Tendernotice 4

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Memo No.1644/JD Date:- 25/08/2022


On behalf of the Governor of West Bengal e-Tender is invited by the Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE. Dte.
for the work as detailed in the table below from experienced, resourceful, bonafide Agency/Company/Firm/Public
Sector Undertaking / Government Organization having experience in Departments/Ministries of State/ Central
Government, State/ Central Government undertaking having credential as mentioned bellow:-

Sl. Name of Work Amount put Earnest Cost of Documents Period of

No. to Tender (in Money (in (in Rs.) Completion
Rs.) Rs.)

01 Work of Running Chalsa Laboratory at Initially Nil,

Chalsa PWSS premises for Physical, Rs. 755/- per copy of
tender document
Chemical and Bacteriological test of water 338778.00 6776.00 including 2911(ii) to (Twelve)
sample under Jalpaiguri Division, P.H.E. be purchased by the months.
successful bidder at
Dte. For 12 (Twelve) months. the time of
02 Honorarium of Running District Laboratory Initially Nil,
Staff for Physical, Chemical and Rs. 1005/- per copy of
tender document
Bacteriological test of water sample under 868362.00 17367.00 including 2911(ii) to (Twelve)
Jalpaiguri Division Office, P.H.E. Dte. for be purchased by the months.
successful bidder at
(12) Twelve months. the time of
03 Engagement of 2 Nos. Security Guard (on Initially Nil,
Temporary basis) at different Stack Yard Rs. 755/- per copy of
tender document 6 (six)
under Jalpaiguri Division P.H.E. Dte. (for 6 207064.00 4141.00 including 2911(ii) to
months) be purchased by the months.
successful bidder at
the time of

A) (1) For e-filing, intending bidders have to download the tender document from the website http://etender.gov.in
directly by the help of Digital Signature Certificate.
B) Prequalification, Technical & Financial Bid is to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed at desired
C) documents in the website http://etender.gov.in Tender document are to be downloaded from website and
submission of Prequalification cum Technical Bid & Financial Bid should be done within following the stipulated
date & time Schedule.
(D) Eligibility criteria for participation in the tender:- Intending bidders have to upload the following documents
(as applicable) -
A. Credential(s)-
 For first call of NIT: (i) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of a similar nature of work of the
minimum value of 40% of the estimated amount put to tender during 05(five) years prior to the date of issue of
this tender notice; or,
(ii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of 02(two) similar nature of work, each of the minimum
value of 30% of the estimated amount put to tender during 05(five) years prior to the date of issue of the
tender notice; or,
(iii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of one single running work of similar nature which has
been completed to the extent of 80% or more and value of which is not less than the desired credential value
(40% of the amount put to tender). In case of running works; only those tenderers who will submit the

Page 1
certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent
authority will be eligible for the tender. In the required certificate, it should be clearly stated that the work is in
progress satisfactorily and also that no penal action has been initiated against the executed agency, i.e., the

 For 2nd Call of NIT: (i) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of a similar nature of work of the
minimum value of 30% of the estimated amount put to tender during 05(five) years prior to the date of issue of
the tender notice;
(ii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of 02(two) similar nature of work, each of the minimum
value of 25% of the estimated amount put to tender during 05(five) years prior to the date of issue of the
tender notice;
(iii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of one single running work of similar nature which has
been completed to the extent of 75% or more and value of which is not less than the desired credential value as
(i) above. In case of running works; only those tenderers who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running
work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the tender.
In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress satisfactorily and also that no
penal action has been initiated against the executed agency, i.e., the tenderer.
 For 3rd call of NIT: (i) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of similar nature of work of the
minimum value of 20% of the estimated amount put to tender during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of
the tender notice;
(ii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of one single running work of similar nature which has
been completed to the extent of 70% or more and value of which is not less than the desired value at (i) above.
In case of running works; only those tenderers who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work
from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the tender. In the
required certificate it should be clearly stated that, the work is in progress satisfactorily and also that no penal
action has been initiated against the executed agency, i.e., the tenderer.

