MFM Chap-03
MFM Chap-03
MFM Chap-03
PART-I (Money)
Chapter 3
Supply of Money
a. Traditional View:
b. Modern View
Currency Money:
Legal tender money called as High Powered Money
1 rupee coin issued by MoF.
Rest coins issued and managed by RBI.
RBI Act, 1934- 40% of the total asset should consist of gold coins, bullions and foreign securities
with the value of Rs. 40 crores.
RBI Act, 1956,- minimum reserve system replaces proportional reserve system. [foreign securities –
Rs. 400 cr., Gold coins and bullions – Rs. 115 cr.
RBI Act, 1957 – Reserve should be at least worth Rs. 200 cr., and gold value – Rs. 115 cr.
1. Volume of Transactions
2. Nature of Trade
3. Method of Payment
4. The Price level
5. Banking Habits
6. Distribution of Income
7. Other factors
Bank Money
Total money supply: primary HPM and secondary or bank money
Currency (2/3rd) and Demand deposits (1/3rd)
Monetarist Approach
Money Supply= currency with public + demand deposits + time deposits.
Payment system
Money supply
Regularity of income
Value of money
Propensity to consume
Credit facilities
Distribution of income
Volume of trade
Liquidity preference
Frequency of transactions
Size of population
Business conditions
Means of transport and
Business Integration
Here,  is known as the deposit multiplier. Now substitute (10) and (4) into (2),

 is the value of money. 
 is the rate of interest. 
 is the real income. 
 is monetary policy. 
 is the seasonal factors. 
1. Monetary Base
2. Money multiplier
3. Reserve ratio
4. Currency Ratio
5. Confidence in Bank money
6. Time-deposit ratio
7. Value of money
8. Real income
9. Interest rate
10. Monetary policy
11. Seasonal Factors