IIT-Roorkee-Business Analytics

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Business Analytics

for Strategic Decision Making

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Table of Contents

About the Program


Key Features

About Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 5

About Simplilearn

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process 6

Talk to an Admission Counselor 6

Program Outcomes

Who is this Program Ideal for? 9

Learning Path

Step 1 - Foundations of Business Analytics 11

Step 2 - Statistical Analysis for Business Decision Making 12

Step 3 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization using R 13

Step 4 - Predictive Analytics for Business 14

Step 5 - Prescriptive Analytics for Business 15

Step 6 - Data Science and Machine Learning for Decision Making 17

Step 7 - Capstone Project 19



Program Faculty

Program Highlights
About the Program

The contribution of Business analytics across multiple business

Analytics in making strategic functions. This will equip you with
decisions for an organization’s the skills to apply in various industry
success is growing at a rapid pace. domains as per your organization’s
Analyzing data and putting it to need. It will also help you gain a
work for you and your business competitive advantage by capturing
is an essential skill for executives data-enabled business opportunities
today. As a decision maker, it is and provide you with much-needed
important to understand analytics data literacy.
and to know how it can be used This program offers best-in-industry
to derive meaningful insights and content created by the top-notch
make tactical decisions for your professors from IIT Roorkee. The
organization. Join the new age of right mix of self-paced learning
leaders and understand how best videos, live sessions, knowledge
you can use analytics to grow your checks, business scenarios, and
business. hands-on projects — leveraging
The Business Analytics for Strategic the expertise of IIT Roorkee faculty
Decision Making program will help — will help you understand the
you understand the essentials of concept of analytics, connect it with
business analytics such as statistics, the business you manage, and apply
predictive analytics, prescriptive these concepts to find meaningful
analytics, machine learning insights. Enroll in this program to
techniques, data visualization, data build a data-driven organization
storytelling, and much more, along and grow your business in the right
with the real-world applications of direction.

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Key Features

Program completion certificate

from the prestigious Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Live-online masterclasses from

distinguished IIT Roorkee faculty

State-of-the-art curriculum
designed and delivered by
seven IIT Roorkee professors

Real-world applications of
analytics across multiple
domains and sectors

Get industry insights through

masterclasses by specialists
from IBM

Practical exposure through

hands-on projects and a

Industry-relevant, case-based
learning specially designed for
mid- to senior-level managers
and C-suite executives

Interactive doubt clearing

sessions to ensure clarity of
course concepts

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About IIT Roorkee

IIT Roorkee is among the foremost institutes

of national importance in India for higher
technological education, engineering, and
research. Since its establishment, and now
having completed more than 170 years of
existence, the institute has played a vital role
in providing technical manpower, know-how,
and the pursuit of research to the country. The
Institute ranks among the best technological
institutions in the world and has contributed
to all sectors of technological development. It
has also been considered a trend-setter in the
area of education and research in the field of
science, technology, and engineering.

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee offers

bachelor’s degree courses in 10 disciplines of
Engineering and Architecture and postgraduate
degree courses in 55 disciplines of Engineering,
Applied Science, Architecture, and Planning.
The Institute has facilities for doctoral work in
all departments and research centers.

About Simplilearn

Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online bootcamp provider that enables learners

through rigorous and highly specialized training. We focus on emerging
technologies and processes that are transforming the digital world, at a
fraction of the cost and time as traditional approaches. Over two million
professionals and 2000 corporate training organizations have harnessed our
award-winning programs to achieve their career and business goals.

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Eligibility Criteria

For admission to this program, candidates should have:

A bachelor’s degree (any background)

No prior coding experience or technology know-how required

An eagerness to apply course concepts to real business problems

Working professionals with preferably 6+ years of work experience who

are aspiring to leverage analytics to make business decisions

Application Process
Candidates can apply to this program in 3 simple steps:

1 >> 2 >> 3
Submit an Application Admission
Application Review
Complete the application A panel of admissions An offer of admission
and include a brief counselors will review will be made to
statement of purpose. your application and qualified candidates.
The latter informs our statement of purpose to You can accept this
admissions counselors determine whether you offer by paying the
why you’re interested and qualify for acceptance. program fee.
qualified for the program.

