Eng - M - 22 Communication (1) - 1

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5. Communication skills

Picture – 1 Picture – 2 Picture – 3

5.1.0 Discuss the following questions in a small group.
1. Whom do you see in the above pictures?
2. What are they doing?
3. Do you think they are sharing ideas / information?
4. What do you think they are sharing?
5. How are they sharing – verbally or non-verbally?
6. Are they using any devices? Which are they?
7. What are the elements of communication process?
8. Do you share your ……? What? With whom? Where? When?

5.1.1 Introduction
(Read and understand what is Communication in groups. Underline the key words in
each point.)
 Communication starts with birth and ends with death in human life. It is one of the most
essential requirements of social and professional interaction.

 The word communication has been derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’ which
means to share, to give, to impart. It means communication is the process of transferring
information /ideas / views / views / beliefs / opinion /feelings / emotions etc. from one
person to another.

 It is a non-stop process used by everyone – the literate or the illiterate, the rich or the poor,
the employed or the unemployed, the young or the old, men or women etc.

 Pre-requisite of communication is a massage, media, two parties,

 We communicate by talking, listening, reading, writing, drawing, making gesture,

postures, facial expression, playing games, observation, looking at etc.

 It is an art of sharing information with one another. One person shares his/her ideas,
thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. with other person or persons.


5..2.1 Curricular Expectations: Read and discuss in terms of language learning:

At this stage learners (of Std. IX & X) are expected to-
No Expectation
1/2 Develop an ability to speak fluently and accurately Meaningfully
2/3 Understand the verbal and non-verbal clues used by the Speakers
3/6 Develop an ability to express their thoughts effortlessly, confidently and in an
organised manner
5/10 Respond to the contemporary social concerns like violence against women,
protection of environment, etc. as well as think critically about various issues and
6/11 Understand as a skill for real life purposes.
7/12 Attain a level of proficiency in English language to meet the workplace
8/13 Recognize and accept the diversity in terms of language and culture.
9 /14 Be sensitive to people in difficult circumstances, children with special needs, of
elderly people etc.

5.2.2 Learning Outcomes: Refer LOs given Module -2 and fill up the empty
No Learning Outcomes Suggested Pedagogical Activity
Std-IX The learners -
6 Converse using proper Frame questions to assess Framing questions
questions for the situation their comprehension
7 Expresses core values such Promote core values discussions and debates
as tolerance, appreciation of tolerance, appreciation
diversity and civic of diversity and civic
responsibility through responsibility
discussions and debates through discussions and
8 Express views. Develop, critical thinking on
issues related to
society, adolescence etc.
9 Make judicious use of
mother tongue.
10 Corelates experiences with
13 Respond to the feedbacks of
teachers and peers.
Std-X The learners -



5.2.3 Communication Skills - In short, Communication is the sum of all the things one
person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge
of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and

5.2.4 Purposes of Communication

Communication involves the conveyance of both verbal and non-verbal messages. It is also
a part of situations of life.
1) To present yourself in a better way;
2) To develop good interpersonal relationship among members at all levels;
3) To prove yourself the best in competition;
4) To transform the information, ideas, opinions etc;
5) To impart education;
6) To issue orders and instructions and improve discipline;
7) To adjust to environment and surroundings;
8) To convey and receive the right messages, suggestions;
9) To provide advice, instructions, orders, suggestions, persuasion, education and
10) To express feelings, emotions, liking, disliking, etc.
11) To persuade and motivate people.

5.2.5 Scope of Communication:

In life, communication has a very broad scope. Communication covers all sorts of life - daily
life, social life, professional life, economical life, political life, cultural life, etc.
Aspects Situations when communication is held
1) In personal life Chatting, getting & giving information, exchanging ideas,
thoughts, expressing feelings, attitudes, emotions, etc.
2) In business Giving /getting information, buying, selling, negotiating etc.
3) In school and out of Meeting people, talking in assembly, solving problems, at
school public places, in a meeting, debate, interview, etc.
4) With the known and Family members, friends, classmate, roommate, in the
unknown library / lab, on the way to
5) In industrial relations In managerial activities, with officials, with higher
authorities, etc.
6) In publicity Announcement, posters, leaflets, public meeting, newspaper,
signals, hoardings , instructions at the office / institution /
public places etc.


