Challenges of Financing Challenges of Financing Small EE Projects in China

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Challenges of Financing Small EE Projects in China

Xiaoyu Shi June 2011, Manila

EE Investment in China
Government - earmarked funds for energy saving and pollution reduction
50 billion RMB yuan (2010 MOF) (2010, Chinas 10 Key Energy Savings Technology Categories High efficient products/buildings (AC, CFL, cars, motors/drive, etc.)

Big and financially strong companies - funds for energy savings and pollution reduction
12.6 billion RMB yuan

Financial institutions - EE loans or other products

ESCOs Growing Role g

New Era of ESCOs - 12th 5 YP?

To save energy to Vigorously promote energy
conservation 7+ strategic emerging industries Attention shifted to ESCOs and EPCs EPCs.
New ESCO taxation policy and accounting rules
Cash rewards re ards Development of ESCO industry EE improvement in SMEs and Buildings Greater leverage with private funding and wider options

Cash Rewards Eligibility Criteria for ESCOs

S Shared-saving EMC C ESCO registered with both central and local authorities Project annual energy-saving, 100 to10,000 tce (500 tce for industrial projects) ESCO registered capital, > 5M ( 1M in Shanghai) ESCOs i t d it l i Sh h i) Percentage of ESCO investment , >= 70% How many of the small EE projects individually can benefit?

Who finance small EE projects?

Failure in competing for internal funds Limited ability to raise funds Lack of experience in EPC Lack of internal human resources for EE and EPC

End Users

Financial Institutions
Favor large projects Unfamiliarity with EE and limited EE/ESCO products Lack of suitable appraisal methodologies th d l i Collateral- fixed assets Short term loan

y Nascent industry Limited capital Difficulty in getting loans and other capital Limited technology scopes

How to get small EE projects financed and implemented? fi d di l t d? Transaction cost is the key
Learning costs due to limited familiarity with EPC and ESCOs Search costs of both industrial facilities and ESCOs Procurement costs of industrial facilities Project d P j t development costs: pre-screening customers and l t t i t d projects

Can it be lowered? How?

Success Story: Collaborative Solar Procurement

New model for reducing the installation e ode o educ g e s a a o cost and overall cost of solar PV: (2009) Multiple companies working together on a single solar purchase across multiple facilities Achieve scale to bring down the cost Saving time Solar Aggregation in California

China Energy Efficiency Aggregation Project Aggregation lowers transaction costs Can EE transactions be standardized? Move towards a standardized business?
Pre-screening checklist to identify financeable energy Pre screening efficiency projects EE Financing/Investment Decision-Making Supporting Tool to calculate key financing indicators and performance Request for information to pre-select ESCOs Request for proposal to solicit bids in a joint effort

China Energy Efficiency Aggregation Project

Project aggregation is a new approach for helping individual entities, such as Chinese, American, and other industrial plants i Sh l t in Shanghai i d t i l parks, t come t h i industrial k to together t th to efficiently move forward with the implementation of longer term and relatively small efficiency projects projects.


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