Swaziland Action Agenda
Swaziland Action Agenda
Swaziland Action Agenda
July, 2016
Kingdom of Swaziland
Prepared by
Kudakwashe Ndhlukula
Manketti Energy Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
JULY, 2016
LIST OF ACRONYMS..................................................................................................................ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................iii
PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................ vii
INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 1
Swaziland’s energy situation and context ..................................................................... 1
Energy situation and regional context ............................................................................ 3
Swaziland energy sector context ..................................................................................... 5
Introduction to Action Agenda, Investment Prospectus and players involved ... 7
Stakeholder consultations ................................................................................................. 8
PART 1: VISION AND TARGETS UNTIL 2030 ..................................................................... 9
1.1 Energy sector trajectory ............................................................................................... 9
1.2 Energy access targets until 2030 ............................................................................. 13
1.3 Renewable energy targets until 2030.................................................................... 17
1.4 Energy efficiency targets until 2030 ........................................................................ 23
1.5 Relevant nexus targets until 2030 .......................................................................... 26
PART 2: PRIORITY ACTION AREAS ................................................................................... 30
2.1 Energy access ............................................................................................................... 30
2.1.1 What is the current status and trajectory .................................................... 30
2.1.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps? ........... 30
2.1.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective
under energy access?................................................................................................. 31
2.1.4 Which (global) High-Impact Opportunities are relevant? ....................... 32
2.2 Renewable energy........................................................................................................ 32
2.2.1 What is the current status and trajectory? ................................................. 33
2.2.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps? ........... 33
2.2.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective
under renewable energy? .......................................................................................... 34
2.2.4 Which (global) High-Impact Opportunities are relevant? ....................... 35
2.3 Energy efficiency........................................................................................................ 35
2.3.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps? ........... 35
2.3.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective
under energy efficiency?............................................................................................ 36
2.3.4 Which (global) High-Impact Opportunities are relevant? ....................... 37
2.4 Additional nexus targets ............................................................................................ 38
2.5 Enabling action areas.................................................................................................. 39
PART 3: COORDINATION AND FOLLOW-UP ................................................................... 41
3.1 National SE4ALL coordination structure ............................................................... 41
3.1.1 Composition of the Steering Committee ..................................................... 42
3.1.2 Composition of the National Expert Group................................................. 43
3.2 Follow-up analysis ...................................................................................................... 44
3.3 Monitoring, evaluation and reporting ..................................................................... 45
3.4 Link to Investment Prospectus................................................................................. 48
4.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 51
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 54
ANNEX 2: STAKEHOLDERS’ CONSULTATIONS ............................................................. 56
Table 1: Percentage of households using different types of energy sources for cooking
by region-rural areas (2010)……………………………………………………………...14
Table 2: Targeted minimum tier of energy access……………………………………………16
Table 3: Renewable energy projects proposed in Swaziland………………………………...18
Table 4: The Steering Committee for SE4ALL………………………………………………42
Table 5: The National Expert Group…………………………………………………………44
Table 6: Illustrative list of indicators for the SE4All initiative……………………………..47
Table 7: Summary of Key Recommendations……………………………………………….52
AA/IP Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus
AfDB African Development Bank
CSO Central Statistics Office
DSM Demand-side Management
EE Energy Efficiency
EU European Union
FINCORP Swaziland Development Finance Corporation
FSE&CC Federation of Swaziland Employers and Chamber of Commerce
GHG Green-house gases
GTF Global Tracking Framework
GWh Gigawatt hour (109 watt-hours)
kW Kilowatt (103 watts)
IPP Independent Power Producer
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
ISO Independent System Operator/International Standards Organisation
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy
MW Megawatt (106 watts)
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
PPP Public Private Partnership
PV Photovoltaic
RSSC Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation
RRA Renewables Readiness Assessment
RE Renewable Energy
REASWA Renewable Energy Industry Association of Swaziland
RETs Renewable Energy Technologies
SADC Southern African Development Community
SAPP Southern African Power Pool
SE4ALL Sustainable Energy for All
SEA Swaziland Environment Authority
SEC Swaziland Electricity Company (Formerly SEB)
SEF Swaziland Environment Fund
SERA Swaziland Energy Regulatory Authority
SIPA Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority
SWASA Swaziland Standards Authority
SWSC Swaziland Water Services Corporation
Energy access still remains a challenge with 50% of rural population using solid fuels for cooking
solutions. This has left about 161,913 households affected by household air pollution possibly
contributing to scores of death due respiratory complications. Access to electricity is currently
being addressed through grid extension by SEC with government and donor support.
Government occasionally finances off-grid renewable energy projects. Swaziland is on course to
reach universal access of electricity by year 2022 in line with the national Vision 2022. The
challenge, however, still remains on attaining the same access to clean cooking solutions.
Hydropower and biomass based co-generation play a significant role in electricity generation in
Swaziland. Although the country is postulated to have significant solar and wind resources, the
2015 Renewable Energy Zoning Study does not only highlight substantial priority areas for wind
and solar photovoltaics development but also points to potential challenges with land use rights
in an agricultural dominated economy. The solar and wind energy maps under development will
validate the potential. Solar and wind energy could play a significant complementarity role to
hydropower and biomass based energy generation which, unfortunately, are susceptible to risks
of climate change. Rooftop solar PV can be promoted through net-metering and feed-in tariffs
while solar water heating has huge potential in the domestic and hospitality and tourism sector.
The domestic sector has been the focus of energy efficiency, with awareness and distribution of
energy saving bulbs being the main initiatives. In the industrial sector there is scope for energy
efficiency with, for example, the existing sugar mills not being optimized for power generation
where the boilers are operating at low pressures. Through the newly established Construction
Industry Council, there is an opportunity to implement energy efficiency in the built environment
through, establishment of ethical standards, practices and procedures. Appliance-and equipment
labelling-and standards are also effective approaches to promoting energy efficiency being
considered. There is potential to save substantial amounts of energy per year in 2030 through
the implementation of the Regional Roadmap for “Leapfrogging to Efficient Lighting, Appliances
and Equipment in SADC” which will prioritise areas for high impact, rapid deployment and cost-
effectiveness such as lighting, refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters and distribution
Targets by 2030
The following targets have been identified to meet the objectives of SA4ALL:
Energy Efficiency Targets
60 GWh energy savings per year attained by 2018
An energy efficiency appliance labelling and standards programme designed and
adopted by 2018
Energy efficiency policy and regulations developed by 2019
500,000 LEDs distributed to households by 2020
180 GWh energy savings per year attained by 2025
Additional hydropower and co-generation from forestry residue and sugar residue will
substantially increase the dominance of renewable energy in the supply mix and al so make
Swaziland reach self-sufficiency in terms of power supply. Feasibility studies should be
undertaken to identify hydropower, biomass, solar and wind energy projects. The prioritized
interventions for renewable energy include:
Developing appropriate policy and regulatory instruments to promote renewable energy;
Gathering reliable data on renewable energy resources.
The prioritized interventions in energy efficiency include:
Addressing the lack of policy to promote energy efficiency programmes, which could be
done through labelling and certification for efficient household appliances.
Addressing the lack of awareness of the benefits of efficient use of energy among the
public, private sector investors and financial institutions.
Adopting energy-efficient refrigerators, efficient lighting, air conditioners and distribution
The water-food-energy-health nexus issues are very critical in Swaziland where women still play
a vital role in the growing of food, its harvesting and preparation as well gathering water and
firewood. The Tinkhundla is expected to buttress its integrated and participatory role by
mainstreaming topics that affect mainly women such as access to renewable energy
technologies and LPG, climate change and health.
The Action Agenda is prepared jointly with the Investment Prospectus so that there are synergies.
It is prepared in a consultative manner as enunciated by national guidelines for drafting public
1. It builds on the Rapid Gap Analysis and Action Plan developed in 2014
2. It supports the government vision that 25 years from the year 1997, the Kingdom of
Swaziland will have considerably improved its world standing in terms of measurable
indices of human development.
3. It focuses on all priority action areas of energy access, renewable energy, energy
efficiency, nexus targets and enabling environment.
4. Addressing energy access is key to the government’s developmental aspirations.
5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy shall play a critical role in driving and
coordinating the SE4ALL Action Agenda.
6. Efforts are made to bring the Action Agenda to the attention of –and the involvement of
development partners.
7. Attention is given to capacity building to design, implement and manage projects
prioritized in the Action Agenda.