7) In social life Talking / chatting with society members, solving social

problems, organizing social activities, etc.
8) In institutes Giving / getting knowledge, in question –answers,
discussion, counselling, guiding, applying, interview etc.

5.3. 1 The Communication Process

Communication process refers to a logical sequence of actions in sharing of information.
It is defined as the transmission of an encoded message via channel to a receiver who
decodes the message and sends an acknowledgement. The process includes the following

Communication Process

1) Source of information / idea (external or internal 2) sender 3) encoding


4) Message 5) Media / Channel 6) Noise 7) Receiver 8) Decoding 9) Feedback.

5.3.2 Related Terms:

Understand the following words related to communication (For Knowledge)
1. Face-to-face – Sender (S) and Receiver (R) are physically present.
2. Face- off- S and R are not Face to Face.
3. Formal where language is personal and situations all in close relation -family members ,
friends etc.
4. Informal –Where situations and informal language are used – unknown, elders,
5. Oral- Communication is through oral mode.
6. Written - Communication is through written mode.
7. Visual – includes facial expression, gesture, printed picture.
8. Digital- Computer / digital technology is used for transmitting messages within and
outside the organization.
9. Interpersonal: Two persons exchange information, express feelings and emotions and
exchange opinions in conversation.
10. Verbal: message is sent or received through words.
11. Non-verbal: message is sent or received using actions, gestures, facial expressions, body
language, space, tone, voice system, etc.
12. Oral: messages are exchanged using sound symbols.
13. Written: messages are exchanged using written symbols.
14. Body language: makes communication effective. Examples: body movement, facial
expression, the way you stand, walk, shake hands, eye contact etc.
5.4.0 Type of Communication
a) Verbal b) Non-verbal i) Face-to-Face / Oral ii) Telephone talk
5.4.1 Face- to- face communication:
Face-to-face communication may appear to be identical with oral communication, however
the two are different. The telephonic talk is oral but we cannot call it the face-to-face
communication yet video call and talk using skype are very near to ‘face to face’
5.4.2 Situations of ‘Face-to-Face’/ (verbal + non -verbal) communication:


5.4.3 Body Language /non- verbal Communication

Body language means the communication without words and through various movement
of body parts and state / holding body which are used to convey the message. All the
body movements are guided through process emotions etc.
 It sends out our signals and massages which often speak louder than words by
different actions/ ways like nodding, blinking, walking style, facial expression,
gesture, posture, eye contact, hap ticks etc.
 Actions depends on the state of mind and attitude of a person Make lasting
impressions on the receivers.

Non -verbal communication: when we use language of signs, symbols and gestures
rather than that of words for communicating or interacting with others, it is known as
non -verbal communication.

Main elements: 1) Facial expression 2) Eye contact 3) Touch 4) posture 5) gesture 6)

Sign, symbols and Signal 7) Body language 8) Silence
 Cues are used to express love, respect, likes, dislikes, dependence, feelings, etc.
 Non -verbal cues help us to interpret human behaviour,
 To transmit our messages, to expresses intentions,
 Motions, social status, and personalities of the people
 Effect: words-7%, tone of the voice- 38%. Non-verbal cues- 55%

5.4.4 Types of Non-verbal Communication

Body Language
Movement of body Types body language

1. Facial expression
2. Eye contact,
3. Touch
4. Posture
5. Gesture
6. Signs, symbols & signals
7. Body language
8. Silence

(1).Facial expression means the movement of the muscles of the face showing emotions.
Different movement shows different emotions. They conveys the state of individual.


(2) Eye contact means meeting of eye of two persons. Experts put a lot of stress on eye
contact. Looking, staring or blinking eyes are effective ways of sending message.

(3) Touch means to put our hands or any other part of our body lightly on someone or
something. It is a powerful means of non-verbal communication. Example are:
(1) When somebody embrace you;
(2) When a mother’s touch her child with a loving- hands;
(3) A firm handshake is a sign of confidence and embracing which is the sign of love.

(4) Posture means the way we hold our body , body position and body motion. It-
o Conveys the information about how a person is feeling;
o Works as a personality trait of individual;
 Sitting up strait indicates that a person is paying attention to what is going on.
 Sitting with leaning forward etc. suggests that a person is indifferent.