B. Additional conditions regarding credentials:-

i) Certificate of Work completion issued by the authority not bellow the rank of the Executive Engineer
or equivalent, within India only will be considered as credential. (Payment certificate shall not be
considered as credential.) The certificate should mention Name of work, Tender No., Work Order No.,
Tendered Value of Work, Executed Value of Work, and performance of the Agency. In the required
certificate (in case of completion certificate) it should be clearly stated that the work has completed
ii) Running work certificate will be considered only for those work(s) which is/are running at field as on
date of participation and for this case certificate should preferably be obtained after invitation /
publication of this e-NIT. The certificate must consist up-to-date value of executed work clearly
besides other details such as Name of work, Tender No., Work Order No., Tendered Value of Work .
iii) The intending bidder must have sufficient knowledge and track record in respect of experience in PHE
related work anywhere in India.
iv) Payment certificate; Work order; BOQ will not be accepted as a proof of completion certificate or
credential certificate.
v) No joint venture in any shape shall be allowed

C. Intending bidders have to upload the following documents also:-

a) Valid Professional Tax receipt i.e. latest e-challan.

b) GST Registration certificate with valid 15 digit GSTIN No. & Acknowledgement copy of Current GST Return.
c) PAN Card & IT Return Acknowledgement for last consecutive 3 (three) financial years (2017-2018 , 2018-2019
& 2019-2020).
d) Valid Trade License.
e) In case of Partnership firm, a copy of partnership deed and in case of Company, copies of Incorporation
Certificate along with Memorandum and Articles of Association.
f) A self-declaration regarding the history of arbitration / litigation /suspension and/or banning of the firm
/Company to be produced in form of affidavit duly certified by a 1 st class judicial magistrate /Notary public.
g) The person signing the tender, must produce document of his/her competence to do so.

Page 2
h) Joint venture or MOU with any manufacturing/ experienced executing agency will not be treated as
i) Registered Unemployed Engineers’ Co-operative Societies/ Unemployed Labour Co.- Op. Societies are required
to furnish / upload valid Bye Law, Current Audit Report, Valid Clearance Certificate from A.R.C.S. for the year
2016 along with other relevant supporting papers. [Non Statutory Documents]

Only relevant documents (documents sought for) are to be uploaded, unnecessary /junk documents should not to be
uploaded. Documents those are being uploaded should be indexed in a separate page clearly stating the
nature/subject of the document. Uploading of irrelevant documents will be treated as disqualification of bidder.

Intending bidders if fails to upload the documents as mentioned above in all respect, his candidature as
qualified bidder will be treated as cancelled.

The application of the intending tenderer who is already working in PHE Dte. and whose performance is found
unsatisfactory / under penal action will not be entertained.

Verification of documents : All the documents submitted/uploaded by the Bidders should be properly indexed with
seal. The bidder may have to show the original copies of their uploaded documents including the valid documents for
EMD to the office of the Tender Inviting Authority during office hours, within the stipulated time with his acceptance
letter of LOI. Failure to submit the hard copy within the time period prescribed for the purpose may be construed as an
attempt to disturb the tendering process and dealt with according legally including black listing of the bidder. If
required uploaded documents may be verified by the tender inviting authority after opening of technical bid.

(1) No mobilization /secured advance will be allowed.

(2) Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 days (One Hundred Twenty) from the last date of submission
of Financial Bid / Sealed Bid. If the bidder withdraws the bid during the period of bid validity the earnest money as
deposited will be forfeited forthwith without assigning any reason thereof.
Subletting of contract is strictly prohibited.
(3) Agencies shall have to arrange for storing of materials, labour shed, water arrangement etc. at their own cost and
(4) Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the contract labour (Regulation Abolition) Act.1970.
(b) Apprentice Act. 1961 (c) minimum wages Act. 1948 & Miscellaneous Act 1952and any further notifications
thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rules made and order issued there under from time to time.
(5) Constructional Labour Welfare Cess @ 1(one) % of cost of construction will be deducted from every Bill of the
selected agency.
(6)In connection with the work, Arbitration will not be allowed. The Clause No. 25 of 2911(ii) is to be considered as
deleted clause vide gazette notification no 558/SPW-13th December, 2011.
(7) All the Prospective Bidders shall have to execute the work in such a manner so that appropriate service level of the
work is kept during progress of work to the successful completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge may be considered towards release of full “Security Deposit”.
A retention towards Performance Security amounting to 3 % (three percent) of the billed amount shall be
made by the Executive Engineer from 1 R.A. bill to Final bill.
No interest will be paid on the Performance Security Deposit.
Selection of eligible agency will be made strictly on the basis of scrutiny and evaluation of the particulars as to be
furnished at the time of bidding. Decision of the Tender Inviting Authority in this regard shall be final & binding.

The tendering operation will follow e-tendering process and all rules and regulations pertaining to the tender will be
binding to the tenderers.

