Capstone Proposal Final
Capstone Proposal Final
Capstone Proposal Final
comparison to commercially available Diesel fuel, this alternative fuel contains animal
fats, natural oil such as vegetable oil, cooking oils and non-edible plant oils
(Gebremariam, 2018). Biodiesel fuels are heavily considered to be alternative fuel for
diesel oil, as the world progresses and the demand for fossil fuel rises so does its capacity
to supply the world’s order diminishes. Hence research and applications of biodiesel arise
in order to solve the world’s demands and provide alternative options. Prompting to
biodiesel may seem more beneficial, however the problem arises from the compatibility
of the biodiesel itself on the diesel engine, as such the diesel engine on the long run
breaks down and corrodes faster when exposed to biodiesel than the diesel fuel itself.
(Chandran, 2020)
B5 blend biodiesel and 37% by B100 blend, proving to be cleaner and environmentally
friendly than commercial fuel, given that it also produces a smoke capacity that is up to
compatibility to diesel fuel, would add benefit for both transportation and agricultural
resources to produce more oil for biodiesel and to reduce the need for import of diesel
fuel lowering the countries budget in relying for foreign resources. Compatibility of the
Biodiesel has been on the works with commercial diesel fuel to be regulated to have at
Authority as of 2021 (Warner, 2021). Although at lower blends in mixture to diesel fuel,
it has proven to be effective and cost efficient in terms of production to supply and
demand; pure biodiesel is also compatible with diesel engines however on the long run it
has a long-term effect on the engine itself and can pose problems then on. It is initially
due to the high viscosity of the biodiesel (Paar, 2022). The project is set on primary
developing fuel system that absorbs the residual heat of the engine via radiator with the
use of shell and tube heat exchangers integrated with PCM to lessen the viscosity and in
turn made to be compatible for diesel engine on the long run and effectively switching to
Biodiesels are widely available on the market, and they can be made by purifying
used cooking oil while adding chemical compounds for better combustion. Furthermore,
biodiesel will lessen the pollution from carbon emissions that release from combusting
commercial fossil diesel fuels. However, using biodiesel as alternative diesel fuel has a
disadvantage that can affect the performance of an engine in the long run. Hence, the
internal combustion of engines produced waste heat that traveled through the cooling
system and dissipated into the atmosphere. Moreover, Hoang et al. (2018) stated that a
diesel fuel with high density and viscosity lessens the power output due to poor
deposition, and high energy demand for pumping fuel. In addition, the solution lowers the
viscosity and density of the biodiesel fuel by adding some modifications such as
increasing the temperature of the biodiesel fuel and adding chemical compounds.
The modifications can be considered as advantages that will help the study to
produce a better quality of biodiesel fuels that is more compatible with combustion.
Having a higher temperature in the supply system will lessen the viscosity and density of
the biodiesel fuel at the start of the process. This study will help the researchers to
determine the different effects of biodiesel with a pre-heating system from a modified
fuel supply system. Hence, the study involves the capture of waste heat produced from
the internal combustion of diesel engines. The study will identify if the diesel engine can
be compatible with any biodiesel fuel where it lessens the thickness of the biodiesel fuel
The research question of this experiment would be to determine the flow of the
coolant from the cooling channels and the flow of biodiesel from the fuel supply through
the fuel pump and the initial temperature of the biodiesel and coolant. Hence:
1. What is the effect of varying temperature and flow rate of biodiesel from the
fuel supply and the coolant from the cooling channel in producing the targeted level of
Through this the hypothesis of this study would determine the parameters such as the area
of the heat exchanger, the temperature difference, heat transfer coefficient, the mass flow
1. Varying temperature and flow rate range of both biodiesel and coolant has an
effect in the density and viscosity of biodiesel produced by the heat exchanger.
Null hypothesis;
1. Density and viscosity has no correlation with the varying temperatures and flow rate of
The aim of this research is to design and fabricate a fuel supply heating system by reusing
the residual heat from the engine via radiator with the use of heat exchanger integrated
with PCM to produce a lower viscosity and density of the biodiesel in higher blends with
correlation and relevance to the heat absorbed dispelled by the diesel engine by reusing
heat obtained from liquid coolants that passes through the coolant channel and is
transferred to the heat exchangers with the use of PCM. The aim is to provide a fuel
supply system compatible with biodiesel to provide a reliable alternative and cost
efficient fuel for diesel engines for public and private vehicles.
1. To design and fabricate a prototype of the whole pre-heating system integrated with
PCM that incorporates specific materials and dimensions using fusion 360
2. Determine the heat exchange rate and the mass flow rate, the change in viscosity and
3. Determine the performance of the prototype through the use of statistical tools such as
system engine that can support higher blends of biodiesel up to 100% biodiesel, or B100.
