ESC Guidelines On Cardio-Oncology - 2022
ESC Guidelines On Cardio-Oncology - 2022
ESC Guidelines On Cardio-Oncology - 2022
*Corresponding authors: Alexander R. Lyon, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London and Cardio-Oncology Service, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United
Kingdom. Tel: +44 207 352 8121, E-mail: [email protected].
Teresa López-Fernández, Cardiology Department, La Paz University Hospital, IdiPAZ Research Institute, Madrid, Spain. Tel: +34 619 227 076, E-mail: [email protected].
The two chairpersons contributed equally to the document and are joint corresponding authors.
Author/Task Force Member affiliations are listed in Author information.
Representing the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO); 2representing the European Hematology Association (EHA); 3representing the International
Cardio-Oncology Society (IC-OS).
ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Committee: listed in the Appendix.
ESC subspecialty communities having participated in the development of this document:
Associations: Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC), European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC),
European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Heart Failure Association (HFA).
Councils: Council of Cardio-Oncology, Council on Hypertension, Council on Valvular Heart Disease.
Working Groups: Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, e-Cardiology, Myocardial Function, Pulmonary Circulation and Right Ventricular Function,
Patient Forum
2 ESC Guidelines
Document Reviewers: Patrizio Lancellotti (CPG Review Coordinator) (Belgium), Franck Thuny (CPG Review
Coordinator) (France), Magdy Abdelhamid (Egypt), Victor Aboyans (France), Berthe Aleman1 (Netherlands),
Joachim Alexandre (France), Ana Barac3 (United States of America), Michael A. Borger (Germany),
Ruben Casado-Arroyo (Belgium), Jennifer Cautela (France), Jolanta Čelutkienė (Lithuania), Maja Cikes
(Croatia), Alain Cohen-Solal (France), Kreena Dhiman (United Kingdom), Stéphane Ederhy (France),
Thor Edvardsen (Norway), Laurent Fauchier (France), Michael Fradley3 (United States of America), Julia Grapsa
(United Kingdom), Sigrun Halvorsen (Norway), Michael Heuser2 (Germany), Marc Humbert (France),
Tiny Jaarsma (Sweden), Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Aleksandra Konradi (Russian Federation),
All experts involved in the development of these Guidelines have submitted declarations of interest. These have
been compiled in a report and published in a supplementary document simultaneously to the Guidelines. The
report is also available on the ESC website
See the European Heart Journal online for supplementary data that includes background information and
detailed discussion of the data that have provided the basis of the guidelines.
Keywords Guidelines • Androgen deprivation therapy • Anthracycline • Atrial fibrillation • Arrhythmias • Biomarkers •
Cancer • Cancer survivors • Carcinoid syndrome • Amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis • Cardiac magnetic
resonance • Cardiac tumour • Cardio-oncology • Cardiotoxicity • Coronary artery disease • Chemotherapy •
Echocardiography • Fluoropyrimidine • Heart failure • Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation • Hormone therapy
• Hypertension • Immunotherapy • Ischaemic heart disease • Myocarditis • Pericardial disease • Pulmonary
hypertension • Thrombosis • Risk stratification • Trastuzumab • Valvular heart disease • Vascular endothelial
growth factor inhibitors (VEGFi) • Venous thromboembolism • Pericardial disease • Proteasome inhibitors • QTc
prolongation • Radiotherapy • Strain
The content of these European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use is authorized. No part of the ESC
Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the ESC. Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford University
Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journal and the party authorized to handle such permissions on behalf of the ESC ([email protected]).
Disclaimer: The ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were produced after careful consideration of the scientific and medical knowledge and the evidence available at the
time of their publication. The ESC is not responsible in the event of any contradiction, discrepancy and/or ambiguity between the ESC Guidelines and any other official recommendations
or guidelines issued by the relevant public health authorities, in particular in relation to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strategies. Health professionals are encouraged to take the
ESC Guidelines fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement, as well as in the determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic medical strat-
egies; however, the ESC Guidelines do not override, in any way whatsoever, the individual responsibility of health professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in consid-
eration of each patient’s health condition and in consultation with that patient and, where appropriate and/or necessary, the patient’s caregiver. Nor do the ESC Guidelines exempt health
professionals from taking into full and careful consideration the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by the competent public health authorities, in order to
manage each patient’s case in light of the scientifically accepted data pursuant to their respective ethical and professional obligations. It is also the health professional’s responsibility to
verify the applicable rules and regulations relating to drugs and medical devices at the time of prescription.
This article has been co-published with permission in the European Heart Journal and the European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging. © The European Society of Cardiology 2022. All
rights reserved. The articles are identical except for minor stylistic and spelling differences in keeping with each journal’s style. Either citation can be used when citing this article. For
permissions please e-mail: [email protected].
ESC Guidelines 3
8.8. Metabolic syndrome, lipid abnormalities, diabetes mellitus, Recommendation Table 12 — Recommendations for baseline
and hypertension ............................................................................................. 90 risk assessment and monitoring during Bruton tyrosine kinase
8.9. Pregnancy in cancer survivors .......................................................... 90 inhibitor therapy ................................................................................................... 39
8.10. Pulmonary hypertension ................................................................... 91 Recommendation Table 13 — Recommendations for baseline
9. Special populations ......................................................................................... 91 risk assessment and monitoring during multiple myeloma
9.1. Cardiac tumours ..................................................................................... 91 therapies .......................................................................................................... 43
9.2. Pregnant patients with cancer .......................................................... 91 Recommendation Table 14 — Recommendations for baseline
9.2.1. Left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure .............. 92 risk assessment and monitoring during combined rapidly
Recommendation Table 31 — Recommendations for the Table 6 Factors that could influence peri-operative risk during
management of atrial fibrillation in patients receiving anticancer cancer surgery and preventive strategies .................................................. 26
treatment ................................................................................................................. 69 Table 7 Cancer treatments that predispose to acute coronary
Recommendation Table 32 — Recommendations for the syndromes ............................................................................................................... 63
management of long corrected QT interval and ventricular Table 8 Risk factors for drug-induced QT prolongation and
arrhythmias in patients receiving anticancer treatment ...................... 72 torsade de pointes ............................................................................................... 70
Recommendation Table 33 — Recommendations for the Table 9 Classification of corrected QT interval prolongation
management of arterial hypertension in patients receiving induced by cancer drug therapy .................................................................... 70
MedDRA Medical dictionary for regulatory activities SMART Second manifestations of arterial disease
MEK Mitogen-activated extracellular sPAP Systolic pulmonary artery pressure
signal-regulated kinase SPEP Serum protein electrophoresis
MHD Mean heart dose STEMI ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
MI Myocardial infarction STIR Short tau inversion recovery
MM Multiple myeloma STS PROM Society of Thoracic Surgeons – Predicted
MUGA Multigated acquisition nuclear imaging Risk of Mortality
N No SVT Supraventricular tachycardia
©ESC 2022
useful/effective, and in some cases
may be harmful.
In addition to the publication of Clinical Practice Guidelines, the ESC Consideration was given to diversity and inclusion, notably with respect
carries out the EURObservational Research Programme of internation- to gender and country of origin. A critical evaluation of diagnostic and
al registries of cardiovascular diseases and interventions, which are es- therapeutic procedures was performed, including assessment of the
sential to assess diagnostic/therapeutic processes, use of resources risk–benefit ratio. The level of evidence and the strength of the recom-
and adherence to guidelines. These registries aim at providing a better mendation of particular management options were weighed and scored
understanding of medical practice in Europe and around the world, according to predefined scales, as outlined below. The Task Force fol-
based on high-quality data collected during routine clinical practice. lowed the ESC voting procedures. All recommendations subject to a
Furthermore, the ESC develops sets of quality indicators (QIs), vote achieved at least 75% among voting members.
which are tools to evaluate the level of implementation of the guide- The experts of the writing and reviewing panels provided declar-
lines and may be used by the ESC, hospitals, healthcare providers and ation of interest forms for all relationships that might be perceived as
professionals to measure clinical practice, and in educational pro- real or potential sources of conflicts of interest. Their declarations of
grammes, alongside the key messages from the guidelines, to im- interest were reviewed according to the ESC declaration of interest
prove quality of care and clinical outcomes. rules and can be found on the ESC website (
The Members of this Task Force were selected by the ESC to re- Guidelines) and have been compiled in a report and published in a
present professionals involved with the medical care of patients with supplementary document simultaneously to the guidelines.
this pathology. The selection procedure aimed to ensure that there is This process ensures transparency and prevents potential biases in
a representative mix of members predominantly from across the whole the development and review processes. Any changes in declarations
of the ESC region and from relevant ESC Subspecialty Communities. of interest that arise during the writing period were notified to the
10 ESC Guidelines
ESC and updated. The Task Force received its entire financial support after their cancer treatments with respect to their cardiovascular (CV)
from the ESC without any involvement from the healthcare industry. health and wellness. This guideline provides guidance on the definitions,
The ESC CPG supervises and coordinates the preparation of new diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer therapy-related CV
guidelines. The Committee is also responsible for the approval pro- toxicity (CTR-CVT), and the management of CV disease (CVD)
cess of these guidelines. The ESC Guidelines undergo extensive re- caused directly or indirectly by cancer. This area of medicine has lim-
view by the CPG and external experts, including a mix of ited trials and evidence on which to base decision-making and,
members from across the whole of the ESC region and from relevant where evidence is limited, this guideline provides the consensus of
ESC Subspecialty Communities and National Cardiac Societies. After expert opinion to guide healthcare professionals.
High risk
Low risk
Figure 1 Video 1 Central Illustration: Dynamics of cardiovascular toxicity risk of patients with cancer over their therapy continuum. CS, cancer
survivors; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk fac-
tors; CTR-CVT risk is a dynamic variable that changes through the pathway of care, and is influenced by several conditions including age, cancer
history, pre-existing CVRF or CVD, and previous cardiotoxic cancer therapy. The CTR-CVT risk changes during and after treatment according
to type, dose, frequency, and duration of oncology treatment (blue solid line). Pre-existing CVRF, CVD, or previous cancer treatments may increase
the magnitude of acute and long-term CV toxicity risk (purple solid line). CTR-CVT risk remains variable in extent during anticancer treatment and
may or may not gradually increase over time (dotted lines). Cardio-oncology strategy may reduce the magnitude of CTR-CVT by: (1) optimizing CVD
and CVRF management (green arrows); (2) considering cardioprotective strategies in high-risk patients (green arrows); (3) organizing cancer treat-
ment surveillance; and (4) introducing early cardioprotection after the detection of subclinical CTR-CVT (purple arrows). CV risk assessment within
the first year after completion of cardiotoxic cancer therapy identifies CS who require long-term follow-up. Cancer survivorship programmes that
include annual CV risk assessment and CVRF/CVD management are recommended to minimize long-term CV adverse events (brown arrows).
minimizing CTR-CVT across the entire continuum of cancer care.5 therapies with CV toxicity risk, surveillance should continue until the
Before initiation of cancer therapies with a known CV toxicity profile, treatment is finished.6–8 There is also the need for re-assessment of
the cardio-oncology team should identify and treat CV risk factors CV risks in patients requiring treatment for secondary malignancies.
(CVRF) and pre-existing CVDs and define an appropriate prevention
and surveillance plan for early identification and appropriate manage-
ment of potential CV complications (Figure 2). Another important as- 2.3. General principles of
pect is the participation in interdisciplinary discussions regarding the cardio-oncology
benefits and risks of certain cancer treatments and their continuation A guiding principle of cardio-oncology is the integration of clinical dis-
or interruption should side effects become apparent. After cancer ciplines. Cardio-oncology providers must have knowledge of the
treatment has been completed, the focus shifts to co-ordination of broad scope of cardiology, oncology, and haematology management.5
long-term follow-up and treatment. For patients on long-term cancer Recommendations are formed regarding the most permissible (from a
12 ESC Guidelines
Annual CVRF
Assessment at 1 year assessmente
Low risk Standard
after completion of
patients surveillance
cancer therapy Reassessment if new CV
Figure 2 Cardio-oncology care pathways. BP, blood pressure; CS, cancer survivors; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity;
CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; ECG, electrocardiogram; ESC, European Society of
Cardiology; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HFA, Heart Failure Association; ICOS, International Cardio-Oncology Society; NP, natriuretic pep-
tides; RT, radiotherapy; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aCV surveillance according to baseline CV toxicity risk, type of cancer, cancer
stage, and cancer therapy. bCTR-CVT risk assessment is recommended during the first year after cardiotoxic cancer treatment to establish a
long-term follow-up care plan. cThe use of HFA-ICOS risk assessment tools should be considered to assess CTR-CVT risk in patients with can-
cer scheduled to receive cardiotoxic anticancer therapy. Clinical assessment and ECG are recommended at baseline in all patients with cancer
and echocardiography, cardiac biomarkers, or other cardiac imaging tests in selected patients according to baseline CV toxicity risk and cancer
treatment type (see Figure 7). dCardio-oncology referral is recommended when available, alternatively patients should be referred to a specia-
lized cardiologist with expertise in managing CVD in patients with cancer. eAnnual CV risk assessment (including clinical review, BP, lipid profile,
HbA1c, ECG, and NP) and CVRF management is recommended in CS who were treated with a potentially cardiotoxic cancer drug or RT to a
volume exposing the heart.
CVD perspective) and the most effective (from an oncological per- scope of CV therapies, including healthy lifestyle promotion and
spective) cancer treatment. Adjudication of CV events occurring in pa- pharmacological, device, and surgical treatments.4,9,10
tients on active therapy is another important aspect of The principle underlying the dynamic course of CTR-CVT develop-
cardio-oncology practice.1,3 This is in addition to recommendations ment in patients with cancer is that the absolute risk depends on their
on best treatment and management practices. This includes the full baseline risk and changes with exposure to cardiotoxic therapies over
ESC Guidelines 13
Age, sex,
Previous Medical
risk factors
risk factors
Figure 3 Baseline cardiovascular toxicity risk assessment checklist. BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related
cardiovascular toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, CV disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; ECG, electrocardiogram; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration
rate; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-BNP; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aIncluding blood pressure, heart rate, height,
weight, and body mass index. bCardiac biomarkers (troponin and NP) should be measured in patients at risk of CTRCD where available and results should
be interpreted according to the patient clinical status, type of cancer treatment, and kidney function. cConsider other CV complementary tests in selected
patients: cardiac magnetic resonance, coronary computed tomography angiography, CPET (in selected patients for pre-operative [lung, colon, and rectal can-
cers] risk stratification). See Section 4.6.
time (Figure 3).11 This has been recognized in conceptual models, with still be at high risk according to the severity of the event, which would
risk stratification tools designed to grade patients with cancer into lead to interruption of cancer treatment, e.g. a significant decline in
low, moderate, high, and very high risk of CV complications prior to left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF) to , 40% with anthracy-
starting treatment. These have been published by the Heart Failure cline chemotherapy. The timeline of these developments may also be
Association (HFA) of the ESC in collaboration with the International rather different. After the cardiotoxic cancer treatment has been
Cardio-Oncology Society (ICOS) (see Section 4).12,13 Severity, dur- completed, a new risk assessment is recommended to establish differ-
ation, and type of manifestation of CTR-CVT vary by type of malig- ent long-term trajectories of CV health. These trajectories are im-
nancy and cancer treatment. The risk itself can be understood in pacted by the permanent CV toxic effects and cardiac or vascular
two ways: (1) the likelihood of its occurrence and (2) the severity of injury of some cancer therapies, patient-related CVRF, environmental
the complication (Figure 4). For example, a patient could be very likely factors, and stressors (e.g. acute viral infections). The aim should be to
to experience a CTR-CVT, but if this event is mild, oncology treat- personalize approaches to minimize CTR-CVT and improve both
ment should continue. Conversely, a patient at low likelihood could cancer and CV outcomes.
14 ESC Guidelines
Severe and
Mild Moderate
very severe
Figure 4 Dimensions of cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity risk and disease severity. CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related cardiovascular tox-
icity; CV, cardiovascular. The ultimate risk is the combination of the likelihood (based on reported incidence) and degree (severity or grade) of the adverse
event. The most vulnerable patient groups are those at high likelihood of experiencing a severe adverse event. The level of attention that needs to be
devoted to these patients varies accordingly. The risk and type of CTR-CVT, as well as the potential for reversibility, depends on different factors, listed in
Figure 3, that should be considered to define global CV and oncological prognosis and to individualize CTR-CVT surveillance. Additional factors that add to
the complexity of CTR-CVT risk assessment are the cancer type and prognosis, and type, duration, and intensity of cancer treatment.
Symptomatic CTRCD (HF)a,b Very severe HF requiring inotropic support, mechanical circulatory support, or
consideration of transplantation
Severe HF hospitalization
Moderate Need for outpatient intensification of diuretic and HF therapy
Mild Mild HF symptoms, no intensification of therapy required
© ESC 2022
Ventricular arrhythmias
ACS, acute coronary syndromes; AF, atrial fibrillation; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCS, chronic coronary syndromes; CMR,
cardiac magnetic resonance; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; ECV, extracellular volume fraction; EMB,
endomyocardial biopsy; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; HFmrEF, HF with mildly reduced ejection fraction; HFpEF, heart
failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left
ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; PAD, peripheral artery disease; QTcF,
corrected QT interval using Fridericia correction; SCORE2, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2—Older Persons.
See Supplementary data, Table S1 for expanded definitions.
With LVEF and supportive diagnostic biomarkers based on the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic HF.14
Symptomatic CTRCD represents HF, which is a clinical syndrome consisting of cardinal symptoms (e.g. breathlessness, ankle swelling, and fatigue) that may be accompanied by signs (e.g.
elevated jugular venous pressure, pulmonary crackles, and peripheral oedema) and has traditionally been divided into distinct phenotypes based on the measurement of LVEF: ≤40% =
HFrEF; 41–49% = HFmrEF; ≥50% = HFpEF.
cTnI/cTnT . 99th percentile, BNP ≥ 35 pg/mL, NT-proBNP ≥ 125 pg/mL or new significant rise from baseline beyond the biological and analytical variation of the assay used.
Clinical diagnoses should be confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging or EMB if possible and without causing treatment delays. Treatment with immunosuppression should be
promptly initiated while awaiting further confirmatory testing in symptomatic patients.
Both troponin I and troponin T can be used; however, clinical observations suggest that troponin T may be falsely elevated in patients with concomitant myositis and without myocarditis.15–17
According to local protocols.
Diagnostic CMR: Based on updated Lake Louise criteria18: T2-based criterion + T1-based criterion + supportive criteria (T2-based criteria: regional or global increase of native T2, or T2 signal
intensity; T1-based criteria: regional or global increase of native T1, or regional or global increase in the ECV, or presence of LGE; supportive criteria: pericarditis and/or regional or global LV
systolic dysfunction).
Suggestive CMR: meeting some but not all of the modified Lake Louise criteria. The presence of T2- or T1-based criteria may support a diagnosis of acute myocardial inflammation in the
appropriate clinical scenario.
SCORE2 (,70 years), SCORE2-OP (≥70 years) or equivalent.19 CV risk stratification: ,50 years: low risk ,2.5%, moderate risk 2.5% to ,7.5%, high risk ≥7.5%; 50–69 years: low risk ,5%;
moderate risk 5% to ,10%; high risk ≥10%; ≥70 years: low risk ,7.5%, moderate risk 7.5% to ,15%, high risk ≥15%.
QTcF 480–500 ms: correct reversible causes, minimize other QT prolonging medications, close QTcF monitoring. Fridericia correction is recommended (QTcF = QT/3√RR).20
4. Cardiovascular toxicity risk CVD prevention strategies require a personalized approach. Risk
assessment is a challenging task and it is vital that clinicians adopt a
stratification before anticancer systematic approach without delaying oncological treatment.12,21,22
therapy Figure 5 provides a comprehensive approach to risk assessment.
The choice of the cardiac tests (electrocardiogram [ECG], biomar-
The optimal time to consider CVD prevention strategies in patients kers, and imaging) should be individualized based on CV risk and
with cancer is at the time of cancer diagnosis and prior to the initi- the planned cancer treatments.
ation of cancer treatment.4,5 This enables the oncology team to con-
sider CV risk while making cancer treatment choices, educating
patients regarding their CV risk, personalizing CV surveillance and 4.1. General approach to cardiovascular
follow-up strategies, and making appropriate referrals of high-risk pa- toxicity risk in patients with cancer
tients to cardio-oncology services. These strategies are needed to Pre-treatment CTR-CVT risk assessment should ideally be per-
mitigate CVD risk, and improve the adherence to effective cancer formed using a recognized risk stratification method where multiple
treatments and the overall survival. risk factors are incorporated to determine patient-specific risk.23
ESC Guidelines 17
Figure 5 Baseline cardiovascular toxicity risk assessment before anticancer therapy. BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD,
cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, CV disease; CVRF, CV risk factors; ECG, electrocardiogram; ESC, European
Society of Cardiology; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HFA, Heart Failure Association; ICOS, International Cardio-Oncology Society; LVEF, left ven-
tricular ejection fraction; NP, natriuretic peptides (including BNP and NT-proBNP); NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-BNP peptide; QTc, corrected QT
interval; QTcF, corrected QT interval using Fridericia correction; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aWhen assessing CVRF, include information
about unhealthy lifestyle including sedentary behaviour, smoking, and alcohol intake. bSee Figure 3. cAccording to cancer treatment and HFA-ICOS
risk assessment. dcTnI/T . 99th percentile, BNP ≥ 35 pg/mL, NT-proBNP ≥ 125 pg/mL. ePatients with baseline LVEF , 50% or in the low normal
range (LVEF 50–54%) should be referred to a specialized cardiologist or cardio-oncologist. When TTE is used, ideally three-dimensional-LVEF and GLS
should be measured. If GLS assessment is not available, other markers of longitudinal function (e.g. annular Doppler velocity) should be considered.
Cardiac magnetic resonance should be considered if echocardiography is of non-diagnostic quality. fAnaemia, infections, electrolyte abnormalities, meta-
bolic problems, other QTc-prolonging drugs. gCardio-oncology referral is recommended when available; alternatively, patients should be referred to a
specialized cardiologist with expertise in managing CVD in patients with cancer.
Only a limited number of retrospective risk scores have been pub- validation is needed, HFA-ICOS risk assessment tools should be con-
lished in patients with cancer. Most of these scores have been devel- sidered to determine pre-treatment risk of CTR-CVT as they are
oped for specific cancer-patient groups and cannot be readily applied easy to use and implement in oncology and haematology services
or extrapolated to other type of malignancies.24–29 While further (Table 4; Supplementary data, Tables S2–S7).12,13 Other CV risk
18 ESC Guidelines
Table 4 Heart Failure Association–International Cardio-Oncology Society baseline cardiovascular toxicity risk
Previous CVD
HF/cardiomyopathy/ VH VH VH H VH VH
© ESC 2022
significant smoking history
Obesity (BMI . 30 kg/m2) M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1
AF, atrial fibrillation; BCR-ABL, breakpoint cluster region–Abelson oncogene locus; BMI, body mass index; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BP, blood pressure; CABG, coronary artery
bypass graft; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; DM, diabetes
mellitus; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; H, high risk; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HER2, human epidermal receptor 2; HF, heart failure; IMiD,
immunomodulatory drugs; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; M, moderate risk; MEK, mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; MI, myocardial
infarction; MM, multiple myeloma; NP, natriuretic peptides (including BNP and NT-proBNP); NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; PCI, percutaneous coronary
intervention; PE, pulmonary embolism; PH, pulmonary hypertension; PI, proteasome inhibitors; QTc, corrected QT interval; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma; RT,
radiotherapy; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitors; ULN, upper limit of normal; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors; VH, very high risk; VHD, valvular heart disease.
An expanded version of this table is provided in Supplementary data, Tables S2–S7.
Risk level: Low risk = no risk factors OR one moderate1 risk factor; moderate risk (M) = moderate risk factors with a total of 2–4 points (Moderate 1 [M1] = 1 point; Moderate
[M2] = 2 points); high risk (H) = moderate risk factors with a total of ≥5 points OR any high-risk factor; very-high risk (VH) = any very-high risk factor.
AF, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, or ventricular fibrillation.
Elevated above the ULN of the local laboratory reference range.
Systolic BP . 140 mmHg or diastolic BP . 90 mmHg, or on treatment.
eGFR , 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
HbA1c . 7.0% or .53 mmol/mol, or on treatment.
Non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol .3.8 mmol/L (.145 mg/dL) or on treatment.
High risk if anthracycline chemotherapy and trastuzumab delivered concurrently.
Previous malignancy (not current treatment protocol).
This table refers to anthracycline equivalence dose using doxorubicin as a reference. Note that these isoequivalent doses are derived from paediatric CS.
CS, cancer survivors; CV, cardiovascular.
Data for idarubicin are based upon an estimated anticancer efficacy ratio, not derived from cardiotoxicity data. The CV toxicity dose ratio provides the value that should be used to
multiply the dose of the anthracycline of interest to convert to isoequivalent doses of doxorubicin; e.g. to convert 125 mg/m2 of epirubicin to doxorubicin isoequivalent, multiply the dose
by 0.8 (125 mg/m2 × 0.8 = 100 mg/m2 of doxorubicin).
calculators (e.g. SMART [Second manifestations of arterial disease] assessment of CV risk, considering that cancer itself may increase
risk score, ADVANCE [Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: the likelihood of CVD.19,23,30,31
Preterax and Diamicron-MR Controlled Evaluation] risk score, Baseline risk assessment should be considered by the treating on-
SCORE2 [Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2], SCORE2-OP cology or haematology team for all patients diagnosed with cancer
[Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2—Older Persons], ASCVD who are scheduled to receive a cancer treatment identified to
[AtheroSclerotic Cardiovascular Disease] risk score, U-Prevent, have a clinically significant level of CRT-CVT, or by a cardiologist if
and lifetime risk calculators) may be considered at baseline for the appropriate. In the case of patients scheduled to receive
20 ESC Guidelines
HFA-ICOS results
Figure 6 General cardio-oncology approach after Heart Failure Association–International Cardio-Oncology Society cardiovascular toxicity risk assess-
ment. CV, cardiovascular; CVD, CV disease; CVRF, CV risk factors; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; HFA, Heart Failure Association; ICOS,
International Cardio-Oncology Society. aCardio-oncology referral is recommended when available; alternatively, patients should be referred to a spe-
cialized cardiologist with expertise in managing CVD in patients with cancer.
anthracycline chemotherapy, the total planned cumulative anthracy- recommended for patients identified to be at high or very high
cline dose is also relevant, and ≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin or risk for CTR-CVT at baseline (Table 4) to institute strategies to miti-
equivalent should be considered higher risk (Table 5).32 gate risk.33 Patients at moderate risk can benefit from closer cardiac
CV risk stratification results should be discussed with the patient monitoring, strict management of traditional CVRF, and selected
and documented in clinical notes. This process will also enable future moderate-risk patients may also benefit from a cardio-oncology re-
validation of these tools. ferral (Figure 6). Low-risk patients can be followed within the oncol-
Cardiology referral (cardio-oncology programme or cardiolo- ogy programme with appropriate referral to cardio-oncology if a
gist with expertise in managing CVD in patients with cancer) is CTR-CVT emerges or new or uncontrolled CVRF appear.