Swaziland’s energy situation and context
Swaziland is a monarch governed by His Majesty King Mswati III, who is also head of state. The
three organs of government, as enshrined in the Constitution, are the Executive, a two-tier
Legislature and the Judiciary. A participatory, community based political system, the Tinkhundla,
governs the electoral process in Swaziland. The Prime Minister is the head of the executive.
Swaziland is bordered by Mozambique and South Africa and occupies a geographical size of
17,360 km2. Figure 1, illustrates the geographic map of Swaziland.
With a young and growing pollution of approximately 1.269 million people in 2014 and a gross
domestic product (GDP)growth rate of 2% in 2014 according to the World Bank, the Kingdom of
Swaziland, is considered a middle-income country. The population is largely rural and agricultural
is a significant player in the economy.
Almost 60% of the country’s revenue is from the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 1. The
regional bloc’s Common Monetary Union dictates the member countries’ monetary policy and
Swaziland’s currency, Swazi lilangeni, exchanges at parity with the South African rand.
Energy supply remains a challenge as Swaziland imports all its petroleum products and about
75% of its electrical energy requirements. Access to clean energy sources still remains about 50%
in rural areas. Almost 100% of the electricity supply from internal generation is from hydropower
and sugar cane based co-generation.
Swaziland’s energy policy strives to promote sustainable economic development, social justice
and political stability, by supporting poverty eradication, employment creation, gender equity,
social integration and environmental protection in fulfilment of the national development goal.
The country’s National Development Strategy, formulated in 1997, espouses that “by the year
2022, the Kingdom of Swaziland will be in the top 10% of the medium human development group
of countries founded on sustainable economic development, social justice and political stability”.
A 2013 review of the National Development Strategy2 by the Ministry of Economic Planning and
Development (MEPD) revealed that amongst the Strategy’s achievements, the rural
electrification programme had managed to attain electricity access of about 44.3% of the rural
population as well as electrifying all clinics in the country and more than 90% of rural schools.
Additionally, the rural electrification programme has stimulated income-generating activities and
improved the quality of life of rural dwellers. The Programme was launched to ensure that all
parts of the country can access electricity and is continuing with the extension of electricity lines
to rural schools, health care facilities, Tinkhundla centres, youth care centres, and densely settled
communities around the country with the objective that developmental impacts are spread out
ahead of the progress on household connections.
With the global aim of achieving sustainable energy for all by the year 2030 through the three
key objectives of: (1) ensuring universal access to modern energy services; (2) doubling the rate
of improvements in energy efficiency; and (3) doubling the share of renewable energy in the
global energy mix, the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4AL) initiative provides a platform for
SACU was formed in 1910 and has as its members; Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland
MEPD. 2013
Swaziland to address energy access, energy efficiency, and renewable energy in an integrated
The following regional energy deficiencies and challenges are highlighted in the Regional
Infrastructure Development Master Plan:
Low (5%)access to electricity in rural areas;
Severe shortage of bulk electricity since 2007;
Lack of funding to plug the supply gap;
Low tariffs, poor project preparation, issues with Power Purchase Agreements, and
absent regulatory frameworks stunting investment and financing in the energy sector;
Weak infrastructure to transport electricity and petroleum and gas products;
Pricing and infrastructure hurdles such as grid connections, manufacturing, and quality
testing that impede development renewable energy; and
SADC member states are: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique,
Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, T anzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
High carbon footprint emanating from over reliance on coal, which supplies 75 % of power
generation in the region.
There is a big variation in the tariffs applied across SAPP member countries (Figure 2). The lowest
tariffs are in the hydropower dominated countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
and Zambia that also have significant share of local generation.
12 11.5
8.6 8.7
8 7.5
7 6.8
6 5.9 5.7
Specific to the electricity supply industry, SADC’s Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) bemoans
the following deficiencies that characterise the industry:
Insufficient generation capacity to meet the growing demand.
Lack of transmission and distribution infrastructure to deliver electricity to end-users.
High transmission and power distribution loses which increase the cost of supply to
Limited regional trade of power owing to transmission constraints and particularly along
the transmission corridor.
According to the 2009 SAPP Pool Plan, addressing these challenges will require funding in excess
of US$80 billion.
Swaziland is connected to the regional transmission network through Mozambique (400 kV line)
and South Africa (132 kV and 400 kV lines) as exhibited in Figure 3.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (MNRE), according to its Vision Statement, aims
“to be the leading agency in creating a conducive environment that promotes the efficient and
effective utilization, beneficiation and management of natural resources in the country in order
to enhance sustainable socio-economic development”. The National Energy Policy of 2003 is still
the guiding document on national policy development.
In the context of energy, the Ministry is assisted by the Swaziland Energy Regulatory Authority
(SERA) established in terms of the Energy Regulatory Act, 2007 (Act No. 2 of 2007) ("ER Act").
SERA provide regulatory oversight on all forms of renewable and non-renewable energies and
functions mainly by applying electricity industry regulation and regulatory governance. SERA has
conducted a number of studies as well as developed codes to assist in executing its mandate,
which include; the tariff methodology, grid code, quality of supply service standards and the cost
of supply study.
Petroleum supply is completely deregulated with private owned, mainly multi-national
corporations, responsible for importation and distribution of petroleum products. The retail
prices are regulated by MNRE.
Swaziland Electricity Company (SEC), a government wholly owned vertically integrated utility,
dominates electricity supply. SEC currently has a monopoly on importation, transmission and
distribution, and controls all hydropower generation stations that supply electricity via the
national power grid. There are also independent power producers in the biomass co-generation
sector with only one producer feeding into the grid through a negotiated power purchase
agreement with SEC.
SEC implements rural electrification with the financial support of the government and
development partners.
Figure 4: Power sector institutional framework
Source: MNRE, 2015
Energy access:
In order to bridge the development infrastructure gap between urban and rural areas, the
government embarked on rural electrification programmes in the mid-1990s. The initial
programmes were backed by technical, financial and policy studies conducted in the late 1990s,
which identified the institutional framework required for the implementation of the rural
electrification programme, including planning for increased power demand. The MNRE started
the rural electrification programmes with off-grid and grid extension projects, mostly on pilot
basis. Grid extension gained momentum when the then Swaziland Electricity Board, now SEC,
joined the programme with technical and manpower support and the programme targeted
public, institutions and community facilities for electricity connections.
The Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus (AA/IP) for SE4ALL in Swaziland is prepared with
the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The AA is a concise,
pragmatic and action oriented umbrella framework for achieving the SE4ALL goals. The IP is a
time bound short-to-medium term document that will provide an approach to operationalizing
the AA towards achieving SE4ALL goals by identifying and developing a set of implementable
programs and projects, including their investment requirements, that can be presented to
potential private and public investors. Independent consultants have been engaged to facilitate
both the AA and IP.
Stakeholder consultations
With the guidance of the Department of Energy in MNRE, consultations on the SE4ALL initiative
started with the drafting of the Rapid Gap Analysis and Action Plan and were further enhanced
during development of the AA/IP. Consultations involved government ministries and their
agencies, the private sector including the financial institutions as well as the civic society and
communities across the country (see Annex for list of stakeholders consulted). The consultations
focused on concerns and expectations with respect to the three objectives of the SE4Alland were
aimed at identifying implementable programs and projects, including their investment
requirements. The draft AA/IP was further interrogated through a series of workshops in
The consultative process is in line with Swaziland’s national guidelines for drafting public policy
documents published in April 2011. The guidelines advise that policy dialogues should be
carefully constructed and deliberative meetings held that address both politically controversial
and technically complex aspects of the policy issues.
Some of the projects and initiatives identified during consultations for the AA/IP include:
1. Development of the energy-wide integrated resource plan and review of the White Paper
on Energy Policy by MNRE.
2. Establishment of the Green Climate Fund by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
3. Development and adoption of energy efficiency and green building codes by Ministry of
Public Works and Transport, Department of Public Works and key partners.
4. Development of quality standards for renewable energy and energy efficiency through
Swaziland Standards Authority.
5. Baseline studies of the feasibility of financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency
projects by local financial institutions
6. Development of an investment framework for the energy sector with the support of
Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority.
7. Conducting a detailed feasibility study on co-generation.
One of the AA/IP consultation missions to Swaziland coincided with a similar mission by the
European Union (EU) Delegation’s Technical Support Facility. The Facility is designed to assist
Swaziland in refining policies and regulatory frameworks that allow for increased investments in
the energy sector.
1.1 Energy sector trajectory
For the purpose of SE4ALL AA, a baseline year for energy access, renewable energy and energy
efficiency targets is chosen as 2013 on the basis of the 2013 Energy Access Household Survey.