The aim of the research is to take advantage of the renewable fuel’s environmental
benefits and reduce the consumers expenses for the surging price of petroleum diesel and
gas. Through this, the possibility of aiming to reduce diesel consumption and prompting
to rely on renewable resources, with the possibility of lessening the strain of the vehicle
from overheating with the reuse of liquid coolant from the radiator of the engine,
prompting for a much cooler temperature for diesel engines. Furthermore, in accordance
with Talavera from Philstar Global, the Philippine Coconut Authority is pushing the
increase demand for coconut, a natural source of oil, to sustain the livelihood of farmers.
Through this research the possibility and option to opt for natural oil and reuse oil for
source fuel can increase the income of the Philippines through agricultural and
transportation department hence this research opts to develop a general method of heat
exchanger for different types of vehicle diesel engine to accommodate the public.
The scope of this study would be focusing on developing a heating process for a
fuel supply system that will help the biofuel to increase its power output while decreasing
its viscosity and density at the early stage of the process. Hence, the heated biofuel with
lower viscosity is easier to pump through the engine for combustion. Furthermore, The
heat from the liquid coolant of the radiator after passing through coolant channels would
be captured by the heat exchanger with the use of PCM to transfer the heat to the
biodiesel before entering the engine. The study also focuses on the compatibility of
biodiesel fuel for combustion, where the diesel engine can be able to combust the
biodiesel fuel and determine the travel quality, mileage and diesel engine component
condition and quality when exposed to biodiesel which will be concluded under the
The delimitation of the study is the complete replacement of diesel engine or total
overhaul of the engine design to increase the compatibility with biodiesel, furthermore
the research doesn't include redesigning and fabrication of engine components, such as
fuel injector, coolant channels, etc… Engine gas emissions using biodiesel and
Gantt chart
2 3 4 K5 6 7 K8 9 10
Individual review
of related literature
Capstone grouping
and compilation of
Tentative Capstone
title proposal
Capstone Advising
and review of
related literature
Capstone Draft
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework that researchers came up with and it
has three variables which are Independent, Dependent, and Mediator Variable.
Independent variables explain the different usual problems that can occur when using
biodiesel as an alternative fuel for diesel engines. For the mediator variable, it is a process
of modification for the study which can produce different dependent variables when
applied. The dependent variable is the final stage of the process that is directly connected
to both the independent and mediator variable. Furthermore, different results can be
obtained from the mediator and independent variable to analyze and compare each other
to come up with the disadvantages and advantages of biodiesel. Hence, the study assumes
that the modification of the fuel supply system of the diesel engine will gather enough
data that can improve the overall performance of biodiesel fuel for diesel engines.
According to Bergthorson et al. (2015). fuel delivery, spray, evaporation, and mixing
process would depend on the changes in flame composition and temperature of biodiesel
fuel. Hence, increasing the temperature of the biodiesel fuel will lessen the viscosity and
density that can increase the compatibility of biodiesel fuel for combustion in a diesel
engine. Furthermore, Verduzco et al. (2013). stated that better compatibility of chemical
compounds in biodiesel fuel results in better power output for combustion. However, the
environmental temperature can increase the viscosity and density of the biodiesel in the
fuel supply system when the weather is cold. For this reason, the modified heating
process for the fuel system will give initial changes to help the biofuel at the start of the
combustion process.
Definition of Terms
Density – measure of the quantity of some physical property per unit length, area, or
Fuel supply system – fuel injection pump supplies fuel under high pressure to the
Temperature – a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold or a measure of the
Diesel - a type of engine that produces enough heat to burn fuel and power a vehicle
Diesel engine – internal combustion engine in which ignition of the fuel is caused by the
elevated temperature of the air in the cylinder die to the mechanical compression; thus,
volatile substance evaporates to form an ignitable combination with air and continues to
Heat exchanger – a heat transmission system that involves two or more fluids.
