Zubehoer M-Bus-Modul ENG DataSheet

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M-Bus module for Modularis

The Mod M-Bus is used for adaptation of water meters with
Version 10/2015

Modularis counter to the M-Bus system. In addition the modu-

le provides a pulse output („open collector“). The module can
be used for Modularis water meters up to and including 35 m3
initial meter reading, the key date, the current date and M-Bus
addresses, etc.) will be included with the module using the pro-
gram M-Tool. When connected to the M-Bus network the Mod
M-Bus is energized. A built-in battery ensures that metering
despite sustained failure of the M-Bus network; the resulting

is stored in non-volatile Flash info of the processor.

Technical data
Description Mod M-Bus Modularis Modul
in the counter of the Modularis Water Meter
(Remove the blind cover)
WxHxD 63 x 34 x 25mm
Protection class IP68
Evironmental conditions
Operating temp. 5 ... 60 °C
Temperature Storage -20 ... 60 °C
10 ... 70 %
Power consumtion
remote power supply from M-Bus with
automatic changeover to battery
Operation max. 1.5 mA (standard load);
no battery load
3 Volt Lithium-Battery
Average current X$ZLWKȵRZ
Average current X$ZLWKRXWȵRZ
> 13 years under full load with total loss of
Battery life
the M-Bus network coverage
Reference standard: EN 1434-3, EN 13757-2, EN 13757-3

Products on pictures could include optional parts and modules which are not seperatly mentioned.
300, 2400, 9600 baud with standard-compliant
Transmission speed
switching via M-Bus protocol
Primary and secondary addressing, enhanced
secondary addressing with (manufacturer ID)
count, date & time, date, date,
consumption at date
Current meter reading, billing date, next due
M-Bus-Data readout date, date, value, unit ID, 15 previous month
values, manipulation message
Interface NCN 5150
Pulse output
„open collector“ transistor (no electrical isolation),
Versions compatible with reed contacts, with direction recog-
nition passive S0 according to DIN 43864
Adjustable from 1 to 1.000 liter per pulse
Pulse value
Changes, errors and missprints excepted.

(standard 1 liter)
Pulse duration 50ms (bounce)
Power Battery
Pulse current max 50mA

Max. Voltage 30 V

Max. Capacity 0,25 W

Order information
Mod M-Bus 8140
Mod-I 8141

www.nzr.de Nordwestdeutsche Zählerrevision Ing. Aug. Knemeyer GmbH & Co. KG

Heideweg 33 | 49196 Bad Laer | Germany | Tel. +49 (0)5424 2928-290 | Fax +49 (0)5424 2928-77

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