Innovation Project Pandemics

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Name of Proponent: __________________________

Project Title: Project PANDEMICS (Pursuing Academic Achievements through Networking,

Deeper Engaging of stakeholder, Monitoring Individual Capabilities of Students) as the
alternative Learning Modalities which Bulo National High School implemented the Learning
Management System (LMS) offline networking.

Project Time frame: Date of Second Quarter SY 2021-2022

I. Project Contacts

Core Group Roles Function Contacts/email

Members address
Project  Building structure of
Technical Offline Learning
Consultant Management System
Project Assistant  Capacitating teachers,
students and Guiding
Parents on how to
implement the LMS.
Project  Implementing
coordinator Orientation to Teacher
and Students on how
to engage learning
process through LMS.
Project  Prepares User
Communication Guide/Manual for
s officer Teacher and Students
on how to access
Project  Monitoring capability
executive and effectivity of
consultant LMS as a alternative
learning modality.

II. Project Summary

Why are you doing this project?

This project's purpose is to help students at (Bulo National High School) enhance their learning
acquisition skills in the new normal. Despite the difficulties, the Department of Education is
dedicated to ensuring educational continuity. Education must continue to bring hope and
stability, contribute to the normalization of activities in the country, enable our learners'
development, and restore normalcy to their lives, but the health and safety of students and
teachers must always be prioritized. (D.O.007, s. 2020)

Contextualization is the educational practice of connecting a curriculum to a specific context,

circumstance, or application area in order to make competences more relevant, meaningful, and
beneficial to all learners. (D.O. 32, s. 2015).

In the other hand, offline Learning Management System (LMS) is one of the learning platforms
that is employed. This platform will be used by the proponent and the core group to provide
electronic modules intact or downloaded to the LMS dashboard to be able to minimized the use
of bulk papers to produce hardcopy of Modules per grade level for Bulo National High School

And addition to that LMS itself would increasing learner motivation and engagement
in Information Commination Technology skills, upgrade their ability to use mobiles,
laptop by accessing and downloading and uploading their modules and answer sheets.

What will you be doing?

Learning Management System stablished and accessing offline, inside of LMS Dashboard the
administrator is Responsible for all elements of maintaining and administering the LMS
including registration processes, database management, installing updates, preparing
system reports and providing end user support on technical aspects of the system.

Teachers would download their own subject modules on their individual teacher account and
manipulate the parts such as reviewing and checking answer sheets, constructing electronic
summative test, follow up students on their outputs.

It adheres to the Department of Education's various learning modes. (DM-CI-2020-


Under the supervision of the regional and school division offices, schools and CLCs are
permitted to choose the specific learning delivery modes that are deemed acceptable in their
environment. (D.O.007, s. 2020) In this innovation, parents will play a significant role. This
project will focus on their students learning capability on online learning modalities. For a
smooth implementation of the innovation, teachers and learners will be trained through
orientation and training.

How will you be doing it?

In the event of a pandemic, (Name of School) is committed to providing a high-quality education.

There should be no students left behind. A percentage of learners may be left behind due to
varying circumstances and capacities of learners and households to adapt with the new learning
modalities. Thus efforts to provide remediation and enhancement activities shall also be given
more attention. (D.O.007, s. 2020)

There will be four major phases of implementation. Here are the following:

Phase I – Meetings and focus group talks on the project's seamless implementation will be held
by the proponent with the core group. In this phase, the goals and objectives will be defined. The
remediation materials' content will be discussed here. Based on the results of the modules and
learning activity sheets, the committee will only focus on students with poor academic
performance. The core group will design the learning activity sheets under the following

Remediation in mathematics using literacy-based strategies

Disciplinary literacy strategies in mathematics lessons are essential and may be embedded in
three necessary parts of the lesson: before reading, during reading, and after reading.
Frontloading strategies are a pre-reading scaffolding approach that prepares students by making
connections from their previous knowledge to new knowledge. Guided comprehension strategies
are integrated during the lessons with the intent of making deeper connections and inferences,
generating questions, and possibly synthesizing new learning. Consolidating strategies can be
used after reading to engage students in demonstrating their comprehension by summarizing and
applying their learning through oral discussions or in writing (Buehl, 2017). The focus will be on

