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GRADE 1 to 12 School Piñan National High School Grade Level 11- HE- RUBY


Teaching June 2, 2022 Quarter Fourth Quarter
DAILY LESSON PLAN Dates Time 9:30 – 10:30 AM
I. OBJECTIVES The learners must be able to:
1. Define what is table napkin folding.
2. Apply and demonstrate examples of table napkin folds; and
3. participate actively in class discussion and group activities.
Content Standard The learners demonstrate the knowledge and skills in food and beverage services related to the table setting
and napkin folding with the proper procedures and guidelines.

Performance Standard The learners are able to apply basic personal finance principles and practices in earning, spending, saving, and
investing money.

Learning Competency/ The learners will demonstrate the basic napkin folding style; Fold properly and laid cloth napkins on the table
Objectives appropriately according to napkins folding style


 References Food and beverage service manual, DINE OUT modules for TESDA NC II Food and Beverage Services, internet
• Teacher’s Guide DINE OUT modules for TESDA NC II Food and Beverage Services
pages By: Aaron Jed Y. Tumbali, LPT, MBE
Pages 80-88
• Learner’s Laptop, Television, Power point Presentation, Rubrics, Visual Aids, activity sheets
Materials pages
 Preliminary  Opening prayer
Activities  Classroom management
 Checking of attendance
 Review of the past lesson:
1. What is Mise en Place.
2. Give examples.

 Introduction of the new lesson

 Drill/ Motivation
(Power point presentation)

1. Based on pictures flashed on the screen, what is a Table napkin?
2. How do table napkins affect customers’ impressions of the restaurant?
Lesson Proper
Activity 1: MODELING
A. Activity Directions:
1. This is an individual fashion show activity.
2. Learners will be asked to bring out their handkerchief. Let them use their handkerchief as the main
instrument in modeling.
3. Model in front of the class on how will you going to use your handkerchief. Make a pose and walk.

Processing questions:
1. Based on the activity, what is the purpose of table napkin.
2. How will make a beautiful and perfect Table napkin styles?

B. Analysis (Power point presentation)

Discuss on the functions of table napkins and demonstrate basic napkin folding styles.

C. Abstraction Questions:
a. What is table Napkin folding? Can you give one and show us how it is done?
a. If you were given a chance to create a new style of table napkin folds, what would it be and how will you
display it on the table?
a. As a Food and Beverage attendant, why Table Napkin should be displayed spotlessly clean and well-
D. Application Activity 2: ‘BONOT KO, GAWA KO’

1. Divide the students into 3 groups.
2. Each group will be given paper containing their task, photos of a table napkin style and make it,
following the correct steps/procedures.
3. Set up the table with your styled napkin styles.
4. 3 minutes time allotment.

Trait Criteria
5 4 3 Score
Content Presentation had Presentation had a Presentation had
exceptional amount good amount of moments where
of valuable material material and valuable material was
and was extremely benefited the class. present but as a whole
beneficial to the class. content was lacking.
Collaboration The teammates The teammates The teammates
always worked from worked from sometimes worked
the others’ ideas. It others’ most of the from others’ ideas.
was evident that all of time. And it seems However, it seems as
the group members like everyone did though certain people
contributed equally to some work, but did not do as much
the presentation. some learners are work as others.
carrying the
Organization The presentation was The presentation There were minimal
well organized, well had organizing signs of organization or
prepared and easy to ideas but could presentation.
follow. have been much
stronger with
Presentation Presenters were all Presenters were Presenters were not
very confident in occasionally consistent with the
delivery and they did confident with their level of confidence
an excellent job presentation /preparedness they
engaging the class. however the showed the classroom
presentation was but had some strong
not as engaging as moments.
it could have been
in the class.

Total Score:
IV. EVALUATION Instructions : Choose the letter that is best fitted in each statement and write
your answer on the space provided.
 Answer honestly
________1. Why Napkins should be spotlessly clean and well-pressed?
A. Because it is used to wipe food and drink from the mouth and face, or
they can be placed in the lap or under the chin to protect clothes while
B. Because it is necessary.
C. Because it is better to be cleaner than never.
D. Because it would help the establishment to have more
________2. It is a rectangular cloth or paper used at the table for wiping the lips
fingers and protects the clothes while eating.
A. table Napkin B. Table Cloth C. Table Cover D. Table Runners
________3. These are disposable napkins, making them convenient for everyday
use with small children.
A. cloth napkin B. paper napkin C. paper towel D. tissue paper
________4. Which of the following is the Perfect Square napkin?
A. dinner napkin B. tea napkin C. luncheon/ breakfast D. beverage napkin
________5. What is the French term for table napkin?
A. Serviette B. Table ‘d hote C. A la Carte D. Dou

Answer key:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
Assignment: Instructions:
1. Using a Paper Napkin, make at least two (2) your own creative napkin fold and demonstrate in the
next session
2. If you choose to submit your output on June 6, 2022 or send it to my email address:
Rovie.avenido.com.ph or to my personal messenger account, document every step and procedure
by providing pictures and sent it to me.
3. Read the assessment rubrics as your guide.

Assessment Rubrics
Trait 5 4 3 Score
Content Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
thorough considerable some
understanding of understanding of understanding of
the topic. the topic. the topic.
Organization The presentation The presentation There were
of idea was well had organizing minimal signs of
organized, well ideas but could organization or
prepared and easy have been much presentation.
to follow. stronger with
Presentation Presenters were Presenters were Presenters were
all very confident occasionally not consistent
in delivery and confident with with the level of
they did an their presentation confidence
excellent job however the /preparedness
engaging the presentation was they showed the
class. not as engaging as classroom but had
it could have been some strong
in the class. moments.

Total Score:
Mastery level
Number of students

Prepared by:

Checked by:


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