English Major 450 Items Part 3
English Major 450 Items Part 3
English Major 450 Items Part 3
1. Maranao stories that talks about PILANDOK or the Balabac Mousedeer are examples of
A. Fantastic stones C. Folk tales
B. Creation myths D. Folk epics
2. _________ is an epic about the adventure of early Muslim warriors who defended Islam.
A. Indarapatra and Sulayman C. Parang Sabu
B. Bantugan D. Darangan
3. This book in the New Testament tells about the vision of the second coming of Jesus, and
the end of the world
A. Epistle of Hebrews C. Epistle of James
B. Revelations D. Colossians
4. This term describes Greek literature in terms of its subject matter, style, tone and attitude.
A. Romanticism C. Classicism
B. Realism D. Naturalism
5. The _________ developed the consonantal writing where Greek alphabet was adapted
A. Phoenicians C. Babylonians
B. Assyrians D. Hebrews
6. _________ is Carlos Bulosan‟s most famous autobiography.
A. Falling Leaves C. America is in the Heart
B. The Laughter of My Father D. Footnote to youth
7. During the 18 Century, what kind of novel is most common?
A. Religious C. Epistolary
B. Picaresque D. Gothic
8. _________ died at the end Iliad.
A. Achilles C. Menelaus
B. Agamemnon D. Hector
9. _________ is not an example of a lyric poem.
A. Ode C. Elegy
B. Sonnet D. Ballad
10. _________ is the most authentic records of Confucian teaching from which the “Tao” or
“way” was learned.
A. Tu Fu C. Shih Ching
B. Analects D. Tao Te Ching
11. This is literary movement in America that looks trough life as it is.
A. Romanticism C. Puritanism
B. Realism D. Naturalism
12. _________ wrote the very first true novel “The Tale of Genji”.
A. Akutagawa Ryunosuki C. Kawabata Sayonari
B. Lady Murasoki Shikibu D. Lady Murasaka
40. Because of his poetic style, Ezra Pound is considered a/an _____________.
A. Philosophical C. Metaphysical
B. Imagist D. Romantic
41. Oedipus ___________ as a punishment for killing his father and having sexual relations
with his mother.
A. Castrated himself
B. Killed himself
C. Ordered his sons to murder him
D. Gouged his eyes
42. ___________ can be inferred from Isenese‟s “answer”.
A. She respects Creon C. She understands Creon
B. She fears Creon D. She likes Creon
43. The following are romantic poets except
A. William Blake C. Robert Burn
B. John Milton D. John Keats
44. _________ is famous for his plays that used “alienation effect”.
A. Henrick Ibsen C. August Strendberg
B. Bertolt Brecht D. Thomas Mann
45. In the poem below, what could be the author‟s feeling toward lesbian women?
To An Uncultured Lesbian Woman
“Yes, thou shalt die,
And lie
Dump in the silent tomb;
Nor of thy name
Shall these by any fame.”
A. Pity C. Regret
B. Sadness D. Anger
46. Who is speaking in the poem below?
“Sunset and the evening star
And one clear call for me
And may these be no moaning for the bar
When I put out to sea”
A. A dying man C. A fisherman
B. A captain of a ship D. A traveler
47. Based on Zeus‟ plan, ___________ comes from suffering.
A. The consolation of death
B. The ecstacy of truth
C. The certainty of more suffering
D. Understanding and progress
48. The word Gospel is derived from a Greek word that means ___________.
A. Holy word C. Law of God
B. Good News D. Message of God
49. The line below expresses ___________.
“While a cold hand snatched you away like a kite – I should have come home.”
A. Regret C. Sadness
B. Loss D. Love
50. Which statement best characterizes the Old Testament as a literary piece?
A. A collection of religious anecdotes
B. A chronicle of Jewish events
C. An inspirational prose
D. An anthology of Jewish literature
51. This line usually starts a/an __________.
A. Supernatural tale C. Legend
B. Folk tale D. Creation myth
52. __________ greatly influenced the Japanese Noh Play.
A. Shintoism C. Zen Buddhism
B. Hinduism D. Buddhism
53. Among the statements below, which is not an important cultural influence in the
development of Europe in the middle ages?
A. Greco-Roman civilization C. Germanic tribes from the north
B. Christianity from Palestine D. Merchant trade from China
54. Pre-colonial literature is best described by _________themes.
A. Sad and dramatic
B. Serious and imaginative
C. Playful and entertaining
D. Communal and functional
55. What lesson can be inferred in the passage below:
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: It is founded on our thoughts, it is
made up of our thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as
the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.”
--Bhagavad Gita
A. We must change for the better
B. We must think carefully
C. We must have right thoughts
D. We must be hard working like the ox
56. Among the following statements below, which is not an accurate representation of
ancient Greek religious beliefs?