PCM - Phase change matter, is the change of material from two states (solid to liquid,
According to Capellan-Perez et al. (2014), the fossil fuels that are available in this
generation will deplete in the next two decades and the demand for non-renewable energy
won't be achieved by the year 2025-2040. Fossil fuels produce energy that helps humans
another in a short period. Hence, the factor of transportation is also responsible for
transportation operates with engines that consume fuel compared to the old method of
transportation that only involves animals carrying a wooden cart or trolley to transport
comfortability, and durability have a huge gap compared to the old method of
According to the annual report of the Land Transportation Office with the date of
September 2021, the statistics show that the total number of registered land vehicles
the mid-year of 2021 compared to 1.1 million in the mid-year of 2020. Furthermore, the
increase in the population of vehicles affects the pollution caused by emissions of toxic
gases. According to Lloyd et al. (2011). diesel engines are the most common engine that
contributes the most power to transportation from the past decades until now. However,
the diesel engine is one of the most contributors to pollution from the emission of fossil
fuel that affects climate change. The gasoline engine was introduced for better efficiency
in terms of combustion while reducing the emission released from the gas engine.
Furthermore, filtration of emissions from the diesel engine is not enough to reduce the
huge increase in carbon emissions. Hence, the innovation of biodiesel fuel was
introduced to have an eco-friendly emission that will lessen the harm to the environment.
With these in mind, according to Talavera from Philstar Global as of january 4, The
department of agriculture are working to increase the blend of Biodiesel from commercial
Diesel Fuel from 2% blend to 5% with the hopes from this increase can benefit the
countries agriculture and lessen the dependence from imported fuel, hence in turn
profiting from locally sourced goods and in turn creating more job opportunities.
Furthermore, the added benefit to the environment as the emissions are reduced as the
purity of biodiesel gets higher, as such, carbon monoxide emissions are 10% reduced at
B20 and 50% at B50. In comparison to the performance, loss in comparison to diesel fuel
compatibility of the biodiesel itself doesn’t meet the standards in terms of performance
and other engine components, as it causes clogs and diminishes the components which
greatly affects the cost of repair in comparison to standard diesel fuel (Lyden, 2006).
as it comes from natural oil and animal fats or restaurant grease. Biodiesel and Diesel
the article of US Department of Energy, Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide (Fifth
Edition), Diesel or ASTM D975 fuel standard, in comparison to Biodiesel, No. 1-b Grade
or ASTM D6751 fuel standard, the kinematic viscosity at 40 degree celsius of biodiesel is
significantly higher than Diesel with 4.0-6.0 compared to 1.3-4.1 respectively, with the
difference in density (lb/gal) of only 0.2, from 7.3 of Biodiesel in comparison to 7.1 of
Diesel Fuel. Although the cetane number of biodiesel is much higher coming from 47-55
The aforementioned properties play on the compatibility with the fuel to diesel engine,
several factors are to be considered when using fuel hence those can affect the
Chandran in 2020, Compatibility of Diesel engine materials with biodiesel fuel on a fuel
system of a common rail type diesel engine. It is shown that different sources of biodiesel
as such from palm trees, soy, jatropha curcas and pongamia pinnata have different rate of
corrosion to each component of the diesel engine, but on a general note, the experiment
was conducted at a general properties of fuels of diesel and Biodiesel at, viscosity of 2.6
and 6, cetane number at 44 and 55, equal sulphur content at <15, and density at 15 degree
celsius at 0.85 and 0.88, flash point at 60 and 130, higher heating value at 42.7 and 40.6
Chandran’s experiment shows that B100 or pure blends has been proven to
increase the rate of corrosion of copper at higher concentration and immersion duration
although at higher fuel temperature it lowers the corrosion rate. Oxidation of biodiesel
also plays a part in the corrosion of copper at pure blends with an immersion condition of
60 degree celsius and 840h its corrosion rate stands at 0.084 mpy (millimeter per year)
when oxidized and 0.053 mpy when not. Furthermore piston metal stands at varying
corrosion rate at the range of 0.0117 to 0.1236 mpy in relevance to the different
feedstock. Furthermore, findings show that biodiesel is able to hold water 40 times more
than diesel hence promotes corrosion to total this, the findings show that the corrosion
rate of copper increased by 148%. The gas emissions for B100 of rapeseed oil, gas
oxides, +0.9% Carbon oxide, and other particulates at +9.9%. Elastomers on the other
hand when exposed to biodiesel have shown compatibility through diesel degredation, in
which a change in volume has been shown, as such, nitrile rubber went up by 250%, at 26
Biodiesel’s viscosity and density can be and is regulated by its temperature, according to
function of temperature: Empirical Models. The research shows data on the effect of
temperature on methyl ester and biodiesel dynamic viscosity and density, it shows that in
T-kelvin the viscosity level decreases when the temperature increases. Through
and average absolute deviation are as follows, 0.09, 29.63 and 6.04%. In more accurate
data, the density of Methyl ester starting at between 18 to 20 mpa-s decreases to below 2
The design of the heat exchanger for liquid is to counterflow the transfer of two liquids
with different temperatures to one another. Hence, materials for creating heat exchangers
can withstand the highest heating point and the lowest cooling point of the substance for
safety purposes. The process of heat exchange with different substances without having
physical contact is very flexible in terms of cooling and heating of liquid and gas. The
loop inside the shell of the heat exchanger is the key to the temperature to maximize its
transferring capacity (Parisher, 2012). Small tubes are responsible for maximizing the
absorption of the transferred heat or cold from the shell. The 30% of the energy that
has been combusted in the diesel engine doesn't convert into mechanical work for
automobile engine vehicles (Paniyarajan, 2011). However, capturing the waste heat
would be a huge help to lessen the depleted waste energy on the environment.
