Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................................................3 Preamble ........................................................................................................................................................................4 Brief Details of the Project .............................................................................................................................................5 General Information ......................................................................................................................................................7 Who Should Respond .....................................................................................................................................................8 How To Respond ..........................................................................................................................................................10 Time Line ......................................................................................................................................................................11 Question and Answer ...................................................................................................................................................12 Amendment .................................................................................................................................................................13 Annexure 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................14
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited has prepared this document to invite parties to submit a Request for Qualification (RFQ) response for design, engineering, supply, erection, testing, and commissioning of 5 MW Crystalline / Thin Film SPV Technology Grid Interactive Solar PV Power Plant including min. 5 years of Operation and Maintenance and Insurance with complete warranties for the entire system on turnkey basis in the State of Gujarat, India. While Konark has taken due care in the preparation of information contained herein, neither Konark, its staff, or its advisors providing assistance to Konark gives any warranty or makes any representations, express or implied, as to the completeness for purpose or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in connection therewith. The information contained herein is not intended to be exhaustive. Interested parties are required to make their own enquiries and Respondents must, confirm in writing that they have done so and that they do not rely only on the information provided in the RFQ document in submitting their response. The information is provided on the basis that it is non-binding on Konark, its staff, and its advisors providing assistance to Konark. Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited reserves the right not to proceed with the initiative as well as the right not to discuss the initiative further with any Respondent. No reimbursement of costs or expenses of any type whatsoever will be paid to Respondents or any other persons, or entities expressing interest in the initiative for purposes of submitting an RFQ response and to this end, no Respondent shall have a claim against Konark, its staff or its advisors providing assistance to Konark, arising out of any matter relating to this RFQ document of any nature whatsoever whether or not any circumstances arising as a result of, such claim is based on any act or omission by Konark providing assistance to Konark whatsoever and/or the content of this RFQ.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited proposes to set up 5 MW PV solar power stations in a 100 KM radius from the city of Bhuj, in the state of Gujarat in India. Konark invites reputed parties from across the globe to submit their proposals for Design, Engineering, Supply, Erecting, and Testing & Commissioning of 5 MW crystalline / thin film solar PV technology with associated HT over head distribution line up to power evacuation point including min. 5 years of operation and maintenance on turnkey basis for a EPC contract under the International Competitive Bidding process. The power project will be developed in two phases of 1 MW and 4 MW each within a period of 9 months from date of signing the EPC contract.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited 7, Mittal Estate, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai (India)
Project Title
Proposed Capacity
Geographical Location
Access by Rail
Nearest Town
Nearest City
Nearest Airport
Nearest Port
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Seismic Zone
Power Evacuation
Climatic Conditions
Average Temperature
General a. Local Language b. Language for all correspondence, documents & drawings Gujarati English
Present Status of the Project a. Land acquisition b. Power Purchase tie-up c. Other Issues 75% 100% No major Issues at present
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
General Information
1. The scope of bidding comprises of Request for Qualification (RFQ) & Request for Proposal (RFP) for providing EPC Contract services for the project. 2. The project will be commissioned in two phases. The 1st phase shall be commissioned within 90 days from the date of finalization of proposal, and the work for the 2nd phase shall proceed no later than 30 days from the date of issue of Notice of Proceed (NTP) and will be completed in a period of not more than 120 days. 3. Companies who (individually, or in joint venture, or as a consortium) are prepared to submit the complete and comprehensive tenders for the works and services specified will be qualified to quote for the EPC contract services for the project. Joint Venture partners or consortium members shall include, as a minimum, manufacturers / trader of PV modules who meet the specified qualification requirements. One joint venture partner or consortium member shall be designated as the Leader of the consortium and will have overall responsibility of the EPC Contract execution. Companies must document their technical qualifications and pertinent experience. Individual Companies or Joint Ventures will be termed as Bidders henceforth.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited would welcome responses to the RFQ from developers who have designed planned, commissioned, operated and maintained solar PV energy projects. The eligibility criteria stated below should be used in guiding potential respondents in whether they should provide a response. 1. In the event that the successful bidder is a joint venture formed by no more than maximum of three companies, Konark requires that the parties to the joint venture accept joint and several liabilities for all obligations under the Contract. In the case of consortium, the designated leader of the consortium shall accept all obligations under the contract. 2. Bidder shall have experience in the engineering, procurement, construction and operation and maintenance of PV solar power plants of minimum 5MW. 3. Bidder shall have a valid contract for commissioning a minimum (single or consolidated) 5MW PV solar power plant under a current Indian State Policy, or the Indian National Solar Mission. 