(God) Maintenance MAN E 2842LE 322.0010
for Natural Gas Applications
‘mon ne each | eacn | cacn_| each
[interval in operating hours 2050. 500 _| 15,009 | 25.000 | 50.000
Maintenance interval Et Fe
[eakage test
[Check bot connections
[Change engine i/o
[change ot ser
[Recor operating data
[asst spark plugs
Check stan provedure
[Check sucton pressure
[Asustvaive clearance
[change spark luge
[Measure compression pressure
[oneck-adust ttt valve
1ek/Clean gas fer
[Check/Ciean after
[Check/Ciean pick-up sensor
[check coolant concentration
[CheckiChange oll separator
[Check ignition tm
[check coolant sysveyst pressure
lMessure crankcase pressure
[Messure exnausi gas pressure
[Check ave ratio and emissions
[Check/Casbrate sensors
[check bot connections exaust elbow
Replace cooiant
Replace ureocnarger
Replace exhaust manifold
Messsure crankshaft aval dearance
Replace ners
Measure connecting ree
Repiace pistons ngs
Replace eyinger nade
Replace pistons
Replace erankshait bearings
Replace valve tning gear
ase camshaft
Measure cranashat
‘The retighlening ofthe eyinder- head bots must be at 600 operating hours
tne individual oi changing interval has to be dented by regular ll analyses depending on
the operating conditions an the ol yped used according to MAN-Norm M 3271-2
- ol analyse nas to start a frst 600 operating hours
the overhaul intervals R1, 2 and Rare estimated and without responsibly
sero, 01/2081