DRAFT - Dragonflight - Intro Ch1

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Ryan Servis


©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The 2CGaming logos and name and the book name (Dragonflight) are protected by
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Printed in China.
Ryan Servis, Casey Machado, Joshua Mendenhall

Ryan Servis, Jon Kelly

Misty Bourne, Jon Kelly

Juan Arabal, BNE Design, Ambrose Hoilman, Daniel Kamarudin,
Matteo Marjoram, Nolan Nasser, Damien Westenhofer

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Table of Contents

How to Use This Book........................................................5
Epic Legacy Compatibility..................................................5
What is in This Book..........................................................6

Chapter 1: Defining Dragons................................8

What is a Dragon?...............................................................8
True Dragons......................................................................8

Dragon Biology.................................................................10
Dragon Species..................................................................21


However, Dragonflight is also the realization of a remark-
able fantasy. By means of magic and other options, players
Greetings. I am Pyrathraxis Hexfang, from across 5th Edition have taken on aspects of dragonkind.
crimson scourge of the silver realms, wielder of Soaring the skies as a mighty, magical, fire-breathing dragon
ancient arcana predating your species, eleventh is the daydream of many. Dragonflight seeks to make that ex-
generation of the Burning Tempest lineage, perience a reality as compelling as standard 5th Edition play.
keeper of…a bunch of things you’ve never heard With the aid of this book, players will experience life as a
of. The point is I am a dragon, an exceptional dragon, claiming territory, collecting treasure, and growing

specimen of my kind with a keen interest in
knowledge. I tire of the lies, rumors, and false
legends that surround us. Such an insult
cannot be allowed to persist. To that end, I
have compiled the greatest collection of factual
information concerning dragonkind into a
single tome. In its pages you will discover secrets
only we dragons could impart—hidden powers,
unusual species, obscure ecology, and much
more. By all means, read on and behold the
true scope ofour magnificence. Learn what it
truly means to live as a dragon and why we are
legends across all realms.
to extraordinary levels of power. This legendary experience is
one your table will never forget as a fresh approach to explor-
ing 5th Edition’s most famous creatures.

Content Warning
Dragonflight is about playing, creating, and
exploring dragons like never before. In order to
create an experience that reinforces a dragon’s
unique perspective and lifestyle, some of the
content in this book explores concepts that may
be troubling to some readers. We feel that such
designs and fiction add a sense of believability
and immersion to dragons, who have every
reason to not hold to a human outlook on
morality. However, that doesn’t mean it is for

everyone, and you should take the prospect of
integrating such aspects of this book seriously.
You can still have a great Dragonfight experience
without reinforcing a dragon’s xenophobic
outlook, disdain for “lesser” life, or genocidal
Dragons hold a special place in fantasy. Cultures from across
scale of destruction. The last thing we want is to
time speak of these formidable creatures. In stories, dragons
see someone walk away from your game table
range from apocalyptic forces of destruction to peaceful
because of something we made, so please talk
keepers of magical wisdom and everything in between. For
to your players about how far you can explore
those familiar with 5th Edition, you will know dragons as the
certain themes before the game begins.
legendary foes lurking in dungeons, awaiting tasty adventur-
ers to test their mettle. While this portrayal is functional for
a quick game, dragons have so much more to offer. That is
why Dragonflight exists. These iconic creatures are more than
monstrous challenges guarding hoards of treasure. They are
important characters in the grand tradition of RPG storytell-
ing. Their significance demands the opportunity to be the
most interesting part of a 5th Edition campaign, and this
book helps make this a reality. Everything there is to know
about dragons—history, culture, species, biology, psychol- Making RPG books for a living is a dream come true, and
ogy, magic, religion, powers, portrayals, and more—can be thanks to the legion of backers who supported this project,
found within. Dragonflight is your companion to the ulti- it’s a dream that lives on. Thanks to their generous support,
mate draconic experience for the 5th Edition of the world’s thoughtful opinions, poignant criticisms, and brilliant ideas,
greatest roleplaying game. Dragonflight fulfills a dream many have been seeking since

– 4 –

they first picked up their dice. Our hope is that this book
reinvents dragons at your table, and by extension enhances
your interaction with all of 5th Edition. We are so fortunate
to facilitate this experience. To all our backers, we make the
How to Use This Book
following dedication:

It should come as no surprise that Dragonflight is full of

dragons. From tiny wyrmlings to formidable great wyrms,
We at 2CGaming put tremendous emphasis this book is bursting with terrific examples of dragonkind
on artistry and innovation within game design. from all areas of fiction. To make them functional and fulfill-
We want our books to not only be functional ing within your game, dragons also need context, lore, and
but inspirational, thanks to a concerted effort support. This is the true value of Dragonflight. It gives your
to explore the wondrous potential found within draconic creations an impressive level of polish, mechanical
fantasy writing. Few projects have been more strength, and storytelling potential. By utilizing Dragonflight,
ambitious in this regard than Dragonflight. your dragons will be some of the best components of your
Our expectations for the design and fictional next 5th Edition game.

presentation of this book were high, and
your faith in us to deliver on such a vision is
something we do not take lightly. Thank you for
this incredible opportunity to write about our
favorite monsters. We hope you enjoy it!
– The 2CGaming Team

Like all great projects, we had a fantastic team who worked

night and day to put this awesome book together. We would
like to specifically thank our contributing writers, whose unique
perspectives and colorful imaginations gave Dragonflight a
level of quality we could not have achieved otherwise.

Ryan Servis serves the dual role of Lead

Tested and refined over this book’s development process,
Dragonflight has something for both players and DMs alike.
Dragonflight allows players to experience the thrill of playing
a dragon. In the spirit of books from older editions such as
Draconomicon and Council of Wyrms, players can take wing
in a whole new style of 5th Edition adventuring. Make no
mistake—this book is no mere draconic skin for a traditional
adventurer to wear. It is an entirely new way to build upon
5th Edition’s design principles.

This book provides nearly all the content required to run
Dragonflight to its fullest capacity, but some content is ref-
erenced or pulled from other sources. These books are either
Designer and Writing Director at 2CGaming, written by 2CGaming or Wizards of the Coast, and it is ex-
ensuring the writing quality and game de- pected you have access to their content to get the most of
sign are always improving and achieving a certain designs.
diverse array of high-quality projects. You
can herald his coming or issue a challenge at • The 5th Edition core rules, including the PHB,
www.2cgaming.com or on Twitter @2cgaming. DMG, and MM

Joshua Mendenhall is one of the project • XGE, official supplement sourcebook for 5th Edition
directors for the fantastic 5th Edition cam-
paign setting The Islands of Sina Una. Josh • The Epic Legacy Hero’s Handbook, 2CGaming’s
(known as HTTPaladin online) has joined the rules for 5th Edition play at levels 21–30
Dragonflight project to lend his writing skills
and wondrous imagination to dragonkind.

Casey Machado is cofounder of Roll It Slant,

an organization whose mission is to empower,
Epic Legacy
educate, and entertain the TTRPG commu-
nity. She has worked on numerous D&D
publications released on DMs Guild includ-
ing the platinum bestselling reflectionist class.
She enjoys her role at the table as a DM, creating experiences Over the years, 2CGaming has produced an expansive rule-
that both challenge players mechanically and create compel- set for Epic-level play in 5th Edition called Epic Legacy. The
ling, collaborative stories. While not enjoying TTRPGs, Casey books in this series (the Epic Legacy Hero’s Handbook, the
works as a research engineer, designing and operating robots Epic Legacy Campaign Codex, and the Epic Legacy Tome of
to explore the most difficult-to-access regions in the world. Titans) contain rules that help players take their characters

– 5 –
to new heights and help DMs run truly grandiose campaigns. their first taste of playing a dragon. Chapter 6 explores the
Dragonflight is designed to have considerable (but not ex- Epic Legacy options for Dragonflight, providing instructions
clusive) compatibility with the Epic Legacy system, partic- for building and playing Epic dragons. DMs should read most
ularly when it comes to creating and playing Epic dragons. of the book with a thorough focus on chapter 3. The basic
These designs assume you understand the general rules and principles of 5th Edition are not enough to run a successful
principles of the Epic Legacy system when exploring com- game showcasing the features of Dragonflight. If you are
patible content found here. Be sure to familiarize yourself looking to create dragons as NPCs, you will want to read

with the general rules of Epic Legacy to get the best pos- chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5. With the powers of these chapters
sible experience from this content! If you are not using Epic combined, Dragonflight will meet all your game’s draconic
Legacy, expect to see some content that is too powerful for needs.
standard 5th Edition play. 2CGaming is not liable for the
horrific deaths of standard 5th Edition characters facing the
fury of a great wyrm. Chapter 1:
Defining Dragons
This chapter explores a wide range of shapes, sizes, and spe-
What Is in This Book

Dragons fill several important roles in 5th Edition. From
ultimate antagonists to worldbuilding assets, few things
inspire a campaign better than a mighty dragon. This book
assumes you understand the basics of 5th Edition and how to
play it. It uses terms, rules, and keywords found throughout
the core rules and applies them in contexts appropriate
for players and DMs. Each chapter of the book covers a
different aspect of dragonkind and how to play them. From
rolling your first dragon character to establishing territory to
building encounters appropriate for a team of dragons, this
book has it all. Chapters 1, 2, and 4 are for players getting
cies of dragons. This ensures that the dragons appearing in
your games will be as wondrous and diverse as they deserve.
Chapter 1 is also key to dragon creation. When building a
dragon for any purpose, you will need to make decisions
informed by the information in this chapter. It is at the
start for a reason. This chapter not only showcases the many
types of dragons this book supports, but also explores their
biology and physiology. If you are curious about how a
dragon can exist in a world of fantasy on a physical level,
read and find out!

Chapter 2:
The Dragon Designer
Dragons are exceptional creatures. To complement their
diverse appearances, dragons need an equally interesting se-
lection of mechanics. While chapter 1 provides the skeleton
Pyrathraxis Hexfang’s upon which to build your dragon, chapter 2 is the muscle.
Wyrm Wisdom Everything you need to give your creation a worthy selection
of statistics is here. Whether you are forging a humble wyr-
After considerable effort and no small amount mling or ferocious great wyrm, you can find tools to support
of personal expense, the red dragon Pyrathraxis you. To aid in this process, Dragonflight offers a dragon class
Hexfang was contracted to provide her personal model that can be used to construct unique and powerful
notes and insights throughout Dragonflight. designs. Whether it’s a cunning mastermind, brilliant magic-
She calls these musings “Wyrm Wisdom.” user, or engine of destruction, the dragon you dream of can
While she can be demeaning at worst and be created using this chapter.
persistently sassy at best, we felt the inclusion
of these statements provided insight into
what it means to view the world as a dragon. Chapter 3:
She is an expert after all. While she is still Running Games for
only an adult red dragon, her keen interest Dragons
in knowledge and surprising willingness to
converse with humanoids was instrumental Dragons are more powerful than traditional 5th Edition he-
in writing this book. Should you encounter roes by a tremendous margin, and for good reason. Bringing
her in your adventures, be sure to show her the dream of playing a dragon to life requires a lot of changes
the appropriate respect. Her tolerance for to the traditional adventuring model, all of which are detailed
humanoid shenanigans has limits you do not in chapter 3. These new rules support two different styles
want to cross. of play. The first is one-on-one play between a single DM
and one player rolling their mighty dragon. The second is a
campaign featuring three dragons working together, fittingly

– 6 –

known as a dragonflight. Each style has its own rules and

recommendations to assist a DM in running these unique Chapter 6:
games. There is much dragons can do that ordinary heroes Great Wyrms and Beyond
cannot, and chapter 3 is guaranteed to introduce a host of
new experiences fit for a dragon. Greatest among dragonkind and feared among mortals,
the mighty great wyrms represent the pinnacle of dra-
conic potential. If you’ve ever wondered just how powerful

Chapter 4: dragons can get, this chapter holds the answer. Integrating
Hoards, Territories, Dragonflight content with 2CGaming’s critically acclaimed
and Lairs Epic Legacy system, this chapter takes your dragons to the
literal next level. These fearsome creations are not only ca-
Once your dragon is built, it needs a home. Whether a char- pable of taking on Epic heroes, but they can also challenge
acter or an NPC, no dragon is complete without a hoard some of the mightiest being in existence. While everything
of treasure and a magical place to keep it. Remember, these you need to put these dragons together is here, you stand
creatures are important. Their impact on the world is felt by to benefit tremendously by utilizing the Epic Legacy Hero’s
their every action, including sleep. Chapter 4 provides a ton Handbook to get the most out of this section. Be warned!

