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USER GUIDE unimat 4 ae BTN = : HS aa oT canara a PEE eet iiaa 8 Tae 4 Behe rc aR 3 2 ioe aes é ees eee B aie cc : See ae ee : ERROR css 2 acca i die 2 i 7 HES at 3 ae ae a EA ca 2 Hoes 3 Higeonae 2 ieee. 3 Eisai 2 eee 3 Hise eos 2 ieee : oe een é Happ mectateoo iene i 3 ieyoes wroue Sf [Suggested Reading 8 _ 4 seem & Lay : ERASE RL SD Aas AD A RR Someta eae rower oT See ae vcie meee eater ries tee ‘Seon a owe nce nl ye otal eaten sana Cae ar sg sce Mr ay SEN 2S a meee ee FT i AnMAnnanhh ham unimat 4 Fret English Elon, Novanbor 1998 ‘Onder S8S588 a (© VDH Machine en Gereedschappen 8, Ue the Neerland © engl eon: EMCO / Pro Heimwerkarmaschinen GnbH, Gebig Austia EG-conformity ‘This sign denotes conlemiy of racine and manual tothe EG-dkacva for ‘machines B22 E00 and te superman B1SENG and BS STEN manufacturer: uw EMCO Prof Helmwerermascinan Gea. mB H. ‘auptstabo 31 ‘Sone Orta = Product: ‘Specification of product: ‘Adeross of manutecturer: Bandar and repute, Poe, date Declaration of Conformity Lathe Make: EMCO Type: Uma & PROFI HEIWWWERKERMASCHINEN GmbH Haupistate ‘A-soee Greg EO 1020-1, EN 252 part an 2, EN 296 MSV (GI, No, 2081006 rom Api27, 194) enter tactice! documaniaton We dectre atthe product monone above, to which this declaration ers, conforms the cunt og- Listons inthe deve ofthe Ccunel om June 1, 1969 for asaping the regulaboe © the Member ‘Stslus for mactines(B/S021EWG) and ts aeraione tom ne 20,190 (9/S8HW), tune Yi 13 (@2/44eW) and July 22, 1963 [631EWG). In acon tne prosct conforms tothe above morioned Pocuat hel qa non Fan Boe oe a 1 General Information 1.1 Appropriate Use ‘This machine ntndod to bo ued rhe turing ot {lable mtn. Working colar materials f nat ‘Rlowed, excep n speci as aterconsulaton of ‘ne nauiatorer en wah ak perm [eproprately using te mactina does also imply {horn othe manufacturers instructions parang fpoaton aed mattananes othe rahi. Ths chine may only bo operated by someone 41.2 Terms of Warranty 1 The waranty for new EMCO-mactinesextands ‘Bre'peiod of twee monte afer dsery oF Ftaiaton of te machine by EMCO or fe Shored roprceratve Ins perce terete ‘otra garding the sander wong Pours of ‘emachine 2 The waranty consing removing of rpaieg Cates in materia an consvuctena lemons {Slaras ay impede ung the machine sppe- Fate. 3 Alfuts nave to be reported, inmetstly ater scoming apparent tothe neafet EMCO ser tee sation or EMCO reprosortatve, in wring or serealy wi ween contmaton. 4 Properly rportd detects covered by waranty ‘lle freed by reparation othe dct or Dy ‘oping a replacement pr. too of charge. Ceteatie components have 0 be ratned to ENIGO or har repressive fr invosbgaton st Ihe request.Costefornering 2a etunng he ‘hose wll n tha asa be chargeable fo the cue ‘who ls ‘amar wi operation, mainienance and ‘dhsimert of tha machine, and whe has receved Inetrstone repartng the proven ol danse A salty measures must be achored to and ail Inseuctons and advices gen for fe penton cf edenta must be flee a a nes It te_machino is ot operated appropri, tho Imanusctrr wil tbe hale ay way In those ‘Cauberesponaity le wi th operon elu 3 and 15 The waranty fer replacoment pats exten over {tx month prod as fom reeapon oneal fiom of ho rplacerant par ease ola recur ting slim he waranty wl Dowever be it to the labios excting atthe tno he rt aim vas odes 8 Customs are not ented © any assistance dor waranty or dict arsing fom sire 1 ‘Stow operating ncructns, salty measizes oF tte dietons, rusia cr adies te ‘manual regedng dover sttston o ue ot {he machine improper or epee uh wong fassonbiy o elation, wauorzed modea flon t the maclne by the eusiomer cr thes ‘nature wear: handing ha machina ere oF ‘egigenty; cbamoay lect chemial eb tal infnces: power supply fares superar 7 The costs of teneons bey the waranty ate entaly and excl or account of th Manuat Pease ‘ead the manil in ts enirey bere you start using he machine Workplace ‘ho lathe shout be st up so that there i uiint ‘lam 0% eparting ae maining the machine. No ‘Sctsty sands wites should be placed ther, or should tha spane be used i stage, Electricity ‘This machina may only be consected to an earthed leeway sect. Th oath conneeton mut ben {ood working odor. Ropar ota acta! pat of the machina reserved 8 Guaed export exch ote Unauthorized use “The mactine may ony be operated and maintained ‘auterzed person. To prevent unsthorzed & the a ewicrick shoul be Rad. Preparation for work Before puting the machine ino use you should ‘Soqint your wih the mainenanoe conan of tho rnachine snd make sur al slay devices a8 recent andin wortng order ‘Meoditication Modications or aterations 10 ary stey device or ‘ectcal pat of he machine ee no lone Projecting workpiece I bar stock hat ls worked on projects tom the let da of the headstock ne guard shouldbe fied {veh fa length te mater for protecten. Cleantiness ‘Wonpiace and mschine should be kaptclesn at all limes. Asien ite and an unclierea workspace Tuner safe werk precios Body protection Mako sure your hale rotoct your aye wih a palo sf-gogss ‘Dont wear foose-ting garments whe operating the machine. Your dohes shoud wxpodiaty be ight ling around rie a0 ie. Werkhotding Before you start operating the machine ako Suro ‘he work and lol ro hal sour and fry, ‘Dorit vor go beyond the holng argo ata chuck Hotang tong wotsaacesangth> 3 hoking ame tap at ono end onl is nol permit. These work ‘ices sheuld in aaston be supported athe ater nd bythe taltock oy the fed ate, “he ws ofa holy dele shuld gre th work pice over thai ene long Ald small ‘Samer in combinaton wa krge tuning dame: ter All waripiaces shoud be eld ae ‘lse tthe ‘Shuck body as posse and havea conta! aa tht ‘Sastarge a posstle Chuck key Mako sure you have romovod keys or tonmy-bars sed for dgteing chucks, ot. balre sehingon the machina. Haveg = key of tommybar thing ‘sound san exceptonaly dangerous auton, ape {tom to arsage hat ca be done othe machine, ‘Speed limit For al workoling tal the menulactres speci a speed mt Onno acount shoul this speed mitbe ‘rcaaded. cass aco eo sewer oped ‘Untataned worpoces ke worploces hel een. trcaly ihe furan tuck or elached fo he foe. Piao should avays promot you (Bastcay} ower {ha recommended 5088, Surveillance ‘Always keep an on a lathe n operation! Never fbona sight ofthe machine. Wan yu leave, Ju ‘mus ich oe machina. Distance Kap sutbiedeance from a athe in operation, Dont ry ane eize ying rota. Dangerous materials Magnzsium and magnesimcortanng alloys can ot be machined on th ath Fecauso of danger ‘rom fre, Antaran em an h Use sharp an comeay ground tos excuse. Teo! change Change oo only whan the late is natin oparaton Sten of he machine bore you ctange any tea ‘Swart “Svar may ony be removed whan the athe fs pt ‘paraton, Use a svat hoo, nt your hands Measuring Measurements should ony be akan when the lade ‘tin opraten Maintenance and adjustment Folaw the drectons fr mainanance and adjust ‘ment cartuy. Switch af he machine betore doing Sry maintenance oF ay frm of adjustment. Push tha STOP butlon downwards remove he pug Fa the sat EMERGENCY-STOP button Incase of ary danger sch ote machine immed ‘ay by pusing the EMERGENCYSTOP ‘buton owner Incase ot any damage you should immedktoy con. Ince manusctre thet eprecenatve. ‘Sate cetly te machine uber wen yes edge a iam, ofGer spa par, ox im caso You have ary court Feplacoment parts not supoed by PROF! HEIMITEFECERMIASCHINEN Gm ar et covered by any warty from PROF 14 Technical Specifications Lath ‘ente heght betwen conte {uining amor ovr be turing dlamtorbetwcan cones: ‘roseside tae leadsorow Headstock: spnde bore amet: ‘tachment een haa speed range: Tailstock: taletock bal rave: ‘Stachmant sre tres Motor: ype: leato-magnetc wteterene: oie love ower coneumption romina): ‘Miscellaneous: not woight ‘ora! sds rave: nm Mae ltthand tesa 102mm E41 (as DIN 600) 190~200~ 360580 - 201500 2480 = 4600 fm. 230m Mra as om 200) peemanet magne n.0 Roupre:s0o800 im, itederce suppression ed Bwiew 79 Som {nits basi configuration the ‘machine ccipped wih fmol seve tit, stander {eothcler, tree soitcen- {tng hue, tommy. bare fr chuck Allen hey, sold conte Poe eS mee ree a ee ee | ® * 4.5 Machine Elements ° 0 spc0d contol switch; on-f swech headstock mantel nose; trad M 1431 man the motor bat clamping srews ‘woholder camping sow ‘ross side ‘ross ade camping and dusting crews eamige camping screw tatoo bao nose tread M 14% 1 me lalcock barrel camping crew taletock camping sow anaes! axial play sdusting screw tet rive guar ‘peed chart 18 losaserw cover 17 ama 1 landerew (M831 mm than tren) speed snitch (to positions) onwiten ‘stop switch 10 16 Sate Workholding Support long workpieces! ln-cas the workpiece prec fom the chuok jaws for 3 detance of more tan thao anes is ameter, the worepoce sould be adonaly supported fem & 0 running rears nletok oF ‘tom be fhe te The brees whic ree during turing wit cheno tend to bend Be worpo. “This wil provoke bar (te woryplece 2s iarmtondy gaat the 10D, hs ‘ects ao" surace ually dteoates, tool reat, fk of wort Banding oF bring fang out of chuck Use. fixed steady! 