The energy sector in Swaziland is growing steadily for all energy resources consumed as indicated
in Figure 5. The biggest consumption is recorded in wood & other wastes at between 14,000 and
19,000 TJ per year. Diesel recorded a steep rise in consumption from about 4,000 TJ in 2011 to
12,000 TJ in 2013. A dint in electricity consumption in 2012 was contradicted by a rise in all other
forms of energy particularly LPG and wood and other wastes.
In the absence of an energy plan with long-term supply and demand projections, the energy
sector trajectory is therefore estimated from rudimentary iterations based on the energy
The electricity sector is the most advanced in terms of data collection and planning, providing
regular statistics through SEC. Energy consumption is forecasted to rise from 1,534 GWh in 2015
to 1,828 GWh in 2025 and demand is forecasted to equally rise from 271 MW to 323 MW over
the same period as illustrated in Figure 6 (SEC, 2015 & SAPP, 2014). The projections from SAPP
appear to be on the high side given the sharp rise in 2015 between historically recorded trends
against future projections.
Historical & Forecast
Energy (GWh) Demand (MW)
Figure 6: Electricity consumption and demand forecast for 2015-2025
Source: SEC 2015 & SAPP, 2015
The total installed generation capacity in Swaziland in 2014 stood at 159.6 MW from SEC
generation and self-producers in sugar and paper industries. With a fleet of 4 hydropower
stations; Ezulwini (20 MW), Edwaleni (15 MW), Maguduza (5.6 MW) and Maguga (19.5); and the
Edwaleni Diesel Power Station (9.5 MW), SEC is the main generator of power in Swaziland as well
as the sole transmission and distribution systems operator. The balance is met through imports
from Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) member utilities with Eskom of South Africa and
Electricidade de Mozambique (EDM) of Mozambique, contributing a bulk of the electricity
imported. Figure 7, exhibits a comparison between imported energy and local generation over
the years in Swaziland. Imports have been rising since 2011 (to almost 80% of annual
In order to improve the security of supply, the government must develop and implement viable
indigenous electricity generation facilities.
Electricity demand in the past 5 years has risen sharply by about 8.6% although relatively small
in absolute numbers from 202.39MW in 2010 to 221.74 MW in 2014 (see Figure 8).
System peak demand (MW)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Peak Demand
Swaziland does not have a long-term plan yet for the energy sector such as the integrated
resource plans 4, but the generation plan from SEC postulates new internal electricity generation
to come from coal, biomass, solar and hydro. The 300 MW Lubhuku Coal Power Plant which is
expected to come on line in 2022 will meet almost all the country’s demand. The target is that
by 2018, 70% of the electricity demand should be met through internal generation and 10% (E10)
mandatory blending of all petrol with ethanol should be in effect.
An electricity integrated resource plan is being developed by SEC on behalf of MNRE and is expected to be finalized in 2016
1.2 Energy access targets until 2030
National electricity access stands at approximately 55% aggregated as 65% urban and 45% rural
(IRENA, 2014). According to the Swaziland Rapid Gap Analysis and Action Plan, the national
electricity access rose to 61%, with urban and rural households having electricity access of 77%
and 50%, respectively in 2013 (MNRE and CSO, Swaziland, 2013). Figure 9, illustrates the
distribution of electricity access by region with Hhohho Region having the highest electricity
access at 66%, followed by Manzini Region at 64% and Lubombo at 63%, whilst the lowest was
Shiselweni Region at 40%. For lighting 60% of the citizens use electricity as a source of energy
whilst 30% use candles and 10% paraffin whilst the use of solar is still negligible.
It is clear that Swaziland still uses a binary framework for measuring access to access to electricity,
which has been proven globally to fail to capture the multidimensional nature of energy access.
If the new multi-tier approach5 to measuring access to energy is adopted, access to energy will
not be as high as stated above since it will measure access to households, productive enterprises
and community institutions for both electricity and household energy.
5 T he multi-tier framework is a new approach recently developed by the World Bank to measuring access to energy. T he tiers are defined based on
a combination of attributes that reflect the performance of the energy supply with each tier reflecting the ability of the energy supply to cater to
specific energy applications.
As a member state of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), Swaziland is
expected to align its plan for universal access to modern energy with that of the SADC Regional
Energy Access Strategy and Action Plan of 2010 (SADC, 2010). SADC’s plan is “to harness regional
energy resources to ensure, through national and regional action, that all the people of the SADC
Region have access to adequate, reliable, least-cost, environmentally sustainable energy
services. The operational goal is to endeavour to halve the proportion of people without such
access within 10 years for each end use and halve again in successive 5 year periods until there
is universal access for all end uses.”
Based on the SADC Regional Energy Access Strategy and Action Plan, the targ et for access to
modern clean energy solutions in Swaziland should be 67.5% by 2020 and universal access
attained by year 2025.
MNRE’s Strategic Plan for 2014-2018 has accelerated even more ambitious targets of; 75% access
to electricity at household level by 2018 and universal access by 2022. Although universal access
to electricity may be attained by 2022, clean cooking still remains a challenge. Cooking solutions
are primarily based on solid fuels in rural areas (see Table 1).
Table 1: Percentage of households using different types of energy sources for cooking by
region-rural areas (2010)
Source: Computed from the Swaziland Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2009/10
According to, REN21 (2015) 6 about 161,913 households are affected by household air pollution
(HAP) causing 714 deaths per year from that pollution. Access to modern clean energy solutions
such as electricity, LPG and improved cook-stoves will go a long way to address some of the
T here are noted discrepancies in statistics provided by different agencies. Energy statistics is an area requiring immediate and major attention
for improvement in Swaziland just like in most countries in Africa.
tragedies, hardships and inconveniences associated with the use solid fuels for cooking. But
according to the National Energy Policy (2003), although access is a priority, affordability of
energy is a major concern for low-income households and needs to be adequately addressed.
If a multi-tier approach is adopted for access to clean cooking, the entire cooking system has to
be analysed and this will require extensive collection of data on the cooking system. The SE4ALL
Global Tracking Framework is still to develop the metrics for cooking.
The thrust for addressing electricity access is through grid extension implemented by SEC with
funding coming from the Republic of China on Taiwan, MNRE; Micro Projects, Rural Development
Fund. However, there is no clear-cut strategy and programme to drive overall energy access that
includes electricity and cooking energy. Other SADC countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania,
Zambia and Zimbabwe are addressing the challenges associated with energy access by
establishing and resourcing specialised institutions, the rural electrification agencies or
authorities that work closely with national utility and the ministry responsible for power. In all
cases and approaches to addressing energy access, special tariff levies are applied for funding the
rural electrification programme.
A clear planning framework is therefore necessary for Swaziland to holistically address access to
both electricity and clean cooking. This could be in the form of a Rural Energy Master Plan that
also prioritises productive use of electricity as well as technologies such as solar (SHS) systems
for remote households and biogas. Such a plan with targets, implementation strategy and key
responsibilities would need to be adequately resourced.
Figure 10: Comprehending access to energy
Source: World Bank Group7
Table 2 summarises the targets for access to energy using the multi-tier approach with
consideration for cooking solutions, off-grid electricity solutions, grid extension and upstream
electricity generation. A simplified version of the multi-tier matrix for energy access is exhibited
in Annex 3.
http://www.worldbank.org/energy/beyondconnections. Accessed. 20 March 2016
Box 2: Targets for Energy Access
Minimum of 5,000 households connected to grid electricity per annum by 2018, reaching 75% access to
electricity at household level
Build a 300 MW coal power plant to enhance security of supply by 2020
100% access to electricity at household level attained by 2022
Effective policies and incentives for improved cook stoves established by end 2017
Regulatory structures and mechanis ms for LPG established by end 2017
Penetration of improved cook stoves increased by 10% per year from 2020
Penetration of LPG for cooking increased by 10% per year from 2020
GIS database for rural energy access developed by 2017
Rural energy master plan and implementation strategy to attain universal access to energy including LPG,
improved cook stoves, SHS and biogas developed by 2018
100% access to clean energy at household level attained by 2030
The role of indigenous renewable energy resources in the energy mix of Swaziland is crucial given
that the country imports all its petroleum products and a large proportion of its electric power
needs from South Africa, Mozambique and a small potion from the SAPP Day-Ahead Market
(DAM). Indigenous renewable energy will also increase the energy security of the country. The
contribution of renewable energy to the electricity supply from internal generation is already
significant with hydro stations contributing about 77% and the balance coming from thermal
generation, mainly bagasse plants. Unfortunately, Swaziland imports almost 75% of its
electricity, mainly from ESKOM, South Africa which itself still has coal dominated internal
generation. In 2013-2014, Ubombo Sugar Limited (USL), an independent power producer,
contributed about 3.7% to the national electricity supply through the company’s sugar cane co-
generation plant. Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation’s (RSSC) Muhlume and Simunye plants have
utilizable capacity of 45 MW and a potential of up to 100 MW while USL has up to 39.5 MW of
co-generation capacity. Only USL has a power purchase agreement with SEC to feed power into
the grid. SEC has signed a memorandum of understanding with RSSC to collaborate on
developing grid in-feed frameworks as well as with a sawmill for 10 MW grid in-feed from wood
Going forward: hydropower, bagasse from sugar cane and wood waste are likely to play a
significant role in power generation. A detailed feasibility study on co-generation, understanding
the entire value chain from cane in the field or wood plantation - to sugar mill/saw mill - to
electricity on the bus bars, is necessary for an investment decision to be done. The hydropower
feasibility studies being conducted with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB) as
well as co-generation optimization studies will cement the role of renewable energy in the
electricity supply mix. Table 3 provides a list of renewable power projects pursued by SEC and
independent power producers.
