critical input interrupt." AWSOM-LP generates the following
in the Mac log file and six times locally (in a group of pattern " <*> total interrupts. <*> critical input interrupts.
20 similar log events). Even by using local frequency, its <*> microseconds total spent on critical input interrupts, <*>
number of occurrences remains higher than the threshold. microseconds max time in a critical input interrupt." Then
• There are many static variables, which are syntactically only difference is in the manually labelled pattern we have "
similar to dynamic variables. For example, in the Hadoop 0 critical input interrupts", where the number 0 is considered
log file, the log event ’2015-10-18 18:01:51,963 INFO [main] as a static token in the ground truth, whereas AWSOM-LP
org.mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26’ is interpreted by AWSOM- deemed it as a dynamic variable. This mismatch appears
LP as ’<*>’ after pre-processing the other fields and the 71 times in the log dataset. Another example is the log
pattern recognition step, which is incorrect according to event "generating core.21045" which is manually labelled as
the manually labeled files. The term jetty-6.1.26 should be " generating core<*> ", and detected by AWSOM-LP associate
a static token. This type of static tokens are the hardest that event with the template "generating <*>. The fact that
to detect because they bear most of the characteristics of the variable "core.21045" does not contain a white space that
dynamic variables. separates " core" from "21045" made AWSOM-LP interpret it
• We found dynamic variables that can be interpreted as one dynamic variable. This mismatch appears 721 times in
in different ways. Take, for example, the IP address the log dataset. Other types of mistaches between the result It can be interpreted either as one of AWSOM-LP and the ground trught are shown in Table 6.

TABLE 6 of LogPai.
Examples of mismatches between the ground truth and AWSOM-LP
Log file Comparison
Figure 4 shows the results of ease of stabilization of AWSOM-
Event: generating core.21045
BGL Ground truth : generating core<*> LP. The red line in each figure means that 80% of the
AWSOM-LP : generating <*> templates have been detected. As we can see, AWSOM-LP
Event: 10765 total interrupts. 0 critical input interrupts. can generate 80% of log templates with less than 35% of
BGL Ground: <*>total interrupts. 0 critical input interrupts.
AWSOM-LP : <*>total interrupts. <*>critical input interrupts.
the logs in 8 log datasets out of 12. The results are even
Event : idoproxydb hit ASSERT condition: better with Apache, Mac, Spark, and Proxifier log files in
ASSERT expression=0 which case AWSOM-LP needs less than 10% of the logs to
Ground truth : idoproxydb hit ASSERT condition: generate 80% of the templates. For Hadoop and HealthApp
ASSERT expression=0
AWSOM-LP : idoproxydb hit ASSERT condition: logs, we need 25% of the total size of the log files. For BGL,
ASSERT expression=<*> OpenSSH, Android, and Openstack, AWSOM-LP requires at
Event : task_1445144423722_0020_m_000007 Task least 50% of the data to discover 80% and more templates.
Transitioned from NEW to SCHED
Hadoop These results can be attributed to the fact that these logs
Ground: task<*>Task Transitioned from NEW to SCHED
AWSOM-LP : <*>Task Transitioned from NEW to SCHED contains a large number of patterns, forcing AWSOM-LP to
Event : Progress of TaskAttempt learn new patterns as new logs are coming in. We did not
attempt_1445144423_0020_m_000000_0 is : 0.1795899 find a correlation between ease stabilisation and the size of
Ground: Progress of TaskAttempt attempt<*>is :<*>
log files. Smaller log files such as Hadoop (7,000 log events)
AWSOM-LP : Progress of TaskAttempt <*>is :<*>
Event. : Using callQueue class may require a large set to stabilize AWSOM-LP than larger
java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue files. The key factors that impact ease of stabilization are
Hadoop Ground: Using callQueue class the number of patterns they contain and the high variability
AWSOM-LP : Using callQueue class <*>
in the data (i.e., newer log events are introduced frequently
Event : (Release Date: Mon Sep 27 22:15:07 EDT 2004) during the execution of the logged system).
Thunder Ground truth : <*>(Release Date: <*>EDT <*>)
AWSOM-LP : <*>(Release Date: <*>)
4.3 Efficiency
To assess the efficiency of AWSOM-LP, we record the
4.2 Ease of stabilisation execution time to complete the end-to-end parsing process.
We assess the ease of stabilization by processing portions For this aspect of the study, we use the same log files as the
of the logs and measure how much knowledge in terms ones used to assess ease of stabilization (see Table 7). Note
of input log events is required by AWSOM-LP to reach a that for Android, BGL, and Spark logs, which contains more
reasonable accuracy. In other words, we want to know the than 1 million events, we measure AWSOM-LP’s efficienct
likelihood of creating a comprehensive set of log templates for these logs up to 1 million log events. This limitation
from a small amount of log data that can recognize future is mainly caused by our limited computing environment.
raw log events. Building a dictionary of templates from a All experiments were conducted on a MacBook Pro Laptop
limited set of log events is desirable for improved efficiency running MacOS Big Sur version 11.4 with a 6 Intel Core i7
and scalability. To measure ease of stabilization, we follow CPU 2.2GHz, 32GB 2400MHz DDR4 RAM, and 256 GB SSD
the same approach as the one proposed by Dai et al. [27]. hard drive.
For each dataset, we select portions of the log file and Unlike other studies that use the file size to measure
measure how many templates are extracted using these efficiency [30] [45], we decided in this paper to use the
portions compared to the total number of templates that number of log events instead. We believe that the number
are generated when using the entire file. We start with 5% of log events is more representative of the amount of
of log events and increase this portion by 10% until we reach information contained in a log file. For example, the Hadoop
100% coverage of the log file. This part of the evaluation
is applied to larger log files (not only the 2,000 log events TABLE 7
as for accuracy). The LogPai log datasets are organized in The log datasets used for ease of stabilisation
two different ways. Some datasets such as Hadoop and
OpenStack are organized into folders that contain multiple File Size Number of Lines
log files. For these, we selected the largest log file from each Apache 5.1MB 56,482
Android 192.3MB 1,555,000
dataset for evaluation. The other datasets such as BGL, HDFS,
BGL 743.2MB 4,747,000
etc. are saved as one log file. For these, we took the entire file Spark 166MB 1,225,000
as our testbed. However, we excluded Thunderbird, Windows, OpenSSH 73MB 655,000
and HDFS because of the large amount of data they contain, Zookeeper 10MB 74,000
OpenStack 41MB 137,000
which is in Giga Bytes. Additionally, we excluded the HPC
Proxifier 3MB 21,000
dataset because the file was corrupt and we were not Mac 17MB 117,000
able to process it. The exact files used to evaluate ease HealthApp 24MB 253,000
of stabilization can be found on the AWSOM-LP Github Hadoop 2MB 7,000
repository. In total, we used 12 log files out of the 16 datasets Linux 2.4MB 27,000

