Development Competitiveness Model For SME
Development Competitiveness Model For SME
Development Competitiveness Model For SME
In Indonesia, Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a major role in term of generating employment,
contributing to GDP, and being safety valve in national economic recovery. Nevertheless, nowadays
the role of SMEs is not sufficient to promote the economic growth and to increase society income. It is
difficult toSMEs to grow becoming larger business “next stage” or persist in sustainable productivity.
This problem is considered related to the decreasing of SMEs competitiveness. This study aims to
develop model of competitiveness for SMEs especially among the creative industry in Bandung. As a
means to address its issue, it uses depth interview method using semi-structured interview. The data
collection had three phases: preliminary phase, first phase, and second phase. Preliminary phase is
conducted to test the questions. The first phase interview is conducted to some sub-sectors of creative
industry in Bandung that are included the SMEs criteria. Then, the data would be analyzed using
grounded theory analysis in order to generate initial codes, sub-concepts, concepts, and categories. The
second phase is conducted to validate the results of first phase and generate the final sub-concepts,
concepts, categories, and finally build the theory.
Competitiveness is viewed as a comprehensive concept. It can be accessed from the influences up to
the results achieved. Three dimensions that are included in competitiveness concept are potential
dimension, process dimension, and performance dimension. Potential dimension consist factors that are
needed to develop the business, started from owner characteristics and company’s characteristics that
are influenced by internal capability and external environment. The second dimension named process
dimension, which is consist effective operation strategy and implementation and effective growth
strategy and implementation. The third dimension is performance dimension which is divided into
financial performance and non-financial performance. The hypotheses related to model can be
developed. Finally the recommendation based on previous analysis can be given to some entities such
as business owner, government, and mediator in order to develop the SMEs.
© 2013
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Authors.Published Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
peer-reviewunder responsibility
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responsibility of5th 5th Indonesia
TheIndonesia International Conference
International on Innovation,
Conference on Entrepreneurship,
and Small Business.
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business
1. Introduction
In developing countries, entrepreneur, particularly in the context Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) is essential for economic growth. SMEs contributes as a solution to the
State's economic growth, in term of generating employment (Birch 1979), offering
innovative products or services and competitiveness (Porter 1990; Schumpeter 1942) and
enhance international trade of an economy through diversification (Hussain, et. al, 2012).
Entrepreneur may be a solution for workforceempowerment by creating jobs for themselves
and others.
Indonesia as one of the developing countries need to prepare themselves in order not to
lag behind other countries, especially in ASEAN, especially in the case welcomed the
ASEAN single market by 2015. One of Indonesia's economic problems is unemployment.
The population is currently out of balance with the availability of jobs leaving many
residents do not have a job and a steady income.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can be seen as a safety valve in national
economic recovery. SMEs’ role in the rapid growth economic and employment is expected
to be a starting point for efforts Government moves production sector in various business
fields. They have proved to be able to live and thrive in the storm crisis that hit Indonesia in
the past 5 years since the year 1998. The existence of SMEs according to BPS data 2011 has
been able to contribute to GDP nearly 57.60% of total national GDP (BPS and Ministry of
Cooperative and SMEs, 2012). While the number of SMEs in 2011 reached nearly 55.21
million units by the number of labor as 101.72 million people. The number of units SMEs
and the absorption of labor increased 2.57 percent and 2.33 percent compared to 2010.
Nowadays, SMEs in creative industry considered as potential industry. It is able to
absorb labor; the creative industry can also help in building the image and values of the
national culture. According to Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of
Indonesia (2012), the projected growth of the creative industries in the period 2009-2015 is
between 7-9 percent. The contribution to GDP about 7-8 percent increased from 6.28
But SMEs in Indonesia only contributed one-third of the total contribution of
companies in Indonesia to stimulate the economy. It shows low contribution of SMEs to
support economic growth in Indonesia. The lack ofSMEs’ role to economic growth in
Indonesia is caused by some constraints. Based on State Ministry of National Development
Planning (2012), the constraints experienced are usually associated to low of capacity, low
of human resources quality, high of transaction cost, and limited access to productive
resources such as capital, natural resources, information, knowledge, skills, and technology.
These constraints cause difficulties of SMEs to ‘the next class’ or held in sustainable
productive business.
This study is purposed to identify factors of competitiveness and develop
comprehensivemodel of SMEs competitiveness, especially for creative industry in Bandung.