A. The Greeks credited humanity with intervening morality
B. The Greek god Zeus was subject to the mysterious power of fate
C. The Greek gods were expressions of the world‟s uncontrollable forces
85. If the teacher wants to teach about the range of meaning between opposite words, he/she
may use _________.
A. Cline C. Context clue
B. Matching D. Pictures
86. _________ is an example of information transfer.
A. Engaging in a small group
B. Listening and telling it to somebody
C. Completing a grid based on a recorded talk
D. Doing a simulation
87. If followed by __________ /t/, /p/, /k/, are aspirated initial sounds.
A. An unstressed syllabus C. A stressed syllable
B. Two syllables D. Three syllables
88. A behavior must be ________ if the teacher wants it occur again and eventually becomes
a habit.
A. Corrected C. Reinforced
B. Imitated D. Modelled
89. _________ will determine the difference in pronouncing “ice cream” and “I scream”.
A. Juncture C. Pitch
B. Intonation D. Stress
90. _________ will determine the difference between “English teacher” – meaning a teacher
who teaches English, and “English teacher” – meaning a teacher from England.
A. Juncture C. Pitch
B. Stress D. Intonation
91. Continue the chain: plays, cleans, approves, bothers, __________.
A. Prepares C. Links
B. Realizes D. Collects
92. Wh-questions must have _________ intonation.
A. Level C. Falling
B. Rising D. Rising falling
93. A teacher who adheres to the communicative approach uses authentic materials because
A. They are readily available
B. They are cheap
C. Learners are familiar with them
D. Communicative activities in real life can be built around them
94. In the Philippines, English language teaching is aimed at:
A. Producing learners who can use English in proper context
B. Producing learners who have mastery of English pronunciation and grammar
C. Producing learners who can confidently speak in English
D. Producing leaners who can communicate accurately, fluently, and appropriately
112. What can be implied from the statement below about mass media?
“The most important effect of mass communication is its ability to
Mentally order and organize the world for us.”
A. Mass media decides the type of program to air
B. Mass media chooses advertisements for program
C. Selects production number
D. Determines what will be news and what wont
113. __________ states that mass media should be state owned to best serve the
A. Social responsibility C. Libertarianism
B. Soviet D. Authoritarianism
114. __________ is the “19” century entertainment that is made up of skits and
musical acts that influenced modern day TV.
A. Zarzuela C. Opera
B. Comedia D. Vaudeville
115. __________ is also called the response in the communication process.
A. Reaction C. Gesture
B. Feedback D. Signal
116. __________ is the process when media people control the public‟s access to
A. Gate keeping C. Channelling
B. Correlating D. Agenda setting
117. __________ is shown when the government prohibited the press from
interviewing President Estrada.
A. Media Law C. Prior restraint
B. Censorship D. Gag order
118. What defense can a news reporter give when he is accused of invasion of privacy?
A. Victims‟ welfare C. Honest reporting
B. Victims‟ consent D. Impartial reporting
119. The article below is an example of __________.
“Residential customers of the Manila Electric Co. will see their bills go down by 43
centavos per kilowatt-hour this month, due to reduction in generation system low
A. Editorial C. Obituaries
B. Straight news D. Features article
120. The phrase “human shield” in the given headline below indicates that the phrase
is _________.
“Army accuses rebels
Of using civilians
As „human shield‟”
A. Extraordinary C. Important
B. Not used correctly D. Newly coined
121. What WH-question of a reporter that was answered by the phrases “for another
strain of the flu that has drowned more than 20 people”?
A. Where C. When
B. Why D. What
122. A TV network released a gory shot of a murder victim and in turn the network
was accused of violations. What justification can the network give?
A. It has used impartial judgment in the public interest
B. It has maintained fair play in selecting the content
C. It was done in good taste
D. It has proved a forum for pertinent comment
123. The official stand of the newspaper is found in the __________.
A. Inside page C. Features section
B. Editorial page D. Front page
124. __________ is a sound converted electronically into a numerical system to
achieve better sound reproduction.
A. Electronic sound C. Digital sound
B. Analog sound D. Sound blaster
125. When communication medium focuses the public‟s attention to issues for the
consensus to be reached, then it performs/functions as _________.
A. Sentinel C. Instructor
B. Arena D. Regulator
126. Which is under media language?
A. Stage set C. Internet
B. Headline D. Sound effects
127. The success of implementation of new instructional material is dependent on
A. Form of feedback reports
B. Number of copies printed
C. Conduct of teaching demonstrated
D. Adequate in-service training for teachers
128. In preparing for materials, materials must match with _________.
A. Objectives of the lesson
B. Learner‟s family background
C. Learner‟s abilities and prior knowledge
137. A teacher is doing __________ when he studies skills covered, and activities
presented in a book.
