Analysis of Oxidised Diterpenoid Acids Using Methylation With TMAH
Analysis of Oxidised Diterpenoid Acids Using Methylation With TMAH
Analysis of Oxidised Diterpenoid Acids Using Methylation With TMAH
43 (1997) 41 – 57
An aged intermediate varnish sample from ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’ by J. Vermeer
was analysed by thermally assisted methylation with tetramethylammoniumhydroxide
(TMAH) followed by gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. Using
library search of the available mass spectra, only three diterpenoid acids were identified. In
addition to methyldehydroabietate, 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid methyl ester and 7-oxo-15-hy-
droxy-dehydroabietic acid methyl ester were identified. There was reason to believe that the
remaining unidentified compounds might be related to the oxidised derivatives of dehydroa-
bietic acid and are formed upon methylation with TMAH. In order to investigate the
behaviour of pure 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietic acid
under these specific derivatisation conditions, these compounds were synthesised and iso-
lated. On derivatisation with TMAH, several methylation products, with varying degrees of
methylation were formed from each of the pure compounds. Their structures were elucidated
using specific fragment ions present in their mass spectra. Unusual products formed by
methylation on a carbon atom under these conditions were observed. Based on these
comparative studies, 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and 7-oxo-15-hydroxy-dehydroabietic acid
were identified as the main components of the varnish. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
* Corresponding author. Present address: Kiwa Research and Consultancy, Groningenhaven 7, 3430
BB Nieuwegein, Netherlands. Tel.: + 31 30 6069511.
1. Introduction
Fig. 1. Important components of Pinaceae diterpenoid resins which have been often used in and on
I. Pastoro6a et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 43 (1997) 41–57 43
2. Experimental
Detailed description of the syntheses was out of the scope of this paper and
was published elsewhere [28]. The literarure used is mentioned below in the form
of references.
For the synthesis and isolation of this compound, the method described by K.
Krohn et al. [10] was used with little or no modification. The yield of 7-oxo-de-
hydroabietic acid was 17.5%.
The varnish was a scraping (about 10 mg) from the very brown varnish near
the top edge of ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’ by Jan Vermeer (Mauritshuis,
The Hague, cat. no. 1687) [23]. It was covered by an extensive overpaint, which
was applied in 1960 in a restoration treatment. It is therefore at least 36 years
Fig. 4. GC–MS measurement after thermally assisted methylation with TMAH of an intermediate
varnish sample from ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’. TIC of the diterpenoid region. Peaks relevant for
this study are marked with their MW.
cycle time and mass resolution of 3000. The probe filament was temperature
programmed at a rate of 0.5 A min − 1 to final temperature of 800°C. Data were
aquired using a JEOL MP-7000 data system.
The standards were dissolved and the varnish suspended in methanol and
applied to a pyrolysis wire. A drop of 2.5% TMAH (or deuterated TMAH in
D2O) solution in water was then added. The solvent was evaporated under
reduced pressure. The wire was placed into a glass liner, flushed with argon and
inserted into the FOM-4LX pyrolysis unit. Py-GC-MS was performed on the
HRGC 8565 Mega 2 series gas chromatograph (FISONS) equipped with a CP-
CF 818 pressure/flow control box and with the FOM-4LX pyrolysis unit. The
pyrolysis conditions were as follows: Curie-point temperature 358° or 610°C
temperature rise time 1 s (600°C s − 1), total pyrolysis time was 6.0 s, and the
temperature of the pyrolysis chamber 190°C. The unit was flushed with helium,
which was also used as carrier gas, with a constant linear flow velocity of 26 cm
s − 1. The evaporated sample was directly introduced into a 25 m SGE (Scientific
Glass Engineering, Australia)-BPX5 fused silica capillary column (d= 320 mm,
0.25 mm film). The temperature of the GC oven was kept at 50°C until 5 min
after the pyrolysis and subsequently heated at a rate of 6°C min − 1 to 350°C, at
which it was held for an additional 4 min. The GC column was directly intro-
duced into the ion source of a JEOL DX-303 double focusing mass spectrometer
via a home built heated interface kept at 300°C. The compounds were ionised
with electron impact at 70 eV, the accelerating voltage was 3 kV and the ions
were post accelerated to 10 kV before detection. The cycle time (in seconds) was
0.54 (scan) + 0.1 (rescan). The mass range was m/z 40–800. The mass spectra
were processed with a JEOL MP-7000 data system (JEOL).
I. Pastoro6a et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 43 (1997) 41–57 47
Fig. 4 shows the total ion current (TIC) of a diterpene varnish from the painting
‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’ by J. Vermeer. Only the diterpenoid region is
shown. The indicated molecular weights were determined from the m/z values of
the molecular ions present in the mass spectra of the eluting compounds.