1 wockgie projets to fr fom the ‘chuck and cant Be supported rom the Talstoc tho fond tec ean bo ated to ‘de This inplmat s clamped ono ‘ho bed wher te needee, Pye dont use tho steady In these ci ‘umstnces tho eflecs can be" suaos ‘ually cetorrates oot, tek Workglece Benang or Being fing out ot the one I ore 62 targe overhang, a. a age orton of he oa peje om hae, {he too wi be an mereased ondary 0 rating ad beating. Bokan of parts i 1 arouna tke msates! Koop the suting ‘go ofthe tot aay xn at cant righ “The woripiece should be hat erty and securely over as tng 2 ston ss poss bie: horns toa be ng aay Large turning dlameters(D) require large holding dlameters (df terse he werepioce wl not be nett ‘toa ry and wl be Rung aay Don't exceed the chuck's vworkholeing range! is dengorus to exceed the holding range pected or # clanging device chews when extend Too far out of tho ‘husk toa wilted ores of and then k= =< Metal Turning 2.1 Introduction ‘This part of the marua is dedicate to some base topes in using lath fr metalworking yo are ‘feay an sxperanced (moder Jangine, you righ Ihab tip this par Our abject her fet 058 oF Some assistance Io a boginne. 2s hs epace fe necessary led, we hve Pad ‘make a cheles among the rlevant subject When You rave gathered some experance, #2 het tl tity you wit have ferent vows on cartain mat ‘ore As long ae You know what you ae lng. hee |Sroing aga tat 2.2 The Metal Turning Lathe 22:1 Accuracy Lats assume you need an shat at fei «bore, ‘0 tha to shat rotate rly. ut wthut fo mosh ay You wit than have fo machina the shat em Sook mate ut If no the prepared le snd functions as required. Jost afew micrometers (tho ‘sands of mlimeter to larga 2nd the ar il [robbiy hav to ba presen fe he no pos Bitty vtaton thao, Lat somewhat agers nd ‘von oressure wl rot sui. You wl fen Pave fo ‘at mp tha part having the hole to cite Than, ar Fosing the cold eta into tha hot ora, you fina ater a cooling pond, Impossbio To remove ro fat wot eameaping -0,018 mm 1 -0,002 mm 2 49,024 mm. 3 boring nom. 10 mm ‘Shall iforencesin size havea pro- found inuence onthe behaviour ofa poe As i usted with this example, in the word of Imotanarang quto namew flerarcae have 10 be {hereto Sal devatons fom the nmin 28 an gho ree to an ently erent behav. ‘weodmning these nar tleraneas aro an skp. on: Rwouid be hardly possi, and hacky aso unnecessany to agers to such sit standarsa. A Cabinet door wile freon reper thous wath chal a milmstor oo geo se ‘Among the requirements of the metaworting lathe vl ero be a igh degre of accuracy, Wo want {0 be able fo use ito make things that tonave as vas foreseen. A woodrkng lth nthe Fight ees on, ass accuracy scion. The mate fal woos Io subject o exoancon and contraction, be changes in temperature and hunt, such ‘an xt that a greater precien fora weed ting Intel not nceaeany, 222 stitness “Toro a second deliberation we have fo take into Accounts concerns the ores thal ar work ‘machinng meal. Metal 9 ters! much harder than wood. Torte in taworing theta wi bo ‘subject much lager fore Test ores should be accomodated forty te machine i alison ‘ments. Prepon eeu and absorirg thes foroos request gt, sl place of meiner ‘oa, ths wi ot be nooessary lr @oosworkng lathe impronerors fort nd of machine can De ‘ound nor aro General epscing, 8 woos tring ate susie bo fr ning ata Wt wou avn be dangerous You ted to do's. On the cher hand. tahineg {Mood on & metalworking label precy goes ‘The snag i ata motlearkg ith fe Genera smi Pan a wooawarking ihe, much hea, ‘mor igi and arse rove enpeche Fecapiulsing our roquremeats: wo need great ‘accuracy and great ai The Uimat& may Boa all etalvaiing laf, but R deposes It roat ccuray and sab Ad te comprehen co Tecon ct accessores fo pero a wid varity of ‘peratons, aor unique. The Usa ely ‘Sal, bt rosea and unreal ahs Lathe bed ane ways, 22. Lathe Parte 1 12 ‘The lathe maya frst soem to consist ofa large cl. lecon of ate pars, atacned to one pecula ways, Sorte of hove parts are appaatng it ‘ry faa, age 0 sma nth fotowg sectors ‘ve ill deserbo therm some etl, 19 bp you faitarize yours with them Lathe Bod ‘The bod of ho lathe, when esentity consis ts ‘aso, s mado oto! gay east rn. Ths provi the ‘ache wih are and shock beoring undo Cross-connacions between he be ses contbute {ols ttines, Tho upper ide fhe bed is machined {0 produce the way Thess ways contite gue forthe carriage fo sido on. Tha bad-waye are ety socurtoly made, They oonstut in fect he foun- daton for me taes accuracy. The bosoay ont haa a prismatic (re-heped) profe, te ane in he eck flat The ways cary other pars of the machina, tke hagas tito and cage Directions ‘Semmes te doton fave nas to be excated ‘This Grection i aluaye considered rom the point of le of ar operso, ting or tang In rot of he “the: A movernent from rg eli thee fons operators le i. tom talook to hesdack. A ovement from ef 1 isthe eperators it, {rom headstock falslock Farmar oars the operator, frm the back of he ae oe, Backwards any rom Me spray, tna ts baka the athe [A moversat in a docton pant oth bed om loft orig or vcore fea movement long he oa. Al ight angles fe destion, rontsosace or baccto-font isa movement aeoesthe bed. Nurmoray carted machines dings Zax, whi i long the ed, while the eave af Hight angles fo across ta bo A movement lone Z.ave, towards. tho hosdsion i cated pose tonards the tals’ nepeive. Along the Kate towards he cane ne of ene i nopatie,os ‘ward, anay rom te corse ns aed pote, Headstock ‘The lf end of he beds copie bythe headstock ‘he headctock tag tat pation ete, B hater the work beng cae ou. Aough is oss remove hs pro thee trom he be Ais raty ony roqled in exceptional creusances, forintace as pat la etna enon ‘The headstock sor the mae! or headstock Spine testes. The mandrels erven by te abe Iotor through a bet and pulley mechani, The ‘andl beantge are sceratay ade and tached. ‘Thay cary the mandrel who py and oe tor enough 10 wits he norma wordoad ot he latte The headstock teanngepenery do ot ‘quire any specal matonanc, ‘The mandi s Nofow oo org bar stock tobe machined, In such cases you" respi fo ‘rove a rm suppor ortho pat hal protrudes rom tho ar othe hondeta For sft reasons Jou ‘Seal alto lao a pctacv sromn ova. “The night er ofthe mando eel the nase. This ‘mandrel nose cares eon rea, kr alah ‘igs vay of ecg davies tthe mance, Talstock The talstock is he part hat sits somewhere on the "se of he bed ‘acing the headstock. This pat of lathe canbe clamped onto tha bad wherever it |S convenient oroqured ts clamping pla on te deri. The talstock can be taken of the Ded ‘omploey ean be Biot ndranos and not tery operation requires ts pooenoa, The tao houses movetie part tho talstck aro Ts tar ‘ses inte tao bea whan you tun tei. Stock handenoe. A camping Se aoe hseton ‘ove wilFoe the barrel fe poston, The bane ‘oso i hrsaded wn sorew thre wana othe {ved of he mandral nee. Any heldng tool tat can bostacnod oho mance! con hele be sth ‘a hetalstock taro as wo Carriage ‘he bed ways provide @ guide for the cargo to slide on. By turing th long screw i rt ofthe lathe to cariage travels along the Dod. Ths long Sows town asthe lade. orotate the Weadscrom you Rave lo tr the har whos at ho ight ee of he bee I might bo sotto gt usd Yo the deco of avo whan you tun th handwnes lho, te cariage vale towards the heatock. Tn 6 20 ‘because the lendsrow has lead head ‘The handehoo is proved wih» graduated cota, (One dision of ti colar represenis a movement e005 mm ‘he protudng pars of ho bed house the bearings of te leaden. THe et prolvsn is where he ‘uooedaccoctery Is atchod. The ladon isin ‘hat casa anion ty the mandrel wth a beh Ths pre: ‘tees ie avon ea, rch smoother ten eat Bo ‘ttanes by turing the handwneel by hard, Some Deope re however abet ate his scat oa. ‘ion more or less by using Both hanés to try the Fandwnea ne har king over ono another, Eemetinoe most mpereay A protective cover, tached to th ealage,sreens {he Teadscren rom swar and chips. you agua {upp the tet pad onthe nee et ho cor wth ‘Some light ol header wa be Wid clean and “eat atthe same ine. Cross-slide ‘The lop eof the cage occupied by he cross: 14 ide ways. A dovetaksnapad guidance systrn {nsures accurate posioning a th rossi. ‘The cross-siga has is ow foedoeraw wih hand heal One von on ts colar coesponds fo Ddsmm teveled. The crose-sidets feedeorew le ‘much sorter, so the tava range othe rosa Is tush mor rested. ‘Tho py inthe sis can be asus by tightening arleasening tho regulating serosal tho si of the ‘rose, These sews prose agant a sma ta, ‘at @ used fo elma play. To ibe Be shay ‘movement atogehara clamping sow provided ‘ele ae good a pseo ae any for recormanding Aightering of any clamping screw that oss not pa ‘sear have 1 be loose, Ths wt prevent unwanted ‘movomonts in paris ef lathe at dont have 10 trove, thus proverng Backlash chair and poor resus emomber there always a carton dagree “Th op side of he cross ie provided wih tao ot In wich there a ound oes, The sot for ‘acting any oquement you deere 1 tha ces ‘Sp by. clamping, ueng Tee-uts and. clamping erows. Sometimes, istance wea meg oper tone nave tobe aod ou, even the workpiece ea be held to he rosseldo (oa machina woo). The ‘ound receae nthe alt wl aocomadat ns pig! at the underside of tha top ald. Th device can then be snug ino ary postin equa. For mest opare: tions however oaoler wi have abe tached the ose. Lathe Drive The Unimat 4s den by a pormanentragnat-le romeo apable of turing at we, spowds. The motor unit housing ited Win an EMERGENCY ‘STOP button to enable te power to be suited ot ‘uly an ea. Th ding ore gonerte by he ‘ote i rane fo he heacstock mandrel by 3 Mee betandpuley mechanism. Sats and pulleys are ‘elected bya coving. gua. Keep ‘is guard ‘osed wh to lols running, as t= posse to ‘gel aught the mechanam chanvoe, ‘he bolt and-uly mechanam povies the opern: {or oft te posaaty Yo change the varsmiecon, ‘coring to as noadod for the Job The spas hic required fran operation depends (among ‘Shor hing) on charactors of he mater Ding Inachined and in dlaretar ofthe wore. ‘The batana-putey mechanism & the same time ores as an ineult creoad proctor. Abt il Snap ithe foes suddony bosoms to eat, Yor Inotarce whon te ‘ool jams Ino tho, workpiece perience wit a you that Bs says Nappens at “anunauatia moment and feu ny por ang. Because of Uat we stonglyveoxmmend heaping ‘some era Ba a spare parts “Th dive mechanism contains «couple of ota'The foed belt is forthe soled acces: ery The smal bt dives the hes pute, {elarge bet the mandrel puey Keep Sow bee sore! TNT TOR ARR RR 5 wweweww ww Seow eee wa wee + the motorpley + the thea pul + the mance pu tien are itrcomnected by: + asmalbot: + a lage bet (The automate fod accessory has ts own bet. ‘hens ti sma) ‘ha small bal i stung betwen the motor pulley and te tywheel put, Whtver ne requred mnt tol spood ths bat has to be thee al tho ma Fret, put tho Da athe motor ply groove nea ‘est tothe mote Than ston te el ad pl over tho im ofthe yest pulley, ino the groove. This ‘recedure i easier done then descoed, stag Ine yu are roping a runof ojos ota put the bolton onesie of he uty eis groove, rte the ploy by hand while hang’ be bal inthe ‘ote and pl hat way no the groove comet, ‘Tho large bot is to deve the heaceode spn. There are two possble postions for Dis batt teteen the motor putcy an the spate pully between the Myunoo!putey ana the spin ply ‘a positon cheese daponds on wht spesd you wart in bath eases tere fea oboe between HO Sots of grooves, which adde tothe epoed saan possbitios “he automate feed bets postion ie between the eadstot spine (oa the ply) andthe eed by. Now whe i's poste to sean hana bal ‘a pt ros groove over te headstock pully ‘mandrel again. The ule i easy removable, tut You might ood a tarmy-car to als the ara ‘Ther one thing you shoud remember that appiag to al bts: wen the bat isnot ued, don lave rung between tno piles. Ths wl prevent undue boss of last. The automate kod Bet ein parte. lr susceptie to ts mica, The bt cat bo lt Inte groove on he spt ofcourse, 0 you wl nt Fave io vernove ie mane! py every tne ‘he give mechaniom a6 a whole docs not naad rruch mantanance: he grooves an bets shoud be Kept clan you should ro ty to repair damaged ols tut epace thom with naw one inetond keep any lor cer grbasysubstaneo away ‘rom bet fn poows fo prevert slippage The ave mecha "ism quad shuld be kept sod. Smal partes of ‘nar waud oferic fd thi ay n'a bet and Sarthe tortion of eat 2.24 Lathe Installation “Toprovide 025 acoat tothe atts and tobe able o be I conetablyerecommended to mount the late orto a mg, fm sand. Neu cout of course ‘A special stand Is availabe forthe Unimat 4. make a stand youre (a sutaoe area of approx: mais” 200m 80cm (Ta x20). ie enough, ‘Antrer goss Is however 10 ae the deceatnd mat stand, wich adson has 2 tool sage Eorpartment (ose no. 151 17). ‘The lath shoul be etached othe stare with uta lio serene, ashore ard nu. Cont ule wood ‘ews, a the atho wil hava toe akan off te stand occas. tthe lathe oto the stand where you want to ‘apy the poston the aes The ols can an be Sioa ad he eho redo ks star Before using the ahr heft mo, he acherng ‘ase shout! bo romoved vith a clean rag and Etrali quan of alan, Ten al bright tel sur {tees should be igh oe, using slg machined ora special purpose sideways ol ‘ou wi ago noes sorage facies for your tole 16 are abl to tak tho (eine tte stand it necessary. Keop sharp tools separated fom one snot, ch frwoe they moht filet damage to. one she Keeping tn spared als hea wo haop an over ‘ew our ins dil and conve ile roe ssl io" storage compariment es wel. Ar you have Deon tooking forthe required dri afew tre, you wil find keeping thom in an order fasion saves hme UAION | cers. ‘The ath must be sosssbo rom a ees. You should be aie fo open the pulley guard con ‘ley for enangng fe Bel poston, which ques ‘Salen oom oo ot ‘Tote ight thee has to bo armpie room for tring thehandutoal of eadsoow. Decsstbiny from the front should bo entindered, [Because mect operons take place rom here. ‘The back general reqies fess foom. Make sure however thatthe core side can vel over ts oro Use, dont forget al accessories coms with their ‘own rogaremens reparng rm tot Mourn ard ‘perating thm, 2.28 Mlumination ‘Suffer urinate @ necessity. Theres no pint in tying ta machine someting to ow huncreahs 1:2 milipeter and net being able 1 ce0 what you tr doing, Most people reer a combination ef = fd general mination ka a Fuorecont ti finda fal ept ig for nstance a niogen 19h) FFyou watt check a worosece very accuse or Inelanoa a macined square corer apa & I ‘sqare, ofthe cating edge of tool aganat aco into taletoc, you may tnd a shoot of wnt paper, el behind the objets under sory and stongly Suminated, apt 28 Metal Cutting When you mactine a workpiece on 2 lab you sre ‘acta cuting mata, The sae base Hrs of cut {portion dss occu n taming, cling ting a ing and ging. Workplaces machined using cuting herons acheve tor evertualshape by extig of the unwanied pats. Aa a raul, evar i formed {Tuning amet! workpiece can eave more cr loss rmactinad wih fale (he too). In tis process longer or shorr postings ae omed, depending on ‘he working congo andthe sil ft operator {aus about outing erations n cenera Fiat te flo mast be mace out of a retori ardor than the spre, othoweedeloematon wit (ocurwihout any citng acon. ‘Secon hese has to penerao ino the app, Danenth sutacs, here re wi ba no poo Ingacton and hs no oat "Th, we have 0 move the sppte conteuously Along on ating dpe of hee an spose of a tart peak Suing eperasons on meal are csontaly at the example, bul iare ae oorenose fon. The natn row metal wich Bagin wih much fre han an appl. Mf wo wari 0 cu that had mate we wil nee ef (ering too) wich Fars i. The foees necessary to posh tho Too Trough the mols ao much lpor And while we {ould easly oat tho appar to foe by fad, ta wil be necessary ta vaneport ho work piece along te cuting expe of he tol. The sat Wil sometimes appear inom ot nal chios, a het Tires have curyor pial shapes This depends 2 2 largo ene an the geometric apo ofthe euting figs of the tol an on rian popertos of the ‘rope mara 2.4 Cutting Tools 24:1 HSS and Carbides ‘The tol eed naeds to be harior Dan the work aon, Ae to woes cori eal WS we aking tran even hare mara In carn ™™h mo mmmmnnmnms manana em mM -aammm SEU NON are to types of mattak HSS (High Sosed Ste ‘ich & an aly contning cobalt and oer metas {nd oro por of carbides (ao known #8 TC, ‘tien mars Tungsien Catbee), a very hard sb “unoo whion consis of cables of tungsten and (Ghor atorals. Tiel eetaly nok matal uta 8 tered rar-rade atria HSSoot ean ba Bougtt ready for use in many ferent shapes. Athough they wear more guy tan farbise-ipped fois, you can tegend them easly {ours And wren you need tea fo machina & psi! prflo ne dy, HES oats aro also avalable horound, ready obo shaped szoording To Your ‘rood. Mose Bae of HSS ae also known as oo ‘Assorted HSS tools In diferent shapes. carbines oo consit only party of hard ear ‘ide matori In most cases any the cut pars farpde-baeed whe the shark cones of lost ‘ti, but alse los hard rata. These tungsten car ‘desipped (TCT) lols are aval in wo pes: + wih tungsten catide part sidered (oazad) or; ‘deporte ps “Terto0l with renew oe bie Tera ‘ting edge can’ be. Sought Ini acion when ‘equied This can to ropeated a couse of times, {Ga cdgos ere worn down. host cases hay are then cecarded an not ragtound For eeing TO {oe you nood a spodal damond-basedginding ‘atest or one made cut of llearcarb. nthe ‘nr handy new toe ate not expensive, and ‘ary poodle st dard the ol pare replace tha new one. For slderea-on carbo bps Dare Img baa cane or regina. {The two main advantages