A. Internal evaluation C. External evaluation
B. Content evaluation D. Physical evaluation
138. Which is not considered in designing instructional materials?
A. Socio-economic environment
B. Teacher‟s creativity
C. Students and their schema
D. Teacher‟s pedagogical principles
139. Materials are considered __________ if they are brought from the real world to
the classroom to expose learners to language in real use.
A. Authentic C. Suitable
B. Grade D. Appropriate
140. __________ material provides learners with communicative samples in different
A. Learner-authentic C. Learner centered
B. Graded text D. Textually authentic
141. Which is not under external evaluation?
A. Blurbs C. Table of contents
B. Activities D. Introduction
142. The communicative approach emphasizes __________.
A. Students‟ interaction in real life situations
B. Students‟ sharing of personal experiences
C. Listening and speaking
D. Correct pronunciation
143. __________ is an example of sequencing materials.
A. Whole to parts C. Reference materials
B. By stages D. Materials instruction
144. What must be included in instructional materials?
A. Teaching strategies C. Reference materials
B. Learning texts and tasks D. Materials instruction
145. Which is correct about textually authentic materials?
A. Improve learner‟s vocabulary
B. Promote interest in language learning
C. Interactive in character
D. Not written for teaching
146. This principle in preparing for instructional material provides continues and
cumulative learning
A. Pacing C. Balancing
B. Sequencing D. Evaluating
Answer Key
1. The line “Quote the raven nevermore” is taken from the poem __________.
A. Ulalume – A Balad C. Lenore
B. The Sleeper D. The Raven
2. “Good name in man and woman . . . is the immediate jewel of the souls” this line is taken
from ________.
A. Macbeth C. As You Like It
B. Merchant of Venice D. Othello
3. Who is famous for this particular line: “Either you are with us or against us.”
A. Tony Blair C. Bill Clinton
B. George W. Bush D. Ronald Reagan
4. The lines below are taken from what poem
A. Osymandias
B. She walks in Beauty
C. She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways
D. The Lost Love
5. The lines below are taken from which poem?
I love thee with the love I seemed to lose with my lost saints – I love
Thee with the breadth, smiles, tears, of all my life! And, if God
Choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
A. Sonnet 53 C. Sonnet 15
B. Sonnet 43 D. Sonnet 14
8. The following lines are taken from what poem?
14. What value does Saint Thomas Aquinas want to impart when he wrote the following
When you want to convert someone to your view, you go over to where he is standing,
take him by the hand and guide him. You don‟t stand across the room and shout at him;
you don‟t call him a dummy; you don‟t order him to position. That‟s the only way to get
him to budge
A. Forgiveness C. Encouragement
B. Acceptance D. Understanding
15. What does this line mean, “The world is too much with us”?
A. Love for philosophical ideas
B. Love for nature
C. Love for logic
D. Love for the material world
16. “While visiting with a friend over coffee one morning, a young woman complained,
„every time my husband and I get into an argument he gets historical!‟ The friend
interrupted „don‟t you mean hysterical?‟ „No, I mean historical, he always brings up the
A. Optimistic C. Hopeful
B. Serious D. Sympathetic
18. Which among the teacher-made scoring guides are used in assessing the students‟ writing
A. Cloze procedure C. Portfolios
B. Checklist D. Rubrics
19. __________ learning theory state that learners have the ability to organize and integrate
information in the schemata.
A. Reader response C. Sociolinguist
B. Constructivist D. Interactive
20. Which is not a characteristic of literature-based reading classroom?
A. Desks are arranged formally
B. Students have access to instructional materials
C. The arrangement of facilities encourages group interaction
D. Books are four time the number of students
21. Which of the following line below is parallel with this line: “I am not a star because all
my songs are hits; all my songs are hits because I am a star”?
A. I am not a star because my every song is enjoyed; I am a star because people pay to
watch me
B. I am the final word in the classroom not because my judgment is always correct, but
my judgment in the classroom is always correct because I am the instructor
C. I am not the instructor because I know all there is about dance, rather I am an
instructor because of my ability to teach dancing
D. I am not competent in my duties because I am a nurse; I am competent in my duties
because of my training in nursing
22. Carl Sandburg noted Abraham Lincoln‟s __________ in the lines below
A. Achievement C. Discipline
B. Leadership D. Enthusiasm
23. Coleridge cited what cultural belief about threshold in the lines of his poem “Christabel”?
The lady sank, belike through pain,
And Christabel with might and main
Lifted her up, a weary weight,
Over the threshold of the gate:
Then the lady rose again,
And moved, as she were not in pain
24. __________ is about a scholar who gave his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge.
