BP 344 Summarized Notes
BP 344 Summarized Notes
BP 344 Summarized Notes
o promulgated by DPWH, DTC and the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons
o Purpose – provide minimum requirements and standards for facilities, building and utilities FOR
o Scope – this IRR applies to construction, repair and renovation of PUBLIC-USE BUILDINGS (either
public or private owned); streets, highways and public utilities; public transportation (i.e. bus, jeepney,
trains, domestic inter-island vessels, domestic aircraft or air carriers); public telephones; public
transport terminals
provide barrier-free facilities and accessibility features in the plans and specifications following this
▪ Provide accessibility features at the primary space (serving the primary function) and in
the ingress/egress of buildings (if done, accessibility at other levels may be waived).
• if public facilities are added at other levels, provide elevator w/ 800mm min.
• if the primary space will not be diminished by more than 10% of its original area
• if the repair or renovation cost exceeds 20% of the total building cost
• if no legal constraints
▪ note: fire-safety, explosion-safety and HVAC repair or renovations are not subjected
o For new streets, highways and transport related structures, provide barrier-free facilities and
accessibility features at every pedestrian crossing; ramps and accessibility features in DOTC
▪ issuance of license or franchise of buses, boats, ships and airplanes shall require
provisions of PWD seats and audio-visual aids (including government operated tranport
▪ existing public transport vehicles must follow the minimum accessibility requirements
o Special Standards of Accessibility – can be allowed if alternatives are approved by the National
o Design Criteria
o Categories of PWDs:
▪ impaiments causing difficulty in walking or climbing stairs (i.e. braces, crutches, artificial
and measurements (difference of sexes, sitting and reaching heights etc.); use dimensional and
technical data (i.e. wheelchairs dimensions, minimum space for leg braces etc);
• Comfortable reach when sitting in wheelchair – 0.70m to 1.20m above the floor,
• Knee and leg clearance for wheelchair – 0.70m under the table or counter
▪ Reachability –
▪ Usability –
o Category IV – Agricultural
o Category V – Ancillary
o Architectural featues and facilities – (A) stairs; (B) walkways; (C) corridors; (D) doors and
entrances; (E) washrooms and toilets; (F) lifts and elevators; (G) ramps; (H) parking areas; (I)
switches, controls and buzzers; (J) handrails; (K) thresholds; (L) floor finishes; (M) drinking
o Single-Detached – 10% of the total units shall be accessible & barrier-free (ABCDEGHIJKL)
o Duplexes – 10% of the total units shall be accessible and barrier-free (ABCDEGHIJKL)
o Company or School Staff Housing Units – 1 unit for 26 to 50 units & 1 additional unit for every
o Multiple dwelling units or high-rise residential condominiums or tenement houses – 1 unit for 26
to 50 units & 1 additional unit for every 100 units thereafter shall be accessible and barrier-free;
per 50-150 units and 1 per 100 additional thereafter shall be barrier-free
▪ hotels, motels, inns, pension houses and/or apartments – 1 unit per 50-150 units shall
be barrier-free and 1 per 100 units additional thereafter shall be at ingress level (if no
▪ private or off-campus dormitories - 1 unit per 50-150 units shall be barrier-free and 1 per
100 units additional thereafter shall be at ingress level (ABCDEFGHIJKLMN required)
o Group C
▪ amusement halls and parlor; concert halls and opera houses; coliseum, stadium and
o Group F – dairies and creameries; factories and workshops using incombustible or non-
o Group G-3 – wood working establishments, lumber and timber yards; pulp, paper and paper
board factories; textile and fiber spinning mills; garment and undergarment factories-
little theaters and concert halls); libraries, museum, exhibition halls and art galleries; civil
o Group D-1 – Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, mental asylums; jails, prisons, reformatories,
o Group D-2 – Homes for the Aged; Hospitals and Sanitaria – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
o Group D-3 – Nursing Homes for Ambulatory Patients; Orphanages – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
▪ PWD seating and toilet facilities shall be accessible from the main lobby to primary
o Computation of Accessible Units – greater than 0.5 is considered as 1 unit; absolute minimum is 1
accessible unit
o graphic signs shall be bold and conspiciously installed in every access from point of entry to