Fig. 4. Results of ease of stabilization of AWSOM-LP. The x-axis refers to the percentage of log events used for parsing, while the y-axis refers to the percentage
of templates that were identified. The red line indicates that 80% of the templates were identified.

log file has a size of 1.5MB, but only contains 7,253 log events, log events, and increase this number by a factor of 2 until we
whereas the size of the Spark log file is 1MB, but has 8,750 reach the total size of the file (i.e., 56,482).
log events. This because the format and complexity of log
events vary from one dataset to another. Using the size of the Results
storage space to measure efficiency is misleading.
Figure 5 shows the results of AWSOM-LP’s efficiency, which
For each file, we measure the efficiency of AWSOM-LP varies from 3 seconds to 1,296 seconds (i.e., 22 min)
by randomly selecting various portions of the file to see depending on the log file. For Hadoop, Proxifier, Apache,
how AWSOM-LP performs as the size of the file increases. Linux, Zookeper, MAC, AWSOM-LP took from 3 to 100
For example, for the Apache log file of Table 7, we start by seconds to parse each file. For larger logs such as HealthApp,
measuring the efficiency of LogPaser when applied to 10,000 Spark, OpenSSH, BGL, Android, AWSOM-LP took between

Fig. 5. Results of AWSOM-LP efficiency. The x-axis represents the number of log events and the y-axis represents the execution time in seconds.

143 (3 min) to 1,296 seconds (22 min). This variation is is very good, which is 5 minutes on average. This
mainly due to the structure of the log events of each file performance is obviously impacted by the hardware used
and of course the number of lines processed. Note, however, to run the experiments. We anticipate that using more
that Android logs took the most time to parse 1,296 seconds computing power and better hardware, combined with
(22 min) and this is due to the complexity of Android events. parallel programming, would significantly increase the
Each event contains a large number of static and dynamic efficiency of AWSOM-LP.
tokens, which affect the AWSOM-LP’s pattern recognition
step. In average, AWSOM-LP’s efficiency is 233 seconds (4 5 T HREATS TO VALIDITY
In this section, we discuss the threats to the validity of this
Additionally, the figure shows that the parsing time study, which are organized as internal, external, conclusion,
increases linearly with respect to the file size (in terms of the and reliability threats.
number of log events), meaning that AWSOM-LP’s efficiency Internal validity: Internal validity threats concern the
does not degrade as the size of the file increases. factors that might impact our results. We assessed AWSOM-
In conclusion, the overall efficiency of AWSOM-LP LP using 16 log datasets from the LogPai benchmark.

We cannot ascertain that AWSOM-LP’s accuracy would be AWSOM-LP does not need to read the entire log file to learn
the same if applied to other datasets. This said, these the templates. IT requires between 10% to 50% of the data
datasets cover software systems from different domains, to recognize at least 80% of the template, making it a very
which make them a good testbed for log parsing and analysis stable tool, ready to process logs in real-time.
tools. Another internal threat to validity is related to the Future work should build on this work by focusing on
threshold we used when applying local frequency analysis, the following aspects (a) apply AWSOM-LP to more logs,
which is the minimum frequency. A different threshold especially those from industrial system, (b) improve AWSOM-
may lead to different results. To mitigate this threat, we LP by adding more regular expressions to identify other
experimented with different threshold including the median trivial dynamic variables such as domain-specific variables,
frequency and found that the minimum frequency yields best (c) investigate a simple way to recommend a cutoff threshold
results. We should work towards automating the selection for the frequency analysis step based on the characteristics of
of the threshold tailored to specific log files based on the log data, and (d) improve the efficiency of the tool when
statistical analysis of sample log data. Also, despite our applied to log files with a large number of patterns, with high
efforts implementing and testing AWSOM-LP, errors may variability.
have occurred. To mitigate this threat, we tested the tool
on many log files and we also checked manually its output
on small samples. In addition, we make the tool and the
data available on Github to allow researcher to reproduce the
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