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Cloning and Refreshing An Oracle Database

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Cloning and Refreshing an Oracle Database

Dear Friends and Blog Readers, I have been asked many times about the Cloning and Refresh process of Oracle Database by emails of blog readers and the users of the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Forums. Even though the information about Cloning and Refreshing a Database process available over web widely or has already been discussed. Here, in this post, I would like to explain and provide the information on the following Questions about Cloning and Refreshing of a Database with my simple terms. Terms used in this post: Source System - the system to be cloned - Production Target System - the newly created (or cloned) system Non Production Production Database PROD Test Database TEST Development Database - DEV

What is a Database Clone?

* A database clone is an activity/procedure which is performed by every DBA on regular basis or when there is a requirement or request to do so from the different departments i.e. Test/Development teams. * Cloning is nothing but creating a copy of production system in to a test or development environment. i.e. Having an exact image of production database in test area. * Cloning is a procedure for preparing and creating a test or development servers with the copy of Oracle production database for testing upgrades, migrating an existing system to new hardware. * A cloning process includes a copy of Oracle Home (Directories and Binaries) backup and Database (Database related files) backup to prepare the instance on another server. * Though, it is possible to clone a database on the same server, Oracle doesnt suggest to clone a database on the same server, where the production database is running.

What is a Database Refresh?

* A Database Refresh is also referred to as a database clone. However, we dont clone Oracle Home rather we clone the Database as refresh. * Refreshing a database is something like applying the changes or updates of production database to the database where the database is already cloned. i.e. lets say you have cloned a

database a month back, and now you are asked for doing refresh of a database, then you will perform the backup of database and prepare the clone the instance again on test server. This is nothing but refreshing. * Refreshing of a particular table, group of tables, schema, or tablespace will be done using traditional export/import, transportable Tablespaces, or data pump methods. * When an Oracle patch is applied on Production System, or in doubt, you have to prepare and clone the database again with the copy of Oracle Home (Directories and Binaries) Backup and Database (Database related files) Backup to prepare the instance. * The difference between Cloning and Refreshing is that cloning process includes Oracle Home and database Clone; where as Refreshing process only includes database clone. * If seen, the words, Clone and Refresh are used interchangeably for the sake of convenient.

When and why we Clone a Database?

* Generally production (PROD) database is cloned for various reasons and needs i.e. for something to be tested or something to be developed later those to be moved to production. * Its normal and quite common thing is that whenever there is any change or update to be performed and do not know the impact or effect after applying it on production (PROD), its required to be applied and tested on *NON* production database first (TEST or DEV), after the confirmation of change success, given by the users, then the changes will be moved to production. * A Cloned test instance (TEST) for testing team/environment is exclusively used for testing the changes or issues which will be come severe on Production. Oracle Support gives the solution as fix when there is an issue in the database, so this fix needs to perform or apply on test/development databases. * A Cloned development instance (DEV) for development team/environment is used for developing the new changes and then deploying the same on Production. * A Cloned patch instance is used for patching to know the impact and the time required to apply the same on Production.

How to clone an Oracle Database and different ways of cloning.

There are many possible methods available for cloning a database, but each of them has pros and cons, and significance. Following are the methods. Using Cold (Offline) Backup: This is an easy and simple method to perform a clone of a database. This method requires your

production database (PROD) needs to be shutdown gracefully, and take the backup of the database related files i.e. Data files, Control files, Redo Log files, using Operating System commands i.e. cp or copy. This is not possible where your PROD database is running 24/7 and should be available continuously for users. For syntax and the series of steps to perform the clone using cold backup, refer the following URLs from the reference. References: http://www.samoratech.com/TopicOfInterest/swCloneDB.htm http://www.pgts.com.au/pgtsj/pgtsj0211b.html http://www.jlcomp.demon.co.uk/faq/clone_db.html Using Hot (Online) Backup: In this method, backup of the database will be done online i.e. without shutting down the database. For this, your Production Database is must be in Archive log mode. For syntax and the series of steps to perform the clone using hot backup, refer the following URLs from the reference. Reference: http://www.quest-pipelines.com/newsletter/cloning.htm http://www.oralnx.com/index.php/2007/03/22/cloning-an-oracle-database/ http://www.shutdownabort.com/quickguides/clone_hot.php Using RMAN Commands: Cloning can also be performed using RMAN Backups and RMAN commands and its also an easy method to perform so. The RMAN DUPLICATE command is used to perform the clone. Until Oracle 9i, to clone the database, it is required to be the Source and Target systems should have the same OS i.e. it is not possible to clone across the platform. But as workaround, using export/import can be cloning the database across the platforms. But starting from Oracle 10g the RMAN capabilities have improved immensely. Cross platform cloning/duplicating a database can be done using RMAN CONVERT commands. For syntax and the series of steps to perform the clone using RMAN Commands, refer the following URLs from the reference. References: Creating and Updating Duplicate Databases with RMAN http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/backup.102/b14191/rcmdupdb.htm#i1008564 Cross-Platform Transportable Database: RMAN CONVERT DATABASE