of turgeton-eatie tips tre: grostorharsnose anaes susopty to het. Because of he ty wil wear mae Sow the tok fan bo uted for longer pease Boge cts are pose ble without danger af hacen nest up tho tot te much Ae a sgh wba the material moro brit tan HS woich means ibe mote pre to breaking se roulf asad bow, Forint tant eutingprocodres, whe oo! uls oly part ‘line time, HSS ie eomatimes pres. ‘inntver kind of oo! you use, jou should always ‘oko ure te ola harp So gn your HS tls aquonty, bth, and repace he outing edge of {texbide-tppod tool belore as wear becomos too Spparent Some TCTtoo 1: several kinds of tips for front materia; Bland Bs sot Tet toot with rerewable tips [nd key; 6: TCP tons wih soeered-o8 tips. 2.42 Cutting Edge Angles The cutting tool aso + penetrate under the surace of te worepoco; + tke aay certain amount of rata, + stra ofthe svat ‘The tcl acquires tase properties by the aning process. This pindng prods ert fat exces, FStwnore they most form eenee By adjusting te 18 angie under which the ed is formed, a eting tng edge are the mest mporae or now. The main properos con be inluenend A Jaw of the most cutng 0299 5 whats actual sod to cut There Freortnt angles are desorbed nis sian, way can be aurtary cating edges to. What argos @ ut any atoret to completeness. {ool should tare depends Targey on the ind of ‘Tho angles na plane perporcculr othe main et: mate has to ci. The comet values an be externa tools: aa DB ee il LLY. Sane se. a Sry Sy 2S = eS es. overview of some types of euting too. The thick ne indicates the maln cuting eae, found in tables The main anges sre: clearance angie (i), cuting wedge ange (Band op rhe ‘ngie(p, Whatoverthe values oF ese argos, elec: {is uae of thom can only be made tha cating ody ‘scowl posioned a cenire helgh ‘Goro neigh the (magna neo! he abe a. oop in min hat ging stays ans ay male ‘al wich ofhervive could have supported i cu -Thestore: he mace oun away Fem fo be reckoned wih In ral ern, ne ould nt be unduly weakand by unneces- ‘ary gtnding, fora parteuar oo you need a fot “ttm a ema and hort dette cutng 29, You ‘Should tke maasires to orsiwe he cng 2099s fot overloaded, That wil fen mean feu tho iting speed radsing the cating Soph and ec Ing the awart ros-secion When rating o sqvealeng moles ar t bo hear ‘Common uses of cutting tools. The arrows indicate the feed directions. Semen resin THT TTT OMT TT OOO MAR RRR RRR tring cutng, you shows crease the oad on he too Raep in mind hough thst a wom down oe Saye overoaded 2 eg 243 Tool Shape “The way the outing edge postoned wih ropa to tho tool shank lead fo several dieronty shaped {nol for cre bs ‘There ar two main estegols: extemal tring tls formachining the custo ofa workplecs and eral ‘uring too, such a bong to External Turning Toole reughing-out toot ‘is ool fe designed tobe as atrong as possible. tis {or tak roughing cut: removal of to mataria lt'@ short ime (roughingout). The nish fie fol leaves sn gonera not vry good, so he rate fe foTeave the workplace & te overlord finn vith an othor toot. Thee ate ssi and ben ose knife toot ‘Tha cung edges ofthe tile oo the main euttng age andthe ala eating edge) moet stan ange ese than 90". Thi oc can terre be ube To fut doooty into comers. {ishing toot ‘The nose of he feihing ol agit rounded, This too gives an exces trish, bu can oboe not leave a sharp chou: Nether sual fr tak Ing reughing oa. form tool (oof he many foem tool he pol head cut- ting tol Asmar tol can be ed tou hn roves, orf scratch the workpece tava mare ICindzate whore machring Naso Sop or st. Parting too! Tis tect can alo bo used 10 ct grooves oF recostos, ttf ground cl coop, shakow grooves ‘As the cuttng proceeds, arto the Worle wi be ‘utes (Barted of). Paring fs eapeoy by ne pelenced turner, nt four be an easy Internal Turning Toole toe tool Horo to. the thread cating to! for etn tamale ttreadie one ofthe most used form tos. The oo ie small and rlavely wesk. Ti sa consequence of Is geometry wine orm clin far nto a el. blind boring toot ‘This toi ed for borng (excavating bn tes. Isa ratvely weaktoolunehony lows youto ake Stohteut through bering toot ‘This Boring fot i for cuting Hatt Broueh a wosk- pace enlarge exstng (ated) hole. internal recessing toot ‘This totcus an tena eossi thesia of ane, to seconde a spring el ors lean up the boom of te le. thor Too! Characteristics In acento ho cutngeage angles, which ean be found tbls (aaron vals fo aku, Bass land sea) and he general shapest te fol to enabe {eran tnd of operation, ons canbe evs nto fignenand ar tfthandones ‘otra tol cuts when eal rm et fo nok ‘ra cutng cage ofthe ta is the ig io, a seen pm fw opoators viewport. A aghhanded too ets rom right ola cng vga th ats ofa oat ase operator sae Lafthand oo! (left) and right tand tok Both ‘of them are bent roughingeout ool. 2.8 Turning Metal Meta cuting on the late snives in most cases & revving worpice gaint fone The tot ony {Teva bj way the slides fo reac otar pat the \wonoides Sometimes however th apposite ie then a eating eo cused aga» stationary wore love. Fycutng and ting in ao ae exam Bes. of auch work. Noverholoss, #5 the me Prncpia for th operators iar a cling edge Fomoving materal a a wovglece The setup however ates 25:1 Workholding ‘The workpiece shoud be piped accurately try and securely In ene the worhoiing cevona, ‘ran mounting woriiaes you meu ana ‘ne foros the hokang mocnanam al be sejeted {Band act accor, ‘Tee mounting devices come in a wide varsty of Shapes ana exes The moe impotnt aoe et ‘hroojaw so-carting cha, he er indepen ‘rch, the colt in scat Ho, he dlrs ‘ine the Seopte The fhed sengy& 8 supporting dven, as area hed or runing one mh a 19 stoccbarl very accurate workhong is rau, ‘She workplace has tbo tao away trom heat ‘Sod put back again sovera tenes, oF Torso, ‘unig between cones ie often used. ‘Some holding devices: trae chuck, fou jor chuck, collet heer, dri chuck, xed toad, faceplate with dogs. 252 Short Workplece In Chuck ‘Arwortplece that rlatvely shor (chert han {hss mos te deter an he bowen he chuck ave (not exceeding the maxim neg arte) maybe elas chuck as the only supp 25.3 Long Workplece In Chuck With Steady ‘nen the length ofthe workpiece bocomes grostr than twee tinge ta darter you wl noes an ac tonal supporing devoe. Tha fred stacy one of ‘hose. Put nfo the bed ner Ihe chuck frets ne an then ba adusted Yo guide ta workace Concent. Take cae fo set t acoutoy. Aer thatthe stacy ean be put tart the nght ad bo arpod to tho bod. Whore the paws ofthe seas toush tha workpace, should have a ean, soot fn tey corearie surtace. Cartnous tbreston iSneceesary torthe werkpice fo rove soni. 25.4 Contre Driling Centre ting i an operation you wil trequenty bo ‘led pon to pero. is used for rung a bt ‘Asher workpiece can be held nthe chuck ‘without adattonal suppor. The Mustaton ‘hows a facing operation. Eipport rom the fied steady. Fst, the ‘Hany Ia se up closet he chuck” Short thick ‘is, frequent it and aso to provide the workpsce with conte "ipo peocodura requ the we ofa cane hort shiny Kind of il witha tapered 36 lane cone wl tea such atele acca. PAP OOOO MOOT Wee eee ww S B 3 ‘After adjustment ofthe paws the fixed steady ‘clamped tothe bed where it is nosded ‘husk should Dorit with Uv fixed toy fneossnay “The tasock barrels ara ht ho tastocs hosing ac ar as t goes, Tho tatoos must be put oa te beds tat the di coos not ye! ouch me wonpiace ‘and clargod tothe be tae ‘Arango fer the hasdtock spn to roa at ps0. imatay 1800 zum. By arly feecng te taltock Darl toward the headcock wah shade te it wi penetrate the worpioos and it a cents fates vecommansd fo use some sort of cola |ibieare during dling, of which ‘coll ae par hhage the best wel known tie sslsa Yo ary ‘deeper than nacoscary Hay or bw Up he tapered section othe Siw ununly sues have too ach ovemangy sup ‘The faced workpiece ie contre ile. The {tte steady glves support cenve heli the ail hues In hi ane the work place rotates while the dil stot stationary. 