5 Gesture is a movement or position of hands, arms and head to express ideas, opinions
or emotions. Gestures are -a) Visible body actions to communicate particular
messages; b) Speak more than words; c) often easily understood;

6 Sign, symbols and Signal means the information which we communicate silently every
day in life using signs, symbols and signals.

7. Maps, graph, chart, present a lot of information. Your report or presentation gains
clarity and authority, whether you're comparing sales figures or highlighting a trend.

8.Silence serves as a type of non- verbal communication when we do not use words. Silence
is powerful because the person using silence may be refusing to engage in communication
with you.


5.4.3 Face-to-Face Communication (Verbal + non-verbale Communication)


Face -to -face communication:

Meaning: Face- To-Face communication means where sender and receiver are physically
present in front of each other and communicate; for example, at interviews, in group
discussions, at giving a speech, at debates, and so on,
Face to Face communication is an effective way of communication because it involves
personal contact. Persons directly communicate with each other, can use direct eye
contact and body language patterns. They can exchange clarifications, doubts and
explanations orally.
1. Transmits the message personally to each other -verbally and non-verbally,
2. Wide spread and popular,
3. Engages more human senses,
4. Can create a bound of trust among people,
5. Easier to keep stronger and more active life connection with others,
6. Offers more scope to the team members,
7. Less preferable to mediated communication in maintaining a long-distance
8. Suitable for discussion as there is immediate feedback from the listener.


5.4.4 Emphasis: Tone of voice is the quality of a person’s voice: It Shows manner of
speaking, delivery and speech. Try saying the sentences bellow with the emphasis on dark
words. Emphasis of the word changes the meaning
a) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
b) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
c) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
d) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
e) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
f) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
g) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.

5.4.7 Para language

Para language means vocal (oral effects used on the words spoken) like;
 Pronunciation (the way we say word) e.g Father, two
 Tone (Softness / loudness of the voice); Sit here.
 Speed at which we speak;
 The gap between two words whether we say the word with force
 Pose- where we take little stop in speaking. e.g. He went to the station / with his sister
/to receive his friend.
 a strong tone shows the confidence level of a person,
 A hesitant tone shows lack of confidence or lack of interest.

5.4.8 Emphasis: Tone of voice is the quality of a person’s voice: It Shows manner of
speaking, delivery and speech. Try saying the sentences bellow with the emphasis on dark
words. Emphasis of the word changes the meaning
h) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
i) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
j) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
k) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
l) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
m) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.
n) I didn’t say he borrowed my book.

5-4-9 Use of language -Effective, positive and negative

For effective use For positive message These convey negative

-Stand firmly and use use these movements message.
power pause. i.e. and gestures -Poor or no eye to eye
spreading arms out or -Eye contact and contact,
upwards, boost the facial expression, -Constantly looking at the
confidence -Body movements, written note / script,
-Increase energy level . -Hands movements -Staring at the audience,
-Body posture. during the presentation


-Act as super model for or using the Black

reducing conflict. Board, looking back to
-Never raise arms over the audience all the time,
the shoulder. -Excessive body movements,
-Act natural and not keeping oneself still and
communicate in firm,
better way. -Resting against the wall,
-Make eye contact and Standing continuously with
appear attentive. folding arms.

5.6.0 Communication - Listening and Speaking

5.6.1 Listening -definitions

1. listening is a process of receiving, interpreting, and reacting to the message received
from the speaker.
2. Listening is an activity that can be turned on and off consciously and unconsciously. It
starts with the receiver's becoming aware that they should listen and become attentive
to what is being said. (Leland Brown)

5.6.2 Objectives: Listening is –

• To get entertainment and information.
• To be educated according our need.
• To get the messages for different purposes in different situations.
• To obtain, interpret, understand evaluate information and react to the message.
• To share joy or to lighten the problems / burden of sorrows.
• To develop relationship in life.
• For advice and for counseling.

5.6.3 Process / Stages of Listening

Listening is mental process. Try to understand from the above diagram.


5.6.4 Listening comprehension situations

@ Look at the situations and discuss in a group about reactions of active listening situations. Use
this knowledge while you giving listening programme.