A. Lucinde C. Sorrows of the Young Werther
B. Candide D. Faust
25. What is George Bernard Shaw‟s attitude toward dreaming when he said:
“You see things; and you say „why?‟ But I dream thing that never were; and I say „why
A. Humorous C. Straightforward
B. Tongue-in-Cheek D. Serious
26. The author of the poem “When I was One-and-Twenty” mentioned the idea __________
in the following lines:
“When I was One-and-Twenty
I heard a wise man say,
“Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away,
Give pearl away and rubies”
But keep your fancy free.
28. What can be inferred from Pres. Dwight Eisenhower‟s statements below?
“The conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry. . . new
American experience, exercises a total influence. . .felt in every city, every state house,
every office of the federal government. . . In the councils of government, we must guard
against the acquisition of unwanted influence by the military-industrial complex.
29. This is a play written by Jose M. Hernandez which is about an artisan who forged the
cannons for the use of Spaniards.
A. The Filipino Rebel C. The Cry of the Philippines
B. The real Leader D. Panday Pira
A. Snow C. Rain
B. Storm D. Star
31. What word infers the moral of the lines from the poem “The Ideal Wife”?
A. Favor C. Beauty
B. Feareth D. Praised
32. This is Walter Scott‟s poem that is a stirring narrative in verse, with a superb description
of the wild historic places; and complete medievalism.
A. Boat Song C. Soldier, Rest!
B. Lay of the Last Minstrel D. Lochinvar
33. Who wrote “Prometheus Unbound”?
A. Scott C. Keats
B. Browning D. Shelley
34. The following lines allude to __________.
A. Stockings C. Slippers
B. Shoes D. Socks
35. __________ wrote the jungle book.
A. Victor Hugo C. William March
B. Rudyard Kipling D. K.L. Mansfield
“Few people understand poetry, and few prefer to read it. Although English professors
speak in glowing terms about the greatness of Pope‟s Rape of Lock and Tennyson‟s
Ulysses, it seems that only professors share their enthusiasm.”
51. __________ is the literary ballad of Goethe that shows the belief in the existence of
elves, fairies, etc. He also mentioned in this piece that these creatures don‟t have any
souls, and so they wrestle with human beings to get one.
A. The Mountain Bard C. The Elf King
B. Fairy Tales D. Faust
52. What quotation is taken from John Milton‟s Paradise Lost?
A. Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam
B. They also serve who only stand and wait
C. Revenge, at first though sweet, bitter are long back on itself recoils
D. Time, the subtle thief of youth
53. __________ is James Russell‟s most quoted poems because of its theme that symbolizes
awakening of life.
A. To the Dandelion C. A Year‟s Life
B. A Fable for Critics D. The Vision of Sir Launfal
54. Which trait did Gandhi exhibit when he said “I do not want to be walled on all sides and
windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of other lands to be blown about my house as
fully as possible”?
A. Social solidarity C. Family solidarity
B. Universal charity D. Personal Integrity
55. What Filipino trait can be inferred in the speech of Raul S. Manglapus?
“I have done this against the advice of a friend. He felt that, since I would speak on
Filipino movies, I should instead begin by making you cry.”
60. __________ is the chair designated for the students to use during sharing period.
A. Readers chair C. Author‟s chair
B. Hot seat D. Speaker‟s chair
61. Early and Modern grammarians will disagree on the statement that says:
A. Grammar is associated with philosophy and literary criticism
B. A school of linguistics rejected traditional grammar
C. It is just as important to study gestures as to study punctuation
D. Every known language first appeared in written form
62. Punctuation marks were developed because there is/are no __________ in written
A. Inflection and face to face engagement
B. Tone
C. Inflection and Tone
D. Face to face engagement
63. Rearrange the sentence
1 – Doctors
2 – Handle abortion
3 – When patients asked them to
4 – Frequently
A. 1-4-2-3 C. 1-3-2-4
B. 1-4-3-2 D. 1-2-3-4
64. __________ is the cueing system in pronouncing words.