255 Long Workpioce in Chuck With Centre Fortis ecbnique the workpiece mast havea contre hole to ght end ean thon be supported by Me or a srning conten the tte Tis vl ero the vor tty ramet. Turing with contre in tistock 2.588 Workholding Between Centres ‘This type of worthoiing Is aspect ural # te workplace aso be tskan say from te the and? fr reverse, maybe several ies wot eosing is {ocurate poston. A carte hate in th ends of te ‘torkoice wil make tis posi. Te astok co tie wit support atthe nant end, wile cent piace info the bore of the headed apo su Dots tho let and of the worpiece. The mandrel ove caries a each ‘Rrarrwwerkpcos wil ess tow aching athe arr toi doseed you an fe eal fa ont tro Wwerkpiece who the clameing stem il gp, Larger workpisoss wil requee tst you improvise, 25 he ‘Sandard camer wil net ft over Bam. Maybe the orgie can be made narower whofe tha cart rou tor mgt be possi fo atach a sot rod as «carlo ho ait ond a the wore. Ary ‘owe Be carl shoul engage wih to catnplt ‘make the werkgioce folate Don fygt tet oid ‘re nthe tastock nse cl, 25.7 Fitting the Toot Tho tol fied nto 8 totals, an imperant also ‘own as toapost The fotelder hast ly nd ‘Stour hold that! ne rit pston during ta Ing operations. The euting edge of tho fool has obo Stone height. Win @ simple toler, uch as the stancard tasnoli, the easiest way Yo acne thief by Intecucing some packing matral under the tol Ae you wil pobay ue ctlerert tot wn ‘arety postoned cutng sages, wo recormend {hat you elect several metal spa, arent ck. ess. Dri can ean be good sous (torent ‘tates usally providing citron Iinesses), Ou ‘esp set of tance gouges, ae used or Schng pork pe, waldo a decent ob 00. Incas you hi a adjustate tool (ck hangs taelholae, ho eating of the cuting edges fuslat Tha toohaider wl ave an acjsing soe ‘orvaeying the height fhe 0 ‘Tho pectton cf tha cuting ogo can bo chockad pinata sot cee, pu othe mandrel bore or ‘he task barrels pol wit show you what you ‘ret dot bring te eating ogo of ho toto aos Fgh A magstir might hep your cbsareton, 2.58 Toot Settings Fer mest obs the tools st 0 thatthe lang cut The cut. ting edge othe beat con weheight, Atteer gauge st proves packing, Inseveral hicks ‘Checking the ctng edge poston against a ‘iodo ino tie hate sae yu Iesgot rg aes oye te ‘magni. The oo usted ea coo Always keep he tool overhang as smal as pos ible (le, To tool atthe right much more prone to wirat. cote pean rR TN TOOT oho Ome oe aww maar rnommm i i i i i i \ | i | | i | i i i & 5 5 ® s s © = we www ww w workpiece diameter material | mm | 8-10 | 10-20 | 20-95 | 95-80 | 50-90 Beer isco | 820 0 350) 20) 70 rontereammotis | as | 1600 | 020 350) 350) 200 wood, plasios | 2460 | 2460 | aso | 2080 | 1800_| 020 Table 2: Drilling speeds ‘aril diameter material eee sears eee sn Faceplate dog holng workpiece 34 Standard Drillchuck The standard att chic la used for hong to, ‘ich as a cone dil. Gut workpieces ear slso be fe inthis doves, up © Bin camer. The cit hu san be sorowed ono th noes of te atok fare yu uoe ne ck nts wa. he wap ‘thet rotate, whicn 9 aco by aacing to the easetock spn. A warkgece Ora eating ‘ol {an alco be held nth dl chuck: The oh ‘hen sorwad ona te manda ne, 85 Keyless Dril-chuck fot pang and cls th a of he oe i ‘Gust yeu dont need & separate Hay. The arog {Siar ef tho chuck ean be tured By hand ete, ‘ich leads to opening oF cocng ef the Jaws. TS Falang range of is chuck wth 10 mm Somat ligerthan the standard ae-ohk hong range Keyless ait chuck, 2.6 Collets Hong work ool in colt proves a secur fr and accurate way of Feng pat. Forhotng Std ange cet sve ets ae nt Cole holder tetno. 171 140. rn Benen ere PT MOM OO OOM Ow i EEE i ‘The colt olir is devised to accommodate cotets ‘or ype ER18. The hocing tengo of seats vory Tnted Please do natty hating tools of woriaoes ‘ouside he olding rage, be lager ora than the range snes Fret pus the cat i the colt holier ca. Thon the olor the workios can be nsered nt tho let The whole assemby Is then screwed rt the Deaf he elder wich ean be mourded et the ‘nose ofthe mandrel alk bare. The cf Wi {tp the ool fry because ofthe tperod shape ole ans holder 3.7 Watchmaker's Collets “Tis collet noler is david to accomodate colts of ‘ype 88 (Schaub, Wotensberger Bergeon), < ‘Wathemaker's collet holder retin, 150 40. setting-up 1 tthe colet nie ito the bore of the head sain. 2 sect tho drawbar ita the bore of he Read ‘Sock spel rom the 3 rset the raquired cotot into the hoki Take eto positon the groove cares, 4 ne too! or the wera ea nom be inserted ino the ott 5 Tho calet is puted into the holder by tering the aawrbsr Please dont forgot hee le a very retrictod holding !ange'o acallet De nt ry ana hal ape sar ‘ool or weeks ini fame per eee 38 Fixed Steady ‘The fied steady unions a an atonal eupport for workpieces. A''eng tod ‘or instance. whch rolecs far fem the chuck, wil wotte concise {ts no supported tthe os end, ‘Ate groping tho red nthe chuck, th ned stood is Fist put onto tne bad close to the tuck Then the ‘ee guiding paw can be aust, so tet workplace can easy rotate, bu doesnot show too ‘echo. tra work teens the pe ad be lubricated contruousy ‘where they Touch the soece, ‘The workgiece should have a emeoth, concentic surface there. Fl, you shoue pevhaps, hat ‘machine he worgice 9 hat als he condo, Now move te hod toad to th rt ot er you want and clamp io he bd with ts lamin ‘row and pat. The fed sted alowe workpecos upto 40 mena materia be sugared. Top slide reno. 171190. By ewivoing th tp si you can tum tapers. The top ade fe mounted an top of he cose, The Sigot atthe undorsise othe op side engages wih {rocess in he eosealae se Toe-l and caging {ew fc tho top sido tho eat-in. “ne op alle nas own foopost, which replaces te {tandard toobpt. The divans on ta proector ‘to wl lp you st upto the deed agi, ‘The tools fe by turning the hare fe tp- He. Carriage and erss-ee ean (and shoul) Be ‘amped, asthe tops fe ndependent. Make ure the loos cuting odes oxacty at corre nigh. You wilfind avery aiernt shape produced ts nt, Attaching the top so. 3.410 Vertical Slide ‘The vertical slide gies you an sdations! eed axis. ‘ns Te eepocaly atl in mary sot of ein, ling ant boring eperatons. ‘Tha vere ce eed to tho roses wih wo te Beles you ar usr ‘Men sree and fe exact) a ight 1 set the plane of he vores angles ote le an. Worklecas can be ot in {fe mactine vie, mounts onto the vertical slide ‘The ding, main ofy-euting eek a ereon ony ws mound ont the mantel oes 3.11 Hand-tool Rest ‘Th tanto! rest used to suppor tools or han turing, such a8'2 hand var, Such grvers are emotes used © pore vary dessa tong Job oor omamena ming ‘The fool reas Gamped oto the bed. An eecanc ‘mochaniem s Used oth tel res 3.12 Automatic Feed ‘To suoratic lrtwise feed aconsory enables you fe obtan a vary smeothand regs fr [Gk The devoe s atache tothe ft ie of te hadstoc ts ving Bot ny botween the headstock pind and tho ply In nost eases Wf aalr fo rome the head spa pully fst ‘etre you pul hs be over he apie, Phos cote the 00" wee tal shoud ave, a eee renee oe OOOOH 5 5 e 5 = 5 5 Ee 5 = 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 = = s s TE ee Ses a 5 wnt! 3 a a a 3 a a 3 a a a 8 3 a a a 2 a 3 Hand tool 150 260. ‘Automatic fed installed. \Wnon tha buton posted imaras comely, he leadscrew wt be diven by bro headstock spin, ‘Ge revoluton afb andl wil aes th crags ‘travel ove 0,02 mm tonarda ths neato When "he buton is piled outward, er no movement Ino automate feed stiachment Je not used for longer periods, tis recommend that you tka tho ball off te uitoy. tan be up to head sind. This wil help it Kep i lati. 3.19 Dividing Head ‘The viding ead i used fo operations which requre dang @ ce n'a nanber of aqua 205. tmeris stor tance Ged Inthe making of gear ‘hoes, and when number o ovety dsb oles ar tobe aed na ange, The viding head can be capod om the bea bu R oan algo be Sitachod tho cess in tram or vertical poston. svn plato 28} “Diving head with vision pie 26. Frat you nave to deci on which don pat fo Use. Putt ovr tho spigot. Tan She some hong ovo ae srew tert he slg camping he son plato process. Gap he worpioos, ‘Tho spigot ted le want! Yo fhe mandrel nose ‘head, You an use any hating devon on tha Gv Ingheed thet you can ut onthe andre The worpioce can bo rotatod wih ogard tothe ‘aviang nead 2s Tong 25 you kp th dolert pin Pull ut, The prowater scale hls keeping trae 15 the cisions. lak sure to rp the sgt afer Feaing he waglece an beore machining begins Division plates 30, 6 and 40. 37 38 3.14 Watchmaker’s Dividing Head “The arg diving pao o the watchmakers cing ‘etd afows a cei tobe iced in 120 eae parts ‘The possi for cvang ae nereor especialy “Tnporat hon making of epg clock parts, Tis ‘Rag squpmont tacos to ho fet sie ofthe feadetgck Divaione fe cared ou wih Be wore ploce attached othe and oer & Watchmaker’ dividing head. 3.16 Polishing Arbor “The arbor can be ataced tthe nose of he hea ‘Hock spn Ite pups a0 ho el is, oth Be Pazee"'r round rushes. The Headed taper ‘makes tno dae sar uprght and tte sa te Polishing arbor 190370 3.16 Too! Grinder ‘The tock ginder acesasry 19 especially weet for eeping your HSS fools sharp. I comes comelete ‘th aging wel type K 80. Fst clamp He ‘Maha! ce bed ofthe iba Ton, afer atocing ihe" geing wheel to 8 ho ator can Be sewed tro the Neadetok spindle nose. Last, ach the (ard corso oho device $F tool eat ha oe sat up away, thatthe ls fanoe between gindng wel and Too Test 8S For arndng a speedo 40 pn. recommended. Fis vey mporiant fo caver af parts ofthe lathe thich af ametive © damage cased by ginding ust Use a pec of lumina of plas or an o> (Rotagnated uth to cover ted, leadsorew and ‘Sooa "Tho. duet wich for cing. grinding ‘Strty damaging oto acsoacy ote ses. Frrmamber ts vetarosharpen os by taking ff © Ceny emes amount requeny, an by taking heavy oe aarge oral. “ool grinder ene 150 090, “The gining whee has to ba daned and recon: {Tond portonicay The bet way do hiss to use ‘SStnonspart wheel oressar A whosl dressing ‘Sone me ot of soon endo canbe used 10, Fotowe you Pion Isto use a damond point TeSer limpet to make or ethnic prove wth sre doves to raw the esse along Wrewnoo. hheuraresinggorratos al of gd Ing dust aa we, 20 protect your late. 3.7 Fly Cutter “Te fy cuter too set ince ea groud fang {bal end tw enground Tels (ob). The cuter ‘Sapte shank canbe had a tho dll chuck, the ffeemjaw chuck cr a cot or Bm ameter) ‘Etaoed othe mand nose ety bain ho to pcect Tor a os fom th adap. coteerw hols he {Coltri ns plac You t haw to check sri [nus ne ol ating on 8 poe of sep material ‘Sovral aforort nds of macning can Be per {onmed using fs acosssony x stance: arming worpioce on rosso fos fom es fiago and coesie owtserY3) baring or enarang holes ‘econ engraving) sing be ding need Fecommoniod speeds: sted 1500 ~ 920 1. plestes B20 = 1800 rpm MUUNUAAMe uumm em mem memo nw ua ow ww wo ww awe ww ww ‘division plate divisions Be zs eT @ = * 2[3 5 ce = = 2[els 3 2] = « 2 tfs a 0 mo] Flycuttr with tools retio. 