Earnest Money : Earnest Money @ minimum 2% of the amount put to tender as specified as the case, separately for
each serial no. of work, in the form of RTGS/ NEFT/ NET BANKING / through ICICI payment gateway (as per G. O. No.
3975-F(Y) dated 28-07-2016 of the Secretary, Audit Branch, Finance Department) of any Nationalized Bank to be
drawn after the date of issue of NIeT in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte”. The bidder
has to upload a declaration regarding drawal of requisite amount of E.M.D. in the technical proposal folder,
mentioning reference of online payment date & name of drawee bank, the value of payment. The L1 bidder shall
submit the hard copy of the reference document to the office of the tender inviting authority i.e. the Executive
Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte., with the financial evaluation summary, within 07 (seven) days from
the date of issuance of financial evaluation summary. Failure to submit the hard copy of EMD instrument along
with the financial evaluation summary within the stipulated time will be treated as unwillingness of the bidder and his

Page 3
eligibility as L1 bidder will be treated as cancelled. Moreover, it will be considered as an attempt to disturb the
tendering process which will be dealt as per the legal provisions accordingly including blacklisting of the bidder.
Reference document of EMD should be submitted only by “L1 Bidder” after opening of Financial Bid in
separate cover super-scribing Earnest Money for the work of “Name of the Work” to the Office of the Executive
Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte.

Security Deposit will be deducted from progressive bills as per the latest rate fixed by the Govt. (including Earnest
Money @2%). Release of Security Deposit will be guided by WBF 2911 (i)/(ii). The rate of SD deduction may vary if
any order issued by the Govt. on later stage.

The rate is to be quoted both in words and figures in the financial Bid and rates quoted should be considered inclusive
of all taxes and charges as applicable & payable. No rate to be quoted on the body of the WBF 2911 (i)/(ii).

Before Bidding, the Bidder(s) may visit the site to satisfy themselves about the local condition & other matters at their
own cost. No claim whatsoever on the ground of insufficient knowledge about the work site or local condition will be
entertained at a later date and no claim in future will be entertained.

Only the proprietor is authorized to sign the tender document on behalf of a company or firm.

The rates quoted in the tender shall remain valid for 06 (six) months from the date of submission of tender.

Income Tax, Sales Tax / GST and labour welfare cess and Service Tax etc. if any will be deducted from the progressive
bills as per Govt. order in vogue.

The payment for the work will be made as per payment breakup schedule if any and the provision the agreement form
WBF 2911 (i)/(ii). Subject to availability of fund.
Canvassing/other means to influence the individual in the tendering process m ay lead to disqualification of
bidder participating in the tender.

The contractor whose tender will be accepted shall make a formal agreement within seven (7) days from the
date of issue of intimation to that effect by this office on payment of usual charges to the concerned Divisional
Office and submit the same duly signed by him/them to this Office. If the contractor fails to perform the
formalities within the specified period, the tender will liable to be cancelled and earnest money will be

The acceptance of the tender will rest with the accepting authority that does not bind him to accept the lowest or any
other tender and reserves the right to reject in part or in full of all tenders received or to split up the work in different
groups without assigning any reason thereof.

Tender, which do not fulfill the conditions specified in the tender documents or do not fulfill the requirement of the
tender in any respect will be liable for rejection.

The successful Tender will remain liable for following the West Bengal Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Rules
in force and necessary certificates from appropriate authority to be submitted within seven (7) days from the date of
work order, failing which the work order may liable to be cancelled. Minimum wages Act, 1948, contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970, and others will be strictly followed and will be guided by WBF 2911 (i)/(ii).

Contractor will not be entitled for any compensation for rejection of his tender.

Credential certificate produced as credential should clearly indicate the description of works, value of
contract, executed work value, date of award, time allowed for the work, actual date of completion etc. and
name, address, telephone no. of the certificate issuing authority.

Conditional tender will not be accepted under any circumstances and shall be deemed as “informal”.

Name and address of the :

a) Tender Inviting Authority: Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte.

Club Road, Jalpaiguri, Pin- 735101

b) Executing Division / : Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte.

Page 4
Engineer- in- Charge

The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to deny or accept or reject any or all the applicants and to annul the
tendering process, at any point of time without any obligation & assigning any reason what-so-ever.

Date & time Schedule:-

Sl. Particulars Date & Time

1 Date of Publishing of NIeT & Tender Documents (online) – 25/08/2022

2 Documents download start date & time (Online) 26/08/2022 from 10:00 A.M.

Prequalification, Technical and financial bid submission starting

3 26/08/2022 from 10 :00 A.M.
date & time (online)

Prequalification, Technical and financial bid submission closing date

4 05/09/2022 up to 4 : 00 P.M.
& time (online)

6 Date & time of opening of Prequalification Proposals & Technical 07/09/2022 after 4:00 P.M.
proposal (online)
8 Date & time of opening of financial bid (online) Will be intimated later

Date of submission of original copy of EMD & Tender Document (Off

9 Will be intimated later
line) by the Lowest bidder (L1)

Date of uploading of list of bidders along with the rates through

10 (online), also if necessary for further negotiation through (offline) Will be intimated later.
for final rate.

