Measurement of Dryness Fraction
Measurement of Dryness Fraction
Measurement of Dryness Fraction
This device uses the fact that throttling is a constant enthalpy process.
No work is done (W=0)
The process is adiabatic, Q=0
A sample of steam is taken from the steam pipe and allowed to expand
through an orifice (throttling) to a lower pressure at which the expanded
steam will be superheated.
Measurements are made of the pressure (p1) before throttling, and the
pressure (p2) and temperature (t2) after throttling.
If M is the mass of the apparently dry steam leaving the calorimeter (obtained
by condensing the steam and weighing it) and m is the mass of water
separated and collected in the calorimeter, then the dryness fraction of wet
steam entering calorimeter: