Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
o f Employees Safety and Health” with reference GEMINI ENTERPRISES C/O PRANAM
Employees Safety and Health look upon prevention of accidents basically as an engineering
Infact, accident prevention and safety are inter related and, therefore require a multi
dimensional approach.
Total population is 369; from that 100 employees were selected using simple random
sampling method and a well structured questionnaire was framed in order to extract
the required information from the respondents.
Q u e s t i o n n a i r e s w e r e c o l l e c t e d t h r o u g h personal
interview.T h e v a r i o u s s t a t i s t i c a l t o o l s l i k e p e r c e n t a g e m e t h o d , c h i s q u a r e
The findings of the study reveal that major cause for the work place accident is unsafe
handling of material. So the vestibule training method can be included in employee training
The safer the work environment, the more productive it is. Productive
employees are an asset to all companies. For instance, productive employees
can produce more output in less time, reducing operational costs.
Workplace safety promotes the wellness of employees and employers alike.
Better safety equates to better health. Healthier employees do tasks more
efficiently, and they are happier in general.
There are very few accidents in a safe working environment. This results in
less downtime for safety investigations and reduces costs for worker’s
compensation. This also reduces the time needed for employees to heal from
founded in 1987 follows responsible practices in the manufacturing of leather and garments
in their facilities and ensuring ethical and social practices. We are the first tannery in India to
is Sustainable to the environment. The skins are Chrome Free, Metal Free, Eco Friendly
and Sustainable.
Module” audited against LWG standards. The raw material is sourced from traceable farms
The skins sourced are by product from the meat industry. Periodical RSL audits and
Environmental audit from our customers at our manufacturing facilities. Garment factories
with ISO 14001 : 2015 audits and certification. One of the Largest Fully Integrated
Provide superior products and services to our customers and maintain marketleadersp.
Ensure the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all our actions
of safety policy.
Educate and train employees about the safety policy and the
Make safety and health an important aspect of organizational cult
devices for employees working on hazardous jobs, keeping the work place clean, well
Conduct an organization wide audit to ensure the implementation of the safety policy
Keep a track of the accidents that take place so that they can be avoided in the future.
It is not necessary that all the organization have the above mentioned elements for
thei m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f s a f e t y p o l i c y . H o w e v e r , i f t h e y a r e t a k e n i n t
workplace.and provide
a safe working environment for its employees. When an organization is
Nature and causes of accident may vary from organization to organization. Basically
industrial accidents will arise either due to technical faults or due to human follies or errors.
Therefore the causes of accidents may be attributed to work related causes and worker
Unsafe working conditions are the prime causes for any industrial accident and these include
inadequatesafety devices, polluted work place, poor machine guarding and unsafe and careles
shousekeeping. These factors will create psychological and physical problems for the workers
These are human factors responsible for accidents due to their unsafe acts. Lack of adequate
skill or knowledge in handling the machine, disturbed mental condition, neglecting safety
devices and instruction, using unsafe machine, working at unsafe speed are some of the
theworkers. The employees are considered as the backbone of GEMINI
The study was mainly undertaken to identify the level of employees Safety & Health
measures in the organization. Once the Employees Safety & Health Measures are
identified it would be possible for the management to improve the employees safety
and health.
This study can serve as a basis for measuring causes for the accident in the workplace.
To study and analyze the effectiveness of Employee Safety and Health at GEMINI
work situation.
The project throws light on the need for learning Employees Safety & Health.
It will be helpful for the management to improve the Employees Safety & Health
measures in the organization.
This study would be a base for the researchers who are carry survey for the same.
The study also helps the concern for the further enhancement for their manufacturing
The study is based upon the small population size of 100 samples at GEMINI
The study is based on the effectiveness of Employees Safety & Health measures. It
does not explore the pros and corns on the side of employers.
Research is a process in which the researcher wishes to find out the end result for agiven
problem and thus the solution helps in future course of action. The research has beendefined
as “A careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new fact in any branch of
The procedure using, which researchers go about their work of describing, explainingand
for generating, collecting, and evaluating data. Methods are the ways of obtaining
The type of research used in this project is descriptive in nature. Descriptive researchis
crosssectional study of the current situation .The descriptive methods are extensively used in
the physical and natural science, for instance when physics measures, biology classifies,
zoologydissects and geology studies the rock. But its use in social science is more common,
To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it isassociated with
something else( usually , but not always ,with a specific initial hypothesis).The descriptive
method has certain limitation; one is that the research may make description itself an end
itself. Research is essentially creative and demands the discovery of facts on order to lead
asolution of the problem. A second limitation is associated whether the statistical techniques
dominate. The desire to over emphasis central tendencies and to fact in terms of Average,
Correlation, Means and dispersion may not always be either welcome. This limitation arises
because statistics which is partly a descriptive tool of analysis can aid but not always explain
casual relation.
solution. One may under take a descriptive study about the work in the factory,health and
welfare. A descriptive study may be concerned with the right to strike, capital punishment,
Research design is the specification of the method and procedure for acquiring
theinformation needed to solve the problem.The research design followed for this research
study is descriptive research design where wefind a solution to an existing problem. The
problem of this study is to find the effectiveness of Employees Safety & Health at Rane
Madras Limited.
This study was restricted to the blue collar employees. Out of the universe of 369 bluecollars,
a sample of 100 respondents was selected by simple random sampling method. All
Survey method is considered the best method for data collection and the tool used for data
collection are Questionnaire. Private individuals, research workers, private and public
involves both specific and general question related to Employees Safety & Health.
Primary data
Primary data are fresh data collected through survey from the employees usingquestionnaire.
Secondary data
Secondary data are collected from books, internet and various journals, magazinesetc.
PERCENTAGE METHOD In this project percentage method test and used. The following
CHI - SQUARE Analysis In this project chi- square test was used. This test is used to test
(pronounce as Ki- square), is a statistical measure used in the context of sampling analysis for
χ2= ∑(O-E)2/ E In this study chi-square is to find the association between respondents gender
and respondents accident proneness, respondents accident proneness and enough training for
the employees & employees work load and the approach of the organization .
relationship between two variables. Correlation Analysis is not used in isolationto describe
the relationship between variables. To analyze the relation between two variables, two
prominent correlation coefficient are used –the Pearson product correlation coefficient and
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient .In this study the Pearson product correlation
coefficient is used to find the correlation coefficient between respondents awareness level at
coefficient and is denoted by “r”.The “r”value ranges from -1, through 0, to +1.It
r = ∑xy / √∑x
1. Department:
3. Gender:
a. male b. female
4. Age:
a. < 25 yrs b.26-30 yrs c. 31-35 yrs d.36-40 yrs e. > 40yrs
5. Marital status:a. Married b. Unmarried
6. Educational Qualification
7. Work Category
a. Technical b. Non- Technical
8. Total Work Experience
a. < 1 yrs b. 2-4 yrs c.5-7 yrs d. 8-10 yrs e.>10 yrs
9. Do you have accident proneness (fear)?
a. Yes b. No
a. Work Based b. Worker Based
12. The major reasons for Work related accident that occur in the organization.
a. Improper lighting b. Polluted work place c.Unsafe&carelesshouse keeping
accidenta. Lack of adequate skill
a. Disturbed mental condition b. Neglecting safety devices c. Unsafe speed d. Unsafe
14. Is Good safety& health measures to work and individual recognition is needfor improving
work efficiency
15. At the time of joining, your awareness level of Employees safety & health measures?
a. Yes b. No
a. Motion Pictures b. colleagues c. written brouchers d. Manager in person
a. Yes b. No
a. Heavy b. very Heavy
a. Challenging b. Interesting c. Creative d. poor
21. Do you receive support from the management regarding Employees Safety & Health?
a. Yes b. No
22. Do you get enough training from the company regarding Employees Safety & Health?
a. Yes b. No
23. Are the company’s Safety & Health policies flexible and acceptable to you?
a. Yes b. No
24. If No, specify reason
25. Are you interested to participate in suggestion scheme in Employees safety & Health?
a. Yes b. No
26. Your level of participation in the implementation of Safety & Health Procedures in
your organization
a. Very High b. High c. Low d. Very low e. None
a. Weekly b. Monthly c. Yearly
28. If so
,a. Once b. Twice c. Thrice
a. Yes b. No
a. Yes b. No
a. Reasonable hours of work b. Rest Pauses or break in working hours c. Holidays and leave
a. Yes b. No
a. T.V b. News papers or magazines c. Light music d. Sports