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Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin.

Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences

and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR)

IJAMSCR |Volume 10 | Issue 3 | July - Sept - 2022

Research article Medical research


Joseph Santosh Phasge*, Dr. Ujwal Yeole

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth , Pune, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Joseph Santosh Phasge

Email: [email protected]

Cricket is a sport widely played all over world. It is most loved and played Sport in India, and many children dream of
representing their Nation. Many academies are working all over India where children can go and train/practice the game. Bowlers
are an important part of the team. Thus, Spin bowlers are an important role in bowling against the opposite team. Hence, to
improve team performance we need to focus on improving the performance of spin bowlers as much as others. To achieve this, we
need to analyze the correlation between trunk rotators strength, core strength and lower limb stability on accuracy of spin bowlers
in cricket.

Keywords: Cricket, Spin bowlers, bowling,

INTRODUCTION spinners, in comparison to fast bowlers, deliver the ball at a

slower pace. Spin bowlers employ a variety of skills to trick
Cricket is a sport of bat and ball played worldwide, between batsmen, including controlling the ball. The ball's flight,
two teams with eleven players in each team organizes including drift, dip, and side spin, among other things. Spin
various world championship events. It is organized by the bowlers are classed as finger spin (off – on) or finger spin
international cricket council (ICC) a world governing body (on – off) depending on how they impart spin to the ball 1.
which organizes various world championship events. Cricket Bowlers who use their wrists to spin the ball and bowlers
is played in three established event formats Test match who use their legs to spin the ball. In finger spin bowling,
(approximately 100 overs per day with match lasting for 4-5 the bowler grips the ball with his fingers. Position the ball
days) another event format is the ODI (One day international firmly against the seam of the index finger's interphalangeal
event with 50 overs per team) and Twenty-Twenty event joints. As well as the middle fingers. It has been proven that
format which has 20 overs per team (T20)1. the ball does not spin. Specifically rely on finger motion, but
Bowlers play an important role in any cricket team; they can primarily on supination of the forearm. The kinetic chain
be divided into two groups that is Fast bowlers and Spin mechanism of the forearm and the body. The wrist spin
bowlers. A Spin bowler drives the cricket ball in such a way bowler grips the Cricket ball in the palms in between the
that the ball diverges its direction from the original direction index and middle finger with the seam of the ball parallel to
after it hits the ground spin bowler does it using rotational palm. The index and middle finger are spread apart to firmly
force while bowling and a fast bowler drives the ball grip the ball1.
towards the batsman. When there is a spin on the ball it South Asian bowlers have mastered the art of spin bowling.
affects the flight and bounce of the ball and it makes it tough The main reason for this is that spin bowlers benefit more on
for the batsman to play. Spin bowlers should be trained pitches in the subcontinent. The earlier the spinners enter the
precisely to improve the performance of the team. Spin scene, the faster the pitch degenerates. Fast bowlers benefit