connecting destination
o width of corridors and circulation system integrating both and vertical access to ingress/egress
o doors and entrances provided herein used as entry points at entrance lobbies as local points of
congregation shall be designed to open easily or accessible from floor to floor or to any point of
o washroom and toilets shall be accessible and with adequate turning space
o ramps shall be provided as means of access to level of change going to entry points and
o parking areas shall be provided with sufficient space for the disabled persons to allow easy
o height above the floor or switches and controls shall be in accordance with the provisions
o Land Transportation – refer to buses with minimum seating capacity of 50 persons (regular) and
40 persons (for aircon buses); includes regular city buses, provincial and tourist buses
o Rail Transportation – refer to three railway systems (PNR, PRC and LRTA)
o Water Transportation – refers to domestic passenger ships, ferry boats and other water vessels
o Issuance of franchise and permit to operate shall require compliance to BP 344; if feasible, all existing
o Construction and renovation of public transport utilities shall comply to body designs and
o Regular buses – 5 seats near exit or entrance doors (can be occupied if no PWD)
o First class/aircon buses – 4 seats near the exit or entrance doors (can be occupied if no PWD)
o Domestic shipping – per class basis, located near the entrance or exit doors
▪ 20 minute PWD embarkation ahead of the 3-hour regular embarkation time and 1-hour
o City buses in highly urbanized cities shall have audiovisual aids (buzzer, bell, flashing light) for alighting
o At least one deck in passenger ships shall be provided with accessible ramps, passageways, access to
gangways, galleys, safety equipment and bunks/berths/cabins with dimensions conforming with
o for buildings, public transport terminals, streets and highways – BP 344 is administered and
enforced by the secretary of DPWH (including its attached agencies, building research
o for transportation – BP 344 is administered by the secretary of DTC (including the attached
agencies) i.e.
▪ Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) – for the issuance of
Certificate of Public Conveyance (CPC) and Provincial Authority (PA) for the operation
▪ Philippine National Railways and the Light Rail Transit Authority – for the operation of
▪ Maritime Industry Authority – for the development, promotion and regulation of all
managing and/or operating shipping lines, shipyards, dry docks, marine railway, marine
repair shops, shipping and freight forwarding agencies and similar enterprises; issuance
maintenance and operation of ports, port facitilies, port physical plants and all
▪ Civil Aeronautics Board – for the supervision and regulation of, the jurisdiction and
control over air carriers, general sales agents, cargo sales agents and air freight
▪ Air Transportation Office – for the maintenance, operation and development, of all
government airports (other than the NAIA, Mactan International Airport) as well as air
o Criminal Liability (as stipulated in Section 46 of RA 7277 or Magna Carta for Disabled Persons) – any
person who violates BP 344 and its IRR shall suffer the following penalties:
o For air, land and sea transportation – owner, operator, body builders, safety
o Dropped Curbs – use slight ramps and dropped curbs for changes in level at walkways
▪ dropped curbs shall slope towards road (for drainage) – maximum 1:20 gradient, lowest
▪ provide dropped curbs at the ends of footpaths in a private street or access road
o Curbed Cut-Outs – only allowed if not causing obstruction and does not reduce walkway width
o Walkways
13mm x 13mm and maximum height of 6.5mm above or below the walkway level (also
▪ In longer and busier walkways, rest stop or turning space for wheelchair shall be
To guide the blind, straight forward walkways and right angle turns are recommended
▪ avoid obstructions to walkways such as street furniture, bollards, sign posts or column
o Handrails
▪ shall be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs and the outer edges of dropped
curbes at crossings
▪ shall be installed at 0.90m and 0.70m above steps or ramps; for higher levels/floors,
▪ provide 0.30m handrail extension at start and end of ramps and stairs
▪ full grip handrails shall be 30cm to 50cm with 50mm minimum wall clearance or 40mm
o Open Spaces
▪ To prevent disorientation of blind people, provide a walkway with defined edges in open
spaces using planters with dwarf walls, grass verge or similar and with texture different