Dragon Society and

of options to help make your creation a living, breathing part
of any campaign setting. Whether it’s randomly generating
a dragon’s hoard, determining what magical properties are
caused by its slumber, or building a powerful selection of lair
actions, this chapter has much to offer.

Chapter 5:

While it may not be as dense as a bustling metropolis or

as intimate as a close human family, dragons do have a so-
ciety and culture. Because of their tremendous power and
extensive age, dragons have established grand traditions
and complex worldviews wholly distinct from human-
These dragons are not fit for standard 5th Edition play.
Handle with care.

Chapter 7:
Dragons of Legend
When considering the potential of dragons, there exist cer-
tain species and beings that are exceptional even by draconic
standards. Chapter 7 explores such specimens, showcasing
unusual dragons along with iconic, legendary members of
dragonkind. If you are looking for examples to follow when
building your own dragon or be need inspiration from tre-
mendous tales of draconic exploits, look no further.

oids. Because Dragonflight strives to fully detail what

it means to be a dragon, this chapter exists to help
players and DMs get into character. When your
game begs the question, “How would a dragon
feel about something?” the answer can be
found in chapter 5.

– 7 –

Defining Dragons

humanoids, blending bipedal physiology with draconic fea-
tures. Others are landlocked, wingless, and spend their entire
Dragons are the epitome of life! lives burrowed beneath the ground. No matter what plane of
Look at what other species must do to existence you visit, it is likely you’ll discover some breed of
mimic a fraction ofour power, intellect, dragon living there, unique to its environment. To help orga-
and magic. nize this vast spectrum of biological diversity, we have drag-
ons into two main categories: true dragons and dragonkin.
This book primarily focuses on true dragons, as they are the

D RAGONS ARE extraordinary creatures. Even in a far more significant and legendary specimens adventurers

world full of dangerous magic, angry gods, fiendish
hellspawn, deadly dungeons, and daring heroes, they hold
a special place of significance. Every culture and society tell
tales of dragons: a furious red that burned nations to the
ground, a noble silver that fostered orphaned gnomes, a du-
plicitous green that seduced a celestial. These are but a hand-
ful of legendary tales that reveal only a fraction of a dragon’s
extraordinary potential. This chapter presents a wide array of
dragons for use in your games. It describes the varied shapes
their bodies can take, their many species, and the lineages
and cultures that bind them together. Much of what you read
here is intended to encapsulate the nature of dragons across
the multiverse—an impossible task. There are likely many
draconic cultures, species, and behaviors this chapter is un-
able to account for. It is wise to never assume one knows
everything there is to know about dragons, especially if you
fear and respect.

True Dragons

I already know I ’m amazing, but it ’s nice

to see it in print.

Many creatures call themselves dragons, but few are truly

worthy of the legendary title. While dragons take on a be-
are a tasty humanoid looking for trouble. Take this chapter’s wildering array of shapes and sizes, there exist several com-
content as an approximation of the most well-known rep- monalities shared between the most powerful of dragonkind:
resentations and truths about dragonkind. Imperfect, but true dragons. These traits can be used to collectively define
hopefully useful and inspirational. them and, in turn, understand how they exist in a world of
fantasy. Other creatures may hail from draconic bloodlines
but lack the key characteristics required to be classified as
true dragons. Generally speaking, true dragons must meet
What Is a Dragon? the following criteria to fall into this category (the details of
which are found in chapter 2):

• Possess a breath weapon

Entire libraries on the subject have failed • Grow significantly both physically and mentally
to adequately answer this question. over great periods of time
Shame they never interviewed me!
I would have warned them against such • Be supernaturally obsessed with some form of
foolhardy endeavors. treasure

• Be descended from an ancient draconic lineage

(more information on this is presented later in
The term “dragon” encompasses a vast range of creatures this chapter)
in the world of fantasy. While you may be inclined to pic-
ture a quadrupedal reptile with large, batlike wings, a long The later sections of this chapter detail the biology and na-
neck, and a sinewy tail, that fails to account for the numer- ture of true dragons, providing insight into what it means to
ous ways dragons present in the world. Some are the size of be a dragon on a physical and magical level.

– 8 –
Dragonkin Dragon Biology

Kobolds, drakes, dragonkin. Pale imitations Our bodies can endure for a thousand years,
ofour magnificence. You humanoids have growing stronger with each day. How
more in common with tiny monkeys than we strange it must be for humanoids, to peak
with such creatures. and then decline so swiftly. No wonder they
are always rushing about.

The blood of dragons flows through many creatures. Whether

by magic, a romantic tryst, or more mysterious means, entire A dragon is among the most physically mighty forms to soar

species of creatures owe their origins to dragons. These be-
ings are fearsome and often possess draconic powers but pale
in comparison to true dragons. Examples of these beings in-
clude kobolds, half-dragons, dragonborn, draconians, drakes,
wyverns, and many more that carry the mark of their pro-
genitors. While many dragonkin share a close affiliation with
the “true” members of dragonkind, this relationship is rarely
bound by blood or kinship. Even the most benevolent true
dragons see dragonkin as distant cousins at best, deserving
no special treatment they wouldn’t give other non-dragons.

Behind the Curtain:

Dragons in 5th Edition
Odds are you are familiar with the dragons
the realms. At first glance a dragon may resemble a reptile,
sharing scales, teeth, tail, claws, and other features with such
creatures. Upon closer inspection it becomes immediately
obvious that true dragons are far more. Their forms come
in a wide variety of shapes and styles, each of which bears
anatomy that could not have been conceived by natural forc-
es. This section explores the various parts of a dragon’s body,
along with their functions and variants.

Body Types
True dragons have many unique qualities, but all share a core
selection of body types upon which they are based. These
forms include the following configurations: wyrm, land
drake, wind serpent, and wyvern. A true dragon species is
not necessarily bound to a single body type. There may be
from the 5th Edition core rules and how they gold dragon wyrms, land drakes, wind serpents, and even
are presented. This book seeks to build upon wyverns, though this degree of diversity is quite rare. It is
those concepts and designs while allowing for unknown what causes this strange disparity between body
a diverse field of dragon designs, characters, types, but it is clear biology is not the only factor. Strange
and stories. You may notice many of the magics, divine intervention, or even the will of an embryonic
sections in this chapter (and those beyond) do dragon may have some bearing on what shape a dragon takes.
not adhere to the lore and guidelines laid out
by 5th Edition. This is intentional. Running Wyrm
dragons using those models can be restrictive,
and our hope is that these options and lore help The “classic” dragon, wyrms are quadrupedal dragons with
you create far more interesting dragons than long necks, bat-like wings, and even longer tails. Most true
what is possible with such limited resources. dragons fall into this category, and the first dragons were
Additionally, because Dragonflight offers you the nearly all shaped in this form. A wyrm dragon possesses the
chance to play dragon characters, it is vital that following characteristic.
players feel they can create characters that are Dexterous Claws.  The front claws of a wyrm are par-
unique and interesting to them. Being forced ticularly dexterous, possessing an opposable thumb and flex-
to play a chaotic evil red dragon, while lore- ible joints. While not nearly as dexterous as a humanoid,
appropriate for most settings, is not particularly these “hands” can be used to hold and manipulate objects or
fun. Dragons can be so much more than their creatures with reasonable delicacy. The larger wyrms are, the
traditional models, ensuring their presence more difficult this becomes relative to the size of the thing
at your table is a far more memorable and with which they are interacting, but the feat is impressive
exciting one. nonetheless. Consequently, wyrms can utilize their claws as
hands to interact with objects, structures, and magic items as
competently as a clumsy humanoid. 

– 10 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Land Drake Wyvern

While most dragons enjoy the freedom to soar the skies, Often found in more wild and isolated regions, wyverns are
some are of a terrestrial nature. Known as land drakes, these dragons that have embraced a more bestial form ideal for pre-
dragons have taken full advantage of their lack of flight by dating upon other powerful creatures. Wyverns are bipeds,
becoming larger, stronger, or faster. Land drakes possess the possessing only a powerful set of rear hind claws, while using
necks, bodies, and tails of wyrms but lack the bat-like wings their exceptionally large wings as “arms” to crawl around.

so common to many species. A land drake possesses the fol- The extra muscle mass and area dedicated to the wings af-
lowing characteristics. ford these dragons exceptional flying capability, at the cost
Flightless. Land drakes do not possess a flying speed. of the more distinguished and versatile anatomy. A wyvern
Mighty Form. The ability score maximum for a land possesses the following characteristic.
drake’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution is always in- Mighty Wings. A wyvern’s base flying speed is increased
creased by 2, and it may increase two of those ability scores by 30 feet.
by 2, up to its ability score maximum.

Wind Serpent External Anatomy

Generally considered quite rare and exceedingly mystical
are the strange wind serpents. These dragons have embraced
their magical nature on a deeper biological level and have
become long, sinewy dragons with snakelike bodies. Wind
serpents still possess four claws but rarely use them thanks
to their ability to float as if weightless. Wind serpents do not
have wings, twisting through the skies as though they were
swimming through water. A wind serpent possesses the fol-
lowing characteristic.
Mystic Flight. A wind serpent’s flying speed gains the
hover trait, and the wind serpent is weightless unless it chooses
not to be.
Keep your monstrous “researchers” away
from me! We are not some scientific
specimens to be examined. Our bodies are
art, to be appreciated and admired.

A dragon’s anatomy has far more in common with mammals

such as bats, cats, and wolves than it does with any reptile.
Once you get past the scales, it becomes clear a dragon’s

– 11 –
anatomy echoes that of more highly evolved animals and is allowing them to observe minute details at a great distance.
merely cloaked in a blanket of thick reptilian scales. A drag- Thanks to their other sharp senses, dragons can spend their
on’s external anatomy is typically divided up into five main time taking in every detail of what they see while visually
sections: the head, body, wings, tail, and limbs, each of which ignoring all else and suffer little consequence.
is explored in this section.

A dragon’s body is covered from head to toe in a layer of scales
A dragon’s head is a fearsome thing. From its maw can spew of such legendary durability that it is the dream of many a
a torrent of death, the nature of which varies dramatically warrior to one day own a suit of dragon scale armor. These
by species. The anatomy of the mouth is extraordinarily scales can range from tiny plates the size of coins to great
diverse: turtle-like beaks, flatter feline maws, elongated lu- bulwarks larger than a shield. Even when a dragon stretches
pine mouths, and traditional reptilian styles have all been or extends itself, this suit of armor never betrays any gaps.
observed. Regardless of its shape, within each mount hides a Penetrating a dragon’s scales takes incredible force, and most
tremendous array of serrated teeth, sharped to a razor’s edge dragons bear incalculable numbers of knicks and scratches
to slice through anything the dragon bites. Accompanying from those foolish enough to try. The older a dragon gets, the