Reactions of active listening – Situations

5.6.5 Keys to develop active listening skills

Key to develop
Active Listening

@ Prepare three examples (activities / material) for your students in a group. You can use
relevant exercises from your Textbooks


5.6.6 Difference between Hearing and Listening

Hearing – (Noisy) Listening – (Silence)

1) involves the process by which 1) comprehension is more than just

sound waves enter the ear. hearing. It is comprehension and
results in mental reaction.
2) defined as auditory perception of 2) actually the interpretation of the
sound. sounds that are heard.

3) process is natural, unintentional 3) process is intentional, systematic and

and continuous specific.
4) does not require extra efforts. 4) require serious efforts and focus.
5) natural phenomenon and is 5) involves understanding and
related with the ability to receive comprehension of the message.
sound signal.

@ Look at pictures and Discuss the points. Make a list of 5 more situations from your

5.6.7 Speaking: Like listening, speaking is another intuitively most important skill.
@ Speaking is productive skill in oral mode. Think over the following questions in a
group and present your before the class.
1) Do your student speak in English? (Give estimated time) Why? (give3 reasons)
2) What are their problems for not speaking? (Present3 problems)
3) Have you ever thought of the solutions? (Present three solutions)
4) Have you ever evaluated them for listening and speaking? How?
5) What pre knowledge is required to develop speaking?
6) How can we develop speaking skill at school level?
7) Share your views: Is speaking skill for only academic purpose?
8) Can speaking skill be developed without listening?

5.6.8 Objectives of Speaking:

 Understand the sound difference in their mother tongue and English.
 Understand sound differences in minimal pairs.
 Listening and speaking of consonants, vowels and diphthong sounds. (44 sounds)
 Understand syllables, word stress, sentence stress and weak and strong forms.
 Understand stress and intonation in connected speech.
 Recite poems, listen and speak dialogues, news items, paragraphs, stories etc.
 Respond properly to the questions and enquiries.
 Narrate simple events and experiences like those of people, places etc.
 Interact with people to agree / disagree – make requests – suggestions –
complements – consolations etc.
 Interact with people on the telephone and respond to the same.


5.7.1 What is writing ? → Writing (is) -

 Productive / expressive skill which involves producing language;
 Helps writers put their thoughts into words in a meaningful form;
 Can have better grades and grater academic achievements;
 Helps the learner gain independence, comprehensibility, fluency and creativity;
 Provides permanent record of information, opinions, beliefs, feelings, arguments,
explanations, theories etc.

5.7.2 Types of written Communication :

process letter
ss of
form Notice
e-mail Reoprt

Story Dilogue

5.7.3 Significant characteristics (If these are followed, communication would be better.)
• Original approach to writing,
• Clarity in subject,
• Logical sequence in the text,
• Well-developed ideas,
• Variety in sentence structures,
• Structures and vocabulary appropriate to the information, ideas, feelings etc.
• Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and logical linked sentences.

5.7.4 Process of writing should be considered for better written communication.

• Think over the topic before writing and collect the points.
• Enlarge the points and sub points with examples,
• Arrange them in proper sequence,
• Think of the appropriate language,
• Select the words, phrases and sentence patterns for appropriacy, clarity and suitable
• The make the first draft. (at this stage don’t be conscious about the language)
• Read the draft and make necessary changes of content.
• The edit the total writing, correct the mistakes and rewrite it send it to the party.


5.8.0 Activities: After knowing many points in terms of communication, let us

discuss about different types of activities. Here some sample activities are
mentioned. Moreover, we can lots of different types of activities for our
students according to their language level and age level, possible and available
facilities and possibilities.

5.8.1 Listening Activities

(1) Riddles : Listening , imagine and answer for each.

1. It helps a lot. It gives us fruit. It gives us shade. - Who is it? ---------------------------

2. It's round It's a plate. You live in it. What's it? --------------------------------------------
3. It has no legs. It travels far off places. We send it friends and relatives. It does not
a. cost much. What's it? ----------------------------------------------------------------
4. I'm made of paper. I can fly in the sky. I have a tail. What am I? ----------------------
5. I'm a wingless bird. I flew high. I land on the moon. - What am I? --------------------
6. My name begins with 'C'. It has three letters in it. I eat mice. - What am I? ----------
7. I have four legs but no feet. I have no arms and no head. I have seat, but I always
a. stand. What am I? --------------------------------------------------------------------
8. I have two hands but I can't hold anything. I have a face, but I don't have eyes. What
am I? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. I have lost my confidence. I am not able to take any action. I feel powerless. I need
some encouragement. How am I? -----------------------------------------------------------
10. You always fight against me. You also like to defeat me. We are against each
other. I am for you what you are for me. What am I? ------------------------------------

(2) Small Talk: Listen, laugh and answer the question. Question: What make you
laugh here?