Therefore, the result can be used to provide the understanding on how to start-up business or
to increase the competitiveness in order to get “next class” by looking at all factors affecting
business competitiveness. The result will be a first SMEs competitiveness model for creative
industry in Indonesia. This study also provides recommendation for government to enhance
government’s role in supporting SMEs development. Government is a catalyst, in terms of
taxes, permits, access to funds, and other policies. The recommendation is also addressed to
mediator, academician, and community. Mediator is an institution that has a concern for
SMEs. Forms of assistance that can be provided by mediators can be a business mentoring
or providing information on access to capital and market, for examples: CSR of state-owned
companies, CIEL-ITB, and business incubators like LPIK ITB. Academician is a person or
institution that concern to do research about SMEs and entrepreneurship. Community is a
group of people who have similar interests, in this case is SMEs and entrepreneurship, for
Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323 307
2. Literature Review
2.3 Competitiveness
Competitiveness comes from word “competition”. Stigler (1991) in Li (2011), defined
competition as: “A rivalry betweenindividuals and it arises whenever two or more parties
Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323 309
strive for something that all cannot obtain”. Li (2011) stated that competitioncomprises four
1. Competitors
Competitors mean those with whom you will be competing, including existing and
potential competitors.
1. Competing objects
This is the specific object of competition, which includes such things as profits,
market share, material sources, ideas and innovation, service networks, and
customers’ satisfaction.
2. Competitive capability
Independent interested individuals demonstrate their special characteristics and
abilities duringthe competitive process. The greater quality or ability one has, the
greater the chance of success as compared with one’s competitors.
3. Competed results
The result of competing is a reasonable allocation of competing objects among
competitors. If the results are not mutually satisfactory, competition will continue.
Based on these dimensions, each competitors try to develop their competitive ability by
improve their capabilities and products or services to reach desired competitive objects.
Repeated competition among competitors will reach point that called competed results. So,
each competitor develops their own specific competitiveness.
Li (2011) categorized the subject of competitiveness into three levels: micro, meso, and
macro. These can be further characterized as being applicable to organization
competitiveness, industrial competitiveness, and national competitiveness (Nelson, 1992 in
Li 2011). From macro perspective, for example national competitiveness, competitiveness
enhances the prosperity of the nation by improving the real income of its citizens whose
performance comprise the social, cultural, and economic variables in international markets.
Scott and Lodge (1985) defined national competitiveness as: “A country’s ability tocreate,
produce, distributes and/or service products in international trade while earning rising
returns on its resources”.From micro-meso perspective, the competitiveness built in
company or industrial levels. Krugman (2007), individual firm level competitiveness is a
comparative concept of the ability and the performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to
see and supply goods and/or services in a given market. Therefore, Li (2011) measured firm
competitiveness by the competitive ability of a firm to earn desired competitive objects (e.g.
profit, market share) and ensure its future development. The focus of this study is the
competitiveness of creative industry for Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which means
firm competitiveness; competitiveness will be reviewed from micro perspective.
(Wheelen and Hunger, 2002). Each procedure uses different tools to conduct its functions.
For scanning the competitive environment, the tools that can be used are the five forces
model, value chain analysis, and resource-based approach. For formulating strategies, the
tools that can be used are the SWOT matrix and three generic strategies.
market position.
2. Differentiation strategy
The firm produces products or services which are unique or different so that consumers
perceive to be better value than competitors’ products or services.
3. Focus strategy
The firm choose specific market segment in order to serve its particular market efficiently.
1. Primary activities
The activities which are directly involved in the creation of a product or service, such as:
inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing and sales, and service.
2. Support activities
The activities which ensure that the primary activities are carried out efficiently and
effectively, such as: firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology
development, and procurement.
an organization with competencies. Some people use the term distinctive capabilities to
make same point with competencies. These distinctive capabilities derive from three areas:
architecture, reputation, and innovation.
Resources-based view uses as a complement toPorter’s approach since the analysis
views the profitability to be characteristics of the industry itself and the firm’s position in the
industry, while the resource-based view analyzes the profitability affected by firm’s
resources and capabilities. In the resource-based view, the factors are analyzed from the
collection of tangible and intangible resources and organizational capabilities. Resources
areinput that can make organization run its businesses.
1. Tangible
Physical assets that an organization possesses that can be observed and quantified.
Financial resources: cash balances, the borrowing capacity.
Organizational resources: the formal reporting structure.
Physical resources: building, machinery, materials, and productive capacity.
Technological resources: stock of technology, copyrights, and patent.
2. Intangible
Assets that an organization possesses that cannot be quantified.
Human resources: knowledge, trust, and managerial capabilities.
Innovative resources: ideas, scientific capabilities, and capacity to innovate.
Reputational resources: brand power, reputation with costumer, and reputation with
exchange rates.
Social: social factor can influence consumer behavior. In this term, social factors
include cultural change within the environment and are often referred to as socio-
Technological: recently, the major change of industry is rapidly technological changes.
The change of technology and innovation causes new industries to emerge and
competition over existing industries.
Legal: these are related to the legal environment in which firms operate.
