Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Mediates The Productivity of COVID-19 Inducted Work From Home
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Mediates The Productivity of COVID-19 Inducted Work From Home
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Mediates The Productivity of COVID-19 Inducted Work From Home
3.1. Research Design
Data for the study was gathered from workers in Ghana's Greater Accra and Ashanti regions who
worked from home during the lockdown. For the purposes of this study, an employee is a person
with recognized rights and obligations who works part-time or full-time under an oral or written,
express or implicit contract of employment (Aliyu, 2019). Using a nonprobability snowball
sampling technique, 355 COVID-19 induced WfH participants were sampled using a semi-
structured questionnaire. Data was collected for one month, from January 22nd to February
22nd, 2021. The research model is shown in Figure 1.
HO4B: Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between organizations factors and productivity
of WfH.
HO5A: Job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between employee engagement and
productivity of WfH.
HO5B: Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between employee engagement and
productivity of WfH.
Prior to analysis, a check for Structural Equation Model (SEM) assumption was undertaken to
ensure the data meet the requirements for SEM modelling. All missing data were distributed
randomly and was below the 5% threshold. This is a very low percentage of missing data, and it
can be considered acceptable (Leyrat, Carpenter, Bailly, & Williamson, 2021). There were no
terrible influential outliers at the multivariate level. A total of 56 variables was used in the SEM
measurement model. This yields a Mahalanobis distance critical value of 94.46 at a probability
of .001 (Hair et al, 2010 as cited in Tarhini, 2018). Thus, all Mahalanobis distance value of more
than 94.46 were excluded in the final analysis to achieve multivariate normality. All the observed
variables met the necessary condition for achieving multicollinearity except for three measured
variables (OFW3, OFW6, and TSW2). The data also did not violate the assumption of
4.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory factor analysis was carried out to ascertain the number of unique constructs that
corresponds to the dataset. The value of the determinant was close to, but was not equal to zero
(2.261x10-22), establishing the fact that the dataset does not violate the assumption of positive
definiteness (Kline 2016, p. 67). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy
value was .908; establishing that the sample size is adequate (Civelek, 2018, p. 34). Further, the
Bartlett's test of sphericity is significant (p = .00); meaning that at least two of the variables are
strongly correlated and that factor analysis is warranted (Little, 2013, p. 139). The pattern matrix
is shown in Table 1.
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used in to analyze the relationships between the
various structures within the conceptual model. The aim of CFA was to ensure that additional
samples of data that match the model confirm the hypothesized model's validity (Schumacker, &
Lomax, 2010, p. 164). The model fit and the validity of the measurement model was evaluated.
All the latent variables were linked together with the measured variables; represented by a
rectangular shape (see Figure 2). In all, a total of 56 measured variables were used in the CFA
which was derived from the EFA.
Table 1
Pattern Matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CHW6 .914
CHW7 .884
CHW8 .856
CHW5 .847
CHW3 .809
CHW9 .784
CHW4 .739
CHW2 .737
CHW1 .522
PRW8 .876
PRW5 .837
PRW7 .837
PRW6 .836
PRW4 .834
PRW2 .831
PRW3 .801
PRW1 .646
OFW5 .907
OFW3 .904
OFW2 .885
OFW4 .880
OFW6 .876
OFW7 .848
OFW1 .776
MTW7 .926
MTW6 .913
MTW5 .902
MTW4 .847
MTW8 .809
MTW3 .704
MTW2 .624
MTW1 .570
TSW2 .870
TSW6 .861
TSW7 .846
TSW5 .828
TSW1 .754
TSW8 .699
TSW3 .682
TSW4 .630
JSW2 .924
JSW6 .879
JSW5 .873
JSW3 .867
JSW4 .772
JSW1 .701
JSW7 .687
EEW2 .909
EEW6 .897
EEW4 .886
EEW3 .843
EEW5 .819
EEW1 .757
FOW1 .893
FOW3 .871
FOW2 .664
Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
Table 2
Goodness of Fit Indices (Initial Measurement Model)
Measure Model Estimate Threshold Interpretation
CMIN (χ2) 3428.453 -- --
Degrees of freedom 1456 -- --
CMIN/DF 2.355 Between 1 and 3 Excellent
GFI .750 >.95 Terrible
AGFI .726 >95 Terrible
CFI .877 >.95 Terrible
SRMR .058 <.08 Excellent
RMSEA .062 <.06 Acceptable
PClose -- >.05 Not Estimated
RMR .050 <.10 Excellent
PNFI .761 >.60 Excellent
TLI .870 >.095 Terrible