Table 3: Renewable energy projects proposed in Swaziland
Year of Capacity
Project Name Current Status
Commission (MW)
2018 Lower Maguduza Hydro 12 Awarded to successful bidder (AIIM/OMIGSWA)
EIA report submitted
Construction to start after (Certificate of
Compliance, Government Guarantee and
land acquisition)
N.A Daroway Hydro Power 5 PPA being negotiated with SEC
2020 Lower Maguga Hydro Electric 1 Awaiting Response from IPP on Feasibility Study
N.A. Lubovane Hydro Power, 0.85 Feasibility Study completed
2018 KaLanga Solar PV (WunderSight 21 Tariff negotiations finalised & PPA signed
Project) IPP to apply for Generation License to SERA
IPP is seeking financiers for the project
Environmental Impact Assessment to start in
June 2016
Lease agreement finalized, awaiting approval
2018 Fibon Solar Power 20 Tariff negotiation finalized. PPA signed
IPP finalising land purchase with seller
IPP seeking Government Guarantee / other state
Construction to start in 2016
2018 Lavumisa Solar PV 5 SEC appoints consultant for feasibility study
Study to be concluded in 2016
2016 Ka-Langa Solar PV Project 0.95 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed
Generation License issued
Construction started in Aug 2015
N.A RSSC Biomass Generation 100 MoU signed with SEC
2020 Montigny Biomass Plant (Usutu) 30 MoU signed with SEC
2020 Symbion Biomass Plant (Havelock) 10 MoU signed with SEC
N.A. Clean Energy Africa Biomass Plant, 10 MoU signed with SEC
Total 215.80
Source: MNRE, 2016
All solar and biomass projects are independent power producer (IPP) driven.
When all these projects are implemented, about 216 MW of renewable power will be added to
the grid. An enabling framework in the form of a transparent procurement mechanism, away
from a negotiated PPA, is preferred to unlock private sector investment in renewable energy in
Swaziland already produces significant amounts of ethanol mainly for the export market. Current
production of ethanol at national level is 60 million litres per year. For blending purposes, the
ethanol will need to be dehydrated. Mandatory blending accompanied by a favourable pricing
regime will help ethanol producers to invest in infrastructure for the production of anhydrous
ethanol. Ten percent (E10) blending with sugar cane derived ethanol is proposed by 2016 by
It must be noted that over reliance on hydropower and biomass/bagasse for power generation
brings with it risks associated with climate change. The rainfall patterns are likely to change due
to climate change and thus endangering hydropower production. The current exploitation of
solar PV in Swaziland is still very low, but growing as more applications of solar that include water
pumping, water heating and crop drying are gaining market penetration. The utilizable potential
of the solar resource is still to be determined to factor in land availability if utility scale is
considered. Most of the land in Swaziland is used for agricultural purposes hence energy farming
must be considered in the context of dual land use. The IRENA study of 2015 on Renewable
Energy Zoning for Eastern and Southern Africa (Wu, et al. 2015) highlights the priority areas for
development of solar PV and wind energy in Swaziland as illustrated in Figure11 and Figure 12.
The wind energy zones, illustrated in Figure 12, include agricultural land thus increasing the co-
utilisation of the land.
The study not only identifies the solar PV and wind zones but also ranks them according to
levelised cost of electricity (LCOE). The zones were identified taking into consideration access to
roads, terrain, proximity to load centres, land use (protected areas and other productive
purposes), etc. to come up with the LCOE for each zone. Locations of existing or pl anned
renewable energy power plants, transmission lines, substations, and load centres are also
indicated on the maps. By combining Figure 11 and Figure 12, it is clear that solar PV and wind
zones can be co-located in Swaziland.
It is important then that the zones are validated by ground assessments that include strategic
environmental assessments, land use and land tenure, ground measurements and generation
connection capacity assessments, amongst other activities. The information generated will assist
both the policy maker as well as system planner to prioritise the development of the zones into
concrete renewable energy projects as well as understand any grid reinforcements that may be
required for the renewable energy projects to be developed.
Complementarity between co-generation, solar and wind on one hand and hydropower on the
other hand can be attained with proper planning. Figure 13illustrates the water inflows into the
main Luphohlo Dam which supplies water to the Ezulwini, Edwaleni and Maguduza hydro power
stations with a combined installed capacity of 40.6 MW against a total national installed capacity
of 60.1 MW of hydropower. Water levels and subsequently power production levels are low in
the months of May to November (Figure 14). By contrast, solar radiation levels are generally high
with clear skies from August to November. Solar may thus complement hydropower in
Figure 14: Monthly production levels of electricity
Source: SEC, 2014
Complementarity with wind would also need to be explored so as to optimize siting and
production of renewable power. The months of August to October are also challenging to SEC as
system loses are high due to imports as transmission distances increase. Reducing imports with
internal generation will also reduce system loses.
For the renewable energy target until 2030, the following are envisaged:
Additional generation capacity fed into the grid; 134MW hydropower, 130 MW from sugar
cane bagasse and 80 MW from forestry residue, thus making Swaziland self-sufficient in
power generation.
20% public buildings equipped with solar water heaters by 2020.
Solar and wind maps prepared and zones validated for development.
Mandatory blending of ethanol and biodiesel at 10% and 5%, respectively.
1.4 Energy efficiency targets until 2030
Using energy intensity 8 as a proxy indicator for energy efficiency, Swaziland is one of the 3
countries in SADC (the other two being Madagascar and Namibia) that have seen an upswing in
energy intensity between 2010 and 2012 as illustrated in Figure 15. The same period also
witnessed a decline in energy consumption in the industrial sector (see Figure 12) that can be
hypothesized to production of high value products that can be generalized to contribute
favourably to the gross domestic product (GDP) or downscaling in production by major
Figure 15: Energy intensity in SADC member states 2011, with corresponding
change in energy intensity, 2010-2012
Source: REN21. 2015
Energy intensity is defined as the amount of energy required to produce one US dollar of GDP
In response to the regional power crisis witnessed from 2008, all SAPP member states have
initiated energy efficiency initiatives which include the introduction of energy saving bulbs like
the Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), solar water heaters, industrial and commercial load
shifting, hot water load (ripple) control (HWLC), technical audits, time–of-use-tariff, pre-payment
metering, commercial lighting and power correction factor. The aim was to save 1,650 MW by
2014 at regional level (SAPP, 2011). The results of implementation of these measures are yet to
be published.
As a member of SAPP, SEC has been running an extensive demand‐side management (DSM)
programme, initiated in 2008. Compact fluorescent lighting is promoted under this programme,
and approximately 90% of electrified households are now using pre-paid meters. In addition, to
promoting efficiency in the industrial sector, a time‐of‐use tariff has been introduced for
industrial customers (SEC, 2012).
The CFL promotion programme has been pursued vigorously by SEC through road shows and free
distribution of the lamps to domestic consumers. When deployed on a large scale, CFLs may
increase harmonics, which may consequently increase losses on the distribution network. To
address this, SEC has installed harmonic filters in some substations. The campaign to encourage
the public to save electricity included the provision of energy saving guidelines/tips for the public
to implement.
The domestic and agricultural sectors are the only sectors that have recorded increases in energy
consumption over the period 2010 - 2014 whilst industrial sector has been on a steady decline in
consumption over the same period, save for 2014when it picked up, see Figure 16. It is therefore
evident why SEC has focused on domestic sector for CFL distribution and energy efficiency
awareness campaigns.