Environment: environmental factors include the weather and climate change. PESTLE
used to help organization detectand monitor weak signals of recognizing the
discontinuities or fractures shaping the environment. This tool can also be used to detect
trends in the external environment, so that an organization can find the way into
competitive environment optimally.
Using different terminology, Gal (2010) used STEEP factors to analyze macro
environment that affecting the firm. STEEP factors come from Kotler-Keller Model (2006)
that divided macro environment into:
SWOT analysis is conducted after both internal and external environment analysis done.
The Porter Five Forces and PESTLE analysis can be used to identify the external
opportunities and threats facing a firm. The firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses can be
determined by identifying the capabilities and resources using Value Chain analysis,
Resource-Based View, and 7S Model.
7S Model identifies the strength and the weaknesses of the firm by considering the links
that exist between the seven factors: strategy, structure, system, staff, style, shared value,
and skills. This analysis is useful to assess internal factors that influence performance. The
explanation of each factor can be seen below:
1. Strategy: action leading to allocation of resources.
2. Structure: hierarchies and interconnection.
3. System: procedures, processes including information flows.
4. Staff: personnel.
5. Style: style of key managers and how goals are achieved.
6. Shared Value: guiding concepts shared by organization’s members.
7. Skills: capabilities of key personnel and organization as whole.
There are four criteria of grounded theory according to Strauss and Corbin (1990):
1. Fit (or relevance) entails that the theory fitssubstantive data in addition to validity,
meaning that the naming of the category or its property fits the data.
2. Understanding entails that the theory iscomprehensible to all involved in the area of
3. Generality entails that the theory isapplicable in a variety of contexts.
4. Control implies that the theory shouldprovide control with regard to action toward the
From the data collected in the form of text, words that are marked as key words named as a
series of codes. Then the codes complied into group become similar concepts. The next step
is forming categories from previous concepts. Categories were the basis of the theory or
reverse engineered of hypothesis. The grounded theory steps can be seen in Figure 2.
3. Research Methodology
A preliminary phase
Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323 315
At this phase, data collection conducted to establish the study pattern and check the
interview guide and approach used. Method that used in this phase is one-on-one in-depth
open-ended interviews to generate more detailed information about how the sampling
process should be running. In-depth interview techniques used in this phase in order to dig
insight about what competitiveness is and the factors that influence it from the entrepreneurs.
Data collection is conducted to some different sub-sectors:
The interview guide is checked using Aaker (1995) guidance in Syaifullah (2005):
1. Are the questions having simple vocabulary, familiar, and not confusing?
The questions should be understood by all respondents. From preliminary phase obtained the
following results:
Respondents were not understood about the terminology of ‘performance’, so that
the word is changed to ‘target achievement’.
Respondents were not understood about the terminology of ‘competitiveness’, so
that the word is changed to ‘more excellent or capable to compete’.
Phase Stage 1
This phase is a more detailed phase to build initial categories and build hypotheses. Data
collection is done by semi-structured interviews method. Interviews were conducted using
questions that have been prepared based on the literature review and the results of the
preliminary phase.
Interview is conducted using open-ended questions that can generate rich data set.
Interview conducted for 30 minutes - 1 hour and recorded by mobile phone. Interview
conducted depend on respondents time and located in-house in respondents office,
workshop, or respondents’ choice.
Point of interview focused on the context of competitiveness by in-depth interview and
semi-structured interview refers to the analysis tools such as Porter's Five Forces, Value
Chain, 7P, STP, and PESTLE Analysis. Interview conducted for several hours by face-to-
face or via phone or email in accordance with the wishes of the interviewees.
3.3 Sampling
This study used purposive sampling method using smaller sample. Purposive sampling
is a sampling method that uses specific respondents can provide desired information for only
316 Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323
those who have that information or those who fit the criteria of the research that has been
compiled (Sekaran et. al., 2009). The samples are selected for satisfy the research’ specific
purposes, even if the samples are not fully representatives (Zikmund, 2010). The grounded
theory tradition typically includes detailed interviews with individuals or groups willing to
share the conscious aspects of their experiences with the researcher (Creswell, 1998).
In this study, the respondents selected based on the specific criteria. The criteria refer
to SMEs’ criteria in Indonesia. If a SME run in the creative industry and located in Bandung,
that mean it meets the criteria established for this research, that SME can be respondent to
this study which will then be visited to do the interview and observation.
Interview conducted to several categories:
1. The owner or person who understands a lot about the business. Interviews can be
conducted on-site or carried out in a predetermined location between the interviewer and
the interviewee. Interview conducted to explore insight about the performance that has
been achieved by the business and the factors that influence the success of the business
has ever faced, not the product of the business.
2. Employee who works on the company. Interview conducted to gather the employees’
opinion about the performance of the business that has been achieved, the factors that
influence the success of the business has ever faced, and how the owner and management
factors can affect the performance of the company.