IFI .878 >.95 Terrible
The data did not fit well with the initial modelling. There was the need to use adjustment indices
add or remove paths in the model in order to arrive at the final best model (Schumacker &
Lomax, 2010 p. 73). All standardized regression wights less than .50 were first removed exept
for FOW2. FOW2 was retained for further observation since it is a measure of frequency of
WfH during the lockdown. The variables TSW8, OFW7, TSW6, EEW6, TSW4, OFW2, JSW5,
and CHW1 (see Questionaire), were removed from the model one at a time in the listed order to
improve the fit indices. Table 3 and Figure 3 show the model fit indices of the final measurement
model after the improvement in the model fit with an additional run of the model using the
Gaskin and Lim (2017) model fit measures AMOS plugin; and Hu and Bentler (1999) cut-off
Table 3
Goodness of Fit Indices (Final Measurement Model)
Measure Model Estimate Threshold Interpretation
CMIN (χ 2) 1747.847 -- --
Degrees of freedom 1006 -- --
CMIN/DF 1.737 Between 1 and 3 Excellent
CFI .942 >.95 Acceptable
SRMR .056 <.08 Excellent
RMSEA .046 <.06 Excellent
PClose .979 >.05 Excellent
PNFI .813 >.60 Excellent
TLI .937 >.95 Acceptable
IFI .942 >.95 Acceptable
Table 4
Validity Analysis of Measured Variables (MV)
CHW .933 .636 .307 .938 .798
Significance of Correlations:
† p < .100
* p < .050
** p < .010
*** p < .001
4.5 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio Of Correlations.
Discriminant validity is considered established if the HTMT is obviously less than one.
Henseler, Ringle, and Sarstedt (2015) new criteria for discriminant validity was adopted (see
Table 5).
Table 5
HTMT Analysis
PRW .038
MTW .140 .562
JSW .285 .435 .429
OFW .142 .289 .425 .406
EEW .549 .256 .326 .461 .27
TSW .219 .477 .397 .394 .289 .372
FOW .036 .044 .007 .008 .066 .017 .053
From Table 5, the paired correlations of all constructs are shown. The largest paired correlation
was .562 (less than one) between MTW and PRW, further establishing discriminant validity.
Table 6
Goodness of Fit Indices (Final Structural Model)
Measure Model Estimate Threshold Interpretation
CMIN (χ ) 2
7.699 -- --
Degrees of freedom DF 5 -- --
CMIN/DF 1.540 Between 1 and 3 Excellent
CFI .996 >.95 Excellent
RMSEA .039 <.06 Excellent
GFI .995 >.90 Excellent
AGFI .961 >.80 Excellent
RMR .006 <.10 Excellent
NFI .989 >.90 Excellent
PNFI .177 >.60 Excellent
TLI .977 >.95 Excellent
IFI .996 >.95 Excellent
Indirect effects are obtained by calculating path coefficients (Dempsey, O’Brien, Tiamiyu, &
Elhai, 2019). Essentially, the indirect effect of MTW on the path from OFW to PRW is
OFW_MTW x MTW_PRW. From the AMOS output tab, the direct, indirect and total effects
check boxes were checked. Bootstrapping was also used with a bootstrap sample of 2000 and a
bias-corrected interval confidence interval of 95%.
SPSS AMOS plugins and estimands (Gaskin & Lim, 2018) were used to generate the indirect
effects of employee motivation and Job satisfaction on WfH productivity. In bootstrapping,
2,000 bootstrapped samples were taken from the data using Gaskin and Lim's (2018) AMOS
plugin and estimands to estimate coefficients, and measure the indirect effects of job satisfaction,
and motivation on WfH productivity. This was used in AMOS to first test for direct effect of the
independent variables (OFW, TSW, and EEW) on WfH productivity (PRW). The results of the
generated output from the AMOS plugin and the estimands are as shown in Table 7. The null
hypothesis is that the indirect effect of the mediating variables is zero. Thus, zero must exist in
between the lower and the upper bound. From Table 7, it can be concluded that the effect of the
mediating variables (MTV and JSW) is significant since zero does not fall in the lower and the
upper bound of all the observed paths. The hypothesized mediation effects on the dataset are as
summarized in Table 8. Job satisfaction and employee motivation are mediators in the SEM
Table 7
Indirect Effects
Indirect Path Unstandardize Lower Upper P-Value Standardized
OFW --> MTV --> PRW d Estimate
.067 .045 .097 .001 Estimate
EEW --> MTV --> JSW .024 .009 .046 .005 .032**
TSW --> MTV --> PRW .089 .057 .129 .001 .091***
OFW --> JSW --> PRW .031 .015 .053 .001 .051***
EEW --> JSW --> PRW .056 .034 .083 .001 .078***
TSW-->MTV--> JSW .055 .029 .096 .001 .054***
TSW-->MTV--> JSW --> PRW .012 .005 .024 .000 .054***
EEW-> MTV->JSW-> PRW .005 .002 .012 .004 .032**
EEW --> MTW --> PRW .039 .017 .066 .007 .055**
OFW --> MTV --> JSW .042 .025 .066 .001 .066***
OFW --> MTV --> JSW --> PRW .009 .004 .017 .000 .066***
MTV --> JSW --> PRW .038 .018 .068 .001 .050***
Significance of Estimates:
*** p < .001
** p < .010
Table 8.