o Signages
▪ signs should be simple and easy to understand; with contrasting colors and gray values
▪ use the International Symbol for Access for designating accessible facilities and routes
▪ signs on walls and doors should be 1.40m (minimum height) to 1.60m (maximum)
signages labeling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or
numbers with a minimum height of 1mm; braille symbols should be included in signs
▪ texts on signboards shall be of a dimension that people with less than normal visual
o Crossings
• have central refuge spaces (1.5m minimum depth, 2.0m preferred width)
All crossings should be located close/contiguous with the normal pedestrian desire line
▪ Provide tactile blocks in immediate vicinity for the blind; tactile blocks must be high
enough to be felt the shoe sole but not too high to trip or affect mobility; brushed or
▪ Light controlled crossings with pedestrian phases and audible signals are recommended
▪ Audible signals used for crossins should be easily distinguished from other sounds
▪ Provide sufficient time for crossing – 0.90m/s instead of 1.20m/s should be considered;
minimum crossing period of 6.0 seconds or the crossing distance times the crossing
o Parking Requirements
o Parking Areas
▪ pavement markings, signs or other means shall be provided for delineating parking
o wall mounted or free standing tablets with an embossed configuration of the building which
would also indicate locations of lobbies, washrooms and emergency exits (through the use of
different textures to symbolize the spaces) should be provided at the main lobby of each floor or
other strategic locations; the markings on this tablet should be readable by both the blind and
o Flashing light directional signs indicating the location(s) of fire exits shall be provided at every
change in direction with sufficient power provided in accordance with the provisions for
emergency lighting under Section 3.410 of PD 1185 (Fire Code of the Philippines)
ANNEX A of the OLD BP 344 – Definition of Terms
o Accessible – refers to features that enable disabled persons to make use of the primary functions for
o Barrier-free – unhindered, withour obstructions to enable disabled persons free passage or use of the
o Buildings – private and public buildings and other related structures for public use. Those designed to
accommodate and server persons in the pursuit of educational, commercial, recreational, religious,
occupational, medical, political, social activities and others of similar nature as enumerated and
provided herein
o Corridor – a long interior passageway providing access to several rooms; a public means of access
o Curb – a raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which forms the edge of street, sidewalk, planted area
o Curb Cut-out – a break in the sidewalk or traffic island provided with an inclined surface to facilitate
o Disabled Persons – those suffering from restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the
or within the range considered normal for a human being as a result of a mental, physical or sensory
o Door – an entrance way; a barrier which swings, slides, tilts or folds to close an opening in a wall or
o Elevator – a hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a car or platform which moves in glides,
o Gradient of Ramp – the degree of inclination of the sloped surface expressed as a percentage or ratio
o Graphic sign – a drawing, painting, diagram, engraving, etching or other similar illustrations from
o Handrail – a hand support along a stairway or ramp consisting of rails and their supporting posts,
o Height above Floor – distance between two points aligned vertically with one of the points on the floor
o Parking Area – allocated space composed of marked-off portions for single motor vehicles on a short-
o Passageway or Passage – a space connecting one area or room of a building with another
o Pedestrian Crossing – part of road where pedestrians going across the road have priority over traffic
o Public Telephones – a shelf-unit telephone with coin operating functions for the use of the public
o Threshold – a strip fastened to the floor beneath a door, usually required to cover the joint where two
types of floor materials meet; may provide weather protection at exterior doors
o Vestibule – a small entranceway or transitional space from the exterior to the interior of a building and
o Walkway – an exterior passage for walking along, especially one connecting adjoining buildings and
related structures
o Water Fountain – a fixture consisting of a shallow basin, together with a water jet designed to provide