3. Phase Stage 2
This stage includes testing to validate the categories that have been established and
testing the hypothesis that has been formed in stage 1 to build a grounded theory about
competitiveness. Data collection is done by a semi-structured interview method based on
results of the hypothesis in stage 1.
4. Analysis
“If seen from software itself, it is still ordinarysoftware, I think it was not important as
longas appropriate with our needs.”(D*28)
“Images made manually then scanned and reproduced by computer, after that
“Well, now it no longer made manually but drawn by computer, then it is printed,produced,
and sold.”(D*59)
“Notebook, internet, already used.”(F*39) “By internet, simple, we already bypassed the
“After that, insert to the website. So, actually it depends on the distribution in the internet
“I made some certain groups in the Facebook that helped the writers and our network to
communicate continuously with us.”(A*22)
“We did sales promotion through socialmedia, starts from Twitter, Facebook, and
“We made own social media.”(C*62)
“I controlled the social media by myself. But now there are other people to control
318 Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323
“We also did some effort for Appstore, such as we published through
“We already had Twitter, Facebook, and website. But it is not purposed to marketing, it is
only for maintaining the information delivery and the customer relationship.”(G*83)
After the first stage the researchers revisited the data and analyzed and compared all the
key points to see if similar codes occurred often and grouped them together under the related
From all codes grouped into concepts: Marketing Effectiveness, Financial Capability,
Technological Optimization, HR Development & Operation, Quality System, Internal
Structure, Innovation, Reputation, PPIC, R&D, Competitor, Buyer, Mentor, Government,
Community, Media, Bank, Third Party, Vendor, Supplier, Economic Condition, Socio-
Culture, Legal Permission, Vision, Mission, Passion, Experience, Motivation, Personality,
Knowledge & Skill , Intuition & Mindset, and Business Role.
5. The Theory
The core hypotheses which stemmed from the theory generation process are:
Hypothesis 1:
The effective operation strategy and implementation of SMEs is positively related to
financial performance which is indicated by market performance and asset.
Hypothesis 2:
The effective operation strategy and implementation of SMEs is positively related to non-
financial performance.
Hypothesis 3:
The effective growth strategy and implementation of SMEs is positively related to non-
financial performance.
Hypothesis 4:
There is a relationship between the effective operation strategy and implementation of SMEs
and the effective growth strategy and implementation of SMEs.
Hypothesis 4b:
The effective growth strategy and implementation of SMEs is positively related to the
effective operation strategy and implementation of SMEs.
Hypothesis 5:
The owner characteristic is positively related to the effective operation strategy and
implementation of SMEs. This relationship is moderated by company characteristic.
Hypothesis 6:
The owner characteristic is positively related to the effective growth strategy and
implementation of SMEs. This relationship is moderated by company characteristic.
Hypothesis 7:
The owner characteristic is positively related to the company characteristic.
Hypothesis 8:
There is a relationship between internal capability and owner characteristic.
Hypothesis 10: The external environment ispositively related to the owner characteristic.
320 Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323
Hypothesis 11: The external environment ispositively related to the internal capability.
6. Conclusion
For Government
a. Most of complaint about government policy is associated with bureaucracy. Related to
this case, it is better if government simplify its bureaucracy, especially that are related
to small-medium enterprises. Simplification process of legal entity and other business
certification making will make business growth faster.
b. Set the appropriate tax value. Tax is the obligation of every citizen, but the tax rate for
SMEs should be fair and not to be considered burdensome, so that SMEs feel
overwhelmed and cannot pay tax.
c. Provide supportive development program for SMEs, such as exhibition, cultural
exchange, etc. Open the opportunities of development fairly for all SMEs. Do not
choose the parties who have close relationship.
d. Engage the local SMEs to participate the international scale in order to get international
response and good reputation for Indonesia.
Ramadhilla Maghfira Utami and Donald Crestofel Lantu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 115 (2014) 305 – 323 321
For Mediator
Mediator is an institution that has a concern for SMEs. Forms of assistance that can
be provided by mediators can be business mentoring or providing information on access to
capital and market, for examples: CSR of state-owned companies, CIEL-ITB, andbusiness
incubators (Kinara Indonesia and LPIK ITB.Related institutions in this case refer to
institution that concern about SMEs and entrepreneurship. This party also has important role
in SMEs development. There are several recommendations that can be applied by the
a. Conduct the training or education to SMEs with the topic related to the development of
SMEs, both technical and management skills.
b. Provide or help the business owner to have business mentor. Sometimes, business
owner already have a willingness to be assisted by business mentor but do not have
access to business mentor personally. In this case, independent institution can facilitate
the business mentor.
c. Do the research that is related to SMEs so that the knowledge about entrepreneurship or
SMEs can update continuously.
d. Facilitate the business owner to have access to investor, bank, or other parties.
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