Hypotheses Testing (Mediation Effects)
Relationship Alternative Standardized Estimate P-Value Study Results
OFW --> MTV --> PRW 1 .001 .111*** Supported
EEW --> MTV --> PRW 2 .007 .055** Supported
TSW --> MTV --> PRW 3 .001 .091*** Supported
OFW --> JSW --> PRW 4 .001 .051*** Supported
EEW --> JSW --> PRW 5 .001 .078*** Supported
Significance of Estimates:
*** p < .001
** p < .010
In their study of enhancing employee performance with work using 120 respondents from
Bumiayu Hospital in Indonesia, Al Banin et al (2020) came to a conclusion that motivation
mediates the relationship between organizational support and employee performance
(productivity). This shows that motivation must be considered if organizational factors are to
have the desired productivity increase effect on WfH.
The null hypotheses 2 states that employee motivation does not mediate the relationship between
employee engagement and productivity of WfH. From Table 8, the mediation effect has a
significant p-value (p < .010); thus, establishing a mediation between employee engagement and
productivity of WfH by both the Baron and Kenny criteria and the estimands with plugins. We
thus, reject the null hypotheses 2.
Null hypotheses 3 states that employee motivation does not mediate the relationship between
technical support and productivity of WfH. From Table 8, the mediation effect has a significant
p-value (p < .001); thus, establishing a mediation between technical support and productivity of
WfH by both the Baron and Kenny criteria and the estimands with plugins. We therefore reject
the null hypotheses 3. This study of WfH workers in Ghana confirms the important role of
motivation as a mediator in the relationship between organizational characteristics and employee
productivity. It is not an exaggeration to argue that motivation is essential for success
(Geelmaale, 2019).
I. Mediation effects of job satisfaction.
Both the Baron and Kenny criteria and the estimands with plugins all established mediation of
job satisfaction with WfH productivity. The relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity of WfH is significant ( =.226***). Null hypotheses 4 states that job satisfaction
does not mediate the relationship between organizations factors and productivity of WfH. From
Table 8, the mediation effect has a significant p-value (p < .001); thus, establishing a mediation
between technical support and productivity of WfH by both the Baron and Kenny criteria and the
estimands with plugins. We therefore reject the null hypotheses 4.
Sharma and Biswakarma (2020) in their study of 158 hotel employees in Nepal found that the
influence of perceived organizational support on perceived work performance was mediated by
job satisfaction. Li, Naz. Khan, Kusi, and Murad (2019); identified job satisfaction as a
mediating factor in high performance work system on employee performance. Their study
findings, consistent with this study, provided clear proof that perceived organizational support
and perceived work performance can be enhanced when employees are satisfied with their jobs.
Job satisfaction, according to the null hypotheses 5, does not influence the relationship between
employee engagement and WfH productivity. The mediation effect has a significant p-value (p
< 001) in Table 8, indicating that both the Baron and Kenny criteria and the estimands with
plugins established a mediation between employee engagement and productivity of WfH. We
thus reject the null hypotheses 5. Null hypotheses 4 and 5 were rejected with estimands (p
= .051*** and p=.078***) respectively.
In a correlational study of 187 respondents to analyze the effects of work engagement and job
satisfaction on performance of nurses in Syekh Yusuf Regional Hospital of Gowa Regency in
Indonesia; Nas and Suriah (2020) demonstrated that job satisfaction played a key role to elevate
the performance of the nurses. Based on this study, employers need to pay more attention to job
satisfaction to increase the productivity of WfH staff.
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