Salary Stack

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Financial Statement

Employee Number 20356682

Employee Name Amit Singh
Career Group GROUP B1
Cost Center W001014147
Statement as on Date 24-Jul-2022

Dear Amit Singh,

Financial Statement presents to you a summary of your Compensation and Benefits in the current role. This includes
all types of benefits applicable to you at presentor post separation /retirement subject to the policy conditions.
We value your association with Wipro and trust Financial Statement gives you a consolidated overview of your
Compensation & Benefits. You may share certain details like Insurance Benefits & Survivor Benefits with your Spouse
& Dependents.
The Compensation & Benefits policies are subject to revision so please timely refer to the below link to know about
the latest changes in the policies:
myWipro > App Store > Information > My Polices


Details Taxable Earnings Deductions Net Pay IncomeTax Paid

Cumulative April'2022 - June'2022 248542.00 30652.00 217890.00 0.00

Salary Component Amount

Basic Salary 26667.00
House Rent Allowance 13333.00
Bonus 3500.00
Wipro Benefits Plan 14618.00
Provident Fund 3200.00
Gratuity 1416.00
Medical 600.00
Variable Pay 3333.00

Wipro Benefit Plan (2022)

Eligibility Utilization Balance

130100.20 130100.20 0.00

LTA Details Amount Declared Date Paid Date

Internal Loans

Category Eligibility Amount Paid Amount Recovered Balance

Contingency Loan 50000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vehicle Loan 20000.00 20000.00 0.00 0.00

Name Relationship Age

Sapna Kumari Spouse 29

Category Eligibility Utilization Balance

Mediclaim Insurance 200000.00 0.00 200000.00
Medical Assistance Scheme (MAS) 15000.00 15000.00 0.00
Health Checkup You are not eligible for
Health Checkup.

Eligibility criteria for availing health checkup :

1. You should be above 40 years of age or in Career Group E to be eligible every year.
2. You should be in the age group of 30-40 years and in Career Group C1, C2, D1, D2 to be eligible once every two years.


Benefits Default Coverage Additional TopUp Total Coverage TopUpStatus

Group Term Life Insurance (GTLI) 1400000.00 0.00 1400000.00
Group Personal Accident Insurance 1200000.00 0.00 1200000.00

1. The above GTL limit includes the EDLI benefit.

2. New hires and employees returning from long term onsite assignments will have a window of 30 days from the date of joining /
date of return to opt for top-up for GTL and GPAI. The premium payable calculated will be proportionate to the policy period
3. Life and Accidental insurance coverage applicable for employees only.
Survivor Benefit

Benefit Amount
Last drawn Base Salary 26667.00
Service Left in years 26.88
Applicable as per band 2.70 PER
Payable to Spouse 11612.00
Payable to each Child (2) 0.00

* The computation formula for Survival Pension is: Last Basic Salary into Future Service Left into Percentage based on grade.
* Survival pension benefit is paid to spouse and 2 children - 60PER to spouse and 10PER to each child.
* The deceased employee should be confirmed in the company prior to his / her death. This is applicable to employees on
probation as well.
* The policy provides pension to the surviving spouse and children. Two of the children who are dependent, unmarried and under
the age of 21 years can avail the benefit.
* Survivor benefit payments to an eligible child ceases upon attaining the age of 21 years or marriage or upon taking up full time
employment, whichever is earlier.
* The surviving spouse gets this benefit till his or her death or remarriage.

Leave Encashment

Components Eligible For Leave Encashment Amount

No. of days available for Leave Encashment 6.40
Basic 26667.00
90% of WBP 13156.20
Cummation Allowance 0.00
Gross Salary 39823.20
Total Leave Encashment 8495.62

* Gross salary calculation for Band B3 and below: BASIC + COMMUTATION ALLOWANCE + 90% of WBP.
* Gross salary calculation for Band C1 and above: BASIC + 40% of WBP.
* Leave Encashment formula: (Gross Salary/30) X Number of Leaves.

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