180100. 2.18 Milling Arbor ‘nis stbor can sosomodate eur saw blades and rcuar railing cts, such a= geared cures. Fret the utr (ortho saw dace) ie bor, using the camping dag and sou. The whole {ssenby Ie thon screwed ono tho mandrel na, ecommendes spasis: sawing 190 = 200 r2™, iting 820 Tabi 3.0npago 23. ‘Sew bade (ling cutter) witharbor. This [bor canalso betised for goarcutirs (ft in the plore. 3.19 Standard Tool Holder “Ihe standard ool holder fs came to the eros: ce using a teenut and an Alon serom, The Role “Tho tol amped nly tthe Felder by wo Allon brews, Always Rep the foo ig the fol bate Soy Ue pang ps oat ne eating wpe to.conre at Make sure Be lol has 2 Ite ovenang as possible, the euttng edge stud be eld cose tothe hold “Tis wl nproe the rity othe oo assembly and seid chaton, 3.20 Quick-change Too! Holder ‘The man body ofthe quick change too older has a ove sige for Isang a od holder. The tel holder secomats ols of mairum 12 mm shar height. Adamant of the cating edge 10 cane helt (accomplished by adjusting the. knurled ‘ere. You dont havo fo ast each tool allover ‘ain If yeu gho each ane is own holder. Their [cjsting screws wil then tke ca of soting tba ting edges to cone heh 39 LO & ‘Adjustable toothoder reno. 171 300 and folder retina 71 400. ‘setung up 1 inset 'teenut © ilo the crosealde aot end lamp the man body @ fo the cross ide wih row M6452 nthe reqied poston 2 Inset the toc heir it its guide 3 Adjust ser 0 tt the outing esa ofthe teal exactly at carte height 4 Tot ner @ i clamped fo the man body wih sore A810. 321 Round Too! Holder In is toothotereuting teas why ound shanks of Stam damator ean be els, sn acentie machen Sirpifiesacjustng he csting edge to cai eight 322 Running Centre ‘Te running or rvoding certo contains bal bos Ings which erable tha cert pi fo oo in com Iuncion wih the workpiece. Ther ls consequerty ha clon between conve and worgice, 20 Moe is os ‘Round tool holder retzno. 150303. ton ib not necessary. Generaly sesking, using @ ‘evoking cone cn be somewat os acre Pan ‘Sing sid carr, bu te advantages texts ‘hat drawback mary cases Inmary weotuming operations the se of ran ‘ning emcee ro ony to gre sdvanago, bt come limes a emote neces ‘Running conve ren. 150 270, [ST Pe ene eee ere WU yeonew www 3.28 Between Centres Equipment ‘The catcplae is seewed onto the mand A sod conv ls inserted intone spindle bore to super the Worlplacs atthe le end. Anoer cert int ta. ‘oak wit suppor te rit end ef tha worepecs. A ‘unning cente a wal ene can be Used het Yyouuse aco conte, make sie To pr for com Srna breaton ‘Tho workgioe sould of course have entre les at both ens, 0 can be sunported between the to entes The lta earner © clamped tothe work: ooe. Te car's Det arm wi impart the rotating frovernert to the wonploce when fengepes Wi ‘nef th tain the eaten, 3.24 Machine Vice ‘The machine vice sa hksng doves, which can be Used etapec fo the ros-eh or vera se, Toorute and clamping stows ao used ot te base, The woapace he Deleon the os a™ Mszhine view retno. 180.310. 3.25 Thread Cutting Attachment “Tho trod cuting attachment contains 2 mounting plsto for attaching tho goavutweal tude, The Flues se of goarwhoos metas posse To it ‘ovea ferent pches, mete as wel as impers ‘The Peatock epndo is not driven by the ithe ‘motor, but rotated by hand sing a rank eS Gy e “Tread euting attachment. ‘Togener te wo gor-atoosatacod to headstock ‘rand! an londsorow fi tw tanemsion aio temoon eadstoce epnie and Tosasorem. Ary {earee in betwoon has ro iuenoe on ha 260. ‘The dovoo & however designed wih ha coming. ‘tna found in Table on page 43 n mind. Pte nat atthe sud fre second Kr wheal «an be attached tothe movrting platen te Paces: top and ote The ate gues etal en what pos tion shouldbe ured ‘setting up 1 Aftor opening the changewhsal guard tw bet fas tobe taken ot toe aie! ply. esowe ‘he mane! uly Neto, a8 wel a the ato ‘mato fed attacenont (freed, 2 The requtes ir gears are put onto ter ‘Hu and hese sie are pevtonalysoraned ‘onto the mounting plate in fel proper places. Dont tttan te. sows yet. Tho eadeorew oarhoa spt on ts axe oo. 3. The mounting pao can now bo atached tothe tock Don forget o pute dere Pose woon Reads and pla. tate re end rom Ung handel the Bp of he Ieacstraw engages with the goarwhaal ie Dont yetighten ts soem. “4 The mandrel ger-anas can now be put ono the hoaddock spd. Aor tat tha crank ls Served ono the epi, camping the. gear ‘wre ya th cam br a1 lor wheal sts can be tghenad. The gear ‘ihoss shoud not esto to much ply ma ame psy is recocsary fo ensra a sch nt When you turn ne canard um sas, iho te ned er mac foros Dot lap te Taadstrow gearuhea ye | 8 Tako toleadscrew gearvheel its eve. Wale Bushing te meuning pate vprars, Shen te ‘mpg sor tt fos the mouning pate the headstock. Then the leaden goareel can be replaced and camped, ing ‘utofeed attachment and the mandrel pulley fave tobe removed. ‘Te as tp st attach the leadsrew gear: eat ‘Toto care nto damage te goarhesltoeth when tahtening the mounting ple carmpeg sere Te sew can bo co cose to th eadatew goa {hat tis ater to remove the lnadecrow Gen ‘The mounting pate provisionally atached avo ightenna i (here shown without bushes). ‘The toes ests fom roiating the hetok spire 7 eth the eran Te gearaheal tan hen cies he Tosdserem, ‘The pty botwen te gersmneee cn be adjusted byrnsering ast ol paper between tam wien et lids are provsnaly fied tothe mounting pit. ‘The so Ot paper wil bo expat aonatialy when the woes rote, whereupon te play Wil be ‘Syosted corey. 5 Now ush the mourting pate warts, tars the heedstock spine, Wha hatang the mort Ing plate in at poston, te sews hai ho Toommmms tToommn CF RT ROOT hho oem ‘Table 5: Gear-whee! combinations 1.25) Te | =50 =20 ‘eer 2 ialer2 top ialer2 boom = Teadeorew 8 Seow ee wae ee ew ow 4 Woodworking Accessories 4.1 Circular Saw Attachment ‘Ta cea saw attachment can bo used ons on, thu several accessoras are cvalabl for use cor” Junction wits ths ve, ieee ciice Kisssigevonichiung. Der_migototte Au hahmadorn at net aside 4:14 Setting Up 5 © saw blade Is put ono ts abor 3 and ‘lamped winging tard crew 2. Please me Assembly of saw bade and arbor. Sure the sawtooth are pong in the rt re ‘on rocton of eaten. i of th saw accaesory put onto poroanetly the rghtplace ot 9 The sand can nw bo adustd ols tinal pos fbr withthe saw on. Te panes of saw Bade ard ting kd should corde, 6 they are in a sraght ne, (rel andthtaned usng tommy-bar, [en ene eH eT So AAPM TOO mo s a ww wo a WECU Ue eee ‘The stand le put onto the bed vt. Then the ‘Moorls serewed ont the mandrel nose, ‘the stand body fs ten clamped onto ths bed tanga Gaming sew and pst 14 Tho.saw abl ite nsortd iro he recta Iara nh sand tod. The sa tate postion ished with bs caosg sere ine bo. 4.12 Riving Knife and Blade Guard “The ring lnk sone ofthe most important safety dovceo onthe csi sa Witt ier woud be ‘anger forthe worpieee t bend behind the sv ‘Side. doo tothe rleavo of real sresoe ihe ‘weod Tis woud hen am these ide Especial Suing rpsaving hs Is prone to happen The Fn Keno prevents because hpe the ct open Of Emaris movi woh nat coad be Reed tk Setting up the riving knife “Tha ring kre sould ve 29 camped wit ts sow, that thee no. more ‘distance than 2mm botweon {he oat of be aw blac and th owor 0090 ot He ‘vg et. ‘Set the blade height by adjusting the able bight he ring kno edge tno more than Simm romeved fom the leet ‘mounting the blade guard “Thar 6a sot nthe rng Kale to aocomodst the Dade guard, You jst have to ct in Cho the Doation ofthe Hung kee again and aust when ecrerery When you feed the wer@iece he blade ‘ard wil autemataly be te, 4.12 Saw Blade Height ‘The saw bade halt B should days bo 5 mm mora than the taness ofthe wetkpace. Tho Mc. on wil bo leat In tat poston, 50 you ean saw faster and gata cleaner ct. Example: To saw a worpiece of ©Omm thickness the de hag shoud be 10 mm «5mm = 5 rm, ‘The saw bade eight Is agus 27 caring ts “nw tele higher o lowe the star, 4 Recommended Speed For sawing pass: 20. 