Lesson Plan in English With Teaching Philosophy
Lesson Plan in English With Teaching Philosophy
Lesson Plan in English With Teaching Philosophy
Department of Education
CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired
and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and
expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and
figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, 85% of the students are expected to:
A. Routinary Activities:
Good morning, everyone! How are you? We feel good today ma’am.
Checking of Attendance
Nicole, kindly check the attendance and note who is absent
Okay, ma’am.
"Can someone recall what the lesson was in the last meeting?
Yes, Lianne? We talk about the story of Thai cats and compare
Thailand's culture to Philippine culture.
1. Watching k-dramas
2. Sleeping while Wi-Fi is turned on
3. Playing Mobile Legends
4. Eating spicy food
5. Creating Tiktok videos
6. Listening to opm songs
Great job, class! Before we proceed I, have one question, what do I noticed that we can always have the choice to choose
you think is the connection of our game to the lesson for today, if we like certain scenarios or not.
Based on the sample scenarios, someone is positive in
Wow! That’s a nice observation, Jherica! How about you Amber? doing specific scenarios and for some it is negative.
So, I think it has connections between positive and
negative statements.
Very detailed observation, Amber! Thank you! And you’re both
Now, what are the positive and negative messages? In order for Since the child is scared, for me, it is negative.
us to know I will show you a picture. Is the scenario positive or
negative, Kenjie?
Correct! How about the next one, Lianne? Friends are having fun. I think it’s positive.
Lianne, you are right. Lastly, yes, Nicole? Based on the warning sign of the medicine it is
Time’s up! Let’s now answer it for number one. May I know your
answer, Monica?
So, what does six feet under mean, Andrew
The right answer is negative. You are correct Andrew and nice
that you know the meaning of that phrase.
That’s good. You are correct it’s negative. Negative also, ma’am since he/she will only try.
Well done, Alden. Thank you aside from that we can also use
You made it to the finals. Well-done!
Definitely, there are lots of signal words we can use and here they
Thank you, Mitch. Aside from that we can also use prefixes like:
un- in unfriend
im- in impossible None of you has ever realized my worth.
in- in incorrect
Thank you! The word used is disgusted. Patrick’s mom was disgusted by his very bad grades.
Those are the commonly signal words that you can use to
determine if the text conveys a positive or negative message. Do There is only one left for me
you have questions?
Therefore, let’s take a look at this formula. If mathematics has a None so far, ma’am.
formula, so does it in English. For simple sentences, we can use
multiplication to recognize the positivity of the message
conveyed. In number 1, Kenjie, can you read the sentence and tell
us the two signal words that will match the first formula positive
plus positive equals to positive.
Wow! You are definitely correct. Using two positive signal words
will make it a positive message. How about the second, Nicole?
My parents were happy to see my high grades.
And what are those word connectors? Since last lesson we talked
about comparing and contrast transitional devices. It is also
applicable in complex sentences, those words, unlike, though, but, Conjunctive adverbs and word connectors for
yet. Earlier we used a multiplication formula and now we will comparison and contrast can also help you recognize
compare in addition. whether a message is positive or negative. These word
connectors introduce a subordinate clause that makes a
sentence a complex sentence
In order to recognize positivity or negativity of the conveyed
message in a complex sentence, we can use conjunctions as
mathematical addition operations. Kindly read, Lianne.
Thank you! In that sentence likewise will be the plus sign and the
first part of sentence Water is the most essential element of the
human body, is positive then after the connector likewise, another
positive statement, which is it is the most important components
of plants, thus, based on formula it conveys a positive message. Water is the most essential element of the human
How about the second one, John? body, likewise, it is the most important component of
John, can you tell us the word connectors in the sentence? I think
there’s two.
F. Developing Mastery
Alright, since we have assured that all details are clear with the
discussion, I know that you are now excited with our activities!
“Search Through”
None so far.
(Independent Learning)
The learners will look for 9 English words in the puzzle.
Choose one feeling/emotion and connect it to their
personal experiences.
H. Evaluating Learning
Group Activity It will help us to deliver a message clearly and to
ensure that the situation is resolved in a respectful
“Differentiated Instruction”
manner and to decrease the potential for conflict.
(Constructivism and Progressivism)
The students will be group into three. Each group will be given
different task.
Group 1 – Create five sentences with positive and negative
Group 2 – Group the sentences with its messages conveyed.
Group 3 – Form a text and identify the sentences that conveyed
positive and negative messages.
I. Assignment
“Make a slogan indicating positive or negative ideas
about COVID-19. The philosophies of education can be seen
in the different parts of the lesson. First,
Positive the existentialism philosophy in the post
“Respect to all the heroes, Fighting against Corona Virus.” activity, students were asked to give their
personal experiences either positive or
“Fake Vaccines, results to deaths” negative experiences. Through this, they
were able to understand their purpose or
meaning of their actions or experiences.
Also, constructivism and progressivism
were shown in the evaluation part of the
lesson as the students were given
different activities each group wherein
collaboration, cooperation and
brainstorming where needed for them to
come up with best result on the given
task. Student Lastly, behaviorism was
shown in all parts of the lesson as the
students were given different activities
and the teacher give rewards and praises
to the student’s performances.
Teacher I