ESC Guidelines 21
Recommendation Table 1 — Recommendations for a prevention includes interventions in patients with prior or active
general approach to cardiovascular toxicity risk CVD or previous CTR-CVT.12
categorization Reviewing traditional risk factors for CVD is recommended.
Where present, the efficacy of treatment and control of these modi-
Recommendations Classa Levelb
fiable risk factors should be determined to ensure optimal control
CV toxicity risk stratificationc before starting during cancer therapy.4,34 Although recent SCORE2 and
potentially cardiotoxic anticancer therapy is
I B SCORE2-OP19 tables are not focused on patients with cancer, risk
recommended in all patients with calculation is recommended for patients with cancer .40 years of
4.3. Electrocardiogram
A baseline 12-lead ECG is a readily available test that can provide im-
4.2. History and clinical examination portant clues to underlying CVD. ECG evidence of chamber enlarge-
A careful clinical history and physical examination is recommended as ment, conduction abnormalities, arrhythmias, ischaemia, or prior
part of the baseline risk assessment. Oncology patients can be di- myocardial infarction (MI), and low voltages should be interpreted
vided into two cohorts with respect to the presence or absence of in the clinical context. A baseline ECG is recommended prior to
pre-existing CVD. A primary prevention strategy can be considered starting a cancer treatment known to cause QTc prolongation.44–49
in patients without previous CVD or CTR-CVT while secondary Measurement of QTc using the Fridericia correction (QTcF) is
22 ESC Guidelines
HER2-targeted therapiesc
Second- and third-generation BCR-ABL TKId patients
BTK inhibitors
All other
Osimertinib patients
All other
RT to a volume including the heart CVD
HSCT patients
Figure 7 Baseline screening recommendations for patients with cancer treated with potentially cardiotoxic drugs. 3D, three-dimensional; ADT, andro-
gen deprivation therapy; AL-CA, amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis; BC, breast cancer; BCR-ABL, breakpoint cluster region-Abelson oncogene locus;
BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BTK, Bruton tyrosine kinase; CAR-T, chimeric antigen receptor T cell; CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; CMR, cardiac mag-
netic resonance; cTn, cardiac troponin; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HER2,
human epidermal receptor 2; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction;
MEK, mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; NP, natriuretic peptides (including BNP and NT-proBNP); NT-proBNP, N-terminal
pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; PI, proteasome inhibitors; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma; RT, radiotherapy; TIL, tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes;
TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitors; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. aIncluding patients scheduled to
receive ADT for prostate cancer, CDK 4/6 inhibitors, endocrine hormone therapy for BC and anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors. bTTE is recom-
mended as the first-line modality for the assessment of cardiac function. 3D echocardiography is recommended to measure LVEF. GLS is recommended
in all patients with cancer having echocardiography, if available. CMR should be considered when echocardiography is unavailable or not diagnostic.
Baseline cTn measurement should be considered (Class IIa, Level A) in low- and moderate-risk patients post-anthracycline chemotherapy but prior
to starting HER2-targeted therapies. Baseline NP and cTn measurement may be considered (Class IIb, Level C) in low- and moderate-risk patients.
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in patients scheduled to receive dasatinib (Class I, Level C). eNP and cTn measurements are recommended
at baseline in patients with AL-CA (Class I, Level B).
ESC Guidelines 23
recommended.44–48 When baseline QTcF prolongation is recog- A few studies of paediatric and adult patients requiring an-
nized, the correction of reversible causes and the identification of thracycline chemotherapy have reported that patients with can-
genetic conditions that prolong QT is recommended (see Section cer with an increased cTn before treatment were more likely to
6.4.2).45 develop CTRCD.56–58 However, most published studies have
Left atrial enlargement on baseline ECG before ibrutinib has not reported on the prognostic value of baseline cTn measure-
been shown to be a predictor for the development of atrial fibril- ments, possibly due to the low prevalence of patients with pre-
lation (AF) during chemotherapy.50,51 The presence of atrioven- vious CVD or CVRF in these studies.55,59,60 A study of 251
tricular (AV) conduction delays and premature atrial complexes women receiving trastuzumab for early HER2-positive breast
© ESC 2022
CTRCD if these biomarkers are going to be I C titative assessment of LV and right ventricular (RV) function, cham-
Myocardial Characterization
T2w (STIR), T1, T2 maps, LGE
Other parameters
Figure 8 Recommended transthoracic echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging parameters in the evaluation of patients with cancer.
2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; BP, blood pressure; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; E, mitral inflow early diastolic velocity obtained by pulsed
wave; e′ , early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus obtained by tissue doppler imaging; echo, echocardiography; FAC, fractional area change; FWLS, free wall
longitudinal strain; GLS, global longitudinal strain; IVC, inferior vena cava; LAV, left atrial volume; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LS, longitudinal strain; LV,
left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVV, left ventricular volume; RA, right atrial; RV, right ventricular; RVEF, right ventricular ejection fraction;
RVV, right ventricular volume; s′ , systolic velocity of tricuspid annulus obtained by doppler tissue imaging; STIR, short tau inversion recovery; TAPSE, tricuspid
annular plane systolic excursion; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; TRV, tricuspid regurgitation velocity. aChanges in systemic arterial BP and loading con-
ditions may influence cardiac function measurements.
ESC Guidelines 25
volumes.54,75–79 If 3D echocardiography is not feasible (e.g. unavail- cardiomyopathy), CMR should be considered for further risk
able or poor tracking), the modified two-dimensional (2D) assessment.
Simpson’s biplane method is recommended.80,81 In patients with in- Functional imaging tests for myocardial ischaemia—including
adequate TTE image quality, ultrasound-enhancing contrast agents stress echocardiography, perfusion CMR, or nuclear myocardial per-
should be added to improve evaluation of LV function and volumes fusion imaging—should be performed to assess for ischaemia in
if two or more LV segments are not well visualized.82 Alternatively, in symptomatic patients (stable angina, limiting dyspnoea) if clinical sus-
subjects with poor-quality echocardiography windows, when avail- picion of coronary artery disease (CAD) exists, especially prior to
able, CMR should be considered (Figure 8).14,72,83,84 If TTE and use of cancer therapies associated with vascular toxicity (e.g. fluoro-
ability.86–89 Determination of GLS using speckle tracking is MUGA may be considered when TTE is not
recommended at baseline, using three apical views,90 particularly diagnostic and CMR is not available.106–108
in moderate- and high-risk patients. Baseline GLS can predict
Baseline cardiac imaging prior to potentially cardiotoxic
LVD89–94 in patients receiving anthracyclines and/or trastuzumab.
Strain measurements may be subject to inter-vendor variability95
Baseline comprehensive TTE is recommended in
and serial GLS measurement for each patient is recommended to
© ESC 2022
all patients with cancer at high risk and very high
be performed using the same machine/software. A median GLS I C
risk of CV toxicity before starting anticancer
change of 13.6% predicted a future fall in LVEF with a 95% upper limit
of GLS reduction of 15%.93 Using the 15% cut-off improves specifi-
city and is therefore the threshold recommended when monitoring 3D, three-dimensional; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CTR-CVT, cancer
GLS during cancer therapy. Global circumferential strain96 has been therapy-related CV toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; GLS, global longitudinal strain; LVEF,
left ventricular ejection fraction; MUGA, multigated acquisition nuclear imaging; TTE,
reported to identify patients at risk of CTRCD, but data are currently transthoracic echocardiography.
insufficient to recommend its use routinely. Baseline LV diastolic a
Class of recommendation.
function may be associated with a small risk of subsequent systolic Level of evidence.
Specific recommendations for baseline CV imaging in patients with cancer at low or
dysfunction, especially with anthracyclines and trastuzumab, al- moderate risk of CTR-CVT are included in Section 5.
though the evidence is not consistent.97,98 Chest computed tomog- d
Except asymptomatic patients referred to breakpoint cluster region-Abelson oncogene
raphy (CT) or CMR may be helpful for identifying subclinical CVD locus therapy (BCR-ABL) where baseline TTE should be considered (see Figure 7
and Section 5.5.5).
such as coronary calcium or intracardiac masses on readily available
routine imaging performed for cancer staging.99
In the secondary prevention setting or patients with symptoms or 4.6. Cardiopulmonary fitness assessment
signs of pre-existing CVD, a careful evaluation should begin with a Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) assesses the inte-
comprehensive TTE.73 This is both to obtain baseline assessment grative capacity of the CV system to transport oxygen and energy
as in the primary prevention setting and to determine the severity substrate to skeletal muscle during exercise,109 described as cardio-
of the underlying CVD. In case of poor-quality or uninterpretable respiratory fitness (CRF). CPET can therefore provide a more global
TTE images, or if a specific CVD is identified (e.g. hypertrophic assessment of CV health than organ-specific tools. CPET-derived
26 ESC Guidelines
CRF—typically measured as the peak rate of oxygen consump- dysfunction.37,126–128 It should be noted that with the advent of
tion110,111 or metabolic equivalents111,112 during exercise—is one immunotherapies, germline genes may not be the only genetic pre-
of the most robust predictors of CV health and longevity,113,114 dispositions to CTR-CVT. A study of patients with ICI-associated
and improves risk classification.115–121 Evidence for CPET pre- myocarditis identified that the selective clonal T-cell populations
treatment is limited to pre-operative risk stratification particularly infiltrating the myocardium were identical to those present in tu-
for patients with lung,122 colon,123 and rectal124 cancers. Whether mours and skeletal muscle, with ribonucleic acid sequencing stud-
CPET performed prior to cardiotoxic cancer therapies is prognostic ies revealing expression of cardiac-specific genes in the tumour,129
of future CV events is unknown. raising the intriguing possibility that somatic mutations in the tu-
Table 6 Factors that could influence peri-operative risk during cancer surgery and preventive strategies
Factors that could influence peri-operative risk during cancer surgery Preventive strategies
Patient-related • Lifestyle risk factors: smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle • Optimal management of CVRF and
factors • Poorly controlled CVRF: hypertension, DM CVD (Section 5)
• Pre-existing CVD including CTR-CVT • Optimize VTE and ATE preventive
• Cardiac medications that increase peri-operative bleeding risk (e.g. antiplatelets and strategies (Section 6)
• Historical primary malignancy
• Current cancer type, stage and location
Neoadjuvant cancer • Neoadjuvant cardiotoxic cancer treatments (see Section 5; especially anthracycline • Ensure optimal CV monitoring of
therapy chemotherapy and/or trastuzumab, ICI, VEGFi, fluoropyrimidine, and thoracic RT) neoadjuvant therapy (Section 5)
© ESC 2022
• Cancer treatments that increase peri-operative bleeding risk (e.g. VEGFi, BTK • Optimize VTE and ATE preventive
inhibitors) strategies (Section 6)
• Thrombocytopaenia caused by cancer treatment
ATE, arterial thromboembolism; BTK, Bruton tyrosine kinase; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF,
cardiovascular risk factors; DM, diabetes mellitus; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; RT, radiotherapy; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors; VTE, venous
ESC Guidelines 27
counteract anticancer treatment side effects and different types of Poor CRF is associated with a higher prevalence of acute and
training can be prescribed during cancer therapy according to a pa- chronic CTR-CVT and exercise positively impacts CRF during
tient’s individual characteristics.133 A healthy lifestyle decreases the chemotherapy, although in a recent meta-analysis, the ability of exer-
risks of cancer, CVD, and transition from diagnosed cancer to subse- cise to prevent CTRCD is unclear.136,137 CVRF must be corrected
quent CVD.134,135 with intensive treatment of arterial hypertension,138 DM,139 and
Baseline CV risk
In patients at high and very high
1°prevention risk of CTRCD
ACE-I/ARB and beta-blockers
Dexrazoxane/liposomal anthracyclines
(patients treated with anthracyclines)
Figure 9 Primary and secondary cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity prevention. ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angio-
tensin receptor blockers; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related cardiovascular
toxicity; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; ESC, European Society of Cardiology.12 Left panel represents examples of five different primary
or secondary prevention strategies definition based on the history of pre-existing CVD and/or prior CTR-CVT. Right panel describes general strategies to
mitigate CTR-CVT risk in patients at high and very high risk of CTRCD.
28 ESC Guidelines
dyslipidaemia,140 and underlying CVD and modifiable comorbidities Pegylated and non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin164,165,168
should be managed according to appropriate 2021 ESC Guidelines modify pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution without com-
on CVD prevention in clinical practice (Figure 9).19 promising antitumour efficacy. Pegylated and non-pegylated liposo-
Special attention should also be paid to the polypharmacy fre- mal doxorubicin are approved for metastatic BC and pegylated
quently seen in patients with cancer, reducing the use of drugs liposomal doxorubicin is also approved for advanced ovarian can-
that may interfere with cancer therapies to the essential and ac- cer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related Kaposi sar-
tively monitoring their CV side effects and drug–drug interac- coma, and MM. In a recent meta-analysis of 19 trials, in both the
tions.141 Electrolyte imbalances such as hypokalaemia and adjuvant and metastatic context, liposomal doxorubicin was re-
© ESC 2022
Statins should be considered for primary The release of cTn and NP differ for different cancer treatments.
prevention in adult patients with cancer at high IIa B Therefore, an increase in biomarker level should be interpreted in
and very high CV toxicity risk.h,149,176–185 the patient clinical context (cancer treatment timing and
ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; comorbidities).
CV, cardiovascular; CVD, CV disease; CVRF, CV risk factors; ESC, European Society It is important to consider that generally accepted cut-offs and ref-
of Cardiology; HER2, human epidermal receptor 2; HF, heart failure; HFA, Heart
erence values of CV biomarkers have not been established for pa-
Failure Association; ICOS, International Cardio-Oncology Society; MEK,
mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; PI, proteasome inhibitors; tients with cancer or for those who receive cancer therapies. In
RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor addition, levels of NP and cTn may differ according to local labora-
a tories and may be altered by many factors, including age, sex, renal
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. function, obesity, infections, and comorbidities such as AF and
Without delaying cancer treatments. pulmonary embolism (PE).53,63,195–197
As per the European Medicine Agency: ≥350 mg/m2 doxorubicin or equivalent; as per the
United States Food and Drug Administration: ≥300 mg/m2 doxorubicin or equivalent.
See Section 5.2.1 for specific liposomal doxorubicin type and malignancies. 5.4.2. Cardiac imaging
Carvedilol (preferred beta-blocker for CV protection if there is no contraindication),186
Cardiac imaging plays a critical role in clinical decision-making during
bisoprolol, controlled/extended-release metoprolol succinate and nebivolol.
VEGFi and bevacizumab, RAF inhibitor, MEK inhibitor, PI, dasatinib, ponatinib, and the cancer process.72,198 Imaging techniques—particularly advanced
osimertinib. echocardiography and CMR—facilitate early diagnosis and manage-
According to HFA-ICOS risk assessment tools (Section 4.1; Table 4).
ment of CTR-CVT.22,54,94 The frequency of cardiac imaging monitor-
ing during therapy should be adapted according to the estimated
baseline risk12 and the expected CTR-CVT manifestation.54 The car-
5.3. Secondary prevention strategies diac imaging technique used should be based on local expertise and
Secondary prevention refers to interventions in patients with pre- availability, and the same imaging modality (i.e. 3D-TTE, 2D-TTE,
existing CVD, including prior CTR-CVT, and new emerging CMR) is recommended throughout the entire treatment to decrease
CTR-CVT during cancer therapy. CVD and comorbidities should re- inter-technique variability.94,199,200 Cardiac imaging should be per-
ceive the optimal therapy before and during cancer therapy as dis- formed at any time if patients receiving cardiotoxic therapies present
cussed in previous sections. Regular clinical assessments, physical with new cardiac symptoms.
examinations, and CV investigations (including 12-lead ECG, TTE, New definitions of CTRCD are presented in Section 3.1 Early
and cardiac biomarkers) are recommended in patients receiving spe- recognition of asymptomatic CTRCD allows clinicians to incorp-
cific cardiotoxic cancer therapies, with the frequency of surveillance orate cardioprotective therapy before there is a significant decline
guided by baseline risk and the emergence of new in LVEF, which may or may not be reversible, and also decreases
CTR-CVT.5,12,33,53,54,187–190 the risk of interruptions in cancer therapy, which could otherwise
affect patients’ survival.22,43,72,94 For the diagnosis and manage-
ment of asymptomatic CTRCD during cancer treatment, TTE—in-
Recommendation Table 6 — Recommendation for
secondary prevention of cancer therapy-related car- cluding 3D-LVEF and GLS assessment—is the preferred technique
diovascular toxicity to detect and confirm cardiac dysfunction.72,83,93,102 GLS evalu-
ation is particularly important in patients with low-normal LVEF
Recommendation Classa Levelb to confirm or not asymptomatic myocardial damage.201 It is re-
commended to use the same vendor to analyse GLS during cancer
© ESC 2022
3M 12 M
Baseline C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 post tx post tx
risk TTEa
cTnb / NPb
Moderate TTEa a
cTnb / NPb
High and
very high TTE
a a
cTn / NP
Figure 10 Cardiovascular toxicity monitoring in patients receiving anthracycline chemotherapy. cTn, cardiac troponin; C, chemotherapy cycle;
ECG, electrocardiogram; M, months; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; tx, treatment. Biomarker and TTE assessment
should ideally be performed before the corresponding anthracycline cycle (C1–C6). aCardiac magnetic resonance should be considered for the assess-
ment of cardiac function when TTE is unavailable or not diagnostic. In moderate-risk patients, TTE should be considered after a cumulative dose of
≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin or equivalent. In low-risk patients, TTE may be considered after a cumulative dose of ≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin or equiva-
lent. bMeasurement of NP and/or cTn is recommended in all patients with cancer if these biomarkers are going to be used during treatment monitoring.
cTn and NP monitoring every two cycles during anthracycline chemotherapy and within 3 months after therapy completion may be considered in low-risk
patients (Class IIb, Level C). cTn and NP monitoring every two cycles during anthracycline chemotherapy and within 3 months after therapy completion
should be considered in moderate-risk patients and in low-risk patients receiving a cumulative dose of ≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin or equivalent (Class IIa,
Level C).
limit in the meta-analysis of GLS to predict future significant LVEF In patients with poor TTE image quality or when TTE is not diag-
reduction.93 Using the 15% threshold will maximize specificity and nostic, CMR should be considered, including fast strain-encoded
minimize overdiagnosis of CTRCD and guide cardioprotective CMR when available.105,204–206 MUGA can be considered as a third-
therapy.1,4,93 line modality.
ESC Guidelines 31
© ESC 2022
anthracycline chemotherapy and within 3 months
statements.53,54 Classifying patients based on their risk of IIb C
after therapy completion may be considered in
anthracycline-induced CV toxicity has allowed the early implemen-
low-risk patients.55,59,212,213
tation of personalized preventive strategies (Section 5.2.1).14
Patients with pre-existing CVD should be treated with guideline- cTn, cardiac troponin; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.
based medical therapy.14,19,207
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
If echocardiography is unavailable or non-diagnostic, follow general cardiac imaging
modalities recommendations (see Section 4.5).
Recommendation Table 7 — Recommendations for
baseline risk assessment and monitoring during an-
thracycline chemotherapy and in the first 12 months
after therapy
5.5.2. HER2-targeted therapies
Recommendations Class a
Level b HER2-targeted therapies are a crucial part of the treatment of
patients with HER2-positive invasive BC in both early and meta-
TTE static settings. In the neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant settings, drugs
Baseline echocardiographyc is recommended in all currently approved are trastuzumab, pertuzumab, trastuzumab
patients with cancer before anthracycline I B emtansine, and neratinib. In the metastatic setting, trastuzumab,
chemotherapy.12,24,208–210 pertuzumab, trastuzumab emtansine, tucatinib, and trastuzumab
In all adults receiving anthracycline chemotherapy, deruxtecan are currently approved.214–216 Trastuzumab can
an echocardiogram is recommended within 12 I B also be used in patients with HER2-overexpressing metastatic
months after completing treatment. 208 gastric adenocarcinomas in combination with platinum-based
In high- and very high-risk patients, chemotherapy and either capecitabine or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).
echocardiography is recommended every two It is recognized that anti-HER2 therapies may lead to LVD in
I C up to 15–20% of patients and to overt HF if surveillance is
cycles and within 3 months after completing
treatment.24,208–210 missed, or in high- and very high-risk patients.217–220 LV function
surveillance based on LVEF and GLS is recommended prior to
In moderate-risk patients, additional
and every 3 months during HER2-targeted therapies treatment
echocardiography should be considered after a
IIa C surveillance (Figure 11).22 However, this single algorithm has
cumulative dose of ≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin
not been tested in low- or high-risk patients and increased fre-
or equivalent.7
quency of assessment (according to local availability) is recom-
In low-risk patients, additional echocardiography
mended in high-risk patients.
may be considered after a cumulative
IIb C The use of cardiac serum biomarkers to identify CTRCD is
dose of ≥250 mg/m2 of doxorubicin or
less well-defined during anti-HER2 treatments.217 Measurement
of cTn in BC patients after anthracycline-based chemotherapy
Cardiac serum biomarkers but prior to trastuzumab should be considered, as an elevated
Baseline measurement of NP and cTn is cTn identifies patients at higher risk of trastuzumab-induced
recommended in high- and very high-risk patients I B CTRCD. Serial NP measurement was more sensitive than cTn
prior to anthracycline chemotherapy. at predicting subsequent declines in LVEF during trastuzumab
Continued treatment.74
32 ESC Guidelines
3M 12 M
Baseline 3M 6M 9M 12 M
post tx post tx
Low and
moderate TTEc
cTnd / NPd
High and
very high TTEc
cTn / NP
Figure 11 Cardiovascular toxicity monitoring in patients receiving human epidermal receptor 2-targeted therapies. cTn, cardiac troponin; CV,
cardiovascular; EBC, early breast cancer; ECG, electrocardiogram; HER2, human epidermal receptor 2; M, months; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, trans-
thoracic echocardiography; tx, treatment. This protocol refers to CV toxicity monitoring in patients receiving neoadjuvant or adjuvant anti-HER2 tar-
geted therapies for non-metastatic disease or first year in metastatic disease. Biomarker assessment should ideally be performed before the
corresponding trastuzumab cycle. TTE should be performed in week 2 or 3 of a 3-weekly trastuzumab cycle. aIn low-risk HER2+ EBC patients who
are asymptomatic and with a normal assessment after 3 months, reducing TTE monitoring to every 4 months may be considered (Class IIb, Level C).
In low- and moderate-risk metastatic HER2+ disease, TTE surveillance can be reduced to every 6 months after the first year in asymptomatic patients
with normal TTE assessment (Class I, Level C). bIn high- and very high-risk metastatic HER2+ disease, TTE monitoring every 2–3 cycles may be considered
depending on the absolute risk and local availability. cCardiac magnetic resonance should be considered for the assessment of cardiac function when TTE
is unavailable or not diagnostic. dMeasurement of NP and/or cTn is recommended in all patients with cancer if these biomarkers are going to be used
during treatment monitoring. eBaseline cTn measurement should be considered in low- and moderate-risk patients after anthracycline chemotherapy
but prior to starting anti-HER2 targeted therapies for CV toxicity risk prediction.
For patients requiring adjuvant chemotherapy and Recommendation Table 8 — Recommendations for
anti-HER2-targeted therapy, the use of non-anthracycline chemo- baseline risk assessment and monitoring during hu-
therapy should be considered by the MDT according to man epidermal receptor 2-targeted therapies and in
the first 12 months after therapy
risk of relapse, cardiac risks, and in discussion with the
treating oncologist.217 When anthracycline chemotherapy in the Recommendations Classa Levelb
(neo)-adjuvant setting is necessary, sequential use (anthracyclines
followed by taxanes and anti-HER2 agents) has been shown TTE
to significantly decrease the incidence of CTRCD in several Baseline echocardiographyc is recommended
adjuvant trials, compared with concomitant use in earlier before HER2-targeted therapies in all patients.225
trials.220–224 Continued
ESC Guidelines 33
In patients receiving neoadjuvant or adjuvant is up to 10%.232 Among the several mechanisms responsible for
HER2-targeted therapies, echocardiography is 5-FU-induced myocardial ischaemia are coronary vasospasm and
recommended every 3 months and within 12 endothelial injury.233 Chest pain and ischaemic ECG changes usually
months after completing treatment.225,226 occur at rest (less typically during exercise) within days of drug ad-
In low-risk HER2+ EBC patientsd who are ministration and sometimes persist even after treatment cessation.
asymptomatic and with a normal assessment after CTR-CVT risk markedly increases in patients with cancer with pre-
3 months, reducing monitoring to every 4 months existing CAD. Aggressive control of modifiable CVRFs, according to
may be considered. the 2021 ESC Guidelines on CVD prevention in clinical practice,19 is
© ESC 2022
post-anthracycline chemotherapy but prior to Screening for CADd may be considered in patients
starting anti-HER2-targeted therapies.55,62 at high and very high risk of CADc before IIb C
NP and cTn monitoring at baseline, every 3 fluoropyrimidines.
© ESC 2022
months, and 12 months after therapy may be BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CV, cardiovascular; CVD,
considered in low- and moderate-risk HER2+ cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin;
SCORE2, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic Coronary
EBC patients.d,55
Risk Estimation 2—Older Persons.
BC, breast cancer; cTn, cardiac troponin; CV, cardiovascular; EBC, early breast cancer; Class of recommendation.
HER2, human epidermal receptor 2; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic Level of evidence.
echocardiography. SCORE2 (,70 years) or SCORE2-OP (≥70 years) CV risk stratification: ,50 years:
Class of recommendation. low risk ,2.5%, moderate risk 2.5% to ,7.5%, high risk ≥7.5%; 50–69 years: low risk
Level of evidence. ,5%; moderate risk 5% to ,10%; high risk ≥10%; ≥70 years: low risk ,7.5%,
If echocardiography is unavailable or non-diagnostic, follow general cardiac imaging moderate risk 7.5% to ,15%, high risk ≥15%.
modalities recommendations (see Section 4.5). According to pre-existing CVD and local protocols.234
These recommendations are also applicable for HER2+ non-BC patients.
Every 2–3 cycles depending on the absolute risk and local availability.
Patients at low and moderate risk.
5.5.4. Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors
Aberrant activation of kinases plays a critical role in both the devel-
5.5.3. Fluoropyrimidines opment of numerous cancer types and in CV and metabolic homeo-
Fluoropyrimidines such as 5-FU and its oral prodrug capecitabine stasis. Inhibition of the VEGF signalling pathway is achieved with
are mainly used for gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies and advanced either monoclonal antibodies (administered i.v.) against circulating
BC. The most common CTR-CVTs are angina pectoris, VEGF or with small-molecule TKI (taken orally) targeting VEGF re-
ischaemia-related ECG abnormalities, hypertension, Takotsubo syn- ceptors.236 VEGFi are used for the treatment of numerous cancer
drome (TTS), and MI (even in patients with normal coronary arter- types, including renal, thyroid, and hepatocellular carcinomas.
ies),1,4,10,43,229,230 with rarer CTR-CVT including myocarditis, However, their use is associated with a wide array of CV complica-
arrhythmias, and peripheral arterial toxicity (Raynaud’s phenomenon tions including hypertension, HF, QTc prolongation, and acute vascu-
and ischaemic stroke).231 The incidence of myocardial ischaemia var- lar events (Figure 12).131,237–240 It can be challenging to assess the
ies according to the dose, scheduling, and route of administration and prognosis of patients experiencing severe CV side effects because
34 ESC Guidelines
Monoclonal antibodies
Figure 12 Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors-related cardiovascular toxicities. ATE, arterial thromboembolism; EMA, European Medicines
Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HF, heart failure; HTN, hypertension; MedDRA, medical dictionary for regulatory activities; MI, myocardial
infarction; ↑QTc, corrected QT interval prolongation; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitors; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFi, vascular endothe-
lial growth factor inhibitors; VTE, venous thromboembolism. Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical trials or during post-marketing use are listed
by system organ class (in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the available data, a blank space has been left.