The heat exchanger is in demand in the industries, especially in the power plant
companies. Hence, different types depending on the uses of the heat exchanger. The most
common material used for the heat exchanger is aluminum and copper. The two metals
have great corrosion resistance and have optimum thermal properties. According to
Soares (2020), the metal named AA 3003 is a type of aluminum that has been passed with
a great result against corrosion using biodiesel, diesel, Ethanol, and Gasoline. According
to another study by Yusoff (2015), Biodiesel and diesel were tested for corrosion with the
use of copper, aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel. Furthermore, the results show
that copper has a higher rate of corrosion than the other metals. Hence, aluminum ranks
second for the highest corrosion resistance and the third is carbon steel. The materials of
the heat exchanger can be modified if it involves biodiesel or diesel. However, stainless
steel and aluminum would be the materials that will be used to avoid corrosion that can
The product named Hydronic MII Series is a type of heat exchanger and the main
function is a water coolant heater. The process of the water coolant heater is to add
additional heat to the engine for more energy usage that can be used for better
combustion. Furthermore, the product was made for trucks and large engines that need a
lot of energy for combustion. The study for shell and tube heat exchangers has a huge
difference compared with Hydronic MII Series. Hence, Both studies focus on the better
use of heat exchangers that will help biodiesel to maximize its potential in terms of
efficiency and helps to lessen the pollution in the environment. However, the study for
shell and tube will focus on capturing the heat from heated coolant that passed through
the combustion of an air-oil mixture of biodiesel in the engine with the use of PCM. The
heat captured by the heat exchanger will be used for heating the biodiesel which will
The figure below shows the Five Ways to Control Temperature in Heat Exchanger.
Figure 1: Stirring Reactor with Heat Exchanger
Below is a diagram of a chemical reactor known as a "stirring tank." The top inlet
brings liquid into the tank to be blended. By adjusting the amount of steam supplied to
the heat exchanger (bottom pipe) via its control valve, the tank liquid must be kept at a
Biodiesel typically comprises fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and other
chemicals, according to (HRS Heat Exchangers, 2022), and its manufacture might require
various heating, cooling, and condensing processes. HRS Heat Exchangers manufactures
2009), are essential for turning organic resources to fuel. The primary function of a heat
exchanger is to assure effective energy transfer from one medium (for example, air or
water) to another without needing direct contact between the two. Plate heat exchangers,
which are extensively used in the process industry, are made up of a stack of metal plates
that are stacked together to enhance the surface area between the two temperature zones.
The plates are patterned in various ways to ensure that heat exchange is as efficient as
possible. To keep the liquids from mixing or seeping out, these plates are normally sealed
using gaskets, though the seals may be brazed or welded for high heat or corrosion
gaining popularity around the world. Concerns over energy security caused by reliance
on fossil fuels, as well as the need to minimize greenhouse gas and other pollutant
emissions, are driving this movement. Avoiding heat loss during the production process
is a vital aspect in creating biofuels at a low cost, and here is where heat exchangers come
in handy. Alfa Laval, which has a long history of producing heat exchangers, sees a lot of
promise in enhancing the production of renewable fuels from a range of raw materials.
Technical solutions for heating, separation of desirable products from by-products, and
Biodiesel Fuels
(Mahmudul, H.M. & Mofijur, M., 2017) states that flash point is the safety
measure of fuel for storage. It is the point at which fuels are flammable [28]. According
to the Australian standards and EN14214 standards, the minimum FP temperature for
measure the FP value of the fuel according to the ASTM D93 method, an HFP 380
fuel. All the biodiesels have a higher flashpoint than diesel fuel which indicates that
biodiesel is safer to transport and store. Among all the biodiesels, JBD has the maximum
flashpoint (184.5°C), and BBD has the minimum flashpoint temperature (141.5°C). All
Laboratory Measurements
In ideal settings, laboratory flashpoint tests provide useful information about the
temperature at which a fluid can release enough vapor to sustain a flame. The
by placing materials within almost closed chambers with no airflow and technology to
detect even the most fragile and brief ignition events. Under ideal conditions, the
numbers in the following table show the lowest achievable ignition temperatures for the
fluids specified.