1600 ram Forsawng wood 000" 441.5 Examples and Advice Proass aims use the ade guar, except when ‘nd sawing i alee of cores! Fipping with Rp Fence ‘Ta saw abo adjusted ug sorous 140 that ho ‘pienes 13 athe sa tla ee signed paral or 4.5 [Mat snghtydvergen By no moans aad thy con. Verge, wast wou cause Jain. Wis rom mmanded to check at sings by sawing ate loc, irda i jam or budge fom “The table postion should be asuste, 0 that ‘iptence ad sow blade are parallel or sighy ahergent ‘You wl any get acurate sow cuts he i of tho ‘vigice gunded agit th ene Plane a eat ‘ohtanes to he undorie. A preparatory sot planing may oforise be neceseay. neem YY EY ‘During sawing the saw bade guards ite ‘nutomatialye 1123 sag nano woes oar tan orm) you shoul aus feed tho wrtloce ung push sake Push sticks shouldbe used here! Gross-cutting and titre-cutting ‘The sicng fence facta cating sti across a workpiece or under an angi. The pcactrSvitone ‘il Mp in setng the ange corecty In sro casos Yu may find Ieheph to ssrew a salt piece of ‘od tthe Teac ta neeas6 song Teo data ier saw ashen Teblesurace area 2000mmx 179 mm Saving dapts ajstabl to 23 mm (feversed to 46 mm) Groove Cutting Tae care 10 food the workpiece sow, bocause the sa dust cannet escape oped Mir-cutting. The siding fence ean earry an ‘tary once, toteut ‘Adu te wi of the groom by setting the rp fone, the dep by aging the fees gh The 20 oh that abuts agin! th force ‘Should be pane oh saw Blade oud ja second cut Pease ako care to guid he workioe 0 thatthe Sawrff pat cn taly escape skeways The Mp fence shout nt proven this happening, eons ‘hore wile carga Kekoack ‘Sawing Round Werkpieces ‘satay saw oud sock. you wil need two beveled fences, attached to the sawn tie with or Instance earpontars em, Routing ‘The sow Hace can be used as oe nis ech rigue you eed the workpiece fo ta se Bao teeth BlqUeh. Tis wi produce & groove a an lil onnomnnnanne | oF FOOT ‘make adustments where neeée for obtining the ‘otis desrea ts qu comaron for he proces 9 i while and several atorpa To gett righ ooo most fe ve Slow inde procedure {lamp tne rng kate co thst 70 part of prec sbove the saw table suface. Remove the ads ‘guard A ude tence IS elmpyd to ho ea tae, bn carentere clamps fr instance, ‘The wah ofthe gHeove depends on the ano formed between guise fanca and sam blade. The ‘mare qbigus he gl fence Ie te were roo Wt be: Thar i of sous a tm a mn ‘ian and daph ofthe groove depend aso on the ‘rw bingo height. The futher ta saw blade projects from the tie surface, the wider and Found stock sawing prof. The worklece Is quod against & slated fence clamped to Tho saw tte ls nooseeary 10 chakthe setinge etsy att plat, 0 ou fan ‘Tho cut takon choud never be deaper than the holt oft sw ade tein i thertore nt po. ‘se fo obtain a deeo groove in ovo singe pass. You ‘il ned several exo maka Seopa ting the {abi te Sooper every me, 7 7 Deer srooves ‘vaya require cut {igi several ee passea. Feed fi Sow 1 ith Tongue and Groove For this procodura th caw blade 18 obo attaches to's arr at an angle. The wills the saw tad {o wobbio a he arbor oats, Awidor sa Cu i othe resu whic an be Uses as a grove in a ‘ongue ana gave it 18 To obtain the webbing acon of the saw bia epe- ll eculpmesy, ised nthe combing sachet, 'Snceded in addon othe cru saw attachment stting up the wobble arbor ‘Th caw blado I camped to he wobte arbor ung ‘ng 1 sphedal was: 2 and Alon sot 3. There Isasina ote in he woobl rbot aocomodst ths i oth fst webole dc &. The ip ofthe sacand wobble dice 6 engage with te smal rosea of he ‘ound hole inti saw adn The saw tbe ly has ZN t A Assembly of wobble arbor with saw blade, 1 be removed. The rng kine fe clrpad 90 Watt ‘oes not project above te salable sae 8 ‘sting groove width (and depts Folate to. wostle aor eamyng the saw Bade by hand ut ommy-bar canbe inserted trough the lente ea taro tha ola 6 atte arbor Tie ‘Sto prevrt he aor tem rovohing. {eodon allen serow’9 somouha 85th ea bade fan be turnod by hand. The wabbie ac wil fe ‘de against each oor other yu ean ss he eon of tho sideways movement the saw bade wi orm. ‘ie wobbie stroke corssponds to the wid ofthe gore The groove eh ade yay fo Soa ate high ‘Mor soing the wobble stoke, the saw blade ts lame tthe arbor again ty itoring Aten sew ‘3. Dont forget to remo the trmy-bar belore Sting othe machine! ‘vee * Use a spo0d of 4000 rpm. + Feed he workpiece vory sow indood, + Paase make sre Bele viching on the ‘aching, hat the sow Wad is ml elemped ane ‘he omy ba has been remove : ‘tinge jit savory song jin, bocause te sur {aco area whore gueeapoieds tal lp. To machine anger jin you nl ned te erring _Rtacknentinsaaton fo th cau saw aososoery. seting up ‘Asti place of wood Is scrwed to tha slaing fence onceaeo ts contact area Th aoe of wood ‘Te combing bar 1s crped othe able wih two cfamps Band sows 3. Kaap ls sureundngs sean Saw st romanian tbae places can trea th ‘he aceurary of gucance. adjusting width and depth Inthe tuseatons Nis fhe wah of he grove ana the tings, whieh are equal. Groove apt and ingor loft shouldbe qu! es wll Anyslorroas here vt prevent the pars rom engaging oper ‘The wish Nol he groove suse se donee in tho seaton on tngue ae gre. wwe ennnny eae ee ‘The eewe depth shouts be equa othe hcknas of tha wergpiec. Th saw fabio has © bs edu ts hegne H ‘Ast pice, ofthe sam hckness a the workpiece, 's required fo check a sctnga Tate let eu, and ‘hook that tnger wth and goowe with are ea a8 re fnger height and groove depth. Furthermore, tte wortoce fortis ype oom. ‘cating the grooves inthe ellowing coscrein tho wo separate parts (workpieces) that corstua the Jr ao rubered workpiece | ar workace I. For easy decminaon is adisabe to mark both worpeese seco. & mistakes easly made anarwss fin cut in workoece | “Th sling fonce 6 ieertad int swt in ho saw tatie. Werkpiece Is eld fm agent the ing force and tho combing bar. Tike th rt it ert cuts in workoece | ‘eric | frmiy he again he akg ence a heme. Tho inside of ha poove which as cut ‘he prevous pase & now newever held again he embing bar Cutthe nen grooe Fie ut in workpiece The edge fs guided ‘gaint the combing bar Last cut in workplace. The inne edge of tho ‘toove is guided against the combing fence, {ist oti woe i iortpec it should start wih a grove. you age inothopars gether be cla atthe work piece Il has. to be workiees complement ‘Tereore werspeoe I an not be ald eins he combing bar area. By using worgice | as gauge, wage ican be bald nthe lg potion, Worpiecs Ist behets every Its fst trper placed gain the coting Tako car to accurately hold ana aude the wor sioes, accuracies hore mag cpa he jon ext ut in woke Those cuts ar taken the same way a8 described Under nei ‘its fn workpiece TAs workpiece I streaty cars a grovel use gaint the comeing tar worgice |i no longer needed a gauge ‘speed 2 specs of 400 rpm. recommended 50 Saas i Fst cut in workpiece I Workplace lis used [eadistance gauge. 4.16 Safety Measures + Use saw blades that are sharp, undamaged and vou ora exe, + Dart use sn lads wth detormad teeth. + ay attention othe deen in which the teat are pong when mounting the osm Ba, + Dont use your hand, or any other implement, to ‘om clown the sam biads ser swtoning of the ‘motor The bade shoul stop revolving of ta own second. + Aways se th rng ke, except when work: ‘ince has to be worked on te boom en nd zwing)-Betwosn he ower oa9o of be ring Ke fad the coat fhe saw tat thre shou ol Bo ‘more than 2mm dtanca. Thang Ht shod be adjusted righ enough: Hs top sage chew ot be ower han 2mm cdo he cea tte hight ‘oot + Aways us the blade guard + Make sure that cut parts cannot be sezod by the tenth of the rvotang saw Baas “Round stock should alvays be cut using vee- shaped fences a guides. + Beware of kckoack, epacialy when saving wor: aces tomakefongueand-groove ons. + Dost uso a worm table inay ery turer, but replace witha now one. 42 Dise Sander Attachment, ‘The dise sander uses te Sow she Ince nthe Gone saw atachmant a¢ sander ate. Clear Sanapaper discs te gliad onto the sander pate {(@0mrn, There % a speci ue salle fo tis purpose, but yeu can use rubber corer io wale fre que used or photograph}, whch can easly removed by rating of. ise sander pate with sandpaper diss. 421 Attaching Sandpaper ‘Tho lus applied tothe bak ot th sandpapar ai: lng 2 sated spatua. Loeve the gue for tow ines he solvent io wapora: Shou a ry ‘othe uch. Aor cearing te arco plate caret tha senepape i pected over and stated by pressing own ly by band 4.22 Setting Up + Screw ta pate (vth sndpape’ ent the manda + The saw tata going to Be wood a a sander {able Alas toto rse-ie using Alen screw ‘and toorut 2, Adit he danco betwen table jo and sander late no more han 2 mn ‘Assombiy of saw abl fo dlse sander. 