Bevacizumab: hypertension frequency 5–42% (EMA); 60–77% of the patients who received bevacizumab in combination with erlotinib. Pre-existing
hypertension should be adequately controlled before starting treatment. Ramucirumab: hypertension frequency 16–26% (EMA/FDA); in combination
with erlotinib, the incidence of hypertension was 24–45%. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension were excluded from the trials. Figure developed
from EMA prescribing information,252 FDA prescribing information.253
these drugs are often used in patients with advanced cancer. The goal LVD and HF occur in a minority of patients in RCTs,245 but are re-
must be to continue VEGFi treatment for as long as possible with ini- ported more frequently in routine practice246 and are often revers-
tiation or optimization of CV treatment if indicated. ible.247 Acute arterial events (aortic dissection, stroke, arterial
Hypertension is a class effect and is the most reported adverse thrombosis, acute coronary events, vasospasm) and venous
event under VEGFi treatment. It occurs within hours or days, is dose- thromboembolism (VTE) can also complicate treatment with
dependent, and is usually reversed by VEGFi discontinu- VEGFi.248 QTc prolongation has been described with sunitinib, sor-
ation.131,239,241–243 The risk is higher in patients with pre-existing afenib, and vandetanib,249 but it is rarely related to severe arrhythmic
hypertension or CVD, previous anthracycline treatment, advanced events, except with vandetanib.250 Some small-molecule TKI (e.g.
age, history of smoking, hyperlipidaemia, and/or obesity (Table 4).4,244 sorafenib and sunitinib) can cause AF251 and HF.43,129,247
ESC Guidelines 35
A baseline CV risk assessment includes clinical examination, BP recommended for high- and very high-risk patients.14 Patients with
measurement, and an ECG with baseline QTcF measurement (see impaired LV function and/or patients at high or very high risk of de-
Section 4).20 Especially in patients with known hypertension, BP veloping HF should be referred to the cardiologist before starting
should be controlled before VEGFi therapy. A baseline TTE is VEGFi therapy.14
Baseline 3M 4M 6M 8M 9M 12 M Every
6–12 M
risk TTEb
High and
very high TTEb,d
Figure 13 Cardiovascular toxicity monitoring in patients receiving vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. ECG, electrocardiogram; M, months;
NP, natriuretic peptides; QTc, corrected QT interval; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. aIn pa-
tients treated with VEGFi at moderate or high risk of QTc prolongation, ECG is recommended (Class I, Level C) monthly during the first 3 months and
every 3–6 months thereafter (Section 6.4). Consider an ECG 2 weeks after starting treatment in high-risk patients and new monitoring in the case of any
dose increase (see Section 6.4.2). bCardiac magnetic resonance should be considered for the assessment of cardiac function when TTE is unavailable or not
diagnostic. cMeasurement of NP is recommended in all patients with cancer if these biomarkers are going to be used during treatment monitoring. dTTE
and NP should be considered at 4 weeks after starting treatment in very high-risk patients.
36 ESC Guidelines
Monitoring during and after treatment is indicated for all patients Echocardiography may be considered every 4
treated with a VEGFi and is based on close clinical follow-up using months during the first year in moderate-risk IIb C
serial ECGs, biomarkers, and echocardiography. Early recognition patients receiving VEGFi or bevacizumab.
and treatment of hypertension are essential to prevent other CV Echocardiography should be considered every 3
complications, especially HF. Home BP monitoring is recommended months during the first year in high- and very
daily during the first cycle, after each increase of anticancer therapy high-risk patients receiving a VEGFi or
dose, and every 2–3 weeks thereafter.138,254,255 When treatment bevacizumab.e
with a VEGFi is stopped, a drop in BP must be anticipated and Echocardiography every 6–12 months should be
© ESC 2022
after starting treatment, and them every 3 months
detection of CTRCD, although evidence is weak IIa C
during the first year in high- and very high-risk
(Figure 13).138,254,255
patients receiving a VEGFi.
BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; NP, natriuretic peptides; QTc, corrected
QT interval; QTcF, corrected QT interval using Fridericia correction; VEGFi, vascular
Recommendation Table 10 — Recommendations for endothelial growth factor inhibitors.
Class of recommendation.
baseline risk assessment and monitoring during vascu- b
Level of evidence.
lar endothelial growth factor inhibitors c
QTc interval using Fridericia correction (QTcF = QT/3√RR) is the preferred method.
Consider an ECG 2 weeks after starting treatment in high-risk patients and new
Recommendations Classa Levelb monitoring in the case of any dose increase (see Section 6.4.2).
An additional echocardiography 4 weeks after starting treatment should be considered
BP monitoring in selected high- and very high-risk patients according to local availability, especially if
cardiac biomarker surveillance is not available.
BP measurement is recommended for patients
treated with VEGFi, bevacizumab, or I C
ramucirumab at every clinical visit.
5.5.5. Multitargeted kinase inhibitors targeting
Daily home monitoring of BP for patients treated
with VEGFi during the first cycle, after each
I C Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) results from aberrant acti-
increase of VEGFi dose, and every 2–3 weeks
vation of ABL1 kinase due to a chromosomal translocation.
thereafter is recommended.
Small-molecule TKIs targeting BCR-ABL—including imatinib,
ECG monitoring bosutinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, and ponatinib—have proven ef-
In patients treated with VEGFi at moderate or fective in the treatment of CML. The toxicities associated
high risk of QTc prolongation, QTcc monitoring is with these TKIs are unique and due to ‘off-target’ effects of
recommended monthly during the first 3 months each drug. Dasatinib is associated with group 1 pulmonary
and every 3–6 months thereafter.d hypertension (PH), HF, and pleural and pericardial effusion,
Echocardiography whereas nilotinib and ponatinib are generally associated
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in
with vascular events (Figure 14).131,256–259 Second-
high- and very high-risk patients treated with I C generation BCR-ABL TKI may induce a QTc prolongation
VEGFi or bevacizumab. (see Section 6.4.2). CV toxicity risk is higher in patients
aged .65 years (relative risk 1.8) and in those with under-
Baseline echocardiography should be considered
in low- and moderate-risk patients treated with a IIa C lying DM (relative risk 2.5), hypertension (relative risk 3.2) or
VEGFi or bevacizumab.
pre-existing CAD (relative risk 2.6). 256–258,260 Before
BCR-ABL TKI therapy, it is critical to define baseline CV tox-
icity risk with special attention to BP, glucose, and lipids.
ESC Guidelines 37
1st generation
2nd generation
3rd generation
Figure 14 Breakpoint cluster region–Abelson oncogene locus tyrosine kinase inhibitor-related cardiovascular toxicities. AF, atrial fibrillation; BCR-ABL,
breakpoint cluster region–Abelson oncogene locus; DL, dyslipidaemia; EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HF, heart
failure; HG, hyperglycaemia; HTN, hypertension; MedDRA, medical dictionary for regulatory activities; MI, myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral artery
disease; Peric-E, pericardial effusion; PH, pulmonary hypertension; Pleu-E, pleural effusion; ↑QTc, corrected QT interval prolongation; TKI, tyrosine kinase
inhibitors; VascTox, vascular toxicity (stroke, MI, PAD). Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical trials or during post-marketing use are listed by
system organ class (in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the available data, a blank space has been left.261
Figure developed from EMA prescribing information,252 FDA prescribing information.253
38 ESC Guidelines
Baseline 3M 6M 9M 12 M
6–12 M
ECG Bosutinib
Dasatinib Nilotinib
Nilotinib Ponatinib
Lipid profile/
HbA1c Ponatinib
TTE Dasatinib
Figure 15 Second- and third-generation breakpoint cluster region–Abelson oncogene locus tyrosine kinase inhibitors surveillance protocol. ABI, ankle–
brachial index; BCR-ABL, breakpoint cluster region-Abelson oncogene locus; BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c,
glycated haemoglobin; M, months; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitors; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aCoronary artery calcium scoring can reclassify
CV risk upwards and downwards in addition to conventional risk factors, and may be considered in men and women with calculated CV risk around
decision thresholds.19
ESC Guidelines 39
Baseline ECG is recommended in all patients and QTc mon- oral inhibitor of BTK, has proven highly effective in chronic
itoring in patients treated with second-generation BCR-ABL lymphocytic leukaemia and related B-cell malignancies including
TKI. Depending on the type of therapy used, specific CV as- mantle cell lymphoma, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and mar-
sessments should be performed after drug initiation ginal zone lymphomas.262 These disorders are usually diagnosed in
(Figure 15).256 elderly patients in whom frequent comorbidities coexist at diagno-
sis that increase the risk of CTR-CVT.263,264 Ibrutinib has been as-
sociated with bleeding diathesis, infections, and an increased risk of
Recommendation Table 11 — Recommendations for hypertension, AF, and HF.265–267 Ibrutinib may also cause ventricular
5.5.6. Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors TTE is recommended in all patients who develop
Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors are increasingly used to AF during BTK inhibitor therapy.
treat lymphoid malignancies. Ibrutinib, a first-in-class irreversible Continued
40 ESC Guidelines
© ESC 2022
Opportunistic screening for AF by pulse-taking or
I the treatment of MM using a range of combinations. These include
ECG rhythm strip is recommended at every C
273 immunomodulatory drugs (IMiD), dexamethasone, PI, and monoclo-
clinical visit during BTK inhibitor therapy.
nal antibodies (e.g. daratumumab). PI—including bortezomib, carfil-
AF, atrial fibrillation; BP, blood pressure; BTK, Bruton tyrosine kinase; DM, diabetes zomib, and ixazomib—have become a mainstay of therapy for
mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; HF, heart failure; QTc, corrected QT interval; TTE,
transthoracic echocardiography; VHD, valvular heart disease.
newly diagnosed MM as well as relapsed disease.276,277 Several large
Class of recommendation. studies using combination therapy for MM have demonstrated an in-
Alkylating agents
Immunomodulatory drugs
Proteasome inhibitorsa
Monoclonal antibodies
Figure 16 Multiple myeloma drug-related cardiovascular toxicities. AF, atrial fibrillation; ATE, arterial thromboembolism; DM, diabetes mellitus; EMA,
European Medicines Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HF, heart failure; HG, hyperglycaemia; HTN, hypertension; MedDRA, medical dictionary
for regulatory activities; MI, myocardial infarction; PH, pulmonary hypertension; VTE, venous thromboembolism. Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical
trials or during post-marketing use are listed by system organ class (in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the
available data, a blank space has been left. aIxazomib produces peripheral oedema in up to 18% of patients and hyperglycaemia in combination with lenalidomide
or pomalidomide and dexamethasone. Figure developed from EMA prescribing information,252 FDA prescribing information.253
ESC Guidelines 41
BP at every BP home
High and BP and ECG
clinical visit monitoring
very high
risk NP every cycle during the first 6 cycles
under carfilzomib or bortezomiba
BP at every BP home
BP and ECG
Cardiac clinical visit monitoring
NP and cTn NP and cTn every 3-6 months
Figure 17 Cardiovascular monitoring in patients with multiple myeloma receiving proteasome inhibitors. BP, blood pressure; CMR, cardiac magnetic
resonance; cTn, cardiac troponin; ECG, electrocardiogram; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aEvery 2 months for patients
treated with ixazomib.
and increased baseline CV risk.282,283 PI have been associated with a In a safety analysis of patients with MM being treated with carfilzo-
variety of CV toxicities including hypertension, HF,284 acute coron- mib, 7.2% of patients were found to have new HF.284 In another
ary syndromes (ACS),66 arrhythmias,285 PH,286 and VTE study, 23% of patients with MM treated with carfilzomib developed
(Figure 16).287,288 During therapy, cardiac biomarkers and TTE are clinical HF and/or LVD.289 The mechanism is not well understood
important diagnostic and prognostic tools that can inform clinical but is possibly related to PI-induced oxidative stress within myocytes,
decision-making (Figure 17).66 inhibition of the proteasome, or transient endothelial dysfunc-
HF—especially HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)—is a tion.281,283 Although no studies have yet addressed the optimal
frequent manifestation of cardiac amyloidosis, but it is also an im- follow-up scheme in patients with MM treated with PI, a common
portant adverse effect of PI therapy, especially under carfilzomib. scheme consists of 3–6-monthly visits with ECG, complete blood
42 ESC Guidelines
Risk factors for venous thromboembolic events in patients with multiple myeloma
Figure 18 Risk factors for venous thromboembolic events in patients with multiple myeloma. BMI, body mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM,
diabetes mellitus; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
tests (including NP and cTn) and echocardiography surveillance dur- with a combination of carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexametha-
ing PI therapy.290 A recent prospective study of patients with re- sone had higher rates of VTE compared with those treated with
lapsed MM confirmed the utility of NP to assist in risk stratification lenalidomide and dexamethasone (6.6% vs. 3.9%).279
as well as management of CV morbidity during treatment.66 Oncological guidelines recommend the use of aspirin or prophy-
Hypertension, another adverse effect of PI, may also contribute to lactic doses of low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) in low-
the development of HFpEF. risk patients receiving thalidomide- or lenalidomide-based regi-
Patients with MM are at elevated risk of thrombosis due to both mens.298 In patients at high risk of VTE, therapeutic doses of
patient- and myeloma-related factors, particularly the combin- LMWH are recommended.299 The role of non-vitamin K antagon-
ation of PI and IMiD (Figure 18).279,287,291–297 In the ASPIRE ist oral anticoagulants (NOAC) in MM patients needs further val-
(Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone vs. idation in larger trials, but recent small studies have confirmed the
Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone for the Treatment of efficacy and safety of low doses of apixaban and rivaroxaban for
Patients with Relapsed Multiple Myeloma) study, patients treated VTE prevention.300–302
ESC Guidelines 43
© ESC 2022
a b
Recommendations Class Level (excluding previous VTE) at least during the first 6
months of therapy.300–302
BP monitoring
AL-CA, amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis; BP, blood pressure; cTn, cardiac
BP measurement is recommended for patients troponin; HF, heart failure; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparins; MM, multiple
treated with PI at every clinical visit. myeloma; NP, natriuretic peptides; PI, proteasome inhibitors; TTE, transthoracic
MEK inhibitors
Figure 19 Rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma and mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibitor-related cardiovascular toxicities. AF, atrial
fibrillation; BLEED, increased bleeding risk; DM, diabetes mellitus; EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HF, heart failure;
HG, hyperglycaemia; HTN, hypertension; MedDRA, medical dictionary for regulatory activities; MEK, mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase;
PE, pulmonary embolism; ↑QTc, corrected QT interval prolongation; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma; SBr, sinus bradycardia; SVT, supraventricular
tachycardia; VTE, venous thromboembolism. Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical trials or during post-marketing use are listed by system organ class
(in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the available data, a blank space has been left. aDabrafenib is related with
SBr. Encorafenib is related with SVT. Vemurafenib rarely causes AF. Trametinib is related with bradycardia in some post-marketing reports. bPeripheral oe-
dema is very common. Figure developed from EMA prescribing information,252 FDA prescribing information.253
and beta-blockers) have not been evaluated in patients treated by beta-adrenergic signalling, which also controls the p38 mito-
with MEK and RAF inhibitors but, from a mechanistic perspective, gen-activated protein kinases pathway, associated with cardiotoxic
beta-blockers might prevent CTRCD induced by MEK inhibitors. effects. Beta-blockers might exert their cardioprotective effects
The MEK/ERK pathway has a cardiac protective effect, regulated by reducing p38 signalling.315
Recommendation Table 14 — Recommendations for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during combined rap-
idly accelerated fibrosarcoma and mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibitor therapy
BP monitoring at each clinical visit and weekly outpatient monitoring during the first 3 months of treatment and monthly thereafter is
In patients treated with cobimetinib/vemurafenib, an ECG is recommended at 2 and 4 weeks after initiation of treatment and every 3
months thereafter.c
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in all high- and very high-risk patients scheduled to receive combined RAF and MEK
Baseline echocardiography may be considered in low- and moderate-risk patients scheduled to receive combined RAF and MEK
© ESC 2022
Echocardiography should be considered every 4 months during the first year in high- and very high-risk patients receiving combined RAF
and MEK inhibitors.
BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; MEK, mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
Consider an ECG and new monitoring in the case of any dose increase (see Section 6.4.2).
ESC Guidelines 45
5.5.9. Immune checkpoint inhibitors tremelimumab), programmed death-1 (PD-1) (nivolumab, ce-
Immunotherapies, which harness the immune system to des- miplimab, pembrolizumab), and programmed death-ligand 1
troy cancer cells, come in different forms but the most widely (PD-L1) (atezolizumab, avelumab, durvalumab) expressed in
used are ICI.316 The immune checkpoints are proteins ex- the cancer cells, with the consequent cytotoxic immune re-
pressed in the T cells that inhibit their activation when they sponse. By blocking these checkpoints from binding with their
contact a body cell. ICI include monoclonal antibodies that partner proteins, ICI inhibit the ‘off’ signal, activating T cells
block the immune brakes or regulators, cytotoxic T and promoting killing of cancer cells. Although their patho-
lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) (ipilimumab, physiology is not clearly defined, ICI may also trigger an
Baseline C2 C3 C4 6 M–
3Cc 12 Md
CV assessmenta
risk TTE
CV assessmenta
riskb TTE
Figure 20 Cardiovascular surveillance in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BP, blood pressure; C,
chemotherapy cycle; cTn, cardiac troponin; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction;
ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; M, months; NP, natriuretic peptides (including BNP and
NT-proBNP); NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aIncluding physical examination, BP,
lipid profile, and HbA1c. bDual ICI, combination ICI-cardiotoxic therapy, ICI-related non-CV events, prior CTRCD or CVD. cEvery three cycles until
completion of therapy to detect subclinical ICI-related CV toxicity. dIn patients who require long-term (.12 months) ICI treatment.
46 ESC Guidelines
overactivation of T cells against non-cancerous tissues, leading Serial ECG and cTn measurements should be
to immune-related adverse events.317 Immune-related CV side considered before ICI doses 2, 3, and 4, and if
effects may lead to life-threatening CV complications such as normal, reduce to every three doses until IIa B
fulminant myocarditis, myopericarditis, cardiac dysfunction, ar- completion of therapy to detect subclinical
rhythmias, or MI, which often results in the discontinuation of ICI-related CV toxicity.333
ICI.318,319 CV assessmentd is recommended every 6–12
The largest case series of 122 patients with ICI-associated months in high-risk patientsc who require
myocarditis had early onset of symptoms (median of 30 days long-term (.12 months) ICI treatment.321–
events (.90 days) are less well characterized but generally ex-
© ESC 2022
CV assessmentd may be considered every 6–12
hibit a higher risk of non-inflammatory HF, progressive athero- months in all patients who require long-term IIb C
sclerosis, hypertension, and mortality rates.321 Other CV (.12 months) ICI treatment.
toxicities described during ICI therapy are MI, AV block, supra-
ventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, sudden death, BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BP, blood pressure; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD,
cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular
Takotsubo-like syndrome, non-inflammatory HF, hypercholes- disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; ICI, immune
terolaemia, pericarditis, pericardial effusion, ischaemic stroke, checkpoint inhibitors; NP, natriuretic peptides; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type
and VTE.322 A meta-analysis including 32 518 patients receiving natriuretic peptide.
Class of recommendation.
ICI treatment reported an increased risk of myocarditis, peri- b
Level of evidence.
cardial diseases, HF, dyslipidaemia, MI, and cerebral arterial is- c
Dual ICI, combination ICI-cardiotoxic therapy; ICI-related non-CV events, prior
chaemia.323 Conditions related with high baseline ICI-related CTRCD, or CVD.
Physical examination, BP, NP (BNP or NT-proBNP), lipid profile, HbA1c, and ECG.
CV toxicity risk include dual ICI therapy (e.g. ipilimumab and ni-
volumab), combination ICI therapy with other cardiotoxic ther-
apies, and patients with ICI-related non-CV events or prior 5.5.10. Androgen deprivation therapies for
CTRCD or CVD (Figure 20).324,325 All patients on ICI treat- prostate cancer
ment should have an ECG and troponin assay at baseline Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is prescribed in 40% of men
(Figure 20).326–329 High-risk patients should additionally have a with prostate cancer as neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant therapy to
TTE evaluation at baseline. Due to the lack of evidence-based RT or for biochemical relapse following prostate cancer surgery.
recommendations, the monitoring of ICI therapy is challenging. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists are the most fre-
Once started on therapy, ECG, cTn, and NP should be quently prescribed ADT. However, GnRH agonists are associated
checked.330–332 In the JAVELIN trial, which assessed avelumab with an increased CV risk and mortality, particularly in patients
plus axitinib vs. sunitinib, no clinical value was observed for on- with prostate cancer aged .60 years.337,338 Baseline risk stratifica-
treatment routine TTE monitoring in asymptomatic patients.333 tion in patients requiring GnRH agonists depends on vascular disease
However, in high-risk patients, and in those with high baseline risk (Figure 21).339,340 No dedicated CV toxicity risk calculators have
cTn levels, TTE monitoring may be considered. In patients been developed for patients receiving ADT. It was the consensus of
who develop ECG abnormalities, new biomarker changes, or the authors to recommend SCORE2 or SCORE2-OP to stratify CV
new cardiac symptoms at any time, prompt cardio-oncology risk in patients receiving ADT without previous CVD.19
evaluation is strongly recommended, including TTE for the The use of GnRH antagonists represents an alternative in the
evaluation of LVEF and GLS, and CMR when myocarditis is sus- treatment of prostate cancer, and preclinical and clinical (HERO
pected (Table 3).334 trial)341 data suggest that GnRH antagonist use is associated with sig-
nificantly lower overall mortality and CV events compared with ago-
nists.342 However, more research is needed in this field. In the
PRONOUNCE trial, no difference in MACE at 1 year was observed
Recommendation Table 15 — Recommendations for between degarelix (a GnRH antagonist) and leuprolide (a GnRH
baseline risk assessment and monitoring during
agonist), although the trial was stopped early.343 Lower CV event
rates were detected compared with previous studies and all patients
Recommendations Classa Levelb were reviewed by a cardiologist at enrolment (leading to optimal
CVRF management).343
ECG, NP, and cTn measurements are
The main CV effects to be considered are hypertension, DM, ischae-
recommended in all patients before starting ICI I B
mic heart disease (IHD) and CTRCD.339,344 ADT is uncommonly asso-
ciated with QTc prolongation and rarely causes torsade de pointes
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in (TdP) through blockade of testosterone effects on ventricular repolar-
high-risk patientsc before starting ICI therapy.333 ization.345,346 ECG monitoring and correction of QT prolongation pre-
Baseline echocardiography may be considered in cipitant factors (see Section 6.4.2; Table 9; Supplementary data,
all patients before starting ICI therapy. Table S13) is recommended340,347,348 during prostate cancer treatment
Continued if the baseline QTc interval is prolonged.49,339,340,347,349,350
ESC Guidelines 47
GnRH antagonist
2nd generation
androgen deprivation therapy
Figure 21 Androgen deprivation therapy-related cardiovascular toxicities. ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; AF, atrial fibrillation; DM, diabetes mel-
litus; EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HF, heart failure; HG, hypergly-
caemia; HTN, hypertension; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; MedDRA, medical dictionary for regulatory activities; MI, myocardial infarction; ↑QTc,
corrected QT interval prolongation; TdP, torsade de pointes. Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical trials or during post-marketing use are listed
by system organ class (in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the available data, a blank space has been left.
ADT may prolong the QTc interval. In patients with a history of risk factors for QT prolongation and in patients receiving concomitant medicinal pro-
ducts that might prolong the QT interval, physicians should assess the benefit/risk ratio including the potential for TdP prior to initiating the treatment.
Increased risk of QTc prolongation in combination with ADT.49,339,340,349,350 Figure developed from EMA prescribing information,252 FDA prescribing
48 ESC Guidelines
Recommendation Table 16 — Recommendations for high-dose tamoxifen were found to prolong QTc interval339,340;
baseline risk assessment and monitoring during an- however, no risk data have been published in patients treated with
drogen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer the standard tamoxifen dose used in BC (20 mg/day).
The risks of VTE, hypercholesterolaemia, and CVD should be dis-
Recommendations Classa Levelb
cussed with patients, while recognizing that the absolute benefits of
Baseline CV risk assessmentc and estimation of preventing BC recurrence usually outweigh the CV risks.339 In pa-
10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with tients ,70 years old without clinical manifestations of atherosclerot-
SCORE2 or SCORE2-OPd is recommended in I B ic disease, estimation of 10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with
© ESC 2022
Annual CV risk assessmentc is recommended Recommendation Table 17 — Recommendations for
during ADT.19,339,341,342 baseline risk assessment and monitoring during endo-
crine therapy for breast cancer
ACS, acute coronary syndromes; ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; BP, blood
pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCS, chronic coronary syndromes; CV, Recommendations Classa Levelb
cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; GnRH,
gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; QTc, corrected QT Baseline CV risk assessmentc and estimation of
interval; SCORE2, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic
10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with
Coronary Risk Estimation 2—Older Persons.
Class of recommendation. SCORE2 or SCORE2-OPd,e is recommended in I C
Level of evidence. BC patients receiving endocrine therapies without
BP, lipids, fasting glucose, HbA1c, ECG, and patient education on healthy lifestyle and
pre-existing CVD.19
lifestyle risk factor control is recommended.
SCORE2 (,70 years) or SCORE2-OP (≥70 years) CV risk stratification: ,50 years: Annual CV risk assessmentc is recommended
low risk ,2.5%, moderate risk 2.5% to ,7.5%, high risk ≥7.5%; 50–69 years: low during endocrine therapy in BC patients with high
risk ,5%; moderate risk 5% to ,10%; high risk ≥10%; ≥70 years: low risk ,7.5%, I C
moderate risk 7.5% to ,15%, high risk ≥15%.
10-year risk of (fatal and non-fatal) CV events
See Table 9. according to SCORE2/SCORE2-OP.d,e
CCS and ACS. CV risk assessmentc should be considered every 5
© ESC 2022
years in BC patients with low or moderate
10-year risk of (fatal and non-fatal) CV events
5.5.11. Endocrine therapies for breast cancer according to SCORE2/SCORE2-OP.d,e
Endocrine therapy is a common treatment as 65–70% of all early
BC, breast cancer; BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease;
and metastatic BC patients develop hormone receptor-positive ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; SCORE2, Systematic
disease.22 Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen, Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2—
toremifene) or aromatase inhibitors (AI) (letrozole, anastrozole, Older persons.