Figure 6: Flash point and Autoignition temperatures of common vehicle fluids laboratory
design to gain deeper understanding about the study. Applied research is a type of research
design that seeks to solve a specific problem or provide innovative solutions to issues
affecting an individual, group, or society. The main point of our study is to commercially
produce a clean burning, renewable substitute for petroleum diesel using vegetable oils,
yellow grease, used cooking oils, or animal fats to create a biodiesel, because of the
continuous rise in fuel prices, producing biodiesel domestically will help minimize the
expenses of using petroleum diesel. The method used to obtain our studies is finding
verified sources about biodiesel on the internet and systematically gathering all the
resources that connect to our study to produce and measure the outcome.
Diesel engines, as stated, tend to corrode and break down over a long period of
time when exposed to biodiesel, several factors affect the corrosion of the components of
the engine under the exposure to biodiesel(Chandran, 2019). A way to combat this is to
lower the viscosity of the biodiesel through heating, relatively heating the biodiesel to
Through this the aim of this experiment is to design and manufacture a shell and
tube heat exchange system, that utilizes the heat residue or waste of the diesel engine and
convert it to heat the biodiesel. The design is to use the waste heat from the radiator, in
which after passing through the coolant channel, the coolant is then passed on through the
shell and tube heat exchangers in which heats the biodiesel at a temperature range of
315K to 330K. Flash point of average biodiesel is 423.15K (Gouveia, 2017) and the flash
point of engine coolant is 384.15K (Nally, 2021). At those given temperature ranges and
the intended heating rating the heat exchange system for the fuel supply is relatively safe.
Figure 2 is the intended prototype for the preheating process of biodiesel designed
to absorb by integrating the PCM in which the residual heat is dispelled from the engine
via radiator coolant passing through the heat exchanger. The procedure for this study is to
modify the fuel supply system to reduce the viscosity of the biodiesel before entering the
engine for combustion. The diesel engine released more than 60% of energy from the
combustion of an air-fuel mixture that cannot be used or also known as waste heat
(Hoang,2018). A cooling system for the diesel engine is involved to capture the waste
heat before it travels back to the radiator for cooling. Hence, the waste heat from internal
combustion would be involved in the procedure to have an initial heat for the heat
exchanger. However, modification to the engine itself is not part of the study. The
process would start with the internal combustion of the diesel engine, the coolant from
the radiator will travel to the engine block to lessen the heat from the combustion. The
heated coolant would not travel back instantly to the radiator for cooling. Furthermore,
the heat exchanger will absorb the heat of the coolant before it travels back to the
A process of heat transfer from two liquids with different temperatures would
become possible with the help of a heat exchanger (Sharma,2017). The heated coolant
from the combusted air-fuel mixture will enter and leave on the shell-side of the heat
exchanger. Hence, The biodiesel will enter and leave on the tube side of the heat
exchanger. Furthermore, the heated coolant will transfer the heat by passing through the
pipeline of the biodiesel. The biodiesel should be able to absorb all the heat from the
coolant before leaving the tube side of the heat exchanger. The biodiesel that leaves the
heat exchanger will lessen the density and the viscosity. Moreover, the diesel engine
would combust the biodiesel easier with lower viscosity. It may result in better
performance of the biodiesel in terms of efficiency and for the long-term use of biodiesel
Statistical Tool
The statistical method that will be used for this research will be a Regression and
Two-way Anova. Two-way anova will be used for two independent variables mainly the
density and viscosity of the biodiesel before and after entering the heat exchanger, the
regression on the other hand will determine the viscosity and density achieved in relation
Equation 1
𝑄̇ = 𝑚̇ 𝐶𝑝∆𝑇
𝑄̇ =Heat Transfer (kW)
𝑚̇ = Flow Rate of Fluid (kg/s)
𝐶𝑝 = Specific Heat of Fluid (kJ/kg-K)
∆𝑇 = T ¿−T out ( K )
Equation 2
𝑄̇ = 𝑚̇ 𝜆
𝑄̇ =Heat Transfer (kW)
𝑚̇ = Flow Rate of Fluid (kg/s)
𝜆 = Latent Heat of Fluid (kJ/kg)
Equation 3
Equation 4
Z score =
σ /√ n
X = Sample mean
μ = Population mean
n=¿Sample size
Σ( x i−x )( y i− y )
√Σ ¿¿ ¿
Equation 5
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