1. Ant -1 Oh! You are in hurry. Where are you going?

Ant -2 : I am going to hospital.
Ant -1 : Why?
Ant-2 : An elephant has met with an accident. I am going to give him my blood.
2. Jaimin: I have lost my cat.
Funny: Why don't you give it in the news-paper? It would return.
Jaimin: Don't be silly! It can't read.
3. Tiku: What are you doing?
Maya: I am writing a letter in Urdu to my friend.
Tiku: But you don't know how to write in Urdu.
Maya: Don't worry. He can't read Urdu.
4. Chirag: Do you think a person who hasn't done his/her home work should be
Teacher: Of course, not.
Chirag: Sir, I haven't done my home work today.
5. A beggar: Please sir, help this beggar giving some money.
A man: I'm sorry. I don't have any change.
A beggar: Sir, I'm not asking for one rupee coin in your right hand. Please give me
a hundred rupees note which is in your left hand.
Man: I can't hear what you are saying.


5.8.3 Small Conversations : Enact the following small conversation.

1) Ketul : Could you please lend me a pen?

Rahul : Sorry, I don't have one to spare.
Ketul: May be. You have a pencil.
Rahul: Sorry. I don't have a pencil either.

2) Malini: Hi, Surali, How are you?

Surali: Hi! I'm fine. And you?
Malini: I'm all right.
Surali: What are you drinking now?

3) Dipa: This is my brother, Raj. (Renu, meet Raj.)

Renu: Glad to meet you, Mr.Raj.
Raj : Nice to meet you, Renu.

4) Kiran: Well, Nandu, I'd better be going or I'll miss the last bus.
Nandu: Bye, bye Kiran, see you tomorrow.
Kiran: Bye.

5.8.4 Announcements

1. Friends, let me introduce our chief guest Mr. Trivedi, the Principal of Bharat High
School, Mehsana. As you know, he is the National Award teacher.

2. Seven up Gujarat Express is now to leave. It will go to Bombay from Platform No-3.
Passengers are requested to board the train.

5.8.5 Instructions

(know your day of birth) First write your birthday in figures.

Step 1: Divide last two digits of the year by 4. Forget the balance.
Step 2: Add result to the year.
Step 3: Add this number to month value.
Step 4: Add your birth date to this number.
Step 5: Divide the total by 7.
Step 6: See the remainder.
Step 7: See the DAY in TABLE-2 against the number. THAT WAS THE DAY OF

5.8.3 Play the role and enact the following dialogues in group

(1) Gita Patel and Madhu Thakar meet at the post office. They stay in the same
society, but do not know each other very well. It is three o’clock in the
Madhu: Good afternoon, Mrs. Patel.
Gita: Good afternoon, Mr. Thakkar.
Madhu: I’m very well. Thank you. And how are you, Mrs. Patel?
Gita: I’m fine. I have come here to buy a mobile.


Madhu: I must send this card to my friend. It’s her birthday next week. Have a nice day,
Mrs. Patel.
Gita: Thanks, and you too. Bye!
Madhu: Goodbye. 3

(2) Radha goes to Lata’s house. They talk about what they will wear for Lata’s
brother’s wedding.

Lata: Hi, Radha, Come in. I was hoping you’d come today.
Radha: Hi, I came to ask you what will you be wearing for your brother’s wedding.
Lata: I’ll be wearing a new red skit with a green blouse. And what’re you wearing,
Radha: I’ll be wearing the blue sari I got for my sister’s marriage.
Lata: How lovely! That’s such a beautiful sari. We’ll have a great time together.
Radha: Yes, we will.

(3) Read these dialogues using verbal and non verbal clues (proper tone, facial
expressions and body language etc: (Meet introduces Mr Parekh to Ronak and then
Mr Parekh and Ronak communicate with each other.)

