LP Psychosocial-Support Days-1-2 Week-1 Q1
LP Psychosocial-Support Days-1-2 Week-1 Q1
LP Psychosocial-Support Days-1-2 Week-1 Q1
Division of Romblon
Odiongan South District
Hinag-oman Ferrol, Romblon
I. Objective *Identify and reflect about the concept of safety and different
*Draw an animal that make him feel comfortable and safe.
*Sing and act out an energizing song with proper
A. Healing Component feelings/expressions.
B. Activity Proper Introduce the song “Old Mac Donald Had a Farm”. Have the
1.Presentation and Setting learners sing it through the aid of any audio/visual platform
of Guidelines available.
2.Discussion Post the pictures of animals in the song Old Mac Donald. Let the
learners name each of them. Ask them which among these
animals can make them feel comfortable and safe.
Post the emoticon chart containing happy, sad, mad, afraid,
worried face. Introduce and mimic the proper facial expression
for each emoji. Let the pupils do the same several times.
Ask the learners by row to stand in circle while singing Old Mac
4. Follow-up activity with Donald. They will mimic with proper facial expression the sound
Movement and Sound of the animal being shown via flashed pictures by the teacher to
them. They can also mimic the movement of that animal.
Note: Stress out that the important thing they need to know to
make them
feel safe is to run and find a well-trusted adult for physical
emotional safety at home and in school.
IV. For Follow Up At Home Ask the parents to reinforce at home all the safety measures you
Discussed with their child today.
Let them assist their child to list down the names of adults that
the kid trusted the most especially in times of need to ask for help
and assistance.
Tell them to post at home the list where the learner can see it.
B. Activity Proper
1.Presentation and Setting Introduce the Cloud Relaxation Breathing Exercise.
of Guidelines Teacher will read the script in a soothing, soft tone;
give instructions
Gently and slowly.
1.Close your eyes. Take three breaths. Take another
three more. Notice
the sound as you keep breathing.
2.Imagine that a gentle, soft, beautiful cloud of your
favorite color relaxing
your feet, toes, ankles giving you a relaxed feeling as
3. Discussion it goes up to your
thighs, calves, and waist, to your hands, elbows,
arms, chest.
3.You are now very, very relaxed as it goes up to your
chin, tips of your
ears and your whole face till the top of your head.
4. Continue breathing as you let your beautiful cloud
float and fly around.
After three breaths, slowly open your eyes.
C. Synthesis/Closing activity On the board, teacher will post or write the names
1.Follow-up activity and numbers of people or agency to contact in case of
emergency. Ask the learners to write them also in their
Role plays at least two emergency and how to respond
to them using the improvised telephone realia.
2.Wrap-Up Discussion/Synthesis Ask and let the learners answer the following:
What did you learn today?
What would you do to call for help?
In school, if a classmate or someone is in trouble,
who would you
contact or call?