Energy consumed (GWh)
250 Industrial
200 Agricultural
150 Commercial
100 Domes c
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
For agriculture, a number of measures such as the use of timers, computerisation and use of low-
energy pumps could reduce energy requirements for irrigation and improve competitiveness of
agricultural products. The 2003 Energy Policy already advocated for measures such as the
provision of information and use of low-energy equipment. Other measures that could be
implemented in the agriculture sector include proper data recording and management, improved
irrigation practices, power factor correction, elimination of air and water leaks in compressors
and irrigation systems and improving boiler efficiencies where such equipment is available.
Building codes programme is an area for promoting energy efficiency that has not been given the
necessary attention in Swaziland. In many countries, buildings account for about 40% of energy
usage and offer many potential opportunities for energy savings and self-generation. A few
countries in the region have started paying attention to the buildings sector by adopting energy
efficient building codes. In Namibia and South Africa, green buildings councils that are affiliated
to the World Green Building Council, although voluntary in terms of their operation, are the main
drivers of promoting energy efficiency in buildings. Building codes are national or local rules that
govern the design and /or use of that building and they can either be voluntary or mandatory.
Energy efficient building codes are the most cost-effective tools to reducing energy use in
buildings on a long term-term basis.
In Swaziland there is a general understanding that the newly established Construction Industry
Council, which will regulate the construction industry through policy implementation,
establishment of ethical standards, practices and procedures will promote energy efficiency in
the sector. Appliance-and equipment labelling-and standards are also effective approaches to
promoting energy efficiency. Mauritius and South Africa are two countries in SADC that have
taken leadership in that front and South Africa is looking at implementing its programme in 2015.
According to REN21 (2015), SAPP initiated, in 2015, a Regional Roadmap for “Leapfrogging to
Efficient Lighting, Appliances and Equipment in SADC”. Prioritised areas by SAPP members for
high impact, rapid deployment and cost-effectiveness are lighting, refrigerators, air conditioners,
water heaters and distribution transformers. SEC is expected to drive these energy efficiency
measures for Swaziland.
Swaziland needs modern and sustainable energy resources for development and the sustenance
of livelihoods and by adopting the SE4All initiative, sustainable energy supply and productive use
of energy are coalesced in a holistic manner.
The National Energy Policy is old and long overdue for review to incorporate latest developments
in technologies, strategies and processes in Swaziland and elsewhere. For instance, the costs of
most renewable energy technologies have fallen sharply in the last decade making them very
competitive to other energy sources. Smart grid technology, storage devices, green buildings,
etc. are now coming to the core of modern energy systems and these would need to be
considered in the new energy policy frameworks.
SERA, which was established through the SERA Act (2007), has a number of regulations, processes
and studies in place to help it in its work. To support the development of renewable energy in
Swaziland, SERA is conducting a Subsidy Framework Study. To further enhance its work and
support the SE4ALL objective, SERA will need support in:
Building its capacity in developing bankable power purchase agreements
Developing, together with MNRE, a comprehensive renewable energy potentials
database - building on the renewable energy zoning work conducted by IRENA.
Identifying DSM initiatives and quantification of potential savings.
The Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs is coordinating a Swaziland Green Stamp
programme that rates and recognises companies that are promoting renewable energy, energy
efficiency and water efficiency. There is a proposal to establish a Climate Fund to cover climate
change-related activities although the Swaziland Environment Fund (SEF) has already expanded
its scope from just addressing land degradation to now include green energy projects. One
possibility could be to get the SEF to be accredited by the Green Climate Fund so that it may tap
into international climate finance.
The Ministry of Economic Planning and Development is working with MNRE to ensure that energy
plays its role as key driver of enhanced future socio-economic development in Swaziland by
supporting budgetary proposals for strategies and activities that are aligned to that goal. To that
effect, the following strategies are prioritized for nexus targets:
Agriculture has always been the backbone of Swaziland’s economy and the sector is diversified
to include sugar cane, citrus fruit, cotton, maize and other cereal production, as well as forestry
and livestock. The Ministry of Agriculture, is actively promoting wood efficient cookstoves
including the popular “Basintuthu” stove in rural communities. Wood-waste based briquettes
have also been tried for fuel use but the cost of production was very high. Agro-processing is a
top priority for the ministry where they are looking at securing and promoting efficient large scale
solar dryers for vegetables, legumes (for soups), tomatoes and fruits. Current solar dryers in the
market are too small for commercial drying for the export markets.
Water pumping - solar and wind energy are ideal for pumping water for drinking and
Agricultural waste is a good source of energy (biogas, co-generation feedstock and
In-pipe hydropower generation from the irrigation pumping stations could contribute to
power generation.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency play an important role in the health sector by:
Vaccine refrigeration and ice pack freezing – the 50% or so of rural population without
access to modern and clean sources of energy may benefit from solar and wind energy
refrigerating for vaccines.
Lighting – The 161,913 households that are affected by household air pollution and the
related 714 estimated deaths per year due household air pollution can be prevented
through micro solar lighting technology.
Telecommunication – solar and wind powered radio and telecommunication
infrastructure increases reliability in communications to connect with health clinics and
facilities in the region.
Sterilization – solar and biogas assisted water heating may help sterilization of equipment
and material.
Climate Change:
The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland acknowledges the challenges arising from climate
change and the country’s limited capacity to cope with its impact. Climate change adaptation and
mitigation are a top priority for the Government. Swaziland’s Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change indicates
that water resources will be impacted severely, with 40% projected reduction in the country’s
river flows. Swaziland’s contribution to a low carbon and climate resilient future will include
increasing renewable energy in the energy mix, introducing ethanol blending to petrol and
phasing out consumption of hydroflourocarbons (HFCs), perflourocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6)9.
Given the projected reduction in river flows due to climate change induced varying hydrological
patterns; MNRE should seriously consider its vigorous campaign for hydropower development.
Renewable energy based power generation projects such as co-generation and hydro are
Sulfur hexafluoride is used in electrical transmission and distribution equipment, including circuit breakers
favourable candidates to contributing to climate change mitigation but they are also highly
susceptible to climate change due to rainfall variability.
2.1 Energy access
National electricity access rose to 61%, with urban and rural households having electricity access
of 77% and 50%at the end of 2013,rising from the year 2012 estimates of 55% national, 65% for
urban households and 45% for rural households. The rise in access is attributed to commendable
efforts by MNRE and SEC, with the support of development partners, to increase electricity access
through grid extensions and to a limited extent, off-grid solutions. Figure 9, illustrates the
distribution of electricity access by region and the unevenness across the regions of Swaziland is
Fuel-wood is the main source of energy in rural Swaziland with fatal consequences of hundreds
of deaths per year resulting from household air pollution. Modern and clean energ y solutions
such as electricity, LPG and improved cook-stoves can address the tragedies, hardships and
inconveniences associated with the use solid fuels for cooking, provided the affordability and
socio-acceptance concerns of the technologies is addressed. Improved cook-stoves have not
been widely disseminated and their use still remains at pilot stage. The Basintuntu cook-stove,
which has proven to be popular with users, has not come with technical back up thus failing the
2.1.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps?
In line with the National Development Strategy, Swaziland wishes to achieve universal access to
electricity by year 2022. The current national strategy to attain universal access focuses on grid
extension, implemented by SEC with funding from government and development partners.
Unfortunately, there is no clear documented strategy on addressing the needs for cooking with
clean and affordable energy sources. Currently various technologies such as improved cook
stoves, LPG for cooking, biogas and solar home systems are promoted outside a structured
supporting framework. A sustainable approach to rural electrification that includes a basket of
technologies and devices like LPG and energy efficient cook-stoves to meet thermal needs is
The prioritized interventions for universal access to modern energy services in Swaziland, as
presented by Country Action Plan towards Sustainable Energy for All in Swaziland include:
Increasing local electricity generation capacity;
Promotion of productive use of energy; and
Access to modern energy for cooking through LPG and improved cook-stoves.
Access to electricity for lighting and powering small devices using solar home systems
Most of the activities associated with the interventions will be around awareness raising, creating
infrastructure that will increase uptake of LPG and cook-stoves as well as training and
incentivizing the uptake of improved cook-stoves.
Electricity will continue to be a major service for energy access and grid extension and off-grid
renewable energy technologies will receive greater attention from the government. A planning
framework for approaching rural energisation is therefore necessary in order to meet the SE4ALL
objective of attaining universal access by 2030.