these teeth are four fangs (two upper and two lower), perfect
for snaring prey and holding it in place. When a dragon bites
a target, it typically must tear off chunks of flesh and swal-
low in large gulps. Savoring a meal can be a time-consuming
experience, as the teeth of a dragon are ill equipped for chew-
ing. The bite force of a dragon is legendary. The creatures
have been observed biting through not only steel, but magi-
cal imbued alloys and even adamantine. If a dragon loses a
tooth or two in such an endeavor, they are typically regrown
over the course of a month.
The tongue of a dragon is among their mouth’s most dis-
tinguished features. Long and snake-like, a dragon’s tongue
acts like a delicate sensor. It is the only part of a dragon’s body
that can sense texture thanks to an otherwise armored body.
A dragon uses its tongue to interact with anything it wishes
to taste or delicately feel—a most disconcerting experience
stronger its scales become, eventually rivaling the strongest
magical metals in their durability. Depending on the species
of dragon, its scales may take on a variety of configurations
and styles. In all cases a dragon’s scales carry some element of
its nature. A gold dragon’s scales literally contain elements of
gold, for example, while a red dragon’s scales are scorched as
if by flame. Most dragons are smooth to the touch unless one
runs their hand against the grain, with the finest scales hav-
ing an almost silken texture. Dragons do not shed. Instead,
when a scale suffers catastrophic damage due to injury or age,
it simply falls off and is regrown within a month. In most
cases this experience does not compromise a dragon’s safety,
but particularly large scales on the chest and face can pose a
problem for any dragon expecting a fight.
Even without exercising, dragons are muscular. Their
extreme weight suggests some kind of magic is required to
for any creature on the receiving end. move with such speed or fly, but dragons seem to somehow
The faces of dragons are unique, even among a single spe- manage. Even those that do not focus on developing their
cies. Their ears can be pronounced and maneuverable, like strength are svelte thanks to a dragon’s extreme metabolism.
a cat’s or dog’s, or merely holes in the sides of their heads It takes a truly legendary appetite for a dragon to achieve
like those of a lizard. Because dragons lack the muscles to girthy proportions and a truly excessive hunger to maintain
form facial expressions, the movement of their ears is often them for long periods of time.
an indicator of their emotional state. Beware a dragon whose Most dragons possess a selection of spines that runs from
ears are constantly twitching in agitation. In almost all cases the top of their head all the way down to the tail. These
true dragons possess an array of horns that grow as they age. spines are rigid and composed of the same material as a
These horns are extremely durable and often serve as a way of dragon’s teeth. Most dragons can raise or lower these spines,
indicating seniority to fellow dragons. They also assist with and quite a few possess membranous material that fills the
grooming, as the dragon uses its long neck to scrape clean gaps between them. The purpose of these spines is purely or-
any refuse its body accumulates. Some dragons even use their namental, used to primp and preen in attempts to impress or
horns for digging or battle, having specially adapted them for intimidate others dragons. Some species are famous for their
this purpose. spine configurations, most notably silver dragons and their
The most important feature of a dragon’s head is its eyes. “mohawk” array.
Dragon eyes are famously beautiful, possess a cat-like iris in A dragon can grow to truly absurd proportions. Some
a sclera of color in accordance with the dragon’s scales. As legendary specimens have been measured at over 200 feet
dragons age, their pupils become hidden behind an opaque in length, weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds.
membrane, transforming their eyes into pools of color that Remarkably, dragons seem able to choose how large they
barely hint as to where the dragon is looking. Many believe wish to grow. While it may seem common sense to become
a dragon’s eyes to be its weak point, but this is foolish non- as big as possible, many ancient dragons have maintained a
sense. A dragon’s eyes are protected by several membranous modest size for the sake of convenience or other personal rea-
layers that can withstand a direct blow from a lance or even sons. Whatever the case, a dragon’s size has significant bear-
other dragons. Their vision is even able to zoom in and out, ing on its weight.

– 12 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Wings even further by training their tails to be as functional as pre-

hensile limbs. With snakelike strength, a dragon can learn to
The wings of a dragon are the subject of legend and great sci- grab hold of other objects or creatures with its tail and even
entific curiosity, appearing in a bewildering degree of config- exercise fine motor control with the tip.
urations. Most possess gigantic, bat-like wings with vestigial
claws (or functional ones, in the case of wyverns). Most of Limbs
these wings are covered by a thick membrane stretched over

long, evolved finger bones of tremendous strength. However, Most dragons have four limbs arrayed below their bodies like
the flowing wings of the luminescent gold dragon and many that of quadrupedal mammals. These limbs are remarkable
other species can run the length of a dragon’s body. When in their design. The two forward limbs possess the grasping
these dragons take flight, their wings allow them to “swim” power of talons and the dexterity of feline paws, ideal for
through the air like a manta ray or skate. It takes catastrophic deftly manipulating objects and snatching prey. The rear
damage to disable the wings of a dragon. The creatures have limbs are typically less dexterous but considerably stronger,
been observed still flying with shredded membranes or bro- perfect for launching the dragon into the air or perching
ken bones. The only way to ensure a winged dragon cannot on nearly any surface. Dragons with the wyvern body type
take flight is to bind its wings or remove them entirely. This forgo these forward limbs in favor of more dexterous claws

is thanks to a dragon’s ludicrous pain tolerance and power-
ful adrenal response to injury, especially where its wings are
Regardless of species or wing configuration, a dragon’s
wings are the strongest and largest part of its body. A typical
dragon wingspan is nearly one and a half times wider than
its body is long, with some extending even farther. When in
flight, dragon wings generate astounding force. With a single
flap, dragons can propel themselves into the air—a hercu-
lean feat given their great weight. Moving from a grounded
position to full flight often requires a takeoff maneuver, with
the dragon’s limbs providing a jump to get airborne. Even
with all these factors, it is difficult to believe a dragon can
fly without the assistance of magic. When considering birds
and other flying creatures, science would indicate a dragon’s
wingspan must be absolutely massive to carry their prodi-
on the forefront of their wings. In any case, a dragon can use
these limbs to swim, burrow, and run at tremendous speeds.
However, dragons lack a delicate touch. Even the smallest
dragons struggle to carefully handle objects or creatures with
their limbs. This rarely bodes well for the subject in question;
a thick suit of armor or a magical item can typically endure
such contact with superficial damage. While the semi-oppos-
able limbs of a dragon’s claws make it capable of grasping
most objects and other creatures, it lacks any fine motor con-
trol or the ability to manipulate objects.

Internal Anatomy

gious bulk. This is clearly not the case. In defiance of every The only thing interesting aboutour insides
convention of aerodynamics and physics, dragons fly with should be the taste, which I ’m pleased to
remarkable alacrity with little effort. The most dexterous of report is suitably spicy.
dragons can perform complex aerial maneuvers—hovering in
place, flying backward, precision dives, and more have been
witnessed by awestruck mortals.
While the outside of a dragon is a strange, magical conglom-
Tail eration of anatomy, its insides are stranger still. The interior
of a dragon is fundamentally similar to most vertebrates, in-
A dragon’s tail is a powerful tool essential to its movement. cluding its skeleton, musculature, nervous system and senses,
Most specimens possess long, sinewy appendages that extend and internal organs.
a considerable length, much like a lizard or crocodile. The
exact length often varies by species, but it is not uncommon Skeleton
for a dragon’s tail to be as long as its neck and body com-
bined, and in some cases far longer. What is truly extraor- A dragon’s skeleton is among its greatest biological marvels.
dinary about a dragon’s tail is its versatility. Where lizards A typical specimen possesses more than four hundred bones
and other reptiles primarily use their tails for balance and and adds considerably more as it ages. Each bone is as strong
movement, a dragon makes far greater use of it. In flight, a as adamantine and light as mithral, with the entire structure
dragon’s tail serves as a rudder and counterweight, essential to typically accounting for less than 7 percent of a dragon’s
swift maneuvers and balance. This function is similar when weight. Consequently, dragons almost never suffer major
swimming, with the tail typically doubling as a paddle for fractures and can place tremendous stress upon their bones.
improved speed. When socialized, dragons use their tails as Upon close examination, it is revealed the bones are “woven”
a form of emotional expression. This makes a dragon’s tail a from interlocking fibers, allowing for considerable tensile
peculiar combination of feline and reptilian in nature. Most strength while minimizing the severity of cracks and breaks.
dragons can use their tail as a weapon, but some take this However, the claws, teeth, horns, and spines of dragons are

– 13 –
far more rigid, composed of a keratin-like substance as hard Dragons can smell each other even when assuming other
as diamond but prone to chips and splinters. Any losses or forms and at a startling distance. What’s more, most dragons
damages suffered are typically replaced within 1 month, can identify the species, and often lineage, of the dragon in
though larger specimens can require longer. question, particularly if such a specimen has been encoun-
tered before. Other creatures seem unable to experience this
Musculature sense even when a dragon is in its true form, leading many
scholars to believe the gift has a source other than a dragon’s

It comes as no surprise that dragons are tremendously strong. physiology.
Thanks to tightly woven muscles in every corner of their body
and an unusually efficient metabolism, dragons are always in Hearing
peak physical shape. While not all dragons are “strong” rela- The ears of a dragon are surprisingly average. An acute sense of
tive to others of their kind, their might is more than enough hearing is of little use when you are thousands of feet in the air
to surpass most other creatures. This is particularly true of or your indoor voice is a dull roar, so the hearing of a dragon
a dragon’s wings. In order to sustain flight for days on end is often equated to that of a human. Dragons speak loudly
and lift themselves off the ground, a dragon’s wing muscles even when trying not to and request that other creatures do
can generate tremendous force. Thanks to the dragon’s resil- the same in their presence so as not to miss a word. These

Nervous System and Senses

ient skeleton, the speed at which larger dragons flaps their
wings can exceed the sound barrier at the tips, producing
a thunderous crack and a proportional blast of wind. The
other notable area of strength is the jaws. When a dragon
bites, its muscles contract to pull the mouth closed like a bear
trap. The strongest of dragons can perform this maneuver so
swiftly it produces a small explosion of air and utterly obliter-
ates anything caught between its teeth.

The senses of a dragon are supernaturally acute and special-

ized for a life of predation. While its sense of touch may be
blunted by a coat of thick scales, a dragon can count on its
extraordinary array of sharp senses to compensate. Each is
ideal for a typical dragon’s lifestyle and is highly evolved.
creatures can also hear a wide range of low tones beyond the
range of most humanoids. While they rarely use these tones
for speech, some draconic words are only pronounceable
using these tones. The art of dragonsong (described later in
the book) uses these tones almost exclusively.

A dragon’s sense of taste fares even worse than its hearing. A
dragon’s palate is simplistic, with a talent for detecting acids
and bases, but responding poorly to sweetness. Most are only
capable of identifying different flavors of meat, while a few
more culinary minded dragons have learned to appreciate
certain spices and seasoning found in humanoid food. Over
its lifetime, a dragon’s obsessive personality often leads to a
strong attraction to a favorite food. Once it’s identified some-
thing it loves, a dragon can consume their favorite meal at
every opportunity without ever getting bored.
A dragon’s most acute sense is its sight. Their formidable Touch
eyes not only function well in the dark, but over vast dis- A dragon’s sense of touch is pitiful in almost all areas of their
tances. Most dragons can spot minute details about what body thanks to their coat of scales. Clumsy dragons are noto-
they observe at a distance of more than five miles, with some rious for causing unintentional mayhem around other species
specimens exceeding even that. This is ideal for spotting prey by unknowingly brushing against less-than-sturdy surfaces.
while on the wing, along with seeing even the smallest scraps The one exception to this is their tongue, which is as soft and
of treasure to be found when looting. In addition to their fleshy as a humanoid one, albeit far longer. When seeking to
darkvision, dragons can see farther in both directions on the examine the texture of something, a dragon will often lick it
spectrum of light. This makes the world seem more vibrant thoroughly. This scenario can be deeply unsettling for any
and colorful to them than it would be for a humanoid, par- non-dragon subjected to this examination.
ticularly when soaring the skies.
Blindsight and Other Senses
Smell The true wonder of the draconic senses is their blindsight.
Less impressive but still formidable is a dragon’s sense of This supernatural sixth sense allows the average specimen
smell. Most species can detect odors normally hidden from to know when others are nearby. None can say where ex-
humanoid senses, particularly the smell of metals. At mini- actly this sense comes from, and dragons have so far proven
mum, a dragon is typically aware of the presence of other incapable (or unwilling) to explain. This remarkable sense
creatures by smell alone, but rarely enough to pinpoint their not only allows a dragon to know exactly where a creature
exact location. When questioned about their preference for is without seeing it, but also its general shape and size.
smells, most dragons seem to view alkaline and metallic Experienced dragons can easily learn about those they detect
smells as favorable, while sweet and “wet” smells are distaste- with blindsight. Those they have encountered before can be
ful to them. However, one category of smells is perceptible quickly identified, and species they’ve never seen can also
only by dragons, and to an exceptional degree: other dragons. be sensed.

– 14 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons


– 15 –
Some dragons, through magic or growth, develop ad- right section deals with magic. While all dragons possess an
ditional senses to complement this formidable array. These aptitude for the mystic arts, their bodies are naturally suffused
senses can be the result of biology, magical enhancement, with it. Managing these mighty energies takes a lot of effort,
divine blessings, or more, depending on the life a dragon has even more so if the dragon is proficient in casting spells. This
chosen to lead. The details of these senses and their many section is also responsible for the many mystically peculiar
benefits are detailed in chapter 2. behaviors unique to dragons, including their instinctual ob-
session with treasure, inherent sense of superiority, and other

Internal Organs quirks. The lower portion of the brain handles all the dragon’s
physiological functions, from movement to digestion. This
While a dragon possesses an anatomy appropriate for pre- massive section is constantly active unless a dragon is at rest,
dation, its uniquely magical nature and peculiar habits have at which point it takes a much-deserved break.
resulted in several organs to suit its needs, including the most
expected—brain, lungs, heart—and a strange, unique gland Lungs
called the fundamentum. A dragon’s lungs are a terrific combination of biology and
magic. Their task is formidable. They must provide a tremen-
Brain dous amount of oxygen to the dragon while facilitating the

A dragon’s brain is divided into three parts—the upper left,
upper right, and lower— each of which manages different
processes of the dragon’s body. A dragon which loses or suf-
fers catastrophic damage to any of these sections of its brain
is doomed to die without treatment; their bodies are simply
too complex to function without them. Thankfully a dragon’s
skull is more than up to the challenge of protecting this vital
organ. If a force is capable of piercing its robust bulwark, it
is likely the dragon is already dead. The upper left section of
the brain is dedicated to reasoning, creativity, speech, intel-
ligence, and other high-level cognitive functions. The upper

Behind the Curtain:

Are Dragons Magical?
expulsion of cataclysmic energies via its breath weapon. For
this reason, the lungs are among the most durable of the drag-
on’s organs. However, a dragon must be careful not to push
its lungs too far. Once it has expended its breath weapon, the
dragon must wait until it has healed before doing so again.
Thankfully the lungs regenerate rapidly, with most dragons
able to unleash their mighty energies in mere moments.