Vocabulary (Frontloading Before Reading)

One method is "Verbal and Visual Word Association Strategies," in

which the teacher provides definitions and then expands the learning by having students provide
personal examples through writing and drawing. Another method is Concept Circles, which
broaden knowledge by having students, make connections to the original concept. Additional
techniques include analog charting, concept/definition mapping, Frayer model, mathematics
reading keys, mind mapping, and student-friendly vocabulary explanations (Buehl, 2017)

Think Aloud/Modeling (Guided Comprehension During Reading)

The think-aloud is a metacognitive strategy that is commonly used in literacy instruction that
mathematics teachers may also use as an effective tool to promote student understanding. As
Bernadoski (2016) advised, "Using think-alouds in a math classroom allows students to stop
periodically, think about their thought process, and verbalize what is happening in their minds as
they read and solve word problems" (p. 5). Teachers need to model how to solve mathematics
problems by using think-aloud strategies to demonstrate for students how to be mindful of their
thinking and strategy behaviors.
Writing (Consolidating Understanding After Reading)

Teachers need to establish a reliable and regular routine that includes the elements of a
mathematics curriculum (Schmoker, 2011) and can use the following writing ideas:

• Have students write and explain why their test answers are right or wrong to gain some credit
for incorrect answers.

• Have students practice writing explanations and descriptions for mathematics concepts to
deepen understanding

using such prompts as "I think that the answer is _________", "I think that because _______",
and "I came to this

conclusion by _________."

According to Cross (2009), writing in mathematics allows students to build on prior knowledge
rather than simply reporting what they already know and understand. When combined with
think-alouds, writing in mathematics enables students to become “active and equal
participant(s)” (p. 926) in the mathematics classroom and their misconceptions and
misunderstandings are revealed more clearly to their teachers.

Remediation in Science through Literacy-based Instruction

Just the nature of science suggests, students should learn to do science not simply do school.
Students should learn science by designing solutions, performing experiments, analyzing data,
arguing from evidence, and simply asking questions. Students should have the opportunity to
develop the skill of making claims and providing evidence for those claims. Students should
demonstrate their communication skills through a variety of channels in the classroom (i.e. oral,
written, or group presentations). These opportunities will allow students to make arguments and
back those arguments with data and observations from experimenting or research. The ability to
make a sound argument serves as a foundation for developing the skill of evaluating an argument
or claims when looking at consumer advertisements or in other realms in the real world.

Annotation is a writing to learn strategy that deepens the level of student engagement during
reading by having students make markings in the text in places where they make connections or
have questions. Markings including symbols, phrases, and reflections are typically written in the
margins or within the text. This strategy provides students with a visible record of their thoughts
that students can utilize to respond, summarize, and reflect upon their learning.

Anticipation Reading Guides

Prior to annotating texts, teachers can utilize anticipation reading guides to activate students’
prior knowledge and focus their reading while stimulating discussion about a specific topic.
Anticipation reading guides provide students practice in finding supporting evidence concerning
controversial topics.


After these discussions, student individual reflection encourages students to think about and
articulate what they have learned during the process. Reflection helps students analyze and
clarify their thinking and synthesize their ideas while communicating them to others. Reflecting
provides students with written or oral record of the learning that can be returned to, responded to,
and revised (

Graphic Organizers

Student notebooking can be enhanced with the use of graphic organizers. Graphic organizers are
visual and spatial representations of information and relationships found within text. They are
typically a one page combination of words and diagrams that assist students to build upon prior
knowledge, chunk and store information, build bridges in learning, and create new mental
schema or pathways of understanding.

Phase II – A series of stakeholder meetings will be held in order to secure the necessary pledges
for the production of remediation materials. This is an important step since the project will be
successful only if the school and its stakeholders work together (PTA, Alumni, LGU).
Phase III – Parents of children who are struggling academically will be given training. At this
point, Phase II could continue. In addition, the core group will produce remediation resources for
usage in specified subject area.

Phase IV – This phase will cover the evaluation of remedial materials. The production of
materials will begin, and the performance of learners with low academic performance will be
monitored weekly. The comments from the parents will also be collected by the core group.

Where will it be done?

The core group's projected production area and office will be housed in the project's primary
proponent's classroom.

How long it will take?

The project will begin in February and be completed in June 2022, just in time for the new
school year.

How much will it cost?

The projected total cost is 10,000 to 50,000 pesos.

III. Project Background

Modules require written tasks in all major learning areas. It is not enough if the teacher will not
use supplementary materials. Students are tasked to give their opinions, share their knowledge,
express their views, justify their arguments, experience the fundamentals of learning the world
and many more. Teachers are concerned with the performance of the learners based from their
deteriorating levels of motivation and interest. There are reports that parents or guardians are
answering the modules. Students are not performing are not interested to answer their modules.
There are errors in grammar, sentence construction, organization of ideas, and other pertinent
constructs in writing due to lack of interests from the learners. These problems are arising under
the modular instruction and other learning modalities that require motivation as one of their ways
in accomplishing tasks. In our school, based from the observation of most advisers, modules are
not given enough time by some of parents and learners because of low level of motivation. They
don’t submit on time or they are not submitting the complete activities of modules. These are the
very reasons of the mainstay of this innovation. Please refer to the index part on a. Motivation of
learners in answering modules (percentage of students motivated in answering the whole
module), b. performance of students in answering modules (quarterly grades of students), c.
Feedback of teachers on the prepared materials to be given to the students (general feedback per
teacher), d. Performance of students using the prepared materials for the students(perceived
assessment of teachers to students from 1-10)

IV. Objectives

1. Establishing a production facility for remediation materials

2. Obtaining the necessary production equipment

3. Assisting teachers with the finalization of remedial materials for the project

4. Using remediation materials to improve learners' performance

V. Project Methodology

A. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates

Task In-charge Target Date

1. Meeting of the core group Project executive consultant
2. Finalizing the project proposal Main Proponent
3. Prepare the room for the Project coordinator
remediation materials
4. Sending letters to partner Project Communications officer
5. Consultation with stakeholders Core group
6. Orientation of parents with Project Assistant
children who have low academic
7. Finalization of remediation Project Assistant
materials for all learning areas
8.Assembling a team for pre-project Project coordinator
and project-related duties
9. Finalizing the release schedule of Production Technical Consultant
remediation materials for all learning
10. Launching of the project and Project Technical Consultant
monitoring Project Assistant

B. Project Deliverables

Project Objectives Expected outcomes

1. Establishing a production Room for the remediation materials and core group
facility for remediation materials meetings.
2. Obtaining the necessary Photocopier machine, Rims of bond paper, ink, stapler,
production equipment long table, and chairs
3. Assisting teachers with the In-service trainings for teachers and orientation seminars
finalization of remedial materials for parents and guardians of students who have low
for the project academic performance
4. Using remediation materials to Passing scores of low performing students through post
improve learners' performance evaluations.

C. Project Risk Management

Project Objectives Possible Problems Intervention

1. Setting-up a Lack of fund Partnership with the PTA officers for the
production area for needed paints. Tables and chairs are
remediation materials already available in the school.
2. Acquiring equipment Lack of fund Partnership with the local government unit
needed in the production and PTA federation of the division
of remediation materials
3. Training teachers in Schedules of teachers Master teachers will be tapped with the
finalizing remediation approval of the School Principal
materials to be used in
the project and orienting
parents on the use of
remediation materials at
4. Uplifting the Total number of A proposed learning home plan or sample
performance of learners hours utilized by lesson guide for parents or guardians will
using remediation learners be given to maximize the use of
materials remediation materials.

VI. Project Costs

A. Project Budget

Here is the list of equipment to be acquired for the project:

 3 Epson printer
 50 rims of bond paper
 Epson ink
 Stapler
 1 Desktop computer
 1 long table
 6 chairs
 5 gallons of paint for the classroom
B. Sources

Materials and equipment needed Possible Source

Printers, bond paper, chairs, tables, PTA, LGU, Division office
desktop computer, paints
Equipment LGU, PTA, Alumni, Division office


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