In case of Ascertaining Authority at any stage of tender process or execution of work necessary registered irrevocable
power of attorney is to be produced.

During scrutiny, if it comes to the notice to Tender Inviting Authority that the Credential or any other papers
uploaded by the tenderer is incorrect/forged/fabricated, the tenderer will not be allowed to participate in the
tender and his eligibility will be rejected outright without any prejudice.

Before issuance of the work order, the Tender Inviting Authority will verify the originals of credential & other
documents of the lowest tenderer. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest
tenderer is either forged or false; in that case, work order will not be issued in favour of the lowest tenderer under any
circumstances. Moreover, stringent action will be taken against him, which may leads to blacklisting of the agency.

The L1 bidder will have to submit the hard copy of the tender documents duly downloaded with the signature of the
authorized signatory in all pages along with the EMD document during formal agreement.

Visit : http://etender.wb.nic.in for more details.

No documents will be entertained, if sent by post / courier / e-mail unless instructed.

(8) Tender Documents include the following:-

Sl. No. Tender Documents Page No.

i. Notice Inviting e-Tender. ALL PAGES

ii. General Conditions of Contract ALL PAGES

iii. Special Conditions of Contract ALL PAGES

iv. General and Technical Specification ALL PAGES

Page 5
v. Additional Terms and Conditions ALL PAGES

vi. Scope of Work and other Different Information ALL PAGES

vii. WBF- WBF 2911 (i)/(ii). ALL PAGES

viii. BOQ/ Schedule of work ALL PAGES

(9) The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is supposed to visit and examine the site of works and its
surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a
contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender, before submitting offer with full
satisfaction, the cost of visiting the site shall be at his own expense.

(10) The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of the present invitation of Bids,
no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department.

(11) Conditional/ Incomplete tender will not be accepted.

(12) No price preference is allowed for the bidder and no escalation of price is allowed in any circumstances
throughout the validity of the tender, execution of the work or before receiving the full payment.

(13) If any discrepancy arises between two similar clauses on different notification, the clause as stated in later
notification will supersede former one in following sequence.
(i) Form No: 2911 (i), (ii)
(ii) N.I.T
(iii) Technical Bid.
(iv) Financial Bid.

(14) Qualification Criteria: -

The tender inviting & Accepting Authority through an “Evaluation Committee” will determine the
eligibility of each bidder. The financial offer of the prospective bidder will be considered only if the bidder
qualifies in the Technical Bid. If any document submitted by a bidder is either manufacture or false, in
such cases the eligibility of the bidder will be out rightly rejected at any stage without any prejudice. The
decision of Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Directorate, Jalpaiguri Division will be final and
no challenge against such decision will be entertained.

(15) Issuance of work order as well as payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim what so ever will be
entertained for delay of Issuance of work order as well as payment, if any. Intending tenderers may consider these
criteria quoting their rates.

(16) The Ferrule/Stop cock/Bib Cock may be supplied departmentally through Resource Division, PHE. Dte. Necessary
deduction for the cost of those materials (Which is included) will be deducted as per approved rate.

(17) Provision should be made of engagement of at least 30% of required skilled manpower from certified
trainees under “Utkarsha Bangla” Program for implementation of JJM/ “Jal Swapna” Project as per
Memo no. PHE/2874/O-91/2021 Kolkata, The 2nd December 2021 of Additional Secretary to the Govt. of
West Bengal to be made by the agency.

(18) Where an individual person holds a digital certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the company or
the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall while uploading any tender
for and on behalf of such company or firm, invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear
authorization in his favour by the rest of the directors of such company or the partners of such firm to upload such
tender. The power of attorney shall have to be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration
(19) The successful bidder has to execute an agreement in West Bengal Form No. 2911(ii) before final acceptance of the

Page 6
(20) The tender inviting authority is not obligated to offer work order to the lowest bidder.

(21) Tender inviting authority may relax the criteria if felt necessary in the interest of the Govt. works, (if no bidder
found/ participated having credential of similar nature of work) in this regard decision of tendering authority will
be final without any prejudice.

(22) The bill as well as Measurement Book should be signed by the Supervisor or legally authorized person in token of
acceptance of the measurement.

(23) GST Amount will be deducted as per Govt. Rules.

(24) As per Order of Finance deppt. Vide memo no. 4608-F(Y) dated- 18.07.2018-

(A) Additional Performance Security @ 10% of the tendered amount shall be obtained from the successful bidder if the
accepted bid value is 80% or less of the estimated amount put to tender.