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

more from Australian and South African surfaces, which are through sagittal and transverse planes must be prescribed to
usually quite hard and bouncy3. During the match, they do the spin bowler. The front foot contact creates an impact
not break up too often. Pitching on the subcontinent, on the force that is absorbed by soft tissues and Lower back1.
other hand, is not as difficult. They are not held together as This means that the FFI phase requires a spin bowler to have
well by the grass, so they break apart more quickly and aid maximal strength to absorb ground reaction forces and
spin bowlers. In addition to this, spin bowling is considered effectively transfer closed chain exercise prescription which
to be less tiring than pace bowling. As it generally does not strengthens the knee joint and increases its stability1.
employ a lengthy run up. Therefore, spin bowling is more
prevalent in the hot and humid conditions of the sub- MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY
continent as a form of energy conservation, especially in • STUDY DESIGN: Experimental
multi-day competitions. In general, leg-spin is considered to • STUDY SETTING: In cricket academies around Pune
be one of the toughest types of bowling in which to keep • SAMPLE POPULATION: Spin Bowlers
control of the ball, but it is very effective in picking off • SAMPLING METHOD: Convenient Sampling
wickets. • SAMPLE SIZE: 60
It is customary among cricket commentators to describe and • MATERIALS REQUIRED: Cone/ marker, measuring
judge the quality of spin bowling in terms of the tape, Sticking Tape,
characteristics flight, turn, bounce, drift, and dip. All these book, pen, 2 kg medicine ball, consent form.
are arts to deceive the batsman and require much practice.
The basic trajectory of spin bowling is two-lines-at-an-angle, INCLUSION CRITERIA
but the above characteristics (described below) modify this • Subject within age group of 18 to 25 years
‘normal’ trajectory into more complex shapes. • Male Cricket Spin Bowlers
Turn: How much the ball turns after pitching ( e.g. 5 degree • Playing Cricket since at least 1 Year at a Club level or
deviation after meeting the ground). It depends on the district level
number and direction of revolutions of the ball. The
movement and rotation of the ball varies, depending on the EXCLUSION CRITERIA
position of the wrist and the finger. An occasional • Patients unwilling to participate in the study.
unexpected straight ball can usefully be included in an • Injured players.
attack, but spin variation is the main technique used to • Involved in other Sports
deceive the batsman and take wickets. A high rate of turn is • Intermittent Practice
above 33 rev/second, or 2000 Rpm, which Graeme Swann
consistently spin over 2000 rpm, the most amongst English
spinners until Liam Dawson also topped 35 rev/second, or
• Y-Balance test for lower limb stability.
2100 rpm. Also, the slower the ball, it tends to deviate more.
• Lateral Medicine Ball Toss test for trunk rotators
For an off spinner, you will have to bowl from a wider of
off-stump to get the ball to turn into the right-handed
• Dynamic Abdominal Endurance Test for core strength.
batsman and force them to nick off the edge to a fielder or
• Spot bowling for accuracy.
into the top of off stump.
• Wicket-Hit ratio for accuracy.
Bounce: Getting the ball to bounce more than normal, so
that the ball meets the Batsman at a greater height than
expected. Sometimes, if the ball spins horizontally (e.ga PROCEDURE
slider), the batsman will not be able to make contact with the Permissions were taken from institutional ethical committee
ball and it may hit the stumps before the second bounce. of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. Different centers were
Drift: Getting the ball to move sideways while in air. Late approached, and permission was obtained prior to the study.
drift causes the batsman to cover the wrong line and the ball The patients willing to participate were given a consent form
may catch the edge of the bat. Dip: Getting the ball to pitch to fill. Sample size was selected on the basis of the inclusion
(meet the ground) at a shorter distance than normal. Late dip and exclusion criteria. The willing Players were evaluated
causes the batsman to misjudge the length of the ball. using Y- balance test for Lower limb Stability Lateral
Flight: throwing the ball up a bit more than normal, so that Medicine Ball Toss Test for Trunk Rotator Strength,
its time in the air before pitching is longer 6. A slow ball with Dynamic Abdominal Curl Test, Wicket Hit Ratio and Spot
extra flight may deceive the batsman into thinking it is Bowling for Accuracy.
slower than it is and therefore mistiming his shot. This is Y Balance Test: The player was explained the test and a
very effective for off spinners. Usually, a spin bowler relies demo was shown. Then a practice round was given to the
on tricks during flight to produce turn, bounce, drift and dip, subject. The subject was then asked to perform the test. 3
or combinations of them. The complete bowling action is readings were taken in each of the 3 directions i.e. Anterior
broken into five distinct positions or phases;1. Back foot reach, Posterolateral reach and Posteromedial reach.
impact, 2. Delivery stride / Front Foot Impact, 3. Cradle Lateral Medicine Ball Toss Test: The player was explained
position, 4. Ball release, 5. follow-through1. about the test and was given a demo. A practice round was
FFI/Delivery stride is characterized by side on bowling performed. The test was performed.
action which shows lateral flexion and hyperextension at the Dynamic abdominal endurance test: The patient is in crook
trunk. The rotational emphasis of them bowling action lying, hands by the sides of the body. 12 cm distance is
means that the training programs should focus on developing marked from the fingertips of the patient. The patient is then
core musculature strength and stability. Therefore, core asked to do abdominal curls.Timer is started for a minute
exercises predominantly training explosive trunk action and number of abdominal curls done by the patient are noted