Meet: Ronak, this is my friend, Mr Parekh.

Ronak: Hi, nice to meet you, Mr Parekh.
Mr Parekh: Nice to meet you too.
Ronak: Mr. Parekh, what do you do for work?
Mr Parekh: I’m a doctor.
Ronak: Oh, where do you work? Mr Parekh: Civil hospital, Amadabad. What do you
do? Ronak: I’m a teacher. Mr Parekh: Where? Ronak: At AMIN higher Secondary
school, Surat. Mr Parekh: That’s nice. How old are you? Ronak: I’m 25.

(4) Pavan and Pankti are classmate, and Pavan and Nima are cousins but Pankti is
new to Nima. So Pavan introduces Pankti to Nima. Then Pankti and Nina

Pavan: Hello, Pankti! Nima, This is Pankti. She is in my class. Pankti , meet my cousin
Pankti: Hi! Nima. Nice meeting you!
Nima: Hi! Nice meeting you too, Pankti! You can call me Nim. Sometimes Pa talks
about you.
Pankti: Hope he’s been saying nice things about me. D’you like the exhibition?
Nima: Yes, very much. We are yet to go to the food stalls.
Pankti: Go along then. The dosas are great.
Pavan: We’ll go and try them. Bye them!
Nima: (to Pavan) Bye! See you tomorrow. (to Nima) Bye, Nima. See you.

5) Read the following dialogues, underline the questions and try to understand the
Functions of questions and emotional expressions in context: Then enact it in pair.
( Archi and Mayuri are classmates but Archi is unknown to the city and its public
places, so she tries to get direction from Mayuri to find the bus-station.)

Archi: Hi Mayuri.


Mayuri: Hi Archi. What’s up?

Archi: I’m looking for the bus station. Can you tell me how to get there?
Mayuri: No, sorry. I don’t know. I think it is near the Rajmahal Road. Do you know
where the Rajmahal Road?
Archi: Sure, it’s over there.
Mayuri: Where? I don’t see it.
Archi: Across the street.
Mayuri: No problem.
Archi: Oh, I see it now. Thanks.
Mayuri: Do you know if there is a restroom around here?
Archi: Yes, there’s one here. It’s in the sore.
Mayuri: Thank you. Archi: Buy. Mayuri: Bye Bye.

(5) Read the following dialogues and try to understand the questions and their
function in context: Then enact it in pair.
Ami: Have you seen the new girl in the school?
Bini: No, I haven’t.
Ami: She is really pretty.
Bini: Describe her to me.
Ami: She is not too tall.
Bini: Well, how tall is she?
Ami: She is about 5’-7”.
Bini: What does she look like, though?
Ami: She has pretty light brown eyes.
Bini: I may know which girl you’re talking about.
Ami: So you have seen around?
Bini: Yes, I have.

5.8.7 Introduction
Know and share Yourself : Then Complete personal inventory:
1 My name is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 People also call me ( nick name ) -------------------------------------------------------------
3 My Birthday is -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 My address is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Mobile No. is ---------------------------- Residential Phone No -------------------------
5 My family consist of -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 I am interested in ---- members : Father , Mother, -----------------------------------------
7 I like ( Activity ) Singing filmy songs, ------------------------------------------------- but
I don’t like (Activity ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 I have a close friend. His / her name is ------------------------------------------------------
9 I know (language ) --------------------------------------------------------------- -- well, but
I don’t know (language ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
10 My favorite habits is / are 1) --------------------- 2) ----------------- 3) ---------------
11 I spent a lot of time for / on -------------------------------------------------------------------
12 If I am allowed to help the class, I will work as -----------------------------------------
13 My aim in life is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 My favorite movie / serial / events is/ are --------------------------------------------------
15 The best movie that I have ever seen is -----------------------------------------------------
16 I get up ----------------------------- and go to bed at --------------------------------------


Appendix: 2. Useful Expressions for Communication:

No Ways to Useful Expressions

Say “Hello” Hi / Say “Hello” Hi / Hey / Hi there / Howdy
Hey / Hi there /
2 Say“ goodbye” ” Bye / Bye-bye / See you later / Take care / Have a good on
3 Say “Yes” Say “Yes” (informal) Yeah / Yup / Mm-hmm! / Uh-huh! /
4 Say “No” Nope / Nah / Mm-mm / Uh-uh / No way!
5 Ask how Ask how someone is How How have you been? /
someone is are you? / How’s it going? / How’s your family? /
How you doing? / How’s What’s up? / .
life? / How are things? / What’s new? /
What have you been up to
been lately
6 Say how you are I’m fine, thanks. How about Can’t complain /
you? / Pretty good / Not bad I’ve been busy. / Same as
/ Great! / Couldn’t be better always /
Not so great /
Could be better
7 Say “Thank Thanks / Thanks a lot / That’s so kind of you. /
you” Thank you so much / I can’t thank you enough
Thanks a million! / Thanks (for extremely important
for your help. (Thanks for things) / . I owe you one
helping me.) / I really (This means you want/need
appreciate it. / I’m really to do a favour for the other
grateful. person in the future.
8 Respond to You’re welcome / No It was the least I could do. /
“Thank you” problem / Glad to help /
No worries / Sure! / .
Don’t mention it / Thank you! (Use this when
My pleasure / Anytime you also have something to
thank the other person for
9 Apologize Apologize I'm sorry that …. (Ex. I was so rude yesterday.) /
It’s my fault (=I’m taking responsibility for the problem) /
Oops, sorry. (for very small problems) /
I should have ….. (Ex. Called you I’d be late) /
I apologize for ….. (Ex. The delay) Formal
10 Respond to That’s OK / I forgive you. (for
apology It happens / serious Problem) Don’t
No problem / worry about it. /
Don’t worry about it. I
11 Introduce I just wanted to introduce myself. I’d like to introduce
I’m … (you name) / you to … /
I don’t think we’ve met before. Nice to meet you. /
My name’s … (your name) / It’s a pleasure to meet
This is … / I’d like you to meet you. / Likewise / And
… / Have you met …? / you


12 Express interest Really? / Right / Sure

in a That’s interesting /
conversation Uh-huh /
13 End a It was nice chatting with you. / Sorry, but I’m afraid I
conversation Well, it’s getting late. / Anyway, need to ../
politely I should get going. / (Formal) I’m sorry to cut you
off, but actually
interrupt you.
14 Telephone calls Hi, this is Jay. / One moment please /
(Formal) May I speak with Het? / (Informal) Hang on a
(Informal) Is Het there? / sec. /
I’m calling about … / He’s not here. Would
I’m returning your call. / you like to leave a
(Formal) message? /
Could you ask him to
call me back? /
Thanks for calling.
15 Ask for Can you tell me …? / Could You happen to know …? / I
information you tell me….?/ I’d like to don’t suppose you (would)
know … / Do you know…? know …? / . I was
/ Do you have any idea…? / wondering … / . I’m calling
Could anyone tell me …? you to find out … Use this
(Use this phrase when phrase on the telephone
asking a group of people)
16 Say “I don’t I have no idea/clue. / I can’t I’m not really sure. I’ve
know” help you there. / Beats me. been wondering that, too.
17 Asking for What do you think about I’d say … / Personally, I
someone’s …? / How do you feel about think/believe … / If you ask
opinion and …? / What’s your opinion me … / The way I see it … /
giving your of …? / What are your From my point of view …
opinion views on …? / In my
opinion … /
18 Not having an I’ve never given it much / I have no opinion on the
opinion thought. / I don’t have matter. / (Very informal)
strong feelings either way. / Whatever
It doesn’t make any
difference to me.
19 Agree Exactly / Tell me about it! (You’re
Absolutely / telling me!) /
That’s so true / (Informal) I’ll say! /
That’s for sure / I suppose so. (Use this
I agree 100% / phrase for weak agreement -
I couldn’t agree with you you agree, but reluctantly
more. /
That’s exactly what I think.
(That’s exactly how I feel.) /
20 Disagree Disagree I don’t think so. I Not necessarily /
beg to differ. /


