Incident Command Brief 09.06.22

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City of Jackson Water Crisis

Incident Command Brief

September 6, 2022

The City of Jackson Surface Water System was impacted by recent flooding. Both
the O.B. Curtis and J.H. Fewell water treatment plants had reduced water output
that created pressure problems in the system. The City lacked sufficient
pressures in some areas of the City to sustain adequate access to flush toilets and
maintain optimal disinfection for drinking water. Both O.B. Curtis and J.H. Fewell
water treatment plants lack sufficient Class A Operators and maintenance staff.


• O.B. Curtis
o Conventional Treatment Plant:
▪ Authorized for 25 million gallons
▪ Capacity of 18.7 million gallons
▪ Producing 10.63 million gallons
o Membrane Treatment Plant:
▪ Authorized for 25 million gallons
▪ Producing 11.70 million gallons
• J.H. Fewell
o Authorized for 20 million gallons
o Potential flex to 30 million gallons
o Producing 20 million gallons
• Total:
o City of Jackson: 42.33 million gallons

• Tank/Well Status
o As of 1600 HRS 9/5/2022, two (2) city tanks are holding water at low
levels. Fewell is operating at 82.08 PSI and O.B. Curtis is operating at
83.8 PSI. According to the city engineer, the bare minimum city PSI
should be operating at 65PSI. The Chastain tank will be the first tank to
fill of the tanks supplied by O.B. Curtis and Riverside tank will be the first
fill of tanks supplied by J.H. Fewell.

• Surface Water Tank Levels (these levels are for comparison purposes only.
SCADA are located at different elevations)
o Chastain: 32.67 ft.
o Elaine: 15.36 ft.
o Forest: 29.44 ft.
o Livingston: 23.54 ft.
o Lynch: 22.78 ft.
o Magnolia: 35.10 ft.
o Northwest: 20.11 ft.
o Riverside: 32.83 ft.
o Suncrest: 3.75 ft.
o Presidential Hills: 31.30 ft.
o Fortification/Mills Street: 30.52 ft.

• Well System Tank Levels

o Cedar Hills: 28.76 ft.
o Hwy. 18: 46.13 ft.
o Spring Ridge: 50.94 ft.

• No injuries reported

• Hinds County
o Jackson Public Schools – Open (09/06/2022)


• Establish sludge process
• Establish process control for water treatment
• High Service pump assessment
• Valve repair (Membrane)
• Develop a distribution system monitoring plan
• MEMA: 9
• MSDH: 8
• CITY OF JACKSON: 8 in addition to O.B. Curtis personnel
• EPA: 3
• USACE: 8
• FEMA: 1

• Bulk of sludge from basin #3 removed
• High service pumps #11, #12 running (parts needed)
o Components ordered
o Assisted by 2 electricians from Columbia, MS
• High service pumps #1 & #2
o Breaker issues identified (circuit breaker to main power panel trips)
o Parts ordered (coming in tomorrow 09/07/2022)
o Restored functionality to actuators
• Filters assessed
o Assessed filter(s) #1, #2, #3, and #6 for automatic functionality
o Filter #3 has no level sensor
▪ With COJ approval may remove level sensor from filter #4
• Continued cleaning of trains
o Train #2 bearing motor in membrane needs work
• Observed membrane back-pulse process
o Pump trips (possibly due to pressure) – causing loss in water production
o Contractor pushing software updates to fix issues
• Continued work on sedimentation drain line to EQ Basin
o Bear Creek Water Association provided a potholer machine and two
personnel to assist with excavation
o The City of Jackson provided equipment and 6 personnel to assist with
excavation project
o Excavation at valve began, but was halted due to limitations of
▪ Lines are located greater than 12 ft. below ground
▪ Contractor or equipment required to move forward
▪ Worked on restriction in sedimentation basin drain line
▪ Needs to be removed to allow for adequate flow
▪ City of Jackson and Bear Creek provided Potholer
• Meeting held with Executives of Rural Water (NC, MS, GA, FL)
o Discussion of bringing in more people for rest periods (technicians,
maintenance, distributors, etc.)
o Developing a list for contingency
• Review list of recommended equipment
o To avoid double purchasing (Chemical pumps, floating mixers)
• Observed a compressed air issue
o Possible leak or sticking valve
o Causing the pumps to use (3x) the amount of air needed
• Secure “Class A” operator for weekend
o Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Day shift


• Worked with contractor on completion of sludge handling
o Received belt press quote (arriving as early as Friday 09/09/2022)
• Assessed rapid mix motor
o Spoke with vendor on getting a quote
o Vender arriving in morning to assess (09/07/2022)
• Oriented engineers from MDEQ; continued sampling
• Working on scope for emergency contracts
• Issued two (2) provisional “Class A” operator licenses to lead operators who
previously held licensure with the state
• Completed assessment of EQ basin pumps
o All three e pumps returned to functionality
• EQ basin mixers restored to functionality
• Coordinated with contractor on plan to bore interim liquid ammonia lines from
chemical building to clear well(s) #1 and #2

• Coordinating with ammonia line vender to assess impacts on future projects

Mutual Aid
• Electricians (2) from Columbia, MS


• Supported city sampling in distribution
o Collected chlorine and pH samples
• Analyzed pH and chlorine in treatment plant
o Noticed a change in the raw water quality due to spike in liquid soda ash
• Met with the City of Jackson to MSDH cornerstone to discuss option in
flexibilities with existing revolving fund loans
• Identified additional staffing needs

• Fewell assessment completed today
o Off-site tomorrow working on report
• Finalized damage assessment of O.B. Curtis
o Completed winterization resiliency assessment of J.H. Fewell
• Wireless Communication Commission
o Installed Bio-directional amplifier – supplied by MEMA
o Provided thirty (30) radios

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