423 Advice + Usoa spoot of 4000 cpm. + Ony use the ront hal of tho pa for sanding. Te feating se il tan push te worice owas the table centnuoty + The sing fence ean be used for sanding aces rata an angle. A ee ee TN a + Use 2 gpa o remove a wor sandpaper. Rem ‘ante of uo canbe removed by wang an ep Prato sober. you ued ubbor coment atch Ihe sandpaper you can easly ub ho rereanis ot de af wih your ings. 424 Safety Measures «Te sandpaper des shouldbe every tached to ‘ho oander plate nou any bubs + Uneven attachment may led to inceasod wou. ‘may abo take be pape oar mor ready. + 4 tom sandpaper should nol be used any mare, Use anev sandpaper des neta + Tho workclace shoud be kept ry onto the table dg the operation, ‘The distance between the sander dc ant the oaret table wo snout not sxeced 2mm + Never use te se sander attachment wibout a 43 Woodturning ‘A spec cotectin of toss avaiable for wood Ing, Th weootuming sot connine ark cute or Formost work, eepclty when using high speeds, You il nda running erro nepenebla, “Foret also a st of ting fol aati, which caine a goupe par too and a saper Woodturning attachment. 43.1 Setting Up the Toolrest “Te tookrest holder 9 clamped onto the bed wih umping sorow and at. Now inert the oo Tari ts Polder and aut ote ost egutes, Nato sur to koop the ooost a costo the woke Bete sis praca gt te espe en Don't org to use a ‘nning entre i tho ‘spend act high 4.2 Workpiece Holding Workplace Preparations ‘Te workpiece has to undergo some praimnary troament belore being ety propated to be ‘mourted orto the lathe, In mds cas ths wi Invotve dating corre hoes n oth ends and making groove forts fork cents prongs ‘Warepiaces tat ter too mash fam oughly coi lar shape have to be prepared by mang thm mare tse round fr For example a squere pc of ‘ood assuring SO mmx 40 rer a noo Thee edges sawn at 52 Approximate found shapes by removing. eedgos tet, Betwoon Centres “Te orc, conjunction wih a sold cnt, wit ‘Biv and supper th the et nd of ho wesc, falps to saw’ shallow veegyooe foro prongs 10 {hyg. You can devo the fae con gry no the ‘ipo using a malt he Ke of wood pers {Tre fork cones than serowea ote to mand ove, A (preerabiy runing) conte nthe tatoo ‘ippore the night ad fhe workpiece. ee _Workptece between contre. advice ityou use righ speeds, ering cen sprees Bou wil hve to reaues ction by sepving Some form of brea (ease talcum powder ‘grphite) tou use asoldconve. + Resist any temptation to tarmer the wcipiese font the fa conve arsay eng on tha mana fove,"The pregaion bearings of te marcel woud ot bok down in pon yu afterwards ‘Cup Chuck Workciaces wnch have @ splgt that ts to the co ‘huok can be nad by tis Gee, Th cup chuck Nas agiytaperad bor. To enable the workpiece To 0 al, pat tthe fo be machined Wt ost he op chide Ts ean easy Be perforce Uy ting the workpieces between fr centr and uncing took The spigot should be a peas feta encure arm and socure ld “The very ie poration wil hon boo pao or sew tne pt ofthe worgios that vas Used To Mold it (wth aca se you alow fr sult length 0 be Seto is tem bo sat. Press the spigot int he cup chuck Porhaps a ow bows oft malt wl lp. Sew the cup chuck Foti tn worpie ont the areal nos. Now the werepece ready for te nxt oparaton But mae sre tet ath poston lo comet by Comparing toa fastock cate for example. Bees) Catch Plate “This method ave he turing e ako place in tao Sages. In tion you have t Paka & holder fo Fol the woreda for tho eocoud stag. You can ‘kip te scond tage however ho workplace can Beto attached tthe catch plato al operations. fist stage [Alach the workpiece fa te caeplate using wood ‘Ser: Petorn tho fring operatone and machine [Srocens or ahold ongtae. 72h OOO OOOO ow mw second stage Der tring the elo ou a a sparae pies of toed ths older fs stached fo the cates wt 21ers. The wrtpece is prossed nf te tae er far nachining ‘removed I nocoecary to seach plate usleg wood Serene. Machine the ulsise and the bot se seared, Mao arose about Sm dap inthe btm ofthe cap or holding i rng nthe sondage Y Fe the outs tuned. Arocas ie ‘chined into the bottom, so the work ‘canbe held by a separate spigated hole. Make a holder from 2 separate pooe of wood sous nave s spigot comsepondng to erste ‘he botor of the cup ts rretor shouldbe 3 te more dan the recess carrot enous thal can olde wedkpece frm Ach the east Now press th cup ont he hoe, using a malt ‘necessery. Check and acs th potion othe cup wortpece, and you ae ready ts machine pleco to completion, n tha cas Fewer ts otherwise part of ‘A prepared holder Is srewedonto the catch ‘late for holding the workpioos, “Tech date + Make a cane hee at both end the woiece. + Boor sching onthe lathe sto the poton of the taleock sho be checked and scsted necessary. The Mouried worcice shod be ee ‘oredr and secre by ne eno + Large or curotsanes orgies should be machined oy wih corespori aly lower speeds, + Aonays use both hands o guie-ne ting tools. + Nvays keep your ung fools sharp. 44 Spindle Moulder Attachment ‘The sale moulder tachment cavers your cecu lar sw acososory into a‘slaonary router. The ool Sot cons a fence, which ha to be tiachod fo the face ofthe ea accessory a hero aap the Wortioce in frm corace wih te bae, 2 moukdor ead and 2 svagh ator 4.441 Setting Up Fra the moukder aad i prepared Clap the cuter ints sot nha mouer head wth lamping coro. The trees in mouting Wood are cosine, 2 ‘make sur you damp he et fry. {Camp the saw aczeenory stand the bed in the Sarre way as desereed in secon 41.1 on page 4 26® o> Routing tachment with outing cutest “Te aor caning tne muster hea a screwed onto the mandel noes: Pease make sure the kde ge shot iy tht par ofthe accescory Is mounted “The puchor there to keep the workpiece frmy down te table and to prover eckback. Clamp he pushor to the fnco at @ holt hat wt kag the ‘Norpgoo fry dn, whist alowing 15 bof ‘log the cutter Fm base conac a ll mes ramely important acsuate wor Fead we workpiece sow along the cutter. high ‘andrel peed frthers a smth fish, 442 Profle Cutters 2 cot containing theo difoerty shaped cuter ‘alle. OF course fis possible fo make your aon ‘ers ot ofa uate plece of set. you do at Fenever, your wat have oParen and grind teeter sours oo. [Pr Pe een ee rE TM Rm (FOOTE OO oe a a a a a a a a a a a 4 a a a a a a a a a a 2 2 = 2 3 4 = s 4 Mii 5 Auxiliary Tools Ihgoes without yng ta using tha ight too oho [nD fecitatee the production of satin wore Tha Few seotone oontin desorption of some of the (be you ight want fo ue. Some of fem ae dos ‘mtd foruse on he Unmet ube aero are su (ie because of th sa. Wo can nly show a ory limted number of tools Rawever, hore a mary trove tole coer! ilove sees. Con Your ‘teal rereaoratve to learn moro abou thom. 54 Brushes. For the Unimat 4 996 of wo brushes is vai rtaiig aeoa wie brush aed a bras wre bush, Shase brushes can be used for ctferet ngs of ‘peratons, such en seburing, pening. st Set wre brushes rena. 19 500, 52 Felt Discs This ca set of toe tat sein iron ee, foe psing, oto Th due fs Used logeer wth some Fem of potting compound of whi hee re Sor fal eustios sual, Sot ott ises. 5. Grinding Wheel Wen the graing wheat of the nol grinding ances sry has become worn, you can eal replace th 5.5 Abrasive Paper Discs ‘These arash paper sear pact to 0 tft tho ds sancor accessory. They are avalebo ‘grades 60, 8 ae 100. 5.6 Twist Drills Twit asin sever! seo are incpanaibl n et working, “The aseet way (and not selsom the hoapac way 20) 0 ly hande on tem fp ‘hase a sot This wl bs suppllod in cace, in wich al cis have mai om pace, This wil save You ome valuatiotre looking othe ight i Twia eis are mansackred in erent sbapes. Choose shepe sutable forthe mater your wore ooo fs made ot. Pease mate sure your cil are alvays tot sharp ‘Double centre ais, late to do so. For des you man produce a sutatie hole to ata oth soak jeueat to Kop the ‘oat igh angls tthe worpice axa I yu uso tho lato to gude these threscing tol, yo must rate the workpiece, oa tp, by hand ‘The the ott old nth a et 4.0 mm -6,, In 0,1 mm ops tt ail et 60 mm 1,0 mm, bn Oittam stops. 57 Contre Drills an ot io wl od ane is. These ae mur ioe cane Pomoy You nd hat cette canbe coed ok San Sarpening acai ii ait ob, much ere sot sharpeg acs re)t Ome tay pope a Saeco tan tow entail whe oro Se ets ee 5.9 Countersink Drills 58 Taps and Dies Courses ad fr Sang hls or Frei panes pres sander ew Sn aca hea Cousin seas ake aa ‘This is especially the case for the smaller sizes. A set Die in Sets containing several sizes. Clap and ds ya Rote Soe at ‘Sitar one mame Store you can cat atone teed ung atyphow There aremary fee us sae citing fer ov wivhoe wana of aut ae Porson at pha ee as eae ao Ierowe some est tapeand ascano at erga Sane iW aaa oe ‘tons corse oo Sy oad le ont tom wed te eens Yereanse stap by nar. ang aap wench, bt _ Ste wot nr Bae on ea SNcingatap nastghine easer yu Say bagoe ae salute sa eae Fer be ea Fee Been re TF 5.10 Saw Blades

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