The heart of a dragon has a tough job. Not only must it
pump blood throughout an incredibly intricate circulatory
system, it must also endure more than a thousand years of
service. Thankfully the heart is more than up to the task.
When a dragon is conceived, its heart is the first organ to
form, absorbing much of the parent’s magic donated to the
egg. Imbued with immortal sinews and an unceasing rhythm,
a dragon’s heart will continue beating well after brain death
Nature is full of countless biological miracles. has occurred. For this reason, a dragon’s heart is highly prized
But some things are beyond even evolution’s for all manner of alchemical and magical reagents. Long after
ability to produce. No finer example of this a dragon’s flesh has rotted and its bones have shattered, its
exists than the dragon. Between physics- heart remains.
defying flight, a breath of deadly energy, and
the capacity for speech, a dragon could not Fundamentum
exist without the aid of supernatural forces. A uniquely draconic gland responsible for much of a dragon’s
In 5th Edition fantasy, this is best explained arcane power, this organ fuels the body with natural magic
by the power of magic. However, that isn’t and a nigh-unlimited source of energy. Here the sustenance
to say dragons are as magical as spells or a the dragon consumes is filtered for magical energy, which is
holy avenger. Their bodies, breath weapons, then distributed throughout the body. This is what allows
and other features still function in areas of dragons to do so much while consuming relatively little.
antimagic, and such features can’t be affected Each species possesses a unique fundamentum, thematic to
by effects that specifically target magic (such the family from which it hails. For example, the fundamen-
as dispel magic). Unless a feature presented in tums of chromatic dragons glow with elemental energy, while
Dragonflight uses the “magical” rules keyword the fundamentums of metallic dragons glisten like metallic
when discussing the feature’s properties, it sculptures. The secrets of the fundamentum are unknown to
may be biologically impossible, but it is not mortal scholars. When a dragon dies or the organ removed,
magical in a rules sense. This allows us to it is instantly consumed by its own energies. Such a remark-
preserve the fantastical nature of dragons able biological mechanism can only be the result of a grand
without getting bogged down in niche rules design, bent on ensuring the secrets behind the powers of
interactions. dragonkind are never fully revealed.

– 16 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

overeat. Additionally, they can consume nearly anything with-

Dragon Living out suffering any ill effects. Dragons have even been known to
consume precious metals and gems when so inclined. So long
as there is some nutrition or magical energy to be gleaned from
whatever a dragon eats, it considers it a meal. Thanks to this
We have scales but are not reptiles. efficiency, a dragon can eat incredibly infrequently, especially
We fly but are not birds. The temperature when considering the size of a typical specimen. Most dragons

ofour blood does not easily identify us. are not prone to such restraint. Like most creatures, they enjoy
Stop comparing us to other creatures and start a good meal and eat often for the pure pleasure of it.
comparing them to us—a far more sensible When considering what to eat, a dragon’s preferences are
arrangement. informed by its species, lineage, and personal taste. However,
it is rare for a wyrm to enjoy humanoid food. Something
about all the work that goes into its preparation—along with
The life of a dragon is a saga of tremendous proportions. the comically small portions—seems to offend dragons.
Over the course of many centuries, a typical specimen will The metabolism of a dragon is informed by its energy type.
perform countless epic feats, spend an inordinate amount of Their ideal metabolic state varies by species but is nearly un-

dragon species.

Diet and Metabolism

time sleeping, and eat its way to the top of the food chain.
While it would be an insult to define a “typical” draconic
lifestyle, there are certain commonalities found between true

While dragons are anatomically inclined to be predators, their

internal organs allow them act as omnivores of the highest cal-
iber. Anything a dragon eats is digested in its stomach, filtered
by its fundamentum, then digested again. As a result of this
efficient system, dragons produce almost no waste unless they

Behind the Curtain:

shakable in all but the most extreme environments. Dragons
using acid, cold, necrotic, poison, or psychic damage as their
energy type are typically “cold blooded,” with a body tempera-
ture that lowers with age. The dragons suffer seemingly no ill
effects from this condition. Those with a fire, force, lightning,
radiant, or thunder energy type are typically “warm blooded,”
growing hotter as the years pass. The oldest of dragons can be
frigid or scalding to the touch.

Dragon Life Cycle

I remember being small. It was frightening.

I can’t imagine what it ’s like to feel that
way and know you will never get bigger.
Why don’t you enlighten me?
The Slumbering
Most dragons are content to live their lives
patiently, slowly aging over the centuries until Provided they are not slain or fall prey to their own ambition,
they become ancient and eventually die. Others true dragons are known to live well over 1,000 years. From
are more ambitious, practicing a draconic humble wyrmling to mighty ancient, a dragon’s life is one of
lifestyle known as “the slumbering.” Such constant growth. The older a dragon gets, the more powerful
dragons focus on growing as quickly as possibly it becomes. This stands in stark contrast to most humanoids,
through the magic of their hoards and a more as the oldest dragons are at their physical and mental peak.
adventurous attitude. Where others are content Only once a dragon enters a phase of life known as “the
to spend centuries taking it slow, these dragons twilight” does it begin to finally decline. The following age
grab life by the horns. By acquiring excessive categories are used to classify dragons: egg, wyrmling, young,
treasure and constantly testing their mettle, these adult, ancient, twilight, and great wyrm.
practitioners build up a repository of mystic
power that can accelerate their growth. By Age Category Years Old
entering brief periods of hibernation, a dragon
practicing the slumbering can reach ancient Egg 0–2
dragon levels of power in a fraction of the time. Wyrmling 3–25
Such a practice is unusual and nontraditional
Young 26–100
but has grown in popularity on worlds where
humanoid adventurers prove an ever-increasing Adult 101–500
nuisance. The details of the slumbering and how Ancient 501–1,000
it impacts dragon growth are found in chapter 2.
Twilight 1,000+
Great Wyrm Special (see description)

– 17 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Egg weaponry is far from optimal, it is still fearsome. A wyrm-

ling won’t be satisfied until it has hunted and killed its own
prey. Wyrmlings who grow up without parental oversight
I remember my time within the egg. are consequently far more aggressive than their peers, hav-
It was very boring. ing been taught harsh lessons by mother nature. Regardless
of their upbringing, infant dragons quickly learn the ways
of draconic culture. Nothing is more important to their

All true dragons have humble beginnings. Each starts its life survival than understanding what are likely to become their
as a roughly twenty-pound egg the size of a chicken. Dragons most dangerous enemies. Most older dragons are willing to
lay their eggs in clutches between two to six after an incu- tolerate the indiscretion of precocious wyrmlings, but only
bation period of about a year. The eggs are the same colors for a time. Many wyrmlings have claimed territory and won
as their parents and are as tough as stone, appearing almost several battles by the time they grow out of this age category,
like gemstones of tremendous size. Thanks to their durability, entering the young stage of life with a strong start.
few creatures can predate on dragon eggs. However, dragon
eggs are still highly sought after by many species for obvi- Young
ous reasons. Most dragons secure their eggs in nests within

their lairs, intending to raise their young when they hatch.
Others lay their eggs in the wild, expecting the wyrmlings
to fend for themselves and taking no interest in parenting.
Fortunately, the eggs require no nurturing to hatch, sustained
by the magic imparted by their parents. After a period of
about two years, a dragon egg hatches into a fully fledged
wyrmling ready to face the world.

Draconic childhood is harder than the

average humanoid lifetime. Minus the
diapers and puberty. No one should have to
go through such horrors.
I made my lair in the home of a stone
giant runesmith I had slain with magic.
It took me seventy years to execute that
scheme. I keep her skull as a reminder to
always take my time.

Having survived the perils of the wyrmling stage, young

dragons are the teenagers of dragonkind. At this point, a
dragon’s life goals transition from basic survival to ambitious
schemes. A young dragon has set a plan for itself, an elaborate
scheme that must begin immediately and span well into the
twilight of its life. However, the dragon is far from competent
enough to pull all this off. There is still much to learn and
many harsh lessons to experience. Chief among them is the
dragon’s relationship with its lineage. Whether it chooses to
Small in stature but already fearsome in power, a wyrmling honor or abandon the traditions of its family will be among
dragon is fully capable of fending for itself on day one. the most important decisions of its entire life. In the mean-
The first act of every wyrmling is to consume its eggshell time, there is much to do. A young dragon has treasure to
and establish a lair, ensuring their independence and self- acquired, informed by its burgeoning obsession with a par-
determination. That isn’t to say wyrmlings don’t benefit from ticular valuable. And what good are all those treasures with-
parenting. Many stay with their parents until they reach out somewhere to store them? Territory and a true lair soon
their young stage. A wyrmling dragon is foolhardy, inexperi- follow, ensuring the dragon’s independence and establishing
enced, and immature. It spends much of its time practicing it as a member of the broader dragon community. By the end
draconic habits: gathering treasure, hunting prey, scouting of its young stage, a dragon will have made a name for itself
for a lair, and concocting schemes. In order to succeed in a among humanoids and dragonkind alike, setting the stage for
world hostile to their existence, wyrmlings must be diligent a burgeoning legend as it enters the adult stage.
students. Their insatiable curiosity keeps them constantly
on the hunt for new things to learn. Their ferocious intelli- Adult
gence allows them to process huge quantities of information
extremely quickly, surpassing most learned humanoids in a
few short years. Among a wyrmling’s first lessons is how to My life isn’t even halfway over and
acquire treasure and prestige, feeding an instinctive need for I already feel there isn’t enough time.
isolation and competition with its peers. At the end of the I ’ve heard there is magic to help with that.
day, these infant dragons are primarily concerned with their Do you happen to know anything
own survival. about lichdom?
The physiology of a wyrmling makes them awkward
in appearance next to their older, majestic counterparts.
Their heads and feet are slightly oversized, with even more An adult dragon is formidable in every way. Its awesome
oversized eyes glittering with ambition. While their natural power is tempered by considerable experience from all walks

– 19 –
of life. Most will have overcome mighty foes to reach this Twilight
stage, legendary acts that are spoken of in the songs of hu-
manoids or whispered with respect by its peers. The con-
It is fitting we choose the manner ofour death.
siderations of an adult dragon are exceedingly broad. Most
I ’d say we earned that right after a thousand
consider raising a family, seeking out companionship for love
and meaning. Others turn their minds inward, exploring
years of glorious achievement.
philosophy to add an ethos and meaning to their actions.

Even if an adult is slain, by this point a dragon has secured
its legacy and lived a full life. Now is the time for risk taking, As an ancient dragon ages, it hears the siren song of death
not sitting in a lair surrounded by gold. These dragons are calling it to oblivion. This is known as “the twilight” and is
interested in leaving their mark upon the world and are will- the universe offering the dragon the chance to die with peace
ing to die trying. Why else would they have come so far and and dignity. The longer the dragon lives, the more compel-
attained so much power? Those that succeed are among the ling this instinct becomes. This effect acts like “static” in a
precious few to achieve the status of ancient, ranking among dragon’s consciousness, becoming louder and more disrup-
the most powerful of all dragonkind. tive as the days pass. Some ancients persist for centuries in
this state, though few would describe such a life as a happy

I have heard in humanoid cultures being
called “ancient ” is offensive. Unintentional
comedy has always been a humanoid

For most dragons, reaching the ancient age category is the

fulfillment of a dream held since they were wyrmlings. By
virtue of surviving this long, a dragon has become one of
the most powerful beings in existence. For the “average”
ancient, this position was earned. Conquering mighty
foes, controlling vast swathes of territory, and acquiring
incalculable wealth are standard achievements for ancient
one. An afflicted dragon enters a deep melancholy, retreating
deeper and deeper into its own mind. Eventually, an ancient
dragon will decide it is time to die. It will seek out a place
of significance and die in peace alongside its most treasured
possessions. Most dragons consider this act a dignified mo-
ment. To defile or rob the grave of a noble dragon who passed
away is one of the greatest social faux pas a fellow dragon can
commit. In rare instances, a dragon who passes away during
their twilight may become a guardian, the details of which
are discussed in chapter 5.