Using library search of the available mass spectra, only three diterpenoid acids
could be identified. In addition to methyldehydroabietate with MW 314, the
structures of compounds with MW 328 and 344 (trace amounts) were elucidated.
Their mass spectra correspond to 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid [24,25] and 7-oxo-15-
hydroxy-abietic acid methylesters [10]. There was reason to believe [5] that the
remaining unidentified compounds might be related to the oxidised derivatives of
dehydroabietic acid and are formed upon methylation with TMAH. In order to
investigate the behaviour of pure 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and 7-oxo-15-hydrox-
ydehydroabietic acid under these specific derivatisation conditions, these com-
pounds were synthesised and isolated.
compounds (not shown). The experiments with deuterated TMAH confirmed that
the mass increments of 14 U correspond to an extra methylene group and not to
incorporation of nitrogen. No evidence for nitrogen incorporation, described by
Anderson and Winans [19], was found.
Fig. 5. The 70 eV mass spectra of 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid methylation products obtained with
thermally assisted methylation by TMAH.
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Table 1
Compounds formed under thermally assisted methylation with TMAH conditions and their main fragment ionsa
Ion 328 (Ia) 342 (Ib) 356 (Ic) 358 (IIa) 372 (IIb) 386 (IIc) 326 (IId) 340 (IIe) 354 (IIf) 344 (IIg)
M 328 342 356 358 372 386 326 340 354 344
–CH3 313 327 341 340 357 371 311 325 339 329
–HCOOR; – 253 267 281 283 297 311 251 265 279 269
–COOR 269 283 297 299 313 327 267 281 295 285
a 199 213 227 243 243 257 197 211 225 213
b 187 201 201 231 231 231 185 199 199 201
c 216 230 232 246 260 214 228
–CH3OH 340 354
–CH3OH; –CH3 325 339
–H2O 340
Structures of these compounds are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9
I. Pastoro6a et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 43 (1997) 41–57
I. Pastoro6a et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 43 (1997) 41–57 51
Fig. 7. (a) Structure of fragment ion c, formed on fragmentation of methylated enol tautomers of
7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and 7-oxo-15-hydroxy-dehydroabietic acid; (b) formation of fragment ions a
and b, important for determining the position of carbon methylation by TMAH.
observed in the mass spectra of all the methylation products, Fig. 5a–c and Fig.
6a–g. In addition to these ions, there are some ions present in the spectra that are
very structure-specific and can be used for structural elucidation.
The compound with MW 342, containing two methyl groups was identified as the
methylated enol form of Ia. The tautomerisation of the keto group occurs quite
easily if the newly formed double bond is conjugated with the aromatic ring. The
52 I. Pastoro6a et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 43 (1997) 41–57
Fig. 8. The structures of identified methylation products formed from 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid upon
methylation by TMAH.
Fig. 10. Sum spectrum obtained by DTMS measurements of (a) 7-oxo-15-hydroxy-dehydroabietic acid
methylated with TMAH; (b) 7-oxo-15-hydroxy-dehydroabietic acid methyl ester, no TMAH added.
4. Conclusions
Table 2
Oxidised diterpenoid acids identified by thermally assisted methylation — gas chromatography, mass
spectrometry of an intermediate varnish from the painting ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’
diterpenoid materials was described by K.J.v.d. Berg et al. [5]. It should be noted
that at that time, not all the methylation products of 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and
7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietic acid were identified, the oxidation state described
in this publication [5] is somewhat underestimated. The relevant peaks are inte-
grated and in this case the area of the peaks which correspond to different
methylation products of the same oxidised diterpenoid acid were summed. The
oxidation state is then described by the contribution of abietic, dehydrobietic,
7-oxo-dehydroabietic and 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietic acids to the diterpenoid
acid fraction. By this method, the oxidation state of the intermediate varnish from
‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’, which is characterised by the percentages
0:5:26:69, can be described as very high [5].
Studies with pure 7-oxo-dehydroabietic acid and 7-oxo-15-hydroxyabietic acid
show that several side reactions occur upon methylation of higher oxidised diter-
penoids with TMAH, especially under Py-GC-MS conditions. Products with a
varying degree of methylation are formed. Unusual methylation on a tertiary
carbon atom was observed. Under GC-MS conditions, elimination of water and/or
methanol occurs. The structures of all the methylation products were elucidated.
Despite the relative complexity of the results, thermally assisted methylation with
TMAH followed by GC-MS proved to be a powerful method for analysing
oxidised diterpenoids. More experiments, using this method and the spectra ob-
tained in this study for analysis of various diterpene containing samples are
presently in progress.