(B) The Additional performance Security shall be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank
before issuance of the Work Order. If the bidder fails to submit the Additional Performance Security within seven
working days from the date of issuance of Letter of Acceptance, his Earnest Money will be forfeited and other
necessary actions as per NIT like blacklisting of the contractor, etc, may be taken. The Bank Guarantee shall have to
be valid up to end of the Contract Period and shall be renewed accordingly, if required.

(C) The Bank Guarantee shall be returned immediately on successful completion of the Contract. If the bidder fails to
complete the work successfully, the Additional Performance Security shall be forfeited at any time during the
pendency of the contract period after serving proper notice to the contractor. Necessary provisions regarding
deduction of security deposit from the progressive bills of the contractor as per relevant clauses of the contract
shall in no way be altered/ affected by provision of this additional performance Security.
(d) All bills will be paid only after third party certification as per JJM guideline.

Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engineering Dte.

Memo No.1644/(i)/JD Dated :- 25/08/2022

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to :-
1. The Director of Information (Information Division), Govt. of West Bengal, Department of
Information & Public Relation, NABANNA, HRBC Building, 9th Floor, 325 Sarat Chatterjee Road,
Mandirtala, Sibpur,Howrah-711 102

Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engineering Dte.

Page 7
Memo No.1644/(1-9)/JD Dated :- 25/08/2022
Copy forwarded for kind information & necessary action to :-
1. The Sabhadhipati, Jalpaiguri Zilla Parishad, Jalpaiguri.
2. The Engineer- In-Chief, P.H. Engineering Department.
3. The Chief Engineer, Head Quarters / Planning & WQM / Western Zone / (Mech./Elect.), P.H.
Engineering Dte., Kolkata –700 001.
4. The Chief Engineer (Civil), Northern Zone, P.H.E Dte. Siliguri
5. The Superintending Engineer, North Bengal Circle-I / North Bengal Circle-II / Eastern Circle /
Western Circle / Central Circle / Mechanical Circle-I, P.H. Engineering Dte.
6. The District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri.
7. The Executive Engineer, Planning & Design Division-III / Neorakhola W/S &Mtc. Division /
Coochbehar Division / Siliguri water supply Division / Alipurduar Division, P.H.E Dte.
8. The Divisional Accounts Officer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte.
9. Notice Board of Jalpaiguri Division, P.H.E. Dte.

Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engineering Dte.

Page 8

1. General guidance for e-Tendering

Instructions/ Guidelines for tenders for electronic submission of the tenders have been annexed for
assisting the contractors to participate in e-Tendering.
2. Registration of Contractor
Any contractor willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with
the Government e-Procurement system, through logging on to https://etender.wb.nic.in (the web portal of
public works department) the contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site asgiven on the web
3. Digital Signature certificate (DSC)
Each contractor is required to obtain a class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) for
submission of tenders, from the approved service provider of the National Information’s Centre(NIC)on
payment of requisite amount details are available at the Web Site stated in Clause 2 of Guide line to
Tenderer DSC is given as a USB e-Token.
4. The contractor can search & download NIT & Tender Documents electronically from computer on to the
website mentioned in Clause 2 using the Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of
Tender Documents.
5. Participation in more than one work
A prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate in the job either in the capacity of individual or
as a partner of a firm ,If found to have applied severally in a single job all his applications will be rejected
for that job.

6. Submission of Tenders.
General process of submission, Tenders are to be submitted through online to the website in two
folders at a time for each work, one in Technical Proposal & the other is Financial Proposal before the
prescribed date &time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) the documents are to be uploaded virus
scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted (transformed into non readable

A. Technical proposal
The Technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the following further two covers
(folders).All statutory and non-statutory documents copy should be self-attested with rubber stamp before

A-1 Statutory Cover Containing

i) NIT with all agenda & corrigendum duly signed by the tenderer.(download & upload the same Digitally
Signed, quoting rate will only encrypted in the B.O.Q. under Financial Bid.)
A-2 Non statutory Cover Containing

i) Valid Trade License, Pan Card, Income Tax Acknowledgement Receipt for the last three
Assessment years, GST Registration Certificate/ No.
ii) License under Section 12 (1) of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,1970 or
declaration, as mentioned in SL No. 7 of this N.I.T.
iii) Certificate/ License for enrolment under Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and ESI act 1948,as
mentioned in SL No 7 of this N.I.T.
iv) Registered Deed of partnership Firm/ Article of Association & Memorandum (if any).
v) Power of Attorney (For Partnership Firm/ Private Limited Company, if any) or as mentioned in
SLNo 21 of this NIT
vi) Clearance Certificate for the Current Year issued by the Assistant Register of Co-Op(S) (ARCS)
bye laws are to be submitted by the Registered labour Co-Op(S) Engineers’ Co.-Opt.(S).
vii) In regard of the credential submitted of other Department or Division, the schedule of the work of
which credential submitted must be uploaded for comparing the similarity, otherwise submitted
tender may not be considered.

