Radiation Physics By. MCSRRT
Radiation Physics By. MCSRRT
Radiation Physics By. MCSRRT
Basic Physics Terminology
Power-rate of doing work (measured in
Matter -has form or shape and occupies
Atomic Structure
Mass - amount of matter in an object;
generally considered the same as weight Atomic nucleus- contains protons
(positive charges) and neutrons (no
Energy-ability to do work
charge); contains most of the mass of an
Potential energy- energy of position atom
• Consumer’s items (watch dial, exit 1921-Hollis E. Potter- Potter- Bucky grid
sign, smoke detector, camping was introduced
lantern mantles, and airport
1946- Bell amplifier tube
• 1960-Sonography
Discovery of X-ray
• 1970- PET and CT
• Discovery was accidental
• 1980- MRI, Digital and PACS
• November 8, 1895
• Today Fusion technology and • Measure of the effect of radiation
Magnetoencepholography (MEG) and is defined as the energy
absorbed by a unit mass of a
Basic Radiation Protection
• J/kg
Because of effective radiation protection
1 rad = 100 erg/g
practices, radiology is now a safe
occupation!!. 1 rad = 10-2 Gy
• ALARA- As Low As Reasonably Erg or joule- unit of energy
Kg/gram- unit of mass
• Cardinal principle- Shielding, time,
Rem Sievert (Sv)
• Filtration
• Radiation Equivalent Man
• Collimator
• Dose equivalent
• Intensifying screen
• Effective dose
• Protective apparel
• Equivalent dose
• Gonadal shielding
• Used to express the quantity of
• Protective barrier
radiation received by radiation
worker and population
Roentgen (R) Air Kerma (Gya) • 1 Sv = 100 rems
• The Roentgen is the unit of • 0.01 Sv = 10 mSv = 1 rem
radiation exposure or intensity
Curie (Ci) Bequerel (Bq)
• Amount of radiation and is defined
• Curie is the unit of radioactivity
as the charge liberated per unit
mass of air • Number of nuclear disintegrations
per unit time.
• Applies only to x-ray and gamma
rays and their interaction with air 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq
• Kinetic Energy Released per unit 1mCi = 3.7 x 107 Bq
• C/kg
9 3
1R = 2.08 x 10 ip/cm
• Is the study of interactions of
1R = 2.58 x 10 C/kg matter and energy in all their
diverse forms.
Rad Gray (Gyt)
• Exactness and certainty in
• Radiation Absorbed Dose
describing interaction.
• Radiation Absorbed by a patient
Base Quantities
Mass (kg)
Length (m) • Newton or pound unit British, unit
of weight.
Time (s)
Time (second)
Derived Quantities
Old unit
• 1 second rotation of the earth on
Power (W)
its axis-the mean solar day
Work (J)
SI unit
Momentum (kg-m/s)
• 1 second vibration of atoms of
Force (Kg∙m/s ) or N cesium atomic clock
Four Electrical state of matter • The greater the resistance, the less
current gets through.
4. Superconductivity
• Good conductors have low • The sum of the voltage across each
resistance. circuit is equal to the total circuit
• Measured in ohms.
VT = V1 + V2 + V3
What Influences Resistance?
IT = I1 = I2 = I3
• Material of wire – aluminum and
copper have low resistance RT = R1 + R2 + R3
• Thickness – the thicker the wire Example: A series circuit contains three
the lower the resistance resistance elements having values of 8,
12 and 15. If the voltage is voltage
• Length – shorter wire has lower
110V. What is the total resistance?
Current? Voltage?
• Temperature – lower temperature
RT = 8 + 12 + 15 = 35
has lower resistance
IT = 110/ 35 = 3.14 A
What Influences Resistance?
V1 = (3.14 A) (8) = 25.12 V
Example: If a current of 0.5 A flows
through a conductor that has a resistance V2 = (3.14) (12) = 36.68 V
of 6. What is the voltage across the
V3 = (3.14) (15) = 47.10 V
2. Parallel circuit
V= I x R
• Parallel Circuit – there are several
V= (0.5A) x (6)
branching paths to the components.
V= 3V If the circuit is broken at any one
branch, only the components on
that branch will turn off.
Two basis kinds of Electric Current
A parallel circuit contains elements that
• Series Circuit
bridge conductors rather than lie in
• Parallel Circuit
a line along a conductor.
1. Series circuit
Rules for Parallel Circuit:
Series Circuit: the components are lined
• The sum of the current through
up along one path. If the circuit is
each circuit element is equal to the
broken, all components turn off.
total circuit current.
In a series circuit, all elements are
• The voltage across each circuit
connected in a line along the same
element is the same and is equal to
the total circuit voltage
• The total resistance is inversely
Rules for Series Circuit: proportional to the sum of the
reciprocals of each individual
• The total resistance is equal to the
sum of the individual resistance
VT = V1 = V2 = V3
• The current through each circuit
elements is the same and is equal IT = I1 + I2 + I3
to the total circuit current
1 =1 + 1 + 1
RT R1 R2 R3 • P = I2 x R
Example: A parallel circuit contains three Example: The overall resistance of a
resistance elements having values of 8, mobile x-ray unit is 10. When plugged
12 and 15. If the voltage is voltage into a 110V receptacle. How many
110V. What is the total resistance? current does it draw? And many powers
Current? Voltage? are consumed?
1 =1 + 1 + 1 I= V/R
RT 8 12 15 I= 110/ 10
1 = 33 I= 11 A
RT 120 P= I x V
RT = 120 = 3.6 P= (11A) (110V)
33 P= 1210 W
IT = VT / RT OR:
IT = 110V / 3.6 P= I2 x R
IT = 30.6 A P= (11A) 2 x (10)
I1 = 110V / 8 = 13.8 A P= 1210 W
I2 = 110V / 12 = 9.2 A MAGNETISM
I3 = 110V / 15 = 7.3 A Magnetism is the properties and
interactions of magnets
VT = V1 = V2 = V3 = 110V
There are 2 types of currents:
• Around 100 BC shepherds and
1. Direct Current (DC)
dairy farmers of village of
• Electrons flowing in one direction Magnesia (what is now Western
along the conductor Turkey) discovered magnetite.
The most efficient method of x-ray When x-ray tube is centered above the
production also has the waveform with examination table at the standard SID, the
the lowest voltage ripple. There are many x-ray tube is in a preferred detent
advantages to x-ray tube voltage position.
generated with less ripple. The principal
b. Floor-to-ceiling support system
advantages is the higher radiation
quantity and quality, which result from Has a single column with rollers at each
the more constant voltage to the x-ray end, one attached to a ceiling-mounted
tube The radiation quality is increased rail and other attached to a floor-mounted
with low-ripple power because there are rail.
fewer low-energy projectile electrons
c. C-arm support system
passing from cathode to anode to produce
low-energy x-rays. Interventional radiology suites often are
equipped with C-arm support system, so
called because the system is shaped like
The parts of an x-ray unit are identified a “C”.
by their power rating in kW.
Power = amperes x volts
P= I x V
The protective housing guards against
excessive radiation exposure and electric
Those x-rays emitted through the
window are called useful beam.
Support structure
X-rays that escape through the protective
Protective housing housing are leakage radiation; they
contribute nothing in the way of
Glass or metal envelope
diagnostic information and result in
B. INTERNAL STRUCTURE unnecessary exposure of the patient and
the radiologic technologist.
A proper design protective housing
reduces the level of the leakage radiation
A. EXTERNAL STRUCTURE to less than 100mR/hr at 1m when
operated at maximum condition.
a. Ceiling support
The protective housing around some x- Without a focusing cup the electron beam
ray tubes contains oil that serves as both is spread beyond the anode because
an insulator against electric shock and as mutual electrostatic repulsion among the
a thermal cushion to dissipate heat. electrons
3. GLASS/ METAL ENVELOPE OR With a focusing cup, which is negatively
ENCLOSURE charged, the electron beam is condensed
and directed to the target.
30 to 50 cm long and 20 cm in diameter
size of x-ray tube Grid-controlled x-ray tube the focusing
cup is the grid and therefore the
Pyrex glass to enable to withstand the
exposure switch. Designed to be turned
tremendous heat generated.
on and off very rapidly
The enclosure maintains a vacuum inside
Filament current the tube current is
the tube. This vacuum allows for more
adjusted by controlling the filament
efficient x-ray production and longer tube
Cloud of electros, called a space charge,
makes it difficult for subsequent electrons
1. CATHODE to be emitted by the filament because of
the electrostatic repulsion. This
Is the negative side of the x-ray tube
phenomenon is called the space charge
a. FILAMENT effect. A major obstacle in producing x-
rays tube with currents exceeding
Is a coil of wire similar to that in a
1000mA is the design of adequate space-
kitchen toaster, except much smaller.
charge compensating devices.
Approximately 2mm in diameter
At a given filament current, tube current
1 or 2 cm long reaches a maximum level called
saturation current.
Made of Thoriated tungsten
Saturation current is not reached at a
Tungsten provides for higher
lower kVp because of space charge
thermionic emission than other metals.
limitation. When an x-ray tube is
34100C melting point of tungsten operated at the saturated current, it is
said to be emission limited.
The addition of 1% to 2% thorium to the
tungsten filament increases efficiency of Dual focus most diagnostic x-ray tube
thermionic emission and prolongs tube has two focal spots, one large and other
life. small.
Thermionic emission an x-ray tube The small focal spot is used when
filament emits electrons when it is better spatial resolution is required.
heated. When the current through the
SFS range from 0.1 to 1mm
filament is sufficiently high, the outer
electrons of the filament atoms are The large focal spot is used when large
“boiled off” and ejected from the filament body parts are imaged and when other
techniques that produce high heat are
The filament is embedded in a metal cup
LFS range from 0.3 to 2mm
called the focusing cup
The anode is the positive side of the x- Induction motor an electromagnetic
ray tube, it conducts electricity and induction motor is used to turn the anode.
radiates heat and contains the target. 2 parts (stator (outside) & rotor (inside)).
There are two types of anode: stationary Line-Focus Principle results in an
and rotating anode. effective focal spot size much less than
the actual focal spot size.
Stationary anode x-rays tubes are used
in dental x-ray imaging system, some By angling the target, one makes the
portable imaging system and other special effective area of the target much special
purpose units in which high tube current than the actual area of electron
and power are not required interaction.
General purpose x-ray tubes use the
rotating anode because they must be
capable of producing high-intensity x-ray
beams in a short time.
The anode serves 3 functions in the x-
ray tube:
1. electrical conductor
2. mechanical support When the target angle is made smaller,
3. thermal dissipator. the effective focal spot size is also made
Target is the area of the anode struck
by the electrons from the cathode. The focal spot is the actual x-ray source.
Are produced when a projectile electron A change in voltage peak affects both
is slowed by the electric field of a target amplitude and the position of the x-ray
atom nucleus. emission spectrum.
The total reduction in the number of x-
rays remaining in an x-ray beam after
penetration through a given thickness of
tissue is called attenuation.
Attenuation is the product of absorption
and scattering.
Compton and Coherent scattering
Photoelectric effect, pair production &
photodisintegration absorption process.