2.1.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective under energy access?
Establishing effective implementation frameworks for rural energisation that covers
improved cook stoves, solar home systems, biogas;
Developing and implementing a programme on testing and certification of improved cook
Awareness raising on the safe use of LPG as well as benefits associated with its use;
Creation of a local LPG Safety Association to facilitate a forum for LPG suppliers, end-users
and Government to raise and address industry issues collectively for the benefit of all
citizens of the country;
Developing LPG retail infrastructure and networks as well as new business models to
facilitate rapid uptake of the technology;
Regulation of the maximum retail price of LPG to ensure affordability of this energy
source, particularly for low-income households; and
Introducing about 50 units of advanced biomass cook-stoves for cooking in public
institutions, hotels and restaurants.
Introduction of a programme to promote solar home systems to remote households
High-Impact Opportunities (HIO) are areas of action around which to organise multi-stakeholder
actions across all relevant sectors of the economy; and tangible entry points for stakeholders
interested in taking action in specific areas of interest. On energy access, the following are some
of the HIO for Swaziland:
building sustainable local value chains for clean and efficient cooking solutions;
building market demand by raising awareness of their health, economic, environmental,
and gender benefits;
investing in the infrastructure and local distribution supply chains required for LPG;
developing tiered standards for efficiency, emissions and safety;
designing cooking appliances that meet consumer needs and price points;
deployment of off-grid renewables and lighting and charging systems, including solar
lighting; and self-contained systems that provide uninterrupted power when the grid fails.
Swaziland imports all its petroleum and about 75% of its electricity needs hence the development
of indigenous renewable energy resources is imperative so as to increase energy security and
manage importation costs.
2.2.1 What is the current status and trajectory?
Almost all the electricity generated internally is from renewable energy sources, namely; hydro
and sugar cane based co-generation. In 2013/2014 hydropower stations supplied 302.5 GWh and
the co-generation plant by USL, 44.9 GWh to the national grid contributing 24.9% and 3.7%,
respectively. USL is the only licensed IPP to feed renewable power to the grid and has the
potential to push up the supply to 55 GWh per year.
Current feasibility studies for hydropower by MNRE have the potential to avail an additional
146.5 MW to the grid from different sites. The solar and wind maps under development, also by
MNRE, will provide clarity of the potential for these resources. Swaziland has made avai lable a
capacity up to 60MW generated using intermittent resources such as solar PV and wind. So far,
Swaziland has signed PPAs with IPPs with interest in solar PV up to 46 MW. It is anticipated that
co-generation from forestry residue and sugar residue will provide an additional 35 MW and 80
MW, respectively.
Currently there are no programmatic activities that support either domestic or institutional solar
water heating either as renewable energy resource or energy efficient devices.
2.2.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps?
The INDC has prioritised renewable energy as contributing to national mitigation efforts. The
mitigation actions include the doubling the share of renewable energy in the energy mix including
generation as well as reducing the use of non-sustainable biomass. The second action is the 10%
blending of ethanol.
MNRE Strategic Plan (2014-2018) has prioritised a number of actions that will help it manage the
national energy resources efficiently and effectively. Most of these actions will be towards the
development of renewable energy. As such MNRE is finalising the development of an IPP policy
and intends to develop feed-in tariffs as one of the mechanism to procure renewable power. The
plan is to increase the renewable energy resources in the local power generation from 28% to 50%
by 2018.
Although the 50% renewable energy contribution goal is possible but the timeline appears over
ambitious. The projects that are planned are not that advanced in terms of preparation to come
on line by 2018. It is still difficult for IPPs to come on board in the absence of an elaborate IPP
policy framework and renewable energy procurement framework.
The prioritized interventions for increasing the contribution of renewable energy in the national
energy mix, as presented in the Country Action Plan towards Sustainable Energy for All in
Swaziland include:
Developing appropriate policy instruments to promote renewable energy
Development and implementation of renewable energy projects as well as demonstration
projects on viable renewable energy technologies
Gathering reliable data on renewable energy resources
2.2.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective under renewable
The government has set a number of targets to increase the share of renewable energy in the
energy mix and the following actions will be undertaken:
Install solar water heaters in 20% of all public buildings by 2020; A strategic action plan is
required to guide the attainment of the target.
Enforce national standards on solar water heaters with the support of the Swaziland
Standards Authority (SWASA) by 2018;
Establish fiscal incentives to promote renewable energy by 2022;
Establish a demonstration centre for renewable energy technologies by 2022;
Increase local electricity generation capacity with the projects listed in Section 2.1.3;
Utilise the preliminary data for wind and solar PV zones to validate them with on-the-
ground assessments for bankable projects; and
Introduce mandatory blending starting off with ratios of 10% ethanol to 85% petrol.
Possible regulatory and policy instruments to promote grid-connected renewables will include;
Feed-in-tariff for biomass and hydro power
Tendering for large scale PV and wind
Net-metering for roof top based PV
Government subsidies for rural electrification with PV
Energy efficiency has primarily been driven from the angle of DSM with SEC being the main
promoter. With the increasing new household connections, the domestic sector is now a
significant contributor to electricity consumption compared to other sectors as illustrated in
Figure 16. SEC has focused on this sector with two main energy conservation measures;
awareness campaigns on energy saving tips and distribution of CFLs. Regarding the industrial
sector, SEC, again, is running awareness campaigns on saving tips as well as the utilization of a
time-of-use tariffs.
The existing sugar mills of USL and RSSC are not optimized for power generation especially the
boilers that are operating at low pressures.
2.3.2 What are the existing plans/strategies and what are the gaps?
The recently adopted SADC Roadmap for “Leapfrogging to Efficient Lighting, Appliances and
Equipment in SADC” will see Swaziland saving substantially per year in 2030 by adopting energy-
efficient refrigerators, air conditioners and distribution transformers. A strategy to adopt and
deploy these energy efficient technologies would need to be developed and the cost there-of
The MNRE Strategic Plan (2014-2018) identifies a number of energy efficiency actions that
Awareness raising via different media channels
Appliance labelling and standards for lighting and refrigeration
Distribution of 500,000 energy efficient lamps and banning inefficient lamps
Mobilising financial resources to cover the cost implementing energy efficient measures
Energy auditing in public and private buildings
The actions need to be supported by enabling policy and regulations for them to take effect.
MNRE needs to designate a national driver for energy efficiency. Missing is the role of solar water
heating in contributing to energy efficiency goal. The technology has proven a winner for hot
water preparation at household level and at tourist facilities.
Prioritized interventions for energy efficiency, as presented in the Country Action Plan towards
Sustainable Energy for All in Swaziland, include:
Addressing the lack of policy to promote energy efficiency programmes, which could be
done through labelling and certification for efficient household appliances.
Addressing the lack of awareness of the benefits of efficient use of energy among the
public, private sector investors and financial institutions by demonstrating the benefits of
efficient use of energy and conducting benefit-cost-analysis of the proposed measures.
Addressing the lack of awareness of the benefits of efficient use of energy among the
public, private sector investors and financial institutions by incentivizing and encouraging
the efficient use of energy.
2.3.3 What are the actions needed to achieve the overarching objective under energy
Some of the actions that will ensure that the overarching objective of energy efficiency is
attained are:
Intensive and extensive public awareness and education on the benefits of energy
Development of policy and regulatory framework for energy efficiency;
Improved institutional capacity building and effective coordination for monitoring and
enforcement of relevant regulations;
Supporting the Construction Industry Council and Swaziland Standards Authority to
develop and implement ethical standards, practices and procedures that promote energy
efficiency in the built environment;
Supporting energy management practices in large power users such as Swaziland Water
Services Corporation and others.
Fiscal and financial incentives to encourage the use of energy efficient appliances and
technology by households, commercial and industrial sectors;
Innovative financing schemes for energy efficiency and conservation programmes;
Addressing gaps in statistical data for periodically evaluating the level of energy efficiency
and conservation nationwide, covering domestic, industrial, commercial and agricultural
users as well as public services (e.g. health and education);
Implementing free distribution of efficient lamps or at subsidized cost to carefully
selected communities – 500,000 CFLs per year for 3 years - migrate to LEDs eventually;
Promoting energy-efficient refrigerators, air conditioners and distribution transformers;
Promoting installation of efficient lighting in all new social housing projects of
Developing national energy efficiency policy and action plan;
Developing and implement a policy on energy efficiency rating and standards for
appliances and equipment; and
Encouraging industry to embrace ISO 50001, the energy management standard.