http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/backup.102/b14191/dbxptrn002.htm#CHDCFF DI Creating a Duplicate Database on a Local or Remote Host http://sabdarsyed.blogspot.com/2007/06/clone-of-database-on-same-host-ie.html http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/backup.102/b14191/rcmdupdb005.htm

Pre & Post Cloning Steps/Changes:

* Do *NOT* set the clone database name as good as production database Name. * Its *NOT* mandatory to have the initialization parameter values of cloned instance similar to Production Instance. * It is *NOT* mandatory to have the cloned instance in Archive log mode. Because unnecessarily archive log files are generated, which consume the hard disk space? If at all, the cloned instance crashed and need to be recovered, it can easily be again cloned from the production. * After the clone, change the system users passwords i.e. SYS & SYSTEM, and for any critical users passwords. * Disable the jobs which are not required to be run in the cloned instance. * Change any application users tables from the cloned database which are still referring the Production Database i.e. Server IP, Port Details, Printer Details etc,

Other Useful Links:

OTN Forums on Cloning: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/search.jspa? threadID=&q=clone+a+database&objID=f61&dateRange=all&userID=&numResults=30&rank By=10001 Ask Tom Forums: DB cloning -- what is it and why http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:575623107841 Creating test environment from production box http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:526422273445 Metalink Notes:

Note:245262.1 - Subject: Create a Duplicate Database with NOCATALOG on Same Node Note:458450.1 - Subject: Steps to Manually Clone a Database Note:388431.1 - Subject: Creating a Duplicate Database on a New Host. Conclusion: These are only my views and outlines about cloning and need *NOT* to be the same with others or Oracle. One individual can still follow their cloning procedure documents which are there in place with them. I strongly suggest one to do the changes first in the test/development before doing it on Production. And also, use Oracle Documentations and Metalink Support for any kind of help. Hope that this post helps you in understanding the Cloning and Refreshing activity of a database. **Please leave your comments/suggestions about this post**. Regards, Sabdar Syed. http://sabdarsyed.blogspot.com/ Posted by Sabdar Syed at 6:42 AM Labels: Cloning, Data Pump, RMAN 3 comments: Aashish said... Hi Nice blog . Please correct the typo Using Hot (Offline) Backup: In this method, backup of the database will be done online i.e. without shutting down the database. October 1, 2008 12:42 AM Sabdar Syed said... Thank for your comments Ashish, I just corrected the typo.

Regards, Sabdar Syed. October 1, 2008 1:12 AM sridhar said... Hai Syed, Very useful info. Can you please post the steps to perform online backup on Oracle 9i RAC. (script files). Thanks in advance, Regards, Sridhar December 13, 2009 8:35 PM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)