Great Wyrm

Power on a scale which even

I cannot conceive.
dragons, with most exceeding these modest goals to a con-
siderable degree. Nearly everything about these dragons is
exceptional. Whatever the dragon chose to dedicate itself While ancient dragons are indeed formidable, there exists an
to—its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, exceedingly rare and terrifically powerful category known as
Wisdom, or Charisma—it excelled. Its name is known by the great wyrm. These dragons are epic in every sense of the
anyone that matters, its hoard contains magical artifacts of word. Their power is legendary, their minds unparalleled,
terrific power, and their knowledge is the envy of scholars and their ambitions world shaking. Becoming a great wyrm
everywhere. Even the most villainous ancient dragons are is not a matter of time, but choice. An ancient who wishes to
tremendous cultural and historical assets, having witnessed embark on this journey must make a difficult decision. They
centuries firsthand with a near-perfect memory. Only the must consume half their wealth, including the single most
most ambitious ancient dragons are looking to change valuable object in their possession. This gluttonous display
the world; instead, most are content to live out their days knows no cheat or loophole, as it is founded upon an an-
enjoying the fruits of their labor. Their view of the world cient magic that cannot be circumvented. To most dragons,
and time is broad, but caution is often unnecessary. Only such an act is torturous in the extreme. They would rather
creatures of similar strength are worthy of their patience die peacefully surrounded by their hard-earned gains than
and consideration—all others are unremarkable caricatures make such a sacrifice. For this reason, great wyrms are feared
the dragon has encountered a thousand times. An ancient among their peers and beyond. Even deities have cause to
dragon that survives well past the thousand-year mark will respect these creatures, who may even ascend to godhood
either enter the twilight stage or life or ascend to a great themselves. Great wyrms are discussed in greater detail in
wyrm. The choice is theirs to make. chapter 6.

– 20 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

the culture of the well-known chromatic dragons. Though

they are rare, these dragons are no less fearsome, possess-
Dragon Species ing unique abilities that can be found nowhere else among
Family Trait. All chromatic dragons gain the following
family trait:

My kind has evolved into dozens of Primal Might. You possess ancient power from
unique species over countless mortal when dragonkind first roamed the realms. You gain
lifetimes. I will happily tell you of them, proficiency in a saving throw of your choice. If you
so long as we agree that red dragons are are already proficient in a saving throw you choose,
the best. you instead double your proficiency bonus when
attempting that saving throw.

Dragons come in a dizzying variety of forms, each more Black Dragon

unique and interesting than the last. This section explores

a wide variety of such species and the benefits they provide
to the dragons counted among their number. Each species
details that dragon’s skill proficiencies, breath weapon (shape
and requisite saving throw), energy type, and other traits.
The details of the numerous species of dragons in worlds of
fantasy could fill a dozen tomes, and Dragonflight aspires to
account for many of them here.
Additionally, dragon species are divided up into families
which share a theme of biological relationship. Examples of
this include groups such as the traditional metallic or chro-
matic dragons, but also more obscure dragons such as gem
or orchid. Each dragon species contains one or more family
traits that all dragons of that species possess. In some cases,
these traits may allow you to make further choices from a
selection of options it provides. Unless stated otherwise, you
may only pick a single option from such a selection.
Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw
Energy Type: Acid
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth
Lineage: Most black dragons are extremely prolific,
measuring the worthiness of their offspring on their
ability to survive. Hatchlings are left to fend for
themselves in a cruel and dangerous world. Those
that survive past the wyrmling stage of life are then
sought out by their parents and tested. These trials
are grueling, further thinning the herd, leaving only
the strongest standing. For this reason, families of
black dragons are extremely competitive and horribly
fractured. Any semblance of familial love is buried or
destroyed by decades of neglect. Despite this, black
dragons are still proud of their lineage. Few black
dragons can follow their lineage back for more than a
The following dragon species are presented here in alpha- generation or two, with the oldest lineages considered
betical order. to be the most powerful for surviving the brutality of
black dragon society.
Chromatic Dragons Blue Dragon

Chromatic dragons are the descendants of an evil progenitor Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw
deity, the infamous Dark Dragonqueen. Their name stems Energy Type: Lightning
from the vibrant selection of colors they are known to come Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
in: black, blue, brown, green, orange, purple, red, white, and Lineage: Most blue dragons respect power above all
yellow. Each is uniquely fearsome and powerful, wielding and form lineages around personal achievement. Until
elemental energies and primal savagery inherited from their a blue dragon proves itself, it garners no respect from
divine ancestor. Chromatic dragons exemplify the predatory its peers. At best, a family of blue dragons ensures its
nature of dragonkind. While not inherently evil, within each offspring all begin their journey through life on equal
chromatic dragon beats the heart of an apex predator, born footing and nothing more. A lineage gains prestige
to conquer and kill as it sees fit. Coupled with cruel cultural and acclaim if its members achieve extraordinary suc-
traditions and faced with general antagonism from most spe- cess and personal power. Blue dragons are expected to
cies they encounter, chromatic dragons are often destined for solve their own problems, and asking for help brings
a life of violence and hardship. grave dishonor upon the lineage, one that often leads
Chromatics traditionally come in five colors: black, to violent retaliation. Honor is imperative to a blue
blue, green, red, and white. However, it is a poorly kept se- dragon lineage. Those that employ underhanded tac-
cret that these species are merely the favored of the Dark tics to achieve prestige are swiftly dealt with by their
Dragonqueen and that additional colors of chromatics fellow family members, regardless of the consequences
lurk in the shadows. Known as “off-colors,” these drag- to the lineage.
ons are seen as shameful outcasts and abominations in

– 21 –
Brown Dragon Orange Dragon

Breath Weapon: Line; Constitution saving throw, Breath Weapon: Line (special, see description);
special (see description) Constitution saving throw
Energy Type: Special (see description) Energy Type: Necrotic
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
Lineage: Misshapen compared to other dragon species, Lineage: As one of the three off-color chromatics, orange

brown dragons combine a smattering of qualities of the dragons are loners and survivors. They pride themselves on
other chromatic types. From this bizarre combination their resilience, keeping their lineages secret from the world.
is born a ravenous hunger that never ceases. This Orange dragons are exceedingly proud of their aberrant
genetic anomaly drives all brown dragons toward acts status. They seek the respect of other powerful beings befit-
of wanton destruction, and they consume everything ting of their strength, even if doing so would force a violent
that barely qualifies as edible (and even a few things confrontation. The more respect a lineage of orange dragons
that don’t). With this hunger comes a metabolism of has commanded, the greater its prestige. Consequently, or-
epic proportions. Brown dragons can easily consume ange dragons that value their lineage are always looking for
their weight in food in a single day with room for more. opportunities to force fealty and admonition from others,

most other creatures. AF

Brown dragon lineages are completely geared around
food. A powerful family of these creatures has consumed
countless meals, developing a discerning and experienced
collective palette that knows no equal. Such lineages
can recommend the perfect meal for any occasion for
nearly any species with impeccable taste, though their
recommendations can often come as quite horrific to

Special Breath Weapon. The breath weapon of a

brown dragon is not based on any energy. Instead, it
is a blast of flensing that deals slashing damage in the
affected area.
Special Energy Type. As brown dragons are a hybrid
of other chromatic dragons, they may choose their
energy type between acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison
whenever they would produce an effect that uses an
especially other dragons. Their dual nature as both off-
color and chromatic makes this challenge formidable, with
the greatest of orange dragon lineages having confronted
legendary beings and demanded their respect.
Special Breath Weapon. An orange dragon’s breath weap-
on isn’t technically a breath weapon; its effects are instead
caused by its tongue laced with necrotic saliva. The orange
dragon makes a melee weapon attack against each creature in
the affected area of its breath weapon. On a successful hit, the
dragon deals its breath weapon’s damage, and affected creatures
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have their hit
point maximums reduced by the necrotic damage dealt.

Purple Dragon

Breath Weapon: Line; Wisdom saving throw,

energy type. However, brown dragons do not have special (see description)
immunity to damage based on their energy type. Instead, Energy Type: Force
they have resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, and Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Perception
poison damage. Lineage: Purple dragons are a magic-obsessed species
of off-color chromatic dragon. In place of elemental
Green Dragon energies, the body of a purple dragon overflows with
antimagic, which in turn is used to feed on arcane energies
Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw encountered in their environment. This practice has had a
Energy Type: Poison deeply influential impact on purple dragon culture. Their
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception lineages are entirely centered around the consumption of
Lineage: Masters of secrets and intrigue, green dragons powerful magics, with each group priding themselves on
treat their lineage like a mystery for others to unravel. which unique and extraordinary magics they have stricken
The less other creatures know of their ancestry the better. from the world. A prestigious purple dragon lineage has
It is not uncommon for green dragons to be unaware obliterated entire civilizations’ worth of magics. Such
of their parents, let alone the rest of their family. Those families find nefarious glee in knowing they are responsible
that manage to unravel the elaborate webs of intrigue for such a loss, like a strange magical iconoclast.
spun around their lineage are deserving of its honors. Special Breath Weapon. In lieu of a more traditional
While most green dragons rise to this test, others seek draconic breath weapon, a purple dragon exhales a gout of
to spin their own webs and found new dynasties, ever antimagic. Each creature in the affected area of the breath
complicating the scenario beyond what many mortal weapon must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
minds can understand. all spells affecting the target immediately end, or the target
takes the breath weapon’s energy damage (target’s choice).
On a success, the target takes half the breath weapon’s energy
damage. The damage of the breath weapon occurs regardless
of whether an affected creature is under the effects of a spell. 

– 22 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Red Dragon enemy cannot respect or fear you, so yellow dragons

aspire to reduce powerful and deadly foes to shattered
Breath Weapon: Cone; Dexterity saving throw ruins of their former selves. A mighty lineage of yellow
Energy Type: Fire dragons has left a tremendous trail of broken minds,
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception bodies, and souls in its wake, whispering tales of the
Lineage: The favored of the Dark Dragonqueen’s mind-shattering power of yellow dragons in hushed,
children, red dragons hold their divine heritage in the fearful tones.

highest regard. Dominion, triumph, and acquisition Special Breath Weapon. A creature that fails
are the measure of a red dragon family’s success. The its saving throw against a yellow dragon’s breath
oldest of red dragon lineages have pillaged the wealth weapon can choose to either take the breath
of nations. While its members would never share a weapon’s damage or be stunned until the end of its
single coin with their fellows, their combined wealth next turn. If a creature is immune to either psychic
brings coveted prestige. A red dragon brings honor to damage or the stunned condition, it instead suffers
its heritage by acquiring all it can. Those that follow less the alternative effect.
covetous paths bring not only disgrace but the wrath
of the family upon them, as such behavior lowers the

White Dragon

collective “value” of their lineage. Consequently, red
dragons either hold strongly to their lineage or forsake
it entirely.

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw

Energy Type: Cold
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival
Lineage: White dragons are creatures of violence.
The more they kill, no matter the reason or result, the
better. Families of these dragons hold an extraordinary
body count to their name. Each member is expected
to make meaningful contributions to this grisly
achievement. The more powerful the creature slain,
the more prestige brought to the lineage. As such,
Metallic Dragons
Born of the Platinum Dragonking and possessing resplen-
dent beauty, metallic dragons are admired and respected
across the realms for their wisdom and grace. These drag-
ons are the pinnacle of culture and refinement. They ap-
proach life with a thoughtfulness and wisdom unrivaled by
all but the most powerful creatures. Metallic dragons see
themselves as highly evolved beings that have progressed
far beyond their ancient origins. While they are still drag-
ons, metallics take a dim view of more traditional draconic
activities such as wanton violence and predatory behavior.
While just as arrogant as their kin, a metallic dragon would
prefer to demonstrate their superiority through wit and
will rather than a test of skill. However, only fools could
mistake this restraint for weakness. If pushed, a metallic
most white dragons do not survive to adulthood, let dragon’s instincts can quickly rise to the surface, making
alone to the ranks of venerable ancients. This brutal them as fearsome as any dragon.
lifestyle is not for all white dragons. Many members The noble traditions and lineages of metallic dragons in-
who defect from the lineage often become targets, as cline the species toward goodness and virtue. Not all mem-
few things bring more acclaim to the family name than bers share this outlook, however. Many metallic dragons
the death of traitorous offspring. Relationships within eschew the dignified practices of their fellows in favor of a
these groups are strained. The rampant competitiveness more traditional draconic lifestyle. While rarely falling into
and wonton violence rarely forges meaningful bonds, despicable practices, more than a few metallic dragons have
though the consequences of betrayal keep most white proven to be villainous by the standards of humanoid moral-
dragons loyal, to a point. ity, reinforced by a smug self-confidence and overwhelming
superiority complex.
Yellow Dragon Family Trait. All metallic dragons gain the following
family trait:
Breath Weapon: Cone; Intelligence saving throw,
special (see description) Secondary Breath Weapon. You gain a secondary
Energy Type: Psychic breath weapon, chosen from the options in the
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception Secondary Breath Weapons table detailed in this
Lineage: Yellow dragons are enhanced and twisted section. When you use your breath weapon, you
with rampant psionic power. While the dragons lack can choose to use either its ordinary effect or
the precise control over this force, particularly when the chosen secondary effect. Regardless of which
compared to their gem dragon kin, these abilities are effect you choose, your breath weapon retains any
still formidable. As outcast off-colors, yellow dragon restrictions it would ordinarily have before you can
lineages are small but fierce groups. Such families use it again.
measure their success by the number of defeated
enemies who dare not challenge them again. A dead

– 23 –
Secondary Breath Weapons
Breath Weapon Effect

You exhale a cloud of corrosive saliva in the shape of your breath weapon. Creatures in

Corrosive the affected area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suffer a −5 penalty to
Breath their AC for 1 minute. An affected creature can use an action to wipe off the saliva and
end the effect.

You exhale a blast of antimagic in the shape of your breath weapon. Spell effects in
the affected area immediately end if 10 + the spell’s level is less than your dragon
save DC.

You unleash a blast of hurricane-force winds in the shape of your breath weapon,


blasting your enemies off their feet. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on
a Strength saving throw or be thrown directly away from you to the end of the breath
weapon’s area or until they encounter a solid object, landing prone.

You exhale a cloud of necrotic gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature
in the affected area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have its hit point
maximum reduced to its current hit points. This reduction lasts until an affected creature
benefits from a greater restoration or heal spell, or similar magic.

You exhale a thick cloud charged with elemental energy in the shape of your breath
weapon. The affected area is covered in the cloud that heavily obscures the area for
1 minute. When a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
there, it takes 2 (1d4) damage of your energy type for each level you have in the dragon
class. This effect ends early if you use this breath weapon again, or until a wind of
moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

You exhale a cloud of paralyzing gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature
in the affected area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the dragon’s energy type are
immune to this effect.

You exhale sleeping gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the
Sleep affected area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10
Breath minutes. This effect ends for a creature if it takes damage or if someone uses an action
to wake it.

You exhale a cloud of slowing gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in
the affected area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become slowed for 1
Slowing minute. While so slowed, a creature can’t use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t
Breath make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action
or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. An affected creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

You exhale a cloud of weakening gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature
in the affected area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on
Strength-based attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. An affected
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success.

– 24 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Adamantine Dragon before they visit further disgrace upon the lineage. Bronze
dragons that break with their families are respected for such
Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw, an act of independence, particularly if they make a name for
special (see description) themselves upon as many battlefields as possible.
Energy Type: Radiant,
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception Copper Dragon
Lineage: The favored children of the Platinum Dragonking

and inheritors of his legacy, adamantine dragons are the para- Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw
gons of metallic dragon society. These resplendent dragons Energy Type: Acid
are exceptionally beautiful and dignified. Their lineages are Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception
small but strong. Each has endured since its inception, never Lineage: A good comedian is a riot. A family of comedians
faltering nor suffering a single disgrace. Such a prestigious is a menace. The combined force of a copper dragon lineage
track record does not come without cost. Adamantine dragon produces a tide of pranks and jokes that could fill a library
lineages are excessively disciplined and ritualistic. Even the of comedic anthologies. However, to this lineage, only one
dourest of metallic dragons finds their culture to be grating joke is worth speaking of—the cleverest, most devious,
and tedious in the extreme. Sloth or lack of discipline to even and most entertaining act of comedy in their history. This

the smallest degree is intolerable within these lineages. Each
member is expected to fulfill their role perfectly, continuing a
grand tradition of virtue millennia in the making.
Special Breath Weapon. An adamantine dragon’s breath
deals its damage to unattended objects and structures in
the affected area (not just creatures). Additionally, any
unattended objects and structures reduced to 0 hit points by
this damage is disintegrated to dust.

Brass Dragon

Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw

Energy Type: Fire
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
Lineage: The endlessly talkative nature of brass dragons
produces peculiar lineages. The acclaim of a brass dragon
legendary feat is the bar all members aspire to surpass.
Those in their lineages that rise to this standard are afforded
great prestige, while those that cannot meet the comedic
challenges suffer damage to their reputation. A lineage may
regard one of its members wishing to free itself from such
a burden as a coward, though competing families often
celebrate this as an act of creative freedom and expression.

Gold Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Dexterity saving throw

Energy Type: Fire
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
Lineage: Noble and virtuous beyond measure, a lineage
of gold dragons is one of the greatest forces for good in the
known realms. This reputation is well earned, for each gold
lineage is told, literally and in great detail, in a historical dragon is expected to commit heroic deeds in the name of
epic that all members of the lineage can recite from its family, often at personal expense. The greater the sacrifice
memory. This epic details every great (in a brass dragon’s made by an individual member, the greater the honor
opinion) deed ever performed by members of the lineage. brought to its lineage. Understandably, many gold dragons
The resulting piece can take days to perform, though most chafe at this expectation, which can stifle their personal
brass dragons relish the opportunity to tell the story of their ambitions or perspectives. Defections, however, are rare. To
family. Those that forsake their lineage have a mighty task leave a gold dragon lineage is to turn one’s back on a legacy
ahead of them: to commit enough deeds worthy of song to that brokers no disrespect. Nearly all gold dragons frown
rival the achievements of their former family. While such on those that choose to start new lineages, holding such
a split is rarely amicable, violence is not an anticipated renegades to impossibly high standards of success.
outcome unless things get out of hand.
Quicksilver Dragon
Bronze Dragon
Breath Weapon: Cone; Dexterity saving throw
Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw Energy Type: Lightning
Energy Type: Lightning Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception Lineage: The elusive and mysterious quicksilver dragons
Lineage: Warriors at heart, bronze dragons bring honor are a peculiar offshoot of silver dragons. Possessing an innate
to their lineage by participating in heroic conflicts between paranoia and fierce emotions, these dragons are difficult to
titanic powers. Each successful campaign is counted associate with at the best of times. Their lineages are barely
among the family’s great honors, and most bronze dragons held-together groups whose loyalty to each other is dubious
are proud, win or lose, to have served on the battlefield. at best. These lineages measure their success by how long
However, not every battle is worth fighting. Those dragons they can hold together before descending into conflict and
that serve in particularly bloody or destructive conflicts anarchy. Quicksilver dragons are notoriously opinionated
can be seen as warmongers by their fellows, to be cast out and only cease arguing with each other when they can argue

– 25 –
with someone else. A prestigious lineage of these dragons These dragons put tremendous value on success, whether
may have maintained its cohesion for centuries, enduring that is in love, life, conflict, or any other of a million things.
tremendous debates, debacles, feuds, and other internal To a steel dragon, nothing is more shameful than failure,
struggles with as much dignity as they can muster. particularly if one’s ethics or conscience prevents the job
from getting done. Consequently, the lineages around these
Silver Dragon dragons are fearsome, effective organizations. Their legacies
are ones of overwhelming success and brutal compromise,

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw which, while others may find them horrifying, the steel
Energy Type: Cold dragons view as virtuous pragmatism. The moral quibbling
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Perception of their critics is insignificant to steel dragon lineages, which
Lineage: The free and dignified silver dragons view their only point to their extensive line of victories to demonstrate
lineage as a confederation of love and friendship. There how the ends justify the means.
is no higher honor one can bring to the legacy of a silver
dragon family than to live one’s life as fully and passionately
as possible, so long as the act of doing so does not impede Gem Dragons
that goal in others. These lineages afford an unusual degree

of respect for non-dragons, even adopting other species
into their lineage should they be worthy. A silver dragon
only breaks with its lineage if it has been deeply wronged
or has wronged its lineage on a personal level. The values of
each family are unique but are generally shared among each
member and are always of a virtuous nature. Forming a new
lineage involves creating a community, fostering both family
and friendships that last dozens of mortal lifetimes.

Steel Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw

Energy Type: Poison
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception
Lineage: Grim and focused, the feared steel dragons are re-
nowned for single-minded determination and flexible morality.
The crippling obsession with treasure has taken dragonkind
in many peculiar directions, none more so than the psionic
phenomenon that is the family of gem dragons. These re-
clusive dragons developed an extraordinary fascination with
gemstones, exploring their every facet and flaw with an
obsession only a dragon can muster. How this transformed
them into the psychic powerhouses seen today is unknown,
but the mystical potency of their abilities is undeniable. Gem
dragons can be found throughout the realms, wielding their
psionic might from the shadows in ways that are still not yet
The family of gem dragons consists of many strange and
wondrous species, each based on a type of naturally occur-
ring gemstone: amethyst, crystal, emerald, obsidian, sap-
phire, and topaz. While not nearly as populous as most other
types of dragons, gem dragons are on the rise. Their powers
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

make them incredibly distinct from their fellows, resulting dominate the realms like their more well-known kin have
in fierce rivalries and draconic disputes. With a surprisingly done for millennia, but they prefer the subtler approach
aggressive reemergence into the world at large, gem dragons their lineages provide. Amethyst dragons are only known
are ready to carve out a place of their own, no matter who to form their own lineages when a personal discovery of
gets in their way. knowledge is so valuable as to serve as a foundation upon
Family Trait. All gem dragons gain the following family trait: which a new one can be built, such as an ancient arcane
repository or cosmically significant secret.

Psionic Power. All gem dragons are innately
psionic, allowing them to pick one of the following Crystal Dragon
psionic boons from the options in this section. In
lieu of gaining a dragon feat as it advances, a gem Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw
dragon may choose to instead gain an additional Energy Type: Radiant
psionic boon. Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
Lineage: Among the most conversational of the gem
Amethyst Dragon dragons, one could easily mistake the peaceful nature of
crystal dragons for benevolence. In truth, crystal dragons

Energy Type: Force

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw

Skill Proficiencies: History, Perception

Lineage: Amethyst dragons hoard knowledge and
wisdom the way other dragons hoard treasure. To these
vibrant specimens, an usual truth, hard-earned scientific
fact, or fantastical secret are just as valuable as a flawless
diamond. The lineages of amethyst dragons reflect this
truth in their collective activities, gathering knowledge
in a vast gemstone library for their eyes only. The more
extensive and extravagant this collection, the more prestige
the lineage earns for itself. This activity is not purely for
self-gratification either. Amethyst dragons are keenly aware
their repositories likely contain priceless information others
seek and leverage this advantage at every opportunity. Like
others of their kind, these gem dragons desperately seek to
are master manipulators who have learned that the power
of diplomacy often eclipses that of teeth or claw. Lineages
of these dragons have established vast networks of influence
which they use to impact everything within their territory
and beyond. These networks often span generations,
involving businesses, government, and powerful creatures,
many of which have no idea a family of dragons is behind
it all. When competing with other dragon lineages, crystal
dragons utilize stealth, subterfuge, and intrigue. Those
that are forced into open conflict disgrace a lineage, which
are seen to have resorted to crude and distasteful methods
that could have been avoided. Crystal dragons form
their own lineages when encountering networks outside
their influence. A force that has yet to be harnessed and
controlled is the perfect opportunity for a crystal dragon to
start fresh.

Psionic Boon Options

Psionic Boon Benefit

While you are not incapacitated, your flying speed gains the hover benefit and you are
immune to the prone condition.

Mental Fortress You add psychic damage to your energy type(s).

You can cast spells without the need for any components other than material components
Psychic Spells
with a listed cost.

You can telekinetically manipulate unattended objects within 300 ft. of you. To do so,
you must use your action to seize control of the object, which cannot weigh more than
you do. While manipulating an object in this manner, you can expend your movement
to move the object a distance through the air equal to the movement expended. A
Telekinesis creature within reach can attempt to free a telekinetically manipulated object from
your influence by taking an action to succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check versus
your dragon save DC. While you manipulate an object in this manner, you must
concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell), and the effect ends if the object is
ever more than 300 ft. from you.