Class of recommendation.
or exemestane) are recommended in early BC (EBC) according b
Level of evidence.
to menopausal status, comorbidities, and the risk of disease relapse. c
BP, lipids, fasting glucose, HbA1c, ECG and patient education on healthy lifestyle and
The use of AI in combination with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) lifestyle risk factor control.
Or other validated CV risk scores.
4/6 inhibitors is recommended as first- or second-line therapy e
SCORE2 (,70 years) or SCORE2-OP (≥70 years) CV risk stratification: ,50 years:
in patient with hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative meta- low risk ,2.5%, moderate risk 2.5% to ,7.5%, high risk ≥7.5%; 50–69 years: low
static BC. risk ,5%; moderate risk 5% to ,10%; high risk ≥10%; ≥70 years: low risk ,7.5%,
moderate risk 7.5% to ,15%, high risk ≥15%.19
The use of AI increases the risk of dyslipidaemia, metabolic syn-
drome, hypertension, HF, and MI.339 In the ATAC (‘Arimidex’ and
Tamoxifen Alone or in Combination) trial, anastrozole-treated pa-
tients with pre-existing CAD experienced more CV events (17% 5.5.12. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors
vs. 10%) and cholesterol level elevation (9% vs. 5%) than those trea- The use of CDK 4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib, ribociclib, and abemaci-
ted with tamoxifen.351,352 Similarly, HF was significantly more com- clib) in combination with endocrine therapy is approved for the
mon with letrozole compared with tamoxifen in the BIG (Breast treatment of patients with hormone receptor-positive/
International Group) 1–98 trial.353 Longer AI treatment duration HER2-negative metastatic BC. This combination has resulted in im-
was associated with increased odds of developing CVD in two large provements in progression-free survival and, in some trials, overall
meta-analyses.354,355 Significantly increased VTE risk has been con- survival.357–359 CDK 4/6 inhibitors have demonstrated a potential
sistently demonstrated with tamoxifen351,353 and it is not recom- for QT prolongation,339,360 particularly with ribociclib. The phase
mended in patients with thrombotic risks. Toremifene and III trials of ribociclib incorporated routine ECG monitoring.361–368
ESC Guidelines 49
Baseline ECG is recommended and ECGs should be repeated at day crizotinib treatment should have cholesterol levels checked every
14 of the first cycle, before the second cycle, with any dose increase 3–6 months and treated if elevated.
and as clinically indicated.357
In patients who already have, or are at significant risk of develop-
5.5.14. Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors
ing, QT prolongation (Section 6.4.2), the risks/benefits for ribociclib
Osimertinib is an oral irreversible, epidermal growth factor receptor
should be discussed by a MDT. Importantly, the use of ribociclib
(EGFR)-TKI approved for patients with non-small cell lung cancer ex-
should be avoided in combination with drugs known to prolong
pressing EGFR mutations. Recent data have shown that osimertinib is
QT interval and/or strong CYP3A inhibitors.357
associated with an increased risk of QTc prolongation, AF, VTE, LVD,
bradycardia, AV block, QTc prolongation, hypertension, hypergly- ECG should be considered 4 weeks after starting
caemia, and dyslipidaemia.370,371 ACS and HF have rarely been de- therapy and every 3–6 months in patients during IIa C
scribed under crizotinib.372 A baseline ECG is recommended in ALK inhibitor therapy.
patients prior to starting an ALK inhibitor, especially crizotinib, ALK, anaplastic lymphoma kinase; BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; ECG,
and patients may have an ECG 4 weeks after the start of treatment electrocardiogram; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; HbA1c, glycated
and every 3–6 months thereafter, particularly if the baseline ECG is haemoglobin.
Class of recommendation.
abnormal. Home BP monitoring should be considered in patients b
Level of evidence.
treated with brigatinib or lorlatinib. Patients receiving lorlatinib or c
Physical examination, BP measurement, ECG, lipid profile, and HbA1c measurement.
50 ESC Guidelines
ALK inhibitors
EGFR inhibitors
Figure 22 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase and epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor-related cardiovascular toxicities. AF, atrial fibrillation; ALK, ana-
plastic lymphoma kinase; DL, dyslipidaemia; DM, diabetes mellitus; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA,
Food and Drug Administration; HF, heart failure; HG, hyperglycaemia; HTN, hypertension; MedDRA, medical dictionary for regulatory activities;
↑QTc, corrected QT interval prolongation; SBr, sinus bradycardia; VTE, venous thromboembolism. Adverse reactions reported in multiple clinical trials
or during post-marketing use are listed by system organ class (in MedDRA) and frequency. If the frequency is unknown or cannot be estimated from the
available data, a blank space has been left. aOsimertinib increases the risk of hypomagnesaemia. Figure developed from EMA prescribing information,252
FDA prescribing information.253
5.5.15. Chimeric antigen receptor CRS and to distinguish it from other conditions that occur in these
T cell and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes settings (infections, HF, drug reactions, and PE).378,386 Among adults,
therapies there was a relationship between CRS and CV events. An elevation in
CAR-T therapy is used for the treatment of acute lymphocytic leu- cTn is commonly seen in patients with CRS and is associated with an
kaemia and aggressive B-cell lymphomas.377 Although the reported increased risk for subsequent CV events.378 In a recent retrospective
incidence is variable, there is a growing recognition of the association pharmacovigilance study, CAR-T was associated with tachyarrhyth-
between CAR-T therapy and CTR-CVT, including LVD, HF, cardiac mias (AF the most common, followed by ventricular arrhythmias),
arrhythmias, pericardial effusion, TTS, and cardiac arrest.378–383 The cardiomyopathy, and pleural and pericardial diseases.379 Globally,
majority of the described CV toxicities have been shown to be asso- the fatality rate of CV and pulmonary adverse events was
ciated with the occurrence of cytokine release syndrome 30.9%.378,379,387 Early cardiac evaluation in patients with cTn increase
(CRS).377,384 Baseline CV evaluation including ECG, NP, and cTn is should include NP, ECG, and echocardiography (see Section 6.1.4 for
recommended in all patients. Baseline TTE should also be consid- management).388
ered, especially in patients with pre-existing CVRF and CVD. After Adoptive cellular therapy with TIL has emerged as an effective
receiving CAR-T therapy, patients may develop systemic inflamma- treatment option for unresectable stage III/IV metastatic melanoma.
tory syndromes.385 CRS should be suspected when a patient devel- With TILs, the CV toxicity appears to be related to direct myocardial
ops fever, with or without tachypnoea, tachycardia, hypotension, and vascular toxicity.380 Baseline assessment and CV surveillance in
hypoxia, and/or other end-organ dysfunction hours to days after patients before TIL therapies is the same pathway recommended
treatment.385 A high index of suspicion is necessary to diagnose for CAR-T therapies.
ESC Guidelines 51
Recommendation Table 20 — Recommendations for (1) Modification of cancer management to omit RT. This emphasizes
baseline risk assessment and monitoring in patients the importance of integrating a personalized cardio-oncology
receiving chimeric antigen receptor T cell and tumour- evaluation.402–404
infiltrating lymphocytes therapies
(2) Modification of the dose and volume of RT treatments where
Recommendations Classa Levelb possible. RT protocols should target the minimum volume re-
quired to the minimum dose needed to obtain the desired clin-
Baseline ECG, NP, and cTn are recommended in ical benefit.
all patients with cancer before starting CAR-T and I C
(3) Modification of delivery techniques to reduce cardiac radiation
© ESC 2022
Measurement of NP, cTn, and echocardiography
are recommended in patients who develop CRS I C The incidence of cardiac events following RT may vary according
of ASTCT ≥ 2.c,378,388 to patient risk factors and synergistic effects of radiation with other
cardiotoxic cancer treatments.12,173
ASTCT, American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy; CAR-T, chimeric
There are no known RT-specific secondary preventative mea-
antigen receptor T cell; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; cTn, cardiac troponin; CVD,
cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; NP, natriuretic peptides; TIL, sures (e.g. drug treatments) to reduce the risk of CV events fol-
tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes. lowing RT. However, given the known importance of
Class of recommendation.
b conventional CVRF on the incidence of RT-related events, opti-
Level of evidence.
Determine CRS grade according to ASTCT grading: Grade 1: fever; Grade 2: fever mization of modifiable CVRF is recommended in all patients
AND hypotension not requiring vasopressors AND/OR hypoxia requiring low-flow before and after RT.
nasal oxygen; Grade 3: fever AND hypotension requiring one vasopressor +
vasopressin AND/OR hypoxia requiring high-flow nasal cannula or facemask or
non-rebreather mask or Venturi mask; Grade 4: fever AND hypotension requiring
multiple vasopressors, not including vasopressin AND/OR hypoxia requiring positive
Recommendation Table 21 — Recommendations for
airway pressure. baseline risk assessment of patients before radiother-
apy to a volume including the heart
© ESC 2022
Baseline echocardiography should be considered
are most sensitive to RT-induced injury, and the most appropriate in patients with previous CVD before RT to a IIa C
strategies to minimize RT-related CVD.395,396 The heart is consid- volume including the heart.
ered a radiosensitive ‘organ at risk’ during RT and radiation expos-
ure to the heart should be kept as low as reasonably achievable BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG,
electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; RT, radiotherapy; SCORE2,
because there is no ‘safe’ dose (Figure 23).389,390 RT-induced CV Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic Coronary Risk
toxicity risk categorization based on MHD389,397 is recommended Estimation 2—Older Persons.
over categorization based on prescribed dose, which may not ac- Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
curately reflect cardiac radiation exposure (e.g. 35 Gray [Gy] pre- c
BP, lipids, fasting glucose, HbA1c, ECG and patient education on healthy lifestyle and
scribed dose to approximately 70% of the heart is equivalent to lifestyle risk factor control.
approximately 25 Gy MHD, whereas 35 Gy prescribed dose to ap- SCORE2 (,70 years) or SCORE2-OP (≥70 years) CV risk stratification: ,50 years:
low risk ,2.5%, moderate risk 2.5% to ,7.5%, high risk ≥7.5%; 50–69 years: low
proximately 40% of the heart is equivalent to approximately 15 Gy risk ,5%; moderate risk 5% to ,10%; high risk ≥10%; ≥70 years: low risk ,7.5%,
MHD). However, MHD is not a perfect metric, and in some pa- moderate risk 7.5% to ,15%, high risk ≥15%.19
tients, a very small portion of the heart might be irradiated to a
very high dose, still conveying a substantial risk despite a low
MHD.398 Therefore, depending on dose distribution and exposure 5.5.17. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
of specific cardiac substructures and CVRFs, the cancer treatment HSCT constitutes a potentially curative therapeutic option for many
team may judge the patient to belong to a higher-risk cat- haematological malignancies. Improvements in HSCT techniques and
egory.397,399–401 supportive strategies have markedly decreased treatment-related
Strategies to prevent and attenuate CV complications of RT mortality (Supplementary data, Table S14).409,410 There is a growing
have focused on reducing radiation exposure of the heart and recognition of HSCT-related CV toxicities and HSCT survivors con-
CV substructures during cancer treatment and include the stitute a population at high future CV risk. Several factors contribute
following. to define the risk of HSCT-related CV toxicities, including the HSCT
52 ESC Guidelines
RT doses CVa
toxicity risk
5 to 15 Gy MHDd
<5 Gy MHDe +
<5 Gy MHDe
cumulative doxorubicinc
≥100 mg/m2
Figure 23 Radiotherapy mean heart dose and associated cardiovascular toxicity risk. CV, cardiovascular; Gy, Gray; MHD, mean heart dose; RT, radio-
therapy. aRT risk categorization based on MHD is recommended over categorization based on prescribed dose, which may not accurately reflect cardiac
radiation exposure. Depending on dose distribution and exposure of specific cardiac substructures (as well as clinical risk factors) the treatment team may
judge the patient to belong to a higher risk category. In addition, a patient may be judged to belong to a lower risk category if only a small part of the heart
was exposed to a relatively low prescribed dose.397,399–401 bOr prescribed RT ≥ 35 Gy to a volume exposing the heart if MHD is not available. Note that
in this case, the limited information about cardiac exposure does not allow one to distinguish between high- and very high-risk categories. cOr equivalent.
Or prescribed RT 15–34 Gy to a volume exposing the heart if MHD is not available. eOr prescribed RT , 15 Gy to a volume exposing the heart if MHD
is not available.
type (higher risk after allogeneic HSCT), multiple uncontrolled data, Table S14) and the development of graft vs. host disease
CVRF, pre-existing CV conditions (AF or atrial flutter, sick sinus syn- (GVHD), thrombotic microangiopathy, or sepsis.410,412 In the early
drome, ventricular arrhythmias, CAD, MI, moderate-to-severe VHD, phase following HSCT (,100 days), the most frequent CV event
and HF or LVEF ,50%),411 direct cardiotoxic effects of anticancer is AF, although some patients may experience HF, hypertension,
therapies received prior to and during HSCT (anthracycline- hypotension, pericardial effusion, or VTE.413,414 Late toxicities in-
combined induction regimen, mediastinal RT, total body irradiation, clude DM, dyslipidaemia, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, HF,
or cyclophosphamide-based conditioning regimen) (Supplementary CAD, conductions disorders, and pericardial effusion.410 Acute
ESC Guidelines 53
3M 12 M
Before after after >12 M
Low risk
If new cardiac symptoms
TTE occur at any time
CV assessmenta
High risk
Allogenic HSCT
Pre-existing CVD In selected
Multiple uncontrolled CVRF patients
Cancer treatment historyb
Conditioning schemesc NP
CPET In selected
Figure 24 Risk factors and cardiovascular surveillance in patients referred for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. BNP, B-type natriuretic pep-
tide; BP, blood pressure; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, CV disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; ECG, elec-
trocardiogram; GVHD, graft vs. host disease; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; M, months; NP,
natriuretic peptides (including BNP or NT-proBNP); NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-BNP; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aIncluding physical exam-
ination, BP, lipid profile, and HbA1c. bMediastinal or mantle field radiation, alkylating agents, .250 mg/m2 doxorubicin or equivalent. cTotal body irradi-
ation, alkylating agents.
before HSCT.
in HSCT survivors are allogenic HSCT, pre-existing CVD or multiple
Baseline NP measurement should be considered
uncontrolled CVRF, cancer treatment history (mediastinal or man- IIa C
before HSCT.417,418
tle field radiation, alkylating agents, .250 mg/m2 doxorubicin or
equivalent), high-risk conditioning schemes (total body irradiation, BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated
alkylating agents), and GVHD.410 Figure 24 summarizes strategies haemoglobin; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; NP, natriuretic peptides.
Class of recommendation.
for the prevention and attenuation of CV complications in patients b
Level of evidence.
undergoing HSCT.
54 ESC Guidelines
5.5.18. Other cancer treatments (medication, devices) needs to include consideration of a range of
Several other cancer therapies may also induce clinically relevant CV factors including both cancer and CV symptom burden, cancer prog-
events. Cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, ifosfamide, and taxanes (pacli- nosis, ongoing cancer treatment requirements including alternative
taxel and docetaxel) can induce myocardial dysfunction and HF.4 options, possible adverse drug reactions, drug–drug interactions,
Cyclophosphamide CV toxicity is primarily seen in patients receiving and patient preferences. An extensive list of drug–drug interactions
high doses (.140 mg/kg) before HSCT and typically occurs within is provided in Supplementary data, Tables S15–S17.
days of drug administration.410
Platinum-containing chemotherapy (cisplatin, carboplatin, oxali-
© ESC 2022
optimal diagnostic workup and management of
pain, and close CVRF monitoring is recommended during and after I C
patients with cancer who present with new CV
therapy.422 Cisplatin422 infrequently causes HF; however, because
toxicity during and after cancer treatment.5
it requires the administration of a high i.v. volume to avoid renal tox-
icity, patients with pre-existing CVD may develop symptomatic HF. CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease.
Arsenic trioxide is used to treat some leukaemias and myelomas. Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
Arsenic trioxide frequently prolongs the QT interval (26–93% of pa- c
Cardio-oncology referral is recommended when available; alternatively, patients should
tients), and life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias have been be referred to a specialized cardiologist with expertise in managing CVD in patients with
reported.45,259 QTc prolongation was observed 1–5 weeks after ar- cancer.
senic trioxide infusion and then returned towards baseline by the end
of 8 weeks. Patients receiving treatment with arsenic trioxide should
be monitored weekly with ECG during the first 8 weeks of therapy.
6.1. Cancer therapy-related cardiac
Electrolyte monitoring is also required as arsenic trioxide may induce dysfunction
hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, and renal dysfunction. Risk factors 6.1.1. Anthracycline chemotherapy-related cardiac
for QT prolongation should be controlled before, during, and after dysfunction
cancer treatment (Section 6.4.2). CTRCD during anthracycline chemotherapy may present clinically or
Several FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) inhibitors (first-generation: be detected in asymptomatic patients during surveillance (Figure 10;
midostaurin; second-generation: gilteritinib) have been tested for the Table 3).4 The diagnosis of anthracycline chemotherapy-related car-
treatment of acute myeloid leukaemias. Gilterinib-induced differenti- diac dysfunction includes new CV symptoms, new abnormalities in
ation syndrome (fever, dyspnoea, pleuropericardial effusion, pulmon- cardiac function on CV imaging, and/or new increases in cardiac bio-
ary oedema, peripheral oedema, hypotension, renal dysfunction, and markers (Table 3). A MDT discussion is recommended to consider
rash) requires early corticosteroid therapy and haemodynamic moni- the risk/benefit ratio of continuing anthracycline chemotherapy in
toring until resolution of symptoms. Midostaurin and gilterinib may patients who develop new CTRCD.
prolong QTc interval and close electrolyte surveillance and minimizing Discontinuation of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended
drug–drug interactions are required (see Section 6.4.2; Table 9; in patients with cancer who develop severe symptomatic CTRCD.22
Supplementary data, Tables S15 and S16).423 There are rare exceptions where rechallenge with further anthracy-
cline chemotherapy may be considered after a MDT discussion, using
prevention strategies described below and under close monitoring
6. Diagnosis and management of with each cycle of anthracycline chemotherapy. Temporary interrup-
tion of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended in patients who
acute and subacute cardiovascular develop moderate symptomatic CTRCD, and in patients who de-
toxicity in patients receiving velop moderate or severe asymptomatic CTRCD. A MDT approach
anticancer treatment regarding interruption vs. continuation of anthracycline chemother-
apy is recommended in patients who develop mild symptomatic
A coordinated MDT is recommended to discuss patients with cancer CTRCD.
who develop acute CV complications of their cancer treatment.5 Guideline-based HF therapy is recommended in patients who de-
Referral to a specialized cardio-oncology service is recommended velop symptomatic CTRCD or asymptomatic moderate or severe
for patients with cancer who present with new CTR-CVT during CTRCD during anthracycline chemotherapy. The use of an ACE-I/
and after cancer treatment.12 The prevention and management of ARB or angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitor, a beta-blocker, a
CVD in patients with cancer should generally follow published ESC sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor, and a mineralocorticoid re-
Guidelines for specific CVD. This chapter provides guidance on ceptor antagonist is recommended unless the drugs are contraindi-
the management of CTR-CVT that occur during cancer treatment, cated or not tolerated. Up-titration to target doses as described in
and highlights where management differs for patients with cancer the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute
compared with those without. The decision to initiate CV treatment and chronic HF is recommended.14 ACE-I, ARB, and/or beta-blockers
ESC Guidelines 55
should be considered in mild asymptomatic CTRCD while anthracy- symptomatic CTRCD, or moderate or severe asymptomatic
cline chemotherapy continues uninterrupted (Figure 25).1,14,102,424 CTRCD, after recovery of LV function under HF treatment. If there
The beneficial effects of aerobic exercise before and during anthracy- is a compelling reason to continue anthracycline chemotherapy,
cline chemotherapy have been demonstrated and is recommended three other strategies exist in addition to continuing ACE-I/ARB
for patients with cancer who develop CTRCD.11 and beta-blockers at target doses for HF.14 First, minimizing the
A MDT is recommended to discuss restarting anthracycline dose of anthracycline chemotherapy administered. Second, switch-
chemotherapy in patients who developed mild or moderate ing to liposomal anthracycline preparations. Third, pre-treatment
HF therapy
and/or BB and/or BB
(Class I)
(Class IIa) (Class IIb)
Figure 25 Management of anthracycline chemotherapy-related cardiac dysfunction. AC, anthracycline chemotherapy; ACE-I, angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; BB, beta-blockers; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction;
CV, cardiovascular; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MDT, multidisciplinary
team; NP, natriuretic peptides. aSee Table 3 (Section 3) for complete definition (symptomatic CTRCD: symptomatic confirmed HF syndrome; asymptom-
atic severe CTRCD: LVEF , 40%; asymptomatic moderate CTRCD: LVEF 40–49%; asymptomatic mild CTRCD: LVEF . 50%). bIn rare exceptions, an-
thracycline chemotherapy may be restarted after recovery of LV function with optimal HF therapy. cA MDT discussion is recommended before restarting
anthracycline chemotherapy after recovery of LV function.
56 ESC Guidelines
with dexrazoxane before each further cycle of anthracycline chemo- Asymptomatic patients who have LVEF ≥ 50%
therapy (Section 5.2.1). and who have developed NP .ULN may be
Close cardiac monitoring every 1–2 cycles is recommended in pa- considered for ACE-I/ARB and/or
tients who restart anthracycline chemotherapy following an episode beta-blockers.d,211
of CTRCD and in patients with mild asymptomatic CTRCD while Strategies for restarting anthracycline chemotherapy in
they continue anthracycline chemotherapy. patients with CTRCD
Liposomal anthracyclinee may be considered in
patients with moderate or severe symptomatic or
© ESC 2022
asymptomatic CTRCDc who require further IIb C
HF therapy is recommended for patients who
anthracycline chemotherapy to reduce the risk of
develop symptomatic CTRCD during I B
further CV toxicity.
anthracycline chemotherapy.c,208,425
Discontinuation of anthracycline chemotherapy is ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers;
CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; GLS, global
recommended in patients who develop I C
longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NP,
symptomatic severe CTRCD.c natriuretic peptides; ULN, upper limit of normal.
Class of recommendation.
Temporary interruption of anthracycline b
Level of evidence.
chemotherapy is recommended in patients who c
See Table 3. Significant fall in GLS = relative reduction .15%.
develop symptomatic moderate CTRCDc and a I C d
Avoid hypotension.
See text for specific liposomal doxorubicin type and malignancies (Section 5.2).
multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision f
As per the European Medicines Agency: ≥350 mg/m2 doxorubicin or equivalent; as
to restart is recommended. per the United States Food and Drug Administration: ≥300 mg/m2 doxorubicin or
A multidisciplinary approach regarding equivalent.
HF therapy
and/or BB
(Class I)
(Class IIa)
Figure 26 Management of human epidermal receptor 2-targeted therapy-related cardiac dysfunction. ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;
ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; BB, beta-blockers; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular;
GLS, global longitudinal strain; HER2, human epidermal receptor 2; HF, heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MDT, multidisciplinary team;
NP, natriuretic peptides. aSee Table 3 (Section 3) (symptomatic CTRCD: symptomatic confirmed HF syndrome; asymptomatic severe CTRCD: LVEF ,
40%; asymptomatic moderate CTRCD: LVEF 40–49%; asymptomatic mild CTRCD: LVEF . 50%). bFor patients in whom HER2-targeted therapy has
been interrupted, whose signs and symptoms of HF do not resolve and/or LVEF remains ,40%, resumption of HER2-targeted therapy may be considered
if no alternative therapeutic option exists. In advanced cancer that only responds well to trastuzumab, the risk/benefit ratio may warrant continued ther-
apy if other options remain limited.22 cFor patients where HER2-targeted therapy has been interrupted and who have recovered LVEF ≥ 40% and are
now asymptomatic, resumption of HER2-targeted therapy should be considered, supported by HF therapy, and echocardiography and cardiac biomarker
assessment every two cycles for the first four cycles after restarting and then the frequency can be reduced.22
who continue HER2-targeted cancer therapies and in those who serum biomarker measurement every two cycles for the first
restart after an interruption following resolution of HF signs and four cycles after restarting HER2-targeted therapy is recom-
symptoms and recovery of LVEF ≥ 40% (and ideally recovery to mended, and then the frequency can be reduced if cardiac function
LVEF ≥ 50%) (Figure 26).22,33,189 Echocardiography and cardiac and biomarker levels remain stable.
58 ESC Guidelines
© ESC 2022
HER2-targeted therapies who have LVEF ≥ 50% IIa B
geted therapies
but develop a new troponin or NP rise while
Recommendations Classa Levelb continuing HER2-targeted therapy.e,22,211,428
Direct CV Toxicity
Indirect CV Toxicity
Pancreas Embolism
Figure 27 Direct and indirect immune checkpoint inhibitor-related cardiovascular toxicity. CV, cardiovascular; HF, heart failure.
or non-fulminant, including symptomatic but haemodynamically and Cessation of ICI treatment is recommended in patients with can-
electrically stable patients and incidental cases diagnosed at the same cer with fulminant or non-fulminant ICI-associated myocarditis and
time as other immune-related adverse events) to guide the manage- the patient should be admitted to hospital and a level 2 or 3 bed
ment pathway (Figure 28).331 with continuous ECG monitoring is required. CV complications
Interruption of ICI treatment is recommended in all cases of should be treated as per specific ESC Guidelines (HF,14 tachyarrhyth-
suspected ICI-associated myocarditis (any patient developing mias,441,442 AV block,443 or pericardial effusion444).
new cardiac symptoms, new cardiac arrhythmias, new heart Treatment of both non-fulminant and fulminant ICI-associated
blocks, or new troponin increase who has received an ICI therapy myocarditis with methylprednisolone 500–1000 mg i.v. bolus once
in the past 12 weeks) while investigations are performed. Once daily for the first 3–5 days should be started as soon as possible,
the abnormal findings have resolved, a MDT discussion is recom- once the diagnosis is considered likely, to reduce MACE including
mended to determine the risk/benefit to permanent stopping vs. mortality.386,436 If clinical improvement is observed (cTn reduced
resuming ICI treatment in patients with suspected but not con- by .50% from peak level within 24–72 h and any LVD, AV block,
firmed myocarditis. and arrhythmias resolved), switching to oral prednisolone is
60 ESC Guidelines
Haemodynamically unstable
Recoveringb Steroid refractory
fulminant myocarditis
Switching to
Second-line immunosuppression Admission to ICU (level 3)
oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day)
(Class IIa) (Class I)
(Class IIa)
Weaning protocol by 10 mg/week
W Optimal CV treatment
with troponin monitoring including MCS
(Class IIa) (Class I)
Figure 28 Diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-related myocarditis. CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CV, cardiovascular;
ECG, electrocardiogram; HF, heart failure; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; ICU, intensive care unit; i.v., intravenous; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement;
LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MCS, mechanical circulatory support. aFulminant: haemodynamic instability, HF requiring non-invasive or inva-
sive ventilation, complete or high-grade heart block, and/or significant ventricular arrhythmia. Non-fulminant: including symptomatic but haemo-
dynamically and electrically stable patients and incidental cases diagnosed at the same time as other immuno-related adverse events. Patients may
have reduced LVEF but no features of severe disease. bRecovering: ongoing improvement in patient clinical symptoms, signs, biomarkers, and imaging
parameters, but not yet normalized, while on tapering doses of immunosuppression. Complete recovery: patients with complete resolution of acute
symptoms, normalization of biomarkers, and recovery of LVEF after discontinuation of immunosuppression. CMR may still show LGE or elevated T1 due
to fibrosis, but any suggestion of acute oedema should be absent.
recommended starting at 1 mg/kg up to 80 mg/day. Although the 5 mg/day, and a final reduction from 5 mg/day in 1-mg per week
most appropriate weaning off protocol is not confirmed, a weekly steps.
reduction of oral prednisolone (most commonly by 10 mg per If the troponin does not reduce significantly (.50% reduction
week) under clinical, ECG, and cTn surveillance should be consid- from peak) and/or AV block, ventricular arrhythmias, or LVD persist
ered (Figure 28). A reassessment of LV function and cTn should be despite 3 days of i.v. methylprednisolone plus cardiac treatments,
considered when the prednisolone dose is reduced to 20 mg/day then steroid-resistant ICI-associated myocarditis is confirmed and
and then continue weaning the prednisolone by 5 mg per week to second-line immunosuppression should be considered.22,445,446
ESC Guidelines 61
There is a lack of data to recommend a specific second-line immunosup- EMB should be considered to confirm the
pression regimen and MDT discussion is recommended. Several agents diagnosis of ICI-associated myocarditis if the IIa C
are currently being investigated with promising results from case series diagnosis is suspected but not confirmed after
including i.v. mycophenolate mofetil, anti-thymocyte globulin (anti-CD3 cardiac imaging and biomarkers.c
Interruption of ICI treatment is recommended in
antibody), i.v. immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, tocilizumab, abatacept
patients with confirmed ICI-associated I C
(CTLA-4 agonist), alemtuzumab (anti-CD52 antibody), and tofacitinib.
