SES 400kW
SES 400kW
SES 400kW
* Possibility of increasing thermal power by using a calorific value waste-gas heat exchanger.
** Measurement of noise in free field, tolerance ± 1,0 dB(A)
*** Measurement of noise in free field, tolerance ± 2,5 dB(A)
***** Special-Oxi-Cat (Formaldehyde, H2CO < 40 mg/Nm³) causes additional charge.
Tolerance for preceding heat output ±7% and energy input +5%.
All further data are valid for grid parallel operation. Derating through adjustment of reactive power factor cosφ by energy supplier possible.
Features of our scope of supply are only warranted, when SES expressly stated the warranty. Power and efficiencies according ISO 3046/1
and DIN 6271, at 25°C air temperature, 100 kPa air pressure (at 100 m above see level), 30% rel. humidity, methane number ≥ 80, as well as
cosφ = 1. As fuel natural gas according German DVGW Worksheet G260, category 2, group L is valid. Furthermore following documents are
valid: MAN Operating Materials and Operating Instructions for MAN Industrial Gas Engines in latest edition. These documents are available
on request. A gas flow pressure before module of 40 - 80 mbar is necessary. A temperature of gas mixer outlet of 10 °C to 30 °C has to be
ensured. Data for other operating conditions or gas qualities on request.