A. Semantic C. Pragmatic
B. Syntactic D. Phonological
65. What is the meaning of the lines below?
A. Run-On C. Fragment
B. Correctly D. Comma splice
72. The statement “Getting away from the pact” means
A. To wait patiently for other reporters to do their task
B. Adding sensationalism
C. Using hard-nosed questions
D. Striving hard to get a different story
73. What word has the C pronounced as /k/?
A. Century C. City
B. Cold D. Censure
74. What word is accented on the first syllable?
A. Fifteen C. Understand
B. Outspeak D. Heaven
75. What word has the C pronounced as /s/?
A. Censure C. Comma
B. Connote D. Collaborate
A. Homophones C. Homographs
B. Homophonic Homographs D. Homographic Homophones
81. The idiom “Under the counter” means:
A. Openly C. Discretely
B. Secretly D. Legally
82. The word “Amanuensis” means:
A. Female warrior C. Coarse herbs including pigweeds
B. A slave with secretarial duties D. Deterioration of sight
83. __________ is the synonym of “Prevail”
A. Swerve C. Skew
B. Skid D. Succeed
84. What approach must a teacher use of he wants to develop the student‟s academic
language skills?
A. Focusing inquiry C. Content based instruction
B. Generic Competency Model D. Thematic teaching
85. What is true about Metacognition?
A. It is the skeleton of knowledge in the mind on particular sunject
B. It is the power of prior knowledge
C. It is “knowing about knowing”
97. If a teacher wants to examine words together with her meanings, what strategy must she
A. Word walls C. Quilt
B. Venn diagram D. Word sorts
98. What prediction should be made from the selection below?
“In the history of religion, the stories are more dramatic than that of the Mormons. It is a
story with the haunting Biblical overtones of divine revelations and visitations, of
persecution and martyrdom, of an exodus two-thirds of the way across the continent, and
of the ultimate success in establishing a religious society in an uninhabited desert.”
A. One educated guess is that other religious sects have suffered the same fate
B. The Mormons conquered the uninhabited desert
C. The rest of the section will probably be about what prompted the Mormons to move
to new locations.
D. The Mormons were aptly compared with the experience of the apostles
99. __________ makes use of the children‟s language and experience
A. Language experience approach
B. Mastery Learning
C. Individualized method
D. Directed-Reading-Thinking Activity
100. __________ is the systematic and meaningful collection of artifacts documenting
students‟ literacy development
A. Log C. Cloze Procedure
B. Collection D. Portfolio
101. Arrange the reading process properly.
A – Reading
B – Exploring
C – Preparing
D – Extending
E – Responding
A. A-B-D-C-E C. D-E-B-A-C
B. B-E-A-C-D D. C-A-E-B-D
102. __________ is diagnostic and instructional procedure used to determine the
student‟s prior knowledge.
A. Mastery learning
B. Directed Reading-Thinking Activity
C. Individualized method
D. Pre reading plan
103. This writing approach allows students to write on topics they choose themselves
as they assume ownership of their writing and learning.
A. Seminar workshop C. Writing workshop
B. Reading workshop D. In-service training
104. This activity requires students to do a Quick Write, then, they crumple, throw, and
read so they can stay rooted in one place.
A. Carousel C. Snowball toss
B. Quaker reading D. Hot Seat
105. If a teacher wants to help the students to focus on the conceptual and phonological
features of words and identify the recurring patterns, what should she use?
A. Data charts C. K-W-L charts
B. Word sorts D. Word walls
106. __________ is used in measuring students‟ reading comprehension.
A. Reading logs
B. Running record
C. Grand convention
D. Anecdotal notes
107. In this stage of the reading process, the students set targets.
A. Preparing to read C. Exploring
B. Reading D. Extending
108. In this stage of the reading process, the students preview the text.
A. Reading C. Exploring
B. Preparing to read D. Expanding
109. In the lines below, what does William Shakespeare want to impart?
Which question about the passage below falls under literal comprehension level?
A. The young woman in the passage has just returned from the living at the university
B. The university belt has more things to offer that Tagaytay
C. What kind of woman is Annie?
D. The university belt is in the city of Manila, a dying city that is being face-lifted at
114. When a person arches his eyebrow, he manifests:
A. Skepticism C. Outrage
B. Alarm D. Impatience
115. Read the passage below and determine what did Roosevelt do to defend his
“The Monroe doctrine demanded that Europe stay out of the affairs of the Americas.
President Roosevelt used the doctrine to support a position on imperialism that he called
“Roosevelt Corollary”. It is stated that the United States had a right to move into areas of
the Americas needing our civilizing power.”
A. His negotiation on an informal understanding between the United States and Japan to
end unwanted immigration
B. The United nations participation in a conference to end French-German rivalry inn
“I envision Asia and its immense territories and innumerable peoples as the true
birthplace of a new world, just as throughout the past it has been in Asia that the greatest
world movement has been born. Here, if we were determined to become the masters of
our own destinies we may give shelter to the embryo of a new civilization.”