Page 9
Intending Bidders should upload Non-Statutory documents as per following folders in My Document:

Sl. Sub Category

Category Name DETAILS Remarks
No. Description
1.West Bengal GST Registration
/ PAN / P. Tax Clearance
2.Income Tax Acknowledgement
1.Proprietorship Firm (Trade
2.Partnership Firm (Partnership
Deed, Trade License).
B COMPANY 3.Ltd. Company (incorporation
DETAILS Certificate, Trade License)
4. Power of Attorney.
5.Society (Society Registration copy,
Trade License)
1.Similar Nature of Work Done &

C CREDENTIAL Completion Certificate

DECLARATION 1.Corrigendum and Addendum (if
FILE 1 any).
DECLARATION 2.Additional Document If Any
MACHINERIES 1 1.List of Machineries and
MACHINERIES 2 Equipments
PAYMENT 1.Payment Certificate only (Not
CERTIFICATE 1 TDS Certificate)
1.Profit & Loss & balance Sheet
2021-2022 (With Annexure and 3CD Form in
F case of Tax Audit)
1.Profit & Loss & balance Sheet
2020-2021 (With Annexure and 3CD Form in
case of Tax Audit)
1.Profit & Loss & balance Sheet
2019-2020 (With Annexure and 3CD Form in
case of Tax Audit)
TECHNICAL 1.List of Technical Staffs along with
PERSONNEL Structure & Organization.

Note:- Failure of submission of any of the above mentioned documents (as stated in A1 & A2) if applicable
to a bidder ,will render the tender liable to summarily rejected for both statutory & non statutory cover.

Page 10
7. Opening of Technical proposal :

i) Technical proposals will be opened by the Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, Public Health Engineering
Directorate electronically from the web site using their Digital Signature Certificate.
ii) Intending tenderers may remain present if they so desire.
iii) Statutory documents will be opened first & if found in order, non statutory documents will be further opened.
If there is any deficiency in such documents, the tender will summarily be rejected.
iv) Pursuant to scrutiny & decision of the Tender inviting authority the summary list of eligible tenders will be
uploaded in the web portal.
v) While evaluation the Tender Inviting Authority may summon the tenderers & seek clarification / information
or additional documents or original hard copy of any of the documents already submitted & if these are not
produced within the stipulated time frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection.

8. Opening of Financial Proposal

i) Opening proposals of the tenderers declared technically eligible by the members of the Tender Inviting
Authority will be opened electronically from the web portal on the prescribed date, by the and the Executive
Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, Public Health Engineering Directorate electronically from the web site using their
Digital Signature Certificate.
ii) The encrypted copies will be decrypted and the rates will be read out to the contractors remaining present at
that time.
iii) The Financial Proposals shall be evaluated by the Tender Inviting Authority i.e. the Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division, Public Health Engineering Directorate Finally summary result containing inter-alia, name of
contractors and the rates quoted by them shall be uploaded provided he is satisfied that the rate obtained is
fare and reasonable.
iv) However, if there is any scope for lowering down of rates in the opinion of the Tender Inviting Authority,
further negotiation meeting with the lowest bidder may be held at his office which will be done off line. The
final negotiation statement shall be uploaded in the website.

9. Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts :

If any tenderer fails to produce the original hard copies of the documents or any other documents on demand
of the Tender Evaluation Committee within a specified time frame or if any deviation is detected in the hard
copies from the uploaded soft copies or if there is any suppression, the tenderer will be suspended from
participating in the tenders on e-Tender Platform for a period of 3 (three) years. In addition, his user ID will be
deactivated and Earnest Money Deposit will stand forfeited. Besides, the P. H. Engineering Directorate may
take appropriate legal action against such defaulting tenderer.

10. Award of contract :

The Tender inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender and cancel this Tendering
processes and reject all Tender at any time or distribute the work prior to the award of Contract without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or
Tenderers of the Ground for Authority’s action. The Award of Contract to be notified by the Tender Inviting
Authority through acceptance letter. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
The Agreement in WBF 2911 (i)/(ii). and all others documents comprising of Tender documents will
incorporate all terms and conditions between the EIC and the successful Bidder.

Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engineering Dte.

Page 11

1. The right is reserved by the officer inviting the tender to revise or amend the tender documents prior to the date
notified for submission of the tender or also to extend the time mentioned in relevant clause of the NIT. Such
revisions, amendments or extension as the case may be shall be communicated to all concerned in the form of
addendum or corrigendum as may be considered necessary and those will form as part of the agreement.