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

in one minute. Timer is stopped if any wrong position is Wicket Hit Ratio: The player was explained the details of
noted and the test is eliminated. the test. The player was asked to bowl 1 over (6 balls) at
Spot Bowling: A marker was placed at a selected location on Good length on the pitch and 1 over (6 balls) at the Short
the pitch, the player was explained the procedure. The length. The target of the bowler was to hit the middle stump
Player was then asked to bowl 2 overs i.e. 12 balls and try to with pitching at his desired line in the given length of the
keep the pitching on the marker. The test was conducted. pitch. The no of balls hitting the Middle Stump were then

Wicket-Hit Ratio for accuracy

Spot Bowling for accuracy

Y balance test Posterolateral Y balance test Anteriorly Y balance test Posteromedial

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]


Demographic data
Age group Percentage of subjects
18-20 years 46
21-22 years 9
23-25 years 5

Graph 1 shows that, 77% population belongs to the age group 18-20 years, 15% belongs to 21-22 years, 8% belongs to 23-25
years of age.

Y Balance Test
Y-Balance test score Less than 98.6% More than (98.6%)
Percentage of athletes 21.70% 78.30%

According to Graph no.2 21.70% of participants scored less than 98.6% indicating less stability in lower limbs and 78.30% of
participants scored more than 98.6% indicating more stability in lower limbs.

LMBTT Percentage of athletes

Below average 0%
Average 41.7%
Above average 53.33%
Excellent 5%

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

Lateral Medicine Ball Toss test

Most the athletes which participated in our study were Above Average (53.3%) followed by Average (41.7%) and Excellent (5%)
respectively for the Lateral medicine ball toss test.

Dynamic Abdominal curl test

Abdominal curl test Percentage of athletes

Well above average (Above 80) 0%
Above average (60-80) 16.70%
Average (40-60) 83.30%

The following graph interprets the data of dynamic abdominal endurance test in which 83.30% population is graded as average
and 16.70% population is graded as above average.

Wicket-Hit ratio for accuracy

Wicket-Hit Ratio (/12) Percentage of population
3 13.30%
4 25%
5 11.70%
6 23.30%
7 11.70%
8 10%
9 5%

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

Graph no.5 shows the percentage of wicket-hit in 12 balls by the bowler with the MEAN±SD of 5.45±1.7.

Spot Bowling for accuracy

Spot Bowling (/12) Percentage of population
1 1.70%
2 1.70%
3 8.30%
4 16.60%
5 25%
6 21.60%
7-9 25.1%

Graph no.6 shows the percentage of Spot bowling ratio by the bowler with the MEAN±SD of 5.43±1.7

Correlation between Y balance test with spot bowling and wicket-hit ratio for accuracy

YBT Spot bowling WHR

Mean ± SD 103.5±6.3 5.42±1.7 5.45±1.7
R value -0.055
P value 0.5497

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

The following results shows the correlation coefficient (r=-0.055) and p value = 0.54 which states that there is no significant
correlation in this result.

Correlation between Lateral medicine ball toss test with spot bowling and wicket-hit ratio for accuracy

Lateral medicine ball toss test Spot bowling WHR

Mean ± SD 11.48 ±0.36 5.42±1.7 5.45±1.7
R value 0.019
P value 0.82

The following results show the correlation coefficient of (r=0.019) and the p value (p=0.82) which states that there is no
significant correlation between trunk rotator strength and accuracy.

Correlation between Dynamic abdominal curl test with spot bowling and wicket-hit ratio for accuracy

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

DACT Spot bowling WHR

Mean ± SD 54.33±5.48 5.42±1.7 5.45±1.7
R value -0.067
P value 0.46

The following graph shows the correlation coefficient (r=-0.067) And the p value (p=0.46) which states that there is no significant
correlation between core strength and accuracy.