SEC and SERA will need to adopt a measurement and verification (M&V) framework to quantify
the savings from the measures stated above. Such a framework will, on top of other things,
quantify the potential savings from adopting the identified measures.
Use of alternative fuel vehicles, including flex-fuel, hybrid, and electric vehicles (EVs); use
of renewable fuels; fuel efficiency and fuel quality standards; overall transportation
demand reduction; eco-driving programmes, expanded and more efficient public
transport; electrification of rail systems; and freight mode shifting (e.g., from trucks to
Public / residential / commercial buildings, cool roofs, building integrated solar PV, and
small-scale renewables such as rooftop solar and solar hot water; sectoral efficiency
labels and performance standards; well enforced building codes; and
DSM programmes and advanced technologies to enable energy-saving behaviour and
shift demand across time; advanced lighting, space cooling and heating, and refrigerators;
and wider adoption and enforcement of regional minimum efficiency standards and
comparable test procedures by industry and local governments.
As a country that prides itself in upholding traditional culture, there are strong rural
establishments in Swaziland that make the water-food-energy-health nexus issues critical.
Women still play a vital role in the growing of food, its harvesting and preparation as well
gathering water and firewood. Youth unemployment is very high in Swaziland hence sustainable
energy should be viewed as a contributor to efforts in addressing the high unemployment
menace. It is, therefore, imperative to mainstream gender into energy, water, food and climate
change policies and strategies.
With the Tinkhundla system of governance in place, it is encouraged to use this bottom-up
development planning process that is enshrined in the constitution of Swaziland to mainstream
sustainable energy and climate change in the development agenda of the country. Since the
major role of Tinkhundla is the development of a participatory and integrated development plan,
topics that affect women mainly such as access to renewable energy technologies and LPG, for
example, should be discussed together with other issues.
Preparing and implementing annual programmes for public education and awareness
Developing standards for enhanced devices and strengthen regulations.
Mainstream climate change in all energy activities, policies and regulations.
As indicated in Part 1 as well the energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency and
additional nexus Priority Action Areas, there is still a lot be done mainly by the Government in
creating an enabling environment for Swaziland to meet the objectives of SE4ALL. It is
encouraged that Swaziland continue the path of engaging with the regional and international
development partners to enhance the successful implementation of the priority action areas,
taking advantage of knowledge sharing on proven technologies as well as best practices in the
rollout of sustainable energy interventions. Notable among these potential partnerships relate
to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the Global LPG Partnership and the Africa Clean
Cooking Initiative, IRENA, World Bank’s RISE programme amongst others.
Conducting stakeholder consultations and developing and implementing domestic policy
and legislation for promotion and development of cook-stoves.
Enhancing the capacity of research and development institutions to contribute to the
body of knowledge on Swaziland energy sector challenges and solutions.
Establishing Improved Cook-stove Test Laboratory with appropriate equipment and
skilled personnel.
Working with SWASA to establish, adopt and implement appropriate standards for
improved cook stoves, energy efficiency and renewable energy technology.
Fully engaging with the financial sector in the design and implementation of improved
cook stove programmes.
3.1 National SE4ALL coordination structure
Due to the shared commitment by partners, the SE4ALL initiative has the convening power that
will help build a common agenda, spur concerted action toward the set goals, and bring about
greater coordination of local and development assistance. Since the initiative has the capacity to
mobilise and leverage large-scale investment by fostering the enabling conditions, it is therefore
important that the highest degree of coordination be adopted to effectively identify synergies
and foster multi-stakeholder partnerships to address the challenges faces in meeting the SE4ALL
of Swaziland, Energy Department, Meteorology Department, Disaster Task Force, Information
Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Department, National Environment Education
Programme, Land Use Planning Section, Economic and Policy Administration Section, Deputy
Prime Minister’s Office, Swaziland Environment Authority, and UNDP. The representation in the
committee is such that 68% is government and 32% is from private sector, civic society and the
academia. An interesting fact is that 27% of the committee is women.
The National SE4ALL coordination structure proposed will borrow heavily from structure set-up
of other similar programmes and will be composed of 2 committees: Steering Committee and the
National Expert Group. The composition of the groups by institution and their roles are provided
in the Tables 4 and 5. MNRE is will play a pivotal role in coordinating the work of both committees.
The Department of Energy Affairs assumes the role of National SE4All Coordinator/Secretariat.
The steering committee is composed of government ministries, agencies, private sector and civic
society. The MNRE and Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development will chair and
deputise the Steering Committee, respectively (see Table 4).
42 Duties and responsibilities of Steering Committee
The Steering Committee mixes technical expertise and socio-economic and political expertise
required to meet objectives of SE4ALL for Swaziland by providing strategic policy guidance. They
will meet quarterly in the execution of their mandate.
The National Expert Group is largely made of technocrats who are the foot soldiers, programming
the SE4ALL action plans. Reporting to the Steering Committee, the National Expert Group will
invite experts from anywhere when needed for technical support. The National Expert Group is
composed of technocrats in government ministries, specialized agencies, private sector and civic
society. The MNRE and Ministry of Economic Planning and Development will chair and deputise
the National Expert Group, respectively.
6. Increase awareness of the general public on issues of energy access, renewable energy
and energy efficiency through various media channels.
7. Support mainstreaming of objective of SE4ALL in national priorities and policy papers.
8. Identify partners for the Priority Action Areas and engage key bilateral and multilateral
The efficient delivery of the Priority Action Plans and projects and their effectiveness can only be
achieved if there is a follow up analysis of their design and implementation. The Steering
Committee of the SE4ALL Action Agenda must support in-depth studies of some of the proposed
actions, and independent follow-up analysis of the Action Agenda’s design and implementation.
The key follow-up analysis must consider detailed action plans and projects, and scenario studies.
The identified Priority Actions will need to be broken into specific projects with timelines and
budgets with assigned responsibilities. Additional actions may arise during the course of
implementation of the list of actions identified above. These actions would need to be reviewed
to capture and integrate developments emanating from the new strategies for the energy sector
including the IRP, updated the Energy Policy, etc.
The SE4ALL Action Agenda is complex in that it involves various projects and programmes
involving various stakeholders. It is important to track the implementation and progress made
by these projects in meeting the SE4ALL objectives. Such a tracking framework will not only
enhance accountability and transparency but also will help review and implement corrective
measures to enhance the effectiveness of the actions.
A detailed Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) system for tracking and reporting on
program time-bound milestones and accomplishments will be prepared by the SE4All Secretariat
and validated by the SE4All coordination committees at the beginning of the project
implementation which will be periodically updated.
Designing and implementing a MER system is an essential task that will allow Swaziland to track,
assess and report progress on the achievement of expected outcomes under the SE4All initiative.
The MER, as tool, allows for identifying key issues that need to be addressed to ensure a proper
implementation of the Action Agenda. It will also allow the Kingdom of Swaziland to review and
update the Action Agenda in the future. The MER system will therefore comprise a Monitorin g
Plan, an Evaluation Plan, and a Reporting Plan.
The overall objective of the MER process is to track national progress toward the three core
objectives, draw lessons from successes and gaps in implementation of the action and activities,
Reviewing annually the Action Agenda implementation, underlining the achievements
and gaps;
Measure progress made against the targets;
Highlighting and drawing lessons based on reality on the ground; and
Allowing for the feedback loop to shape the direction of the actions and activities
The monitoring exercise in Swaziland would be linked to the SE4ALL Global Tracking Framework
(GTF) that has concrete indicators for measuring and tracking global progress towards meeting
the three objectives. Swaziland will use the GTF to measures and track progress in energy access,
renewable energy, and energy efficiency at national level. For measuring energy access, the GTF
uses a more pragmatic multi-tier approach that presents access as a combination of seven
attributes of energy supply (see Figure 17). This is contrary to the traditional binary measurement
of energy access, with or without connection, which does not capture the variations of energy
The GTF is also evolving to bring forward indicators that reflect relevant and practical attributes
for access, energy efficiency, renewable energy and the nexus. It is important has as the global
metrics for energy access to cooking are developed and refined, Swaziland adopts these to
measure and track progress in that sector using a multi-tier approach. Figure 17, illustrates the
framework for tracking access to energy. The SE4All Secretariat will need to plan the collection
and tracking of key indicators for the priority actions. Table 6, shows an example of indicators
that may be used in Swaziland.