Claro M. Recto, Asia of Asians
133. This television action supports the government‟s effort to achieve progress and
A. Entertains to ease political and economic tension
B. Disseminates government plans and project
C. Establishes link between the government and the people
D. Motivates public interest to support government projects
134. What would strengthen mass media‟s advocacy of ideas?
A. The newspaper make their stand on certain issues openly in the editorials
B. Newspaper are careful in giving their stands on issues
C. Issues can come out without management‟s interference
135. Which among the following statement is true?
A. The Philippines has the world record of having the most number of journalists killed
B. The Military has been spared from the alleged harassment or intimidation of media
C. The Filipino journalists killed belonged to the media in urban areas
D. The Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontiers has classified the country the safest for
journalists to practice their profession
136. This defines the relationship of the test to the course program.
A. Instructional C. Practical
B. Evaluation D. Theoretical
137. This assessment tool demonstrates the most authentic proof that student learns the
skill of writing verses.
A. Portfolio C. Traditional
B. Process D. Performance
138. In the SQ3R strategy, the last R stands for:
A. Review C. Read
B. Recite D. Performance
139. This put emphasis on the formal properties of the language.
A. Adequacy C. Appropriateness
B. Accuracy D. Availability\
140. What statement best describes “Reader‟s Theatre”?
A. The theatre require elaborate props and costumes
B. Long hours are spent rehearsing
C. Readers do a lot of action
D. Students do not memorize their parts
141. This combines the best features of different approaches in reading
A. Linguistic C. Basal Textbook
B. Eclectic D. Psycholinguistics
150. This is an instructional aid that celebrates stories and other books, usually
performed at the end of the LITERATURE FOCUS.
A. Quickwrite C. Reading log
B. Read-arounds D. Readers theatre
Answer Key
1. Who wrote the poem in which the following lines are taken?
O is she
Rosely loved
Is she lovely rosed
O is she lovely sung as sea-shells?
A. Auguries of Innocence
B. God Moves in a Mysterious Way
C. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
D. The World is Too Much With Us
8. The following lines are taken from what particular poem?
A. Cooperation C. Acceptance
B. Humility D. Confidentiality
17. If a student substitutes DAD for FATHER, he is focusing on:
A. Phonology C. Pragmatic
B. Syntactic D. Semantic
18. What virtue is evident in the poem below?
Little Things
It‟s the little things we do or say
That make or break the beauty of the average passing day.
Hearts, like doors, will open with ease
To very, very little keys,
And don‟t forget that two of these
Are “I thank you”, and “If you please”
A. Kindness C. Friendliness
B. Confidentiality D. Encouragement
19. William Norris wants us to __________ in his poem “Zip the Lip”.
A. 6th C. 5th
B. 4th D. 3rd
26. This speech is the considered one of the greatest speeches because of its vision of
American democracy.
A. The Gettysburg Address
B. John F. Kennedy‟s inaugural speech
C. Lincoln Memorial Address
D. Patrick Henry‟s speech
27. This play of Jose M. Hernandez is about an artisan who forged cannons for the use of the
A. The Real Leader C. The Filipino Rebel
B. Panday Pira D. The Cry of the Philippines
28. If Evann‟s father is Edward‟s son, what relation has Evann to Edward?
A. Nephew C. Son
B. Brother D. Grandson
29. “Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain
But a woman that feareth the Lord,
She shall be praised.”
A. Praised C. Favor
B. Feareth D. Beauty
30. This was written by Kerima Polotan-Tuvera. This is about the story of Emma Mercene.
A. The Barangay C. A Child of Sorrw
B. The Hand of the Enemy D. The Filipino Rebel
31. What figure of speech is used in the following lines of Wordsworth‟s “She was a
Phantom of Delight”?
A. Hyperbole C. Metaphor
B. Personification D. Simile
32. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
– what can be implied from the lines above?
A. Important things are visible to the eye
B. There are things which the eye cannot see
C. It is better to see things with the heart
D. Only the heart can see the beautiful things in life
33. What do the lines below mean?
A. 1 C. 9
B. 25 D. 23
38. What is E.M. Foster‟s satiric novel about the manners of the middle-class English folk
with their provincial class clannishness and prejudices?
A. Where Angels Fear to Tread C. The Longest Journey
B. A Room with the View D. Howard‟s End
39. Solve the Riddle below:
A. Poison C. Coffin
B. Gun D. Bomb
40. John Keats wants the writers to __________ as shown in the poem :Bards of Passion of
A. Recognize their souls left on earth C. Inspire and teach team
B. Avoid living double life D. Remember their souls in Heaven
41. Norman Mailer‟s novel “The Naked and the Dead” is considered as one of the fines
novels written in America since World War II because it __________.