Caution is advised against the use of infliximab for steroid-refractory
Continuous ECG monitoring to assess for new
myocarditis and HF.447,448 Patients with fulminant ICI-associated myo- AV block and tachyarrhythmias during the acute I C
© ESC 2022
Interruption vs. continuing ICI therapy depends on the severity of before restarting ICI treatment in selected I C
patients with previous uncomplicated
the HF syndrome and each case should be reviewed by a MDT.
ICI-associated myocarditis.
Arrhythmias, such as AF, can be seen in patients with ICI therapy with-
out myocarditis (e.g. ICI-associated thyroiditis with thyrotoxicosis, AV, atrioventricular; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; cTn, cardiac troponin;
CV, cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiogram; EMB, endomyocardial biopsy; HF, heart
ICI-associated pericarditis, or ICI-associated severe systemic inflamma-
failure; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; ICU, intensive care unit; i.v., intravenous;
tory syndromes). ICI treatment can be continued after excluding LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVD, LV dysfunction; LVEF,
myocarditis. LV ejection fraction.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
See Table 3 for ICI-related myocarditis definition. EMB should be considered in unstable
Recommendation Table 26 — Recommendations for patients or when CMR is contraindicated.
the diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint d
Early: ≤24 h; high-dose corticosteroids (methylprednisolone 500–1000 mg/day).
inhibitor-associated myocarditis Reduction of cTn by .50% from peak level.
Complete recovery: Patients with complete resolution of acute symptoms,
normalization of biomarkers, or reduction of cTn by .50% from peak level and
Recommendations Classa Levelb
recovery of LVEF after discontinuation of immunosuppression are considered to
cTn, ECG, and CV imaging (echocardiography and have achieved complete recovery. CMR may still show LGE or elevated T1 due to
I B fibrosis but any suggestion of acute oedema should be absent. Incomplete
CMR) are recommended to diagnose
recovery: (1) an increase in symptoms or biomarkers of myocarditis or an inability
ICI-associated myocarditis.320,434,435,453 to taper immunosuppression without a clinical or biomarker flare; (2) patients with
In patients with suspected ICI-associated persistent LVD despite resolution of acute symptoms with immunosuppression.
myocarditis, temporary interruption of ICI Steroid refractory: non-resolving or worsening myocarditis (clinical worsening or
I C persistent troponin elevation after exclusion of other aetiologies) despite high-dose
treatment is recommended until the diagnosis is
methylprednisolone (Table 3; Supplementary data, Table S1).
confirmed or refuted. h
Unstable: patients with symptomatic HF, ventricular arrhythmias, new complete
Continued heart block.
62 ESC Guidelines
6.1.4. Chimeric antigen receptor T cell and resting 12-lead ECG, continuous ECG monitoring, TTE, and cTn
tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes therapies and and NP are recommended. Admission to ICU (level 3) is recom-
heart dysfunction mended in severe cases due to the risk of malignant cardiac arrhyth-
Although no large-scale studies on the multiple CV complications mias, circulatory collapse, and multiorgan system failure. In general,
among adults treated with CAR-T therapies exist, small studies the degree of elevation of cytokines correlates with the severity of
and case reports have shown that CV complications represent CRS. C-reactive protein is not specific for CRS and changes in
around 20% of adverse events.378 CV complications are associated C-reactive protein may lag behind clinical changes by ≥12 h. A dra-
with high mortality rates, and are secondary to CRS and immune ef- matic elevation of interleukin-6 is a supportive finding for the diagno-
CCU/HDU/ICU admission
ECG monitoring
Y Recovery of function N
(Class I) MDT approach regarding
interruption vs resuming
the culprit cancer drug
Figure 29 Diagnosis and management workup in cancer-related Takotsubo syndrome. ACS, acute coronary syndromes; CCTA, coronary computed
tomography angiography; CCU, coronary care unit; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiogram; HDU, high-dependency unit; ICI, im-
mune checkpoint inhibitor; ICU, intensive care unit; i.v., intravenous; MDT, multidisciplinary team; N, no TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; TTS,
Takotsubo syndrome; Y, yes.
ESC Guidelines 63
Although CV complications are common with TIL therapies, sur- Recommendation Table 27 — Recommendations for
vival does not appear to be significantly affected. The most frequent the diagnosis and management of Takotsubo syn-
CV events are hypotension that may require treatment with i.v. fluids drome in patients with cancer
and pressors, AF, and to a lesser extent, cTn elevation suggestive of
Recommendations Classa Levelb
myocardial damage.380 Further research is needed to define mechan-
isms and potential prevention strategies to help clinicians with the Coronary angiography (invasive or CCTA) is
management of these CV events. recommended to exclude ACS.
CMR is recommended to exclude myocarditis and
© ESC 2022
6.1.5. Heart failure during haematopoietic stem cell QT-prolonging drugs are not recommended
transplantation during the acute TTS phase.c
CV complications during HSCT, including congestive HF, arterial
ACS, acute coronary syndromes; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CCTA, coronary
events, tamponade, and rhythm disturbances (AF, atrial flutter, and computed tomography angiography; LV, left ventricular; MI, myocardial infarction;
supraventricular tachycardia),457 are uncommon but clinically rele- QTc, corrected QT interval; TTS, Takotsubo syndrome.
vant, and should be treated as per specific ESC Guidelines (HF,14 ta- b
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
chyarrhythmias,273,441 pericardial effusion,444 or acute coronary c
Until full recovery and normalization of LV function and QTc.
syndrome458). Studies of treatments during HSCT to prevent both
acute and late CV toxicity are limited.145 ACE-I and beta-blockers
may be effective, but this requires further confirmation.
Outpatient and home-based exercise and education programmes in-
6.2. Coronary artery disease
stituted after HSCT can improve exercise capacity and quality of 6.2.1. Acute coronary syndromes
life,459 and the role of exercise pre-habilitation prior to HSCT is Patients with cancer are at increased risk of CAD because of shared
being investigated.460,461 CVRFs34 and CV toxicity of cancer therapy12 compounded by a
cancer-induced pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic state
(Table 7).467,468,470–473
6.1.6. Takotsubo syndrome and cancer Current knowledge on ACS in patients with cancer is based on
The prevalence of malignant diseases is high in patients with TTS observational data and registries demonstrating that, especially
and is a risk factor for worse outcomes. Malignancy itself, some when diagnosed within 1 year, they are at increased risk for major
cancer treatments (5-FU, ICI, VEGFi), and the stress associated CV events, bleeding, and cardiac and non-cardiac mortality.474–480
with the diagnosis, investigations, and treatment are recognized The proportion of ACS patients with a diagnosis of cancer is rising
triggers or predisposing factors for TTS.462–466 Diagnosis using and constitutes about 3% of large series.475
general TTS criteria is recommended.467,468 Investigations in a pa- Diagnosis of ACS is based on the same principles as in patients
tient with cancer with suspected TTS should include clinical exam- without cancer, including symptoms, an early 12-lead ECG, and serial
ination, ECG, TTE, cardiac biomarkers (cTn and NP), and CMR measurements of hs-cTn for patients presenting with possible
(Figure 29).468,469 Most patients require invasive coronary angiog- non-ST-segment elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS).458 Clinical presenta-
raphy to exclude acute MI. In patients with advanced malignancy or tion can be atypical481 or masked by cancer or therapy-related
significant thrombocytopaenia where invasive coronary angiog- side effects; therefore, diagnostic suspicion should be increased in pa-
raphy is contraindicated, a CCTA is recommended. Cardiac im- tients at high CV risk or treated with vascular cardiotoxic therapies
aging studies should be performed as early as possible when the
diagnosis is suspected as LVD can be transient, and if significant
LVD is detected then repeat imaging to confirm recovery is
Table 7 Cancer treatments that predispose to acute
recommended. coronary syndromes
Interruption of the culprit cancer drug in patients with TTS is re-
Accelerated atherosclerosis ADT (GnRH agonists), ICI, nilotinib,
commended. QT-prolonging drugs should be avoided.467 In cases of
ICI-associated TTS, the role of immunosuppression is unknown and and plaque rupture ponatinib, radiation therapy, VEGFi
if myocardial inflammation is present in a TTS pattern on CMR then Vasospasm Bleomycin, fluoropyrimidines, taxanes,
i.v. methylprednisolone is recommended given the overlap between VEGFi, vinca alkaloids
ICI-induced TTS and ICI-induced myocarditis. Limited information Coronary thrombosis Alkylating agents (cisplatin,
exists regarding the feasibility of ICI rechallenge following TTS and cyclophosphamide), erlotinib, ICI, IMiD
after recovery of LV function. (lenalidomide, thalidomide), monoclonal
© ESC 2022
A MDT discussion is recommended after recovery from the antibodies (VEGFi, anti-CD20), nilotinib,
acute phase of TTS and, if restarting the culprit cancer drug is re- platinum chemotherapy, PI, ponatinib,
quired from an oncology perspective, regular cardiac biomarker VEGFi.
monitoring is recommended (e.g. cTn and NP measured before
ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; ICI,
every ICI cycle, and TTE if a new rise in cardiac biomarkers occurs) immune checkpoint inhibitors; IMiD, immunomodulatory drugs; PI, proteasome
(Figure 29). inhibitors; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors.
64 ESC Guidelines
(Table 7). Echocardiography improves the diagnostic precision in pa- Thrombocytopaenia (platelet count , 100 000/µL) is present in
tients with atypical symptoms and assesses for other cardiac causes about 10% of patients with cancer and may complicate ACS manage-
of chest pain. ment. Based on a small series, coronary angiography can be safely per-
Management of ACS in patients with cancer can be challenging be- formed in these patients when preventative measures to avoid
cause of frailty, increased bleeding risk, thrombocytopaenia, increased bleeding are taken: platelet transfusion before catheterization (for
thrombotic risk, and the possible need for future surgery/interven- platelets ,20 000/µL), radial access, careful haemostasis, and
tions.482 Cancer treatment should be temporarily interrupted, and the use of a lower heparin dose (30–50 U/kg).486 Antiplatelets should
an urgent multidisciplinary approach5 is indicated to plan an individua- not be withheld unless platelet count is ,10 000/µL for aspirin or
© ESC 2022
revascularization, based upon thrombotic/ I C
Ticagrelor or prasugrel may be considered in
© ESC 2022
patients with cancer with low bleeding risk and
IIb C cancer, and current cancer treatment.100,498
excessive thrombotic risk who are treated with
PCI for ACS. CCS, chronic coronary syndromes; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy.
Class of recommendation.
ACS, acute coronary syndromes; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CV, cardiovascular; DAPT, b
Level of evidence.
dual antiplatelet therapy; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; NSTE-ACS,
non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes; PCI, percutaneous coronary
intervention; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; ULN, upper limit of
normal. 6.3. Valvular heart disease
Class of recommendation. New or worsening VHD in patients with cancer may be related
Level of evidence.
c to coexisting conditions, including CTRCD, ACS, PH, endocarditis,
Related to advanced cancer stage and/or severe irreversible non-CV comorbidities.
Anticancer therapies associated with high risk of ACS (very common [.10%]): cardiac tumours, and mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis.499,500
capecitabine, paclitaxel, cisplatin, carfilzomib, bevacizumab, ramucirumab, aflibercept, Pre-existing severe VHD is associated with an increased risk of
axitinib, sorafenib, pazopanib, cabozantinib, lenvatinib, ponatinib, erlotinib.
e CTRCD,12,501–503 and may also pose a risk for cancer surgery out-
High risk of GI or GU bleeding, significant drug–drug interactions, severe renal
dysfunction (CrCl , 30 mL/min), significant liver disease (alanine aminotransferase/ comes. In patients with mechanical prosthetic valves, the risk of
aspartate aminotransferase .2 × ULN), or significant thrombocytopaenia (platelet thrombosis vs. bleeding should be carefully balanced during chemo-
count , 50 000/µL).
therapy treatment. In patients with severe VHD diagnosed at base-
line assessment, a MDT is required before cancer therapy to
decide the best treatment option. Cardiac surgery is frequently chal-
6.2.2. Chronic coronary syndromes lenging in patients with cancer because of comorbidities, frailty, me-
Several cancer treatments are associated with an increased risk of diastinal fibrosis due to prior RT, impaired wound healing, and the
stable angina and chronic coronary syndromes (CCS).491 5-FU and need for urgent oncology treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, tar-
capecitabine can precipitate effort angina in some cases.4,482,492 geted cancer therapies that effect wound healing). Transcatheter
Platinum-containing chemotherapy-induced ischaemia usually occurs aortic valve implantation (TAVI) may be a viable option for patients
after one of the first three cycles and in patients with underlying with cancer with severe aortic stenosis to limit recovery time and de-
CAD.493 The incidence of cardiac ischaemia is 1–5% with antimicro- lays in starting cancer treatment.504–506
tubule agents, 2–3% with small-molecule VEGF-TKI, and 0.6–1.5% Patients with cancer suspected of new or worsening VHD, such as
with VEGFi monoclonal antibody therapies.492 Nilotinib, ponati- dyspnoea or a new cardiac murmur, or those with fever and positive
nib,494 and ICI335 also accelerate atherosclerosis, which can lead to blood cultures, should be screened for endocarditis and managed ac-
stable angina. cording to the recommendations from the 2021 ESC/European
Patients receiving cancer therapy who present with new stable an- Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Guidelines for
gina should have careful clinical evaluation, with aggressive CVRF the management of VHD,507 while considering the cancer-related
modification and an initial medical management of their symp- prognosis. If valve surgery or percutaneous valve treatment is indi-
toms.484 The diagnosis and management of CAD should follow the cated in a patient receiving cancer treatment, then a MDT is recom-
2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic mended regarding type of valve treatment and periprocedural
coronary syndromes.100 management of cancer treatments.
The management of CCS is similar in patients with and with-
out cancer, in accordance with guideline recommendations.100
However, in the setting of CCS, decisions regarding coronary Recommendation Table 30 — Recommendations for
revascularization should be undertaken by a MDT that includes the management of valvular heart disease in patients
receiving anticancer treatment
cardio-oncology, intervention, and oncology specialists.5 PCI in
patients with cancer is associated with an increased risk of Recommendations Classa Levelb
bleeding, 90-day readmissions for acute MI, in-hospital and long-
term mortality, and the need for repeat revascularization, with In patients with cancer and pre-existing severe
the magnitude of risk depending on both cancer type and VHD, management according to the 2021 ESC/
stage.495,496 The excess bleeding risk should be mitigated by EACTS Guidelines for the management of VHD is I C
keeping the duration of DAPT as short as possible. 497,498 The recommended, taking into consideration cancer
risk is higher in patients with a cancer diagnosis within the pre- prognosis and patient preferences.507
ceding year.477 Continued
66 ESC Guidelines
In patients with cancer developing new VHD may have a limited efficacy if a cancer therapy is the specific cause
during cancer therapy, management according to of the AF.508 Among rate-control drugs, beta-blockers are preferred,
the 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the especially if the cancer therapies have potential CTRCD risk, where-
as diltiazem and verapamil should be avoided where possible due to
© ESC 2022
management of VHD507 is recommended, taking
into consideration cancer prognosis and patient their drug–drug interactions and negative inotropic effects.508 The
comorbidities. possibility of AF ablation should be discussed in selected patients
with HF/LVD and/or uncontrolled symptoms, taking into consider-
EACTS, European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery; ESC, European Society of
Cardiology; VHD, valvular heart disease.
ation cancer status and prognosis in the context of a MDT
in cancer
ANS imbalance
Figure 30 Pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation associated with cancer. AF, atrial fibrillation; ANS, autonomic nervous system; CV, cardiovascular; DM,
diabetes mellitus; HF, heart failure; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; VHD, valvular heart disease. aSupplementary data, Table S18. bObesity, hypertension,
DM, CVDs (HF, VHD, IHD, cardiomyopathies, cardiac amyloidosis), thyroid diseases, obstructive sleep apnoea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
chronic kidney disease, autonomic dysfunction, alcohol consumption, genetic predisposition.
patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy or with recent Events in Atrial Fibrillation], ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 [Effective
active bleeding). However, LMWH efficacy for stroke or systemic Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in Atrial
embolism prevention in AF has not been established and their Fibrillation–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48]) and obser-
use is only based on their proven efficacy and safety in VTE. The vational data suggest better safety and at least similar effectiveness
use of a NOAC for AF has not been evaluated in a dedicated of the NOAC when compared with VKA in patients with AF and
RCT in patients with cancer. However, secondary analyses of sem- active cancer.531–538 NOAC use in cancer is limited by drug–drug
inal NOAC trials using direct factor Xa inhibitors (ROCKET AF interactions,508 severe renal dysfunction, increased risk of bleeding
[Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition in patients with unoperated or residual GI or genitourinary (GU)
Compared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of malignancies, or impaired GI absorption.
Stroke and Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation], ARISTOTLE Left atrial appendage (LAA) occluder devices are used in very se-
[Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic lected patients with cancer in clinical practice. The potential
68 ESC Guidelines
Thromboembolic and
Very high bleeding riskb Y No anticoagulation bleeding risk reassessment
(Class I)
(Class IIa)
Figure 31 Structured approach to anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in patients with cancer. AF, atrial fibrillation; CHA2DS2-VASc, Congestive heart
failure, Hypertension, Age ≥ 75 years (2 points), Diabetes mellitus, Stroke (2 points)—Vascular disease, Age 65–74 years, Sex category (female); CrCl,
creatinine clearance; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; HAS-BLED, Hypertension, Abnormal renal and
liver function, Stroke, Bleeding Labile international normalized ratio, Elderly, Drugs or alcohol; LA, left atrial; LAA, left atrial appendage; LMWH,
low-molecular-weight heparins; N, no; NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant; VKA, vitamin K antagonists; Y, yes. aIn selected patients, car-
diac imaging parameters related to increased thromboembolic risk should be considered (LAA thrombus, severely dilated left atrium, severely impaired
LA strain528). bVery high bleeding risk: active or recent major bleeding (,1 month previously); recent/evolving intracranial lesions; platelet count ,25
000/µL. According to the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis,529 major bleeding is defined as a fall in haemoglobin level ≥2 g/dL and/or
transfusion of ≥2 units of red blood cells and/or fatal bleeding and/or bleeding in a critical area (intracranial, intraspinal, intraocular, pericardial,
intra-articular, intramuscular with compartment syndrome, or retroperitoneal). cPercutaneous left appendage closure may be considered in pa-
tients with a life expectancy of .1 year who are at high thromboembolic and bleeding risk and in whom anticoagulation is contraindicated. dConditions
favouring LMWH: unoperated GI/GU cancer; GI comorbidities or toxicity; severe renal dysfunction (CrCl , 15 mL/min); NOAC major drug–drug
interactions, platelet count ,50 000/µL.
ESC Guidelines 69
complications related to the implant—including device-related throm- Long-term anticoagulation should be considered
bosis—and the lack of prospective data in the setting of patients with for stroke/systemic thromboembolism
prevention in patients with cancer with AF and a
cancer have to be taken into consideration for this option. In a recent IIa C
CHA2DS2-VASc score = 1 (men) or = 2
retrospective analysis of patients referred to LAA occlusion the risk of (women) as per the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the
in-hospital ischaemic stroke/transient ischaemic attack was higher in diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation.273
patients with active cancer than in those with no cancer or prior his- Patients with cancer,c AF, and CHA2DS2-VASc
tory of cancer. The rate of in-hospital composite outcome (in-hospital score 0 (men) or 1 (women) may have a higher
thrombotic risk than patients without cancer and IIb C
death, ischaemic stroke/transient ischaemic attack, systemic embolism,
may be considered for therapeutic anticoagulation
© ESC 2022
—such as chemotherapy, other drugs, or electrolyte disturbances beta-blockers, should be considered in patients IIa C
—a careful clinical assessment of the propensity to further develop who develop well-tolerated AF while they are
AF is recommended, with need to revisit the risk/benefit ratio of receiving active cancer treatmentg.
long-term prescription of anticoagulation after a period of 3 months. 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil; AF, atrial fibrillation; BMI, body mass index; CHA2DS2-VASc,
In patients with cancer and newly detected or recurrence of AF, de- Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age .75 years (2 points), Diabetes mellitus,
cision making on anticancer treatment requires a cardio-oncology MDT Stroke (2 points)—Vascular disease, Age 65–74 years, Sex category (female); CrCl,
creatinine clearance; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; EGFR, epidermal
management,5 taking into account that neither the presence nor the risk growth factor receptor; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; HF, heart failure; LAA,
of AF constitutes contraindications to anticancer treatment.508,517 left atrial appendage; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparins; LV, left ventricular;
MM, multiple myeloma; NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants; VKA,
vitamin K antagonists.
Class of recommendation.
Recommendation Table 31 — Recommendations for b
Level of evidence.
the management of atrial fibrillation in patients re- c
Factors that may increase thromboembolic risk in patients with cancer including
ceiving anticancer treatment comorbidities (proteinuria . 150 mg/24 h, eGFR , 45 mL/min/1.73 m2, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2,
thrombophilia), cancer type (pancreatic, gastric, ovarian, brain, lung, MM), cancer stage
(metastatic disease) anticancer therapies: alkylating agents, aflibercept, bevacizumab,
Recommendations Classa Levelb
anthracyclines, capecitabine, 5-FU, gemcitabine, methotrexate, EGFR inhibitors,
CHA2DS2-VASc score should be considered for bleomycin, axitinib, lenvatinib, pazopanib, sorafenib, sunitinib, carfilzomib, irinotecan,
risk stratification for stroke/systemic taxanes, tasonermin, tretinoin.
IIa C Stroke and bleeding risk may change during both cancer treatment and the course of the
thromboembolism taking into account that it may
underlying disease; reassessment is important to inform treatment decisions and address
underestimate the actual thromboembolic
potentially modifiable bleeding risk factors.
risk.519,526 e
Patients receiving cancer treatment, patients diagnosed with cancer in the past 6 months,
Long-term anticoagulation is recommended for and patients with progressive or advanced disease.
stroke/systemic thromboembolism prevention in High bleeding risk, severe renal dysfunction (CrCl , 15 mL/min); NOAC major drug–drug
patients with cancer with AF and a interactions.
I C g
CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2 (men) or ≥3 (women) Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic patients without HF signs or symptoms or
as per the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis deterioration of LV function. The optimal heart rate target in AF patients is unclear. A
resting heart rate ,110 bpm (i.e. lenient rate control) should be considered as the
and management of atrial fibrillation.273
initial heart rate target for rate control therapy. A review of rate vs. rhythm strategy
Continued should be made at the end of cancer treatment.273
70 ESC Guidelines
6.4.2. Long corrected QT interval and ventricular Table 9 Classification of corrected QT interval pro-
arrhythmias longation induced by cancer drug therapy
VA are not common during cancer, although their incidence in-
Classification Drugs
creases in patients with advanced cancer and CV comorbid-
ities.49,259,516,542 Mechanisms proposed to explain cancer High risk: QTcF prolongation ≥ 10 ms and risk • Aclarubicin
therapy-induced VA include: (1) direct effects of cancer drugs on of TdP • Arsenic trioxide
the activity/expression of ionic channels that regulate the ventricular • Glasdegib
action potential,4,369,442,516,542,543 and (2) a permanent arrhythmo- • Nilotinib
Decisions on the use of antiarrhythmic drugs or device therapy (car- ,500 ms.442 Although the incidence of QTc prolongation
dioverter defibrillators, catheter ablation) should consider life ex- ≥500 ms and TdP is low during cancer therapy, QTc prolongation
pectancy, quality of life, and complication risks.349 to levels that require closer monitoring (QTc ≥ 480 ms) is more
Most cancer therapy-induced VA are related to a prolongation of common (Table 9).4,9,22,45,48,49,259,369,516,543,546 Changes in the QT
QTc leading to the development of TdP.259,516,542 Risk factors for interval of .60 ms from baseline should not routinely affect treat-
QTc prolongation and TdP are summarized in Table 8.4,22,45,48,516,543 ment decisions if the QTc remains ,500 ms.1 Cardiology consult-
The upper 99% limits of normal for QTc values in the general ation is advised in patients with an abnormal baseline QTc interval,
population are 450 ms for men and 460 ms for women.545 patients treated with drugs that prolong the QT interval, those
Figure 32 Corrected QT interval monitoring before and during treatment with corrected QT interval-prolonging anticancer drugs. Ca2+ , calcium; ECG,
electrocardiogram; K+, potassium; MDT, multidisciplinary team; Mg2+, magnesium; QTc, corrected QT interval; QTcF, corrected QT interval using
Fridericia correction; TdP, Torsade de pointes; VA, ventricular arrhythmias. QT interval using Fridericia correction (QTcF = QT/3√RR) is recommended in
patients with cancer. Upper 99% limits of normal for QTc values in the general population are 450 ms for men and 460 ms for women.369 aTable 9.
Table 8 and cECG monitoring at baseline, once steady-state anticancer drug levels have been achieved, after each dose modi-
fication, or any treatment interruption .2 weeks; monthly for the first 3 months, and then periodically during treatment depending on patient-specific risk
factors and cancer treatment.