The evaluation of the SE4All will consist of annual reviews of the progress made through the
activities conducted and performance achieved towards the targets that are set under the Action
The evaluation will ensure a broad and representative perspective on the achievements and
challenges in the implementation of priority actions, and will allow the adequacy of the adopted
strategies to be assessed to meet the targets as planned and take any corrective measures if
needed. The evaluation should include the provision of recommendations for future monitoring
periods and it is also intended to inform the stakeholders participating in the implementation of
the Action Agenda of follow-up actions required to further strengthen its performance and
strategic activities.
During the annual SE4All evaluation, the SE4All Coordinator will review:
1. The results achieved in the current monitoring period in comparison to the baseline and
the previous year; and
2. Progress on actions and targets met as planned in Swaziland’s Action Agenda using the
selected indicators.
The Department of Energy Affairs, as the National SE4All Coordinator shall report on an annual
basis on the progress and performance towards the implementation of the SE4ALL Action
Agenda. A Performance Assessment report will be prepared annually using the monitoring and
evaluation results and shared with stakeholders for awareness, socialization and proper
contributions on their part. The report will clearly show the baseline scenario and the progress
made against the targets set.
Regular updates will be made to the SADC Secretariat, and the SE4All Africa Hub (a partnership
between the African Development Bank, the African Union Commission, the NEPAD Planning and
Coordination Agency and UNDP).
Prospectus contains investment opportunities as well as “hard” and “soft” priority projects
identified in the Action Agenda. The projects in the IP are those that can be implemented in the
short term and have been prepared adequately to attract investments.
4.1 Conclusion
The Action Agenda is developed at a time when the Kingdom of Swaziland is aspiring to be in the
top 10% of the medium human development group of countries founded on sustainable
economic development, social justice and political stability by the year 2022. The country,
however, is not self-sufficient in energy supply, relying on 100 % imports for its petroleum and
up to 75% of electricity requirements.
Energy access is still a key challenge as about 50% of rural habitants rely on solid biomas s for
cooking with household air pollution affecting about 161,913 households. Swaziland Electricity
Company (SEC) is implementing grid extension projects with the support of the government,
whilst there are ad hoc off-grid renewable energy projects implemented by the Ministry of
Natural Resources and Energy. Swaziland aspires to attain universal access by year 2022.
Affordability of energy services in rural areas is a challenge but it could possibly be alleviated
through a nexus approach to development.
Internal power generation is almost 100% hydro and co-generation from biomass and additional
hydropower both have the potential to make Swaziland self-reliant in renewable energy if the
current projects under consideration are development. Over reliance on hydropower, however,
increases the threats of security of supply due to drought and climate change. Solar photovoltaics
and wind energy have the potential to contribute to the energy mix but the priority areas for
both resources, as identified by IRENA’s 2015 Renewable Energy Zoning study, will need to be
validated by ground assessments. The sugar industry is a big producer of ethanol, which is all
exported. If blending is made mandatory and appropriate pricing adopted, the 60 million litres of
ethanol currently produced by the sugar industry can be off-loaded into the local market.
A number of Priority Action Areas have been identified on Energy Access, Renewable Energy,
Energy Efficiency, Additional Nexus Targets and Enabling Action Areas. Swaziland should
prioritise increasing local electricity generation capacity from indigenous renewable energy
resources; promotion of energy efficiency programmes, which could be done through labelling
and certification for efficient household appliances; and continue the path of engaging with the
regional and international development partners to enhance the successful implementation of
the priority action areas, taking advantage of knowledge sharing on proven technologies as well
as best practices in the rollout of sustainable energy interventions.
Creating enabling frameworks for Priority Action Areas to be implemented is a must and SE4ALL
must be mainstreamed in Tinkhundla to take advantage of its participatory and integrated
development approach and ensure that topics that affect women mainly such as access to
renewable energy technologies and LPG can be discussed together with other issues.
4.2 Recommendations
Key recommendations for the Action Agenda for Swaziland are outlined in Table 7, below.
Table 7: Summary of Key Recommendations
Priority Action Area Recommendations Responsible Party Priority
1. Increase generation from Create enabling frameworks with incentives for IPPs to MNRE Very urgent
indigenous renewable energy participate in.
resources in the supply mix Develop an integrated resource plan
Finalise feasibility studies for hydropower
Validate solar and wind energy zones identified by IRENA
2. Improve access to modern Develop a Rural Energy Master Plan with key responsibilities MNRE Very urgent
energy for cooking and and adequate resources
lighting Promote the use of LPG and clean cookstoves
Promote the deployment off-grid renewables and lighting and
charging systems, including solar lighting; through viable
business models
3. Use ethanol as substitution to Introduce mandatory blending starting off with ratios of 10% MNRE Very urgent
petroleum ethanol to 85% petrol.
4. Promote energy-efficient Introduce an energy efficiency policy, appliance labelling and MNRE, Swaziland Very urgent
refrigerators, air conditioners, standards and increase energy awareness. Standards Authority
distribution transformers and Encourage industry to embrace and adopt ISO 50001
other appliances
5. Upscale enabling action areas Review and update the National Energy Policy. MNRE and SERA Very Urgent
Develop an energy integrated resource plan and subsequent
sector plans.
Build capacity on project feasibility studies and implementation.
6. Increase awareness on Develop bankable projects through feasibility studies MNRE, SIPA, SEC Very urgent
project opportunities Engage SIPA for promotion to investors.
7. Promote energy efficiency in Introduce energy efficient building codes Construction Industry
the built environment Promote the establishment of green building council of Council, Ministry of Urgent
Swaziland Public Works and
Priority Action Area Recommendations Responsible Party Priority
8. Increase gender participation Mainstream the nexus targets in the Tinkhundla Ministry of Urgent
in the nexus targets Tinkhundla and
9. Improve quality and data Train officials of Central Statistical Office and MNRE on MNRE Urgent
availability gathering data on energy access and utilization.
10. Coordinate the Establish an effective multi-stakeholder coordination structure Office of the Prime Urgent
implementation of AA comprising of the Steering Committee, the National Expert Minister and MNRE
Group and the Validation Stakeholder Group
11. Measure and track the Measure and track the progress in meeting the SE4ALL MNRE Urgent
progress objectives using the GTF.
1. Christina Forsyth Thompson. 2015. Swaziland Business Year Book 2015. Mbabane
2. Grace C. Wu, Ranjit Deshmukh, Kudakwashe Ndhlukula, Tijana Radojicic, Jessica Reilly. (2015)
“Renewable Energy Zones for the Africa Clean Energy Corridor,” International Renewable
Energy Agency and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL (LBNL-187271)
3. IRENA. 2014. Renewables Readiness Assessment. Abu Dhabi
4. MEPD. 2013. Swaziland: A Framework for National Development Strategy (NDS) Review
5. MNRE. 2015. Draft Renewable Energy and Independent Power Producer Policy. Prepared by
AECOM International Development and Southern Africa Trade Hub
6. MNRE. 2014. Strategic Plan 2014-2018 (Final Draft). Mbabane
7. MNRE. 2014. Sustainable Energy for All Country Action Plan. Mbabane
8. MNRE. 2013. Swaziland Household Energy Access Survey Report. Mbabane
9. MNRE. 2003. National Energy Policy. Mbabane
10. REN21. 2015. SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report. Paris
11. SADC. 2010. SADC Regional Energy Access Strategy and Action Plan. Gaborone
12. SAPP. 2014. Southern African Power Pool Annual Report 2014. Harare
13. SAPP. 2015. Southern African Power Pool Annual Report 2015. Harare
14. SEC. 2014. Swaziland Electricity Company Annual Report 2013/14. Mbabane
15. SEC. 2015. Swaziland Electricity Company Annual Report 2014/15. Mbabane
16. World Bank/ESMAP. 2014. Capturing the Multi-Dimensionality of Energy Access. Washington
17. World Bank/ESMAP. 2015. Beyond Connections: Energy Access Redefined. Washington DC
Project inception
Delivery of Stakeholders'
final AA/IP consultations
Vallidation of Preparation of
draft AA/IP draft AA/IP
I. Mbabane
1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy
2. Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs
3. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Home Economics
4. Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Department of Meteorology
5. Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Department of Public Works
6. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Land –Use Planning
7. Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
8. Swaziland Electricity Regulatory Authority
9. Swaziland Electricity Company
10. Swaziland Standards Authority
11. Swaziland Development Finance Corporation
12. Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority
13. Swaziland Environment Authority
14. Swaziland Water Services Corporation
15. United Nations Development Programme
II. Simunye
Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation
I. Big Bend
Swaziland Sugar Industry
II. Siteki
Nsubane Community Group
Annex 3: Simplified multi-tier matrix of energy access