Telepathy You gain telepathy out to a range of 120 ft.

– 27 –
Emerald Dragon Sapphire Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw
Energy Type: Thunder Energy Type: Thunder
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
Lineage: Emerald dragons are insatiably curious about Lineage: The most aggressive and territorial of the gem
others, but they are equally paranoid. These contradictory family, sapphire dragons take the fight to any who dare

desires make these gem dragons ideal spies and master- challenge their ambitions. Seeing conflict as the most
minds, working tirelessly to satisfy their desires without efficient solution to every problem, sapphire dragons
compromising their safety. Lineages of emerald dragons typically offer honorable combat to those standing in their
are mysterious, secret societies whose true capabilities and way. Those who surrender are expected to stand aside and
membership is nigh impossible to comprehend. Emerald offer no more resistance, while those who accept are in for
dragons prefer it this way and go to great lengths to keep a vicious battle during which the dragon does everything
their secrets. Such groups pride themselves on their ability in its power to win. However, combat with a sapphire
to know everything about everyone, down the most min- dragon often does not lead to death. It is enough for these
ute and pointless detail. Particularly successful lineages can creatures to demonstrate superiority through arms, with

is questionable at best.

Obsidian Dragon

special (see description)

Energy Type: Fire
know everyone in an entire nation by name, along with
personal desires to exploit, dirty secrets for blackmail, and
other extraneous details whose significance to the dragons

Breath Weapon: Cone; Dexterity saving throw,

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception

Lineage: Cantankerous and blunt, the lineages of
obsidian dragons are defined by stoicism and commitment.
When a lineage is formed, it is always in service of some
grand, constructive objective of ludicrous difficulty. To
the dragons, such a challenge is thrilling to both the
their lineages collectively supplicating entire nations if
necessary. These aggressive tactics put sapphire dragons at
odds with almost everyone. The results are always bloody,
with a lineage willing to fight to the death to assure victory
even in the smallest battles. The most successful lineages
are full of honored champions who died nobly for the
cause and whose names will never be forgotten.

Topaz Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw,

special (see description)
Energy Type: Acid
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception
Lineage: Misanthropic and isolationist, even for their
kind, topaz dragons love to live alone. A lineage of
mind and soul, and the entire community is expected to topaz dragons is one of long distance. Its members only
contribute. Such tasks are often significant only to the communicate at specific moments of significance, such
dragons, such as carving an entire mountain into a great as a hatching or a death in the family, but otherwise
statue or planting a forest of extraordinary beauty. Such keep the updates to a minimum. These dragons relish
endeavors often take centuries to complete, with multiple the time they spend alone with their thoughts, though
generations working simultaneously on the project. Those non–family members are more tolerable company. A
obsidian dragons who shirk this responsibility are shunned. successful lineage of topaz dragons is one in which its
To these dragons, the merit and strength of their lineages members are spread far and wide, living free of the
is measured in collective achievement, no matter how emotional responsibilities of knowing each other’s lives.
arbitrary or esoteric the task may be. Obsidian dragons The youngest in a lineage are most often called upon
may form their own lineage if inspired to begin a great to resolve issues, while the eldest enjoy the privilege
work—the only scenario in which a lineage will respect the of solitude in all but the most extreme circumstances.
secession of one of its members. Topaz dragons who form strong social or familial ties are
Special Breath Weapon. An obsidian dragon’s breath seen as deviants, polluting the lineage with their social
weapon is a gout of molten stone and rock. The breath affluence. Topaz dragons start their own lineages when
weapon deals half damage to all targets caught in the their family units are slain, or a particularly irksome
affected area, and on a failed save an affected target is interfamily interaction drives one to leave.
coated in molten material for 1 minute. A creature so Special Breath Weapon. Instead of breathing acid,
coated takes fire damage equal to your Constitution score topaz dragons can exhale a cone of dehydrating vapor.
at the start of each of its turns. The molten material can Flesh-and-blood creatures in the affected area gain two
be removed by a creature within reach of an affected target levels of exhaustion on a failed saving throw. These levels
by succeeding on a Wisdom (Medicine) check versus your of exhaustion last for 1 hour or until the creature receives
dragon DC. fluids it would ordinarily require to remain hydrated over
a 24-hour period.

– 28 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

  The radius of your toxic pheromones is determined by

Orchid Dragons your age category, as detailed in the Toxic Pheromones
Range table.
Orchid dragons are a bizarre and reclusive family and are as
rare as they are deadly. Each member of the species is a curious
mix of plant and dragon, emitting deadly pheromones that
Toxic Pheromones Range
can ravage the mind and body. Many a veteran dragonslayer

Age Category Radius Sphere
has been completely baffled by their peculiar abilities. The
dragons are notoriously aggressive, even toward other drag- Wyrmling 15 ft.
ons, viewing themselves as highly evolved predators which Young 30 ft.
have chosen their own unique path to dominance. Each or-
chid dragon species is a flamboyant specimen: carnation, lily, Adult 60 ft.
lotus, paradise, rose, and sun dragons are among the species Ancient 120 ft.
observed, with potentially many more yet to be discovered.
Like the flowers from which the dragons earn their names, Great Wyrm 300 ft.
an orchid dragon begins its life in a humble shape, slowly

“blooming” into its fantastical plumage with age. The oldest
of orchid dragons are astonishingly beautiful creatures, with
their scales prized for both their majesty and durability.
Family Trait. All orchid dragons gain the following family

Strange Anatomy. Due to your plantlike nature, you

do not gain immunity to damage of your energy type(s)
via your Damage Immunities trait.

Toxic Pheromones. As bonus action, you can flare

your scales and “bloom,” emitting a cloud of invisible
pheromones in a sphere centered on you. The bloom
ends after 1 hour or when you use a bonus action to
end the bloom early, after which you must finish a long
rest before you can bloom again.
While in bloom, when a creature in the affected area
starts each of its turns, you can force the creature
to attempt a Constitution saving throw versus your
dragon save DC, becoming affected by the pheromones
on a failure.
  Unless surprised, a creature with the anatomy to cover
its means of breathing can do so to avoid the saving throw
at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t smell
and must hold its breath until the start of its next turn. If
the creature attempts to breathe in the meantime, it must
immediately attempt the saving throw.
  You must choose a type of pheromones from the
options detailed in the Toxic Pheromones table to be
your effect for this feature. Once you have made this
choice, you cannot change your Toxic Pheromones
Toxic Pheromones
Pheromone Effect

On a failed save, for 1 minute an affected creature must move toward you at every available

Affection opportunity by the most efficient and direct means available to it. If the creature is within
5 ft. of you, it cannot willingly move away from you.

On a failed save, the affected creature’s speed is halved, and it cannot take bonus actions
or reactions for as long as it remains in the affected area.

On a failed save, the creature takes poison damage equal to your Constitution score. The
creature’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the poison damage taken,
Poison and a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this effect is slain instantly. This reduction ends



Carnation Dragon
if an affected creature gains the benefits of a heal or greater restoration spell or is not
exposed to your Toxic Pheromones feature for 1 hour.

For 1 minute, the affected creature cannot concentrate on spells or other features.
Additionally, if the creature does not attack another creature by the end of each of its turns,
it takes psychic damage equal to your Constitution score.

An affected creature is filled feelings of peace and tranquility for 8 hours on a failed saving
throw. A creature so overcome cannot knowingly harm or affect other creatures without
said creature’s explicit consent. If the affected creature takes damage from an enemy
creature, it may immediately repeat the saving throw to end the effect.

Breath Weapon: Special (see description)

Energy Type: Lightning
affected area for 1 minute. Creatures, objects, and
structures in the affected area are vulnerable to lightning
damage dealt by you. A strong wind disperses the cloud
of gas.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Perception Shock Pollen. You spit a stream of electrical pollen in
Lineage: Vibrant and boisterous, carnation dragon lineages a line. Each creature in the affected area must succeed on
are defined by one key activity: partying. These dragons love a Dexterity saving throw versus your dragon save DC or
nothing better than to gather for grand festivities that span become charged with electrical energy for 1 minute. The
weeks at a time whenever there is a moment of significance next time an affected creature is hit with a weapon attack,
within the lineage. Births, deaths, victory, defeat—these it discharges the energy, taking bonus lightning damage
dragons find reasons to celebrate. Lineages that have more equal to your breath weapon’s damage.
to celebrate are considered particularly prestigious, lording
their affluence over their rivals with glee. A dragon brings Lily Dragon
honor to such a lineage by hosting and creating unique
parties with eccentric festivities. The newer and more Breath Weapon: Special (see description)
exciting the experience is to the rest of the lineage, the Energy Type: Radiant
better. Those who have poor taste in these activities bring Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
disgrace to the lineage. If the situation isn’t corrected soon Lineage: The peaceful lily dragons are lovers, not fighters.
by a worthy shindig, a member may find themselves no A lineage of lily dragons is defined by its expressions of
longer on the guest list at the next event. These dragons start love. Whether it’s familial, romantic, platonic, or any
their own lineages when they feel the party scene within other, the love lily dragons feel for each other binds
their own growing stale, causing them to seek out fresh them together. The more authentic and effective these
experiences in new and exciting locations. expressions of love, the more prestige an individual brings
Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two different to a lineage. The greatest of lily dragon lineages are filled
breath weapons, as detailed in this section. Regardless of with legendary love stories from its greatest members.
which option you choose, you must recharge your breath Poetry, theater, and other artistry recounts these tales, and
weapon before you can use either option again. lily dragons expect all members of their lineages to know
Conductive Gas. You breathe a cone of electrically these performances by heart. Those who fail to find love or
conductive gas, which fills and heavily obscures the do harm in their intentions to express it bring disgrace to

– 30 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

the lineage. Dragons who fail in matters of love may even Extreme Allergens. You exhale a cloud of highly
leave and form their own lineages, believing the current irritating allergens in a cone, which fills the affected area
dynamics and cultural expectations are more trouble than for 1 minute. When a flesh-and-blood creature in the
they are worth. affected area starts each of its turns, it must succeed on
Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two different a Constitution saving throw or suffer an extreme allergic
breath weapons, as detailed in this section. Regardless of reaction until the start of its next turn, suffering one of the
which option you choose, you must recharge your breath following effects of your choice.

weapon before you can use either option again. • Dribbling Sneezes. The creature begins sneezing
Blast Pollen. You exhale a cone of explosive pollen, uncontrollably, becomes unable to concentrate on spells
which fills the affected area for 1 minute, and the area or magical effects, and cannot communicate verbally.
becomes partially obscured. When a creature enters the • Hacking Cough. The creature begins coughing
area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it profusely. It cannot consume or drink anything, and
takes fire and radiant damage equal to your Constitution if it is holding its breath it must either take a breath or
score. begin suffocating (creature’s choice).
Psychedelic Gas. You breathe a cone of • Watery Eyes. The creature’s eyes fill with tears. The
hallucinogenic gas. Each creature in the affected area range of its vision is reduced to 5 feet, and it is blind

Lotus Dragon
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw versus your
dragon save DC or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature
so poisoned has its senses reduced to 10 feet and is blinded
beyond that radius, with everything outside the area
becoming a part of a vivid psychedelic hallucination. At
the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat
the saving throw to end the effect.

Breath Weapon: Special (see description)

Energy Type: Acid
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception
Lineage: Nefarious and dangerous, lotus dragon lineages
honor those in their community who kill. It matters
not the strength or nature of those they slay, only that
beyond that radius.