A. Portrayed the limitations of radicalism, honor, virtue in the modern world
B. It has documentary style, directness, and reality
C. It was a true picture of World War II
D. It was from his military experiences
42. What poem of William Ernest Henley is about human beings having total control of their
A. Remember C. Precious Stones
B. Invictus D. The Alderking
43. “To Lucasta” was written by:
A. Robert Herrick C. Thomas Carew
B. Richard Lovelace D. John Stuckling
44. Why is Joyce Carol Oates called the dark lady of American letters?
A. Because of the beautiful insights imposed on her characters and settings
B. Her writings have been experiential
C. Her ability to described and narrate realities
D. The unrelieved sense of death that pervades her writings
45. __________ is a song of joy and reverence.
A. Psalms 7 C. Psalms 8
B. Psalms 23 D. Psalms 24
46. Which Filipino trait is being shown in the lines below from John Milton‟s “On His
Read the following lines of Martin Luther King‟s Lincoln Memorial Address n August
28, 1863.
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the
moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its
creed. “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.”
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the
sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
“I have done this against the advice of a friend. He felt that since I would speak on
Filipino movies, I should instead begin making you cry.”
A. Lente C. Rang
B. Temps D. Cent
76. “Is she looking for me?” the mid-pitch must be in the __________.
A. Looking C. For me
B. For D. Everybody
77. “Better yet, if your monitor has a tilt adjustment, adjusting it to the same height as your
elbows while you work.” – what is erroneous in the sentence?
A. Monitor C. Adjusting
B. Has D. Work
78. “Our store was moved about fifty blocks from the 7 street to 58th street in New Manila.”
A. Homophones
B. Homophonic Homographs
C. Homographs
D. Homographic Homophones
81. __________ are the lines below delivered by a TV host
A. Bumpers C. Commercials
B. Teasers D. Station Identification
82. AWOL is an example of
A. Borrowed D. Acronym
B. Clipped D. Blend
83. __________ comes between the station and the listeners.
A. News reader C. Assignment editor
B. Script writer D. Reporter
84. What phrase is used in providing explanations?
A. Today, you will have to learn this, or else. . .
B. This is a long assignment, but you‟ll just have to do it.
C. Complete this exercise, otherwise, there‟ll be in trouble
D. This will be difficult, but it fits in with. . .
85. In accepting diversity, which phrase must be used?
A. Please use ideas that fit in with what I say in class
B. That‟s not the kind of answer we can accept around here
C. That‟s not how I see it, but I can understand how others might see it differently
D. I‟ve never heard that expression before, so let‟s not start something new
86. This comment should be avoided by the teacher so as not to discourage the students.
A. Good work C. You‟re being lazy again
B. You‟ve got it D. Good try
87. All are behaviours manifested by those who have interpersonal intelligence except:
A. Pursues personal interest
B. Has lots of friends
C. Volunteers help when others need it
D. Enjoys cooperative game
88. __________ approach must be used for teaching reading.
A. Basal textbook C. Psycholinguist
B. Language process D. Skills Monitoring
89. This phrase is used in giving praise and encouragement.
A. That was quick
B. You can never pay attention, can you?
C. That‟s a dumb answer
D. I can see you never study
90. Teaching word recognition can be best described by:
A. Teaching begins by showing the relationship between individual sounds and letters
B. The emphasis is on word identification
C. It uses various cue systems to determine meaning
D. It encourage readers to read activities that are real and important in their lives
91. This word is an exception to the rule that says when two vowels go walking, the first one
does the talking
A. Head C. Teach
B. Each D. Meat
92. When student read feather instead of father, the error is __________.
A. Graphophonic C. Semantic
B. Pragmatic D. Syntactic
93. This word is an exception to the CVC rule.
A. Cup C. Bat
B. Land D. Fork
94. What is the cause for poor comprehension?
A. Limited knowledge
B. Lack of automaticity
C. Limited vocabulary
D. Insufficient reading exercises
95. When students construct projects, in what stage of the learning process do the students
belong to?
A. Reading C. Exploring
B. Responding D. Extending
96. When a student read streaked for stretched, he committed an error on:
A. Syntactic C. Semantic
B. Pragmatic D. Graphophonic
97. This instructional procedure makes use of children‟s language and experiences.
B. Language experiences approach
C. Master learning
D. Individualized method
98. This is an informal tool in determining the student‟s reading skills.
A. IRI C. Double entry journal
B. DRTA D. Mastery Learning
99. __________ is when two students read a text together
A. Shared C. Guided
B. Independent D. Buddy
100. This is an alternative to traditional reading instruction that allows children to
choose books themselves.
A. Reading workshop
B. In-service training
C. Writing workshop
D. Seminar workshop
101. This instructional procedure is a book discussion in which students explore, make
interpretation and reflect on their feelings.