72 ESC Guidelines
disorders.4,45,48,442,544 The challenges for the cardio-oncology teams Restarting QTc-prolonging cancer therapy
are to identify patients more susceptible to developing VA, determine
A multidisciplinary discussion is recommended
whether a VA is directly due to CTR-CVT, individualize the treatment
before restarting QTc-prolonging drugs in
strategy, and optimize clinical monitoring during treatment. I C
patients who have developed significant QTcF
Figure 32 shows the algorithm for the management of QTc pro-
prolongation, to discuss alternative cancer
longation during cancer therapy. In patients with cancer, the
Fridericia formula is recommended and has demonstrated less error
In patients who experienced significant QTcF
than other correction methods such as Bazzett at both high and low
prolongation, restarting the culprit
© ESC 2022
weeks and then monthly thereafter is
dosage adjustments, or discontinuation of therapy in case of QTc I C
recommended in patients with cancer after
restarting QTc-prolonging cancer therapy.549
Although there are no recommendations, patients with cancer
with QTc prolongation associated with severe bradycardia or sinus ECG, electrocardiogram; QTc, corrected QT interval; QTcF, corrected QT interval
pauses may benefit from isoprenaline infusion or temporary pa- using Fridericia correction; TdP, torsade de pointes.
Class of recommendation.
cing. Despite present restrictions, the improved prognosis for b
Level of evidence.
many malignancies is increasing the number of patients with cancer c
See and Table 8.
who are candidates for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator
(ICD), particularly when life expectancy is .1 year (including pa-
tients who experienced resuscitated sudden cardiac death or se- 6.4.3. Bradyarrhythmias
vere VA from a QTc-prolonging drug with no alternative AV conduction disease can be caused by ICI in the presence or ab-
treatment available). sence of myocarditis. If the PR interval increases (new first-degree
heart block) in patients treated with ICI, serial ECG monitoring is re-
commended, and if PR prolongation to .300 ms develops, the pa-
tient should be hospitalized under close ECG monitoring and i.v.
methylprednisolone is recommended.550
Recommendation Table 32 — Recommendations for
the management of long corrected QT interval and IMiD (thalidomide, pomalidomide)285 and ALK inhibitors (crizoti-
ventricular arrhythmias in patients receiving antican- nib, alectinib, brigatinib, or ceritinib)551 are associated with sinus
cer treatment bradycardia. Holter ECG monitoring is recommended to exclude
significant sinus pauses in symptomatic patients. In asymptomatic pa-
Recommendations Classa Levelb tients with normal LV function, sinus bradycardia is usually well tol-
How to manage QTc prolongation in patients with cancer
erated and treatment can continue. If patients are symptomatic
(syncope, pre-syncope of reduced exercise tolerance from chrono-
Discontinuation of QTc-prolonging cancer
tropic incompetence) then a trial of cancer drug withdrawal to con-
therapy is recommended in patients who develop
I C firm causation with the symptoms is recommended. A MDT
TdP or sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias
discussion is needed to analyse risks/benefits of alternative cancer
during treatment.549
therapies vs. restarting the culprit cancer therapy at a lower dose
Temporary interruption of QTc-prolonging
with heart rate monitoring. In selected cases, when no cancer treat-
cancer therapy is recommended in patients who
ment alternative is available, pacing is indicated.
develop asymptomatic QTcF ≥ 500 ms and an I C
ECG should be repeated every 24 h until
6.5. Arterial hypertension
resolution of the QTcF prolongation.549
Arterial hypertension in patients with cancer may be caused by their
Immediate withdrawal of any offending drug and cancer treatments (e.g. VEGFi, second- and third-generation
correction of electrolyte abnormalities and other BCR-ABL TKI, brigatinib, ibrutinib, fluoropyrimidines, cisplatin, abir-
risk factorsc is recommended in patients with
aterone, bicalutamide, enzalutamide), non-cancer drugs (e.g. corti-
cancer who develop QTcF ≥ 500 ms.349,442,546 costeroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and other
Weekly ECG monitoring is recommended in factors including stress, pain, excessive alcohol consumption, renal
asymptomatic patients with cancer with QTcF impairment, untreated sleep apnoea, obesity, and reduced exer-
480–500 ms who are treated with a cise.552 In all patients with cancer with new hypertension assessment,
QTc-prolonging cancer therapy.349,442,546 correction of these other factors is important before considering
A 12-lead ECG is recommended after any dose interruption of a cancer treatment.
increase of QTc-prolonging cancer I C Untreated hypertension344 is a confirmed risk factor of HF during
therapy.270,442,544 treatment with anthracyclines,553 ibrutinib,264 and VEGFi.554 Given
Continued that many of the cancer therapies that cause hypertension also cause
ESC Guidelines 73
CTRCD, treatment of hypertension with ACE-I or ARB as first-line In patients with resistant cancer therapy-related hypertension,
therapy is recommended to reduce the risk of CTRCD. spironolactone, oral or transdermal nitrates, and/or hydralazine
Combination therapy with an ACE-I or ARB and a dihydropyridine should be considered. In patients with cancer with evidence of
CCB is recommended in patients with cancer with systolic BP ≥ high sympathetic tone, stress, and/or pain, beta-blockers including
160 mmHg and diastolic BP ≥ 100 mmHg due to the more rapid on- carvedilol or nebivolol should be considered. Diuretics, preferably
set of BP control with the combination compared with ACE-I/ARB spironolactone, may be considered in patients with cancer with
monotherapy (Figures 33 and 34). hypertension and evidence of increased fluid retention, with moni-
If severe hypertension is diagnosed (systolic BP ≥ 180 mmHg or toring of BP, electrolytes, and renal function.
140–159 Treat Treat Treat May treat
135–139 Treat May treat May treat None
Figure 33 Recommended threshold for asymptomatic hypertension treatment in different clinical scenarios. BP, blood pressure; CS, cancer survivors.
74 ESC Guidelines
Systolic BP ≥160 mmHg and diastolic BP ≥100 mmHg BP target during cancer therapy
Dihydropyridine CCB OR
Dihydropyridine CCB
(Class I)
as second-line therapy
in patients with BP target <130 mmHg systolic and <80 mmHg
uncontrolled BP diastolic if well tolerated
(Class I) (Class IIb)
Figure 34 Treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with cancer. AF, atrial fibrillation; ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angio-
tensin receptor blockers; BP, blood pressure; CCB, calcium channel blockers; HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; N, no; VEGFi, vascular endothelial
growth factor inhibitors; Y, yes. aResistant hypertension is defined as BP being uncontrolled despite treatment with optimal or best-tolerated doses of three
or more drugs including a diuretic, and confirmed by ambulatory and home BP monitoring. bConsider beta-blockers (nebivolol or carvedilol are preferred in
patients on VEGFi) at any treatment step, when there is a specific indication for their use, e.g. HF, angina, post-MI, or AF.
6.6. Thrombosis and thromboembolic Cancer confers a five-fold higher risk of VTE and cancer-associated
VTE represents 30% of all VTE cases.559,560 The risk of VTE varies
in the course of cancer, with the highest risk occurring in the period
Thromboembolic events that develop during cancer and its treat-
following cancer diagnosis, during hospitalization and chemotherapy,
ment encompass both VTE and arterial thromboembolism (ATE)
and upon development of metastatic disease.561,562 Unprovoked
and are collectively referred to as cancer-associated thrombosis.
VTE may be the first clinical sign of a malignancy, followed by a 5%
Cancer-associated thrombosis is determined by the prothrombotic
incidence of cancer diagnosis during the subsequent 12 months.563
milieu induced by cancer, the prothrombotic properties of certain
The risk factors for VTE in cancer are summarized in
anticancer and adjunctive therapies, and patient-related risk
Patient-related factors
Sex (female)
Hereditary coagulation defectsb
Performance status
Prior VTE history
Cancer-related factors
Cancer type
Genetic characteristics (JAK2 or K-ras mutations)
Histology (adenocarcinoma)
Initial period after diagnosis
Primary site (pancreas, stomach, ovaries,
brain, lung, myeloma)
Stage (advanced, metastatic)
Treatment-related factors
Cancer therapyc
Central venous catheters
Major surgery
Figure 35 Risk factors for venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer. ATE, arterial thromboembolism; BMI, body mass index; CrCl, creatinine
clearance; IMiD, immunomodulatory drugs; PI, proteasome inhibitors; VTE, venous thromboembolism. aAcute infection, chronic kidney disease (CrCl ,
45 mL/min), pulmonary disease, obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2), ATE. bFactor V Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation. cChemotherapy (carboplatin, cyclophos-
phamide, anthracyclines, antimetabolites, irinotecan, taxanes, tasonermin), anti-angiogenic agents (bevacizumab, axitinib, lenvatinib, pazopanib, sorafenib,
sunitinib), IMiD (thalidomide, lenalidomide), PI (carfilzomib), hormonal therapy, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents.
76 ESC Guidelines
and the second consensus document on diagnosis and management 6.6.3. Intracardiac thrombosis
of acute deep vein thrombosis.567 Intracardiac thrombus in patients with malignancies may result from
the prothrombotic properties of cancer and its treatment and the
6.6.2. Arterial thromboembolism use of central venous catheters. Thrombus is the most common in-
Cancer carries a two-fold higher risk of ATE, including MI and ischae- tracardiac mass and it can occur within any cardiac chamber. Right
mic stroke.568 ATE risk is higher in men, with advanced age, and in atrial thrombi are often related to a venous catheter where the
patients with lung or kidney cancer. Pathologies related to ATE in line has inappropriately advanced into the right atrium.
cancer include ischaemic stroke induced by AF or RT-induced ca- Intraventricular thrombi usually occur in the setting of CTRCD.
Patient’s preference
(Class I)
Figure 36 Structured approach to anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism in patients with active cancer. CrCl, creatinine clearance; eGFR, es-
timated glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparins; N, no; NOAC, non-vitamin K antag-
onist oral anticoagulants; VTE, venous thromboembolism; Y, yes. aVery high bleeding risk: active or recent major bleeding (,1 month); recent/
evolving intracranial lesions; platelet count ,25 000/µL. According to the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis,529 major bleeding is
defined as: fall in haemoglobin level ≥ 2 g/dL, transfusion of ≥2 units of red blood cells, fatal bleeding, or bleeding in a critical area (intracranial, intraspinal,
intraocular, pericardial, intra-articular, intramuscular with compartment syndrome, or retroperitoneal). bConditions favouring LMWH: unoper-
ated GI/GU cancer; GI comorbidities or toxicity; severe renal dysfunction (CrCl , 15 mL/min); NOAC major drug–drug interactions, platelet
count , 50 000/µL.
ESC Guidelines 77
for detecting intracardiac thrombi and late gadolinium enhancement In VTE relapse under anticoagulation, the patient should be investi-
(LGE) CMR with the long inversion time technique is currently con- gated for treatment adherence, cancer progression or relapse, while a
sidered the gold standard.570,571 different anticoagulation strategy should be endorsed (e.g. replacement
of NOAC with LMWH). The management of patients with VTE and a
platelet count ,25 000/µL should be individualized by a MDT.299
6.6.4. Anticoagulation therapy
The duration of anticoagulation in patients with catheter-
Patients with cancer frequently have both an increased thrombotic risk
associated thrombosis depends upon whether the catheter is re-
and an increased bleeding risk associated with certain cancer locations
moved or remains in situ. If removed, then anticoagulation should
(e.g. GI, intracranial), thrombocytopaenia, and other coagulation de- Treatment and secondary prevention of venous Apixaban, edoxaban, or rivaroxabanc are
thromboembolism recommended for the treatment of symptomatic
Several large RCTs and meta-analyses have shown that LMWH de- or incidental VTE in patients with cancer without
crease the risk of recurrent VTE by 40% compared to VKA, with a contraindications.d,578–581,584,585
similar risk of major bleeding.572–576 However, VKA are character- LMWH are recommended for the treatment of
ized by an unpredictable anticoagulation effect and low time in thera- symptomatic or incidental VTE in patients with
peutic range in patients with malignancies due to multiple drug–drug cancer with platelet count .50 000/µL.298,299,578–
interactions, GI toxicity, malnutrition, and liver dysfunction.577
NOAC have been assessed as potential alternatives to LMWH for In patients with cancer with platelet counts of
cancer-associated VTE, based on RCTs that compared edoxaban, rivar- 25 000–50 000/µL, anticoagulation with half-dose
oxaban or apixaban to dalteparin.578–583 The totality of evidence de- LMWH may be considered after a
rived by these trials and subsequent meta-analyses584–586 shows that multidisciplinary discussion.591
NOAC are non-inferior to dalteparin in reducing the risk of VTE recur- Prolongation of anticoagulation therapy beyond 6
rence. The risk of major bleeding was similar, although NOAC were as- months should be considered in selected patients
sociated with an increased risk of clinically relevant non-major bleeding, with active cancere including metastatic
particularly in patients with luminal GI and GU malignancies.586 As a re- disease.589,590
sult, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are recommended for the Catheter-associated VTE
treatment of VTE (DVT and PE) in patients with cancer without any Duration of anticoagulation in patients with
of the following bleeding risk factors: unoperated GI or GU malignan-
© ESC 2022
cancer with a catheter-associated VTE is
cies, history of recent bleeding or within 7 days of major surgery, signifi- I C
recommended for a minimum of 3 months and
cant thrombocytopaenia (platelet count , 50 000/µL), severe renal continuing longer if the catheter remains in situ.
dysfunction (creatinine clearance (CrCl , 15 mL/min), or GI comorbid-
ities.582,586 In addition, drug–drug interactions between NOAC, cancer CrCl, creatinine clearance; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; LMWH,
low-molecular-weight heparins; ULN, upper limit of normal; VTE, venous
therapies, and other concomitant treatments should be checked.587 thromboembolism.
There are also concerns about NOAC in patients with GI toxicity a
Class of recommendation.
such as vomiting or those having undergone gastrectomy or extensive Level of evidence.
Drugs are listed in alphabetical order
intestine resection, as well as those with severely impaired renal func- d
High risk of GI or GU bleeding, GI absorption concerns, significant drug–drug
tion. Shared decision-making considering informed patient preferences interactions, severe renal dysfunction (CrCl , 15 mL/min), significant liver disease
should guide the choice of anticoagulation. (alanine aminotransferase/aspartate aminotransferase . 2 × ULN), or significant
thrombocytopaenia (platelet count , 50 000/µL). In addition, patients with primary
Incidentally encountered proximal DVT or PE should be treated in brain tumours or brain metastases and acute leukaemia were excluded from the
the same manner as symptomatic VTE as they bear similar rates of seminal apixaban trial.580
recurrence and mortality.588 Patients receiving cancer treatment, patients diagnosed with cancer in the past 6
months, and patients with progressive or advanced disease.
The minimal duration of anticoagulation is 6 months and extended
anticoagulation is suggested in the presence of active malignancy,
metastatic disease, or chemotherapy use. Cohort studies have
shown that extended LMWH therapy beyond 6 and up to 12 months Primary prevention of venous thromboembolism
is safe in cancer-associated VTE.589,590 However, patients with can- Patients undergoing surgery and those who are hospitalized or in
cer are also at high risk of bleeding during anticoagulant treatment prolonged bed rest require thromboprophylaxis with low-dose an-
and a periodic assessment of the risk/benefit ratio should performed. ticoagulation.298,299,592–594 The ENOXACAN (Enoxaparin and
78 ESC Guidelines
Cancer) II study showed favourable outcomes with LMWH as pri- 6.7. Bleeding complications
mary thromboprophylaxis for 4 weeks after major abdominal or pel- Bleeding complications are more common in patients with cancer
vic cancer surgery.595 For ambulatory patients, VTE risk should be than in patients without cancer. This may be directly related to the
individually determined and proposed scores such as the Khorana tumour itself, or indirectly related to chemotherapy- or
or the COMPASS-CAT (prospective COmparison of Methods for RT-induced weakening of mucosal barriers.530
thromboembolic risk assessment with clinical Perceptions and
AwareneSS in real-life patients—Cancer Associated Thrombosis)
score may be useful.596,597 Further trials and a meta-analysis have 6.7.1. High-risk patients
and duration of treatment is recommended prior I C sions for significant thrombocytopaenia and withholding and reversal
to prophylactic anticoagulation for the primary of anticoagulation for life-threatening bleeding may be needed as in
prevention of VTE. the general population.530,610 Antifibrinolytic agents, such as tranex-
amic acid or e-aminocaproic acid, can be considered. Non-specific
LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparins; NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral
anticoagulants; VTE, venous thromboembolism. support of haemostasis using coagulation factor concentrates and
Class of recommendation. specific reversal agents may be needed for patients on a NOAC
Level of evidence. with life-threatening bleeding.530 Recombinant activated factor VII
Reduced mobility, obesity, VTE history.
Locally advanced or metastatic pancreas or lung cancer or Khorana score ≥ 2. or activated prothrombin complex concentrates should be avoided
Risk factors for bleeding, significant drug–drug interactions, or severe renal dysfunction. in patients with recent thrombosis.
ESC Guidelines 79
6.8. Peripheral artery disease complicating cancer management. Other group 4 PH due to pulmon-
There is growing evidence that cancer therapy affects the vascula- ary artery obstructions includes angiosarcoma and other malignant
ture. A recent meta-analysis showed a significantly increased arterial tumours (e.g. renal carcinoma, uterine carcinoma, germ cell tumours
stiffness after anthracycline and non-anthracycline treatment.611 of the testis).618
Paraneoplastic acral vascular syndrome was described after initiation PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms (group 5) in-
of nivolumab, with first symptoms 3 weeks after initiation of ther- cludes several conditions that may be complicated by complex and
apy.612 Raynaud phenomenon has been associated with the use of sometimes overlapping pulmonary vascular involvement. Tumoral
bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, platinum compounds, vinca alkaloids, PH includes pulmonary tumour micro-embolism and pulmonary tu-
months. If peak TRV continues to rise, then right-heart catheteriza- with standard therapy or after discontinuation of the treatment.444
tion should be performed, dasatinib treatment should be stopped, Cancer treatment interruption should be discussed with the
and PAH drugs should be considered if PAH is confirmed. cardio-oncology team. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs
(e.g. ibuprofen) and colchicine, in the absence of contraindications,
is recommended as it reduces the rate of recurrence requiring re-
Recommendation Table 37 — Recommendations for peat intervention.623 Low-to-moderate doses of steroids are only in-
the management of pulmonary hypertension during dicated for resistant cases except ICI-related pericarditis.444
anticancer treatment
ICI-associated pericarditis has a median time of onset of 30 days in
Recommendation Table 38 — Recommendations for continue on long-term oncology therapies, e.g. women with oestro-
the management of pericardial diseases in patients re- gen receptor-positive early invasive BC. In this example, the
ceiving anticancer treatment end-of-therapy risk assessment refers to the timepoint from the
last anthracycline or trastuzumab dose.
Recommendations Classa Levelb
High-risk patients can be identified at completion of their cardio-
General toxic cancer therapies by their clinical characteristics, history of
Diagnosis and management of acute pericarditis in CTR-CVT during treatment, and by elevated cardiac biomarkers
patients with cancer based on the 2015 ESC and/or abnormal CV imaging at follow up.53,54,92 Cardiac serum bio-
A multidisciplinary discussion is recommended
I C year after cancer treatment?
before restarting ICI treatment.
The end-of-treatment risk assessment ideally identifies those high-risk
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CT, computed tomography; CV, cardiovascular; CS, who require long-term CV surveillance, based on the following
ECG, electrocardiogram; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; ICI, immune criteria (Table 10):
checkpoint inhibitors.
Class of recommendation. (1) Baseline high or very high risk based on HFA-ICOS risk assess-
Level of evidence.
ment tools12 (Section 4).
(2) Cardiotoxic cancer therapy with a high risk of long-term CV
complications7,21 (Section 8).
7. End-of-cancer therapy (3) Moderate or severe CTR-CVT diagnosed during cancer treat-
ment (Table 3).68
cardiovascular risk assessment (4) New abnormalities in cardiac function detected by echocardiog-
raphy, new elevated cardiac serum biomarkers, or newly CV
7.1. Cardiovascular evaluation during the symptoms detected at the end-of-therapy assessment (3 or 12
first year after cardiotoxic anticancer months after treatment).68,208
End-of-cancer therapy CV risk assessment covers the first 12 The timing of the first CV assessment after cardiotoxic cancer
months after the last cardiotoxic cancer treatment. These recom- treatment depends on the risk defined by baseline CV assessment,
mendations are where cardiotoxic cancer therapy has been success- the type of cancer therapy, and whether CTR-CVT was diagnosed
fully completed with good long-term prognosis. These during treatment.
recommendations are not indicated when cancer therapies are dis- In asymptomatic high-risk patients (Table 10), echocardiography
continued due to cancer progression and prognosis is poor, or and cardiac serum biomarkers are recommended at 3 and 12 months
where end-of-life care is indicated. Selected patients with cancer after completion of cancer therapy.53,54,59,61,68,148,208,425 In
82 ESC Guidelines
Table 10 Risk factors for future cardiovascular dis- 7.3. Management of cancer
ease at the end-of-cancer therapy cardiovascular risk
assessment therapy-related cardiac dysfunction at
the end-of-therapy assessment
High-risk conditions During this end-of-treatment assessment, a review of cardioprotec-
High- and very-high baseline CV toxicity risk based on HFA-ICOS
tive medications initiated during cancer therapy to treat CTRCD is
recommended (Figure 37). In selected patients with asymptomatic
mild or moderate CTRCD who have fully recovered with normal
Specific anticancer treatment proven to have a high risk of long-term CV
TTE and cardiac serum biomarkers, a trial of weaning off CV
Patients who develop CTRCD during cancer treatment and are being started on HF therapy
Continue HF therapy
Recovery N Partial or nonea
(Class I)
MDT to consider
weaning HF therapyc
Patient risk
Figure 37 Management of cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction after cancer therapy. CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV,
cardiovascular; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; HFA, Heart Failure Association; ICOS, International Cardio-Oncology Society; LV, left
ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MDT, multidisciplinary team; N, no; Y, yes. aPartial or no recovery: patients who do not
meet all of the criteria for full recovery. bFull recovery: no signs or symptoms of HF + LVEF . 50% + GLS within normal range or similar to baseline
measurements + cardiac serum biomarkers within the normal range or similar to baseline measurements cThe CTRCD trajectory of each patient is
unique and dynamic and withdrawal of HF therapy requires a MDT to consider several key points that help to stratify patients into low- or high-risk
categories. Key points to consider during a MDT discussion are: HFA-ICOS baseline CV toxicity risk assessment, pre-existing indications for
CV medication, class of cancer treatment causing CTRCD (generally reversible vs. generally irreversible), magnitude and duration of CTRCD before re-
covery, intensity of HF therapy needed to recover LV function, family history of cardiomyopathy or known cardiomyopathy gene carrier (see Section 4.8).
See Table 10. eLow-risk patient characteristics: low to moderate baseline CV toxicity risk (HFA-ICOS risk assessment), no pre-existing indications
for CV medication, cancer treatment generally associated with reversible myocardial damage, asymptomatic mild CTRCD, early cardiac function recovery
(3–6 months) under HF therapy, no family history of cardiomyopathy.
with cancer in the pre-, active-, and post-treatment settings. may not be feasible in elderly and frail patients.642 Dedicated
HIIT-related benefits on CRF, physical activity behaviour, fatigue, cardio-oncology rehabilitation programmes are currently under
and quality of life persist months post-intervention.640,641 HIIT development.11
84 ESC Guidelines
© ESC 2022
ECG follow-up is recommended in patients who
end-of-cancer therapy cardiovascular risk assessment I
developed QT lengthening or LQTS during cancer C
a b therapy.646
Recommendations Class Level
CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing; CS, cancer survivors; CTRCD, cancer
Educating and supporting patients with cancer to therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease;
make appropriate healthy lifestyle choices is I C CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram;
recommended.c ESC, European Society of Cardiology; LQTS, long QT syndrome; TKI, tyrosine kinase
Education is recommended for patients with a
Class of recommendation.
Table 11 Risk categories for asymptomatic adults who are childhood and adolescent cancer survivors
Risk category RT dosea (Gy MHD) Total cumulative doxorubicinb Combination therapy
dose (mg/m2)
RT dosea (Gy MHD) Total cumulative doxorubicinb
dose (mg/m2)
© ESC 2022
Downloaded from by guest on 28 August 2022
Moderate risk 5–15d 100–249 ,5e ≥100
Low risk ,5 ,100 –
CS risk stratification. A LVEF of 40–49% is associated with an almost 8.1.2. Adult cancer survivors
eight-fold increased risk for LVEF ,40% at 10-year follow-up com- Long-term cancer survivorship care is an advancing field of research.
pared with patients with a preserved LVEF (≥50%).654 Lifelong sur- Many survivors will experience several cancer- and treatment-related
veillance for high-risk survivors is recommended.7 late effects throughout their lives, including CTR-CVT. Besides affect-
ing their physical and psychosocial health status, these might reduce
Recommendation Table 40 — Recommendations for life expectancy and quality of life. This is relevant in some cancer types,
cardiovascular surveillance in asymptomatic adults when CVD risk—especially CTRCD risk—exceeds cancer mortal-
who are childhood and adolescent cancer survivors ity.658,659 The risk of fatal heart disease is increased more than two-
fold in survivors of several solid cancers and lymphoma compared
Recommendations Classa Levelb
with the general population.660–662
Education of adults who are childhood and CV risk assessment at the end of therapy (Section 7) identifies CS
adolescent CS treated with anthracyclines, who require long-term cardiology follow-up beyond the first 12
mitoxantrone, and/or RT to a volume including I B months after completing their cancer treatment. Asymptomatic
the heart and their healthcare providers regarding CS with new or persisting abnormalities at their end-of-therapy as-
their increased CV risk is recommended.655–657 sessment will be identified as at high risk for future CV events and
Annual screening for modifiable CVRFc is require long-term surveillance.
recommended in adults who are childhood and Specific cancer treatments carry the highest risk of long-term CV
adolescent CS treated with anthracyclines, I C toxicity including anthracycline chemotherapy and RT where the
mitoxantrone, and/or RT to a volume including heart is within the RT treatment volume. Progressive RT-related
the heart. CV toxicity typically develops 5–10 years after the initial treatment,
CV assessmentd is recommended in female and may cause CAD and HF at an incidence up to six-fold higher than
childhood and adolescent CS prior to pregnancy I C in the general population. An increased CV mortality compared with
or in the first trimester. the general population has been attributed to radiation-associated
Echocardiography surveillance should be heart disease in Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, BC,
considered every 2 years in adults who are IIa B and patients with lung cancer.663–665 The incidence and progression
high-risk childhood and adolescente CS.7 of the radiation-related CV complications depends on the dose to
the CV tissue and on concomitant cancer therapies and patient char-
© ESC 2022
Table 12 Risk categories for asymptomatic adult can- early risk, particularly in the first 2 years.61,667,668 Annual CV assess-
cer survivors ment with clinical examination, ECG, and NP measurement is recom-
mended in CS. TTE should be considered at years 1, 3, and 5 after
Risk categorya Patient characteristics
completion of cardiotoxic cancer therapy and every 5 years thereafter
Very high risk • Very high baseline CV toxicity risk in asymptomatic very high- and early high-risk adult CS.
pre-treatment In adult CS with late high CTR-CVT risk (e.g. young adults with
• Doxorubicinb ≥ 400 mg/m2 Hodgkin lymphoma or sarcomas who received a high total cumula-
• RT . 25 Gy MHDc tive anthracycline dose or patients treated with high-dose radiation
Renal artery ultrasound should be considered in 8.2. Myocardial dysfunction and heart
© ESC 2022
patients with a history of abdominal and pelvic
IIa C failure
radiation who present with worsening renal HF treatment in CS should follow the current 2021 ESC Guidelines
function and/or systemic hypertension. for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic HF.14
BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; Treatment with ACE-I/ARB and/or beta-blockers is recommended
CS, cancer survivors; CT, computed tomography; CTR-CVT, cancer therapy-related for both symptomatic and asymptomatic CS who have LVEF ,
cardiovascular toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF,
50% detected on CV assessment.14,61,208,675 In CS with mild asymp-
cardiovascular risk factors; ECG, electrocardiogram; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin;
tomatic CTRCD detected on CV assessment (LVEF . 50% but new
Annual CV risk
Low assessmenta
Cardiology referralb
if new CV TTE every 5 years in
symptoms develop adults who are childhood
and adolescent CS
TTE every 5 years in
CV toxicity risk adult CS
at 5 years
TTE every 2 years in
adults who are childhood
High and and adolescent CS
very high
Patient education and
TTE at years 1, 3, and 5 after
CVRF optimization
cardiotoxic cancer therapy and
every 5 years thereafter in adult CS
Figure 38 Long-term follow-up in cancer survivors. BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CS, cancer survivors; CTR-CVT, cancer
therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; ECG, electrocardiogram;
HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aClinical review, BP, lipid profile, HbA1c, ECG, NP. In
selected patients, non-invasive screening for CAD and carotid or renal diseases every 5–10 years, starting at 5 years after radiation may be considered.