Paradise Dragon

Breath Weapon: Special (see description)

Energy Type: Radiant
Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Persuasion
Lineage: Aptly named, paradise dragons aspire to create
perfect environments in which their lineages can dwell.
When establishing territories, each member is expected
to make theirs adjacent to the others. Once settled, the
dragons collaborate to create a diverse collection of biomes
that showcase a variety of environments. The lineage
spends entire humanoid lifetimes ensuring every facet of
their territory is perfectly arranged and every inhabitant
in its proper place. Those who spend considerable effort
each is a prolific killer that has killed with impunity. To innovating and curating their territories bring prestige to
lotus dragons, delivering death is a beautiful moment of the lineage, while those who venture far from home at
performance art. The more distinctive and memorable the the expense of their “yards” are frowned upon. Paradise
kill, the more prestige a member brings to the lineage. The dragons that have grown bored of their gardens and
memories of these deaths are shared in laborious detail with environments often strike out to form their own lineages,
others of the lineage, and each member can recite every far from the plants and animals they are used to interacting
creature they have ever slain from memory. Lotus dragons with.
who show no passion for killing bring dishonor upon the Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two
lineage, and those who actively detest it are cast out. Those different breath weapons, as detailed in this section.
seeking to establish their own lineages do so because their Regardless of which option you choose, you must recharge
betters have already performed the most interesting kills, your breath weapon before you can use either option again.
leaving little to be explored in the lineage’s current location Hypnotic Pollen. You breathe a cone of hypnotic,
and community. multicolored pollen, which fills the affected area for 1
Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two different minute. When a creature other than you enters the area
breath weapons, as detailed in this section. Regardless of for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must
which option you choose, you must recharge your breath succeed on a Wisdom saving throw versus your dragon
weapon before you can use either option again. save DC or become charmed for as long as it remains
Acidic Mist. You exhale a blast of acidic mist in a line. within the pollen or until it takes damage (whichever
When this occurs, each creature in the affected area must comes first). While charmed in this manner, a creature is
attempt a Dexterity saving throw versus your dragon save also incapacitated.
DC, taking your breath weapon’s damage on a failure, Kaleidoscopic Blast. You exhale a line of
or half as much on a success. Unattended objects and multicolored light. Creatures in the affected area must
structures in the affected area take double damage from succeed on a Dexterity saving throw versus your dragon
this effect, and if they are reduced to 0 hit points, they are save DC or take prismatic damage equal to your breath
melted into irrecoverable ruin. weapon’s damage.

– 31 –
Rose Dragon can scrape off the venom to end the effect. Fully immersing
the affected creature in water also removes the venom.
Breath Weapon: Special (see description) Flame Pollen. You exhale incendiary pollen in a cone.
Energy Type: Fire Each creature in the area must attempt a Constitution saving
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion throw versus your dragon save DC or take your breath
Lineage: Territorial and vain, rose dragons primp and weapon’s damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
preen themselves in an eternal competition to determine Additionally, any ground in the affected area becomes

who among their lineage is the most beautiful. The saturated with incendiary pollen for 1 minute. A creature that
interactions between members of a rose dragon lineage enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
resemble the pettiest spats between shallow siblings vying there takes fire damage equal to your Constitution score.
for attention, as each seeks to gain the approval of the
family by constantly peacocking at every opportunity. The Sun Dragon
most beautiful dragons are considered to be the heads of the
lineage; despite their vanity, rose dragons are remarkably Breath Weapon: Special (see description)
honest about whether their peers have surpassed them Energy Type: Radiant
in beauty. Those who engage in these petty, materialistic Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Perception

squabbles bring honor the lineage, while those who lean
away from the shallow affairs are seen as “acting too
good” for the lineage. Rose dragons who are sick of being
compared to their family members sometimes strike out and
form their own lineages, beginning the cycle anew.
Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two different
breath weapons, as detailed in this section. Regardless of
which option you choose, you must recharge your breath
weapon before you can use either option again.
Chloral Venom. You spew a gout of poison in a line.
Each creature in the line must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw versus your dragon save DC or be coated in a sticky
venom. A creature so coated cannot regain hit points and is
vulnerable to all damage. As an action a creature so coated
Lineage: Sun dragons are a happy-go-lucky species of
dragonkind, and their lineage reflects that. Communities of
these dragons put tremendous emphasis on being happy as
both individuals and as a collective. The greater the overall
happiness of the lineage, the more prestige it earns. As such,
sun dragon lineages are often thoughtful and generous, so
long it provides mutual enjoyment. Those who consistently
fail to enjoy the gifts and revelry of their fellows struggle to
fit in with the lineage and may even be cast out to seek their
fortunes elsewhere.
Special Breath Weapons. You can produce two different
breath weapons, as detailed in this section. Regardless of
which option you choose, you must recharge your breath
weapon before you can use either option again.
Luminescent Pollen. You exhale a cone of sticky,
glowing pollen, which coats everything in the affected area.
Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving
Prismatic Damage throw versus your dragon save DC or be coated in the
Some dragons deal a special type of damage pollen for 1 minute. While so coated, an affected creature
called prismatic damage. When such a dragon sheds dim light in a 15-foot radius, and when it deals
would deal this damage, it rolls a d8 and deals damage to you, the pollen ignites and the creature takes
a type of damage according to the result of your breath weapon’s damage. When this occurs, the pollen
the roll, which is determined by the following is consumed and the effect ends. 
options. If you are running such a dragon and Sunflare. You exhale a cone of blinding light. Each
want to cut down on the number of times you creature in the affected area must succeed on a Constitution
must roll to determine damage type, you may saving throw or be permanently blinded. 
instead only roll on the table once on each turn
the dragon deals prismatic damage, using the
result for all instances of prismatic damage for
Unique Dragons
the remainder of the turn.
While many dragons are organized into prominent fami-
1. Red. Fire damage. lies and subspecies, others stand apart. These dragons are
2. Orange. Acid damage. wholly unique species, sharing no kinship or biology with
3. Yellow. Lightning damage. other species other than their qualification as true drag-
4. Green. Poison damage. ons. Their origins are as strange as the dragons themselves.
5. Blue. Cold damage. Some are the result of arcane experimentations, unfortunate
6. Indigo. Thunder damage. hybridizations with other creatures, or acts of cosmic hap-
7. Violet. Necrotic damage. penstance. Whether it’s the horrific brain-eater dragons, the
8. Mysterious. Force damage. mighty imperial dragons, the elegant song dragons, or half a
dozen other wondrous forms, unique dragons can be found
across the realms. While they may not hold the legendary

– 32 –
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

acclaim and recognition of their more familial kin, one can Unique Dragon Trait. As a unique dragon, you gain the
always count on such dragons to more than live up to their following traits. 
distant relatives. Special Attack. When you would make a Bite attack
against a flesh-and-blood creature that is grappled in your
Dracolithid (Brain-Eater Dragon) mouth or incapacitated, you can forgo that attack to instead
make a special attack that attempts to extract its brain.
Breath Weapon: Cone; Intelligence saving throw This attack is a melee weapon or spell attack (your choice

Energy Type: Psychic as to which and what associated ability score to use). On a
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception successful hit, the target takes piercing damage equal to your
Lineage: Dracolithids are created when a brain-infecting breath weapon’s damage. If this damage reduces a target to
parasite is introduced to a dragon. The alien larval spawn 0 hit points, the creature dies instantly as you devour its
mixes exceedingly poorly with the inherent magic of brain. When you devour a creature’s brain in this manner,
a dragon, birthing a tentacle-mawed creature with no you learn everything it knew, including its memories. Once
memory of its former life. Brain-eater dragons are feared you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you
and shunned from most societies, even by the nefarious finish a long rest. 
octopus-headed aberrations which spawned them. With a Telepathy. You have telepathy out to a range of 120

ravenous hunger for brains and a visage that is terrific to
behold, brain-eater dragons usually live a solitary existence.
While not inherently sinister, it takes great efforts for these
dragons to not be seen as monsters. They do not form
lineages of their own, for they are far too rare. Instead, they
are often “adopted” by other dragons who take pity on
them or find use for their unusual talents. Most dracolithids
are nomads with no ties to family and are not capable of
creating one of their own.
Special Breath Weapon. You can produce a special
breath weapon in addition to your ordinary breath weapon,
as detailed in this section. Regardless of which option you
choose, you must recharge your breath weapon before you
can use either option again.
feet or the boundaries of your lair, whichever is greater. 

Feral Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw

Energy Type: Thunder
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth
Lineage: Hunters of incredible skill and unrivaled
cunning, feral dragons have earned their name by predating
upon some of the deadliest creatures in existence. These
brown, low-slung dragons are striped like a tiger and have
intimidatingly sharp fangs and claws. The lineages of these
dragons is tenuous at best, for they gleefully hunt each other
when given the chance. Instead, feral dragons socialize by

– 33 –
gifting each other trophies of their kills. A member brings Stealthy Movement. When you move while hidden,
honor to its lineage by providing trophies of considerable you can move at half speed to remain heavily obscured over
strength, especially when one-upping another member. the course of your movement so long as you remain within
Feral dragons that fail to provide interesting or prestigious an area that would ordinarily be lightly obscured or provide
trophies bring shame to the lineage, often resulting in their at least half cover.
death by their fellows.
Special Breath Weapon. You can produce a special

breath weapon in addition to your ordinary breath weapon,
as detailed in this section. Regardless of which option
you choose, you must recharge your breath weapon
before you can use either option again.
Battle Roar. You unleash a roar
that can be heard by creatures up
to 10 miles away. Each creature
of your choice within 120 feet
of you must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw
versus your dragon save
DC or be permanently
deafened and fall prone.
Unique Dragon Trait.
As a unique dragon,
you gain the following
traits. AF
Chapter 1: Defining Dragons

Imperial Dragon Ancient Dragonsong. You begin singing a mystical

song which can be heard by creatures up to 300 feet away.
Breath Weapon: Line; Dexterity saving throw Each creature of your choice that hears the song must
Energy Type: Force succeed on a Wisdom saving throw versus your dragon
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception save DC or begin dancing to its melody for as long as
Lineage: Imperial dragons are nomads and adventurers, you maintain the song and the creature can hear it. While
remarkably busy for their kind. They can be found dancing this manner, a creature cannot use movement

anywhere provided something interesting piques their to leave its space, and other creatures have advantage
curiosity. This something usually takes the form of a on attack rolls against it. If you become incapacitated,
dangerous creature that promises a good fight. Anything the song immediately ends. On each of your turns, you
with a reputation for power and skill in battle inevitably must use your action to continue the song, or the effect
draws an imperial dragon looking for a challenge. Evil immediately ends.
imperial dragons devastate the lands they visit in titanic
conflicts, while neutral and good dragons give a bit more Wyld Dragon
consideration toward the impact their presence has on the
world. When given the choice, imperial dragons prefer Breath Weapon: Special (see description)

spacious areas that allow them to exercise and practice
without being disturbed. This makes them remarkably easy
to find (simply follow the sound of a dragon battling), but
few want to risk approaching these fearsome creatures, lest
they be considered worthy foes.
Unique Dragon Trait. As a unique dragon, you gain the
following traits.
Heavy Armor. If you take 10 or less damage from a
single attack or effect, you instead take no damage.
Overpowering Breath Weapon. A creature that fails
its saving throw against your breath weapon by 10 or more
takes double damage from its effect.

Song Dragon

Breath Weapon: Cone; Constitution saving throw

Energy Type: Fire
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Perception
Lineage: Possessing an extreme affinity for the primordial
forces of nature, wyld dragons are hermits who enjoy the
quiet solitude of the wilderness. They meet once every
century, during which time the wisdom gained from
each member’s time in isolation is shared between the
community. Those who contribute the most profound
insights are honored by the lineage, while those who display
no growth or wisdom bring shame to the community. A
member that fails this trial two sessions in a row is expelled
from the lineage. Since there is only a single lineage of
wyld dragons, excommunication is a particularly severe
punishment, but one the dragons feel is necessary to retain
enlightened asceticism.
Special Breath Weapon. You can produce a special
Energy Type: Thunder breath weapon instead of an ordinary breath weapon, as
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Performance detailed in this section.
Lineage: Inventors of the ancient art of dragonsong, these Emerald Flame. You unleash a gout of emerald
simple-looking dragons possess humble features and pale, flame in a cone. Each creature of your choice in the
white scales. Where other dragons take on a majestic form, affected area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
it is the melodious voice of the song dragon which grants it or take fire damage equal to your breath weapon’s
beauty. These dragons always speak in perfect pitch, often damage, or half as much on a success. Additionally, each
creating melodies throughout a conversation with effortless creature of your choice in the affected area magically
grace. While few song dragons exist, they do form lineages. regains a number of hit points equal to your breath
These communities each possess a unique song that takes weapon’s damage. Once a creature has regained hit points
days to perform. The members are expected to contribute in this manner, it cannot regain them again from this
to the song, increasing its length with inspired works of effect until it finishes a long rest.
musical genius. Those who add poor or insulting elements Unique Dragon Trait. As a unique dragon, you gain the
to the song bring shame to the lineage, while the musical following trait.
genius of song dragons recognize a masterful contribution Wyldwalker. You can move through solid plants as
when they hear it. though they were difficult terrain, and you are immune to
Special Breath Weapon. You can produce a special difficult terrain caused by plants. If you end a turn within
breath weapon in addition to your ordinary breath weapon, a plant using this feature, you are instead shunted to the
as detailed in this section. Regardless of which option you nearest occupied space.
choose, you must recharge your breath weapon before you
can use either option again.

– 35 –

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