DISCUSSION Their role is to stabilize the trunk, during the ball release
phase. As spinners have a shorter run up, the pace required
The present study was conducted to find the correlation for the ball to travel is generated by these muscles. As these
between trunk rotators strength, core strength and lower muscles are strengthened it will reduce the excessive
limb stability on accuracy of spin bowlers. In cricket in the pressure from the rest of the body. These muscles strengthen
present study 60 cricket players (males=60) within the age the kinematic chain and thus help in some pace. During
group of 18-25 years were taken, the mean age was bowling there is hyper extension of the trunk. It will be a
19.2±1.7. The mean years of experience was 4.6±1.5. The good delivery if the ball is released at an ideal position.
Accuracy was tested using Spot bowling, the analysis of spot When there is a disturbance in the trunk position the arm
bowling test had Mean as 5.42±1.7 Out of 60 people 25% also moves accordingly. To keep an erect posture the trunk
subjects had a bowling score of 5, 21.6% had a score of 6, rotator strength is important. The stable the bowler’s trunk is
16.60% of subjects had a score of 4, 13.30% people had a better the releasing position. In the follow through phase the
score of 7 in spot bowling, 8.30% subjects had a score of 3, back foot impact leg rotates along the front foot impact leg
6.60% of subjects had a score of 8 in their spot bowling, this needs to be a controlled motion as there is a kinetic
5.20% had a score of 9, 1.70% had a score of 2 and 1.70% of chain in progression. If the follow through is not in control it
subjects had 1 score in their spot bowling. Another outcome may cause an injury to the player. The next test was
measure for accuracy is Wicket-Hit Ratio. The players were Dynamic abdominal curl test in which the player was
explained about the test, 25% subjects got a wicket hit ratio informed about how to perform the test and the results were
of 4, 23.30 had a wicket hit ratio score of 6, 13.30% had a taken accordingly. In this test 0% of the population had a
wicket hit ratio of 3, 11.70% had a wicket hit ratio of 7 also score of well above average, 16.70% of population had a
again 11.70 subjects had a wicket hit ratio of 5, 10% had a score of above average and 83.30% of the population had a
wicket hit ratio of 8, 5% subjects had a wicket hit ratio of 9. score of average. Core strength plays an important role in
It was found that no subjects had a wicket hit ratio of 1 and stabilization of the body, it minimizes joint loads in all the
2. The Trunk muscle strength was measured with the help activities.
lateral medicine ball toss test. In this test 41.67% of the total For the assessment of lower limb stability Y balance test was
population had the score of average, 53.33% population had used, in this test 21.70% of the population has less than
the score above average, 5% had the score as Excellent and 98.6% which indicates less stability and there are more
0% population had a score below average. The Trunk chances of injury in this population and 78.30% of the
rotators act a binder to the lower and upper body kinematic. population has the score more than 98.6% which indicates

Joseph Santosh Phage et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-10(3) 2022 [293--301]

more stability. The Lower Limb Stability of the front foot In this study, we were trying to find correlation between
impact leg is important as it determined the posture of the trunk rotator strength and accuracy the lateral medicine ball
bowler during the ball release. It is seen that the posture of toss test showed the SD± 0.36 in graph no.8 it shows the
the bowler is disturbed when he lands on the leg abnormally. correlation coefficient (r=0.019) and the p value = 0.82
This causes the loss of balance and the ball release position which showed that there is no significant correlation
is disturbed. It may also cause a disturbance in the players between trunk rotator strength and accuracy of the following
performance. Lower limb stability also has an important role population. In this study, we were trying to find correlation
in the wellbeing of the bowler. As there is a follow through between core strength and accuracy, the Dynamic abdominal
there are chances that the sudden loss of motion can cause curl test showed the SD±5.48 in graph no.9 it shows that the
an injury to the bowler. After the tests were performed correlation coefficient (r=-0.067) and the p value = 0.46
correlation of the obtained data was done and with the help which stated that there is no significant correlation between
of correlation coefficient conclusion was made whether the core strength and accuracy of the following population.
trunk rotator strength, core strength and lower limb stability Thus, from our study we did not find any correlation
are correlated with accuracy in the spin bowlers. Firstly, between trunk rotator strength, core strength and lower limb
correlation between lower limb stability and accuracy was stability on accuracy of spin bowlers in cricket.
taken with the help of Y balance test with the SD±6.3, Spot
bowling and Wicket-hit ratio in graph no.7 it shows the CONCLUSION
correlation coefficient of (r=-0.055) and the p value = 0.54
which shows that there is no significant correlation between This study concluded that there is no significant correlation
lower limb stability and accuracy of spin bowlers in cricket. between Trunk rotators strength, Core strength and Lower
limb stability in accuracy of spin bowlers in cricket.

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