Talk to an Admissions Counselor

We have a team of dedicated admissions counselors to help guide you in the
application process and related matters. They are available to:

Address questions related to the application

Provide information on financial aid (if required)

Help you better understand the program and answer your questions

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Program Outcomes

Learn the essential concepts of Master the concepts of linear and

Business Analytics and Data Science logistic regression, data mining, time
and understand the basics of R series analysis, and other forecasting
programming for various analytics techniques as part of predictive
use cases analytics

Gain an understanding of various Learn to define goals for your

statistical techniques such as business and how you can optimize
probability models, sampling, solutions to achieve those goals
hypothesis testing, analysis of through the techniques associated
variance, and much more with prescriptive analytics

Learn to clean and prepare data, Master Machine Learning concepts

build and evaluate data models, and techniques, including
and visualize data to generate supervised and unsupervised
meaningful insights learning, classification and clustering
techniques, and mathematical and
heuristic aspects to expedite the
decision-making process

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Analyze the performance of various Understand workforce analytics,
marketing campaigns and optimize employee engagement analytics,
ROI using marketing analytics employee training analytics,
approaches and much more to make better
people-centric decisions for your

Learn to use analytics to gain

insights and make predictions about
the organization’s financial state and Create a roadmap for your
develop a business strategy based organization to implement analytics
on customer profitability, risk, and and make data-driven business
cost of implementation decisions

Gain insights by analyzing data

associated with the procurement,
processing, and distribution of
goods and other supply chain
management activities

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Who is this Program
Ideal for?

Businesses are using analytics to increase efficiency, improve customer

service, and identify risks and opportunities across all sectors. This program
is designed for business professionals who recognize this rapidly growing
trend and want to use data and analytics techniques to guide strategy at the
top levels of their organizations.

This program is ideal for:

Working professionals who are aspiring to lead analytics projects or
would like to understand how to leverage analytics for strategic decision

Professionals who engage with data teams and output reports and want
to have more meaningful conversations with their analytics team and
integrate data into their decision-making and corporate culture.

This program will benefit professionals who engage with data teams and
output reports and want to have more meaningful conversations with
their analytics team and integrate data into their decision-making and
corporate culture.

Mid- to senior-level managers seeking to garner insights from data and

looking to gain a practical understanding of the applications of analytics
to initiate new projects or launch new business ideas.

C-suite executives from any industry with access to a massive data

stream — such as IT services, banking and financial services, retail,
consumer products, and healthcare — seeking to attain data fluency, use
analytics for strategic advantage, and develop an analytics roadmap for
their organization.

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Learning Path

Week 1 & Week 2 1 Foundations of Business Analytics

Week 3 & Week 4 2 Statistical Analysis for

Business Decision Making

Week 5 & Week 6 3 Exploratory Data Analysis and

Visualization using R

Week 7 to Week 9 4 Predictive Analytics for Business

Week 10 & Week 13 5 Prescriptive Analytics for Business

Week 14 & Week 17 6 Data Science and Machine Learning

for Decision Making

Week 18 7 Capstone Project

8 Certificate

Business Analytics for Strategic Business Analytics for Strategic
Decision Making - Academic Decision Making - Industry Masterclass

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Week 1 & Week 2

1 Foundations of
2 Business Analytics

The focus of this course is to introduce learners to

the fundamentals of Business Analytics and Data
Science through real-world examples. You will learn the
fundamentals of R programming, which is an essential
part of data analytics. Understanding different types
of Data Science projects and lifecycles will give you a
competitive edge in an organization.

Key Learning Objectives

Understand the meaning of Business Analytics and
its importance in the industry
7 Learn to use business analytics concepts in your

Grasp the fundamentals of R programming and learn

to use it in analytics projects

Understand the basics of Data Science and its


Course curriculum
Introduction to Business Analytics

Business Analytics for Competitive Advantage

Fundamentals of R

Data Science Project Lifecycle

Types of Data Science Projects

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Week 3 & Week 4

1 Statistical Analysis for

2 Business Decision Making

Statistics is the science of assigning a probability

through the collection, classification, and analysis of
data. This course will enable you to define statistics
— a foundational part of data science — and essential
terms related to it. You will be able to make data-driven
decisions by applying various statistical techniques to
the given business scenario.

Key Learning Objectives

Understand the fundamentals of statistics

Work with different probability models

7 Understand the concept of descriptive analytics and
industry use cases

Learn how to do sampling and hypothesis testing to

draw conclusions

Create business insights using statistical analysis


Course curriculum
Probability Models

Descriptive Analytics

Sampling, Hypothesis Testing & Statistical Inference

Analysis of Variance

Business Applications and Insights

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Week 5 & Week 6

1 Exploratory Data Analysis

2 and Visualization using R

Exploratory Data Analysis is the process of finding

common patterns and characteristics in the given data
set using analysis and visualization methods. This plays
an integral part in making business decisions at a data-
driven organization. This course will guide you through
the fundamentals of various data analysis techniques,
and how to generate insights and visualize data for
better decision making.