Cloning an Oracle Database

Database cloning is a procedure by which you can create an exact copy of an Oracle database without doing a full export/import. This method is used frequently by DBAs to update test or development environments from production. As a rule, testing and development should not be done on your production database. That much is common sense. Depending on the resources available to companies, some have separate test and development databases and many roll testing and development into a single database. Now, the developers need up-to-date data for testing purposes, and it is the DBA who provides this to them. There are a few ways to do this. The first one that comes to mind is, of course, export and import. But this is cumbersome if you have to do the data refresh frequently and import takes a long time if your database is of good size. You can of course, resort to exporting and importing tablespaces if they are self contained and you are running version 8i or greater, enterprise edition. A faster alternative is to clone the database. Clone means an exact copy. That is, you will copy the very datafiles from your production database and use it to create your test database. So your test database will be a mirror image of the production in all respects, except of course, for the database name. We will be changing that. The method used here is actually a backup/recovery of the production database on the test server. We just recreate the controlfile on the test machine using a new database name and do a recovery. The datafiles from the production database can be from a hot backup, a cold backup or an RMAN backup. If the database was open during backup (hot or RMAN), you will need all the archivelogs since the time the backup started to recover the database to its present state (that is, do a complete recovery). Throughout the article, I will refer to environment variables by their UNIX notation (example $ORACLE_HOME). Replace this with the Windows equivalent if you are using NT/2000 (example $ORACLE_HOME becomes %ORACLE_HOME%). Let us use our customary server names and database names as an example. You have a production database named PROD, which resides on the machine PRODSERVER. You also have another server called TESTSERVER where you want to create a database called TEST, which is a clone of PROD. Here are the steps: * Make sure your environment variables have been set properly on TESTSERVER. On UNIX, assuming you're using Korn Shell, export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7 export ORACLE_SID=test On Windows NT/2000, set ORACLE_BASE=c:oracle set ORACLE_HOME=c:oracleora81

set ORACLE_SID=test * On TESTSERVER, create a directory called test under $ORACLE_BASE/admin. Create the following sub-directories for the TEST database under $ORACLE_BASE/admin/test --> pfile (This is where your init.ora file will reside) --> bdump (This is the directory that the init.ora parameter, BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST, points to) --> udump (This is the directory that the init.ora parameter, USER_DUMP_DEST, points to) --> cdump (This is the directory that the init.ora parameter, CORE_DUMP_DEST, points to) * Copy your initprod.ora file to from the production machine to the directory $ORACLE_BASE/admin/test/pfile and rename it to init.ora. Make sure you copy any IFILE referenced in your init.ora file. If running UNIX, create a li Disclaimer: Contents are not reviewed for correctness and are not endorsed or recommended by Toolbox.com or any vendor.

Refresh test database from production schema

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Question: I want to schedule a weekly job to refresh my test environment from my production database. What are my options? Answer: This is a common question, and you have many refreshing options, depending on your environment. Any time you choose to migrate "pieces" of the production schema, you run the risk of missing something (current CBO statistics, sequences), so it's always best to do the whole schema, if you have enough disk space. Guidelines for refreshing a test database include:

Current code - All PL/SQL and internal Java code must be kept synchronized with production. Representative data - Whenever possible, a full-sized test and QA instance are best. CBO statistics - It's critical to periodically refresh your test database with current CBO statistics and workload (system) statistics.

dbms_stats.gather_system_stats and SQL optimizer behavior Oracle CBO optimizer statistics dbms_stats histograms There are several methods commonly-used for fast test database refreshes, and they can all be reliably scheduled within Oracle, using dbms_job or dbms_scheduler: 1 - Database cloning - See my notes for a fast full clone of a production database into test. Cloning a regular database. Cloning a RAC database. 2 - Export-Import You have a wealth of option with Oracle data pump (export-import), including IGNORE=N, which forces you to pre-drop the tables in TEST, thereby guaranteeing freshness. Here is a common approach to refreshing a test database: 1 - Nuke all non-system objects in TEST - start fresh 2 - Export FULL from PROD and import into TEST 3 - Do full affirmative error checking (grep for "successfully completed" in the import log

Hi, Can anyone let me know the steps for Oracle Refresh? I am using linux platform.

Could you be a little more specific? what do you mean with "Oracle Refresh"? I meant database refreshing which is quite similar to database cloning.
1 Put your source database in backup mode 2 Force a checkpoint in your source database 3 FTP all datafiles to your target box 4 Take your source database out of backup mode 5 Force a new checkpoint in your source database 6 FTP all relevant archive logs to target box 7 Create a control file on your source box 8 Move your newly created control file to the target box 9 On target box Edit your new control file as needed 10 Create/recover your new database using CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE SET DATABASE "newname" RESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG until cancel. Hope this helps.

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