Cardio-oncology referral is recommended when available; alternatively, the patient should be referred to a specialized cardiologist with expertise in
managing CVD in patients with cancer. cRestratification includes evaluation of new or pre-existing CVRF and CVD (including CTR-CVT).
88 ESC Guidelines
Recommendation Table 42 — Recommendations for mammary artery viability, venous access, and sternal wound healing
adult cancer survivors who develop cancer is recommended in CS with RT-induced CAD where CABG is con-
therapy-related cardiac dysfunction late after cardio- sidered. PCI with drug-eluting stents may be considered over CABG
toxic cancer therapy
in CS with RT-induced severe left main or three-vessel disease, with a
Recommendations Classa Levelb high SYNTAX (SYNergy between percutaneous coronary interven-
tion with TAXus and cardiac surgery) score (.22), in whom the
ACE-I/ARB and/or beta-blockers are planned PCI is technically feasible given the increased complications
recommended in adult CS with moderate I C
associated with CABG after mediastinal RT.
© ESC 2022
ACE-I/ARB and/or beta-blockers may be have received chest RT to a treatment volume including the heart.
considered in adult CS with mild asymptomatic IIb C Screening should take the form of functional imaging and/or CCTA be-
CTRCD. ginning at 5 years post-RT.234,484 The natural history of RT-related vas-
ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers;
culopathy is different to atherosclerosis and may accelerate rapidly.173
CS, cancer survivors; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; GLS, Functional cardiac imaging should be considered in asymptomatic CS
global longitudinal strain; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction. with pre-existing CAD or when new significant CAD is detected on
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
anatomical imaging. In asymptomatic patients with inducible ischaemia
New LVEF reduction by ≥10 percentage points to an LVEF of 40–49% OR new LVEF secondary to RT-induced CAD, a MDT is recommended to discuss re-
reduction by ,10 percentage points to an LVEF of 40–49% AND either new relative vascularization needs according to the location of the RT-induced CAD,
decline in GLS by .15% from baseline OR new rise in cardiac biomarkers.
LVEF ≥ 50% and new relative decline in GLS by .15% from baseline AND/OR new
the ischaemia burden, LV function, arrhythmia burden, time since treat-
rise in cardiac biomarkers. ment, time since previous normal review (if available), concomitant
valvular disease, risks of surgical or percutaneous revascularization,
medical options, and patient preference.173
8.3. Coronary artery disease Platinum-based chemotherapies are now recognized to cause
Any vascular location within the RT treatment volume is at increased CAD in CS. Cisplatin-based chemotherapy for testicular cancer is
risk for both accelerated atherosclerosis and RT-related vasculopa- associated with a 1.5–7-fold increased risk of developing
thy.173,392 RT to the chest (e.g. treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma, CAD.421,493,685 Testicular CS who received platinum-based chemo-
early-stage BC, lung and oesophageal cancer, and for some patients therapy should have their CVRF tightly controlled and be educated
receiving infradiaphragmatic irradiation if the apex of the heart is to report any new chest pain or cardiac symptoms to their doctor
within the treatment volume) increases the risk of CAD. The latency promptly. The role of screening for CAD in patients who received
between RT and the appearance of CAD varies from a few years to platinum-based chemotherapy is unknown.
several decades, depending upon the presence or absence of pre- Aggressive risk-factor modification and CV diagnostic work-up
existing atherosclerosis and the age of the patient at the time of strongly enhance survival.5,672 Medical therapy with aspirin and sta-
RT. This is a serious complication for young CS with a good progno- tins for primary/secondary prevention, and beta-blockers and ni-
sis and long-life expectancy (e.g. BC and Hodgkin lymphoma).389,390 trates for symptom control, are recommended in CS.686,687
Patients treated for mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma have shown an
increased risk of CAD as a first cardiac event.400 RT-induced CAD
depends on the location of the RT treatment volume and most com- Recommendation Table 43 — Recommendations for
monly affects either the proximal left anterior descending or the adult cancer survivors with coronary artery disease
right coronary arteries. RT-related vasculopathy is progressive and
Recommendations Classa Levelb
typically manifests in severe, diffuse, long, smooth and concentric
angiographic lesions.679,680 Asymptomatic radiation-induced CAD detected during
The risk and severity of CAD increases with radiation dose, larger surveillance
volume exposed, younger age at time of treatment (,25 years),390 Non-invasive stress testingc is recommended in
time from treatment, smoking,400 the presence of other typical asymptomatic CS with new moderate or severe
CVRF, type of radiation source, and concurrent metabolic risk I C
radiation-induced CAD detected on CCTA to
factors.493 RT accelerates pre-existing atherosclerosis leading to in- guide ischaemia-directed management.635,688
creased ACS risk within 10 years of treatment.681
A MDT discussion is recommended for clinical
Patients with RT-induced CAD undergoing PCI with bare-metal
decision-making in patients with radiation-induced
stent or balloon angioplasty have an increased risk of all-cause and I C
CAD and inducible ischaemia or severe left main
CV mortality.682 Conversely, after PCI with a drug-eluting stent,
there is no difference in target lesion revascularization or cardiac
Symptomatic CAD
mortality between patients with and without prior chest RT.683
Surgical revascularization in patients with prior RT may be compli- Pre-operative assessment of LIMA and RIMA
cated by poor tissue healing (skin and sternum), RT-induced injury to viability, venous access, and sternal wound healing
the left and right internal mammary arteries (LIMA and RIMA, re- is recommended in CS with radiation-induced
spectively), inadequate target coronary vessels, and increased CAD where CABG is considered.
sternotomy-related pain.684 Pre-operative assessment of internal Continued
ESC Guidelines 89
PCI may be considered in CS with TAVI should be considered for patients with
© ESC 2022
radiation-induced CAD with severe left main or symptomatic severe aortic stenosis caused by
© ESC 2022
three-vessel disease with a high SYNTAX score IIb B radiation at intermediate surgical
(.22) in whom the procedure is technically risk.504,506,693,694,696,697
CS, cancer survivors; EuroSCORE, European System for Cardiac Operative Risk
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCTA, coronary Evaluation; MDT, multidisciplinary team; STS PROM, Society of Thoracic Surgeons–
computed tomography angiography; CS, cancer survivors; LIMA, left internal Predicted Risk of Mortality; TAVI, transcatheter aortic valve implantation; VHD,
mammary artery; MDT, multidisciplinary team; PCI, percutaneous coronary valvular heart disease.
constriction, or tamponade.709 Percutaneous balloon pericardiot- standardized risk-based screening and management of these condi-
omy or pericardial window creation should be used in selected cases tions according to general ESC Guidelines is recommended19 to im-
for large or growing chronic effusions if haemodynamic compromise prove long-term outcomes in CS.672
develops. Management of these conditions should follow general Increasing numbers of patients with cancer are already overweight
guideline recommendations.14,444 or obese at cancer diagnosis,717 and additional weight gain is a fre-
quent complication of anticancer treatments.718 Obesity is asso-
ciated with metabolic syndrome, worsening CVRF, and cancer.
Recommendation Table 45 — Recommendation for
Increasing evidence indicates that being overweight increases the
adult cancer survivors with pericardial complications
© ESC 2022
developing chronic constrictive pericarditis, hence IIb C
bles/fruits and whole grains has been shown to be associated with re-
echocardiography surveillance every 5 years may
duced mortality and cancer recurrence when compared with a high
be considered.
intake of refined grains, processed and red meats, and high-fat dairy
RT, radiotherapy. products.725–727
Class of recommendation. The identification and treatment of hyperlipidaemia in CS is asso-
Level of evidence.
ciated with a profound impact on outcomes.182,183 There is a benefit
for CS from an all-cause mortality perspective as well as for decreas-
8.7. Arrhythmias and autonomic disease ing cancer recurrence.728–730
Arrhythmias, conduction disease, and autonomic disease are com- Several studies have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of ex-
mon complications in CS. Conduction disease after thoracic RT is ercise during primary anticancer treatment,731,732 and exercise is re-
typically associated with other CTR-CVT.710 It may include AV commended during and after anticancer treatment.11,733 For CS,734
block, bundle branch block, and sick sinus syndrome that should aerobic exercise results in improved survival.735 Based on current
be monitored and treated according to the 2021 ESC Guidelines guidelines, patients undergoing anticancer therapy and long-term
on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy.443 CS should be encouraged to exercise for at least 150 min per
Patients who require valve replacement after thoracic RT have a week.736
high risk of post-operative AV block requiring permanent pace-
maker therapy.711 Supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
are more common in patients after thoracic RT,712 possibly due 8.9. Pregnancy in cancer survivors
to RT-induced myocardial fibrosis. A common long-term complica- Improvements in the treatment of cancer have led to an increasing
tion after HSCT is supraventricular arrhythmia including AF and at- number of female paediatric and adolescent CS who experience
rial flutter,457 particularly in CS treated with anthracyclines or with pregnancy many years after their oncological treatments.
new CVRF or CV toxicity. Approximately 60% of them will have been previously exposed to
Autonomic dysfunction is an emerging but poorly understood anthracycline chemotherapy or chest RT and they have a 15-fold in-
complication observed in CS, and is most frequently observed as a crease in their lifetime risk of developing HF.737 As young CS enter
late complication after thoracic RT. Orthostatic hypotension, pos- their reproductive years and contemplate pregnancy, it is important
tural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, inappropriate sinus tachy- to understand the impact of cancer and its treatment on fertility,
cardia, and loss of circadian heart rate variability can occur.713,714 pregnancy outcomes, and CV health. There are limited data available
Physicians caring for these patients should consider referral for auto- regarding CV risk in pregnancy following cancer treatments. The
nomic evaluation. In addition, the perception of angina pain may be overall incidence of LVD or HF associated with pregnancy in female
impaired,714 making the diagnosis of post-radiation CAD challenging. adult CS varies according to the studied population. In a single insti-
Evidence-based pharmacological treatment strategies are based on tution report including 337 female CS treated with cardiotoxic ther-
studies of patients with other autonomic dysfunction aetiologies apies, 58 (17%) had a subsequent pregnancy.738 Cardiac events,
(e.g. DM or infiltrative diseases) and the reported effectiveness is defined as LVEF , 50% on two TTE or new CAD, were identified
generally poor.714 in 17 patients.738 Patients with cardiac events were likely to be
younger at cancer diagnosis, received a higher cumulative dose of an-
thracycline, and had a longer delay (in years) from cancer treatment
8.8. Metabolic syndrome, lipid to first pregnancy compared with pregnant women with no cardiac
abnormalities, diabetes mellitus, and event.738 In a recent meta-analysis of six studies, the weighted risk of
hypertension pregnancy-associated LVD or HF in CS treated with anthracyclines
There is a growing understanding about shared CVRF that may be was 1.7% with no reported maternal cardiac deaths.739 Major risk
responsible for cancer development or progression and premature factors for CV events during pregnancy in CS include CTRCD (inci-
CV morbi-mortality.34 Modifiable CVRF continue to be underdiag- dence 28%; 47.4-fold higher odds),739 younger age at cancer diagno-
nosed and undertreated in CS, especially hypertension,715 obesity, sis,738,740 longer time from cancer treatment to first pregnancy, and
DM, metabolic syndrome,716 and dyslipidaemia. Early diagnosis via cumulative anthracycline dose.738
ESC Guidelines 91
Management by an expert MDT (the pregnancy heart team) is re- predominant in adults, rhabdomyomas in children).744 Malignant pri-
commended for all CS with CTRCD who are considering preg- mary tumours most commonly consist of sarcomas (approximately
nancy.739,741,742 The risk of HF in CS without CTRCD is low, 65%) or lymphomas (approximately 25%).745 Cardiac metastases
although vigilance remains important for potential maternal cardiac (from melanoma, lymphoma, leukaemia, breast, lung, and oesopha-
complications. geal cancers) are much more common than primary cardiac tumours
(Figure 39).746 Presenting symptoms are paraneoplastic (fever, weak-
ness, fatigue), thromboembolic, haemodynamic (due to compression
Recommendation Table 46 — Recommendations for or obstruction from the tumour) or arrhythmic.747,748
cardiovascular monitoring in cancer survivors during
echocardiography should be considered at 20 The diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy is uncommon (1 in every
weeks of pregnancy in high-risk female CSc who 1000 pregnant women is diagnosed with cancer), with BC, melan-
received potentially cardiotoxic cancer therapy. oma, and cervical cancer being the most frequent diagnoses.757
Chemotherapy is generally not applied during the first trimester
CS, cancer survivors; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CV,
cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiogram, NP, natriuretic peptides. due to the high risk of foetal congenital abnormalities (up to 20%)
Class of recommendation. and cytotoxic chemotherapies have different risk profiles during
Level of evidence. the second or third trimesters.758,759 Furthermore, chemotherapy
See Tables 11 and 12.
administration is usually not given beyond week 34 of gestation to
provide a 3-week window between the last cycle and delivery.757
Supplementary data, Table S19 summarizes the chemotherapies
8.10. Pulmonary hypertension for pregnant patients with cancer.760,761
Long-term clinical evaluation may be considered in patients who de- Cardiac assessment prior to chemotherapy in pregnant women
velop PH during therapy (Section 6). In patients with new exertional with cancer should consist of clinical history, physical examination,
dyspnoea, fatigue, or angina, a TTE is recommended to assess the ECG, cardiac biomarker assessment and TTE (Figure 41).741
probability of PH. As TTE alone is not enough to confirm the diagnosis Baseline and follow-up TTE should be interpreted in the context
of PH, CS diagnosed with high PH probability require a right-heart of physiological haemodynamic alterations during pregnancy. In nor-
catheterization to confirm the diagnosis. PH should be treated accord- mal pregnancy, increase in stroke volume, heart rate, and pre-load
ing to general guidelines with referral to a specialist PH service.620 blood volume, and decrease in systemic vascular resistance, lead to
an increase in cardiac output from the first trimester to 80–85%
above baseline by the third trimester.762–764 An increase in LV
9. Special populations mass and LV and RV volumes is observed in the third trimester.
During normal pregnancy, LVEF is usually unchanged and can be
9.1. Cardiac tumours used for CTRCD monitoring. Although NP and cTn may be slightly
Cardiac tumours are classified as either benign or malignant.743 Over elevated during normal pregnancy (NT-proBNP , 300 ng/L, BNP ,
90% of primary cardiac tumours are benign (myxomas are 100 pg/mL,14 and hs-cTnT765,766), serial evaluation may be useful for
92 ESC Guidelines
Sarcoma Lipoma
Right atrium Sarcoma
Lung tumours
Right ventricle Sarcoma
Metastasis Valves
Inferior cava vein
Renal tumour
Left ventricle
Lipo-sarcoma Lipoma
Lipoma Lymphoma
Lymphoma Metastasis
Mesothelioma Rhabdomyoma
Metastasis Sarcoma
close CTRCD monitoring during cancer treatment with the higher TTE during treatments with potential CTRCD risk should be advised
cut-off NP levels for pregnancy. (e.g. every 4–8 weeks or every two cycles for a 3-weekly anthracycline
The topic of CVD during pregnancy has been extensively re- chemotherapy cycle). The management of clinical HF or asymptomatic
viewed in the 2018 ESC Guidelines for the management of CVD LVD during pregnancy is fully described in the 2018 ESC Guidelines for
during pregnancy.741 Here we focus on specific recommendations the management of CVD during pregnancy.741
in pregnant women with cancer receiving anthracycline
9.2.2. Venous thromboembolism and pulmonary
9.2.1. Left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure Pregnant patients with cancer have an increased risk of
Medical history evaluating signs and symptoms of HF should be per- developing VTE, especially when hospitalized. 767–769
formed at every clinical visit of pregnant women with cancer receiv- Identified risks for VTE in pregnant patients include having a
ing anthracycline chemotherapy. More frequent CV evaluations with history of BC or previous chemotherapy in the past 6 months.
ESC Guidelines 93
Figure 40 Diagnostic algorithm for cardiac masses. CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomog-
raphy; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography. aTTE/transoesophageal echocardiography: location, size, and haemodynamic disturbances. Contrast echo-
cardiography to assess vascularization. bIdentify primary extra-cardiac malignancy. Reveal extra-cardiac changes. Staging of malignant lesions. cTissue
characterization (fat infiltration, necrosis, haemorrhage, calcification, and vascularization). Exclude thrombus. dDistinguish malignant vs. benign lesions.
Staging of malignant lesions. eMass biopsy of suspected primary malignant cardiac tumours and/or biopsy of extracardiac masses if detected and safer
to biopsy. f20–30 times more likely than primary tumours.
Table 13 Management strategies and surgery indications for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with benign
and malignant cardiac tumours
Benign Asymptomatic MDT discussion is required considering: tumour type, If left-sided and endocardial: even if small and incidental, a
tumours location, size, growth rate, and likelihood of embolism. MDT is needed to consider the indication for surgical
Anticoagulation should be considered for left-sided removal due to the embolic risk
tumours or right-sided tumours associated with an
intracardiac shunt, according to the individual’s embolic and
bleeding risk
Symptomatic Non-surgical management for: Surgical resection is indicated in all other cases.
• Rhabdomyomas (possible spontaneous regression) For large, benign, unresectable, symptomatic cardiac
• Intramural haemangioma (possible response to tumours (obstruction, severe HF, or malignant
corticosteroids) arrhythmias), heart transplantation may be indicated in
• Unresectable cases: if antiarrhythmic therapy is sufficient some cases
Malignant Asymptomatic Histopathological diagnosis is required If primary cardiac sarcoma, a complete surgical resection
tumours may increase survival
© ESC 2022
Symptomatic Chemotherapy and/or RT are the only therapeutic options Secondary cardiac tumours may also be treated with
for secondary cardiac tumours. palliative cardiac surgery
If primary cardiac lymphoma: chemotherapy
Every visit
Physical examination
Figure 41 Cardiac monitoring protocol for pregnant women receiving anthracycline-based chemotherapy. cTn, cardiac troponin; ECG, electrocardio-
gram; M, months; NP, natriuretic peptides; TTE, transoesophageal echocardiography; W, week.
Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of PE during preg- morbidity and/or mortality due to VTE. 770 LMWH have be-
nancy are the same as in the general 2018 ESC Guidelines for the man- come the drug of choice for the prophylaxis and treatment
agement of CVD during pregnancy741 and 2019 ESC Guidelines for the of VTE in pregnant patients. 741 The recommendation for
diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism.566 thromboprophylaxis should be individualized, weighing the
Determination of VTE risk score and the use of thrombo- risks of bleeding vs. thromboembolism in pregnant patients
prophylaxis protocols may be useful to prevent maternal with cancer.
ESC Guidelines 95
Recommendation Table 47 — Recommendations for syndrome require both tricuspid and pulmonary valve surgery.783
cardiovascular assessment and monitoring of pregnant Administration of i.v. somatostatin analogues (e.g. octreotide) is re-
women with cancer commended to avoid a peri-operative carcinoid crisis. The infusion
should be started on the morning of the procedure (up to 12 h pre-
Recommendations Classa Levelb
operatively), continued throughout the procedure (surgery, pre-
Management by an expert MDT (the pregnancy operative coronary angiography, pacemaker implantation), and post-
heart team) in an expert centre is recommended
I C operatively for at least 48 h following valve surgery or until stable if a
for pregnant women with cancer who require carcinoid crisis is triggered post-operatively.772
© ESC 2022
recommended in symptomatic patients with
I C amyloidosis
severe carcinoid mitral or aortic VHD and an Amyloid light-chain amyloidosis is a plasma cell dyscrasia, which
expected survival ≥12 months.783,785 is typically treated with therapies very similar to those used in
MDT, multidisciplinary team; NP, natriuretic peptides; RV, right ventricular; VHD, MM, including PI-based therapy.792 It can occur in conjunction
valvular heart disease. with myeloma or independently as a light-chain protein-
Class of recommendation.
b producing disorder. Amyloid light-chain amyloidosis is a systemic
Level of evidence.
c disease 793,794 and it is critical to have a high degree of suspicion for
Flushing CMR
Broncho- TTE
Circulating serotonin
Urinary 5HIAA
Figure 42 Carcinoid heart disease: clinical features and diagnostic tests. 5HIAA, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; NP,
natriuretic peptides; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.
ESC Guidelines 97
CV Laboratorya
HFpEF or unexplained
right HF
Hypotension or syncope
Peripheral oedema
Orthostatic hypotension
Peripheral polyneuropathy ECHO score ≥8d
Characteristic echo findingse
Renal impairment
Constipation /diarrhoea
Figure 43 Non-invasive diagnosis of amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis. a′ , late diastolic velocity of mitral annulus obtained by tissue Doppler im-
aging; AF, atrial fibrillation; AL-CA, amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CV, cardiovascular; E, mitral inflow early
diastolic velocity obtained by pulsed wave; e′ , early diastolic velocity of mitral annulus obtained by tissue doppler imaging; ECG, electrocardiogram; echo,
echocardiography; ECV, extracellular volume fraction; GI, gastrointestinal; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; HFpEF, heart failure with pre-
served ejection fraction; IVS, interventricular septum; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVEDD, left ventricular end diastolic diam-
eter; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; PW, left ventricular posterior wall; s′ , systolic velocity of tricuspid annulus obtained by
Doppler tissue imaging; SPEP, serum protein electrophoresis; TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography;
UPEP, urine protein electrophoresis. Individually, the clinical manifestations and findings on cardiac testing for AL-CA are non-specific. Integration of
all clinical and diagnostic findings is necessary when assessing the likelihood of the diagnosis. aDisproportionately high NT-proBNP; persisting elevated
troponin levels; abnormal free light-chain levels (AL-CA); positive SPEP and/or UPEP (AL-CA). bDisproportionally low QRS voltage; early conduction
system disease; pseudo-infarct pattern. cUnexplained LV thickness ≥ 12 mm + 1 or 2 characteristic echo findings or ECHO score ≥ 8; idiopathic peri-
cardial effusion. dECHO score: relative LV wall thickness (IVS + PW/LVEDD) . 0.6 (3 points), Doppler E/e′ . 11 (1 point); TAPSE ≤ 19 mm (2 points);
GLS ≥ −13% (1 point); systolic longitudinal strain apex to base ratio.2.9 (3 points). eCharacteristic echocardiography findings: grade ≥ 2 diastolic dys-
function; reduced s′ , e′ , and a′ velocities (,5 cm/s); decreased GLS to ≥−15%. fDiffuse subendocardial or transmural LGE; elevated native T1 values;
abnormal gadolinium kinetics (myocardial nulling preceding or coinciding with the blood pool); ECV ≥ 0.40% (strongly supportive).
98 ESC Guidelines
Cardiac serum biomarkers are an essential step in the diagnostic Recommendation Table 49 — Recommendations for
and prognostic assessments for these patients.797–799 AL-CA has amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis diagnosis and
been extensively reviewed in a recent position paper from the monitoring
Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases.290
Recommendations Classa Levelb
The classical non-invasive definition of AL-CA is based on clinical
suspicion, biomarkers, TTE, CMR, and nuclear scintigraphy criteria Echocardiography, NP, and cTn are
(Figure 43). Persistent troponin elevation and disproportionately recommended for the diagnosis of AL-CA in I B
high NT-proBNP (generally .300 ng/L in the absence of renal fail- patients with plasma cell dyscrasia.290,820 822
© ESC 2022
Admission with inpatient ECG monitoring should be
serve as an independent prognostic factor of poor overall survival considered for high-risk patients with AL-CA IIa C
in patients with AL-CA.802 CMR with LGE and parametric imaging requiring PI during their first cycle of therapy.c,808,811
≥5 Gy
<10 Gy or
neutrons <10 MV
≥10 Gy or
neutrons ≥10 MV
Figure 44 Risk stratification in patients with a cardiac implantable electronic device undergoing radiotherapy. CIED, cardiac implantable electronic de-
vice; Gy, Gray; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; MV, megavolt; RT, radiotherapy.
patients should be informed of the potential risks of RT.443 For pa- adequate tumour treatment. The photon beam energy should
tients with rate-adaptive pacemakers, consideration should be given be kept ,10 MV as the risk of device malfunction/damage in-
to temporary deactivation of the sensor during RT. Although inacti- creases above this threshold. If higher doses are needed or if
vation of antitachycardia therapies in patients with ICDs is recom- the CIED cannot be kept out of the beam, consideration should
mended in several publications, by either reprogramming or be given to removing and relocating the CIED away from the
application of a magnet to ICDs, it is infrequently performed in clin- beam, although this will only very rarely be necessary. The main
ical practice.826 reason for device relocation is to allow adequate RT treatment
CIEDs should not be placed directly in the RT treatment vol- of the tumour, but consideration should also be given to possible
ume and the cumulative dose should not exceed 2 Gy to a pace- RT-induced CIED malfunction/damage with consequent need for
maker or 1 Gy to an ICD.827 If the CIED is situated in the path CIED replacement.826 However, CIED explant and resiting carries
of the planned radiation beam, it could also interfere with significant risks, including the risk of infection, which may be of
100 ESC Guidelines
Maximum cumulative
incident dose of >5 Gy
Pacing dependent or
frequent ICD therapies
Figure 45 Management of patients with a cardiac implantable electronic device located in the radiotherapy treatment beam. CIED, cardiac implantable
electronic device; ECG, electrocardiogram; Gy, Gray; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; MDT, multidisciplinary team; N, no; RT, radiotherapy; Y,
yes. aMultidisciplinary discussion must consider: (1) whether the CIED is interfering with the RT dose delivered to the tumour; (2) whether the
RT is interfering with CIED function (aim to not exceed 2 Gy to permanent pacemaker and 1 Gy to ICD); (3) risks of moving the CIED: infection (es-
pecially in immunocompromised patients), procedural complications (e.g. bleeding with thrombocytopaenia); for younger patients with good prognosis,
consider long-term effects of losing an access site (lead extraction/RT-induced thrombosis). bIf last CIED check .3 months earlier.
particular importance in patients receiving chemotherapy or conjunction with the patient. Device relocation is not recom-
those who are immunosuppressed. For most patients in whom mended for CIEDs receiving a maximum cumulative incident
definitive tumour treatment is planned, the risk/benefit ratio will dose of ,5 Gy, where the risk is considered negligible.826,828
usually favour device relocation, whereas for patients receiving There should be continuous visual and voice contact with the pa-
palliative RT or with significant comorbidities, relocation could tient during each treatment fraction. CIEDs should be periodically
be avoided.826 These decisions should be made by a MDT in checked in patients with ICDs, especially those receiving .10 MV
ESC Guidelines 101
Pacing-dependent or
Pacing-dependent frequent ICD therapies
Low-risk patients High-risk patients Low-risk patients High-risk patients High-risk patients
Figure 46 Management of patients with a cardiac implantable electronic device located outside the radiotherapy treatment volume. CIED, cardiac
implantable electronic device; ECG, electrocardiogram; Gy, Gray; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; MV, megavolt; N, no; RT, radiotherapy;
Y, yes. aIf last CIED check .3 months earlier.
photon beam energy.827,829 For patients receiving electron or kV of CIED reset is potentially significant.824,830 The CIED should be re-
photon beam RT, CIED evaluation appears largely unnecessary.827 checked within 2 weeks of completion of RT treatment. Systematic
For patients treated with proton beam RT, special consideration remote CIED monitoring may be helpful to optimize the patient’s
should be paid to the neutron component of the beam, as the risk surveillance.831
102 ESC Guidelines
© ESC 2022
of arrhythmia and/or device dysfunction, ECG
monitoring and/or pulse oximetry are vital for the prevention of cancer, cancer relapse, and the develop-
recommended during every RT session.827,829,831 ment or worsening of a CVD during or after treatment. Patients
should be informed—at the end of chemotherapy—that a persona-
CIED, cardiac implantable electronic device; ECG, electrocardiogram; RT, radiotherapy.
a lized follow-up plan and regular CV controls are needed to detect
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. potential reversible stages of CV toxicities. Education, counselling,
and support to promote healthy lifestyle and to treat modifiable
Appropriate language
and communication
Figure 47 Patient information, communication, and self-management. CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk fac-
tors; DNR, do not resuscitate; EoL, end of life.
ESC Guidelines 103
CVRF should be offered to patients with cancer, in order to reduce Moreover, cancer and medical associations have also developed an in-
the burden of complications during and after anticancer therapy. creasing interest in cardio-oncology. Important roles of these scientific
Patients should receive guidance to recognize and to report signs societies are clinical research, education, and advocacy. The ESC-CCO
and symptoms of CVD, in order to receive prompt and effective treat- strategic plan and mission include improvement of prevention, diagno-
ment, ideally without interfering with their cancer treatment. Patients sis, treatment, and management of CTR-CVT and enhancement of the
should also be advised not to stop cardioprotective therapies without standard of care for patients with cancer (Figure 48).
medical guidance, even if they recover their cardiac function. To help
in this complex task, leaflets specifically designed for this context may
Basic and translational Appropriate
research resources
Clinical research Communication
Long-term survivorship Knowledge
programmes Organization
Education Advocacy
Figure 48 The role of scientific societies in the promotion and development of cardio-oncology. CVD, cardiovascular disease.
104 ESC Guidelines
across the entire continuum of cancer care. In patients who de- and worldwide. Strategic investments in cardio-oncology care
velop CTR-CVT, a MDT discussion is required to balance the networks and cardio-oncology services provision are needed to
risk/benefit of cancer treatment discontinuation. meet the projected increased clinical demand in the near fu-
• There is a new international definition of CTR-CVT (Table 3). ture,834 and to facilitate research, training, and educational activ-
• CV toxicity risk is a dynamic variable. This guideline is structured to ities. A dedicated training core curriculum for a minimum of
provide a personalized approach to care based upon the baseline 1-year medical training is urgently needed. It may include: (1)
CV toxicity risk. A baseline CV risk assessment is recommended knowledge of the broad scope of cardiology, oncology, and
for all patients with cancer scheduled to receive a potentially car- haematology; (2) CV competencies for CTR-CVT prevention,
14. Gaps in evidence • Personalized medicine and use of big data and artificial intelligence
Cancer and CVD are the two major public health problems with great
economic and social impact. In addition, CTR-CVT are associated with Cardiovascular toxicity risk stratification
an excess of both CV and oncological mortality, especially when they limit
patients’ ability to complete effective treatments. However, the intersec- • Development of CV toxicity risk prediction tools including both
tion of cancer and CVD has only recently gained wider interest and many treatment- and patient-related risk factors.
areas with lack of evidence need to be addressed in future research. • Validated prospective CV toxicity risk scores based on clinical
15. ‘What to do’ and ‘what not to do’ messages from the Guidelines
Recommendations Classa Levelb
Cardiology referral is recommended in high-risk and very high-risk patients before anticancer therapy. I C
Discussion of the risk/benefit balance of cardiotoxic anticancer treatment in high- and very high-risk patients in a multidisciplinary
approach prior to starting treatment is recommended.
Cardiology referral is recommended for patients with cancer and pre-existing CVD or abnormal findings at baseline CV toxicity risk
assessment who require potentially cardiotoxic anticancer therapy.
106 ESC Guidelines
An ECG is recommended in all patients starting cancer therapy as part of their baseline CV risk assessment. I C
Recommendation Table 3 for cardiac biomarker assessment prior to potentially cardiotoxic therapies
Baseline measurement of NP and/or cTn is recommended in all patients with cancer at risk of CTRCD if these biomarkers are going to
Echocardiography is recommended as the first-line modality for the assessment of cardiac function in patients with cancer. I C
Management of CVD according to applicable ESC Guidelines is recommended before, during, and after cancer therapy. I C
Recommendation Table 7 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during anthracycline chemotherapy and in the first 12 months
after therapy
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in all patients with cancer before anthracycline chemotherapy. I B
In all adults receiving anthracycline chemotherapy, an echocardiogram is recommended within 12 months after completing treatment. I B
In high- and very high-risk patients, echocardiography is recommended every two cycles and within 3 months after completing
Cardiac serum biomarkers
Baseline measurement of NP and cTn is recommended in high- and very high-risk patients prior to anthracycline chemotherapy. I B
cTn and NP monitoring before every cycle during anthracycline chemotherapy and 3 and 12 months after therapy completion is
recommended in high- and very high-risk patients.
Recommendation Table 8 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during HER2-targeted therapies and in the first 12 months
after therapy
In patients receiving neoadjuvant or adjuvant HER2-targeted therapies, echocardiography is recommended every 3 months and within
12 months after completing treatment.
In metastatic HER2+ disease, echocardiography is recommended every 3 months during the first year; if the patient remains
asymptomatic without CV toxicity, then surveillance can be reduced to every 6 months during future treatment.
Cardiac biomarkers
Baseline NP and cTn measurement are recommended in high- and very high-risk patients prior to anti-HER2-targeted therapies. I C
ESC Guidelines 107
Recommendation Table 9 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during fluoropyrimidine therapy
Baseline CV risk assessment and evaluation including BP measurement, ECG, lipid profile, HbA1c measurement, and SCORE2/SCORE2-
OP or equivalent is recommended before starting fluoropyrimidines.
A baseline echocardiogram is recommended in patients with a history of symptomatic CVD before starting fluoropyrimidines. I C
Recommendation Table 10 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during VEGFi
BP monitoring
Daily home monitoring of BP for patients treated with VEGFi during the first cycle, after each increase of VEGFi dose, and every 2–3
weeks thereafter is recommended.
ECG monitoring
In patients treated with VEGFi at moderate or high risk of QTc prolongation, QTc monitoring is recommended monthly during the first
3 months and every 3–6 months thereafter.
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in high- and very high-risk patients treated with VEGFi or bevacizumab. I C
Recommendation Table 11 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during second- and third-generation BCR-ABL tyrosine
kinase inhibitors
Baseline CV risk assessment is recommended in patients who require second- or third-generation BCR-ABL TKI. I C
In patients treated with nilotinib or ponatinib, CV risk assessment is recommended every 3 months during the first year and every 6–12
months thereafter.
Recommendation Table 12 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy
BP measurement is recommended for patients treated with BTK inhibitors at every clinical visit. I B
TTE is recommended in all patients who develop AF during BTK inhibitor therapy. I C
Opportunistic screening for AF by pulse-taking or ECG rhythm strip is recommended at every clinical visit during BTK inhibitor therapy. I C
Recommendation Table 13 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during multiple myeloma therapies
BP monitoring
NP and cTn measurements are recommended at baseline and every 3–6 months in patients with AL-CA. I B
Baseline echocardiography, including assessment for AL-CA, is recommended in all patients with MM scheduled to receive PI. I C
108 ESC Guidelines
VTE prophylaxis
Therapeutic doses of LMWH are recommended in patients with MM with previous VTE. I B
Prophylactic doses of LMWH are recommended in patients with MM with VTE-related risk factors (excluding previous VTE) at least
during the first 6 months of therapy.
Recommendation Table 14 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during combined RAF and MEK inhibitor therapy
BP monitoring at each clinical visit and weekly outpatient monitoring during the first 3 months of treatment and monthly thereafter is
ECG, NP, and cTn measurements are recommended in all patients before starting ICI therapy. I B
CV assessment is recommended every 6–12 months in high-risk patients who require long-term (.12 months) ICI treatment. I C
Recommendation Table 16 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer
Baseline CV risk assessment and estimation of 10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with SCORE2 or SCORE2-OP is recommended in
patients treated with ADT without pre-existing CVD.
Baseline and serial ECGs are recommended in patients at risk of QTc prolongation during ADT therapy. I B
Recommendation Table 17 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during endocrine therapy for breast cancer
Baseline CV risk assessment and estimation of 10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with SCORE2 or SCORE2-OP is recommended in
BC patients receiving endocrine therapies without pre-existing CVD.
Annual CV risk assessment is recommended during endocrine therapy in BC patients with high 10-year risk of (fatal and non-fatal) CV
events according to SCORE2/SCORE2-OP.
Recommendation Table 18 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor therapy
QTc monitoring is recommended at baseline and 14 and 28 days in all patients with cancer receiving ribociclib. I A
QTc monitoring is recommended in patients treated with ribociclib with any dose increase. I B
Recommendation Table 19 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring during ALK and EGFR inhibitors
Baseline CV risk assessment is recommended in patients before ALK inhibitors and EGFR inhibitors. I C
Baseline echocardiography is recommended in all patients with cancer before starting osimertinib. I B
Recommendation Table 20 for baseline risk assessment and monitoring in patients receiving chimeric antigen receptor T cell
and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes therapies
Baseline ECG, NP, and cTn are recommended in all patients with cancer before starting CAR-T and TIL therapies. I C
A baseline echocardiography is recommended in patients with pre-existing CVD before starting CAR-T and TIL therapies. I C
Measurement of NP, cTn, and echocardiography are recommended in patients who develop CRS of ASTCT ≥ 2. I C
ESC Guidelines 109
Recommendation Table 21 for baseline risk assessment of patients before radiotherapy to a volume including the heart
Baseline CV risk assessment and estimation of 10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD risk with SCORE2 or SCORE2-OP is recommended. I B
Recommendation Table 22 for baseline risk assessment in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients
Baseline and serial CV risk assessment (3 and 12 months, then yearly) including BP measurement, ECG, lipid measurement, and HbA1c is
recommended in HSCT patients.
HF therapy is recommended for patients who develop symptomatic CTRCD during anthracycline chemotherapy. I B
Discontinuation of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended in patients who develop symptomatic severe CTRCD. I C
Temporary interruption of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended in patients who develop symptomatic moderate CTRCD and
a multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision to restart is recommended.
A multidisciplinary approach regarding interruption vs. continuation of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended in patients who
develop mild symptomatic CTRCD.
Anthracycline chemotherapy-induced asymptomatic CTRCD
Temporary interruption of anthracycline chemotherapy and initiation of HF therapy is recommended in patients who develop
asymptomatic moderate or severe CTRCD.
A multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision when to restart is recommended in all patients with moderate or severe
asymptomatic CTRCD.
Continuation of anthracycline chemotherapy is recommended in asymptomatic patients who have LVEF ≥ 50% and who have
developed a significant fall in GLS or a troponin or a NP elevation .ULN.
Recommendation Table 25 for the management of cancer treatment-related cardiac dysfunction during HER2-targeted therapies
HER2-targeted therapy-induced symptomatic CTRCD
HF therapy is recommended for patients who develop symptomatic moderate-to-severe CTRCD with LVEF , 50% during HER2-
targeted treatment.
Temporary interruption of HER2-targeted treatment is recommended in patients who develop moderate or severe symptomatic CTRCD
and the decision to restart should be based on a multidisciplinary approach after improvement of LV function and symptoms resolved.
In patients who develop mild symptomatic CTRCD, HF therapy and a multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision to continue vs.
interrupt HER2-targeted therapy are recommended.
HER2-targeted therapy-induced asymptomatic CTRCD
Temporary interruption of HER2-targeted therapy and initiation of HF therapy is recommended in patients who develop asymptomatic
severe CTRCD.
A multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision to restart HER2-targeted treatment is recommended in patients with severe
asymptomatic CTRCD.
Continuation of HER2-targeted therapy is recommended in patients who develop asymptomatic mild (LVEF ≥ 50%) CTRCDc with
more frequent cardiac monitoring.
ACE-I/ARB and beta-blockers are recommended in patients who develop asymptomatic moderate (LVEF 40–49%) CTRCDc during
HER2-targeted treatment.
Recommendation Table 26 for the diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis
cTn, ECG, and CV imaging (echocardiography and CMR) are recommended to diagnose ICI-associated myocarditis. I B
In patients with suspected ICI-associated myocarditis, temporary interruption of ICI treatment is recommended until the diagnosis is
confirmed or refuted.
110 ESC Guidelines
Continuous ECG monitoring to assess for new AV block and tachyarrhythmias during the acute phase is recommended for all patients
with symptomatic ICI-associated myocarditis.
Early high-dose corticosteroids are recommended in patients with cancer and confirmed ICI-associated myocarditis. I C
Continuation of high-dose corticosteroids is recommended for the treatment of ICI-associated myocarditis until resolution of
symptoms, LV systolic dysfunction, conduction abnormalities, and significant cTn reduction.
QT-prolonging drugs are not recommended during the acute TTS phase. III C
Recommendation Table 28 for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients receiving anticancer treatment
An invasive strategy is recommended in patients with cancer presenting with STEMI or high-risk NSTE-ACS with life expectancy ≥6
A temporary interruption of cancer therapy is recommended in patients where the cancer therapy is suspected as a contributing cause. I C
In patients with cancer, thrombocytopaenia and ACS, aspirin is not recommended if platelets ,10 000/µL. III C
In patients with cancer, thrombocytopaenia and ACS, clopidogrel is not recommended if platelets ,30 000/µL and prasugrel or
ticagrelor are not recommended if platelets ,50 000/µL.
Recommendation Table 29 for the management of chronic coronary syndromes in patients receiving anticancer treatment
Individualized duration of DAPT is recommended in patients with cancer with CCS, following revascularization, based upon thrombotic/
ischaemic and bleeding risk, type and stage of cancer, and current cancer treatment.
Recommendation Table 30 for the management of valvular heart disease in patients receiving anticancer treatment
In patients with cancer and pre-existing severe VHD, management according to the 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the management
of VHD is recommended, taking into consideration cancer prognosis and patient preferences.
In patients with cancer developing new VHD during cancer therapy, management according to the 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the
management of VHD is recommended, taking into consideration cancer prognosis and patient comorbidities.
Recommendation Table 31 for the management of atrial fibrillation in patients receiving anticancer treatment
Long-term anticoagulation is recommended for stroke/systemic thromboembolism prevention in patients with cancer with AF and a
CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2 (men) or ≥3 (women) as per the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation.
Thromboembolic and bleeding risk reassessment is recommended during follow-up in patients with cancer with AF. I C
Antiplatelet therapy or prophylactic LMWH are not recommended for stroke or systemic thromboembolism prevention in AF with
Recommendation Table 32 for the management of long QTc and ventricular arrhythmias in patients receiving anticancer treatment
How to manage QTc prolongation in patients with cancer
Discontinuation of QTc-prolonging cancer therapy is recommended in patients who develop TdP or sustained ventricular
tachyarrhythmias during treatment.
Temporary interruption of QTc-prolonging cancer therapy is recommended in patients who develop asymptomatic QTcF ≥ 500 ms
and an ECG should be repeated every 24 h until resolution of the QTcF prolongation.
Immediate withdrawal of any offending drug and correction of electrolyte abnormalities and other risk factors is recommended in
patients with cancer who develop QTcF ≥ 500 ms.
Weekly ECG monitoring is recommended in asymptomatic patients with cancer with QTcF 480–500 ms who are treated with a QTc-
prolonging cancer therapy.
ESC Guidelines 111
A 12-lead ECG is recommended after any dose increase of QTc-prolonging cancer therapy. I C
ACE-I or ARB are the first-line antihypertensive drugs recommended for BP management in patients with cancer. I B
Dihydropyridine CCB are recommended as second-line antihypertensive drugs for patients with cancer with uncontrolled BP. I C
Combination therapy with ACE-I or ARB and dihydropyridine CCB is recommended in patients with cancer with systolic
BP ≥ 160 mmHg and diastolic BP ≥ 100 mmHg.
Diltiazem and verapamil are not recommended to treat arterial hypertension in patients with cancer due to their drug–drug
Recommendation Table 34 for the management of venous thromboembolism in patients receiving anticancer treatment
Apixaban, edoxaban, or rivaroxaban are recommended for the treatment of symptomatic or incidental VTE in patients with cancer
without contraindications.
LMWH are recommended for the treatment of symptomatic or incidental VTE in patients with cancer with platelet count .50 000/µL. I A
Catheter-associated VTE
Duration of anticoagulation in patients with cancer with a catheter-associated VTE is recommended for a minimum of 3 months and
continuing longer if the catheter remains in situ.
Recommendation Table 35 for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during anticancer treatment
Extended prophylaxis with LMWH for 4 weeks post-operatively is recommended for patients with cancer undergoing major open or
laparoscopic abdominal or pelvic surgery with low bleeding risk and high VTE risk.
Prophylactic LMWH for the primary prevention of VTE is indicated in hospitalized patients with cancer or those with prolonged bed
rest or reduced mobility in the absence of bleeding or other contraindications.
A discussion with the patient about the relative benefits and harms, cancer prognosis, drug cost, and duration of treatment is
recommended prior to prophylactic anticoagulation for the primary prevention of VTE.
Recommendation Table 36 for management of peripheral artery disease during anticancer treatment
In patients who develop new symptomatic PAD, a multidisciplinary approach regarding the decision to continue vs. interrupt
culprit cancer therapy is recommended.
Recommendation Table 37 for the management of pulmonary hypertension during anticancer treatment
Right-heart catheterization and discontinuation of dasatinib is recommended in patients who develop symptomatic or asymptomatic
increase in peak TRV . 3.4 m/s.
In patients with confirmed dasatinib-induced PAH or new asymptomatic peak TRV . 3.4 m/s, an alternative BCR-ABL inhibitor is
recommended after peak TRV recovery to ,2.8 m/s.
Recommendation Table 38 for the management of pericardial diseases in patients receiving anticancer treatment
Diagnosis and management of acute pericarditis in patients with cancer based on the 2015 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of pericardial diseases is recommended and a multidisciplinary discussion is needed before interrupting cancer therapy.
112 ESC Guidelines
Prednisolone and colchicine are recommended for patients with ICI-associated pericarditis. I C
Interruption of ICI treatment in patients with confirmed ICI-associated pericarditis with moderate-to-severe pericardial effusion is
Educating and supporting patients with cancer to make appropriate healthy lifestyle choices is recommended. I C
Education is recommended for patients with cancer regarding recognition for early signs and symptoms of CVD. I C
CVRF assessment is recommended during the first year after cancer therapy and thereafter according to the 2021 ESC Guidelines on
CVD prevention in clinical practice.
In asymptomatic high-risk patients, echocardiography and cardiac serum biomarkers are recommended at 3 and 12 months after
completion of cancer therapy.
Cardiology referral is recommended in patients with cancer with new cardiac symptoms or new asymptomatic abnormalities in
echocardiography and/or cardiac serum biomarkers at the end of therapy assessment.
Long-term continuation of cardiac medication is recommended in patients who develop severe CTRCD during cancer therapy. I C
CV follow-up and treatment optimization is recommended in patients who developed TKI-mediated hypertension during cancer
CV follow-up and treatment optimization is recommended in patients who developed vascular toxicities during cancer therapy. I C
ECG follow-up is recommended in patients who developed QT lengthening or LQTS during cancer therapy. I C
Recommendation Table 40 for cardiovascular surveillance in asymptomatic adults who are childhood and adolescent cancer
Education of adults who are childhood and adolescent CS treated with anthracyclines, mitoxantrone, and/or RT to a volume including
the heart and their healthcare providers regarding their increased CV risk is recommended.
Annual screening for modifiable CVRF is recommended in adults who are childhood and adolescent CS treated with anthracyclines,
mitoxantrone, and/or RT to a volume including the heart.
CV assessment is recommended in female childhood and adolescent CS prior to pregnancy or in the first trimester. I C
CV toxicity risk restratification is recommended 5 years after therapy to organize long-term follow-up. I C
Recommendation Table 42 for adult cancer survivors who develop cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction late after cardiotoxic
cancer therapy
ACE-I/ARB and/or beta-blockers are recommended in adult CS with moderate asymptomatic CTRCD. I C
Recommendation Table 43 for adult cancer survivors with coronary artery disease
Asymptomatic radiation-induced CAD detected during surveillance
Non-invasive stress testing is recommended in asymptomatic CS with new moderate or severe radiation-induced CAD detected on
CCTA to guide ischaemia-directed management.
A MDT discussion is recommended for clinical decision-making in patients with radiation-induced CAD and inducible ischaemia or
severe left main CAD.
ESC Guidelines 113
Symptomatic CAD
Pre-operative assessment of LIMA and RIMA viability, venous access, and sternal wound healing is recommended in CS with radiation-
induced CAD where CABG is considered.
Recommendation Table 44 for adult cancer survivors with valvular heart disease
A MDT approach is recommended to discuss and define the surgical risk in CS with severe VHD. I C
Echocardiography, NP, and cTn are recommended for the diagnosis of AL-CA in patients with plasma cell dyscrasia. I B
Recommendation Table 50 for risk stratification and monitoring for patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices undergoing
Risk stratification including planned radiation type and energy, dose to CIED, the patient’s device type, and pacing dependence is
recommended prior to starting treatment.
In patients undergoing RT, a CIED check is recommended in all patients before and after completing RT, and during RT according to
© ESC 2022
individual risk.
In patients with a CIED undergoing RT at high risk of arrhythmia and/or device dysfunction, ECG monitoring and/or pulse oximetry are
recommended during every RT session.
3D, three-dimensional; ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ACS, acute coronary syndromes; ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; AF, atrial fibrillation; AL-CA, amyloid light-chain
cardiac amyloidosis; ALK, anaplastic lymphoma kinase; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ASTCT, American Society for Transplantation and Cellular; AV, atrioventricular; BC, breast cancer; BCR-
ABL, breakpoint cluster region–Abelson oncogene locus; BP, blood pressure; BTK, Bruton tyrosine kinase; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CAR-T, chimeric
antigen receptor T cell; CCB, calcium channel blockers; CCS, chronic coronary syndromes; CCTA, coronary computed tomography angiography; CHA2DS2-VASc, Congestive heart failure,
Hypertension, Age .75 years (2 points), Diabetes mellitus, Stroke (2 points)—Vascular disease, Age 65–74 years, Sex category (female); CIED, cardiac implantable electronic device; CMR,
cardiac magnetic resonance; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; CT, computed tomography; cTn, cardiac troponin; CTRCD, cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; CS, cancer survivors;
CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; EACTS, European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery; ECG,
electrocardiogram; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HER2, human epidermal
receptor 2; HF, heart failure; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitors; ICU, intensive care unit; i.v., intravenous; LIMA, left internal mammary
artery; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparins; LQTS, long QT syndrome; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MDT, multidisciplinary team; MEK, mitogen-activated
extracellular signal-regulated kinase; MI, myocardial infarction; MM, multiple myeloma; NP, natriuretic peptides; NSTE-ACS, non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes; PAD,
peripheral artery disease; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PI, proteasome inhibitors; QTc, corrected QT interval; QTcF, corrected QT interval using Fridericia correction; RAF, rapidly
accelerated fibrosarcoma; RIMA, right internal mammary artery; RT, radiotherapy; SCORE2, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2; SCORE2-OP, Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation 2—
Older Persons; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; TdP, torsade de pointes; TIL, tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitors; TTE, transthoracic
echocardiography; TTS, Takotsubo syndrome; TRV, tricuspid regurgitation velocity; ULN, upper limit of normal; VEGFi, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors; VHD, valvular heart
disease; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
114 ESC Guidelines
16. Quality indicators for Department, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium; Rudolf
A. de Boer, Cardiology, University Medical Center Groningen,
cardio-oncology Groningen, Netherlands; Susan F. Dent, Department of
Medicine, Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, NC, United States of
Quality indicators (QIs) are tools that may be used to evaluate care
America; Dimitrios Farmakis, Medical School, University of
quality, including structural, process, and outcomes of care.835 They
Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus; Sofie A. Gevaert, Cardiology, Ghent
may also serve as a mechanism for enhancing adherence to guideline
University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium; Diana A. Gorog, Postgraduate
recommendations, through associated quality improvement initia-
Medicine, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom, and
tives and the benchmarking of care providers.836,837 As such, the
Ruben Casado-Arroyo (Belgium), Jennifer Cautela (France), Jolanta Society of Cardiology, Aatif Benyass; Netherlands: Netherlands
Čelutkienė (Lithuania), Maja Cikes (Croatia), Alain Cohen-Solal Society of Cardiology, Olivier Manintveld; North Macedonia:
(France), Kreena Dhiman (United Kingdom), Stéphane Ederhy North Macedonian Society of Cardiology, Marijan Bosevski;
(France), Thor Edvardsen (Norway), Laurent Fauchier (France), Norway: Norwegian Society of Cardiology, Geeta Gulati;
Michael Fradley (United States of America), Julia Grapsa (United Poland: Polish Cardiac Society, Przemysław Leszek; Portugal:
Kingdom), Sigrun Halvorsen (Norway), Michael Heuser (Germany), Portuguese Society of Cardiology, Manuela Fiuza; Romania:
Marc Humbert (France), Tiny Jaarsma (Sweden), Thomas Kahan Romanian Society of Cardiology, Ruxandra Jurcut; Russian
(Sweden), Aleksandra Konradi (Russian Federation), Konstantinos Federation: Russian Society of Cardiology, Yury Vasyuk; San
care for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors: a report from the metastatic breast cancer receiving anthracyclines. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008;
PanCareSurFup Guidelines Working Group. J Cancer Surviv 2019;13:759–772. 107:443–450.
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