6 Key Learning Objectives

Understand how to solve analytical problems in real-
7 world scenarios

Effectively define the objectives and execute

analytics projects

Understand different tools used in data visualization

Learn visualization to create data-driven dashboards

Course curriculum
Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Preparation

Building Data Models

Model Evaluation


Data Cleaning and Data Handling

Generating Insights through Data Visualization

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Week 7 to Week 9

1 Predictive Analytics for

2 Business

3 Predictive analytics is used to find patterns in data

which helps organizations to identify potential business
opportunities and risks. You will be able to predict
4 various business outcomes by analyzing historical data.
Various regression models taught in this program and
case study-based learning will help you gain an edge
5 over the application of predictive analytics.

Key Learning Objectives

Understand the application of predictive analytics in
a business scenario
7 Understand the mechanics of regression analysis

Learn to use data mining techniques in predictive


Make data-driven decisions

Course curriculum
Linear and Non-linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Data Mining for Predictive Analytics

Time Series and Forecasting

Text Analytics

Linear and Logistics Regression Case Study

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Week 10 to Week 13

1 Prescriptive Analytics for

2 Business

Prescriptive analytics empower us to move forward

with business decisions by answering the question:
“What should be done?” In this course, learn to define
a goal for your business and how best you can optimize
the solutions to achieve that goal. You will be able to
compare real-time and predicted data and make the
best business decisions.

Key Learning Objectives

Understand the use case of prescriptive analytics in
your business
7 Gain mastery over various tools and techniques used
in prescriptive analytics

Generate insights from data that is unbiased and free

from human errors

Understand the workings of various programming

and optimization techniques

Course curriculum
Introduction to Prescriptive Analytics

Art of Modeling

Exact Algorithms, Simplex Method

Transportation Models and Excel Solver Session

Assignment Models and Case Study

Integer Programming

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Binary Programming

R / Excel Session for BIP and IP

Network Optimization Models

Network Optimization Practice Session

Non-linear Programming

Non-linear Programming Applications

Multi-objective Optimization

Goal Programming


Meta-heuristics and Applications

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Week 14 to Week 17

1 Data Science and

2 Machine Learning for
Decision Making
Simplilearn’s Data Science and Machine Learning
course will make you an expert in decision making
using Machine Learning, a form of Artificial Intelligence
that automates data analysis to enable computers to
learn and adapt through experience, and do specific
tasks without explicit programming. You will master
Machine Learning concepts and techniques, including

6 supervised and unsupervised learning and mathematical

and heuristic aspects to speed up the decision making

Key Learning Objectives
Master the concepts of supervised and unsupervised
learning, classification, and clustering

Understand the implementation of models such as

Support Vector Machines, Decision Tree Classifier,
and Random Forest Classifier
Comprehend the theoretical concepts and how they
relate to the practical aspects of Machine Learning

Course curriculum
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Classification and Clustering

Machine Learning using Neural Networks

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Decision Trees and Random Forests

Ensemble Learning (Bagging, Boosting)

Support Vector Machines

KNN Classification

K-means Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering

DB-SCAN Clustering

Market Basket Analysis

Case Study: Modeling of Spot Market

Case Study : Source Sink Matching of CO2

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Week 18

1 Capstone Project
The capstone project will give you an opportunity
to implement the skills you learned throughout this
program. Through dedicated mentoring sessions, you’ll
learn how to solve an industry-aligned problem —
from data processing and model building to reporting
business results and insights. This project is the
final step in the learning path and will enable you to
showcase your expertise in Business Analytics to future
employers or make informed decisions for your current
business. This capstone project is proof of how you
trained in the methodologies of data pre-processing,
exploratory data analysis, and data storytelling by
creating dashboards to drive business decisions. You
can choose to work on projects that cover the most

7 relevant industries (consumer services, BFSI, and

healthcare) to make your practice more relevant.

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Masterclasses from IIT Roorkee

Attend live online masterclasses conducted by the renowned instructors
from IIT Roorkee. Understand what Business Analytics can and cannot
do, how to interpret data to make better decisions, and gain exposure to
different Business Analytics techniques.

Industry Masterclass from IBM

Attend live online masterclasses conducted by industry experts at IBM. Get
insights into the latest industry updates in the field of Business Analytics.