I’m afraid I don’t agree. / Yes, but …. (say your

I’m not sure about that. opinion) On the contrary/
That’s not how I see it. (Very informal) No way! / I
totally disagree. Very
21 Respond to good Congratulations! / Awesome! /
news That’s great! / I’m so happy for you!
How wonderful! /
22 Respond to bad Oh no … /
news That’s terrible/ Poor you (Use this to respond to bad
situations that are not too serious) /
I’m so sorry to hear that. /
I’m sorry for your loss. (Use this only if someone has died.
23 Invite Are you free … (Saturday night?) /
Are you doing anything … (Saturday night?) /
Let me check my calendar. /
Do you want to … (see a movie?) (Informal)/
Would you like to … (join me for dinner?) (Formal) / I’d
love to. / Sounds great! /
I’d love to, but I have another commitment. /
I don’t think I can. / Maybe another time.
24 Make and (Would you like a drink? More formal) /
response to an Do you want some water? Informal) /
offer Can I get you something to eat? /
That’d be great, thanks. (=yes) /
No thanks. I’m OK. (=no)
25 Talk about Talk about future plans I’m / I’d like to … I might … (I
future plans going to … / I’m planning to may …) I’m thinking about
… / I hope to …

Appendix: 1 ‘Yes - No’ Questions

Frame the questions orally to get confirmation / information in the following table in pair.
(For practice) No Questions ( Start with the given word )
1 Confirmation Is this your pen? - Yes / No ( Example )
2 Confirmation: Am_____________________________________________________
3 Confirmation: Are _____________________________________________________
4 Conformation: Was ___________________________________________________
5 Confirmation: Were ___________________________________________________
6 Ownership: Have _____________________________________________________
7 Part of ----: Has ______________________________________________________
8 Relation: Have you ___________________________________________________
9 Liking: Do you like ___________________________________________________
10 Habit: Does he ______________________________________________________
11 Past action: Did they_________________________________________________
12Future action: Will __________________________________________________
13 Request: Will you please _____________________________________________
13 Polite request: Would you ____________________________________________
14 Offer: Would you like ________________________________________________
15 Invitation: Shall you join _____________________________________________


16 Proposal: Shall we go to ______________________________________________

17 Advice: Should you not _______________________________________________
18 Obligation: Should we pay for _________________________________________
19 Preference: Would you like / take ______________________________________
20 Permission: Can I go ________________________________________________
21 Request: Can I have _________________________________________________
22 Permission: Could I go home __________________________________________
23 Invitation: Could you accompany ______________________________________
24 Polite request: Could you ____________________________________________
25 Speculation: Could she be able to ______________________________________
26 Offer: May I help ___________________________________________________
27 Permission: May I _______________________________________________ ___
28 Possibility (less): There are no clouds in the sky. Might it ____________________

Wh-Questions: Frame the questions orally to get information in the following table in
pair. Then write the questions in the last column. ( For practice)

1Name: Who is your principal? – Mr. Datt ___________________________________

2 Status / Position :Who ___________________________________
3 Receiver-person: Whom ___________________________________
4 Receiver-person: To whom ___________________________________
5 Receiver-person: For whom ___________________________________
6 Receiver- Object: What ___________________________________
7 Time ( by clock): What ___________________________________
8 Action :What ____________________________________________________________
9 Color: Color What ___________________________________
10 Age: What ___________________________________________________________
11 Idea What ___________________________________________________________
12 Opinion: What _______________________________________________________
13 View: What _______________________________________________________
14 Belief: What _______________________________________________________
15 Ownership: Whose __________________________________________________
16 Time of an action: When _______________________________________________
17 Beginning of an action: Since when ______________________________________
18 Reason: Why _______________________________________________________
20 Selection: Which of these is _______________________________________________
21 Selection / Choice: On which day _________________________________________
22 Manner: How _______________________________________________________
23 Method: How _______________________________________________________
24 Nature: How _______________________________________________________
25 Feelings / Emotion: How do you / What do you __________________________
26 Opening a talk: How are you? / How do you do? __________________________
27 About health: How 28 Number / How many _______________________________
28 Mass: How much _____________________________________________________
29 Frequency / How often _________________________________________________
30 Duration: How long ___________________________________________________
31 Size: How big / large ___________________________________________________
32 Say with force: How can he/ she _________________________________________
33 Present life: How is the life _________________________________________ ___
34 Asking for solution: What can you _______________________________________


35 Inability: What can’t you _______________________________________________


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