2. Tender inviting authority reserves the right to include or alter or modify any of the items or ingredients of the set
of the tender documents before acceptance.

3. Bidders would be at liberty to point out any ambiguities, contradictions, omissions etc. seeking clarifications
thereof or interpretation of any of the Clause(s), conditions etc. of the tender documents before the Tender Inviting
Authority in writing within a period of 3 (three) days from the date of publication of tender documents and beyond
such period no representation in that behalf will be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority.
Written clarification or amendments etc. as may be issued by the tender inviting authority in pursuance to the
representation made by the Bidders under clause 13(i) above shall be final and binding on the Bidders and shall
form part of the tender documents. Tender Inviting Authority, however, reserves its right to have pre bid
conference with the Bidders.

4. Intending Bidders are required to inspect the site of work with particular reference to location, site condition and
infrastructural facilities. They are to make a careful study with regard to accessibility, availability of materials and
its sources, labour (skilled and unskilled) and all relevant factors as might affect their rates and prices. Bidder who
submits a tender will be deemed to have inspected the site and made proper study of all relevant factors. Clause 13
hereof will be applicable mutatis mutandis.

5. The Bidder is required to carefully study all the tender documents and prepare his tender to comply with all the
provisions thereof. Submission of a Tender shall be taken as evidence and confirmation that the Bidder has
acknowledged all the provisions of the Tender Documents and has fully acquainted himself with site conditions and
all factors which may influence the preparation of his Tender. Negligence of the Bidder to observe instructions in
the matter of preparation of his Tender shall be attributable to him and shall not be a ground for securing relief
from any error as may be found or discrepancies as may be contained in his Tender and would not give him any
liberty to withdraw his Tender after the same being opened.

6. All expenses incurred for site inspection and all activities in the preparation and submission of the Tender shall be
borne by the Bidder, for which no claim shall be entertained.

7. Extra claim or any concession on the ground of insufficient data or information and absence of knowledge of
conditions prevailing at the site or situation arising during the execution of the work shall not be entertained.

8. No alteration shall be allowed in the Tender Documents sold to the Bidder.

9. Tenders which have been considered valid on the result of general examination at the time of opening, shall be
subject to subsequent detailed scrutiny. Notwithstanding the general examination carried out earlier, the tender
receiving authority reserves the right of rejection of any tender, which may be found to be defective during the
detailed scrutiny.

10. Tender will be accepted on behalf of the Governor of West Bengal by the Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engg. Dte who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves himself the right to reject any or
all of the tenders received without assigning any reason thereof.

11. Bidders have to strictly comply with the conditions, specifications etc. laid down in the tender documents and no
unilateral variation in any form is permissible.

Page 12
12. The successful Bidder will be notified in writing of the acceptance of his Tender. The Bidder then becomes the
Contractor and shall have to forthwith take steps to execute documents forming the formal Contract and to take
steps for fulfillment of all his obligations under the contract.

13. The Bidder, whose tender is accepted, shall, within 7 (seven) days from the date of receiving the acceptance letter
from the Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, P.H.E. Directorate, obtain required nos. of contract documents
from the Office of the Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Directorate on payment of usual charges, and
upon signing submit the same to the said Executive Engineer for execution of the formal contract. If the Bidder
fails to perform the formalities as mentioned above within the said specified period, the acceptance of tender is
liable to be cancelled and earnest money deposited shall stand forfeited.

14. Bidders before submitting the tender documents shall have to ensure that “Declaration by in the proforma set
out in the tender documents is to be filed separately with the tender documents in the form of Affidavit to be
affirmed by the same person signing the tender documents.

15. The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the governing law of India and also the laws
in force in the State of West Bengal and no suit or other proceeding relating to the Contract shall be filed or taken
by the Contractor in any Court of Law except in the High Court of Kolkata which shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
hear and determine all actions and proceedings in connection with and arising out of the contract, and the
Contractor shall submit to the jurisdiction of the aforesaid Court of Law for the purpose of any such action and

16. Neither the tender inviting authority nor the participating Bidders will be entitled to take undue advantage(s) in
any form whatsoever owing to any typographical mistake / omission if found subsequently. The same may
immediately be brought to limelight for ratification.

17. Intending participators / Bidders must be careful regarding filling up or providing data at Form – II. (Organization
Structure) Agency must provide valid e-mail ids; Mobile Phone no. Address & valid Whatsapp number. Improper
filling up of data in Form – II may liable for rejection of candidature.

Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P.H. Engineering Dte.

Page 13


The Executive Engineer,
Jalpaiguri Division,
P. H. Engineering Dte.

Sub.: Tender for ______________________________________________________


Ref.: N.I.e.T. No. _____________________________________________________

Dear Sir,

Having examined the Statutory, Non Statutory & NIT documents, I / we hereby submit all the necessary information
and relevant documents for evaluation.

