SES 400kW

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Technical Data Sheet

COGEN Compact Module SES - HPC 400 N - V12

Engine data version 02.2011

Basic Data Heat exchanger unit

Fuel Natural gas Jacket water heat output kW 236
Minimum heating value Hu kWh/m³ 10,0 Intercooler HT heat output kW 55
Methane number Mz ≥ 80 Intercooler LT heat output kW 16
Heating water system temperature °C 70 / 90 Exhaust heat
kW 222
CHP coefficient 0,79 (cooling up to 120°C)
Primary energy factor fp EnEV 2007 0,73 Total thermal power output via plate heat
kW 513
Frequency Hz 50 exchanger
Nominal voltage Un V 400 Heating water temp. inlet °C 70
Speed min-1 1.500 Heating water temp. outlet °C 90
Intercooler version °C 50
Electrical nominal power at cosφ=1 kW 405 Design and operation
Thermal power utile * kW 513
Maintenance interval oh 1.250
Fuel power input kW 1.045
Efficiency electrical % 38,8 Lubricant oil content engine min./max. l 40/90
Efficiency thermal % 49,1 Generator efficiency cosφ=1, 400V % 96,4
Efficiency total % 87,9 Generator current nominal cosφ=1, 400V A 584
Lean operation Radiation heat module kW 61
After-treatment of exhaust gases
and oxicat Intake air mass flow kg/h 16.566
Pollutant emissions TA-Luft 2002 Outlet air mass flow kg/h 14.516
(dry exhaust gas with 5% O2) Combustion air mass flow
kg/h 2.050
Formaldehyde ***** mg/Nm³ < 60 at 25°C and 1013 mbar
NOx measured as NO2 mg/Nm³ < 500 Intake air temp. ISO 3046 min/max °C 10 / 25
CO mg/Nm³ < 300 Exhaust mass flow wet kg/h 2.126
Exhaust volume flow, dry 0% O2
Nm³/h 1.698
Engine (0°C, 1013 mbar)
Engine Type MAN E 2842 LE 322 Permissible exhaust gas back pressure
mbar 5
Combustion type Gas engine downstream of module for piping
Operating principle 4-stroke Airbone noise (sound power level) Module ** dB(A) 106
Cylinder No./ configuration V 12 Sound level reduction with standard sound-
Displacement l 21,9 absorbing hood (average frequency range of dB 28
Engine power according ISO 3046/1 kW mech 420 500 Hz - 4000 Hz)
Specific fuel consumption MJ/kWh 8,96 Exhaust noise (sound pressure level) damped
with primary exhaust silencer dB(A) 70
Generator at 10 m distance ***
Type of Generator Leroy Somer 47.2 L9 C6/4
Apparent power kVA 600 Connections and interfaces
Voltage V 400 Gas inlet Rp 2"
Stator connection Y Exhaust gas outlet (flange) DN250/PN10
Ambient temperature max. °C 40 Condensate drain R 1"
Protection class IP23 Heating water inlet/outlet (flange) DN65/PN10
Radio interference class acc. VDE 0875 N Intercooling system LT inlet/outlet (flange) DN40/PN10
Heating class H Flanges conform to DIN EN 1092-1
Generator weight kg 1.331 Module dimensions and weight
Length mm 3.725
Width mm 1.740
Height mm 2.750
Operating weight approx. kg 5.500

* Possibility of increasing thermal power by using a calorific value waste-gas heat exchanger.
** Measurement of noise in free field, tolerance ± 1,0 dB(A)
*** Measurement of noise in free field, tolerance ± 2,5 dB(A)
***** Special-Oxi-Cat (Formaldehyde, H2CO < 40 mg/Nm³) causes additional charge.
Tolerance for preceding heat output ±7% and energy input +5%.
All further data are valid for grid parallel operation. Derating through adjustment of reactive power factor cosφ by energy supplier possible.
Features of our scope of supply are only warranted, when SES expressly stated the warranty. Power and efficiencies according ISO 3046/1
and DIN 6271, at 25°C air temperature, 100 kPa air pressure (at 100 m above see level), 30% rel. humidity, methane number ≥ 80, as well as
cosφ = 1. As fuel natural gas according German DVGW Worksheet G260, category 2, group L is valid. Furthermore following documents are
valid: MAN Operating Materials and Operating Instructions for MAN Industrial Gas Engines in latest edition. These documents are available
on request. A gas flow pressure before module of 40 - 80 mbar is necessary. A temperature of gas mixer outlet of 10 °C to 30 °C has to be
ensured. Data for other operating conditions or gas qualities on request.

Subject to technical modifications. E. & OE. V 11/2012 © SES Energiesysteme GmbH

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