A. Directed-Reading-Thinking Activity
B. Double entry journal
C. Cloze procedure
D. Grand Conversation
102. This instructional procedure is used when the teacher gather information about the
reader‟s abilities to deal with the content and structure of texts read.
A. Cubing C. Cloze Procedure
B. Grand Conversation D. K-W-L Chart
103. This activity uses ELKONIN boxes.
A. Sound watching C. Sound Blending
B. Segmentation D. Sound Isolation
104. This is an Interdisciplinary unit that integrates reading and writing with other
curricular areas like social studies, science, mathematics, and values education.
A. Cluster C. Theme study
B. Collaborative report D. Learning log
105. This assessment tool is used in measuring students‟ reading comprehension.
A. Reading logs C. Grand conversation
B. Running record D. Anecdotal notes
106. This activity requires students to do a Quick Write, then, they crumple, throw, and
read so they can stay rooted in one place.
A. Carousel C. Snowball toss
B. Quaker reading D. Hot Seat
107. These are cards to which illustrations and text from a picture book are attached.
A. Story Boards C. Word Wall
B. Story Quilts D. Story Maps
108. This kind of reading takes place when the leader reads each line then the group
repeats it.
A. Cumulative reading C. Echo reading
B. Small group reading D. Chorus reading
109. Which question is considered under literary level?
A. Is there a figurative language used?
B. Which word will I own
C. What are the figurative language and sound techniques used
D. Which technique creates humor?
Read the poem, 25th High School Reunion by Linda Pastan (110-111)
121. All statements support the principle behind the freedom of the press except:
A. Government has the right to withhold information to protect national interest
B. The right of the press to know and the right of responsible authority to withhold
information must co-exist
C. The right of the press to know and deliver to the public that they ought to know is so
supreme that no force how powerful can block it
D. Democracy upholds the freedom of the press
122. This safeguards the public against media‟s carelessness, biases, or distortions.
A. Objectivity C. Integrity
B. Reliability D. Accuracy
123. This makes radio a poor one against other forms of media.
A. Message transmitted is perishable
B. It delivers complete information
C. There is accuracy of information
D. It is not subjected to any interferences
124. What is a weak reason why news writers tend to shorten their paragraphs?
A. They are easy to write
B. They are easy on the eye
C. Short paragraphs act as brake for many ideas
D. Short paragraphs make easy reference
125. This describes yellow journalism.
A. Publishing that has passed through the editor‟s analysis
B. Publishing what is of interest to the public even at the expense of commercial loss
C. Publishing little by little of what the needs to know
D. Publishing whatever most easily interests the majority
126. This statement determines the concept of advertising.
A. Advertising has always been supported by intellectuals and scholars
B. Competitions observe ethics so images remain intact and untainted
C. It is typical example of transmitting a message or an idea from one person to another
D. The nature of advertising is more or less personal due to difficulty in teaching out to
different publics
127. This allows the use of social science methods in gathering news.
A. Photojournalism C. Precision journalism
B. Parajournalism D. Adversarial journalism
128. This means improving the page by printing a picture so that it extends across the
margin or off the edge of the magazine page.
A. Cropping C. Line drawing
B. Retouching D. Bleeding
129. What explains the main head line?
A. Blurb C. Kicker
B. Teaser D. Boxed story
130. Reporters who are always in the nose for news consider ODD
A. Unique C. Unusual
B. Rare D. Controversial
131. This interview is conducted after prior appointment.
A. On the spot C. Telephone
B. Informal D. Formal
132. This is one verbal deadwood that can be used in print media.
A. Was able to make his escape C. Inasmuch as
B. Held a conference D. In the immediate vicinity
133. This could be avoided by reporters of tomorrow.
A. Connect VDT to telephone
B. Bring portable Video Display Terminal
C. Use typewriters in writing stories
D. Send story directly to a computer
134. Teaching materials must fit the lesson‟s __________.
A. Content C. Strategy
B. Assignment D. Objective
135. __________ is the synonym of “Prevail”
A. Swerve C. Skew
B. Skid D. Succeed
136. This assesses reading fluency.
A. Cluster C. Collaborative report
B. Learning log D. Running records
137. This approach is considered most appropriate in developing recreational reading
A. Basal Textbook C. Psycholinguistic
B. Personalized D. Language Experience
138. In producing materials, what is the least important?
A. Management C. Learner
B. Teacher D. Belief system
139. This monitors the development of comprehension and utilization of skills.
A. Recreational C. Remedial
B. Functional D. Word analysis
140. This characteristic is shown if the materials are attractive, size appropriate, and
type comfortable.
A. Logically arranged
B. Well-designed
C. Suitable to learner‟s level
D. Well-organized
Answer Key