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Upon successful completion of the Business Analytics for Strategic Decision

Making program, you will receive a certificate of completion from IIT Roorkee.
This certificate will testify to your skills as a Business Analytics expert.

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Program Faculty

Prof. Ramesh Anbanandam

Associate Professor
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Professor Ramesh Anbanandam is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of

Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, India and joint faculty of the Center of Transportation
Systems, IIT Roorkee. He did PhD from IIT Delhi and M.Tech from NIT Tiruchirappalli.
His research area includes humanitarian supply chain management, multimodal freight
transportation, sustainable mobility, healthcare waste management, and data-driven
decision-making modeling. He has published his research papers in reputed journals and
conferences. He also organized international conferences, TEQIP training sessions, and
NPTEL online courses. He is a regular reviewer of many peer-reviewed journals and actively
participates in various seminars, talks, and conferences in India and abroad.

Prof. Abhinava Tripathi

Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Prof. Abhinava Tripathi is a faculty in the Finance & Accounting area at the Department
of Management Studies at IIT Roorkee. Prof. Abhinava’s research focuses on the areas of
Financial Markets and Market Microstructure. He has published articles in international
journals, including Finance Research Letters, International Review of Economics & Finance,
Applied Economics, Journal of Asset Management, and Studies in Economics and Finance,
among others. He is a PhD from IIM Lucknow. Previously, He has done his B-Tech. in
Chemical Engineering from IIT Roorkee and MBA from IIM Kozhikode. He has more than six
years of corporate experience in the investment banking and financial services industry.

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Prof. Amit Upadhyay
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Dr. Amit Upadhyay is an Assistant Professor in DoMS IIT Roorkee, working in the areas of
operations research, supply chain, and transportation. Earlier, he has worked as assistant
professor in VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur and visiting faculty at IIM Calcutta. He has worked
with companies like Indian Oil, Container Corporation, P&G, GatewayRail for consultancy
projects and training programmes. He has published in reputed international journals like
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, Transportation Research, and International Journal
of Production Research.

He holds M.Tech. and PhD in Industrial Engineering from IIT Delhi. He did his postdoctoral
research at NUS Singapore and PolyU Hong Kong. He is a recipient of the “Outstanding
Innovation in Service Systems Engineering Award 2021” by IISE, USA.

Prof. Anik Mukherjee

Assistant Professor of Management
Information Systems
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Dr. Anik Mukherjee is currently an assistant professor of Management Information Systems

at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India. Prior to joining IIM Calcutta, Dr. Anik
was an assistant professor at the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, India.
Dr. Anik graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras with an MS and Ph.D.
degree in the Information Systems area. He has ten years of research experience in digital
platforms (cloud computing, computational advertising) and the business intelligence area
with a technical background in mathematical modeling, machine learning-based algorithm
development, and statistical analysis. He has been awarded the Fulbright Nehru Doctoral
Research Fellowship to the USA (October 2019 to July 2020) and the DAAD Master’s
fellowship to Germany (September 2014 to January 2015). He has various international
journals and conference publications in the ACM Transactions on Management Information
Systems, Decision Support Systems, and other premier outlets.

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Prof. Tarun Sharma
Assistant Professor (Operations)
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Dr. Tarun Sharma received his B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute
of Technology, Hamirpur, and masters and Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore. His ongoing research focuses on development and maintenance of a suite of
analytical models such as optimization and agent-based models and their application to
answer questions related to energy transition.He received best thesis award for his Ph.D.
work in benchmarking and modeling the sustainability transition of Indian electricity
system. He is a recipient of Impact Postdoctoral Fellowship from The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, where he worked for 18 months. He was a Postdoc fellow at Energy Policy
and Modeling Group, University College Cork for two years. He worked as an Assistant
Professor of Operations Management at Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Gujarat,
for six months. He is a former DAAD-WISE fellow. His work is published in several leading
journals and conferences including Applied Energy, Energy Policy and International Energy
Week. His teaching engagements include Operations and Supply Chain Management,
Quality Management and Decision Models.

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Program Highlights

Program Duration: 6 months

Join this program to get the following benefits:

Program completion Live-online masterclasses

certificate from IIT by IIT Roorkee faculty and
Roorkee IBM experts

Complete this Business Learn by applying through

Analytics program while practical, hands-on
you work training

Rigorous curriculum Case-based learning

designed and delivered specially designed for
by seven IIT Roorkee mid-to-senior level
professors managers and C-suite

Why wait! Take the first step to your Business Analytics career journey by
applying below

Apply Now

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Disclaimer: All programs are offered on a non-credit basis and are not transferable to a degree.

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