4. Bidders shall source all PV solar equipments from such reputed manufacturer(s) who would have supplied equipments of similar type, design for at least one (1) other power station of similar size (5-20MW), which are as on date of response to the RFQ, in successful commercial operation for a period of at least 6 months 5. All other plant, equipment and components proposed shall be of field proven quality. Such plant, equipment and components shall be from experienced manufacturers who have supplied similar plant, equipment and components of similar rating and which have been in successful operation. 6. Bidder and/or its Technical Partner must also demonstrate that they have adequate administrative and technical experience as well as the required field staff to complete the project in accordance with the requirements of the bid documents, including the time schedule. 7. Bidder and/or its Technical Partner should have experience of having operated and maintained a Solar PV Power Plant for a minimum period of one year & that plant should be in operation as on the date of bid submission. 8. The Bidder shall furnish a performance certificate in English issued by Competent Authority; clearly mentioning that the Contractor has designed, engineered, supplied, installed, tested, commissioned and operated and maintained the project for a minimum period of one year.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
9. Bidder shall also demonstrate their financial capability to undertake the EPC contract. The Bidder should have a minimum turnover of Rupees 100 crores as per the last audited balance sheet. The bidder shall demonstrate that he is financially capable of undertaking the responsibility of the EPC contract by providing the necessary guarantees and liquidated damages. 10. The Bidder must bear all Insurance related expenses during the contract period.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
How To Respond
Interested Respondents having the requisite qualification stated above may send in their application by filling out all details mentioned in Annexure 1. All correspondence in this regard shall be sent to: Mr. Anup Deshmukh Address: 7 Mittal Estates, Andheri - Kurla Road, Saki-Naka, Andheri [E], Mumbai 400 059, India Email: [email protected] Office: +91 (22) 40896300/23/24, Mobile: +91 9773 9696 03 The RFQ should be signed by an authorized signatory. The RFQ must be accompanied with all supporting material, only if it is salient and directly pertinent to the RFQ. The language for submission of the document shall be English. All costs incurred by Respondents in connection with the RFQ shall be borne by the respective Respondents themselves.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Time Line
Milestone/Action Item
RFQ Released
RFP Invitation
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Respondents shall utilize the opportunity to approach the contact person in Konark Gujarat PV Pvt. Ltd to ask questions. Konark will respond to all queries within 5 working days.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Konark Gujarat PV Private Limited may, at its sole discretion, before the last date for submission of the RFQ, modify this information document by issuing an addendum thereto. Konark may extend the last date for submission of RFQ responses to allow Respondents reasonable time to consider any amendment to this information document and to amend its RFQ submissions in the case of such an amendment.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Annexure 1
In all responses, Respondents must follow the sequence of questions, in the same order as they are listed below. 1. General Company Information a. b. c. d. Respondent Name(s)/Business Address(s) Telephone Number(s) State the year(s) in which the Respondent(s) business was/were established State the name, title, email address, and telephone number of the contact person
2. Relevant Experience Provide minimum 3 examples of previous or current projects with grid- connected solar installations minimum size of 1MW. For each project, Respondents shall include the following points: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. a. b. c. Customer name or description of project Location of project (city & state) Plant load factor and total acreage utilized Provide details of the steps your firm followed to evaluate potential sites for these solar installations. d. Provide details of the process your firm followed to properly identify the appropriate technology (manufacturer, tracking system, etc.) for the lowest Total Cost of Ownership. e. List Module and Inverter Selected (type and manufacturer) Type of mounting? Tracking? All subcontractors utilized and their roles in the process. Describe the warranty provided f. g. Did you include a plan for operation and maintenance? If not, what is the arrangement for O&M? Commercial operation date
3. Proposing Entity Structure a. Please describe any subcontracting agreements that may be utilized for any potential solar installation RFPs for Konark Gujarat PV Pvt. Ltd.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
Describe the number and types of projects completed with the parties identified (if subcontractors are utilized)
If work is being self performed, how many FTEs do you currently have on-staff (Engineers, installers, electricians, etc.) that have solar experience? Provide resumes
Describe how you would propose utilizing Indian labor and Indian materials as applicable.
5. Technical or Other Information for an RFP a. What technical information or other relevant information would be needed to respond to an RFP that requests a firm bid. b. c. Training plan and methodology for participation and training of local staff All other Information deemed relevant to the project
6. Solar Equipment Manufactures a. Please list previous experience with solar technology manufactures. Please list various certifications you have obtained from manufactures. b. Detailed technical specification of all system components proposed in the bid.
7. Financial Information Required a. Annual report for fiscal years 2009 and 2010 and financial statements for the most recent quarter of credit support provider (if annual report is not available, a listing of assets, liabilities, profit and loss, and cash flow must be provided) b. c. Credit support mechanisms available to the firm, for example, letters of credit or escrow accounts Name of Banks which provide Respondents letters of credit.
8. Additional Information a. A proposed time schedule for the implementation of project. The time schedule should include all steps necessary for the implementation of the project. In particular: manufacturing / supply of
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India
equipment, shipping, checking, preparation of installation, installation, training of local operators, commissioning. b. Submit any additional supportive information, not addressed in this RFQ that may be important for Konark to consider in evaluating your firm/team.
7 Mittal Estate | Andheri - Kurla Road | Saki-Naka, Andheri [E] | Mumbai 400 059, India