The application is made by me / us on behalf of ___________________________________ in the

capacity______________________________________________________duly authorized to submit the offer.

The necessary evidence admissible by law in respect of authority assigned to us on behalf of the group we are
interested in bidding for the work(s) given in enclosure to this letter.
We understand that:

a) Tender Inviting & Accepting Authority / Engineer-in-Charge can amend the scope & value of the
contract bid under this project.
b) Tender Inviting & Accepting Authority / Engineer-in-Charge reserve the right to reject any
application without assigning any reason.

Enclo.: e-Filling

1. Statutory Documents.
2. Non Statutory Documents.

Signature of applicant including title and

capacity in which application is made.

Page 14

(All fields are Mandatory)

Name of Applicant
(indicate whether Proprietary firm / :
Partnership / Limited Company /
Corporation / Other)

2. Office Address :-

3. Telephone No. (Mobile) :-

4. Whatsapp No. :-

5. Fax No. (if any) :-

6. E-mail address :-

7. Name and Address of Banker :-

8. Details of Technical Staff available :-

Page 15


1. Name of Applicant:

2. List of similar type of work completed / ongoing:

Present Status
Reference of
Date of (If completed,
Name of Name, location and nature of Work Order Contract
Start of please mention
Employer work (Memo. No. Value
Work date of
and Date)

Note : Copy of Work Order or Completion Certificate from the employer to be attached.

Page 16
Affidavit to be affirmed on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten ) only and to be enclosed with the
Tender Documents which is also required to be mentioned in the forwarding letter of the Bidder.

I, ……………………………… Son of ………………………………… aged years about by occupation

…………………………… do hereby solemnly- affirm.

1. That I am the ________________________ (designation ) of _____________________________ (Name of Bidder)

and I am duly authorized and competent to affirm this affidavit on behalf of the said Bidder.
2. That my/our authorized and competent personnel including myself have inspected all the sites of work covered
under N.I.eT. No. _______________________ (circulated under Memo. No.______________, Dated
________________ of Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Directorate, Government of West Bengal) and
have made ourselves fully acquainted with the site conditions and local conditions in or around the site of work. We
have also carefully gone through the Notice Inviting Tender and Tender Documents. Tender of the above named
Bidder is offered upon due consideration of all factors and if the same is accepted, I, on behalf of the aforesaid
Bidder, being duly authorized, promise to abide by all the covenants, conditions, and stipulations of the contract
document and to carry out, construction based on departmental design & drawing, supply, erection, commissioning
including leak proof test to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge of the work and abide by his instruction
as may be given by him time to time to that effect. I also undertake to abide by the provisions of law including the
provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Ac t, 1970, Apprentice Act, 1961, West Bengal sales Tax
Act, Income Tax Act as would be applicable to the Bidder upon entering into formal contract with the Government
of West Bengal.
3. That I declare that no relevant information as required to be furnished by the Bidder has been suppressed in the
Tender Documents.
4. That I declare that for execution of different types of works for Successful completion & commissioning of the
reservoir, as per scope of Tender Document we will not claim any extra payment for any type of work in any
manner whatsoever in the event of becoming successful Bidder.
5. It is understood and agreed that cost whatsoever is incurred / involved for participation in this Tender would not be
compensated / borne by PHED and therefore, in consideration of submitting its qualifications as a prospective
Contractor for review, I fully agree to waive any claim against PHED that might arise with
respect to its decision of a prospective Contracto and not subjected to appeal / review of any kind.
6. That I declare that Public Health Engineering Directorate / Department, Govt of West Bengal shall not be held
responsible for making payment against any anticipated profit and / or compensation for any losses, whatsoever for
the works as stated in this Tender Document and we shall not claim any payment for such purposes in the event of
becoming successful Bidder.
7. That I declare that my / our origination not declared / blacklisted by any Municipal Corporation/ Development
Authorities / State or Central Government Authority or Private Sector in India since last 5 (five) years. My/our
Organization has not been declared Bankrupts or Insolvent by any Govt. or Private Financial Institution. Nor any
other ill record has been recorded in the name of my/our organization in any of the Municipal Corporation/
Development Authorities / State or Central Government Authority or Private Sector in India. Nor any activity of
my/our organizational staff has been recorded as anti-national / against the law of the land in any concerned law
protecting authority.
8. That the statements made in paragraph no. 1 to 6 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Solemnly affirmed by the

Said ____________________________ Deponent

Before me
(1st Class Judicial Magistrate / Notary Public)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by PRANAW KUMAR
Date: 2022.08.25 20:21:43 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB
Page 17

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